y CHAUMCS C HA.STillAN, Woodstock, Vt. 5 ir l Kcntn nriaa BUSINESS'CARDS." O. A. IlllVATVTV Ihlerin Gitslli!i,t''reiich.iiiiii Ain,i:. .. W. 1. lnnila,nndnrorcrles, ' uiuuavr) , uiusn nnu niird Wure ElmSlrtct, iiii:t,i,isn &. sr.ADu, ' un.u.KRsiN 1'i.own, w.i.nooi)s&(i!iocnnica. AI.SOgfHNSTANTf.Y ON II A N D VIM'ITd.CONI'CUTIONAIlY.SUMMKBuniNKSANI) Uni'UKSII.MIINTS, CHXTIUt.1TltEl!T,UH0SITi;wilITNr.v'f HniTL, J?KO MkuJsh, (Imi.ll.Bl.AllB. A. 3IATCII, & (!(). Al thc old Slnwl liilehj occupicd by i. a, Tninou: tnAt.r.KsiNFi.oitRv.i.ntioi)s ANnnnocrnins. ui:nti:tfii,Mi:NTs,u()NSTAXTt,v on hand. CKNTIIAI, STItEKT. 223 AirCL'STUS I1AVHX, Whnteilp -uut i-etniMp-itar ln XV. I. lioods,Teas,Frulls V i iics, &c.,'ilui,&'tnvra,I''urnllure, Ac. nni) HOl'TII II KU) ()- ST.VTESTnUUT, Montpelier, I't, 182 y uijssKi.TT&riiTiiK. W A T ril M A K K R 8 A Nl) J (! W H I, I, 13 R S. k. Ti. HAii,i"2 M nl) I 'ii c" nKilvi-r t mns aml Spoct.tr.lcs nnd Dcnlei iii .lcwi'Irv, Cnllcr; aml I'nnov fiooila Whnlemlc aml Rcluil, 203 OlppostcUliilticj's Ilolcl, Cenlral Strccl. iii:nhy iiatciT. Oneilnnr tinttli nf Unitrn Itall, F.lm Street, t I V. T n P V K It, A N D S II tCT 1 II II N W 0 II K R n. Ttt ALE3 "irwi'NN, TAM.OIl, Snmc door wilh JV". Ilui.dall. aiiciiai:!- Aivints, T I L n n. Over J. Collamer's OJfi.cc, Klni Rlrrrt, K. XV. SMri'll, Tuilnr, NT.xr uomt nr.i.ow rriuk sT.vnn noitsi:. I.mllnw, Vt. 216 AMOS W. WAHKR.N. m:f.KR in tiooTtj.siion.s a.vi) u:Titr.R, Ml kiinla ul' I.nllior lor nle rhr.ip Also, lloolaniul SliniM nf cvcrv ili'torplllnii, ; jM'nn-Ky riiit-k llnnt. ;-2.10 Cnir, ic?scl,S.3)f;ptis tcneilliiiuio lor J 1, rt.l ill ollier work lil prnji nrtlnn d-.vravi. SrnKKr. 23 8 ly ). M. lir.WKY-," MVirr nfihn linprnved lloharl Wo.nlen I'nnips. D.J'Tlii! iilmvi- l'tinips urc w.n riinlrtl Imlnw n Iciitl'1 n n iinuiitc wilh c.isc, up lo :i tiuiKlrcl iVfl . n i il nnlpiN Irom n dislnocr pruuipil) attendeiltn. Randolph Vt. 221 II WIIITNF.Y'S IIOTI'.I,," " C o r ncr of Kl m and Cenlral slrcclt, 1! V S. W II I T V K V, KAGI.K TH3IPI2U W'CF. IIOUSi:, iivl m. woni), SO'ITII -IIIR Tlli: I'RK. 2r.r, IMMCK STAdK IIOIISK, a ii u t it h 1 1) i: n i. a c ic ii i v i: n , JOI1N' lt?SMITII 7.. V. 1IVDK, II It I C K S T A G V. II n u s n. l'rn.'lorivill.s Vl. 210 Glil IIKMIY 'r. MAIlSlf, ' IIol'ik ANn iins rtiNTcn, alii nnu.Mi iv ciauufir.s asii Vinin y nvKiiv ni:snni'Tiii.'. i: n tr a i, h t it n i: t WI'IT Ac SCOTT. P il n'crn , -i ml iloaluisln ':in.lr .ind Oari-iiijcKilallklndi. crn nui, 8 ritllRT. IOlll'A MITCIilll.l,, i Ait it i : i: a n i) s i. n I r, n - m a k r. n, ition HTiir.i.T. 116 rjMoitf.MVpfsiinit. hl itnOeturer nf . nnl dealer in Gfibinet furuiture of every ileirriptinn. rie.nanl Stri-tt, 213 DIL. II. Ii TA-ITpYk lt. (liHceln tlli' IJrirlt Illnrk nppn.ltc Whllne j'h. ci v rn vi. r rnr.KT. S. J. ATil.KN, Jl. D. i'irrs;rcM. jixd sunoKo.y, 0,11 i' nppiiMitf Wliitnoj'f) llolel. i) i v 1 1 . i r a s iiiiilv i TOMONIW llf)TNIC lMt MJTITION HR, II iweuu tlie Mi'lliodlnl nml ltilsciiml ClnirrliP'. 23:-II. I.IVCItV STAIII.r., ii v a i. ii i: r t i' a i: k n r . Court trccl. ror.r. iir:ii .t ijaurktt, A t t o r n o y h a n tl ('iiiiiillot3 a t I, n v, Elm Slrcct. 183 J a c o n P n i, i. m i: n . .1 a m i: s II a r it n t t i. i. f'liTxiiii'Mt. A 1 1 o r n o y aml V o ti n s o 1 1 o r n t I. a v, uenirai zirerr, TR.VCV 4: COX VKItSIC, A Itar ncyt a n d C ou n s c l lo r s at La ) flllire over tlie iiank.i.ini Mreei, I,. A. MAHSH, ATTORWKY A.VP COU N S nl.I.dll AT I.AW Cenlrnl vlrrel. v. nwilTlinTr (TTj "insonT attorni:v A.vn muNsr.ixou. at law, WOODSTOC K, VT. 1V1 KIMtlMl V A- MAliSII. ATTOItNlll'S .V C W N B F. !. I. O It B AT I.AW, ti'otnhlnrtc. I'h ItTOnicelil tlif tnniu I itely ocpiiplcil im llie "Clny Cluli l'1 iiooiii," r T 'Vnnur.x, Maiter in Chnnrery. ( 1 Mvr.su 23811 nv.2l. Hll CAI.VIN'ItRNCn, .Vlorncy und Conntcllor vt Law, jyincTonsvn.i.E, vt. 251 I. W. IIICHAUDSON. .Itlornctj and Countcllor at Lmc, WBSTOPT, vr. 231 rui.Dr.it ick c. uomiiNS, T T O It NK Y AT L A w : A i.uni.ow, vt. 157-l.v tv uii r3T (J. vh rJNci i". A T TOIt X K Y A T I, A W. MtAr.riN, vt. 235-1 j WAtkBK & SI.APK," JIlloi ncys and Counfcllors ul Luw ROY.llrOSyVT. 12.1-1 1 n wiLKEn. w. m.Aiin. I'llOS. IIARTI.I3TT.Jn., tUorncy,L'oun'ellor nmlSnlicilorin Chanccry, AT LYNDON. V T. 1 v tiendiinii!ierlor Conrli in tliecountlef of Cale liiuin, F.ex,Orteani" nnd Winlilnslnn. 