SltMMkbttt n thfcs 3J:-prr nre jJUuUsnett tlic J3ubltc (Drtnrrs, aesMutfons. Safos, 33ubHc Gvcaticu, JJanftrupt ottccs Etc. of thc Sltm'tcii States, 33a Slutliorfa. H. BELLi'j Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURY YT. MAY 3, 1842. YOjL. YI NO. 52. IS PUBLISIIED IJVEttV TUESDAY MORNING AT 'OETII EXD OF THE BIJIDCE, BY J. COBD JR. by whom all ordcrs for printing, Books, Pam- .,1,1. Ifli . ' 'II l i Lartls' &c- of cvcry dcscnption , be ncally and fashionably cxecuted, at snort notice. TERMS OF TIIE SlXTH VOLUME. V'illji;esubscribcrs, alall siiliscribcrs, lndirldnalnnd (;ompanie n'houkcattlicofiicc. or l,SaeciitJlrildinUmoiitli. ' v-ompnnlcB on viae rnutc. or 1,50 II paid in T-lx months. Iliosc who lake nf lViiiridcrs, Companlw nd Injllvlduaia o!T thc route" -' . or 1-50, if paid in six montlis. S2,no 2.00 81,75, SI,M S2.00 1,75 I 0.'-''''''' n,'!"rear3-c are paid, eicepi at tl,c 1 "43 bT.ih"0rproP;7mtmS ''"""""-veU.x. j All CDiuriiunlcalioii-niustbc addrespcd to thrrrflinr !.,. n... ' LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Passed al the 2d Session oflhe 27 th Congress. official. PCELIC1TIOK. Public No. 9 AN ACT to atnend thc sevcral a:ts cstablishing n district cotirt of the United States at Jack son, in the district of "West Tennessee. Be it cnartod by the Scnate and Ilou-e of Reprcscntatii-es of the United States of Amcr ica in Congress as-einliled, Tiiat the district court of the United States at Jackson. in the district of West Tenncssce, shall in futurc j be attachcd to, and furm a part of the cirhth jtidir.ial circuit court of theUliitcd States , witli all the jiowers and junsdiction ol the cir cuit court hcld at Nashville, in the iniddle dis trict of Tenncssce. And it shall be the duty of thc assoeiate justice of the Suprcme Couit of thc U. S. assigned to hold the court foi tl-c cighth cirruit, to attend the fall tenn of said court at Jacksun, and liold the same; and ivhcn ho docs so, tlien hs ma'y dispense with his at tendance at the fall tenn of thc court at Knox ville, in the district of EastTcniicssee; or ,!ien saidjudgc holils thc fall tcrni at Knoxvillc, thon hc inay dispense with holdiii'r the corres pondiii fall tenn at Jackson. And said circuit judgc tnay clect which court lic uill hold, at discrction, in the cxercise of which he shall be Kovcrncd by tlie nattirc and impqrtancc of the' business: Provided, Said circuit judgc inay at tend at Knovville and Jarkson at any of their fall tcnns:And provi.lcd, also, That in thc abtencc of siid circuit juilge at nny tenn of cirher of said courts, the district judgc shall hold thc same, and inay all the povvcr-s and jurisdictio:i confcrrcd on the circuit court ivhcn hcld by the circuit jmlge. Scc. 2. Anrl be it furthcr enactcd.that aiipcals shall lic fram the district cotirt at Jackson, to the circuit court, in thc same manncr that ihcy l'c from the district to thc circuit court at IS':ihvilIc. Sec. 3. And Iie it furthcr cnactcd, Thnt the fall tcnus of the di-,trict an-l circuit courts at Jack(i!i. shall iu ftituro bc hclil 0:1 the scrond r.I'inilny ofOcfoiic.-, in oacli ycar; that the fall frni- oftln; 'listrict aml circuit cuurts of Kcn tuckv !is in fuiure hcld on the thirl Moiulaj of Novcinher in cacdi ycar; and that the fall tcrms nflhc ciivuit and district court-: at Knnv viile, b hcld on thc first Monday of Noveniber 1:1 cach vcar. JOHN WHITE, Spcaker of thc flouse of Uepresen'.alives. S.VM-L U SOUTH ARD Presidcnl of thc Scnalc jro ler.worc. Approvcd, April M, lSSi. JOHNTYI.EU. P 173 lic No. 10 AN ACT to cmifirin ccrtain entrics nf lands in t.,tf r.rr.nnisiaiia. and to authorizc thc isruing of jiatcnts for tho same. Be it cnactcd by thc Senate and Hous2 of lleprc.-i'ntativcs of thc United States of Amcr ica in Consrc- asscmbled, That t!ic entrics of thc fcllov.iiigdoscribcd tractsof land )ermitlcd to be niade by the rcgistcr and recoivcr at Ou achita. in i!ic land district north of Red Rivcr, in the Stntc of Louisiann, to wit: Lot nuinbcr Jive, of scetion tbirty-cigbt, and lots numbcrs ono,, fn e, and six, of scction fivc, and lots nuinliers thrce and four, of scction forty-fivc, and lots nunibers thrcc, four, and five, of scc tion forty-six, and lots numbcrs two, threc.six, beveii, eleven, twelvc, thirtccn, and fourtecn, of scction forty-eight, all said lots bcing town ship number thirtecn, of range nuinbcr 'twoU-c cas-t, in thn said land district north of Red Riv cr, in thc Slate of Louisiana, be, and thc same , r-n I11.mli!' nnfirmpil rini! clnr.lnrpil tn lip rnnil knd valid: and patcnu shall iuo thcreon as in othcr cases of good and valid entrics, and cer tificr.tcs of purchasc, any law to thc contrary iiotwithstanding. Apjirovcd, April 14, 1S42. PCBLIC No. 11. AN ACT authorizing thcconstruction of a war j stcamer for harbor dcfencc Be it cnactcd by the Senate and Ilouse of Rcpresentativcs ofthe United States of Amer ica in Consress assembled, That the Secretary ofthe Navy be, and he is hereby, authorizcd to cntcr into contract with Robert L. Stevcns for tho rnntruciinn of a war steaincr shot and shell bc built principally of iron, upon the planof the said Stevcns: Provided. 