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at. .Johnsbary, Vt, Thamdaf, Nov. 29, 1888. For the Caledonian. Are Women Interested In Science 't In times past tliia question would Lave startled and amazed humanity. Just a little war back in the pasta woman would have been called insane who dared have an opinion of her own on political or religious affairs. The old dogmas, born of the ignorance and superstition of dark ages, were mys teries unfathomable and unnuestion able to her. Every avenue wag closed which might lead to her elevation and advancement. Her physical condition was that of a menial, and she was men tally shrouded in gloom. The datk uefcH of night enveloped her on every side. The chains which bound her iu relentless slavery were welded with tears and suffering that met with no sympathy, no encouraging words. No ray ot light penetrated the gloom. No hope or future relief could she see, naught but one long dark night of woe and denpair. Jiut the march of progress which cannot be stayed has brought a change to woman. The chains that bound her are severed. The shadows are fleeing from her pathway, and she is awaken ing from her forced slumbers to drink in the sacred inspiration of liberty and wisdom. She is rapidly emerging from her dark and dreary confinement to enjoy the blissful lays of light and truth. The gloom of benighted centuries is vanishing in the distance, and the grand and beautiful truths of life are gradually unfolding her- mental vision, and she begins to realize her own individuality, her wants and pow ers. And the woman of today is being born again into a giauder plane of ex istence, and is each day becoming more able to grasp and utilize the great truths of her being to her advantage, and is constantly giving to the world those rare thoughts and deeds of love and wisdom which elevate humanity. And when the question is asked today "Is woman interested iu ecience?" we have only to point to the glorious achievements won through her keen intuition, and her ability to investi gate beyond the surface of things. loday her scientihc investigations have become the corner stone for the upbuilding of mighty theories that shall revolutionize the world. Her fine perceptions of truth aud right are not of slow growth, but come to her instinctively, and she -stands shoulder to shoulder with her brother man in the pursuit of science, art and litera ture. The world is now looking at woman with that respect and admira tion which she has so nobly earned, a respect tor which she has fought long and arduously, and her inborn love for scieutitic research has raised her above her ray less night of discouragement and sorrow, and she now realizes her own individuality, and firmly walks to the front to assert her convictions of truth, never more to be enslaved by error and bigotry. Her path is onward and upward, aud the thorus that pierc ed her feet in the past have forced her into the light of scientific knowledge, Theie is a halo of glory surrounding her pa tli way that ignorance cau never more dispel, and she is rapidly show ing to the world her ability to cope with the momentous questions of the day whether scieutitic, political or re ligious. Mrs. Laitica Cummings, Hardwick, Vt. Ancient Thanksgiving Days. Novetnlier Table Talk. Thanksgiving day was suggested, uououess, oy mo neorew least oi tne tabernacles, or " feast of ingathering at the end of the year." Its history iu America uegins as early as n:ii. l lie occasional observance of such a day, formally recommended by the civil authorities, was not unusual in Europe at an earlier date. In Holland the first anniversary of the deliverance of the city of Leyden from the siege, October y, 1575, was kept as a religious festival oi inauKsgi ving ami praise, in tne English church service, the fifth of November is so celebrated, iu com memoration oi tne uiscovery ot the gunpowder plot. One of the most remarkable Thanks giving customs on record prevailed in Southampton aud Easthampton, Loug island. Montauk Point, which con sists of !,(MM) acres, was owned by numerous proprietors in these towns, and used as a common pasturage for stock. The time of driving the herds home to winter was fixed at a meetin. hy the town council, "and it came, says the historian, "to be a rule from the period beyond which the memory of man runneth not, that the Thursday ot the week following the return of the cattle from Montauk should be observ ed as a day of thanksgiving." At an early period of New England History, certain periods ot prosperity were often made the occasions of pub lic thanksgivings, or feasts, and often a day of fasting and prayer was turn ed into a day of thanksgiving by what seemed an immediate answer to their 1 I a . prayers, i ernaps, to recall to our minds that first Thanksgiving of the Pilgrim Fathers may put us to the blush. Often on this day have I heard such remarks as "I have no thanks to give: I have nothing for which to be thankful," from lips that it would seem might have had a life s work in fram ing words of praise and gratitude, so blessed were they in the health of themselves and their dear ones, while lor some fancied trouble this great good was quite ovei -looked. French Canadians In New Kngland. American Magazine. . t , . ... no men need wouuer at the pre diction of an able New England statis tician, that before the end of the first quarter of the next century that the f rench Canadians in the New England states will outnumber the Anglo-Saxon population. hy, we have in them already considerably more than En gland conquered iu Canada, with tliou- sauds coining yearly from Quebec to join them. ith such extraordinary progress achieved under so many dis advantages, the above prediction is far from improbable. The social philoso pher aud American patriot cau find abundant