Newspaper Page Text
B. C. M. It. U. T1MK TABLE. W'WTKB AKRAJIOFX K3f T. Uolnc Kontk. TKr Train leaia Urovtto at f.X. m. ami ami 7.15 p. m. Caildball rail. 9.15 a. aad 'M p. UnuitfT, 7.41 a. and 1.30 p. m. Cuing North. .Arrive at Lancaster 11.08 and 6.11 p. m. Love Lauoastar at 7.45 a. m., and 10 p. m. uildhall Falls J 00 a. ro., and M p. t. Arrive at Vroretoa at S.X) a. m., and -J0 a. B. Train leaving Lancaster at 7.45 a. ut. connect at UroTttnn wiUi train for Portland. Train leaving Lancaster at 6.30 p. m. eonnerta tUroTttoa with train West over tha Crand Trunk. P.A O R. K, TIMETABLK. Going Kaat Passenger Train leave Johnson at 8.00 and 11.15 a. m. Arrive at St. Johnsbury at 8.50. a. ni. and 4.S0 Lunenburg- at 10JI6 a. m. and 6.45 p. m. Train arriving at Lunenburg at 10 88, conneeta through to Portland direct. Going Went. Traini lea re Lnnenburc at 7.00 a. m- aad 8.S3 p. m. Arrive at St. Johnsbury at 8.40 a. m., and 4.40 p.m. Tho through trains connect with the rejfulnr mall trains over the at St. Johns bury both morning and evening. LOCAL MiDSTATENEWS. Guildhall. Abel I). Benjiimln of this village lost a very nice cow thin week, worth fifty dol lars ; thought to be caused by the over flowing of the gall. Mr. Granuis, superintendent, and Mr, Benton, committee man, visited the village school this week, and pronounecd it first class in every respect. The school is taught by Mrs. Spooncr of Whitetteld N. II. We desire to call especial attention to the card of J. W. Hartshorn, Auctioneer, in another column. Mr. Hartshorn has probably had mor experience In selling goods at auction than any other man liv ing in Coos and Essex Counties, and parties making auctions wllL find it for their interest to employ him. Business done in Frobate Court, Jan. 25. Nellie B. Ruud's Guardianship Hearing upon continuance; Henry Bacon, new Guardian in N. II., appeared by him himself and J. Mitchell of Littleton, his attorney, and J. Fisher, late Guardian in Vt., and her husband, by C. E. Benton andfW. Vilus their attorneys. After a partial hearing in the case, before the Judge, P. R. Follansbee sitting with him, a compromise was effected by which Hon. John W. Hartshorn is to be appointed Guardian ; case continued to the eve of Jan. 31st, for the flual consummation of the above agreement. Tlie Town meeting which was to have keen held last Thursday, was postponed till Saturday, Feb. fith. The object of the meeting U to see If the town will authorize the selectmen to Issue bonds to the Ksscx CoHnty 11. 11. corporation, agrceabla to the contract. Hast Concord. District No. 10 Is in a foment at this time as may be seen by the correspondence in last weeks Herald under the signature of "M". The school is broken up, aud law, is now the order of the day, with venom juhI slander lu abundance. The female part of the community receive a large .share of his wholesale abuse. For the credit of our community I will say that "M" is not a resident of East Concord, but school District No. 10 ("Oregon.") Ignorance prevails to a great extent, and some old and young should be sent to a reform school to say tho least. Jamks. The case of II. V. Fisher against Chas. L. Pratt, for unlawful search, was decid ed against Fisher, that is, the case dis missed with cost to plaintiff. Cost some 40 to "i0 dollars. The case of Duett Smith against Dunham, was settled. "Victory. Mr. F. Follensby has raised fiomhalf a bushel of sowing, nineteen bushels of nice ry the past season. AVho beats? Bloomfleld Wallace Scvery has removed to the Mill House and we understand is to run the steam engine in the spring for Clark Stevens. Mrs.'Orlando Schoff, who left her home last Sept. to visit at Mrs. Chas. Stevens, in Maidstone, was taken sick while there and could not return to her home. N hopes were entertaiued of her recovery, until recently a decided lnprovement has taken place in her health, permlttiag her to return to her own home in Bloomfleld. Lemington. Milo Blodgett has sold