Newspaper Page Text
-TERD5 GRASS Cloycr. nn Redto I Seed for sale by JOHN XS 00D - - 0 1842. V I N E G A R YEN'TY-FIVE Bbk Ctder Vine- ir fnrsalo by Joiin Wood IIAYING TOOLS. R.A1N t'radles. Scvthes nnd Snath:. JRakos, Forks, "ood S.-vtho S'ones. & .vvtlie Rifl.-s. for sale by John Wood. Jiilv 16. 1P42. Moffat's Liffi Pills and I'hcenix TUTTF.RS. Dr. M-.ffal'i Lif PiH riH Phojnix Bitlrrs have loug since oMin-d the high and cnvmWc diatinction and a h"t of coinpetii"!. -mi that th.-y acqnired it foi Ijr hy tlieir invauU aie and alrnfft unl.mited ifficacy nilhont th n .liil of ful-oi- pi'ff'ry jd prctrninri!i, are well kiiovMi to tlie puMicaml cannot ba di-nied Whil1" vcrv little ha bien snid concrrning these asiniiUhiuj: LifeMcd rinen by Ih" p opi torhim nelf and iio' iimrB thm was nrciM-iry lo cail Ihe atirntion ofthc nfflictcd lo a ure and spcedy mranl of rdi f, Ihe rrnown has rapidty flown from one individual to anntln-r nnd from family to faniily. niilil ihey havi- long since bccoino t.ovR ln aluiot evciy liivvn and viltage ii ih" L'i-Ioh. a3 a wondcrfiil aml inL'nliinjblc Mcin(r I'oluntary and unsolicilrd te.tiinnnils oflln-ir ubiiolutely atnnifliiiig efficicy, in disinscs ofthc most drejdfiil and obslmat- cliaiactcr, os wi-ll at in olhitf of prcvalcnl nnd ordinary occnrenee. have be n rrcivrd hy th pioprictor lro'0 th-pi-rrona llny havo cuied frnin cveiy s ction nf tlio couniry.and slill conlmue lo la received in incrcaiog miinbi rs. Iw wilh pride and p!;a fuic tlml tli- propriclor refern llie public to Iiw Medicii. Masual," where a widely various so loclion of th.s- tctliinniilals is piblislied, wjlli thn namcs and refidcnce af llie uritera. brcansc ho ha mi hmilalioii in anyinir tlial tbu annals of M .Science clo not conlain a grcatFr num ber of vi-icly ofenreaeffsCteH by any mediciim kn'iwn loihi; p of.-Mion, or curcsofa more j fnghlfu" kindor oflonKer sta-iding. coming a llieso te-timonials do from thccund p:ronj lli-msilv f. whocrrtainly kr.ow b-t from ih'ir mvn hipv rxpri-ncp. whftlioi Ihoy are cured or not ciiutnce 'b y iffrd of tlie pre-em-minent and nnprccrdcnipd cffica y ol thi-SB srand ro uedi--f i pcrfrrlly irrcitible, andcom. mand r itlirr i ban snlicils thn rrf pcct of tlie pub lic. In ad lition to llinsa aln-ady publislii-d, tlie proprictor is i-i pispttsinn of a vtt accuiniiUt'on ol th-se pcrsoiul cerlifinatvs, lUm mstrating that his Life Pills and l'ho;nix Cillent are promptly and uniformly i fficaciousiii Scr'lula inali il liy dra bi-aded forms. Dyspe b a whother chronic nr occasiondl, Rliruinat sin bo'h acult and clironic. Jaundicc and hillious and liv-rVonipIainU,howey-cr dislissMiig "r con.plicaled, Fever and Ague in all there varn lies, and ulien quniine aud all olhcr supposed f p rifi- fail, Habiluil Cusfivcnes',(e pecially whe" Uie Life Pills are used as diner pill mmediittily hc'oro or afler tliat mejl) Pilcs of tliirty year- slaiiiing, Drojiicy, Gont and seltled paiiii" in the lreai, back. or nrgan, diacase of Ihe bUd ler and knlneys, bilis.tnmors and ulcers Eryaipiila-, and all otlier i rupiive dis aCB; Plcu. tisy, Aithma. nroucliitir. and otlicr affVctionB of tlia ches ,1'ings, anr. m'lacoiw niemuers; pimpiea Hains of ilic nkin, aml llie foul unlieatliy appear anc ol Iho complrx:on, arlsins from wlialevei oause, nervoun or dulnlil. hes.daclir, and gidd nc-B,litoj tei wilh a at variety orotlicr mal&diei m pr'Hif of tlie jjieedy and eircclual cure ot eich o xvlncli by lliese mediciiics al.ine the prop-iter has !iui drd, nay ihnusand of cerlifiej irs' liulli llis Pilla and Dit, t'-i aro !( anddrligblful in tlur operalion, nrniuciii nuim of ovkxi tli tr mporary prostra- tion and niiis-a occasioned by nnarly all olhcr iiiedieine-: and Ihrv can be admin'utered with fafelv to yonngcliiidrPi and femalei in tlie most delicale iejlt:i. lMoTat's Vogetablc Afe JMedi- CINES V m:ld yel ff cluil medicinp.compos ed of llie !' nnt'na! knwn to medical srianco and of the bcsl qualjiy Ih il moncy can piocuie, fnr llie c nni'ii.u el lli'- aliinentary canal aud re lisving t e springs and ov 'iiuea of all rnorlii'I ob rtruclion ahd iinpurili-9. iiiust bo a public ble. fing and i douipt.c and individiml prolcction and sifctiar f in proHirtiou as it bccomes known. Such a 'iv-iln'ino tho fiiniliea oflbn Uniled Sluten liivfloiiM had in .Voflfal'a cdebr.itcd Lif-' Pilis and P..cEiiix Bltli re, and th CC"1 'hcy have done is in 'timahhi. Thpy liave wrni llicii liigb diae aiH fiimiy cstablishrd cbar.icter by tbeir vtrluca a'onc, witficut ih aid of the ixiial arts nf nolnn ty rr nnpuilent rxpirimcnt on the fiilli oftlie cirdulons. In all genoral dcrangc i ienl nf l!i !ipiti'e and uhinenlary funclions, a in a VA&tvarn-ty of aciiteand chronic diseavcR their elii'Cta arn complctc trft lo rxcilc asloni-tir-incnl. In ili iiinatisiii, suttlcd pain in thn rrg aus and limIB,citivrnc!'fi,pilr,liver complaints, j luiidic? ,iPrTous and billi'ins attacks bpadachcp, Irvr and aue, ?rnphtc dispallC, bjd nspecl ol the cnmpl xioiiKip' geslion aiui fljtulpncy cholicr a(rrtiiaM ' f thi! hUddor and kidn'y. dropsy, Hftlima a ul lironchili, rhpumatic colds and porr throiH. and i"du-d iu t-vrry cnncievable kind of ill h'altb tnpy arp invalnalil.i, and vvill alTnrd ccr lain, and moei gflinTally pcrmaiipi t relipf. They rcq'iire n ilhiT confinenipnl or change of diet th-y nrilhpr proslratullicstrenglli imr gire pain aiid a in i'c delililful i-iid riTcctnal mcdieinr c-innol be piocur-d livber for indiiduals or fani li-s. Th" pioiri"t"'r ban receiirid for many VPars and H conlinnally recoiving tlie