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gainsny anv materia! point i:i relation to tho ,han one twentieth part of the anuual prbduc j V i n L-n i i ttons ofthe Unitcd Mates. adoption of tlie Compromise bill, which vo have alleged. We havc only repeated -t!ie history of thetimes. FOREIGN NEWS. MEXICO AND TEXAS. From the Madisonian Extra. BETTEIi TIMES. It is really amusing to witness ihh immcusc THE MEXICANS RETREATING FROM efforts madc by the loco prints to sattsty the pcoplo of what the whigs nrc constantly insist- ing that the times are Iianl. But do they in their imaginations so stultify the people as to suppose they cannot pcrceivc that the present deplorablc situation of the country is the le gitimate eiTect of the war, which for ten years past they have waged against the currency and protection to domcstic industry. Should thc loco representation in Congress withdraw thcir opposition against a protcctive tariff, a singlc nionth of whig legislation would bring us the BCTTEft tihes nll are se desirous to witness. But no. This won't do. Tlie whigs would have thc credit, and the spoils would bo lost forever. Party, party, party; our arty, is tbc stnrling cry and thc din of factiotis oppos ition must forever drown the voicc ofpatriot ism, and retnrd thc progress of mcasures de mnndcd by tbcjinploring voice of a downtrod dcn people. TEXAS! We have just reccived the highly important information: Extract from a letter from Mr. Eve, Charge d'Affaires of the Uniicd States to Texas, to the Departmcntof Statc, dated, of this act. It is statcd that no applications inthis Districts oflndiana, Mississippi, Arkan- sas, or cither of the 1 crntorlcs, have as yet been published. On account of the vacancy in the bench, no court for the hearing of these cases has bccn hcld in the Eastetn Distict of Pcnnsvlvania. Tho numbcr of applicants in both of the Districts of New York is 1763. The number in New Enjdand is 2191. In the Middlc Statcs, including thc District of Colum bia, thc number is 95S. In thc otbcr Statcs the number is 634. of which 181 arc in Ala- baina, and 132 in Illinois. Thc number of applicants who were membcrs of mercantile firms 3 far greatcr in Rhodc Island, in propor tion to the cntiro number of applicants in that District, than in either of thc other Districts. Of the applicants six arc womea. North A' Gai-vestox, March 19th 1S42. 'Sir, Since I wrote you.on the 10th inst., news has rcached here by express, that the Mexicans have ahamloned San Antonio. and that Generul Burbson. the Vir-e President. merican and General Johnson, with 2500 Texans, were in pursuit. of tbem. Since the proclatnation of t OrThcrc will be no lack of candidatcs for rZZl w ' l0i' 'i ,Sa1,a A?a t0 he "ffice of Mayor or thc city of New York s?.?.?.i.Fc.?. anoroachinir Chartcr Election. Thc (lauiuinu, tjic I IC9IUCU1UI i C.aS IlilS ISSUCU I PROBATE NOIICES. again ; and as they are almost all Whig the Legislature can yet be saved! Whigs of Hart ford, Norwich, Norwalk Strafford, &c save your Statc if you think proper if not, don't do it, wc beg you to oblige any body clse ! Keep on figthting or sfayingaway from the thc polls, and your brethrcn will be flogged to your heart's content ! BRIGHTON MARKET. AIoNDAY. Anril 4. 1842. At Market 280 Beef Catlle, 25 pair Wor- j kinp- oxen. 15 Cows nnd Cnlvpc nsn Sl.n and 1660 Swino. ' posc. we do thercforc beteby givc noiice that PniCEs. Beef Catlle. We quote to cor-' wn wi" atlond to tho business of our said up respond with last w.ek. viz: a fuw chnirr. t. pointmenl, at the dwelliiij: house of ISetsey llo taken at S6. Firsl qtiniitv 5 50 a 5 75 i Sionc. in said Bridport on the last Wednes- u'"""u iauiy, io a o aa. uurti qna ity, Estate ot'Jolm T. Ewen. We the aubscribcrs. being appointed bv the Hon. the Probate Court for the District of Ad dison, Comtnissioners, to receive, examino and adjust all claims and demands of all porsons, against the esiaic of JOHN T. EWEN. late of Bridport in said Dislrict, decoased and also all claims and dcmnndt oxhibited in oilr.i ilipn.-to : And six inanths from the Cth day of tpril buing allowed by said Court for ihat pur. Slieep. Sales 2 75, 3 50, 4 00, and S5 50 THE COMMON. Citizens ialcrested in mukimr nrrnnfri-mpnis , . . r n tii Iiroclamation. that the war with JMnxico Hball ncvcr cease until Mesico acknowledgcs the iiidepeiidence of Texas. The citizeus have liy voluntary contributions, chartered, arnied and equipped two privatc vessels, and scnt thein tn thc coat of Mexico. Every cilizcn in Gal veston, who has not lefl for the annv. is con- stantlj cinploycd in erecting baitcries for thc defcnce of thc place.' Iregular Whig nominpc is Mr. J. Puillips , complelo the grading and ornamenling of party Piioemx Tammany Ilall puts forward Uob- i ,ne puhlic square, aro requested to mcet nt kut II. Morkis thc Carroll Ilall part' havc "'e ermont Molal, this cvenin'', nt half past From tbc New Orleans Picayune. The stcain ship Neptune, Capt. Rollins, from Galveston, arrived yfsterday