OCR Interpretation

The Middlebury people's press. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1841-1843, June 01, 1841, Image 2

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rlP TT '17 Ttf T- T T T T TT T A7" TV'? A 15 I 1? J C! TX T 17
u Ei J.1M.. JL- u i; jj jCi d u ix i r u r u - i n u o .
sons ofthc Empirc stato who havo s!ood by crcatcd quitc a scnsatinn in thc Frcncli
iliem when danger ihreaiened them. jcourt, and what was thc result mcrclyof a
: barbcr's bhinder, was talked of as an ndmi-
O.Trtspondeiice of tl.e K. Y. Ilerald. rable spccimen of good taste and rcpublican
Charleston, S. C. April. 8, 1811. indonnmlnnnn I m snito ivr -ill in onrt
Terrije explosian of Fort Moultrie.-l hiv-o dresscS) and as Mr. Vmmlian liad only new-
l:iit nir.v returnud froin tho towr. ot Mouurio-
vilto. S illivnn Island, where I was n witness to
uae of thc most tcrrib'.e disastcrs iliat Iias ever
occurrcd in this state. Fort Moullric ofgkv
ricus m'Jtnory now lies a lieap of ruins. Thc
mu;azine was undorgoing soine nccessary ro.
pairs, nnd by som? mcans, amv unaccountablc,
firc and powdcr camo in co:itact, and thecntire
sr'nciurc witli sevcn buildings in tho vicinily,
wcrc 'orn to atoms by the explosion of somo 3U0
birrcisof powdi-r. At the timc oE-the explo
nion. ihcrs wero sevcral workmcn and some
n-ildicrs in or near llio majazine, and about
forty persons in thc Fort. The number of livcs
Jost ha not yet bcen asccrtaincd, The acci
ient orcurred about eleven o'clock this morn-
ly arrived at Possy he was fittcd withclothes
nired for the day" from a fripicr.
Tucsday Morning, Juno I, 1841.
thc cxccption of Maine as tp the lattcr articlc,)
than any othcr statc in thc Union, and espc-
cially outs'trips old Massachusetts, with a popu-
lation of 737,000, and Maine with a popula
tion of 500,000, both possessing territorics
vastlv more cxtcnded.
thc gcneral eicclions which havc reccntlv
occurrcd through thc Union, show clcarly that
thc seccnd sobcr thought of thc peoplc coin
cidos with thc first. Thc dccplv scttlcd indi"--
nation which thcy fcol against the wrons of
thc two last administrations, has bccn by no
mcans becn cxtinguishcd by sober reflecfion.
fill the void niade by onr abscncc from thcrich
vcrdurcand the bcauliful andsublimc scenery
of our native hills and mountains. If thc aca
dian sccncs which we havc dcscribed enter in
to thc eiij'oymcnls of this life, surely it was a
iiappy lot wlnch fixcd onr birlh and rcsidcnce
amidst objccfs so cxquisitelv louching, upon a
soiiso luxunant, and among a peoplc, manly,
inousinous ana cnlcrpnzmg, and whosc mor-
I inrl Intnlln- 1 .1
uuu juiuucciuai worin wc may venturc to
saj-, is surpassed by nonc on thc clobc. Tho
only drawbackupon the delights of our nioun
It 1ns beaa remark-d that nf all roraanee the
r.mi mce of re dity wa tlie most wondcr'ul.
Th.-trutli of ihis'mu-t liave bsen acknoivleded
by all wii-i have foll-wt d in deUil tlie checquer
c'd lile of the Frer.ch King. His fathcr, tlie
piofligite duke of Oileins, was as much distin
guished for his viee as liis m 'ther was for her
viitues na 1 picty. Undcr tlie ca're of the latter,
and the tuition t-f Mad. de GcnlN, dio youth of
tlie youu; prince was passed. In tlie luxurious
and vicious court of the Bourhon-i, he was a. pat
ern of sobnety aiid virtue. He was carly laugtit
to restrain his p.issinns. tocaltivaieins rainn. anil
endure fitiguc, he walked len or nfteen miles a
day and laid on a hed of board covered only witli
a mat. JFeketitadailyjournalofliis life, in which
he regually kept an acccant of thc manner in
which'he liad spcnt !ns nrae, and pcrformed the
dulics he nwed to his parents, to cocicty aad to
GoJ. He was rfvout, sobcr cha'-te and inte!l:gent.
