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next Visit will be TUESDAY, JUNE 25. Photographer. WANTED RWinhl Mm tr kcII onrch'iicr ami complete line ! NumTV Stm-k. HiuheNt Ktilary nitil c.unmiHin paid weekly, paring ami rermn nrnt pition yiinrantrnl and Muecesc aiirefl t,. tH tti men. Special inducement to hejjin fct, cxH'ttciice not necessary. Exclusive ter ritory and voiir own choice of same civru. '":;y ALLEN NURSERY CO. i;ot i:k, n. y. The Kabo High Bust Corset. Popular with all who desire per fection in shape. Dressmakers prefer them because they secure a perfect fit. Many advantages. Mere are a few: Itqultltel, long tiptrlna will!. Boned with anbreikiBls Ktbo as dlstttliftctton. Made with 10ft loop eyelett no breaking ot coitet licel or dltcolorlnf of sndsrgarmtntt, biatl material. Prlcei f 1.00, 1 1.2 S JACOB STKIJX. Thero is one DRESS STAY that Won't melt apart, Can't cut through the dress, Don't stay bent. It is BALL'S PEERLESS. All lengths; all colors. JACOB ST URN. tTTe G R EATW A R SERIES OF POPULAR STORIES. Tlii series ii 'duoUs arc nKnciitnr n'ten tion nil nver the country hy catering into 11 popi;l;ir vein. Tlicre N a rapidly mtiwinn rieniiind for historical ':tr stories and every body wants 10 r:ud about the achievements of tlie gallant soldiers 1 11 the line ol duty. These stories are written csp-ci-dly lor th.s series, are copvriKhted. 111 I handsomely lvtitni in ili:i:n:iiatcl pa;i'v e 1 vers and plneed villiin the reach of all at tlie popular price ' of i!5 cents. Ilelow is a list of linuks now ready: No. 1. SHKNNOAtl. A Storv of Shrri-' dan's (treat Ride. Uy J. I". Thacv. So. 2. a i it-iirri:tt : m'iiiyl m. A Sanative of Pickett's l.nst Charge at licttyshuru;. My G. W'Al.M'l liKOWX. No 3. I1IK Mini OK N-:w t'l.M. An Historical Tale ol the Indian l'p rising and Massacv in Minnesota in imp.!, llyj. M. Mkkkii.1.. No.. M.UOH TOM. A t'irillina Story of the HtortntnK of Petcrshur..;. Hy KUW.VHI) S. Hkooks. No. 5. THK WIHTK. KIJI AimON. A Weird Tale of th? InstirrctioH in Chili. South imerica. Hy T. C. HAKiiArt;ii. No. 6. TJIK isii 1 1 t KK!:i O Ali. A Story of the Murfretshoro Campaign. H.vJamksA. Valkatink. This series is published semi-monthly at the following price: 1 vear 120 nuinbersi, $5. 00: sii months (13 "mmihcrsi, $2.50; three months (six numbers), $1.U.: sinule copies. Scents. Horsilc by all book and news, dealers, or scut by mail on receipt of price. Address NOVELIST pni.lSHING CD.. 10 and 1J Vanden-ater fit. New York. MILLINERY and Dressmaking at the resi'Iencc of Mrs. Thomas Itrown on Main street. Island Font!, Vt. I have a nice line ol new Millinery (.nods, and all orders entrusted to me will receive my persona! supe vision. I also keep in stock dress trimmnijis, linings, braids, etc., and nm prepared to do dressmaking promptly and reasunaoly, and satisiacti mi guaranteed. Your patroi. nc respectfully :-cd: iled Mrs. T. Brown, Island Pond, Vt. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (8acr udorph'a Patent.) Lightning, Firs and Storm Proof. Send for I The New Yerk ratoioue I ran Rooflna and t'orruanrloa Co., of puces. I Firut & Wuiu'd St., Jersey Cltr, H. J. Gold, or Silver, or Paper. ffc hare a follows: 5.00 COMBINATION, as 1 S2S W. i3th St. New York. Cl' ynr, and your choice of the following sub stantial, ornate, cloth-bound works: BC0TTs POETICAL W0I1KS-4 voln. 1'OKTS OK KMif.ANl) AND A.MKItlCA-S Toll. UKK AM) TIMK8 OF NAPOLKON-8 T.)l. tVU.OI'.KIH ok SOCIAL AND COMMKUL'IAL IN-HlKMATlOS-l vol. DUTIONAUY OF THIS ENGLISH LANOCA0E-1 v 1. l!At.ZA(78 "COMEDY OF IIUMAN LIFF."