Newspaper Page Text
BAILEY & RICH'S PATENT SMUT lcH!NE. The undersigned ai'ter expeiimen- ting about fifteeii years in inaiiufacturing Kinut machine:', and using thetn, have atlast succecded in obviating all defects, and they now prorTcr to Millers tbat long desired ma chine for cleansing and brightening grain for Grinding. Itismi'de of durable mntcrials, (Cast and wro't iroi,w"tb cast steel boxes sc pivots,)very compnct, efiicient, simple in construction, not liable for years to gct out of repair, and easily takeu to pieces and put togcther again. It ia soconstructed tbat the same fan wbich lilows out the chaff. and olher lighl matter as it lenves the innchiiie, forces wind up into the insideofthe inner case, causiiig a slronz currcnt of air to operate hnrrizontally upon all the grain iaunguvholep assage Ihrough the mill. cxpclling evcry particlc of dust as loonas crcatcd. Whercas in all other dura ble inachincs the pulvcrized smut, is, to n grent extent, sufTercd to mingl' ngain with ihe grain, oftcn sticking to the kernel:, and thu defenting the ntain oijecl ofsmutling. The nmchiue will clean froui 15 to 25 busneU of grain per hour. Prics S100,C0 at iheir fuctnry, warranted to suit tbe purchaser, upon thrce montlis iri al. They are now ready to forward mncines upon ord rs from any partoftbe Unitcd Stutes. Their pntent was granted in July 1S42. They anne.v a few certincntcs to show how they nre esteemed by others, Manchester, Vt. May 9, 1312 This is to rertify thnt we have in use one -of Bailey & Rich's Siimt Machiucs, that it does go )d work, and we arc wcll satUlicd with it; and think tbe invcntors have obvia ted, ino-it, if not all, the faultsand impcrfee tions of other bmut mills with wbich we aro ncquainteil. M. Clare & So. Chester, N. Y. Junc 15, 1842. This nny certify that we have used Bailey St RichN smut niill for nine nionths and ttbink it to be the best tnill now in use. Alonzo Towslev. (Owner.) Eu Tatlor. (Miller.) i Northamptoii, Mnss. July 1, 1S42. J 1 certify tbat I Ii.ive one of Bailey & Rich's rsmut m icbiues, and alsohnd one of Grimes' both in u.-e in tny Grist Mill at tbe same tiir.e, and I takc pleaure in saying to the : i'uulic, lliiit Ihelormerlias iny prclcrance o orUO other Gentleincii, ull ofwbotn concur red iu iny decision. Boiias Clarc. E.tract from a lettcr written by Capt. XV. Duiican, .Mill Wri"bt, of Lebnnon N. 11. July 16, 1342. " I have this day rcceived j Hvn 1-Mters Ironi L.yine, r. 11. one Trom the llnn. Judri Churphill nnil thp. nthpr frnm Cl IK.CI.irk (Millci)both speak very Iiialily ' of H.nley Si Rich's smut machine. The miller s y. be hascleaused to pcrfection the i worst sinutty wheat be ever ground, nnd hc ' cun rpcnmmcud the mill lo be superior to auy in u:-e." 1 N. B. They vvarrant that in a few days ' they will have lnrge machines tnat wdl clear, j to pcrfection, 100 bushels of wheat per hour. BAILEY, RICH &. Co. Shoreham, Ft. Aug. 1. 1S42. Large supply of Fresh Tcas,Cofi"ee, Sptccs, &c. d low by A. & W. S. JoH.Nsoir. Hartford. 'I'HE milircribsr has becn appoinlrd Afjent for r ''I? ,llARTr0KD PJK IhSURAVCE ClfjirANV, or Middlibarv and ieinliv ,wl -,Il rrooWo P'oprjals forinsuting proi.i rty ajaintt los or ' I... 171 I 1 J - . . - bv. i . 1110 ioM cctablislica reputa i" i .! coml,a"y, and tho proinplncts witli wliielialltlieirtrannction.liavr bcrn character- 41IV . aarloSiiy anyihingin its IntrilMrd lo hiri, will bo f..itl,rlly anJ pllnc: luallv transacifd. insiTuiv .r-.'. . , . - - ; inu viiiui; AlidJL.bnry, Feb. 2R, 1842 42;v Agrnt! AKLSTON & FOULARL) Gin2ham, Prtnts &c. too Clirai. at Rlltnp---; Mu-3,'12. 13 RIKD APPLEs , P,r saleat T. C. SMITH'S. Ma 7.S1 42. i PAIRS ol'ihirkVJooJi "I hfl Dflcnni- tcctirrm ai,f ft" Var. ivell'sbest Mo occofor l.adirs, bv A. CHAPMAN Sr SON. Kxtra Urands of Family FLOUIl. 'piIE nbseri'jpr'is nor roceivinj: On COnfl0llllplif nnrl -Ftll lip will snppli.'d llirouph ih rcanon. whu Fnmi'oi iiiu clioiccd brandr Western Flour, evpr ifTirp-l in this markct Havnif; Flour mauuficiHrrd by more than twcniy difT.-refit mil's of tbr liijhcst repntatlon, Ii plrdf s that F.'pur o& by liim aliall give the unt pcrfect HlUfUcliGc, and will bo warranted in all caf es.J N. R. Fancy brands conslanlly on hand. Dcatcrs in Fbmr, Mercliaiilr, ai.d Faii.i ies arc res?- ctfully milrd lo nrdcr. and try Ihe arlicle. Flour nbippcd lo crder. in good pickajp with ""1 d.'lay on r.-cripl rf I'ri't-'. rrrlifnalc oi depoiit or oabh. J.N. HINSDILL. Tr v. .Ipril 25. 1842 ) 317 liiverSl. 51 Im pap. vcr tlie latter lor cleansing tlie grain, best, r g .and fuster bv Mvn to nne. This fixnRrimpnr 1 ' - ' ! wns inado in tbe abseneeof Bnilev &. Rich. ! iSSPI.END.D CLOT iidinthe tireseiice of Grimes' nwent nnd 15 T1NGS. AUo t? PH forsa. ol (AT THE.CBBAP CASII 8T0RR.) IS now ptepared to offer to the public a fresh supply ol seasonable 3D)ny dls lirecl frsm the importersand manufnclurers. likewise Achoice stock ofdry aroccrirs f the first quality, for family use to gether wilh crock- rv ana uiass wate. - 53" N. B. Puces currc.i)t)nting wiili th- motto. 2 aHB subscriber krepsforsale S- COTTON BATTS by thebile, IRA 8TEWA T. MHdlehurvSept. 