mol fer vpiiI and grateful tpstimnrula of Iheir valuc. sal-wholcsak-nnd reiad by Ilngnr &. Ariliur Bu lington Vl. Ajnts, for llie State. io wlio ii apiilimli -ns I t agency must be inad,-. Agentfor aiiddl.burjr, W. P. RUS SKI, fir'1 l'" '"'b ilic p 'st rffice. ll;vl Largo supply of Fresli Teas.Coirce, Sniccs, &c. for said low by A. fc W. S JoHNOff. Jlartford. rpHR subscriber lias beon appoinlpd Accnt for the HAnTFORn fms Insdrasce Compant, for Mid.U.bury and viplnir and will rtcaiv proposals for insuring propi rly azaint 1 "r Jamage by Fire. Tlie long t-FtabHsi.fn1 rppula ion of tliis company, and the prompttieps WllU vrhicli all their Iran iaclinrcbivp bpi-n charaplt' icd rund'ir il unnpcessary lo nay anythtng in it'i fuvor. All butsiness connrctrd wilh llie otEco mtruftcd lo liim will bc f.i'nlifully nnd pnnc lually Iranoacted JONATHAN ITARAn. MidJbbury, Fb. 2fi, 1812 42;v Agnnt. rrinis ccc. 100 onean, ni diuuCj S. 11IKD APPLE-S f-r aleat T. C. SMITH'S. M 7.S1 42. I'AIRS ol'tbiik Jioots a r.andsom; assortmentnf Far- wcirs besl Mo occofor l.adieB. Iiv A. CHAPMAN Sr SON. Rxtra lirandsoi Family FLOUR. fMIE "MbffcrPior'is now ro'clvi'i; on con!giimcnt, and will bo well supplt d throujjh ihe ceaaon, willi snm'of Ilin cluiirrst brands Western Flour, rvrr onernC in tai markel Hring Flonr mannfcliir'd by mnrn Ihan wunly diffcrcnt millt ufiln- hijlicft repulation, li pledg. Ibat F our i"old by bim nball girn the m iH pcrfecKaliafaction, and will b: warranted u all c4pk. N. B. Fancy hrands const nitly on hand. U 'j't iu Fl.'ur, MorcbanU, and Faii i8 are cifti'ly mild to order. and try tho arlicle. Kluur thipd lorrdcr. iu good ,iackagp witb o.ii diiy on racnpl ff dr.ifu. crrtifiottet d Pnii or oah. J. N. HIN'SDH.L. 31 . Rirt fi. . ( 51 5m 5 pap. pi (at the cheap cash btorb.) IS now piepared to oflir to the public a fresh supply of seasonable ID)ify dis dircct from the importersand manufaclurcrb. likewisf A choice slock of dry grocenes of the first qualiiy, for family use together wilh crock ry and Glass Waie. N. B. Prices Cdrrcspnnding with thr motlo. 2 'HE subscriberkeeps for sale JL COTTON BATTS by the be, IRA STEWA' T. MiddleburySept. II !341. 1S42. rgennes and Buffalo Linc. THE CAXAL PACKET J. SHERMAN, CAPT. M. T. DAVIS. VVTM c'lmiiipncc her Tripa nn Ihe 3d day of !Uy. belecn the city of Vergennes ar.d n..(TJ'. ruiinins DAY and NIGHT, afollnws: Ltavt Xtrimnu Ltava Buffalo. May 3 May 31 June 28 August ' 9 Septcinber 6 October 4 Octobcr 29 rtlay June July August Septeniber October November 1.3 10 8 19 16 14 8 Thi packrt will be put in first rate order at tlie opering of Navigation, with additional ao conimodations Freight and Paaapngcrt. Will leave Vergennes at 7 o'clock in tbe mnrning towcd by Kteamboat to Wbilehall. Freighl bo on board the day prcvious. Those moving, or "isiling their frienda intbc far Wost, will find thi thc mosl cxpcditioua and chpaptst roule they can lake. There will be overy acconunodatian on board to pnit the mosl particular. Tliosn who choosc to do io, can harc cvcry facility for boarding lliemselvea. Due attenlion will b paid to paaenger by a carcful caplain and crew, who will fparn no painntngive perfcct salisfaction. For furtlier particulira cnquire ofthn captiin on board. R. CHAPjMAN, Vergennes. JOY & WEBSTER ? ff . 51 Gw DAW & DELONG, , Uu"" 41K0CEK1KS. Asupenor asjoilmei.t of and Young Hyson and Hyson-skin TEAS, CofTee, Molafses, Spices,Raisins and many otlier arlicles of ihe kini), alcnhol ex cepteil. by A. CHAPMAN & SON. To Mcrchants. pANDLE-'VICK.nnd COTTON YARN, from No. 5 to 25, and of the besl quality, ior sale by the subscnber. JOSEPH GORDON. Middlebury, Jan. 2o, 1842. 28 tf BfcO.MRSTinS. Salinplts. American Pr.nis Shectinss, Shirtings. Tickings, by A. CHAPMAN& SON. iN ew Spring and Summer rTJlHE suhscriber is now receiying his stock X ofSPitiNG and;summer GOODS, purchased at the lowesl Kew Ycrk Oisli prices, embracinjr, every variely ofkinds and qnaliiies cal'ed for in a cuuntiy slore. He will for Cash or short credit positively sell lovve than any other establjshmcnt in ihis oun'yc. ivo JUislaKe. P. W.COLLINS. Cornwall, May 2.1S42. riLUTHtf, Cassiniejes, and ttiuuuiugs in rreatvariety,pheaper and the ver at BIRGE'S May 3, 1842. PLENDID CLOTHS AND FES 3 T1NGS. Also Summer Goons; some cheap Fnp. imv3. at lcss ihan the manulactur ers' cost; for sale by A. Fkancis fi 0,000 Yds. superior fine and heavy Blea h-- rd and brown Siibetiscs $ Drillings lower than cver bclore knnwn bv A. Frascis. COTTON GOODS. Heavy Brown ton 3 yds the Ib. for S ccnls. Bleached inods cqually rheap. at BIRGE'S. Mav 3 1S42. BAR 1RON, 'ai!s.Shovels, Axes, aud a general assortmeni of Hardware, by A. CHAPMAN &. SON. T0 BUSHELS of Poiatoi-s for sale by , P- W. COLLINS. Cornwall. May 16. 1842. MAY 10, 1843. TTUST received by i!ie subcridcrs, n full .isur.iutfiu oi welladapted to ihe and Sn.MMERtr.idt w.'nch will besoldas CIIKAP fcrcashor appMvcd ctedi1, as al any other st.sre in lhi vicnitiy. Z. BECKWITH & CO. P APEU. 2000 pieces Room Paper. i0, Bordering, just receiv BIRGE'S eJ :it OARPETS. Those wishing to coosuh e- conomy wdl do well examine a large tiCCK ju;i receirca oy a kaiU1S. Groceries. riHK subscribrr JJOW offrs for cash, a J- splemlid stock of sujars from 5e to 9c ier Ib.. Molasses weiduu? il 1-a Ior 20' prr mil. Peas. Coffee and every othir ar- ticle called for in llie Grocery line (Liquors excepied) at pnces equally luw. P. W. Coli.ins. Cornwall, May 1C. 1812 Iron, Steel and lYails. "ttj'OIt sale very lowbi cash, by IRA STEWART. 