Newspaper Page Text
x ,t '. M ill -a :l, U I-Uiul Pond. VU .Tunc 21. Aa "American Week." Here m an idea for thcprij;rrsivrlni- ness men of Island I'onJ nr. for tin-mat. ter of that, of anyilivr, energetic town or .city in tlie I'liitrtl Stairs, it is tu have an "American werk," during wlikhalljtlif stores of every kind, nrr .Ircor.itvd willi .article ul Amcrionu maiiufaclure only; .Aiuerit-an-made goo-Is the product of American labor are plncetl iroiniiKiitly in view, and jcvial attention called to their qualities and .jwice, in order that customers n.ny understand that the idea is a lallacv that "importer- k.mkIs are necessarily letter than Hiosk- produced nl home " Springfield, Massachusetts, according to the American Fcotiomist, is the first citv which has adopted this scheme; and iits success there should fcive confidence ,thnt it wotdd l)e n success elsewhere. That paper points out that this plan, properly and skillnllv carried out, will not only help the immediate sale of our own products and inaiiiif.icuiics, liut it should tend to create a lively snlciiienl demand for the same oods. In very many retail stores it is regarded us quite the protcr thing to seil Anttri can goods ns if they were of furcign manufacture, and their pror display upon their own merit will iifionl custom ers an opportunity of learning that Uiey have not been in the habit ol Ijiiyiii", somethinj; that was Knus'ii, lrrviich or German. We heartily hj-ivc with the Keouomist In its kiiggestion that we should have "an American week" in every city, town jind village in the United States. Show American goods, wear American goods and cat American food. The first week in Julv, with its day of national independ ence, would bo n lilting and n proper time for the occasion. The proclamation of the President warning nil citizens of the 1'uited States not to break the neutrality law by send ing arms and munitions of war to the Cuban rebels is timely perhaps, in view of the numerous reports of the titling out of filibustering expedition distilled for the island. Whatever the personal sym pathies of the people of the 1'uited States in this conflict it is evident that it is the government's dutv to prevent as far iib may be any assistance to n rebellion iigaiust a country with which we are nt pjace. If filibustering expeditious land men and arms in Cuba and our govern ment has been gtrlty of a lack of dili gence in discovering them and prevent ing their departure we are liable to Spain and may have to pay, just ns liiig land had to pay us for the spoliations of the Alabama. A brisk revival of business before the national conventions of the parties meet to nominate Presidential candidates and formulate national issues would un doubtedly work wonders in settling the currency question. With labor well cm ployed and manufacturing industries run ning at a fair profit there would speedily grow up a very strong sentiment against any radical change in our currency sys tem among the very classes that a re now most in favor of it. The ranks of the sil ver men are very largely recruite from the discontented classes. Make thoseelasses contented and they will desert in a body. They are not silver men from any convic tion. They are for free coinage simplv lecause free coinage is offered as a cure for the depression in business which has been affecting thera unfavorably. Let restoration to health come without free coinage and so fur as they are concerned free coinnge will be discarded. It is the knowledge of this fact that makes the silver men so anxious to commit some tiartV to the free Ooill.ltrp Tloliet- ini nwli- I titely. If it were believed that the great mass of free