OCR Interpretation

The spirit of the age. [volume] (Woodstock, Vt.) 1840-1844, June 12, 1840, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84023294/1840-06-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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Frced-aiii' d'f Inquiry, aiid I'lie Powcr of llio Pcop'lo,
2,00 PEll ANNUM.
Tnc lrgln May, jounjt, cny mul tilusliiiiF, trips
Alonn tlie flrhli with ilounriist, moilcsl cjca
And looking rniuid lier wilh a wccl surprit.c,
Bmiles lii liclinKI llio dcliinle green lips
Of tiiuler lcnics, nml buda thut npc lliclr lips
Tn thc molst klisos nf the nniciroiis ulr,
Whoic. rlnl U tlie hce. ()h, fulsc mul fair !
Tn jltld yuur honcy-dcw to wauloii Kijis !
Thc ky ii angry with migralrful May,
That ilie licr hloniniug f.nors thus brstnni
And io ticcn ilnrti frnm niiity quivcr throttn ;
And the S;iring' ilarling wccps thc mnre nuay,
('upriclotM njiupli ! Atcte no iunrci.hc plaituit
Kor ollirr, llnttcrins alrs, cnntewliUpering softer
The binN m i 1 1 g clierily, thc slrcamlcln kliuut
As if in f clio tonri arc n!l nroiind
The alr Is Hlled with onn pcrvndlng 10111111
Of iiirrimcnl. llright rrcntiircs ilit nhnul
rilight jpcars of f mernl.l j lillcr frnm the ground,
And faqucnl lloncrs, liKchclms of hlonm, nrc found ;
And, froni thc Invlsihlc army of fair Ihin's,
rioats n loy nuirntiir like n dlstant ma 1
Thcrc thc clarlnns of thc iincct-Miigf
Mamliul tluir buiy cohorls 011 the lca.
I.lfir, lifc In actlon 't Ii imisic, nll
I'rom the culiu'iiliig ery of children frcc
To the an 1 11 dusli of w iitcrs m triry liill (
Jtcleascd Ii) llice, 0I1 Hjiring, tu gl.id, nitd lihrrty !
It U llio tlutv nf nmtlicrs to siiHtain thc revcrscs
f fortunc. I'rcqurnt nml stuldt'ii ai tln'V hae
et'ii in ourcotintry, it U iinportant th.it )'ouii3 fo
lalcs shotiltl pocss oiiir L'liiplouni'iit, liy whii'iV
ey iuilit nhtain a lielihmtl in rnsutht'y sliould
reduut'd to tha ncccssity of mipporting tlit;iii-
L'lvei. Iten IIib liinilios avu iini!pL'Cti'tllv rc
luccd fioin Hl!iiii;iio to povt'rty, huw pitiful nml
lintcniptilile it i, l w the inotlifr ilf-ptnnlitij or
nlpii'ss, aml i jrrii'it lierilunglitcrstn uiuiiarmss
lunt! wliom it i tneir ilutv tn as-nt aml rtiocr.
" I h.ivo IihI niy wholu torl 11111; :" sittil it inor-
Iuiit, as lii! I'cturi'f.l rriL'L'Vfiiiin; to hi honic, '"vv
111 110 lonser Kccp our farriapi1. W'e iimst lfac
Ilis lanji1 liciiisc. Thr I'lii'dri'ii ran no lonser go tn
ipcn'no sclionN. Vt'iterilii I wan' a rich inan.
I (i-cl.iv lliori! n iiotliinz I van call iiiyoWii."
1 llear litli.uul," ni'd llio 'vifo,. "'a-c are slill
li'li in eath otlicr nnd our childri'ii. .Mnncv niav
hi aw.tv, hut (i'ivI h.i jiven ih n hutti'r tmasuri!
1 thnst; artlvH aml lovnij; hi'arH"
" Di-ar fillwr," a:iid tliu cliiitlrvn, " rtrt not looh
I) solier. Wc V'lll hi!li vni ts'cct a tiini."
" W'lnt can jmi di, ponr tlnngi !" siid I'b
" Y011 shtll si'e, jmi shall mv," niu'vtTt'd ev
r.tl rliL'rfii) oi:fii." " It'ii n pity il' e hiivp Im'pii
1 K-jlinol fir K'lthilil. llnw can tlie fntl'iT afvisht
Itildrrn lie ur, W'c hh.ill wiirk nml niakti )dli
Ii aw.un.
" I sli.ill liL'Ip," Raid thc vnunjjrit pr, hardlj
uir ve.iri nld. " I uill Ii'iW anv now tllillL'i
lnight, and I ihali k:II my "rcat doll.''
'I I13 lieart ol tliu Iw-dmml nml lullicr '.viiioi 1 11.111
inlt wilhinh'n lnnom li'f a hIiiiio, vnn lirt'.'d np.
tlti' nvuct i'iilliui:nni nf tlwi s -cnn rlii'i'n'tl I11111,
lid h'n nijhtly p.-aycr a- lilif a win of praiL'.
Ilfli'lt hu nUluly linini;. 'llio siTaun Tt'r
lniiitsid. l'i;tnro anH pl.ito, t'wh carnct nml
trnituro werc mild, aml Min who h.id im'lohut'im
n in'Ktrv of iha inainiiin shed nn ti'.ir. " I'.iv
,'pry dclil," H.mt h 1 1 e , " lct nn oni'.siilli'r tlirnnjjli
1, and we niay yet lie Kiity."
Ile nmlfil a' iiat rnttn'ii and a ni'ill nh'cc nf
I-oiiikI, 11 few mili't iVnm tliu fily. With tho aid
ih mni lin t'lilii.Mtril vi-cL'taliltM lnr tliu inarni'l.
Ii!'iuvcd with du'.izht and atoniliim'iit tliu i-con-
Invol lin wittfHiuniiriKl anxnu iiuii ihhi iii wi.aiin,
id i'lli:ioiiPV wliioli UU (faiigliliTs kiwi ntniiircil
lider hrr tr.iinin".
Tltn I'ldcit oiii! n-tsiitt-d licr m tln wnrK nf tliu
liiii.dmld and nto nstiti'd lh( ntinuur childri'ii.
Imidcs thuv I'xscntetl arinm wnrKi, wliicli thuj
id lcirned a acnimp'i.'linii'iitK. liut whicli tlii'.V
knnd rnuld fu; dnnoifil ol tn nilvanliij.f. I licy
liihroiili'ri'd with lait.- oniu of tln nriiainental
Itrtt nf feinalr appirel, which wuro ri'adily old to
1 11ifrt.-I1.111t iiillic citv.
'I'hev cnltivalfd lluvver.. nnd rnl bnnhrts to
larlii-i. in tliu carttlrtt ronvni'tl ll.u wtWaHlirn :
luy plalted striiw, thl'V p!inte:l ni.'ip, thcy n-
tntfd plam nc-L'illu wnrK. i.vcrynnu wai at iur
t hmv and ct'iecrful. Tho co'tlng.! wns likc n
lcc hivc.
'I nsvcr cnjnvcti-stich- health fccfure,? paid tliu
And I ncvcr wai as happy hcforc,' s.nd tliu
'Wc necr litiew liow many tliiutf- wcrntilil do,
Ihsn we itr in thucrunl liontC' saidlhu children,
Ind we lnvc cach oflirr a L'reat dcal hetter licrc.
011 rall u votir hltle lit'i'.i.'
Yci,' rcp'ied tho fithcr, 'and on iiiakc jtiit
. .11 . 1 . 1 . ..
irn noncT atv.ic tioari ines 111 iern un
Kconomy 111 well as ilidnxlry wai Miittly 011
Irved Noth'in w.n wa.iti'd. ' Nothing iiniii:ce.i.
mty wa ptircliaetl. llio citit'st ii.uinii'r nu.
tiiic asiiit.int teaclicr tn a iiHiiiif-iiMieii luin.-iic
rniinarv, nnd the nccond tooh hur placc, .19 111-
Iructrm to the f.unily.
The little ilwcllmi! wliicli lian aiwai iiurn Kvpi
Lat, they wcrufoon ahle to licaujily. Itn rnii.
Irtictinii wn iinprnvcd, and tliu hifH nnd llow
wn trcci werc replanted nroiiud it. Tlw inur-
I1.11U wat hamii'r inidor Iilt wootl lnnu covi'ti'il
Lrcfi, in a Hiiinmcr'n uvpning, than hc had heen
lll innwy iirauni-iimiii.
'Wcarc iiow tlimmuaiul iiroiicroii
said hc,
lltall wc now rrtnrn to tliu city
nn. 110. w:n ilii uiianinintis replv
"I.et 111 reniain,' naiil tho wifu, 'wlrerc wc rt-ive
tund hcallh nnd (niitcntnu'nf
rathi:r,' said thc youngmt, 'all we rhildrcn
pcynu arennt pting to liurk'h ng.iin ; for tht'ii,'
c aildcd, 'we little (iiil-.i wert! chut up in the
liimerv. and dnl not ee iniicli of oii or innlher.
oiv we all live togutlier, nnd sitrr whn Iovl'h ih,
Hiei nn, and wc learn to liu liitluntrioiis nml
efitl. c 7crt-nimv or 111 "'iojm n 11 i: v uic
Lh, and did not work fcn, f.ither plr.uu not lic
rudi niaii anyinorc.' .urs.htgoitrnry
fJrfnpn ipv Tfie svtcin of deinocralic cov.
