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mm m T , r. 'tif Vol. 48, No. 2 ISLAND POND, VERMONT, THURSDAY.AUGUST 19,192a Established 1873 Constitutional Amendment i If land Pond to Celebrate Announcement j Labor Day, September 6th. fi W If 4 It SHALL "WE SEND YOU? We have them all ranging in prices from S25 up. it is mot k mm A SPLENDID INVESTMENT Anything that brings MUSIC, GOOD CHEER and ENTERTAINMENT into your home is A REAL NECESSITY No family should be deprived of the inspiring and comforting ifinuence of Music in the Home Let us send you a Grafonola today. Terms to suit your convenience. Bailey's Music Rooms I ANC ASTER, N. H. GROVETON, N. H. BERLIN, N. H. ISLAND POND, VT. COLEBROOK, N. H. Political Advertisement C. R. POWELL for COUNTY SENATOR VOTERS OF ESSEX COUNTY As a candidate for County Senator I promise you noth ing more during the POLITICAL HARVEST DAYS than I have heretofore earnestly advocated, except, that if, elected as COUNTY SENATOR for Essex County, I will embrace the op portunity to use my best efforts to bring about a full realiza tion of the things I have advocated while NOT A CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE and among them are The reformation of UNJUST BANKING PRACTICES. An EQUAL rate of INTEREST to LARGE and SMALL DEPOSITORS alike (Which has not been the PRACTI CE in SOME Counties. Interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS from the time of DEPOSIT to the time of WITHDRAWAL. (COMPEL the EANKS by law to pay to their DEPOSITORS all INTEREST due by every PRINCIPLE of a SQUARE DEAL Granting to INDIVIDUALS who loan money EQUAL taaxation PRIVILEGES with BANKS. The RETURN of the POOR MAN to PUBLIC OFFICE. Vermont's resources for VERMONT interests. A change in the Vermont PRIMARY LAWS. The return of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE. Active PROMOTION of AGRICULTURE and its INTERESTS. Better PUBLIC, not POLITICAL, highways. Democracy's FRUITS for the SAVIOURS thereof. Equal rights of SUFFRAGE. and I pledge my loyal support for all measures that may be proposed by others WHICH I BELIEVE TO BE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. t - I claim a knowledge of the needs of the COMMON PEOPLE by ACTUAL AND REAL PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THEM. i DO YOU WANT THE COMMON PEOPLE or THE FINANCIAL INTERESTS SEATED IN THE VERMONT SENATE? Watch the earnest ENDEAVOR of the BANKING INTERESTS To DEFEAT MY CANDIDACY. C. R. POWELL BUT The commission to consider and report amendments to the Constitution of Vermont has held several meetings in the performance of its duties- Thru the press and otherwise, it has invited suggestions from the good people of the state as to what might be desirable in the way of change in or addition to the Tundamental law. The re sponse has been quite general and of great value to the Com mission in its work and each suggestion has and will receive a careful and earnest consider ation to which it is entitled. In furtherance of the idea of full publicity and to ensure that ev ery person so desiring may have the fullest opportunity to be heard, the commission will hold a public meeting in the Senate Chamber at Montpeler on August 34 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and everyone is cordially invited to attend a ad participate. While the com mission is anxious to hear every one who wishes to be heard, such brevity as is consistent with clearance will be appreci ated. Suggestions upon the follow ing proposals of amendment are especially invited: (1) Division of the State in to Senatorial 'Districts. (2) The restoration of the September election. (3) Lengthening of the term of office of legislative re presentatives and a provision for filling a vacancy in the of-, fice of town represenative. I (4) Provision for a budget system of state finance and for an item veto. (5) Change of method in selection of justices of the su- preme court