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r--- ESSKX'COUMT'HEKAEl l M-11 """"" j ''ft I0E3OS TOWN LOCALS a 1 Batclielder's ast Charleston, Store vt. ggf BlMlKBBEEEEBEEES!BiaBEBaKHMlHHSB.-2IiaEI3 Ladies' High White Shoes, Ladies' High White Keds, Misses White Keds, Children's White Keds, Mens' Tennis, Mena' Tennis, with heel, Boys' Tennis, Mens Dress Shoes, were 6.50, Mens' Work Shoes, Ladies' Dress Shoes, .were 7.50, Ladies Dress Shoes, were 7.00 All other Shoes at 10 Discount $ 1.98 1.90 1.98 1.63 to 1.69 1.90 2.25 1.48 Sale 4 98 3.98 Sale 6.48 Sale 6.10 All Mens and Tiovs Summer Underwear at 10 Dis count- All Ginghams -S8 GROCERIES B-st back Pork at 25c a lb Compound Lard, 20 lb. tub; 25c lb. 5 lb. Fail Pure Lard, 1A0 4 lb Pail Compound Lard, !-10 Occident Flour, $2-00 for Mi Sack, guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money back While our goods may not be the lowest they are as low as the quality will permit. Give us a call and we will try to savs you money. Political Advertisement To the Republican Party of Essex County DRIVE THE MONEY CHANGERS FROM THE TEMPLE Essex and Orleans Counties have stood shoulder to (shoulder in political contests for thirty years. Everybody know that Babbit, Agan and Hartness are all possessed of immese wealth. In seeking the nomination for Governor, Colonel Emery has to contend against three millionaires, who are spending their money lavishly. You will not desert an Orlwana County .man, . y:ur friend and neighbor. Don't fail to go to the' primaries and vote for LOL C. S. EMERY, of Newport, one of the best men for Governor in this or any other state. READ HIS PLATFORM A Citizen Laborers Wanted! For Woods Work.SCALERS, CLERKS, TEAMSTERS for cutting anil skidding limber. IOE30I IOC Inquire of New Hampshire Stave and Heading Mill NORTH STRATFORD, N. H. Labor Day Celebration At Island ond Sept. 6. 1920 Marlon B.nid in Attendance Mr and Mrs Frank Danforth and family are camping at Spec Pond. Ralph Brown of Boston is spending a two weeks vacation with Mrs G D Herrin and fam ily. Mrs Emily Farmer of St. Johnsbury, is visiting her grand children, Ethel, Clifton and Duane Cole, and calling on her many friends. Miss Betty Wilson, of Bethel who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs Charles Koby and family the past six weeks, has returned home. Mrs Archie Dumore and ba- bv of South Paris, Me., have been visiting her mother, Mrs M Kennedy and family, a week Mr Fred Boardway, wile and daughter, of Claremont, N H., are guests of his father, D A Boardway and brother, C l oardway, and family. Mrs Louis Parent of Gorham has been visiting her sister, Mrs John Kennedy, a few days on her way home frcm St Anns, Que. Mrs T S Fuller will spend some time in Washington State this fall, before going to Cali fornia, to spend the winter. Mrs Edward Turgeon is sub stituting as organist at the St. James the Greater Church. Mrs Sterns and Isadore, and Mr George Branstein, started Saturday morning for JNew York city by auto. Mr and JVIrs Archie Smith and children, who have been visiting relatives in Mamouth, Me., returned to their home Monday. Miss Julia Moffett is working in the Stewart House dinning room as waitress. Lancelot Stewart, of Shr brooke, Que., spent Sunday m town, with the Rev Edward Russell. Born to Mr and Mrs J E Bernier, August 13, a son-Maurice, Mrs C M Harvey, who has been visiting her daughter.Mrs A. A Mand'"o. a few weeks, re turned to Magog, Que., Fri dav. Miss Alice Srredb'irv of Grovptor. is nrrr for her ?!s lr. Mrs Paul McKenney, who is ill. Bovrp and Sbarnev are r. nair'Vcr th b'MMinr recentlv nriallv buried near Stern Brothers store. Mr Sharnev will ccupv same whn finished as a. shoe repairing shop. OM acquaintances of Dr Sar ah M Hobson. of Chicago, 111.. also of Miss Elsie G Hobson of rvn Maur College. Brvn Maur Pp.. are pleased to see them in town, where they are occupy incr their cottage at Blueberry Poit. thp rnWh of August S J Fi-nrh 0f Littleton. TL is snpnir"v a week with he1 sister. M' Madian. Mio.apq Mvrle and Frn1 msironp' returned to Mon treal last Snnrtv. CltM p'te" onendifr two weeks with their sister, Mrs ed Burroughs. Everett WheW. wife and son of Bangor, Me. .Mr and Mrs Tnhn Wheeler, of Derrv. N H., iP!ts at Mr and Mrs Ed Mrs Ernest Bel isle and Mr Evprett Conley snent the week end with Miss Gladys Doran in Sovth Paris, Me. Mr and Mrs C B Tevksbnry, on arrl daughter of West Rox- bury, Mass., were wppk-end is :-nr of Mr and Mrs . H Hob- son. Miss Zepha Murphy of Port land, Me., is spending her vac. a on with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Murphy. Miss Lucille Hobson of Wash "gtdn, D C, has been in town the guest of her aunts at Blue berry Point. Mrs K B Fletcher, who has been spending some time with her daughter in Portland, has returned to Island Pond. Mr and Mrs Jerome L Wat ion. Mr and Mrs W L Watson ind Jerome Watson of St Pe ersburg, Y la., are visitors in town. Miss Lucille Kane of Dover N II, has been the guert of "tivp.s in town the past w Mrs Eola