333-tl' IlfJNTOX & JONKS, A r rOItNbVS ANII OOUNRr.I.LORS AT I.AW Cliehct, VL A: I'. IfuxTON, 203 I. C. .Ton-ks. s. ii. sTiti'.irn'.it, .Hlornty and Counscllcr at Law. nAitrAiin.vT. 115 J. dTTiAvkiNsT ,1llorney and Counscllor at Law, FCLCIIVII.LE, vt 91 J. F. DF.ANF., AUarncyand Counscllor at Law, CAVENDISH, VT. 105 JAMF.S M. CIII.SON, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, Ullr.LSEA, VT. 2-lfi.Gll) UICIlAUI)SON& NU3IIOLSON, It tor ney 1, and Counsr l Inr s at Law Chester, WlndaorCounty, Vt. N RicilAiinifON. HO A. A. Nicitoi.RoN. " SKWAI.iri'Ul.t.AM, ATTO RffEY .1 T L Ji II', LUDLOW, VT. 181-ly II. 13. STOIJtJHTON, A TTO n A E lr JI T L A CVic(er, Vt. 2-tO SAMUrxiI.PRICE, ATTOR.NKY ANDCOVNHEI. LOR AT I.AW, WIXDSOU.VT. 99 1 nLODRKTT &i WKYMOVTU, 11 TTO 11 JX K V fi A T I. A W, iiF.Titt;i,, vt. 2in C RtODnKTT I). J', Wevmoitii SAIVK 1VOTI3 & KXCHGANE TADSLii. MA1NK. .JgrtculC iirnl Ilan k , Itrcw (.-r (in linnda uf rcccivcra hiin uu ct un llangor Coinincriliil llank, llnngor charlcraurrcndced 3i llntli ll'ink cli.irlcr cxpircd vvorlhleaa ClllUll'lt lilillk,,fUgU!tU, new pliite vorlhlcM4 L'nlis Diink 7n(i (!lt)' llimlcl'ortljii.l chartciiirrt'iiilrrcil,vortlilfin IMin:irl"('utlu llnnk ilo Mrtlilin I'riiiiklurt llmik, l'rankl'ort lo ilu Clolio llmik, llnnsor ilu tlo (iroihil.iiinbcr Cii. PorlliuiJ do tlnllimrll nud Aiigusla db Kciiulieck ll.m do Kiiimliiiiik llnn do I.u0i t ilc Uitiik, Hanyor cli.irlerNtirrrciidcrL'd 3 a Murnnitilo Ildiik.llangor 'J a OIiIuumi llmik vi)rIlilo Ovlonl llatik,Krlurg I'ruml do rnMiiiiuiiioililj liaim uo IVoiile's llank ch.irtcrHurrciidcred do i'lllluatcr (,'nniil,iit Oroiiu do In liaiidH ol'rccchcrs 6'aco llank I'L'dcemcd liy TrU8tceh nl uco Sl. rroiv, Calis rlrirli r Miiri'iidcicil 20 a railiinLon I'ounlj-, (Jalla rdlcciiud li Tnmtfcn Miit'rviuu naiin (cii)scii) rciiccmrd Viillirook llank, Jrcsllnonk In 2 f'lsCUSSCl llU II WOrtlllt'Mb KC1V HASirsltlHE. Cl.irrnmm llank, closlus rcduincd flu Uiinciinl Ilan 3 ii 5 llllUxirinixh Ilan norlhli'i.1 Ni'v 1 1 .t n 1 1 i.sli i rc , I'ortiniHilli,cliiirlcr cvplri'd rrdcemed ruuiniorngh Ilan worllili'M) vi: II M ONT. .grlciilliir.illlank,Ti(i) I'ruiiJ no ttiioh llank aiilhorhi'il lli'iinliiittnn llank, llt'nnliiiilnn worlliltJ" C'oiiiiti'IiiI llank ol'Virmoiit fratul no tiiu'li llank aulliorlM'd IIsscx, (luildliall worllilett r.rri'11 M uit n t ni n llau fraud do lcH'tThon, t'onnty llauk Iruud do 61. Albims llank 1 a2 JIASSACIIUStTT.'l. .( mliiTM UnnlvdurtL-i aiirrciidtTid rrilremrd Iti-rkfch irt llank uorllik'sn Clii'lni llank, Chclsrn ilo CointunuiM'iiltli llank, HuMrin do tJlnu lcsto i: II mk, chartcr Biirri'iidcrcd Lllln rcdi'ema lihloal .ViiliillK. CiHt IlrldsatiT llank diart it snrrcndertd i cilcciiicd nn.pt llank, S.iluin wurlltlCHa I'.iniieri'and Mi'Clianlci', H. Adams do l-'.irin itm llank, llclrlii'rlowii do I'raiikllii llank, lloxton do l'iill(in,orViiniiilininct llank, lluxlnn do Hainiiililrc ll.uik.Ndi'llianiiiton dn Ilnnk, ISoniiin do l.nlnjrtlo llank, llonlnn do Mendon llink rliwcd rtdcnncd .MIi1iI1cm' llank. Camlii lilj;r, 2 a .Midilhni! lnlcrrst llank, lionlon 2i 0 N'alninl llank, I,) im !i a Neliuryporl llank S CQ I'lni'iil'x llank, Clirali slnw n '10 ,i 0 l'luriiU l)ank,aiiliirkrt v orlhlr.sv UonIhii Ilnnk chai'tci uniiulli d do Silllun llank dn VinlhroiIlaiik jnnclnliliiiiiiJ:illiui rcdcciiuil iiitoni: IM, NH. It. I Asrlciillnral ll.ml, ,'I(ihi Ii; Injtinctlon wiii Ihk'ss llnnillvilli' llank xi,rl!ili' 1'.. isle II. mk, Newport frand ilo r.iriiu'nt' U.ink ilo runner.s' nnil MrrliiinloK' llark Sn 8 Franklin Ilnnk. l'mvldi'iirc I'rainl worllilcn Miinnl lliipe llank clnsed rcdcimi'd rnirnas Jlalllc 0 a I'aivult'iiroruiinlJ llank 5 a conn r.c.r icit r. , llriilscporlMiiniil'icliiriiiKCii. Iraud or!lilit Dcrb) llank, do l nn eliaiik do lliiiK.ilunlc Riilli'nnd Co. Nt'.w YOItK. e VorkCity il-l 3-1 a 1 I.1 a ."0 2.ri30 OldS.ilrly I'und, pnod llniiks Aew ilo ilo llctl llack.uncerlaiii Un! tiil Sl :il i-s llank lllllii,olilniid new NoviaScntln llilli Vcw llruiiMvlck Illlls llppcr Cunada I.oucr do 3 5 ln .1 4 u .1 uxciianci:. Urarin on i vv l'ork pir per cl.dli. " Allntiv " l'liihilelphhi " llalllnioie ' Niiiliilk ' Itlrhinnnd " Charleitnn " .Savnuiiali " AsiKt.i, f!u " Moliile 1-8 u 1-6 n 1-1 nl 1-1 1.1 1 u I l-S 1 u I 1-C 3.1a 1 3 1 a I 3-1 a 1 " N Oilrnni ' Hl I.i.uls i " Cluelnnall i " Nuthvlllu ' I.nui"vlllc ' I'.vi Ii inse im Ilnuland " " I'arN nl Il-l 1 1-3 ii 2 1 3--la 2 '! n 21 2 2 n 2 1.2 '.' 1-2 n 10 prem. .1201-4 u 8 Ih 8.1 ii li; r,C Sl.', FO n lf. 10 1-1 u 3-1 prem 4 uli l-lal " liauUh DoiililiHiuii Ii'iran ilo ineili.ru Hii'M Uolluri. po1li ltllu t.n GKF.AT i:N(iI.ISU Kr.MKUY KOH COUOIIS.COLDS.ASTIIMA.ANDCONSUMF TION. 