Newspaper Page Text
H ERDS GRASS Clover. an paH0' Secd for sale by JOHN WOOD Feb. 9. 1R42. V I N R G A R . Bhl. CiderVine JonN Wood. t: WENTY-FIVE ear for sale by H A Y I N G TOOLS. RA1N Cradles. Srvthes nnd Snaths, JQ Rakes, Fork$, jjood Scytho S'ones, it Bi-ytha Rifl s. fur sale by John Wood. July 16, 1842. Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix BITTF.RS, Dr. M-ffil't Lifr Pilla nnl Phoenix ni ' rs hare lonr; nince obtaincd ths hieh and ehviable diitinction and a host of coinpctitnr". -nd that thev ncquired it ot-lv by their invaula- nf. and almoet unl inited fficey the u mial nid of fuleomc pnffery and prctensions, are wrll known lo tlic publicand cannot bs dcnied Whiln vrrv IUHp has been faid concrrninc these aatonithing Life Med.rinet by th p opi tor him- alf and nol more thn wai nccrssary to cail the aticntion of tlie fifiliclcd lo b ure nnd apcdy means of reli f, llie rcnown has lapidty flown from nne indiridual (o anotbor and from family tn family, unlil lliey have Iong aince becomo known in almoat evry lown and vill.ige in llt Di.ion. as a and ineotiinable blotitig Foluntiry nnd unsolicilcd leslimnniils of llicir . abnolut-dy atouishig effieacy, in diseases oflba most dreadfu and ouslinatft cliatacler, as wi ll aa In otherr ofprevalenl and ordinary occurencp. have bc n received hy Ih ! prorietor Irom th" prrtonith'y havc cuird froin cvrry s.-clion of tho couu'.ry, and still continue to l received in incrcasi.ig nuinbcrs. It ia tviili prid and pla auretlial tb proprii lor ref.-r Ihc publio lo his "Medicil Mamial," whef a widely virions so loction uf iIi-bp telimonia1s is pLblished, wilh thenames and rcfidence of tlie untcrs, because h has no hi pitalion in ajyinj Ihat tho annals of M -dical Science do not cn.iUin a grraler rum herofviricty of curen efT.-cted by ny medicine liniiwn to th- profWiion, or cnrea of a more fnghlfu: kiiid or of longcr atanding. coniinf a theso tetinoniab. do from thu cured pprrono tlirmslrf. whoceruinly krow bes.t from their nn happy eaperietice. whelhej they arr curcd or not. Tlie oviucnco ih y afiurd ol th pre-em-mincnt and unprcccdi-ntcd enjca y ol thcae grand rmedir.i prrfi clly irrt'ii'liblp, andcon inanda rithcr tban solicils the rrrpecl of tlie pnb lic. In ad lition lo thosa aln-ady publiahcd, tlie proprictor ia in psf sion of a rait accumulai'on of thrse persnnnl certiBcatri, i!em"tulraling that his Life Pills and Hicsmx Bilter arc promptly and unilbriftly rfficacioua in Scrolula inali ilrliy dra hoadei fomw. Dysp-a"4 nhelber cbronie i-r orcaiional, Klieuinat'soi bo'h aculb and chron'C. Janndice and billioui and lircrjroniplainls.hoiver cr ditresin or curApIicaled. Fiver and Ague in all Ihrrr varit-fie9t and nhenquinine and all other upptsed fp-cinc! fail, Ilabitual Cos(ifne',(e pecially ftben the Life Pilla areused as dinerpill miediatly berore or afler that mejl) Pilt-s of thirty ycars sljnding, Dropey, Gont and seltled uaitisin tlie lireait, back, or orjans, disease of the bladJer und kidneis, bilea.tumora and ulcera bryino!a, ainl all ollier rrnpnve uiai-ae; l Itu riT, Anbma. Cronclillif, nd other affi-ction of th chest. lxncs. andm'iacoua nietnbers; pimples tainoftlte akin, and tb fonl unlieatliy appear- ancii ol ihe complrzion, armnf Irom whatevel caiue. nervoni or reneial debililv, headache, and (fidj.nca.htos' tei wilh a vat rariely o'other rnaladie'- in proof of tbe apeedy and effectnal cure ot each o' h:c!i by llieia merlicinci aline tbe propritnr ha hutidrada. nar thouiands of carlifiei tes!iiuoniali. Doth tha Pilla and Bit, ter rre "ii!d and dclighlful in thier operalion proiucinc noiiii of creu th 1-rnporary prostra' ttona and nvisa occasioncd by fiparjy all olhcr inediciui-: and they can be adminittcred witl ajfely to youncliildri-i and femalei in Ibe mot delicilj lralth. MoTat's Vegetablc Life Bledi- CINES A m ld yel . fT. clual medicinf, eompos d oftin bfst mal'-rul knonn lomeLical acience and of the bcet quality that inoney can procuie, for the cleanpini; el thr alimentary caml and re liavinjr tlie sprines and ateiiuea of all morlii'l ob- atmctions and impurilirs. nunt bs a p'lblie blea. 61ng and j doniot.c and individual proloction and aiteguari, in proporiion as it bixomei known. Sucli a 'ni-riinine tho ftmilies oftbo Uniled Statea hvr loni; had in jloffjl'a celebrated Lifa Pilii and Pi.crnij Blttcra, and thf Ccod Ibey liaie done 18 I frtimatiia. 1 hcy havc wun theil lnzh fjme an 1 fiimly rslablishcd cliaracter hy tlicir itrluns aloiic, witliout tb aid of tbe uoual arla of notorivty cr impudcnt raporimcnt on tho fjithnfthc cn-dulous. n all genoral derange inenta oTtlte -liee'tit'e and alimrntary functiona, aa in a vael rariely of acute and chronic d'seaana tlieir eScts nre complite rs lo fxcile asloniih tncnt. In tli-uinatisni, suttled pain in the crg ani and liml's.cstiVMicM.pilcaJirrr complaints. jiundice.nrrrous and billioua attacka. headachca, IutiT and agnc, emptivs dinezerr, bad aapcct o' the cimil xioii.iiiH getinn ann flatulency cholic aflVctfas f tlie bladdcr and kidn-ya, dropsy. aKthnii a d lironchitir, rhruinatic colda and eorr lliroaln. and induid in every concierable kind of ill bealth thi'V arc inv.ilnahli, and will affnrd cer tain, and moal genrrally pcrniuniT t relicf. They rrqniro n ilhcr eonfinem'nt or change of diet lli-y iifit'icr p-os'.rate lliostrnnglli nor give pain nudaniirc dclielilful rnd rff ct'ial medicinc cinnol h" prcnr-d rither fo individnals or fam. Ii . Th propri-tir hae receivrd for many ycars and i continnally receiving the mont far