food for speculation iu the fact that against the Yankee family of one or two children, and olten none, the French Canadian will count his flock of from half a dozen to a dozen and a half. And the Anglo-Saxon will doubtless continue to "go west1 to a large extent, while the French Ca nadian will, probably maintain and in crease the movement to the southeast. So we shall have history repeating it self. V e shall see the Normans over running and taking possession of another England by the worthy and beneficient arts of peace, and the ju dicious employment of manners and powers which have enabled this peo ple, from insignificant beginnings, un der most unfavorable and discouraging circumstances, to build one vigorous slate in North America within a cen tury, and then undertake the rapid formation of another. PE- TEKKINS'. Who Cam and What They Did. Lucretia P. Hale in Good Housekeeping. "I wish we could have a Thanksgiv ing party ourselves," said Elizabeth Eliza, "everybody else has one, and it seems so stupid not to have our own." "But you know," said Mrs. Peterkin, "that we are always invited to Ann Maria IsromwicksT" "And we always have a good dinner there,77 said Mr. 1'eterkin. "I always eat some of each kind of pie there," said Solomon John. "And they never object to it," said Agamemnon, "but instead they urge it." "They expect it, .it is the regular thing for Thankegivincr,7' said one of the little boys. "btill it is the custom, said Eliza betli Eliza, "for everybody to invite Now their family to Thanksgiving, we are not of the Brom wick family, and it does not seem to me quite right that we should not have our own fam ily party." "But, said Agamemnon, "if every body had a family-party, who would there be to go to the family parties T" 1 his was a difficult question. How did other people manage it f 1 lie Bromwicks had not a very large family of their own, so they could in vito all the Feterkin family to their Thanksgiving dinner, and had been glad to do so for a number of years. " 1 hey had two side-tables the last year," said Elizabeth Eliza, "because they had their grandmother and cous ins on from the West." Yes, the little boys had been placed at one of the side-tables, and had a separate turkey, and separate pies. "We had individual pies," said the little boys in an explanatory chorus. "Ann Maria told me she expected their grandmother and cousins this year, and an uncle and his family from ermont," said Elizabeth 1,1 iza. "It really seems as if we ought to have our own family party," said Mr. l'eterkiu. "We ought to have chicken pie be sides the roast turkey," said Mrs. Pe- terkiu. And oysters, too," exclaimed the the little boys, "we had oysters at Bromwicks' last year." "1 think oysters are a little of an in novation," said .Mr. Feterkin. "It depends on how mauy we have," said Elizabeth Eliza. "My mother always had pumpkin pie," said Mrs. Feterkin. "If wo have a Thanksgiving dinner of our own, I should prefer pumpkin pie." "Pumpkin pie seems the national thing," said Mr. Peterkin, "still we al ways had squash pie for our Thanks gifiug, aud I am not sure but squash is as truly 'New England7 as pumpkin." "I think pumpkin is more Connecti cut," said Mrs. Peterkin, "and our an cestors on both sides came from Con necticut." "Both is as good as one," exclaimed the little boys. "I really do not see why we shall not have both," said Elizabeth Eliza, iu a conciliatory manner, aud so this matter was decided. "Then we ought to have doughnuts in the morning before going to church," said Agamemnon. This had always been one of the vexed Thanksgiving questions iu the Peterkin family. When Mr. Peterkin was a boy, it had been the custom iu his family to furnish doughnuts iu the mornini; be- fore going to church or "to meeting," as the phrase went. Mrs. Peterkin had never smiled upon the institution. She had been brought up to the plan of saving the appetite for the Thanksgiving dinner, and would never allow even a luncheon on that day. But as they were now instituting their own Thanksgiving day, she yielded to the argument that thev ought to take iu all the family customs of both sides of the house, and she granted the early doughnuts, especial ly as tuey were liKeiy to nave dinner as late as half past two. Agamemnon had been thinking dur ing this last discussion. "I do not yet see," he said, "how it is. It every family has a Ihanksgiv- mg dinner, how is it that any are left to go to Thanksgiving dinners ? And yet we see that Thanksgiving dinner parties are very large, so that they have to have side-tables as at the Bromwicks' V "Yes," said Solomon John, "and this uncle aud aunt who are coming to the Bromwicks' this year why do not they have their Thanksgiving in Ver inont, and then they would not be coming here to take up room at the Bromwicks' tablet or why does not the grandmother fiom out West, go to the uncle and aunt iu Vermont, instead ot coming here to the Bromwicks'?" mi- . i is t . . . . i uis was a uimcuic question. II tne Bromwicks had a family party, why did not they a-ik their relations T On the other hand, why did not the Peter- kius ask the Bromwicks?" "I never thought of the question in that way before," said Elizabeth Eliza. "The Bromwicks used to ask us, as they said, they were a small family aud they wanted to make out a large party tor their thanksgiving. I do not see why it should not have worked A. I . J. I me oiner way. liecause we are a lar-rer family, we niirht have invited the Bromwicks." "I am thankful it did not work so," said Mrs.