'iE fireat nnd onl) rcincilj I'or CoW. Conali", AMli J m i.iuiil CoiiAiiniptlou, In llie lliingailnii lial'.aiii ol l.il'e, ili-rovercil ly ihc celebrnieil !)r llvrlinn ol l.uiidon, ilnglauil,niiil Inlroiliiecd luto llie tlnileil riln'.tt uuJer llie iniinediiileiiperlnlendence of llie iuvenlor. Tlie extraoidlnnry MirceMoi of IhN medlcliie, 111 tlie rure nfl'iilmoiiiirj ilisriwi, tviirrann llie Ainerii'au A gent Iu nilieillng lor irc.ilim ul llie WOItriT l'USillll.l3 l.'ASCS that can I'O louml iu llio cnuiiiiunity cntm tliat Hiek reliel in vuin 1'ioiiiuny of Ihecnuiinon rtiui-ili'-R uf llie day, nnd liuvc bccn glten up liy llie most distln;ui1ied I'lijBlci.ins, ns conllnned and incuruble. Tlie lllignrlan IShIs.iiii lias rurcd and will ciiie llie most dcspcrutc ol eases. it Is uo iimrk iioitrinn, hnt n vtnmlard I'3ngllli liiedicinc of kuuwii nnd ehlnlill"licd eH'.cucy. Ilver) fauiily iu tbc tlnileil Slaten sliou lil lic supplicd witli llucliun's Iluiigiirlnu llnUani of l.ile, noi onl)' to ( oiinleruct llio consunipiive lemlencieii of llie climnte, liul to beuseii iti a pievi nlltc incilciuein nllrpt of oold, cousliii!ipilllng of lllood, l'uin ill llie klile aml clirul, Irrl tnlion umi snreiicss of llie l.ungn, IlronrlillN, Dlllleiiity ol Ilrrnllilns, Ilecllc I'evcr, Nlalit ijwentn, Finaciatlnn nud Cencral Debillty, Alliiiiii,llilluena, lluoping coinjh, nml Croup, I.TS0I1I, In I'lrsebollli'F.nt Sl per bollle, with fulldi rccllons lor llie reloiallou ol lleallli. l'uinp,jlcti', ronlalning a iuiks of r.nglUli and Americnn certllliniiK, umi ollier eviilcncc, i-lioivlng the linequ.illed mcrril of lliis Crciil F.nglinli Riinedy. inaj be oblalnril of llie AsciitR grutultoiNly. UAVII) 1'. IIIlAUI.t'3V,snle Agcntforthc llnltcd Blalct UO Court iitreet, llonlnn. ' Aztnl Woodstock. C. CIIAVMA Ni Monliicllf r.Clark A- Collinsilliirlinston, l'erk A; Spcarj llcllnw I'nlU, N. Ilnrrli; Ituami, tianiem nnu neiii iirauieiioro1, Diiuon ,t Cl.irkei Keen, . II. Jolin iiivny. aab-iy TOJILL TIIE WOULD W1IO VSE I.UATIIKIt IN ANY FOIt.M. OIL OF TAN,1N, OP. , LEATHER 11ESTORK1X. A JXew Chcmical JJiscovcnj. Most pcnplekno't , that xkins und hidci nre convertrd inlojnMfr by llie ue of Tunnln cxtrucled from certain tiarka Ac. Wlien llio force nnd sfenglli nl llie I111111I11 ls worn out. ieultier liecomca dettd. hnrd. dto. brittle. crackrd. coiertd Kith ar.rust, At. TIIIS, ALL KHOIf, To re alnre, llicn l lie, oca., momlnent, tlreiitWi, t-mooln iicjt, nnd rcinnvu ull crnal,lly, or lilister irstorclhe tnn 11111. Tlilniitimicc llie eallier lievcr run recclvc tlie ccond tlnie! liul llicwliole tirlues ol'ltnre in tliln nrllcle thc OII, OF TANN1N wliicli pcuclmlcs llie alllleat nml linrilei.1 loilher. if it Ii.ik been twenty vcam iu m,ei nml int lenm enally wilh llieflncerK, Il impitrlf nt rncu 11 nlreugili thal Ih ulterly incrcdllile 1111III eeii. ( be comes likenew lealhtr, ull respocU, wllli udellglitful millneas nml polinh, nnd inakes nll lealhrr compltttly nml perfeell) iinpmioutU) wuter parlleulurly lioota,liora, carrirge-tops.liniiitas,lio!e, lrunk,nnd in fnet all things invit nttcainer, giving 11 fiii-iinio iiiimi, incliei llian new lenllier lina, nnd nl leasl ionUivs II" wcarund diiralillily. in wlmlevir inuiiiier thc Icatlier ia uscd. Tlli:SF.ARI3 FACTB. Tlioc who will mny wcnr old nlioea, gronn wllli cnrnn, rlde wilh old carrlngc-lops have old linrnran, nnd llirnw llicinnwayhalfm'ed Inok llllliy llieniaclven, and nll ationt ilit-iii cxpcml dnulilawlialls ncceKary (ornrtl cIch or lenllier, lo llielr hcurli.' contiiil, lor wliat we cnre.ifllicir pri'Judlcca nreao airnng, tliul lliey wlll nol try 11 new dlacnvery. We liavc nn luvora lo aak of Ihe 111, lliey nrc thc grealMUuirercra, aml xveifir for noliodj'a cusiom or patronago Xow,ff ntlcmcn, plcac yonrhilvos. HTN'oncgeniilnc nnlesH wllli Ihc f.ic ilnillc iignuture of COM.STDfK .t CO 215-cep ly roranlrbyC rilATMAN THURSDAY EV.ENING, CONCORD RAIL ROAD. Pnrc rcducf il to 2,00 from Concord to lloston, S II JIM H It A It It A NG K.M P.T. ON nml ullcr Aprll ll, riimciinrr Truiim wlll run dally, (rinlidiiyii cxccptcd,) lncnniiccllnn wilh llic ikmiuiuiuu i.out'H.anu Miiaituuitnu Lowell Itau routl , ai lolluwsi l.r.ive lloston nt 7 A.M. 11 A.M., nnd 5 1-2 P. M. I.euve Uoneord ut 1 3-1 A. M., 11:20 A. M., und 3 1-1 i', .m . Traliiafroin liiterinnliatc plnccn wlll run nsrollown.vli 1)1' 'I'RAINS. Lcnvc I.owrll nt 600 a.m,, 12:.ri p. M.,nnil (1:10 r. M . " NimIiuii nt 8:50 A. M., 12i45 r. M., iiinl 7:20 r. M. jiiaunieMcr II: j'i A, M., I i.iu !' M., iinu o:. I'.M. or iinmedialely un tlie arrivnl nl