Newspaper Page Text
Feb. 9. 1842. . V1NEGAR. .wf.NTY-FIVU rihls. CidcrVine JL C1"" for sale oy 011N Wood. HAY1NG TOOLS. ORA1N Cradles. Scyiiies and Snaths. Rakes, Forks. Sood Scythe Swnes. & Scyil.eR.flcs.for sale by John Wood. Julyl6, 1342. IVrofiat's Life Pills and Phcenix KITTF.RS Dr. Muffit's Life Pills and Phomix Bitters have long since obtaiued tho high and viable dU.inction and a l.ort o co.npetiton-, -nd that th-y aoqnired it oI-ly by tl.eir invaula ale and almo.t unl.mited cfficacy without the u siial aid of fulsome pnffcry and pretensiona, are nrll known to tlic puDiicanu huoov oo uenica. While very little has beeir eaid concerning tliese asionifhing Life Mcdicines by th" p opiitor liim Fclf and not more than was necessary to call the aticntion of the nfrlicted to a sur- and spcedy jnrans of rlkf, tlie renown haa rapidly flown from onc individual to anothrr and from family (o family, mitil they have long since become Known iii alniost every town and village in th Union, as a wondeiful and inestiinuWe blessing. Voluntary and unsoliciled teslimooials oftheir absolutely astonisliing fficacy, in diseases oflhe most drcadful and obstinatu chatacter, as well as in olhers of prcvalent and ordhiary occurence, have been received bv the propriotor from Ihe prrsona they have cuied from eveiy section of tbo country, and sttll contmue to lio received in increa-ing numbrrs. It ih wilh prido and plea eure tliat the proprilor refepi the public to his 4,Meuicl Manual," where a widclj various se lecliou f th. s trslimonials is piblished, willi Ihenames and rcfidcnce of tho nritcrs. because h hn no hcsitation in naying that tlie annals of M -dical Science do not coutain a grealer num imr ot v irit ty of currs effeclcd by any medicim known to the profession, or curesofa inort frightful kitid or of longcr standing. coming n tlicse tcptinioniala do from tlie curcd perfon? thrmselvis, wlio ccrtainly kr.owr best from ihcir on hippy cxpnricncr, whctlici llipy are curcd or not. 'l'iio oiiicncc :h y afford of tlie prc-cm-mincnt and iinprccedentud cffica y of thcai grand rcmedi'-ii i prrfrctly irrciistiblp, and co'ii inands ratlicr tlian solicits tlie rcjpcct nf tlie pub lic. In ad'lition to lliosa alrrady publislied, thr proprictur is lu postrssiun ot accumulat'on ol thc-se personal certificatcs, deinoustrating tliat liis Life Pilla and I'hicnix Hillcrt are promit!y aml unifornily I'fficacious in Sctulula inall ilihr dra hcaded forms. Dyspc s a whelher clironic rr uccasiunal, Khcumat:sm boih acutt and clironic. Jaundicc and billious and IlvorromnlaiiilJ.hou'cv cr dis resMtir or cornplicaled, Fever and Agiie tn 1.11 Uier.' varietics, and uli.'nquinincand all r.thcr suppn.oen qec:hcs tail, Uauitual Costirencs',(e pL'cially licn the Life PilU arc used as diner pill m'ncdiately heforH or afler that meal) Pili-s of ciirly ycars staiidinir, Uropscy, Gout and seltled paiiis in thc breaatv back, or organs, discaEC of the blatlder and lucineys, biles.tumora and ulcers Krrsiic!as, ai.d all ollicr iruiilive disjafes; I'lcu riiy, AUhma, Iiruncliitis, and other aflections of the cliest, lniigs, andm'Jscous mcmbcrs; piinplc ftains of tlie akin. and the foul unheathy appear anM ol thc complcxion, arising from whatevei cause, nervous or general debilily, headache, and giddincf,htogrtci with a vasl variety ofother maladics. in proof nf thc ajiccrfy and cflectnal cureot each ot which by tliese mcdicines alone- thc proprjtcr lian hundruds. nay thouaanos ol cerlifiod tcs!imoni.ilii. Ilotli the Pills and I)it ter are inild and dcliglitful in tlncr operaliou, pro'lucing noni of evcu tha trmrorary proslra iions and uausa occasioned by nearly all olhcr wedici'if f; and thcy can be administcrcd wit gjfety to yocngchildrcr. and fcmalct in the most Jclic ile heallh. MnlYnVs Vcgctablc Life ircdi- 1'INES A m;Id yct ifljctual medicinc, compoo ed of tlin bost matL'rial kncwn to medical science and of thc bcst quality that inoney can procuie, for Ihe cleanfiiij; efthe alimentary canal auj re linvin; the eprings and avcnues of all morhii ob xtrucliona and impiirilies. must be a puhlic bles. ting and a dnmettic and individual protcction and proportion as it bccomea known. Such a mi-ilicinc tho families oftho Unitcd Slat-6 liave lon; had in .Uoffat's celcbrated Life I'i is and Pi.miiix Gitlrrn, and th rodtbcy have 3oiie is ini'stiniablo. Thcy havo Wun Iheit high fnm and liuiily eslahlished character by thnirj vlrlin:. alone, wilhout tho aid of the u.-ual arta of iiotoriety cr impudent rxpcrimcnt on tho i.ii(h r thc crcdulnus. n all eenaral derango Mll ll '111111; crecumus. in all eenarai oerango , , , , . nrnlaorihe Jieektiveand alimentary fui.ction., J cbeaP P"R uovs at Iess than the manuractur as in a vasl variety of acule and clironic diseasca ! ers' cost; for sale by A. t-KANCis their eS xts arc compltte as to czcite astonish. Jiint. In ih nmatism, scttfed pain iu thc orrr a:i'l Iiinb,costivcnc.piIc,lircr complainti, j vinoicr, wervous ana diiiious auacts, neaaacne, FltANClS I v r and ane, ritptive diseascs, bad aspect ot I tlie complexion.'nnt jestinn annflatulency chohcn rftOTTON GOODS. Hesvy BroWll Cnt a(f...;joas f tha bladdcr and kidncys, dropsy, 1 ton 3 vds the 1b. for 8 cents. Bleached aKthint and brpnchitifi, rhrumalic coldg and soro ilirojl", and indecd in everr enncievable kmd of II tndlth tniyaro invaluahle, and will afford ccr tjin, and uuit gcncrally pcrmancr.l rclicf. Thfy .jqjiire li'ilher cinifiiioiimnt or change of diet thystathcr pioslrate ihoslrcngth uer give pain! vid .i inor.1 dehirhlful cnd cfTfCtual mcdicino ciimol be procurcd cilher for ii.uividnals or fam. lii-s. The proprietnr haa received to, inany yi-ars and i. onitinually reccivinc tho mosi fjr V nt and grateful testiinoniala ofIieir valuc. 