-8 rol. i niUHY OF STANDAliD AUTHOIiS-3 vols. MlU'OK's l'AUADISli LOST-1 vol. For Centre ittblu. J'AKTK'S ISFF.r.NO-1 vol. For Centre Table. DAXTh'S PUItOATOltY AND I'AltADISK-l Tol. F"r Centre Tai.le. "rnTsoAeP11 AUi or TI1E CL0UE-1 vol. ForCentre 2r. " you prefer Lighter and Moro Homelike Books, you may cliooso: MOORE'S POETIC A f, W0HK3. ti, JN09 AT HOMB-IIOW TO 8PKND TflEM. I IE CIVIL WAIt IN BONO AND 8TOKY. iTiiPL"!?3 of fiction rnoi'osE. and HKI.0ISKH ISKPLY. In beat fmrl.h Cloth, 8M fT!","!."""'"'" "vr 7,noo tut qliotstlom from LUenturo of tUu World. f? . . . r HOW THE COMBINATION WORKS: OVK DOTXAU when the books JIT. .T," at vo,lr residence; the bnlnnce lit r f,'f,y vn, I"- month. The book Well worth die money. .i.1(i K A WKRK I the brightest, pleasant ran in .n"Jt wl,,"lv elreulntl of all the Ameri wnillwitratcil weekly journals. aresuppld'1 mWr0M' n,Ml wowi!' " tl,at ' "XCE A WEEK, 0i3 W. 1 3th St.. N. V. LOCAL UCSIXESS XoTlCLS. V. 1L ilish.v. Xotarr fuhlic with seal. At IUkalu office. AGENTS WANTED to ranriot for the I'nion Nurseries; Large Stock; Leading Specialties; Lib rra Term; Salary or Cumminwin. nte(.eo. MouUon & Son, I'nion Nur series, Rochester, X. V. Established COLLECTOK. Ojiera House Hlock. Island Toml, Vt. Itdls collected iucorihng to directions ot creditors. Legal documents drawn, etc. I'oktek. II. Dale. KHAL ESTATE AUKNCY! I will attend to buying or selling reul estate ol all kinds and loan tnonev on good security for a reasonable commis sion. 7. M. f.WSCK. Island Pond, Vt. good opening. For active lady or gentleman acquainted with neighborhood. Compensation from $tO to $ ISO monthly. Work outhuid. Only rn craetic party, ambitious to succeed, need np. ply. No capital required. Address withrcf , erence, state ae and w hether marrid or sin. I le. Klolie Hible Publishing Co., 71!3 I'hest , nut St., I'hila., Pa. TOWN' TOPICS. Kcl'iigerators at Vallee Itros. Howell's studio will lco;en for business next Tuesday, one day only. Dr. E. I- Norcross commenced haying last Monday, lie is bound to conic out ahead. Summer ljejjins astronomically on the 21st inst., but lias had one or two inn ings already. The regular monthly niivtiuj; of Ross Encauipinent, I. 0. O. F., occurs next Tuesday evcuiii" at the usual hour. The Coatieook Choral Society are to hold their concerts on the 1st and 2nd ol July when some good music and singing mav ! looked tor. The ISishop of Vermont will (I). V.) visit Christ Church parish the second or third Sunday in July. Hccxpects to send a resident clergyman here next month. John Webster has recovered the team stolen from his barn the night of May 30. It was driven to Kock Island, I'. J., and there left, the pretended owner promising to call for it later, a promise Mr. Webster would like to see him carry out. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. li-trtlett former res idents of Island Fond, now residing in Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting friends in this section, expecting to remain about a month. They have many old friends here who are pleased to meet them again. The farmers are invited to go to G. Ii. Clarke's store and obtain a free sample ol McXenl's Fly Cream, to protect horses and cattle from the ravages of flies, etc. It is a clean, harmless and lasting prepar. ation, one application lasting at least ten days. Carl Foss and Miss Maggie Dunn were united in marriage hy Rev. Fr. Trottier on the 12th inst. They have the good wishes of a host of friends for a happy and prosperous married life. The happy couple go at once to housekeeping in the groom's house on Derby Street. At the closing exercises at Ilishop Hop kins Hall, F'tirlington, last week, the "Sunshine prize", established by the Right Key. Dr. Hale, Bishop of Cairo, in memory ot his deceased wife, as a reward for a sunny disposition and unselfish ways, was presented to Miss Mary S. Ii. Reeve of Island Fond. A large circle of friends here congratulate the young lady in obtaining so pleasant a mark of dis