coinage advocates of today were such from conviction there would be no haste to commit any party now o. tuning a national convention, a tree coinage sentiment founded on conviction could be trusted to survive until next summer. It is the realization of the fact that a great many of the free coinage i-tiouters will be just as ready, if times improve, to shout against it. that makes the silver lenders in such a tremendous hurry. The iron is hot now and thev want to strike before it cools off, which they very much fear it may do before next summer. l'.xp(irimnt Station Itnlletln. The Vermont experiment station at Burlington has just issued Hulletin 47 on t,ommerciil Fertilizers," giving the guarantees and analyses of ninety-two distinct brands sold in Jthc state this year, with their money valuations. This bu'letin also includes twenty-four pages ol matter explanatory of fertilizers and fertilization, explaining, (l)!the princi pies governing the use of fertilizers; (2) elements o, piant loofl ; lol tlie ma terials used in commercial fertilizers, their description, source and composition ; (4) the specific action of nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash upon vegetable growth (5) the selection, purchase and use of commercial fertilizers; (6) explanation of terms used iu fertilizer guarantees and analyses. It is thought that this bulk tin will prove helpful to farmers who use commercial fertilizers, inasmuch as it not only gives analyses of all the brands in the state, but explains the same and in dicates the best method of selection, pur chase and use. The bulletin will be sent free of charge to any address upon appli cation. A postal card addressed to the Experiment Station, Burlington, Vt., is sufficient. The grand lodge of Masons nt Bur lington last week decided to build the temple in Burlington. The temple will cost $50,000. Officers of the grand lodge cre chosen as follows: M. W. Kittrcdge Haskins, Brattleboro, grand master; R. V), JJUiucl N. Nicholson, Burlington Ju-.aty grand ui.-ii.trr; K. W. Wii.tWMj ScwU F.iv. t'ndcrhill. grau.1 den; K. Y. William J". Lents. Cr.-ind jiHiHtrward.ti; K. W. Ki vxoItU, Ituilinton. grand Mvretary; K. V. Charlrs Y. liitctinili, I'r.Ktois ille, era nd treasurer; W. John V". Si ) well, I'utney, grand M-mor ik-.-mtn: W. Edwin It. True, Nrvvj- it, giitittl jnnmr dcaoou. Senator I'roelor in a mint interview at WashiiiL'ton, said "So r nt .nr tale is concerned," said Mr. I'roelnr. we are not talking aix.ut chances vet. It is too far n lit. i.l (" We will In- .it.tic.l with any kmmJ Kc P"- '"' " me nat.onai a"d " arc-od. Wc are not 1'"'"in,; silver in Vermont. .ir I ie.iplc, of course, lire lor sound money. the sounder the lietter. We lire all in l.i vor of tisin silver as we have always done, hut, of couise, do not approve ol : lllc lVc' t'"',,at" al 16 to 1 l"s-' The I'uited States Hoard of Geographic Names has decided LTiWl disputed speil ings in its five yens o! existence, lis work may haw been intended onlv lor ollieiai ttsitriges; at any lole, little at tention is paid its decision. Most peo ple slid write IUlnin Sea ami Chili: not Sea and Chile, as the hoard ordered. Tune will pndiaMy charge these dccply-rjotc.l spellings. The first shipments ul American iron ore to Hiirope weivma l-.-.i few il.nsau-M. 1 ."! tons from the mii: s at I'ori Henry, to the f'.u naeis of the Khuiish and Wcsi plia.lian iron districts, iu Gcim.tuy. "The development ol the basic pro cess iu Iiurope and in Germany," says The Iru Age." has created a de mand for ores h'gh in phosphorus." 