Newspaper Page Text
t we dcny in congrcss any piver to im-j poe duties for jiroteclwn. ITpnr it " The Green Mountain and r.nmlo Sfates should bo sislers in polilics' or, in other words, Vermont should elect Nathan Srailie. Governor and thus go with Xevv Hampshire and her prcsent sister, South Caroh'na, for Free Tradc and Ncgro Slavcrv This is Ihe cntcrlainmcnt to witch Vermont is invited clcct Smillic and a hmdon Proteclion. This Vermont will tiot do. It s nsking too much the whig dcmocmcy of the State will nover consent , it. 'l"liey, the trne '-friends ol libcrty and Equal Rtghts will comc to tho rescue" and forbid the consummation. vVo ask ev nxy rcal dcniocrat, how hc likcs New I lam pshire proteclion and democracy, as set forih in thc above rcsolution 1 Can you go il? Cahdonion. PEOPLrE'S PKESS. Tucsday Julv 5, 1842. ""whig'homimatioiis. Senatoes Addison Cokxtt PETER S T A R R , HARVEY MUNSILL, The Whig Conventton mccls hcrc !o morrow. Thc prospect is fair for n oua a'tendancc. Public houies will be crowdcd lo ovcrflowing. We trust that t v. rrv will frrply open his doors, and af. fnrd every po-ssiblcaccomodalion. The in tcrcsl nnd repulation of ihe lown demand ihal a fatorablc imprcssion should be made upon the rc.-pcclable individuals from abroad Ko ill attrnd upon the occasion. VETO! VETO!! Tlns kingly powpr, which most unexpec Ifdly to thc framers ofthe constitution, con verts our governmenl inio a dcspotism, has nt Ienglh rgain bcen c.xerciscd by John Ty lprtinon thn orovisionat Ta-iff bill. This oufhriods. evcry tlnng that has cvcr bccn j l.crctofoic done witli this o.tious cicculhi. . iiiumi yunr t.uiiij miiu iimiv uunipicieiy ap ijjtf dixil. No cons.titutional scruples, as in i parant to tho public of Addison county. To tli previous prrccdents liae buen nssigned. j tho rcaders of ihe People's Pres3 we will The passagc of this bill was a merc mallrr ,f cspedicncy. Coiifu4ion wonc cofound ,J, in rclation to our political affuirs icigns At Woghirgton. The mr.M modprate of the wl.igsare now the firsl lo raise their indig nant voiccs againsl thtf vcto, uhilc the lo rofocosare singing pocans to tho tnan uhom thcy niean fiimlly to hmnbug. Bnl what next is to be done? Should thc cxe rulivc nnd congress adhere to their posi lions long, the governm'iiit itsrlf must bc dissolved for want ol the moans ofaubfis since the veto i considen-d the ocrtain indication that tbc Pri'sident will siy forbid to the inain tariff bill, which it sccms nlinost ci-rtain Congress will pns. fnniainiu a similar provision to continue i the ilisliibulion. What will bo tho resull of j iliischnntic staic ofthf political clcmoiit.s,is hnnmhho ken of human forcsigh'.and how , - . I lonHtbo prosncriiy and eur.rgins ot tho ; -.. J rountry shall bc blighted by thc milaew oft s igthcrn slavocracy, upheld bv no thern lo. rnforoism, we must wait tlio providcnces ofllie Almi"hlv todclcrmiiie. In ourbum. ! . . , in hloopimon the course Congress should pe. - fuo is a vlcar one. A half loafis betlcr than no bread, lt is indeed in the last degrro j humiliating to frceborn rcpublicins, but ne-1 ....... L-n...... n !.. nnH l,n ilm r.l.oico i - - is betwoen death lo the natinn, and thc dis-; irilmtion, let it go. We must not Micri- ficp tho larifTfor thr sake ofthe l-md, and it j scems to us that notwiiiistanding thc tidc of ndignant fceling against thc veto which bns been aroused at the capitol, n view of tbe latal rcsults ofa failure ofa tariff w ill , lcad ln prudcnt councils. VERGENNES VEIt MONTER. A few wceks since the Vergennes Ver monter, which cversincp iis cslablishmnt bv Mr. Griswold had been an able and effi- cirnt advocate ol the principles oflho whiit & i i 1 1 i- tl j. r.i i - par'y, clianged hands. The editorial clmir was assumed bv Messrs. Grandv & Law. ' rencc, the former a whig and ihe lattcr a loco, nnd as mighl have been exppted un der snch circumstanccs, it nnnounced its dtiermination no Ionger to advocato the disliiictive lencts of any political party. Eer jilco this event it has been true to its rrnfessijRs. It has reflccted the opinions f'f loih parties, likc the moon sumctimes exhibiting one phasis, and sometitncs anoth Pr, as the one or the other of its editors, or aonie fvorite correspon lent look up the pen. For fear its vascillating and impartinl 'mract.