his farm to Ed ward Atherton of Canaan, for $900, and has bought the Samuel Silver farm lu Bloomfleld, for $1800. Ellas Lyman, whose eyesight has been falling for sonic three years, is now entire ly blind. Cyrus E., son of Ellas Lyman of Lem lngton, whose infant son died at his father's residence in St. Johns, X. B. Dec. 28, brought the remains for inter ment in the family graveyard In Leming ton, Vt. P. New Hampshire Items. Jj ancaster. We learn that our felectmen made s successful raid on some "crooked whis key" last Monday. Rev. J. PlkCj D. I)., Presiding Elder of Concord District, will preach in the Mcth odist Church next Sabbath afternoon. Call at Martin's for anything you nwy desire In the line of jewelry, nilver ware, &c. Yon may depend upon getting your nionev's worth every time. Dr. Frank A. Colby and E, II. Ilsmlin have purchased the book and drug store of E. Savajc, and will continue the busi ucss heretofore conducted by Mr. Savage Success to the new firm. J. C. Mitchell has had his patent gas generator In successful operation several times during the past week. It is confl dentiy believed that his Invention will prove to be of pent value. We have heretofore given a description of !ie ar- j paratus employed. I Kkbard P. Kent, Sou t Co., are th'i 1 week In Boston buying new goods. Pleate call ou them and gee tha novelties of the season. Special bargaius in ladies' dry good, carpi-tings, and crockery. Special Inducements to cash buyers. Sheriff Uralinm of Gorham has been perambulating up and down the G. T. and B. C. & M. K. R. lines daring the past week, bringing certain fishermen to justice for violation of the Fish and Game laws. We understand that they generally plead guilty and promised good behavior Iu the future. At the annual meeting of North Star Commandery, Jan. 22, the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing year : Sir Edward R. Kent, Eminent Comman der; Sir Wayne Coblelgh, Generalissimo; Sir Thomas S. Ellis, Captain Gsneral; Sir Edward Savage, Prelate; Sir Charles A. Cleavelaud, Senior Warden ; Sir Roswell C. Chessman, Junior Warden ; Sir Nathan R. Parkins, Standard Bearer; Sir Win. W. Lindsey, Sword Bearer; Sir E. V. Cobleigh, Warden ; Sir Samuel II. Legro, Treasurer; Sir John S. Ocklngton, Re corder; Sir Arthur H. Carpeuter, Sir Joseph D. Howe, Sir Henry J. Cummings, Guards; Sir E. C. Roby, Janitor. Au cntertaiument will be given Tuesday evening, Feb. 1, at the Town Hall, by members of the Academy Lyceum." This entertainment promise to bo one of the best ever offered to tho public of this place. It is to consist of the play "The Octoroon," which has met with such suc cess lu London, New York, and Boston. The whole will conclude with the laugha ble farce, "Nothing Like Paste, or Billy Doo, the Bill St Icier. Doors opon at 7, commence at 7 1-2. Capt. McKeh ey, of Portland, a reformed Inebriate, lectured at the Town Hall Sun day night, according to previous an nouncement. Although the evening was unpleasant the hall was well filled. The lecturer treated his subject solely in Its moral aspects. He gave a sketch of his own life, many years of which were spent in profligacy and dissipation. Six years since he was reclaimed through the efforts of a friend, and since then has not tasted liquor, although the appetite for it still clings to him with terrible force. Ho ap pealed to the temperate and virtuous to make more personal effort to reclaim the fallen by kindness and words of encour agement, and urged those who have be come slaves to intemperate habits to break loose from them and become good citizens. It was arranged that another meeting should be held next Friday night, at which Capt. McKclvey will be present and speak, and also assist in organizing a eform club. Qorham. Offlccrs of Glen Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F. 