tlie cnrHl'roni lluston, 1IOWN THAINS. I.cavc Mnnclicnlcr 5 l-2 A.M., I2-5 r. M.,nnd '1 r. M. " Nasliua nt 6 1-2 a. ji., Iil5 r.M. aml fl p m. " l.nwrll nt 715 a. u., 2 p. m. nnd fl 1-2 p. M,, or liiimedlatfl nn tlicnrrlval ol'tliu cnr Irom Concord 'llicnccond iriiiiU'rimi Uon.cordnrrlvciin llnlnn limra nnfor I'nsscnstriilo lake tlie '1 o'rlncktraintoNcw Voik Tlieroad colineelii wilh tlie llolnn nnd Miilne Ilnll road, ho tliat l'nKsi'nscm mn) p:n,i licUvht Concord, Ilu vfrlilll.Ilxeler. l)ocr nnd I'orllmid elllnr way dally. i I Ai.l.i iiimcd atr v un t he nrriva ol ihellrxt trnin nt Concord, lcnvc by viiiIouh ronlcs rorIIopklnlon,Newport, v-inrcinom nnu viniiori lor J.cuaiinn umi iiimoviril'l)m inilli nnd IlnverlillliCunaan and Orlord; Mcrcdllli llrldge Ci'litre Ilnrbor nnd tlie Wlillv MniinlaliM. On ilu, sec oilddny Irom lloilon. Slaccs reach Rovallon. Jlhldh lmr Montpelier nnd llnrliiigtoii connectiiij; tlicrc villi tlie ilcninboat line to Monlrcal nnd by Slcambont nnd A'tne 10 uKueniinri!iij4tnpiii nlno run Irom imcrlilll lo .s'tuu Hleiul conneclhix there Itli A'Iiisck to Moulreal. Nunirr oiih dtlirr HtHgcs comitctiiiiiultli tlio Concord Rail Road run lo tlie nrluclnlc luwns in ,ct Iluninxlilre. Veninml und tlie CuuuilUii. SUSCKrun dally from Franklin iindnii Silbornton to llie 11 l-l o'clock trnin, relurnliig ufter tlie urrival oltliemic oiul truiiil'rom Lloilun. MRRCIIAnTiISU THAINS Run dally iib lollowm l.eave Uoslon ul 3 M.,and arrlvc al Cwiconl tlie n.'iine evenluj. I.cave Concord al3 I-2,r.M., nnd arrhe at Iloitim ni 7 1-3 tlie nexl tiioriiln;;. I'reishl, FimtClasii,S3iSecuiidCl in,S2,50. Frcljthuhould lic dcllvcrcd nt Concord, lloton nnd oilterdepotiun liour nt leunt bcl'ore lrnvliig,tu Imurc de llvery by tlie llmt micoeedhiR Tralli. AIH'HKaeiigcrii'llagnascBlioiildbc iniirkcd, nml wlicn vnlucil at inoro llinn SO.iinllcebliould bcu,lxcu ullil c trit cliiirgc'B pald, or no clalm fur il.imnpe orlnnii bevond kiirlimiin IIIIioullocd. N.O. CrilAM,flilp"'t. Aprll I, 1815. 2C.f Bolnnie Mcdicincs! AnKXEHA I, ASSOUTMKNT of Tliompsonl. und ollier UoiuiiU'Mi'illciiM wbmli rrude nnd pre p.iiril, hlinple nud coinpnuiiiled' Ih conttnnlly krpt I'or miIc lij the nulmrribiT, ul ts reMdince, belwiTii llie Mclliodli'l und Uplsrnpnl Cliurclii"). Tlie uboe MniiclneK will lic t.ca.ly piit up nccoiiijinnicd by miiiiu'jK: dlrii'ilon, nnd wiirrnnlt'd sriiuiiir. C vurniN. 'I'o lliuse lio nrf desiinui orolitnlnlii; ptire Tlionii'oulaii iiKiliciiHH, I would mis bewnie olwliom ou purcliic, ns ihei are IrrqiHnlly uiliilleriited willi Wdilli Iesi periiicious nml poixonoiiK snlmliiiiccs lor llie purpnse oKii'culiillou or ol liringii'g tlivnv iuvnliiulile remrilies In Irillirepulr. A. II. IIA.MMOM). Woodsliiek, Nnv. 2S, 1811 237-11 Chccsciiiiiii's Aniiiiaii Bnlsnni rTtORTIIK CtJIt I'.or nll klnd-ol woiimN, praln, 3. b'lrin.eoimlii. norc luii!:. tlie iiunl desncrule nll. umi ilieii:iinlliii olull kiiuls. Il wlll prevcnt llie loolli nclie, r-nlore lor,.nl und pcriflied lluilii. Milljolnli, nunili. iu, Ai'., nnu c jn iie uepenueu uiion to rclievc horeueti in nll cu-c. '1 lif-valuable uiiiliciuc lias licrn very clrnilvrly ued I'or tlie l-it irn t-iiri-, wliile Iis ini-icning I'euitind, il c u niveri'aUali.Nl icliiin it lius given, nnd tlie lcr-tlmon) ol u nrge luultilude ol' liidlvlilualri ol' llie llrst staml tng l!i tlie eoainiiinltv, wbo hae teMcil nml llilallilil; piovedlliellicai v. kIi u tk.it It ueed'ioiil lo be iised lii jirove N iniullu.ilile vee!!lKl lnilieil nll wlio liavc ev it tiied llie liiiN.iui, nrrae il no bl"lilv llint Hiev wlll not ! be in.liiieil uniler uin rnuiiilerilioii to du wilboiil it. Tlie II ils im Ii ii nllrartci! llie nllc i.llcn nf uien of'.i'ii'iirc nud I'liv-ieinui' nml ri iigi'oui of Ihc "reuleiiliclcutllk- Mrquire ini'nlii, sive it ilielr iinrjii ilillci! iipprolinlioii wlnle niauj of tlieii) in ilin'erent tiecli.im-ol tlie tuiled Htnlcs liovv ue It In tln-ir pnictlre.iinJ Irive iintiiorlud llie pub.'icu tion of llielrcerli'.liviicn. AlinCIIKI'.SF.AIAXS AKAlir.VX I'lI.I.S, n wilu ib'e iuediriut' fur nll billinin coinplaints, ,Ve. TJ l'urrliaern ilmuld lnqulic I'or llie true niticle li) nsing tlie wlioleniilue Clieoentau' s Arulmiu llaNaui nmUee tli it II lu: m nnine wiilten In nn own liaml! vvriling ncro-.i llie prinied dlrei tioiii, on l'ie wrapjier o evirv bnltle. K. Ciinr.sF.Mvx. Fur s,ilc iiv r. CIIAVMAX, V.'miiMocki II. M. .t S R Slocktr llarllanu. l comcri'i N. (! Ilalc, ('lielen, ainl llnougliout tlie rounlry gi ncrally. su.