- Peterkin, "for Mrs. Brom wick is so particular, I know she would have wanted something else in the mince pie." 1 Ii is brought up the question of mince pie. "Should they have citron in, and ci der and cinnamon and mace and cloves :tnd allspice ?" Solomon John and the little boys were ot opinion that all kinds of spice ought to be put into their mince pies, indeed everything that ever was put nto a mince pie. Agamemnon thought they ought to take the recipes for mince pie of the gram! mothers on each side and make a combination of the two, Mrs. Peterkin thought their recular family recipe was as good as could be found, and she was sure nobody had ever objected to her mince pies. cuzaoeiu n.uza said tnere was time to i ' i - i . . . .... look up all the back Good Housekeep ings, and ehe thought they might com pare tneir regular family recipe with the most satisfactory of the Good Housekeeping recipes and select the best. "We might try them all before rhanksgiving," sus-rested Solomon John, "and then we can certainly tell wnicn is tne best." The little boys favored this plan. It was fortunate indeed that the Pe- terkins began so early, for it was nec essary to consider every dish that was suggested, and Elizabeth Eliza made out a list of the different things that would be required. I can ask Ann Maria what Bhe has been in the habit of having," said Elizabeth Eliza. "I do not think that we care to copy exactly their Thanks giving dinners this is to be our din ner only I want to make sure that we have everything right,7' So it was, that some weeks before Thanksgiving week, indeed before the governor bad proclaimed the day I THANKSGIVING DAY AT THE I on which it was to be celebrated, the Peterkins had arrauged what they were to have for dinner and how it was to be served, and that it should be at half past two in order to give time for an appetite. The little boys had begged that there might be a side-table for them, but Mrs. Peterkin was not sure that she could grant an "iu dividual" turkey for their table. She thought better to have one large eighteen-pouna turkey to be carved bv Mr. Peterkin himself. She had or dered this already, a real Rhode Island tnrkev ; she hoped it was one of the very turkeys she had seen feeding on a rich farm on the Rhode Island shore last summer. But there came up a difficult ques tion, that threatened to break up the whole plan and could they consent to break up their plan T Mrs. Feterkin had ordered not only the turkey, but her chickens, her pumpkins, squashes, all her vegeta bles, there was a special head of eel ery crowing for her, which the little boys visited every day. She had even laid in her nuts aud raisins, aud the little boys had the promise of cracking the nuts. I ho citron was bought, in case thev should decide to use citron in the mince pie, the tongue and the ham were ordered, and the currants were concealed on an upper shelf of the kitchen closet. But a serious trouble suddenly pre sen ted itself. ihey had no family! Who was there whom they could invito? Of course there were a great many out side people they could ask, but their object was to start with a background ot a family party. Now how could they do this without a family ? Mr. Peterkin had a family tree. His name went back to ancestors in Eng land and Scotland of well-known fam ilies there, and he knew well that the Peterses, the Petersons, the Pitkms all claimed relationship with him. It was a large family with mauy complica tions. But these were all distant rein tives whom he had never seen. In his own personal lamuy tnere was not even a grandmother ! There was an old graudaunt who lived with au elder brother ot Mr. Peterkin, in Alaska. But they could not 6end for the brother at such a distance, and he was laid up with rheumatism, and Mr. Peterkin had not seen him for years. He had no family but one married daughter living with him. The grandauut, too, had been many years lame, and with difficulty had been taken to Alaska and had never left her nephew's house since she reached it. "But why have we not au uncle and aunt in Vermont," asked Agamemnon, "people generally do have one. It seems singular that we have so many relatives in England and Scotland and none in Vermont, or New Hampshire or Connecticut?" There had been an Aunt Eliza on her mother's side, and an Aunt Eliza beth on her father's, for whom Eliza beth Eliza had been named, but Aunt Elizabeth had died in infancy and Aunt Eliza was living in Texas on a I ranch, with a married son. He had, to be sure, a large family, but none of them had ever come East, besides Aunt Eliza's address had been lost the last time the family moved. Mrs. Pe terkin was sure that the last letter from Texas had been put in a certain draw er, but the men had changed all the drawers when they moved the book case, and they never could find that address, and how could they write when tluiy didn't know where to write to. All this took place, of course, before the l'eterkiu family went abroad, as everybody knows they did. Mr. Fe terkin had always planned, when he did go to Europe, to look up these re lations iu England and Scotland. But it is well known that the Peterkin family went first to Egypt, aud that afterwards they became hopelessly scattered, so that whether they could ever again have an invited family of only its own members, is very much to bo doubted. Mr. and Mrs. Feterkin were last heard of in Kamschatka, Elizabeth Eliza and her husband in Si beria, Agamemnon in Madagascar, Sol onion John, perhaps, a victim to the Bulgarian revolution, and the little boys, one knows not where. But of course no suspicion of all this dawned at this time on the Peterkin family. If it could have been suspect ed it might have quelled any desire for a Thanksgiving party, or any wish for traveling abroad. "After we return from Europe," said Mr. -Peterkin, "we shall be in a condition to invite our English and Scotch relations, but we can hardly do it now, since we do not know where they are." "1 am afraid we snail nave to give it all up," said Mr. Peterkin, "how can we give a family dinner, if we have no family to