Lnnient h nimt hcautifuf in ittriii-tiirc, nnd he
levnleiit in it nperatloiH. It H a lrnn:ript nl
lie j;ovcrninciit of licd. II 1" nui-HirtiMl liy tlie
Iroroiimlnt rcjcarclieji 01 pnmivopiiy, ny iuu uim.
iet le.icliMiS4 nf reliaiiin the pnrrfl picly the dffp-
kt virlue, lh.- tirinet f.nth, tlie lirmlite.t liope, uie
liot rtp-iiiHitu character. It pm u cai-h tlie
lglit or all. lich inan H i'timati-tl n unn, tne
lint of'wfiii-li'niai.c iip'lho wholn. What U the
Ight of onn U tliu riht nf'nll.. It confeM 110 li-
e t it licumi 11,1 iiiiiiiunitii'.'). 11 iiuikim carn
ccoutitahle fnr the wlinle. nnd pled;M Uih tirntre-
Inn to tlie whole fnr the gnod of carh. Thelnan
lat i born in imignlficancc, nml hred in a cor-
lcr, tnay, hy n continuancc in we.l dojng, rnu to
lic centrc ol g.ory lliin nonr. .'luru 11 nn: nniy
venne tn wiccei. intl tlie snni nnu flatigtitrri
1 the r'nrr, fiv the negicct nf irtjtc, liy mdtilg-ncc
1 vice. will iiiik inlo niflited iiiiiniiicaiicr. The
I1.n1 in orthiMiiuy lm rcmoved wiihmtt a rcvnlntion,
1 ... 1...! en
k lnlc vacanrficats arc npi'li 10 uie I'liiuiuuun ui nn.
I c.111 conrcrv'o no lorm ol (otcriiinoni 0 pcr
fectly cninputiblu with tlie siiblime principle.s of
et...:.. .... 1: .1.. -..1....1......1 ...
w in in.i iiiij , in mi mrui 11 v c iiiciiinicii ui piuiiiiiiu
the h:ti)iiiLss nf itll iiiankind, ns :t ik'iunoracy.
It needs only to hu understnod in thenrv nnd iitlotit-
I ('(1 in practice, hy 11 people (jii;illil"cii In tcst its
fn;Uitii's, to M'uuri! tho ailiiiiration nnd stipport ol
cvcrv pliilaiitliropisttHrongllout tlu; worltl.
Jhi: m S. Sahh.
tain whig of our nripinitnnro nndt'rlnnk to'lake a
drink of "hard cider" in llio darklhe titlier night,
nnd got hold of a bottlc orHtuphi'ii's writing llnid ;
he iiotit dinniued liis niNtukc lill hi frii'nds nh
serving hini in tho inorniug so (onfoiinilcd hluc,
asked him if tho I'residciitinl eleiltion was ovcr.
JUillimorc Post.
Rr.T-rn.NiNo r.NKiidv. DrKilfhiiii'r.tnshow
liow the strongth nf inan niay he iliiniuilit'd hy in
dulging indolt'iifi', incntioin thc fidlcniii5 liidicrous
fart : " .Mei'tiii!; a gi'nlli'incii wholiad lately rc-
turncii irom Intlta, to iny I'lnpnry nller lin heallli,
lif replii'd, Why, beltrr hetter thank jn; I think
I he!llt to feel snmo syinptnnm of a litlln llriti-.li
cnergy. I)o 011 know that tho day licloro es.ri;r
diiy I wasin siirh high spirin, nnd il'lt an htrrtng,
tnat 1 nrinaiiv ptil nn fllie o!1 my stocKini;s lv inv-
sell.' "Travcllcr's Orarlc.
SPEECn of thc non.CP.Vmi.KcsK,
(Iplivcrcu nt' llio lalo Jlcmocralu!
Coiivciilinu iinVoodslock, Yt,
Mn. rnrsiiiF.NT, and Oknti.k.m r.s or tiie
It 14 n long tiinc since 1 liave liatl Ilie plensurc
of ndilresiing so niiiiierotn 1111 nsHeinhlai;e nf the
Iteuiililicuits ol tliu Muttvnml it lia.Himt llecn wit 1
autoiiiP B.icrilien th.it'l hav'o hftnnhlo In nppenr
iinioug ym ai uih 111111-. ancr iraM'iiing willl
the iitinnst r.'ipidily, I rcliirni'd froni thcHouthoiily
011 I'ridav night 'lat, foiind mv fliinilv iiiim cll,
w.h with tliem hut twntlaXH, nnd lcll tlieni to the
fare of a kinil I'j-ovidciirc, jiml mnio friemlly
iii'ighlinrs in ordt'r tn cnnii' IiItii nnd In iiiinglu
my ieciiii4 wiui winrs tipoii IIiih iu'cinhiii,
' It U iiuw thirty'-six yi'ar f.incc I niiniiicnefd
my I'xcrlinm in Ihi' great r:uio which I1.1t lir.iiigli'l
iih tngfiher th'n day, aml I have, nl ('illi',reiit linies
M'fii tlark daj-, hiit, thank (ind, thry hac gen
erally hi'Pii fiillowcd hy tho chfrriiiji rais nl' :i
lirUjilsun. Aml it nH'n'rir-i 1110 ihc hi.'hui't shti
I'lclioli to rt'i-ngiii.e many linw pri'si-nt nf lllno
whn have Inlmicd willi ilie, sidu hv hidi, and re
liiained f.iithfiil, ihrougli fair nml llirntigh foul
wralhcr, ihrough cnntl aml throimh cil rrport, nml
whoni I have iner ri'incinheri'd with iVelinss nf
llio innst sinci'roiittarlinieiit nml gralilndc. fllheri
of tho s.iiiio rhm nf frii'ntU lne, iutlccil, left tn,
nnd gouo tn their Inug cternal hniue, hiitlheronre,
'dnuhtli,, pffn'iit, ihe soni of n pnrlion nf thnse,
whn are niuniall'd h tho cpirit nf llieir fatherH,
nml towariN whoni, iih mieli, 1 uiitcrtain fiiu k-iiiiv
kiud aml grateful fijcling,
My frieniN, w;e hiive a great nml iniporlant cnn
teil hefrre in 'I lh VilifpiMu'd 11ml srnltured
fraluent' nfour old t'dtfiii, with nn ni,rrrion nf
iiindi'rn prt'lendrrH nnd apo'latt'S, hae hreli rnl'
lii'd nml uuiti'd, nml Ihreati'ti iih wilh n new nnd
fnrniiilalle nttai'k, l.ct u tlil'ii rinro itlrlre.liurkle
011 our nrinoiir, nnd prepaie to deli'ild lu Ihe 1'ist
extrrinity, the ntailel nf lihertV cil-clel hy our
fithtr-i, nml lM'(iieath'd to iih wilh llu1 Milenin in
jiinclinn tt preservo it, iiniiup.iired fnr our pos
lcfity. Tiin prineipleH wliicli diido ihe twn parlieii nrc
llieaiiin now ni fnrnifrly. Tho party Kiippnrling
tln prr'ont Adniiiii'lrntinii nf thn (icni'ral (inv
ernnii'iil U llio i:tiiie pirty wliicli elevatfd Mr Jof-fer'-nii
tn tho I'rrMduncy iu the jear IHOt), nml
iintaini'd Iih ptincipliw. Ili( ihti s'tiuu jiarly
wlilfh'fltpporti'il Mr .MndiHnn, and dilVnded the
iiie.HureHofhii Ailiiiin'Htrntioii in Mll nn'd'M.
I)u the other haml, tho partv whieh miw npnnses
the (ivueral Ailiiiinistralinn, m the Haine otd iVd
eral partv wlli.-h wan fminiK'tl hy Alevalider Ilain
illnu, aml whMi upliulil nml KUipnrti'd the ndioux
ariHlneralic iiieanirtw nf thc Adinin'trnt'nn of
Jnhn Adanii, iluring ihe )enrn 17HN mid l "!)!.
Thv Kepnhli'iin nr Denineratic p.irty Ii.ih nnl
only irrerved its prinripii-M uni'hanged, hut nl.m
its iiame. Il Ins uever prai'tii-ed dcci'plinii, nnr
fouglit chcrfilnieitt, hut has nlw'ays ronio hcfnre
the rnuulry with full aml npen nVowtl nf itii priu
fip'i'H nml nhjecti. Thfc nppci'.itmn p.'irtv h. p.m
rd thrnugli Heeral i,h.ingi,' nf naiue, ainl lus inatln
varinus atteinplH In riso upnn new nml iisuineil
groumN 111H pretexls. It wnn nriginally ralletl
the I'etleral party, hut il nieinher.s nfiurwanU ns
siiincd thc uppuialiiin of IVderal llepulilicans,
thcii Wahiii'tnii Itepulilicain, liextNiil'nnal Ite
puli!i::ain, then Wh'ys, next DenioCratis WhigH,
and linally .li'irersnni.iti Dcinocrats.