1 F ir sale wliolcsale and retail by Hagar &. , Arihur. Builington Vt. Agnts, ior the State, to vho:i rppltcati.ins t"r agency must be i . Agent for Middlebury, V. P. RUS Si'.l.. lirst door s.iu'h the p st office. ll;vl Lnrgo supply of Fresh Tuas.Coffee, Spices, &c. for said low by A. k W. S. JohnsoX'. Hartford. 'PHF. KuhkCrlhor has bccn appoinlcd Agent for , the Hartford Fike Ineurance CoirAN-v, for .MrMlibury and vicinity, and will r.'cisivc propraaln for insuring propcrty aainRt Ios or il.iiiiag! by Fire. The Iohk i-slahlished rcputa-1 tion of this company, and tho proniptncis willi which all tlieir tran laclione have bcnii charact.-r-i-od render it unncccssary to say anything in it. fjvor. All buFfincss connrclcd willi tho offico intnistrd to liim will be fiiilhfiilly and punc tually tranoacled. JONATHAN IIAGAK. Middlebury, Feb. 2R, 1842 42;v Ag. nl. BTVAKLTON & FOULAU1) Gincham-, 31i Pf;nts &c. too Cheap, :.t BIUGE'S. JV1IED APPLES, f-r saleat -V T. C. SMITH'S. 'nt 7,31 12. "M I'AIRS orthiik ISools M. a t and some nsscinmentof Far- weli'sbest Mo occofor Lailies. bv A. CIIAPMAN 5-SON. Kxtra Brands of Family FLOUR. 'T'HE mibscrilier'is now rorelriiig on conigiimcnl, aud will oc well anppli d thrnugh the Pfacon. willi snnicof thc choiccst brandr West cr ii Plour, evT nffcrrd in tliia markrt Uaving Flour manufic;ur.-d by morn than twcnly diffL'rent mills oflho hichot rcputalion. lin plcilg. s tlial Hour old by Ium shall givr lln in.8t pcrfcct aatiafaction, and will bc warrantcd in all cd9cs. N. U. Funcy brands consimlJy on hand. Dcalcrs in Flour, Fan.i is arc r clfu'ljr in'itrd to order. and try Ihu articla. Flour shinitrd to crder. in crond jacka?c wilh. ont dflny on rcipl f frrw, crrtifiiatca' uf -1-pfKii ior cai-h. J.N. UINSDILL. ! R i?"' Ql' 1812 l ... 31,. U.verau J Slimspap. , ol (AT THEgCHEAP CASH STORB.) LS now piepared to offcr to ihe publlc a fresh supply of seasouable direct from the importers and manufacturers. ukewise A choice stock of dry grocenes of the first quality, for family use to cether willi crock erv and Glass Waie. JCf" N. B. Prices corresponding wilh the motto. 2 rPHE suhscriber keeps forsale X COTTON BATTS by tbe bile, IRA STEWA'.T. Mi.ldleburySept. 11, Sil. 19tf 1842. V Vergennes and Buffalo Iiine. THC CANAL PACKET l SHERMAN, CAPT. 31. T. DAVIS. WTLL commcncc her Trins on Ihe 3d daj of o . . t. r tt -J i iiic cujr ui v urguuuua auu DAY and I Leaves Vergennes May May June August Septntnbor October October Thia packrt will be put in first rate ordcr at the oprniu? ot iMaviga'.ion, vvith additional ac comnindatioiiS fur Frcight and Paascngcri. Will lcave ViTgonncs at 7 o'clock in the rnorning towcd by stcamboat to Whitehall. Freight must be on board tho day proviotia. Thone moving, or viaiting tlieir fricnds inlhe far Wost, will find tliis the most expcditious and cln-apcsl route thcy cau tako. Thnre will be overy accoinniodation on board to suil tho most particular. Thosr who cliooso to do so, can have evcry facility for boardinir themselvcs. Due attention will bo paid to paasctigcrs by a carcful captain and crcw, who will kparn no uainxto irive pcrfcct aatisfaction. Fur furthcr particulars rnnuirt of thc captain on board. R. CHAPMAN, Vergennes. JOY &. WEB3TER ? nn-,, (T KOCEKIK.S. Asupeiior assottmei t of and Young Hyson anu Hyson-skin TJ'IAS, Coffee, Molasses, Spiccs,Raisins and in:iny otlicr articles ol Ihe ktnu, aicotiot ex cepted. by A. CIIAPMAN & SON. To IMerchanls. pANDLE-n'ICK.and COTTON YARN, from No. 5 to 25, and of the best quality, for sale by Ihe Rubscrtber. JOSEPH GORDON. Middleburv, Jan.25, 1842. 28 tf DO.MESTICS. Satinctts, American Prlnts Sheetings. Shirtings. Tickings, wjckings. B.iltings,ana Tavlnrs Trimrain";'", A. CHAPMA& SON. New Spring and Summer GOODS. suhscriber is now receiving his stock ofSPItlNG ANDSUMMER GOODS. purchased at the lowesl Iew Ycrk Oislt prices, embracinp;, every variety ofkindsand qnalities cal.ed lor in a country store. tir will for Cash or sbnrt credit positivelv sell lowe than any other establishment in ihis ountyc. No Mistake. P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall, May 2.1842. f 'LOTHt1, CaspimeJes, nud trimmings in "reatvariety.rheaner and the ver at BIRGE'S Mav 3, 1842. CJPI.END1D CLOTHS AND KES " T1NGS. Also Summer Goods: some 10,000 Yds. superior fiue and heavy Bleai.h trd and broivn Siieetings 5- Drillings ,Qwer ,han eyer Ijelore jnown bv frnois cnuallv cheap at BIRGE'S. Mav 3 1842. AR 1UON, Naiis. Shovels, Axes, and a general assorlment of Hardware, hy A. CHAPMAN & SON. HT0 BUSHELS of Potatoes for sale by P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall. May 16. 1842. MAY 10, 1843. JUST received by ihe subscridcrs, a full assorlment of wcll .ulapted to ihe Spriisg and Summer tr.ide w. ichwill besoldns CHKAP furcashor apprived ciedii,.is atany other store in this vicnitty. Z. BECKWITH & CO. APER. 2000 pieces Room Paper, b0, Borderins, iust receiv ed at BIRGE'S rARPETS. Those wishing to consult e- cononiv w II do well t examine a larcre stock just received by A. FRANCIS. Groceries. T 11 K suhscriber now ofiVrs for casii. a splendid .-tock nf su jars from 5c to 0c pei lb.. Molasses wcishin 1 1 1-2 lh. for 25r. pir Peas. Coffee and everv othrr ar- licle ralied lor in ihe Grocery linc (Liipjors exceptfd) at pnccs equally low. P. W. Cot-tJKS. Cornwall, May 1G. 1812. Iron, Steel and Nails. FOR sale very low foi cas-h, bv IRA STEWART. JUST received by P. W. Collins 3000 vanls Calicoes. nrices vnrvinn- fmm Rc. to 25cts 4000 yar.1.1 Shecting from Cc to 9c per vanl. M"ay 2, 1842. PMNTS AND OIL, a large nssort niunt of Puints nnd Oil for salo by A. & Yf. S. Johnson. 