Newspaper Page Text
; ill Ml founts 2crnlil. Island Pond. Vt-, Juno Don't b a Fro Tleecnent adcicc tendertJ the K,v ,e of RichraomJ, Mc by the live editor oftueUce. could will 1 taken in and criousl cotisidereJ by tlte husiiir nun of f other townt which shoiilJ look into the mirror of loyalty" nnd Hfk themnelee if tbry. too, can be iii claded in the unenviable category f "croakers. No town was ever liv bavinj; biwiiiow community thoroughly optimistic, individually and collectively, but incalculable hurm resulted, and is every da resulting, from the funereal moan ofthow individuals who have no life and activity themselves and appear afraid someone else will have. Nothing is more hopeless to those who would look on the bright side and re vive the failing business life, than the sight of a man or a community from whom ambition has departed, and who is then surely in a financial decline. The lice well savs: ''We think it is about time for our peo ple to stop croaking ami commence to de vise plans for gettiii!: business into the place. Many unthinkingly have got into the habit of talking dhvonragingly about the prosjHX-ts of our tow n, and people from outside hear many things that bet. ter have been left unsaid. This talking and looking on the dark side of our town's welfare ;is all wrong and leaves bad impressions of our enter prise in the minds of outside business men. Let us then resolve that from now .on we will talk business, boom Rich mond, and get business firms into town. Concerted nction in this direction will we believe, be productive of good results. People outside will find that the town is awake and hustling for business." And the Herald would add just a word to the croaker: Don't be a lrog! Don't destroy the chances of those of your neighbors who may be alive by giv ing visitors the impression that you are till dead. If you do, the visitors will go off and leave you to bury yourselves, and serve you just right. Wake up! Breathe iuto your enervated financial and business systems some of this grand, recreating vitalized and life giving oxygen ot the wave of returning prosperity, whose advance zephyrs can be felt by those who have screen doors and no out- sideshutters on in the daytime.lend your aid and vour interest to good works for the advancement of your town, and for get vour own individual woes. And again the Hekald cautions you, don't be n frog ! A stranger arrived in town last week and announced his intention of writing up the business interests and enterprises of Island Pond which the Hkkald prom ised to publish. We are not favorably impressed with his efforts, and moreover he has not acted no to his agreement in certain essentials, especially in not call ing on all the merchants, and in leaving town before completing his work but inasmuch as those interviewed were promised by a representative of this pa per that the special "write up" of their business should be published here is the matter as furnished : ISLAND POXD NATIONAL RANK. The first class bunking facilities of which our town possesses the advantages should le the subject of prominent men tion in our review. The financial insti tution mentioned above was established nnd commenced doing business in April 1890. It has since supplied our mer chants and other business men with all the conveniences of safe and reliable banking facilities. A regular banking business in exchange, collecting, remitting, etc., is done. The bank is provided with every means of precaution lor safety against fire, etc., being furnished with a modern fire and burglar proof safe and vault. Geo. H. Fitzgerald is president and L. A. Cobb cashier. STEWART HOUSE. There is nothing of greater importance than good hotel accommodations. In this respect Island Pond is fortunately situated, having the advantages of the first-class hotel above mentioned, which is one of the most popular and best ho tels of North-eastern Vermont. Mr. C. M. Dyer is the owner of this valuable property. He has been conducting the house a number of years and has always had a large patronage. It it a fine com modious building, splendidly furnished throughout, sets excellent tables, and