-r should not be fully appreciated, it last week reassures the public of its boasted "Wrnliiy as follows: "Tho VerEeunes Ver. "monier is not cpmmitted for or against the "'neasures ofany political party, but its "columns ate rrcely opcncd to all who may wish 10 discuss dispassionatcly either sid'e "of any question or public interegt." The right orany individuai lo assumo a. ny political groun.d he plcases, we certainlv had no ivssh 10 question. But believing a"s wedo that in the inain the whig party js nnht, and their opponents grossly in the 'ong, that the moasures of tho former tcnd '"ndvance the libcrty nnd prosperity ofthe I'ounlry and ofthe lattcr to desiroy thcm, we did seriously lament in one of our last r"pers iho withdrawal of the Vermonter rom a dislincl ndvocacy 01 the whig cause a calculated lo injure the party, and break down its officieut organization; and espe "Hy did wo exprcss our regret that our Wlented young rrlend( a, we have hitherto wpposPd Mr. Grandy to be. should have ul "imself to a sehpine so evidently calcu- hted to prostrate tho party, which hitherto m numerous intances ho has upheld by the powers of his eloquence. All this wefeh it our duty to do as a sinccre frlend to the whig causc, in relatinn to a public journal wlii'chiad sosuddcnly takcn a new poition in the political firld; and we tmagincd wo had done so in a manner the least objection nble, and no way calculated to provoke per sonal animosity. But very une.xpcctcdly wlulc pursuing our mild aud peaccful coursc, we havo been met by an avnlanche of personal vitupera tiun, and oulporings of wormtvood and "all of llie nauscnting and vu'gar ducrip tion. If we iiad accidcnllv io-niirrl n hnn. dlc ofrockets. thev could not havccxploded . '.. K hamore suppnsing cfkcl ihan has the with it.dignntion of those inflamablo gentelmen. for that purpoie, at Icast ten days before Our claims for tho superior puritv.patriotism t'lc day f v'ing ; and in voting upon the and republicanism orthe whig prtr areiadPtlon.or ''ejection orsaid constitution or !,,, i ,. . , , , articles, in addition to those who are qual- cnaracterized as mcre edi onal oant and :kj . c i cc u .u , . a,lu jified to vote for general officers by the cx- bravado: we are arraigned for denouncing isting laws, all those shall bc admitted to llie corruptions ol locorocoism, which have ( plunged us into an abyss of ruin; taun' ted with using tho historical cudi of conglomoratcd classicalities, with bhibber ing rhapsodies, Inshings, hcroics, homolies, culogies. cpisodes, dutch couragc, wrath & cabbagp, small pox and frogs; and to finish ofT the chaptor ofabusc and insult with a capital hit, thcy closo wilh addiug the fol. lowing truly amusing bravado. -For thc "stylo of rnply wo have chocn lo adopt ! "this articlc wc ask no pardon, and ofler no 'apology, and if we are rcgaled by Mr. Beli ''with another such n feast of froth, fust!an "and falsehood we shnl! treal it as above thf "dullzero af eommon conlcmpl." Very wcll gentlcmen, pursuo your own coursc and we will ours. We ccrlainly do not envyeillier your temprn oryour judgcments. And Iiow'ever you may have plcascd yoursclvcs nnd your lo-o rcaUers,withlhe sparklings of j of t10 Gcncral Asscmbly has produccd tho ! On JNlomlay niKht an affray took place be vour wil.and the cxcruciatin!? stinrr nf vour lir(ilfst aftpp.t nnnn lhr mnn whom Dnrr ! tween a mob in Patuckct and the Kentish satire, you could havo gone no fa n her to j -j - i remarx, inni uns i iue nrsi. anti wo trust it Avill be the last time we shall introduce our private griefs intoour publication, even by wav ofself dvfencc RICH AND POOR. Thc assistant cdilor of the Plowman, in scarcbing out dcadly wcapons most cffrctu ally to assail tho whigs, hits upon thc old saw of exciting jealousics between tho rich and tkepoor. As weallh is bcstowcd by Providence, wiihout rcgard to polilics. wn cannot perceivc ihnt much ndvanlogo is to be sccurcd by 1 1 ii c mcthod of nltock, unle-i? il can bc tliown that a rich whig is moro disposcd to tyrannizo than a rich loco foco. or that all tbe wealth in the county is con. cenlraled in the hands of liie whig party. Tho largcst proportion of the big party re f,,rmers, mcchnnics and laborers who cannot be styled rich. But as a vast mo- r i i-i j j j . 1 jonty of ihe cnl.ghtcncd nnd industnous citizcns or this rrgion are nhigs, thorc may ' bc a proportiunabb nuinbur of mcn of sub- stnnco who attach tbcmsclvcs to thc whig . ni .l . :,:, r .,.,, .pa.ty. The party in th., major.ty arc vcry ; apt lo bo regurded as the rich party. Still in thoso towns where tho population is e. qually dividcd upon politics, no perceptible Hiffi.rpnce in this resnect can be discerned: , much less can wc discover any difference in thc arbitrary propensities of tho favorites o1" fortune, whalever political name thcy may assump. Indeed any one can placo in his mind's eyc numbers of wcalthy loco focos, whose lordly bearings nnd superscilious airs evon now put their cqually opulcnt whig neighbors to the blush, and who if once i firmly fixed in the seats of power, would 1 ..... - 1 j- j . .1 cur! their hps with disdain at the common , pcople. Who cvcr doubted that wealth cer.eratcd arbitrary and imperious tempers , in those who possesed it But tho tvrannv . ' . . ...,, ,! of wealth is bv tio means so dangcrous ana ul u J 1a.rrnrtivf.. na tli.nt nf mon. wbn havinn1 nn . " T " f ; ( efMlrn