'l'he ore taken out at I'ort Henry mines is of the desired quality, containing about 1.75 percent of phosphorus, with about (51 per cent of iron. It is ipiite pr !inbie not only that further shipments to Ccr many will be made, but also t!i..t 1 llici ores suited for use in the basic oiien eai"; li process will be exp-uted fr mi ilie same mines to H.igland. Vermont Fish and Game Lengus. Arrangements have been comp cled by the Vermont Fish and Game bvaunr l..r the midsummer meeting ol the s ic'cly to be held at Isle I,:t Motte, the home ol Hon. Nelson V. 1'isk, president ol the societv.JulvL'-l-. Those unending will ren .i i , i . i ue.vous at nuningioii wnerctliestc mier Reindeer will he taken for Isle I. a Matte. The Central Vermont railroad wiil sel: tickets to me-.ltliers of the league ai ex cursion rates. The boat will return to liurlingtou in time to take t lie la te tr-iin.s. A Lake Champlaiu clam chowder is ad ve. tised. A very l.-iigeiittendaneeol'iueai-hcrs and those interested in the fish and game of the .State is , expected. Anv lurlher particulars regarding tile meeting may be had of John VY. Tilc.imb, Si. Johnsbury, secretary of the league. It is aiiiiouiiced that Gov. Morion ol .New York has decided to sign the Anis worthschool bill which compels thestudv in the public schools of the effects of ai cholic drinks and narcotics upon the hu man system. The lull provides that theie shall be four lessons a week for ten; or more weeks of each year in all grades" be low thesecoud gradeolthc High school a course which should give pnpi'is all the in formation they need on the subject. This is the bill against which the sujieriutcnd ent of public instruction made a vigorous tight, and which was contended lor bv members ol the teuiierance as.sociationV eointitutcd from the I'lesbyteiiaii, Con grogational, Methodist and Haptist Clin relies. on Tin: now r.ui'. A I rm li ( anaiiiaii ( nlly Wi ilen IDs Impi i-K-aon of f;,v York. Some weeks ago Francois Saus-Doule, a French-C'Kiadian cabin-, visited this town. Through the kind offices of some actors who hail met him in Quebec, Francois was enabled t see the living pictures. Subsequently he wrote home about it. Since then the letter has found its way back to New York again. Here o. iiuciiaiigeii and una'arulged : ".New York, March tic two time, same year, "Frien Jo Hats me some more. Be las time I write it I dont meke spoke denglish vary good, now I spoke henglish I goin tole you hall habout dc.Ncw York. New York dats more big as tie Huston but she aiiit so big on him mind, and she spoke henglish in more easy word on New York. Tints line place dats long lekc de debil but dats not very big side way. Got all kine peoples on New York, frenchmatis from Canada jes so good nobody else. Las weeks I see the Count Casteel the man who makemarry Hanna Gold, dats rle girl we take it far drive on Quebec las summer. Well, he's make pnrty good trade, ain't it. Get lot more frenchmans on New York but Idon'tcarc for dat for shes not good for almos noting at all. I)c walk side dey call flat paivemeut dats fix it all kind way, some brick, some stone some kind smoodo some rufTde debil. De car street tlats all mix it, some go de steam way up de top de street, some go de horse, some go de rope. De cur horse he go vary well, de car steam she's purty good only all tie place he stop call all cle same name. Dat rope ear sometimes he go sometimes he dont. Lots play house fcnll d.qf (I,,.;,!,- on Quebec), hav lots ting for see it, tie bess I like dem live picture, dats lots girl, big girl to dress just de same de baby be fore she buys his clothes, jest all de same shes poor have done got no dress noting, han she dont look shame needer. Shes try meke beleve shes dat picture lion pa per, but de picture hon paper