at lOo'clock bringing Galveston papers of Monday the 21st inst. The intelli"ence reccived contradicts the The odiocs TAaairriTEe. If no nation ever becaine rich, powcrful aud independcnt, without protection to her own ind ustry, why should thc tnotives of thosc nho advocatc this J ' b . ' ' ' stnteinents made by the We.xicans who captur- cenary. hen thc object w confcssedly good c.l Capt. Fprguson atGoliad. They statcd none but rogues will question thc motive. ; tliittnrce tliousainl men haa gone to liexar. I Here we have positivc intclligcnce that it was wnnr wnnT oidy seven hundred. The force lliat capturcd V OOL! OOL!! t Goliail amountcd to only thrcc thonsaml men, We haveoften been reproached by the dandy consequeiitly the u ho'e Mexican force at Go , -.!.. c i,-, .1 , . i liad and llexar does not excecd onc thnu?atid. locos in the streets of M.ddlebury, who scem ; Wc cnI)not ,)t fce, mrc collfirinci, in the bc. to be a careless of the iiitcrcsts of this coun- ief. that th-se two detaohinents comnrise the try, as if they were citizen6 of Mut-cat, of be ing all for wool. Reganling the snccrs of this sort of gentry with the cnntcmpt which they tlcserve, wc frankly acknowledgc that our in tcrests arc so nearly allicd to thosc of thc wool growers, that we shall makc it our primary ob ject to watcb their intcrests with scrupulous vigilance. It will be scen by the letter of Judge Strong,of Ituilarnl, who is nnw at Washington, that white the intercsts of all the various branches of iiianufiictures are represcnted bo- fore the coininittcc on tlie tarift", by their pecu liar friends, the claims of tho tronl growers are almost without an advocate. Nor have wc no ticcd in all thc mcmnrials to Congrcss, a single onc for makitig a specific dctnaiid for protec tion to wool. Evcn in the mcniorial from this, the most wool-growing county in the Union, this inost important of all other intercst., was not partk-ularized. IVIeasures .should spccdily bc taken to exhibit to Coogrcss our wanta ilis tinctively. But whether this is done or not, it sernn impossible that a brauch of iiidustry, which is sccoml to nonc in thc Union, can be ovcrlooked in Congrcss. No taritf should bc pasecd which does not place the shcplicrd upon an nqual footing with other classes of produc- tive Iabor. Nor cau we persuade ourselves tlat mcmbers in Congrcss, who repreient wotil growing districts, will vote for any reveune bill which does not givc his constituents a fair f hance among thoc who are to be favorcd by protection. No man in hU senscs can rcgard (irotcction to ihefaw manufacturcrs, otherwise tliaii as incidcntal to hc protection deniantled to thc agriculttiralNN, who coniposc 1G-17i!ih of thcpopulation ofthe Union. Wc havc ncv er jjrmittcd ourselves tobelievc that the man ufucturers of Lowell would cndeavor to snatrh pcculiaradvantagcs from the ofthe war which wc arc waging mle by feide with thcm for proiection, and atleinpt to grow rich by ob tain'mgour wool at 25 ccnts per'pound. Fair and rqual protection to all tho various intercsts ofthe country, is the motto of thc wool grow ers. Every interest should be chcrishcd in pro portton to its itnportaucc; and if agricultural industry, which is thc very basis of national comfort and prosperity, x not protccted. well may locofocoism charge upon thc friends of tbe tariff thc design of cxclusive legislatiou for the solc bencfit cf monopolists and manufac- ture?. invailingarmy now in Texas, and we tincere ly hope, the brave voluntecrs that have mustcr cil in tho west will not turn back till they havc raptured or slain cvcry JMexican that hasplac cd n hostilc fuot on nur soil. The .Mexicans have ahamloned "San Antonio and inorc than two thousand Texans are in hot pursuit. Thc brig of war W barton, the steamcr Za valla, the steamer Lnflttc, and two other ves sels, with tncn iletcniiincd on that cxploit, lcft Galveston about the 12th. Goliail was taken by fifty Texans, and thc grcat invailing anny, at the latcst accounts, wa travclling back to Mexico as fast as their leg would talcc thcm. The follon'iiur letter from Prcsident Houston to a 'ci)tlcman in Galveston, published in thc Civilian, it will be secn,givcs nltogelhcr a new aspcct to allairs: Citt or Housto.v, March 17, 1S42. Dcar Sir, The news by express from Aus tin up to thc 13ih intant. is lliat the enemy have evacuatcJ Sin Antonio, afterhaving plun dered the place. They were ladcn ilown with b iggage and march slou ly. Col. Hays is bar assing thein on their march. They only march about eight milcs each day. The troops from Austin ai;d those on thc frontier are marching to overiake anil bcat thcm. War shall now lie waged against Mexico, nor sbal! we lay aside nur arms until we havc sc curcd the recosnition of our indcpcndencc. Until thcn 1 will nei'er rest satisfied, nor will the pcoplc of Tcsas. We invoke the God of anuicj. Vour friend, HOUSTON. Mr. H. Stuart. nominatcd Thomas O'CoNxoR-thc Abolition isls Tiiomas P. Field, and besides all thesc thc Aurora