in Ihp cuuniry, are reauy iu ciuuurK J.. u-.l. in any entcrpr nse wnicn may sccuie tno spoils of office, however dospernte in prin-' '. . , ,r 1 ciple, . The real danger is. that tho will be made the victim of de.'igning office seekers rather Ihan men of wealth and substancc. Although far from wishing it, still if all thc wealth of the country was conccntrated in either the whig orloco party, and the 'gov ernment conferred accordingly, its adminis tration would be far more Iikely to conducc to tho public gooi, than when controlled by mcn who havo no other interesl than to make thc most of tho present possession of the ftVsh pots of office, leaving the people to takecareof ihemselves. RnODE Island. Thc Legisktures of Rhode Island mct last week, at Newport. In the course of the week a collection of people of Dorr's party gradually assembled at Woonsocket. It was said on Saturday that they numbered 700 armed and 400 j unarmcd mcn. Dorr is said to have arri- ved among them at 2 o'clock on Saturday norninx, Meantime the military force of tho state is called out by Governor King. he settled by political and peaceble means. and were collecting on Saturday at Provi-1 fhc following is published as having bcen dencc. whcther Tor rcview or immcdiatc issued by ThomasW.Dorr.on Monday Iast. action was not known. j Chepachct whero Dorr's forccs.&c. are said shTtureare111 mcasurcs adoPted by lnB j to have cntrenched themsejves, is in the eSS Bill for eali;r, . p town of Glocester, which is the northwcst 1. a nui ior caiung a convcntin lo form ',, nc,ha t?.fn a Constitution. The Icading provisions of COmCr f ' " the Bill are : ' GLOucr.sTKit, R. I, June 37, 1842. 5. The delegates to said convention shall' Having received snch information as in be elected upon a basis of population as duces me to believo that a majority of the follows, according to the census of 1840; friendsof the prople's Constitution disappio every town of not morc than 3000 inhabi. vc ofany futher forr.ibIe tncasures for its tants, may elcct two delegates, ovcr 3000 support; and bclicving that tho conflict of and not ovcr 6000, three delegates ; over arms would, thercfore under cxisting cir- 6000 and not ovcr 10,000, four delegatcs ; over 10,000 and not over 15,000, five dele gatcs ; and over 15,000 six delegates. 6. In the choiceof delegates tosaidpon. vention, the following dcscriplions or per sans shall be admittcd to vote. All those who arc qualified to voto for gcncral officers by cxisting laws, and all nativc malo citi zcns of the Unitcd Statcs, (except Naragan sett Indians, convicts. paupers. persons un der guardiansliip, andnon composmentis,) who are of the age of twcnty.ono years and upwards,.and who shall havo had their per manent residencc or home wiihin this State for the period ofthree years next preceding their voting, and in tho town orcity whcre in thcy ofTer to voto fnr the period of one ycar next preceding such voting, and whn shall have had their namcs rccordcd with , cU?' ,?,"k f ,hc t0 0r cit-V in which they shall offer to vote, in proper books, lo be kept by said town or city clerks voie who will bo nuahhed to vote for gcn- eral officers under the provisions of said constitution or articles, ifinforcc: but this provision shall not be construed to give to any person a right to voto at an town or ward ineeting, held under and by virtuo ofthisnct, upon any other question or qucs lions Ihan the questions herein spccifically namcd. 2. A rcsolution of amncsty to ccrtain of fenders. 3. An act establishing martial law : TheProvidence Journal of Salurday af- ternoon says : The 4th Brigadc of Mililia will arrive this cvcning. From all parls of thc State, cxccpt the disaffected portioos of Providence county, the pcople are (locking in to maintain thc governmenl of their own frec choice. The crisis is immediately at hand, nnd the mcn who are now rallying around the govern menl will not be disbanded until thc ques tion issettled. We do not lcarn Ihal the liheral action t-- n i - - i has collccted around him at Chepachct, MOST D1ABOLICAL OUTRAGE. Messrs. C. J. Shclley, J. C. Keep, C. A. Ilarris, and S. W. Peckham were stopt ped on the highway ncar Chcpachet, las 'ednesday cvcning, by some of Dorr's ar mcd ruffians. Thc two latler wcro met by a pairol on horscback, about a quartcr of a mile from Iho villnge. One of the partrol immediately started for thc villagc, and bixtccn mcn, with muskcts, stoppcd thc chaiso in which Mcssrs. Ilarris aud Peck ham wcro riding ; ono of thcm jumpcd upon thc sfcpsand cxclaimed, "they are damned landholdcrs ; let's arrest thcm." At this, (he party pointed thcii muskcts at thcm, their arms were laken from them and thcy were carried to Spraguo's tavcrn. where, willi tho two first namcd, (who wcro arrcs tcd at thc tavcrn,) their hands weie bound bchind them wilh cords. and tho four were marched on