00L! WOOL CASH paid forgooi flecce wnol by A. Chafman & Son. Forsale by itbem, a superior arliclo of Sheep Shrarx. Jliddlubury, June 14, 1842. 0 1 fr sh supnly of ernccries.amongwhich " S0d SUAR 15 lb for $1,00 at JIka Stewart's. DAY and NIGIIT, asfollows: Ltaves Bujfah. 3 May 13 31 June 10 28 July 8 9 August 10 6 September 10 4 October 14 29 November 8 JYeto Goods. THE sub&cribers arc now receiving their stock ol Comprising besides their ordinary assortment Bontiet silks, Ribbons and Fancy Goon?, ol every descnption all ot which tnay be relieu upon as of tht first quality; andwill be sold a low asal any omersmre ui imsiown nr county May 9, 1842. A. IHIAPAIAN &. HON. NOTICE. rWHE suhscriber hason hand a larse assort- ment of Cacinet Furniture of the latest fashions, which he ofTers for ale at reduced nivin T AMVAIM Bristol, May 9, 1842. IjlOw TT ADIE'S and Childr-n'si?onnefi - Hoods JLi and uiniminss; a larse supply Latest .ashions, very ,ow now oy . . A.bRANCis. . . . - - i DOZ. Hvsienjand Ulovei; al:nost UVev everwarietv at less than half the i ,;.., l, A TTItAN'niS. V 1ARPET1NGS. Heavv Wix.I Caipetincs. C-ttun do c cash at May 3 BIRGE'S 1842. HA'PS. H. aver, Moleskin, Lesl.oni, Cane but leives it to those who try them lojuag-i tnem and Palm Leaf Hats, at BIR GE' 1 N Extt-nsive assorlment of C;ROCKERY & GLASS WARE, . " , . to nriw ttnnv I n r ininiftinn nnn K.llf: HL " ' .uuw, i - the Chean-for-Casli sloro of Z. BECKWITH Sr Co. New Goods. T?,E Ju,,',cr,bcr ha,s lust received Irom NewYork, a complete assortment of sca sonab'e DRY GOODS, which he will sell very low for cash. IRA STEWART. Middlebury, May 31 lS-12 Aew Goods. r'LOTHS.Cassimeiri, Cal coes, Muslins I i r J -T oamurics, Liawns, I'ruini anu i ickhiu. A fine assorlment of summer rloths, Linens, Sheetings Shirtings &c. &c which will be sflfnr cash oi on credit, at pnccs which can not fail tosuil puichasris. 7.. Beckwith & Co. WOOLEN FACTORr. , ., ,, , ,. . r fHE subscnbcr would rcspcctfully tnform I his customcrs, nnd thc public "enorally, that he has commuticed thc business of manufacturing W00LEi G0GDS SUCII AS Common Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sat inetts, White or Colored Flan iicls, &c. &.c. At his old sland in Shoreham, ncnr Ricli's Mills. Oc will msnufacturc wonl on shurcs or by thc -ard, al the option of tho owner. The suhscriber is solic'tous of ohtaining business, and feels ccrtain that his experi ence atid knowledge in cloth nmi'ufncltir ing anddressing, and thc finished npparatus and machmery which hu has providcd, wi enablo Ium to givJ cntire satisfuctton to all who ctnployhim. He invitcs thc publii: to call and cxaminc spccitncns ol his work, which he beheves will iHtify all cxpecta- arls; Addison, liarnes tv f ulter, tions which he holds out to his customers. i 10,000 RK.WARD A. KILUORN. I WILL bo paid to any Phyticiin who will pro Shnmliam. t Jl!r.hT Jliiljt Anr. 1 M9 40 duco a better coinoound for family uso than the ' I (TP Relief for Hard Times. njow rt'cicving, a larger STOCK of JL GOODS than wcro evcr beforc offor cdin this markct, of ulninst rvery vuriely, which wnrn Boughl with Cash, at thc prcs- unt cxlrcmely loio prices and which will bo sold at prices that cannol fail to suit the pur chascr hy A. Fraxcis. Gloves and liosiery. c olton, Silk, Lislo ilircml. anu Kid tjlo- black and while lisle thrcad, and silk Hosierj'-uaihe.s b.ack aml white Cot. ton Hose from 10 to 25 cents al Dikge's. May 16, 1842. Uonnets and P. L. llats. Ilfyou waut the best and chiapcst Flor cncc Braid Bonnct or Palm Lcaf Hat in thu vi-cinity, first call at a. llECKWITH &CO. S ADDISON COUN i t Temperancc Housc. ri 1 H E suhsriihcr would JL inforin thc public, that hehas takun the stand rec entlv occupicd bv Puul Rend, south of the Court Housc in Middlebury. Ihe nousn and out hr.ues arc now unnWoing a thor- , . , ... cr i B ougli rcpair, nnd will ufford every accom. modation to costomcrs wlucli their comlorl and convctiience can rcnuire. It will be kcpt upon strict tcmpcrance principles, and . K 1 1 .' . . r . ' netiopcs Dy Hi IHi'. pian, to recnivellio putronagc of all fnendly to the oDjccisoi tlio grrnt temperanco reiorm. Having for vcars been conversant with public lTcS-bo.l, in country nnd ci.y. he thinks he kuows thc ilutins of a landlord.and how to supply tho wtmts nf thc traveler ; unu hc proiuiM's that no i Hiirt on his part will be wantitig to give cntire satisfuction lo thc puilic. BKNJ. ?. CROWN. Middlebury Fcb. 8 1842. 40:tf Brooms ! Brooms ! ! TH E subscriber givcs noticc that he will mnnufnclure at short no'ice, corn Brooms nt 10 cents a piecc, nnd find hand les and twine, or on shnrcs of onc half, at his dwelling housc onc milo north of Bristol villarre. EDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Feb. 18. 1842. 42:Gm g,B,A 15. Cai, ohi-ar and Spring titcle JEi for sale by IRA STEWART. Middleburv. Anrr, 8. 1841. ALL nnd N INTER Lamp Oil.of tho bcst quahtv, for sale by T. C. SMITH. Garden Seeds. SUGAR BEET, Carrot nnd Onion sced, by the ponnd; also, n largc assorlment at retail, warrantcd the growth of 1841. For sale hy JOHN R700D. April, 1P42. WRUUGHT ocCUT NAILS, Win Jow Glass and Puty, consttantly ot. hand.and for salo by A. &. W. S. Johnson. UPERFINE Flour for sale low by ,w lKA OTtWART. HEALTH & STRENGTH. DR.S.O. biciiardson's concentrated Sherry Wine BltterS, p U T up in octagon Bcttles.and the ingredienU r to make the same put up in preSJcd packagesjfor 9ale by all the PruRgists and most of the tt' I. Goods Dealera in Koston and vicinity. Also.oy my agents in all the principal towns throughout New -Englandand the Southern and Western States. 