nothing is neglected that would in any way add to the comfort and convenience of guests. ISLAND POND CREAMERY. One of the newest of Island Pond's in dustnal enterprises is the Creamery. A good Creamery here is an institution which should and no doubt will flourish and prove a most valuable acquisition to the town. It is in capable and enterprise ing hands which is a further guarantee of its success. Mr. S. D. Hobson, the proprietor, is one of our substantial and enterprising business men. He has a most desirable factory erected and equipped with all the necessary appll ancestor the production of a superior quality of creamery butter. The manage ment of the institution is giving the greatest satisfaction to all concerned. ISLAND POND SHINGLE AND FEED MILL. This is nn old established industry of Island Pond, the shingle mill being added in 1892. The proprietor, Mr. David Haynes is one of our well known bust riessmcn. Helms always had a lame trade, nnd his null is one of the best in North eastern Vermont. It is equipped with the necessary machinery and does superior w6rk. Constantly on hand for sale is all kinds of feed mid grain, also a large stock of shingles. " L. F. SCHOFF. One of the newest established of our business men is Mr, L. P. Schoff, whose popular jewelry business deserves special mention in our review. We are pleased to note the success he has met with since commencing here, some three months ago. He linl.i.:U up through nu-rtt c M. liLAXCHETTE. and cajvible incut a go-d Our town can jutly boast of h.tvin; a rou.ige and made the store known asone j.hI merchant tailoring csiablliniciit. of the best places in llie count v to buy The enterprising proprietor of this bui anytiiing in his line. Mr. Scho,T carries a ucx. M. lilanchrtte, has lcn rtaldihrd KikmI stock of gold and silver wntchtc, here a number if yenrs. and having the clocks in great variety, jewelry. svta- advantages of long uccrsftit cpT:cnce e'es, silverware, el."., and a cuiliy i he t'lorouhly understands the I.i.mik- made of repairing, done in the lxt mail- nd is in the best N.itim to rant the ner xsible. I wants of the public in his line. (M his S. I. & E. F. I1011SOX. I ability as a cutter it is iinnni-mnry to It is not two years since this cnterpris- sjicak as his work shows this. He keeps ing firm was established here. In review- a good stock of tweeds, woolens, etc.. oi. uig the town we wih to make special hand. mention of their business and the atis-l W.L. ClKKIbR factory success they have met during this ' ' the proprietor of our harness mnnufac- comonrativelv short time. The have tunng cstamisnmcni which wc nav conducted their business in a manner hesitnncv in saving is one ot no the ln-st in Mansur's Real Estate Agency. REAL ESTATEFOR SALE. M h.inu- uhrrr 1 now live . Iin a t wo I . k....u k.. ill rrnt f.T Si (. 1 fir most advantageous place at which to ! this business, nnd tlie superior class ol tr tenement h..n. w.n re..i i..r .. -.r ....... . no, iw. rrnis -i,r .. ...... worn lurneu 0111. i.i me iiipi .... . ! .nr.,!.- it iHinular u illi the iko- . the county. Farmers of the surrounding nle. and the store is known as one of the. country slnk ' tl,c highest terms ot lllNClj-:..MK I n i. Vfc" - - " ratiKI STERN BROTHERS. Great Clothing SALE ! stock of Clothing frfC. 1'. deal. The firm buy from the leading markets and carry an excellent stock, embracing pure family groceries, provis ions, fruits confectionery, canned goods, notions, etc. It saves money to deal here. D. MORSE. We would add a lew words next in our review in reference to the popular store of Mr. I). Morse, which is devoted to fruits, confectionery, etc. Currier is a competent workman, lie uses the best material and manufacture all kinds of harnesses, and has on li.-uut, whips, combs, brushes, fly-nets, dusters, etc. He is the only dralir in town who handles the celebrated Webster's Stock Food. ISLAND POND BAKERY. Among our business establishments we This stoic is . wnld mention especially the popular and mil tl.r t.l ice well conducted hakcrv, wnicli Iris lor a 1i...litti'irltrG at, Iiik lint above all others to buy choice fruits, the! niiinlur of years back been successfully finest confectionery, canned goods, sott carried on by Mr. F. Yallier, who has al drinks, the best brandsof cigars, tobacco, ways had a large patronage, mid his bakery is much appreciated by the people. ,1u.r ,, v, .