she cant wink his eye, but by gosh some of it dats beautiful, han all cle peoples seem to like dat, ain't it. Me I can't stay home from dem place, Las Sunday I teke it walk down de Bower, dat'g de place meke you cry hi eye sec all dem nice iral. she don' fraid notinir. She s.iv l,..ll, Francois jus de same my frien on Quebec She tole it she guess I lonesick han ask it teke glass beer. Well I go teke dat glass 'Jeer nan aats cost my watch han three dollar an halls han den I can't found ,in gal. When you come New York done go de Bower. Dats more as 12 de o'clock an I cant forget something else to tell it so I goin to tell it good-by. when vou sec my friend Marie tell it hello. Here it ' is. New York F veiling Sum. Tl.rwu-l, lliecomloy ofj.imes lunne Ctv.ut ln-.-uiv ol Couit Kl mJ I'on l. Xo. we nave reeeivnl the following uit-t-sting Inct roiKTrning tlw lti.lrrl'il"nt t r.lcr of ronrsters : Imrmj; thr month ..f Mir thr nionltrr .f apHi.Kti.u I. r airwlH-rsliiji nmird hjr the Mrdi.-al l:...u.l n .o-jj. ,, whom 3.1.11 tarrrmvr.trri. 'l. .,,. ,,, of over S.m nit the hiht-ol nnmlr i.f appl . :iti.,n rvcr rrrrivnl in nnv unr 1 he Snrpln. luml ol Hi, iir,rr n the lt of June .liovvnl tbt hih t.-t:t of f 1 ..! 7.M'tl. tn Hit :inli ,,( May the eonirr .tone the rorrtcrV Ti mi'lr a l.ii.l t.y hu lii.vlKm v the l-:rl ot AilH-t.leen. 4overnor-4; of L':in.ul.-i. in the prrseiiee of au umniiie e,.n v.iurc f I'oiestei. ati.l tluir iikh K. The Temiile i;l le eicht lnnn mol will tie tile finest 1' llratiuntter on the eoiitiiu-nl. The l"oi-sti ie venr vIomi on the Cloth ol June, ami iu ivi, iiirtini!:,r it will l,e the rnoul nn-riu ymr in the liUtory ol the Iriler. Thr .m-n in thr Surpl.i- ls he, . (mmi.oo. ami in i he .li ;ii!'i-rsliipnli..iit s o, in I'or the mouth of lime it is exiieileJ that nt ltat uiiiilieatioiis ill In nx-ein d. I'urin the ytarXew Count li.iu oa;.H! 00 ht mouth. The Siijiii -in Coin t w ill 11111 1 1 rit St. Mai tins' Town Han. Tr.Hnleur Siinm, l.oinl .11. Hlivluilil, uii the 1- t 1l.1v !' A-.ivut. T!i li:h cor.ri 1.1 oii;;,iio 11I mot tit l.oll. Ion. 1 Oit.iri n iltc s;:-, 1 tot. her. Thi'lul S SITI-I-ihlNG I IXKSKiil.lKl". X. U Many physicians hue M'oi ouiU'e l as ii.euiabii, diseases of the r'i-.v ai d blood. M 1 s. 1 b idsdou o, this nl ice aliand mtd the old iifethod, us d I".'.'s I'avo-ite K'ciri.Iv and w:s cured. In lclo! r, ls:in. Mr-". if dvdoTi ci!l''eii ,1 from a d'M-.'ised ankle ben. She had abv.l with Sail K 1 1 . e, hiv ibse .seii !:i::b. I'm e: i .vol'.' i:vd but wit!; i!" ys been I h ag'.'i avn pti'H.s nl' a Mlblcd I the s irl . i'ei - I. 1 i:c.' S i'.W ., . Ur o i'hi! MaS : dn. . e J 1 n.t 01 t;.. 1 1 '. i;-d. I. se. the ;.!eei-i':.;. s.r-s, nr.,1 res: red M:s Ho. isdon to healih and I'.i voriie Ktt'iedy cleanses the bl'xal. ;,n. si.rciit;t hens the nerves. Iu easev m m'.mi ula ami s ilt rheum, it never fails. TOWN TOPICS, The ifonrnitl cf .nrf;f ! TASKS) tlllfllSI'.W.) snv :r.i !- i--il-r-r-.!!r r----pn V. 1 l.Tfll IK IN. A - I it t!:c mnst cinrkt It- "St. .LI. i, ivi - ci.lmi-' 3 rri Itiln It .1.1 In '- u " , e-.ii-ili'') ..I II.., . e.c. .1 il e' III!.' f rv r.i;oii, PhlU'li li.liln. l.Monf.., mi l oil rt':Tf.N-..T.;.!, K !.. I I ,11 ll e-v U.IV li- s; :i- fr. r.r..,n : ,1 li, .a:tc. . i I. ;:i"..tilv wnii all I'to.i'. is uli I.l . 10 r. ., '-I.l ,tm v ,M av" lu ica -11 .--!r : T 11;-tiiMir.- W l.v ll-.i' , a v, r. st r,f ,-. i,-.i. t. i.i i a", 1" ii -,- 4 p I,. I.l -I I: T l..t.l aj..-,- for lol li.Vtrs of l; ...rl - t., 1.1 ';. i-'Win-, rl....irli.i:. .Ibiitiii: rf. It- I If I'-l" i : .. a . Hi., r rui-te in I. . Its t'-iili'fc.'H' ', -insia.'l J- la s i:n- tin- 1. -.'rr.t. Ii o:li-,.r. ly o,. I 1 1 m-i-f t,i,-.n A" -".In titvt's. i M a i .t. ( rm '.