statcs that thcTylcr party is about to organise "per se."and run a fifih ticket. Among so many compclitors it is altogether probablc that sotnc onc will bc clcctcd. Mobile, March 20 Horrid Tbacedv Murder of on Aclor. A most horrid and f.ital tragcdy was cnactcd at thc Thcatie las night. Aftcr thc curiain had dropped at tbe conclu six o'clock. MiddleLurv. Tucsday, April 12. M a r r i e d . In this town.oa tlie 20ih ult bjTthe Rer. T. A. M. Mr. Roderick V. Suniner, of Briitul. and M!i Saialt H.Cjdy oflliijtonn. In Hancock, on 2d April, Mr. Aaron Piper, lo Mis Lury A. Fish, botli of tbat toivn. ) i e d , Io this ton. on the 9th mt afier a hort, butpain- r -i- - r . l .r.u r. 1 " MO.. o. u iim aCl o. ...v u .ua..u. fuI oftlrte daJ, M y - cnsticd behind the sccncs bctwcen 3Ir. liWing Ciipt Joaathan M. Young, aged 72 year Few haTe and MiiS Ilamblill, bolh attachcd to tllC Thea. been more endeared to her rclat ts and friend for tre, in Which tbc laUcr pltingcd a daggcr to ' hocamiab!e qualitiei which constiiute the cxcellency the bcart of Mr. Ewing, which causcd almo&t ' r"le rharacler than Young, .hil. as a fol- immcdiate dcatb. Aftcr tbc pcrpctra.ion of ; l 'he L"d Ihcawlu! deed , Hambl.n madc hcr cscapc j , SMifh Marfi the di5treS.;n.. :il outatthc w.ndow, and at 12 oMlcss oftel, djs. oftIle erj.ipil... Mrfc oiS sfw 6 clcck last night had r.Ot bccn arrcsted. Sbe ' of Mr Hussy Thomas, in the 23.1 jcar ofher a-e. left in her tbcatrical altirc, drcsscd as n pagc. j In ,lis ,. on ,le 5l, i,lsIant JllIia EUiabeth, CilTOnlclc. daughler of Mr Lucius Barroirs, agcd 9 ycart. rri 1,1 T? - r . i t ,i ' Ncw Uayen- on tl,c SOll n'ah Mrs. Eslher 1 bc naughly boys at Springfield kiss thc 1 Feltchrr, wife ofGurdnn Fl tcber, aged 68. young ladies in Tetnpcrancc mcelings. He j I Milton. March 22, aftcr a protra'ted illncss. of thc Springlield Republican is of of the opin- , which sne bore ilti hrislian Fortitude and patienee, iotl that sucll things are not consistcnt wilh . 5,rs- Maria Morton, aged i3yc:irs, wife of Gen. lotal absttnence. I llC question appcars to bo Jame L- Morton, roimerly orSalisbury. this Is kissing intnxicatng 1 Who does an-1 In ,n's ,uwni 0,1 lhe 27th i.U. J?ri. Thankful New swer Jr O. BulUtin. 1 on wife of Mr. Asabcl Neton. nged 5G. Mrj. New. lon had been a profcssnr ofreligion tnany years. Af- .niiiVAI ni' T nnn crjutirT-vT 'era short sickncss, r.hich shc bore wi h exemplary AKKIVAL. 1)1 LOllU AM1HU1UON. patiencc and rcsijr.ation he dicd in tbe hopes of the 1 hc Baltimore Sun annnunccs the arrivnl of , days in Julv and Septcmbar next, from ono o! clock P. M. until four o'clock P. M., on each of said days. 49 WnMAM Rci'KWOOD.EFnRAISI Mol7L705 Ja Cjmmissioncrs. Daled at Bridport this 6th day of April 1812. Kstale of Jo-sc Forman. E Iho subscn'Hers beiaj appn:ntcJ hy the Hon. 1'iobile Coait for 'he dislrict of New Haven, Couiniia oners to receive. exatninc anl adjust all cliinii aaj demantN of all pjr-ionj ajfiiasl the esfafe of JESSE FORMAN, late ol Urislcl in siiil diitrict ilccciscd, rrpiesented insjlrenl; .1ni) nlso all demandt and cbim 'ih: nt'l in llnreto, and sis tnonth from tbe sjventli d iv of Fc' rury lait tteiux alloived by said court fnr llnt purK)5e; Vt'e !o lliercfore kivc noiice Ibat ivs will atteml to tli: tiu.ines; of out aid appotnltnttit al tho dwellnu Iioue f tbe wido.v Ly dia For.Tian in Htislol. oti the tirt Moa.l.iyji of J une and Au 'ust, from four untd ix o'clock of each davs. AnnAiiAM Gaigk, J il.tUVCV 1'AR.MEr.EC, Con'j. JamesSaxtox. ) Datcd at !iritl this 2Ulh day of .March, .1. D. 1S42. -19:3 Texas and Mexico. Tho conicst Letwetn thfse two rcpublics sccm to bo onc of very flnoiuatiiic characlcr. Our first inttlligencc nf tlm cnmmencemeiit of the war rr-prescntcd tho Mexican artn-tts ten or telve thousand stt'im;. well armnd and equipped, and advan ciiur at a rapid rnto lowards thc capitol of Tcns. A fcw da s latcr news comc that this fancicd ablr army of ten thousand hid dwin- lied down into a rnarauding parly of a fcw htin dreds, and llmt thc iuvnsinn itselfwab t.omore than a bordt-r foray. Ycslerday iho intelli ircnce fruin Mexico assumcd anothcr huc, and iho Mttxicau invadini' forco was again nvig- nificd into an army not of ten but of ttcenty tbotirand nicn. "nlrnt upon tho comp'c'.e sub. jngntion of thc Tex-in republic. This last nrws, which rests wholly upon llse aulh.irity of privatc leilers. rports the Mexicans as adran cing in two bodics, ono nine and tho other tweive ihonrand slrnnz. tow.uds the heart of Texas. Alihfiugh but little credit seetm to ba ivpn to this s'artlin intellinenco. it is madc Iheoccaston ol'verv earnest appcals bv tho tialvcsto.i Commsttoe oF b iliity to the A great and enthusiastic tariff mtcting was ! friends of Texa in ths United Statcs for sup- lield last week at Troy, and an xddress and ! plics of men, money and munttiotls of war. tnemorial to congress "were adoptcd. Tlipse appeaN. likc Prcsident Houston's proc- TiRtrr Meetisc. In Franklin County a i lamalion. onlv