Newspaper Page Text
rncv, 299 40 17 1?4 14 S0 ft tbmd. 982 92 09 218 82 67 J1,rlurne, 45 69 5 41 62 Shrewsbury. 76 138 82 130 1 Sudbury. 50 92 6 51 8-1 18 TinmoJtb. 130 9 0 110 2 4 1613 WO SS3S H2J 403 Oiln. KO. Windsor co. Andover. 72 34 45 54 29 42 Ballim-re, 26 20 1 Barnard. 1S5 202 4 169 194 4 Bethel, 158 127 22 125 117 37 Bridcewater, 182 136 160 132 Cavendish, 227 21 11 49 2r 14 j Chester. 2C5 246 30 180 228 29 Hartford, 251 142 1 209 93 15 Hartland, 263 171 212 154 2 ( Ludlow. 149 30 34 21 25 111; Norwich, 149 189 16 136 191 27 , Plvmoulb, 160 100 82 68 13 , Pomfret, 214 133 1 137 136 19 Reading, 167 109 2 122 77 17 Rochester, 130 C4 42 68 57 48 Royalton, 178 70 56 96 61 71 Springfield, 354 122 14 252 100 37 Sharon. 114 131 14 62 138 35 Stockbridge. 144 147 13 137 129 8 Wellicr&fi'd, 248 57 21 123 45 71 Weston, 92 47 13 135 32 6 Windsor, 323 146 7 267 118 12 Woodstock, 515 155 34 430 117 24 4114 2579 3S0 3305 2271 643 WhljGain, 1321', Essex Co. Brunswick 3 17 6 10 Concord, 139 65 US 49 1 GuilJlall, 54 4 1 56 42 2 Luncnlurgh, 133 123 130 106 Maidstone, 10 39 10 37 339 303 I 72 0 250 3 LofS, 32 Windham, 77 21 nU 1588 16 1(3 lo 1(8 GRAND ISLE Co 93 lsei 22 8 12SI 174 Alburcb, North Hero, Lom 16 124 37 56 52 103 1 1C1 Orleans co: 108 119 85 4 122 3 89 10 102 23- 370 393 45 giin 19 Bennington co. Barton, Glover, Greensboro', 54 Craftsbury, 89 123 33 101 87 90 97 115 71 88 Arlington, Bennington, Readsboro', 149 338 19 119 Eranklin Co. Berkshire. 122 136 95 Enosburgl", 116 87 138 Fairfax, 163 160 176 fieorm'a, 175 64 141 Kichford, 57 98 69 Sr. Albane, 170 23S 30 170 Svanlon. 171 151 171 1010 831 30 960 Glastenbury, Landgrove, 33 Manchester, 170 Pownal, Peru, Rupert, Sandgate, Searsburgh, Stamford, Sunderland, Winhall. Woodford, 58 5 357 22 121 1 224 39 35 maj 2 maj 27 79 334 132 368 46 fc6 115 I 31 3 6 7 83 23 171 197 36 45 21 Lom, 35 Toul raine 23557 149 61 144 18 m 10 m 62 m 35 70 20 m 14 m 1323 1(03 WHIG MEMBRRS OF CONGRESS. Their progress from Washington to N. Y. and Albany has been a constant scenc 49 ot triumpli. Itieir Ehzabeth 43 2 town and New York was brilliant nnd -i . . i - i -. i n ji V.-11CV.-11111; uuuvo unyimnir nunerto wunessed upon a sirnilar occasion in this country. Their patriotic and self sacrificing cfTorts in the passage of the Tariffare hailed with tlie most enthusiastic gralitude and admira tion by every class in community. The 1 pcople were eveiy wliere out by the acre a I in 1840, and spoke ou their henrty nppro bntion in loud and spontancous acclnrm. j lions. Never have the wholi-people felt a 336 21 deeper interest in tho action of congress 97 2 than dunng the prcsent scssion. Aud ne 137 33 er smce ,n(-' days of the revolution, has n 19 25 , our pscuniary prospcrity becn pacsed thro' 167 136 29 the councils of the nation. Il was a fearfu1 137 a 59 16 121 39 97 66 16 15 42 103 7 From tlie'AIb. D. Advertiser. A GLORIOUS GATHERING. The rally at the Capitol last night was nll that the most ardent friends of the Whig cause could ask for or desire. The people turned out by thousawds to meet and wel come their faithful Representatives. The campaign of 1840, prnlific as it was of im mcnse populnr asscniblages, producetl no inore spirited or enthu-iiasticor largermeet iugs than that convened in the Capitol Park last night. In point of members inileed we think it exceeded nnj public mecting ever held in Albany. And is spirit and zeal were in no whit inferior to its strength. It was in truth a gloriotis gathering. The steamboat Albany with our Congress ional guests arrived nt our wharf soon after 4 o'clock one hourc.irlier than thcy we re ex pented and long before the preparations for their reccntion matureu. sion, were adopted by the following vote: Yeas-M essrs. Bell, Bibb, Black, Calhoun, Clny.Clayton, Frelinghuysen, Kent, Knight. Leieh, Mciore, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter," Prentiss. Preston, Robbms, Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Spraguc, Swifi, Tomlinson, TY LER. Wagnaman, Webster. 27. Nays M essrs. Benton. B rovrn, For sjth. 6zc IG. T HF. ADJOLRNMN T. Bo'h Hou-es of Cnngres-i adjurnrd yes leiday ai two u'clock in appaient general liar mony and jond feelins; and before f U pa er lhe hnnds of the reader h irdlv a doz en Members could be f.iund reni;nnii '"in i.ur cily. e Ul llie acts passnl dunng ihe session we IN BANKRUPTCY. United S'taies Di-trict Couri, Vermont Disiricl. In nankmptcy. Nolice to ahow canio agiintl 1'ciiii'ui oi cpnraun s. 3-ymour. ei xmaaieDury innid diiuict to be declared bankrupt. at tho court nous in Kuiland, in lo dialncl. on Thuisilay. October 6, 18-12, 10 am. 19 Unii rdSiates Disiricl Couit, Vermont DUtriit. In Bjnkruptcp. Nmicc to nhow caiije ogjinit pclilinn ofL:wi Smith. oT Middlebury, m aaid dis'rictto be d.