foot to Woonsockct, (wclvc niiles distunt. under a guard of thirty mcn. Half of thisdistance the were marched with llicir hands tied bchind thcm. At Woon- socket, they were put in a barn and suppli- ed with food. In tho morning thcy wcro liberated, il is supposcd by the intcrcession -PM. ',t 11 . V. r Ilnn'c "'"" """ -""&', - men, appcars not to havo made up his minu , H ro!,bcry. Some of tfio mcn were aarmcd at the probablo effect of this outragc, aud as a report was in circulation mai a torce wouiu bo nstantiy scnt irom 1'rovidence. ims unnouuicaiy nau n prQC . The;r . rc;itored nor was thc mon rcat arms moncv of which Ihoy were robbcd. It is impossiblo to describo the sensation which tho news of mis arrcst c.ium;ii iii u,u u.;, "".- had increased to a terrible height, whcn it was parlially rclievcd by thc intelligcncc of their rclcasc. Mr. Shellev. bci:e cxhauslcd with thc painful march.was urged on by tho bayonet, with which hc was repeatcdly picked, un til. being faint and absolutely unable to go on. he was thrown into a wncon. Tho othars were also abuscd and insultcd during the march. Mr. Shclley did not arnve in the city till afternoon.having bcen detaincd on account of his injuncs. He is scriously iU) arld surTering se4rely from the inhuman trealment which ho rcceived. It is to be considered that thc mcn upon whom this outrage was committcd, were not accused of any offence, cven according ... I- .l In TlnrrV xnncititiilinn. nnr wpm thpv nrrcs- . , .t .1 . .... .t-..L... tcd Dy any warrant or otner auu.oruy. a onV charge against tuem was, mai uiey were -aamnca lanunoiueia. auu juuuj, men who wcrc so oaroarousiy capiureu u mal-treatcd, hore themsclves throughout in ..(ed manner- A,hough it WM morc than oncc proposcd to raubrdcr 1 thcm in COld blood, not one of them qualifi-I id.or made any supplication to thc ruffians, but with calm dcfiance bado thcm work La n.Annt i'Inlinnl!nn nf iVin lltl 1 n & for tho puniahment ot tho rumans wno navo committcd tliis outtage. The citizons stand rcady lo support the govcrnment in any manner which may be neccssary, and to maintain.with their property and their lives, the suprcmacy of the laws Weneednot add. that thc mcn entrusled with thc ad ministralion ofthe governmcnt will do their duty. Providence iour. THE RHODE-ISLAND WAR ENDED. The news by last evening'i mail brings the vrcy gratifying intelligence that tho worst aspcct of atfairs in Rhode Island has chanzed. and that the Dolitical nuestions which have asritited onrsister State will now their will ; only assuring them of the just I slaves on board tho bng oreo.e, tnai esca- 1 no- wi.o are jn wani o, an, vengeanc; which would speedily follow. , ped in Nassau have commenccd sttit a- m-d .,1,. w,H d- wril ,0 call and Public opinion calls, trurapet-tongued.for Bamst one of the tnsurancc companies of DtmM Cl, " mi . 35 cttmstanccs be but a personal conlroversy among difTerent portions of our citizens; 'i hereby dircct that the military here asscm bled be dismisscd by their respective offi cers. T. W. DOKR, Commander-in-chief. Thcrc secms to bo no good reason to doubtthc gcnuinencssof this Gcnnral Ordor. If so, it may hc considered as tMr- Dorr's" Farswcll Addrcss" as Governor. After issuing the above addrcss, Dorr, ac cotnpaned hy about fifty mon, fled in thc di reclion of Connecticut. Most ofDorr's mon appear to havo obey. cd his direclionsto disperso. The detach-1 ment of Govcrnment forccs under Col. Urown, numbonng aDoul ouu mcn which luarlered at Grcnville on Alonday night, marched athalf past four the next morning for Chepachct, which is seven or cigtit iniles ' from Grenvillc. On their arrival there, the forcc which held thefortwasso matcrially i rcdu;c(,,,hat this advance party at once tcok 1 possession, noresistance being offercd. Thc ) fortification proved to be of much less ; trcngth than has been reprrsented. It is i now held by tho Govcrnment troops. A bout one hundrcd of thc insurgcnts who re maincd in thc vicinity wcrc takcn prison crs, and additions were constantly made to : this nunibcr. , . , , ,, , ,. , At theiimo whcn thc cxprcss by which this news was brought. Ieft Chepachct tor Piovidence, early yesterday morning, the troonshadsurroundctl the villauc. and search had begun for concealed rebcls. The insurgents pxpresscd thomselves vcry indignant at Dorr's flight, and scveral of them dcclared that thcy would shoot him if thcy find him. Hewas accompaned it issaid by abotit fift- mcn. A large boily of thcm wpnt throujrh Bur rillville, in the dircction of Massnchusctts. The fusitives were in considerable parties and well nnned. They will thcreforc be ilancrous to thc peaceablc inhabitaiits, un lcss'thcy are taken. So far as we can lcarn from the accotmL's before us, none wcrc killpil aud only one pcraon woundeil in the afTair. As the Gov crnient troops cntered the town, they