-iy I'LAYING, VISITINU AND IILAN1C CAKDS. TF.OHC!K COOK nf llie llrm of i:iy. Kmlih A I 1B Cnok, liir llie ii.ihI lx enr ni'iniifacluicr of llie I I'deliruled llnnlelt CanN nonld lnliiiin llio pi'lille nnd 1 llie pnlronn oftlie old llslal.Ii-liincul, No. 71 l'ulloii hl,, ' wlieri' lie hi.s iihv iH liceii eiuplov nl, Iiinl lio coniinm". tlie inaniilaciii-e of all llie vnrlcllu of l'livins. VIMtlng nnd Illank i:nrd, licrclofore liirn Uli et b llie I.ilublMi iiientnnd lli it onlera lor llie vatioiM kiniU wlll be fnllli full) und prniipilv excruliil, ou npplicntloii lo hN kole iisi-iiIm, iMesmi i;t.Y .V I.ATI1A.M, Nn- 71 l'ulloii tt- ul llio I'MllDwing pilre4, iistin! iIIm'ouuI olT, lor cnkh or llio.-c nlio lni) In mII ujain, vi7.: Iligleof Stnr China and doti Wave. Dlainnn, Mntblid nud Vt lule Ilacki ptr grons. Hnrry 8 do do S0 do lleciiluis do ' 21 do IlUlcr dn 21 do MrlTf Aiiilrctts dn 18 do IliSlilnndcri, Xo, 1 rlar and Maible back. J do 11 do tlo No. 2 do 12 do Iliiniiielli'd, Ivory nnd Fiarl suifnce Curdii, ptr tlie folloiviu" scale I I.arile. Xo .1 Ilniuiellcil 63,000 i.'i.f.O -I do 2,00 5,00 3 do 2,7.1 4,f0 2 do 1,50 1,00 1 do 1,25 I No. 1.1 Kn.iiuellcd 11 do 13 do I do 15 Iiorv und l'enrl I kUH'uce, 11 du I'l do 12 do I Kiiiall 11 Kim Ued - 10 ilo 11 Ivory .i nJ rcnrl '2,5'i 1.87 1,7.) 1,50 1,00 3,50 3.00 2.20 2,10 Sjrlnce, 1,17 111 uo i.r. ,2 1.0 II 1 ,co 1,10 do do do do do lo do do 9 do 8 du 7 dn C do 2.21 do Finbos.ocil cmniKlleil Curdi,tlntcd nnd plaln, ncuiitifull) puliilicd witli elegant nmigin na iiorucra. Prinlci 's Blaid; Cwds. .Sinnll lllankn l'latlug alre No. 1 SlCprrgrox. uo 1 1- I.nrgedo 1 21 de 2 21 Douhlc Uc ul Sinull . 1 W do 2 21 Iloiildei'Ue')!' I.nrgc 1 72 do 2 f.3 AUo nll llie nlmve ica of etcry color 10 ordcr. Ollier niuscul to ouler ol elihcr of tlie foregoing qual Itlc. MOIIRMXfl CAUDHorvarioiuiiJCsmndcto ordcr. Oold llordcred CanN, dn. C0I1I edsed " do Ilnaini'lltd r!licetscapsi7cnnd 0 liy 21 Incliei. Ivory nrliiv.e do dn l'enrl do do illank Hliceln dn do Alm Railroiiil nml Jtcuinlionl Tlcketn inadc 10 ordtr, 01 nnv color or of dill'irent colom in dciired. Tho niliscnlier invltcs nll Cililors In llie iinlicii ftinics iltlora III llie iiniicu niniea nnd C.iiv.d.i. wlio urc di.piwul In lake llielr pnv In Card., wlio wlll aend l-.m a cnp nl llielr pnpcr coillaining 1111s dvcrlicmeiit,to liuctt It fortliree ninntlH. c GI3UKGK COOK . New York, Julj 5. 273-3m 'JV)ii)(!rancR Uoiisc. rilllF. SUTiSCItlHKIl liaa openeda Trmperance B llnii'e (nnd Iie w lll kecp uo ollier,) nn llio rionih alilc ol Ihc I'ark In Woodstock, wlirre !'. O. AI.IIIlN.lins tulely kept u putills llonse. Ilo sol.clU Ihc pntioniige ol llioro who wi-li biirceas lo the teiiiperunrc ruuse, nml lic will eudeavor toinerlt lliat patronasi! to Ihn rxlinl ol lila nlillilies. Thc buililinrs nre mlllcienlly capaclniia 10 iirroininodalc travdleni nnd Iheir leutns In nlinnst nny extcnt. 'I ho Fiiti-ctlber Indiilits n hnpe, thal II will nol be wilil, 11a In aomc cnicn, Ihat leinperanrc ieoie cannnt alloril 10 rnll upon I1I111 Dy rniKini 01 tne iieiicieni nceoni inniliiilun. ii nr llml lio enniiot fiirnWi aullkleul nrcumuio dationa bccuiibC tliere lano r.ualum In mpporl II. I,m,i,.ii. wouii, lloodatoek, Vt., June 9lh, 1343. 2C5I1' TO THE PUm.IC. CAI.VIN P. NF.WTON.kiii'ccsor lo J. N'ewloii. In fnnna hla nnmtroua IrleniUln Nnrwlrli nnd vli-lully, thal he baa rctnrncd (o Woodalock, wliere he wlll annn irive 011 Iriud u conalaiit aupply ol iiiedlclnta of hla own iminufnciurc. Tho coiiiplnlnla herclofore mnde of Adnlter.itlnn In thcae cxcellenl nrilrles, lormerly prepnrcd liy liinmrll, mny now ccnac llthose interrsted wlll buy nt llio tighl pliirc, Thn nhovc mcdicincs nrc nolil al C. PHAPMAN'S 216 lf. LEAD PIPE npiIF. fil'RSCltini3R ennilnn tn inanuraoinrc I.ead X Aquedurt nnd lilocK lln rnmpa ni iiin t mmi In lliirnnrd. Vt.. wherc he wlll tell whole c.inbll.h.j eiile nnd citahii.il rtliill iih low a can ne pnrrnaaea ni nny oincr ciininuu meniintinuor .ooni) The "hnve nrlicica cnn nc lian ny appiymg to rini.ti nTCii, woodnock ..,t.,.., Vr!ON M3UTO.MU OCTOBER 9, 1845. 35 P a c k a g e s, New Ilich & Elegant FALL $ WINTER AT LOWPRICES! CIIARLES J)AN.1,JR., Offcisfor sak, tlircd from JYtw York and Jloston, An cxtciisirc assorlincnt of seasonnblo Ooiiiln, Incluiliiig nmons thcm, 30 ps. Englisli, Gcrnian a n d Americnn JMtOADl'LOTIIS, olcvcry vaMcty, color und quallty, from $I,2S up. 59 picces Fancy n ti d pluiu Cassinierrs, Dncnkini nml Satlncli from 33 cH up. 50 Ps. Kicli Drcss Goods, Including many new slylcs of supirior rich ncis nml bcauly ofdeilgn. 