Newspaper Page Text
t ....... DrCuttiuZ 15h-37 II COMMENCED AUGUST 8, 1837. ST. JOHXSKURY, VERMONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1889. VOLUME r2 NITMHEU 284. 3 Ml -As mAy tv rws ltv .ACV vAi &bc Culcb0mtm. I-I-BI-ISIIEH EVEKY THflfSDA Y BY C. M. STONE & COMPANY, Oppilr Athf-asram, Ht. Jbabary, Vl. C. M. Stone. Aktiii b F. Stone. TBKMSdF THE CALi:i)f)NIAN. In Caledonia and Eswi Counties Ni montns t local suiuktiikts . ,nri If not iiaicl in advance, jier year f Ootsi.l! Caledonia and Essex counties In single wrapper. Clergymen in service. er year fc"""""" Each subscrilicr will find on his pa f Six months t local subscrilx-rs. connection with his name, the date to t; he has paid. No other receipt is necessc- - Entered at the St. Johnsbury Post Ofh. second-class matter. Aiivektisisc. Ratks. F-'or transient ad tiscnicnts. $1 .00 per inch for first inoert. 25 cents er inch for each iubscrtt-? hf tion. Ssmall ads of six lines or-jes first insertion. I.iiK-ral rates?' advertisers who take sij"! space. The CalrilonianKOiv household in St. Johnsbnrj , most ilesirahle ail vertisinf fcT I- used. v v Job Pkintiso of all dcscripVin n - done fj, ciiiiui workmen, with the tiest tejaterfai :tnr skillful at low rates S ' ' Wrnlbrr ltecrl. t; At Itincliam's Iru? Store enilinnjan. '2. l.S.H'j. Highest. for th" ,.''' ' l.bB. . Thursilay.. Friday Saturday .. Sunday Monda v Tuesilajf.Si. Vcdiics A ilash r.i jc, U .-srs 3 ir j:v if i - ? . r ' NE'i All hc Mondav. The Academy ojn ned Vel 'silay with 2'2C puiiils. . Th- trustee; meet for -:i turday even- iiiLf. Panicl Thompson is furnishing the sh.'iftin; for the new electric light pla rit. lJSSO. It is a g,,o,l time to learn to write theligurc 1) distinctly, for you will have to write it all the rest of vour life ! The Recce button hole company havedeclarcd a dividend of '. per cent, and the International button com pany a dividend of one per cent. Our venerable and faithful corres pondent, Henry Littleof Kalamazoo, tells of the early history of Fairbanks village in another column in his usu ally fascinating way. Theyearclosed with two minutes more of daylight than on the winter solstice, Dec. Ill , and thedays increase in length from one to two minutes each through this month. -m- Annual meetings'-of the Baptist and Free Baptist churches will be ln-M next Satiinlavcvening. The an nual meeting at theXorth and South churches occurs Monday night. The hoard of agriculture ojiened a two days session at the town hall this morning with an address of wel come by V. I. Stafford. The ses sions will be well worth attendance. 'The addition to M. J. Caldbeck's shop is finished, and as a protection against another fire the Fast side and roof of the whole building has been covered with over 3,000 feet of sheet iron. The great rush of local matter this week has crowded out corres pondence from Barnet, West Burke, Cabot, Ilardwick and Rycgate and an important communication upon our village sewers. A novel Christinas present came to the two youngest children of Mrs. A. F. Rankin in the shajc of a burro. The little donkey weighs only 30() poundsand is the centrcof attraction tor all the little folks. The new advertisers this week are "too numerous to mention." At tention is directed, however, to the large number of finely displayed ads. Is not the new type beautiful and good for the eyes? A diver has placed 1 car axles beneath the flume at the new dam and the water wheels are now being set. Some dark night in the near future the natives will be basking in the 'dare of the electric liirht. The St. Albans Messenger says that the Swantoti jK'ople do not like the new change of time on the Lake road by which the mail train leaves there at -!.." a. m. Tlve passengers can sympathize with the railroad hands for once. The arrangements for the annual musical convention at Littleton are about completed. The convention begins the 14-th with Carl Zerrahn. director; Mrs. Martha Dn'na Shep ard, pianist ; Miss Flizalicth Hamlin of Boston. Messrs. J. II. Rickctson and Wm. L. Whitney of Boston, soloists; Marshall P. Wilder of New York, humorist; and the Blaisdcll orches tra of Concord. Carl lidward, the winsome four-year-old son of lr. and Mrs. (George K. Alvord, was taken suddenly sick last Thursday and died on Friday. Thedeath was a particularly sail one inasmuch as the father was in Denver, Col., and unable to come on. The funeral was held on Sunday' after noon. The boy was a bright and healthy child, beloved by all who knew him. THIS WEEK'S PAPER. . The Caledonian prints an unusual edition this week. It is a good num ber to keep, it is also a gnd one to send away. The yearly record makes it of much local value. Extra copies cau be had at A. D. Kowell's, F. O. Clark's, or this office. PERSONAL MENTION. C. M. Cheney is in I lost on taking lessons on the clarinet. Adlore M artel is spending "the week at his home in Kichford. V. L. Krogman arid wife of Boston have leen visiting his brother, Land- 'ord Krogman f'nnricnoii Congressman t.roi , YVaslli 11 Ml as .. CantS have reaSOIl rout has returned ill postoffii aj- to know diss Alice Smith of F. O. C, . s ore is visiting friends in I!o...on. 1 "er place is t.'iken by Miss Mary uey. ' . II. K. Ide and wife leave for trance rovc at Pomona, Fla., next week where they will sjend i winter j m, , , , , . Aliss Alary A. Shanlcy, who nas 'i'hi'i visiting for sometime at her old '' Jii town, returned to Marshall- I UiwCicuva, 1 ucsdav .K'- v.M. Tillotson. forme.' -'If ' i- i i .1 i ,:-tc i ... fiivnvuist cnnrcn in tins pi ? -w ti1 his p.'istor.'ite in V r iT-Ji Reflect in the sjrin - A !!;f :nA re - I T't-- r'. tluiTMes returned t W nesdav alter ar :vith his brother,'!. H7 other friends in this ' .'