11 !34t. 19lf 1842. Vergennes and Buffalo Line. THE CAJfAL PACKtT j. SHEKMAN, CAPT. M. T. DAVIS. VIl.l. cnniinenci! Tnps on Ihe 3d day of MjV. beiwccn tlio city of Vor;;:in" m.d Riifla'n. ruiiniiie DAY and JSlt.ll I , nf .illw: Ltavtt May May Juno Angust Septeinber October Leavc Bvjfalo. 3 31 23 9 0 4 May 13 1(1 8 19 10 14 8 Junc July Augllbt Scptember October OcIoIkt !9 Noveniber This pack',t will bc put in first rale order at Ihe opening of Naviga'.inn, with addilional nc co'iiinoilutinus fur Froight und Fasscngpre. Will Iravo Vergennes al 7 o'clock in llm inorning tnwi'il ty ste.-iinb":t to Wliitehall. Frcigh'. inutt bo on boird tlio day prcvious. Thoje niovinjr, r risiling Ibeir fricnds inllic far Wost, uill find llii" tbe niosl cxpidilions ar.d chrapist routclliey ca toki'. Thcru wdl bo orcty accomuiodation un bonrd ti pnit tlie most partirular. Tiiosf who cboosc lo io so, can have every ficility for bourdin thrmsulvc. iluo uticnlion will bo paid to piscnj;cri by n cari"ful captuin and crcw, whu will tparn nu naini't" civi: pi-rficl salisfaclion. For fnrther pjrticulirs pi.quiro ol t'li- capUin on board. II. CHAPMAN, Vergennes. JOV &. WEBSTER ; 1 Buffiilo 51 6w DAW & DELONG, 4iKOCE!!IKS. A-superior as.oitmei.tof x and Young Hyson and Hyson-skin TKJ1S, Coffee, Molasses, Spic. s,Raisins and in uiy olher artxlcs of tbc kiml, aicohpl ex n pled, by A. CHAPMAN & SON. To Mercliants. f-ANLE-'VICK,nnd CO I'TON YAUN, from No. 5 to 25, and of the besl qualily, for salety ihesubsctiber. JOSEPH GORDON. Middl-hurv, Jan.25, 1S42. 28 tf OO.MESTICS. Satinctts, Amtrican Pr n's Shectings, Shirtings, Tickings, ickings. B.iltiHgs.a'nii Tavl rsTriunuinji!', by A. CHAPMAiN&SON. iNew Spring and fciummcr r"lHE sub-icriber is now his stock JL ol SPHING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at ihe lowtsl New Ycrk Cnh prices, e inbra inkr. every varieiy ol kinds and q'laliiies cal'ed for in a country store. He will Ibr Cash or short credit positively sell loive tban any other establishmpnt in this uun yo. JVb .liwfake. P. W-COLLINS. Conwall, M y 2.1342. t 'LiOTHs?, CasiiueJf, nnd triuindngs in gnatvarielyheaper and ihe ver at uiiiun.'s HS AND KES- l'm.mer Good?: some 1 nliMsnt'nR nnva nt Iprs ihan the manu'actur A. Fhancis O.OCOYds. supi-riorfinc and heavy Blea h-- td aud brown nnirriGS Sf Diuli.incs lower llian cvtr belore known bv A. Francis CO I' TON GOODS. Hesvy Brown C't ton 3 vds the lb. for 8 cents. Blearhed K"ols cqua'lly cheap, at BIRGE'S. Mav 3 1842. AR IRON, 'ui!s, Shovels, Axea, and a general assorlmeni of Hahdware, by A. CHAPMAN & SON. BUSHELS of Potators for sale by P. W. COLLINS. Comall. May 10. 1842. 4Y 10, 184. "SUST rcceived by ibe subscriders, a full assortment of woll ad.ipted to ihe Spric and Su.mmer Irade w. ichwill be scdd as CllKAP fLrcashrjr nppr ved cieili'. js at any other stire in this vicniliy. Z. BECKWITH &. CO. FAPER. 2000 pieces Room Paper, of, Bordering, just receiv- ednt BIRGE'S -AKPETS. Those wisbing lo consult c- r-noniy w II dj well t exainine a large stock ,u-.t received by A. FRANCIS. Groceries. fBlHK subscribrr now off rs for cahh. a S- splcmlid tock f sujars from 5c to 9c per lb.. Molasses 11 l-21b. for 25c ptr jjal. Pea, CofJee and every other ar-ii-le called (or in ihe Grocery line (Liquors execpifd) al piices equullv h'W. P. XV. Colijxs. Cornwall, May 10. 1812. Iron, Stcel and iYails. npOR sale ".ery low foi cah, by IRA STEWART. lSr rcceived by P. XV. Collins 3000 W yanls Calicoes, prices varying from 5c to 25ct 4C00 yards Shceting, from 6c to 9c per yard. May 2, IS 12. VINTS AND OIL. n large nssort iJL munt of Paints and Oil for sale by A. & XV. S. JonnsoN. ASI1 paid forgool fhcce wool by A. Chafman &So.v, For sale bvjtbcm, a superior arlicle of Sheep Shear.'. Middlebury, June 14. 1842. 6 fr ih upily of jrroceries.amongwhich is good SUUAR 15 lb for 1,00 at Im Stewa RT'r. Jeicr Goods. T, HE sub&cribers are now receivmg thcir stock ol Compri-ii g brsides thcir ordinaiy assortment Bontiet silks, Ribbons and Fanv.y Good?, ol every dfscription all of which niay be relied upon as ol tn nri qiianiy; anuwtll De soia a low ai at any other sl"re in this toivn ur couoty May 9, loiJ. A. oWAf jiiiN ifc SUN. NOT1CK. THB sldlscviberbaon hand a larae assott ment of Furniture of the latest fasbnuis, wbich he offcrs for ale :t reduced prices. DAV1D L. ANNAN. Bnst I, May 9, 1812. I;10w T AUIE'S and ChMtrn'sBonneh lloods -and nimmings; a larce supply Latest fasbions, very low now rcceiving by A. Francis. i&iiqI nri f l " " "'AKPETINGS. Heavy Wool Caipvlincs, C.'tton do cheap for casb Ht BIRGE'3. ! May 3. 1842 A I S. Ilravtr, .Alolcskin, Lezlio.n, Cnne anu raiin L.eai HaiP, at lillt ur. N :Xt.