Ilu life isuustatned witli vice. and he has becn
rspaid for his temperanco wnh as ound body and
a he-dtliy mind. When verv young, he entered
thearmy anJ itere woa carly inc ri-pjtatmn ol a
'.od sold tr. At tlie lime when tlie reign nt ter
nr ,-was keepi"K bigli carnival in blood-staineil
I'ari-','' lie was looked upon by many as a fit jier
s'in M fill t!ic throce v.irated by tl.e murder of
Louis XVI, as his royal lincaje would concil'ate
inonnrcliits, vbi!e liis liberal principles wculd
lsatily tlie republicans. As soon as a report lo
ttiis effect was hinted to the leaders of ihe rabb!e.
ds fatlier was exeeuted, liis relations imprisoncd,
and he saved liisown life by fl glit. For 15 months
lielividin greaf 'scclusion in Switzrrland. and
supporled h-mself by teaching ihe rudiments of
leainui" to younj; persons.
e went to Hamburg fnr the purpnse ofembar-
kinjr tr Amenca, but when he arnved tliere he
liatl not sufficient funds lo carry out his intention
lle tlieii journeyed in the extreme north of Europe
mffnriiig great privations and witli the blood
houndsof his enemics continually baying in h'n
North p.de than any other French travel cr. tain home ;g lhc tnatmcnt wbich
teachins Fiench. Whilc in Bostnn hc is said tu
liave resuled ir. die Province Hcusc, nearly opp.
Hte the old South Chtirch, nnd nnw speaks ofthc
kindnessof the Oosloni:ias wilh much grrfli'ude.
llethcn weiu to Enzland, was invited thcnce tu
Kicily, and there married a daughter ofits Kicg.
Upnn ihe overtlirowofNapoleon he wenltoFrance
an.! liis srquestered estales were leiurned him.
Uutil t'.ie breakmg out of the rcvolu'iin of 1S30,
he lived witli ease and retireinent with the cxccp-
ti-n if the exile he underwent dunng INapoleoirs
slioit reign in Franco prcvious to the batlle nf
Waterloo. Thnugh immedhlely rich, he fell
not into the vicesofthe afllucn', but in all his
grandeur and opulence rcmembered thc lrssons of
his ynuth. His lortunc has bcen eslnnati'd by a
French writer at one hundred millinns of dollars.
The revolution of July drew Louis Philippe
fr'im retirement. IIo acreptcd Ihe k:ngly-ofIice
wiih reluctance. He arsned with Lafayette, the
American Constitution was ihe best in the world,
hul the Govcrnment wbich France needcJ was a
monarchy surrounded by repubhcan institutions.--.b'ince
his inlalment into the Chair nf State his
nulcl has bi-en continually hnrnssed by all' mpts
npcn his I fe, wbich has gameil him the naine of
thc latset Kinj;. and domcstic insurrcclinn.
Considerirg tlie dfficnltici of his stalion, he has
acteil with modcration and wisdom. He has
trei'gihened hiniself by allinnces with forcign
Ktates,anl if he can esraj.e nssassination, theie
U g.iod n"aon to suppose that he will Keep his
rrown till his death When that event occurs.
France i moral'y certa;n to bn cnnvulsed uncw tures wc make sinall pretcnsions,
wiin revoiaiion. uosion i imcs.
A?ncDOT:-: or Loun PiiiLutPPC. May we be
pi raiitted here to relate a recent anccdote of h is
Majeity, at once extrcmely character.stic, and
indiiotive of a superior mind.
A very distinuniihed English nobleman, Lord
B m, havin? had Ihe honor of dining with
the k'ii2 in that uiiceremoniousm.niner in which
he deligh's to withdraw himselffrom the tram
mels of state, the conversaiion was carried on
as if betwtcn rquals, and his Wajesty inter alia.
n-iuarked that lie "was the only sovereigr: in
Europ.Ct to fill a throne." Lord B m, some-
what staggered by thispieceofegotism, niuttered
out scnie tritu comphments upon tlie gieal lalent
for government which his loyal rntert.iiner had
alwaysdisplayed, &c, Stc, when theKinj burst
into a fit oflaughter, and exclaimed : Ao, ro,
that is not ichal I mean; bul kings are ot lueh a
diicotmt noic-a-days, there isno saying vhnt may
hijipcn ; cnd 1 am Ihe only monnrch icho has
eltancd h's atrn boots, andcould do it again''
Tlie more wc look ovcr thc differcnt scctions
of onr country, and mark thc distinRuishinff
blcssings cnjoycd hy cach, thebetter are we! lne results ot tnc clccttons m Rhodc-Island,
satisfied with our noble little statc. j Connecticut, Kcntttcky and Tcnncsscc, show
No country in thc world prcsents to thc ad- a conflrmation of our strength. In North Car
mtrcr of naturc's scencry a more cnchanting i olina tho e,cction hns terminated in a gain of
landscape than this Switzerland of America ) th.rcc memocr3 o Congrcss. Maryland has
From thc station which wc now occudv. in tho ! triumphcd gloriously, and clccted all "VVhiir
villagc of .Middlebury, looking to the west, thc ! ConSrcssmon cxccpt two, hcing a gain of threc
cyc stretchcs ovcr a widc cxpanse of surfacc ym&s' Xno whole Congrcssional dclegation
covcred wilhthcrichcstvcrdurcalternatinffin 01 Indtana is Whig, cxccpt one Loco elcctcd
hills and valleys, meadows and woodlands, un- ,n.a stlno Wh'S disfrict, in conseqncnce of a
til the cnrapturcd vision is arrcslcd by the hoa- sclsm in our ran!js being a "Whig gain of four
ry summits of New York, at whosc basc rolla ' n10"100'- In Virginia, whosc Senatc was last
thc waters of Champlain, so renowucd in the ' ;'car Lco-foco, thc Vhigs havc sccured a ma
ntstory of Ihe country, for thc ruins which jorit3" in botn branchcs of thcXcgujlaturc, and
crumble upon her shorcs, and the battlcs which a gain oftwo nicnibers of Congrcss.