.Mrs. C ;if- binson .and two da ugh tci have been staying here until ai.nw fever epidemic wasovcri' Florida, have returned to their home in Jacksonville. C. A. Norton left Tuesday for Talla poosa, fia., where he will spend the winter. His wholesale grocery busi ness will be carried on by George Ranney during his absence. Frank Taylor, clerk at Fairbanks store, left there Monday to enter the store of J. II. McLoud & Co., Ilard wick. The clerks at the store pre sented him with a handsome gold pen as a testimonial of their friendship. II. J. Fmerson, who went to Denver a few weeks ago, has t.'iken a position in the savings bank at Albuipierquc, New Mexico, of which S. M. Folsom is the president. The bank is to be congratulated on securing such a worthy young man. S. II. Brackctt has been visiting old friends in Keene, N. II., and on the 1 7th gave a lecture on electricity before the Keene natural history society. 1 1 is daughter, Mabel, who is teaching in the neighboring town of Sullivan, was presented with a handsome plush album on Christmas b- her pupils. The Dudley street Baptist church, Boston, to which our late Y. M. C. A. secretary C. L. Page has been called as assistant pastor, has just com pleted extensive interior improve ments at a cost of $3,000. During the year the congregations have more than doubled, anil the financial ex hibit for the year is $ 10,120. There have been 300 inquirers, and 121) have made confession of faith. In addition to the baptisms, twenty three havejoined the church by letter anil experience. IR. A rHRE'S LECTURE TOJVICIIT. The sixth entertainment in the Y. M. C. A. course comes this evening as a lecture by Hon. W. II. S.Aubrey of Fngland upon the "Fnglish liber al view of the home rule question in Ireland." Dr. Aubrey's lecture tour in this country three years ago was eminently successful, find an eloquent exposition of the most vital question of British politics will be given to il iirht. SURPRISED ItY THEIR ERIEXDS. Tuesday bening the seventh anni versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Fvans a number of their friends surprised them with a call at their home on Railroad street in the evening. The friends left as testi monials of their friendship a full set of crockery of a rich design, a red plush rocker, a half dozen silver fruit knives and other smaller gifts. All enjoyed a very merry time. THE SORER SECOXO THOUGHT. Thcfollowingexprcssion was made on the street by a somewhat prom inent citizen a day or two after the special village meeting called to en dorse the trustees' action on street lighting: ."I wasoncofthe'Whoopcr Ups', but we made a great mistake. I tell you we made a great mistake. Judge Ross was right and we shall never be able to get rid of the Thomson-Houston folks in any other way but to put out the lights at the ex piration of the contract." Sometimes the soIkt second thought isa little tardy, but it comes all the same to people who have not entirely lost their heads. HOLM A Y REMEMKRAXCES. The help at the scale shops who are under the sjecial sujiervision of Silas Mastin gave him for a New Year's present a very nice standing piano Lamp as a slight testimonial of the esteem in which they hold their fore man, who has ever shown them uni form kindness and consideration. Mr. Mastin has been employed at the scale works for over 30 years. Henry Fllis, who by his willing and obliging disposition has become an important xrson at the scale office, was given a nice set of fur trimming for an overcoat by his fellow clerks in the office. Al-el W. Rolnrrts, superintendent of the I niversalist Sunday school, was presented with a gold headed cane by the school at Christmas time. SPECIAL VILLAGE MEETING. The Electric Light Contract Ratified hy a Ynte of 301 to So. The special village meeting on Thursday evening brought out one of the largest gathering of voters ever seen at such a meeting. County Clerk Nichols as president of the vil lage read the call and awaited a mo tion. Harry Blodgett then presented .the following resolution and moved its adoption : Resolved. That the written contract dated Nov. 7, l.sss, made by the village of St. Johnsliury hy its trustee-- with the Thomson- Houston company, for lijlitinii the streets of the village of St. Johnshury with electricity, be and is hereby accepted, ratified and adopt ed by the said village of St. Johnsliury. Judge Ross opened the discussion with an address in which he referred to the past history of our village .and outlined his reasons for bringing li injunction. I come here, he said, with no "s against the trustees nor to . -"c them with purposely acting . "-"'v. They have simply ex . ' nver voted them at the i. . The history of our : i:s for the last 15 years . . we ought to move slowly . . 1. . . In 1.X70 the waterworks brought a tax of 75 cents on the dol lar. Since that time our village has grown very slowly and business en terprises are seldom started here. Summerville has doubled its popula tion in the meantime because people cannot afford to live in our village and pay its high taxes. Today we have an $S0,0()0 waterworks plant which must cither be thrown away or else continually repaired. Typhoid fever has come into the families where this water was used. (Hisses) Mr. John A. Moore told me that Dr. Nelson said he had 15 eases and in every case the village water was used in the house. This is not strange considering that the sewage of the Lyndons, the Centre and part of Paddock village empty directly into the river. Fvery other village and city taxes abutters forsidewalks and sewers. The village never has done this. The way the village has been run lately would give one the impres sion that our trustees could do any thing. The tax-payers never make appropriations as in othcrplaccs but trust to the wisdom of the trustees. I come