vrni and giatrful trftimmiala of their Taluc V r sale whok'sak- and retail by Hngnr & Aril1ur.Ba li11gtonVt.A51.ts, for tlie S?tatr, to who n upiilirntinns t'-r anency niust be ma.l-. Azent for Hiddl l.urv, W. P. UUS- SS1'.!.. firl door snuih tlic oflice. ll;yl A Large supply of Fresb Tens.Cnflee, Spices, &c. for :ud low by A. & W. S Johnson. Hartford. "JTIE euhscribrr has been appointrd Adnt for the Hartforo Fiae Insuhanck Coupant, for Mid.ll. bury and vicinity, and will reccive proposaU for inpnring prop. rty against loss or damagc by Fire. Tho lone ealablihed rrputa tin of tliis comnanv. and thn nr 1 iTitne wilh wliichalltheirtrau.acliontliavn bwn cliaract.'r-i led rend T it iinncccssarv to av anvthin? in it fmr. All biirainvsr cnnnrrl-il willi thc nfficc . intrmled lo him will bo fiithfiilly nni pnnc- tually traiiacled JONAT1IAN IIASAU. i MidJLburv. F.b.2ii. 1842 42;v Agrnt. , BT'ARI TON-& FOULARU Ginehama, t ... ... " ' PrinN &c. too Chrap, at BIRGE'S. RIF.D Al'PLE--. f..r Ieat T. C. S.ITHS. Mai 7 81 42. PAIRS ol ibukioos E aiandsome a$ottment.l Far-I well'sbest.Mo occofor l.adiep. hv A. UHAr.MAl 4- SUN Kxtra Ilrantis ol Family FLOUR. 'J'HE iibscribcr'i8 now ro'civiiig on conFiziiiiieul. mnd will be well snppli d tlirmigb Ihe anaeon. wilh snincof thi: chuncst branda Wostcrn Plour, fvr n"rrd in thin marliet laving Flour iaaiiuf.ciurd hy more tban twrnty diflVrenl mill, .,f tl. hi-.lnst rppulation, h plrdg a thal Flour -old hr him slnll gire Ihr mnal perfcct llisfaclion, and will he warrantcd in nll capc. N. B. Fancy-bTands conslnnlly rm hand. D'ibrs in Flrur, AU'rchaiita. and Fair.? is are r- ictfu'ly 'nil..d lo ordr. aud try Ihn arlicle. Klour nbipprd lo errirr. in cod packagr wilh HUy on recipt f Hr.ff'., crrlifiiatea . r .1 or ea-li. J. N. HINSDILU T r 4p,ii 25. l&U J J . -5 J 51 t n f pnp. ol (iT THE CI1BAP CASn BTOHR.) IS now piepared tn olTer to the public a fresh supply ol sejsonable lirect frcm tbe importersand manuraclurerb. UKCWISG A chjicestnclt ofdry grocenes of the first quality, for family use to gethcr wilh crock try and Glas3 Waie. Cj N. B. Piices cnrreapnnding wilh the motto. 2 suhscriberkeeps forsale A COTTON BATTS by the bale, IRA. STEWA T. MMdlcburySept. 11 1341. J9tf 1842. Vergennes and BufFalo Iine. TJIE CANAL rACKET CAPT. M. T. DAVIS. W'lLL commencc hcr Tripe on thc 3d day of May, belwcen the city of Wrgennra ur.d Buffalo, runnine DAY and NIGHT, asfdlows: Leavt Verginntt Ltavtt Bujfalo. May May June August Septctnbor October October S May 13 31 June 10 28 July 8 ! 0 August 19 6 September 16 4 Octobcr 14 29 Novcmbsr 8 Thia packrt will be put in firat rate order al the opering of Navigatinn, wilh additional ac for Freight and Paasengera. Will lcavo Vergennes at 7 o'clock in tbe morning lowed by steainboal to Whitohall. Frcighl mLrt be on board the day prerious. Thoa nioving, or Tiaiting their friends intho far Wost, will find tliis the most expi'ditions and chraptsl route they can take. Thcre will bo orcry accoininodalion on board to suit the most particular. Tliose who chooso to do ao, can have erery facility for boarding tbemselres. Llue atientiun will bf paid to passcngcrs by a carcfnl caplain and rrew, who will sparn no painstogiTc perfcct aaliafaclion. For furtber ' parliculara rnqnir'' of thc captin on board. I R. CHAPMAN, Yergcnncs. JOY &. WEB5TER n t(r , 51 6w DAW St DELONG, 5 Butial QKOCEKIES. and Youiur A supeiiur assottmeut of Hy&on and IIyson.-s.kin TE.1S. CoflVe, Molasses, Spicrs.Raisins and many other articles of the kin.l, alcohol ex repted, by A. CHAPMAN & SON. To Merchants. pANDLE-'VICK.and COTTON YARN, from No. 5 to 25, and of the best quality for sale by the subscriber. JOSEPH GOKDON. Middlchnrv, Jan. 2;., 1S42. 28 tf DO.MEsSTICS. Satinttls, Araerican Pr.'ms Sheetings, Shirlings, Tickings, Wickings. B tltings.and TavlnrsTrimming',' by A. CHAPMAN& SON. iew Spring and Sumraer GOODS. IHE suhcriber is now recriving his stock ofSPIUNG AND.SU.MMER GOODS, purchased at the lowesl New Ycrk Cish prices, enibracino;, every varieiy ofkimls and qnaliiies called for in a connlly store. Hi will for Cash or short credit poiitively Eell oive tban any other cstablishment in this ouniyc. No JUistake. P. W. COLL1NS. Cornwall, M.iy 2.1842. t ''LOTHtf, Cassimejes, and t greatvariety,heaper and ihe triiiimins in ver. at BIRGE'S Mav 3, 1842. CPLENDID ULOTHS AND KES- T1NGS. Also Summer Goods; soine cheap fur tiors. at k-ss ihan llte manu'bctur ers' cost; for sale by A. Fiiancis M 0,000 Yds.superiorfineand heavy Blea h- ed and broivn Sheetics Sr Dhilungs lower than evcr liclore known bv A. Francis. apiO T'l-ON GOODS. Heiw Brown Cot- ton 3 vH iIip lb. for 8 cents. Bleached 2iols enua'llv chean. at BIRGE'S. Mav 3 1842. BAR 1RON, Nails. Shovels, Axes, aud a general assortment 01 Hardware, hy A.CHAPMA1N & SON. SCO BUSHELS of Potatoes for sale by P. W. C0LL1NS. Cornnrall. May 16. 1842. MAY 10, 184. JUST received by ibe subscriJers, a full assoriment of welladapted to ihe and Summer Irade w.ncn will be sold as CMF.AP fi-rcaslior appr-.ved credii, as at any other st.ire in this vicniuy. 1JECKW1TH &. CO. "OAPER. 2000 pieces Room Paper. 60, Bordering, just receiv cd at BIRGE'S f 'AKPKTS. Those wishin" to eonsnli . canomv w II do well t examine a laree A FRANCI55 focA" jusl received bv " r . Vrrocenes. ; rilHK fuhscribrr now o!T rs for cish, a ,el "..-Mlases wei.hji- 11 l-2lb. for 25c nr .... I P..B ..rr i .. : pr cal. I eas, Coffee and every olht-r ar- ticle called lor in ihe Grocery line (Liquors excepied) at piices equally b.w. P. W. Coi.tjs. i Cornwall, May 16. 