liave becn fought upon her bosom. On the I 'nus lias lne slonn of political cxcitemcnt,
east, towcrour own Green Mountains, fcrtilo, lc" 1,10 Locos prcdicted would subsidc into
to thcir very tops, and cmbedded in a soil, rich-' a caIm' ,n w,l!ch the wondcrful merits of Van
ly yielding all that contributcs to the suste-i Burcnism would be clcarly pcrccivcd, increas
nance, comfort and conveniencc of human cx- j cd Just in proportion as thc peoplc havc fully
istcnce, and pouring from thcir sidcs, innnmcr- j we'g"cd the charactcrof thcir former rulers,
ahlc crysfal strcams, to rcfresh, beautify andjanJ thc disastrous tcndcncis of their mcasures.
6nlivcn thc bordcrs through which thcy flow. ! In all the statcs mentioned we havc fully sus
"Wchavcncvcr travclled into othcr statcs with- jtaincd the victorious ground we occupicd last
out fecling a wcarisomc sense of thc barren- fall, and in Maryland, Tcnnesscc, and North
ncss and inadequacy of all othcr prospccts, to Carolina, statcs which, a few vcars sincc, wcrc
a frightful monstcr- A protcctivc tariff, our
only salvation from British dominion, and thc
checring rcmedy for thc dcspondency of cvery
mcchanic, manufacturcr and laborcr in the
country, is thc objcct of thcir dccided abhor
rcncc. In short cvcry mcasuro through which
thc whigs nim to cxtinguish lhc hurning dcso
lation wlrich has consumcd thc best irrtcrcsts
of thc country, arc thc constant thcmcs of
their rcproach.
Unhappy mcn, whosc only hopc of promo.
tion is to dashthchittcrcst gall of calumnyand
detraction upon thc mcn and mcasures which
alonc can rclicvc our dcsolatcd familics and
ravishcd countrv trom mc misciucis oi iucir
selfish policy. If thcy succccd, it will bc be
catisc thc whigs arc supino and indiflcrcnt.
Shall we be guilty of a criminal ncgligcncc,
and thus losc Ihe mighty blcssings and bene
fits which thc victory wc have won has placcd
within our grasp ?
Whigs, to yourposts on the day of thc Con
rcntion ; no longer dcservc thc taunts of your
opponents, that you are the best soldicrs in thc
world to achiovc a victory, but tho poorcst to
maintain the ground )"ou havc conqucrcd.
wc reccive
trom thc pinchmg scvcrity of our wintcrs.
But cvcn when this inclemcnt scason sprcads
lts monotonous shcet of snow ovcr the facc of i
nature, lccks up cur strcams and mcans arourd
us with its chilling blasts, our comfortablc
dwcllings and chccrful ftresidcs, more than
compcnsatc thc rigors ofthc climatc, when wc
comparc them with the sufrcrings of our brcth
rcn, who for months wilt, and Ianguish undcr
the burning radiancc of a southcrn sky.
But wc have unconsciously wandcrcd from
our original object, which was to arrangc some
idcas suggcstcd by an inspection ofthc statis
ties of thc scveral Statcs, as collccted in thc
rcturns ofthc Marshalsin taking thc latc cen-
Ir,nli! ftnnrvlv. Cn 4 1. n 1 c T
uv.vjjy in uiu uicsiies oi jL.oco-rocotsni,
wc havc added greatly to thc strength of our
poition. Evcry thing shows clcarly, that a
va-t majority of the peoplc arc marchin" for-
ward with a firm and stcady pacc in thc cau&c
of rcform, and the adoption of thc hroad and
gencrotts policy, of administcring the govern
mcnt for the grcatcst good ofthc grcatcst num
A Hist. Wc havc assumcd thc cditorship
oi tuc i'coplc s 1'ress with a view to make it a
more cnlargcd vchiclc of political and gcneral
intclligencc to the peoplc of Addison Countv
We shall takc cspccialcarc that as full a skctch
of thc dcbates and procccdings of lhc comin
highly intcresting session of Congrcss, as our
hmtts will allow, shall bc given to our rcadcrs.