here entirely in my own name as a tax-payer to protest against such things. I protest against this alleged contract with Thomson- Houston Co. It is really a perpetual contract. A request for ratifying is a virtual confession that (he trustees have a faulty contract. They have not yet bound the village because they have not signed it as trustees of the village of St. Johnsbury. If this contract is not ratified there is no danger of the Thomson-Houston company bringing suit against the village because I have .another in junction enjoining them against su ing the village. I have thus protect ed the village at my expense and en tirely on my own account. Neither can any damage come to the trus tees. The most serious ground against the contract is that two of the trustees own each one-fifth inter est in the water power which the contract stipulates shall be used by the Thomson-Houston company. The latter company pays $1500 an nually for IO years for this power, a very large rental. The Standard electric company were only asked to pay $1000 annually. The village will have to pay the $500 difference and now is the time to protest against such action. The trustees could not act impartially in making this contract. They had no more right to act in this matter than has an executor to buy in property with which he is entrusted. In closing. Judge Ross read the following state ment from H. T. & II. K. Ide: "Havinj; a larjre surplus of water power to dispose of and never havinj; been asked by the trustees to furnish power for the electric lights for this village, we make the following offer: We will furnish all the lijrhts needed in the streets of the village of St. Johnsbury as follows, viz.. ! arc lights of nominal LMMM) candle power each for $1000 jh.t year. All further lamps needed to procrly lijjht the streets at $4-5 each, per year. The lijiht gen erated to be equal in every respect to the light of the Thomson-Houston company of same capacity so called. The contract to run not less than three years. The time and manner of running the lights to be the same as called for in the alleged contract between the trustees and Thomson-Houston compa ny. If 34- lamps are needed we will furnish them all for the first year for $12(i. We are prepareil to furnish suitable bond if contract is awarded us." Col. T. C. Fletcher said the trus tees were here to answer for every act and every step they hail taken in the whole matter. They had acted in good faith, had their papers made out by lawyers and supposed every thing was all right. The trustees still believed it was. The speaker said he fully appreciated what Judge Ross said about high taxation. The present board of trustees have run the village for 25 cents on the dollar and when they came in it was 4-0 cents on the dollar. All the steps in making this contract were taken by the whole board and they made a lietter contract than has lieen made by any other town in the state. In regard to the water power. Col. Fletcher said that it had always lecn known that he and other trustees were interested in the new water power. Furthermore the Thomson Houston company said at the outset that they must have an indejiendent water power for their machinery.. The company paid $1500 rental but less than one-third of that amount was for power to be used for lighting the village. The rest would pay for power for private lighting and for ninningelcctricmotors. In response to Senator Bates' question as to what steps were taken to get bids. Col. Fletcher said bids were asked from these companies, the Standard, Thomson-Houston, Brush, Kxcelsior, Ball, Fort Wayne, and Fastern Con struction company. All but one re plied that they did not rent plants but sold them outright. The Thomson-Houston company was the only one that offered to rent a plant. F. T. Ide was called out and said that their offer was made in good faith and that they could offer it cheaper because they had so much surplus water power. They had no idea of going into the electric light business until the Brush company made them an off er and on such terms that they could offer it cheajK-r than the other company. Judge Ross, who at first spoke in favor of the Ide's offer, said that th whole matter better be laid on th table and a committee chosen ton port at the village mteting. lie wa in favor of Thomson-Houston ifthevV would give us the light as cheaply a any other company on account; o the expense they had been to already Senator Bates regarded the move to defeat this motion as a postpone ment for some time of all thought of lighting the village by electricity. Whenever anything has been done some cvnic will say that it ought to have been different or that he could have done it better. Let's move along and do something, this con tract is better than the rest of the towns have got and it is a short sighted policy not to ratify it. Cries of "question" at oncejirought out a discussion of how to take the vote. After several had cried "bal lot a hallot was taken, which re sulted in the ratification of the con tract by a vote of 301 to SO. The announcement ot the result was re ceived with shouts of applause after which the meeting adjourned. The Contract. Following is the contract that was read at the meeting: This agreement made this seventh (lav of November, A. H., 1 sss, by and between the village of St. Johnsbury, a body politic and corporate in the county of Caledonia and State of Vermont, p.'irtv of the first bv T. C. Fletcher. I).- I. Hennett, I. 11. Frost. A. I.. Hr.