inviles it is true "immigrants" tariff meetinir was hcld at St. Albans, on thc i from the United Sintcs; but pretlv dtstinct in- 25th ult. at which reolulious in faror of pro tection wcrc passed. Both parties unitcd on thi occasion. Delegates were appointed to the Home Lnaguc soon to lie asemblcd in the city of New York. Anothcr tariff tneeting was heid at Bennington, on the 25th ult. which pas sed strong resolutions in favor of protection, appointed a committee to tlraft a constitutiou for a home leaguc, and another committee to circtilate petitions to Congress, asking for a pro tectivc tariff. Another great and enthusiastic meeting was heltl on the 4Mle day at Montpe lier, aud a memorinl to Congress ndoptcd. A Partt Q.UESTioy. While tbere seems to be a peculiar unaniiiiitj' among the people in favor of a protective tariff, the leadcrs of loco focoism in Congress and out, and the loco press, are almost uniformly out against it. The Ver mont Patriot, issucd on thc tlay of the tariff convcntion at Montpelier, contaitied an articlc Intcndcd to deter its readers from attending the nieotin'?. Locofocoism is wedded to southern intere.-ts. It caunnt sustain itsclf a year in the Unitcd States without going with'the South. frc flninininn w tlior r.r Cl I l.l . ...I its leadcrs clmg with the tenacity of n death Broom, loss 120 thousand dollars, grasp, anu snoum u agam preval, bankruptcy and ruin arcas Mire to be the fate of this coun try, as the return of sutnmer and wiuter. timnlions aro given that these "immigrants are cxpcctcd to come fully armed nnd provis innnd for a six months campaign. Alb. Eve. Journal. SUJLMARY Destrcctive Firu A most disastrous fire occurrcd last wcek in tho city of New York. It brokc out about three o'clock P. M. procec ding from a spark from a blacksmilhs sbop in Delancy strcct. In Iess than ono halfhour it swcpt away thc wholo block boundcd by Do lancy, Chistio Broom and Forsyth street, Whcn the fire rcached Forsyth strcet it was hopcd that its progress might be sfayed. But it swcpt almost instanlly across Forsyth strcct btirncd the dwcllings between that & Eldridgc strcct and swcpt ncarly thc whole down to tbc British frigatc Warspitc, Sir John Hav. Commandcr, at Anapolis, on Saturdav cvcninsr about balf past seven o'clock. Ilcr passagc from port to porl lastcd 52 days. the run from thc Capes to to the anchorage offAnnapolis bcing madoin 12 bours. Thc Warspitc is anchorcd about the samc spot oc cupicd by llio Delawarc lastsutnmer.andjudg. ing from thc accounts in the Sun, will not throw tbe Delawarc in thc shadc as a spccimcn of nuval arcitccturc. The frigate fired a salufo an noon which was to bo rcspoadcd to by tho Annapolis AriiHer is!s. Lord Ashbtirton was to procccd at onco to Washington. The Warspite is Iikcly to rc main at Annapolis. We nrc glad to anuouncc thc safc nrrival of this mcsscnger ofpeacc. Albany Adv. Latest fromTkxas. From adviccs recci ved at Ncw Orleans from Gdlveston, it appears that Texas is invadcd aftcr all, and that the rct reat of thc Mexicans from San Antonio was a mcre devicc to alluru tho Texans on before they wcrc drillcd and disciplincd. Extracls from lcttcrs arc published in thc GaIveston,papcrs in which the writcrscstitnatc thc Mexican force nt 21000 strong! in two divisions, onc of 9000 which was advancing on tho Mctnmoras road toward Victoria, and thc other of 12,000 on tho uppcrroad marching upon San Antonio. Thc forco which reccntly ccntly capturcd San Antonio constitttud tho vanguard at 12,000 commandcd by Vasqucz. General Burlcson with tho Tcxain force, it was thought, would follow thc vanguard until itfell back upon ihc rnain army. Fhe truth of thcso accounts is much doubt cd by thc N. Y. pnpcrs. Ed. D. A. Rochester Evening Post April 1. THE CAROLINE OUTRAGE AGAIN. II O GJN IN R O CHESTER JA1L !.' Last evening, ajwarrant was grantcd by Jus ticc Buchan of this city, for thc apprchension of John Sheridan Hrgan, Esq. chaigcd with having bsen onc of thc deslroycrs of thc Oar olinc, and ofthe party who killcd Amos Durfeo and otbcrs. Hc was carricd bcforo Policc Justicc War ncr, and comniittcd tojail for furthcr cxanii nntion till four o'clock this afternoon. Hc behaved with spint at thc Policc Officc cskcd nofavors rcquired no friends but pla ccd his trust and confidencc "in thc powcr of his country-thcwooden walls ofOId England'' adding "my government can protcct mo." Thc complainant was General Thellcr. f g'1"!, leavlnj an afilicted huiband and chilJrco taourn ncr Ioes. yenr yuur To Ihc Publio. Fellcw CHizens of -Middlebury : IT ts well knmvn tn niany nrynu tbat fnr ncarly tbtrtr-en 'rwut yu liave liail ynur I'rwl Mrmcra appoinled nrntnst kiitmlelge snd wishM ttwnitit bstiptsn1. in tirymir wlshi-s belne sn fully exprcssttl to tl Iepaaiunt nt Washington, lliat fohic resprct tould lie paitl llicreoiito In the late atNijiiliiirnt, asynurnhtinrmceol lorcipn influciice had ttfen en untvmally exprrrbcd also. A many ol you maynnt havea knowlcdze of tlietactA in tlc case, bcrc ynu liave tlirm I had dirrct fnr lu. if a new one was npKinttnl, 267 sisnere as thrir first ehoicp, and whn pave men brtlcr rimnm'-nll than I fctioutd d.