and superior-judg- j es and of the tenure of their, office- j (6) Authorization to elimi nate jury trials in petty cases; and where accounting with nu-1 merous items is involved. J (7) Equal suffrage and j compulsorv voting. ' (8) The Public Service Commission in its relation to j the constitution. rni - j-. it . : i : . . ine lOiiowng prouusiuuns i will also be considered: Elimination o fassistant jud ges as constitutional oncers, the time lock; establishing of a minimum population to enti tle a town to a represenative ; initiative and referendum, change in method of the insur ance and amendment of munici j pal charters. Any person wishing to pre-! sent new proposals will be courteously heard and their i deas given due consideration. Any person who cannot be present and wishes to express his ideas may do so in writing addressed to the seeratary of the Commission at Mor.tpelier. William B. C. Stickney, Chairman Melvin G- Morse, Sec. CHRIST CHURCH Holy Communion 9 A M Morning Prayer 11AM Evensong P M Church picnic at Seymour Lake, Tuesday, August 10th. Autos leave church at 10 A .1. We are headquarters for COamfEQADGJIUmMIII COED WTe carry a Complete line of FORD PARTS and SUPPLIES Dry Cell Batteries, etc. 15 Discount on all Tire? ....CENTRAL GARAGE, CINE mm We are coming back to old times when everyone planned on Island Pond's celebrations. You need not go elsewhere for a Labor Day celebration aj plans are under way for a good time here, :lonclay, September 6th. Various committees been fevmed and results so far indi cate a big day. The services of the Orleans Land have been secured for all day and evening. In the morn ing there will be a big parade with numerous cash prizes. All sports and races begin at 10 o' clock in the forenoon. Parade of school children, nail driving contest for women, wheelbar row race, biscuit race, tug of war, sack race, etc. Two ball games in the after noon, Groveton vs Island Pond and Lyndonville vs Island Pond In the evening there will be a band concert at 7 o'clock foll owed by a dance in the Opera House, Orleans orchestra. See posters for detailed announce ments and make your plans to be1 here September 6th. Vermont Maple Products to be Shown at Eastern States Exposition Springfield, Mass., Aug. 15 Ten tons of maple sugar and sy rup will feature the Vermont State exhibit at the Eastern States Exposition, Sept. 19-25. The Vermont Maple Sugar Ma ker's Association will put on a maple sugar exhibit many time larger than ever shown before. The users of Vermont maple products are being rapidly mui tiplied and these wiii be fully illustrated by thu material on exlibit. The unique feature oi this season will be a real Ver mont sugar house with the su r'ar in process of manufacture. Champion cheeses, butter, milk, and cream will head the list of dairy product which will be shown on the extreme left of the general exhibit. The ad joining space at the right will be utilized for the horticultural farm and fruit exhibits repre senting Vermont as a land of plenty. Two great cornuop'as or horns of plenty will be shown pouring out an immense heap of fruits and vegetables, the whole surmonted by the Lieal of the state, flag of Ver mont and "Old Glory-" The County Fair Oh, let us see the county fair (Forget the cost of living !) Everybody will be there To see the show they're givin The beef steers broad, the corn stalks tall, The windmills humming gaily The meek-eyed Jersey in the stall, The races pulled off daily. We'll go a:nl sc-o the fruits ?nd .era in That farmers take a pride in, And maybe find an aeroplane That we can take a ride in. We want to see the bread ind cakes And what the high school teaches: Examine all the plows and rakes, And note the blushing'peach es. To see the fair in days of yore Was not an easy matter; We had to rise at three or four, And all was rush and clatter, We'd feed and water Ding and Dong And hitch them to the surrey But now "it rambles