'or the present term : B. Pratt, N. G. : I. W. Evans, V. G. j Urbau Shorey, Sec etary ; E. Y. Vernon, Treasurer ; A. J. (Iraham, W. ; T. Gifford, C. ; N. Stewart, ll. S. S. ; C. II. Noyes, L. S. S. ; F. fheeler and A. N. Twltchell, 11. & L. S. to G. ; J. A . Callahan aud A. J. How ard, 'R& L. S. to V. G. ; Rev. A. J. Ben edict, Chaplain i J- W- Greenlaw, S. P. G. Officers w8re installed by J. P. Dunham, D. D. G. M- i assisted by members of the Glen Lodge. This lodge is in a very prosperous condition. Membership about 100: funds on hand about 81,200. Augustus Evaus Eq., has purchased the Hiram Cummins farm iu Shelburnc, but doos not intend to locate on it. He will carry it on however. Mr. Cummings is to take up his residence with us. He is a good citizen, anywhere. "' UtinkConimifeioiier Folsom Investigated the standing of our Savings Rank last wek, and reports it in a sound condition. He paid the Treasurer, R. F. Ingnlls, Esq., a flue compl mcnt in having the general affairs of tho bank kept in a manner which made them perfectly plain and clear on inspection. Ho also com mented upon the general neatness and apparent prosperity of our town. Call again, Mr: F., we like to meet with a gentleman possessing clever perceptive and a level head. The Odd Fellows Lodge are to celebrate their second anniversary on the third of February, at the uorlmm House. Home talent, including Rev. A. J. Benedict, chaplain, of llvrhn, supplies the, toasts, responses, music, &c. An oyster supper is to be served at $1.00 per couple. There will bo no dancing. Each member of the order Is allowed to invite a worthy frloud. J. C, Gordon is chosen Grand and J. Jewell petit Jurors. Last Friday night tho festivities of a wooden. wedding woro enjoyed by Mr. Renj. 1'ialtnnd wife at their residence on Alpine St., it being their 11 fth year in marriage. Quite an assemblage of friends were present, sonsidering the brief no. tice. The wooden donations were numerous, in eluding, as we hear, a few petite images, which according to Biblical Injunctions, Miould be re. placed with living realities. Leap year is developing herself hugely with us, Already we have had a leap year bull, leap year rides, leap year over-sets, leap year down-sets and a leap year walk, the latter occuring between Bethel and Gorham. To this fact a party of our friends, about fifteen couples in number, can at test, while ou a recent excursion to Bethel. The Good Templars of this place, Joined by those belonging in Berlin, partook of an oyster suppar at the Gorham House one evening lust week. The Berlin party on returning home tha night, met with an accident by the upsetting of their carriage, which proved quite serious to Mr John Wilson and Mrs. Albert Ilohbs. Married. Iu Lunenburg, on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at the rest deuce of James Morse, by Rev. Geo. A. Perkins, James T. Carruth. to Angeline. Daughter ol Benjamin wooaoury, Doin ol uoncord, v t In Lancaster, Jan. 1, by Key. James Noyes James it. rnrks 01 Mirtliumutrland, to Ktiu r. llartlord of Lancaster. Died. In St. Johns, N. U., Dee. 28, Chas. W., son of (jyrus K. iyinau, ageH i. montii. In Lancaster. Jan. 17. of childbirth. Mnrv Ann wife of Thomas II. Cummings, aged 25 years and one month. Happy soul, thy days arc ended, Ail tny hy mourning, tore lielow. Ho, the Angel guards attend thee, To the feet of uaaus go. I3I1ENIX HOTKL. CONCORD. N. . W. S. BAKER, Proprietor. (3) Free Carriage to and from Depot. MRS. SPARKS Has rctni uod from Boston with her full stook of MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS t bich slio will be most happy to exhibit to nor menus aim patron". Main 8t. opposit V. E. Smith's Shoe Stor Luncuxter, N. 11.. CASH PAID FOR Hides, Pelts and Veal Skins By nOflKA. GRAY AJ. MARSHALL, . Maiiufiiettirerof CARRIAGE AND FUHMITOBK, Lancaster. S, H. Itlaokaraltlilng, painting, trimming pairing uouo to oiner, D. Tlowe'e Advertisement. OS KEEPING GOOD HEALTH. Sow tor an Illustration : One man atked a doctor If lie could do anything him. He said nv irat rumiinK down aud his food didn't digni well, aud hurt