-tie givc myscir, nnd n hosc Grand liM is 3 5,Ht-1.35, and wbo pay ycarly jiotng; of$ 4S5.t'2 Mr Dmvfn liad iH-tw'fr:! 50 &CU nf ynu for IiIiii, whc-n; Urand Ust is 33.419.04, aud pay S't50,H), po-tage. Mr. VHierlock had alioirt 30 nf ) nu re cmninMidtnl ttun, rt)ne Grand Ust ls$3,157)r.5, and wlio pay C2D0.H) posta;e tn additiou tliere are tcn c.r ou ivno first signcd ftir Mr. Wheelock, lliat hare rpcoimncitdcii ine as thi-ir srcnndchoice, and uhose taund list S747.C9. and pnstagrt 101. Thirty one nfthos whn sigticd for Mr. I!wen. hate siznril lnr me as ibHrsi'cnnd chnice, nnd tvhose Grand !M is 82.2jj.50. &z rnstnceSSS, in.iklng lu all Inr rne,3Ud.wliue Grand list is 13 851 51. and whn pay $831 G2 rNistajreyrarly. I suppnse tt to be snmewhat cutomary for tbe fnst Mastcf Crneraltn take tbi-nil riceofa Hcpnwnlativn in such cases. And someareff ophimn that a Kepresrntallveouslittncairyiuttlte known andftilty rx prPfserl wisheso'his conslittlents. Aud it is rtibmilti-d tn you tn torni your own opininn, whetlur It U Home, Korrijni, or otii R influerice. or ad corubiiifd in this case that bas violatt-d ynur known wislies. and wbtrther yuu will take any mrasurcs tn cany your wishes into f-nect Theatjove facts arc nslbey stnnd st ine licpannmn ai ine fime inenpinutmtcni wssinaue, i now liave abnut 40 more ni w slpnrrs. Vou may tfst asutr-d that I fel innch more craliflrd with lour cnnfidrace without tbc ottlee. than l should w nh the cmce wiihout our cnnii4lriice. LCO.NAMD nhMl.NG. Midclibcit, AriiL, II, 1842. (Pnn foa ) LIST OF LETTER.S' Remaining in the Post Officc at Middlebury Vt. Maich31si, 13-12. Appoinim'nts by the Governor. We ttnder stand. sa3's thc Vermont Watchman, that Gov. crnor Patne has ma-Jo ihe fo!!owinj appoint nirnH ondcr resnlutions of tho last Legi.slaturc: Committee lo revise the Mililia Laics. Silas H. Jennison, F- W. Hopkins, and Paul Dil linpham. Committee on Education. Gcorge P. Marsh Isaac F Redficld. E. C. Tracy. HOME INDUSTRY. Thecotton-growing Statcs havc confrolled the. cottncils of tho nation quito too long. Thc relativeimporlanco of our rcspectivo intercsts may bo lhus summed up : Cotton in value, 804,142,000 Avails of Agriculture, 8794,0011,000 Total of Manufactures, 8424,000,000 It appcars then that this fatnous.cotton crop, for which all other intercsts aro to be sacrificed, is less than onetwelfth partof tho Agricultural productions of tho U. S. ; lcss than one sixth part of tho Manufacluring products, and lcss CirA letter from Boston statcs that "ono half of tho convicts in thc Charleston Statc Prison have bccome real christian3." Moro than 9,000,000 Ibs. of forcign wool were importeu into this country in tho year 1S41 Who says that a protective tariffis not necdcd by the farmci 1 About ten acres of land on tho west bank of the Mississ'ppi, a few milcs below thc moulh of Red River, sunk a few night since. So says the St Francisvillc Cronicle. Ball ix Ho.'on of Mn Clay. Arnold Janc 2 AUmtc W.lliam Bfllus Danicl Brown .liWtiuier Bigelow Daniel Brown Maiilda Botten Sarah BeetJe Daniel BowdUh Columbun Baker E-tlier Bisby o.'rph Cnse Warren Carpenter Geo. Cox 1'olly 2 Cllon Sarah Chittenden David Cock Calita ("arpeiiler Eunice Conroe J W Clune William Daj Rruben Dunning Ahraliam 2 Doolinle Charles Demarais Joi-pli Dufft-e Thomas Emory Cymhia Eeltt Trumaii Evert Abner English Alvah Enulish Jo'm Earl Cbarles Knnght Judtih Fu'ler Lucimla 3 T??ilc :irript This creaturc who seems so anxious to bc'a ; Goodrich Almira martyr has since been exntnined and dischar Good'icb A. H. . . P -j 1 Goodrich Amos gcd for want of ovtdcnce. j Goodrich Ephraim or j Lemuel CorJTfECTiccT Election. Connecticut, ; Goddard B B "land of slcadv babits" as sbe is, will somc. Goodwin Fanny timisrun off thc track. "She has done so in her rccent election, as is indicated bv the suc ccss of a loco foco Governor and Legislature. Tho immcdiate conscqucnce of this crror is that a John M. Niles will bo placcd for six years in thc Senate, Iaboring all the while to deprcss her manutactures and cnpplc her trade; and the retnotc consequencc will bo, that after cndunng the wrongs and tntlcctions of loco focoism for a yearor two, Connecticut will rise again in her strength and put down her opprcs-sors. Tho cditor ofthe Tribune thus closcs his account of our not unexpccted defeat in Con-' InJfls Asahel 1 a r necticut: iveii.vs v llenwsrnsw mury GrJttt Anseline Green Alanson Green Nethnn Gieen N E HosmerBetsey 7aiiiht John Ho bart Samuel Healv Jeremiuh HallAman'a Hatnmnd Geo llunti"t"n Wm. Hocrgh John Hare John HillGeo Haveas Elijah Lawrence Asn LeridsItyiMartba Loudnti llarlow 2 Lanc'ers CaK-b Lo miJud-cn Lturo Pctcr Lnntlon Isaac McLcn Franklin McLen D Mclliid Amnnda McWain AbL'ail Mat.hews Amos Milcs Emily Mo gjn Cha Mann Moses Morton Saral A Mead Sidney .l.irlin HenrieitJ Mannin2 Wm Mnnr. Ahfcail Ni'rion Sopbia Olmsted Ctias! Pit-rcc TbeoUotia Plulf.Monsieur liidrr Mc-liiluble ! 