1 "e i whole cost, inclndhig.the liull, arrain ciu, cu- (rmae ni PrC. nnil Wl lllllIlllfllL III IW"''"U , , - . : 1l rnnnfta 1 completa for service sliall not cxceed the avcr ajjc rost ofthe stcainers Missouri and Mississ- ippi. Scc 2. Ar.d be it furthcr cnactcd, That the pum of two hundrcd and fifty tbousauil dollars be. and tlie same is hereby appropriatcd, out of nny money in the Trcasury not otberwise npprnpriated, towards carrying this Iuw iuto clR-ct. Approvcd, April 14, 1S12. Pucmc No. 12. AN ACT to establish cartain post roads Bc it enactcd by the Senate and Housc of Rcpresentatives ofthe United States of Amcr- ica m Congress assemuicu, x w.o Ing be cstablished as post roads: From Home in Georgia, to commercc, in thc state of Miss iippi, and also to Meinphis, in the State of Tennessce, namely, from Rome, through ar renton, Decatur, and Tuscumbia, in Alabams, and Jacinto, in Mississippi, to Ripley, in said state, as a common point, and from said point, through llolly Springs and Hernando, to Com mercc, and from Ripley, through La Grangc, in TenncsseV, to Mcmphis, in said State. Approvcd, April 14, 1S42. rPrrBr.ic No. 13.1 AN ACT to proridc for the allowancc cf inval- id pcnsions to certain uncroKce warriors, under the provisions ofthe fourtccnth articlc ofthe trcaty of cightcen hundrcd and thirty- fivc. Be it cnaeted by the Senato an J Housc of RcpresentatiTes of the United States'of Amci - l ica in Con"rr nsspmnlpil. thnt thi Snrrotnro of War be, and ho hereby is, rcquired to place I on the pension roll such warriors of the Chcro- kee nation as wcre engaged on the side of the J United States in the last war ivith Great Brit . ain and the Southern Indians. and who were i woundcd in such service, at the same rates of ' pensiou as are allowed by law to the officers , and soldiers ofthe regular Army of the United States, under such rules and regulations as to ! tlle proof ofdisability as the Secretary of War suau prescnoe; wliicn pension sliall commencc from the period of disability. Approvcd, April, 1S42. Poblic No. II. AN A.CT relative to the act cntitlcd 'An act granting lands to ccrtain exiles from Poland,' approvcd thirtictcth June, eightccn hundrcd and thirty-four. Tln it rnnrtni1 l,v tfio Rnnitn nml TT.... -n P x.cjr,c.-,uiiiciiivca ui iiie uiiiieii otaies 01 iiner 1 ica in Congress asscmbled, that the acta now ; in force for the sale of the public lands, and granting pre-cinption rights to actual settlers, bc, and thcsameare hcrcbv.declarcd to cxtend . to, and include the lands selectcd in townships land.' 'thc said selections not havins been hereby declared to be in full force, for thc bcn- clit ol saiil rolish exiles. Approvcd, April 14, 1S42. Resolution Poelic No. 1. .IOINT RESOLUTION on the subiect of printing the tables of the sixth census. ! Be it resolved by the Scnate and House of j Represcntativcs ofthe Unitsd States of Atn ' ica in Congress assembled, That the paymcnt of thc moucy hcretoforc appropriatcd by Con gress, to pay thc cxpenscs of the sixth census, ' beso far su.spcndcd as that 110 ninncy shall bc 1 paid for thc printing of the cotnpciulium or a i bridgcincnt ofthe sixth census by couutics and i nriiiciiial towin, toethcr with the table of np- ' poninnmcnt, as rcparcd at the Departmcnt of 1 tstatc lor tlic use ot Uongrcs, until tlie lurtncr order of Congress. 1 Approvcd, April 14, 1942. Resolctiox Pcelic, No. 2. A RESOLUTION furthcr tn providc for tlic dUtribiition of the printed rcturns of thc sixth ccniii, and othcr dociiuicnts con nected with the same, thc tirintiii" of which has becu hcrctofore dircctcd by law. Resolved by the Scnate and Housc of Rc prcscnlativcs of thf United States of Anicrica in Congress ascmbled, That the statistics, in cliiding thc census of pcnsioncrs, and thccom pcndiiiin or abridgemcnt ofthe sixth census of thc United States, hcrctofore required by law to be printed undcr the dircction of the Secre tarv of State, shall be distribiHed and disposed ofby thc Secretary in tho manncr and in thc j propnrtions spccificd in thcjoint rpsolution of Congress passcd tlic lirst day ,of Septcmber, one thnusand cight huudreil and.vforty-one: , Proviilcd, always, That sevcntecn thnusand J copics of tlic said coinpcndium or abridgmeiit s-Iisill bc distribtitcd among the StatesTerritor :e?4 and pcrsons cntitlcd to iHstribution under the said rcsolution, and in thepropnrtionsthcre in specificil, and that thc rcniaining copies of the said statistics and coinpcinliuni be jilaccd in thc Library of Congress for futurc distribu tiou. Approvcd, April 25, 1312. AGllICULTUllAL. Arn.r.s. Wc convcrscd, a fcw days sincc, with a gantlcman rcsiding in thc vicinit- of Hos'on who has now upwards of 30 acrcs of land in orcharding, the trecs ina finc hcaltliy btate, and in full bcaring. IIc was thon scour in thc Siatc, for thc purposc of buyingyoung vi'forous trccs o cnlargc Iiis orchard much be 3'ond iis prcscnt cxtcnt. When lic saw him he said he had cight hundrcd barrcls c.f applcs on hand in primc order, for wliich ho could havc thrcc dollarsand a haif a barre!. Ile tells us that tho dcmand for cxportation is limitcd onlv by thc supply ; that to cvcry part of thc globc. whcrc Amcrican vcsscls go, thcy arc a profilahlc articlc of cxport, and that to an al most unliniitcd cxtent. Onc merchant in Boston, applicd to him, last fall for 500 barrcls of Baldu in apples, at two dollars and a quartcr a barrcl, to ship to Calcutta in the East Indies ! lic naa smppca j , - 1 about thc same quantity for sevcral prcvious seasons, and with uniibrm succcss. Shipmcnts to Enghind, tho West Indies, South Amcrica, the Jlcditerranean.and othcr places.give cqual ly good rcturns. The apples of New England kopn much betlcr than thosc raised farthcr Soutf and and are preforrcd for shipping on thataccount. Worcester Spy. Daxdies. Therc arc somc Tools in tho world who, aftcr a long incubation, will hatch out from a hot-bcd of prido a sickly brood of r. 1 nrl ilipn o-n struttin" alons thc 0fp0nlposiiv with all the sclf importancc ' f sneck'lcj i,en with a black chicken I I havc .,... tn CIIru nnnnic. Thcv arc merc .MlUiJ Ll llti tn , . , -- . T . r- l walking slicks for femalo fiirfa -nrnatnented ".. , i.j .r.A T nv 7 Nn l their canuts ,r, ony half ripe musk mclons, with only thicknnds.andall hollow inside, contamtng thc sccds of foolishness, swimming about with a vast quantity of sap. Tinkcrcd up with broad cloth, finger rings, safety chains, soR solder, vanity and impudence, thcy arc no morc men than a platcd tca-spoon is solid silvcr ! 1 do tcst a dandv as a cat does a wct floor. Doicjr . A Yatikee Trick. An castern pcular latcly . des;rej accommodations for thc night at a tav- ern in thc soulli part oi virginia: ounrom me prcjudice frequently cxisting against tho class, our host a long timc refused. At last he con scntcd on cnnditioa that thc pedlar should play him a Yankcc trick bcforc he Ieft him. The ofl'er was acccpted. On rising in thc morning Jonathan carefully securod the covcrlet ofthe bcd, which among other articlcs, hc pressed tho landlady to purchasc. The law price ofthe coverlet operaled at oncc upon tho latter, who insistcd that her husband should buy it, ad. dinir that it would match her's exactly. Jona. than took his money mounted his cart, and had fuirly got undcr way, whcn our host callod i to j,,m tnat hc liaa torgotion mc i nnncc tncK jjio was t0 pny him, O never tnind," says Tonathan, "vou'll find out that soon cnough.'. ' , iuiiv-iuui , luiiy-uve, auu ionif-six, nonil 011 ,,. . j r 1.. 1... .1 nio-ht fnnhnrrht r 1 :ir tno tne nasc linc, rango one east, ot the tlnrtl pnn- j 7, . , ------ j j n .. cr-Pnp nf wickpil-ips's I - - , - - -.'. . ..... . I 1 oln liir innn e !iin nr pnrripd nu'av mn. IUC manv Scencb 01 ., . - rnn n nn nrrnnin I'li iiir miiv nv 1 1 1 1 : aiiijiiiiaiiiuii .- Icinai incnuian, ivinsi 1 tne state ot lllinols, bv 1 ' -'. . ' n .1 .1. 1 Lewis Clopicki, undcr color ofthe act entitlcd by thc Indians. Thc alarm sprcad from , rc, all ovcr thc carth, about to , 'An nrit nrnlittmrl.nnil n rortnin nvllnj ftvrr Pn. I linmn tn linili. TllR wholn villafTO WaS Tfiadv Undcr llS ShadCSl 3IISCELLANE0US . From Graham9 lagazine. WAWHILLOWA. A LeCEXD Or TIIE Quoxnecticut. BY D. M. ELWOOD. Concladcd. Atthc mcnlion ofthe namc of his dcadlvi foc, thc fierj' savago sprang to thc side of his, 'owards the river, closely shut in by a bclt of victimandwasabouttoplungchisknifetolicrcnsc forcst. This was thc spot selectcd by heart, but calming the transport of his passion jthc Indians as a place of retrcat should retreat he sparcd hcr for a morc pcrfect rcvenp;e. His,,I)0 ncccssary ; and thithcr thcy had flcd after cyc glarcd ficrcely on her, and triumph shono defeat at Hadlcy. Thc spot was admira. in cvcry lineamcnt of his featurcs as ho re-ib'y calculatcd for thc purposc of concealmcnt j,i0j. Fand secutity. The hugc grey rocks lifling their "I hate him ! I will havc his blood ; his .sllaggy crcsts far abovc thc little plain at their scalo shall hang up and