-nsivt! nssorliuent of I'unnvtrit-v r i-t c c v . n v l.KUUKbKY & uUASsis WAUb, iow leady for inspection and sale at thu Clieap.for-Cash slore of Z. BECKU'ITII Co., from New Goods. raiHE Rub-cribcr has iust- rcceived NewYork, a complele assortment of sea sondb c DRY GOODS, whicb he wdl sell very low for cash. IRA STKWART. .Viddl.bury. May 31 1312. jYew Goods. CLOTHS, Cassimeers, Cal coes, Muslins Cainbrics, Lawns, Drillm and Tickini;. A fine assnrtment of summer rlolhs, Linens. Sbeetings Shirtings &c. &c whicb wi'l be sol fr cash oi on credit, al prices wbich can not fail to snii pu:chaseis. Z. Beckwitii & Co. WOOLEiV FACTORy. IHE subscribcr would rcspcclfully inform his customcrs, and tbe public gcnorally, thut hc has commcnccd the busincss of manufacluiing WOOLEN GOODS, fcUCH AS Cominon Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sat inetts. White or Colored Flan nelsj fcc. &c. At liis old sland in Shoreham, near Ricli't. Alills. He ill moiiufacture wool on &harcs or by Iho yard, at ihe opiion of the owner. The subscribcr is solicitous ofobtaining business, and ferls certain that his e.xperi cnce and knowledoe in cloth nmtsufacttir- ing anddressing, and the fitiishcd apparatus and machincry which he has providcd, will enablu lnm to give entirc satisfaction lo al who ernployliiin. Hc invites the publii: lo call and e.xamine spccimeus ol his work, which he behevcs will justify all expecla tions which he holds out to his customcrs. A. KILBORN. Shnrohnm. (Rich's Mills) Apr. 1,'42 49 03s' Itelief for Ilard Timcs. Woiv rrcieving, a larger STOCK o' JL GOODS than ivcre cvcr bcfore oirer edin this maiket, of almost overy varieiy, which were Bovghl with Cash, at the pres ent exlremelg low prices and which will b sold at prices that cannol fail lo suit the pur. chaser by A. Frakcis. Glovcs and Hosiery. Cotton, Silk. Lisle tbread. nnd Kid Glo vcs, black nnd white lisle thread, and silk Hosieiy-Ladics b.ack and white Cot lon Hosc from 10 to 25 cents at Birge's. May 16, 1842. Uonnets and P. L. llats. If you want the best and chcapcst Flor- cnco Braid Bonnct or Pulm Leaf Hat in the vi-cinity, first coll at Z. Beckwitii &. Co.'s ADDISON COUN 1 1 Tcmper ance llouso. Ti y 11 E subsriibcr would JL inform the public, thai he has taken the stand rcc ently occnpird by Paul Ilt'ad, south ofth Court Hnusein JMiddlebury. The hous nnd out houscs are now undergoing a ihor oujjh repair, nnd will afllird every nccom modntinn to costumcrs wbich llicir coriiforl and convenience can rpquire. It will be kf pt upon strict trmpcrancc principlcs, andJ - he hopcs by perscverance iu this plan, In rccpivetho patronai'e of all friendly tothe objects of the grcal temperanco refcirm. Hnving for years been convcrsant wilh public houses both in country and ciy. hc ihinks he ktiows Iho duiies of n landlord,and how to supply ihe wants of ihe Iravclcr : and he promises that no t fFort on his part will he wnnting to give cntire satisfaciion to the ptnlic. BBNJ. B. BROWN. Miil'dlehury Feb. 8 1842. 40:tf Brooms! Brooms ! ! H E subscriber s-ves notice that he ... , " , . will manulacture at short noMce, corn Brooms at 10 cents a niece. nnd find hand 1 , t les anu iwinc, or on sliares dwrllin" housc one mi! villace. EDW Bristol. Feb. 18. 1842. 42:6m I - - btele ,T. flCT'.iJ.A li. Caai, ohrnr and Spnng M2A for sale bv IRA STEWART, Middlebury, Aug. 8. 1841. ALL and WINTER Lamp Oil,of tho best quality, for sale by T. C. SM1TH. Garden Seeds. j QUGAR BEET, Carrot and Onton seed, ij bvlhepound; also, a largo assorltnent nt retail. warranted tlie growth of 1841. Forsainhr JOHN IFOOD. rsacuy rjuiy. Annl.lPJO ltl)ITr:tii A- f'H'r V All.S Win Cow Glassand Putv. consttantlv o r hand,and for sale by A. & W. S. JonNsoN. fiiUPERFlNE Flour for sale low by Ira Stewart. DOZ. Husienjand Gorev; edly composed of a variety of valuable and porely Mlrr ev.rV vyriniv ni ih.. hlf H.p vegetabla mattar; and frum our own expene nce. , i7lvrfQ as wen as oineis, ive ciu !jt "sj A is HEALTH & STRENGTH. DB.I.O. BICIIARDSO.t'9 COCTRA.TED Sherry Wine Bltters, p DTup in ocugon Bollles.and tlie iogredienbi to make the same put up lo pressed packages;fur sale by all ihe Drusgists and most of the W. I. Goods Dealers in liostoa and vicinity. Also, by tuy agents in all the prtncipal tt.wiu mrougnom Nev ndandand the Southero and Weslern i - " i Tk. Ham. BAnK.GTo.v,comerof Sackvil- le street, lUlifax, isgeneral gent for the Brmsh , Prov-ncfs. P,S. Barnard. W. G. Ski.vnkr and Jos- epii PEnnYiMoasEaremy only authorized trav- elling ageuU. OFFICE 15 HAN VEIl ST. BOSTON ' 75 cenf er Botlle; 50 cents pcr paper. I Tne follo'ine are selected Irooi a large cum- of EJitonal noticcs. i Frcm the Dover (N. II.) Gazetto. Dr. Riciiaud3u.Vs BiTTERS.-Inourcoluoins may be found an advcrliseraent of the Veetable j Rittsri.nrmred hv Ur. S. O Ricbardson.ofSouth I Reiding, Masi They a-e, ai said to be, undoubt rcnovatm."- and inviirorati tem W'ehave a good opinionofthe they are not a quack nostrum.bul discovered.pre- pared, and vnded by a regular Physicun, a i;rad- uate of Ihe CoIIprb of euronn Stjte, and who has ci.ri i.m littlo in tii mv uf nultiriL' them himself. i i,ut leJvcs it to those ho Iry them tojudgs them- selres. For the diseascs that manj are naoie io, in lh.c pri and .ummer such as Deb.l.ty Uvs- , pepsia. Billious and IServous Ooniplaints, &c., we jQ notl,e5ita(e to sav that Ihese Billers will be i I'ounda safeagreedble and elleclual rcstorative is good heallh is one of '.he gieatest of earthly I blessings, ive would early advise thoe labonn;; (lioficw. tn innlrp a frial nf Dr. Tirh. I ardson's Bltters: Ihey can do no harm. and may do much good, as we are ronfident in many cases ' they have. Vcgctablee and vegetable medicmes ! ,inn(,tnnblv the rnp3t con?eoial to the lm. man sislem. From the Evcning Signal N. Y. Siii:rry IViwb Bitter These are a reme- dv very biiihly and very iustly recommended by physicians, as of grcat eliicacy in giving slrcLgth to the weak and debihtated. The use of