1 UST received by P. V. Collins 3000 J-ards Calicocs, lirice-i vnrvinf frnm 5c to 25cts 4000 yards Shecting, from 6c to 9c per vard. M'ay 2, 1342. AINTS AND OIL, nlarne essort ment of Puinls and Oil for salu by A. CC . O JOHN!ON. ATS ANU CAI'S. MulcMkiu. Bush and fine fur Hats. and also a cood assurtinent of Boy's Caps, for sale low by A. Si W. S. Johnson. Au-. 8 1842. T OLD Liaf, Bronz-, Dutch Leaf, 6lK" Rose Pink, British Luster, Varnish and rurjiunlino. A. & W. S. Joitsso.f, August 8. 1842.. New Goods. T HE subscribers are now recemng their stock ol Comnri-iine besides their onlinaiy assortment Bonnet silks, Ribbons and FAKcy Gooo.- o every descriptioa-all of wbieh i may be rel.ed upon as of tlie Grst q.iality; ai.dwill be sold a W as nl any olher slre in town or county Way 9, 1342. A. CHAPMAN & SON. N0T1CE. rTHE siibscriberhasoDhand alarseassort ment of Fornitdre of the lalest fashims, whicb he offers for fale at reduced orices. DAVID L. ANNAN. Brist", May 9. 1842. l;10w f ADIE'S and ChAx-u,sBormets$ Hoodi M-A and iiknminss; a large supply Laiest fasliions, very luw now rcceivm; by A. Francis. fiJH DOZ. Ilusieiy and Glovez; al.-noit evt-ry variely at less than half llie usnal prn-es by A. v it Atxcio. CAKPETINGS. Heavy Wool Caipetinffs, C 'tlon do cheap for casb nt BIRGE'S. May 3, 1842 A TS. Bcaver, Alolcskin, Lealioru, CHne and Palin Leat HHs, at mil lih' N .-.xtfiisive assorliuent of C'KOCKERY & (JLArfS WARE. is now ready for inspection and sale at tho Cheap. for-Casli slore of Z. BECKWITH Co., jTew Goods. rwiHE suh-cribcr has just received from J- NewYork, a complete ajsortment of sea snnab'e DRY GOODS, whicb be will sell very low for cash. IRA STEWART. Middltburv. May 31 1942. Areio Goods. CLOTHS,Cassimeers, Cal.coes, Muslins Cambiics, Lawns, Drillm; and Tickiiii! A fine assortinect of suramer clo'hs, Lineos. Sheelings, Shirtings &c. tc. whicb will be roI ibr casb oi on credit, al prices wlncli can not fail tosuil purchaseis. Z. Beckvjth 8c Co. WOOLEN FACTORr. "f HE subscriber rt'nuld respcclfully inforrn B liis customers, and thc public cenerally, ihat he has commcnced the business of manufaclutins WOOLEN GOODS, SUCII AS Common Cloths, Cassimeres, Sat iiietts, "hitc or Colored Flan nclsj &-c. &c. At hi old slar.d in Shoreham.npar Ricli's .Mills. He mniiufuciuro wool 011 ihares or by the yard, at thc opiion of the owner. The subscriber is solicitous ofobtaining business. nnd feels certain tliat his experi. i-nce and knowledge in clotli niar.ufactur inp anddressing, and the finishcd apparatus and machinrry ul'ich he has prnvidcd, will cnable liim to givi: entire satisfaction lo all who trnployliim. He invites the public lo cull and examiric speciniens oi his work, vvhich he believes will ju-tify all cxpecla tions which he holds out to hii customers. A KILHORN. Sbore'iam. (Rich's Milh) Apr. 1,'42 49 (TF llelieffor Ilard Times. TWOTow rrcieving, a Inrger STOCK of GOODS than were ever before ofiur edin this market, of nlniot rverv variely. ivnich wore Bmighl with Cash, al llie prcs- ont exlremely low prices and which will be sold at pnces thut caniiol fail to suit the pur- chaser by A. FnANCls. Gloves and Hosicry. Cotlon, Silk, Lisle lhread. nnd Kid Glo. vcs, black and white lisle thrcad, and ilk Ilosiciy-uadics b'ack and white Cot lon Ilose from 10 to 25 ccnts at Birge's. May 16, 1842. Uonncts and 1. L. Uats. If you want tho best nnd chrapcst Flor ence Braid Bonnet or Palm Leaf Hat in the vi-cinity, first call at Z. Beckwitii vc Co. s ADDISON COUN 1 1 Tcniperance House ri H E subsctibcr would JL inforin Ihe public, that he taken the stand rec ently occupied by Pnul Read, south of the Court House in Middlebury. Thc hnuso and out houscs are now undergoing a thor nugh repair, nnd will afFord every accom modation to costomers which their comfort and convcnicnce can rcqutre. It will be kept upon slricttempcranco principles, and ho hopes by persevcrance in this plan, to recoive the patronayc of all friendly lo the objectsof the great tempcrance reform. tlaving for yenrs been conversant wilh public hnuses botb in counlryand ct'y. he ihinks he knows the duties of a landIord,nnd how to supply the wanls oftho travelur ; and he promises that no efTort on his part will bo wanting lo give entire satisfaction 10 the public. BKNJ. B. BROWN. .Middlebury Fob. 8 1842. 40:tf Jlrooms ! Brooms ! ! TH E subscriber gives noticc that he will manufacture at short no:icc, corn Brooms al 10 cenls a piece, and find hand les and twinp, or ou shares of ono half, at his dwclling house one milc north of Bristol village. EDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Feb. 18. 1842. 42:Cm B,A B. Casi, Shcar and ijprmg iSiele for sale by IRA STEWART. Middlebury, Aug. 8. 1641. ALL and WINTER Lamp Oil.of tho best quality, tor sale by T. C. SM1TH. Garden Seeds. SUGARBEET, Carrot and Onion seed, by the pound; also, a large assoriment t retail, warranled the prowth of 1841. Forsaleby JOHN IFOOD. April. 