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if- 7 Ml Tired Ouf ? Are you burdened with a dull, nag ping backache? Does any little exer tion wear you out? Does it seem some times as if you just can't keep poing? Modern life with its hurry and worry, and lack of rest, throws a heavy strain on the kidneys. The kidneys slow up and that tired feeling and constant backache are but natural results. Use Dnan's Kidney 1'iUs. Doan's have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A New Hampshire Case I 'M,s- Fred Uoofl- m-'." '-Jr.. yd rich, 17 Center St., Iff '"Pr aSSfii-'Woli'e1oro Falls, JTs--,lN. H.. snys: "I suf- Jl MS fereil from dull. nasging backaches a n 1 distressing pains across my killrw-v AT r bid. : neys also caused rr.vft JvC7 a Rreai ueai ot lttr ."".. I'annnyiini e, t 0 o. r-O-'rt-fifSI bad headaches iy:and spells of dizzi- . ! 1.4- -'. folt ness and mornings tired and lan- cuid. Doan's Kid ney Pills quickly corrected the trouble and I have had no 'return of it." Gt Doen'i at Any Store, COc Box DOAN'S "pTAV FOSTER. MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. V. KILLS P&SKY BED BUGS P. D. Q. A 3B box of r. D. Q. makes a full quart of the strongest bug killer on The new chemical, P. D. Q Pesky Devil's Quietus puts the everlasting to bMl-hurs, roaches, ant;j and fleas. Pesky bed-bugs can't exist where P. IX Q Is used, as it leaves a coating on their tyt's and prevents hatching. A box of P. T. Q. coes farther than a barrel ' of old -fashioned bug killer. P. D. Q. will not rot or stain clothlnu, kills fleas on dops. Your druggist has it or hn can get It for you, or sent pre paid on receipt of price by the Owl Ch"mloal Works. Terre Hnute, Indiana. Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has remained until youth has become but a memory, The soft, refined, pearly white appearance it renders leaves the joy of beauty with you for many years. I years. (gW&'tM FRECKLES POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. Bcrrr'i Prnckle Ointment---Your drmralst or by . ur. c. n. jerry Avanut. Ctiffago. WOULD ALSO LIKE TO KNOW Problem Put Up to Private Kelly Was Something Over Which He Had Been Pondering. Kelly bad drawn a summary for be ing absent from post while on guard duty. "Whore were you," demanded the judge advocate, "when the sergeant of the guard passed just in front of your post?" "At the rear." "Where were you when the corporal passed just behind it?'' "At the front." "And now," triumphantly, "where were jou when the sergeant and the rorporal walked around your post from opposite directions without see ing you." "Judge," said Kelly hopefully, "that's been worrying me. Where was I?" The American Legion Weekly. Haw, Haw! "I must be getting absent minded," remarked the first doctor. "The other day when filling out a death certifi cate I placed my name in the space reserved for eause-'of death." "llr.h!" commented the second doc tor. "What makes you think that you are getting absent minded?" Cincin nati Enquirer. A mind filled with trilles cannot get the swing of large affairs. "Cold la the Head" 13 an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. Those subject to frequent "colds in the head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATAPJtH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them less liable to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. All Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. Animals Causes Asthma. Certain people are liable to attacks of asthma when brought into contact with cats, dogs, etc. This Is due to an emanation from the skin or fur of tlu? animal. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of OASTORIA. that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the In Use for Ovpr ao yu, ire Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Historical Knowledge. "Who was the first highwayman on record?" "Atlas; he held uu the world." SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in a poor' dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes." Easy, directions in package. "CORNS" Lift Right. Off Without Pain 1 f rV" '" TO' v ii Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezone" on nn aching corn, instantly that' corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly ! Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or Irritation. SAW SOLDIERS OF FIVE WARS John Pemberton Oak Has History Probably Unequaled by That of Any Other Tree. Soldlars of five wars have been drilled beneath the John Pemberton oak tree, Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee, nominated for a place In the hall of fame of the American Forestry association at Washington by Mrs. II. F. Lewis, secretary of Virginia for the Daughters of the American Rev olution. Under this tree Col. John Pemberton mustered his troops for the battle of King's Mountain. A marker has been placed on the tree by the Sycamore Shoals chapter, says the American Forestry Magazine, in making the announcement. The sol diers of the War of 1812 met here. Then came the Mexican war and the old tree saw men again leave their hoines to fight. Next came the struggle between the states, and the oak witnessed the drilling of men to fight one another In their own coun try. Then came the World war and again the veteran oak saw our boys answer "their united country's call. Their Method. "In the days of the cave man," remarked the man on the car, "the girls wore their hair loose down the back, so they would be' easy to catch." Toledo P.lade. Every Kid Likes Good Things lo Jbat So every kid likes ft iuS vi Made W Postum Cereal Col., Battle Creek.Mick J si zi fa Wimt National Park I JVtrvifV' itwfj l 1L 1 4 OIXG to "Colter's Hell" this sum-, nier? If so, be sure to take with you Uncle Sam's 1020 bulletin, just off the government press. It tells you all about "Colter's Hell" which is to say, the Yellowstone, oldest and most famous of our 19 national parks. Why "Colter's Hell"? Well, It's an interesting story and not every one knows it. The story of John Colter and "Col ter's llell" properly begins away back In 180o, when Thomas Jefferson, our third president, bought the Louisiana territory from Napoleon Bonavmrte. The western boundary of the United States was then the Mississippi, as fixed by the treaty with Great Britain after the Involution. Jeffer son sent James Monroe to France to co-oirerate with Minister Robert It. Livingston in the pur chase of the Mississippi's mouth for $2,000,XH).' Napoleon laughed at them, lie had just made Spain cede him the Louisiana Territory, Intend ing to establish there an empire to replace that lost to the British In Canada. Then Napoleon saw be must fight the British. He could not fight and colonize, too. So, to spite the British, he told the two Americans they could have all the country between the Mississippi and the Itockies (Texas not included) for $15,(XK),000. And he made Mon roe and Livingston agree. Jefferson was scared stiff at the act of his agents. There was a nation wide rumpus over the purchase, but congress rati fied it and the people finally approved it. Jefferson had not the slightest idea what the United States had bought and in the spring of 1S04 ho started the Lewis and Clark expedition from St. Louis to find out Tills famous expedition went to the mouth of the Columbia river and returned to St. Louis in lSOG, after having been given, up for lost. It passed a few miles to the north of the Yellowstone, without even suspecting its existence. John Colter was one of the private soldiers of the exiedltioii. Before it reached St. Louis he got his discharge and returned with two trappers to the headwaters of the Missouri for beaver. In the firing of 1S07 at the mouth of the Platte be met Manuel Lisa and . again turned back. Lisa built Fort Lisa at the confluence of tlfe Yellowstone and the Big Horn. Colter, going alone to summon the Crows lo (lie fort for trade, passed to the south of tlie Yellowstone tltrough Jackson's Hole to Tierre's Hole at the west of the Yellowstone. Returning thence to Fort Lisa, he passed diagonally through the Yellowstone, the first white man to see its won ders. Colter, after adventures and travels that give him a front rank among explorers of the west, re turned to St. Louis in 1S10. lie recounted his ad ventures and lie told of the marvels of the Yellow stone. St. Louis believed some of his tales of ad venture, but would have none of the geysers, boil ing springs and paint-pots of the Yellowstone. They derisively dubbed it "Colter's Hell," laughed over it for a time and then forgot it. Gen. Wil liam Clark, his commander, was the only one to believe him. On the oflicial map of the Lewis and Clark expedition Is a dotted line from Fort Lisa to the Yellowstone and return, with the legend, "Colter's route in 1807." The Yellowstone v'as discovered the second time about 1S27 this time by Jim Bridger, one of (Jen. William 11. Ashley's lieutenants In the Rocky Mountain Fur company. Bridger was the discov erer of Great Salt Lake, a map-maker without an equal, a mountaineer, plainsman and guide with no superior. But he had a hobby big yarns. It is he who made up those classic "whoppers" of the west the obsidian cliff, boiling spring, echo and alum creek stories. So, when he