It (itighl to hi! p.irli-iilarly nliHerved that the
poure pnrstird hy the fedt r'nl p.irly in lliis Slnlt,
in rlaiiiiiu-; tn lic the renl Jcirersouiali Deinnrrals,
carrie with it twn tlislinrt nml iuipnrlant ndiui
xinin. 1'rrst, it ninuuiiN tn 11 i'niifuion that thc
Deiiioeratie priiiciplcspfncl.iiuu'd nml ai'trd ttjiuri
hy JeHbrnoii nro riitlit nnd rnusequently, ihat the
njipnsitc dnctrines nltnuld hu rcjuctcd as heing
winnt;. .Sei-midly, it rnnliriiis what we haventcail
ily devlared,lli:il'lliu two parlies are diitli'd tipnu
the old grouiuU nf Hepiihht-aii nnd I'cdt'ral, t-ini-o
if cacWla'lns t'the thfi lii'puhliraii nr llemorratie
parlyrar.if rfiarges tlin olher willi rieilig thu foiler
al party, holli neresarily ntlmil that llnne nrc lltu
twn c.Mlinji parties. CoiHiileiing ihfstilijVct up
nn this crounil, the whnli! ilispnlc hclwevu iisaml
nur nppoiients is rcdiu-ed lo n cinglc ipitinn of
nct, aml tlial n, wliicli nrilio two p.irliesisactnal
lylho Deinocralic, and whicli Ihe l'ek'nil 'hny.
In nhnrt it U 11 iiicreipliliniinf'fiii'y.
I Irivcnlrt'ndy said that (icncrnl llainillnn was
thc foumlcr ofllic I'ederal p.irty, nnd I will now
show 1111 what liis tlorlrincs were. As a itieui
her til'lhe eonventiimlii fornkiv rniHMitinn ofd'nv
ernnicnt fnr thesc t-'lates, he nrlfd a ronspicintis
p.irt, siiid in n mii'.tIi dclicrid hy him in that
I'niiveutinn nn Ihe liMh of Jiinc 1787, we find ihe
fnllnw'ing p.issagesi
'.My nlliiatloii Ii ilis ijirri-nlili-, liut It wimtd lie rrimlnal
not tii rome liirw.iril im mini'atliiii of mich inaziilttiilc. I
lisvr will rniMidrriil llir nil.jret, nnil mn roiiliir(-ilthitt 110
u.nendninttof thr ronli'ili-rntii'ii ran nnsner Ihe ptirpop of
a iroo.1 i:iii'ruiiif'iit, 10 Imttr a M(r bmtrrletMiri i, in
ny -, rxl'l," ''! Ii lii te Ilie llrttlli t!of
ennnelil foruillirhe,-iTirti!e thp worltl vcr prn.luecil
II Is nniil Hltli'ns lolir iinalr.iliintilr, Imr II It ni rp onrp
foriiiiil It winitil malnluln ll'lf. All iii.iimnnllles ilirlili
llii'MKi m iiiln llip frw nnd Ihe h.aiiy, Thrjirtlarr I.He
rtfft nndtftlt lorn, Ihe ttthrr Ihr tntin nf thr ;ihi. Tlir
vnlcc of thr p(.iif Ins Imi'H nald lo In- llip wiirp of (i'iiiI,
Imt Is il not inip in olnt of farl. Tht iftptnrr tttliu
IrnK nml rhnnzlnctthri Mtldomju ljr nrJitrrminerlehl.
(.'iri:tlirrirn-In llirllrd rl.ro (Ilie rich mul mll linrn) n
ilMinct iii.d prrinaiii nt rharp In Ilie (iiitrrnnii iit. (,'an
n llemorratie Ae:nldy uliiniounM) rrtnltp In the ini
i.f llu-pmple, he iipiiiiil sttailily lil uiriie Ilie piildie
EmhI . XnlhlMt Imt n n rni.iiii nl li'ivlvraii ilieelthelm'rif
lenrp of Deinorraey. Tlnlr liiilnilrnl and iincoatrolinf
ilUposiliou reiuires clierln.'
Afler lliusdecl.iring hiiusplf niinst ",'latp snvp
reijtnly in arly pll.ipc,' nnd in fuor nf'giiing "a
dislmrl aml prrnianent slurc inthe Cntprniiipnt
tu thc rich and wpII liorn," in rtclusinn nf "the
inass nf the penple,'' nnd nscrting ihat "the ppn
p!c werpturliiilcnt nnd clming.and that Hieynel.
dnin judgi'd nr dpteriuiucd riht,' (irn. llainillnn pm
pnspil to thc ('iiitM'iilion lii ilr.nlit nf 11 Consli
tiiliiin. Thc prinripal featurps nf his plan werc
that therc kIiuiiM b a I'rtiiJcnt and Htnaltfor
lifc, and Ihat thc (Invcnwrs of thc Slatri shottltl
1.- .....l- n . . t. . . .
hc uppointttl hy thc ('en"ral Oovcrrmi'nl, umt
Imvc nn ahsoliitc ncgattvc in thc ptmage of all
atiaie laws.
It niay nlsn he proner tn explain In vnu the prin
piple.s nvnwi'd hy .Iniin Adains, tho feilcrnl l'riTi
dent uftho llnit'cd .States frnm 171)7 to 1801, ilu.l
whn wns superscded hy Jlr .leHersnn. In n work
.uhlUheil hy hiiu, hcfnre his elct'tion to the l'resi
dency, hu put forth thc folb'viug M'lit'uni'ii'.s ;
"Thc dUliiii tlnn nl pnor and rich is n nci 1 hsur) In fUnti s
nf roiislilrmlilu rMt iit, n lahor aml soiiil ow-rnmrlil ;
Ihe ponr nrc dcMliinl lii lnl.or, nnd Ilie rnh hj
tlie iidtniitajes nf ediieatlou , inileendiiice niid
lei-ure, ure iiinlilied I'or snpciior ntntioni.. The iinltiinl
arist'icrucj nlelnld rm-lM'.ils natiirnl and Ju-t wcUhl In
niriet), hj sivins It h' nnal iiontrlii niienl tn ni;ilinsl
thc-pmlmas nf Otv ptuplc." The penple of ull
nallons ure ditlded inin tun Mirts the (hntltmtn, inid
ihe.Vimi,7(ir,n wnrd whii h ii liero 11-ed tu hi;nif) carn
inonpiuple, or lulioiem, hii-handiiieii, luccluniii-s ,v.e.; iii.d
the Utiillcwtn will urill.inl) lie rleher aml liorn of moie
noleiif.iniila K."
"JI'I shniild unilertale lo ,ay thut Ihere neer wusii
iinud (iiiM'innieiit intlie wmlil, tliat ilidiuit nin-iM of tlie
ihree (.neeies, nion in arn-lneiii" nnd deiii(ierae, I
lliluk I niay make IlKood." "I nluill oliow iaini.ulier
plaee, thut a utilntitt ur ttcntri, in a popnl.ir !incriiuiil,
not neilialaiM'iiij; il, i Ihr liry lift mul mul nl il."
I will heru ndd nn p.Mrart nf 11 li'ller frniit that
di-itiuguMivd patiiot, Jnliti J.aiigdnn, of Npw
llaiiinshire, uddre.sspd'lo (icneral iatinicl Itiliiiuld,
nf .Mitrvlnud, tinder dat oftlio Itltli nl' Ootnln r,
18(1(1: "Iit tho coiivpr.salinn iield between .Mr Ad-
aiu.s,.Mr T'lj'lor.nml mj.spl.f, .Mr Adains certainly
c.presi.ed hiinelf(ns l.tr nn my ineinnry ere.s
ine) jn tliLMcrv wnrds inciiliniipd in jnu'r letler,
Ihat is to wiy, that he hnfi'Pd nr eppppd tu see Ihe
day when JlrTnylnr.aml hisfrieml.Mrd'ilpwnuld
bu cimxinccil that the penple nf Aineriea wnulil
nnt hu happy withnut nu heredilary Chief Magis
tratennd Keiiatu, nr nt leat fnr'lifp." This it
will he sccn, wus w Itit-t .Mr Adains wus 1'rcsi
th'id .uftho l'liiled Slnti's.
You will prpci'iVe, my u-U'ihIh, that Mr Adains
includes iimier the denniiiiuatioii nf Similcmcu,
the f.inners nml inecliaiiiis, Aeenrdiug tu his au
Ihurily, Iheiefoie you nre nnt (lenjluncii hut Sim
llcmtnt -llnw tie Uonld rnuk mf, were he now
liv.ih),' whether niiinng tlie tlentlcmeii nr the Sim
I'lcmcn I pnnnnt miv. l'rnliahly hnwcver, the
saiiic as ynurst'lve.s, .,)iee mv filhcr was 11 f.iriuer,
nml I -4a.s hrnught up (in a lariii, and mi.niiiist fat
luprs, though I uflrrwnrds hecnine 11 lawUT. Hut
mi I'.ir as I iuav bo pi'iuitteil lu hac u'choieu in
llio inalter, it is tu reuiaiu 11 siiiililrinaii icith you.