-igg ami Charles A. Caldcrwood, its board of trustees, duly authorized, anil Thomson Hoiiston Electric com pan v. a corporation duly organizes under the laws of the State of Connecticut and h;i vmg its principal place ot business in Itostou, in the County of Suffolk ami Slate of Massachusetts, party of the second part, witnesseth as follows : In con sideration of the mutual convenaiils and agreements herein contained to be kept and perlormed by said village of St. Johnsbury and said T-II Electric company it is hereby mutually covenanted and agreed as follows : Said T-II Electric company covenants and agrees to const met. csta blish and equip with in said village of St. Johnsbury ami connect with a suitable and sufficient power plant, which shall also be furnished by said T-H company for the operation of the same, an electric plant combining both arc and incan descent lights and sufficient with proper dy namos, lamps jmd other appcrtcnanccs, and such and suitable anil sufficient power as may be required for the successful operation of a n electric light system sufficient insizeand capacity in .-ill resK-cts not only to furnish the twenty (! arc lights hereinafter men tioned, but also for such additional number as may be required for successfully lighting the streets anil public places of said village. And it is understood and agreed that the party of the second part as its assigns is to devote to the purposes aforesaid the power acquired in pcrsuance of a contract between it and certain associates now known as the Hclknap Water I'ower company dated Nov. l, 1 SSS, or such portion of said power as may be required to carry out the provisions hereof in respect to power. And s.-iid T-ll company covenants and agrees to operate said electric light plant for the consideration hereinafter named to fur nish, supply and operate in such locations in the streets and public places in said village as the Trustees thereof shall direct, twenty IL'III improved nominal two thousand (iroooi candle power arc lights of the T-II system of their highest type and to Irani the same dur ing every night that lights shall rcasonably be required or needed to suitably and satis factorily light the streets and public places in said village from dark until midnight of .-ill and every such night for and during the term of this contract, payment therefor to bemade by said village at the rate of sixty-five dol lars per light per year, payable in etpial monthly installments. And the saiil T-H company further covenants and agrees dur ing the first year of the term of this contract in the same manner and same time as specifi ed above, to supply, furnish, and operate, in addition to said twenty lights thirteen nom inal Hi nut caudle power arc lights of the T-II company manufacture, receiving nocom pciisation for said 1 :- lights during the first vear other than the $i:!i)i to be paid for said lit) lights. At anil after the expiration of the said one year, the T-II company hereby covenants anil agrees that during the remaining term of this contract it will keep in said 1"1 and said 1M lights, lights in all, or put in anil main tain during said term such number more or less than X! as said village shall direct at an exjicnse not to exceed $7() jur year for such light above the number of said I'D, payment for the first twenty to be still made at the rate of $"r er year. Anil the saiil T-H com pany further covenants and agrees that if in any location of said village the Trustees shall so decide, they will put in 3 incandes cent lights of candle power each in lieu of an arc light, and that the poles used by saiil T-H company shall be smooth and painted. It is hereby understood and agreeil that the cost of making changes in the location of lights, if any are required, after the same have been once located, shall be paid by saiil village. In consideration of the covenants and agreements of said T-H company herein contained, saiil village covenants and agrees to accept from said T-H company or its as signs not less than UO arc lights or their equivalents in incandescent lights as above sjiecified and to pay therefor during the term of this contract at the rate of $;" per light per year, in equal monthly installments, it being understood and agreed however, that said village is not during said first year to pay for the 13 additional lights which said T-II company are to put in and operate the first year of the term oSthis contract. Said T-II coin pa n y further covenants and agrees that same electric light plant shall be put in operation and that the streets of said village shall be lighted thereby on or before the first day of January, INS'.l, provided said water power to be acquired from the Hclknap water power, above referred to, is ready to operate the said plant at that time, otherwise as soon thercafterwards as said water power is ready. The term of this contract shall com mence at the time that said lighting system shall be put in successful operation in said village and shall continue for a period of 3 years from and after said time fully to In completed and ended. In return whereof said village have caused these presents to lie required in its name and behalf and its seal to lie hereto affixed by the above named Trustees, and the T-H company has caused the same to be signeil anil its cor porate seal to lie hereto affixed by C. A. Cof fin, its treasurer, the day and year first above written. fThe above is signed by all the village trus tees, and by C. A. Coffin, treasurer of the T-H company, and recorded in the town clerk's office Nov. Hl, lKNS.j JUDGE ROSS WITHDRAWS HIS SUIT. The following letter explains itself: St., Vt., Dec. 2S, 'SS. To the Village of St. Johnsbury : Since the action of the voters in vil lage meeting, Thursday evening, I have no desire to pursue my suit and injunctions against the village anil Thomson-Houston Fleet trie compa ny, and you are hereby notified that the same arc discontinued. On re flection and careful insjiection I do not discover that any wounds, sore spots, lameness or regrets remain to me as the outcome of the contest. I hojK none remain elsewhere. Yours truly, Jonathan Ross. - - MIRROR AXD EA RMER. Subscriliers who take the Mirror in club with Caledonian will notice that the old price is resumed. The publisher repudiates the 50 cent of fer. See terms at head of fourth page. CHRISTMAS AT TWO CHURCHES. At the Xorth Church. There was an elaborate musical program at the morning service clos ing with a brilliant rendering of the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's Mes siah by Organist John D. Hazen. The sermon by the pastor was upon the passing of time from the text iu the 90th Psalm, verses 10 and 17. The sermon which was filled with helpful thoughts closed with a brief review of the year. In the evening the Sun day school gave their annual Christ mas eo ncer t . 