30 ps. Sllk Wnrp nnd Cntlon Wnrp ALPACCAS i5 ORLEANS CLOTIIS, lrom25 cents up lielng much ihc largcst nnd bcat nort- , mcnlto be found, nnd nt llie lcmc-it pricri. 150 Shawls, Ofrvcry styk mnlqiialUy from $1 o$15. 200 pieces Frints, Including snmc of t lic richest nud most cicmlid Fiill MjltH wlilchh.ivc bccn olTcrcd thiiiscnvon. Ilich Carollne Plaids,' Woolen, do , Plaid l.liucyt, und hlgh col'd M. De l,alncn,ln mnnll lig tirchlor CliilJrcn'a vvcnr. A I.AI'GU ASSOIITMDNT 01' HOUSEKFEPINGGOQDS,! Incliiillu: I.incn nnd Colton Tablc Cuvcm, Xnpklni, Diipcrs, Crnsli, Ac. jX 52a e3 OD 0 (il.UVKS, IIOSir.UY, LINCNS, I.ACI'.s-.I.INEN i I.AWN, Sll.K CUAVATS, CASII.MKltr. j SCAUF?, nONF.T UinONS.SWiSS ntiNons, Scc, &c. I'OCirriir.r, WITH A rui.t. ASSOItTMi:.NT,o( adopting a plau to sccin o tho coinple- Bomestic Goods! .1 thc usually Low Prias. lTISUNDr.IlSTOODTIIAT Goods mnsl be CJieap! O-'And with attock uueqiialled in this rcalon ror cxlcnl, rlclinm umi vnriety, we nrc prcpared to mecl llie wMics o lliofe wlio like lo bu ilieirgoodn wiilioui licing iaed for thu dellnqiilncio nf uthcn. l'uicliaeni urc invllcd lo cnll nud cxnmine (loods nud prlcc vvlilili wlll be freily hliown and nll favori duly nc- kiiottledgcil. 1'toIucc of iiinit d pcrlptioni tiikcn In cxth.ingp for CooiIk at Ilu ca-lt v.iluc. l!ii.-k Store, F.lm Sir-xl. Ort. 1, IbM 25.5v IveJFgooijs! new GOODS!! A N 1) N OW openiug, ilirect fiom A'fif York nnd Itnslon u l'rcli lot of New (iouiU. 11 grcatli rcdutcd ptkes illllndlug 20 p. VI II I.iinci.froin 12 1-2 lo 20 ctn., sood stult ,1 10 "ll.iNoriiif: aoine elegnnt pettcrnnlroui 20 10 21cli ltirh f,-l Atabcmiue l.uuetlaii, 11 new and biuutiful artirlc. ill.lC UUM.IXS JXI) ClW.tr ..lf.YS. 100 pi. Mcr'A, Full Ultcr, nml ollier kttlin rlcli ptlulK, Irom C lo 12 1-2 ci-nl, llie cikik ftlot nerifftied. Rlch Tlubcl, ;ar:i8c, Slrndllla nnl SiA nnd Wool SJl .1 W L S . 21 doi. Collnn Ilnslery, chenper llinn ritr. Cliiven. I.iice, l.ailies CriivnlK, II'dA'N. und u varlcty of ollier (iooiN. u( verv low prirca. Cii-Ii rurcliascrcs wl llnd goodi lo lliclr inlnd, nnu nt prlre l.'iul cnnuol i'all 10 hUlt, C. UANA, Jn. .lul) 17, 1815. 171 BARAGE SMAVLS & MANTLE3. PRA?OI.S, I'araiulcltK Jc Hun .hndci for snle y Aug. 5 C. DANA, Jn. SALT PORIC vi r supcrlor quality fur atle by Aut;. . or C. DANA, Jn. IJROAI) CLOTIIS & CASSIAIERE3. LOWrUICFI) Blue lilack, Illuck, BInc, llrown i Clrien. C L O T H s . Fiincy C.i'sltneres nml Doexkins, t'Acn;', snmc an low 70 ceilla. S.ITIXUTTS, pl iin nml fanry from 40 crnta up. Kentuckv .Icaua, from 20 lo 30 cenli and nlher gooda for niaklug clieapsack coala, at equall low prices. IT ll'ool it lon; nnd our soodt are low In proportioii. tllvc nt u call, il ou vvanl to be aure lo gctour mon- vvorlli. C DANA, Jn, ' luly 17. 1315. '-'"2. WIHTK GOODS. WHITE GOODS! I."VX'lRAnneanil iiicdium iii.illt Sll'ISS MUSIJX U fur ilrc.cH, chfn'p. ,'i-liop l.nwiia do. I.Mce nrlpci In linmlsomr Hljlcs, 5-4 vlde nt 2jcI l'laid und clifcked do., nl ciii.illy low pricen. Fisurcil t?vl Cnrinln Mitkluii, '.'liccked Minlln, do Diuiilta Corded, Ftilpca, Ac. ,c. Jut re clved, Iiv ' t DANA.Jn. .luly 17, IEI.1 272 II' O O L. AI'IRST rnle nsnrlmcnt of Ilrnndelolln, Cntlmere S.ilinella und ollier ComN will he excnnligcd lor Wnnl.lf nll'ercd aoon.unil tlie liigliet pricc gltcn. Oilr VVoolcim nrc ehtnp umi ll'ool bnii .n miny O.iedt naevcr. '-'72 CII 'S UANA. Jn. TO AI.I, VIIOM IT MAY CON'CCHN 1 Slriilicn niui-iilcll of Norwich, in llie cminty , . , rv ,, i,it : " "" ' "o". - .-.."- - ..... fv that I hnvi- "iven.uiiil do hercliy fur vnlne recM givo and roleno, nnto niy rnn I.liut HlntiIeII, vvliu ia nnvv ncvriitcen ycnrs nnd nino tiiotilln of ago, lii liniu unlil lio th.ill liccnme tvvcnty nno vnara ofnpi! nml lliat I will not lmrpnfier clnim nny partof ti'tt cnrninjti nor nny properly which lio inay nccuitiulali: nml lliat I will pay 110 ilelts of hii contrncling uficr this dnlc. STF.niF.N UI.AISDKI.t,. Aticat, W. K. I.F.WIS. Norvvicli, Scp.20, 1815. 