.Snrli were tliu dnclrincs nml ilaiis nf (ieiieral
llntniltun nnd Mr. Ad.uus, aml 11s miuii asd'en.
Washiii.'lun rntiKd fium the (I'uM'ruuienl, the
took ralid slndeslowurds earrying tlieiu inln ee.
cutioii ; uik'i'd Ihufuriuer.a.s r;ue'ii liir nf ihe Treas
ury, iluring llio ailiniiii-lrali'iii nf (ienera) ali
iiiatuii, wus roverlly, tlrrn'dsli ihe o'stahlisiunent nf
n 'ntinnal llnnk, 11 ,1.1 llle luiiding sxslpiu, layiii"
his fnnildatinii fnr future iippriit'inM. Il wa's lu
tllesii firt'nitte.rppuhlieanapts,epeciay tna great
llank, that Mr. .1 'M t-r-mi uppused hiinpf, ns lieiiij;
hnth iiiipnuslitiitiuual aml iiippeiliiiui. A sehism
iu the rnliinet nf (ieiieral Wahinylon was tliu cun
seipienpe, uil'l Mr. Jellprsnn retiri'd tlniu Ihe 1)p
partniPiit nf Htule, and went iuto privute lifp.
Ilero then we Ii.ivp u liew of Ihe principles
lilinil whieh the I'ederal nnrlv "lu etalilisieil.
Tlie prim iplt's nf Mr. .lellerstni, whn niay hecnn
sidcrcd us ihe lir.-l aml ureat head nf ihi' ili'lu
uerutic p iily nf tliis euuiiln, aro I'Uutaini'd iu ihe
Dei'laralinn nl Imtcpcmlciip, wliicli wnsilrawn up
hv him, nnd '.vcrn ulo iirucliiiiuptl iu Ins inaiii'ii-
litl address us I'rwiik'ilt, deliU'rpd nu iIip llh nf
Mnreh 18(11.
Uill w'o mav nhtain 11 Mill furllter view nf llieir
eharaeter, hy the fnlluwing pasages I'rom his pnb.
lislieil I'orrpspniidi'liep,
"We inny aav wllhlriilh and ineaiiliiz. Ihat L'orimnienls
are liinrv nr le reiiildienn, 111 lhe li.ne niore or Ii ss ol
Ilie eleineut of pojiiil.ir i liclluii nnil eoulru! iu thelreoiu.
nosltlont nml l,ilitiiii-, ut do, thut Ihr mim nf tht
rilitrn i.i Ihr mfctl tlrpmitary nf Ihilr nnu riihti, I nm
nfiientl lo Ihat compmiliun nf si.vtrumtnt, illiicli m.
m ( thr mait of thli iitsrcJitnt, "
"The true fonniln'lm nf D nnlillrnir f.'niernincnt U the
cn il rlht ofuvir) rillen, iu his per.ou nnd prnpi rl,
(tntl in thiir linntasiintnt. Trj liy this, as a lallj, eerj
prntlxlon of nur eonlltiitlon, ainKee if It liitno ilin-ctl
011 thr 11 ill nf Ihr iniir. l.ct iM r in iu whn HcIiIk nr
in),i'rrrisr ins jiisi iiiuiciiiiii rigniin Inc t lci'tloiK."
Aml ugaiu :
"Otirs, (tho objpcl nf Ihe ri'iuihlieim partv) nn
llio rnutr.irv, was tu liiaiutaiu the will nf llio nia-
jurity nf ihc ruiiveiitiun, nml e!1 the penple tln'iii-
selves; u liclit'Wil with' tl'l'iu, lh.1t inan wasn
'riitioil.il nu'ihial, pinliwt'd liv iiaturu wilh rh-hts,
... 1 .. -.i i -.. 1 .1 . 1
ami wiiiiuu iiiuaio ieuu oi ju.iice , umi 1 11:11 110
rnultl hu re.lrniiied I'ruiii 1011 nml iirulppli'd in
ri,dit, liy liiodcrute powers, I'uiilided tu pnrMins nf
his uwii chfiicc, nml held In llii'ir ilulies hv ilcieu-
di'iice 011 his uwii will. Wc belicvpd lh.it the
puiiiiilieated ir'':uii'itinii nf kini's. nnbk's, aml
nriests-, wus- imi thc wic!' nnr lli t tn uH'pi t the
liappiiip!s ol nssnciateil iijiiM,:,,tliat wisiiuni aml
irtue wi're nnt hi'ri'dil.iry ; ihat the trappins nf
ueh a iuat'hliipry puiisuiued b llieir e.pcnsc thnsu
carniiiys nf iudiilry lliey weru tneaiit In prnlecl,
nml, by tliu ineipialities thev proilu I, cvpnscd
liherlv to KiilliTiuifC. W'e fielieved lh.it ineii 111-
jnying in casu nml sprurity the full fruits oftheir
nv.'ii iniltiMry, rnlntccl liy all llit'ir liitcrests 011 tlie
siilo of law aml order, h.il'ituated to think frir thi'in
si'lves, and fnllnw llieir re.isnu us llieir uuide,
wnulil lie niiire easily aml sal'ely nvprued, tli.111
wilh tiiiiiilsiioiiri'lii'd 'iti errnr, nml xilialcd nnd ile
based as iu lliirnpe, hv iiuiraiicc, indim'iiro nnd
unnrpssinn. 77ip ch'risluiirnt of thc inoiilc then
ipim our principtc, Ihdfcar aml ilintrust if theuit
inai oj if oiner jiariy.
lu the pliilaiitlirnpieaiidrriiisolini; fiilli nf n true
dciuncrut, Mr. Ji'll'prsnu liu'd aml died. IS11I teu
d.iys bel'urn hisile.ilh, iu riTeri'iici to the Dcclnrn
tiou nf liiileppiidenee nnd its frnits, n- iiaiil :
"May il he In Ibli vnrld,-whal I belipvc it wi!i
he (toMiiuc pnrlsMioiicr, lontliprt-lalcr, hutliiKillv
lu nll) the .sijjn.il nl urmisilig inen lo btir.'t the :
I'lnins iimlpr wliu'li tumiUKli innrnuce aml siiper
Klitiuii liad ppmiiudeil llieui In himl tliPiuselves, aml
nssuine the blessings nml cecnrily of celf uverii
iiieiil.. Tlnit furiii which we h.ivu subslitutetl, re
stnres tlie frpe rqhl tn the iinbnuuik'd excrtisi: nf
rpasiiiiniid frepilnni nrnpiniun. All pps areoii'ii.
eil, ornpcnililn iHp rifHits nf inan. 'The ceneml
cpread nf thc liejit nf ieipiici! Itfis alrt'ajy la M npen
lo cery iew Ihe pilpahle Iriith, lliil llle mass
nf iiiankiud has nnt liei n Imni wilh saddh's nu their
baeks.irir 1 fiiriiritefcicbontr I nirt ijiurre l,ic-i.ly
tn ri'lc thrm let:Himattlj, by thc pruce of Cnt."
inw wchati! llio disliuelixc ph.irurlers nf the
urigiiial p.irties, nml we will xcewhich nf the twn
prpspiit parlips cniuparps wilh ihe old I'ederal, aml
whieh wilh llipnld rppiihli:an party.
The gteal and Sivnrite inea.ure nf fieneral
llniiiiltuii nml Ilie fpdcrahl -.rai'ii Xatioual llank ;
nml tlie Adiniiiistratiuii is trpuiiouly rtiiitpndiii
fnr thc sanie olijert. .Mr. Jell'ernn nnd hisfrieiids
were nppnspil lu niirh nn iintitution, aml Ihe
fiiemls nf the prpspiit Adiuinistratiun lnake tlie
aliic iippusiiinii liow.
The fi'deral p.irty was opueil lo the naturnli-7-itinn
of furcigners. I.'ndcr (ienetal Wn.sliing.
tnn, fivc'yrar.s rrsidcnpc h.nl bpcn inade neccss.irv
fnr n forcigner In bcrniue a rilizen, but wheii Mr.