-clarcd bankrupt, at the court Iiousein Rutland, in oiid diatrict, on rburidar. Ociobcr G, 1842, 10. a ji. jg Long before thehourappointed forthemeet- ing the people came tloclcing by hunrircds to messure moro intimately identified with ! fno L"P,to1- ,oon "c. ' " ?c ir- lneet" Uni'ed Sta es Oiituct C"urt, Vrnnon. District r ol w. i Ons tor ,aP lale,, ;, .,, ... 1 " . in u,,..,..,.,. v.ot n,.i.o HJ. coaimittee of V . u l . , '. I'lM'aic a juncti peiiuon oi Koiwru smiui. ol .niUJUbury in citizens' however was on the ground to re- t,1,t."""'" " r'"ue.i io uay trom ihe i n- the aid district 10 bj dicUre.1 tankr.ipt, at thr r,hT,rethemto&c!r!od. poililT of m.k Dg room fi.r it, b, t w.ll be e.urt hou.ein RuiUnd. in ,aiddU,r,cr. TW. publisl.Cil in our next. crisit when baukruptcy and ru'n oa the one i 1 i j r- .i . iiuiiu. qiiu reupmpuon irom tnern on tne 2 other, for a wholo nation, depended upon tho r.asting of a single vote, in congress. Tho beneficial effecls of tho passase of ths Tariffare already felt io all our manu. facturina districls, confidence revtves, an look for- v3 53 61 28 64 57 1553 1555 138 tho mechanics and rnanufacturcrs But little ocrurred vesterdav worthvofoih- er noijce thn that wliicli will be foun'd in ihe I graphic reporl of yetterd;iy,s procerdings in I ine nuuje ot Kepreientalivrs. A at. 1i-el- LIGKMCER. jday Octfber 6, 1842, 10, A M 19 Unilud Stales Disirict Court. Vermont Disirict. In Bai'kruptcy. Notice to shonr cau;e a- Igamsl peiiiionol Green ol L n. oln, S.-ptcniber next . 'in aid di-tnct,tu W declared Hantr.ipt, at ' ' , a ., , ,, : the court bouse, in RuUaml, in cnid dislrirt, i 1 ,." ,xM . on Tnursday, Oct"ber 6, 1342. 10. A M. 19 notlce lo n" Por femlle S0374 wiuianu 17H3. ward with hope. The 43 towns not heard from gavc Gov. All hail the Representatives Painc last yenr 3007, Mr. Smilie 2429 and ' c , , , Judge Hutchenson 199. Gov. Paineis1 ofthe People! now,in the 194 towns heard from, 900 o-' If evor ihere was n body of men who vcr all others, and tho rcmainin"' towns dcserved theplaiidif'Well donc faithful sct will without any rcasonable doubt incrcaso ! servants," they are the tho whig represen. his majority to over 1300, and Lieut Gov. j tatives in tho last congress. n , ,, , ., .... I 47 50 I lvanneJ s wl" De moro '"un dOUblc the ma. From the New Totk Amrrlcan 114 1 jority of Gov. Paine, as the Abolition voto THE BALL IN MOTION 43 10 has been dividcd bctwecn Racnev and .... . . . . . .. . 69 4 . ,. , , , ! I he reception ofthe faithful Whig mem 1S4 33 Barber. Jho whigs have no doubt 4 sen. bers of Congrcs3f on ,heir ret.irn from 150 9 'atnrs in ITindsor co., 3 iu Windham, 3 in nsln'n.tnn at iliffi.ront nnint nlnnr, ib r . . 1 1 i n '- i.u; t i r i .i .i . .i f-in.,. 7U9 132 i Rutland, 2 in Addison,! in Grand Isle Washington Co Parrn. 123 281 8 126 267 2 I'crlin. 1H0 163 6 129 160 -J4 ' Duxbury, 69 77 7 48 81 12 I Middlesex, 124 121 l'J3 106 7 Jb.nipelier. 272 430 25 261 445 43 Moflon, 70 144 5 70 119 5 Northfield. 218 204 6 1-9 206 9 Knxbnry. 68 66 4 46 81 11 Waterbury. 161 216 11 107 207 50 C . m-. ' 32 216 23 237 14 F -inii, 6 93 2 5 72 9 )I ' ! fie'd, 105 133 8 1.3 135 10 31 17 140 6 12 15S 2 I',. fi.-ld, 49 117 3 39 102 19 firl.l, 75 67 44 83 76 31 W 144 54 5 128 55 12 W CLter. 57 53 4 37 58 22 171M 2050 151 1539 2SG5 211 Galn, .1 I.amoille county. Mridoro. 6 24 1 5 23 rt.mbrit'go, 151 210 0 121 178 17 Ed -, .ri4 63 10 29 53 3S 45 54 4 19 53 14 -.ark, 43 1.V2 10 55 14') 8 J 97 131 44 63 140 37 j .- fi-ld, 2 32 3 6 42 : K:i. 107 147 8 54 161 39 21 18 5 no rettirus 74 205 29 57 195 47 .v t, 33 05 13 40 49 20 .'...coti, 91 105 2 73 76 7 732 1210 141 5-1 1110 233 GolR, 213 and 1 tn Orleans, tnaking 14 2 ; have 3 in Orange, 2 in Washington, 2 in 129 160 -J4 j Caledonia, 2in Bennington, in I Essex, routc ihows that the spirit of 1810 is still The locos n'ive, and that, oppressed and insulted, as tho tfhig party have been, thoy aro not discouraged nor dividcd. Ol tho ilcings in I hiladolphia, we have a Caledonia co, l!, :C0 123 13 166 117 16 Turke, 146 63 1.14 58 C b.i, 105 1S1 103 IS0 18 Danville, 175 273 3 181 293 10 Groiun, 91 72 2 92 100 Hardwick, 73 1S2 21 72 179 15 Kir'iy, 52 61 57 64 Lyndon, 149 1S9 127 205 1 Newaik, 45 33 44 33, 144 110 137 106 7 Itvtsate, 97 96 93 93 ShVfliill, 01 80 63 63 StJolnsbury 241 141 3 211 139 3 Kul'on, 59 130 51 131 1 Walden, 57 127 64 103 18 AVate ford. 140 97 140 81 2 WUt'ock, 26 127 29 117 2 1621 1100 43 1774 30t-5 93 Bdton, liurlington, Charloite, Co'chcsler, Kssex, H'nesburgh HuntiDgton, Ji rirho, Jlilti n, Richmoi d, Sklburne, Sl. Georce, l-'iiderhi'.I. Vtstfurd, Williston, Chittenden Co. 7 81 376 333 158 46 IG2 217 79 96 141 142 138 67 4 1S0 95 148 100 118 165 117 191 182 75 113 23 67 126 126 12 71 346 291 121 37 16 2 10 SI 95 130 138 117 139 191 73 97 22 67 150 143 170 78 28 69 124 20 127 4 123 2 68 1 3 161 105 14 and I in Lamoilc, rnaking II. The 3 in long acccunt, but the arrival ofthe forcisn Franklin, and 2 in Chittenden are so ncar ncvrc rer.dcrs it imposs'ble to publish i even, that spcculation is tiseless till nc.t T,le npxt morninS- (ycstcrday.) the mem- p-.j-.. 