Thurston visited relatives in Lyndonville, Sun day. Mr and Mrs Ed Dickson wore business visitors in Sherbrook, Friday and Saturday. Mrs Ed Burns of Newport, who has been visiting her moth er, Mrs Wing, for the past two weeks, returned to her home, Friday. Mrs Lottie Hibbard and son, Harold, who have been in Mon treal, a week visiting relatives, returned home Monday. . Mr and Mrs C J Deslanders are again occupying Mrs Anne Elies house on Alder street. Mrs Daniel Flynn is serious ly ill. Nurse Waterman is caring for Mrs Alice Bernier. Miss Sadie King of White River Jet., is spending a weeks vacation with relatives here. Mr and Mrs A E Merritt left Friday morning for Portland- ville, N Y where thev will visit Mrs Merritt's sister, Mrs II M Hall, after which they will go to Oneata, N Y, for the remain der of their vacation. They ex pect to be gone two weeks Hon Frank W. Agan, canda date for Governor of Vermont, and Judge Homer L. Skeels of Ludlow will speak at the Opera House, Island Pond, Wednes day evening, September 1. The public is cordially invited. The committee on the Labor Day Celebration to be held here Monday, September 6, in vites everyone in this and sur rounding towns to take part in the parade of decorated auto mobiles, etc' Prizes will be given for best decorated auto. Mable Osborne of Grove- ton spent the week-end in town Mr and Mrs E L Lanpher and family of Rumney, N H, are vis iting relatives and friends n town. Miss Zena McKee returned Thursday from a week's visit in Berlin, N. H. Miss Ida Mckee returning with her. Esther Osborne spent Thurs day in Berlin, N. H. Miss Sarah Patterson of Car- bondale, 111., is the guest of Mrs Geo. McKelvey. Mr and Mrs T L Paquette and family, Miss Mary Conway Lottie Conway and Harry Den ison of Boston, and several oth er friendsvare enjoying an out ing at Amey s cottage Mr and Mrs P J White and daughter of Manchester, N H, and Mr and Mrs George Cote were week-end guests of Mrs Winifred. Finnegan, on their way to St Anns, Que. FOR SALE One Renown kitchen stove and one dinning room box stove, both nearly new. Inquire of Bert Ladd, Is land Pond, Vt. It Mrs E W Barry o em re is tnc i! Mov T- : o f h Miss Mav :)ne Kins.' J is visitin;r her friond. r ine Parlin for a week. i wr it ev Lawton and lamiiy re turned from Maine last week Rev and Mrs Law-ton left Fri day for Boston, accompanied by their daughter, Louise, who has secured a position there. Mrs Joseph Liberty and three children returned last Friday to their home in Lincoln, N H, after a few weeks visit with rel atives here. Mrs Irving Curtis is visiting her sister, Mrs James Richmond, Que. Miss Mildred Bemisfis assist ing in Boardway s restaurant. Azilda, Marquis of Gorham is spending a week in town. Miss Lena Gray of Newport has been the guest of her aunt Mrs Clarence Cross. She re turned home last Saturday. Mr and Mrs Wm J Senner, Jr., of Reading. Pa. .are visiting Charles Currier and family. Mrs Senner was formerly Miss Mabel Currier. Charles Moulton of Wolcott called on his grandson, Gilbert Kittredge, the past week. Lougee & Crowley are im proving the looks of their blue berry canning factory by paint ing the outside, making it cor respond withtheinterior.which has the up-to-date machinery. Perry Morse of Pittsfkld Mass., has been visiting his bro ther, L A Morse, the past two weeks. Charles Nolan, at the fige of seventy-four years, is afflicted with the whooping cough. L A v.ubb motored rec? to Ncvfeld, M. , wih Rev Al. s I ;t,-,to'i and fa;. lily, v Jlk'y .-'.pent :i, pavt of the:;' v tV-ii v ::!: rdatr.o:. L A Morse has had an attack WANTED OPERATORS on Lathes, Grinders, Milling Machines etc. Skilled and Unskilled. References required. Ap ply in person or write Supt. care of Butterfield & Co., Derby Line, Vt. Puretest Chemicals in counter packages John W. Thurston Couch Hammocks We have too many for this season of the year and offer you an opportunity to buy at a Reduction of 10 per cent. Let us show you. In order that we may have the goods need ed to meet your holiday requirements, we placed orders early. These goods are beginning to arr ive. We have just opened the finest line of Box pa per and envelopes we ever stocked. This being a year round seller, we offer it to yon now. If in terested w8 will be glad to show you. We are just opening up a package of the popular brown and white cooking ware which you will be glad to see. Watcii our window for new goods from now on. The Bosworth Store Co. House Furnishers fly .id V(. Typhoid fever. Dollars and Cents a most interesting book to the average man. This country is peopled with average men and its business affairs are conducted by the same class of people. The average man has a bank account. HAVE YOU? Wyoming has nearly twice as many depositors in National Banks per one thousand of population as Vermont. Cannot wo change this percentage? What is good for the wes certainly should be good for the east- ( We can help you if you will deposit with us. .For ou.- mutual prosperity. .-: Island, Pond National Bank