Newspaper Page Text
IN BANKRUPTCY. Uniied Stales District Court, Vermont Dit:ict. In Banlruptcy. Notice to show cause againsl p- i"ion ot Ttofoj of Ripton. .?. dlrtrict for his dischaige and ccrl.ficate as bank. "pi attheoffico of Samucl Prentiss. D.slricl .der. in Montpelier in saiddUtrict, Wcdnesda) Aapul 31, 1842, 1Q. A. M. ' Uniteil States District Court, Vermont Distncl. In Bankrnplcv. Notico to show caoso agai u- , at ,10 Office ofSami e- Prentbs, District Jude, pptition of Sidicy Boith, late iif .Uiddieborj tn jn Vljnlp, il!r in Bai(j Daat rict. Wednesdty, A'"e raid district for his dischargo .nd cerliiieate as i A A j ?6 b.nkmpl. atll.eoffico of Som .-I Prenl ss, d.s. Unj((itJ fi Dj . c OrctJuUCa.inMon.poher ,...a.dd,.tr,ct. Wed. Vrnnoul LUlricL nesday. August 31- 1842, 10. M. I Bankauplcy. Notico to .how cause ogaln.t United States Disir.c, Coutt, pliljoii , r Sl ,fp s ookl!ro( Go,hPn tai( VerniOtit DlStnct. Dh-trict for ,"m D.scl.arge and Ccntifieale a. Ir. Bankructcy. Nnl.ce to .how C1U" 8e;,n? Banlrupt, at thc Office ot Sainuel Prrnti-., Dis pptition ot Ezra Crane. of Al.Ud leDory m tricl Judg... in AlouiP.-Iicr in said D.slriel. Wrd ,d district for his dischargp and CorlificaU a. , .-.4kr.pi. a. ib. cffico of Sam ,cl J Un ?, St,,e, District Conri. tnc, j.idge. ... Montpelier tn .a.d distnct , ed-, liv'ftJjV, AnCllst 104.2, IU, A M, . t r i . t . i ' Umled Stales District Court, In ,Ba;ruP,c,Vu ,. i how ?a'"e. 7 Vermont District ga nst pclilton of Hesckt m Foster f Brixol ln bankruptcy. Notice tn show canse against 1 i D.itr-it for bi. D.scharge and rtilinn rf Merritt Winter. of Ripton, iti naid Ce tlficate as Ba. k upt, t the Offici-nf Sam 6tnct for hi discbarge and certificaf a bank-' uel Pre. iNs. Dist-ict Montpelier in thc"fficc of Sama'-I Prentiat, di'trict said DKtrict, Wcdnesilay, Augusl 3 1, 1842. I.ide. in Montpelier Vcrmont.Wednesday, Aug. . 10, A- M. 7 t 31,1843. 10, iJt. 4 Uniied States Di-t.ict Cour'. United States D'strict Court, 1 Vt-rmont D strict. Vermont Distric. . , In Hankruptcy. Notice tn shotv caue a- In Binkruptoy. U.iinst p ntiun f tluzli Mc Donn'.d of Ver- Nctice to sbow caune agamst pel.lion of Aidib ; A.JRIiode of Ripton, in saUI di trict for luo di- j CiargO an:i ucuiucig a uaiii.1 uJi u. 111 ' ...w. orSa.nuel PrcnliBS, district jndgp. in Monlpelirr in aaid district, Wcdnceaay, Augu.t 31, 1843, 10, A M. 7 Uniied Sta'es Distiirl C- uri, Vermont District In Bankruptcy. Nolica tonbuw cansc sgaiit P tition of Hicl IK-ath, uf .Middlebury iu llie fiJ distr.ct fnr Ihb licbargi: and ci-fliticato af lankrnpt al tlm ofiice ofSainuel Prentiss, di wict jndg , in Mont( elirr in said district, Wcd. nfatlay. Aiigusi 31, 1842. 10, a M. 7 Uniied States D.strict Comt, Verinonl District. In B nkrnplcj. Notico lo 6liow cause agaiust p-tition of Jnlin Noyon, of .Widdbbury in raid I..r o.scnargp ano ecriiocaw a nai.K. rnpt, at I'.i! nmce ol bamuel r'rcnt.M, district:- . . . . . r ,. . ' , y:Lr, in Montpeh.r in .aid dialr.C, Wrd.i.B- l".d sl.ict.for n.srharge and Ocr .Uy, 21, "843. 7 i"nat. as Bnkr. pt, at tt.r Office orSa.i.ue United Slales DUtricl Court, 1 n -"":' JuJSP. Mnnlpeli r in said Vermont Di'trlC. i ' Wednesd..y, Augusl 31, 1842. 10 A. Tn n.mkrtinlrv. Nolice lo bliow causi apniisl pfliiion of TIio"iiis D. Brovi', of Aliddlrbury in t-.iid diilricl. for his d'scliargo and ccrllfic i'.e ns ttnkrii l, at llie olBco of Sainunl Piuntits, dis trict judgr, .n Montpelier in said district, Wud niBday, Augiisl 31 1842, 10.A . 7 United A'lates Dittict Courr, Vermont District, In Bankrupt. Nuticn lo sbow cause against pMitiou ol Julin S Scymour of Middlebury, in j md dislricl for liis discbargo and certificatc as ! I.inkrupt, at tlm ..ffice of Samuel Prcutisa, diF- j tricl jud2 in JI7ontpc!icr in s.iid district, Wrd nesday. AugiKt 31. 1842, 10, u. 7 Uniied States District Court, ; Vermont Disirict. I In Bankrnplcy. Notice 10 sbow canse againrl i. tiiion of I.albron Jenninira ofSilisburv..n the .id d'ntrict for his discha'ge and cerlificate as 1 bankrupt. at Ihe office of Samui I Prentiss, dis I trictiud'e. in Monlpoli-r in said district, U'cd tiosday, Ang'ist 31, 1842, 10, a ji. 7 United Stales District Court, Vermont Disirict. In Bankmptcy, Nolice to bIioa cause againsl p-tilion of Lnmin Farr. of Ripton in said dis trict for bisdicliargc and ccrliflculc as banktupl -i llie offiBe "f Saniutl Prcnli-F, dislricl judgr, . Montpelier in said district, Wedncsday, A.. rust 31. 1842, 10, A Jl. 7 Uuited S ates Dis'rict Court, I Vermont Disirict. j In riankrnptcy. Notice tn sbow cause ncainM I p tilinn ol' Ilcnry S. Gale ufB'istnl, in paiddis-l tricl fnr lns dtsebarge and ccrtiBcatc a"baukriipt ! !' tlie offijd of Samucl Prenlis.', distrxt jndge I Monip lier iu said dislricl, Vcdncsday Aug-1 wt3I, 1812, 7 United Siates District Court, 1 Kermoni District. 1 In Binruptcy Nnlice tt ho;v causa against ji. tition of Biijiniin Liwrencn, of Middiubury 1 iaid disirict for hin difcbarge and ccrlificato 1. Ujnkrnpt, at tlie orhce ol bainurl Prenl ss, rfiJtricl iudpe. in Mnntpi lier in said district. vveune.rtay.Aniiusldl.lC42. 1U AM. 7 ' unu. o jj.,ric. un. . , n , D,s nct. ; In Bankrupley. to sbow cause against p. tition ot Jjmrs Holdcn nf Ripton, in said dis- tricl for liis dikcliarcc and ccrtifi-ale as llie nffice of Saniuel Piei.liss, d'slricl , j'l.lge, in Montpelier insiid dislrici, VVcdnesday August 31. 1642, 10, A u. 7 United States Ditrirt Couri, Vermont D'n'iicl, ln Bankruptcy. Nolice lo 9'ion' cauia agtinst p litian of Ilasliniis Warren of Middlebury in id dislrici fnr his discliargc a.d ccitiricalu as hinkrnpt. at thi rffice of Samuel Prctitiss. dih. dj,,. Incl 1 ld r,. . Mo'iln-li-r 111 sii.l dintrict. Wnd. uerdav. A'ii:ih131. 