told about the wonders of the Yellowstone, u scoffing frontier said, with laughter: "Oh, just another of Jim Bridgor's yarns." Warren Angus Fenis described the Upper Gey ser basin of the Yellowstone in 1S-12 and was not believed. Prospectors in the Montana gold excite ment of 1802 again described the Yellowstone; they were set down as liars. Newspapers and maga zines would not publish the stories; lecturers were stoned. Iu 1809 the semi-official Montana Wash-burn-Langford expedition did succeed in getting a hearing. In 1870 the federal government sent an official exjied It ion which official ly put Mie Yellow stone on the map. Cornelius Hedges, September 18, 1S70, by a campflre In the Yellowstone, proposed that the wonderland be niado a national park a pluy- ground set aside for the people's use forever. The idea took. Congress established the Yellowstone National park, March 1, 1872. The establishment of the Yellowstone as a na tional park after 05 years of "discoveries" was the first time such a thing had been done In all history. It was the first national park in all the world. The United States set the example which practically all the civilized world has followed. Uncle Sam's 1920 Yellowstone Bulletin is a fascinating booklet of 103 pages of text, maps and illustrations. It contains everything that the tourist needs to know, from how to get there to 0 time table of the geysers and from the different kinds of trout to the automobile regulations. The following items are taken from the introductory pages : The Yellowstone National park was created by the act of March 1, 1872. It is approximately G2 miles long and 54 miles wide, giving an area of 3.348 square miles, or 2,142,720 acres. It Is under the control and supervision of the national park service of the Interior department. The Yellowstone is probably the best known of our national parks. Its geysers are celebrated the world over because, for size, power, and variety of action, as well as number, the region has no competitor. The Yellowstone National park is located in northwestern Wyoming, encroaching slightly upon Montana and Idaho. It is our largest national park. The central portion Is essentially a broad, elevated, volcanic plateau, between 7,000 and 8,500 feet above st-a level and with an average elevation of about 8,000 feet. Surrounding ft on the south, east, north, and northwest are mountain ranges with culminating peaks and ridges rising from 2,000 to 4,000 feet above the general level of the inclosed tableland. The entire region is volcanic. Not only the sur rounding mountains but the great interior plain is made of material once ejected, as ash and lava, from depths far below the surface. Geological speculation points to a crater which doubtless once opened just west of Mount Washburn. There are five active geyser basins, the Norris, the Lower, the Upper, the Heart lake, and Sho shone basins, all lying In the wesMind south cen tral parts of the park. The geysers exhibit a large variety of character and action. Some, like Old Faithful, spout at quite regular Intervals, longer or shorter. Others are irregular. Some burst up ward with immense power. Others shoot streams at angles or bubble anil foam In action. Geysers arc. roughly speaking, water volca noes. They occur only at places where the Inter nal heat of the earth approaches close to the sur face. Their action, for so many years unex plained, and even now regarded with wonder by so many. Is simple. Water from the surface trick ling through crack In the rocks, or water from subterranean springs collecting in the bottom of the geyser's crater, down among the strata of in tense heat, becomes Itself Intensely heated and gives off steam, which expands and forces upward the cooler water that lies above It. At last the water in the bottom reaches so great an expansion under continued heat that the less: heated water above can no longer weigh It down, so it hursts upward with great violence, rising many feet in the air and continuing to play until practically all the water In the crater has been expelled. Nearly the entire Yellowstone region Is remark able for its hot water phenomena. The more prominent geysers are confined to three basins lying near each other In the middle west side of the park, but other hot water manifestations oc cur nt more widely separated points. Marvelous ly colored hot springs, mud volcanoes, and other strange phenomena are frequent. At Mammoth, at Norris, and at Thumb the hot water lias lrought to the surface quantities of white min eral deposits which build terraces of beautifully incrusted basins high up into the air, often