tinction. Lawn Mowers at A'allee Bros. As previously announced in these col umns next Sunday will be observed by Iissex Lodge, I. 0. O. F., as Memorial Day. The Brethren will meet nt the Lodge room at 1.30 p. m., and proceed to the cemetery where the customary ritual exercises will be held and the graves of deceased brothers decorated by past grands detailed tor that purpose. This accomplished the brethren will at- 1 tend divine service nt Grace M. E. Church, Rev. G. 0. Howe delivering the sermon. Visiting Odd Fellows who may be in town are most cordially invited to at tend the exercises, at the cemetery and the Church. The Fourth at Island Fond. The committees for the Fourth of July celebration at Island Pond are Col. Z.M. Mansur, president; W. H. Bishop, Sec retary ; J. W. Thurston, treasurer ; and II. G. Clarke, solicitor and collector; and an executive committee of seven, Messrs. Ii. F. Hobson, (chairman), G. E. Clarke, E. M. Bartlett, G. H. Vallee, J. H. Line ban, P. H. Dale and Frank Russell. There will be a salute at sunrise, noon and sunset under the direction of Harry Pindcr. Sub-committees for the various sports and contests have been selected, and with the judges will be announced as soon as the programme is completed. The programme for the morning will in clude the usual fantastic parade, followed by a minstrel performance on the flat, and a bicycle race. After dinner will come the oration by Prof. P. H.Dale, fol lowed by a series ol contests including tug of war, horse race, (slowest horse wins), sack race, potato race, foot race, obstacle race, and a base ball match, clubs not yet decided upon. The Coati eook City Band, fifteen pieces, will fur nish music throughout the day and give an open air concert in the evening. Ar rangements arc being made to secure a variety or theatrical company lor an en tertainment in opera hall in the evening. A. H. Hall is the marshal of the day, and special police will he appointed to pre serve order. Wc cordially invite our friends from surrounding towns to visit us on the Fourth, assuring them a jolly o-ood time. Other announcements will be made ns soon ns present plans are perlected. ltcfrigcrators at Vallee Bros. ICrfrlf cralont at Yllt Ilro. A numlierof ourcitixens ci.t last Suo at Scvraore Lake. Geo. I.. Dyer has closed his engagement withS. D.& E.F. Hobson. , T, ." . . . ".' I IWu I had wick is visiting in town the . . guest ol his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Chailwick. F. A. Ilrcwer of West Concord, State's Attorney ior Essex County, was in town Wednesday. Martini. Flaherty ol tiorham, N. II., and W. A. Gleeson of Oroveton, X. H., sient Sunday in town. The frame work of the new Congrega tional parsonage is nearly coniileted. It is under the sujH'rvision of M. II. I. add. The summer schedule of time 011 the j. T. K. Roes into effect next Sunday. Trains will run alnnit the same as bet summer. Lost. Oil Derby street, June t', a dark blue scrj;c coat. Finder will lie suitably rewarded by n turning; the same to the Hi. K.M.I) Otlicc. During some 5 weeks of existence the Island Fond Creamery has shipcd up wards of fi tons of butter and are mak ing daily over 3.10 lbs. At Grace M. Ii. Church last Smida evening a crowded house listened with much interest to the Children's Day exer cises entitled the Golden Gale. Thcattraction in the opera hall the 4th of July night will be the Mullen Ealclon Specialty Co., consequently Island Fond will have two bands here on the -1th. Conic. A hose tower has just been completed at the rear end of the Opera House Uloek for the purpose of dryint' the hose. Is Island Fond at last waking up to its needs? We shall see. The Rt. Key. John S. Midland, Coad jutor, ISishop of ISm liugton is expected here Sunday, July 7. He will make a pastoral