1 .u . -,i , m "crs PiWMsd Ihrough New Jcrsey Railroad,, whcn the votesw.ll be officially to Elizabelhtown. whcro thcy were to leavo canvassed. It is, however, probable that if tho cars, and be thcnce escorted to New all the votes given for scnators, in 'Iioso 2 York. The citizens of that old borough countiesbc returned and allowcd.the whics lVi'S to the coie, and always ready for whose motion. Archibatd M Intyre was dii- pointed chainnan, and Miles Joy Secretary pro. tem- . , , . . ' No The Whie says tone for'th. ."the Thf second aU,mpt o, Gov., to ap. I onTnursday, QC.ber 6, 1342. ,0. a m committee after a short nbsence, returned V"c"" uocKwell. proved Uuiie.1 DU.nct Court, nnd reportedthtfnaineof TEUNIS KAN- "bout ay succe.ssful nsthefirst. When the Vermont Disirict. VCHTE'V as President, anil a large niiin- officprs arrived at Nauvoo, neither Joseph In Rankropicy. Nntire to thow cause aaimt berof rice Presidents and Secretarijs. Mr nnr Itockwell uere to be fnund thev hud ! P?tilin of Franci X Burke, 0r Vergeme in Fan Fechten Jiad hardly assumed the clmir ciihcr crossed thrt river into own. or'were '' l dl."r'" b d cl.r.-d ,t tlo c.mrt whenamotion .to adjour., to the Park, was SeC,eted ,n tha, holy ci.y. The Mormons oG I84" i0'" T"" Ys ouS as it is, not affording room for one th.rd ff ,d neCM ir, ) f i United State Distnct Court, of the numbers wbo came to participate 111 . uicin 11 iiicfssirj, 111 lu.nii- Vermont Dinrin theprocecding,. The ndjournment etrec.ed jng the.r du.y ,u whole nflU.r beg.ns .0 I In B; caos aain,t nnd ordcr restored, WillU Hall, in behnlf of look exc-eoingly liko a fnrce. nnd ihi o ' petiti,,,, oflri Ru... of U.i.iol, in "aid diMrict the commitec of reception, bade the Whig pinion is becoming very prevnleiit. We to be b..nkrupt at Ihe court housn in .ieumer3 01 congress iycicumib io niuiiiiy, suppoe nu proceeamgs will stOD here for """'", 111 am dulnct, Tlnuaday Uctobur 6 anu in tlie natne ot tne peopie or iew 1 orK i,e prcseiit. I 4-,". returned to tbcin wnrin and henrtfelt thnhks for tbc manner in which they had discharged their duly during the rcccnt sessions. Lontl r.nd rcpente.l plaudits interruptcd Mr.Hall's addres.s, and coiifinned the tribute of praisc which he awarded to ihe Whigs in Congress As soon as he rloseil his introductory re niarks Mr. Fillinore of Eriecountv. nddress- ed the assemblage at lcngth nnd with equnl ! eloiuence anil eliect, with reference, epcc- laly, totbe history ofthe last ses-mn, and tlie the pre.sent. t Gov. King uf Kliod"-Island hns issued liis Proclaniation indefinitely sufpeiidiug thcoperatmn of M 1rti.1l Lnw. M a r r i e d , ! In Cornwall, on tlie 4lh n t. by Orrin FieME-q, Mr. Pomeroy Searl, to Jlri. AlmiraRockwell 19 United SlHtes D sttict C.mri, Vermont Distric. In Ilankrutov. Nctice 10 nhow caufo aeainnt petitinn of Xjlhan ! 12.:-,. l.l nf II' l.l T I I v.,anUiuti, ., aitiiaiu. iu paiti u.rirtcl 111 dh Uh PR OBATE KO'i 7CLS. SI'ATE OF VERJIONT. 7 District of Addison, s. 5 JK it rcmembered llutata prnbato conrf. h-M at Middlebury, wilhin and for the dintrirf ' Addmonon the 20th day ol Avgott a. z. tM2 Jucob Da-y aiiminUlrutor uf im- r.-n.v of felillmun Dewey. Intn of said Middlebury deceascd, preents his petitinn in irinrff t" the Court for lircnce to srll th- fnllouug estate of the di'rensd, to wit 17 nr'cs "f land being part uflols Nn. 27. and No 28 in said Middlebury aml th T-in scts fo.'lli tin Hmouut of tho tlcbts dui: fri'iii I'.e d'ciised, the expeiKfS or nilministratioii. nnd iho a moiint of tlw persotml e-lnte nnd tho silja tton uf tho esiatn lo be aM, and rt'prr.'fiits that llu- uf .said rea! etnle is ni'r.-S'ry to pny thdebls duc from the said esiiili-.Mic ihe e.xpensi-s of administrntion ; It is tlion -fore ordcred that said pclition b- ciinid rt tr ni a si'.ssidn of said Court to be held at tiiu office of the Re;ister of said Coun in snnf nliudlebiirv on Vednes'av thf 21 d.iv ot at one o'clock in iho nlter.. e said adiiiiiiistr.itor notice lo all persous ini'.-re.sleif. thit Ii-t may nnd mkko their objrctions fie rjir .... nw nci'inn iieing grauttn nv puoiisiiifg a ccitifit'd copv uf this ordiT in The Middle bury, Pi oples Pre.