1642. 10, asi. 7 Uniied States DistrW Ciurl, Vermont Uistrici. In Ba'ikruplcy. Notice lo show eauso agaiusl p tiiiuu nf Ziductt Powrrs, of Bilon in said 1'slrict rr uu dUchargeand cnrlificale as bank. rupt, al Ibi oflicc of Samuel Prentiss, disirict j idgo, in Mmilpelier in sail district, Wednesday August 31. 1842. 10. a m. 7 ; United Siates District Cuuit, j Vermont Disirict. In C inkni.ilcj". Nntice lo show canse against patiiinn orWillipm P. Hookcr of Middlrbtiry, in xnd district for his discbirg e and rertificate as liinkrupl, at llie ofEcoof Samucl Prentis-, dis trict jndg.-, in Montpelier in &aid disirict, Wed-, tsday, A"gnst 31, 1842. 10. A u. 7 ' United Siates District C-turt, Vermont Distrid. ' In Biukrnptcy. Nolice lo iliow eanse against , p-stition ol Naliianicl Grout of Leicester, in 1 i 1 disirict for bi disabargu and certificata as ' Binkrupt. al Ihe office of S imuel Prentiss. dis. tricl j'ldj-. in Montplierin said District. Wcd nxsdiy, Angusl 31, 1842. 10, a a. 7 United .States Disirict Court, Vermont Dist-ict. Iu Bmkrnptcy. Nolice to thnw caus.-arriinkt pclli.on 01 .iinuci r . nciu ui vergennes nd district, for liis discharge and c.Tlifiiate as 1 bauk.iipt, at tho office of Samcel PrentW. .Ji.. tricl judgii, in Alontpplipr in said district, Wed. ' nceday, August 31, 1642, 10. A M. 7 U.ii'ed Slales District Court, ' Vermont Disirict. In Bankruptcv-Nolice to show caose ai;.iin6t ! p tition cf Timorby Casr Jr. ot Alifldl hnry in . -nd ditricl for his discbargo and as I riankrnpl, at Iho offio of S.unucl Prentis", dis-' ri.:i jinlpp, in said district, WedneBdy, August 31, 7 j United States Distiirl Court. 1 Verm nl DUtrici. In Rankruptcj. Edinund riill ol Bridport, in said ili-lricl for liis discliargo and ccrl.6c.ito as B mfcrnpt, al tho office of Samucl Prentiss, dit tricl jn.igp, in montpelier in said district, Wed nesday, August 31 1S42. 10, A. Al. 7 United States Di-lrict Cnurt. Vermont Disirict. Iu Bankri.ptcy. Nolicp tofbow cause azciusl petkiun ol Gcorgs D. Jewell ofVorg said D.slricl for his Discharg'. and Ccrlificato as Bmkrnpi, at Ihe Office ol S.inui-1 Prenli-s, Dis trici Jullr;, in Monlpelipr iu said Ditricl, Wed nesday, An?nst31, 1812. 10..?. M. 7 Uuited States D strict Court. V.rroont Districi In Bankmptcy. Notico to sh w canse againsl p-'Jitton o! SnniQO.. Ficld, of Ferrieburgh in said District, Tur his DUcl.are cnd Curlificato as B iiikrupt, at tlm Office ofSamutl Prentiss, Dis- et Judge, in Alontpclier in ejid District, Wcd "sdiy, Augnst 31, 1842, 10, A. M, 7 A Large supply of Fresh' Teas.ColTee, Spices, &c. for said low by A. Ai W. S. JoiiNsoif. UniteJ Stales District Court. Vermont Dkir'cf. Iii.Bankri.plcy. Notice lo show causn againsl p-titionof Aloses Ficld of Furiisburgh in aaid District for his Diseharfre and C'ttificale a Baukrupt, at Ihe Office ofSimuel Prcntias, Dis tricl Judgc, in Montpelier iii aaid Disirict, Vtd ncJay, Migou 31, 1642. 10 A. M. 7 United Stales District Court. Vermont District. In Bankrnptcy. Nolice lo ehow causn ngatnat pclition l O.tJ-tUs ila'ljoriJrKlo in said District lor liis uisciiarga ana Ucrlihcaln as Binkrupt, eu?Sj jn sajj DiMri. t for Iii-. Di-cliare and ! CVr ifi(.a,e ;lg Bnik u1j at ,ir offi(.(. q- g ju). . uel J'n n is, Disinrt Judge, in Monipelu-r in iui IJi-t ict, e.lnrsday, Augusl 31, 184a, 10 A. M. 7 Uniteil StJtes District Cou t. Vermont Distrirl. In B.inkruptrv. Notice to Il0v caue a- - . i,.i... .1 li .... r.. -.rc. .. , in;.r, T u.o.a-, C'.rlificate as u.t. at tbe Office of Sam- : :iel !re tis, oi-rict Judie, in .Montpelier in -aid nisli'cl, W'ediiesday, August 31. IS42, ' 10, A M- 7 I Uniied States DiMrict Court. Ditricl i In Bank'iiptcv. Notice lo sbow ,aue a- - .,;,;., ..,. nh,.,.mP r VIW ' Uniteil Stales D-tr'ct C urt Veimont Disiricu In Ba-krup cy. Nolice 10 show canse a gainst pelitinn ol'Kol'in T. H-iward ol'Snlis liury 111 Kuid nistiirl. his Disclmige and ! ( rtifii-ate as Bai k tlie Office of Smi 'nei I'rrn iss. llt-tricl Ju.lge, in Monlt.rlier -n .1 I)i-,tiict, Weilne-dav. August 31. 1812. 10. A- M. Unil.'rl Slalrs Dilrict Court. Vermont Di.stiic!. In Bai.kruptrv. No ice to show cause a- 2-iii'st petition of Cvrus N. Wickwire nf Briilpurt, in saii! district, for his diicharge ge j ol n.l uertincjti- as rlaiikiupt, at the .ilnce Sjmtiel I'renttre dlit icl Juds.lin Monlixlier in said disirict, Wcilliesday, August 31, 1842, IOa.M Uniied Stat s Disirict Court. Vermont Disirict. Iu B inkruplry. Notice lo sbow caute a gainst pt'lilion .f Pliiljndrr Wlieeler of Mil ton, in the County of Chittenden, in said diNtii.-i, fur hU discharie and CertiCcate as Bai.krupt. ai the oSfice f Samuel Pnntiss disirict J-sdLP, in Monl pelier in said dis tric.. Wfdnesday, Augut 31 1812 10am. Uniied Sute.i Disirict Court. Vermont Disirict. In Bankrupicy. Nntice tn show cause a rainsl prtition nf Lyman Sverauce of Miil- llehuiy, in said disl ici, fnr liis dischjrgeand ceriiScale as Baikrupt. al the offi.-.e of Sam uel Pr tiliss dis tnct Judge iu Montpelier in said disirict, Wednesday, Auiusl 31, 1842 10, A.M. Uniied Sta'es District Court. Veimont Dirict. In Ba. kruptcr. Nolice tn shoiv caue a- rainM oetinn nl' o-ett3irgcant fWcybnuep, catr fa,,1,mpt, a t ihe of SamueJ , lrent,ss, .li.trict Jud-e in M-ntpelier in nid .lisii We.ln. Kilav. Au,.ust 31 1S42 10. a.m. t-l ..4 IV. ..1 litHIIUItl. 'fH E subscrihi-r ba b.