1812. Iron, Steel and Nails. Tp'OR sale very low foi cash. by J ira STEXVA RT. j IUST received byP. W. Collins 3000 yyardsCalicocs, prices varying from 5c to 2oets 4000 ynr.U Shecting, from 6c to 9c. ' per ynnl. May 2, 1342. PlKrS AND OIL. a large nssmt ment of Painls and Oil for sale by A. & W. S Johnson. H ATS AND CAPS. .M.hkin. Bush and hue fur Hnls Bnd also a cood a:sonmeiil o: Boy's Uaps, for sale low by A. it W. S. JolINSO.f. Aug. 8 1842. . . ' 6- OLD Lfaf, Bronz-, Dutch Leaf, Rose Piuk, British Lustcr, Varntsh ana i urr.o i:ine i . A. Sf W. S. Johnson. August 8, 1R4-2. JVew Goods. THE eubicribers are now receWing their stock ol Compriig bf sides Ihcr onlinaiy assortraent Bonnet silks, Kibboos and Fakct Goodp, ol evety description all of which raay be relied u-ion as of ili first quality; Biidw'll be sold a lo'w asnt any othcr slnre in tliis town nr county May 9, 1842. A. CHAPMAN & SON. N0T1CE. IfanHE snbscriberliaonliand a larae assort- 1 mentof Cabinct Fdrniturc of the laiesi ! fashi.ios, which he oflers for fale at Teduce J ' nrires. DAYID L. ANNAN. Hnst l, May a, j;iuw TT ADIE'S and Childr-n'si3onne Hoods , JL and uimminzs; a large supply Latest t faliion3, very n.iw receiving bv 1 ix c RANC1S. I : ' allk I)fl7. Fffltt finl (rltiVf.T nl nilit l UOZ. Hoticm and '9 " , -.. -1 wvrv everv varieiv ai ieis inan uau n.c ev eTerv vanely at less Uiual pri. es by A.FHANCIS. CAUl'ETlNtxS. Heavy W0.1l Caipetings, ' C tton do cheap for cash at May 3. BIRGE'S. 1S42. ( A l'S. Ut-aver, Moleskin, Lealiorn, Cane JUL and Pal.n Leaf Hats, at B1R GE' AN Kxtrnsive assortment of c:kockery q- glass ware, is now ready for inspeclion and sale at the Cheap.for-Cash storc of Z. BECKWITH & Co., New Goods. T HE sub-cribcr has iust received from NewYork, a complete assortment of sea- snnab'e DRY GOODS, which he will sell very low for cash. IRA STEWART. .Middlebury. May 31 1342. JYeio Goods. CLOTHS.Cassimeers, Cal coes, Muslins Cambtics, Lawns, Urillins and Tiekini! A fine as&ortment of summer cloths, Linens. Sheelings Shirtings tc. &c. whicli will be sol ifor cash ot on credit, at prices whicli can uot fatl tosuil puicliaseis. Z. Beckwitu & Co. .WOOLEN FACTORL THE subscriber would rcspedfully inforrn his customers, and thc public genorally, that he has commcriced thc busineas of Tianufacturing WOOLEN GOODS, PDCH A3 Comnion Cloths, Cassimcres, Sat inottf, White or Colored Flan nclsj &c. &c. At lilsolil star.d in Ilich'i Mills. Hc ill mtiliufucturp wonl on aharcs .r b) thuynrd. at the opiion oflhc owner. Tlie ubciiber isi solic'tous ofobtaining niMiicss, and ferlt cettain that liis e.vperi. iiccand kuowludue i" cioth mai.ufactiir. i!2 anddresiii";, nnd tlu: fiuished apparatus md niaclii.ii ry ul-ich lie has providcd. will -nnblc him lo giv t'litiro si.tisfactitin to all vho L'inplohiin. Hc tnvitcs thc publi.: to II and ex:uniric spccimers ol his work, vhich ho belicves will justify ai cxpecla 011s which he hohls out to his customers. A. KILHORN. Iinrchnm. Rich's Mills) Apr. 1. '42 49 F ReliefforllirriPi imcs. "jTow rcctevtnp, a large r STOCK of L GOODS thnn werc cver beforo ofTiT edin this mnrket, of nlunxt i-very varieli-, which were Boxighl .viih Cash, al ihn prci- ont exlremely lotc prices and which will bo sold at prices that cannol fail to suit the pur- chaser by A. rrtAxcis. Gioves and llosiery- Cotton, Silk, Ltsle thread. anrl Kid Gio ves, black and white lislc thread, and ilk Hosieiy-ivadies b.ack nnd white vot. 1011 Hose from 10 to 25 cents al Bikge's. Mav 16. 1842. Uonnets and P. 1j. llats. Elf you want the best and cheapest Flor ence Braid Bonnet or Palm Leaf Hal in the vi-cinity, first call at Z. Bcckwitii ccCo.'s ADDISON (JOUN i 1 Tcmperance Ilousc. riT H X inf E suhsciibcr would infonn ihc public, ihat he l:a takcn the stand rcc- ently occupicd by Puul Read, south of ihe Court Housein Middlebury. The hnusn I and out houscs are now undergoing a thor- . . j -ii j ough rcpair, nnd will afford every accom. muuaunu 10 cusuniit:rs wiucii incir unnnuii 1 and convenience can rrqtiire. It will bn ; ikept upon strict tcmperance principles, and ers, Erjaipelas.Scald Head. Humors, and all Bil t, ', 1 i ' i ' i .. ious complaints. Tbese different complatnu are . he liupes by perseverance in this plan, to " t 1 i ,uni r. .,.n. mwj u , ,r,!n I:riveuic pairuuncui uu incnuiy iu uic ' ouject3 r 'ne great temperance reform. iHaving for years been conver.-,ant with 1 public houses bo.h in coun.ry and c,.y. he lliinks he kuows the duMes of a Inndlord.and how to supply thc.iv.ints of ihe traveler ; will be wanting to givc entiro satisfaclion o . . . lo the public. BENJ. B. BROWN. Middlebury Feh. 8 1842. 40:tf ! Brooms ! Brooms ! ! rmi H E subscriber eives nolicc thal r Ji will manulacture at short no'ice, corn t of meanalo ends; the different sjstems ranning in Brooms at 10 cer.ts a piece, ond find hand- J fijft T les andtwine, oron shares of ono half, at his dwelling house onc mile north of Bristol village. EDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Feb. 18. 1842. 42:6m "MTSB.A B Casi, dlii'ar and Spring Stele LUfor sale by IRA STEWART. Middlebury, Aiig. 8. 1841. ALL and WINTER Lamp Oil.of the best quality, for sale by T. C. SMITH. (iarden Seeds. s UGAR BEET, Carrot and Onion seed, by the nound: also, a large assoriment ftt rntail. warranted the growth of 1841. Forsaloby JOHN IFOOD. April. 