-s a nuwspapur prinle.I nt C said Middlebury, three o. ks uct esstv ly previous to llie liine uf said f'ourl. J. -S. BUSHNELL. Ktgistor. A truo copy of Ilocord. Attcst: J. S. BUSHNELL. Rraister. IT ESTATE OF ALLEN itUKWELU Wo the snli-cribeK b"ing nppoiut'd bv the llon. tho P.obate Court fir hi DUtnrr uf Addison. ('ipiiiniissioiHTs. to, ex amin nndailjiiM nll cluime-t m i driiui.d ul" all persons. iiinin-it tln esiatn of ALLEN BUHU'KI.L. Inle nf Rrid;-'rt, in spid Dis'iet. len nsed. i.u i i. . . ., , ..... .;ud,V r-"r " ;"o" .nso!v(,nt.:,n.( ,.N U cf.,,.n- . j 10. A M 19 uemnnih i-xbibitcd m olN-t llii'n o: A-il G montli fmiiiilni 27-li d iv uf Ah;ii l-iiii j nlliiMcd bv anul Court fur ilinl urr.-M. wir . t M a . ..rt . ' Jiiuie. iiv oi i.exin?inn h..nnt.ikAri.. M zcnlousand untinnettortsot tne iy W' ma- , , . , '.-.,: .. ".' Dciitimi m l.uul a l!,,h.,i,..r i.,,.. i. .1 .,,.i . i , n, nn,l .Um nr " - n:ain wines ol tual : ' V 1 : " . J.'v klJ w ... " - - citt . n furmer ln.e !rl,,e- . . ' Ei;lth jlr. f iluiorc was toitoweu ny iir. oarmiiers of Tenne.isce. and Mr. R W. Thonipsoii, of Indinna, in strnins of eloqueuce which warmed and dclighted the vast aseuililagc, and clicited constant and rciterated shouts ofapplause. Unii. d Stjte!- Disiricl C urt. veim 'nt u smct. i .1.. .i r' .. i t....:.. .. . I n,l w . unrii-i'iri- in:n'u l illlri' "1:1 1 Ht w'U In DanKrtinlCV Plullcil In . inw enllSM acr.nrsl I . . ...... . . . b . 1 .lllfillll In llllvlll... .bt i.ur j.itt IU upi.,.u r gradiialeofMiddleburT Collece to dl,"'ct " b d-clared Bii.krupl, at llie couit miMil, nt th ilwelliug huii. uf ?:i!l I5U' stli Woodworth of Weibrfdire Vt ""e "' R"lla", 'n'J dwiricl, oi. Thurs'iay wdl wid.iwof ll.r Di cun-i' i), i sii il liri.i...r " ! October 6, 1642. IU.a m. U) ., ,le ,., Tues-Inv uf N....,Ih- h- F. . D 1 C (1 , r Uniit'd Slates DUtnct Court Vcrmi.nt Dit:ict. In this town. Mar'in Evartj Tltq., a;ed"7 yeau, Bankruplcy. Iotiou m nliow caue nain;t an old and re5prc'ab1e iudividual, and one ofthe P'llllon -t'l-'on Mallock ofStarknboro m aaid fathera ofthe tonn, , dilrict to be d'clared bankrupt, at thn cnurt .... . , . . . . I house id Rutland, in, on Tliurid.y, In th s toirn,Sfpt.12il.,LanraL. Adanw.dan'h- Octob. r 6, 1U42.10.A M IU ui.vnr ..uu... .1. iu. ioiu je.iroi uer ae. action - asscmblcd in forcc, and as the cars rcached their slnpping placc, wclcomcd the mcmbcrs with oft-rcpealed cheers. They wero thcn rcceived by the Mayor. Mnjor Chetwoud, and all the principal citi zens. The address of the Mayor was hrief, pointed, and happy. Mt. Fillmorc, in bo liulf of liis associates. renlicd with carnest- Last ycar ness, and toncs of his manly voice, and the , plain spokcn truths he uttercd, as to thc dis- - . couriiements and difficultics which the Progress ofthe Kxeculivc Gullio- whig mcmbcrs of Congress had labored un tino. ' cr 'n 'ransacting tho busincss of the na tion trom Ihe pctlnly ol Joiin 1 yler, and thc uttrrly unprincipled course of Locofocoism, fcll u.ion attcntivc ears and burninj hearts will have one scnator in cach county, ma kinglheir majorily,2 in thc Scnafo. The IIousc tsusually composcd ofabout 230 mcmbcrs. The whigs in the 208 towns heard from. havo 120, nnd the locos 88. Tho 20 rcmaining towns will not probablv vnry-the prescnt majority of 32 it was 53. Mr. Tler has again shown an utter dis- rrgnrd to tho principlcs laid down in his inaugural nddress. touching tho remnvalof I'tiblic Officers in tho rernova! of our wor- liy towrsmnn, Jnnies 31. Slade Esq., from tbe office of clcrk in tho Trensury Dept. JOHN TYLER'S PREDIC JIENT. Tiinre can hardly bo even a national ln Brandon, Aug. 31t, Anhur D.. on of Dran I unneaaates U sinct Oonit, fiiend of our uccidental President who doe-i ccaandMary C. Jone. nied 4 years aud 6 monihi. I r n t Veruioiit Uijtrict. , , . ii- - I I 11 ' """"ptcy. Rolico lo hiiv caiie agaimt dceply compassionate the prntlicamnnt in I At the rwUence ofhis brother in Sheldon on ihe petitioii ol Andrcw Wa.hlmrn, of Granville, ii. which his last folly bas invohed him. The !d int , ller. Ruel Keith. I). D. the Irghly diitin- 1 "nil) diatrict to bcdcchircd bankrupt, at lliu couit man Weuld seem nmbitious to baknnwnns B"'bel principal ofthe Theolojical Seniinarv of ! houkoin Kulljnn, in eanl diatrict, on Tlu.r- ruary puxi nino n'.