This wc hope will bc an inducement to our po
litical and personal fricnds to aid, at this timc,
in the circulation of our papcr. Thcy must
be sensiblc that it cannotlongbecontinuedon
ltsprcscnt enlarged plan without additional
patronage. Wc this wcek prcscnt it in a new
dress, and shall cxcrt oursclvcs to extend the
sphcrc of its usefulncss, just in proportion to
thc patronage we sdiall rcceivc from a gencr
ous puhlic.
Joiin Vaugiiax, Esq., axd Ben j. Frnkli.
Mr. Cbmbc in his Travcls speaks of Mr.
Vaughan as in his 83d year, and is one oi
thc most intcres'.ing mcn in Philadclnhia.
Hc i secretary to the American Philosoph
ical Socioty, and livcs in their apartmcnts.
Ile was educated under the auspiccsof Dr.
Franklin, was his intimato fricnd, and in a
hn carcer of pttblic uefu!ncss and private
lipnevoletice. has faithfully walked in his
fo-Mstcps. Hc was one of I)r. Franklin's
r uitc when hc was prescntcd lo Maric An
toinctle, nfter Francc had rccognizcd the
indpcndence-of the United Stales. Dr.
Franklin had ordcrcd a wig and intcnded
in appcar in a full court-dress, but wlten
t c wig was sent him it was too small.
He told ihe pcrtiquicr that hc had marrcd
his whole arrangemcnts by this blunder, but
it wa now too late to rcctify it. ':ilt !
jnon Dlcu, mon sicur, c'vsi quc volrc tele cst
Ir ip grosse," was tlie rcady rcply ; and
Franklin at once rcsolvcd to appear in his
vclvct cnal, ofthc Quaker cut, wilh his hair
coinhed back; in Ius usual.atttre when dress-
ed fir a tirivatc parlv. llisllne vcnerable
ii"urc, 1ns antiquc yct becoming apparel,
S1IS. I llf rnmnnmnn nP m. m .
ZZtT n 7 mSt Convcnlion in this weeks papcr. This carly
gumoanticipations. There is not one of them ' . , ,r i .-
cf cnual cxtcnt and nonnlnKnn ,,u; , ' ! "1OTC1cnt argues w.sdom and forcs.ght in our
of such varied and abundant productions of a. ! comm.!ltec' and is a f lecrinS ?mrtom of o
nculture, although much of our soil has ncverl b 6 "uu UI 'uu
bccn subdued l.v the axc and thc plow To 1 y" P CVry W S m CUI y W1"
thc acquUitions' of commcrcc and manufac-' Paramoun.t dut' t0 attcnd- '11,c s0"
But in ' vusuom ana laicni 10 occupy
soil Iuxuriating in agricultural wcalth, Vcr-iSCa ,n g h 01 thC ,cS,sIaturc'
mont is thc unrivalled quecn of New EnHand ! 'S ofI)ri,narJ' importancc, but scarccly more
The fo!Iowinr exhibits thn nrrrirnlh.rTi J ! so than lhc organization of activc and cfficient
J -aken the whigs from thc rcpose which is too
apt to follow thc fatigucs of a grcat and dcci
ductions of thcstates mentioned in round num
bcrs :
nrsitnLs or cn.vix.
New Ilampshirc,
Massachusetts, .
Connecticut, -ncsitcLs
New Ilampshirc,
Vcrmcnt, ...
Massachusetts, ...
Connecticut, .
rcuMBEs or siieep.
Maine, -New
Massachusetts, ...
Connecticut, ...
- 3,523,000
- 4,651,000
- 4,076,000
or roTATors.
- 6,231,000
- 5,358,000
- 3,441,000
jsive victory. A numcrous attcndancc is ne
j ccssary to maintain confidcncc in ourselvcs,
land to evincc to our opponents our unyiclding
jdctcrmination to sustain the principles which
i wehavc hithcrto so successfully vindicatcd at
Om hundred and forly-eighl Livcs Lost,
lt nimin occomc our cttlv to rccord
calamitv invo'ving dcslruclion of human life
to an awful cxtent. Four ofthe crewaud
four of thc passcngcrs ofthc Brig Minstrcl,
Captain Outcrbndgc,arrived herc ycster-
day, bringing the disastrous intclligencc of
whicli lhc iollowing is, wc uehcvc an ac-
cttrate stimmat v.
Thc Minstrcl lcft I.itnerick, Ircland, on
thc 21st April last, for Qucbcc, with one
hundred and forty onc passengcrs.cmigrants
intcnding to scttlc ui Lanatia. lhc vessel
had a tolcrablc passage up to Tuesdav last
at four o'clock m thc morning, when shc
struckonlted Island Reef. There was a
heavv sea running at thc timc, but the boats
were launched and made fast lo thc forc
chains. Upwards of onc hundred passen
Kcrscmbarkcd m thc boats. but their doom
was quickly scaled : the veasel Hiealed off
into decp watcrand wcnt downslern fbrc-
most, so suddenly that the "patnters of the
boats could not be east ofTand thc peoplc
who hau cmbarkcd m lhc boats penshcd
witli thc equally unfortunale companions
on board the ship cxccpt four ofthc crew
and four passcners, who aloneof upwards
of 150 souls rcmained lo lcll thcsad tale.