years has satisfactorilyprovcd their vuIum. Untinclured .ij the sligntesi delcterous matter. they communicate the bealini; powersof the best medir.inal roots and plauts. "I lit-y rcsloie, and. if not liiJ aside. prc "etve Ihe nl.ole ar.imnl ceonomy in a state ol lu bitual healllnnesj. Theycai.nol ne too fuqucnt ly commeuded lo public notice hyjusl enconiums frum the press .i. B. & D. Sands, 73 and 100 Fulton Street jfjents. fjtj- It: bpealtingof the of Ihe Slierry Wine Bitters.of ,hich Messrs A. B. S( D. Sandi are agents, we meant those prepared by Dr. S. O. Riclurdson.of Suutli Reading ilass. From Ihe Bristul County Democrat, Taunton. HicinnnsoN's Bitters Of Ihe numcrou3 mcdicines which are adversied in our paper from lime to time, we pretend lo kdow but little tteir virtues must be known only lo those weo have raade use of Ibcm. But with Dr. S. O, Richard son's Bitters weare somenhat acquainted. These Bltters wcrc ued in our family last sun.mer, foi geiieral debility and hcadache, and much relicf was derived frol.inlem. Tho-c who may be suV ject to nervous headachp, will fiud the Bitters ve ty ben-ficial lhey provcd so in tbe casc to which werefcr. For sale wholesale and relai'.al his oflice, 15 Wjnovcr slrccl, Boston. From tho sarnstablc Pjtrlut Healtiiand Sirxngth! To regain or prcs erve thcsc is the srcat desideralu ra. Nothini that we knotv of will do it moro uficctually, this warm wathcr than D'. Richardson's Shorry ine Bitters. Try 'era tbo strictcit tcmper ance rnan noid not bc afraid of the alcohol in them Thcrc is no moro than ii absolutely no ccsary to preserAe tho sriaiT of tbe 'roots and iiiarbs' ol vrhich they aro compoundcd. 8 AGENTS: Middlebury, S. Moody; Vergennes, W. B Biiby; New avcn. Roscoect Nash; Bristol, L. V. Hall; Hancock, Royal Flint, Starks- borougli, 1 . 11. liiddcr; 1 ernsburgb, Allen &, WheeIer;Monkton,M. XV. Kins'eyjShortham K. Wrijh ; Whiting, J. & O. bimonds; Sal i&lury, Humly & Higgins; Cornwull, S. Ev aris; Addison. Barnes & Fuller, 810,000 RKWAUD WILL bo paid lo any Physician who will pro duce a better compound for family use than the Genuine Dutch or Gcrman Vectablo Pillt, styl- ed Tlie Lion of the Day. TIIS8C1ENCE OF II U MAN LIFE TO tho inhabitants of tho United Statcs md tbe C nada;, Tlio pills well called the Lion of the Dav, are regpcclfully recommended to Ihe attenlion and Irial oi all tnosa subjeci IO inoai tacks uf Uilious DrsrErric, and otlicr Olironlc diseasps ofthc stomach, livcr, and bowels Thcsf pills have Ioie bocn without a succcssful nval, in Gcrmany, and througout E'lrope, nnd many years in various parts otlhe UmlPd slatcs, by tlio most iminent Pbyfaciaiis, as a raniily .tlcoicinc. Tliis Pill is composcd of oxtracts from nine parls ofthc Vegetable kingdom. Thoy aro war. raulcd safe in their operation and ctTccls. 7'liey are simplein ihrir prepcration, mMdin thcir ac tion, and unrivallcd in their rcsults. They have lorn rcceived thu most fldtterinz rccomrnendat- ion from tlio Sl d'cil Faculty; such nicn as Dr Molt, and Dr Gucrnse, tf New York: Dr Dal amater. Dr llonsick.and Dr Landon.of Dutehcbs county, and Hon B. Peck, M. D. ofGIcn's Falls lh-3 mcn have long ctood at the hcad of thcir prorusion, Again; gastic rirritat'on dtbilitates ihc digcstire ogans and becomes a fruitful source of disease; in some people Dyspepsia in others, Liver Com plaint, Rheumatism. Measles, Wb"oping Cough. -fs'hma, Gout, Ilypochondna, Epilcpy, Low Spinls, Chronic Dianhs, Pilej, Pulmonary Con sumlion, Scroffulous, Sick Headache, Eruption ofthe Skin, Salt Rhucm. St. Anthony's Fire, Wllow anl Billous Fevers, Fever and .Ague, Scar let Rash, Heartlurn, Costivenes", Female Weak- ncss. Jaundire, Irtermitlent and Kcmiltant rov rs, Eis:pelas.Scald Head. Humors, and all Bil ious compiaints. These ditTerent cornplaint are erch, one and about the same, toiloned by a Irain or others, equally as detnmenlal, and perhaps fa tal lo human life. Like baa legislation,9ne bad law ' must be suppored by olhers cqually injurious to j properity of ihe State. A perfeclly healthy bo- rli s IiLa t i ull fnnpH lnrlnim.nt onrv Elrini ! ot which vibrales iu unison, and Ihe least injury to anv one throws it into disorder. Let any one lake the trouble to examine and study the organization of his own sys'cm. and if be 1 ncver did before, be will lealize the feelings of the . Psalmist when he sune;, "I arc fearfilly and wnn- derfully made!" ', Lookir" at the human body, wilh all its ramifi- cations, balances. adjasments,and nice relations; the hair like deqendence upon whirh life issuspen ded; the intricacy of Ihe machine; the adaptalmn , ' , J , ,. ,' ' iol means toends; Ihe diff?rentsstems ranninzm- to.parallel with, and interlacing each other with- i.i.i. . r n. . 1 .. , J of Ihe heart in propelling Ihe blood with such as- (nni.linr, fnrr-P-ir,.! thp nnlul wnnil.r ..-111 J itoniLingforce:andthe gieatest wonder will be, i how can it be possible tlie buman system can beai lup,against Ihe daily violatonof ils laws, and main-, tain its vitality against such repeated attacks and iniuries trota exlernal and inlernal vinlenpR. , I unhesilatingly recommcnd Ihem ibr the eu:e j ofthe above compla'nts long known and juslly 'celebrated as one ofthe best Family Medicines in j These Pills are not intended as a thorough pur. atr.uthen the syttem that has run down, and re- ' gulate Ihe whole human structure, and remove ' allobstructioo and assist nature in its violated i,iw'- ., . , . . . TIni.,j I r or saie in aimosi ei S'ates and the Canadaj, c... I .1 . , ,i . . . . Price25 and 37 1-2 cts. Directions on each box, ?rJ!Lll2Jhyj.. Jou 5ih.e rju Giiflin on each box. A. B.