Newspaper Page Text
HERDS GRASS Glover, an Relt0 Seedforsaleby JOHN W00U Tbb. 9. 142. VINKGAR. T, IWKNTY-FIVE BM Ci-ifrVine- gar for sale by John Wood. HAYING TOOI.S. Mi RAIN Cradles. Sovthrs nnd Snath. H"RnW Forks. enorf FVvthe S'nnrs. & Srvihp Rifl-s. for sale bvEJoHN WooD Jnly 16, 1842. MofTat's Life Pills and Phcenix EITTF.RS. Dr. M-'ffil'i I.:f Pill and Phojnix uu,.... tir Imnr nince obtiined the high and ciitiiUp dislinetion and a host f competitorp. -in' that thry acqiiircd it tol ly by their invaula alc and't unlmited rfficacy illio..t tlic u tnal id nf f.iUome pntTiry and pretenniom, are ntl known to tlie publicand cannot be denicd. While very 1'ttlr ha been s-iid concctning tliesa as'.ouUhing Lifo Med.cinca hy Ih p opi.'torhim nIf noi more than was nocissary to cail the alU'nlion ol'ths afilicted lo a suro and spccdy mrans uf roli f, Ihe renown haa rapidty Ilown from nue indmdual to anothcr and Irom fanuly K family, unlil Ihey have long since beconv kiiovn m almo't evcry inwn ana vmage ln in Union. as aawondeiful and ineslimable Mesinz Foluntary and unsoliciled lestimoninls of tlicir absolutely aslonistiing emcacy, in aiscasca oiiDji miMt dreadful and obsliint-' cliaracter, as well ai in elbcrsof prevakul and ordinary occurenct- bave be n received bv tho prourietor lrum thr pi ton thcy hivc cured from evory s.-clion of the country, and slill cuniinue to ie reccivea in incrcasHi? numbcrs. It is with pride and plea- cuie that thc propri'tor rcflra the poblic to his Mxoiait, Mamsal" wherc a widely various so lection of thrsa testjrnoiilals is published, wilb thr and rafldenco sf the n nters. because h hn no lusitalion in sayini; that tho anuals of M Jical Sciccce do not coutain a grcater num- Ur of raritty of eurofeffictcd by any mcdicina Vn.mrn lo Ihe nrofcesion, or curesofa more frishlfnl kiudor oflonRer slanding. coming these tetiir.onial do fro!" the cured persoiu lu-mssIviB. who ccrtainly kr.ow best from iheir ku hiDuv expcrieiice, whftliej they are cured or not. T'io eidenc ib y aff-rd of tht pre-em-mmcnt ani unprtceden'ed -ffica y ol thcie graud nmiedirtia pcrfcctly irreaielible. andcom m.uds r tlicr tlun inliciU tho rcfpect of the pub- lic. In ad'lition lo tlina alrady publishrd, th- proprietur is m possrssiun ol a vst accuiniiiai'on il thpsif ntrsunal cerliScatcs. demunstraling that his Life PiH and Phcenix Bitternare promptly and umfonnly fficacioui in Scrolula in ali it hy- dra headed formi. Ujpcf a wneiner ciircnic or bo'h acuto and chronic Jaundic ai'd billious and lireconiplaiiita.howey cr dijtrei.-injr or complicatel Fcver aud Ague in II Iherc varirli.