Adains cninn intn iilliec, thc time was altered tn
fiiiirtccn jear.s. Ilufus Kiug,.fliir niiliMiT tn I'ntf.
lalid nt liut liiuc, nbjecled jig.nnst thc ciuisratin'u
tn lliis cntintry nf' excrnl ditinguihpil Itidi pi
trints whn were llieu iindriuiicd in (liiiii'"iin
nierply fnr pulitjpnl nllc'nccs ; iu otlirr Wnrds fur
allcmpting to rrlst llrilii-h Urntiuy; iu cou'prpt-ucc
nf which several ol1 tht'rn lingprcd nnt llieir exis
Ipinu iiipnuliN'iueut, nr tt-ern dra'!;i d In the sciif
fnld. Iiii Mr. .lell'erM)ii cnine iu, the law nf res
uIpiipi) xias ullered baek In I'nu jcars, and the 1111
fnrtiliialu and peiseeulpd nf other enuntries luno
.since then heen reeeived here, nml in n reaMinahlo
tiine udinilled to the riijhts ul'pili.en-.liip. Tho
nppns.itinn paity ure nKvin.s cnntemruig 11'tiinst
this principle, aml they nro' nnw elliiij! up neie
ties, umler Ihe nanie ut A'ulire Jlincvicun W?o
riiilhm, fnr the purpne uf rrvnliii un iullueiice
ajrainst tho iialurulizalian of 1'oreiguers umk'r nny
t II, I'n-i 1)1)011 .jhnwn that Ilaiiiiltnii nml Adains
liulh waiijeil tn degradu tlie pnmiiinn nml hiburiiii;
t'liises of tho penple, hy ecluding lh 'i 1 frnm ihe
pr'uili'gesln he pnjnu'd liy the 'rich aml well bnni,'
nml hy ihe "gcntlcnipn."" ('niiseiiuenlly the "renl
hndy uf the peoplo were m'liemlly spnken of willl
pnut'empt, aml deinaleil by Ihe uppellalinii of
rabblc. '1 he saniueuur.-.e is pnrMinl li the uppo
Hlion of tlie jlricnt 1l.1v. hrn Ihe i're-idenl of
Ihe rnited Hlnles nrriied at riaralnga at suminer,
lie wasp.scnrlPil mln Ihe plaee hy 11 lai!;eeniieniirse
of penple, tho tiin-l nf whoni Wi'ie iJir'iiCW The
npposition iaper, willl a iew nf deradin Ihe
t harneler nf Ilie prneesjiuu, iiverted that it was
ehielly ma'lu up nf perMins uht iii'le'iii triiaoim
ii'ilhnnt spi imj.1 ! hen he p issed ilnwn l.uke
(.'Iruiiplaiu aml landeil ut lltirlintun liiraii hnur or
two whero u great nunilier uf Vermont furiners
nml meeh.iuics were nsseiiihled In hako haiids willl
him, un nppnsiliuu paper slated ihat Ihe n-ciii-lilnju
Was rL'-peelnblepmn:K yoii nf nuinlcrs ;
tliu iuiuiialiiig Ihat iu any olher seu-.u il was nnt
repeetable. i)r, in plaiii I'ederal langtiagf, that
llio I'resident was reeeied hy a riibbte.
In ndilitioii t'i ull this we hae latek wiluesed
ihe iuslanee ul'u maii in the Seuatu uf tliu Slnlu nf
i.Ne'.v Vnrk, whn prufe-sed to ho a republieau, aml
pnke well of the penple, fnr the grealer part nf
his lifu, but who, ul'li'r hawiig deseited I'rnui his
party, nml juiued lliu nmks nf thn uppnMtinii,
thuiylit he cuuld gixu nn yi' ifrr prnnf of the iu
eerity uf hs iniiM'rsiuu, nur (lu un thing 11:010
a'ifi'alile to tho I'eelius uf his new hrelhren, than
ta uttaek aml aluiso the eiiiiiii.cin ii'nple. Accnnl
ingly in llm debalo iipuii the iew nrk Keyitiy
Aet, he declnrod ihal Ihe liill wus iutemli'd tn pre
piil " Hailnrs, nliliLTs, Irishnieii, nnd olher eatllc,
frnm vuliii." Thusranking thuse w hn weri-hnn-nrnlily
M'rxiua thcir enuiitrj , nml the uiifuiluiiute
nml per.-i ciili il hi-liineii whn had dimiI'I an n I11111
uiiinuiig us, with Ihe bi ute rrentinn.
Our nppniienls, in ii-uiniiii; the uaine nf7iif,
uie eiide Miriug In li upon us Ihe appellalinn of
'I'oriei. IfW'e hiillt al l!ie seu-e iu whieh the-'e
lerins nre gi'iierulh applied 111 the cnuntiy 111 wlneli
lliey had their on'uin, it will bu fnuiid that Ilie
Tni'ies (unstilute thn liigher nnd rieher rlasses nf
the puiuiuuiiilx , while lliu WhL' parly is cniupo.
ed, lunre i;i'iierully, ol'lhu eomil.nii aml lahniilii!
penple. 'I lie Inries, lunciill tiii iiiM'i'-llie fiiemls
nf gund guVeiniiienl, aml Uoiiiervtttiie, nml
elmrjin the Uhigswilh beiug llnJieuh nml l)e
ttru'etirri. Nnw, is it nnl a milnriuus f.iet Ihat iutlie 1 "iiilcil
Slale- Ihe uppiiiliun inen I'laiui nll 1 1 11 weallli 11111I
ri'spectaliilitx usielnii'iuirlu llieir piily ? Dnthex
nnt enntanli rlnilii, n the Tories iu rii:taml iln,
lo hc the ueluie liieuds nfulder mul gnnil v
erninenl, aml ul-o call iheiu-el'es f .'., rn c.s ,
white nt the kiiiio ti.e llii'V -liiiialie Ilie suppur
lers uf the Admiui.lralinii 11s l.m u-I'aro, llnnienl
nnd Drilrtictirci l Tlnt the uppnitiun parlx
uetually h.ie niore weallli nt llieir eniumaml tli.111
nur parly, 11 11 nnt lie dniihled. I inean, ut lea-l,
innie ni 'fue eapil.il, nr that ulii. ll luuy be eiuii
miimled ur iippiupriated ut plea-uie, fur ihe neeuin-
p'.ishuipiit nl any em, whelher t". 1 r I ur i'nr i:il.
A re,'it inajnrity nf the ini'rchaiils aml .hup.kpp.
peis, aml all, ur nearly wi.nf thebrnkers nml spee
iilatnrs, nre with theopiosiiinii. Imleed ihat parly,
ihrnuulioul tl!e I'uilcd Sl.iles, is priueipillv inaile
npuf tliesii elases, luellier willl llieir elcrKs, mul
all nthers umler llieir eniilrnl. The parlj iu f.ixnr
uf tho Ailn.iaiMralion i alnui-'l. iillui'lher' euiii
pncd nf f.iriners, iuech.ini".s, 11ml labnrili;; nieii,
Aml nn uue will denv ihat ai.lnng the Ihrmers aiiil
ineeh.tnies, epeetnliy tlie fniliii r, ihere ei.N a
Ure.tt ileal uf Milid nml pcriii.'inpiil weallli ; llniuli
il dnes not make the huv, nor is il, nf tli.it aetie
aml eniiM'rtible pharacti'r, hy whi-li ihe l.iml nf
weallli iu tho It.inds uf the otluT elas.es iiipiiI nned
is ilistinpiirrtcil. liut as tir renl Imnc-ty, fair
ilealiii iinil di-ililcri'slpd p'atrinlisui, wli.it iiup.ir
tiiluml M'tisihlp pernn will say lh.it the classes
lir.t des'rihcd pus.p.ss tilhe uf tliem.ai- euiiip.ireil
wilh the great liody nf llip eoiiianr) nml wurking
nieii ol" tliu enliillry " .
Itshould hy 110 iiienns hp fnrtfnttcii tlnt wilh the
nppusilinii p irly, aml their lupans us just dpseriheil,
areiiuited llio iiitmemiis llaiiksthruiinhiiiil llieeniin
Iry, nml that lliis im ri'a'-Ts iliiinenirvh ilie mnneM'd
iullueiice brnughl to hear ai;.iiut ihe gnerniueiit.
Will any ui) r 11 1 1 1 -in I lh.it the temlem'y uf sueh
iii-liliilions has cer heen, iu uny euunlry, tn liwler
or lu iiphnld real Vhi nr Itepiih'i 'un principles?
And are nnt the llanl.s, iu general, rlnsely eunnee
led with Ihe rniTi'Ii uits, hrtikers aml s!epuliilnrs
In kIiuiI, is it nntiis mitiiral fnr the innnexed pnwcr
nml all innnnpnlii's, iu eierv euunlry, lo le.ui lo
wardsariittii'nicv, as it is Air wuler'lo nni dfiwn
If'it !lioti!(l T.ir n innnipiit lic diiuiitPil wliellier
ihe liarlies were re'peeliu'lv foiHituted ns here
... Hieil Ml-t HMI. 1IIIIIII. IIIKI I. IU' )IM I. III.- , Hilll Mlll
dcscril.ed. let ine say lh.it thcre nre very lpw- wboi (1,-tli4 ,()IMl,;ll jH tleniplcd In be inaile. I)n
need un buynlid llieir nwn iiuniedi.ile iieihbnrhnud j,rini.j,iw f pnriv hecnine i haiicd becnuse
iu nrder tn be reliu d uf such ilnubt. I.nnk nt eyry p iu rnm.r nppnili.'iits eiiibnice it- failli, nml
cily, lii'ul aml villase iu the I innn, nnd it will he -,,,, j, Cim,,,,,,, nml reaxin will sav
sppiilhat the deseription uf the perMjns (oiMnt-iii!' ,(irL-rllv tti; reversp. Individiials will alwaxsinnr'e
tho onn pirty nnd tlie other, has heen riirri'ctly ,ir ,."u.l.,.IM?!ij,! rnuii oiu fidc to nnntlifr.'wlictli
drawn. Whn tlnit has bcen ui the lialut nt occa- ,.r ;t . ; pulhici or rcliaion, but tho p irties reinain
sinuallylr.iveliiiL', fnryears p il, can ileny Ihat uf (IL. wimi., miv ciiaiiiT bnl princijila nre
tlip perMins wilh whnni he has mel 111 the sl.igps,. jtill tlt ,if-. Mr. Jelfersun iotild never liaxe heen
,un b.i:ird of tho steain bnats, mul 111 tho iulIif I ,.,.cr,., Pri'idiMit li:nl imiI, nt tlisit ilav, Kiuiif itlln
hnllses, tht ruurths. 'it lcal. have heen Kiltiit iVdiTaliMic tiirned repuhlieaiis ; but'did his p.itlv
mul nuisv uppu.iiinii mrn? et llle adiiimjHra. Im.rt. . ,.. republieau parlx thaiihe-
timi h.is been uiiifurndy Mistained, nml hy Whntii ? fntv, .-;(1M, ),,, a ,row al 11-uregpiierallv 11
Why. ino.t rlp.irly, by tln inass orthe people, w hu 1 u )l0 forlnl.rv 1iui,j:(.,1 ur parlv.bnt are nmv uni
lixe by their iiulutry, nnd rpinain nt lin.ne nn Ih.-ir !h(1 ;,1 ..jft i t 1 w ilh niir,aiid llu''ir,n!d nppoiients.