dry in thc smokc .of 1sc, seemcd to bid dcfianco to all the world Wawhillowa's wigwam. Thc fair Flower that around. The only way of acccss to thc Indian loves him shall ncvcr again sec his face exccpt . cncampmcnt was by stnking through thc for it be in death. Siie shall ncvcr bc his wife ; ' cst that separaten it from thc nvcr. she shall be tha Rcd Slan's slave ayc, a cap-1 1 ho sun had already gonc down behind f I vo to thc Iled Man's bridc. In the mcan time. all was constcrnation at i r m, iVni.dnr Vn nnn Vin(l coon ' Ejiza when she Ieft ,ile j.ouse aa& hcr absencc to nnrsim thn cncmv. and to recovcr thc lost as if Ihc Hvcseoftcn or offiftv ofthe foc could brino- back onc spirit that had gonc ! causes ol llieir tlcleat werc (iiscusseu.anu ltwas Asmall but ardcnt band was soon organized, dctcrmincd that a concilialory on'cnng must bc and ready for pursuit, with young Russcll atjn'a'le to thc Grcat Spirit, and that thc captivc its head. Thcy struck at cnco upon tlie trail,"'J1"'"bi nu inusucnucu. aiiuiu..i oium., ofthe Indians. and kcnt it without diflicultv till and long, and earncstly, and cvcn cloqiiently they camc to thc bank of thc rivcr at the foot U iivui k iuui of Mount Holvoke. Hcrc all traccs of their :wn ; ne wisncu not lor ncr aeatn, oui cnosc ; coursc vanishcd. Thcv had cvidentlv cntcrd ' lep her for his slavo. His suit was unsuc.J the rivcr: but whcthcr'they had cros'scd it, or' ccssful ; and whcn hc sat down, a murmur or: only procccdcd along ils margin and lcft it'disapprobilion was all that he hcard. Ihci a-ainon thc same side atadistancc bclow voicc was unanimous against him, hc was 0 .. .. . . , m. 1 (nflnct nl.llrrr,,! In o xm, Inoxn coum not be actcrminca. j nc company ncrc separatcd, and one parly ,i.. r.nA .!,,.;,- Mli, V. I tll lllbl IV search for thc trial on thc othcr side, whilc thc rcmaining party scourcd the caslcrn shorcs, but all in vain no traccs ofthe cnemy could bc discovcrcd. It was finally conjecturcd that thcy had conccalcd their canocs in thc bushcs and trecs on thc sides and at thc foot of the mountain and that afler their defeat they had hastcncd thithcr and cmbarkcd on thc riv cr, and were by this timc at such a distance as to dcfy pursuit or discovcry. Ilour afler hour did that 'little band search thc country round. Somc climcbnd to thcsummit ofthe mountain soine wcnt far down the broad rivcr hcrc Ihcre and cvcry whcrc thc closcst search was madc but still without success. William now bcgan to dcspair ofthe safety or rcscue of his bctrothcd. Iiis heart grcw sick his chcek paled and hc felt that it would bc a boon to sit down and dic, if hc could but bc buried by the side of his lost bridc. And then, as hc re membcrcd'thc dispute with Wawhillowa, and thc truth flashcd upon him,his face fliishcd with anger, his tccth becamc firmly set, and his breathing hard and Iaborious. Again hc star tcd on rctraccd thc steps hc had taken, and hurricd towards thc island ou which stood Sha omct's tciit. Whcn hc arrivcd oppositc thc spot, not secing a canoo at hand, hc thrcw himsclfinto thc river, and soon found himself, hrcathless and cxbauslcd, at thc door of tho old man's wigwam. IIc entcred abruplly Sha omet sat alono, quietly smoking his pipc. "Your daugiitcr where is shc ? linicrcis Tahattawa?" cricd William. "I know not," answered hoold chief;" "'wiien I awoke this morning, rouscd by thc firing on thc plain, s!ic had already lcft thc wigwam, and I havc not seon hcr sincc." "Wherc is Wawhillowa, thc Nonotuck princc V 'I havc not sccn him thcsc many days ; and yct I think lic has becn about herc, for Tahat.J tawa has secn him and had a long talk with: him not longer ago than ycsterda"." "Ilavcyou hcard that the Fair Flower, who used so ofton to visit j'our tcnt, is lost ?" askcd William. uYes somc of your pooplc camc hcra to search for hcr," rcphcil the Ulnel, siirugging his shouldcrs, "but thcy might havc known bet- ter tlnn that. Shaomet is old now-his hair has turne cd whitL hlsstcpis no longer l-cht j Swift, or hc would help you to find your pOOr 10SI OnC. m u uuiumiu xiuowi, and shc and Tahattawa werc thc delight of Shaomct's old hcart; but she is stolcn now, and Iove has provcd strongcr too in Tahatta wa's hcart, then hcr affcction for hcr pocr old father. Shc has lcft mc, I fcar, to follow tho young chief. But he is a bravc warrior, and worlhv ofher Iove. Manj-of his cncmics shall fall beforo his cye. He He has a strong arm l .i 1.- I,ni1 intl Kilf Iioro ? 