visit to Itloomtidd misson in the morning ret in ning to administer the sacrament ofconfirniatioii to tlu,' children in the evening. Lawn Mo with at Yalloc Itros. The Mt. Washington Stock Farm ol Lancaster, X. II., will offer for sale l auction ;rt the Lancaster Driving Dark on Thursday, June 27, at 10 a. in., up wards of fifty line bred horses. For fur ther information and catalogue contain ing full list and descriptions, address Stkvkss & Eaton, Proprietor, Lancas ter, X. H. Sunday Services at Grace M. Ii. Church. At 11 a. m. Sermon; Theme, The Re ligion that pays. Psalm 34: 10. At 12.15 p. m. Sunday School. At 3 p.m. I. 0. O. F. Memorial ;Day Service; Theme, :Some Conditions of Friendship. Proverbs IS: 21. To these services all nre welcome. Geo. 0. Howe. Pastor. The worshipers at Christ Church were agreeably surprised last Sunday in having Canon Foster of Coaticooke, One., offici ate. The Rev. gentleman is a great favor ite with the members of this Church, and a man the Church can always rely on in time of need. His sermons were very helpful. Mr. P. Aycling of Bishop's Col' lege, will conduct the services on Sunday next. At last Island Pond is to have electric lights. 'Tis well. Now gentlemen have the village incorporated, or organize n vil" lage improvement society, turn the im mense amount of standing hard wood into some channel of industry, (one in dustry will induce another), and see the future Island Pond may have if the people will only get a gait on them. Hustle, gentlemen, hustle! NOTICE. To the tax payers of the town of Brighton : You are hereby notified that the tax bill is now in tny hands for col lection, and you are further notified to pay the same. All who pay within 90 davs from dale of this notice, or by August 20, will obtain a discount of four percent on the same. Geo. S. Rouinson, Town Treasurer. Brighton, Vt., June 1st, 1895. The many friends of Dr. and Mi s. J. W. Cram of Colerain, Mass., whose visits to Island Pond ns the guests ofCapt. Hol- ton, father of Mrs. Cram, are pleasantly remembered, will regret to learn 'ot the destruction of their home by fire on the afternoon of the 13th, the building hav ing been struck by lightning. Insured for $1500. Dr. Cram was not nt home at the time and great credit is due Mrs. Cram for the efforts by which a valuable marc, two buggies and some household and personal ciTeets.werc saved. Practi cally however, the contents of the house were a total loss. Appended is a list of the larger taxpay ers in town, those who pay over $50, and the amount of taxes paid ; Island Pond Aqueduct Co,, $2V!5.00 A Bartlett & Son, 138.55 G. E. Clarke, 130.13 M. C. Davis, 148.13 Ii. w. Davis, "9.00 M. II. Davis, 78.00 B. M.Dunbar, 120.00 C. M. Dyer, Geo. N. Dale, 383.40 Fogg & Hobson, oD.34 Geo. H. Fitzgerald, 477.60 0, T. R. Co., B0 0 S. D. fie E. F. Hobson, 148.00 Nathan Hobson, 114.00 G. E. Horr, 78-00 A. H. Hall, 71.00 E.P.Johnson, 125.00 M.D. Ladd, 1-1 Mrs. Emma Rawson, 1C9.00 Mrs. Clara Robinson, 154.0C Louis Risie, 50.00 E.J. Steele, 62.73 Stern Brothers, 75.00 Jacob Stern, 53.67 N. Wurncr, 52.7'J Miss Kciia Hall is visit injf friends ii Host oil. I All lovcrsol sortaud anything snappy , should coine forth to our fourth. E. F. Hudson has closed out his meal . .1 .L business during lite summer months, Tlie G. T. K. Station is recrivctng the overhauling it has sorely needed for a long time. A number Irom here will attend the coiiiiiieiuTuirnt exercisci ol the St. Johns bury Academy, Friday I lie 21st inst. Iilbi idge Ii. lllake started last Tuesday for St. .Moans to attend a nut-ting of the Sons id Veterans there this Thursday. Mrs. M. A. Moulton of Hastings, Me., and Miss Winalrcd Gooley of Coatieook, P. O , were visitors in town last week. The Lpwortli Ieaguc ol Grace M.Ii. Church