Thcsc ci"lit persons had embarked in the
gig which was towing astcrn, and fortunatc-
ly lorthcm thcropc which attached it to
the vessel broke when shc went down.
They succeeded in pullinir to White Island,
where theyremaineJ iintil thefollowingday
when they were taken ofl'by the ship
Wellington of Bedfast, Mclntrye, and
brought to Grosc Isle.
Capt. Outerbrid'ic, of the unfortunale
Minsirel, behavcd most callantlvdurinp; thc
awful scene, until he pcrtshed with the rest.
Hc declared that hc would not Ieavc the
vessel until his passcngcrs were saved, and
he was thc last person scen by thosc who
wcrc in the gig.
Ihetollowmg arc the names of the sur-
vivors: urew 1'atrickU Lo"hhn, stew-
ard ; Jatnes Grady and Thomas Enright,
seamcn ; and John Uonoghue apprcntice.
rassengcrs rlaherty.shoemaker.and wife,
Honoria Ringrose.and Collins. Total
saved, 8.
The followinji is a statemcnt of the num
ber ofthe crew and passcngcrs who perish-ed;
Crew-Captain . Outerbridge. mate and
Oothers, 11
Passengers-Male adults. 47
Females do. 41 88
Males under 14 10
Fcmalcs do. 8 18
Males under 7 9
Females do. 12 21
' Infant?, 10
ing thrnn away can bc bat slowly cficctcd.
Thcstones composing thc whall ofthc fortifi
cation on thc crcst of thc rock, to thc extent
wc havc abovc stated, appcarcd thinly scattcr
ed on thc surfacc of thc deoris, m comparativc-Ij-
small fragments and in onc dircction only
did thcy rcach thc base ofthc rock.
The military of the garrison wcrc promptly
on thc spot, and tho Mayor and some othcrs of
thc city authoritics repaired thithcr without
loss of timc, and operation was immediately
commcnccd to rcscuc from hencath tho Ava
Ianchc the victims of this awful catastrophe,
and by 4 o'clock, fivc living beings all scrious
ly injurcd, onc in a hopclcss statc, were rcscu-
cd, and thirtccn "dcad bcdics wcrc axtractcd
from thc ruins. Tho work procccdcd, till night
put a stop to any cflectual attcmpt at Iabor,
and was rcncwed again at day brcalc this mor-ninr.
Tlicy arc scvcrallv as
1234, 1266, 1215."
From tho Duffalo l'nriot i Jonmalof Aptil 21.
MicniGAN' Wool. Thc Woolen Manufac
tory in this city is now cngaged in working up
the lirst, or nearly thc first lot of wool cver cx
portcd from thc peninsular statc. From some
expcrience in both wool and whcat growing,
wc arc confidcnt that the Iabor nnd capital
employed in producing wool in Michigan, ob
tain a much larger profit than is acquircd in
thc production of wheat. Both thc soil and
the climatc of Michigan arc admirably adapt.
cd to the kceping of shecp and thc growth of
line wool. Ihe soil is gcnerally rich, warm
and loose, and peculiarly fittcd to yield the
Iargcst crops of roots, and red or white dover.
A thousand shcep can now, or aftcr shcaring,
be purchased in Ohio for 8750, and a thousand
acrcs of good land to keep them on, can bc had
in Michigan at Government pricc; makingthc
first cost of such a plantation, stockcd with a
thousand shcep to bcgin with, only S2,000. A
llock of thc Iargcst shcep. wc cver saw was rais
cd on White Pigcon Prairie in Michigan. A
large portion of the forest wcrc so thinly tim-
bercd that grass can bc cultivated very success
fully without disturbing any of thc trecs, and
thcy will servc thc floublc purpose of protect
ing shcep from thc hurning sun of summer and
thc cold winds of winter. 'The danger from
wolvcs is vastly overratcd. P'ar more sheep i
arc destroyed by dogs iif this Statc than arc
kulcd by wolvcs in an opcn new counlr
Wild ammals arc soon Unvcn awav from thc
abodc of civilizcd man.
rrnm l'ic Sewr York American.
McLson Case. At tha opcning ofthc Su-
preme Court, Mr. oou, thc District Attornoy
of Niagara, rcad many documents and doposi-
tions in rclation to thc Caroline and thc kilhrijr
of Durfee, with McLcod's participation in it.
Thcrc was also rcad thc part of thc lelter of
Mr. rorsytu, ot ueccmber last, not rcan ycs
terday, declaring that McLcod was, in thcPrc
ident's judgmcnt, amcnablc to the Courts of
New lork.