1 1 ere, t oo , m u sic pi ay ed a prominent part and included Dud ley Buck's anther, bv- the choir, with a si Ioby Mrs. J. II. Humphrey, solos 1 Mrs. P. F. Ilazcn and 12. A. Silsby, ' -g by the little girls and the ig by 15 voices of the hymn . i st and best of the sons of the After a few remarks by ntendent, Col. F. Fair ;.e pastor entertained the "i- -1 the old folks as well, giaal story .about Father .1 i;.c Chrisl-ckiM. Then un til annual distri ition of books to 70 of the members oi t-.e juvenile tin. it who had ' ' ed church :.i' lrly through . except it . cofsickii ss. Hi" . or said t t 1 special r i- n record in. . ac t Herbert 'w'.-- Alay Russell, i. ;.cic S " . . Wellington Tinker. Sclim Nr son of Dr. II. C. Newell, had . i. been absent from church service t ice in five years. The pastoi s.iid the one ilea rest to the late Gov. Fair banks would redeem the pledge made by him one year ago. Seventy beau tiful gift books were then given out, each containing the child's name and date and these scriptures, "He yet spcaketh," "Let us go into the house of the Lord." After the distribution. Rev. Mr. Lamson told thechildren that last year Gov. Fair banks wanted it distinctly stated that the books were not rewards of church attendance but given to en courage the habit of regular attend ance. This was just as true now as then. In conclusion the pastor said Mrs. Horace Fairbanks had renewed the offer for the coming year. The exercises closed with the distribution of candy to the juvenile department and oranges to the whole school; a gift from the superintendent. At the Eree Raptist Church. The concert by the Sunday school on Sunday evening was one of the best ever given at this church and the attendance was unusualh' large. The concert opened with the exercise, "Star of the Fast," given in the form of scripture readings and singing by the children and the choir. Recita tions by the children and older mem bers of the school followed which were all well rendered. The concert closed with a fine rendering of one of Rossiter Raymond's tales by Mrs. C. T. Walter. Supt. S. I. Sprague made the children very happy by pre senting all with Christmas cards. orf RECORD OE THE YEAR. The Caledonian again presents its readers with an exhaustive review of the local events of the year, believing that the readers cannot fail to appre ciate the value as well as the great labor of presenting such a compila tion. In reading it over the large number of deaths, especially among the aged, is a startling reminder of the solemn fact that "we spend our years as a tale that is told." There have been 17 between the ages of 50 and GO, 31 deaths between 00 and 70, 44 deaths between 70 and SO, 30 deaths between 80 and 90, and six deaths between 90 and 9o. Above this age there was one each at 95, 90,99 and 100, the last being our county centenarian, lames Works, who died at the remarkable age of 100 years and 11 months. COUNTY HANK DIVIDENDS. The First national bank has de clared its 48th dividend, a semi-an nual one of 3V2 per cent". The bank has earned 814. per cent, net for the past two years which is the best ,ving made for five years. Their net profits in '87 were $41,700.90 and in '88. $43,181.90. They carry $3,054.78 to their surplus fund amounts to $00,000, af which now ter paying $1 7, 500 for the last divi- lcnd. The Merchants bank closes the most successful 3ear in its history. They have declared a semi-annual dividend of 3Vj per cent, payable January 5. This bank carries over to its surplus $3,500 which is now $30,000 or one-tenth of its capital stock, which, it will be remembered, has been reduced during the year from $400,000 to $300,000. The Citizens bank has declared its second dividend, 3 er cent, on $75 a share, and logins the year with a paid up capital of $50,000. During the year the batik have accrued un divided profits amounting to $7,083 anil their stock is nowquoted at 110. The Lyndon savings bank havede clarcd a dividend of 2Vi per cent, and carry a good sum over to the sur plus account. Their dej:osits to date amount to $208,000. The Lvndon- ville national bank have declared a dividend of 3 er cent, and will make a considerable addition to their sur plus. Tiiiu ' lowed ANNUAL VILLAGE MEETING. There was a large attendance at the i i . annual village meeting anil a very harmonious gathering. All the off! cers were elected by acclamation am no important business came r.p for discussion. The call was read by A. F. Nichols as president of the village and the following ticket elected : President, Franklin Fairbanks. Clerk, John C. Clark. Treasurer, F. D. Wodgctt. Collector, Avery D. Pike. Trustees, L. D. Ilazcn, F. II. Blos som, George Ranney, Joseph Drouin Carl M. Spen r. lure Wardei.s, C. L. Carpenter Harry A. Bartlctt, Arthur Fogg, F. Conley, C. G. Flint, Fred Wood bury, John Rhodes. Auditors, A.IJ.Noyes, llany Blod gctt, Dennis E. May. Article 2, "To see if the village will vote to raise money