finns, aml 111 llieir work shops. hse fnrui tlie m.j,,, ,liin-rsi-ii-c between us i's ju.t this. V h.ive
bnne and cclu nf the cuuutry. And if they dn ri,ri,iu,( (;.w individiials whn hae heen fedi'ral-
mit wasle llieir lun nml tliPirliiue iiiulnisin.. llieir 1,,,, .i, ,,, ,, , ,,,; .,,,,,.
nu 11 giiveri.iiient, and all w'hn djtler (rniii ihc
upiniou, they are he.lrd fruin MvaAonrr 111 cyery j
yonr, nnd then llit'ir " small still inre .sp.'aliing
I'l'sps of the pnw ers cuiiibineil ngainst llipiu, aml
eausps llieir idul gnds In Irpluhlo nnd In tutter.
llirnugli llirimiiui mun, 1..... - ......... - 1
I huM' alreaedv n'uldpil tn llio diflereiit nppella
lioiis which our n'ppii its hac nt vm'uius limes as.
siin.ed', and nn,v lcl lueask n iv fellnw ciliens, '
what wnnld 1111 lhilik.wh.it wniih'l llip wurlil thhik ,
nfau indixi.liial whn snmih! cb:ui2.T hisnaiuc everv
Wnulil it nnt lie .siipllnsciltli.it it was iloue
liirsniue ili-lioiiest nr iinprnpr putpese.' In shnrt,
wnulil il nnt roiiiplctuly destrny ln rppiilatinn f
Well, ii'lbi uoiilil bc s'n wilh a'11 itnlitidiinl, why
sbnulil it nnt hu ilie aiue willl n pnlitienl iiarty .'
And lierc let ne fhuw nn what Mr Jnl'.'cr fln
liiniself h is nid nn this siibjeet. In n letler to
.Mr I.iving'lnn, wtilleu nn tlie llh nf April 1821,
w c lind Ibese rcinarks : " Vou w'dl lind, I suppo.e. J
un reiiting nur inatitnnc Hl iles, Ilie iiaints nl
lhiii"s inore rhaiiged thaiilhj things thpiiiches ;
Ih.it"' Ihoueli nur old oppnticnls liav'e e'vpti up
their nppellalion, iKexfiave imt, inassiinimgniirs,
iih.iild.ined their icw-s,and that thev arc na strong
ne irlr ' Ihey cvciwirc " '
In Tui ker'.s lifoof Jcfl'erMin it appears that in a
letler tu Mr (iiles,' xvvitlcil in 18-Jj, whilo Jnhn
((uiiipy Adams wns rresideut, ho wijs, that
"llirnugli the coiiri-e, ofallack ofthofederal party
is now L'hanged, theii priiieiples reinain the saiuo:'
nnd that they nnw look tn "11 singlu aml spk'iidid
g'ueruinenl ufuii nristnrrncy Ihuuded nu buiihs
aml olher moncyeil roriinralion, whkh wnulil be
In tlii.'in Ilie ne.xt hv- hlesing tn thc moimrchy of
their ftrsl uim, nnd peihap.i the surcst stpppiug
tnuo to it."
Afler haviug' heard what Mr .lell'ersnn said nf
the fedeiiili-ts, ulias whigs, shurlli: litfnre his dcalli,
oii sha!l nnw lenin what thcu hae said nf him
I'M'ii ns lale us tho jearlt-lll, whieh wiisnfler
their uarly had pased thniiih .-exeral of the pre
U'lided trnu.fnrmntiniis, 'I he lalo Williain fiilli
van ul' l'otini, :i 111:111 ofreat distiiietiuii iu ihat
parly, in 11 work puhli-hed by him in tlie yonr jut
inenliuued, saxs ; ".lell'eiMin has by this exniiiple
aml oliiuious ifuiie mnie lluin anv nlher 111:1 11 lu
inilead nml pervcrt liis I'ellnrt eiliens.J' r
.-nieiingly ealls Amlrew Jaekuii "Ihe u;ci)uine
manoj Ihe jieuilr, "nml apuaks uf hiui as haxinj
"a lieaii aml neuit nnl neiier tlian 1 tuiimi.s .leiier
iiii liu'd." (ieiieral llaiuilluu, iu the samo ,-neer-iii;?
nniiiiier, ealled Mr .leH'ernn "Ihc inan of the
Kf," ineaiiing iu plain I'njtli.M ihat had ;K ho
wiis.Ac irns ju.t uootl eiinui!h for Ihcin.
'J hu editnr uf the Iln-tmi Cuurier, 11 lciiiliuj;
iiindcrn whig, in his pajier uf thefllhnf May 181!!,
in nnticing lliis wnrk uf Mr. Siilmm, iiherxt's :
'(ie'iernl .liick-nn is netiug 1111 tlie principle nf
.lcli'ersmi, nnd is carrj hia uut tliu paliinlic iluelrue
nf Ihat ureh .laculiin in is fullest oMoiit. Wc nre
nnl of ihe party whn wnr.-hip tliu dead or llio li
iiit! idol. '1 he prim iples aml the iidminNtrntinii uf
.Mr. .Ii.'H'cmiu luue dnne mnre tn luriucnl tlii. na
tinii than ull the pkigucs descrihcd in tlie Apucn
lypse cnuld dn if inllieled nt nne b!nw."
.nw,im friends, I lliiuk tnn will nll ngrec wi'h
lue Ihal I liae ulready I'lirin-linl evidence enniih
tn sali-l' any reannalilu iniml, that the pie.eul
nppu-ilinn party is nulhiug mnro nnr les thm the
-aiue old I'ederal parly nf llniuillnii aml Adams,
ur ut leasl, a ciiiiliiiiialieii nf il upnn ihe saiue
Uiuumls, Aml aUn, thal the fiiemls nf the pres
eut niluiini-.tralinii cnnilale Ilie parly whieh Iruly
ripecK tliu ineinnry nf .Mr. .leller.uii, nnd nelu
ally 11 1'ieres n ilie iriiieiples prnmul:ilid hy hiiu.
Hut I liaxe Mill s-on ic furlher l,imlmail hy whieh
llio nld parlies can ho diliuelly tineed nml recng
nird. Kxeryfftttn in Ihe I'ninti whi-h nled fnr Mr.
.fclli'i-siiii in ISIIII. nnd everv Stalewbieii "it-tn ini'il
tlie iueiisiircK nf Mr. .Madi-un, duiiii!.' the glnoiuy I
ears of IbIII nml 181 1, vtci lur (ieiieral ,lnel,-
"miii, nml uflerwards fiir.Mr. Van llun'ii, 'J'liis fact
of il-i'!f gops f.ir townrd- iroxing ihat fnr which I
uin cunti'iiding.