-nl. ."itPnn IJ.iMl:-.., i .1 ,r I.-.". .- It, l.,:i.. r; I'Tl-.-r. !.,r J Hmvla-r ("I.-ii I' . i-oit.-r "'. I'-,rr.v 1'ihi, 1'iMil IVias-l. hii."-i- i:i; line. iiiliK-.- I'l. ro-, .-i, . (,'.. ii ml at,-, tai:, if H t ! : ft r- r: ...if. , I t,!i, , s 1 1- . t r. !; 1. 1 t .11. I i..-. I - v. va't.-i.' . , - I-1:. . t.iri.- -.. i -Via' t.. .n ,.t I ..:....::.-. it I '. I..:.i. ,n ua.n'i. n nil 'K r.- "i. : h iv-.'i ti J.-. I. te - .it . .ln..f, la c. jf ...i.t1 a.i-.a t :::iotit li: r ' i v. t-u y-: hit . Talcs From Town Topic 0 Qur.rtT'v. fir.4 rf .T.;r.f. . In m ti ms. l.n.r- iiumhrr, ht ft i liii.- i rit !n t rl s. p I I- , OI l(.:t:al ii: t.'C hUiy of 1. I tO K-M )..,((, . N- r.c v Im ti h ht-vr r.w or m-tt-.n. arrt () fJ.( I'll i ll f Ii: rn.l'.s ).. K'""t ' i'-t . Mi ; ,i I'i ;.. ! i , (. m ; ,s n I . rjt-, i- ti ry ! Vt-OK "I ... re ! K.I l.-.ll. h M I- rrifliiH ICiM.It i.i i: i .n t ir. tint 1 -lu!-." h it a i I'.i - t-eitj ,.. n ..1 .:lt ; vii! -np( ly ar.v fmll- tvi! al nn U.v.t r -uii,? ol tto iivoi. . hi (.latum, r.ii'in l . r r.ji iat- Jior. KATKS; i'n Tnplr pr .vmur, ? 1 '. A ftfnt HiiWrlp r' u:' ".ejutt-, ni.iw. uuel a spveimeo f ' 1 nU k " Vr-t-. 1 'I 3lr- rr.n: Town Tftpit-t, rrr ni;ril'-r. Wcen' lintl? i itiiti.t d. 'r (innut.i, A.'i.OI), kikI AiiV tn-rt .re-. n- N- 'uiN c -.f " njf ru.v ft-.-ir 1 ktc If ahtl W trijts ,',.r ft ':.i!o ro,. i .n s ruriCS. - Hitvi' y,,u A.',L,,iL latMt nut bent uotoI, far . '. e? ao bang - Cigger ? t-'tmi, n:.. I. th, liilt, :,:?::i rr'jiit ..ini fool. . f.a.-t r o i... ai li r. Lot.- ur li it It ,' i-t-l, Ii rial It T( If!' 'S, .: -I ' Yurli. HUMPHREYS' Nothing lus ever Urn jroduced to or com;tarc with Hunplircys' "Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and hralim; aitlicatiox. It lias been used 40 years and always allords relief and always pives satisfaction. It Cures I'll rs or IIkmhrkiioiik, Kxtornal or Internal, llliml or Illmling Iuliini; and Uiirnini;; CiulKs or l"i.,snrcs and Fitttulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures 1Ji:rss, Squids ami t'lceration and Contraction from Bums. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and liiuise.!. ' It Cures l!i.)ii.5, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Old Sores, Iichina Krujitions, Scurfy cr Scald Mead. It is Infallible. It Cure Ini i.amki) or Cakfd Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures SALT Riif.i:m, Tetters, Scurfy Fruptinns, Chapped Hands, l'ever., Sore Lips or Nostrils, Conn and liunioiis, Sore and Chafed I'eet, Stinys of Inlets. Three Sires, 25c, 50c. and Sf.Iil liy riruKistii, or sunt poaT-liflul nil rocutit of price. 111 nruiiKivakD. CO., 111 1, lit. niiu.ia si., .rw lort WITCH HAZEL OIL Perhaps You Think I . . am fooling when I tell vou 11. 1 . ci inn. in ii uil, lUHic.uon. ery, canned goods, tobacco and ;. .1 , ' Cigars that I . . . Will Startle You. 1 aho have a complete line of ioss extracts. Give me a call. 0. L. MANSUB, Cross Streef, - Island Pond, Vt ESTATIi DPI!. K. HUTCHINSON. STATIC iif VtiK MONT, District op 1 ,- . , ',"?" at Island Pond, in i . ""iiicl. on ine mi day of vme A. I. ISJ.i. w. s. Howard, ndniinistrat'or o the estate of(l. K. Hutchinson bitcol Concord in ti i insinct, deceased, makes apiilieation to sa,d Court for license to sell all o! the real - . 1 iiwcuinc: Douse in ,V,7,1: ,LTJn,t'n ! the sale thereof . .. .,vm,,, tu lne neirs ol sau de ceased and those interested in his estate hereupon, it is ordered hv said Court thereof " J ' PI,I!S.V"? !'