On thc aflidavit and documents thus prescn
tcd, Mr. Bradlcy, on thc part ofthc prisoncr,
m a rcally clocment spcecli, toolc thc hroad
ground that McLcod was cntitlcd to his dis-
chargc in conscquenco of havingdonc what he
was chargcd with in obcdicncc to superior or-
rs, wlucn hc could not disobcy.
Mr. Wood opcncd for thc statc by citing
sevcral authoritics and'showing that thc Court
could not dischargc on a rcturn to a 'habcas
corpus', whcrc an indictmcnt had takcn placc
and thc defcndcnt had pleadcd to it.
lheAttorncv Gcneral, 3Ir. llall, thcn wcnt
into a very learned argumcnt, citing numcrous J
authoritics to the same cflcct, and is now, hal
past onc, procccding to discus thc case, in an
swer to 3Ir. Bradlcy, on its merits.
0O 1 hc argumcnts in thc case of McLood
wcrc concludcd on Wedncsday last, but a dc
cision was not cxpectcd till thc closc of thc
follows: 1250, 1237,
Rutland Hcrald.
Str.vuismc.1 ou Squixtixo. About two
years sincc, a Gcrman surgeon discovcred that
by cutting onc or more of the masclcs of tho
cyc, that this disagrccable dcformity could bo
radtcally curcd, and perfcct vision acquired;
thc operation was introduced into this counhy
somc twelvc months ago, and has sincc bccn
pcrformed. hy many surgeons successfully; but
until this morning (Monday 17th) it has not
becn done in this statc. Dr. F. H. Hamilton,
Professor of Surccrv in the Vermont Acadcmv
of Mcdictnc, has thc honor of bcing the first
surgeon to pcrform this operation in Vermont.
Thc paticnt, William Smith, agcd about 17
ycars, has becn troublcd with obliquitv of vis
ion in thc lcft cyc sincc birth. The deformity
was cntircly removed hy an operation causing
very slight pain and requiring about half a.
minufc ia its pcrformancc. The operation
took placc in thc Anatomical Thcatrc of tho
Vermont Academy of Mcdicine, in prcscnco
of the Class, and a number of Physicians and
citizcns; immediately after the musclc was
cut, thc paticnt wa3 cnablcd to straightcn tho
cvc pcrfectly.
Wc arc informcd that operations will be
pcrformed gratuitously by tho Profcssors of
fcurgery and Anatomy, if done bcfore tho
class. Our citizcns Iaboring under deformities
or discases requiring surgical selief, may thus
avail themselvcs without cost, of the assistanco
of thosc gcntlemen. Vt. Statesman.
Vermont Acadejiy or Medicixe. Lec
turcs commcnccd at this Institution some tcu
days ago,but in the multitude of things that gct
posscssion of an cditor's thoughts, the circuni
stance was ovcrlookcd bv us. It trives us
plcasurc to spcak of the school in its renovatcd
charactcr. Dr. Jamcs McClintock, of Phila
dclphia, an admirablc anatomist, is now in tho
anatomical chair. A bettcr sclcction could
not have bcen madc. Sfrangc hc has not bc
fore this bccn placed in some of thc collcgcs in
Philadelphia cvcn if hc docs not happen to
havestrong family connections. Dr. Hamil
ton of Gcncva Collcge tcachcs Surgcry; and
hctoo, isa spccial favorite with the'mcdical
pitblic. Wc likc to hcar that his rarc qualifi
cations arc apprcciatcd, notwithstanding his
pugnacity in all mattcrs touching phrcnology.
With stich discriniination as now espcciallv
charactcrizcs thc cflort of thc new Facult- at
Castleton, thc Vermont Academy may rest
assurcd of lhc good wishes and cotmtonancc of
tho profcssion gcnerally in New England.
Bostan Mcdkal ij- Surgical Journal.
Mk. Kivm in r.vvou or a Natioxal Bank.
llic Richmond Star says : " It is said, and
wc helicvc upon good authority, that Wm. C.
Rivcs has dcclarcd in favor of a national Bank
Wc hopc hc has ; for a large portion of
thosc who were once most ftirious aminstn
national bank, havc now discovcred tha t it i.-s
impossiblc for thc husiness of tl3 coun trv to
lloiirish without onc, and
a man finds
hinisclf in crror, wc likc lo sec a man com-j
out honcstly and say so."
Total perished 148
The Minstrel wa well known in thc
Quebcc tradc as a passcnger ship from Ire
land. She bclongcd to Limerick, and reg-
istratcd 29G tons. Last ycar she arrived at
Quebcc on lhc 23rd May from Limerick,
- 649,000
- 370,000
- 350,000
New Ilampshirc,
Vermont, ...
Massachusetts, .
Connecticut, ...
rouNbs OF WOOL,
Maine, - - - .
New Ilampshirc,
Vermont, r
Massachusetls, - -
Connecticut, -
O fSugir, Vermont produces abovc 4,000,000,-
lbs twicc as much as alfNew England. Thn
valuc of our dairies is S4,892,000, a little less
than all New England. Thc value of the pro
ducts of our orqhards is Sl,109,000,- ncarl-
double that ofthe states we have mentioned.