'I'nKntJn wa' Shc has not forsaken me"-and a flash!graspcd his tomahiwk, but beforehc : could givc r.f inv for a moment kindlcd his stinken cyc, as a blow thc hot blocd spirtcd from his hcaf, he the light form of his daughtcr boundcd into the tcnt. She slood for a moment panting from the cfTect of rcccnt and violcnt cxercise. Oh ! she was bcautiful ! The ric'n, red blood could clcar- ly hc sccn throngli tlie dark skm, her cye beamed, and Iicrsweinng breast hcavcd with 1 thc excitement Have vou'sccn lihzai caacrlv askcd l w Russcll. ' v. she is a captive to the Nonotuck chief. I saw him seize hcr, and brar hcr away in his flow bravely it was donc ! But she arm". WaS mV SWIUI. n" aiub fnllowcd thcm my stcp . . . i t , i was ngni uc saw mc no; heard mc not ; I followed thcm to thc cncampment, and now I am comc to tcll you whcre you may find her." 'But why did you notrgivc the alarm when you saw him seizc hcrl" impaticntK detnan dcd William. The girl turncd her rich dark cyc full upon thc speakcr, as she said. "Wawhillowa is the betrothed of Tahattawa, and should shc betray thc lifc of her Iover ? No! my sisfer sliall bo safe, but tho bravc chief must not dic ! And now promise mc that you will "not scek his life.and I will lead you to your bridc." "I promise you," said William. Nav, but thc promise oT a pale-face is ea silv broken ; you must swear it !" William did as ho was required, and thc two immcdiatcly startcd to recovcr the captivc. Lctus relurn to'Wawliillowa and Iiis cotn panions. Somc six or ciht milcs down the nvcr from Hockanuin island, on the east side ofthe ranije of bills abnmflv fcrminated bv ! Mount Tom, and rcnewed again on the other siue ot the tAuonnccticutby Holvoke and the pcaks with which it ia connected, is a sort of natural amphiathcatrc, encloscd on threo sides by stccp and precipitous hills, and on thc olhcr, , Uiosc rough pcaks, anu tlic twmkling stars,one y on appeanng in the bluc vauit abovc, told that the niulit had comc. Tlic pale moon was looking ou yct it was a bright and lovely bcautilul lor and crimo that bc transaclcd In thc ampithcatrc which wc havc dcscribcd ! action, in gravc and solcmn council. Tho dav bccn m thc plcadcd lor hcr lifc IIc claimcd her ns his 1 ,,l -""6--" ., Aow lan-ots werc 1 irown unon IHC council I O 1 firc. I hc danc bcrran wtth slow anu mcasurcd trcad. The fires biazcd, and glarcd on thc paintcd and hidcous counlcnances of the rcvcllcrs, giving them an unearthly and dcmon-likc appearancc. Tho march quicken. cd. and tho wild sono- roso un in dcep and dcad- I,. ror,B n..lmt lnr-L- fmm ibnsn hip i lll'w VV1K1 OUilg 1 l!l Ul-ji umu j s, and was cchoed back from thosc high j lills. Thc stakc was driven, and Wa-1 IIc. " Tho stnlir was driven. and Wa- whillowa ordcred the guard lo bring forth thc victim. I hc man sttircd not jnswcrou not; and thc chief himself flew tothe spot, burning with rago. Hc soon camc back with inflamcd countcnancc, and muttcting curses dcep and loud. Thc prisoncr had flad thc savagc that had bccn lcft to guard her lay wcltcring in his owngoro! A wild, unearthly shout of fury rcnt thc air as thc maddcncd savages lcarncd their disappointment. We Ieft V.'illiam Russcll 'and the Indian maid. Taiiattawa. iust leaving tho wigwam ot Imr fiilbnr for thn rcscuc of Eliza W cbster. Tiiev cnlered a liuht canoe and clidcd swiftly down with the current of thc rivcr. As thcy approached tho place whcrc tho Indians wcre cnrampcd, thc two travellers kcpt closc under thn wr5fpm hnnk.lo be morcsecurc aaini iuu obscrvation of any onc who might havc bccn stalioned as a look-out. By six o'clock thcy wcrc within a milc ofthe cncampmcnt, and hcrc by thc advico of thc girl Russcll moorcd thc canoe, and Ihcy struck into thc woodi Tahattawa, taking the lead. glidcd through tho dcnsc bushcs with surprising facility-so s-.viftlv indecd, that her companion found somc difii culty in kceping her in sight,ai;hough his hcart was continually prompting him to put forth every cfTurt. At Iength, just as tae thadcs of night bcgan to appcar, they caught a glimpso of the council firc. They now prccccdcd v.-illi theutmost caution till thcy camc in sight ofthe wigwam in wliich thc prisoncr was bound. Fortunatcly, it was placcd on that side ofthe opcning which was nearcst lhcm, just in tho cdgc of the forcst. Tahattawa crept along kecpmg thc tcnt bctween hcrsclf and the In dians, till shc couldjook through a small hole in thc rcar. Shc now motioncd Russcll to approach. Hc did so, and looking through thc opcning, hc saw sitting, his lost bridc, hcr face hands. At thc door of the tcnt sat a brawny liiuiau, r cuniy 01 ms iriMjiun, uo lirc ana quicuy &uiuiviiii; in-. Tahattawa quickly drew William s knifc from his belt, and, without thc lcat noUc, cut a largc picco from tho thin bark-covcring of tho Intt ; then placing the knifc in Itussell's hand, shc dircctcd him by signs, to cntcr and dcspatch tho savagc. As hc was passing Eliza, she raised hcr head, and would havc scrcamsd, had