-, and when quinine and all olher upo9ed epccifi.:s fail, rlabitual Cosfiveneas,(et pccully when the Life Pills ateused os diner pill u neduU'ly "e oro or aner tnai mejij rnca oi tturtv vcars stanJin?. Droiirev. Gout and settled ,.jina in l!e hreail, back, or orgaus, dissa of ihc blad ler and kidneys, biles.tmnore and uicers KrvsinuU-. and all olher riip-ie discascs; Pleu. nsy, Asthina, Bronchitm, and olher aflection" of tha cliesf, HmgSi ano rn'iacnui nieinuen, pimpics ttainsoftne akin, and the fonl unheathy appear- anc) ol the compIox:oii, antin? irom wnaievei causa, nervoun or geneial debility. headacho, and ffidd nc,htox tei wilh arastvarielyo'other uiu'.aJies in proof of the specdy and efTectual onr.. nt nih n! whie'i bv Ihete medicines aljne- thr. ,.rr..,.,tpr l,a hundrods. nav Ihuaiandn of cerlifi-d ictnnoniaU. Bolli the Pilla and Dit, tcrsnre 'iuld and dclighlful in thirr operalion, proiucitiira:i-ofeTeulia toinporary prostra tio:is aad iiim-i nccasioned by nearly all othcr niedici!it;aii'l they can be adminiatercd with 3feiy to yoiinfjcJiildrei' and !ema!e in tho taost dehcile :cU!i. MoJat's Veg!tablo Life Medi- C1NE3 A mild ycl ff-ciuil medicipr, compoa ed of tlio bi m-itcrial kncwn temeuical acicncr and of the bctt quality Ihat monoy can procuie, for Ihe clcaming eftho alimentary canal aad re li-vinj t'ie fpringsand arenuea of all morbid ob prruclioiu aud impuritirs. inunt be a public blev iug and j donteuic and individual (rrolcction and afr;uir,l, in proportion asil bccmea known. Ssnch a mrdicine the fnmilies ofthe TJnited Stales hav- I0112 had in offat'a celebraled LiIj PiUs and P tenix JJittrrn, and tha gcod Ihfy have doneis i!irtimabl. Thcy have w.m theu high lme ani liiuily psiablinhed cliaracter by llieir viriues .i!one, wiihout ihi aid of the uaual arU of no'or'n'ty nr impudent expuriment on the faithnl'lhc cirdulous. In all general derange i.-.cnn-ol'tl-e dicem-e and altmcnlary funcliona, a in a v ;tt varii-ty of aculeand clironio diaeatci Iheir eS"Ct are eompUte ai lo xcite aflunih incnt. In 1I1 umalism, srltled pain in tho ctg. an and limb,coliTencss,pilcs,liTcr complainla jjuudicf .ur-rvous and billWus atlack, hedachcp; Ict r aii j i-jue, eruptive disea. bad mpect ol tlic coinpl'.in,i:ii' gettion ann flatulency chohc aff. cli u f the blaild-'r and kidn-y. dropsy, aslliiiu at:d hrunchilis, rlii-umatic colda and aor llirujN, and iudcrd i.i pvcry cncie.ib'e kind of ill hialth tncyaro invalajblj, aud will affnrdcor tnin, aml ninsl genorally pcrniauctt relicf. They r-qijire 11 illK-r cnnfiucmml or chauge of diet th y n.illit-r proslratcthostreiiplli ur ive paui ,ud , mote dlilitful eud pff.cfial incdicine ciunol ic procui d i-Ulier for individutls or faui. h 3 Tii- propri-:tor h reeeivi-d for roany v. ars a i ! is continually receiving the inot rer vcnt iir" jrateful trslimmiala of their valuc. l..r wlinVsalc and retail by Hngar &, Anhur. llu.lin-iton Vt. Asi.f, for lho tate, inivlmii . ntilimlinns I T aSeilCV lllUSt be for MiJdl burv. W. T. RUS- SKL, fi l door suuth ihe p -t office. U;vl ALargc supply of Frcsli TcHs.Cnftec, Spiccs, &c. t'ur aid low by A. i V. S JoiiNHoy. Hartford. 