were Iircil upon nnd one pcrson was wounded suard statinned therc. Aflcr some nlterca-1 tion llieir.ob thrcw stones upon thssoldiers, daring them to fire. Three ofthe soldicrs were kinckcd ilown in thc nttack, and the i commander fiiiding his men closely presscil, 1 and attempts made to obtain their arms, or- i dcrcd them to fire over the cro il. This ' producing no effect, they fircd ngnin, aud a 1 bcotchman namcd Kilhy was killed, anil two persons wounded. DSPDTATION rnOM NEW YoitK. A dep- utation from His Excellency Gov. Seward, or Nc w York arnvcd bero llus mornintr. T, . ... . ... .. . . Ihe object of Ihodeputnlion is to asccrtmn ifany citizons of New York have bcen pn. gngnil in the traitorous insurrcclion of T. W. Dorr, also !o asccrtain ifanv moncy, arms, or mnnni'ns of war have been seut i hcrc from New Yoik, and if so, by whom. Thegcntlcmei' chnrgcd with this mission have procccdcd to Chrpatchet. Boslon D. Ado. (&This morning's boat brings noihiii2 ndditu,nal excepling llie tollnwing paragrnpli fiom Iho N. Y. Com. Adv. oflast evening. pnsTrRirJT tr 1 t i- " .1 . r Wo havo rcason to belicve that Dorr i ' iinw in iiiischv. is ociicvcu inni ns wns ' at thc Second Ward Ilotd lhismorning,and 1 is probably thero at tho moinent we qre wri-' ting this prragraph. Of courso ho will chauge his lodgings, on sccing this pubhca- tion, but wc call on ihe pohcc lo arjest him. Gov. Seward has issucd two rcquisiliuiis for his arrest, and would doub'.Ies have . sucd thc third, but fir tho circuniitance of his Ipnving thn city catly this morning for 1I.0 North. It is the duiy, however, of eve- ry good citizcn i .M i tho npprphension of this trnilor, not only against ihc Rovern. ' ment ofhis own State, but againsl tbe pcacc ofthe Uuion. FlVE THOUSAND DoLLARS FO TonR. Thc Governor of Rhode Island offers an ad. dilional roward of $4000 for Dorr. Il is a grent dcal more than ho is worth. or would ffctch, and thc spcculntors, therpfore, llwt can take him. will inakc a good operalion. Hanging is alllngether loo good for tho sr nundrel that has conductcd as Iip has, but unlcss hc putB the occun between him and Rhode Island, hanging may becomc a disa- greeablo nrcpssitv. 03-Thc AMERICAN MECHANIC.ffor- mcrly Nw YoaK Meciiamc, piiHibhcd wecWy, at 27 Ann Strcet, New York, and 6 Spring Lanc, Rujirill & Pon- teu ; Rufus Porter Editor. Itisparlicu- . , , , j , .l . , p r i. lnrlv rinvntpd Ifi thn lntnmsfa nt itipphnnics larly devoted to the intcrcsts of Mechanics and Manufncturcrs; contains dcscriplions with engravings of new inventions ; instruc-' : r "... ; " nuu m .u , m- tion in arlsand tradcs; the progress ot im- provemeuu, ... geuGnm uUs. anecdotes, ic. I Tebms, $2,00 per annum in advance, Sl for six months. . . An Importanl Suu. Ihe New Urleans 1 icayune stutes mai uic owners uiw that city for thc amount insurcd in that of fice. Sleighing in June. Tho Hurrisburg Rc porter of Friday says : We sat very com fortably before a blazing fire on thc 12th of June, and Ihe half dozcn day preceding that date. Frost covered the ground in this ncighborhood on the 13th which causcd apprehension that tho Wheat had been in. ' jured, as it was just in bloom. This was further heightcned by hearing sleigh bells, j and-sccing a horse and sleigh pass our of- j ficc as wc wrotc this paragraph 1 It is un-1 1 l, .1 . .1 iUn 1 ucioiuuu, nunciui, ll.ill uu uamagi. w rrnns has nrioon Trnm lmt nr nnv other I . I ;ui.uiiiaiuiiuu. BRIGHTON MARKET. Monday, June 27, 1812. t Market 220 Beef Cattale, 13 pairs IFork ing oxen, 20 Cows and Calves, 1500 Sheep and 140 Swine. Pbices. Beef Cattle. A small advance was realized. VVe quote a few extra S5 75 J a 6 00. f lrst quality, 5 50. Second nual itv, SoOOa&aa 5"00. Third quality $4 50 a Sheepi Lols including Lambs from I 25 to $2 25. Swine. AH at market were small pigs and were sold for 5 and 5 1-2. Died. In Hineabnsh.oa the 27lhof June. Joha Calfc- 1 I inage41 jar. Prmleri in Mau, Michigftn and Rochester, will insert &'c. In thii town, June 23d, ol paly Mr Jolin Mor iron aged 71. He wras a member of Ihe ftlelhod ist Cpixcopal Churrh.He ffred a conrislent Chris tian. WHIG STATE CONVENTION. The S'ato Cnnvcntion ol tho Whigs of Vermont, for llie purpose tf nominating state officers, and takiug such measuros as may bp dppmcd nrcrsarv prrparatnry to tho nnnual Spplcmber nleclinn, will be holden nt MIDnLF.IlURV. on WED- NESDAY. tlm fi h nf Jlli.V nfv Thf VVhiirnrB rnnn-stpH m nn;i. nn nri,n. fre tho 4b of Julv. bv rmintvor towncon ventions. thrt c o.