1842. WROUGHT & CUTNAlLS, Win e"ow Glass nnd Pntv. pnnsttnntlv 01. hand,and for salo bv A. & W. S. Johnson. UPERF1NE Flour for sale low by IRA STEWART. HEALTH & STRE1NUT1J DR.S.O. BICHABDSON'a COSCBItTRATKD Sherry Wine Bltters, p TJT up in octagon Boltles.and the ingredienta 1 to roake the aame put up in pressed packages;for sale by all Ihe Druggists and most oftne W. I. Goods Dealers in Uoston and vicinity. Also, by my agents in all the principal towns throughout New ugland and the Southern and Western States. t Z. S. Hai.i. BaReingtoiy, corner of Sackvil le street, Halifax, is general agenl for the firilish Provincps. P, S. Barnard. W. G. Skinkf.r and Jos eph.Perry Morse are my only authorized trav elling agents. OFFICE 15 HAN VER ST. BOSTON 75 cents per Bolllej 50 cents per paper. The follo-ving are selected from a large num - r-iti,i of EJilorial notices. Frcm the Dover (N. H.) Gazette. Dr. Riciiard3o's Bitters. In our columns may be found an advertisement of the Vegetable ltitipr nronared bv Dr. S. O. Richardson.ofSoulh Retding, Mass. They a-e, aisaid to be, undoubt- are genuine unless the box has three labels up edly composed ofa ariety ofvaluable and purely 1 on it, each containing a fac simile signature of vegetabla mattar; and from our own experience, as well as others," we can speak highly of their renorating and invigorating euects upon tne sys. tem. We have a good opmion ol me uitters, as they arcnot a quacknotrum,butdiscoverod,pre pared, andvnded by a regular Physiciin, a grad uate of the Collega ofcurown State. and who has said but little in the way of pufiing them himsclf, but leaves it to those who try Ihem tojudgs them selves. For the diseases Ihat many are liable to, in the spring and summer, such as Debility, Djs pepsia, Billious and Nervous Complaints, &c, we do not liesitafe to say that these Bitlers will be found a safeagreeable and efiecfual restorative A.i gooi heallh is one of '.he gieatest of earthly blessings, ne would early advise those laboring und-r such diseases, to make'a Irial of Dr. Rich ardson's Bltters: they can do no harm. and may do much good, as we aie ronfident in many cases they have. Vegctablee and vegetable medicines are unqueslinnably the most congenial to the hu mm sjblem. From the Evening Signal N. Y. SiiERnv Wine Bitters These are arcme. dy very highly and very jnslly recommended by pbjsicians, asofgreat cflicacy in giving slreLgth lo Ihe weak and debilitated. The use ofyears has satisfactorily proved iheir virlues. Untinctured 0 the slightesl deleterous mittcr. they communicate the healing powerof the best medicinal roots and plants. They restoie. and. if not Iaid aside. pre serve Ihe whole animal economy in a state cl ha bitual heallhiness. They cannol ne toofrequent ly commended to public notice by jusl enconiums from the press jf. B. & D. Sands, 79 and 100 Fulton Street .fgents. CO- In speaking of the excellence of Ihe Sherry Wine Bitters, of which Messrs A. B. D. 6ands aie agents, we mcant those prepared by Dr. S. O. Richarason.of Sautli Reading Jass. From the Bristol County Democrat, Taunton. Riciiardson's Bitters. Of the numerous medicines which are adversised in our paper from lime to tiroe, we prelend lo kdow but little their virtues must be known only to those weo have made use of Ihem. But wilh Dr. S. O, Richard son's Bitlers we are soir.ewhat acquaintcd. These Bitters were used in our family last suruner, foi general debilify and headache. and much relief was derivpd frobmlein. Tho-e who may be su'i jecc to nervous headache, will find the Bitters ve. ty b?n:ficial they proved so in the case to which werefer. For sale whnlcsalo and retailat his office, 15 jnover street, Boston. From tho Birnslable Patriot Healtuand Sire.ngth! To regain or prea erve llicse ia Iho grcat desideratura. Nolhing that wc know of ill do it morc oficctually, this warin weathcr than Dr. Richardson'a Shorry Wine Bitters. Try 'em tbe strictcst teniper ance man uued nol be afraid of the alcohol in Ihem There ia no more than is abiolutely ne- ccoary lo prcsprac tho armiT of the 'koots and 1HARB9' of which they are compounded. 8 AGENTS; Middlebury, S. Moody; Ftrgennes, W. B Bixby; New Haven. Roscoe& NashjBii'iol, L. V. Hall; Hancock, Royal Flint, Strks borough, T. H.Ki ldcr; Ferrisburgh, Allen & Wheeler;Monklon, M. W. Kinsley;Short ham K. Wrfcht; Whiting, J. t O. Simonds; Sal isbury, Hunily & Higgins; Cornwall, S. Ev arts; Addison Barnes Si Fuller, S 10,000 REWARD WILL be paid to any Physieian who will pro duco a bclter compound for family nie than the Genuine Dutch or Gsrman Vegetable Pills, atyl cd Thc Lion of thc Day. TIIESCIENCE OF IfUMAN Z.IFE. TO tho inhabilants of the Uuiled States and ihc Cmadas, Tho pillawell callod the Lion of Ihe Dav. are reepectfully recommended to Iho attenlion and irial 01 au inoao budjsci 10 ino av tact of Biuous DTsrErric, and other Chronic Brandrelh's Pills had been employed, so as to re- bcjfound in small typr: " Entcrcd aeeorditig lo diseases ofthe stoniach, liver, and bowels Ticsu move those impuro humors, that life might not the act 0 Congrest in the year 1840, by Wi. pills have long been without a successful rival, in have been saved . Whoever will give this sub- Wrigiit, in the Clerk't offiee, of the JHitricl Gcrmany.and ihroogout Europe.and manyycars ject but very little considcration, will atonce per- Court of the Eastern dislrxet ofPennsylcania.'' in variouspartsofthe Uniled the most ceive the perfert identity betwecn Ihe putrid hu- j It will furtherbe onserved that the pnnted.di amiuenl Physiciaiis, as a Family Medicine. mors of the bidy before death, and the humors rections fur using thomedicine, which accompa This Pill is composed of oxlracta from nino which 0":casion thc peculiar fcelorof adead body. . nies each box. are also entered accordinz to Act partaof the Vegetable kingdom. They are war- ranted safe in their operation and cffccts. Tucv are simplein thrir preprration, mMdin their ac tion, and unrivallcd in tlieir rcsults. They havo lopg received the mosl flattering recommendat- j ion from thc M-dicil Faculty; such nion as Dr Mott, and Dr Guernsey.ef New York: Dr DjI-' ainaler, Dr Hossick, and Dr Landon, of D Jtchcjs ! county, aud