Thus it appcars that Vermont, with a popula
tion of 291,000, and by two ccnturics thc jun
iorof thc other jstates, produces more ain.
cntlle, sheep, wool, sugar and potatocs, (with
thc ballot box. Wc must not be so satisfied I wilh 163 nassenirers.
with victory, as to ncglcct the mcans of mak- i 'ne passengers abovc mentioned as being
ing it pcrncrual. We must not suficr our pos-1 SaVed' .,efKthe, We!Iin?ln a.1 Gmse Island
, 4, i i , i- , I camc u Quebcc in tlie Bng Thetis, Capt.
session of thc executive and lcgislat.ve bran- Ross from Limcrick .se' rs.'
chcs af thc government, four fifths of the statc
govcrnments, and great and increasing major-
The Case ofMcLeod. Thc Washingfon
Globc assails thc Whij; partv, and cspeciallv
thc fedcral and Statc Govcrnments on a chargc
of truckling to thc British, wishing to screcn
McLeod from iusticc, &c. &c. This chargc
is sustaincd by three specifications; first, "the
legislativc attcmpt to authorize Gov. Seward's
Attorncy Gcneral to cntcr a "nollc proscqui;"
sccondl', "hc is brought to New York undcr a
habcas corpus;" thirdly, "Mr. Wcbstcr himsclf
has founu it convcnient to go to iScw lork
just in thc nick of time to givc the judgcs the
bcnclit ot liis counsels.
To thcsc thrce allcgations wc rcply first
"the legislativc attcmpt" was madc hy Mr,
Hotlinan, and sccured by Mr. O btilhvan, twi
ofthc ablest and most cmincnt Loco-focos in
the Assembly, whilc it was rcsistcd and dcfeat
ed by AVhigs ; secondly, thc 'habcas corpus'
was granted byaLoco-foco Judge; thirdly
Mr. Arcbster has not bccn in New York sincc
long bcfore McLeod was brought hcrc, and had
nothing to do with that movcment.
Try it again, Abxllino 1 Log Cabin.
ities of thc peoplc, to abatc our zcal, or lull us
intoa sccurity which, cvcn, now our opponents
arc bcginning to invadc. Tho black banner
cf Ioco-focoism has bccn unfurlcd by thefac
tious lcadcrs of thc minority, evcn in thc llag
state of Vermont. Their unwillingncss to
wait the developemcnt of whig mcasures, shows
how little they arc actuated by patriotic mo
tivcs. Rcgarding nothing but thcspoils, they
scem to adopt the maxim of Col. Johnson, in
relation to thc virtuous administration of J. Q.
Adams, that "it should be put down, though as
pure as thc angels of Heavcn." Mcre dema
gogues, intriguers and public plundercrs, mul
titudcs of whom head a party otherwisc pure
and patriotic, dcrivo no hopcs undcr a govern.
mcnt which is administcrcd for the good of thc
peoplc. By playing ofT their schemcs of dc
ccption and humbuggcrj-, thcy hopc to repos
sess the scats of power which thcy havc dis
graccd by thcir tyranny and misrule. A na
tional bank, which alonc can redeem thc coun
try from the monstrous cvils of a dcrangcd cur
rency.'and rcgulatc it for thc fure, is to them
Mr. Van. Burcn is rapidly loosing gracc
the cycs of his own party. At a loco mcetin,
i r T-i, , , , - r i .
FroratlieO,ntbSlerctiry. ,n 1 niiaaeipnia, wra. ouarics oicnari was
FURTHER ACCOUNT OF THE LATE ! nominated for thc ncxt Prcsidency. We are
DREADFUL ACCIDENT AT QUE- g'ad of this, for the Iabored cncomiums and
fulsomc paneirvric bcstowcd upon Mr. an
Buren's dcmocracy has long enough grated on
thc ear hke thc fihns of a saw, and lon:
It is our painful duty to report a most awful
disaster which toolc place ycsterday between
elcvcn o'clock and noon, and occasioned thc
destruction of no less than cight houscs in
Champlain strect, opposite to the Custom
Housc, with a frightful loss of human life, the
cxtcnt ol wlnch has not yct becn fully asccr
taincd. A large portion ofthe clifT, from near
thc foot of the citadcl at Cape Diamond, to an
cxtcnt ot about two hundred and nfty feet,
gave way and falling into Champlain strect,
cntircly ovcrwhclmeu the houscs beneath and
thcir numcrous. inmates, undcr the pondcrous
masses of rocks and mbbish, that suddenly fell.