.r "S" to ""ion sai.i is .r ,,.v.. ' ut.1 c r '"te JtH'-e in a 11 ; L. L . ' V" -"-nil do ly of lime. ... ... ..i,.,, 11r uenriiiK and dec ision thereon ...iw u it. inrrner ordered, that all persons 'HnL "f Sail' "Pl'ation and o'rderThe "' "c nercol, by 1, ication rc- , , ."wxively in the lissex Island'Pon, V,. ,,.r. iVl'IKT pul.lished at nnoear ... i ' hc",r,"K. thnt thev may cnlaroeerthere"toa,,d " By the Court. Attest, I- S. STORKS. Junr.E. F. A. ELKINS, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Post Office Hlock, ISLAND POND, VT. All kinds of repairing done 91 in a neat and durable ntyle. BOSS a.iJNCs.;.!lI.l s Mansur's Real Estate Agency. REAL ESTATEToR SALE. Mr huc whrrr I ih-w live. Irinif a two wiirim-iit hn ih:it Mill rent tor 1t. nr lour inn mat h w ill i nt lr $JlK t nr h,,,,7' K."-11',,P U,K JX'!' V VWi J tiiruls w In, h r nl lot I ' iMirns mill I ,, w in n-n (,,r sin. AI- lour luulilini: I --- All this proiieitv in in the n-ntn- the villa-;,' ol i;ai., I, ii.l. Ikrhv vinit. itiil i ns well l.M.-iioil a an ii'-H-rt iu n.l il- laue. 1; I ,,-M lalltPX well- sil''ly plenty ol u:i'.ir to nil l.n.l.'iiii,. I wll sc. I nil i.l ti'c alo ii- 1 .1 opri 1 v f. -i ii.."ii. ,.r t will s.11 nnv pnrt oi the snme. AImi I will ell inv totk of u'ooils at cm ..r api-iaral. t "i lurllitr p.-T i'eal.-ir- t-niiitte ol liir s:il ..-ei or M. Muii-ur. Isiau,: l i 1. I. Vt. M. II I'AVIS. l AlIM VOll SAI.I:. Tin- I'.tti. IIn(in lii 1 in iMirk, Vl., t"(tiii"linu il ".." :iirr; iuts 4i tdlH liny. 'hmI i!;ir nictiatil, I a rut- r:tUirr. untxl liaui iifl f.i:iirt:i!i!r Iimhi-. i'l ..lfl tliin. I-.ii v l f j!iu 1 'ona!vi m , M.nn ('on it, Vl . - t Z M . MAXSrK, Kfil Itatc A'i nt. SAVINGS BANK. Till' (-t li-- I! vri I'o.Mi NMIoN.VI. I'.'.M. ll.'iS a m nit; II.oil. Ilrpnrf no-lit 'or the - - T : . li 1 - , n:jj - fi :a! ,u ' u 111 II- : . .. ..a ,-!..: o- . . i - it-. .'. lii ii. netivi l o:. ta- in; l.ttlM I-. nii- .il'rt t ut . re- t 1..1I 1 hall '1 ;.rt ol i l iNK ! '! mi: I iiii i. leu : ,.: ... a,., . ! t ('..vit - ;,. If .ii.ra. j : 1 1. : 1 . -1 1 T. ' i ill ill .i n f' :iv ii tl:r in. -ii i a. 4 : . 1 1 l- aa'. h u i.l ! r .. w i n t 1 v i In- I 1 -t fi air 'la i.t ' v . t ir an 1 lie tir' .-it. ; Itia'tr al'.rr 1 tit t lair; tin I r-'ai.-tv nl thel. I!" ., l-o.i.t h s.11 in: 1 1 v ii! ! paiil -Ira ;i. I r ; lit l rat 1 lai . a ant Ki'ri with 1 ".nut tile last in. .'u- rati of I pel t ei e-1 ;u 1 i.i.I. I:r...ri -t u ill lie ai'l at 1'it 4' ill. pi-r aiilliini, aiilile May 1st an. I N-ivr'autr 1-t 01 1 yea r. ili.riii I .", da iini-t lie ei v 11 to the Haul I. a ;ii; ! tin will Ia n ill!.-.! t.. t'n o i i 1 1 M i n 1 1 1 1 i i ' u iHiir a v'.-i: i l v ale oil tlie pal t ot t lie ,! an ti .a;: ! -oik I 'Hill It Mt ..u.. rf a tilt Lurt'lltM I.. A. C i!iitr FACTS BRIEFLY TOLD. wi: a ii ii si;llinc, Groceries, Provisions, Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, Corn, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, Fruit, Confectionery, lite., as usual. CREAMERY BUTTER 22 cents per lb. SWEET CREAM 25 cents per quart. S. D. & E. F. HOBSON, next the post office ISLAM) lOM, - YKIOIOXT. The OeLaval Cream Separator. VllLI jikur ' .VIZ W ' r ' '"J Afi i:i 1 1 IV T -V 'Uil J'.J 3UI .IIU 'A ' -.V "II - 'l'utJi..- .ijiiiici,- umilmi, 1 1 ti u x.iss-.i s.n- ,i,'i ln.ioi: Am ln! IM f V l"llt l'l!'l ,U,J J,,,;, j HARRY ALLEN. I'npinca nrmvn iia lnii in i,o,i. i,:..i. T-l'H ,""",","!",,,,-1:.rV'1 '-sa.nm-ivii.ier: , i , - . . '. Mre" "v 1 luirnton liursc, he In- 'I1' I '"h-I I.nnilert, sire (if 3r, in the a Mil Mt; lie ly l-.tlinn Allen. l,v Ill.-uk Hawk, hv Slu-rtmiii, l,y ..M Justin, tile I'oun.i.-V , , '.'":;" Inmily. Th.irntt.ii horse .lain I.tirty .i;,itl,),t, was owned ill the Hates I-.