-li.ok. A- M.. ui tuiir oVlock, P M , on e.icN iifsii l dis hAMCEI. d 1 ICKCOR. f Samli:l IIilt, Ditted at Bridp ir: thh 27 !P42 C JriU'ncV'. d v o'' Aiib Uuiied Sialf Di-tricl Luurl, v ermo'H Uistric'. NOTICK. I" Bankrnptr.y. Nolice lii.hmv eausn agalnnl All persons indebted to the su nrc ' . '1 mJ'h "r, ""1 hcrel.y notifi.d that immedintc payincnt 10n,u i R,al,d. i..i,l.l n. r1..,...,J OctoHer C, 1843, 10 a m li) The Company then procccded in cariages to Elizabcthport, formingavcry long pro ccssion prccceded by a band of music ; anu as they passcd throtigh thc town, greeted with ringinK of bclls and tho firing of can .Mr. Slaoe was nppointed to his offico in ' non. Mny. 1341. During tho Campaign of At Elizabetliport, thc sfeamer Fairfield, 1640 ho rendcred rfnYicnt aid in elevatin.' eMy dc,corateJ. 'ad landed a deputation of ., . j - . i, scvotal hundred from New York, who thcrc o power the present administration. He;,rA t ,mir rMn X Jnrvnv a, induced by his friends lo leave his na. br. thrcn, their common gucsts and friends. tivo placc, and accept of nn office under tho ' On the lawn, in front of the large hotel, Geneial Government. Knowing the inse- ,ne mcmbers were addresscd, first by A. cure tenure bv hich public oftices are held, Do,,Sh?rty. 'n bchalf of tho Young Mc'3 .' . ,, . .. Committee, and then by J. C. Wamilton ne was reluctant to yie d to their reouesls, ,P. r..n Je .u""lloni . . , . 1 . A replv. rull of nnimatton, was but their repcated urging, tnd the avowal made by Scnator Tallmadge. who was suc ufthe principlesof Mr. Tyler, touching ro. ceeded by Mr. ialstcd of New Jcrsey; the movals from officf, succeeded in persusding latter claiming for his glorious little Sfatc '.im to go. In Mr. Tyler's "inaugural, he 'which ,'Mr- '"mge had bighly com- .... u- a , . plimcnled as the very battle rrround of Frec. .ivows his detcrmination to rcmnve no man ,im .i r,, .i, r i ",mu, r'1- , dom, and trom the Revolution to resist op. Tiom public employ, only on the grounds of pression that she traced back hcr Tippc- incompclency, immorality, unfaithfulness iu canoc zeal to '36 (veteran ofthe Revolu the discharge of dutics, or interfcrence in ' lion stan(ling ",n tho crowd said to '76)-aye polilics. Mr. Slude had appli-d himself so "l' "JJ ''ST 1J'C SpW-r' , , ... .,. rr same, and it will nsc again, be manifested closely to the duties of his office as to se- now and henceforth until 1845, in favor of riously effect his ln-alih. and with the per- ' Hcnxy Clay and the principlcs with wnich mission of his superior officer, had returned ' tlmt name is identified. i ue gutsis were incn invitcd to partakc NOTICE. A mneting of thc stockholders, of tho Middlebury Maniifaolnring Company; will bo holden nt thc Vermont llotel on tljc first Tucsday in Oct. nc.xt at 10 o'clock A. M. KENT WRIGIIT Clerk. nv w. s. coodrich. Midd'y. 5epl. 12 I8-12. Female Seminary. rFUIE Trustees givc notico that the fall JL tprm will rommpnce under tho in- structiun of Miss .MAttr E. Whiting, on Thuisduy. Sopt. 15th. T. A Mcnrtn.L, Ji's-jph Dyaii, C. Btr.GB, Middlebury, Sept. 3, 1812. (Jniled Si.Hos District Cuun, Vermont DUtrict. In nnkrtiplcy N'ltice 1 1 how cans njjiinM pctition of Almonil Mnnro, ot danville, ln nd alrict to be deelareil nankmpi, ul lli eoi.rl house in RulNnd, in aid district, on Tliumday, Octob.-r 6. 1813, 10. a . 19 Uniltd State Di.-irict Coutt, eriiiont Disirict. In Ba nkrniflcy. Notice lo hnw cause njjiinnt pi-iilii. ul 1 hoinak a. t h.imbulin, urtiriivnl insaid distr'ct to In drclarod bankrupl, i. thu Con.t IIoinein Rutland in naid district on Thur day Oct. Cih 1842. IU A. M. 19 no common npostate. but as onc f.ithlns lo Va-near Alexandria, and a eradnateof Middlebury Oeiob.-r. G. 1812. 10. a m l-I'.i n n.i n-i i.n nnH n 11 rM nrnruDjinn nfl iu hnncst portion of his career. Hcro h comes out with a fi.iminc Protesi acainst ihe righl of Congress to pass judgemcnt on ! lllf. .nnrt,irt nTfliM I,' v,irit, uh.n ti u li!m I selrhas mostsolemnlv and publiclv offirmcd , Ib,e, madc- JAMES AIcDONALD that rirjht. in the I.Vht of a nrolrncted W I Mnlillcbury gept. 10th 1342. tj d mn-t'. ablo discussion, ar.d under the solernu l nnction of an ofFiciiil oalh! I Thc case in which Johii Tyler CTpresIy cnmmitfcd himself to tho principle against which he now protests, was one' every wny strongcr than that in which he now stupi fies himself by dpnying it. Lct us csnsid erlhofacts: President Jackson 'took thc responsibility' of ilisrontintiing the Dcpns-ite.