Hon B. Peck.M. D. ofGlen'sFalls ibc$i incn have long stodatthe hcad of their prolession. Ar,in:i?asiirr;rr;taiionBb;i;t,i. .t,,!.;. ogans and becomes a fruitful source ofdfseasn; t,i' New-York.) . in some people Dyspepsia in others, Livcr Com-1 1 he, onlv persons in Addison co., Vt., fur plaint. Rheumatism. Meastes, Whoopina Couzh. wb the Genuine BrandretVs Pii.are Spinls, Chronic Dianhre. Pilej, Pulmonaiv Con , --vi - i-"-r"j ainntion, Scroffulous, Sick Headache, Eiuption ofthe Skin, Salt Rhucm. St. Anthony's Fire, Ycllniv and Billous Fevcrs, Fever and Ague, Scar let Rash, Heartburn, Costireness, Female Weak ness. Jaundice, Intermittent and fiemittant Fev ers, Erjsipelas.Scald Head. Humors, and all Bil ious compiaints. These diflerent complaints are e? ch, nne and about Ihe same, followed hy a train of others, equally as detrimental, and perhaps fa lal lo human life. I.ike bad legislation,one bad law must be suppored by others equally injurious lo prosperity ot'lhe State. A perfectly heallhy bo dy is hke a nel tuned instrument, every string ol which vibrales in unison, and the Icast injury to any one throws it into disorder. Let any one take the trouble to examine and sludy the organization of his own system, and if he never did before, he will tealize the feelings of Ihe Psalmist when he sung, "I am fearf'illy and wnn derfully made!" Looking at the human body, wilh all ils ramifi caltons, balances, adjusments.and nice relalions; the hair hke deqendence upon whi:h life is sujpen ded; Ihe intricacy ofthe machine; the adaptalion clmsanstoends; the diu"erentsfstems ruuningin to.parallel with, and interlacing each other with out the confusion: thearrangement andartic ulatiou of the bones;tbe fraine work ol the system Ihe action and uses of the vaiious musclcs; the i wonderful srstem of arleries and veins: Ih ,Piinn of Ihe hearl in propelling Ihe blood with such as- tonifl.inj force: and the eieatest wondr uiil h , how can it be possible Ihe human system can beai I up,agaiiist Iheda'ly violilionof ils lam, and main-1 tain it? vitality against such repeated attackaand' injuries from external and inlernal violence. i I unhesilalingly recommend them forthecu:e oi wie auue compia-nis long known and iustly 1 celebrated as one of the best Family Medicines in I the .ITatena Medica. i T I D.l I. , i .... I gatiasVewiUha hVy a ei .i, ,il, ,,. ..... ,i, u. ' . ,nleuaea io - : k.:" .i:f:r.."" " r.un aown' in" re-: B"'" iiuio iiuuiaii siruciure, ana remove ' allobstruction and assist nature in it. violated laws. lure T101area ln K TT.-r. l .'S? , o ' ,, and J7 1 -! cts. nn ic iii aimosi everv :mvn i'. i - : , . S'ates and the Canadas, Price 25 uirecuons on eacn ooz Be sure when you nurchaw it,,i . . ii, ' HirGdtt ratNcirAi. orricEs. A. B.& D Sands. 79 Fulton irt Vn,w ' T Rowand, 376 Market ( , rhiladelphia, A. Goyer, 104 Hanovor st., Boston; A C Broad st., Charlston, a. For fail pr!ircuUrsseemallcircuhrdeposited with each agent below mentioned. For Sale in Ihis county br my authorized agc.its. MERRITT GRIFFIN, M. D. For sale in Middlebury by Si.lney Moody; Vergennes, by F. Huntington; Shnrehim, by Kent Wrighi; Bridport, by N S Burnett; Addison by Barnes &. Fuller; Ferrisbutgh Centre by Henry Rodgers;North Ferrisburgh hy Allen &. Wheeler; Bristol by Titus B Gaitfe; Monkton by Milo kV Ktasley; Gran ville by Warren Heyden; Leicester by L S Johnson; Whiting by Russager & Walksr; Cornwall bv S Everts; Hancnck by John Hacktti; Salisbury by A & P D Barrows. ' - 00K oul 101 owinuien, -uu wuuuicr letters. aisvi r 1 . r. r r . 11 i 'The Counterfeiter's Death BIow. TKE public will please observe that no BRANDRETH PILLS ; m) hand-wnting, thus u. Hranaretn. tnese labels are engraved on steel.beautifully designed and done at an expense oi aeverai tnousana aoi lars. Rem-.mbcr the top, theside, and the bottom At the jrescnt time, when the counter feiters of these celebralid Pills are comphtely corncrcd, it is not surpris ing to find ihat they endeavor to get qff their stock of spurious Pills unaer any name. Il is not the first time tliat the "Poor Indian" has hadto Jather the aborlionsof cunnivgmen. Theremarkablecures which have been effect ed by Bmndreth'a Pills, have astonished the whole medical faculty, many of whom havecon" sidered that they are the greatest blessing ever given to the world. Tbe rcason these celebrated Pills have sucb a universally good effecl, is because their action barmonizes with the human body. ' Purge out the old leaven, that ye may lie come a new lump," is the language of Holy Writ, a figure applied spiritually, it is true, but how could it have any applicalion unless cos t ir.MKD nv practicai. experience, in Ihe body of inatter? The fouadation upon which this fizureof scrlpture rests is as immoveahle as Ihe laws whicb govern the tides, or occasinns j he tbunders of Heaven 1 "THECONDITION. , wajs certain togive relief.andifpersevured wilh, The condition upon which God has given will most assuredly and without fail, make a per health to man is a constant care to keep bis stom- feci cure of the above painful maladies. From ach and bowelsfree trom all merbid and unheal- Uiree tosi.v ofsatd Indian Vegetable Pills taken thy accumulations. The means lo effectthismusl I every nighton going tobed will in a shorttimejso be those remedies which cleanse tbe bow els and ' complelely rid Ihe Lody of every Ihing that is op purify the blood. ( poied tohealthilhat Rheumatism, Gout and paiu Uoou ncallniui meuicine is oniy a species ui food; when the animals, whose habils we have the uieans of