-mil linn built mi a food : Unloving the advantages ol long, success- etc. Mr. Morse has been established a iber ot ye He keeps the store up i with . lid I. patronage the times. THURSTON'S DRl'G STORE, Island Pond's long established, popular . turned out . .... . , , I ,i i i and reliable drug establishment sliouiu lie the subject of prominent mention in our review. Mr. Thurston is one ot the oldest established among our merchants and consequently is a gentleman widely known to the neoiile. He lias for vears back held the office of deputy and is now in charge of the Island Pond. His store has always en joyed a large patronage and the people find every ndvantage in trading here, ll is splendidly equipped with a full line of pure drugs, druggists' sundries, the lead- assortment of fancy ing natent medicines, fine stationery. tier- ornamental articles, turnery, and a nice assortment of toilet articles, and fine goods. A conietcnt druggist is constantly in charge. MISS E. SADLEIR. It is exceedingly congratulatory to the ladies of Island Pond and vicinity to be able to note here such an excellent millin ery and fancy goods establishment as wc herein describe. MifS Sadleir has always had large patronage, and the high ap preciation entertained of her store is evi dence of its merits. Miss Sadleir is a first-class milliner and a capable buyer. The store , always displays a beautiful stock of stylish and fashionable millinery and a large and varied line of fancy goods. S.J. MA RON BY. This is a model grocery store at which the people are fond of dealing. Mr. S.J. Maroney has been identified with the grocery trade of the town a number of years. His store is at the front and com mands a good patronage, and he enjoys the advantages ot ample experience, with a thorough knowledge of the grocery business. He buys from the leading markets and his well appointed store is always splendidly stocked with a full line of all kinds ol pure family groceries, pro visions, trnits, crockery, etc. If you arc a patron ot tins store your table is sure to be supplied with the choicest groceries in the market. G.E.CLARKE. We come next in our review to one of the most popular and successful of our mercantile establishments, that of the flourishing general store of Mr. G. E. Clarke. This gentleman has been a mer chant of Island Pond a great number ot years, and is widely known to the people. He has always had a good trade, and the business possesses the confidence of the people, for he is in the best position to meet their wants. He carries a well selected stock of general dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, turnishing goods, etc. Mr. Clarke is the only undertaker in town, and keeps on hand, coffins, caskets, and all kinds of funeral supplies, and has a first-class hearse. VALLEE BROTHERS. Among the establishments of our town which transact a large annual volume ol business wc would mention prominently that of the firm mentioned above. Vallce Bros, have been in business here some four years and their store is widely and favorably known to the people as one ol the most advantageous places at which to deal in the county. They carry an ex tensive stock of all kinds of general and shelf hardware, farmers' supplies, paints, oils, glass, nails, wire, cutlery, crockery. tinware, the best makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, and furniture; also brick, lime, cement, sash, doors, blinds, etc. Roofing, hot air heating and plumbing is done by this firm. STERN BROTHERS. This is a large and magnificently stock ed mercantile establishment, doing an immense trade and conducted in a capa Die ana enterprising manner. I lie pro prietors rank among the leading mer chants of North-eastern Vermont, and their business has been before the public for a number of years with a record of growth and progress. Through the ad vantages it offers to the people the es tablishment