will furnish ice cream and cake and also serve dinner nt the vestry ol the church oil the Uh of July. All those who intend taking lessons on the piano would do Weil to apply to Mis.s l-"lorciH'cStratlicrii who is at present funn ing a class for that purpose. Fddie J. Garland, a son of "I'ncle" Asa Garland, spent Saturday and Sunday in town. The numerous Iricnds of the old gentleman will regret to hear that in his declining years he whooping cough. is suffering with Miss lilsie llobson, who graduated from the Boston Fniversity June 7, returned to Island Pond last Saturday accom panied, by her sister Mrs. May Tcwks bury ol Wcstboro, Mass. Miss Ilohsoifs part in the graduation exercises was the Class Prophecy. A very pleas:int wedding ceremony took place at the home of Mrs. H. A. Stoddard in Charleston in which the people of Island Fond were intei estcd, as the happy man was none other than our much res)ceted townsman Lilwaid 1, Davis, w ho was united in marriage to Miss Flora A. Stoddard by Rev. Geo. O. Howe. A large company of Iricnds wnc present and the beautiful gilts left by them for the newly wedded pair testified to the the large circle of friends they desei V edly have. May they be allowed a happy voyage over the matrimonial sea. III 1 lib- I.lubtlli);. A meeting of the business men of Island Pond was held on Saturday 1 veiling last at the office of Geo. 11. Fitzgerald to con sider the matter of electric lighting, and to take steps toward forming a corpora tion for that purpose. Mr. James M. Boyle Electrical Engineer for the La Roche Electric Company of Philadelphia, was introduced and a portion of the evening was spent in describing the mer its of the La Roche System of Electrical Illumination. The opinion ot the gentle nun present was strongly in favor of cWclric lights ami from results obtained by a few hours solicting among the resi dents of the town as to the number of lights wanted, we leel sate 111 saving that endeavors of the parties engaged in this matter will result in success. At a laic hour the meeting was adjourned until Thursday, June 20, when Mr. Boyle as engineer ol the prospective corpora tion will lie present with final tiguresand a complete description of plant. Steps will also be taken at that time toward organizing a corporation, a largenumber of shares of stock having already been subscribed for. The residents of the town seem unanimous in the desire for electric lights and it is very probable that plant will be installed in a short time. AMONG OUK MilGllBOUS. Canaan. June IS. Miss Belle Frizzcll of Cole brook, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jared Lucas. A party of gentlemen from town spent a few days of hist week at the Cold Spring House. Several from this town are intending to attend the commencement exercises at Colebrook. Mrs. Lund and Mrs. Kingsley took a trip to Conn. Lake on their wheels last week. The Children's Day service at the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening was tine, the children all doing very nicely. The Church was beautifully decorated with flowers. Mr. Wesley, the pastor, and several others worked very hard to make it a success. J. W. Scott, wife and little daughter have been visiting at W. I. Sdioffs. Mrs. Tom Blodgctt is sick with a very sore throat. Remember the races at the Union Fark July 4th, nnd if you arc thirsty Schoff's is the place to get a cold soda. Our selectmen have received orders to fumigate several houses at Wallace Pond, and they begin their work this week. Iliicklen's Armon Knlvo. The Best Salve in the world lor Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhcttm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by J. W Thurston. Norton. June 18. Divine service was resumed at St. Paul's Church last Sunday the 9th