- t-f Public Moneys in the U. S. Bank in tlie recess of Congress, which nsstmb!ed ten weeks later. John Tvler wns then n Mcmborof iho .Senntp. Tlie Home indi rectly stistaincd Ihe Presidunl'-t course, though itdeclined to do n by a dircct voic. The Senate decided differently. After n long nnd carncst discussion, that body pass ed the fullowing rcsolution: Resohed, That the Presirlent in tho late Fxecutive proceodincs in relation to thc Public Rcvenup. has assumed upon himself authorily and power nnt conferred by ihe Conslilution and laics, but in derogalion o bolh." Here is a dircct charge of usurp-tion preferred against thp President. in ticts purely Execuiive, in which he hnd not ob structcd or thwarted any action of Con gress. This charge a faclion of tho Sen ate. including such men as Silas Wrigl.t and John Forsyih, ngreed that the Senate had no ritiht to make, as they argued this with 'special force on tho eround that the Senate was the Constitutioual tribunn! tn ' trythe President on such chirgcs as these.i nnd if they were true,the Senate were bound j lo presumo that llie IIousc would present nrticles of impeachment, in which caso tho President had a riglit to an impartial trial, I Be il rpir.rinb-rii) lli Court lu-ld -it Suo't!iairi Com. THE OLD DEBTS UE Z. Bcckwith MUST be paid inrnedialely. 0X7"AII persous con- cpriifd will govprn themsclves nccordingly. July 31. 1842. Z. Beckwitii. gUGAR ANU MOLASSES. Good 3 Brown Sugar from 6 1-4 to 9 cems per pnund. Trinidad Molassesat 30 cents pcr Gal lon. Porio Rico Syrup. a first ratc nrticli for snleby A. j: W. S. Johnson. Aug. 8, 1842. Farm for fsalo. TIIE subscriberiiffrrs for sa!e bU farm on East Strrel, io New Haven, grnerallv known as a the Lanips'.n lanri. containinjr . l.:.. i : i . :. i - i i . u t i.f iii- iiaiivu aiaiu iu icui Ull liis iicu.lll uuu r II ..... . . . o 1 ' i T . , , i . r 1 i i ......i. tt- t r k i- . ofncollection, provided in the long room and not one from a Court which hnd pre- 1 about "ne bund.ed .nd ten acres of good land. Mrength. His leave ofabsence was l.m.t- 0f this yast establishment. which was somc IjuHgcd thecaso. These vicws. cxpressed S-id farm has .m ,, plenty o. ap,les. piumbs. ed to one mon.h. Punc.ual lo the time. he what hurried, from thc neccssity of being ! with nll ihe power of Forsy.h, all the suhtle. ' 1,e'r, &'; 'JJ Z rU'",Cr returned to 'Washington with his family and in New York at 5 o'clock lo meet the citi ty of Wticht f tiled to make nny tmpression , pjr 'CU a" ANSEL D GREEN, entered again upon his duties. Upon the z.cns "ho should thero bc assembled in wai j on the majority of the Senate. mclodir.g gr'. n. One hundred and filiy sheep wdl be same day he commenced his labors he re llng.'. . John Tyler- The resolution passcd by the Sold with the i-am.3 il n quired. ame oay ne commenced his labors, he re- The boat east ofT about 5 o'clock-and ' following rote: ' New Haven July 231842. I2;tf .u.,a. ,rom ine competent as she turncd her prow to the city. a round I YEAa-Messrs. Bil.b. Black, Culhonn, authority. that his services was no longcr of cheers wassent up from the.shore. which ! Clay, Clayton. Ewing, Frelinahuysen, K-nt, 1 ! rcquircd in the orllce- Mr. Slade immedi- thosa on board returned with abundant tn-1 Knight, Leigh, Mangum, Naudian, Poin- I I SIWTK OF VHRuuM' 1 n:..,:... ,.r jj.: . il ul n I'mlinii iam .ii nrrt f r r District of d 'i-h.i un th.- 7ih dnt ufS p Ipmbr-r, A I. 1812. Ruyul Gi.y nliuinisirn'nr -f '' e pstnfa of MAR IN AY. ln c uf Briilpoit. li. .-iui D.Mui-, t'ercii i.'. iiinki-s ln. lo llu, Ci.urt, ln fme llmliinp lu-ri loh rr hmit tl. t'ur ()i-.y:nJ I n di b's of saiil d i-:in'i-d lpltn inunlh fr.nn llu- 25 Ii day of Sepien I pi HKinnl: It tt thcielore orleril. ll.nt ni it Hi.plii-nti'i.) b- roi.xldiTpd at n k-skh il -.nid Couit. l'i b' iM'Iif!! at ilip i ffjfp ol UiL ii,.v II. Ev rt Eq.. in smil Sliorrhnin, on Wfdtip.sdny. the 5ili dny uf Oi-obpr. A D 1842, nt! oVl'ii k ln the Hl'nrnonn; nnil this no'irr uf, l-c giv,'ii lir n!I rrs,.r. iutiirpstpd. Iluit llji v nu I'ppcnr b.fino mid C'uiir, nml riuke thuir ubjei'linii-, il iiiv ihinir h.ivi' to ihi said tim of pai n e bi-ing rx'.",niWd oa hl'iiesnid, bv publislnn 4 curtilird cupy uf lliu on'pr, ii thn M, l.l,-. 1 bnry Pt-opl"'?. Pr-s. n HfWs'.npi'r p'lc ! I ol said Miildli bi.rv. thrno wmks .u'L'i-siir ly previoiu to nforcs.ud C'uuri J S. liUrfllNELL, Urgisier. A truo copv uf rc'-nrd. 19 :tw J. S. IWjsIINSLL. R'e'-tt": l. (Ja T Betwppn ''iihlleliiiry nnd N'ew Havpii oii Tuivii Hill Roail, one pnir uf silver npec tn:'e, with outami ur b xqu iro I.ih4 7'hu tiniler will l.eVewanled Tr hi'-i troulilo hy lcnving them at thit uflioe. or with tho owner. Im ALkE.t Mi 'illrlxiry, 8"il. II 1349, aToud call! ' Thnse indebted lo the -turncribr. un Rmik or iiuIh niu rprjiiiMied settl or pny immediiili-ly. If this no dutie by the 24 h iiwtniit thev mav cfpect to KPr-;iv nn fu vitation fiom mii mtnrnet . No misinke. ELIJVH ABIIOT. WeybridL-e. 5. pt. I U'i Ij n UniiedgTaitsUr.triutC.urt. r- ''. Vermont DUtrict. ' 1 ho Mib-rnber hns jnt ri'irrv. d f'Oiir In Bankruplcy. N tico lo show cnu-e ' N--w Voik, n co-isininent f liimka, against pclition of Henry Vradenburg of P-.ppr, d,:. whirh l. will -icll t heap Pe Bristol, in said Dift icf. to be declared j Cnh uuly. ('in-. B,.w..x. Bnnkrupt, nt the Court House, in Ku'land. ' Mid llebury P. O.. Juh 12. 