him. n said he did not bold to doctoring much, had not taken medicine for some years. ThediK-tor replied that coiiipariuvely speaking ha iieedwt to take a tiikt and wrape his stomach, there were rnnla of fever, oiw upon auother, thai had been there for years. We dou't rend of hut one Fin Hint cannot be for given in this world and t!u world to come. It is not the sinner, but the dead, lonual profes or. the enmiting over beads, reading or pray. er, Ac, especially liw hireling priest such can not be forgiven iu' this world uor that which is to come. The most we hoar about the hireling priest Is he see. tha wolf coming, and fleoth aud the wolf rnU-hetli them. The devil tries to make out he catches the sheep which is a Christian, but it is the other way. Once more, to all beware, Avoid Satan's aluriug snare. 1't every thought and word and deed, lit governed by our (saviour's crevd. Then heaven's bright glorious sun Will illumine your path till time is done. When the last loud trump shall sound, n cave n will enlighten your sou) around. On the sleep of the deud and uiiuihilutiou of the wicked. Lnt us hear what Luke nays : Then Jesus cried with a loud voice : "Heavenly Father into thy hands I commit my spirit,'' saying which, he gave up the ghost. Joseph came to beg the body; we see the spirit wasn't in the body till he arose; then the spirit returned to the bodv, which is the Holy Uliost. Jude tells us the wicked are suffering the ven geance of eternal lire. Reader, let us all strive and live so an to shun the eternal lire. . -i KKT. Mil. CiOSl'KL. Banking, insurance AND Geieral Business. OFFICES OP HESMRY O. KEOT, Keut's Building, Main St., Lancaster, N.II. :o: The Savings Bank Count7 os WWW?a I kamm hi 1, LUsLSi President, HIRAM A. FLETCHER. Treasurer, JIEXRY 0. KENT. Tm.STKES. H. A. Fletcher, R. Kent, A. .T. Marshall, S. II. Lcgro, J. I. Williams, L. F. Moore, B. F. Whldden, II. O. Kent, E. llrown, C. W. Smith, E. Savage, E. V. Cobleigh. This Hank pays two half yearly dividends of i per cent, each, free of nil taxes to the holder, and divides nil its. surplus earnings, once in two years, among its depositors. All sums uve re ceived, from $1 upwan'.s, and go on iutescst the lirdt oi the next moniii. Icnry 0. Kent & Co., Bankers, Will sell checks, cash check?, procure and sell any description of Ifonils or Stocks upon tup mar ket, negotiate loans and transact a general liank- lug liuMiiess. THE COOS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. A pnrelv Mutual company for insuring Farm ami Dwelling House Properly only. ASSETS AT EISK JAN. 1, 1376, (U4.053.C8. resilient, tnT. JIEYWOOD. Treasurer, C. ?. ALLEN. Secretary, II EX II Y 0. KEXT. DiitF.rroits. Win. Hovwood, B. F. Whidden, C.K.Allen, J. G. Crawford, V. E. Smith, V. :,. Burleigh, E. V. Cobleigh, C. C. Brooks, .John Whitleinore, Alfred Loverin, S. G. Fuller, II. M. Hobart, K. l'ox. The rolieiea run Ave years. During the last Ave years the aggregate assessments were one per cent. Stock Insurance. After nearly twenty years experience as tin In surance Manager, the following listol companies!, embracing without qualification the Oliikht, Safest, Best stock companies in America, are presented to the insuring public, representing over 825,000,000 : -ETNA, IIAHTFORI), HOME, HANOVER, GUARANTY, INSI lIA.Nt K CO. OF NOHT1I AMERICA, NEW HAMP SHIliE, SPRINGFIELD, , ' CITIZEN'S. Every description of desirable property insur ed at fair rates. A competent surveyor sputfr) examine property, when necessary. Applications nun C114U11 ieo mull mil u y iuiiiv tuiiif tion. Particular Attention given to placixo hl'ECIAL llAZAUUS. Speedy and honorable settlement made in case or loss. HENRY O. KENT is Trei surer of the LANCASTER l'APEU MILL AND Pleasant Valley Starch Co., and will give attention to tho financial business ot oitiior corporation. He will also transact a general Office Business and will prosecute deserving claims, before the different departments ol the