-'mnr!' dclpsniRs to renro- SPnl pnch town in said C"inenli..ii. E. N. linir.Gs, Harry Hraih.kv. EltA-Tt7S pAIRBANKS. A. j. MtMER, O. P. Chasdlisk. Naiaii Silver. K. P Walton. Jr. Mav24. lc42. S-tnta Cnnlril Conrtee J I)K. F. 1IALIAS LECTURE ON GEOLOGY. Profcsor HAIJ., M D., I.L. D , ofthr Menical Collese, Waihinetoii Citv, will givc . a jjecture on Gc..lo?v, to be illujtrated l.y a j transparency, exhibitins thc beds, or itratn, j of the Knrth'snmt, anil thc fnssilized bcings mem, at tne lown uootn on the evcninc of Tuesday aud Vpdncsda to cnininence at 7 l-2o'cIock. Julv, 3;h nnd Cth. 71ie f.cctiirer will cxplcin what GeoUy trnj fifky years ago, and what it ti :U thc present time. The Tickcts are fixed at so lowa price, that all who are dcsirou of hear ing what can be oflered on this intere!tin nnd inipnrtniitMibjcct may havo. npportuiiity to attend. Ailniittancc 12 I 2cts. DRUGS MEDICINES. MEVV STORE ! 'r-HEaubscrlbcr ol--lera Tor salr, at rircwftPiV building, firt th'orpoutli orlhc Post Offic-, an cntirc new assortmciil ol Drugs, mcuicines & v YE-STUFFS; j All Ircsli from niark-t, and warranli-d pnrc; I which will bn put up al all tiines by a coinpetrnl 1 and caperimcpd perjon, j Famtiy Groceries, nnd a small assortmenl ! , T- tir Inf imre L'qnors solrly Jor jir.niCAi. rcR - 1 zj , " '"'-for ",0 "lle Prcnl P'". j for "" PKrt'.MsT, and n gfal v.irirlynl Patcnt Mcd. ,c"" wlM bc K'uieomU'itiy on inna. W. P. RU.SSEL. 9;il Middlebury, July 5. 1842. J5roke lnto 1'HK cnc!o5uro of thc ml criber. 011 or nrar ihe 13d ol May, one two yrjr old hay marc colL wilh two white hind feelanda Ui in thc To.-chrad. Alao one h.owu horso co!t, one jcar old, with a alar in tho Thu ow?lcr ,, r. q,KlUd t0 Iiro prf o Torc- nrn.mrlir mv ehjr!?ia aud Uko llifuil swatr. JIium W'illmms. Monkton, My 29, 1642. 9 Lt ,,r LMtcTi'reinaTr.MT'T n The PosT Office at MiJ lleburv vt. June 30, 1312. Alvnrd Abv'ou Ilailow W. Linlc Kali I.insley (Sc. Wicki r Mauk Jacoh 1f.: Collam Mrs. J. F. iMtinville G.ihriel Nr-ivtnn Aerv C. Nicb-ls Clara F. I'almer Mmulana E. I'lace Dexlcr Parker Wm. Ploulf Franris Pe 'k &, Flower lieed John Abbott Ci arles Ainwriglit Juditb Aini.Id Vm. atn,I m", lazo J"s.Ph ijuXr Jo'bua u(.ac(' q y Barrows'l.ucius Cunien Barnev Coileos Ji-ruha M CoUnan Hainson 2, Dnna Anson W Dyer Joseph Emorv Cynthia Ford Daniel Farr Hirain Farr Mib-s Farrar Caleb Go dro Olive G rman Jani's Hall KIms Kogi ta Rosilla C. Rnse Asa S.uvyer Sihnnn Seal Marsiir-! Shirman Naihnn P. Smith David Srllick Sryirinur Srgant Samuel Shepnril & Manin Walkr Kliza AVrisiht Truman Ward Jr.mei Wbrel.r Jlw V. M. vnn Nampe I). A. Ciurles Uowcv. r. M. Ilarpin Oliv'r ! Ho. kcr Wm. P. J"ub. rt George Jo,in,on Jjmcf Commission. c. E. TIIPUIl 1 vv. JJi. J. w XV i- tJ u u - . , . r AVitrho! Jcwclrv UIO kS, WatCilCS, JCCir, SiWcr Spoon.. TMn.M... PnHle..w. ieh " '"r'lrnl, IX 'Ju' , d Fjnei Soans. Boads. .S'ci'or, Pnn-knirea, Sive..boWl.d SpecUclee. W.illeta, Card cafea, &c wiiibe aoio vcry cneap ior can. P. S. Clock, Watchef, Arcirilion and all woik in linc ofbusines. CARE. ULLY REPAIR EO at.horl notice. C. E.TURMI.L. S II I N G L E S. Lot of first rale pine t.hingleK, fo salc bv ihe subcriber, P. W. Collins- Cornwall. June 27lh. 1842. STRAY CATTLR. KTRAYED from tbe sub scriber five yearlings: n bl ck bull, a black-and-white ff.r aliT npiipr, a nim sirpr. a reu atcci i i heuer, a duu stcer, a red steer, i.k whilc nr line-hnck. and a rnl i u.:e... - i:.t1 m,n on tho flanks. who- IIUIICi mui . j ever w ill tnke up said cnttle fhall ne rewaru C(, IVAIiir.a New Havcn, June 21, i Bonnets, Artificials, Kibbtns, Bandboxcs-.and a great yariely of fhncy goods, ei..brac.nSevpry vane .w , , otlercd in marKcu salcbv P.W. COLLINS. May 2, 1842. HERD3 GRASS Glover, an Red-top Seed for sale by JOHN WOOD. Fkb. 9, 1RJ2. UPEKFINE GENESEE FLOUR, insncctcd and warranled, constantly on hand and for sale by A. & IV. S. Johnson. icrs The HibestPrice ILL be paid for 500 pounds nfSbearnl I.mht VVoul bv JOHN JVCKSON. June 27. LOST LOST. baut tho 10th of June, supposcd to bc lustbetwcen Mount MciHey and Lor.T wall.Vt.a dark Merino Cloak both cape and CoIIar triiniuied with J5Iaclt wostcd fringe was in a white bag when Whoever will rclurnsaid cloak at thtx officc or give infbrmation where it may bc fouml s.ball bo wcll rewarded. Fansy D. Curk. june im T . . tDjn ; llhenitlOll. Tphei.iiMienrol-n.hv notifi.-d lhr.1 1 8 - - , u ii e Josepli s. Ilill. llipir iime unlil ilniy bcooinc or nge. I slmil ncillier pay tiinr t'.uuu nor ilcmanil their narnmgs. JosErtl lln.i.. S'nrksboro Jiiiiis 15ih, 194. Wool 50,000 Ibs. . I.AHGB anionnt iiffroul :s wmlrd hy lli fltihncrihi iii, lo wnrk inlo plain and coiiiiiioii i jh for ciutomerit on fhnre or by tlm y.inl (T arnucEu raiCEn) coiiforinoble lo tliejiotd iim:i. rricrs by ihr ynrd: Hwavy grav, 35 n pr yd. I Piompt lld.l cnlor.'t fiii' fininh. 30 " " ' l'.4Y HiMvy crv ci-,"i,f, 3t I But cnlor. i. do, 38" " The work of llii- tahlishmi'nt ia alt the rr c'linincndjlion that i wanlxl. A. SPAI-niXO & co. Middlehtiry Jnne 3, 1313. 5by y. WOOL. Th B'lhrcriVr" krp 011 Iiaml a '-mi annrl. ment or tiiin untl comhiiiii pliiii ci5iiure coiifls that they will nchango 0r wool 01. Iho intwi. reacotiable nns at their fictory A SPALU1NO !t CO. Middlebury, June 3. IM2. 