142. in said Disirict, on Thurbday, October 6, j 1342, iu, A. M. UinU'fl Slates District Court, Vermont Di-liict. i In bankruplcy. N'utice tn ah-iw ciai.- aeainit pititimi cfDavid f v'liilinrin aa.d di- ; trict to bo drclar -d bankrupt, at the Cjurt llonsn i in Rutland, in aid diilrirl, un Tuurdar, Oct. j6. 1812.10, a.m. 19 U. iieil Stales District Court, Vermont Disirict. In B.inkruptcy. Nmce to s'io cnufe agailist petition of Wilbani J. Tueker "f Bristol, in said Disirict, to bo deciared Bankrupt nt the Coiirt-Itouie. u. R tlninl. in said Distric, on Thursddy, Ocober6, 1842, 10. A. AI. Uniled Sitles Dilri-t Coon, Vermont Distric'. In Buiikrupicy. Notico to show patise ogaiust petmon of David Kclloig, ofSluika borough, in said D.sTicl, to be di clared Bankrupt, nt the Cou t-H'.usp. in Rutlund, ,insaid Uitrict, on 1 liurs lny, Oclob.T 6, 1 1842. Iu. A. M. L069 10 Bradford, Mrainiree, brookfield, Chelsea, orinth, .Newbury, Orarge, Randolph, iiranorit, 'I heiford, Topsham, Tunbridge, J'erihirc, Washington, West 1-anlre, 1944 1131 163 103 134 102 176 239 115 2S6 110 Q05 61 200 117 147 53 Wil'iamstown, 132 Fairlee, Galn, A'hcn, Brookline, Hralileboro, 9u"ltord, J -marin, L'ndonderiy, Mailboro', Rockingham, M atlon T wnsl.end, er.'on. 32 177 153 110 263 231 252 110 215 197 217 219 1C5 136 142 87 132 66 14S 82 Sl 142 153 " 11Z 1"s' Ja I hk.1v ni;e;iJ A - :....:... terest. ! dexter, Porter, Prentiss. Preston. Robbins. , fh. n . c .i r- ir The trip to the City was delightful, for ! Silsbee, Smith, Southard. Spramie Swift. 78 I6S5 iS97 i2t with the UommisioneJ of the Gcneral Land ,.jj ,u i 5 tvi r?i. i" mi i,iunui.ii m. iuc uuai wu, iuuro was a iino i i uiiiiiusinif x i uin, ifsggaman, rrt Ullice, from whom theorder ofdismissal brcezc, and the spirit of all were in keeping ' sler. 26- 79 24 ed tho strongest testimonals of friendship ousness of the occasion. I&c. 20. 122 72 ! and confidence. 3n answer lo the enqui. Th, ""V. at thc foot of which tho This rpso!ution having been Ihus pnssed, 249 39 ... ,,r , r party landed, was ahve with people the Gen. Jackson sent to the Senate a Protesi 218 j rtes 11 he (.Hlr. b.) was removed bccauso ol 'fribune estimates thc number at 20.000-a I acainst it. which he desired to have entercd 22 250 250 16 incompetcncy or unfaithfulnes3, a prompt procession was formed, which, passing thro' 1 on the journnls of tho Senate, but that body. 5 103 111 1 ' ,!,. ,. :.. 1I.-1 ,l, . 1 . thn n 97 181 22 made from anv cause affecting liis(Mr. S.'s) at lhe As,or Housc ceive it. in :ho following resolutions; iqi 917 19 ,, l j - ji In tbc cvening an overflowing multitude j I. ''Resolvcd. That the Pro'est commti- 194 17 & cnaracter as a clerk or man, that he desired en j . t l i . ,, i . j . .,. i.- , i i , 79 19 10 , - . , nlled the Tabernacle, but all that thefepas- nicated to thc benate, on lhe 17 h inst. by 197 H2 8 no bettcr clerk in thc Land Office than Mr. ged, we must lake another day to spcak. j tho President ofthe United States. asserts 125 147 5 Slade had been, but theorder had comc Sufficeit here to say, hastily, that the most powers. as belonging to the President, in- 139 123 ! rmin , .-fiiinioi ihii mnei U ntovgil. earnet davs of the Tiooecanoe camnai"n consistpnt with the Constitntion nf the Uni. fhechief clerk ofthe Land office alsorave nm "cceQ 'ne oisp ay ana eninusiasm ieu NOTICE. i TIIOSE who have unsettled accounts of long standing will plcase call and et. I S II I N G L E S . Lot of first rata pino shiiigtcs, fo' nlo by the subscriber, P. V. Collins- Cornwall. Juno 27th, 1842. 7 OOL Go tU by W OOL. WWTEDon D Jull' tle without delay. Aug. 8. A. & W S. Jons6."j. 14 NE Hundred Thousand wanted by A 47 33 4 9 8 5 2 11 19 3 BBLS. WESTERN . FINE SALT, Coarse do. ! Turks Island, and Livirpool Bu'.ter do. for ' salelow by JOHN WOOD. ; OOTS AND SHOES 150. pair men's thick DlxV.h. Culf Buuim. Shoes rhousand shingles 8ntf Rroguns, Boy'i Boots and shoes, all si. it W. S. Johnson. ZPSt Ladies moroco bhots, alips, gailers and uhildren s shoes. A. Sf VV. S. Johnson. Aug. 8. 1842. 