not Tahattawa becn already at her s,ide, and covercd her mouth with hcr hand. At that memcnt tho Indian turnea iiis ncau ; nc fell back anddicd without a groan. The fugativcs now began aa rapirlly as pos siblc lo retrace their stcps towards thc canoe, which had becn lcft and concealed about a milc up thc rivcr. Their progress howevcr, was ' n,i nt tnnn-th. succccdcd in reaching tlie spot wherc tho canoc had becn lcft, bcforc thc hc dccus vcll that came swcepmg up thc river warned thcm but too surciy inai ino cscapeoi 1 the prisoner, and thc death of thc Indmn in thc : ..6-.f . t T.i..'lUnfnHtnrr Tr.Pim UL' Ul 11 UL'LUHiIIltS niuiuUu. b--0 , thc light y sicmmea nc current, "sp chnrn nrnlV p-raccfiillV cutti ng tne iinv wavcs; as it dartcd on, curling thc watcr from its path as if it- disdaincd to touch them. And well mio-ht it bo ! for that ligut cratt neid a bold heart and a strong arm and one too, that had it not already been worn out by cxercise, would havc Iaughcd at pursuit. About one half thc distance bllwccn Uockanum Island, and tlic place from which they startcd, had been gam ed, whcn thcy hrard ancw the sh'outs of thc Tnd ans. and ookinc round they saw twoca noes about a quarter of a m.Io bclow them in j nr-flvn niirsu t. This was bnt nn inccntive 10 1 frcsh cffort, tor tnoy wcu ruc.y should bc overtakcn. instant death or cruel tor tures would bc the fato awaittng two at least, pcrhaps all thrcc of thc party. Ihe Indian cirl scizcd a paddlo and applied her strength tn assistin"- thc voung man, whosc own was wcll . . ., ii i . n.t :r ii,, - s oi , :. '-:.r,;,h Indian anpcared, all thrcc ot tne pariy "sXa"' fcctual, but still thc thc toils ot me uay -"-oa""1 v" nigh cxiiauafcd. Thisaid wasjnot mcons.der. ablc, for though thc girl was not near as mus- cular as hcr companion, yct hcr skjll in man- aging the canoc was but little inferior to his.- They wcrc now cnabled to keep on without Iosing ground, though safety was far from cer- tain, as several milcs yct remained to he passcd ovcr, beforo they could hope to (ind assistancc. Directly iu the gorge bctween Jlount Hol- yokc and Mount Tom is, a short bend in thc rivcr, forming a pcninsulia, now familiarly call- cd "The Bellows," from its supposed resem- blancc to that articlo. Thc distance around this peninsula is pcrhaps two or thrcc milcs, whilc thc dircct course ofthe river is only a uout tnty rotls. llic istnmus, connccting inc bellows with thc main land, does not now cxist as it did thcn ; for, a ycar or two sipce, thc ice collccting in thc rivcr just bclow, the walcr swcpt ovcr tho narrow barricr, and washing away the carlh, l'ormed for itsclf a new channcl manv feet in deblh. Whcn thc fugitives roachcd this isthamus thcy turned thc canoc towards thc shorc. and V illiam, springing out, dircctcd tiio two girls to walk across tho nar row strip ofland, whilc he should drag thc light boat ovcr to thc othcr bank. This was but an easy lask, comparcd with thatofimpcl ling it against thc currcnt, for two or thrcc miles whilc thc wholc distance was a eficc- tually jraincd as if tlicv had kcpt the nvcr. Fortunatc was it for thcm that thcy adopted . this stratagem, and fortunatc, too, that thcre ' no moon, ana tnai 1.1c uuauea iruui inu toot ot Jiolyouc licre swept 10 tne vcry saorc ; for they had hardly crosscd half way overtfm isthinus bcforc their nursucrs wcre oppositc to thcm, closc under thc westcrn shorc. As it was thcy wcrc tiot discovcrcd, and thc ca- ., 1111 uuus iu cuasc wcni succpmg rouuu iuu 11010 Iength of the strcam. Again thc little party cmbarkcd, and hope bcgan to beat strong in thc.r brcasls. Ihcy pushed on with renewcd energ, and at length UlEir CVCSi rCSlfill Otl tllC little lsllliul Ol ilOClv- 1 ...... 1 uiniui. 11 is ,mrays ii swui 5 iui iu n u mi, .1,. , ! Diu ncver tuu it appear so bcautitui to anv cvc , as it did to thcm on that night whcn they could just discrn ils dim outlinc. ! Yoa arc safc, Eliza, you arc safc !" cricd j illiam. Uut tlie savages bclow, growing feaiful of ' bcimr b.illlcil 111 their pursuit, wcrct)rcssini on i willi all their stronslh : and tho furious Wa whillowa, in thc forcmost canoc, was conlimi. ally urgina on his men, whilc hc stood in the prow with his cycs cagerly straincd into tho dim distance beyond. "Wc aro safc !" cricd William ; but al tho moment a bullct whistlcd closc by his head and gavc thc lic to his cxclamation. As soon as tho canoc touchcd the southern cxtrcmitv of thc island, William sprang on shorc, and hurrying out the females, all thrce hastcncd to thc tcnt of Shaomet. Tho old man had becn in waiting for thcm, and, as soon as they cntercd, pointcd to a corncr ofthe wig wam, whcrc lay a hcap ol tagols anu a num ber of skins which ho