I ire-iina! ynii ull reim'iuber, nr bae heurd of,
ilie faihiius, orrulher itifnmoun llnrtfnrd Coiivcii
tinn, which was held 111 llie year I8I I- Itis 11 un
Inruiiis 1 mi nckiinwleilgi' lact that ull Ihe ineii.hcr
of ihal cnnvt'iitinii nre uppo-cd In ihe preenl i.d-inini-lrnliiiii,
nml ihniniih o'nii lundeiii wbigs,
So, indeeil ure ull llio n'd wnr lederaliMs, wilh nnw
nnd llien nn iii(liiiliial eecptiun, upnn which I
will miv -muelhiiljf direcllv, Aml rtilhin a'few day s
past 11 fcderal inembi'r nl ("onere.-s I'nnn ,a-,i-cliiiselt.s,
(Mr Sallnn.lnll) who was nn ihe enui
inilleo 111 the l.oe.is'uture nf that r'lale iVhicli re
pnrlcil the plan ul'the liailfnnl ('uiaentiun, iimler
liink 1 1 il I'friul , nu the lluur nf llio llnuse uf liep
rpspiitntives, the principle. uflh.it ( uiiM'utimi, aml
lhno upnn whieh llio fcderalilir ncteil iluring ihe
war. This samo Hartford Couveiilinuist, nnd
atiiul uini;, (drpat (ind ! wh.il pererinn ol
I'unes !) is nnw aclilig us uue ul'u eenliul eominil.
leent Washington, tn pruihnlu llie'eleelinn ol'd'pii
eral llnrri-nn, nml, uf cuurse, tn seatler ull sorN
uf abuse ;ig liust the Aihniiiislrulinii nml tho l)e-tmt-ntiic
I.el us come In soine prneepilings whieh lnve
lakeu plaee in nur nwn r'lale, In ihe ear
the f:'deralils oblaincd a inajnlily iu tfie IIiiiim'
nf Awuutly,. but we lill relaliied llle cleat
er iiiiiuber nf tlie t'oilncil. A resiilutimi
was p'lscd hy the latlt'r lindy, au.l sent tn ihe
llnuse fnr enm'iirreilep, Uliell proposed ihat the
niemliers nf liulh linun's shnulil ivlnene un a day
itieiiliuued, tu ull'er t'p thaiiks tn Aluiiilhly (ind
fur ilie vielury ubtaiuud hy lltn Ameriean Ar
inv iiuder (ipupral llairi-cin, near the riei
J'lei'nes, ner llio cninhined fnrees uf Ilie
llrili'li nnd lildiaus. (lu the ipielinn nf i nil"iir
ring wilh ihe Cniincil iu p.i.s'ing the resiilutimi,
nijii'l -li i! (all the llepubiicuiis) Miicil iu I'uwir
uf it inid everv iViluralnl, theru heiug nuu liiimlred !
nnd eiglit war lcdcrnlMs (ihat is, ihr war wilh
their uwii (iiivpriiliieul) I allirin ihat hut 11:.' 1.
pver his cnine ojer lo nur parly. I lind nsn thal
lliirl v-lliree u!'1 tlieni nro nnu-ilea.l. hut nf the ".'.
eui,-nu 111 hij; iMir., i iiij iii'i 'cjn iih: iiiio
ulready nlli.iled to) in a Ihnuiough guing mot
eru n'Al';'.
liut we Ime heen Inid ihal we liave in nur par
tv Mime whn h.tve Iippii fpilernlisiisanil th.it, tbere
luri! ihe p.nlies nr" untdivided upnn ihe old "tniimls.
This U bnlh Imi w'eak nnd tnn stale In desere any
serinus nutice, hiitns I nm nnw upmuhis suhjecl,
I will say a Wnrd nr tto 111 rcpinl tn this pniut,
Thetr11lhisth.it snme I'uiir or live persoiis whn
li nl liecii knnwn ns fi'deralits in lliis .'late, juiued
our ptrlv len nr twelve xe.irs 111:11, ubauilnnina
.1...:. 1 '...1 1 ....
j M m,f ;irMrl-(M 1,0,. ,L.V a're iri? with
,((, ,,rfll, ll0 , tl, ,((. ef ,;il.;f ,M
r,..iy .,. Af mncrecl ih ilelitij,antl'
,,f rf, U ,7, in;if yif, ,), prrjllilteci
.N'otwilhstandiuc, hnwevcr. ihal the liulloWnei's 1
oriheprPtPiisinns uf llipuppnsilinn p.irty tn the prin
cip'es of Deiuoerupv, luav bpseen as we have
1 f. 1 ...'!! 1 .!.. ..!.!..! II I I
nnw seen it hv their nleiitily wilh the old federal
p irty nnd their ill rnncealed ndhorenco to o,ne nl
the ilislingnnhing aml niili-rppiiblieaii doclrnips nf
tlnt party, ycl Ihere still reinaitis a pnblie fact tn
ne nuueeii niuen iiii.ii.-in.iiiu uu . i.i.-ihi ren n 1.1-
tal tn thcni. Aml Ihal s, that thev ilare not eonic
nnt nml in.ike to the people, nt this liine, nn npen &
p.xp'icilnxowal nf llieir principles anil nbjects. liut 1
will say sniiipthiug mnre upon tluspninl ,1 little fur
lher on, nmrwill nnw briefly exniuine a fcw of
their eomplaint.s ng.iinst the Adininistratinn.
I lic Inilcppmleiit I rp:inrv liill ulnrli tt is prn
.. . . ..'. .i'i. i..i
tnispil tn piss, staml. brst on thc list, aml rrom llip
liuo nml ery wni'ii ins neeti rnisen irom iiieniie
pMrcir.iiy of the I'ninii tntl Ihcr, iiiip iuiiht nl
lirst be kd tn mppnu tlnt this inpa.iire involved
nme iiewiindeMranrilinary princip c, whirliwonld
almost uprool tho fiiundation of tho (ovpriiinent
itMoir. II ut this is not ta. The triith n, tintcad of
hcing Ihe iiitrniluetiuu uf a iipsv urinci;)le, it is a
inere inatler uf delail, cnleululed to cartry ilul ihe
piincip'es uftho i uu.litutiun,. nnd uf Iuas nearly
usold ns tho cuii.lituliun. 'I hu twn maiu pm
i.inns of llio I'ill nre. lirst, that ihe (ivernment
shall keep its uwii imiupy ; and, sec.imlly , that it
shall he ciillectiil, aiiil paid uut, uI'Ut u ceilain
tiine, iu guld und siHcr.
Thefiamers uftho ('nn.tiliilinu, by itihPrting the
irui.ioiis that "un iuoney shall he drawii liniii llio
treasiiry but in cnn.eipicncfnf npprnprialinns iiiade'
hy law," certnilily cunteinplated the estahli-li-nient
of wliat oxcry (iuverintieiit in the world has
a Treasiiry Dcpartincnt. 1 hen vu lind that i'h
snon as tho lnn'flruincnt wus organi.'d iimifr thn
eiiii.liliil.on, iz. 011 Ilie i uf f'epleiiiber I'b'.), a
law wus p,i-.ed e..lahli.iing such 11 dcpartmeut nml
llio Ist eetinn prnxides I'nr the iippuiutiiieill, n-
iming the ulicei., uftho Trensurer. '1 he. -llh sec
liim ol'the aini; nct mys : "It shall lie !h duly
nf the Trea..urer to i'm riic und htep the inum'yi- nf1'
the I uiled Mnteo, und tn (li-hliro the -ii'i.e upon
.Mirruiils ilianu by ihe .''ecrelury uf the Trcan.ry ,.
C'iiiulci..iucd hy Ihe ('nn ptrnller, m d iei nnli d
hy ihe l!c!i.iet, nml nnt ull:. rwi.e." 'J he.e pro
m-iiiiis reiumn 111 lulllince, liut Ilie parlienlar 11 a'l
ncr iu whieh the Tre.isi.rer .ball kecp ihe irnney
Ikn ncM r heen -ellli d by law e.vecpt that diirin'g
ihe eilenee nflhel I'.iltd r'lntes rnuk 11 pr vii.iuii
iu Iho eharter rt qiiiii d the pi.h:ic ii.uney tu bethero
depn.'ili d, e.vcepl when ihe r-'eireluiy nflbeTrcns
ury .linuld ntln iwi-e diri'ct. 'J ho liill in rpie.linn
prnwiles llio n.eaiis fnr ciiabling ihe 'J re.isiir'r Pt
jieifuiiii tliu ilul in posed i.poii him hy the act of
i7M), uf kei uinjj tlie piihiie imuiey, in 11 innniicr'
best cnleulated In sccuiu tliu (iUeinuicnl ngaiust
ln-.i's or di .Iih iilidns.
illi rcgaid lu the cnllf clinn an.l di.liursn'pnt of
ihe piiblic iom iu.e (i'gn:d aml .-iier, We lilul Ihat
( nngrc.. has ihe pnwi r "to inin iunney nml reg
ulale the xnlue theiiuf, " Ai.d il uppeuis ihat a
prnvi.inu wn in-rrttil ihat "mi r'lale 1 1 ; 1 1 1 u.akv
miy lliiug hut guld aml silvcr cniu u teuiler in p.iy1--iiicnt
ol'dehls.' ' It i. elcar then Ihal the Cnnsii
lutiini iiicaul In olahli-h n. ihe Iil'uI iiiuney , aml
the uuly li'iral ii.nnuy, nl'lhe cuMiiliy , irn'il anl i I -er
cnin. It nppenrs furtber tbnt the !.l!lh secliuiu
nl'lhe ucl pa. d un the Illst nlMnly l8U fur llu.
i nllcclioii nf the rovcniM', det laies Mhat the duties
aml l'ee I.i hu cnlleded by viilne nl" l!li. act !iall
ho reeeived iu gnlil .imi siher i oiii oulv." Ilcrir
ui!ri! thal the principles nf lite Imlcpemldeiit
Treasiiry ure a. nld n ihe ( oii.lilulioii ile!f; umt
the bill bel'oro ( 'uiigie-s dnes nnlhiug innre t'ti.n Ii"'
pinvide liiroaiiyiug llioso irinciple prujpcrly iiitr
I deuy wlinlly ihat this will have nny iinl'.
vnrable elieet upnn uny pnrtiun nl'lhe fair lni'-iiie.s
euiuiiu.uilv. dn ihe cuulrury it widhaM'ii saluta
ry uperatinn. 'I he rpvciiiie ol'the "inerniiiciit nn
I'M'ei ding iN epei,diliiips, tliu pi.hlie I'la.ds will
bu ili-liiii-i il aliiiii-l us 'Ciiii us receii'd, ai.d thus
a cerlniu ipianlily of'-necie hu ki pt iu circulatiun.