1 Z. S Hali. BARRisoTOjr.cornerof Sackvil- le street. Halifax, U general agent for tho British Provinccs. P.S. Barnard. W. G. Skinner and Jos- EPii.PERRYiMoRSEiiremy oaly authorized trav- ellingageuu. OFFICE 15 HAN VERST.BOSTON 75 cents per Botlle; 50 cents per paper. The follo'ing are selected from a lirge cum- of Eiitorial uoticcs. Frcm the Dover (N, H.) Gazctto. Dn. Ricn abdson's BiTTERS.-In our columns may be found an adverlisement of the Vegetable . . j 1 -. H n t- TT . 1 1 - 1 L SSSSbST f f yaIuable a.d , ' (abIa' mltt3r;-and from our own experience. ,faWpii a, ntheis." we can sneak highly of their .: ;.;i; (T,.ri niinn thav. em. We have a good opinion of the Bitt'rs. as , hpan fnr hey are not a quack nostrum, but discovered, pre K pare'd, and vnded by a regular Physicun, a grad- iutn nf ihe Colleea of ouron State, and who has said but little in the way of puffing them himself, 1 1 1 mt; jjiii", ..i " ' j ' - j " pepsia, Billious and Nervous Coroplaints, &c, we do nothesitafe tosaythat these Bitlers will be , ar9iTrieahle and efTcclual restoralive . ... As good hcalth is one of '.he gieatest of earthly blesjiogs, we 'outd early advise those Iaboring undr aucb diseases, to make a Irial of Dr. Rich arilson'tf Bilteis: Ihey can do no harm. and may do i much irood. as we are ronfident in many cases I . " . r .... i ) : : " ' " ue;tiona&y the most congenial to the hu- man sstem. From the Evening Signal N. Y. Sherry Wine Bitter These are areme. .1.. v.m I.IufJv nnrl verv iustlv recnmmenrifwl hv t nhvsicians. as of Kreat efficacy in giving streLetb to Ihe weak and debilitated. The use ofyears has satisfaclorily proved their virlues. (Jntinctured bj the slightcsl deleterous mitter, they communlcate the healing powcrsof the best medicinal roots and platils. They restoie.and. if not laid aside. prc perve the nhole acimal economy in a state of ha bitual healllnnesa. Theycaunol ne toofrcquent ly coinmeuded to public notice hy jusl cnconiums frora thc prcsa. j. B. & D. Sands, 79 aud 100 Fulton Street jfgents. fjCJ- In speaking of the excellence of the Sherry Wine Bittcrs, of which Messrs A. B. D. 6audi ate agents, we mcant those preparcd by Dr. S. O. Richardson.of Sauth Reading Jlass. From the Bristol County Democrat, Taunton. Riciiardson's Bitters. Of the numerous mcdicines which are adversised in our paper from time to time, we pretend to kdow but little their virtues must be known only to those weo have made use of them. But with Dr. S. O, Richard- son's Bitters we are somewhat acquamtcd. These .. ,vere u,ed jn our family last sun.mer. foi ceneral debilily and headache, and much relief was derived frohmtera. Those who may be sub- ject to nervous heaaacne, wiunou me uiuers ve. ly bcneficial they proved so in the case to which we rcfcr. j Forsale wholesale and retail at his office, 15 fanover street, lioston. ' From tho sarnstable Polriot ) Healtiian-d Strinotu! To regain ot pre. crvc these ia the great ilesideratum. Nothing that we know of will do it more &oclually, this warin weather than Dr. Richardaon's Shorry Wine Bitters. Try 'em tbe strictcst tempor- anco man nocd not bo afraid of tho alcobol in them. There is no more than is absolutely nc cetary to prcserao the bpirit of the 'koots and uiarbs' of which they are compoundcd. 8 AGENTS; Middlebury, S. Moody; Kergenties, W- B. Bixhr: New Haven. Roscoe& Nash;Biistol, L. V. Hall; Hancock, Royal Flint, Stnrks- borough, T. H.Kidder; Ferrisburgh, Allen & Wbeeler;Moukton,M. W.Kius!ey;Shoreham K. Wriiiht; Whiunff. J. &. O. Simonds; Sal- isbury, Huntly & Higgins; Cornwall, S. Ev- .-. rv...i f ir Ii: lt cd Thc Lion of thc Day. TIIESCIENCE OFHDSIANLIFE. i TO tho inhabitants of the Unitcd States and tho Cinadas, Thc pills well called the Lion of the Day, are reapectfully rccommendcd to the attention and trial of all thoao subjcct to theat tacis of Biuous Dnrirnc, and other Clironic discascs of the stomach, liver, and bowols Thesa pills havo long been without a succoeiful rival, in Gcrmany, and througout Europe, and many years in various parls oflho Unitcd States, by the most onlincnt Phyeicians, as a Family Mcdicino. I This Pill is composed of extracls from nino parls of the Vegetable kingdom. They are war rantcd safe in their operation and cffucls. 2hoy aro sitnploin their preptration, nvldin their ac tion, and unrivallcd in their results. Thcy have lopg received the moal flattering recomincndat- ' ion from the Medical Faculty; such men as Dr Mntt. and Dr Gucrnsey. cf Now Vork: Dr Dol- amater, Dr Hossack.and Dr Landon, of Dutchess county, and lion. B- Pcck, M. D. ofGlen'a Falls thrio men have long ttood at tho hcad oftheir profeaaion, Again; gasticrirritation dcbilitates the dige9tive ogans and becomes a fruilful source of discase; in ?ome reople Dyspcpsia in others, Liver Com plaint, Rheumatism, Measles, Whooping Cough, Aihma. Gout. Hynochondria, Epilepy, Low Spints, Chronic uianna;. l-iies, ruimonaiy uon- sumtion. Scrofrulous bick Headache. tiuption ofthe Sk n, Salt Rbuem. St. Anthony's Firc, i l amousFevm, Fever and Ague.Scar ' c, rD Heartburn, Costivenesn, Female Weak- j ncss, Jaundice, Intermittent and flemittant Fey- , crs, Erjsipelas.Scald Head. Humors, and all Bil- ; rnmnnm i. These diflerent coinplamts are ;h"r and aboul the same, followed hy a train ' Ofoti,er3 cqnaly as detrimental, and perhaps fa-1 tal to