invite ?" "We can't give it up," said Mrs. Pe terkin, "for we have all the things." "We in i tr lit eat tliein in tune," sug gested the little boys. "But we have declined the Brom wicks' invitation," said Elizabeth Eliza "I told them that we were going to have a large family dinner-party, and 1 think she has invited other guests in our place." "If we could only. have the lady from rMuladelphia, aud her family! ex claimed Mrs. Feterkin. But the lady from I'uiladelphia was going to Bpend the winter in Italy. She had not, however, yet left, and they wrote to explain their predica ment. She had time for only a hurried answer. "It is singular," she replied, "that you have none of your own name aud blood to invite. I am constantly meeting with those who claim that they are 'just like the Peterkius', and must beot their family." "What docs she mean," exclaimed Mrs. Feterkin. "If she would only send us their names, we might invite them." 1 suppose she had not time tor a list," exclaimed Elizabeth Eliza. They took the note to Ann Maria. "If we could only find out who these people are, we might write them," said Mr. Feterkin. Ann Maria took the letter and show ed it to friends, the friends showed it to other friends. The week before Thanksgiving the with letters and house was flooded postals. "Are we of your family ?" was the question in each one, and then follow ed the history of some Peterkins inci dent, that the Peterkins themselves recognized as their own. One was signed "E. E." "My fami ly have always called me 'Elizabeth Eliza,' the writer went on, because I so resemble her." Others declared them selves to be the true Agamemnon, or Solomon John, while every fanily had its train of "little boys." In return for these notes, where they could, the Peterkins sent invitations to their family party, and some ans wers of acceptance came, but they could form no idea how many to ex pect. But when the day came, and the dinner hour, there was a regular ova tion ! Crowds of guests came. Many of them had brought their own dinner. h ruit, vegetables, flowers, tongue. hams, mince pies appeared, heaped in baskets. One party brought a flag in scribed, "We, too, are Peterkius !" and the rest were glad to assemble beneath the banner. The guests proposed not to stay long. "We are a polite family," they ex claimed, "a true Feterkin does not intrude." "A true Peterkin always wants to know how to do the right thing if he can find out what that is," said anoth er, "and likes to do what other people do. Now we have never been to similar occasion, and we do not know whether to go or stay !" "Stay, oh, stay, of course," said Mr, Peterkin, hospitably. A Peterkin turns away no one of his family." By this time three tables were laid in the dining-room, two iu the entry two in the parlors even the kitchen was filled. How thankful l am we made so large a preparation !" said Mrs. Peter kin. r or every body stayed. OIL. FIELDS USED UP. Pennsylvania's Petroleum Supply (jiv ing Out. The great oil fields of Pennsylvania are being rapidly exhausted, writes St. Louis Globe correspondent from Bradford, Pa. 1 his fact is now very apparent to practical operators, and extraordinary efforts are being made to find new fields, but the best informed men engaged in the industry are no- hopeful of the results. The great pe troleum basin seems to be going, as did the rich Comstock lode. The daily production of the Pennsylvania and New York fields has fallen from H0, 000 barrels a day, the maximum, to 43.0(H) barrels. In these figures the Ohio field is not considered, as Ohio oil is now regarded only as fuel oil, and therefore does not come into com petition with the Pennsylvania pro duct. In Pennsylvania and New York 00,000 wells have been drilled Of this number about 40,000 were pro ductive and the rest dry. These wells have exhausted hundreds of thousands of acres of territory. The wonderful Bradford field, that produced 140,000, 000 barrels of oil, is now practically drained. Thousands of wells iu the Bradford region have been abandoned entirely, the tubing and casing pulled out of them, and the wells plugged The bonanza fields along Oil Creek, that once astonished the world, are dry, or nearly so. Where wells were found that produced thousands of bar rels a day. a well that will yield five barrels a day is uow considered a good le. while, thousands of acres ot tins old territory is absolutely worthless for oil purposes, aud is being slowly eclaimed for agricultural purposes. The probabilities of finding another oil field have been greatly lessened by the universal explorations that have been made for natural gas. There are few important towns in the West that have not drilled horn one to tour wells, in the hope of finding gas, and each of these wells, whether it found gas or not, has condemned the territory tor oil. If none of the 500 wells now drill ing find a rich spot, it will then become a serious question with on drillers where they shall turn to find the pro duct so much sought after as an illu- minant. Fighting Indians with Roman Candles A travelling ageiit tells an Omaha reporter the following story : About eight years ago I carried a pack of novelties, such as you fre queutly see exhibited on the street corners and presided over by a sun burned Italian. With another man and a young fellow of eighteen, I trav eled through Kansas to the Colorado Hue, selling and trading our wares to the Indians for anything marketable iu the cities. About the time of our ar rival iu the western part of Kansas the memorable outbreak was terrorizing the country. From the South and West came reports of the terrible out rages perpetrated by the Indians and greasers. I felt considerable solicitude concerning the safety of my little par ty, and took extra precautions to find secluded spots when camping. After