inst., having been closed five weeks on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever. The Rt. Rev. Bishop Dunne of Quebec held divine service at St Paul's Church Friday evening the 14th inst. There were four candidates lor confirmation anil three for baptism, The Sictii Home has been thoroughly repaired and the unci ior nowr rrrin a i line TIk-farmers are invited logo to tlie Slet- son stoic and obtain a tree sample of MeNcal 1 I lv C ream, to protect horses and tattle from the ravages of fl e, etc-1 It is .1 clean, harmless ami lasting prejuir j nt mil ikne in H.1..-..I l.-iuf iii.r 11I L-.-wt 1 ten d.ivs. KMiglila tff Ihr MHiTnbrvt. The State Commander writts us front Lincoln. Xcb., ns follows: "After trying other iiieiliciiies for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's Xcw Discovery and at the end of t wo days the cough entirely left them. We will not lie without it hereafter, as our experience proves that' it cures where all other remedies fail." ( Signed F. W. Stevens, State Coin. Why not give ill's great medicine a trial, ns it , is guaranteed anil trial Iwittlcs are Irccj at Thurston's druj store. Regular size ."0c and $l.Hi. ;raiiby. June IS. Children's Day was iibservcd here June'.. A very pleasant lime had and the the children, as usual well with their pieces. was did There aie many unsold potatoes in town. O. M. Riee an 1 L. II. Wilson went on a pleasure trip to Scotts, X. H., last week. Diacon li. A. App'.ctou am', his son Rev. I". G. Appleton attended the confer em c at Lancaster, X. H., and on their way home visited t). S. Rice and family at Scotts. North Stratford. X. II. June IS. Mr. J. C. Wilson and family of Grovcton, s;ent Sunday in town. Mr. Gallagher, piano tuner from Bos. ton, has been in town the past week re pairing eveiy body's and oigan. Dr. Brewster held his miction last Sat. nrday. It was well attended and every thing was auctioned off to the satisfac tion of every body. Father Marshall bought the piano. Ir. Brewster intends1 . . ..Mi,,., t t h,. vt .-wl lln. ..nnmt. alter wh:oi ne '.mends to locate 111 .cw York Citv. Dr. Carpenter from Washinj is to locate here and t.iV.e Dr. ;ton, D. C, Brewster's practice. Dr. DeLavcllier from Montreal, h: opened an otlicc tor t..e practice ol mctli cine at the Percy House. Mrs. Clark Stevensaud family returned Irom Portland last Iriday and will re main the summer. The many friends of Mrs. Stevens will lieglad to hear that her health is improving. Miss Baker, teacher in the primary school sient Sunday in Island Pond. The flower beds at the depot nre very tastefully arranged and are a great im provement. Messrs. Parker and Nugent are estab lishing ijuitc a reputation as bicyclists. Last Saturday they took a spin to Lan caster and back. Mrs. Sisson and daughter from Provi dence, R.I., arcin town llieguestsof Mrs Campbell. Mrs. Sisson is a fine musician and is a pupil ol Hoffman. We expect to hear her in a concert shortly. We arc glad to see Mr. Lewis Titus on our streets again alter Ins severe illness. The W. C. T, I', met last Wednesday in the vestry of the Baptist Church. The usual business was transacted. Itose Cold. Hay Fever and Summer Colds arc promptly cured by Humphrey's Spccitic No. 77. For sale bv nil druggists. liast Charleston. June IS. A very pleasant event oc- in the marriage, at iride's mother, Mrs. of Ii. E. Davis of ourrcM last rsaturan; the residence of the Hannah Stoddard, Island Pond to Miss Flora k. Stoddard, Rev. Geo. O. Howe of Island l'ond offici- iting. Several nice presents were left the happy couple by a fev invited friends. They have the best wishes of many friends. Loreu Br.tinard returns to his home in Lowell, Mass., this week. Mrs. Brain ard will remain hcrcscveral weekslongcr. L. W. Stevens and son are building a