-rn appoinled Agent for the Haktfobd FraE Isdrance Compant, fnr Middlebury aud virinity, and will rcceive prnptsals fnr insnring prop. rly againt loss or daniag. - by Firc. Tlie long cstablished reputa- """ ofibia cnmpany, and the promplncns will. wbieb all tbeir trnictinp bavo bcon cluiact -r- rendr it nnner.ary 10 suj a.iylbing in its Umr. All bussiiii e cnnnicled will. llio otiice ; nr. All bussnii e conni cled will. tlie .triiled lo hllll w.ll Iic lalliilully and pu punc- lnallv lranactcd. JONATHAN IIAilAU. .MMJbhury. F'h.2i, 1843 42;v Ag nt. AUNSTON & FOULARD GinrrhamT, Prints loo Cbeap, at BIRGE'S. Mav 3,'4i. U1KD APl'LK- , for -aleal T. C. SMITH'S. Mai 7 Sl 42. I'AlltU ol Ihick Boots a I andsom: assnrtmenlnl' Fnr- wrl 's best Moroccofor l.adies. hv A. CHAPMAN 4-SON. Kxtra iJrands oi Famil' j FLOUIt. rpiIE aubsctiber'iB now rs'.eivi ig on consignmrnt, and will bo wtll BiippliVd tlirough ll.e seaiou, ! will. snmeof tliu choiccst brands rcstern Flour rvcr oflorpd in tnis ma;ket Moving Flnnr manufacturi d by mnrp Ihan Iwenly difTcruul inil s of tlie liigl.cst reputation, lie pludg s thal F:our i-old by him nbalL give ihe m"8' perfect sati.-faction, and will be warranlcd 1.1 all cues. N. 15. Fancy brands cnnstantly on hand. D.'aU rs in Fh.u-, Alerchants, ard Fair! ies are rrsKcifii ly inilrd to order, and iry the arlicle. god Juckazc with- ""t ''' !jv on r-cppl of Cr.fts, cprlifioatcs '( l' iusil or cash. J.N. HINSD1LL. 51 4m s pap. Trry. .Iprii 25 1842 ) 347. RiverS.. ( 1842. Vergennes and Troy Line. TIIIS line or B ats, so we kiiiwn to the pub lic, have commenced bu einpss: K-avinir V. trrrpn iips pvcry Tuaday and Satnrday mimin; at 7 "'cbick. infed bv Sleam Boit to Whitchall arri. ving al Troy Ihe 31 day leaves Troy We'dnes. das and Salurdays al 2 o'clock, P AI., arriting t Vergennes Tucpday and Salurday mornings Freight fur IbcSaulli should be 011 braid tbe day pr viuus. At Trn, Kn'ight will be received up 10 iIip bour ol leaving. Tbe Boals of Ihis Line, liavo bccn thoro'jg:ity repaired.and arc bolb Bafe und couvcnipiil for freight an ' Pata 'ngers. Gralnful for tbe liberal s"p;iorl we liave recei ved, we cobcit a conlinuaitce of public palronage tud we would bcro say, all business enlrnsted to cre will be done wilh promptness and des patch, und salisfactory in cvpry rrsprcl. Al. D. HALL. 155 River sl, Troy, R. CHAPAIAN, Vetg.nnes. VrrgenneJ, April 26, 1842. Att sh supply of grnceries among whicb is good SUOAR 15 lb for S1.00 at IA tewart'?. I i I ! V (at the ciieap casii ktork.) IS now ptepared tif offer to the public a fresh supply ol se.isonable ID)ify arcls ilircct frcm the importersand inanufnclurers. UKCWtSE A choicesmck ordry 5n.cen.-9 ..f the Grstj nuality, for family nse tocether wiih crock-i erv and GI.133 Wa.e. " 'JE N. B. Piicej cnrrespiinding nitli the motto. 2 'IHE uhscriber keeiis forsale X COTTON BATTS hy the'b-ile. IRA STEWA-T. MiddleburySept. Jl "341. 19lf 1842. Vergennes and Buffalo Line. j THE CANAL PACKET J. SHERMAN, CAPT. M. T. DAVIS. WILL cnmmenCR l:cr Trina nn Ihn ilav of .May. belnecn tlie cily of Vi-rgennra ar.d Biiffa'o. rutinine DAV and NIGHT, asfnll.nv: Ltaves Vergtnntt Xeavet Uuffalo. May 3 May 13 3 31 28 9 6 4 29 May May June August Junc July August Septcmber Ocloher 10 8 19 16 14 Septotnber October Octobcr Novembcr 8 in.BpacKeiwmpopntmfirBt rato order at commndatinnn fur Freight and Passengrr. Will 1-ave Virgennes at 7 n'c'ock in the moriing towed by atcambnat lo Wliitchall. Freight n.tst bn on board llio day previooa. Tboc niOTing, or Tisiting their fri. nds intho far WoM, will (ind 1 ..v. Tk.'..ii... ' j..: J. ripcuiuoiiB anacneapcst rouie iney .rtfu. iiidio uv .-.uiv uuuuijiinuudiion nn hnarri In sllll thn ttin.t nnrlipnl.i Thn.a who clioone lo do no, can liave every ficilily for boanting tbemBelvca. Duo altcntion will be paid to ptrsengcrs by a cari-ful captain and rrcw, who will sparn .10 paintngivc pcrlcci satistact.on. For furtber parlicuhrs enqiiiro o( t'n captain on board R. CHAPMAN, Vergennes JOY &. VVEBSTER 51 6w DAW &. DELONG, 5 Buffiilo CIKOCEltlES. Als'pirior asoitment of and Younir Hvson and H,,;on-skin TFJ1S, Coffee, Molasses, Spicrs.Kaisins aud many oiher articles of Ihe kind, alcohol ex repte.l, ' '-L1 1 : To MerchantS. . r'ANDLE-'VICK.and COTTON YARN from No. 5 to 25, and of the besi quality, for sale by the subscriber. JOSEPH GORDON. Middlebury, Jan. 25, 1842. 28 tf DOMBSTics, Satinetts, American Common Cloths, Cassiineres, Sat Sheetinjs, Slurtings. T.ckings, . . . in - 1 j t?i " ickings. B..ttiHPs,and T; Trimmin, ,nettsJ WhltO Of Colored Flan- by A. CHAPMAN&SON. iev Spring and Jsummer GOODS. BMIE subscriber is now receiving his stock XofSPKING ANDSU.MMER GOODS, purchased al the Iowisi New Ycrk Cash prices, einbracinir, every varieiy ol'kindsand qualilies cal'ed for in a country slore. He willlor Cash or short credit positively sell lowe than any other establisltment in ihis oumyc. iVo JUistake. P W COLLINS. Cornwall, May 2.1342. LUTHtf, Caimejes, and iriuiuniig: greatvariely.'