& D San"X.C70Fuiron slr'cet. New York T Rowand, 376 Market t , Philadelphfa, A. uz euccts upon tnesis. ol one tiall. at his , 7' "; ,:;: '"r r Z " C Proof ovenvne.ming -"-- ,-; O north Of Bristol ,h arn and ,M f thR varion. ,n,,cC:- ,hZ " is 50.a. C?.rU' "ll " . KRD SWEET. wonderful svstem of arteries and vcins: Ibe action ' l""V.VnX l-rXhtness of tbe chesl Goier. 104 Hanorcr t., Boston; A C Phin, 31 Broad t., ChatUton, S. C. For full psrtircuUwseesmallcircuUradeposited with each agent below mentioned. For isal m this county by ray aathorizcd ajreati. MEKHITT GR1FFIN, M. D. For sale in Middlebury, by Si.lney Jloodyy VerseoDes. by F. Huntington; ahnreh in, . Wti'h,. Bridport, by N S Btirnett; DJ. 1 u,r" ry..,,L c.,k.k jiuuison oy narnes ruuci, tn.-u.p.. Cntre by -Hemy Uodger,;North Ferrisbursh 1V Allen & Wheeler; Bristol by I itus 11 Gaie; Monkton by Milo V Ktasley; Gran- ville by Warren Htyden; Leicester by L a Johnson; Whiting by Bussager & Walkr; C irnwall by S Everls; Hancock by John Hacktt-; Salisbury by A & P D Barrows. UOOK oui lor owinuiers auu vuumci feilers. H;yi The Countcrteiter's-Ueath Blow. TKE public will please observe that no BRANDRETH PILLS : i.oa ., hnr ha Ihree labels ur onit.cachcontaining a fac simile sifjnature ol mi hand-writing, thus B. Brandreth. Thcse labels are engraved on steel.beautifully designed anddoneatan expense of.evcral thousand dol lars. Renf.oiber the top, theside, and the bottom At the presenl time, whcn the counter feitcrs of these cehbralid Pills are compktehj cornered, it is not surpris ing to find ihat they endeavor to get off their stock of spurious Pills under any nume- It is not the first time that the " Poor Indian" has hadto Jathcr the aborlionsof cunnivgmen. The remarkable cnres which have been effect ed by Brendreth's Pills, have astonished the whole raedical faculty, many of whom havecons sidercd that they are the greatest blessing ever given to the world. The reason these celebrated Pills have socb a universally good eflecl, is because their action harmonizes with Ihe human body. " Purge out the old leaven, Ihatye may be come a ne lump," is the language of Holy Writ,alii;ureapplied spirilually, it is true, but how could it have any applicalion unless con firmkp bv praoticai. experiekce, in the body of matter.' The fouidation upon which this figure of scripture rests is as immovtable as the laws whili govern ine uues, ui uc.uui the thundcrsoflleaven 11 THE CONDITIDN. The condition upon which God has given health to man is a constant care to keep his stom ach and bowelsfree trom all merbid ahd unheal thy accumulations. The means lo clTectthis inusl be those rcmedies which cleanfe the bowels and Good bealthful medicine is only a species of food- whcn theanimals, whoso habitswehave the means of observing, are sick, they winder thro the fields, and make selections of those nerbs which opcn iheir bowels and purify their fluids, which immcdiatcly reslore their health. When a dose of Brandreth's ills are taken, th-y aredigested and pass to evcry partof the system; but thev leave the boily when they have etfected the in tendcd purpose, and healtb and vieor are by them insured. Hineralmedicinesmay enlerlhe system, but they are with ditficullygot out again; and they always occasion piin and miscry whde they re- main in the body. Whcreas Brandreth's Pills are asinnoccnt asa pieceof bread, and are evacuited wilh the disease for which they ate taken. From Ihe time we are boin totbe time we ccase tobreatbe, our hodies are constantly wasting. and as constantly building up. The action of the atmospbere wea.-s or wastes tbern. The food e eat thedi"estiveorganscovert into blowl, which renewsorbuildsupby its circulating poer. Thusthchumanbodyis healthy nben the blood circulatesfreely, and when any thing preverits its free course tbrough he veins, disease com- mtnces. . , Cosliveness.Dispepsia, Fevers, InfUmmations, are all owing to this, and all the troubles attend ."ng thara could always be prcveuted by Ihe timely use ol Brandreth's Pills. as their very action at oncetends to clear the circulation of all impedi ment, and remove every cause or occasion orim purily from the blood. There are thousands nay millions at this this country, and all others, whom wemayreally coiHuleras hairdead. tu... ir, rarrv Iheir dtalh in their bowels and circulation. This is no imaginar circumstancc. Iwishitwere. Thousands wbom we meet every where wilh cadiverous looks, yel lowskins and green eyes, speak in a language not to be mistaken, of Ihe state of their stomach and bowels, and tl.e consequent condition of their lood. The body is thus, while m hfe, reduced lo the consequent condition of a corpse ; and the reason why some bodies are so soon in a putrid condition arter dcath, is more from the quan tily ofimpnre humors contanied in them at the time they expircd, than from any c . hcr cause And who is there that will not allow, that if Brandreth's Pills had been employed, so as to re move these impure humors, that life might not have been savcd ? Whoever will give this sub iect but very little consideration, wdl atonce per ceive the perfect identity betwcen Ihe putrid hu mors ofthe bodv before dcath, and the humors which occasion th peculiar fcrtorof adeadbody. Dr. BRANDRETH'S PBINCIPAI. OFFICE ; at 211 Broadway.opposilethe City Hall.NYork n. e. orncE. 