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Vol. 48, No. 3 ISLAND POND, VERMONT, Thursday, August 26, 1920 Established 1873 State Fair Folder j Fire at Boutin's Quick Lunch The fire company was called out at three-thirty Saturday morning to fight a fire which had got a good headway in burining the resturant. As there was no wind the adjoin ing buildings were not damag ed seriously. The cause of the fire is unknown. Booster Literature for All Fairs in Vermont Being Circulated Chased by Bull Mike Donahue came near be ing gored to death by a bull owned by Mr Flatherty, while driving the cows to pasture. Fortunately someone was near and rescued him, altho badly shaken up, with one leg and aarm somewhat hurt. Canoe Capsizes What came near being a ser ious drowning accident occur red on the pond last Monday, when a canoe loaned by Gilbert Kittredge to Warren Custin, a" Chautauqua man, was cap sized in deep water, leaving Mr Custin clnging to the boat and baling for assistance. Fortu nately Howard Corliss, Ted Ba sil and Neil Racine were near the shore with a boat, and ma king fast time, rescued him. Maxwell Hopkins Married in Newport, Vt., Am gust 9th., by Rev. L.A.Edwards Miss Leas Maxwell to Cecil Hopkins. Miss Maxwell is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Allen Maxwell of this place and Mr Hopkins is the son of Mr and Mrs Levi Hopkins of Portland, Me., Their home will be in Portland, Me. The Community Chautauqua for the year nineteen hundred; and twenty has come and gone May it return again next year if only for the children;; pleas ure it pays, and the whole pro gramme when not amusing was highly instructive. Show ing rare talent with power of pleasing acquired by years of close application that means hard work. GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE! STOMACH GAS AND INDIGESTION - OR YOUR. (MONEY BACK - ALL DRUGGISTS 25 The Vermont State Fair Com mission issued a dainty little 4 page folder setting forth the va lue of fairs io general to the community and to the common wealth. The generous spirit in which the subject is treated is impressive. The commission say: "The community fair, the county fair, and the State fair are vital to the welfare of the people. They have become a fixed annual event looked for ward to by old and young with interest and ardor. - Once a year the best pro ducts of skill, industry, invent ion and culture are assembled These exhibits display the best fruits of the soil, the highest standards of breeding of stock, the most useful tools and ap pliances made in the shop and factory. They are all gather ed in one place and they show the best things grown and made by the most enlightened and advanced minds. The fairs little and great, are schools to teach the young and the old rho' quickest "and edisest way to acqiure the benefits provided. They sh&w the improvements made in many lines the previ ous twelve months. They place us all on the road to better things. . Fairs assemble the people from far and wide for social in tercourse, for education, for relaxation, and entertainment. They furnish the best known means of stimulating the peo ple to greater effort to acquire that which will bring about the best in soil culture, stock breed ing and manufacturers." The folder also gives the dates of all fairs to be held in Vermont this year. From the Secretary's office the information comes that the plans for the forthcoming Ver mont State Fair, to be held at White River Junction, Sept. 28 29, 30 and Oct. 1, are fulfilling as desired and that the" event will be the most entertaining of any that have preceded it. NOTICE On and jiftor SeplrinluT 1, Jl)20, 1 lie ju ice of milk per qt. will ho 14 cents. XV. II. IKLVILLr AMUJIIW FOLi; Gl'Y FRAZIKH KK'J UMIMI JX&m on Frank W. Agan Candidate for Govenor and Judge Homer G. Skesls of Ludlow, Vt. Will Speak in the Opera House, Wed. Evening Sept. 1 THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED 13 i We Have Them The ENTIRE VICTOR LINE During the past week we received the first invoice of a complete stock of Victor Talking flachines m since the War closed. If it is a Phonograph you are considering WHY NOT A VICTOR? Call at any of our Rooms and hear the World's Great Artists ! '".TTas interpreted by the Victrola Ptices from $25 up WeJIhave the most complete line of Records north of Boston !l the Popular Records, at 85 cents aims T ANCASTER. N. H. BERLIN, N. II. Gl'OVETON. N. H ISL AND POND. VT I I G. R. MAGOON, Manager ti, Kl S" t. 1 i jg -n, ' jl ' 'fl1 ill i! III 1 i! 1 tiK$l raw - Era ,ll(xl ; CM I t! TOWN LOCALS Born Sunday, August 22. to Mr. and Mrs C R Stevens, a ten lb. son, Robert Williams. Mrs Delia Castonguay is visit ing friends inMontreal. I Olin Clarke of Chicago, Hi., j called on friends in town Tues day. Mrs Flora Robinson was in town from Derby Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Earl Applebee and children started Tuesday morning by auto, for Buffalo, New York, where they will visit Mrs Applebee's sister.Mrs Fred Clack, (Minnie Ladd.) Mrs Susan Jackson is visiting relatives and friends in Percy, N. II. Mrs L McKenney who has been ill for some time, is now improv ing so she is able to ride out. Mr and Mrs Charles Merrill, of Lowell, Mass., were guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Copp last week. Mrs A J Applebee is spending a few days in Old Orchard, Me. Mr and Mrs Nate Larabee and Miss Dorothy Douglass mo tored to Mechanic Falls, Me., recently. Miss Dorothy May Ilobson of Peterboro, Ont., is visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs H II Hobson. Joe Montae is spending his vacation in Richmond, Que. Miss Julia Brown of Hyde Park, Mass., is the guest of Mrs Willie Goulet this week. Mrs Safah Clarke returned Tuesday from Newport where she visited her daughter, Mrs Carroll Davis three weeks. Miss Katie and Mary Devlin of Berlin, N II are visiting their uncle, Tom Devlin and family.' II D Beebe of East Burke, Mrs Bertha Lyon and son Er (on of Westmore and Miss no ra and Doris Heath of Sutton, visited Mrs O P Wilcox Sun day. J M Cooper is improving tlic appearance of an already at tractive home by repainting the house. TOWN LOCALS Miss Mary Beebe of Manches ter, N II is spending a week with her sister.Mrs O P Wilcox Mrs John Sloan was in Sher brooke Tuesday. C R Powell, wife and two sons are camping at A J Apple bees camp at Lake. Domnick Devlin of Berlin, N II was the guest of hie uncle, Tom Devlin, Sunday. I L Robin returned home last Tuesday, Mrs Robin returned Monday from the Sherbrooke Hospital, somewhat improved from being injured in the rail way accident in Canada last week. Mrs Charles Stone and son of Los Angeles, Cal., Mrs Frank Buck and son of Barton, were guests at L A Cobbs and L F Jones during the week. Mr and Mrs R B Davis and daughter, Glendolyn motored to Wakefield, Mass., yesterday The W R C meets Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs Wm Moore and two sons of Brighton, Mass., called on friends in town Tuesday. Roy A Bishop and wife of Pittsburg, Mass., are the guests of Mr and Mrs F E Boyce. Miss Queenie Duffey of Que bec city is the guest of Mrs J M Cooper for two weeks. CHRIST CHURCH Holy Communion at Evensong at ) 11 A M 7 P M m ?4 m5 7