1842. WROUGHT &CUTNAILS, Win. eow Glass and Puty, consttantly ot, hand,and for salo by A. it W. S. Johnson. toUPERFlNE Flour for sale low by Ia Stewart. HEALTH it STRENGTH. DB.S.O. BICHABDSOW'a CONCIHTRATID Sherry "VVine Bltters, p UT up in octagon Bottles.and the ingredients to make the aame put up In pressed packagesifor sale by all the Drugis's and most of the w. I. Goods Dealers in Boston and vicinity. Also, by my agents in all the principal towns throughout Ner ngland and the Souihern and Weslern States. " , , ., Z. S. Hall BAHBiNCTOir.cornerofSackTil. le street, Halifax, isgeneral agent for.the Bntish Provinces. P, S. Barnard. W. G. Skinnfu andjos iph.Pebrv Mobse are my only aulhonzed trav elling agents. OFFICE 15 HAN VER ST. BOSTON 75 cents per Bottle; 80 cenls pcr paper. The follo-ing are selected from a large cum- of Eiitorial notices. Frcm the Dover (N. H.) Gazetle. Dr. RictiAnD3ossBiTTERS.-Inourcolumns may be found an adrerlispment ot ine vegeiaoie Bitters,prpared by Dr. S. O. Richardson.ortioutn netoing, aia. iiiej t, ,nmnil nf a varietr of valuable and purely J . - te .... vnrrian. vegetauia manar;.ana irom uui aa well asotheis,' wecanspeak highly of their renovating and invigorating effecls upon the sys. tem Wehave agood opinion of the Bltters, as thev are not a auack nostrum, but discoverod , pre- j pared, and v-nded by a regular Physicun, a grad uate ofthe Collega ofcurown State. and who has ! said but little in the way of puffing them himself, but leaves it to those wno try inem lojuag inem selves. For Ibe diseases that many are liable lo, in the spring and summer, such aa Debility, Dys pepsia, Biltious and Nervous Complaints, icc, we do nothesilale tosaythat these Billers will be found a safeagreeahle and effeclual restoralive As gooj hcalth is one of Ihe gieatest of earthly blesiings, we would early adviae thoae Iaboring und-rsuch diseases, to make a trial of Dr. Rich ardjon'a Billers: they can do no harm. and may do much good, as we are ronfident in many cases they bave. Vegetablee and vegetabla medicines are unquestionahly the mest congenial to the hu man s)atein. From the Evening Signal N. Y. Siierry Wine BiTTERa These are a reme dy very highly and very justly recommended by physicians, asofgreat efficacy in giving atrecgth to Ihe weak and debilitated. The use ofyears has satisfaclorilyproedlheirvirfues. Untinctured the alightesl deleterous matter. they communtcate Ihe healing powen ofthe best medir.inal roots and plauts. They restoie, and. if not laid aside,.pre serve the whole acimal economy in a stale ol ha bitual heallhiness. They cannol ne toofrequent ly commended lo public notice by jusl enconiums from the ptess J. B. & D. Sands, 79 and 100 Fulton Street Agents. fo- Iu speakineof tbe excellence ofthe Sbcrry U'ine Bitters, of which Messrs A. B. If D. Sandi ate agents, we meant those prepared by Dr. S. 0 Richardson.of South Reading Afass. From the Bristol County Democrat. Taunton. Riciiardson's Bitters. Of the numerous medicines which are adversised in our naner from lime to time, wc prelend to kdow but little their virtues must be known only 10 tnose weo have made uie ofthem. But with vr. . o, Kichard son's Bitters we are sorcewhat acquaintcd. Tbes; Bitlers were uied in our family last sun.mer. fo eeiicral debility and headache. and much relief was derived frohmtem. Thore who may be sa'i ject to nervous headache, will find the Bitters ve y bcnificial they proved so in Ihe case to nbicb we reier. Forsale wbolesale and retail at hw ofDce, 15 anover street, Boston. From tho airnatablo Pulriot 'IIealtiiand Siri.nqtii! To regain 01 pres ervu tbcac ia the great .leaideraturn. Nuthing that wc knnw of "ill do it more 6cclually, thia wann wrt'icr than D-. Richard.'on'a Sshorry Wine Bitters. Try 'em tbe stricttst temper ancc man nccd nolbe afraid of the alcohol in them. Thereis no more than is absolulely ne ccsary to prcscrac tbe snaiT of tho 'roots and iiiarbs' ol which thev are comuounded. 8 AGENTS; Middlebury". S. Moodv: Fcrzennes. W. B. . Bixby; New iaven. Roscoeoi. Nash;B'itol, lj. V. Ha I: Hancock. Roval f lint, fat-rks- borough, T. H. Ki.ldcr; Ferrisburg!), Allcn & WhtelerjlMonkton.M. W.Kins'eyjbhoriliam K. ivnshi; Whiting. J. & O. aimonds; Sal isbury, Hun'ly it Higgins; Cornwall, S. Ev arts; Addison! Bames Si Fuller, 810.000 KKWAKD WILL be paid to any Physician nho will pro Juc a bclter compnuud for family ua.i than the Gcnniiic Dutcb or Gcrman Vegetablc Pillt, styl cd The Lion ofthe Day. TIIEsCIENCr. orHCJIANLtrE TO tho inhabilants of the Uniled States and llio C.cadas, Tho pilla well called the Lion of Ihc Day, are respectfully rccommendeJ to tbe altcnlion and trial of all thoas subject to the al' tacks of Bilious DrsrEmc, and Chronlc diseases of the stomach, liver, and bowels Thcse pills have Iong been withouta successful nval, in Germany, and througout Europe, and many yeare in variousparls ofthe Uniled Slatos, by the most omiuenl Physicians, as a Family Medicinc. This Pill ia composed of cxtracta from nine parts of the Vegetable kingdom. They are war rantcd aafe in their operalion and efflcls. Tnoy aro aimplein their prepcration, tnMdin their ac tion, and unrivallcd in Iheir rcaults. They bave Iong received the most flaltering recommendat ion from tho Jl-dicil Facully; such men as Dr Mott, and Dr Guernaey, ef Now Vork: Dr Dol- ainatrr, Ur MossacK,ana ur uinaon.oi uuicness county, and Hon B. Peck, M. D. ofGlen'aFalls mcn havo Iong stood al thc head of their profession. A-ain; gastic rirritation debilitatcs ibe digcslive ogans and becomes a fruitful source ofditeas; in some people Dyspepsia in otherj, Liver Com- ulaint. Kheumatism. Aleaslei, ivbooping Lougb. r . n . Tf 1 1 r 1 . jjJ(hnia, Gout, Hypochondna, Epilepy, Spints. Chronic Dianha;. Pilej, Pulmonaiy ( 1-OW Con- '''on.S5u us. t,ick """f- E'uption of-the Skin, Salt Rhuem. St. Anthony's Fire, Y.uwand BillousFevm.Feverand Aiue.Sear et Kj,,, uearlDuro, uosiivenesn, f emale Weak ness. Jaundice, Intcrmittent and flemittant Fev ot olhers, eqnally as rtetnmental, and pcrhaps fa- tal to human life- Like bad bad law olust be supporfed by others equally injurious to nrf 0, u.hich in unison, and the least injury to any one tlirotva it into disorder. ,a,uuy eT"'1'0".! HrtrfXi?:,nd rf.!le novpr nld hefure. he will lealize toe leeliava ftr thA Psalmist when he sune, "I am fearpilly and wnn- derfully made!" Looking at the human body, with all its ramifi cations, balances, adjasments.anJ nice relations; ine nair iikc utnjcuucuce uuou wiu;n iue issuspen ulationof the bones;the frarae work ofthe svstem the action and uses of the vaiious musclcs; the wonderfu! svstem of arterie and veins: the action ofthe heart in propelling tbe blood with such as tonisl.inj force: and Ihe gieatest wonder will be, how can it be possible tbe human system can beai up, against Ibe da;ly violilon of its laws, and main tain it vitality against such repeated attacks and injuries from external and intemal violence. I unhesilalingly recommend them for the cu:e ofthe above complaints Iong known ind juslly celebrated as one of the btst Family Medicines in tbe Jateria Medica. These Pills are not intended as a thorough pur. galive, assome wdl have il;they are intendedto strenthen the system that has run down, and re gulate Ihe whole human structure, and remove all obstruction and assisl nature inili violated laws. For sale in almosf every Jown'ln Ihe United S'ates and the Canadas, Prlce 25 and 37 1-2 cts. Directions on each boz. Be aure when yon purehas that you fet the Lion Ojftheday.hAvine.thewritten uame ofMer ritt Griffin on eacb box. rawcrriL orncei. A. B.& D Sands. 79 Fulton slrel. New York T Rowand, 376 Market it , Philadelphia. A. Goyer,104 Hanover t., Boston; A C Pliin, 31 Broid at., Charlston, S. C. .:.d ForfulfpartircuIaraseeamallcircuUrsdepoiitea with each agent beioWmentioned. For baie ra itna county ny myaaiuoniiui:j.j. MERRITT GRIFFIN, M. D- Forsale in Middlebury, by Si.lney Moody; Verirennes. bv F. Huntington; Shreh.m, by Kent Wrighi; Bridport, by N S Burnetl; Addison bv Barnes &. Fullen Ferrjsbuigh Centre bv "Heuiy RodgersjNorlh Ferrisburgh hyAllen' &. Wheeler; Bristol by Titus B Gaijre; Monkton by Milo vV Ktnsley; Gran ville bv Warren Heyden; Leicester by L S Johnson; Whiting by Russager & Walkr; Cornwall bv S Everls; iiancocK oy joun Hacketi; Salisbury by A & P U Barrows. Jr3- Look out for Swindlers aml Counter feiters. HjJ'l The Counterfeiter's Death Blow. TKE public will please observe thal no BRANDRETH PILLS 9i ernnin nnlesa the box bas three labels up on it, each containing a fac simile signature of mj hand-wnting, thus u. iiranare.n. i nese labels are eneraved on steel.beaulifully designed Middoneatan expense ofseveral thousanddol- lars. Rem-.mbertbe top, tbeside, and the bottora At the present time, when the counter- feiters of these celebratid Pills arc . , . cnmptilciij cornerca, ii ts noi surpns inglojind ihat they endeavor to' get off their stock of spurious Pills under any natne. It is not the first time that the "Poor Indian" has hadlo Jather thc abortionsof cunnivg men. Theremarkablecures wbich have been effect ed by Brsndreth'a Pills, have astonished the whole medical faculty, many of wbom havecon". sidered that they are the greatest blessing ever given to the world. The reason these celebrated Pills have sucb a universally good effect, is because their action harmonizes with the human body. " Purge out the old leaven, Ihatye may be come a new lump," is the language of Holy Writ, a fieure applied spiritually, it is true, but how could it have any applicalion unless co.v nnjir.D bv pbacticai. exferiince, in the bodv of mattsr? The fouidation upon which this figureof scripture rests is as immoveable as Ihe laws which govrrn the tidea, or occasinns ihe tbunders of Heaven " T Jl E CO.VDinos." The condition upon which God has-given bealth to man is a constant care to keep his stom ach and bowels free trom all merbid and unheal- Ihy accumulations. The means to cfTectthis musl be those remedies which cleante the bowels and ourifv the blood. Knnd healthful medicine is only a species o food; when the animals, whose habits we have the means of observinc. are sick, they wander thro- Ihe fields. and make selections of those herbs wnicn open ineir uowcia . ruu. .nc. , perspiraticn is cnecKeu, anu inosr numors nliicn which immediately reslore their health. should pass off by thc skin are Ihronn inwardly When adoseof Brandreth's ills are taken, caus:ng thoyaredigested and pass toevery pattofthej HEADACHE, GIDDIA'ESS, system; but Ihey lcave the body when Ihey bave ' naaea Jnd sickness, pain in tr.e boi.fs, walcn effected thein tendcd purpose, and health and :nflamed eyes, sore throat.boarseness, coughs vigor are by them insured. . I consumptions, rheumatic pains in vanous parts llincral medicines may enter Ihe system, but of ,he jnd raa olher sym,)tomj r they are withdifficulty got out agitn ; and they CATCHING COLD always occasioa pain and m.sery wh.le they rc- hc Tnd-an V.-gclal.le Pill. will inrariably KITeim mainin the body. . mediate rcln-f. From three to s.x ofsaid Pills ta- WhereasBrandrethsP.lliare as nnocent asa kcn ereIV ..j ,,, oa oin to bediWi in , short pieceorbread.andareevacuatcdw.tb.hedisoase .mfi(no;onfrcmo J, he above unpIeasaut lor whicli they ate taken. 