woveninieut. Correspondence solicited. All matters entrust ed to the olliee will be managed with fidelity and despatch. Address (JUJ HENRY O. KENT, 1S70. Lancaster, N. VI. ELLIS & OLCOTT, Iron Founders, AXD MAX'VFACTUIlEnS AND DEALERS IN PLOWS, HARROWS, CASTINGS of nil kinds kept ou hand or Made ii fi m n f S Ii ftr t. tti Ua i v Experienced Workmen. A full stock of Plows, Harrows, am' fJulUvatars constantly on hand, ti 0 ave Agents for the cclebi ated Sessions & Knox Steel Plows, tho best in use Repairing Dons in a Workmanlike Manner. CALL AND SEE US. Sliop9 anil I'dilcsroom on Middle St first Knilding North of ii ist Mill. VT. 6. CLI.I9. B. 8. OLCOTT A. K. TOWWE. Druggis fciiApothecary AND DEALER IN FANCY" GOODS, TOILET AR TICLES, STATIONERY, BOOKS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Abo Paints', Oils' and Dyo Stuffs Corner Cioss and Railroad Sts lv-22 Goihaui, N. I! Re-EstabHshedjOrren Tubbs & Co., AT THE OLD STASD, Watch and Jewelry JjivapoRiu! Mutter's Block, Main Street. Mv stock is l:rzer aad better than ever lietore, audconsisis uf ail the desirable lines aver kept iu lli-st-class jewelry establishments. Watch Repairing A SPECIALTY, IHIOLIID-Al'Y" aud Birthday Presents in great variety. SPEC T A OLES . of best quality fitted lu a careful manner. "Plenso call and stify yourselves. G. A. MARTIN, Lancaster, X. II, . Xov. 8, 1373. -'' 48-tf Having conducted buslnctis for six rears past, without making any pnnernl sotllemcnt or collec tions, we now liml a change absolutely necessary to enable us to settle accounts uml collect our ' 'e therefore open new books at this date, and our linn will hereafter bo RICHARD 1 KENT, SOX & CO. An immediate settlement will be required of all opvn ui;eouuts, either liv payment or note, anil an early payment of ull 'debts without exception, unless vcrv recently contracted. The usual heavy Stock of (iooila will be kept by the llrm and sold ut low prices for cash or short approved credit. RICHARD P. KENT & SON. Lancaster, X. II., Jan. 1, 1S76.. 3-3t Unquestionably the best sustained work or the Kind in me worm. Harper's Magazno, ILLUSTRATED. Notices of the Press. The ever-increasing circulation of t'.usexcellent intlilv proves its continued adaptation to popu. lar desires and needs. Indeed, when we think into how uianv homes it penetrates every month, we must consider it ss one of the educators as well entertainers ot the public mind. Uasion i,iotie. Th clinracter which this Magazine possesses for variety, enterprise, artistic wealth and literary culture that lias Kept pace witn, ii it n.-is not ie:i the times, should cause its conductors to regard with Justifiable complacency, ino juagiidine lias done good and not evil all the (lays ol its lite. lirooldij Eagle.- Some tit me most popular ui iiioucni uura have first appeared as serials iu this Magazine. In all respects, it is nn excellent periodical, aim fully deserves its great success. rhiludelpMtt JLctfger. TERMS : Postage free to nil Subscribers in the ITult- eu suites. II.Mtt'ETt's MAO.vziNE.oneyear $4 Ol) S4 IK) includes prepayment of IT. S. postage by the publishers. iubscmptions to UAftrEu's Magazine, V kek ly, and Uazaii, ro one aihln'as, $1 (; two of Harper n rerio'iicam, to one uuurentjvr one year. ?7 ill): pottaijejrrt. An Extra ( ' ol cunrr uie jntiAzn. i-.i.k- V, or KAAi: ii-ul ue sajijnmi ins jar erery tub of Five sntscitlliKlts at vf nil e.n-u. i.i i;e emitliinre: or. Six Home Jor ?2 Ou, ictiliout ex-- ra com;: poataie fi'oi. ISaA 'Numbers cuu he supplied at any time. A ( oniplete Set ot H.utriiU H JIa'ia.ine. now comprising ftl ninnies, in neat cun.i miming. will he sent iy express, inegiu aiexpcnse oi pur chaser, for $'2 i' per volume- bnnjle rain: met, by niail,MrHif(, jjm. i ioi.