1! ip'ey J W Rue Amandor Smilh Adnah Sanon C H Smiih Hosweil " Plnhp " I'hebc ' Lncica Samson Mattba SessionM D L S-'Ulding Lorcnzo Studderi John ' Sam'on Amanda Specer Eliliu Smail Wm Si'Ow.Loranc Tnoinpon Zadock Towslee Saml WrightMi- Wila Eenry Willson Minerra Wicker G H Williainson Abram "VVriglu H N Wo.'d.vnrJ xVbner Wlieeler Abner Wldting Mary Witherell Hiram Wldblc Loiryann Wilon Mary Wadsworth J.ucy Yole I'a Tuot Mich el Commissioncrs IVoticc. THE su'nrril.ers, bein; a;voi nte-.l by Iho Hon. Ihe Pio'uia Court for tlu d:sln:t of Addison coia mi!9"ioncrs iu receive, exiT.ine an.l aJjuit all claims and detnmds o all peroni ajiint ilie csute'jif JEREMIA U JUNGIIAM, ' lata of Cornwall, in said Jntrict ilcceaal, an l also all claims and il-'mands cxhibiteil tn oirt lluieto atid ix miintlis fwin the 16ih day nf Alarcli last, he ing alloweil fot tbil par,jse, ! hcreby iva nn!i;o ibat we will atlen-1 to the bujiii's-i of our said ap poinlmrnt at tlie tlsvellnijj of Ahel Umham io ssiJ Cornwall on the eco:i.l Tue-iUs of .May and Se ptember next, from I to 4 o'clock P.M. oa eich of sailldajs- IIORACKJANKS. ) r , JUIl.' s.lWrUKU. J Cornwall, April 2ad 1312. 49 STATE OF VERMONT, District of Addison, 8. RE it rtfiiicmbt-icil. lliat ala ptobate court held al - , ... i r. . i j- . r . IMIiluu U-Jrv, lil Ulio lur 11IU CllPlllCb VI iuuisuii on l!io 19tli day uf January A. D. 1342. CbcEtcr Stenlicns of Mnriah in tbo crunty of Es. aex in tbeSlatc rl'New Yoric liavins. vilbin twon ly days from llie dute of tlin dccision of tbis court seiling oiTdoiver to Sarah Hcmcmvny, in tlie rcs.1 cslale whcrnof VAS11NI HEMENWAY. lalc of Slirrivsbufy in tlie county of Worcester in llic btate f .Massacliiiseltj dicersnl, diidsoiir-d and pr-ssessed in t'ns stale, made and filcd in tliu cilieu uf lliu rcgistirof tlns courl, li j applicatiru in wri. linj; for an appr-al from said dccisi-jn to tbo county c.url ncxl to be bebl ut Middlebury in and fr tliu counly of Add'oon on tlie M-cond Tursday of June iicxt; uixl Ihn uid CbiKler .Sti-phcns biv-nj; pivcn a bond lo t-aiil Sarah Hvminway lo tbe vatialtction of tbis courl, ivitli a londition lliat bo Ilall procculc said appual to ciTi claud pay all iiilerrcnii.g damagcs and costK occasioned by aid appea'; tlm said appral ia allowcd: JL'ii it is crdred by tbis court, Ibat tbc said Chester Stephens glvu nniicc to tbo said Sarali Hnmcnvo, oftbc sllowrnca nfsaid appcal, by pub-li-lni e e ccrliflcd copy of Ibis uidcr in thc .Middlo. bury Peoplu'if Priss, a ncwspiT prinlcd in said .Middlebury, ihteu wct-Ks tiiccusivi-ly, tbo lasl of which publicatioiistnbe at least tbirly days previous lo thc aession oT said county cuiirt. J. S. BUtlJNELL, Recister. A true ccpv ol Rcrord. Attcst: J. S. Bcshngll, Reciter. 48 3 STATE OF VER3IONT, District of Addison, ss. JJE it rcmembcrcd that ala probato court, bcfd at Shoreham, n-itliin and for tho district ofAddiicd on Ihe 29th day of March 1842. U'riglil and Davis liich, named execntors in un instiumcnt purporting to be thc last will and tc tamcnt of ERASrUS E. BLIN, tato of sat'J Shoreham deccascd, prrscnla tbe aaraa for probate; Whercupon it is ordcred, thal the samo be exainincd for ptobato by said courl at a aession thercifto be belp at tho officn of tho Hrjristcr of laid court in Middlebury, on Wi-dnrsday tha 20l!i day of Apnl next at one o'clock in Iho aAernoon ; And ibai noticc Ihorcof bo given to all prtons in leristcd, that thev may appear and makolh:ir ob jrctions totlu probate and allowartco of said will by i-i. i-- 1 ... ... - iuiiiiuin;ac:ititicdcipy ol tlijs order in the MuS. Ji.bury People'. ptta, a newspaper prinled al Mid djeburr, three necka succcssivcly, previous to ths limcof said court. S. H. Jesisos, Judge. A true f opy of record, S. H. Jemsss, Judge. 48;3 STATE OF VERMONT,, District of Addison, ss. 3E it reincmlicrcd that at a probitc coait held at .inanicoury tn ai:rj lor tlie cinnty of Adlison on the 19th day ol J.inuary a. d. 1842. Samuel Saarl of Bridport in said District ha-rinjr within tvventy days Irom tbc dato of tho de-c sion of this coutl seltin' olTdstver to Sarah Ucminiay in tho rcal cs'atu nbcreof VA3HNI HEMENWAY, lato of Shrewsbury in tho uouuly of Worcct-lcr in ihosUle of M.naacllusrltsuVccased, died seized and possessed ili this stalo, mado and fiied, in tho ofEcn of tho R!iter of tliis courl, liss application in ivri ting (or an appcal from siid dccisiun to tho county courl next to bo held at Middlebury in and fr lli county uf Addison on llio sec r.ct Tucsday of Jnne ni x'; and tbc said Samuel Searl having given a bond to tlm said Sjrah llenteiiway, to tlm salisfaclion of tbtsCouit, wiih a condition that hc shall prcopcutx saidapp:al loefK-ct and pay all i&lrrvriiingdainago aud oosls occasioned bv said appeal; thi said appcal ii allotrcd: And ,t is ordcn-d by this court. that iho said Sjmurl Si-arl notly tho said 6'.uall Ili-min-way uf ihe allowaucu of said uppeal, by piiblisbim; a ccrlifiid copy uf this crdor in tha Middlebury I'eoplc's ritas, a nen-apapcr prinlcd at said Middle bury, Ihrcc wrcks socccssivoly, tbo last ofnlnch publications to be at b-asl thirty days provioui to the scision if said cuunty court. J 3. Bushsem.. Regieter. A truo copy of record, Attcst, J. S. BusiisEtx. Register. 