human life. Line Dao. legisiauon.sne uau iaw ( must be suppotiea oy omers cquany ujunna 1 1 J8 &JZ$$& f . - . vihr,Ie, :n unison. and the least injury to any one throws it into disorder. . Let any one take the trouble to examine and study the organization ofhisownsys'.em. and if he never did bcfore, he will lealize the feelings of the Psalmist when he sung, "I arc fearf'illy and won derfully made!" I Looking at the human body, mth all its ramiG catinns, balanccs, adjusmenu.and nice relations; the bdir-like deiendence upon whi:h life issuspen ded; Iho intricacy ofthe machine; the adaptation of means toends; the differentsystems runningm ! to.parallel with, and interlacing each other with 1 out thele st confnsion: thearrangcment andartic ulation ofthe bones;lho fraine work ofthe system Ihe action and uses ot the vanous musclcs; the wonderful system of arteries and veins: the action of tbe heartl" propelling the blood with such as tonisling force:and Ihe gieatest wonder will be, how can it be possible tbe human system can beai np,against the da:ly vioblion of its laws, and main lain its vitality agaiust such repealed altacks and injuries from external and inlernal violencc. I unbesitatingly reconimcud Ihem for the cu:c ofthe above compla'nU long known and juslly celebrated as one of the best Family Medicines in the -Ujtcria Medica- These Pills are not intended as a thorough pur galive, assome wiil have it ; Ihey are intended to strenthen the system that has run down, and re gulate Ihe whole human structure, and remove all obstruction and assisl nature in its violalcd laws. For sale in almost every !own In the United S'ates and the Canadas, Prlce 25 and 37 1-2 cts. Directions on each box. Be sure when yon purchase that jou get the Lion ofthe day, hAvingJhewritten name ofMer ritt Griffin on each hox. raixcirAL orncu. A. B.& D Sands, 79 Fulton street. New York T Rowand, 376 Market st , Philadelphia, A. Goyor, 104 Hanover st., Bo3ton; A C Phin, 31 Broad st., Charlston, S. C. c, ru nariircularsseesmallcircularsdeposited with each agent bclow mentioned. For Sale in this county by ny : aothozed agenU MERR1TT GRIFFIN, 11. D. Middlebury, by Si.lney Moody; , . u. .!:.,,. al ,,i, , ' Vergennes, by F. Huntington; hnreh.m, by Kent Wnghi; Bridport, by N S Biirnett; Addison by Barnes & Fullen Fenisbutgh Centre hy Henty RodgersjNorth Ferrisburgh hy Allcn & Wheeler; Bristol by Titus B Gai.ife; Monkton by Milo vV Ktusley; Gran- vj4 by Warren lleyden; Leicester bv L S j0bnson; Whiting by Russager & Walk-r; C.irnwall bv S Everts; Hancock by John Hackett; Salisbury by A & P D Barrows. Look out for S windlers and Counter feiters. tl;yl The Counterfeiter's Dcath BIow. TllE public will please observe tbat no BRANDRETH PILLS " ,ha bfox h.".,,hre? "K on it, each contain.Dg a fac suntle s.gnature of my hand-writing. inus-i. nranore n. inese !bels are engraved onsteel.beauttfully designed anddoneatan expense oloeverai tnousanaaoi 'lars. Kem.-mber tbe top, the side, and the bottom At the present time, when the counter- feitcrs oj these celebratid Jrills are compUtely cornered, it is not surpris ing to find ihal tliey endcavor to get off their stock of spurious Pills under any name. It is not the first time that the "Poor Indian" has hadto Jather the aborlionsof cunningmen. The remarkable cures which have been effect ed by Brcndreth's Pills, have astonished the whole medical faculty, many of whom havecons sidered that they are the greatest blessiug ever given to the world. The reason these celebrated Pills have sucb a universally good efTecl, is because their action barmonizes with the human body. " Purce out the old leaven, that ye may b"e- como a new lump," is the language of Holy Writ, a figure applied spiritually, it is true, but how could it have any apphcalion unless con FIRMED DV PRACT1CAI. EXPERIENCE, in the noDV of inalter? The fousdation upou which this figure of scripture rests is as immoveable as the laws which govern the tides, or occasinns the thunders or Heaven "THE C O N D I TI O N . " The condition upon which God has given hcalth to man is a constant carc lo keep his slom ach and bowelsfree Irom all merbid and unlieal thy accumulations. The means to efTect this must be those remedies which clcane the bowcls and nurifv the blood. Goud hcalthful medicine is only a species of food; when theanimals, whose habilswehave the means of ooserving, are sick, they wander thro Ihe fields, and make selections of those herbs which open their bowels and purify their fluids, which immediately restore their heallh. When a dose of Brandreth's ills are taken, thcy are digested and pass to evcry part ofthe system; but they leave the body when they have eifected the in "tcnded purpose, and .heallh and vigor are by them insured. llineral medicincs may enler Ihe systcm, but they are with difliculty got out again ; and they always occasion pain and misery while they re main in the body. Whereas Brandrelh'sPilliare asinnocent asa pieceof bread, and are evacuated wilh thedisease for which they are taken. From the time wo are boin tothe time we cease tobreathe, our hodies are constantly wasting, and as constantly building up. The action of the atmosphere wears or wastes them. The food we eat.the digestiveorgans covert inlo blood, which renews or builds up by its circulaling power Thus the human body is hcalthy when the blood circulates freely, and when any thing prevents its free course through hc veins, discase com menccs. Cosliveness, Dispepsia, Fevers, Inflammations, are all owing to this. and all the tmublcs attend Ing them could always be prevented by