exerts a marked influence in drawing trade to the village. Of high commercial standing the firm buy to ad vantage from the leading markets, Want of space will not permit of an adequate description of this commodious establish ment and the extensive stock which tills it. Every department is replete, embrnc ing staple and inncy dry goods, dress goods, nnd millinery a specialty, hats and caps, boots and shoes, Indies nnd gents furnishings, clothing, carpet?, lace curtains, etc. The annual volume ol business transacted here is very large. This firm started in business here eight years ago, and two years ago erected their present handsome block. It is the only store in town that has plate front windows, !,;. h (i,r S'Jlt-. Tiv.) 1nrn nn.l hrl. will tent K r Sl'-'o. Ai loi.r I uiMmK l..t All thin iiritiwrtv i ill ..r l.lntwl .in iK-rl li.KC. C.o.mI never Imlffiii writ" mnplv pK-niy I wntrr to nil I.Mil.lnif . I will wil nil f the above ir..iritT t .r S.i.r.oo. ..r 1 will rll nny part ol the snme. AIo I will my t.ek of m cost or appraisal. I'or li.rtlirr p:r tietilnr etiuirr ol' thr uliiril.t-r. or .. M. Mnnsnr, Island l-oiul, Vt. M. it- 1 ..1 . .... !!, i-ntire sum. nc avi- luuuao .... f . r. ' v II ... K-ss than oiMMiunrtcr of. the lion It will nav von to come a distance of iifty miles to lake ndvant-W of tl,w f r.ior vou will never have an other such opportunity to huy Clotlnn- at these prices. Men's Black Fine Worsted Suits, r lour I UtHlitiK I . . o mA w" n.T j Men's Fancy Lht Suits, Men s Nobby Uusiness Minx, Yountf Yen's Dress Suits, Men's Working Pants, FA It 31 FOIt SALI. Tlic Ot-o. HuiUon farm, in N.-.wnfc. Vt., conitinK ol ' ULTi mr. cut 4o ton hay; roo.I UKi.r orc'.mril. lurj;i-t'li-t.irr. ooi) l.ain nml conitortalilr ltmir. Will lie sol.l cheap. I'.n.piirr ol ohn Ii.nial.Noii, Island l'ond, Vt., or of Z.Mi MANSfR, Rrnl 1-Nlate .V'tnt. experience Mr. Valliir thoroughly understands his business, and his place is noted for the sujierior quality of bread Constantly on hand for sale ill kinds of bakers' sundries, confec tions, etc. The proprietor is one of our enterprising business men. MRS. N. WARNER. Our review would not be complete without reference Wing made to the store collector j ' Mrs. N. Warner, the variety ot the port of stocK carried generally impresses visitors favorably. We might say that when anything can't be found at the other stores in town call here. lry goods, furnishings, ladies shoes a sm-cialtv. The goods, useful and house furnishings. tinware, crockery, etc., also a nice line of contectionerv. This is the bargain store of the town. "C.U'ITALS OF THE GLOBE." This is a volume for the centre -tabic. It tells all about the great cities of the World, and tells it in a very pleasant fashion, with all the facts up to date. The "Capitals" is in one siqierb (Juarto Volume, containing over three hundred il lustrations, printed from new plates on super-calendered paper; bound in elegant English Cloth, Marble Edges, and with siile and back stamp in gilt and ink. It it is one of the handsomest table books ever published. There is no bitter print ed book in the world. To those who have not the opportunity or the inclina tion to go around the world, this hand some book will give much entertainment without the necessity of taking snch n trip. The editor of this work is a leading American author, and a traveler of great note, who has not only seen most ot the world, but has made good his claim to a place in the front rank of American au thorship. The idea occured to him dur ing the World's Fair that the American people might be interested in such a book, niter seeing so much of "ioi eign element" "Midway I'laisance," etc. at the World's Fair. This is one of the volumes included in the Onck a Week $5. Oil subscription. You pay $1.00 when you get "Capitals of the Globe," and the rest at 50 cents a month until paid in full. Once a Week, one of the brightest of American illustrated journals, is also mailed to you regularly. Address"0.NCK a Week," 523 W. Thirteenth Street, New York. SAVINGS BANK. The Ishnii fusil National lUKhn oticned a Sav.ous lt;tnk l.rpi.rt.m'.tl tr the mrpose of receiving the avin; nnd aiciimu ationi. of nil flasst s ot U posit. ,rs.! ill he received on tl r l..l!ov. i:o .mint! The smallest suit, put o.i interest sliall 'ie ONE Pol.l.AK mid no fractional art ol a il.illnr shall draw interest. deposits made during the f rst four days i the month will draw inti ie-t Iron, the tirs' riavol'tlle month, d. -posits made alter tne fourth will draw interest iron, the lirst d. v ot thct'ollo win: .'ion i li . No int' let v.