-heaper and llie ver. at BIRGE'S Mav 3, 1842. tiil'I.END.D CLOTIlb AND KES- TINGS. Also- Sl'jimer Goods; some clieaprnR bovs. at less ihan tbe manuluctur ers'cost; forsale bv A. Fhancis 0,000 Yls. sUperior fine and heavy Blea h-- rd and brown Siiketigs Drillings lower than ever belore knnwn bv A. FrtANCis. rtOTTON GOODS. Heivy Brown Cl- ton 3 vds llie ib. for 8 cents. Bleached its. lileacni BIRGE'S. gnols equ-illy cheap May 1842. at Mivn. .iiii:s. onovei1-, Axcs, aud a -aa" general assortment 01 Har ment 01 Haroware, bv A.CHAPMA &SON. G. HILL 70ULD inform his custn- niers and the public, that he hasjust received liis i WINTER STOCK, j out of which he will mar.ufac ture, and keep constanily on hand, or make to order, on short noiice.thefnllowiiig articles, viz: Saddles, Bridles, Jilarlingals Carpel-bags and r . orass ana coppcr lUicls; t rcnch and .ciicr, juiw, oog-wp ana common ptain Tli UN KS nf rarious descriplions ; com mon, plain, dnubleand sinsle japaned, linned, brass and tilm r mnunled WIRJYF.SSES; Curled flair ; India rubber Clolh; Palenl I.ealher; 0? en, polished and rmtnd BEL.LH. JVeatV fool Oil; Curry Combs, liorse Cardi and Brmhts; $-g'iod asmrtmenl of IHiips and Lashcs. He wi-uld alo inform the Saddleand H .r nessAlakers 111 vicinity. be has justrecei ed a good asor. ment of Sadulkuy, HAnn- ware. Coacii-lacr and all kindsnf Carriazc trimminss, which he will sell cheap for cash. Gentlemen wishing to purchase any of ihe ih ive named arlicles, will p!ease call at his old itand Ij rfoor north oflhe Courl Ihuse. and jxamine Goods and Prices for them se'vc. idREPAIRS done on shori nolice, and all promplly ailrnded 10. 1 Middlebu'rv, Novembtr28, 1841. 30tf ' 50 BUSHELS of Potaloi s for sale by P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall. May 16. 1842. JffAY 10, 1843. JUST received by ihe subscriders, assortment of a full j well adapted to ihe SpRtrtG and Sdmmer trade wiucnwiu besnldas C EAP f.r cash or appr-.ved credii, as at any other store in this vicnitiy. z BECKWITH t CO. jpAPER. 2000 pieces Roo:.. Taper, in. Borderin?, iust receiv eJat BIRGE'S aOARPETS. Thoe stock jut reccircd by A FRANCIS. ' JVew Goods. THE subscrtbersare now receiving iheir stock ol ComprNing besides lhe:r ordinar y assortment Bonnct silks, Uibbons and FaNcV Good?.o1 eve,' ""C"!"" "i10" a 1)1 ,aSn' a"L,l descrintinn all of which may be reiteo lirst quulity; aiidivni ue u.u -herstore in tliistovnorrounty May 9, 1842. A. CHAPMAN & bUN. NOTICE. THE snliscriberbaonliand a larse assort ment o( Cabinct Kurn.tdbe of the lalesi fashions, which he offers foraleat reduced prices. DAV1D L.. AiNAlM. Brist 1, May 9, 1842. WOw T ADIE'S nd ChiUW'n'sBonncts Hooda and iiimminssj a Iarge supply Latest fasliions, very Imv now receiving by A. Fbancis. SEgfe DOZ. Hosieiy and Glovtt; al.not QJ9tv every variety at less than half the usal prioes by A. FHANCIS. CAKPETINGS. Heavy Wool Caipetings, ' rfn rhpnn fnr do chenp for casli at May 3. IS42 BIItGE'3. A 1'S. Oeaver, Molcskin, Leeboru, Cane and Pjlin Leaf H'ts atBIRGE'S. rjHE subscriber i-ff'ti at onvteale, an X excellent S250 PIANO FORTE new tlirteyearsa.n. Nunn end Clarke, makers, New York He will sell it for 8200 three inonlt.Rcrrdit.or 190cash. J. W. DILLER. Middlebury, Mai. 30, 1842. 4;lf New Goods. raHE sub cribcr has iust received from JL NewYork, a complete assortment ofsea- j nSY rndllS . UUUfo, . which he will sell very low fur cash. j IRA STKWAR.T. ' Middlebury. Mny 31 1842. I r Ml 1 r w M'MIJ ITfffJlfA. tfLOTHS, Cas-i neers, Calicoe, Mus'ins. Cambiics, Lawns, Drillinz and Tickinn. A fine assortment ofsummer clolh?, Linens, Sheelings ShirtiiigK &c. &c. whicl. will be sol for cash 01 on credit, at prices wlitcli can 1101 iail tostiu puicnaseis. Z. Beckwith & Co. WOOLEN FACTORF. THE subscriber would respectfully tnform I hi cuslomers, and the public eei.erally, Ihat he has commenced the business of manufncturing . lirnnT VAT finnTiC SUCH As neis, ccc. x.c. At his old stand in Shoreham, near Rich's Mills. He will manufaclurc wool on sharcs or by ihe ynrd at the opiion of the owner. ' The subscriber is solicilous ofobtaining ousiness, ana leris ccrtain tnat lus experi ence and knowledge in clotli niariufaclur ing anddrcssing, and tlie flnishcd apparatus and maclnnery which he has providcd, will cnable him to givy etilire satisfactton to all who crnployhim. He iuvitts the public to Ci.ll and e.xamiiio specimens ol his work, which he believes will justify all expecta- tions which he holus out to his customers. A. KILBORN. Shoreham. (Rich's Apr. 1,'42 49 n Reliet'ibr Hard Times. XO J ow rccievuia, a Iaraer STOCK of GOODS ihan were cver hefore ofTer- edin this market, of almost everv vancly, which wpre Jioxighl wilh Cash, at the prcs cnt cxlremeiy low prices and which will he .sohl at prices that caunot fail to suit the pur. chnser by A. Francis. Gloves and Hosiery. Cotton, Silk, Lisle thrcad. and Kid Glo vea, black and white lisle t bread, and silk f losieiy-uadies b!ack and white Cot ton Hose from 10 to 25 ccnts at Birgk's. May 16, 1842. IJonnets and P. L. Hats. If you wnnt the bost nnd cheapest Flor- encu Braid Bonnct or Pnlm Leaf Hat in tho vi-cinily, Rtl call at Z. Beckwith & Co.'s ADDISON COUN I 1 Teniperance House. "11 H E subscriber would JL inform the public, thal hehas taken the stand rcc. cnlly occupied by Paul Read, south of the Court Housein Middlebury. The housr nnd out houses are now undercoinir a thor. ouglt repair, nnd will otiord every accom niodatinn to coatomcrs which their comfort and cuuveniencc can require. It will be kept upon strict temperance principles, and he hopcs by pcrseverance in tlm plan, (o receivethe patronageof nll friendly totbe objects of the greal temperance reform. Ilaving for years been convcrsant wilh public houses both in country nnd ci'y. h thinks he kuows the duties of a landlord,and huw to supply the wants of tho traveler and he proinises that no effurt on his part will bo wa:iting to give entire satisfaction to the public. BKNJ. B. BROWN. Middlebury Felx 8 1842. 40:tf IJrooms ! Brooms ! ! rSl H E subscriber gives notice that he M will manulacture at shoit no'tce, corn Brooms at 10 cents a piece, and find hand Ics and twinp. or on sharesofone half, at his dwelling Iioujc one milo north of Bristol vtllug..-. HDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Fi-h. 18. 1842. 42:6m EB,A B. Cast, Shear and Spnn" JSiele forsale by IRA STEWART. Middlebury, Ang. 8.' 1841. F ALL and INTER Lamp Oil.of tho best quality, for sale by T. C. SM1TH. CJarden Seeds. SUGAR BEET. Carrot and Onion seed, by the pottnd; also, a large assortment at retail. warranted the growih of 1841. For sale by JOHN IFOOD. April. 1P42. WROUGHT &CUTNAILS, Wi. row Glassand Puty. consltantly oii hand.and for sale by A. & W. S. Johnson. ttUPERFINE Flcur for sale low by Ira Stewar- SC2L 1 842. Storage& Forwarding. THE Snbscriber has his STOUE UUUoLO aai ntiAnr iu uiu most perfect order ; the buildings are extensive and comraodious, more so 'arthan any other Estabishment oa Property of all kinds, will ba received, and for warded to almo-st any part of the United States, llnnAr anA l.niv.r fTsinadn. Rnat lcaVeS (his place Tuaday and SaMrAjy ofeach week.for Troy .r . ... . . . . . , c l. x.,anu I rny every eanesaay ana vatvraay, also the CA.NAL PCKET, J S H ER M N will run to and Irom Vergennes and BuOalo, each Month tbrounh the S-ason, whicn eives facilities inr Shipping Properv from this place, to any part ofth; Country, which is enjoyed by no other place onXake Champlain. All commumcation by way of enquiry will be duly noticed ; Charges will bt as low as at any other place in this part of the country. R. CHAPMAN Vergennes, April, 18. 1842 52;6 HEALTH & STRENGTH. DS.a.o. riciiardson's concestrated S?herry Wine Bltters, p U T up in octagon Bottlrs.and tbe ingredientn to make Ihe ame put up in pressed packages;for sale by all the Druagis's and most of the W. I. Goods Dealers in Boston and vicinity. AIo, by my agents in all the principal totvns throuhout New" ngland and the Southern and Westcrn States. Z. S. Hali. BAnmNGTON.comerof Sackvil le street, Halifax, is general agent for the Brilish Provinces. P, S. Barnard. W. G. Skiwner andjoi eph.Perrt Morse are my only aulhorized trav elling agents. ' OFFICE 15 HANOVER ST. BOSTON 75 cents per Botlle; 50 cents pcr paper. The follo-ing are selected froru a large cum of Editorial notices. Frcm Ihe Dover (N. H.) Gazette. Dr. Rich ARiison's BiTTERS.-In our columns may be found an adverlispment of tbe Vegetable'pated by Dr. S. O. Richardson.ofSouth Retding, Mass. They a-e, at said to be, undoubl edly composed of a variety of valuable and pureljr vegetabla mattar; and from our own experience, as wcll as othets, we can peak highly of their renovating and invigorating effecls upon Ihe sy. tem We have a good opinion of the they are not a quack noslrum, but discovered, pre pared, and vpnded by a regular Physichn, a grad uate of the Collega of curon State, and who has said but little iti the way of puUing Ihem himself, but leaves it lo those who try thera toiudge them- spIvcj. For the diseases (hat manv are hable to. in the spring and summer, such as Debilily, Dys Densia. Billious and Nervous Complaints, &c, we do nol besitafe to say Ihat Ihesp Bitlers will be found a safe agreeable and efiectual restorative As good heallh is one ot '.be gieatrst ol earmiy Uesiings, e would early advise those laboring und'rsuch diseases, to make a trial of Dr. Rich- ardson'd Bltters: Ihey can do no harm. and may do much good, as we are ronndent in many cases Ihey have. Vegetablee and vegetable medicines are unquestiooably the incst congemal to tne nu man sjstem. From the Evening Signal N. Y. Sntrtny Wink Bitters These are areme dv vcrv hiahlv and very iusily recommended by physicians, as of great efficacy in giving streLgth to the weak and debilitated. Tbe use ol'years has salisfactorily proved their virlues. (Jntinclurcd the slightesi deleterous matter. they eommunicate the healing powers of the best meilicinal roots and plauts. They restoie, and. if nct laid aside. prc- serve the nhole acimal economy in a state cf ha- bilual healthiness. They cat.nol ne too frequent ly coromended to public notice by just enconiums from the press A. B. U D. Sands, 79 and 100 Fullon Street Agents. (XJ- Ii: speakingof the excellenee of the Slierry Wine Bitters, of which Messrs A. B. V D. band are agents, we mcaat tbrise prepared by Dr. S. O Ricbardson.of Suuili Reading Aass. From Ihe Bristol County Democrat, Taunton. Riciiardson's Bitters. Of Ihe numerous Oicdictnes which are adversised in our paper from time to lime, we pretend lo kdow but little their ttrtuesrnust be known only 10 Itiose weo have made use of Ihem. But with Dr. S. O. Richard son's Bitters we are sotnewhat aciuainlcd. These Bitters were med in our familv last sun.mer, loi general debilily and hcadache, and much relief was derived from tr.em. Those who may be sub. iect to nervous headachr.will find the Bitters ve. ty beneficial ihey proved 60 in the case to whicb we rcfer. For sale whotea!ev and retail at his office, 15 anover street, Bostnn. From tho sarnstable Patriot IIealtuand Sire.vctii! To rcgain or prei- erve Ihcse is tbe greal uesideratora. iNotluug Ihat wo know of will do it moro efioctually, this warm wealher than Dr. ICicnardron'a ohorry Wine Bitters. Try em tbe slrictcst teniper ance man need nol be atraid of tbe alcohol in Ihem. There ia no moro than is abaolutely ne cesary lo prcscrie tli snrit of the 'koots and ltiARBs' ol which theyaro compoundcd. 