ouscrving, are sick, they wander thro the fields, and make selections of those herbs which open their bowels and purify their fluids, which immediately reslore tbeir heallh. When a dose of BranUrelh's Jills are laken, Ihpyaredigested and pass loevery partofthe systcra; but iney leave me ooay wnen iney nave effected thein teniled purpose, and health and vigor are by them insured. Uineral medicines may enler Ihe system, but they are with difiiculty got out again ; and they ilways occasion pain and misery while they re inain in the body. Whereas Brandrelh's Pills are asinnocent asa piece of bread, and areevacuated wilh thcdisease for which they are taken. From the lime we are boin tnthe time we cease 10 breathe, our bodies are constantly wasling, nd as constantly building up. Theactionof tbe itmosphere wearsor wastesthem. The food we -at,the dlgestiveorgans coeri inio niunti, wuicn renews orbuilds upby ils circulaling power I'hus the human body is heallhy when Ihe blood circulatesfreely, and when any Ihing preventsils ree course through 'he veins, disease com .ntnces. Costiveness, Dispcpsia, Fevcrs, Inflammations, 1 are all owing to this, and all the troublcs attend ng them could alwaya be prevented by the timely use ol Brandrelh's Pills, as Iheir very action at onre tends to clear tlie circuUlion of all impedi ment, and remove every cause or occasion of im punly from the blood. Thore are thousands nay millions at this this country, and all others, whom wpmayreally conjideras halfdead. ' They may bc said to carry tlieir dtatli in their bowels and circulation. This is no iinaginaty circumslancc. I wish it wers. Thousands whom . . . . ,. 1. .... 1 1. ..J....H,,.. Innlra Vl. low skin and green eyes, speak ina language! not to be mistaken, ofthc state of their slomacb ' and bowels, and tl.e conscquenl condition of Iheir blood. The body is thus, while in life, reduced to the consequent condition of a corpse; and the' reason why some bodies are so soon in a puliid j condition aller death, is more from the quan tily ofimpure humors contained in them al Ihe time they expired, than from any other cause. And who is there that will not allow. that if Dr. BRANDRETH'S PBINC1PAL OFFICE ia at 211 Broadwav,onposi(ethe Citv Hall.NYork N. E. OFFICE, 19 HJWOVER STREET. 19 C3-ONLY-C3 1 place in boston for these Iruly excellent Pilis. j B. BRANDRETH, M.D. (Enteied accoidmgto act of Congrets, in the lyear 1841,by Benjimin Brandieth,inthe Cleiks's uin:eoiineu.siricicouri oi me aoumern wis- Middlebury, Jonalhan Hacar ; East Middlebury, Pneedbam & Uenius ; Addison, Barnes &. Fuller : Bridport, Brisml, Cornwall, Ferrisbutgh, Hancock, New Haven, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, Starksboro' Ver;ennes, Weybridge, Whiting, it P. Fletcher &. Son ; V. H. Hadlcy ; Samuel Evcrts; B.F.Haskell; Shales & Wicker ; John Hackett.Jr.; Roscoe & Nash ; Frrderick Smilh; Huntley & Higgins ; Kent Wright ; T. H. Kidder; m.R. Bix'.y; Silas S. Spraguc; J. & O. tJ. Simonds ; D. M. Russique. 16 ly S100 REWARD, rfTa N E HUNDRED DOLLARS RE " WARD has been ofTered for iiionth3, to any one who will use a bottle of Hays Liniment fcrthePiles without beinz cured. Of thousands .,M innn initanf(. has it failed of a cure, Proof ovenvhelmingtobe had where it is sold. It isaUoa certain cure in neany eei to.V" ternally) in the following cnmplaints. fnr the Pilei. 1 IUiness ui me cnesi t?nr all fltfinu . especiallyin children, Foul Ulcers of the legs, or other fungU3 soms, however obstinate or lonc standinz, Tender Feet, &jore thioat bv cin ceis or ulcers Croup, Whoopingcough, Fresh Wounds, Scald Head. Snme Sl V 1 1 Chilblains &'J &. LOOK OUT. Some Swindlers have counterfeiled Ihis article uoon. One thin? will protect Jou , ,. ,hi ..amR Bl nrM stock & co. : that . - - " , .. .. namemust be always on the wrapper, or jc cheated. Da not fi.rgetit. Take this dirt ou are direction with you, and test by Ihat. or never buyit; fcr it i impossibla for any olher to be true or genuine. So)d b coMSTOCK & CO.. 71 Maiden Lane. iu.ij GENESEE FLOUR, inspected and warranted, -constantly l j j c. ..l t, yj, ,5. fjr. S. Johnson. 1 From the Nev York Herald. MYSTERIOUS, AgentIemanbeloi.gingto one of the most an. cien and wealthy familiea ot Ibts citr, who must be well known to numerous freds hav ing since tbe jear 18,8up lo recent,y!'been bentnearly double. and forseveral year, confln ed to hisbed.has been restoied to has regained hisnatural ereet positicn and ha quitted bis cairiage, and now walks with ease !' We believe this is the gentleman's own descrip-' tioo as nearas possible, and there is no axagger ationinit. We will give inquirers his address and doubtnot his humane feelings will cxcuse the liberty;so that any one doubtiiur. mav knnw these facts thougb he requites his name 'mayj uui iijjjjcai ,u uiuiig umer simuar in- stancea, Mr. Jas. l. Haynolds Hi Christie St has been lestored aud will give personal assur ance of the facts of his case. Both were rheumatism, and contracted cords and sinews. How has this been done Answer. By the Iadian Vegetable E- lixek iniernany, anu uewij' inervk and Bone Liniment externally N. Y. HeralJ Jan 26 1841. Soldonly byCOMSTOCK&jCO.. 71 Maiuen Lane, New York. 10:ly Forsaleby S MOODY. Drggto. ll;ly THE BEST MEHTOD FOR THE ABOL1TION ofoisease, is to cleanse and prjRirv THE E0DV. WRIGHT'S IMDIAH VEGETABLE PILLS. Uf thc fi orth Amertcan College of Heallh, Are now acknowledged to be the best medicine inihnminrnriu r - o -.j Pirpn v WB EwnpnPrc because they thoroughly cleanse the stoma:h t and bowels of