-ii: 1'C i.ii au sum with drawn. f..i I'.x lime elapsed since tile lnt in terest period. Interest will lie paid nt the rritc of t p.' rent, per ............ pav.ilde May 1st and NovetMlier lt ol each year. Notice of IS days must lie'vei. to the Hunk of the withdrawal of 5.I00 or more. Interest not called for will lie credited tothr depositor, thus .-oi. .pot. n di.o; Iwi.-i' a ea. without trouMe or cure on the part of thede oosil or. This hank has lioxes in its fire proof anlt. for storage of valuable papers, etc.. to rent at reasonable rates. C.ho. II. I'lT'U K AI.I'. President. I.. A. Coin.. Cashier FACTS BRIEFLY TOLD. YVliol.'Hiih Our Price Price $10.50 $8.75 lL'.OO 5.75 0.50 4.03 12.50 C.OO 1.23 .89 Three Hundred Suits and Overcoats. Three hundred Suits and Overcoats at same propor t; iiritt s. We are called "The Clothing Man," lmt we can't heln it. We carrv in stock what the people want nnd thev seem to want what wc have. That makes busi ness. Together with our usual large stock we carry, we arc sure to Suit and Fit Everybody. Come, Come, where one hard earned dollar will buy more than three elsewhere, at the big Dry Goods ami Clothing store ot gur Iv, U XJii.U-r 1S I" i'I't Deserves tli J5t wNltc of r rlMl XJn;ll ,,p E't tlwiii. Hchh'MiImtIIiI when You re K"iiS I y Xiiuir lor a QoimI me. A-''pt "iiij the sl IMU IIV. Sutiofoi'tion. Maine Central R. To and from Juelje.CoMirooV, North $.,rt ford, LnncnstT. North Conway, Ito.too, l'orllnnd, nuj all poinU in the Mite of Muinc an.1 Maritime I "cviijie. In effect July J, H'J.V TRAIN I.I5A Mi North n f,L low: For t V and llrr. hrr Fall, tt tt.oo a. in., U.r and ' p. m. ForCookshire. I'udswell junction anil Limt KidKc at tf.oo a. .... and 'j.'aZ p. m. Fir (Juele U.35 p. m. For l.aneaster .:;. a. n.., au.l 2 tvi 3.:i i. m. For CJnelKT Junction. Portland nd F.nt- er:. .i..ts, ll'f t"U run. intermediate '!i,ti,r. n .to a. m. ano -.... p. 3.1'K p. in. GEO. F. III. AC K. 1'. I.iv. Supt., LANCAWTrR. N. H. I'AYSOX TfCKHK.V.F. WE ARE SELLING Groceries, Provisions, Fresh Meats, Salt Meats, Corn, Flour, Feed, Canned Goods, Fruit, Confectionery, Etc., as usual. CSTERH BROTHERiyllSLAI.D POND, VT.) MASURY'S LIQUID COLORS . arr.v. in II . K IIOOTHIIV O. T. A: P A.. l'OKTLtlb. Mt . and Gen. Mur.aurr V Vini L n I O. I M " UL rr"0l- COPYRIGHTS. v C.X I OHTAIM A PA TF'T ? Fr- j P M:iit nT Mi.d an hoitf I'pinu.n. wnu to Ml N N' tV t O.. whrt huTe br.fl tw.r'.TTif'Tywtrt" ti'tni Bin. i iy rui'ii "Pt ml. A udhunk of Iq. ffuTiintton wtifN'rntii4f rnlenlw and tow u ,t. tln them Httut !ree. A I Km mtttKiiutj ul caocOw. leal anil n-nntlttc koke nt fico. l'Micntu taken ttinmuH Mnnn 4 Co. nttim pwnul mtlciiitlio firirnlili A itirri' tin, m (bus aie brought wi1c)y beturelhu put tie witu out cost to the Inventor. 1'hm j!(mk1k1 liwued wwkly, (Htwantl)- tHuntrated. lTfuu larvwt circulattoii of anr cientiflc work Hi u or!d. !.- a var hmi y)v r ( wnt frt-i HuHdlns tt' p, monthly. Til) 't-ar. H"tirj opiea, cciitfH Kvmtt numb tiful pjHtes, in oo.orn, nl pbototTHtid of houwH, with plaTia, miahUnp imtlik is to f)).ir ltfl rlfnUiu" an1 fMH'ur' tntrrTs. AiUn t ML'MX k Co., tw kuutt, Joi LuuAhWi-a WANTED SALESMEN. c want a lew mtn to sell CREAMERY BUTTER 22 cents per lb. TI-DIOUS SUFFER1N0 FINDS RI-XIEF. IIavekhii.i., X. II. Many ..hysici.