on the grand list to defray current expenses and pay the installment and interest on the funded debt due in 1SS9," was called up by request before the election of trustees bv Treasurer Blodgett who offered this resolution : Resolved, That when this meeting adjourns, it be to the first Mondav in June at 7 p. m. The resolution being carried Treas urer Blodgett moved that the con sidcration of Article 2 be laid on the ' table until the adjourned meeting Carried. npon Article 3, F. F. Sargent rose I to correct an error in the printing of the village reports on page 33 which I should read "water rents earned in 1 1 SSS" of 1SS7 ns lirinted Charles S. Hastings presented a plea for $300 for outdoor concerts for the band, and it was voted that the band give 12 concerts to be paid by the trustees at the rate of $25 a concert. F. F. Brown asked the indulgence of the audience while he defended our village water supply and replied to Judge Ross' charge that typhoid fever was caused by usingit. He had used it for ten years, was a trustee when it was put in, believed it was all right and that Judge Ross was mis informed. Moreover, Prof. Nichols of the Boston school of technology had pronounced it the purest of five samples sent him for analysis from the Moose, Sleeper, Passumpsic, Stiles pond and a well in this town The board of trustees elected are all new men ; no other names were put iu nomination and not a dissenting voice was raised when the vote was taken, although a good many pres ent would have been glad to have seen one or two of the old board re tained, believing it poor policy to makea clean sweep. The new board have no enviable job before them, but they are equal to the occasion. VILLAGE EXPENSES LAST YEAR. Last week's Caledonian said that the forthcoming report would show the village expenses of 'SS to be some $2000 more than in '87, and that it recpiired, in round numbers, $19,000 to pay last year's expenses. The re port is now printed and shows the expenses of last year to have been $2,449 more than tho year before, and the gross amount of village ex penses to have been just about an even $20,000. From this the income from the water works should be de ducted, which is put down in the re port as water rents earned $3,853; received for stock and labor $4,007 total receipts $8,400, leaving a bal ance to lie raised by direct tax of $11,540. The Caledonian is still of the opinion that the village expenses are very high for what there is to show for them. COUNTY COURT. The verdict in the Chenev-Calder- wood case was reached late Tuesday evening after the jury had been out six hours. The verdict was for the plaintiff to recover $800 and costs. The case will be taken to the supreme court on exceptions. Divorces have been granted in the cases of Nellie Webb v Charles Webb .and Chester Brown v Jessie B. Brown, both for desertion, anil in the case of Minnie C. Brown v William Brown for intolerable action. The court will probably adjourn today. CATHOLIC NOTES. There were 90 births, 19 marriages and 40 deaths in the parish in the year 1888. Appropriate services were held in the old church Monday in commemo ration of the close of the papal jubi lee year. The new church will be dedicated next Sunday and an invitation is ex tended to members of other denomi nations to attend the ceremonies. At 9.30 a. m., the clergy will march around the church after which the audience will gather inside where the blessing will be pronounced by Bis hop DcGoesbriand of Burlington. I-'ollowing this is high mass with an appropriate sermon. An elaborate musical program has been arranged for this service, partly from Mozart, with solos by Thomas Gagnon and Mrs. P. A. Roach and Miss Mary Prevost, organist. Lembillotte's "Kyrie Eleison," the "Adiste Fideles," "Sanctus" and "Agnus Dei" of Du mont will be rendered at this time. Solemn vesjiers will lie held at 3 o'clock conducted by the Bishop. A number of priests from other churches have been invited to the ceremonies. THE FRATERNITIES. mint They are lining in This Vicinity. IHstnct deputy A. L,. isrngg in stalled the officers of Olive Branch lodge, I. O. ().F., Tuesday evening. At the close of the lodge a marriage ceremony was -performed in the hall. At the annual election of Caledo nia lodge, I. O. O. F., the following officers were elect "tl: N. G., David Mackie;V. G., Gregin- Beck; Sec,, L. F. M incr; Treas., .v. i. Bragg; P. S., S. II. Kent. Moose river encampment elected these officers: C. P., A. L. Bragg; II. P., R. W. Warner; S. W.. W. D. Gould; scribe. F. F. Richardson; F. S., S. II. Kent; Treas., II. B. Davis; J. V., C. F. Boynton; trustees, Greg ory Beck, R. W. Warner. C. A. Miles. Union lodge. No. 4, I. O. O. F. Lvndoiiville, has elected these of ficers: N. G., George W. Knight; V G., F. C. Hodge; R. S., II. G. Staples; P. S., L. 1. Nickcrson; T., P. D. Hove. Alpine lodge, No. 28, I. O. O. F West Burke, elected these officers Tuesday the 25th ult. : N. G., V. W Coe; V. G., Dr. A. A. Cheney; Sec. F. D. Burns; Treas., F. A. Way. Lamoille lodge, No. 20, I. O. O. F Fast Ilardwick, elected these officers last week Tuesday: N. G., Clinton Keith ; V. G., J. J. Campbell ; .See., D. W. Jcnness; P. S., T. G. Bronson ; Treas., R. L. French. At the election of officers of Apollo lodge. No. 2, Knights of Pythias, Saturday evening, these officers were chosen: P. C, C. A. Norton; C. C, C. F. Tinker; V. C, P.J. Cowlcs; P., Crawford Ranney ; K. R. S.. F. W. Robinson; M. F., G. II. Frost; M. F., A. F. Walker; M. A., C. F. Shep herd ; trustees, O. II. Henderson, T. R. Stiles, F. II. Blossom. The Legion of Honor have elected ill r-:o 4 fru tc t ti i n t t- T a V- - - Wllltv. .7III1IUIIIIV1 , Via & Smith; V. C, C. II. Horton ; orator. Rev. F. T. Fairbanks; P. C, Dr. J. Li. i crkins; jiec., lr. K. H. Warner; Treas., W. S. Boynton ; chaplain, Rev. F. T. Fairbanks; guide, J. O. Hale; warden, A. B. Tine; sentinel, A. B. True; trustees, W. S. Boynton, C. H. Horton. I. C. Gray. Dr. S. T. lirooks recommended as examining surgeon. O. H. Henderson as deputy grand master, instituted a new lodge of Odd Fellows at Swanton FVidav inglit. 