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ESSEX COUNTY HERALD Essex County Herald Zstfculi&hed 1873 Published Every Thursday by II. W. CSBORNE, Publisher. Thursday, August 26, 1920 Entered at the Post Office ai Ishinti Pond, Vermont, as second-cla.--' mail matter. i5uun.3:)q jc ajujd 0 a'::.'ai.o:i pi nr. SUIi.j: JPTION KATES ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising 10c a line first 6c;' no charge less than 25c; count six words to the line. Reading no tices among locals 10c a line. Cards of thanks 50c. Resolutions and obituaries $1.50 and more accord ing to space. ftfl mmmmm Printing Safeguards Your Money Protect your cash not only with bolts and bars and banks but with businesslike printed forms and records for every transaction you undertake. We can show you a paper Paper that betrays erasure and prevents fraudulent al teration of your checks, notes, drafts and receipts. For letterheads and general printed forms we use and recommend a standard paper mm , that we know will give you satisfaction. HOME SERVICE FOR EVERYBODY IN NEED MONUMENTS - and TOMBSTONES Do you know wh:it the present day Ilnnie Service of the American Red Cross is? Many people do nor know thar, he sides ciii'.i)let!n tlie work for ex-service men, especially the riisnMed, it pro vides the smile neighborly service to fiiiiKlies in jjcneral" flint it formerly Save fi.inilies of soldiers, sailors and marines. 'Home Service covers n wide find varied Held," says Frederick C. Man roe, general manager of the American lied Cross. "It gives aid to families in solving such problems as budget planning, markeiinj;, tiding over times of financial stress, k(epin; children in school, helping crippled children, wid owed and deserted mothers, children backward in school and children in conflict with the laws. It renders serv ice to the homeless and transient, to the illiterate, to tenement dwellers, to the unemployed, and glrps friendly as sistance and advlc to foreign speak ing groups." In addition to helping familjes la the solution of their own problems, Home Service helps In utrenpt hpnlng the wenk spots in tha nncM life of communities. It join hairl with oth ers to make communities safer, healthier and happier. Organizing action nlonjr lines In which the community is already inter ested Is one of the objects of Home Service. It has entsblished community meeflngs, patriotic celebrations, pag eants and picnics. Rest rnnws, recre ation facilities, play supervisor and moving picturei hr Keen provided. Throngh Homo Serrlcn ther n.sencioM are influenced t hrlng about improved commercial nmnwments and better school facilities and to promote travel ing libraries as well as to eenra fown ty Agricultural and home demenst ra tion agents. If yon need assistance at any time, go to the secretary of the nearest Red Cross chapter and describe the sitna tion. Your conlidencs will be sacredly respected and every possible effort will be made to aid you. Tiatisfaction Guaranteed Our long experience in this i business is for your benefit. ! GEORGE P. COFFRAN & SON I Island Pond, Vt. Derby, Vt. E)IONEER HEALTH HERBS, the old-time . herbal compound. Made of Mandrake, Gentian, Burdock, GalanKol and other effective roots and herbs, lor constipation, biliousness, indigestion, rheumatism, female complaints, malaria, kidney troubles. Purifies blood, tones system, keeps you well. 80 tablets 0 cents. Money hack if not satisfied. Sold by Uterus only. Send for free sample and book. E. C. TOTTEN. Pioneer Laboratory, 31 Eleventh Street, Washington, D. C. JOHN H. EMERSON Marble and Granite Works Satisfaction Guaranteed --. Pneumatic Tool Plant Low Prloea Address, Colbrooke, N. H. GUARANTEED TO INSTANTLY RELIEVE STOMACH GAS AND INDIGESTION - OR YOUR. MONEY BACK - ALL DRUGGISTS 25 American Red Cress Rail Gall. The Fourth Annmt! Rail Call it the American Red Cross will be hele ttrs year front Ariulstio Pay, November 11, to Thanksgiving Day, Vorember 25, inclusive. During this period the men and women of the ITnlted Strtes will pay their annual dues and renew their