-ins have pronounced as incurable, diseases of the skin and Wood. Mrs. llodsdon of this place abandoned the old method, used Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy and was cured. In October, IS'.X), Mrs. llodsdon suffered from a diseased ankle bone. She had always been troubled with Salt Kheuin Inch nj;i;i avattd the diseased limb. Prescriptions of all sorts were used, but with no benefit. Dr. Ken nedy's Favorite Remedy was tried and it drove the poison out of her blood, healed the ulcerous sores, and restored Mrs. llodsdon to health and strength. Fa vorite Remedy cleanses the blood, and strengthens the nerves. In cases of scrof ula and salt rheum, it never fails. SWEET CREAM 25 cents per quart. S. D. & E. F. HOBSON, next the post office ISLAND POS1), - VKKMOXT. The Best in the World. SOLD BY A. BARTLETT & SON, Island Pond, Vt. line of Nursery Stork. We cannot make yon TTei. in a month l.ut can give you sternly n liloY.nent nml will yw y"" well tr .:. uur l. ie. s tarresiiniul with llie Write fur terms anil tcrrit..rv to TIIK IIAAVK.-i NUHSKUY CO., ltochestcr, N. Y. The DeLaval Cream Separator. Q. E. CLARKE, MACHINERY FOR SALE. One forty l.firse lov' engine, one fort horse- power bniltr - ill Hie box attin-lul on.' but ler .if 30 horse power, w hich vcmij have to he hud in brick, ;.! a lot of tlnillim p.iltevs. pump, inspirator, and a lot uf othe! inrichinei y too numeioiis to mention. Tne uhnrt- has' been taken out of A. M. Stctor.'i mill in Ihisioii. nnd w ill lie sold cheap. A.x) one Wood' ph.nir: will plane iiml niatcj from one huh to four inches thick, an J 19 r Kuod condition. Also for farming purposes, about 20,000 ACRES 1) V Good Farming Lands To actnul Hcttlei?, with plenty of tune pay for the .-tame, hunt Inuas are ennvtu ifiitly locittotl, uiul uip uas-ily ucccssiliw .choolri und railroad stutiun. A iko A MILL TO LET hio.i i ii n 9 by w ater pow er the year rt with tiO horse Kwer tnffine aflaclici. i aood place to u.a.r.ifact.i. c haid woo!, t:i tatter being very nbm.datit in the i!Uu.ei:U vicinity, t ui tiu ther paMiciiars upl 'o A. STETSON BOSTON MASS. HASKELL & JOKES, -pv s.iiiunnt- i.tiiIui(i.- put; x..ssi 'simp) joj ; jt.jiiu aiu u -ll!l 1 V pan .im .iuj i ESTATE OP O. R. HUTCHINSON. STATE of VERMONT, District of In I'rohate Court, held at Isbiml Pond, in nnd for said district, on the 7th dav of lune. A. D. 181.5, Yv. S. Howard, administrator of the estate ofO. R. Hutchinson late of Concord, in said District, deceased, makes application to said Court for license to sell all ol the renl estate of said deceased, situated in Concord, in said District, to wit: A dwelling house in Concord, representinj; that the sale thereof would he beneficial to the heirs of said de ceased and those interested in his estate. Whereupon, it is ordered by said Court, that said application he referred to a session thereof, to he held at the Probate Othee in said Island Pond, on the lillth day of June, A. I). lMO", for hearing and decision thereon ; and it is further ordered, thnt all persons interested be notified hereof, by publication of notice of said application and order there on three weeks successively in the Essex County Hkrai.u a newspaper published ut Island Pond m this State, and which circu lates in the neighborhood of those interested, before said time of hearing, that thev may appear at said time and place, and if they sec cause, object thereto. By the Court. Attest, I). S. STORRS, Jpiiok. ESTATE OF MARK A. MOULTON. STATEOF VERMONT, I In Probate Court,, held at Island Pond, in and for said district, on the lath dav of June, A, D., 1805, Porter H. Dale, Adminis trator of the estate of Mark A. Moulton, late of Hastings, Me., deceased, makes application to said Court lor license to sell all of the real estnte of said deceased, situated in Brighton, in said district, to wit: The dwelling h ouse and lots in Island Pond village in said dis trict, including the homestend, also a village lot near Ferrin's river in said Island Pond v illage, and presents the approbation in writ ing ot the widow of said deceased, represent ing that the sale thereof would lie beneficial to the heirs of said deceased and those inter ested In his estnte. Whereupon, It is ordered by said Court, that said application be referred to a session there of to be held at the Probate Ollice, in said Inland Pond, on the 10th day of July, A. D,, 1811.'