It will liawt u lenilei.py In (lrevenl (neraclinus hy
thc llanl s, ui.d llieir cnailiilors the spcculaliirs,
whieh lu'nj leacliuiis, nml, euni qiu utly , ili.ros
tipnu Ihe euiuiiiiiuily , besiiles icnik'iing tiniuess
iiucerl.iiu und lluctualiiiL', I'ut iudepeudutly uf
nll nlher e.-iti.idernlion. it is nbs.ilalcly necc.Mirv
iu nrder In nard tho pitillic lren.iire,.wiieh nnulif,
if nnt kept hy (inw'iuiiienl nllieers, hae tu he de
pusitcd i.i ihe r'tnte I'anL. ; nml what reaonahn
inan wuiild ilcire such 11 cuur.e iu Ihu preent
slnle nl'lhnse iu.tili.lioiis, nnd nfler Ihc resiilt al
rcaih w iliie-si d,
'I lie ch irge that this iiicn-iiro vVill aive lo ihc
I'rc.uleiit a grealcr runlrul iner ihe puMic 11 nncy
is wlmlly iinl'uumh d, W lu ther the innuey is l.cpl
ns piiipu.cd, nr iu ilie Itniil s, ihe I'lesideiil riuiiiut
eui.tml a dnllar i-fit, e.vcepl by Miine picinus aw
aml theu In be drawn Inr lhrni.!;li ihe regulnrclnn
nels, At lliesaim' lin.c it is uIimuiis tli.it by pla--cing
it in ihe h.inks, lie cnuld llinniili llt.i-e 'in-li-tuliiius,
if he wi.hi d, iiMi.l iiiiiisetf nl' 'iifire inllu
eueo than 1 pnn tho uther plau, Tho a-i rlion
whiili h.is heen put furli,thal tlie IVesidenXplaiins
t lm juivvi r nl'l.oepiny lilo iunney in.leud ni'IoaVnlg'
il wilh ('niigri'ss, mul llio fnmidiiig nf such ns.er-'
tinn, upnn ihe ely' all of recuiiin.eiiding to Cnn
gres tu ask their innlrnl, ui.te:.i' it iiv insr it tn the'
urriipl nml rnllen fi dcrnl Itauks, ure lou ri.ile.i
Inus tu deceive uuv per.ou uf nnluiary cnpacil.
Aml t i eapllie cliiuax, if I ini.lnke not, nne ni' tlu"
retniii rs nl this nseilinn saaely runeliidcs thal our
parly, fur lliis, dei'rxe ihe iipp'"JI,itinii nl'nrrxninl
nur npputients thal of II 7ite . I dn nnt iiie.111 tn
he umlerlnnd l'l:it ill llii'hnnks me nl'lhe dcsuip.
tinn jn-t ineiitiniicd, hut spoak nf ihe geiieralily nf
tlieni nsinanageil ntlhe prisent day.
liut siy the nppnsiliuu, llio l'ieeipnt is to ap
inint Ihe nllieers whn nre lu hct n ihe lunnoy. V
is true he ntimi.iuln thcni, but they nre to!ipi-ou.
Jirufl hy the Seiiale, Just as it xvns in (ieiieral5
'Wii-hinglnirs time. The Ctiustitulion has nilcil
ihe pnwer uf nppuiiiliiig 11 Trc.lsurcr, 11s well as tho
publie nllici rs ceiiurally , - it It tiie l'renlcnt nml
Scuate, aml the law ufi78), declsrp that tlte
Tri'usiirer -hall kecp the pnb'ie u.nneyv And U it
nnt riht that the inuney nf the (incrnment shiiulil
lic kejit ily nllieers ebvled by , nml iiuder the cnn
trol nl.llipti'inerilincnl? Are theiir fnthitri nml
etcrh ihe nnly persnns it tn be cairiuli H wilh thr
piihli-funds.'' Dnes mit evey ilnlniilii.il keep hi.
imilicy 111 liis nwn liamN, or in the h.imls uf'si me
per.uii uf his nwn chniee ? Vou mfclrl wilhtiiial
prnpriety preMime ihal the pi.hlie oliiceis of everv
dep'irliiient Wnulil be enrriipt, us In pristuue it (iC
the keepers of ihe publie mniiey, sinee all -r.i np
pninlcd in llio s.nue way. Tlie nllieers tnn, aif
crealed hy ( "onr-, mul can be iihnlMicd hy thcni.
nl p'ensiire ; n lh.it ihe p"rniis tl 1 1 i 1 1 i tlieni are,.
iu icalily, us'iiiiich the nllieers of ( ongrcss ns nf
the I'residenl. And lnlly, it is allniclher iiiirea
snuahle aml gratuituiis to suppn.p ihat any Pre.'i
ih'iil wnnld ilesjre uuv olher routiol over Ihe jinlt
lif fuiuls than is rcgularly cniifcrn d by the laws nl"
the cnuntry.
It will he -eeii by tlie folliV.vinrj prart nf n let
ler frnm l'reideiit '.leiriTMtn in .Mr (iallatin, writ
ten iu the year 180:1, that he thuuht of llip saiue
plan which is nnw propo.i d to hrina ihe lyivern
liieut riack tn Ihe priiieiples of ihe ('oustirutinn :
,k I'rom a pna?c in the leltiT.oflhp PrcMiMt fnfihr tl .
H. llttik.) I oh.me 1111 lilcn iif.'.laMi.linia lineirh I1.111I, nf
Ihe t'nilisl HlHtcs in .Ni llrle-ni.. Tlls ll.flilul..K ,1 1.1 r
of llieini.t ilendU In . lilit) eii.linr, niuiii.i Cie erimipli,
aml fnnii ofnur ('le.tilutloii. Tlieilali.m is nl 1I1N lla'C u
vtrons nnd uiiilcd iu ll.Fciitiiiiii.ls. Ihnt it rniinol ic.li.iltii
at thS iiionu ut. Ilul .npi'i-t n fprfen of iu.ltm anl r 1 uls
hinilil oeeur xilllririil lu hiini! intn iloidil Ihe roinpf lenry
ofa Kepiildicaii (tiwcriuiiriit tu tuii t n cri.i.of jrrcal i!an
ccr, or (n unhlege !he ennni'i nep ol llie pi od In rlie puldir
fiuiclioiiariiot an iiillliitloii like lhi, 'ici lr.nllns hy Uw
hrani lies im rv parl of Ilie t 'luoii, arllu: b ronui.and anu?
In n erilienl inoiui nt, iiiiilil U mI Ihc pirrrnmri.t, ldrfni.
nn coveniiiient nf- nhlcli i nmhr Ilie tn.salajp 01 any
.rlr.i'iiii.liliiled aiithoriliM, nr nnt mhrr aulhnritt Ihan
llnlof Ihe int'on. er II. leiulir fiuirtioiiarir. What arr
I. li.lniellen colll.l llot Ihi. I'ill. t ef Ihe t'nittil Stnl.. . Hl'b
nll IN liraiirtilmnts, he in Ilie llniei'f war It iniflit 1I10
Inle 10 il. the pcnce wc ,'innM necepl. ornilhilran liali'.
Ousht Hctliin In sle f.irlhir trowt'ii au iniltatifn
powcrfiil,o honllle .Non-, whlle we are lron' It I, llir
mitc. diilv we imelo Ihc naletv of nur Con.lilntlon, ti
Mng Ihi. pnwrrt'il rnrni) In n prrfi rl tiit'nrdinalion nnL'f r
lr aiilhcnlles. Thr llrt nii n.urrwnnM ltn rrilvrp tttrm
tn nu cniial fentlng nnly llh i.lhrr hmV: a. tn the farnrr
of the (Iiivtminrnt. Itut, Innritrrlnlrahlrtninrrl a crn
r ml rnmlilnallon of llir hanl ncnln't n, In n rrltlrnl f me r(
rticy, coiild wpluit iii.iki"! Iii'cioiili plenan'. lncrtsn
r.ti 1 E nr ni r uw mum:i, towanl. hohlinir nnr nnn
li.ink In nll the ilppo.itm wherclti. rrrpitcd, ard Iftllaj.
thc Trrn.nrer rip hi.dralt ornoie for pmnirnt alanj par
tlcnlir (dnrp wleVli In will roniln.-trd coMrnnnnt piitht
to hnp a iinirh rrtilit nan prifateilrnft nrbank notp,
orhill. nnd w-onl.t fie 11, the snme farihlie, tthirh r, da
tltpfmm the liankff
(Concludtl on t pjzt.)

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