had prepared as a mcans of conccalment should conccalment bccome ncccssary. William quickly Ied EIza to tho s '01, and placing hcr behind Ihc fagots thrcw thc skins ovcr thc top. While ho doing this thc ycllsof thc Indians gicw louder and morc tcrrific, for Ihey had now gaincd Ihe island, and wcrc. certain of their prcy. Will iam had scarccly turncd away from tho corner whcrc Eliza was concealed, when the door was thrown opcn, and the saviigc featurcs of thc Nonoliifk chief glarcd full upon his face. Quick as thought thc rifle of Shaomet was in RusseH's hand and levcllcd full at the lndian's brcasr. "Hold, hold !"' cricd Tahattawa, 'your prom ise your oath !" and shcsnalchcd at Ihc riflc. It was too latc. William had already fircd, and thc tall form of Wawhillowa full hcavily to thc grvund. Thc poor cirl turned mourn- fully away, and, covcring her face with hcr hands, burst into a flnod of tears. Bv this timc lhc othcr canoc had comc up, and six or cight stout Indians werc surrounding thc wigwam. Thcy immediatcly drew away the body of their chief; and, as itfcll outwards, thosc within wcrc unccrlain whcthcr or not the wound was morlnl. A council was now hcld i by the bebiegcrs as to what modc of action should bc adopted. Somc proposcd to firc through the sides of tho hut ; othcrs to burn it ; but both of thcsc 'tans wcrc rcjcctcd, as it would cndangcr lhc livcs of Shaomet and his daughtcr, which was far from bcing their ob jccl ; for Shaomet had bccn a bold and rcnown. cd chief, and still posscsscd mUch infiucncc among the ncighbcring tribes; while the beauly ofthe girl obtaincd lor hcr an Jnfluenceand cclcbrity,but little Icss e.xtcnsire than hcr fd thcr's, though of an cntircly diffcrcnl kind. At last it was dccided to burst into thc wig wam, and securc the fugilives, doing no harm to thc old man or his daughtcr, cvcn though thcy had cndcavorcd to givc protccticn to their encmy: Whilst they wcre hesitating what coursc to pursue, William reloaded the rifle, togcthcr wl,n an om mlISKel wiucu uc louuu uajinif: iu he fircd. 1 ho shot was ct- odds werc fcarftil. A nolh- cr and aaothcr savagc cntercd, r.nd lhc fore most had lcvellcd his rifle at William's hcart. Thc musket was in Shaomet's hand ; with tho quicknesi of his youth he brought thc piccc to his shouldcr. It misscd firc. In another inslant William Russell lay a blecdjng corpsc. Thev lmmcdiatc v advanccd to sccure lns - j . . ,t ,, j not Dermit thcm. ... . . . , - r. .""Mmd'id hc. ,.: -- my own wigwam, and now I will protcct his hn'rlv while 1 Iive. Shaomet is old now hc will soon be buried with his fathers; you may shoot me if you will, but never shall you lake his scalp." All this timc Taiiattawa sat upon thc bundlc of fagols in the corncr ofthe tcnt Shcspokc not movcd not. For the sakc ofher fricnd hcr sisler as shc familiarly callcd hcr shc had pcrilled her own lifc: nav, what was fat ZTZr' C morc, tho lifeof hcr bctrothcd. She had sccn er shot down she had scen her own voung chtcf fall, and of coursc suppo- S3d him dcad. Poor girl ! A victim to her own bcnevolencc and to the cvil passions of othcrs ! Thc savages, casling a glancc round tho a partracnt, and pcrcciving no other inmato bc- sIdes Shaomet and Jitsdaughtcr, immcdiately Icft thc wigtvam, and, taking their canocs wcntsilently down the rivcr. ( On the afiernoon following tho cventsabovo rclaled, thc little island of Hockannm lookcd as bright and ay bcauttful as cver. It was as lovely asifithad not witnessed tho tragic ' sccncs of the preceding night. The bright Sun shone gaily upon it ; thc birds tvarbled their sweetliotes tbc soft brccze played among jnc bright green Icaves ; and the wholc spot jjookcd likc a little paiadisc ; a sad contrast (0 jWo hearts that wnrccvcn then in its bosom. 1 The friends of AVflliam Russell had nlreadv jassemblcd to porform thc last sad duties tohis j rcmatns. Ho was to bc tntcrrcu ncre, in ac cordance with thc rcqucst of hcr who. waa to havc bccn his bridc. "IIcre,"said shc, "hcrc on this little island ho was slain, and here let him be buricd. Ilcro I will spcnd many of my hours ; I will plant flowers around his gravc. llerc I can como and wccp, away from all cycs but thc cyc of Him who has secn fit to afdict mc thus." Thc ccrcmony had just bcen pcrformcd and thcy wcre just lurning away fiom the gravc, whcn all cycs wcrc dircctcd to a canoc which was slowly moving up thc rivcr. It had oc cupants. Onc sat motionlcss in the stcrn tlm nllipr wna onntlv lisin!r tllC Oadllle. As it approached the island, Taiiattawa rcg:irdcd it with a fixcd and carncst gazc. As she did so hcr hcart beat quick and hcr cycs darlcd with jjny. It isit is he." cricd shc, "Wawhillowa ;" and away she boundcd to tho shore. As tho