a long, hard day s tramp, we encamped for the night in one of those small can ons in western Ivausas. It was an ex cellent place, too. Our backs were effectually protected by a natural cave in the side of the bank, the entrauce to which was concealed by brush and tall grass. Sam, the boy ot the party, was au unusually bright fellow, and very fa miliar with the tactics of Indian war fare. Just before lying down I no ticed him untying a good-sized bundle of sticks, resembling short broom han dles, lie placed them withm easy reach and tumbled down to sleep. I had also noticed him fumbling around the bushes a short time before, but didn't pay much attention to his actious. I don't know how long we had slept, when wo were awakened by Sam shaking us slightly and whisper ing : "Be quick, now. I ho Indians are getting ready to slip in on us." By this time wo were both wide awake and ready with our rifles. "Listen," whispered Sam. "Hear the dirty scamps slipping up? Put down the rifles. I've got something better." Ho handed us each four of the sticks mentioned, remarking : " 1 hem's Roman candles. I've got a pile of whoppers, and 1 think we can scare these scamps clean out o' tneir hides." I caught the idea in a moment and strained my ears to listen for further demonstrations from the attacking party. We could hear them creeping here and there through the bushes scarce making a noise, but easily dis tinguished in the silence of the night "Now," whispered Sam, "take two in each hand, and I'll light them." Suiting the action to the word, he contrived to light them in rapid sue cession. I hen we turned them into the bushes, and heavens! what a sight was revealed as the candles flashed. About fifty villainous-looking savages and greasers were stoopmg and creep ing toward us. At the nrst flash they stopped as if spell-bound. We turned so the green and white balls would strike they in their faces. The candles were tremendous affairs, and eight or ten of them popping away independent of human aid was enough to terrorize any one. Our assailants wavered a moment, then, with a terrible yell, bounded away toward high ground as if the devil himself were in pursuit. We could hear them scrambling up the hillside, mount their horses and gallop away. That Balky Horse Again. A'ew York Telegram. How to move a balkv horse has lone been an unsolved problem. The an cient philosophers tackled it and gen erally retired from the field with brok en shins or their front teeth kicked in by a Greek horse. The other day a Telegram reporter saw a fine, mouse-colored animal gear ed to a stylish turnout on Broadway, with eight or ten men trying to get him to move on. One man had him by the bit, and another by the tail, a couple of men put their shoulders against his ribs and heaved as if they were trying to propel a flatboat, but the animal was as immovable as civil ization iu China. When everybody was in despair the proverbial strauger appeared, and stepping out of the crowd said to the driver in tones as smooth as castor oil: "I'll show you how to make that horse go." The driver retired and the stranger grabbed the horse confidently by the mouth, opened it as it it were a bank vault, monkeyed aiouud with the in sides of the animal's jaw for a few minutes, then seized the beast by the bridle, aud to the 7x9 astonishment of the crowd, watching the boys" with their hands on their watches, the horse started off at a five mile-an-hour gait, drawing the carriage after him with perfect ease. The success of the stranger's method of persuading a balky horse to resume its journey without further delibera tion was so surprising that the Tele gram's balky horse artist asked the stranger how he did it. "It's very simple," said the horse taming magician. "Of course you didn't see me, but I took a chip of wood which 1 picked up from the side walk and placed it under the horse's tongue. The presence of that bit of pine chip diverted the horse's attention. He forgot all about being balky. He was thinking of Henry George or the new baths in the Produce Exchange, aud when I took hold of the bridle he started off like any other horse, and I have no doubt he is mad enough to kick himself because he did it. A horse is a curious brute as peculiar as a woman, a regular coquette on four legs but easy enough to manage if you know how to do it." The Eleventh Census. A bill has been passed by congress eleventh census, to The bill differs de passed for the tenth providing for the be taken in 1&90. cidedly from that census, economizing iu the range ot work, and the publishing, bub- provid ing for a larger staff of employes, made necessary by the increased population. The census bureau will include, by the provisions of this bill, a superintendent at a salary of $b"000 a year, a chief clerk at $2500, two stenographers, two chiefs of division, and a disbursing clerk at $2000, ten clerks of class 4, twenty of class 3, thirty of class 2, with such number of clerks of class 1, copyists and computers, at salaries of not less than $720, nor more than $1000, as may be found necessary for the proper and prompt computation and publica tion of the census. Besides this staff of bureau employes, there are to be not more than 175 supervisors of the cen sus, appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the senate, who shall divide their districts into sub-divisions most suitable for purpos es of enumeration, designate the enu merators, one for each sub-division, and be responsible for the work of the enumerators in their districts. Tale of a Batik Book. In 1842, says the Charlestown Enter prise, diaries O. Gage, who is now one or the directors or the Bunker llill National hank, deposited $13 in the Warren Institution lor Savings. From mac tune until tne present week the book had never been seen by the bank