right along" , And gets there in a hurry". TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE' STOMACH GAS AND INDIGESTION - OR YOUR.. I0NEY BACK - ALL DRUGGISTS 25 9 1 i 0fe H I m u w y iaterers c v3 eBgnaaojaiaBBi3aiSBKsasBi!s&sssasisBBC!iHciHisBssi Ladies' High White Shoes, Ladies' High White Keds, Misses White Keds, Children's White Keds, Mens' Tennis, Mens' Tennis, with heel, Boys' Tennis, Mens Dress Shoes, were 6.50, Mens' Work Shoes, Ladies' Dress Shoes, were 7.50, Ladies Dress Shoes, were 7.00 All other Shoes at 10 Discount and Boys Summer Underwear at 10 Dis count- All Ginghams .38 GBEBSEBBBBBBBBilBBBBriBBBSBBBEBBBBBBBEEBBBBBBI GROCERIES Best back Pork at 25c a lb Compound Lard, 20 lb tub, 25c lb. 5 lb. Pail Pure Lard, 1,40 4 lb Pail Compound Lard, 1.10 Occident Flour, $2-00 for V8 Sack, guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back While our goods may not be the lowest they are as low as the quality will permit. Give us a call and we will try to sav. you money. Miscellaneous Shower Tendered Miss Dickson At the home of Mrs. A. W Bosworth last Wednesday, Au gust 11, a large numebr gather ed under the auspices of the Ladies Aid of the Congrega tional church to contribute in every way possible, toward ma king the shower anything but a light one. Although, there was no thunder or lightening, This particular shower was miscellaneous and was given Miss Ethelwynn Dickson, a pop ular member of the church and of this society, to show their appreciation and respect for a member who will soon go to another home as a- gracious helper in all good works. Mrs. Bosworth's beautiful home was decorated in yellow and white. Many and loveiy were the gifts timed by alarm 'docks, hidden in every nook and come' of the rooms, to ar rive evei.v Lhree minutes, right on tick. Miss Dickson respond ed in a manner that gave every evidence of her deep apprecia tion and happiness at this time. Dainty refreshments were r-erved, the company dhpers ng with all good wishes for Ethelwynn's future happiness. M!T! t: )M iHUl il !'(! SJ(,tll?H,l" 1, I S)2(), t In- i'i-- i f il. i;! per j-. will ! 1 4 oi-nlv. v. 11. 3i klvillj: anii:i;v FOLKY (il'V I'ttAZli:!? Keep the Children Well To keep the little one well, sturdy and happy, free of coughs, coldi, croup, little fevers aad inflamed throats, uio Foley's Honey and Tar. It is carefully made of selected rem edies that loosen end break up a cough, stop croup and ease an aching inflamed throat, and it is clean of all narcotics. The prompt use of Foley 's I loncy and Tor is very helpful for whooping cough, and the restless feverish state that attends children's diseases. M. T. Duvii, Branvltle, W. V, writes: One of my pttront hud small child takca with croup. They enme to my store and bought a bottle of Foley Honey and Tar end before muruifii1 the child "as entirely rceorcretl" John W. Thurston SALE Store I :1 ' $ 1.93 1.90 1.98 1.63 to 1.69 1.90 2.25 1.48 Sale 4 98 3.38 Sale 6.48 Sale 6.10 All Mens S-.cond Annual Field Day and T.i 'ack Meet at Cans an Aug Kit 24 25 O.naan, Vt.. will hold their second annual Field Day and Track Meet, together with the Mid-Summe: Outing of the New Engiar.d Fat Men's Club, Tuesday n.r.d Wednesday, Au gust 24 25r urukr auspices of Coos-Essex Country Club, Inc. Horse, race. both. days, with $1,000 in purses. Base ball and sports each day, show and dance each night. A special attraction will be an automo bile jump over a j.ap fifteen feet acre 5S over a hurdle rive feet high. Moving pictures will be made of the fat men at their as v. tli as of the races and all their doings. A Detroit rri.n was fined $15 and costs for faking without paying fci it, a paper from a pile for ss'c on a street corner. And yet seme people v oaid take a paper for VcUs or for ever without paying for it, if they could get by with it. M1CKIE SA'iS CE GUN -0,A" OSS U" -t NJVTM lV..icM.VjlJt. !' 25SEf4 liirrr 1 pi 3a mXS is5- 1 fciirjsrt- i r -n .a v.n