281.3vv Stoves, Storcs! riTIlF. Sulisriiber I1.11 just rcccitcil from llio olli- J. cr iilu of llio Mounlain, n largo nssorlnicnt p 'rnVl".S. Irnm Con.inf I'urnaco, Hranuon, consisling of (liu fulloiving: .1 SUi'K YANKRH NOTION Improvcd, 2 " I'Altl.Oll COOK, .1 Ain TioitT, n " IIOX, Alao, Ooni Illnlie'ii rurnncn, Ilramlon, t ' YANKF.F. NOTION, lute improetd, 2 Alll TIGIlTi 4 Uitl'erctit Sizos IIOX, Alao. Cnlilrnn Kctllci. Ilollovv vvaro, &c, which I111 will soll ehonpnr than cnn ho bnujtlit in tho Uouiilv nf Windmir, and llritrrnn(ti ngainai Irri oA'illC-. ANo, Uuasm an ir.i slHh Irnn ll'I shoo Zinc , ,at fu ofr , t,c sllrnmor on IlCCOUllt of Tjn Vnro, o ( A-tiiU, nnd fiiially, mnit evrry ' , . , bo() wan wi hn round at ,i4iho excesstvo drought. may ho mndo up 1 tl.trirr ih.lt nnv boilv . -? - - . . .. .. sno,' iiiui is un.in; ituju imo, PHU.o IIATf'iT Woodalock, Scpl 20, 1RI5 THE AGE. TI1E AUTTMN W1ND". llnrkl 'tis tlie first aulumml hlasl, Rcmitiding ua that sniiiiiier's piiBl, With all its bnglit display: Wlien earlh sccmud carpetcd with floners, And inusic charnicd thn flceling lioiirs Throughout tho livclong tlay. It comes nlong tlie tranquil depp, Rotising the billous from tlicir slcrp. Autl in its dtrge-liltc (low, And wildly fnful, hollow moaii, That maltt's tlie trembling lorust groan, Tliere iu a talc of woe. It pppahs of uinler'Bslormy poivpr Of many a dark nnd dismal hour To pilgtima nu tho miin; Of corses floating on thc deep, Of dorrowing fricuds, for those that wcop, Thcy ne'cr ehall sec agnin. Naturc's wild harn! in nvety cliinc Thy mtisic, miicc iIip first sad liine, Has struck tlie Pi'iisive ear; Now, fighinawith a eentle tonc; Now, Huecping in a tempest on, 1 lirough nll its chorda of fear. IIow oftcn uiih uncarthly soiind, Liltc to n spirils wailing round, Thou cmnat at midnight hour To fill thc soul whcit all in per.ee With thoughts oflifu'a unccrtain leasi, And Qod s almiglity power. TIIE JACKSON STATUTE. Thc admirors of thc dcparted snge of thc Ilermitagc aro moving in some parts of tlie country for thc purpose of haviug erected at tlie seat of thc Federal Govern tnent a suiiablc inonument tohis tnomory. An Equestrian Statuto of collossal pro portions aud cxecuicd in bronzc secms lo bc favorcd at'Washiugton and elscuhcre. A ineetiiig has recenily hccn holilpn nt thc Cniilal of tlie natiou fur tho purpose !lit,n !,f ,,,c W0!i- TTh" f"1-5 uf ll,c j mcetmg wcre Gcn. Johu P. Vau Ncss, , p1.si(ntA,n5Tf(.nl.,ll nrl .Tnl, ii.in Fsqrs., Vice Prcsidenls James Hob,-,,, and John W. Maury, EBqrs.,Secrt tario; J and thc followiii" rcsolutionB were ad-' opted: Resolccd, That thc Amcrican pcnplc be callcd upon to unitc in orecting at llie scat of thc Federal Govcrnment a suita b.'c monuinent to the mcmory of thc I Ic ro, Patriot and Sago.whosc loss tho na lion still deplorcs, to go down to our most dislant postcri'.y, ns a rccord of the grcat tnan's glory, of his country's grati ludc and grief. llisoh'cd, That a collossal cquestrian j ing now ample and able Litprnry assistancu Statucin hnpcrishabk bronzc, is deempd and having n.'ceutly nxlpnded and perfpct tho most auitable for iho purpose; to ed our Mechanicol arraiigenmcnt8,wc pro transmit to future centuries the features pnsc to revi.ic and rcissiie it on and nfier and form on which the annals of tho Rc- the lnt of October, 18 15, on a sheet slight public will teach ench succceding gcner-l y difTcriug in size or churacter from tho ation to look with nn ever renewed lovejoid New Yorker, but a unich lower oricn and revcrence, nnd an ever renewing nm bilion to ctnulatc his uoblc dccdd aud his noble virtucs. Risolvcd, That for tho pu.posc ofj, ... . , raising, hy voluntary si.bscrij tnn, thc requisite snm, n Central Coinmiitee of tliiitcen bc appoiuted, which sball pro cecd forthuith to organize thc nccessary mcasuren for thc cnllection of such sub. scription; by whoin a monthly publica tion of the samc shnll bc mado, and the moncy seeurely inrcted; and llcsvlucd, That, ns Gencral Jackson's own most trustcd and hclovcd friend, and thc sclccted iiihcritor of his papcrs, nnd guardian of hisfamc, Francis P. 13!nir,'bc appointcd Treasurcr. Rcsoli'eil, That the lullowing citizehs consiitute said Con.mitlec of tliiitcen, with pcwer to supply vacancies iu their own iiumber, and, after thc complction of tho subscription, to ilirect and supciin tend the cxecuiion of thc proposed work: Cavc .Johnson, Francis P. Isldir.Thoin as Ritchie, Amos Kendall, .1. P. Yitn Xess, John C. Rives, W'm. A. Ilarrid, Jessc E. Dow, Bcnj. B. French, John V. Mury, Chailes K. Gardner, James Iloban, Charlcs B. Scngttack. The Dcmoprntic Rcview contains a stntcmcnt of the rcvcnue and cxpendi turcs ol the U. S. for tho ycar ending Juno 30, I8'15. Thc rovenue was from cu3loms. 27,427,32,); from lands, 82, 003,380; misccllaneous, .