19 ILIjYOVER STREET, 19 r-ONLY-0!l olace in boston for these Iruly excellent Pills. 1 B. BRANDRETH. M. D. (Fnl.inl accmdmeto act of Cor.cress, in Ihe year 1841,by Beniimin Brandieth, mthe Cleiks's ufficcortneu.strici coun ui uis uuumciu liitlof New-lork.) Tr.,. n.-rsnns in Addison co., Vt., lur nished with tbe Genuine BrandrclVs Pills, are at Middlebury, Jonatlian llagar ; East Middlebury, Nredham (tDennis ; Addison, Barnes & Fuller : Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, t Ferri-butgh, Hancock, New Havcn, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, t'taiksboro' Vcrnennes, Weybridge, Whiting, P. Fleti hei & Son j W. H. Hadlty ; Samui 1 Everts; B.F.Haskill; Shales & Wicker; Jobn Hackett.Jr.; Hoscoe & Nash ; Frcderick Smilh; Huntley &. Higgins ; Kent Wright ; T.H. Kidder; m.R. Bix.i.y; Silas S. Spraur; J. & O. S. Sinioiid; D.M. Ru3sique. 16 ly S100 REWAHD, V E HIINDRED DOLLAJIS RE WARD has beea olTered lor n)ontli3, lo arv one wno win use a uh. , "'.u.nn.. .m,mii heinir cured UI uiuusauua , inatance Tias it faded of a cure. HUIU, - " . , ITIffbtneS: . "j, nmn - Or all Ufopsj , xl'rFeet t thioat 'bv ceIS or 0c'e especiany i" cunuic,,, Foul Ulcers of Ihe legs, "t -L1IJ. cn or other lungus sor.s, however obslinale or tonz standinz. ers Croup, Whoopingcough, Fresh Wounds, Chilblains ta & Scald tlead LOOK OUT. Snme 55windlers have counterfeited this artiele andput it up with various devices- uo not oe it is the name or COMSTOCK & CO,; that namemust be always on the wrapper, or jouare cheated. Da net fr.rgetit. Take this oirect'on wilh you, and tesl by that. or never buyit; fcrit imr:.,;r,t. for inv mW lo be true or genuine. "K.. . rt n Sold by COMSTOCK fc CO.. 71 Maiden Lane. 10: lj UEERFINB GENESEE FLOUR, insDected and warranted, constantly on hand and for sale by A. & W.' Si JonasoN. t I I ir BnlJ From the New York Ilerald, MYSTER10US, A gentleman beloi.ging to one of the most to cieul and vveallhy families ot thi, citv. who must be well known to numerous frlends hav ing sinco the year 1818 up to recently,' been bentuearly double, and forseveral yeats conSn. ed to hiabed.has been restored to health has regained blsnaturalerectpositicn and has quitted hl3 cairiage, and now walks with ease ! We believe this is tbe gentleman's own descrirw tion as nearas posslble, and there is no axascer. ationinit. We will give inquirers his address, and doubtnot hishumane feelings will cxcose tbe liberty:so tbat any one doubtin, may know these facts ihough he rcquires his name may not appear in print. Among other similar m stances, Mr. Jas. G. Raynolds 144 Chrislie St has- been restored and will give personal assur- ance oi tne tacts ol his case. Uotb were iheumatism, and contracted cords and sinews. How has this been done ! Axswer By the Indian Vegetable E- lixer internally, and Hewes' Nervb and Bonk Liniment externally N. Y. Herald Jan. 2G 1841. Sold only by COMSTOCK &:CO.. ... utu.ti uuut, a,c, 4U1K. IVllJ Forsilehy S MOODY. Drggist. ll;Iy THE BEST MEHTOD FOR THE ABOIilTIOKT OPDtSEASET, IS TO CLEANSE AND PURIFV TUE BODY. WRIGHT'S IMDIAM"VEGETABLE PILLS, Of theJforth Amcrican Collcgc of Health, Are now acknowleded to be the best medicine in the world for the cure of EVERY VJiRlETY OF BISEASES I. 1.-.r. tt,.... lUr. Ll.. .1 1 1 . 4 T and bowels of these billious bumors which not only paralyze and weaken the digesiive organs, hul are the cause of headache, nausea and sick ness ; palpitation of the heart, iheumatic pain in various parts ol ihe body, and many other un plcasant complaints. THE 1.WI.1.Y VEGETABLE PILLS, are also acerlaincureforintermittent, remiltent, nervous. iritlarnmatory and putrid fevers ; be cause they clcansc the body of those morhid bu inors, which whencouGned to the circulatiun are tbecauseof all kindtof KEVERS. also, when morbid fevers are deposited upon the membrant and muscle, cuuiing those' paius, ln damtions and swellings, called RHEUMA 1 1SM, GUUT to., the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as al wajs ceitain to zire relief, and irperaevered with, will mostassureuiy anu niinout lail, make a per frci cure of Ihe above painful maladies. Fioin Ihree tosixofsaid Indian Vegetable Pills taken every niKhton goinc tobed in a short timelso J complelely rid Ihe body of eiery Ihing that is op- po,eu 10 ncaiiu iiiiiiivncuiuausm, uoui anu paiu of every description will be literally DRIVEN FUOM 'I HE BODY. Fioin 'he saine reason, when fromsudden changcs foatmosphere or any other cause, the perspiraiicn :s cnecneu, anu iiiosh nuniors wnicn should pass olTby thu skin are Ihrown inwardly r.niiMinir JHEADACHE, GIDDINESS, " . . . . nauselnd sickncss, pain in tr.o buups, walerj and infiamed eyes, sore Ihroat.hoarsciiess, coughs consumptious, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body and many olher symptoms of CATCHING