8 A G K n T S ; Middlebury, S. Aloodv: Krreenties, W. B. Bixhy; New faven. Roscoett Nash;B.isiol, L. V. Hall; Hancock, Royal Flint, Starks borough, T. H. Kidder; Ferrisburgb, Alleu & WheelenMonkton.M. V.Kins!ev:Shoreham K. Wrigh-; Whiung. J. &. O.Siinonds; S il isbury, Hunily & Hicgins: Cornwall. S. Ev- arts; Addison. Barnes & Fuller, T 1VE GEESE FEATHEKS, of supe JL' lior attalitv. iust received and for salr bv A. FRANCIS. BONNETS &C. Florence Braid,ttraw and P. L. Bnnnels Bonnet Silks, Lacnous,Ajlificial,Ribins, BIRGE'S. RIPTON LAND. PIECE containinn 100 acres I GOOD l d... " 50 do. j LOTS. is I'flered at a bargain 00 lung credit by A. FRANCIS. BOOTS and SHOES, a large sud pfy for sale at retail bv JOHN WOOD LIVBR COMPLAI.NTS. AND ALL SICKNESS AND DISEASE DR. l.IN'S TT'TVT?JI A KTnw TTT?T? RTT'E'Tjcr lMjMrtiKAiSOJ!, Lilttj-lilL IjbJiS ; AND 1 CI1INESE BLOOD-PILLS. lhe greatest Isecrel discovered! Purge purge purge has been Ihe cry for the last few years. Thia has been eflectually tri- ed. andvet sufferers have multiplied and died : and why .' Not because purging was not ne- cessary, but too much had been done without thetonicto follow, and suslain the system. ' Purge, you mnst! The sickly hu.nors of the 1,1 ,,,. h p.irripri nff nnhp ri..i,i;.. of them prevented. Prevent tiien the growth of such humors. 1 Whydo Ihe Uhinese uve 10 sucn immcnse ages and still retain the powers of youth or mid- dle age uerause tne puri.y ine niooa. 1 ne CtnsiiE jJlood fills so caiiea because they work upon and cleanse the Blood are the stan- dard remedy. These pills will doit ; and the 1 eiupcraiii.c uinn., cu unc-.ivu, wni 10 strengthen the system and prvent the accumu lation of bise humors which infest ihe blood. aud which only increases by purges. unless Ihe Diittrsare laken alter. liuy, tben, Ibese pills and bitters. Take weekly the pills, and daily thc bitlers, and if you are or liave been invalids for days weeks, montbs, or years, yoit wiM find the sickly bumordrawn on, and prevented from areturn, and the sallow yellotr hue of sickness ancy, as a consiiiunonai lamily coinplainr, and changa rapldly lo Ihe full blooming glow of bas cured eflectually in every inslance yet known, health and youthfulbuo ancy. amounting lo many hundreds. It is not unpleas- There are cases so numerous of these brilliant ant to ihe taste, and does not prevent Ihe daily effects, that time and space forbid an attempt avocalions of one using il : it must be persevei to put them down. Buy and use these medi. ed in, and tbe cure is giadual, bul certain aud cines, and use no other, and health and strength permanent. Instmcai are constanily raulllpiy shallbryours. See wrapper and directions that ,n where this distressing complaint is com come with Ihem. pletely relieved and cured , although ofyears stan- FRAUDULENT COUNTERFEITS Will be attempted. Buy no remedy of the kind unless it have my name O. C. Litr, M. D on :hewiappr, and also the nolice as follows : i "h.nicreu acconling to Acl ol Congress, A. D. 1841, hy Thos. Connel, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Uni'ed States for the Xc-Jt'iprn District of New YorU." Warrante.J !b" only genuine. Messn. Co5istock & Co., Nev York, are the sole holcsa!e agonls for Ihe "iiied States and Ihe neighboring counties. lu-.v fur sale bv 5. MOODY. The Countcrfeiter's Ueath Blow. TKE public will please observe thal no BBANDBETH PILLS are genuine unless the box has three labels up- on it, each containing a fac simile signature. of t t..njA..r;,:n,. . V II II .-. ,1 1, Tli... ui iiaiiu', ,uua ... t.imnin, nt. j labels are rngraved on steel.beautifully desiened an ono at aD exPense eTeraI ihocsanddol- j Rem-.mberihe top, theside, and the bottom ; a, i nr.trnt timp.. mhpn thn rntmtpr- f.r rrlehrntid P,7. m comphtely cornered, it is nol surpris- ing to jind ihat they endeavor to get off their stock of spnrious Pilh under uny name. It is not thefirst time that the "Poor Indiari' has hadto Jather the aborlionsqf cunningmen. The remarkable cures which have been efTect ed by Brendreth'a Pills, have astonished the whote medical faculty, manv of whom have con sideredtbat they are the greatest blessing ever givcn to the world. Tbe rcason these celebrated Pills have aucb a universally good effecl, is because their action barmonizes wilh the human body. " Purge out the old leaven, thatye may be come a new lump," is the languae of Holy Writ, a ficure applied spiritually, it Is true, but how could it have any applicalion unless cort F1HMF.D BV PRACT1CAI. EXPERIENCE, in Ihe body of tnattsr? The fouidalion upon which this figure of scriplure rests Is as irumovcable as Ihe laws which govrrn the tidet, or occasinns the thundersof Heaven. 'THE C O N D I TI ON." The condition upon which God has given health to man is a constant care lo keep his stom ach and bowelsfree Irom all ruerbid and unheal thy accumulations. The means to cflect this musl be those remedies which cleanie the bowels and nurifv the blood. Good healthful medicine is only a species of food; nhen Ihe animals, whose habits wehave ihe means of otiserving, are sick, they wander thro Ihe fialds, and make selections of those herbs which open their bowels and purity their fluids, which immediately restore tbeir heallh. When a dose of Brandreth's "ills are taken, thpy are digested and pass to every part of the system; but they leave the body when they have etfected thein tended purpose, and health and vi?or are bv them insured. Mineral medicines may enler Ihe system, but they are with difficully got out again ; and thej always occa'ion pain and tmsery while they re main in the body. Whereas Brandreth's Pills are asinnocent asa piece of bread, and areevacuated with thedisease for which they are taken. From the time we are born tothe time we cease tobrealhe, our bodies are constanily wasting, and as constanily building up. The action of the atmosphero wea.