membership. Chatter No. 4275 Reserve District No. 1 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ISLAND POND NATIONAL BANK at Island Pond, in the State of Vermont, at the close of business June 30, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscouns (except those Hlmwn in b iinil c) $ 5J S.7 1-1 ViiIim ;inil hills red isconn! fd with Voderiil Il'-si-rvo l'.jink. (other hiin linnk ncceiitances sold ) 3,719 64 U.TIH.Ht Ov:nlr:ifts, unsecured. $378 8fl IVpoKiW"! to secure circulation U'.S. bonds par value) S'l.'ino ):i I'lc'ti-ed to secure 1". S. deposits (par value) Jii.nnfl (Hi OwuimI and unpledged 11, ."id:! 4 '. S. Government Securities Securities, other than t'. 8. homls (not includiiin stocks), ow -ed and unpledged 244,730 G'.l Total bonds, securities, etc.. oilier than 1'. S. Stock of Federal Reserve Hun'.; (50 per cent of subscription) Lawful reserve with Federal li'-Kerw T!ank Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks Total of items 1?., 14, 1.",, 1(1. and 17 4.77!) 1!) Cheeks on banks located outs'de of city or town of reporting bank .'.ml other cash items , Redemption with U. S. Treasurer and due from 1- S Treasurer Interest earned but no collected- approximate on Notes and bills K-eeivablo not past due Other assets, if any, leposit at Merchants l'.ank of Can, Monreal TOT A I, LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in Surplus l-und ' Undivided j'rofits. Less current expenses, interest and axes paid Interest and d'sconnt collece'' or credited in advpnee o' and not earned (approximate) Circulatinfr notes outstsndini; Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding Totaal of items 2!, .'10. 31, 82 and 32 '"d1 vidua I deposits subject to check Dividends unpaid i Total of demand deposits Ceriflcates of deposit (other than for money borrowed Other time deposits Total of time deposits Hilli payable irith .edenrl Reserve bank Tim-; drafts of this bank outstanding Liabi'iiies for rediscounts other than Federal Reserve bank Total aontingent liabilities 15 21, maturity 1.340 47 13,G5 45 606, 47S !iK1,KR 40 37S 80 60,563 42 2 11.736 6'.) 3,11(10 ill) 23.23!) 28 1,771) 1 1.273 1 2 1,750 00 ,nno on 1 2,787 till 1)27, 4114 5 75,000 (10 15,1)00 00 21,572 15 35,00 00 ;,.i,(M)0 On 4,340 47 136 330 45 275 00 1,727 22 604,7 41) 30 20,000 00 U27.404 59 X.740 64 3,74!) S4 STATE OF VKl'.MOXT. COt'NTY OF KSSI5X, SS I. P. A. Kllioti. cashier of be above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is True To The besT of my knowledge and belief. 1). A. KLLJOTT, Cnsliier Correct Attest L. A. ennr. .1. S. r'WKKN'KY. MARY 1! AJIKY, Pincors Subscribed and sworn to before me tb's loth day of July, 1 2 0 . GKOllGK L. IU'Kll, Notary Public " -ill Small Cars -and the Declining . Cost of Tire Mileage 33 Ml mm mm PR ! You ure aware, of course, that dur ing the last tea years, Goodyear has beesi able steadily to increase the amount of miLeagsimilt into its tires. Do you realize, also, that this in- 3C has been accomplished with- cui extra, cost to the user that Goodyear Tires are priced no higher today than m In ti&t. in the Goodyear line is the imdhrimi cost of miltage more evilsiat than in the present 30x3-, 30x3- and 31x4-ii&ch siie Good year Tir made epecialry for small cars If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dart, Maxwell r other car taking these sizes, go to your nearest Service Station for Goodyear Tires get the exceptional worth and endurance that Goodyear builds into them. $2350 30 x 3Vi Goodyear Double-Cure rabnc, All-weather I read.. 30 x 3Y2 Goodyear Single-Cure -i tin Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread L 1 Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tube cost no more than the price you are asked to pay for tubes of less merit why risk costly casings when such sure protection is available? 