48 U hrld at f A-ddisnn cbildrcn STATE OF VERMONT, District of Addison, ss. Bc it rcmembcrcd that at a probate court held at jtiddlebtiry, in and for thc Dislrict of ddtson, on thc 10th day of January, 1842. Luthr-r Corv ofDridporl, in s-iid dislrict having. wilbin tuenly d ya froai tho dalc of tbedicision o Ihis courl selting olTdnwcr to S-aia!i Hcmcnway iu tbu real cslatc whcrc-of VASIINI HjEMENWAY, lalr of Snlirmib iiy in tha couuly of Horcestor aud slalc of Massachusi-tts, dcccas-d, dicd soiird and posscsscd in ll.isktatc, mado and fiUd in thc of. fice of llm recitter of this courl, his appl'calion in wr.tiug for an appetl from sanl d ciiion lotlie coun ty court nrxl held at .1iddlubury iu and for ihc county uf Addison oi tbe si-cund TiuWay of June nrxt; and tbe saib LulhorCory having given a bond to the said Sarah Ilemcnivay, to Iho salisfaction of Ihis court Httli a condition, that hc'nhall prosccuto stid appcr.1 ts rlTi.ct, and pay al. intcrvriia2 dauia gcs aud custs occasioned by said appr-al; tho said appeal is all-twrd; And il is ordrrcd by this court. tbat llm said Lulhs-r Cory r.olify llia said 6'arsh Hcmciitvay of tho allowaucu ot suid uppcul, by pub-. pnblishing a ccrtificd copy of tliis order iu the MiU dlcbHrr IVoule's Press. a urwspancr printcd at ssid Mi dlebury. tbrce voeks sucesively, llio last of tvliiciipuulicalionsio ueai icasi iuiriy uava prcri ous to thc srssion ofsaid ccurt. J. S. BUSfJNELL, Rcgistcr. A true copy of Record. Attcst: J. S.BUSI1NELL, Register. K9 STATE OF VERMONT.? Addion County, s. J JE il ri-mrmberud lliat ol a Probato C .Middlebury, in and fnr the Dislrict n tlm 24tb day of March, 1842. Olivor Shermau, guardiun of ihe miu ol AlduU Slicrman. di-c-asi-il, dcioo o ASI1DEL DEAN, lato cf Monkton, in ihe county ol' Addison deceasrd, niuris llio coiilt tbal p.wtilioo ai.d dislributirii of the real rstato of ihe said AhbI decniscd, lu-rcto-fore moI olT and a-'ticne'l to Racharl Dean, widuiv nf the sa d Ashbcl for and during her natural lifn, bo madn amuug ihe dfriseen named iu llio lasl will a ml tcstamoiil ot tho said Ashbel, docrasci', acccr ding l Iho iruvisious Ihercol: And lliat commis sioncrs bc appuinlrd for tbat pnroir;llio said Racb cacl Dsan, having departed tbis lifc: ll is llierrforn ordcred taal tho said Olircr Sbcrman causo noticc to bo given to all pi-rsons inti re-tcd, lo appoar bnfora suiu courl, at a scsiou tlu-rcir, to bc bulil al thq uf. fice o( ihc H'-gisiprol r.iid'ccurt, insaid Middlebury, on Wcdnesday, tbeSOlh of April next, nt 1 o'clock iu tbc afternoon, at which liiuc and plac- the said court appnint commissinntts lo make parlition of llm siideslatr, as afurcsaid, by pubhsbiutr a ccriificd copy of this rder. in Ihe Middlebury P.up!o' Pr-si a iiovrspaper prinli-d al said Middlebury, tbrcowiek succcksively, previous to the lime nfnai.1 Court, J S UUSUNELL, lt.-sistor. A true copy of Record. Altcsi: J. S. UUSUNELL. Rgitcr. 3 4T STATE OF VERMONT, District of .'lddison, ss. JE it roiiicmbercd ibat at a ProhjleiCourt held a. Middlebury, iu aud for lhe;Ditrict ot AdJison, on the Clh day of April A. D. 1942 ScLujler T. Bakcr and Joseph Siraondj ajminis-. trators of tlie Estate or AUGUSTUS MUNGER, late of Whilitii: in said Dlsliict raakc application t said Court to hare the tim limited for payma the debts of saiJ dccased, extnnded iweliro laoiilhslrom Ihe 26th day of. Uiy 1842: It is therefore ordered that mid applicalion be considcred at a sessioa of :aiJ Court lo he hcU at the office of V. II. Everest Esj,. tn said Shoreham, on the 4 th day of may next at onr o'clock inthe afternoon: and Ihitnotico thereoflv gicn to all pers-ms intereslej Ihat they may appear before said Coutt an-1 mak thrir o'j;ctious ifany they hate, to Ihe said timsof p-iymcnlbwm; exlcnd ed. as aforesaid, by puMtshing a cett ified copy ot thtt oiderin the Middlebury People'-i Press, a newspaper prinlcd at -1iddlibury, in sanl District, thtee week cccessive!y, prcvioujto lh timo i.fsaid court. J. BUS1INELL, Rtgis'er. A 'rue copy of Rrcord. Attest:J BU.SU.VELL.Rcsister. OJw. STATE 07 VERMONT. 1 Bistricl of N Ilavat. ss. j nE it rcmi-inbcrcd, that at a probat court holden st nriilo'. in aud for ihe district of Kc Marcnon the 7th day ff March. a. d. 1841, Harvey rapmMee, aaminisiraitr oi im cnj ei EDWARD DUNSlIEE, t,t. nf nristol. in said dislrict, deccastd, prcsented hispi-tilion in wrillng, praying thal ho my ka li- j censrd lo scll all tho real cstale of the said decess- I cd fexcept what has been heri-toforo ss-t 06" te tha i . ... . . . i 1. . I ..I . (. 