-s or wastes thein. The food we eat.the digcstivcorgatis covert into blood, which renewsorbuilds upby its circulaling power. Thus thehuman body is heallhy when Ihe blood circulates freeiy, and when any thing prcvents its frce course through 'he veins, disease com inences. Custivenes3, Dispepsia, Fevcrs, Inflammations, are all owmg lo Ihis, and all the lroublrs attend Ing them could always be prevented by the limely use ol Brandretl.'s Pills, as Iheir very action at oncetends toclearthe circalalion of all impedi ment, and removc every cause or occasinn of im punty from Ihe blood. There are thousands nay millions at this moment, in this country, and all olhers, whom wemaf really coniideras halfdead. They may be said lo carry their dtath in their bowels and circulation. This is no imaginary circumstance. I wish it were. Thousands whom we ineet evety whcre wilh cadivcrous looks, yel low skins and green pyes, spcak in a language not to be mistaken, ofthe state of Iheir slomacb and bowels, and tl.c consequent condition of Iheir elood. The body is ihus, while in life, reduced to Ihe consequent condition of a corpse ; and Ihe reasun why some bodies are so soon in a puliid condition afler dcath, is rr.ore from the quan lily of itrpure humors contained tn Ihem at the time they e.xpired, than from any other cause And who is there that will nol allow, that if Brandreth's Pills had been employed. so as lo re movc these impure humors, that life ini"ht nol have been saved ? Whoevcr will give tKis sub jpct but very little consideration, will at once per ceive the perfect identity between the putrid hu mors ofthe b-idv brfore dealh, and the humors which c;casion the peculiar fcetorof adead body. Un. HKAIMUK1S TH'S rni.NcirAL oFrtcn is at 211 Broadway.opposilelhe Cily Hall.NYork N. E. orriCE, 19 ILWOVER STREET, 19 09-ONLY-CO place in boston for these Iruly excellent Pills. B.BRANDRKTH, M. D. (Entcred accordingto act of Congress, m Ihe yeai I841,by Benjamin Brandteth, m thc Clerks'a office ofthe District court of the Southern Dis Itiel of Ncw-York.) The ONI.Y persons in Addison co., Vt., fur- nished with the Genuine Brandreth's Pills, zre at Middlebury, Jonathan Hnirar; East Middlebury, Needham itDennis ; Addison, Barnes & Fuller : Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, u Ferriibutgh, Hancock, New Haren, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, Maiksboro' Vergennes, Weybridge, Wh-iiini.'," P. Flctrhei & Son ; W. H. Hadley ; Samuil F.verts; B.F.Haskell; Shalesci. Wicker; Jolin Hackett.Jr.; Roscoe & Nash ; Frederick Smith; Hiintlty &. Higg ns ; Kent Wright; T.H. Kidder; V m.R. Bixbv; Silas S. Spraour; J. & O. S. Simond-i r D.M. Russique. 16 ly 8100 REWAUD, N E HIINDRED DOLLARS RE- o WARD bas been offt-red for monlhs, to any one who will use a bottle of Hays' Liniment r .1 n 1 1 . T . I -T ff .1 . -J- forthePiles wilhout being cured. Ofthousanda soid in no inslance has it failed of a cure Proof overwhelming to be had where it is Bold. ItisaUoa certain cure in nearly every casp..(ex- ternally) in tbe following complaints. For ,he P'le3 Tightness of the chesl especially in cbildren, For all IJropsj , Tender Feet, froul Ulcers ol Ihe legs. 6sore throat by cin- or other fungus sorps, ce,s or ulcers however obstinale or .rouP . 'ong stand ing, hoopingcough, Fresh Wonnds Scald Head. Chilblains &'3 &. LOOK OUT. Some Swindlers have couni erfeited this article anduut il un with various devices. Do nol be imnose unon. One Ihine- will protect you jt i ihe naroe ol COA1STOUK & L.U, ; thal namemust be alwavs on the wrapper, or you are cheated. Da not fVr?etit. Take tbis direction with you, and test by that. or never buy it; fcr it lmpossiDie lor any oincr to oe irue or genuine. 56Id by COMSTOCK & CO.. 71 Alaiden Lane. 10:lj HEADACHE CERTAIN OURE FOR SICK HEAD ACHfc, wbicb has been used in familtes, every memner ot woitu uaa mu Ditn neaaacne irom in- ding by the use ofDr. Spohn's ceieoiaieu reme- y. One.decided preference is its pieasamness. having ncne of the nauseaimg encci oi comrcon drujs. - . I 11 " sopenecuv i t-.-r"-r hargiven direction for his agents to refun.l th price to any one who is nol pleased niij, t" curcd byit. He hopes also Ihat Ihis n,4y nJ its great benefit to Ihe distressed suflerers are labouring under Headach. E.Spohn, M. D, Inventor and Proptitfr,, COMSTOCK & CO., 71 Maiucn Lane New York. 10:ly Frsm the New York Herald. MYSTERIOUS, Agentleman beloi.ginglo one ofthe most Jr, cient and wealthy families ot this citv, Rb must be well known lo numerous friend's, Hjt. ing sincethe year 1818 up to recently, been bent nearly double, and forseveral years confin. ed to his bed, has been rpstoitd to good health has regained his nalural erect positicn and ha quitled his cai'riagc, and now. walks with ease " Wo believe this is Ihe genlleman's own tSetctia. tion as nearas possible, and there is r.o nxtevir. ation in it. We will give inquirers his adrirejj" and doubt not his humane feelings will pxcnse thr libprty;so that any one doubtin, may know these facls though he rrquites his name may not appear in print. Among other similar in stances, Mr. Jas. G. Raynolds 144 Christie St. has been restored and will give personal assar ance of the facts of his case. Both ner theumatism, and contracted cords and sinevri. How has this been done .' Answer By the Indian Vegetable E cixer internally, and Hewes' Nervk and Bonr Linimejtt externally N. Y. HeraU Jaa 26 1841. Sold only by COAISTOCK &iC0." 