5 I S42. BLlNOFifURiNG. DAVEHPORT&. TURMER "7"OUIjD respt-ctt'ulK uif.irm their pnt rons, and tho pubhc gcner- ally, that thcy will contin'io lo rrceivc WOOL at Ihe ctablislimnit of thc Mid. dlubury Maiiiifactiiring Ciiinpatiy. lo m.niii facturc inlo Cloth.s. (yaf.siiueri'S or Snltin elts, white nr colored Flannel, iVc. of pi r mauenl colors nnd mixcs, lo suit thn n-ic, on sliarcs or by the ynrd, at llie opiion of the ownpr. Being furnishf.:' wilh thc npcpssary rp paratus, aud having in their Riiiploy com prtent nnd ailhful workmrn, thcy w ill con. tinuc to improvo the valuc and -ty!p uf tlnur goods, intcnding that ihcy shall not bc sur pased by those of any other rstiiblixlnneiit in the siat-:. They will keep nu assorl ment ou hand to acconimo. dnte those who may want n part oT their clr.lh iu advnncc. Gratcful for tbo exlonsiie patrnungc they have reccived.they hope by slricl per. soual attcnlinn to husincss and tbc iulcr csts of their pntrons to rcccivc a lihi-rnl sharc of their f.ivor. TERMS as rpakouublc as at any cslab lishment iu the vicinity. Middlebury. June, 20. Fire Instirancc Mccting. rsAluilOL. jNowceis henhy givrn thnl jL ibc nnnual moptins of tbe Uu''and and Addison Mutual Firo lnsurnnpe Conr pany will beheld al thc nflico of Brijjgs iV June. in Brandon, on Wedncsday tno 0th day of July 1812, al onc o'closk in the af trrnoon for the purpose of choosing 11 liaid of dircctors for the yenr pnsuina, nnd irnir sacting such other husincss as the infcrcs's of the company may requirp. N. B. Thc above no'ificd mrrtinc will be adjournod to ihe 7ib day of July 1842 for thc irnnsaction of businrse. E. JUNE, Sccrpiary. Brandon. 0th July, 1842. 7;3 JOSEPII dfIr TTAS jnit receivcd and A kerprnns1antly on hand large and spl.-iulid ment of t!old and silvei Ler cr, llorivi.nlal t.epinp, Quar tier aud cominnn WATCHES; ,1 fine aorlment of silrcr Tahlr aud Tea fioon; ! (Jold; nilver Thimlle: il r Speciacles; ' Goggles; GOLD AUD SILVER PEKCILS; Wnilei,; Puises; Oold Ciiain; Sealj aud Ki'r: a fine , ajsnrtnicnt orf'inzer-ring: Teezta; rombi; br2Utifiil Itazorj, Vn-kniTes and Snrrnin ; Ear lingi ; Breat-pins; Si.ufl-hoxei'; Pockel l'nlniii ' large and srnall ; Tea and tluiiae llrlls i Sy- ' Rlaes; BRASS BUGLES . Palenl and rnmmon Klutes;Muic-toAes;Violiii aid Bas-i V10I .Sliingj; Fifes: Clanonrlls : Flaitoleit. ; Tuninc-li.rk ; I 100KIMG-GLASSES ; Thermometeia ; los-ther I will. various other articles usoally kep' in a Jew ! -ller's shop,compriing a hellcr asortmeiit than ever oHered in lh:s ptacc 1 elorc; 1 ogellicr wun a large assorlmcnt of Brass,Alarin,ari(l Woodon Clocks which he can aml will sell a ciikap as an) one. 1 firf- Clocks and Walclies rAiTiirui.M.i RE- I'AIIlliD at Ihe shoriest notice, and no paina 1 spared togue satisfaction Mi.ldiehury, Ocl. II. 18-11. 23 tr Stray Cattle. roko into the 8iib.criher's Pnsturn in iho nnrlhuoslnrlv narl nf New llnVCn onthellthday ofinst. Junp. six bead of I Cattk one brindle row four yprs old.wilh : a yonng calf.three two vcarold stpers most li'red. one two venr old hcifrr with lino back, nnd one adcep red three year old" slecr said catil'j have leen for morc ihan four wceks, daily and nlmosl linnrly brcaking the close ond doing dam igr . The ovner is desired to prove cbar cs and take them awBy. JoNA. IIotT. P New Iluven, June 17lh, 1842. JUST received by P. ynrds Culicocs, pric Y. Collini 3000 ces varymj; Irom oc . nnn I. cl.,: ' ,1vuv un.iB, from 6c to ac I'erj""!' May 2, 1342. UNTS ANL) OIL, a Urge nssort ment of Painls and Oil fir sale by A..& W. S Juiiroff. WOOL! WOOL! C1ASI1 paid for good fleece wool by A. Chapman &Sok. Forsale by ,tbpm. a bupenur articlo of Sheep Shrar. M iddlrbury, Junp 14. 1842 6 A CONSTANT supply of Coppcr Pumrw &. lcad pipe for them. for h1- cbeap for Mi M- CLAKK RICH. Shoreham, May 1612 5;5w PROBATE JVOlICIiS. --II I ilti STATE OF VERJIONT, 1 Dlstrirt of Addison, s. $ TJK it rr iPembred that atir nrobstf eemt. rief at MiddlebaiT. witliin and for tho dntrict -r Adduoiron th 15lb dT ot June 1842. Aretha Malrida Tliomas adm?ui!ran the f state of ISAAC TIIO'IAS. IM-of Saliibury in said disfricf decened, pt rni her adminblration acccunt forllowarc-j lt is thnefore ordered that the said acrounl 1 -aminedforallowancel-y a ."'5 "!' Ihrn-oflo be heU at Ihc ofBce of the fWuter .r aid couit in saU.WiraieDUTy on ntonmw; 0lh dt of Jly next at orte o'cloet in- the aflr I i,oon, and ttal notice ereof be givcn to ll - on inleieMea pd, that tlifj may pp"r hriorp miuvb....... V -i ., t i.. .n mafea ilmir obieelton. II anv iiif.r JiaTr, in tne aliowance nn ""' -J "- Iiliii,c a rrt Afi rnpy or llii otdar tn Iba .Mi- dleburv Pmplc'. Prr. a "P'P'' P"" iiit Siiddfrbnrv. tbice weeks uccrf:lr, pr-' J. S. BUcHNElI.,Ue!!ijt: rue ,.0T,V 0 Rerord. ' Atlebt: J. S. BtJsiiNELU RcaMer. STATE