-i cases, lor miuiing, .'i3 cev ts, nv man, postpaid. A Cuiiiu un Analytical Index to the lirst i illy Volumes of IlAurmt's M ahazink has just been published, rendering available for reference the vast ami varied wealth of informal ion which con stitutes this periodical a pirlect illustrated litera- y cyclopedia. vo, 1,10111,5:4 ou; nan iuii,y: ii. nt postage prepaid. A series of papers under the f itlo of "The First Century of the Republic," contributed by the most eminent American publicists, is now being published in Haki'EK's Mai;a.ine. This series of over twenty papers gives a comprehensive re new ol rrogress (luring me cenuirv now closing, 11 every department of our national life. Xe.w.i'ia)ers are not to conn this a drertisemcnt without the ceprcsi order of UAKi'fcU Buvni Kits. Address 1LVEFEU & BROTHERS, l-3t New York. American and Foreisn Tatcnt?. C.II.MAX A CO., Sneeessors to CIUI'MAX, HOSMElt & CO., isolicitDiv. I'atontB procured in nil eountrie.8. NO FEKS IN ADVANCK. No charire unlens tlie patent is grunted. No fees for lnakinupreliininnry eXMiniiintions. No addition. 1 tees lor omaniing ana ommuctinif n reneurinfr. Iv h reeent deeisiim of the CoininiHiiioiier ALL rejected applications may lie revived. .Special at tention giren to InterfeiMnee Cases before the Pa tent Otlice, Kxtensions before Congress, Inlrine nient Suits in dill'erent .States, ami nil litigation appertainiiu to Inventions or Talents, .send lamp to unmoro to, lor pamiunei 01 sixty pagos. Laud Cases, Land Warrants and Scrip. Contested Land Cases prosecuted lieforc the I'. , Ceneral Lund Olllce and Department of the In terior. Private Land Claims, MINIS'; and l'Rb EMI'TION Claims, ami HUM KSTEAl) Cases at tended to. Land Scrip in 40, SO, and 100 acre pieties for sale. This .Scrip is assignable, and can bo located in the name of the purchaser upon any Government land subject to privateentry, nt$l 2.r per acre, it is 01 equal vaiue wiiu ijuiiiny imihi Warrants. .Send stamp to Cdlinore &Co. for nam lihlet of instruction. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. OFKICEItS, SOLDIKUS, and SA I LOUS of the late war or their heirs, are in luauy cases entitled to money from tlie Covernment of which they hnve 110 knowledge. Writufull bistoi-y of scrviite, mid state ainotint of pav and bounty received. EncloKo stamp to CILMOKE & CO., and a full re- ply, alter exniuination, win uu k'voii you iree. PENSIONS. All OFKICEItS. SOLDIEIW, and SAILORS wounded, ruptured, or injured in tho lute war, however slnjlitlv, canoutania pcpsion by address inir U1LMOKK '& CO. Cases prosecuted bv GILMOKK A before t!io Siipreine Court of tho United States, the Court of Claims, and tho Southern Claims Conv mission. Each department of our business Is conducted in a scparato bureau, under charge of the same experienced parties employed by the old linn l'roinnt. attention to nil businessciitriisted toCIL MOKE & CO. is thus secured. Wo desire to w in success by deserving it. Aucuess GILMOliK A CO.. G2(i F street, Washington, D. C. Sii & 1M Manufacturi'i of DOOES, SASH, & BLINDS, and dealers In all kinds of Builders Material. Kiln dried Lumber constantly ou hand, DIMENSIONS TO ORDER. Moulding and Scroll Sawing done at short notice. KBtlmates for Buildings furnished nn application Factory 011 (.'anal rtreer, near A. Thompson' Maeninu .Mkj. l"i tMuftlBter, April 2T, VH'o- MARTINS ilew Frm0 ll lUU! IX Fancy Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, CE0CKERY AND GLASSWARE, EMails, Cutlery, AND I HOICK FAMILY roceries. Shall make CHOICE FLOUR A SPECIALTY Goods delivered in any part of the v.llage free ol charge. Lancaster, X. II. 2C-tf If you want to make your wife the best Christmas or New Years tirewnt that can be found buy tier one of those . Wheeler & Wilson Improved No. 7 Ml Icies And see how happy it will make her. the best machine m tho world. They arc A. R. BO VUDriAX, Gen. A?t. 21tf for Northern Xew llainnsliire and Vermont Office at J. A. Smith's Store. '3- Mac'iincs lo let mid till kinds repaired. THE PLACE TOGET BAEGAINS! In cvei-y varlidy ol pt'Ods kept. Viy country iiieioliniits, siudi u Dry Good,i, Eoots, Shoes & Euhbers, HATS AND CAI'S, Orocirift, CrocUtry atid