the. timely use ol Brandreth's Pills, as their very action at oncetends toclearthe circalatlon of all impeji ment.and removo every cause nr occasion ofim punly from Ihe blood. "Thore are thousands nay millions at this this country, and all others, whom we may really consider as halfdead. They may be said to carry their death in their bowels and circulation. This is no imaginary circumstance. I wish it were. Thousands whom we tneet every where with cadiverous looks, yel low skins and green eyes, speaklna language nn in h miataken. of the statv oftheir stomach and bowels, and tlie consequent condition oftheir blood. The body is thus, while in life, reduced to ih mnunneni condition ol a cornse : anu iiio reason why some bodics are so scon In a pulrid condition after death, is more from the quan lily of impure humors contained in them at the time they expired, tnan irom any omer cuc. And who is there that wilL not allow, tnati Brandreth's Pills had been employed, so as to re. move these impure humors, that life might not have been saved ! Whoever will give this sub ject but very little considcration, will atonce per- ceive the perlerl luenuiy oeiween me puinu nu morsof the bodv before death, and the humors which c;casion the peculiar fcctorof adead body. Dr. BKAJNUKETH'S PRINCIPAL OFFICE is at 211 Broadway.oppositethe City Hall.NYork n. e. orncE, 19 iWJVOra? STREET, 19 fSONLY-0 place in doston for thcsc Iruly excellent Pills. B. BRANDRETH, M.D. (Enteied accordingto act of Coi.ercss, m the year lS41,by Benjamm Brandieth, m the Cleiks's office ofthe Uistnct courl ot the Soutnern uis liiet of New-York.) The 0-ii.v persons in Addison co., Vt., fur nished with thc Genuine BrandrttXt PUU, are at Middlebury, Jnnathan Hagar ; East Middlebury, tNeedbam tfcUenms ; Addison, Barnes & Fuller ; Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, Ferriibutgh, Hancock, New Haven, Riplon, 'Salisbury, Shoreham, Starksboro' Vergennes, Weybridge, Whiting, P. Fletcher &Son; W. H. Hadley ; Samui-1 Everis; B.F.Haskdl; Shnles & Wicker ; John Hackett, Jr.; Roscoe & Nash ; Frederick Smith ; Huntley & Higgins Kent Wright ; T.H. Kidder; m.R.Bixby; Silas S. Sprague; J. &. O. S. Simond ; D.M. Russique. 16 ly S100 REWARD, v v. HITNDRED DOLLARS RE " WARD has been offered for montlia, to anv one who will use a boltle of Hays Lmiment for thePilcs without being cured. Orthousands In.i.nre has it failed of a cure Proof overwhelmingtobe had where it is sold. It is also a certain cure in nearly every case. (ex ternally)inlhefollowingcomplainls. For the Piles. Tightness or the chest For all Dropsj , espccially in children, Tender Feet, Foul Ulcers of the lcgs, o-ore thioat bv ctn- or other fungus sorns, ceis or ulcers however obitinale or Croup, longstanding, Whoopingcough, Fresh Wounds, Scald Head. Chilblains &'J &. LOOK OUT. Some Swindlers have counlerfeited this article andput it up with various devices. Do not be imposaupon. One thiDg wiU protect you it is the name ol COMSTOCK & CO. ; that namcmust be always on the wrapper, or you are cheated. Dd net fnrgetit. Take this direction with you, and test by that. or never buy it; fcr it is impossible for ariy other to be true or genuine. Sold by COMSTOCK & CO.. 71 Maiden Lane- 10:1 J SUPERFINE GENESEK FLOUR, inspcctcd and warranted, constantly on hand and for snle by A. ii V. S. Johnson. From the JVto Yorl Herald. MYSTERIOUS, A zentleman beloiigincto on rv . ... cient and wealthy families ot th ?dtr who u,ui. .... ..u.cruus iriends. hiv- ,ug since the vear 1818 up to recenlly, been bent nearly double, and forseveral years confin edto hiabed.has been restoied to good health has regained hisnaturalerectpositicn and has quitted his catriage, and noiv walks with case !! Wo believe this is the gentleman's own ditsptiiv tion as nearas possible, and there is no axagger ation in it. We will give inquirers his address, and doubtnothishumane feelings will cxcuse the libcity; so that sny one doubtin, may know tliese facts though he requires his name may not appear in print. Among other similar in stances. Mr. Jas. G. Raynolds 144 Chrislie St. has been restored and will give personal assur ance of the facts of hfs case. Both were rheumatism, and contracted cords aud sinews How has this been doue 1 Answer By the Indian Veoetadle E- tiita iniernany, anu hewks' fienvi; and Bone Hniment exlernally N. Y. Herald Jan. 26 1841. Sold only by COMSTOCK fciCO.. 71 Maiaen Lane, New York. 10:ly For sale by S MOODY. Drggist. THE BEST MEHTOD FOR THE ABOIilTIOJXT OF DISCASE, IS TO CLEAN'SE AND PDRtrV TIIE BODY. WRIGHT'S IMDIAm"vEGETABLE PILLS, Of theKorth American College of Heallh, Are now acknowledged to bc the best medicine in the world for Ihe cure of EVER Y VARIETY OF DISEASES because they thoroughly cleanse the stoma:h and bowels of these billious humors which not only paralyze and wcaken the digestive organs, but are the cause of headache, nausea andsick ness ; talpitation of the heart, iheumatic pain in various parts ot the body, and many other un- pieasani compiainis. TIIE IADIJJJV VEGETABLE PILLS. are also acertaincureforintermittent, remittent, nervous. inrlammalory and putrid fevers ; be cause they cleanse the body of those moibid hu mors, which whencouSncd to the circulation are tbe cause of all kinds of FEVERS. also, when morbid fevers are depositcd upon the membrane anu muscie, causing those pains, in. flaiutious and swellings, called RHEUMATISM, GOUT &c. the Indian Vegetable Pills may berelied on as al ways certain togive relief, and if persevered with, will moslassurediy anu wiinout rail, make a per fect cure of