$131,535. Total. $2D,GI5, 310. Tho cxpenses were.civil, $5,737,072; anny, 9,5-l.,e02; navy, $G, 227.G39; intcrest, 1, 051, 838; debt, $7, 537,913. Totul, $29,99 1.G09. Both the reventios and tho uxpcnscs werc nbout .5.000.000 short of tho cstimntoa. A ! patt ofthc cxpcnses wcro thrown over inty the ycar 1846, nnd will eomo iuto n diminishod rcvcnue to thc nbsorption of thc surplus. Thc Stason. Undertho gonial wenth cr and occasionnl rains of iho last four wcekd, the grass is reviving nnd wo have now finp gr,i7.ing in ncarly all pavts of tho Stntc. Perhnps tho butter makiiiG , by a fino buttcr raising iiiilumn Albany Argus, Srpt 21 I'ricc CI50 iu Advanco fcjWoman iu ofteu llio occnsion of imich trouhlo nnd tiiischicf to mnii. For licr ho toils and slaveH for hcr lio fightu for liur lio guts drunk for hcr he hlow his bniiiia out, and for licr Im makcs a confoundcd fool ofhiniBclf, iu a vnriety of waya. Notwiilisliindiiig, woinnn jn ti Ijufl9ing. Ilei infl uence over our rough hcwn spx, is im mild iid tlie mooti upon tho tides, nnd twico na powotfnl. Tho mornl fiagrancc that aurround.i her is a sweet ni tho odors that arisc from a field of white ciover, and hcr bpnuly innltcs her onc of thc most intorcsling living or naincnta that wcars eiiher lcgs or wings; I don't carc whetber you incntiou a bird of Paindise, a hultteifly or a strnddlu bug. Dote, Jr. EXGMSII GRAM.MAH. All of which goos to provc, Thnt grammnr a farce is; For whero is thc plural Of rum nud molnsie.s." Ar. F, Gax Tho plural Ga.elln, Of rum, don't tis trouble; i Take one glats too much ! And you'rc aurc lo sec tkubU. Drooldyn Duily Adc. j W'Uy is a bont lila: a girl? Becauso it is oftcu attached to a buoy, (Jwy.) Gcnius ia in ouc rcspcct liltc gnld nurnbcis of persons nrc constttntly writing abnul boih, who liavc ucither. 177G! I Thc ofiioiul votc of tlie entire Stato of Tcnne.ssec rcpn'iciiis Drown's majoriiy over Foslor (whig) for governnr to ho tlm mngic iiinjnrity of 177G! Huihundnj. A maii with elevr.n daugh tors wns laloly c.ouiila:uiut; lo a frieud that he found it hnrd to live. "Vou must htisbnnd your tiuic," eaid lliuotlier.'niid thcn you'll do well Giiough ' 'l.could do much bctter.'waa thc reply, j ''H cmild husbnnd tny dnugliler.s.' P R O S I' E C T U S Fur '(.n'.;ig and l'uhlishing IVcckly pupir cnlitlcd THE X E U Y O IIKER. The New Yorker, a Weekly Journal of Lituratuie nnd Gencral Intelligencc, wa3 establishcd hy thc prcsent Editor of the New York Tribtine in Tilareh, 1731, and disconiinued, or rather mergcd, on the ea tahlishnu'iit of the Wuekly Tributie, iu Septeinber, 10-11, nltcr having been pub- lislted jiist seven years aud a half. llav- Tho pl.ni of this p.ipcr will combine 1 . Original Poclry Rovicws, Pocms, ect 2. Stltct Lilcraturc T.ileSkctehes, ex- 'i;ar?,s f01" "7 c,c' '"ticilltiny Letters from hurupo and diirnrent parts of our own cnuntrv, sta- titiics, anecdoifs, vtc. 1. Hinli on Domrstte icononnj. Agricul ture, Iint'iuions, RcceiiH, kc. 5, Giiurul Jnltlligcnrc Foreign aud Do inesiic, inclinliiig I'oliticnl evenls, Pro eccdings ol Cougress, &.c. fcc. This last departtncnt will be carefully prepared, and uill bc a? ample und vnried as thal of any other U'pekly paper whal ever. The cxIciimvo corrcjpondenco aud iithcr lacilitii's for obtaining infonnation whirh vc h.ive bceu ycars engaged in con centrating on the Dailyand Weekly Tri huno, will enable us to prcsent early and uuihentic accounis of all transpiring evpnts ihrough this our ehcaptr Weekly, from which Political cssays and all inattcr of a piriizau charactor will bc carefuily exclu ilctl. In fino, Thc New Yorker will bc simply und truly a Funiily Newspaper, of nmderato Mzuand at thc luwest possiblc pricp, iniciuled I'or such readcrs as eiiher disliko Political discn.-sion or prefcr to ohtaiu this poition of their intellectual ali nient through the gazclts of their respocl ivc localities, Wo intcnd that uo matter to ivhich rational menof any Political, Rc ligimis or othcr peruasion can objr.ct shall appear in this papcr though a large pnrtion of its contcnts will appear also iu the Weekly Tribiinc. Thc New York will be publibhed every Saturday tnorning, but printed and mniled on Thtirsday and Friday, so ns to reach as many ol its palrons as possihle, bolore thc rcst of the Sunduy niails. It will L prited on a theel of line white paper, iden- Kica insizcamJ nunliiv uilli iliai ol ilm Daily and SrmiAVeclily Tribtiiie, and nf liirded to Hiibsctibers at the low ptiee of ono dollnr a ycar, payablo always in ad vnnce Ttrclvc copics will be scnt a year for Tr.x Dollurs, or Twinly-ftvc copics for Iwcnly Dollars. Siibacriptions arc rea pcctlully solici'.cd hy g'rEELY & MC'ELRATH. 150 Xassau strat, , V JtJPostnnslcr may rcnnt subscriptioni al our risk llills of nll fpccic piymsj B,inl( aro rccrncd at p.u Barnard, Vt Juna l". 1BI5.