71 Alaiden Lane, New York. 10-ly " For sale hy S MOODY. Drggfst. ii-l, THE BEST RIEHTOD FOR THE ABOL1TIOJV OF DISEASE, 13 TO CLEANSE AND PURIFY TI1E BODY. WRIGHT'S IMDIAHTEGETABLE PILLS, Of the.Korth American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best medicins in the world for the cure of EVER Y VARIETY OF DISE.1SES because Ihey thoroughly cleanse the stom:b and bowels of these billious humors which not only paralyze and weaken the digesiive oigans, but are Ihe cause ofheadache, nausea and sick ness ; f alpitalion ol the heart, iheumatic pain in various parls ol the body, and many other un pleaant complaints. THE I.DL1JV VEGETABLE PILLS, are also a certain cure for intermittent, remittent, nerious. inflamiEa oiy and putrid fevers ; b. cause they cleanse the body of those morbid hn mors, which wliencon6ned to Ihe circulation ars tbe cause of all kinds of FEVERS. also, when morbid fercrs are deposited npon the membrane and muscle, causing those pains, m llauitions and swellings, callcd RHEUMATISM, GCIUT dcc, the Indian Vegetable Pills may berehed on as al wajs certain to give relief, and ifpersevered with, will mosl assurerily and wiibout fail, make a per fect cure of (he above painful maladies. Fron lliree tosixofsaid Indian Vegelable Pills taken every nighl on going to bed will in a thort lime tt compleleiy rid Ihe body of etery thing thalisop. pcied to health, thatRbeumalism, Guut and pain of every descriplion will belilerallv DRIVEN FROM THE "BODY. From 'he ame reason, wbcn from sudden changes foalmnsphere or any cther cause, tl. perspiraticn is checked, and Ihose humors which should pass off by the skin are tbrown innardlr causing HEADACHE, G1DDINESS, nausea and sickncss, pain in ti.e bunps, wa(ei) and inflamed eyes, sore throat.hoarseness, coughs consumptons, rheumalic pains in various parti of the body and many olher symptums of CATCHING COLD llie Indian Vegolable Pills will invariahly gireim nediale relief. From three to six of said PilN ta ken every night on going to bed, will in a shcrt lime, not onlj remove all Ihe above unpleasanl yinptoms, bul the body will be restored to even sounder heallh Ihan before. The same may be said of AST1IJ1A, OR DIF FICULTY OF BREATHING. The Indian Vegelablc Pills will loosen and can ufl by tbe stomach and bowels those phlegmr humors which stop up thc air cells of thc luni, and arc Ihe cause not only oflhe ahove distrru ing complaint, but when negltcted, often ter minates in a still more dreadful tnalady calleJ CONSUMCTION. It should also be rememhetcd Ihat Ihe Indita Vegetable Pills are a certain cnrc for PAIN IN THE SIDE, oppression. nausea and sickness, los-s of 'appelilr, co.-liveness.a jellow tinge of the skin and ejcs, and ever)' other sjmplom of a torpid or disesstd state uf Ihe iver ; because they purge Irom tbe body Ibose impurilies which if deposiled upoa Ihis impurtant organ, are the cause of even' v'an etv of U VER COMPLAINT. C AUTION. The public will plcase observe Ihat Ihe genuine mcd icine has Ihe following wording on Ihe sides of Ihe box.s: tVRIGIITS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS (Indinn Purgative.) Of tiie North American College or Hkaltii. And a'soaround the border of the lahel.'will bc!found in small lr.e: " Enlered aeeordim It the aet of Congress in the year 1840, by Wji. iTH.GHT.tnHt uicrA-s office, oj the Uislnit Covrt of the Eastern district ofPcnnsylvania." It will further be o-served thal Ihe nrinted di rections for using the medicine, which accompa- nies each box, are also enlered accordinir to Acl of Congress; and Ihe same form will be found at Ihe boltom oi Ihe hrst page. The sliehlest altention lo Ihe above few Dartic- ulars tvill serve to prolect Ihe purcbaser from ftaud, and save the livps of those who may olh erwise be endan-gered bvusing a ccuntereit med icine. The public will aso rcmember that all who sell the genuine Indian Vegetable P.lls are providsd with a certtficate of Agcncy, signed by WIL.L1A.M wkiumi, vice I'rtstdcnt ofthe JVbrth American Colleee of Health, and thal pedlars are never in anv case allowed lo sel tho genuine Medicine. All travelling apenti will beprorided withacerlificate of agency asa bove described ; and those who cannot showocs will be known as base imoostors. CO-AII lelters relative lo the Pills must be ad dresaed tbus : ' N. E. OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, I9S Tremont street, Boston, Mass." fjCJ-AGENTS have been appointed for the sale oflhe Pills in every town in New England- Agents. Middlebury, George H Fish; Bennington Jonathan llanghton ; Williamsville. Charles W Joy ; Bepnington, J C Haswell ; Rutland, VVHIiam Fay ; Woodstock, Haskell&, Palm- er;Dover, Hiram Baldwin ; Brattlebnio' Btrge & Brackett ; Watprlord, H Cuttiog &Co; Newbury. Prentiss Knight; Bethel, Samuel Austinjr; Sprinsfield.George Was bburn; Proctersville, Proctor &. Knbinson, Londonderry, Sniith & Glazicr; Bpifgewa ter. Thonias Southgate; Chester. Phinens O Sargeant; Windsor. S W Hubbard ; Bur lington, A Brinsmaid ; East Poultney. Hick ok&Mears; Cornwall, Samucl Everls; Wilmington, A B Ch'dds; Stowe, Albert Comps; Post Mills, Jeremiah Wilton;St Jobnsbury, Lulher Jewelt; Weston, JJol.n i Wilder; Waterbury, Persons Lyon; Mont pelier, William Clark ; Ludlow, John Dun bar&Co; Readinir, Wood & Merrill ; Harl lord, J P & C ; Norwich, Baxtrr 4. Newton; Barnar ', J P Danforh ; Bethel, . Lorenzo Hilchcock; Rochester.CliarlteDodd; , Sprinrrfield. Rnssell ; Cavendish, A Gibeon &. son; Guilford, Pbilip Marlin; Halifax C Stone tfcCo ; Westminster, Aaron Hitch- cock; Nnrlhfield, Murdock & Alexander; Weathsfielri, Barley Bartlett; Harl uno. Cotton &. tamble Fairfax.'ton Lovc wood. 28 ly. CROCKERY AND GLASS WAh A larse assortment, ehcaper than tr before ofibred; now by A K !-