these billious humors which not only paralyze and weaken the digestive organs, but are the cause of headache, nausea and sick ness ; palpitation o( the heart, iheumatic pain in various parts ot the body, and many other un pleasanl complaints. THE UDIAJT VEGETJ1BLE PILLS, are also acertaincurefarintermittent, remitlent, nervous. inllammatory and putrid fevers ; be cause Ihey cleanse the body of those morhid hu mors, which whenconfined to the circulation are tbe causeof all kindsof FEVERS. also, when morbid fevcrs are deposited upon the membrane and muscle, causing those pains, in (lanitious and swellings, called UHtiUiUJi i ioiu, yjn.iv i' occ, Ibp Tnrlian Veiretable Pills mav bereliprl nn as al- , ot every aescripuon nui oe iiierauy DRIVEN FROM THE BODY. From he .sanie reason, when fromsudden changes foatmosplieie or any other cause, the i perspiraticn is checked, and Ihose huniors which sliould pass ofl'by Ihc skin are Ihrown inwardly clU3ing HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, naasea and sickness, pain in tne bones, walen and inflamed eyes, sore Ibroat.hoarscness, coughs I consumplions, rheumatic pains in various parts of the body and many othur symploms of CATl'HING COLD i Ihc Indian Vfgclable Pills will iuvariably giveim- mediate relief. From three to six of said PilN ta ken eveiy night on going lo brd, will in a short time, not onfy remove all the above unpleasaut I symptoms, bul Ihc bo- ill be restored "to eveii i suunder heallh than bclore. 1 The same may be said of ASTHMA, OR DIF i FICULTY OF BRLATHING. ' The Iudun Vegetable Pills will looscn and carry ofi by ihe stoinach anJ bonels those phlegmy humors which stup up tbe aircells of Ihe luns, and are the cause not only ofthe above distress ing complaim, bul when neglected, often ter minates in a still more dreadful malady rallcd CONSUMPTION. I: sliould also be remembeicd Ihat thc Indian Vegelable Pill are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE SIDE, oppression. nausea and sickness, loss of appetitc, cu.-livenes;!, a jellow linge of the skin and eyes, and every olher sjmplom of a torpid or diseastd state oftlie ivi-r ; becausa they purge lrom Ihe , body Ihose impurilicn which if deposited upon Ihis imporlam orga'i, are Ihe c'nusc of every vari elv of I.IVER COMPLAINT. t A U J. 1 U i . Thc public nillplcase obserre that Ihe genuine ned icine has Ihe fullowing wordmg 011 the 3ides of the boxcs: WRIGIirS INDIAN VEGETABLE TILLS (Indinn Purgatire.) Or the North Amciucan Colleoe op Hkaltii. And a'soaround the bordet of Ihe lahel,will of Congress; and the same fotm will be found at ine oouom 01 me nrsi page. ! slighiest attenlion to the above few pajtic- fiaud, aud save the livcs of Ihose who may olh erwise be endan-gered byusing a cauntereit med icine. The nublir. will a'so remember that all wbo sell the genuine Indian Vegetable Pills are provided with a certifirate of Agency, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, Vxtt Preiident of theJVbrth Jlmeriean College of Heallh, and that pedlars are never in any, case allowed lo scl tho genuine Medicine. All travelling agents will be provided with acertificate of agency as a bove described ; and Ihose who cannot show one will be known as base imooslurs. 03-A1I letters relative lo the Pills must be ad dressedthus : N. E. OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH, 193 7Vei7ionf street, Boston, Jllass." 03-AGENTS have been appointed for the sale oflhe Pills in every town in New England. Agents. Middlebury, Sidncj flloniy; Bennington Jouathan Haughton ; Williamsville. Charles W Joy ; Bennington, J C Haswell ; Rutla id, William Fay ; Woodstock, Haskell& Palni- er;Dover, Hiram Baldwm ; Birge &. Biackett ; Watprlord, H Cutiiog kuq; txewoury. rrciiuss tvnigni: ueinei, Samuel Austin ir; SpriniGeld.George Was hburn; Proctersville, Proctnr &. Hnbiuson ; Londonderry, Similh & ijlazier; Urnlgeiva 1 ler. Thomas Soulhgate; Chester. Phineas O Sarg'ant ; Windsor, S XV Hubbard ; Bur lington, A Briusmaid ; East Poultney, Hick- OK&Alcars; vornwaii, oamuei cveris ; Wilmingmn, A B Childs; Stowe, Albert Comps; Post Mills, Jeremiah Vilton;St Johnsburv. Lulher Jewctl; Weston, IJolin Wilder; Waierhurv, Pcrsons LyonjMont- pelier, William UlarK ; L.uuiow, jonu uun bjr& Co ; Reading, Wood it Merrill ; Hart ford, J P Slronp; & Co ; Norwich, Baxter & Newtoa; Barnari, J P Danfor.h ; Bethel, Lorenzo liitchcock; Rochesier.CliarlesDodd; Springfield. Russell ; Cavendish, A Giheon & son; Guilford, Philip Martin; Halifax C Stone &Co ; Westminster, Aaron Hitch cock; Niirlhfield, Murdock &. Alexander; Weathsfield, Barley Bartlett; Hart land, Cutton Sc lamble Fairfax, Ham; ton Love wood. 28 ly. IROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. A large assortment, rheaper than cver before ofTered; now by A Kanh. T 1VE GEESE FEATHERS, of supe JLJ tior quality, iust received and for sale by A. FRANCIS. BONNETS tC. Flurenoe Braid,Straw and P. L. Bonnels Bonnet Silks, Lacnou,Ajiificial3,Ribins, at BIRGE'S RIPTON LAND. 1 PIECE containin, 100 m ogo, is offered at a bargain on long credit br A. FRAi.W BOOTdand SHOESbTi- ply for sale at retail bv fa taJ JOHN wonn 1 842. S torag c & Forwardin nc onnscnber has li, jm.5 AHOUSE-Sanl WH4fi,?T08E most perfect order ; theouild,,!! " auu rammodions " Ihan any other EstabishJL' Property of all kinds.will ba received tai wardedto almojt any part or Ihe Va,'ei L' and Upper and Lower Canada. Boat 1 S,l(". place Tuudayand Satnrday of each wt N. Y and Troy every Wedn.,Ty ?iap also the CAKAL PCKET, J. SHERMAN, will run to and lrom Vergennes and Buflilo Month through theSeason. whicn giTtci, "H ior Shtpptng Proper(y from this place, tou" '" ofthj Country, which is enjoved byno -ckr place on Xake Champlain. All' commVnica " by way of enqni.y will be duly noticed ; Ch a ' b, iv " at ,h" m thi, v$: Vergennes, Apiil. 