1 svn.utomt. but Ihe body will be reslored "to even .. . i. .j n...;r. ik.i.n..;.. r roui uie uw " tohreatbe, our hodies are constantly nasting, and as constantly building up. Tbe action ofthe atmospbere wea.-s or wastesth-m. The food we eat, the digestive organs covert into blood, which renewsorhuilds upby its circulaling power. Thus the human body is heallby when Ibe blood circulates freely, and" when any thing provcnts its free course through 'he veins, discasc com- ratnces. Costiveness.Dispepsia, Fevcrs, Inflummations. are all owi.ig to, and all the Iroublrs atlend mg Ihsin could always be prcvented by tin.ely use oi Branare n s rius, as neir very action at oncctends tocleartl.e ctrculation of all impedi- ment, and remove every cause oroccasion of im- panly from Ihe blood. Tlwre are thousands nay millions at this momen.,.n this country, and all others, whom wpmajrreally conjineras hilfdfad. Tbey may be said to carry their death in Iheif bowels and circulation. This is no imaginaty circumstance. I wish it were. Thousands whom wc ineet every whcre wilh cadivcrous looks, yel lowskins and giecn eyes, speakina language not lo be mistiken. ofthe stata of their stomacb and boweU.and tl.e consequentconditionof their :Iood. The body is thus, while in life, reduced to the consequent condition of a corpse; and the' reason why some bodies are so soon in a putrid i coudition afler death, is more from the quan- ! I.'ly of impure humor.' contained m them al the J time they expired, than from any other cause. And who is tbere that will not allow, thatif, Brandreth's Pills bad been employed, so as to re- . bejfound in small ty,e: " Enlered according to move tbese impure humors, that life might not the act of Congrtst in the year 1S40, by Vt'M. have been saved i Whoever will give this sub- Wright, in the Clcrk't cffite, of the Diatrirt jecl but very little consideration, will atonce per- Court of the Eastem dislnct ofPennsileania." ceive the perferl idenlity beteen the putrid hu-' It will furtber be oiserved that the pnnted di mors ofthe b-dy before death, and the humors rections for using th medicine, whicli accompa which occasion the peculiarfatorof adeadbody. me each box, are also entered accoiding to Act Dn. BRANDRETH'S ' of Congress; and Ihe same fo:m will be found at PBINCIPAL OFFICG ' 'he bottom of Ihc first page. is at 211 Broadwav.opposilethe City Hall.NYork N. E. OFFICE 19 H.iN'OVER STREET, 39 GO-ONLY.0) place in boston for these Iruly excellent Pills. B. BRANDRETH, M.D. (Enteied accoiding to act of Congreis, in the yeat 1841, by ilenjimm Brandieth.mthe Cleiks's ufficeof the D.strict couit of the Southern Dis liict of New-Yoik.) The only personsin Addison co., Vt., fur nisbed with the Genuint Brandreth's P7.are at Middlt-bury, Jonalhan Hacar ; hast .Middlebury, ISeedham itUenms ; Addison, Barnes &. Fuller; Bridport, Brisinl, Cornwall, Ferrisbuth, Hancock, New Haven, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, Starksboro' Vergennes, Weybridge, Whiting, P. Fletrhei & Son ; W. H. Hadley ; Samuel Everm; B.F.HaskcU; Shiiles & Wicker ; John Harkett, Jr.; Koscoe & Nash ; Frederick Smilh; Huntley & Hizg'ns ; Kent Wright ; T.H. Kidder; m4R.Bixl.y; Silas S. Spraguc; J. & O. 8. Siuiond-i ; D.M. Ru3sique. 16 ly 8100 REWARD, ON E HUNDRED DOLLARS RE WARD has been offered for nionth3, to or... nn whn will me a bolllf of Havs Liniment fortbePiles witliout being cured. Ofthousanda sold, inno instance has it failed ofacure Proof overwhelminglo De. nau wnere u is noio. i otn a rnrtin rure in nearlv every case. (ex lernally) in tbe following complaints. For the rues. I ignmess ui ine tneai For all Dropsj , especially in children, Tender Feet, Foul Ulaers of the legs, Cjore thioat by cin- or other fungus soros, ceu or ulcers however obstinale or Croup, iong slanding, Whoopinecough, Freah Wounds, Scald Head. Cbilblains &'a &. JLOOK OUT. Znmgt SZwinMer l..v fntmf rfiited this article andput it up with various devices. Do nol be mpose upon. One thing wili proiect jou it ia the name of COMSTOCK & CO, ; tbal namemust be alwavs on the wranner, or you are chealed. Dd nat forgetit. Takft this direction with you, and test by Ihat. or never buy it; tcr it is impossible for any other to be true or genuine. aoia oy uunaiuuk et uu.. 71 Maiden Lane. 1:1J SUPERFINE GENESEE FLOUR, inspeeted and warranted, constantly on hand and for sale by A. & iV. S. Johnson. From the New York Rerald. MYSTER10US, A gentleman beloi.ging to one ofi),. . cienl and wealthy famillt. o? vn must bewellknown ,o ZL' ing smcethe year 1818 up to nS 'i beat nearly double, and fo.severa iy' hen ed to hisbed.has been restored to iTC hasregained hisnaluralerectpositicnand h quitted his catriage, and now walks with We beheve this is the gentlaman'j 0wn descrhv tion as nearas possible, and Ihere is no ..... ationinit. We will give inquirers his address' "..u.iuiiui.s iceimgs wiu excuse the liberty;so that any one doublinf. mav 1tnn- Ihese facts though be requires his name mav not appear in pnnt. Among other similar in stances, Mr. Jas. G. Ravnolds 144 Chrislii. Sl. bas been lestored and will give personal assur ance of the facts of his case. Both were ineumausm, and contracted cords and ainews How has this been done l Answeu By the Indiak Vegetable E iniernauy, ana iiEWxS' imervk and done L.INISIENT exlernally N. Y. HcralJ Jan 26 1841. Sold only by C0MST0CK &iC0. 