officials, aud they naturally supposed that it had been lost by the owner On Wednesday Mr. Gage walked into the Warren Institution's headquarters and presented the bank book, with a request that the interest be placed on ts pages. The accumulated interest amounted to $130.12. Mr. Gage now las to his credit, on the deposit of $13 made 40 years ago, $143.12. Every one of the trustees who were iu oflice it the time Mr. Gage made his deposit las joined the great majority. An American Fire Kngine Abroad. Firemen's Herald. Joseph Arthur took over the white horses and a real (ire engine made by the best firm in America when he pro duced his "Still Alarm" at the Princess Lheatre here, says a correspondent of the Philadelphia Times. John Vischer, :n out lellow who lelt New Haven, Ct., for the iirst time in his life last year to take charge ot the horses in 1 he Still Alarm-' American tour last season, accompanied his equine charges to England. Horses and engine were transported in satety to the steamer Helvetian, and anded at the Iloyal Albert docks, I think, or at least at some port of the London docks, to get from which to the Princess necessitated crossing half London, including the roughest part of the East End. Vischer, iu the centre of an admiring circle of 'Ioiigshorenion, harnessed the horses, who were as playful as kittens. ind as manifestly glad to get ashore as e'er was seasick maid or man, and then mounted the box and drove out ot the dockyard, amid the cheers of the by standers. Not a soul seemed to have a clear idea what the machine with the polished boiler and silver-plated val ves was. It certainly bore no reseiu blauce to the English lire enirino. which is not such a handy article as tn American hearse painted red. "Wot is ther blecdiir thing I " said a burly stevedore to a companion. '1 tlunno, Bill," was the reply, "less t be a bloody Yankee ice cream freez er." SQUIBS. A new story is called "The Editor's Purse.'' There's nothing in it. f Paper 1 i.'ido Journal. A little thing may completely t man," observed bmith when he stumbled over the ton Republican. baby. Bingham Lady Professor, how is my daugh tcr getting on with her music ? Prof. Fortissimo (ambiguously) Madam, it is only a question or time. Burling too Free Press. A widower is like a baby, because he cries for the first six months, begins to notice in the next six months, and it is hard work for him to get through the second summer. Mistress (to Bridget, who is cleaning windows in the second story) "Uer aldine, a man has just rung the base ment bell." Bridget "Ask 'mi up to the parlor, and till him Oi'Il be down in a jiffy." "Why do yon call him a dude? said a Burlington mother to her little girl. "What is a dude!" "Why a dude, mamma, is a young man that cares more about his clothes than he does about Jesus." Fact. Burling ton Free Press. Modern reformer "Theoretically, my dear, the food product of the world belongs to each one of us in equal share." Modern reformer's wife "Yes, but it's a condition, not a theory, that confronts us to-day. There isn't even a potato in the house." Burling ton Free Press. A newsboy, who honored the gallery by his presence at a performance of Coqueliu and Hading at the Opera House, and had rather a wearisome time of it, was accosted on coming out of the theatre by a companion, who asked him whether he "liked the show." "No," he replied: "you can't under stand them unless you come in a car- raige.5" Philadelphia Ledger. OPENING OF NEW MILLIM ES, 33. A. MOBEISON'S. We shall offer our customers a full line and all the latest. NOTICE THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS : Bargain IV. 1. Felt hats, good style, - - 50c. and G5c Bargain No. 2. 10 doz. tips, three in bunch, only - - 25c Shaded tips, three in bunch, 50c, would be cheap at - - 75c Bargain No. 3. 19-inch plushes, red, blue and old gold, 1.00, worth 1.50. Bargain No. 4. Ladies' night 1.50 goods, oflered this week at These bargains will not last long, and to avail yourself of the opportunity an early call is solicited. MRS. D. A. MORRISON, 80 R. R. St. E. D. STEELE & CO. We handle the goods of one of the best manufacturers in the United States. Every coat hand-sewed and warranted for one year. No man can afford to go without a fur coat at these prices : Best gray Jap wolf, nutria collar and cuffs, quilted lin ing 14.00. Last year's price, same grade, 20.50. Lighter colored gray Jap wolf, nutria collar and cuffs, $12.00; formerly 18.00. Best black Jap wolf, fiir trimmed, 15.00. Coons, otter, beaver and nutria trimmed, $.7, 50, and $60 Black dog, from These are bargains that cannot be bettered. E. D. STEELE & CO. Opp. St. Johnsbury House. St. Johnsbury Vt. State Loan and Trust Go. OF MARSHALLTOWN IOWA. PHINEAS STEVENS, President. ALBERT F. BALCIT, Treasurer. Choice SIX and SEVES per oent. Loans notroti ated and GUARANTEED. Correspondence so licitor!. Thesn Loans are eocured by improved tarim. in IOWA, which are personally examined by Uie oltiaers ot the Company. 5fltf 1889. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar will enntinne to maintain its reputation as an unequalled lamily journal. Its art illustrations are of the highest order, it litera ture is of the choicest kind, and its Fashion and Household departments of the most practical and economical character. Its pattern-sheet supple ments aud fashion-plates alone will save its readers ten times the oust of subscription, aud its articles on decorative art, social etiquette, housekeeping, cookery, etc., make it indispensable to every uouaelioicl. Its bright snort stories, anil timely essays, are among the best published ; and not a line is admitted to its columns that oould ollmid the most tastidious taste. Among the attractions of the now volume will bo serial stories by Mi's. Frances Hodjfson Burnett, Mrs. Alexander, Wil liam Black, and Thomas Hardy, and a series of papers ou nursery management by Mrs. Christine Terhune Herriok. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PJER YEAR : HARPER'S BAZAR t 00 HARPERS MAGAZIXE 4 (Ml HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Postazo free to all subscribers in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Bazar beein wi h the first number for January of eaoh year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will begin with the number current at time ot receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper's Baiar for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be seut by mail. poHt-naid, or by express, free ot expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), tor f 7.00 per volume. Cloth eases, for each volume, suitable for bind in sr. will be sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of fi.ot) each. Remittances should be madebv post-oflice money order or uratt, to avoid cuan.o ot loss. Newspapers are not to eopv this advertisement without the express order ot Harper & Brothers. Address : HARPER &. BROTHERS, New York Scribner's Magazine FOR 1889. The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE aim to make it the most popular and enterprising ot periodicals, while at all times preserving its hiifh literary character. 35.000 new readers have been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellence ot its contents (notably the Railway articles), and it closes its second year with a new impetus aud an assured success. The ill ust rations will show some new effects, and noth ing to make SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE attractive and interesting will be neglected. THE RAILROAD ARTICLES will be contin ued by several very striking papers; one espec ially interesting by Ex-Postmaster-General Thom as L. James on "The Railway Postal Service." Illustrated. MR. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S serial novel "The Masterot Bollantrae," will run through the greater part ot the year, liegun in November. A CORRESPONDENCE and collection of manu script memoirs relating to J. F. Millet and a fa mous group of modern .FRENCH PAINTERS will furnish the substance of several articles. Illus trated. The brief end papers written last year by Roliert Louis Stevenson, will be replacea by equally in teresting contributions by different famous au thors. Mr. Thomas Bailey Aldrich will write the first of them for the January number. Many valuable LITERARY" ARTICLES will appear; a paper on Walter Scott's Methods of Work, illustrated from original MSS., a second "Shelf of Old Books," by Mrs. James T. Fields, and many other articles equally noteworthy. Illustrated. Articles on ART SUBJECTS will be a feature. Papers are arranged to appear by Clarence Cook, E. II. Blashfield, Austin Dobson, and many others. Illustrated. FISHING ARTICLES describing sport in the best iishiug grounds will appear. Salmon, Win ninisb, Bass, and Tarpon are the subjects now ar ranged. The authors are well-known sportsmen. Illustrated. ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES of great rariety, touching upon all manner of subjects, travel, bi ography, description, ete., will appeal, but nut of conventional commonplace sort, lllustratea. Among the most interesting in the list of scien tific papers for the vear will be a remarkable arti cle by Professor Jonn I row bridge, upon tne inoit recent developments aud uses of PHOTOG RAPHY. Illustrated. A class of articles which has proved of special interest will be continued by a group of papers pon ELECTRICITY' in its most recent applica tions, by eminent authorities : a remarkable paper on DEEP MINING, and other interesting papers. u nique illustrations. A SPECIAL OFFER to cover last year's num bers, which include all the RAILWAY ARTI CLES, aa follows : A year's subscription (1689) and the numbers for lass. fi.50. A year's subscription 18891 and the numbers for bound in clwth, 6.00. S3.00 m year; 25 cents a number. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 743-749 Broadway, N. Y. ERY AT robes, all over embroidery fronts, regular l.(M). IN $27 up. Tie Natioial Monro AND Debenture Company OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, I8SUK 6 PKR CENT. BONDS In pieces of $100, $500 and $1000. Secured by FIRST MORTGAGES Of Real Estate. Refer by permission to Colonel Fraukliu Fairbanks of St. Johnsbury. For sale at the Company's Office, 50 State Street, Boston, Mass., Hospital Lite Insurance Company Building, or by J. C. Clark, Esq., F'irst National Kank rl. doiiusnury SAMUEL N. BROWN, Pres't. GEO. MAY. Treasurer, FormerlvCasb:!!r First National Bank, tApr St. Johnsbury. National Installment Bonds. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Endowment Insurance IN THE MARKET. Giving at end a stated cash of two years. value The new feature of the Xational Life, making a STATED CASH VALUE on ordinary Life Insurance after three years, makes the Cheapest and Most Convenient Life Insurance sold anywhere. Call and See the New Life Policy. P. D. BLODGETT & CO., General Insurance Agents, Y. M. C. A. Building. 113 Eastern Av. ORIGINAL PHILADELPHIA CARAMELS. These caramels are absolutely pure and of the nnest quality. Don't be deceived into buying a poor quality nniler tins name, but ask to see our monogram composed of the letters S.C.H. fc Co., stamped upon uie uox. as some manuiaciurers imitate our style of packing, and use other letters in the monogram circle. S. C. IIERVKV & CO., Koston. Mass. For sale in St. Johnsbury by Geo. II. Cross. 