the above painful maladies. From Ihree tosixof said Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night on going tobed will in a horttimro complelely rid the bodyof every thing thatisop po5cd tohealth, that Rheumalbm, Gout and pain ot every aescripuou wu ueiiierauy DU1VEN FROM 'IHE BODY. Fiom he ,sauie reason, when fromsudden changes foatmospheie or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, aud those humors which should pass offby ihe skin are thronn mwardly causing HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sickness, pain in tho bours, wafery and inilained eyes, sore throat.hoarseness, coughs consumptions, rhcumatic pains ui various parls of the body and many oiher symploms of CATl H1NG COLD Ihe Indian Vegelable Pills will iiivariably giveim mediate relief. From Ihree lo &ix of said Pills ta ken eveiy night on going lo hcd, will in a short time, not only remove all the above unpleasaul symploms, bul the body will be restored to even suunder heallh than belure. The same may bc said of ASTHMA, OR DIF FICULTY OF BREATHING. The Indian Vegelable Pills will lorsen and carry off by the stuirach anj bowels those phlegmy humors which stop up the air cclls of Ihe luns, and are Ihe cause not only ofthe above distrtss ing complaiiil, bul when neglected, oftcn ter minates in a still more dreadful malady rallcd CONbUMI'TlON. I! should also bc remimhird that the Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for .PAIN1N TliESIDE, oppression. nausea and sickness, loss of'appetite, cosliveness, a yellow tinge of the Akin and eyes, and every other symptom of a torpid or discastd state of the ivcr ; becau.-w they purge from the body those impuritics which if depuited unuu this important organ, are thc cause of evcry vari ety ot LIVER COMPLAINT. CA UTION. The public will plcasc observv llutthe genuin med icine has the fUleuing wonling on lln didcs of the boics: IVRIGHT'S KN'DIAKVEGF.TABLE PILLS (Indimi I'urnntivr.) Or thf. North A.mkiucan Ci.llkge or Hkalth. And a'soaround the horder of the lahel.'will bejfound in small ty,n': Eulered accvrding to the act vf Congresi in Ihr ytor 1SJ0, by Wai. WmoiiT, tn the Clcrk'g ojfiee, of the Viatrict Court of the Eastcrn dtstrict of-fennsijlsama." It will further be o'lservcd that Ihe printeddi rections for using th medicine, which accompa' nies eacn bo, are also enlered accoruini; to Ac of Congress; and the same form will bc found a tne boilom ol ihe nrst page. The slightest attention to Ihe above few partic ulars will serve to protect Ihe purchaser from fiaud, and save the livcs of those who may oth erwise be endan-gered by using a countereit med. icine. The public will a'so rcmembcr that all who sell the genuine Indian Vegetable .Pills are proviueu with a certihca.e oi Agcncy, signeu oy WILLIAJI WK1UHT. Vice Fretidcnt of theA'orthJlmcTiean Colteee of Heallh, and that pedlars are never In any. case allowed lo sell tho cenuine Medicine. All travelling'aeents will be providcd withacertificate of agcncy as a bove desciibed ; and Ihose who cannol show onc will bc known as basc imDostors. (rt-All letlers relative to the Pills must be ad- dresseu thus : " N. E. OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 193 Tremont ttreet, Boston,Maia." 03-AGEKTS have been appointcd for the sale ofthe Pills :n every town in New England Agents. Middlebury. Geonre H Fish; Bennington Jouathan Haughtoo ; Williamsville. Cbarles W Jov : Beiininstnii, J C Haswell ; Rutland, William Fay ; Woodstock, Haskell&. Palm- er.;!Dover, Hiram Baldwin ; Brattleboio' Birge & Brackett ; Waterlord, H Cutlin &Co; Newbury. Prentiss Knight; Bethel, Samuel Austin jr; Springfield.George Was hburn ; Proctersville, Proctor & Robinsou ; Londonderry, umilh & Ulazien liridgewa ter, lhonias Southgate; Chester, Phineas O Sargeant; Windsor, S W Hubbard ; Bur lington, A limismaii! : East Poultney, llick- ok &, Mears ; Cornwall, Samuel Everts ; Vt ilminzton. A B Childs; Stowe, Albert Comps: Post Mills. Jeremiah Wilton : St Johnsburv. I.uther Jewctt: Weston, Uohn wilder; Wateraurv,Fersons L.yon3 ; Mont pelier, William Ulark ; Ludlow, John Uun bar& Co ; Readini!. Wood & Mrrrill ; Harl- tonl, J P Strone & Co : Norwich, Baxter & Newton; Barnar', J P Danfor h ; Bethel, Lorenzo tiitchcock; Rochesier.CharlisDodd: Springfield, Russell ; Cavendish, A Giheoo & son; Guilford, Philip Marlin; Halifax C Stone &Co ; VV'estrainstcr, Aaron Hitch- cock; Ncrlhfield, Mur.lock & Alexander; WeatlishelU, Barlev Bartlett: Hart land. Cotton & lamble Fairfax.- Hdm. ton Love wood. 28 lv. tTIROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. A lar"e assortment. rheaniir than rver before offered; now by A- Fan-is. L1VE GEESE FEATHERS, nfsupe lior quality, just received and for sale by A. FRANCIS. BONNETS &C. Florence Braid.Nraw and P. L. Ronnpic Rnnn.i Silt. Lacnou,Ajtificials,lUbins, iicat BIRGE'S RIPTON LAND. 1PIECE containing 100 acres 1 Gnrm l do. 50 do.LOTS is offered at a bargain on long credit bv Vmnn'i-v . i cuni.'c 7T ply for sale at retail by c JOHN WQQD 1 842. Storagc & Forwarding. .... ijnr iq jjv. most perfect order ; the buildinirs cxtensive and commodious, roor. 1 AsuiuiBuroent on Property of all kinds, will ba received and far wardedto almost any part of the Unit'f d Slat.," and Upper and Lower Canada. Boat havs thw place Tuetday and Satnrday of each week for Trov N. Y.,and Troy every Wednuday ani Satwdl also the CANAL PCKET, wy, J. SHERMAN, will run to and Irom Vergennes and Buffalo. eatt, .ilonth through theSeason. whicn rives far;i:.:.'