1 I AldoW lor COKCJ) inguiiicr wiiii)iiiu ikii. fcia j widow's dowcr, ainl all ihe personal estate, for the ! purposo of psyn'g the debts against said estato and I ej-penscs of adiiiinislralioii, and therein sets forth j ihe imounl of ihe debts due from the dcccasvd tho chcrgesof administratioii, the value ofthe pcisoual ' cslale, and tho situation of tho real eslate and Ihat ' it is nt-ceisary to m-H Ihc whole of the rcal rslate of ! the said dcceascd for Iho purposo afurcsaid; It is I therefore ordrrcd that said pclition be eonsidered st ' .Milm of said court. tn be holden at thc office of ! the judge of said court at Bristol, ou tho 21st day of 1 Ap'rilnext at tcn o'clock In tho forenooo. and thal said Admiliistralor cause notic-j to le giren lo ll I persous iiileteslcd, by publishiug a conitied copy of ' tbis order in tho Middlebury PeOjdc's Press, a iiw: ! :n ...AJIoUhtv in IIim nutilv of Addi- son three iveeks succcssivcly prctioas lothe timoof said coart. HARVEF .MUNSILL, Judge. Look Out. II E sub3cnber would nottfy all those who owc hiin that ho is compcllcd by the most urg-mt n: cessity to call upoif thein for inme- diato payment. If this rcqucst is do! s,)erdi. ly complicd with, his accounts will beleft with an attorney fcr colk-clion without favor to any ono. C3Hats jolhnf at co-it ! JOHN JACKSON. M.ddlebury, Murch 25, 1842. 49tf Waggon. Tne s'-bscriher has a new tuo hor.-o wng. gonfbr ie!c, for which ho iv.!I take in ex changc a good onc horse waggon. II. BELI. Mif'dlebary, Apr. 12, 1A42. I A true nv of rccard. ! II. MUNSILL. Jodse. 48;3 the rain. How then are wo bcatcn ! So: lfll1CHARLES 49 3 1. The AbolUonits have done the bcst they April 1, lmi. ; could io ensure thc triumph of tbat party which" Administrators feale. wnnlrl o-ntr thp.m to-dav and hanrr thein to : miiR nnn nnrl Int situated in the vilIat:o ; u'r. ilie subscribers. being appointed by the Hon. morrow ifTt had full power; and bavffprevcn-. -0f Middlebury, belonging to the eslate I tho Probate Court for f.e District or Addison, Com tcd a choico ofsome 30 or 40 WhitT Reprcsen- A,! TitcbeU. - eccased, will be sold at J mi.sioners. to, examinc .and .djuna I cla.m. irrfinil ,:.. ' " ' I. ""V 7. .u j ill... ,!, and demaiios 01 011 ' fc '"l""1"3' AUUl lUl'. OI1 inB iUlll Ol -111m mst. f Estate of Itcbecca Miller. !i l.o Ihi ball tsto bo given to Mr. Clay on tho 12th of, "2. Tlie Conserralivcs (so called) have done , r..n, Hntr.1 nt two o'clock P. M. unless April, Mr. Clay's birthday,) ns a mark of thc their utmostto securo tho triumph of Loco fo rJiSposed of at privale salo previous to that respect and esteem in which he is held. Fifty-1 coism ; I , jm0 two managers have been designatcd to attcnd j 3 xhc Tyhr men havo gono against thc i ' E. D. BARBER, ) Adminis- to the preparations and do the honors ot the.-ivhic ticket out of hatred to Mr. Clav: nnd i WIMSI.OW TWITCrlELL, trators. fetc, twenty-six of whom are citizens, and the I 4 The Clay men (many ofthe most vehe- Middlebury, April 2d, 1842. 43J HKe numoer memoers oi ongre&s. , raent) havc rctused to do any tning tn order to ' ehow their hatred of Cap. Tyler. Will you Woekisg or the Batkeuit Law. Thero havc any more, gentlemen ? has been up to this datc four thousand eeven ', p. s. We hear that tho towns tvbich havo hundrcd and cighty applications for the benefit not elected Ueprcsontatives will generally try To Farmers. mtm HIJSHELS firstlquality SEED FEAS 75 for lale by P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall, Aprii 6, 18.2. 49lf Prnrrrs M iu.ES.lito of Middlebury, insaid Dislrict, deccased, and also all claims and demauds exhibitcd in offsel thorcin ; Ad G manlbs from tho 16th day of March, being allowed by said Court for tho that purpose. wo do therefore hereby givo notiee that wo will attondto the bnsiness of onr said appointmpnt, al iho office of SiHUEL Swirr, in .Uiddlebury, on tho first JUbnday'a in;.May, and Septcmber next fiom nine o'clock, A. M., until four o'clock. P. M., on each ofsaid days. UoRvnoSxTMou. icoratni.Moner.. SiMnrL Swit, i Dsled at Middlebury, lh 16th day ol Marth, 1842. W00LEN FiCTORF. THE subscriber would repectfully inform his curtomers, and ilie public genernily, ihat he has commcnccd thc busincss of man ufaciuting W00LEN G00DS, SCCII AS Common Cloths, Cassimcres, Satin cttSj White or Colorcd Flan-ncls-j &c. &.c. At his old star.d in Shoreham, .near Ricb'a Mills. Ho will m&uufacture wool ou ahares or by tho yard, at the option ofthe owner Tho subscriber is solicitnus of obtaining bu sincss, and feids certain that his cxpcricncr? and knowledge iu clotli niar.ufacniriii and dresstng, and the fitiishcd apparatus and ma chincry which hc has providcd, will ennble Imn to give entire salisfaction to all who cinploy hiin. He invites tho publii: tocnll and exam. ine spccimcnsot his work, which ho bclteves will justifv all cxpectations which he holds out to his customcrs. A. KILUORN. Shoreham. (RcA'a Mills) April 1, 1812 49 NOTICE. WANTED immediately by the subscriber 1 or 2 Journeymen Cacinet Makers to whom libcral wagcs and Cash will be r.aid. N. PARKER. Middlebury, April 5, 1842 . 48tf