71 Alaiden Lane, New York. 10:ly l-orsilehy s MOODY. Drggit. ll;ly THE BEST MEHTOD FOR THE . ABOL1TION OFOISEASE, IS TOCLEANSE AND PUR1FY TI1C EOOY. WRIGHT'S IMDIAM"VEGETABLE PILLS. 0 theKorth American Collegc ofHeallh, Are now acknowledged to be the best medicine in the world for Ihe cure of EVERY VJUUETY OF MSEASF.S because they tboroughly cleanse the stoma:h and bowels of these billious humors which not.DlSCaSCS of the 1 linrrs onlyparalyze and weaken the digestive oigans, rpHE VEGFTAH! F Plir MmvrVo v P. , but are the oause of headache, nausea and sickl 1 "aM 1, bMl Itn NR.T BAU ness ; ralpitation of the heart. .heumatir nin in .'If?'!!0. b. .d.Mer.Te the. var.'ous paru ol the body, pleasant complaints. , -rr niil,.Kj .j j ... THE lAOIJUT VEGETjIBLE PILLS, are also acertaincureforintermittent, remittent. nervous. inflammatory and putrid fevers ; be cause they cleanse the body of those moibid hu mors, which whenconfined to Ihe circulation are tbe causeof all kindsof FEVERS. also, when moibid fevcrs aredeposited upon the membranb and muscle, cauing those patns, in flamtioiis and stvellings, called KHEUMATISM, GOUT &c. the Indian Vegetable Pills may berelied on as al- nays certain togive relief.and if persevered with,' will mosl assureilly and without fail, make a per fect cure of tbe above painful maladies. Ftom tbree tosixofsaid Indian Vegetable Pills taken everY nieht on eoing to bed w ill in a ihort timelso 3 . complelelyrid Ibc bodyof eery Ihing thatisop ' pcd to bealth. that Rncumatistn, Gout and pain ) of every descriplion will heliterally lJRIV".i FKOM 'IHE BODY Fiom'he same reason, when fromsudden rl.9noiB fnatmosuhete or anv nthf.r ralli. thl 1 . , ..... . . sounder health tban before, Thc same may be said of ASTHMA, OR DIF FICULTY UK UREATHING. The Iiuliin Vegi-table Pills will loosn and carry 00 by the stuirach anJ bowels those phleginy humors which stcp up the air cells of Ihe luns, and are the causc not only of the above distirs ing complainl, but when negtected, often tei minates in a at.ll more dreadful malady called CONbUMI'TlON. Ii sbo.fld al-o hc remembeied Ihat the Indian Vegetable Pills are a cettain cure for 1'AliN 1 J llt. 0,,,,res,:on. nau,eaand sickness, lws oflappctile, yellow linge of the skin and eyes, and elery ol!le 9.,llUiom 0f a torpid or diseastd Sae 0r Ihe iver; because they purge from the body lbo-impnrilics wbich if deposited UDon tm-, imp.iti.nil o.gan, aie tlie cause of every vaii- v.v f 1 ' I.IVER COMPLA1NT. . CA UTION. Thc public will please ohserva Ihat tbe genoinc med icine has the following wording on the sidcs of tbe boxca: 1VRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS (Indian l'urratirc.) Or tiie North American Collt.ce or Hhaltu. And a'soaround the bnrriei nf the lahel,"will . '"e slightest altention to the above few partic ulars willserve to protect Ihe purcbaser from f.aud, and save the lives of those who may olh erwise be cndan-gercd byusinj a eountereit med icine. The publir will a'so remember Ihat all wbo sell thc gcnuine Indian Vegetablc Pills are provided with a certifirate ofAgency, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, Viee Preiident ofthe JVorth Jlmcriean Coltege ofHeallh, and that pedlarsare nevci in any case allowed to sel tha genuine Medicine. All travelling agents I will be provided withacertificate of agcncy as a- bove desciibed ; and those who cannot show one will be kcown as basc imoostois. (S3-AII lellers relative to the Pills must be ad dressed thus : N. E. OFFICE N. A. COL1.EGE OF HEALTH, , 19S Tremont itrtct. Bolton, Mass." D3-AGENTS have been appoihted for the aale ofthe Pills in every 4oVvn in New England. Agents. Middlebtrty, Sidnc Mon ly; Benuingt.n Jonatlian Hauhton ; Williamsville. Charles W Joy ; Bennlngt n, J C Haswell ; Rutland, Villiam Far : Woodstock, Haskell& Palm- er;Dover, Hiram BjM win ;' Birge & Brackett ; Wafrlord, H Cutting &Co; Nswbury. Prentiss Knight; Bethel, Sarauel Au"tin jr; Sprin;field,George Was hburn ; Proctersville, Proctor & Knbinson ; L,onnon3erry, otnilh & Ulazier; lirmgewa ter, Thomas Soutligate; Chester. Phineas O Sarg-ant; Windsor. S W Hubhard ; Bur li. glon,ABrinsmaid; East Poultney, Hick ok & Mears ; Cornwall, Samuel Everts ; Wilmington, A B Childs; Stowe, Albert Comps; Po Mills, Jeremiah WiltonjSt Johnsbury, Luther Jewctt; Weston, JJohn Wilder; Waterburv, Persons Lyona; Mont pelier, William Clark ; Ludlow, John Dun barot Co ; Reading. Wood Sc. Merrill ; Hart ford, J P Stronp; 6c. Co ; Norwich, Baxter & Newton; Barnar',1 P Danfor:h ; Bethel, Lorenzo llitchcock; Rochester. CharhsDodd; Spriugfield. Russell ; Cavendish, A Gibeon & son; Guilford.Philip Martin; Halifax C Stone &Co; westminster, Aaron Hilch cock; Northfield, Mur.lock it" Aleunder; Weathsfield, Barley Bartlctt; Hart Imd, Cotton & lamble Fairfax, Ham: ton Lore wood. 28 lv. flROCKERY AND GLASS WAUE. A large assortment, rheSper than cver before offered; now by A- Pv-'. ' 1VE GEESE FEATHERS, nfsupe J lior Quality, iust rpceived and for sale by ' " A. FRANCIS. BONNETS &.C. Florence Braid,ttraw and P. L.. Bnnoeli Bonnet Silks, Lacnou,jtificial;,nihins, Uc. al BIRGE'S RIPTON LAND. 1 PIECE containiog 100 ac, G00n i do. ao ,w 1 1 XX" is offered at a bargain on Iong cred't by ". HAIUg BOOTS and SHOKS,-u lu7--ply far sale at retail bv . JOHN WOOD 1 842. Storagefc Forvardin 8' THE 5nhscriber has his STofcr UUfU uu, irnllir in k most perfect order 5 the boildiars ir. "tensive and commodious, more "-T "ner ttabishment on N. Y..and Troy every Wtdt,iay ansc. JJ1 also the CAlfAL PCKET, ari.,, J. SHERMAN, Month