-mri near Htist.111. She onee $1000 in mi t-iKliteen mile raee, wliuli she trutteil in r,7 riiinutes. She was a sorrel or li,;ht ehestmit, C,'iun4 c',",lc,-',t',l,,'.v n "ho knew her to lie ini f iiuiiMliei" a" " " ' U'r 0i" sul,,r """t Harrv's dn horse, ranil-diim l,y the For.! horse, he In horse, his dam hy Crown I'rince by T"e Wse was J Harry has neyer been trained, but is a tint lira trotter and very superior roadster He n ls&'JrrC'."-im" 'ltS"'"'-'l'ni. Countv Fair in lhss so. n,s sii,enor roac iil- aliilitv and uneiliialled endurance, comhiiuMl with I is heaut.y f fr, and stylish earriaVe have made Inn, noted. His yearly S the larrs was s noticeable thro. K h"s ,,,, J.reseu'ee ' verjr lnc'"PU'te without l,?s Ilarry is in ,iKli condition this sprinK and the I st,?,V,"'e '"r," h Hie. ""ni ft is the last chance of seci!ri,K thc , , sllcrm blood ,n purity. Don't miss this opp.VrtunU," Harry will make the season at the "t b e of the unders trued. T..,, e sl"."l- Wjjm; by the aeason 7.0; W. R.ROSEBR00K,Brighton,Vt. VT. I. SCHOFF, DUM.I-R IN PURE DRUGSjindMEDICINES. I'KRFUMKKV AND TOILET ARTICI.KS, II0OHS AND 8TATIONKRY rescript ionn fiin lully Cumponndnd. A nice stock of WATCH KS. M.nrKs ....1 KOOKIl ltltOS.' SII.VKKWAKE. Repair ins a specialty. W,I.SCHOtr, Canaan, Vt. STERN BROTHERS. Great Clothing SALE ! We have purcliasnl the entire stfK-k of Clothing of C. P. Storv of Lancaster, X. H.. t less than one-quarter of the wholesale price, which will U slauhtcretl at same propor tion. It will pav ym to come a distance of fifty miles to take advantage of this ofler, for you will never have an other such opH)rtunity to buy Clothing at these prices. LOOK AT THESE PRICES! Wholesale iiir I'rl Price Men's Iilatk Tine Worsted Suits, $10..'0 $S.7" Men's I-aucy Liht Suits, 12.00 5.73 Men's Xohliy Uusiness Suits, l).f0 4-. 0.1 Voting yen's Ircss Suits, 12.50 G.00 Men's Working Pants, 1.25 .SO Three Hundred 5uits and Overcoats. Three hundred Suits and Overcoats at same propor tionate prices. We arc called "Tin; Clothixo Man," hut we can't help it. We carry in stock what the people want and they seem to want what we have. That makes busi ness. Together with our usual large stock we carry, we are sure to Suit and Fit Everybody. Come. Conic, where one hard earned dollar will lntv more than three elsewhere, at the store ot STERN BROTHEBSJISLAHD POND, VL) MASURY'S LIQUID COLORS! The Best in the World. SOLD BY A. BARTLETT & SON, Island Pond, Vt. Q. E. CLARKE, 0a u or or or or or CLARKE'S BLOCK. ISLAND POND, VERMONT. OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. OUR TERMS THE EASIEST. BAILEY'S flUSIC ROOMS ST. JOHNSBURY AND BURLINGTON, VT. Largest Dealers in Pianos and Organs and Musical Merchandise North of Boston. For catalogue and prices address G. R. MAGOON, Coos, N. H. bijLT Dry Goods and Clothing a rn r to m Trompt Delivery. Good Goods, Fresh Groceries, Low Prices, Pair Dealings. gurHy, tk XJiul r 1 In a Mjlit Bt wUIkh OvrrlMy UAlly lie c-tH 1 1 win. Rciu'mi1mt IIiU wlini Y" ar KoioiT to huy tK Ci7Mr, nnrf Jntilro for a Qom one. Awpt ' the SfOUtJtY. R'!.Ult- Sittiraetinn. Maine Central rTe.' To ami from (iur,c.Cilrltrrok. Nnrtli Strtt ford, l.nnrnMr, North Conntn, r.i t..t, I'ortlnn.l. ai. I .ill in tht Sti, of Maine inl Maritime l -cmnc Incffnt May lSII.'i. TRAIN'? M-'AVK N.,rth Htrtrord a, lntv.: K r t.ili-l ro..c nn l I'a ;, ' H mi . in., 7.4S n1 2 oil p. m. FtirCm.kshirr. Iunl -j-l! Junrti,naniiL' Kiilr ut a. rn. and U.Oo p. m I-'t.r jurl,ic 1 2 110 p. m. l.nnciitrr 1.4. ouu i..ra a 01 2 ir 11. m. I'nr 'I'K-lirc Jiinctif.n. P irtlan'l nm f , i-rn .oitit. ll.iL'in HiHl int. rmt-'lt.-tc s;a.','.' 