COLD Ihe Indian Vegelable Pills will iuvariably give im mediate relief. From three to six of said 1'ills ta ken every night on going to bed, will in a short tuiiiir iu ueu. itiii in asnort' lune, not onlv rcmov t Ti iu r , . re all he above unplea.sai.t ody w.ll bercored to even symptoms, bul the body suunder healtb than before, The same may be said of ASTIIMA, OR DIF FICULTY OF BREATHING. The Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen and cariy ofi by ihe sturracb anJ bonels those phlegmy humors which stop up tbe air cells of the lums, and are the cause not only ofthe above distress ing complaint, bul when neglected, oftcn ter minatcs in a still more dreadful malady called CONSUMPTION. R should also be rememheicd tbat the Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for UPA1N IN THE S1DE, oppression. nausea and sickncss, loss ofappetile, costiveness,a yellow linge of the skin and eyes, and every other smptom of a torpid or diseastd stale of Ihe iver ; because lhey purge from the body Ihose impurities which if depoMted upon this imporlant organ, are the cause of every v'ari- B'y IIVER COMPLAINT. CA UTION. The public will please observe Ihat the genuine med icino has the fullewing wording on Ihe oides of tbe boxcs: IVRIGUT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS (Indian Purgativt.) Or the North Amcrican College or Hkaltii. And a'soaround the border of the lahel, will bcjfound in small type: ' Entered according to the aet of Congros in the tear 1840, by Wai. Wriciit, in the Cleri' office, of the Vistrict Court ofthe Eaitern distncl ofPainsyhania." it vvui lurtneroc mserved tnal ihe pnnteddr rections for usingthB medicine, which accompa- nie each box, are also entercd according to Act of Congress; and (he same foim will be found at tne bottom ol tbe nrst page. incsugniesi aiiention lo llic above Icw partic ulars willserve to protect Ihe purchascr from fiaud, and save the lives of those who may oth erwise be endan-gered b; using a counlereit med icine. The publir. will a'so remcmber all who sell the genuine Indian Vegetable PiUs are providcd with a certifiea'e of Agcnej, signcd by WILL1AJI WRIGHT, Viee Presidtnt cftheJVorth Jlmirican Colltge ofllealth, and that pcdlatsare never in any. case allowed lo seli tho rrcnuine Medicine. All travellini: aeenb will be providcd withacertificale of agrncy as a- bove dcsciibcd ; and Ihose whocannot show one win ue Known as oase imDosiois. IKJ-ii ieitcrs reiative lo the 1'ills must be ad- dressedthus ' N. E. OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 193 Tremont street, Boston, Jilass." fJCy-AGENTS have been appointed for tbe sale of Ihe Pills in every town in New England. Agents. Middlebury, George II Fish; Bennington Jonatban liaughton ; Williamsville. Charles W Joy ; Bennington, J C Haswell ; Rutland, William Fay ; Woodstock, Haskcllci Palm- er;TDovtr, Hiram Balilwjn :' Birce &, Brackeit ; Watprlerd, H Cutu'o? I &Co; Newbury. Prenliss Kniglit; Bethel, Samuel Austin jr; S,ringfield, George Was hburn ; Pructersville, Proctor &. Robinson ; Londonderry, Smilh & (jlazier; ilndgewa ter, Thomas Soutbgate; Chester, Phineas O Sargeant; U indsor. S W Hubbard ; Bur lii gton, A Brinsmaid; East Poultney, Hick ok&Mears; Cornwall, Samuel Everls; Wilmington, A B Childs; Stowe, Albert Comps; Post Mills, Jeremiah WiItnn;St Johnsbury, Luther Jewett; Weston, JJohn Wilder; Waterbury, Persons Lyons; Mont pelier, William Clark ; Ludlow, John Dun barct Co ; Reading, Wood &. Menill ; Harl tord, J P Stronjj t Co ; Norwich, Baxtcr fc Ncwtonj Barnari, J P Danfor.h ; Bethel, Lorenzo Hitcbcock; Rochester.CharlrsDodd; Springfield, Russell ; Cavendish, A Gibeon & son; Guilford, Philip Marlin; Halifax C Stone &Co ; Westminster, Aaron Hitch cock; NnrthGeld, MurJock & Alexander; WeathsGeld, Barley Bartlett; Hart Iand, Cotton &. lamble Fairfax, Haim ton Love wood. 28 ly. -ROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. A large assortnient, rheaper than ever before ofTeredjnow by A Kun-ii. IVE GEESE FEATHERS, of supe i lior quality, iust received and for sale by A. FRANCIS. BONNETS &C. Florence Braid.Mraw and P. L. Bonnels Bonnet Silks, Lacnou'.AaiiBcials.Ribins, Scc. al BIRGE'S RIPTON LAND. 1PIECE containlog 100 acres I GOOD l d.. " 50 do. LOTS is oifered al a bargain on long credit Ly " A. FRANCIS. OOTS and SHOES, u large sul ply for sale al retail bv JOHN WOOD 1 842. a g e & Fo r w a r d i ng. X i"3i-iiucr uu qis o i uttg nuuor-o aru whikk ln n most pcrfect order ; the buildirgs w, --....e uu comrooaious, more i . r.UJr omer istabishment on Property of all kinds, will bs received, and wardcd to almojt any part or the Unitcd Sa, and Upper and Lower Canada. Boat Iea,t, JhL' place Tuesdayand Satnrday of pach weekorTir N. Y.,and Troy every TVtdnaday eni Sawd J. also the CANAL PCKET, ' J. SHERMAN, will run toand Irom Vergennes and Buffalo. cit Alonth through Ihe Season, whicn gives fccilit)e, lor Shipping ProperiV from this place, toanM oftbj Country, which is enjojed byno"othr place oniake Champlain. All communicatior by way of enquiry will be duly noticed ; Chaiee will bi asjow as at any other place in thmpart 0( the country. R. CHAPJMn Vergennes. April, 18, 1842 52 The most highly approvcd Medi cine now in general use for Coughs Colds, and