78-79 12 PER CENT PER ANNUM. Net, to investors. Guaranteed against loss. V. ICOD.HAN WIVSLOW, 132 NASSAU ST. (Vanderbilt Building) NEW YOKK CITY. Established Feb. 1st. 187. Unquestionable refl erences. w lite or call for particulars. t dec e L. D. STILES Having bought the W. F. Kelley store, will sell goods at greatly redacea prices FOR CASH. My stock must be reduced. L. D. STILES. St. Johasbury Centre. Not. 13. For Sale or Kent. The Langdnn J. Cummings premises. Good bouse and bam, and five acres ot excellent land. 5ltf Enquire ot W. 11. PKKSTON. A Good Fit rm Of nearly 100 atres within 9 miles of the Tillage, for sals CHEAP. Kaquire of W. H. JPKXSTOK. business gr w. L. hall, m. d. PHYSICIAN AM) SURGEON. Office with Ir. G. 11. Billiard, St. Johnsbury, Vi. DR. J. E. HARTSHORN. Office over A. I. Howell's. Office hours 9 to 10 a. ni. anil 1 t 2 and 7 to 8 p. m At homo tkl Summer st., alter 10 p. m. It.tapr SO O. V. HOOKER & SON, MACHINISTS, Fipiug and Steam Engine Repairing. Manufacturors Board Mills. Jobbing a Specialty if ill Street, St. Johnsbnry. MISS T. M. GUY. Studio Music Hall Ituildinj;. Instructor in all branches ot Art China IVio rating and Firing a specialty. DR. C. F. 0. TINKER, IKNTIST. Office over ltingham'8 lnig Store. A. D. ROWELL, (Successor to Howard & Kowcll.) Watches, Jewelry, Hooka and Stationery, Cor. Main St. anil Eastern Avenue., St Johnsbur G. H. CROSS, Baker and Confectioner, Main Street, St. Johnsbury Vt. F BLANCHAED M D, Physician aud Surgeon, - - I'eacham, Vt Also Notary Public. Dr. R. W. WARNER, Surgeou Dentist, Union lilock, Main St.. St. Jolmshurv, Vl. BATES & MAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Main St., Opp. Fost Office, - St. Johns!. ut . DR. G. F. CHENEY, DKNTIST, Kooin 1, I'uion Block, St. Jobu.sbiiry. Vt. W. C. WARNER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Wateli Work a Sjn-eialty. 53 Eastern Avenue, - St. Johnsluiry, I. J. H. HUMPHREY TKACHKK OF VOCAL, Ml' SIC Private mstl notion given iu voice biiililim- :un the art ol lli"intr. Kooui iu Music Hall I'.I.k k. DANIEL THOMPSON, Proprietor ol Paddock Iron Works, St. Johushury. Jobbing doue to order. F. V. POWERS, Dealer iu All Kinds oi General Merchandise, Portland Street, St. Jolinslnii . S. T. BROOKS, M. D., Practicing Physician aud Surgeon, Ollice at residence, opp. Bakery, St. Johiislmiy . MILLER & RYAN, Manufacturers aud Dealers iu Carriages aud Carriage Stock, Portland aud 11. 11. Sts., St. Johnshury. Cor. C. C. BINGHAM, Druggist aud Pharmacist, 5 Hank lil'k. Main Street, St. Johnsbury, Vt. JOSEPH L. PERKINS, UENTIST, Caledouian Block, up stairs, St. Johnsbury, Vt. IDE & STAFFORD, Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav Over Savings Bank, Main St.. St. Johnsbury. Q. W. & G. C. CAHOON, Counselors at Lmv, Lyndon and I.yndonville, Vermont. Oflice at Residt-UKe, Lyndon. Ottico in Fletcher's Block, Lrudonville. HARVEY E. KELSEY. Auctioneer, North Danville, Yt. ANODYNE LINIMENT For INTE1INAL and EXTERNAL USE. The Host Wonderful Family llemedy Ever Known. ("SECURES Diphtheria, Croup, Asthma. Bron chitis, Neuralgia, Kheumatisiu, lsleeding at the idlings. Hoarseness, luntienza. Hacking Cougii, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, Cholera .Morbus, lvs- enterv. Chronic Iiarrhrea, Kidney Troubles, Spinal Diseases. Sciatica. Lame Muck. Ijnueuess aud Soreness in Hocly or Limbs. Circulars tree. I. S. JOHNSON Ac CO., - ItOSTON, MASS. parsonYTillF MAKE NEW RICH HLOOI) MAKE NEW UICII BLOOD MAKE NEW UICII IJLOOD Positively cure Constipation. Kick-Headache, Itili ousness., ana all Liver anil liowol Complaints, Blood l'oison. and Skin Diseases. (One l'ill a Dose). For Female Complaints these l'illa have no equal. If all who read this will send their ad -drwss on a postal Ihev shall receive FKEE bv mail advice for which they will always lie thankful. One box Fills hy mail 25 cts. in stamps. I. S. JOHNSON &. CO., - BOSTON, MASS. Make Hens Lay. It is a well-known tact that most of the Horse and Cattle l'owder s ild in this country is worthless : that Sheridan's Coinlil loll l'owder is absolutel y uuie and very valuable. Nothing On Earlli Will Make Hens Lay like Sheridan's Condition l'owder. Dose, one teasitoonful lo each pint of lood. Sold I everywhere, or sent hy mail lor 'ih cts. in stamps. We iurnish it in "2i lb. eans, prise, f 1.IMI. By mail, fl.JO. Six cans 5.00, express paid. Very valua bio Circular rife. 1. S. JOHNSON & CO., - BOSTON, MASi: t Mar 'el , C. F- SHEPHERD 47 Main St, Itrown's Blork. Photographic ycniO OF ALL KINDS. INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. ffi.OO to the first baby whose picl lire I cannot take. Call and see the work. Etchings, Hcliotypes and Artotyjx s of a high order. dox't va i x ron sij.-vsiii.m:. Safe Investments. Capital, Surplus, $750,000 400,470 Guarantee Strength, $1,1 50,470 Record of our H years' bnsiness. 16,W Mortgages negotiated, aggregating tl l.7f.,fl 8 " in lorce, " .:t.v,l2 9.912 " i.aid. " S.4IO.K.rrfi Interest paid aggregating 3.34j.4U5 iiaiu to investors e. .jfc.iji t'e have 3.014 patrons, to whom we cmii refer. We do not claim to do the largest, but the SAFEST business. Savings Department for Small Amount. Full information furnished by .1. it. watkixs land iokt;.;k CO. tmar 'eD Lawrence, Kansas, or N.V. Mng'r, H KNKY DICKINSON, 319 Broadway UPHOLSTERING. The subscriber is prepared to do all kiuds ot L'p ' bolstering Work, Furniture Ki-pairiug, laying car pels, hanging window Shades, picking over hair Mattresses and general Furniture Bepairs. N. ILSWITSER. Opposite I'rebyterian church. Kasteru Ave. 7IM WEDDING STATIONERY We keep a full line ot the latest novelties in Wedding Cabinets, Kmltosaed Cards with Plain or Gilt Beveled Edges, Combination Tied Cards Laced Cards, Invitation Cards, I'aper, Envelopes, etc., etc. Call and see samples AT THIS OFFICE. Farm Tor Sale or lo Kent. To a good reliable person, situated two and onn half miles from North Danville village. A good place for an industrious man. U A. W. HAWKINS IV. II. PBESTOSi, Auctioneer. JOHNSONS St. Johnsbury, Vt