1 4'l a. m. anil 2 U.i i. in. arriving- m ,. l-.ri p. m. and a. m. I'.i:.). F. HLACK, F. K. JiUiiTHBV lnv. Siipt.. G. T A; 1'. a I.ANCAM FK. S. II. I'niTLAHD. Ml I'AVSUX Tl'CKF.K. V. V. and Grn. Macatn Lni u, 1 1 inuu iiirtnrs W COPYRIGHTS. V CAV I OnTAIN A Prompt answer and an bnnaat rpmuu ni iw I N A; I D., hn iti! hul nrarlrlirt.TnZI riinr.c In trin rr.tent Imr Dt tr. f'oniraaainL tnnp Mili-tlr rvinlKlMilia). A ilaudbli oriZ I'lrniftiton ormrm-oiUK I'atrii.a ano bum tr tun ihi-ni a.rit frr. Alias cmtAKacof beefau. loaJ mid .rlmtinc UKilta twit free " I'atmM tnken throucu Harm k fo. m. tpecial not lew iu lire S. irntiu. American, and ttrna are broo-lit ridl belnretlia riblifi. ont &t to tbe Inventor. Ibu sD!m4i4 mbt Iviil wlil7.nej!jiilrlllntra:e1.b. brfarlM Uiveat rircalntiim ol anr win.tifl V m ut. w.Tl'l. : v.-ar Mi.iii.le c.i.irs (r.t frw lluiidiiu R.liliootnionlhly. i.iorrar. Nnr, cnii:. '. c. nt. Krcry nuiuln conti.iv Utt. tlful plntef. In mkira, and photocrei hs of rtn r.tU'0 wttb .Iaus,HUiib)iii bailderatophr-wuia lulrt i.itcka aud arrure oontnv-ui. AiilraM MLliM ii Con kKW i'ou. Jbl Bltuii WINTFn SAI FSMFPI- mil I MaV WflMMVINeVilll , sell ''hot line of Nurserv Stoik. We cannot maw trin rfHi in a month hut can Rive you -wr ploymrnt and will lJ jirict t'rrc-pond with the time. Y. r;ttit.r terms and territory to TIIK IIAU Ka NUICSEKY CO., KoclieHtpr, Y. MACHINERY FOR SALE. Out folly hnrer pn"' eneinp. one fori hor-i' power boiler .ih tile box Hlliiciift one holler .! SO hoi:e pouei', which orli! have 10 lie hud in hriek, and R lot of slialhai pulli v. pump, mplnitor, nnd lot of oltM luiK-hmery too iiutricrons to tnenti(n. Tri aliovt Iihs" lieon f.Hken out of A. M. Stctwn 1 null 111 Hoxton. and win ho sold rheiip. Alia one Wood's planer; will pluim nnd maitj from one ineli !o foul' intliCK tbltk, and 19 r gouiX condition. AI-.0 for farming purposes, Rbout 20,000 ACRES Good Farming Lands To actual SBlllun., with plenty of time pny for the shim, Said Hinds are enntet iently locaU-d, mid are easilv nccciul hcIiim.Ib and rail road station. Also A MILL TO LET whlcii i nns hy water poarr Ihe rent Kmni with 60 lioi-se powci rnginr nttaehel. 1 Kood place to iiinntifnctiiif haid wood, tM latter h.-inif very iihniidanl in tlie Iminediau vicinity. Kor liuiher particular apply to A. M. STETSON BOSTON MASS. HASKELL & JONES, ii AXD Importers of Fine Woolens, 470 CONGRESS STREET, (Opposite Preble Huuso,) OBTLAND, ItAnn W keep Botblng bit lh FINEST GOODS. Which are ninjo up by practical ud at pei (piiccd w 01 kma, and truusMd l Ik Host approTod atyla. t70rdwi froaa proaply SauiUad to. All Work Warrant in Satisfaction GuareiittS. A Cam-Mr. J. H. Orsnt, oor CHud klcwnaa, will rltit Inland Pool M lwlo aaofa Tar, with the Utwt tmv fa h ions, oftencr If reqaenl wWo feor more dnir aultai Dae notloa W tvisi riaM iU be civen aa tbe looei eolarota aVtkk paper. When in Por viand eail tmi ItMiaetfallf, HASKELL & JONES. 0. H. HENDERSON, TICKET AGENT, Boston & Main Railway, ST. JOHNSULIIY, VT. Tlokete rla the FlraNcloas Routea to TaMl Waat and South aud Tia Trana-AUnDtat Unsatoaad from K-irope n Polnla Bjf vuwii aaraaga. oieapum nwianoae aaaarua a a4Tana LAND SURVEYOR amd TLMBER LAND EXPLORKB. TwentT-flte rears esperWnee In Branewlok, Maine, Kcw Bampahlre Vertnooi Can gWe aocmraU eatloutaa kf nethoda not known to othora. Oomf tarreya a 8wlaltr. Pcartoffloe (OMi orth Stratford, H. . v. xaxix soar, Manufacturer and DaaJart IB DOORS, WINDOWS, BLHDS, Uouldlnva, Btalr Rail, Balin-tta, Haea iah ami Pint. Savathinit, Window aal )oor Fraruea, Brrk Picketa, et. Ouirtde wliidnw m-d.. to order. K!l' im to etuoa All goo la 11 PwU-n i Whole- PrOM. HOUTH PARIK, MaV aK . r aii ii ii 1 inuiT tniui j FasIiionaMB Tailors I yp,""7Biii