tllantcair, .1 Cutlvrtj, tec, Sc., IS AT R. F. BiCALLS, Slain Street, Gorham, N. II. FLOUR A SPECIALTY, Of which I always have variety of grades, INCLUDING Till BEST. Pive run 11 cull. R. F.'IXGALLS. Consistin DEAP L'ETES, CASHMERES, DIAGONALS, POPLINS, Piald Waterproofs, ( Ml Wool.) SHAWLS, CLOVES, HOSIERY, LACES and GIMPS, ReadymadeCJothing FURNISHING GOODS, HATS and CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, WOOLBUS, Trunks and Valises, Taper Hangings, &c. Ladies' Furs, &c. 13 ui m IMS, rsa m Also Agents for Singer Sewing Machine. Lancaster, X. II., Oct. 3th, 1S73. WINTER OF 1875-6. GRAND OPENING ii. p. 11 m & fo:s A very largo stock bought very low for C'AS'll and sold at BOTTOM PRICES. HE for SAEQAI1T2. A visit to our Btora will convince M10 most skeptical that we lmve got all tlie goods we adver tise, and will sell thein low. fireat Inducements in our Custom Tailoring department. Agent for the CHlebrated WLSON SEWING MACHINE. BUTTERICKS PATTERNS. rAGE & BAYLIES fnitiotiR home mado Candles hercaner In nUiek. In I'onforniitv with arrangements recently made we will hereallev make a discount ol W ;)urcut. to cash buyeri. H. f. KENT. I. It. KENT. Coocls Fyr Robes, flfll GOODS TrT3 "83 7VT T f4 CO Shi O AT h I THE LOWEST C0FFIS, Fiiuiiii kit AValnut Carvings, N. H. EICHAEDSO. (Old Coos 5lock,. LACASTr, N. II. S8LVER MEDAL iiimor Cure. 1 ui INDI.VX VEGKTA15LK Cough sfi ESumor Curo is Hie most stir: and speedy cure for Coughs, Colds, and Incipient C.-.nsnuipt'ninJnflam-in ition of the Throat and Lima, Dy'P'i aid, aiul all diacanes of the Lifer and. ni'jestiee Organs. It eliminates from the svstem all wmomand im purities aclinjias an alterative.ei-adicatini,' disease and priMiuciii!; the most wonderful ;ind astounding ! cures where other remedies and physicians have j entirely failed. Manv persons who have suffered from roughs and lung diseases until it w'.'is tlie universal opinion of friends and physicians that thev must dm with eonsmnplion, have been entire ly cured Willi a few bottles of this truly wonderful medicine. Volumes of the most unbonbted char, ncter can be furnished as to the, unparalleled etlicaev of this "ireratioii, but wo have space for onlv the follow ine : t To nihom it may concern : Thereby certify that in the use of C. C. Frost's Indian Vegetable Cough and Humor Cure, I have received more benclit for dyspepsia than all other medicines taken. I am now in the daily use of the same and have been for four or live months past, and do ihofj cheerfully recommend it to all alilictcd 111 like manntft 11EV. NAIU'M HUOOKS. 2.'4 Bridge street. Jlanchcter, Jan. :I0, 187.1. Crwi'mai, X. II., Xov. It, 1 NT-IT I)r C. C. Frost : Words can never express the gratitude we fell toward you lor the Joy and com fort von have given us 111 curing our uauuicr; from that loathsome disease, scrofula. From : early child-hood she has been afflicted, In one form or another, with it, and never until now lias been free frm it. Her face had not been free from sores since she was eighteen months old J (alio is now thirteen years of age). A few years ago it settled niainlv'in her eyes and ears, and we feared she would lose her sight. We had ex pended hundreds of dollars to obtain Hie best, medical skill to be had in the country, but all t' no purpose; physicians could not help her; she- grew worse eotistantlv. After all Iftis, can you, blame us that we were so loth to try your medi cine? we had 110 faith in anything. We tried, vour medicine because you was so sure it would help her; wo did not believe it ourselves; but; before the second bottle was liuishcil wo noticed a , change for the better. She grew sti ger, her I eves began to get better, and s!u! appeared like! another being. Alter taking seven bntltcs (tho 1 last w as taken last April), she was pvonounctsl ; a well girl, and at, the present time is in the enjoy, j meat of perfect health. Respectfully yours, ! Ml,. A A 1 1 -i li. r,. r . 