. lor Shfpping Proper(y from this place, to anvpart oflhj Country. which is enioved hv nn 'nll.. place onXake Champlain. All" communicationi by way of enquiry will be duly noticed ; Chatgtj will be as low as at any other place m this part of the country. R. CrlAPMAs Vergennes, Apnl. 18, 18 12 52 ;8 Thc raost highly approved Medi cine now m general use for Coughs Colds, and all Diseases of the Lungs nPHE VEGETABLE PULMONARY BAfJ SAM is believed to be descrvedly the ruoit popuUr Medicine ever known in, coughs, colds, asthma or phlhisic, consumption whooping cough and pulmonary aflections of et' ery kind. The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam has beea very extensively used for about fifteen years; aad its reputation has been constantly increasing'. s universally popular has this article become that it may now be considered as a standard article m a iarge part of the United States and British Prov inces. Many families keep it constantly by iheo coDsidering it the most safeas well as certain ren edy for the above complaints. The ptopnctots have received & are receiving numerous recom mendations from many ofour best physicians to make use of it in their practice. The namcs a few individnals who have given their testimonj ir favorof this arti;le are here suhjoined, and f..r a more full account see the envelope to theilulil. uvm. muui iiuiiuujt, . uoci. aamuel ...ornll, ' Truman Abell, ; Timolhy Baylnj, " Jtie.ElIsworth, : AlbcrtGuiId. Certificales. (From Dr. 'Ihomas Brown.) Messrs. Lowe & Jteed, Geut The VegetaMi Pulmoiiaiy Balsam, has been extensivcly.uicd u thcsf-ction of country whtre I rcsidefor sereu! yeais past, and has juslly acquircd a h!gh repuli tion in consumptive com;lainls. So far as u knowledge exteods, it has never disappointeil tlj reasona'de expcctation of those xvhohave uiedit, Tiioma d. Concord, N. U.,May II, 1831. Messrs. Rced, Wing& Cutler Gcntlcinrs I feel it a duly I owe to the public, aod esprcnt- ly io nunurcus oi my ieuow Deiugs who are noti suuenng unuer uiuereni uiseases ol Ihe lniis,ti give you a stalement ot the good t llecls I haw e.perienccd from theusc of Ihe Vegetable I'ufmu nary Balsam. Having fiom my buih up brtn troubled wilh diflerent complaints of Ihe lnnp, such as spitting ol blood, a troublcsoiue couKh, Ire quent hoarseness, with severe fits of coujtbiiif. andindetdall the symploms of consuinption aml frnm time to time I have consulled several eminful physicians, and have lakcn much mrdirme, l.ull rcctived little or no relief, lasl thy toM iw there was no help for me ; ihal my case iva-b.. yond Ihe reach of their medicinrs In the pr of 18271 was advised by a fiit-nd to try Ihe Vej elable rulmouary Balsam. I obtamed livo M lles. and on trial 1 was surprised lo tind so cfiict ual relief which its use gave me, and aftei alxnt five weekstfmemy complaints were mtireli te moved, and I was restored to giod healll-. S.we that time I have kept it coiistanlly hy me, in m of Ihe appearance of any ofthe above coni.laia.'j. I have known a large numberol cases wbeieii other mcdicines have lailed of afliirdin" anj rt licf, the Balsam uasal length rcsurti d tu",n' "peediiy ellecleil a cure. I wnulil Ihnefrcit commeml to cvrrj person Ihal has any ol tho jh ove rumplainls, on theii first appearance to tiU the Vegelable Pulmonary Balsam, whirh tlie; v,i find a safe. convcnient and posilivp cnre. Kespeclfully yours, T. P. Mkiuu.iji. New Bedfurd, Alass., July 3C, 1841. CG-Ciu.-CTEnrr.iTg. Ueware of impositka Each genuine boMle isenrlosrd in a blie n, perun which is a vr.i.i.n w lahel, signrd bj tty JON'N. CUTLER. Nonc olhi-r c.ui be rfiim of a laterdate than DrcmhT 1MU. Thi-vri ture nf Sajitson lit-i.u iwiltc conliuued lor short time. The grct cclcbrity of the Vegetable Pulmo nary Balsam has been the cause of allen.pu to introduce spuriou3 articles, which Jby pailially n suming the name of the genuine, are calculavd lo inislead and d eccive (ha public. Among tlitrf mixturesare "Carter's Compound i'nmmwj IiaUam" 'Jlmirican rulmonanj Balsam,' " Vefretablt I'ulnwnury Batsamie Syiuj "Fulmonary ISalsam," and others. Purchasero should ennuirn fnr ilm irn, articlj by its whole name Tiie Vecetable Ptt jionarv Balsam, and see that it has the Baib and sipnaluresof the genuine. Each bottleand seal isstamped " Vegetbi H x uiuiuiiaiy balsam. For sale bv REED. WWG k rilTt.EE. (late Lowe and Rced) wholesale dealers in Dicr' aicuiciues, raints and Dye-stufls, No. 54. CW ham street, Boston, and by Druggists and counti' merchants eenerally in New Eneland. and loltbe principal places throughout the United Staltsicrf uriusn rrovinces. fnce ou. cents. SolatJ S. MOODY. 13:ly Middlebury Vermont SUPERFINE GENESEE FLOL'B, for sale by the subscriber. IRA STEWART. Sept.'20. 20 tf XIWENTY-FIVE cases heavy cow hide wi kip BOOTS. for sale very low by Ihe cae, June 25. 18-H. by JOHN WOOD. rfENESEE FLOUR, fresh Tea-S ,?rwith a Iargc assortment of GrocM- ics,just received and for sale low. JOHN WOUl BAKER'S Water-Proof Oil Blackin.'. sunerior article for Harncsso, Chaise-tops and Boofs and Shocs, for sale wholesaleor retail by JOHN WOOD, Agent for the Manutaciurei. CASII PAID for Shipping Furs. JOHN W00U. T. T. SAI.T. nrURK'S Island salt. iust received &i -M. for sale nt 75 cents per bn'"-' Z. BECKW1J 11 v ' " V UTand WROUGHT IN'AlLa aBl1 winrlow Glnss fnr snl low. bv JOHN WOOD LARGE ASSORTMENT ofCw: and Shoes, for sale-low by A. & W. S. joHKso"!, PRS. Boys' BOOTS, superior article. for -a'8 low al A. &, W S. J0HNSOIN2 ,. ji K1 EESVILLE round, squarc, sizes man- n,.t nt all thn 1,1,1 ". , rt. factured U theworks, aro cor.staun hand, and foi lalc by the subscriber. IRA Sl liiA- :