barn on their farm at Echo Pond. William Barney was using a stone lifter one day last week when the lever flew up and cut a bad gash in his face. The doc tor was obliged to take several stitches to dress the wound. Mr. and M rs. Frank Good w in of Spring field, Mass., are visiting in town. Mrs. Mathew Alhce of Landoff, X. H., visited relatives in this place last week. Miss Addie BlaUc, of Derby, vi.iited her friend Miss Iva Sweeney last week. MARRIED. DAVIS STODDARD. In Knst Charleston, June 15, Hy Kev. George o. llowc. Mr, !. K. Davis ol Island l'ond. nnd Miss Flora Stoddard of liast Charleston. FOSS IH'NXK. In Island l'ond, June 12, by Rev. Fr. Trottier, Mr. Carl Foss nnd Miss Maiigie Dunne, all of Island Fond. THE ART AHATUER. Best and Largest Practical Art riagazlne. (The only Art Periodical awarded a Medal at the World's Fair.) Invaluable to all who irsji to make their - lug ny art or to make their homes beautiful. Cftp 1f wc will send to anv one Ull I VI. inentioniiiK this publi- I An ciition n specimen copy, with suncrb lUlli color plates ifor copyiiiK or framing) nnd 8 sunnlementarv naires of desicus iretr,,. li.l JM I IT III irty-fivc cents). Or FOR 25f we w'"."c,,d also "Painting - - - . for HrginnerK" (HO pages). MONTAGUE MARKS, ?.l tnion Square, - New York. The Best Line in Town. 'FISHING TACKLE AXD ALL KINDS OK SPORTING GOODS AT THURSTON'S DRUG STORE, ISLAND COM), YT. Agent (or the Lovell Bicycle. Diamond Safety Get our prices before buying ! Screens and Screen Doors. OIL STOVES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. VALLEE BROTHERS, ISLAND POND, VERMONT. FOGG & HOBSON" :are offering the following; si LOW PRICES $7.50 MEN'S ALL Xcw line of Children's and Youth's Suits at $1.5 and upwards. Our prices on DRESS GOODS were never so low as now. Hainburgs at 2 cts per yard and upwards. LACE CURTAINS, T 4 1 E EED SETS, of all kinds and at all prices. Our stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS was never more complete. 5r Call and examine goods and ascertain prices before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, FOGG &. HOBSON, & Qrand Hew Jtogk of pops j well selected from the Boston and New York markets which has filled up every department and will be Sold at Reasonable Prices. Millinery. New York, the prices on which will astonish you. We are prepared to fill all orders promptly this season in an artistic manner, and prices will please you. Now is the time to get your dress. We have an extra large stock in latest colors. Please call and and inspect before buying Cloaks. Capes from $1.25 up. Shoes arriving weekly. Call and get our prices and see what we are doing in this de partment. Seeing is believing. Just a word about partment, and that the right goods at Clothing. so come in and look at our gents' HATS, CAPS Just opened, a large line of LACES and EMBROIDERY, prices on which are the lowest ever offered in Island Pond. JACOB s AT THK OLD STAND, ISLAND POND, - Make a Note of it I am now prepared to do all kinds of first class watch and clock repairing at tlie very lowest prices. I can also show you a fine line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Etc. YOFK PATK i.XAGli SOLICITED. L. F. SCHOFF. (St'CCKKSOK TO C. It. KICIIULS.) Cross'siPsTt, Island l'ond, Yt. 7T WOOL SUITS $7.50 DAMASK CRASH and LINENS - Island Pond, Vt. In Millinery we are sliow-iner one of ie largest stocks ever seen in Island Olid, aild the latest st. vIps nVhr from Dress Goods. elsewhere In our Cloak Department we are showing some beautiful Capes, Jackets and Skirts at the lowest possible figures. Jackets from $1 up. Shoes our Clothing D t is that we have right prices. Al- and SHIRTS. our STERN, ESSEX HOUSE ftLOGK. , V -ft VERMONT .a :! '! I fl ii T 5 ' i h I i ! ft : '-x n : i 6 -fi1 mp a pnwim,