so silently and without prcvious indication of
danger, that nono ot the untortunate sufierers
had timc to cscapc. Thc seritry on duty at
the gate of thc Quccn's stores percefved thc
sidc.of thc prccipice in motion, and crc hc
could uttcr a cry of alarmr which would in-
dccd have becn unavailing, the wholc had de-"
scendcd into thestrcct, prostratmg tho build
ings beneath, carrying with it their fragments,
and covcring thc road completcly to thc walls
ofthc custom housc. So grcat is thc quantity
of rocks, and so large thc jnasscs which havc
thu j bccn displaccd, that thc progrcjs of clcar-
nough ofTcnded against common dcccncy, and
it 13 no bad plan to take down thc old nddled
targct to set up a frcsh onc ; hcsidcs, thcy must
gain by the swap, cvcn throwmg the sub-treas-ury
in to-boot. In less than two years thc
hcrctofore sacred namc of Martin Van Buren
will bccome as odious to his prcscnt worship.
pers as it is or cver will bc to the Whigs, dcni
onstrating thc fact that the furious frenzy of
ii 1-- i.:.. . i i r i . .
uiu uiiiiv in uio suuwi.ifi. iiau uu luunuaiion in
an honcst optmon.
New HAiirsniRE Electiox. Returns in.
complctc, but so far as hcard from tho Locos
have clccted ntnc and tho AVhigs two Statc
For mcmbcrs of Concrcss they havc clccted
thcir entirc ticket (5 mcmbcrs) and among
them again is thc infamous Gag Athcrton.
Howcver. there is one consolationthcscstub-
born, Granitc-hcartcd Locos will nced a trc
mcndous long tclcscopo to grcci mcir vision
with thc view of a sistcr Loco Statc.
Thc numbcrs of abohtion votca. Uirown m
thcw) fivo districts aro singularly liniform.
(tj- Retuenciiment and Rcfohm. It U
said that Iwehe hundred and ninely three thou.
sand and fifly-thrcc dollars have already becn
saveu to thc uencral Ooveniinent in 1011102
tho Mai' Contracts this Spring; one hundred
t.'ioiiianil in the state of Maine alonc; thrco
thousand in lhc mail route between this lown
nnd Ogdensburg; and six hundred between
Kecscvillo and Champlain, a distanco of only
ihirty-six miles! Who will beliovo that all tho
loiv bids havc ly accidenl boen inade since tho
Whigs came into power? And who doubti
that the extravigantsumshcrctofoic paid wero
not ghon to favoritcs to pay for former, and
sucurc future political services. Wc pause for
a rcply. Clinton Co. Whig.
Westurx IIail RoAn. It wdl be ptrcciTed
frsm the a Ivertisement ofthe WeMern Kail Hoad
that oa and after Monday next, this road will be
open to the public navel a distnncc of twenty
!it tniles west of Connecticut Itiver, to Ches
ter Factory, making 127 miles from Boslon. and
Ihat paiiensers who leave this at half-past 6 o'
clcck in the morning, nillarriveat Sprinsfield
nt Vd, and ar.er dining thrre, wilt arrive at Ches
ter Factory at half-past two ; whence they will
bc conveyed in stages 53 miles to Pittsfield the
same cvening. At 6 o'clock in the morning they
will a;ain take the cars at Pittsfield, and proceed
to Hudson, where they arrive at half-past eight;
or by leavinr the rail road at Chatham, thry
may proceed thince by stage to Albany, where
thcy will arrive at noon, on the day afterleavin;
B'tston. Returnimr they leave Albany at 1, P.
M. and atter hiilginji at Pittsfield, leave iherjj at
6 in the morning, and after dming at Spring
field airive in Bostnn at 7, P. M. Those who
prefer the rail road route to fudson, may there
take the Steamboat for Albany, and bv either
rnutethefire is 6 from Bostnn t Albany.
This wi'l be an attractirc route for pleasure trar
pjling in ih? sumaier scason. Bns. Dai. Jldoer-tiser.
CiH.A In.Ki.AXD. China, an cmpiro
which comprchcnds about one twclfth part
of thc habitable portion of the globc, con-
ta ntng agreatcr populatton than all Jbu-
ropc, is a phenomenon in the sciencc of
government not unworthy ofthe wcstern
world. I hc surtace ot bhtna, bv the most
correct maps, mav be taken at 1.0S0.000
squire miles, or 1,075,200,090 acrcs. A
recent ccnsus makes thc population amotint
to the enormous number of 300,000,000,
which is nearlv 30,030,000 more than waa
given bv Lord Macartney; but takc it at
300,009000, and we havc about 180 per
sons to a squire miie, and J i-a acres to
each pcrson. If Ireland has 3 1,350 square
miles or 20,090,000 acres, thcse would
dve hcr about three acres to each individ-
ual, and 22 1 persons 011 cvery square milc.
But the two countrics and nations in all
other respects are quitc diffcrent. The
distribution ofthc land in China is equal an 1
fair; there arcno overgrown Iandlords or
starving tenants. Jn China, morcover,
there aro no fanatics toincitcassassinations
no riotous assemblies no midnigiit mur-
dera. Uomparcd witli ireland, itisa tcr-
slrial Paradisc.

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