canoc touchcd thc bank, thc Indian, who sat in thc stcrn, stcppcd on shorc. Thc ncxt in stant his companion pushed ofi", turncd down tho strcam, and quickly disappearcd from viow. Wawhillowa-for it was iic advanccd with a fow staggering unccrtain stcps towards tho girl, but beforo thcy mct, lic fell hcadlong on thc ground. Thosc who had been standing nrnnnfltlm nnve now annroachcd. Thesirl !;;,:,, - i...i .i i.,r t; im!, sii raiiuiiis uu uwu, .um ... ........... ' . . with ner nnnus IIc had faintcd. The blood was slowly oozing from a wound by a rine ball in thc right breast. It appearcd to havc blcd considcrably, for it had run down even to his anklc, and thc right lo, gin was decply staincd. Tahattawa lookcd tho very image of dcspair. iope had bccn kindlcd in hcr breast only to be dcstroycd, and hcr poor hcart could hardly contain its gricf. Shaomet ran to thc tcnt, anu nrougiu a cai- abash full of watcr from the rtver, and somo boin" sprinklcd on thc face of thc young war rior, hc slowly rcvived.Turning a mclancholy glancc on thoso around thcm, his cye bright- cncd lor a moment, anu tno stcrnness ot nis featurcs rclaxed as his look rcsted on the face of his bctrothcd. "Tahattawa," said hc, in a fccblc voicc, I 'am dying. Bury mc hcre on the island. I am going lo thc happy-.hunling grounds, Sec ! the spirit of mj f.ithcr-callsme.-IIa ! It grows dark Tahaltaiva!" Thc poor girl bent ovcr him till hcr face resfcd on his bosom. Whcn shc again raised hcr cycsjjtho spirit of thc Nonotuck chief had departcd, and shc lookcd on thc cold, fixcd fea turcs ofthe dcad. Another gravc was dug closc by thc sido of the onc which had just becn fillcd. Some of the friends of lhc "pale-facc" objcctcd to thc buria! of an Indian so ncar tho body of their own kindrcd, but tho sistcrs wishcd it,nnd their fcclingswcrc rcgarded. Hc was buricd, aftcr thc manncr of his peoplc his face towards thc rising sun. Iiis lutnling v.-capons wcrc buricd with him. Therc thcy lay two .fisrcc and haughty spirifs. They would not hold felow ship in lifc, but in death Ihcy slecpsido bysidc. From that hour tho hearts ofthe twosurvi vcrs were as onc. Tbcirj had bccn a sad and mournful falc. Their destinics wcre similar. They Iivxd livcd long and as happily as two could livc whosc first drcam of bliss had been thuscruelly brokcn. They lived to atonc for thc faults of thoso whom thcy had loved. Thcy werc ncvcr separatcd dtinng tacir nvcs, and ncarly at thc same timo thc summons came to both to go and mect their Judgc- They havc long sincc passcd away- Their clay has "rc turned lo carth as it was, and their spiritshavo gonc to the God who gavc them." Fortiio Middlebury PeojIc Preu. Mn. Editob, The following statcmcnt of lacts rclalivo to n most intcresling branch of thc Chtistiaa Church. wcre oflered for iiiscrtion to the editor ofthe Topaz, and rcfnscd admis sion in his pspcr. Tncy nre not intendcd as the cxprcssion of particularopinions, cither of an individual or pnrty, buMo corn ct must mis takcn impressionsof t'm failh and worship of iheNcstoriau Christians, particularly a cou tainud in an articlc published in tho firs! num borof tho Topaz It was belicvcd tho Editor nf that paper would gladly avail himself of an opportunity of doing justice to a grcally misrc prcfcntcd bodyiof Christians, and sufii.-ring cs pccially iu this rcgion thrcugb his instrument-alil-. Tlic district ofcountrj inhabitcd by thelNc"? torians. lies partly in Persia, on thc east, and pnttly in Mesopolamia, on the west, as ne arc informcd from correct sources. It contains a population of about 140 tliousond, of whom 30 thousand rcside in thc plain of Orroomi ah. Tho main body of the Neslot an Chrislians havc their abode in the most difiicult fastncsses cf the Koordish mountain?, in tho ccntre of nncicnt Assyria. The cxtrcmc difli culty ofaccess to this pcoplp, ihcir great jeal ousy of all strangcrs, and tfie wild ond warlikc tnbes by whom they were surrouaded, havc hitherto concca1c,i them from the civilizeJ world. It wns not until thc ycar 1S30, whcn the Rev. Jlcssrs. Smith and Dwight, under thc dircction ofthe Amcrican Board, in a tour of obscvation in Ihe intcrior of Asia, discov crcd thcse Nestorian Christian3, in tlic midtt of Pcrsian and Turkish 3Iohammcdan. They had livcd tilljjithat timo in ignorance cvcn of the existenee"of our Wcsicrn Churches. Tiio reportof ilr. Smith and his asiociate decided tlic Board of Missions ofthe Congregational Church to sead missionaries to this intefesling branch of the Primitive Church. by whom they wcre cordially welcomcd. It is difiicult for us to conccive, in this land of light and know Iedgc, tho feelings with which thc Nc-.torians, oncc a powerful, intclligcnt, and zoalous Chri.