., for hearing and decision thereon ; nnd it is further ordered, that all persons in terested be notified hereof, by publication of notice of said application and order there on three weeks successively in the Essex County Hkrami, tt newspaper published lit Island Pond, in this State and which circu latesin the neighborhood of those interested, before said time of hearing, that thev may appear at said time and place, and, If they see cause, obiect thereto. By the Court. Attest, D, S, STORRS, Ji dok, HARRY ALLEN. Dappled brown stallion. 15 hands high, weighs looo pounds, bred by Samuel Wheeler, (Hover, Vt., sired by Thornton horse, he by old Daniel Lambert, sire of 35 in the 'J.MO list; he by Ethan Allen, liv Black Hawk, by Sherman, by old Justin Morgan, the founder of the-Morgan'famiiy. Thornton horse dam, I.ady I.ightfoot, was owned at the Bates Farm, near Boston. She once won $1000 in an eighteen mile race, which she trotted iu f7 minutes. She was a sorrel or light chestnut, and was conceded by all who knew her to be both a trotter and rt adstcr of superior last ing qualities. Harry's dam was by the Bean or Crane horse, grand-dnm by the Ford horse, he by Baldwin horse, his .iu.n bv Crown Prince, by Sherman. The Crane horse was also bv Sherman. Harry has never been trained, but is a nnt urnl trotter and very superior mndster. He took first premium lit Caledonia County Fair in l.iisK-Kii. mis superior roailmg abilitv anil unc.uullcil endurance, combined with his beauty of form nnd stvlish carriage have made him noted. His v'earlv appearance at the lairs was s. noticeable through hiR un rivaled nppearance and consecutive prize winning that he was considered one of the reguler attractions, and the remark has been frequently mnde that the Caledonia Countv Fair would be very incomplete without hi's presence. Harry is in high condition this spring, nnd was never more vigorous In his life, nnd it is the last chance of securing the old Sherman blood In purity. Don't miss this opportunity Harry will make the season nt the stable of the undersigned. Terms, single service $.1.00 ; by the season $7. no ; to insure foal! Ift 1 0.00, VV. R.R0SEBR00K, Brighton,Vt. o rrj a gr-l 11 or Prompt Deliver', or Good Goods, or Fresh Groceries, or Low Prices, or Fair Dealings. en r 70 7 m Fastaie Talis CLARKE'S BLOCK. ISLAND POND, VERMONT. W. I. SCHOFF, - DEALER IN PURE DRUGSjincMEDICINES. PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, UOOKtt AND STATIONERY Prescriptions Carefully Coiiipounfied. A nice stock of WAT lll'.S, MOCKS nnd HOC! Lit HUO.i.' SH.YEUW.UtE. Repair ing a specialty. W, I. SCHOFF, Ciumnn, t. OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST. OUR TERMS THE EASIEST. BAILEY'S riUSIC ROOMS ST. JOHNSBURY AND BURLINGTON, VT. Largest Dealers in Pianos and Organs and Musical Merchandise North of Boston. For catalogue and prices address G. R. MAGOON, Coos, N. H. Importers of Fine Woolens, 470 COXGEESS STREET, (Opposite PrU House,) PORTLAND, - HAI51 W keep nothing but the FINEST GOODS, Which re made up by praoiical perinncfd wo. kinen, and tritumeJ Is moat approved etjl. yOrdrt fron d'jUnoe prompt to. All Work Warranted AXD Satisfaction Guarantud. A CABD-Mr. J. H. Grant, our Cotter j falminan, will vUit lslind Fon- at ! iwioe each year, the latoat sample ' hi.ns, oftwner if requMtad when (our of more dire xulta. Due notice of eneb TlijJ will bo fciTeu la the local columns ol U pr. W ken iu PortluiiU caii tmi u Respectfully. HASKELL & J0NE3. 0. H. HENDERSON, TICKET AGENT, Boatcm & Main Railway ST. JOHJiSHUUY, VI TlokeU Wa the Fiiit-elats R ute to Pole Teet mad bouth and via Trant-Atli'BW Unoatoaad from Kurope n Folgt Bf Oheokwi ThrouK-h. Bleeplin Cur kxumedatiou eaouivd la advitno. - L. T. WILLIAMS, LAND SURVEYOR AND UMBER LAND EXPLORES. Twentv-flTe yeara eipei-lenee in Brutrtiwiok, Maine, Mew Hanipehlre oj Vermont Can give accurate eimatee W lietli.Hle not known to othnre Cinp lurtreys a 8iwcialtr. P.Mtofflce (towi 'n th Stratfor,), N H. U. 9. MAXIM 10. , Manufacturer! ami Doulan In DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, Uouldiima, Btnlt Rail, Bullion, Neli ish nnd 1111" 8'intliliiff, Window or Frames, Br ick.. Pickets, etc , Ouiil l- window Hindu io K");;a .-a in loo All (too is I'or I iilW I1''"' ePrfr.j. SOUril PAP-li I ,.Tr.,,y n Y