89 10- 131 33 5400 AVindham S4 23 311 3S 137 122 91 100 159 24S 40 170 60 63 -J, i s. c j , PL. ofyesterday; and that the bannerof Henry I 2- Resohed, That whilo the Senate is J7 1 Mr. Slade ihe strongest assurances of his C1 now d ,Q ,he brpe ,obo borne ; and ever WI be rMj ,Q f(SSe;Te from ie 8007 sm 23 5735 427 confidence in htm aj a public officer and onnard, and onward, until it waives over i President all such messages and communi- Jderply regretted his removal. The vacan-i fho IFhitc JJouscat thc installation of Prcs-I cations as the Conslitution c: iminjicn, 93 Westiiiip,iV, J43 53 I 34 51 4 35 30 37 2 140 46 265 90 23 94 40 83 6 S7 6 129 60 14 153 16 116 91 10 62 J3 113 51 8 77 100 60 82 I 139 57 I 212 31 251 192 6 26 1 27 20 72 13 109 54 74 65 56 54 105 2 108 97 130 II 90 136 16 1-tf 1 150 123 2 cy thus nccasioncd by tfs removal. was im- I lae"t iay ,n 1J 4j mcdiately filled in the nppointment of a man, who duiing the campaign of 1840. SHINGLES WANTED. ON E HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND good spruce shingles for which a fair piic; will be paid in old ac. counts, by A. & W. 8. JurtNsoN. A ug. 3. 1842. 14 FOR S A L E . AGOOD lot of tabla linens at Cost, at T. C. Smiiii's. nnd laws, and ; Middlebury, Aug. 1. 1942. j the usual course of business authoriza him ' -rs; rs A,D DYE STUFF- Wl.t.e larrison and Tyler. Mr 1 r T t ......m.l. ....... . mr, j. u L.awrencc nresideU tn the lau- to iransmn to it, t: cannot recosnizn anv . , n.i c i. vitno.-. mnelo Th. m,.. i J t... :, n m,t,D r 1 . ". . ' M. na. venenau iveu. c.... . Mr. D. Selden, and specches were made by votes and procedings of the Senate; de- n r Tl i.i. ... 1 hn. mn , iSimilisr. urown, rrussiau u.ur, vy...v-..., , Mr. Fillmnrn. Rpnnfnr trK f VT' ehirinrr vnlns nH n,n;. ln K 1 niling, veru.!:r.3. ""fa ui. iiiiiiuic, ouuaiur .iiorcneaa oi rvcn., i ciurmn ui.u inira uuu iruceeaings to oa , . , n &c tucky, and ilessrs. Slanly of North Caro- ' illegal and unconstitutional, and requestinst , um' mMacr' c PP " as" g Sladewas, upon his return home. warmly ! ,ina Thompson of Indiana, the two self-1 tho Senate to enter such protest on its jout-i . .g42 A. Sc W. S. Johnson. greeted by his friends nnd fellow citizens Unseduced by Executive bribes, and un. lawcd by Executive power, he remains a freeinan, ond one that will cevcr dishonor himself by bowipg lhe kneo for Executive favor. or barter his principlcs for public ofnce. Hunor to whorn hoaor is duc , 3. Resohed, That tho afores.iid protesi TarifTbill saved it in lhe tfouse of Representatives. AJessrs. MWXon Brown, and Carulhers of' and that it be not cntered on thejournal Broke Into DRUGS &JIEDICINES. MEW STORE ! pHE atibacrlbcr nf lers for aale, in Drewstet'e buildu.g, fir.t divnouth ofthe Poat Office, ac entire mw ajaorlinent of Drugs, Medicines Paints and DYE-STUFFS; All frcli from market, and warranted pore , which will be put np at all timea by a com pelen and experisnced peraon, ' Family Groceries, and a small atsorlmen of pure Liquors solely for medical pur t or fiiF" Wix.r,. Bonncts, Artificials. Itihlion?;- j Bnndboxes; anil n grpat vnrieiy of t'mey roou.s, cniDracuig every variety ul ew "jtvlw ofTereil in m.irkct. Jiit reeeivid and for nle by P. W. COLLINS. May 2, 1312. Cheap Groc:ncs. TUST reeeivrd hy llie sobsciiU n and for sale ?u-ari6 1 2 ci; Lurni i u. 12 -2f Molasfes25; cofTee 'asins, salara; n, ainger, pcpper. allspire, ctnn ininn. cinnanio'i, cloves, noi.i.egs. bar soap, tobacro, snnfT cod fish lamp oil, spenn candles, &: &c. Z. Bcckwith ifc Cu, .ViddlchDry. May 15, 1842 Commission. aiaicre'AI ! is a breach ofthe privileges of the Senate, ' . , , ., , , I .,-. rnr .ib at the nrtient rednecd pricea. nnd that it be no. entercd on th loornnl. Thc enclosure of the subscnbcr about thc , rosrs.-for Pr C. E, TUKRI L L I irASjnat reeeitnd, to fioll ou L'un.niii.inn, B gOU dasorlrneiit .f Ciot ks, Walclics, JcUelrA-, Silver Spnona, Tliimhlea, P, ncil cam. Waieh eatabliihmenta, .tef-l Peiin, Perfan.ery llairOi , Cloth, Mair and Toolh Bruahea, Shuving uuiS Fancy Soapa, Bada, 6'cior, Pn-kmri, 8ilrer.bowcd Spectclef, Wlleta, crarrf crmt ce which will be aolrj very cbeap cah Tho wbo are in want of anjr ofthe aboru n.i mrd articlra, will rie well lo call and ex.immn befurepurchaaine elrwlirrf Occointier Ctb. 1641 P.S. Clockn, Watchea, Aror.lion. wofkin ln.Iine of btnnitn CARE ULIY REP'iR EO atihorl notice. C. E. TURuILI.'. Tenn., (the latter from the very precincts ofthe JJcrmitage ;) AfY. Butler King,of Ga. acnator Bates ofiMass., and others are ex pcctea to address their Whig brothren at ! ings. . i. , . i . p 1 1 0 GUUW . .... . ,n l, ,t .'P . ... Resohed, That tho President ofthe middle of July, a reuyearsom cosine... , United Staies has no test to tho Senate against any rightto sendapro- cr, has on it some white spots. Tbe ow. it uy of its proceed- ner m requcsfed to pay chargea and fake her ' icinet willbe kept eonitantly ou hana. the cama place this evoning I'hese rMolutionSj after thorough diicui- awav. mAttni oon. .Middlebury, Sept. 1242. Middlebury, Julr J, 1643. W.P. IJOSSEL. 3;tt The Hihest Prico 7ILL be paid tor 500 ojadiufShc r-f Limb VVooi by .IOHN JVCK0, Julc 27.