1 .mui. Manchester, March 111, lfT.". Dr. ('. ('. Frost if' t o- Dear Sir: I gladly add mv testimony in favor ot your valuable medicine. A'friend called on us from Vermont, apparently far gone with Consumption, cau.-ed by Measles. He had no appetite, and wa.i weak and trembling from Ibe exhaustion produced by a fearful cough. I persuaded linn to trv yourloiign ami 1 minor Cure. Ho tool; a bottle 'home and when that was gone soul lor two more.' three effected a perfect cure, and he is now in good health, i have known many others g'-eatlv benelliterl by ils use; have used it in my own family for years, ami liml il a sa. fe, effective, reliable nieoicioe. Truly yours. il. UF.NNKTT, of City Tolice. MAM l'Al i l Ki:i) AM S3ld.ll!V C. C. FKOST & CO., Manchester, N. II. Sold lv all Druggists and Medicine Healer. Or. C. GOODWIX & CO., AVUEKS & rOTTlCK, Wholesale Agents, J$oMton, Mass. Awarded a Silver Medal at the New Kn and New Hampshire Slate I'nir, Sept. 187.". land iy-13 For Sale by E. SAVAGE, LANCASTER, If. Sold in Nortlisrn N, H, FIGURES WILL XOT LIE Ky arrangements recently made va are enabled to offer for net cash the best ( Stone China Crockery at tho following prices Dinner Tlates, -ev dozen, 1 20 Urenklnst plates per dozen, 1 1" (I inch Bakers, to !l ineh linkers. 27-.W ('overed Dishes, 7"-1 00 howls, ion Tea Plates, per doz, Pie i'lates, per doz. Sauce I'lates Tea Cups& Saucers, per set, Coffee Cups & Sau cers, per set, !I0 Pitchers, So-i.l 75! Kwers ,t llasins, 1 00-1 SO WfCiianihers, 50-1 00 lllue Kdged J'.akin, 02 riates. Si Common Cups ft Sau- (!8! cers, per set, us and nil other articles both in Stone, China, C. C. and Edged goods at proportionate prices- R. P. KENT & SON. Lancaster, Y,. II., Oct. Dili, 1875. 39-U 2STEW Where all kinds of Ladies Routs' and Chlldrojis wear can be found, warranted manufactur ed of tho bought low, and otteied for ealer.t BOTTOM MB 11 fill. Lndioi' who are in tho litibit of sendinK to the ciiv for nice work in this line will find it to their advantage to give nio tl.t-ir orders. CHAS. E. McINTIRE. Town Hall lluilding, Luncaster. II, April, I.1.K5. 1.. .1 n Crockery Ghent h Ever i & U1U t "S Q v Jam 5 qs. v PRICES ! sim Sl'FlllES, CASTORS HOES &C. Goods delivered. $1,200 worth ot Uv.otU 1o be Sold without regard to cost. Greatest Sacrifice evt-r made iu 2 GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, PAPEB HANGINGS, LO THING, HATS AND CAPS, 1 f I rurmsning uooas, Trunks, Bags, &c. I'orter Eros. & Hodgdon (late Torter Tirnthers,) are selling their entire stock of the above good? , all new and fresh, at LliSS Til AX COST, for casli 3Ioney Blust be Had to Meet Their Obligations, . This special and unprecedented sale will (III! Fi IUII Hill Tiio best opiiorlunity to purch!t Fail & Winter Goods ever offered in Coos County. Come and See I rrodKC j of all kinds will be taken at cash prices. Mil 8&D3. a mmi Lancaster, X. II., Sept. 20, 1S73. 3?-ts Twitchell & Hamlin At the corner store iormcrly occupied by Orrcii Tubbs aud John K. Uriggs, offer for tho inspection of customers a full line A full and carefully selecte.I stock of JJOOTS AM) SHOES. Also GEOOEEIE-S And general assortnieut of yuwlly supplies, CHOICE AXD COMMON DHAXDS0P ri IP a Specialty. All our gooiU will be sold nt it Prices. ill and examine for yourselves. It is no. trouble to show our goods, so ask for anything wanted. A. v. Twrromxi.. CHAP. C. 1IA1I1.TS. (.lorhain, S. II., June 1st 1875 7 Oliver Street Boston, Hsisa. Deiilrrs in J'otnto. Corn mid Wheat Starch, strictly on Coinmhsioii, and dealer in (Sinlt 3In mi f ac k o rors Supplies. X.AVIIlTK,f Dealer In sot, mm i mmm, (itdtllAM, New tlaiypuliivCt Mr. White would Inform the fitizens of, C.orlinm mil vicluitv, that he has oponrtl (oiciifii a vv i in.-nor, mid is prepared to do all kinds ot voi In his lob work done on erufrt luitico, NEEDLES For nil Slandaiil Mrtchlnes sent by mall, post paid. lor 43 cutf per tUucn. t, I r. Si it ' V'ook, N, hrh Sate pry Dry&FancyGoQas Serai BIG