all O ' lJ 1 s c a s e S O I 1 11 e L U II 25. fJlHE VEGETABLE POLJIONARY BAL- ucnevru io oe uescrveaiy Ine ilo,i popular Medicine ever known in Americi.f,,, coughs, colds, asthma or phlhisic, consumpt'ion whooping cough and pulmonary afTecticns of ..' ery kind. The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsara has ir,. very extensively used- for about fifteen ears; arni its reputation has been constantly increain universally popular has Ihis artiele bicoraptr.i it may now be couMdered as a slandard arlicle ia a large part of the Unitcd States aud British Pro inccs. Many families keep it constantly by itera considcnng it the most safeas wellascertainrnr.1 cdy for Ihe above complaints. The propriiton hava icceived & are receivinz iiiimih r... - ! mendations 110m many orour best physicians who "7,r l""ce. ihe namcs 01 a few individuals who have eiven lh .rip,ii, ir favorol this arlicle are here subjoined, and fu'i a mor full account see Ihe envelope to the:bott'e Doct. Amory Huutinp, ; Doct.Samue! .1omll' " Truman i Abell, : Timothy BayhS. Jiie.EIIswortb. : AlbertGu.W. Cerlijicates. (From Dr. Thomas Brown.) niessrs. i.owe k Aeed, Uent The Ve-ctall!. ruimouai y naisam, nas Deen extpnivplv .,.i ,. ,,uu i rcsmeior stvciil . J'ea'! Pas'- and Jus" acquired a h:g!i leiutj. t lir(t in rnnciimnliru rtnm il.:.i. c ' i ".. vuiuiai 113. it 1 t 1 .. .1 , 1 . i r.nuoir-uSc cAiciius, ii iias nevtr uiappoiuted tks reasonahle expectation of those whohave usrdit. l lionA uxDn.1,11. D. Concord, N. H.,Maj 11,1831. Messrs. Reed, Wins & Culler Grntlpmpr- I feelitaduty I owe lo Ihe puhhc.and c ci.l- r, " ' u, mjr .Ci,u,v ueings wuo areio suflenng uuder ditierent diseases oflhe lun- i B1,e Juu a siaiemeni oi iue eooU cllecls I hn. IxpeS,nccd frm ,he usc o(lb -c S na' IsaII1 Havjns from k y tZ -r.. . .... . . uuujiru nuuuiuereni compiainls or tlie lur.t such as spitting ol blood, a troublesorne congh, frt quent toarseness, with serere filsuf cuugbty. andindeid all the symptoms of cor.sJmil;on a.J from tirne to time I haveconsulted several physiciani, and have taken much inedinne. t.ut 1 rcctived little or no relief, last they lolJ m iuire was no neip lor me ; inat m case wab, yond Ihc reach of their medicines In Ihe pni of 1827 1 was advised by a I'riend to try the Vc- eiaoie i-uimonary oaisam. 1 obtained livo kl lles, and on trial I wassurpnsed to findsoelfect- ual relief which its use gave me, and aftei aboit livo weckstlmemy compiainls wcie rntireiy re moved, and I was restored to giod healll. S.tcs Ihat time I have kept it constantly by me, m ca ofthe appearance ot' any ofthe above coni'liir;'i. 1 have known a large numberofcase nberaaD other medicines have lailed of atlbrding any rt lief, tbc Batamwasat length resvrtid! speedily effected a cure. 1 would Ihtief re re commend lo everj person that bas anvoftheab ove compiainls, on their first appearance lo lake Ihe Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, whirh lhc (II find a safe. convenient and posilirc cure. Respeelfullyjours, T. P. Merbiam. New Bcdford, Mass., July 3C, 1841. CtS-Cfn.VTEnrEiTS. Eeware of irapositlon. Each genuinebolileiscnclospdina bi.ue nraii- peron which is a velluv labpl, siened by WJI. JON'N. CUTLER. None olher can be geoUM of a laK-rdale tban Di cen.ber 1839. The s ica ture of SAJirso.v Kli.d will be cont.'nnid foral short lime. The gret celebrity of the Vegetable Pulmo nary Balsam has been the cause of atternpu l" ! ' - ""spuriousanicles. whicb Jby partiallj am,nS ,n! nan,e. of the genuine, arc calculaW to mislead and deceive Ihaputlic. Amongttcws Pulmonary Balsam." and others. Purcbasers should enquire for Ihe true artiele by its whole name The Vegetable Pcl monarv '3ALSAM,and see that it ba3the raik and signaturcsof tbe genu-ne. Each bottlcand seal isstamped "VegeU'jb uiuiuuiy uaisam. For sale by REED, 1VING & CUT'.ER, llale Loive and Keed) wholesale dealers in Dnp, Medicines, Painls and Dve-sluffi, No. 54. Cht- j ham street, Boston, and by Druicgisls and couairr i merchants generally in New Eugland, and iaj'1 prmcipai piaccs inrougnoui tne Unitcd Staleaiw i oriusn rrovinces. I'nce 50. cents. SoldtJ , MOODY. 15:ly Middlebury Veiccr.1 CJUPERFINE GENESEE FLOUR. KJ for sale by the subscriber. IRA ST.EWART. Sepl.'20. 20 tf IIIWEN TY-KIVE cases beavv cow hide nt l kipBOOTS, for sale very low by the cs. T nc ,o. . - - by JOHN WOOD. gjl ENESEE FLOUR, fresh Te. xlW with n large assorfracnt of Grocer ies, just rcceived and for sale low. JOHN WOOD- , BnfeAKER'S Water-Proof Oil BlacktDj, superior artiele for Harnesscs, Chaise-topa and Boots and Shoes, for salo wnoiesaieor relail by JOHN AV00D, Agent for the Manufaclurer. C A S II FAID for Shipping Furs. JOHN Wi 00D. T. I. SALT. for salo at 75 cents per bushcl, bf Z. BECKWITH & Co c UT and WROUGHT NAILS wfndow Glass for sale low, by JOHN WOOD- LARGE ASSORTMENT of Boo!J and Shoes, for sale low by A. & W. S. Jonxso-, IH PRS. Boys' ;BOOTS, PWW suoerior artiele. for fai low at A.& W S. JOHNSON' TT1 EES VILLE round, square, Ba sizcs mn3 coristantlj' a JKm. flal Iron of all tho frtclured it thevrorks. are hand, and- foi nle by the subscriber. IRA S7EWAR1 S t o r iinxiures are "Uarler's Lompound I'ulminaru Balsam," 'Jlmtricun Pvlmonaiy Balsam? " Vegetalle Pulmonary Balramic Syiw,"