through theSeason, whien give, faci, , lor Properfy from this place, toani p " oflh; Counlry, x,hich is enjoyed by no other place on iake Champlain. All commumcat.. by jvayofenquiry will beduly noticcd ; Chaipe. will be asjow as at any olher place m thispart U thecountry. R. CrfAPJlA.t Vergennes, April, IS, 1342 s-a The most highly approved Medi cine now in general use for Coughs Colds, and all '"""- erer Known in Amenci,for t touKiW coius, asmma or nninisic. eonumnt;AK whooping cough and pulmonaiy affections of ery Wnd. Tbe Vegetable Pulmonaiy Balsam bas h very extensively used for about Hrteen ear- m its reputation has been tonstanlly increiMn-' umveisally popular has this article becomell',1 it may now be conndered as a standard arlicla'h, a large part of the Unitcd States and British Pra, inces. Many families keep it constantly bv them considenng it the most safeas wellasceru'iniem- euy .or .ne aoore compia.nts. The ptoprietors have tecetved t are receivins ncmrn,.. L mcndalions from many ofour best physicians "wbo make use ofit in their practice. The afewindividuals who have given their testimonr ir id.u.oi uiisariicieareneresubjoined, and Cr a mor full account see the envelope to theibotllt Doct. Amory Huntinp, ; Doct.Samuel Alorrill ' !! TrUn'i.1,Abelli : " Timotby Bajl., ' Jcre. Ellswoith, : " AlbertGuild. Certificates. (From Dr. 'I hocias Bro-.n.) Messrs. Lowc & Reed, Gent The VegetaU. Pulmonary Balsam, has been e.xtensively.tned iK thesrction of country where I residefor seteul ycars pasf, and has justly acquircd a h;gh lepu'. lion in consumptive complaints: So far as m knowledge extends, it has never di,appoinlcd tU reasonabte epectation of those who bave ued i Tiioma Hbown, m. d. Coucoid, N. IIMa) 11,1831. Mers. Reed, Wing i: Cutler Gentlemcn I feellt a duty I owe tothr public, and eswcl.U lytohundreilsofmy rellon- beings who are no i suffering under ditlerent diseases ofthe give jou a statement of Ibe good efTrcls I hai. experinccd from Ihe use of tho Vegetable Pulmi nary Balsam. Having froni my jouth up beo troubled wilh different complaints of Ihc lungs, such as spiltingol blood, a trouhleome conh, tw nuent hnarseness, with severe tit..M. andindeedalltbe symptoms of consumplion ij from time to time I haveronsnlted sevcial emintnt physicians, and bave laken much inrdirine, 1ml I tectived little or no relief, last the lul.l ms Ihrewasno help for me ; that tn case waihr yond the reach of their medicines In Ihe spin, of 1S27 1 was adrist-d by a rriend to try thc Ve elable Pulmonary Balsam. I obta.ned two bo! lles, and on trial I wxsurpriscd to lind soelTtcl ual relief which ils ue gave me. and aftei abool five weeks time my complaints werevntirel; re moved. and l was rcjtorcd to good health. Smc Ihat tiuie I have kept it constantly bv me, In ca ofthe appearance orany ofthe above complaiuit. I have known a larc numberot cases where ill other medicines have lailed of alCirding anj re lief, Ihe Balsam was at lenglh resorted to, arj .'peedily effected a cure. I would Iheief ne re commend to evrrj peron Ihat has anv oflhe at ove complaints, on Iheii first appearance lo lake Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, whirh Ihrr will find a safe. conveaient and po$ilirc cure. Hepeclfti!lyjourj, T. P. iltnaiAM New Bcdford, .Masj., July 20, 1S4I. 03-CfUSTERri:iTS. Beware or iraf.oMlloa. Each genuinebolileisenclospdina blb: nttf peron which is a VKtunv label, gned b W.M. JON'N. CUTLER. None oth. r can be geii'iiue of a laterdate than Decembcr 1S39. The Sicna lure of Sampson RfcBD will be contir.ued lora short time. Tbe great celebrity of Ihc Vegetable Tulmo nary Balsam ha been the causc of alten.pls to intioduce spurious articles, which by parlially i suming tbe name of the grnume, are calcula'ed to mislead and deceive (bs public. Amonglbese mixturesare' Carler.'s Comjiound 1'iilmnnary HaUam" 'Jlmeriean Pulmonaiy Uatsam." " Vegetalle Pulmonnry Jlabamic Syrup," "Pulmonary Bahnn," and qlhers. Purchascrs should enquire for Ibc true artirle by its whole name The Vegetable Pkl monarv QALSAM.and see Ihal it ha3tbe marli" and signatmesof tbe genu'ne. Each bottlcand seal isstamped "VecelalU Pulmonaiy Balsam." For sale by REED, WING & CUT!.EK. (late Lowe and Reed) wbolesale dealers in D."K. ham slKeli Bu3to, aI)d j, Druc"ists"an,j itieaiciues, Paints and Dye-stuirs, No. 54. Chat. merchants eenerallv in New Enrlan.I. and inlrbe principal places througho.ut the Uniled Statesaod British Provinces. Price 50. cents. Sold tj S. MOODY. 15:Ijr Middlebury Vermont OUPERFINE GEN.ESEE FLOUR. . U for sale by the subscriber. IRA STEWART. Sept.20. 20 tf 'IIWENrY-KlVE cases heavy cow hide and i kip BOOTS. for sale verv low by Ihe cise, June 25. 18-n by" JOHN WOOD. ENESEE" 'FLOUR7ftSh"Teas. W"with a large assortment of Grocer ics, just received nnd for sale low. JOHN WOOD. AKER'S Water-Proof Oil Blacking. supcrior arlicle for Harncsscs, Chaisc-tops and Boots and Shocs, for sale wholesaleor refail by JOHN WOOD, Agent for the Manufaclurer. C A sTi PAID for Shipping Furs. JOHN WOOD. T. I. SALT. TURK'S Island salt, just receivrd and for sale al "5 cents per bushi-1, hv Z. BECKWITH d: Co. c UT and WROUGHT JVAILS and window Glass for snle low, bv JOHN WOOD. A L-AHGE ASSORI MENT ofBoota and Shoes, for sile low by A. it W. S. Johnso.n. 159 PRS. Boys' JBOOTS, s superior article. for sale low at A. it VV S. JOHNSONS'. KEESVILLE round, squarc, and flat Iron of all tho sizcs manu factured it theworks, are coLstanlly ob hand, and foi .ale hy the subscriber. IRA STEWART.