4 59 30x3' sixe in waterproof bag i. " 1 i U i- P1P '--' 1L -yi. r.iii IS i '4 f'mma.Mr.w 1 1 a- : .'k,'. .. i - " - 11 in) i im tmnf TinMii-timwuwvJ,ii:k-in3-''''!m',mi'im Eig Labor Day Celebration Island Pond Septemeber Gth. Races, Sports, Ball Game, Par ade, etc., with Carton band in attendance. Every one invit ed to take part in this grand celebration. Watch for posters. EAST CONCORD DEFERRED Mr and Mrs L Huntlev if Lyndonville are visiting atthcir brother's, Mr and Mrs J C War rens Mr and Mrs Earl Wheeler and Mrs Wheeler, Mr and Mrs Carroll Grant and daughters, of Windsor were week-end guests of their mother, Mrs Do ra Grant. Mr and Mrs Alphonzo IJarri man of Dalton were guests at their sister's, Mr and Mrs D M Smiths a part of last week. Mr and Mrs W W Adair and Mrs Helen Folsom were visit ors in St Johnsbury and Little ton Saturday. Mrs Carl Burt went to St. Johnsbury Hospital Sunday, where she underwent an oper ation Monday for a cancer.Mrs Burt, is reported very comfort able. Mrs Ada Downer remains in very critical condition. Mr and Mrs Norman Hall -erp visitors in Lancaster Mon day eve. Keep the Children Well To keep the little ones well, sturdy ond happy, free of coughs, colds, croup, little fevers and inflamed throats, use Foley's Honey and Tar. Ii is carefully made of selected rem edies that loosen and break up a cough, stop croup and ease an aching inflamed throat, and it is clean of all narcotics. The prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar is very helpful for whooping cough, and the restless feverish state that attends children's diseases. M. T. Davis, Bearavitle, W. Va, write One of my patrons had a mall child taken with croup. They came to my store and boufht a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar and befors morning- the child svas entirely recovered," The Mail Goes In vi nr. arcs."-n auk. mm mL mm ff,nr; SPECIAL SALE! Have you called yet to look ovir ous Special Sale on Silk Poplin Dresses, if not you have neglected an opportunity. We aim to please you and invite your patronage. Come in and nrive us a try. . T. and S. HOWARD Main Street Island PonJ. FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE in the HERALD ADVERTISE in the HERALD FOR RESULTS Wliile the Salesman Waits , W. can 'urukh you the kind jf printed gales letters and circulars on HAMMERMILL BOND thai will get your message in the right way to tha man who can buy your good. Use mora printed salesmanship. Ask us. i We are headquarters for Ma CINE TIRES aKcrnoTBOM) smuuimue oosd We carry a Complete line of FORD PARTS and SUPPLIES Dry Cell Batteries, etc. 15 Discount on all Tires .... CENTRAL GARAGE C. P. POWElL for COUNTY SENATOR Voters of Essex County A3 a candidate for County Senator I promise you noth ing more during the POLITICAL ,TRVEST. DAYS than I have heretofore earnestly advocau.a, except, that if elected as COUNTY SENATOR for Essex County, I will embrace the op portunity to use my best efforts to bring about a full realiza tion of the things I have advocated while NOT A CANDIDATE FOR THE OFFICE and among them are The reformation of UNJUST BANKING PRACTICES. An EQUAL rate of INTEREST to LARGE and SMALL DEPOSITORS alike (Which has not been the PRACT ICE in SOME Counties. Interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS from the time of DEPOSIT to the time of WITHDRAWAL. (COMPEL the BANKS by law to pay to their DEPOSITORS all INTEREST du by every PRINCIPLE of a SQUARE DEAL Granting to INDIVIDUALS who loan money EQUAL taaxation PRIVILEGES with BANKS. The RETURN of tha POOR MAN to PUBLIC OFFICE. Vermont's resource for VERMONT interests. ' A change in the Vermont PRIMARY LAWS. The return of the LITTLE RED SCHOOL HOUSE. Active PROMOTION of AGRICULTURE and its INTERESTS. Better PUBLIC, not POLITICAL, highways. Democracy's FRUITS for the SAVIOURS thereof. Equal rights of SUFFRAGE. and I pledge my loyal support for all measures that may be proposed by others WHICH I BELIEVE TO BE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. I claim a knowledge of the needs of the COMMON PEOPLE bv ACTUAL AND REAL PERSONAL CONTACT WITH THEM. " DO YOU WANT 7 THE COMMON PEOPLE or THE FINANCIAL INTERESTS SEA ED IN THE VERMONT SENATE? VValrh the earnest ENDEAVOR of the BANKING INTERESTS To DEFEAT MY CANDIDACY. C. R: POWn.,1 i