en gulfing trees of considerable size. Over the edges' of these carved basins pours the hot water. Mi croscopic plants called algae grow on the edges and sides of these basins, painting them hues of red and pink and bluish gray, which glow bril liantly. At many other points lesser hot spring occur, introducing strange, almost uncanny, ele ments into wooded and otherwise quite normal landscapes. The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone affords a spectacle worthy of a national park were there no geysers. Standing upon Inspiration Point, which pushes out almost to the center of tle can yon, one seems to look almost vertically down upon the foaming Yellowstone river. To the south a waterfall twice the height of Niagara rustics seemingly out of the pine-clad hills and pours downward to be lost again in green. From that point two .or three miles to where you stand and beneath you widens out the most glorious kaleido. scope of color you will ever see in nature. The steep slopes, dropping on either side 1,000 feet and more from the pine-topped levels above, are incon ceivably carved and fretted by the frost and the erosion of the ages. The fossil forests of the park cover an extensive area in the northern por tion of the park, being especially abundant along the west side of Lamar river for about 20 miles above its junction with the Yellowstone. One traversing the valley of the Lamar river may see at many places numerous upright fossil trunks in the faces of nearly vertical walls. These trunks are not all at a particular level hut occur at Irreg ular heights; in fact a section cut down through these 2,000 feet of beds would disclose a succes sion of fossil forests. That is to say, after the first forest grew and was entombed, there was a time without volcanic outburst a period long enougli to permit a second forest to grow above the first. Tliis In turn was covered by volcanic material and preserved, followed again by a period of quiet, and these more or less regular al ternations of volcanlsm and forest growth contin ued throughout the time the beds were iu process of formation. The Yellowstone National park Is . the largest and most succesNful wild animal refuge In the world. It Is also, for this reason, the best and most accessible field for nature study. Its. 3.300 square miles of mountains and valleys remain nearly as nature made them, for the 2HJ miles of roads and the four hotels and many camps are as nothing in this immense wilderness. No tree has been cut except when absolutely necessary for road or trail or camp. No herds Invade Its val leys. Visitors for the most part keep to the beat en road, and the wild animals have learned in the years that they mean them no barm. To be sure they are not always seen by the ioople In the automobile stages which whirl from point to point dally during the season; but the quiet watcher on the trails may see deer and bear and elk and an telope to his heart's content, and he may even see mountain sheep, moose, and bison by journeying on foot or by horseback into their distant retreats. It is an excellent bird preserve also; 20U spe cies live natural, undisturbed lives. Eagles aro found among the crags. Trout fishing in Yellowstone waters Is unex celled. All three of the great watersheds abound in trout, which often attain large size. Yellow stone lake is. t lie home of large trout, which are taken freely from boats, and the Yellowstone riv er and Its tributaries yield excellent catches to the skillful angler. The criticism often made by persons who have visited granite countries that the Yellowstone re gion lacks the supreme grandeur of some others of our national parks will cease to have weight when the magnificent Teton mountains just south of the soiflhern boundary are added to the park. These mountains begin at the foot of the Pitch stone plateau a mile or two below the southern gateway and extend south and west. They bor der Jackson lake on its west side, rising rapidly in a series of remarkably toothed and Jagged peaks until they reach a sublime climax, 30 miles south of the park, in the Grand Teton, which rises cathedral-like to nn altitude of 13,747 feet. , These amazing mountains are, from their na ture, a component part of the Yellowstone Na tional park, whose gamut of majestic scenery they complete, and no doubt would have been Included within its original boundaries had their supremo magnificence been then appreciated. Already Yel lowstone visitors have claimed It, and nutomohllo stages run to Moran and back on regular schedule. In time, no doubt, part of it will be added forumlly to the park territory.