18. 1842 K- UriAPiMAs 52,5 , i m, . . . ne niOSt IUSllIy annroved iMoI; i H J 11 . aixeui. cl nov general USP ffir oughs Uolds, andall Diseases of the Lun"L P"E VEGETABLE PULJIOXAKY SASI i, believed to be deservedly the t popuhr Medicine ever known in Amerin fr coughs, colds, asthmaor phlhisic, consumpL' whooping cough and pulmonary afieclicn. ol .,' erv kind. "The Vegetable Pulmonary Bakara hJ$ lffE very extensively used forabout fifteenears- !! its reputalion has been ronstanlly incre"isin- t universally popular has Ihis arlicle becooetk! it may now be considered as a slandard arlicl a large part of the Uniled States and British f, , inces. Many families keep it constantly br tltr considenng it the most safejas well as certmi..r ' edyfor the above complaints. The propne,n have received & are receiving numcous recoi ' mendations from manr n''mtr h t. :. . a few mdividuals who have given their testiu.o,., ir favorof this arti:Ie are here subjoined, anu f, a more full account see Ihe envelope to theibotil. Doct. Amori Huntng, ; Doct. Samuel Vcrrll ' Truman Abell ; 'nmolhy Ba)!, ' Jtie.ElIsworth, : Albcrl Guud. Certificales. (From Dr. Thomas Brown ) Messrs. Lowe & Recd, Gent The VcSttjbt, Pulmoiiaiy Balsam, has been extrnsively uiea thesfdion of couutr) where I reside,. for rt , yeais past, and has justl) acquired a h:gh leiu tion in consumplive complaints. So far as b.t knowledge extends, it has never disappoinicd iU reasona'ile expcctation of those ivhuhave useuu Tiioma Brown, si. d. Concord, N. II.,Ma) 11,1831. Messrs. Recd, AVing & Culler Gpnllemen I feel it a duly I owe to the puMic, aod esppcn1 ly to hundreds of my fellow beings who areto.. sufienng under dihVrent diseases oflhe lun;,t, give you a statement ofthe good cffecls I "b, experitnced from Ihe use oflhi, Vegetable Pula.. nary Balsam. Having from my jouth un bt troubled with diflerent complaints of Ihe Iiin. such asspittingoi blood, a trouhlcMiine congb, tir qucnt hoarseness, wilh severc lils of rouxhii. andindeidall the symploms of consumplion it: from time to time I bave consulted several eromru' physicians, and have laken much mpdinnp, I.uti reciived little or no relief, last they loLlnu there was no help for me ; that my case waJw yond thc rcach of Iheir medicines "ln Ihe spru of 1827 1 was advised by a fricnd to Iry the Vt; elable Pulmonary Balsam. I obtained Ino bJ lles. and on trial I wassurprised to tind soefiici ual relief which iu use gave me, and aflei iJms five weekstimemy ccmplaints neiemtirelt ie moveil, and I was reytored to gnoil hcalth. S it Ihat time I have kept il ron.-tantly by me, ln n ofthe appearance olany ofthe ahov'e coiiilain!i I have knowna large numberol cascs nlieii olher medicines have lailed of allbrdin; an.v lief, tlie BaUam was at leugth ttsortrd Iu", ai ' peedily eflecled a cure. 1 would Ihcitfore le commcr.d lo cvrri person Ihat has anyoft.i.ab ove romplaints, ou Iheii first appearance lo UV Ihe Vegetable Pulmonary Balsani, wlurh Ihc; . find a safe. convcnient and positirc cure. Keseclfully jours, T. P. Mtr.niAM. New Btdford, Mass., JuH 3C, 1811. (3 Cor.NTEnrciTS. Bewarc of impoit. n Each genuinebol'Ieiscnrloipdin peron which is a rKtunv label, signed "r.j JON'iV. CUTLER. ionc olher can br ofa laterdate than Deccmber 1833. Tht8: lure cf5Airsox Kl;d ui Le continutd Ifi short lime. The great celtlrily of Ihe Vegetable rte" nary Balsam has been the cause of attiiiipu " introduce spurious artirles, which Jby parliallj ai suming Ihc name of Ihe genuine, au caimlateJ Iu mislead and deceive (l.apubhc. Anii'iigtlts' mixtures are '-CartcrU Compound lula'men uauam, -.imtncan rulmona-y Unhaw, " V '.gelable Pulmonnnj liakamic Syivj. "Pulmonary lialiam," and others. Purchasers sliould enquire for tho trce article by its whole name The Vecetable Pct 31oxarv Balsam, and see that it ha3the narli and signaturesof tlie genu'ne. Each bottleand seal isstan.ped " VrreU-b Pulmonary Balsam." For sale by REED, WING & CUTLEB. (late Lowe and Reed) nholcsale dealers in DiW. Medicines, Painls and Dye-stuffs, No. 54. Cla' ham street, Buston, and by Druggists and count? merchants ecnerallv in New Enpland. and inl'bt principal places throughout the United StatesaM uruibii rrovmces. irice 50. cents. Sold IJ S. MOODY. 13:ly Middlebury Vernont WjUPERFlNE GENKSEE FLOUR- kJ for; sale by the subscriber. IRA STEWART. Sept20. 20 (f fltWENTY-FIVE cases heavyToTrhidTin A itipBOOTS. for sah? very low by Ihe e. Juiie 25.181 by JOHN WO0O- ENESEE FT.OIII? frr.d. J'tsJ. i with a large assortment of Grocer i aca, juai rcccivea ana lor sale low JOHN WOOD. AKER'S Water-Proof Oil Blackit:. superior article for Ilarness Chaise-tops and Boots and Shoes, for safe wholcsaleor rclail by JOHN AVO0D, Agent for the Manufactur- C A S II PAID for Shipping Fnrs JOHN JOHN WOOD. T. I. SALT. TURK'S Island salt, just rcceiud for sale at 75 cents per bushel, bv Z. BECKWITH & C- CUT and WROUGHT NAILS s"4 window Glass for salo low, by JOHN WOOD- LARGE ASSORTMENT ofBoo'1 and Shoes, for sale low by A. dc XV. S. JoiiNso5. -e3 iw 1. ono a nnnTS. PRS. r.. JTinnTS, r nrlirlA for W'8 superior low at A. & W S. JOHNSON-3 KEESVILLE round, square, flat Iron of all the sizes rnan fuctured it theworks, are cosstaiitlv 0 hand, and foi ,alc by thp subscriber- IRA S7 EWART,