OF VERMONT, 1 Distiict of Addison, ss. J IIE it rcmnnbcred.lliat ala prnlulo ciurt hiH at Middlib'jrv, in and for the diatriet of Addison on thr 24th rfay or June A P- l-42. Jacob Denev, administrator of Ihe e.Ute ol STILLMAN DEWKY. lale of aid iddlebury, deceawd, niattrn app''' lion lolhis rniirl lo ha, Ihe hme limi'C't Tor pavmg Ihe deb'a of Ihe said derra-! te' d ed t w'elve monlha fiom Ihe 7lh dav ol July ntx'i It is Iheiefore orriered, that llie said arphcalion hH PonMered at asnsion or id cour t lo be hHd at Ihe otfice ol the Hfgister of said cturt in il3 Middlebury on We Inesday Ihe 201 h day of JnV next at one o'clock in the aUernoon- And lln notice thereorho giren to all peisons inter-e'eJ Ihat they may appear and make Iheir obj-rmns. ifanv they mav the said tim- orpatrr.rti'' being extcnded as afrrejaid hy publihiiiR a crt' fiel copy ol this oiderin the Middlchnrr Pe-P1 Press. a ncwjpaper printed at -Wldlel.iiry. m aid DiJtrict. Ihiee weeks successively, pwsrioin lo Ihe t:me of aanl court. J. S. BUSHNELL, Rcgistcr A truccopy of Rccord. Allcst: J. S. BUSHNEI.L, Rpgi.-ter. 5 I'statc offtlilo llildri-th. H'E ihe snb!crib.,rs bein; appoin'eil l th H the peobate coutt for Ihe dislrict il A'Min retrire, exammeai'il adjiil all claimi am! drmantia or all pnsonc, iainst lli. estate or MILO IilUiRETH late nr Middlebury in jaid distric. ilectas-J; ."I al.o all clairns and derr.mdj exhibit.-d in off'rl thoreto: And six mnnlh rrom he rn'cenlli day of June IS42 being all "ved ty s"i -' rl f-r purpose, we Jo lherc:re hereby g'ne i:oli:-e I"'' e willalt-nd to thc bnslnpss ofniirsiid appo rt ihe dwellinir honeo Ihe decea-d n Middlihurv nn Ihe lirst Tuevlayn ir Jn! N ' cemlier Irom nine o'clock, a. m un il l"r o .1 p. M. on each oriid das LKVI NEEDHAM, ? Co.nn.iionrr NOUMAN TUPPER, Datcd at M'uldlcbury, ihis 15th iliy i-t .lunc 134g. 3 Kstatcol .lelnul Ii.xdlc. 7E, the snbrribcrs1 linz f'P' '"''d ' v Ihe Hnn. thr pr'hntr un ir iliitrirt or AildNoii, onlIliiol'e 10 rect-it pxnnin'an.ladj'ist allclaiinand demamls ul all iicron! affnnst ihe etal'' rr JKHIEi. BEKDI.B, nf S!lorehm !n said uVuicl. ifep 'p . icpnvtfiiii.d inolvt-iit, a.xl al-oall rUims a leniands cxliibiied in o(f-el tbcrrm: And x nionibs fnim tbe 8th day of J 1812 bnn allowrd bv mid coun for 11 at pirposr. wn do tbrr-fore b-reby pivc 110 ite thnt wt will altend o tbe bu.'ine'-'S or tir said .ip pointmeni, at thcoflicprU . Kvrroit i Shoreham, on thc lir-t Moaday of Augu and iXovemtor next frm ni v oVloob. A utitil limr o'clock. P. M.on each of sttni Jay' UDNEY II. hKEHESi C.mmis KENT WRIGT, Monr. D.iteJatSb-rchambi-Sth day of Jun" 1S12. p Estatc of Itusel Vov.l. JK, the JubrrilH'jleiu2 afijmtiilcil thr IV ..batc Uourt I r iue un Addi-dncomiiiiifioneis, to re:eivp, fxam . and adjut alr'claims anhlpmaniN ol alS persons acaint thp est le ol " IlOSSEL FOOT, lateof Cornwall in said fnd aNoall clnms and demand fxhihiif!' i.. thcrcio: And .ix monthsf t m ihe 3I dav of.May 18 J2 bein alloweJ ly i-aul c"'i for" pur.-osp, wedn tbrrfton' hrre'v i1-1 noticp ihat we will attend to tlie huu,f of rur said appointincnt, ai ihe dwrlhng bmi of t.'ie ?aid 111 Cnrnnal', a'lf Ia" U'l.dncsil.ty .irAuaust and fti one till four n'c'ock P. M. on r. b of aid ilay. Joiin UccKtv'r.LL, 7 J..UX Sixronn, V Co.n.' Aaiiki. Binciiam". ) Djied at Cornwjll tliiiSlM iU-or V. IS 12 IASTS A upply of Tow. s Lnsls r.nd i Boot Trees jcceived an.l r al l.y May 24ili. 1342. Vt. Br.CKwirn A. Co liroccrics. TWt?. suliscribrr now nff r. for ran. a JL s Ici"liJ r-tork i.f fu:ars fin.5c lo 3 ,lt,, ih. ,Mi laoxes 112 1 1 I 2 ll. Tor 25 per l'1. Pea"-Goffee and rvr.y o'hi ar licle ralled lor in iIip Grocny I nr (Lniuord excenlcd) at niices equuliy h-w. ' P. W. Cor.1.111. Cornwall, May 10. JIousc, Caf riac a-m' f?ign F11NTING. BY T. JIOODY & J. iMc'l ON Lf (Shop at llie north end of thn hi djre, ojer S. MoodT's Ilrui StoiO A l.I orffera iFrlhe-r line nf b":ne w.ii t. "ccutcd- ritli di.p.tch, ,n . workmnl, i mannerand on themoat peasonablr 'rrms. PAPER HANGING andGIiAZIG lo ord'r. tETCIlAlRSconatantly foraale at !hir hp. Middlebury. Dcc. 21, 18-ft. 33;tf Jron, Steel and JVnils. FOR sale very low foi ,pah, I y IRA STEWART. AN ExtrnsiTe as.oriiucnt o.r CROCKERV GLAS5S WARE. is now leady fbr irlspection and sale at the Cheap.for-Cash store of Z. BECKWITI1 Sr C... ChCap Groceries. JUST rcceived by thc subscribprj and for sale fuirars 6 I 8d; Lump d... 12 1 2; Molaees25;, coffce rasii.s. salar?!' pinger, pppper. allp;pp, einnimnn. pinnamon, clovej oaiu egs, bar soap. tobacco, siiutf ud fisb lamp oil, sperm candles, tc. &c. Z. BrcicwiTU &.Cu. .Viddlebnry, May 15, 1S12. niamNDow BLINDS & SASH, first rato articles for mle pt Iho rticU's for mle pt ibo manufacturers prices, by JOIIN WOOi. BBLS. WESTLRN FINE SALT, Coarsp d. Turks Islai.d. and Livirtionl Bu'.tpr do. for lelow by JOHN WOOD.