1 lie new lodge is called Alis- sisquoi and starts oil witn 11 mem bers. L. F. Miner and II. A. Holder went up to West Burke Tuesday to install the newly elected officers of Alpine lodge. u. n. Henderson in ! 11 "Y -ww -ww 1 stalled the officers of Lamoille lodge at East Ilardwick Tuesday night. A delegation go to Barnet FViday evening to participate in a public in stallation there. The Woman's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans and Chambcrlin Post with their families are invited to wit ness the installation ot the newly elected officers of the Relief Corps and Post by Past Dept. Com. P. D. Blod gett at G. A. R. hall Saturday even ing, an. i, at p. m. Kegular meeting of the Post at 7.30 sharp.- The annual meeting of the Vermont association union ex-prisoners of the war will be held in Brattleboro Feb. 13, when an address will be given by Maj. Frank E. Moran, historian of the national association. The 22d state encampment will be held in Brattleboro Feb. 14 and 15. Commander-in-Chief Warner of Kan sas City, and other well-known Grand Army men will be present. TWO SEVERE INJURIES. Mrs. Lorenzo Sulloway had the misfortune to drop a jar of apple sauce on her foot last week Wednes day, breaking one of the bones of the foot. She had sufficiently recovered to be able to walk about on crutches when another accident, equally se vere, occurred Tuesday morning. She w.-is bandaging her foot, when in some way the cloth which was satu rated with an inflammable liniment caught fire from the stove setting fire' , , , I to her clothes. Hefore the flames were extinguished her legs were badly mined and her recovery will be very slow. AN UNUSUAL SUHJECT. Probably the oldest inhabitant cannot recall eleven successive davs at this season of the year when the mercury has not fallen lower than during the past eleven. Since a week ago last hundav tne mercury nas ecn above freezing not only every lay but nearly all the time night and dav. There is no sleighing and has Ix-en none vet this winter. This re- COrd, in addition to four months of dark, cloudy, rainy weather, makes the 3'ear 1SSS without precedent. THE OXEN HE SETTLED. According to the Newport corres pondent of the IJurlington Free Press the great let of $2000 against the Vermont Jumbo oxen, letwcen John O. McKeen and H. S. Hastings has been settled. The oxen were deliver- ed to McKeen at Newport, December IS, and were on exhibition one week. McKeen sold them to Hastings and Moore for $2000. Mr. McKeen has made a Christmas present of the $2000 to his wife, who, it is under stood, will invest the money in west ern property. ilH'cial Xatiees. To be a healthy and a happy jH-oplc we have got to takeeare of our diet. In America people are in such a hurry to get their work done anil their money made that they neglect their food, ami when they have accumulated their fortune they haven't the health to enjov them. They have kept up their working powers on stimulants, tea or cotVcc. that ruin the digestion and play the mischief with the liver, instead of drinking Baker's sooth ing and wholesome Breakfast Cocoa, which digests itself while it nourishes the body. Itneklen'M .truirn Milvr. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts. Brui ses. Sores. I'lcers, Salt Kheum. l-'cvcr Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, anil all Skin 1-rnptions. and positively cures I lies, or no pav required. it is guaranteed to give licrfcct satisfaction, or moncv refund ed, l'ricc .'. cents ikt box. I'or sale bv I-'lint Bros., Pruggists. t'.io .Heril M'iun. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have Ik-cii selling Pr. King's New Pisco very for Consumption. Pr. King's New Life Pills. Bncklcn's Arnica Salve and Klci tric Bitters, and ha ve never handled remedies that sell sis well, or that have given such univer sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand readv to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These reme dies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sale by I'lint Bros.. Pruggists. ' eh e w t ii A fnff InvrKliiiiut Is one which is guaranteed to bring von satisfactory results, or in case of failure a re turn ot purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised Pruggist a bot tle of Mr. King s new discovery lor Consump tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every ease, wlicu useit tor any attection ol 1 hroat. I. ungs or Chest, such as Consumption. In flammation of I. ungs. Bronchitis, Asthma. Whooping Cough. Croup, ete., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, pcrfcctlv safe, and can always be depended lipon. I rial bottles tree at 1-lint llros. 1 irug Store. Alvic lo JTloiherM. Are vou disturlied at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering ami crying with pain of cutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle ot Airs. mslow s Soothing Svrnp for children teething. Its alue is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Pcpciul upon it. mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhn.-, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures w ind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone anil energy to the whole system. Airs. W mslow s Soothing Syrup lor chili Inn teeth ing is pleasant to the taste and is the pre scription of one of the oldest anil best female nurses jinil physicians in the I'mteil Slates. and is sold by all druggists throughout the world. I nce ; cents a bottle. locsnj Travellers' Guide. It Oil oil A' ITlniiae It. It., I'nmumiiKir liv. TRAINS C.OINO SOl'TIl, LKAVK Newport, 1 Oil and T lit a m, 1 Oi, G -t-Oaml IO no p m West Burke. TJ IO and S 21 a in, s no p m Uvmloiiville, 12 r,l), IIS and s 2 a m, 2 12. i Hi and tl p m Lyndon, ,x 4-5 a m, 5 35 and 11 oi p m St. J. Centre, s oU a m. i To and i 2i p m St. " lohnshurv, 12 lif., 1 3i" and OT a in. 2 ifo, G 111 and it ifii p m Pnss'c, 1 o:, and 14- a m, G 23 and 9 4-7 pm Hast Barnet, 24- a m, G 4-3 and lo oil p m Barnet, 1 24- and ill am, 7 lo lap m Mel's, 1 iir and as a m, 7 IT. & lo 2a p m Wells River, 1 53, 2 15 and IO 03 a m, 3 07, s and 111) m White River Junction, arrive, 1 4-5, 3 15 and 1 1 4-5 a m, lo 4-o p m TRAINS C.OING NORTH. LEAVE W. R. Ic, 12 4-0 and 7 30 a m. 1 55 and 5 25 Wells River, 1 20, 2 25, lo lo a m.2 3S, 3 5 p m and 7 55 p m Alclndocs. 2 4-5 and IO 4-0 a m. 2 53, 4- (l: and s 25 p m Barnet, 2 51 and lo 50 a m, 4-11 N35 p m IS. Barnet 1 4-'. and 11a in, 4- 1 7 .- s 5 p m I'ass'c. 3 oil and 1117a m, 4- 27 & 1(2 p m St. lohnsburv, 2 O-t, 3 15 and 11 30 a m. 3 1 !. 4- 3S and 311 p m St. J. Centre, 11 3s a m, 4. 4-5 and i 4-0 p m I.vndon, 1 1 5G a in, 4- 51 and it 55 p m lvndoiiville, 2 21 and 3 3S a ill. 12 3o, 3 36. 5 oil anil lo p m West Burke, 3 5S a m. 1 2 55 and 5 23 p m Newport, 2 50, 3 30 and G a in, 2 5o (arrive) (leave I I- 4-:'. and 7 p m it. Johuxbury A: l.illir Chnuiplnia It. IE. TRAINS r.OINC WKST, LEAVE Lunenbursi, 7 07 a in and 2 07 p m Hast Concord, 7 2G a in and 2 1 i p m Miles I'oml, 7 4-1) a m and 2 2G p ill North Concord, S 05 a m and 2 3G p ni West Concord, S 20 a in and 2 4-5 p m Hast St. Johnsbury, S 35 a m and 2 54- p in St. Johnsliury, 7 a m anil 3 3o p m Hauville, i 4-5 a in and 4- p ill Walden. S 1 a m and 4- 21 p m Oreensboro, S 3'. a m and 4- 31 p m Jast Ilardwick, s 4-S a m and 4- 4-S p m Hani wick. S 5s a m and 4- 57 p m Cambridge Junction, lfl 15 a m and G 25 p m Swanton, (arrive) 11 3S a m and . fo p m TRAINS C.OINO EAST. LEAVE Swanton, 4- 4-5 a m and 3 20 p m Cambridge Junction, G 12 a m and G 24- p m Ilardwick, 7 22 a m ami , 4-b p m H. Ilardwick, 7 4-2 a ni anil 7 55 p in Oreensboro. 7 51 a m and M 114- p m Walden, S 1 1 a m and s 24- p m Danville, S 32 a m and S 4-5 p m St. I'sb'v, (arrive! i a in and 1 15 pm Hast St. lohnsburv, 1 4-1 a m and 5 p m West Concord, ! 50 a m anil 5 20 p m North Concord, lo a m and 5 5o p m Miles Pond, lo o a m and G IO p m Hast Concord, IO 1G a in and G 25 p m Lunenburg, arrive, II) 2H a m and G 50 p m Mirths. At Ilardwick, Dec. 2S. a daughter to Mr. anil Mrs. William Warren. Ma rriages. At St. Johnsbury. Dee. 2M. by Rev. C. M. Burba u k and Nettie I. Lamson. Oeorge A. Carr. At St. lohnsburv, Jan. 2. by Rev. Edward T. Fairbanks. Willis D. Flint ot St. Johnsbury and Mrs. Ella D. Bliss of Hard wick. At Northampton. Mass., Jan. 2, by Rev. Isaac Clark, Charles A. Doubleday of Mont- clair, N. J., and Harriet O. I'.-irsuns til North ampton. At West I'.nrke. Jan. n.ity Key. .a. i". i racy. Herbert C. Wheeler and 1 1. -it tie A. Forrest. At Plymouth. N. II., Dec. 27. by Rev. Henry I. Peck, Col. Henry C. Hastings and ISclle M. King, both of St. Johnsbury. At St. Johnsbury, Jan. 1, by Keys. 1-. I-.. Davison and E. A Hoyt, Carl Clifford and Eva Williamson, botii of St. Johnsliury. At St. Johnsbury. Jan. 1, by Rev. 1. I. Frost. Charles II. Hall and Minnie O. Miles, both of Browniiigton. At St. Johnsburv. Jan. 1, by Kev. 1-,. I. Sandford. James W. Oreen of Danville, and Jennie M. Penny of St. Johnsbury . At Hyde Park. nee. 4-, ny Kev. I:. J. vt am. Martin H. Manning of Hyde Park, and Alice K. Tenearre of St. Johnsbury. At Plainfield. Dee. 31). by Rev. L. F. Fort- ney, Oeorge u. fowler anil .Myrtle a. Ban croft. At Craftsburv. Dec. 25. bv Rev. Dr. C. B. Hullicrt of East Ilardwick. Elmer Stratton of" Craftsbnry anil Belle Davison of Hard wick. At Concord, Jan. 1. by Rev. L. I-. I-ortney, ' A. Hutchinson and Laura J., daughter of Judge James B. Wallace. At Cabot. Dec. 25, by Kev.j. I-. Miapp, Herman M.Osgood and Cornlla M. Bovee, both of Danville. A Voi-w.-ilk Ciinn.. Dec. 2G. bv Rev. Dr. k.o. Nettu-ton of Rochcstcr.N. v.. Edwin L. Hanford and Lottie A. I'addock. daughter of C. L. Paddock, formerly of St. Johnsbury. At Cabot. Ian. Rev. J. I-.. Knapp, Nathan Corliss of Barre and Nellie Myers of Cabot. At Newark, Jan. l,bv Rev. John I-.. I-arrow. Alfreil J. Hannil of Newark anil Jennette Clark of Fraiiconia. N. H. At Sutton, Uee. 31. by Rev. A. I. Tracy. Oliver Round v anil Alice Aldrich, both of West Burke. At Sutton. Dee. 31, by Rev. A. I. Tracy, O. O. Cheslev and Ida Masure, both of Shef field. At Burke, Jan. 1, by Rev. A. P. Tracy. James Oaskill anil Alice Wishart, both of Burke. Deaths. At St. lohnsburv. iK-c. 2. Carl Edward. aged 4- years, son of Oeorge R. and Minnie I. Alvord. At North Danville, Dec. 2, John D. Harris, aged 7G. At Vernon, Iec. 22, Dr. Thomas Ooo! Wil lie, aged 4-x. He was the youngest son of the late Rev. Thomas Ooodwillie of Barnet Jr"0"' "ITesentative ,,, the last Leg- At Carthage, Dakota, Dec. Ocorge C. Cahoon, aged 31), son of Oeorge W. Cahoon of Lyndon. At Uraintree. Mass.. Dee. 21, Samuel . Arnold, aged 72. father of Mrs. Elisha May f St. Johnsbury. At Soutn lioston, liec. -to, waterman vt . Wright, ageil 53 years. At Cabot, Dec. 27, Oertie smith, ageil 17. FINE WATCHES REPAIRED And rated at A. D. HOWELL'S, oppsite Athena-urn, St. Johnsbury. TWO-SEATED SLEICH FOR SALE. Keene make !oth pole and shafts. lin quire at this otucc. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The French F. Carrick place in Summerville. I.NbZ ;OID.LL. St. Johnsbury East. Vt. M3-NG FOR SALE. The Langdon J. Cnnimings premises. Good house and barn, and five acres of excellent land. Enquire of W. H. PRESTON.