'PHE Bbscribcr haa been appointo'l Agcnt for the Hartford Firb Insurance CoarasiT, lor Muldlrhury and Ticinity, and will recaivo propusala lor insuriug propfrty agamsi ioss or damage by Fire. Tlie louix rbtabliahed reputa lian of thin coinpany, aml the prnniptneta with Thic'.i a-llIieirtraiuacliopsbiTc bccu cliaracter. i-p.l rttdtr it unneccsiary to fiy anything iu it f vr, All busMnesfc conni clcd wilh tho nrlicp inlrul?d 10 hiin will be fiiilifnllv aiij pnnc tiully tranfacled. JONVTHAN 11AWAR. MidJI bury, Fb.2fi. ldW 42;v Agenl. j7ARLSTON t FOULAUU Ginshams, Prints&c. looChrap, at fBll!GES. g-IUKD APPLE, f'r saleat "a 7.9! 12. "8 A PAIRS oflhick Bonis U 'ij y ahaudsomf asirtmenl'l rar- ttrli'sbest Mo occofor !.ad:PH. liv A. CHAP.MANi-SON. Kxtra lirnnds ol Fainily FLOUR. rpilE ,nbjr.riVri now ro'.eiirg A .ill b- on w-ll suppli -d I hrough I he eaion. with somrof the choicesl brandr Wcsturn Flour, er--r oRerd iu t;ii markcl MiTiug Fluur manurtclnit-d hy ini' than twonty diiTfreiil milla oflhi- highest repntatlon, hr ib dc tll F'or 'oK1 h ,,im haH 9ije 1 , pcrfcelaaliKfjclii'r., and willba warranled 111 iitca". , , S R. Fancy brands constnnlhi on hand. D Jl-m in Fl-or, Fami i. a are tf.-.rc.f.i l in'i'd to nrd.r. and Iry tlie article. Flonr Ph.p,wd to good .lackage w,lh. . j 1 - .1. rr-rinl f 'ri't". CPrtiniatea tiT il.poiil or ci-h. - -N- H1NSD1LL. Trr. Jiii 2i. 111 , ol (AT TH B CBBiP CJLBB 8 TOBKt) IS now piepared to oiier 10 tne puoue a fresh supply ol sejsonablc dircct from the importers and maDuIaclurers. ukewise A ehoicestncV ofdry emcenes nf the first quality, for ramily use to gelher witli crocs rv and Glass Waic. JCy N. B. Piices correnpiinuing with the motto. 6 rffllHE suhncriberkeeps forsale A COTTON BATTS bv the bale, IRA STEWA' T. MiddleburySept. 11, !841. I9lf 1842. Vergennes and Buffalo liine. THE CAXAXi PACKET J. SHjERM AN. CAPT. M. T. DAVIS. VVILI' commence herTripeon the 3d day of May. belcen tho cily of Vergennea ar.d Bufia'n, running DAY and NIGHT, asrnllows: Leava Vcrttnntt JLravt Buffalo. May May June August Septetnber October 3 31 28 9 6 4 29 May 13 10 8 19 16 14 8 Juna July August September October November October This packct will be put in Grat rate order at tlie openillg 01 navigauon, wuu auuiiiuuai c- commodations lur reignt ana raatengcra. yiii leave Vergennea at 7 o'clock in the morning J tnwpd br stpamboal lo Whilehall. Freicbt mcit be on board the day preriout. Thoto nioving, 1 or Tiailing their frienda inlhe far Wost, will find thi' the moel exptdilioua and ehpapcal route they can toko. There will be orery accommodation t. - ..J ...11 1 lm mrul nirf ifMllar Thn.A who chooae to do so, can have eery f.cilily for ' boarding thcmsclres. I Due alteniion will bo paid to paasengera by a careful captain and crew, who will aparc no painntogive pcrfcct aatiafaction. For furthcr pirticulara onqnir of the captain on board. j R. CHAPMAN, Vergennes. j JOV &. WEBSTER ? B ff , DAW &. DELONG, 5 Jjutt il 1 51 6w GROCERIKS. Asupeiiur asoiiruentof and Young Hyson and Hyson-skin TjJS, CofTee, Alolasses, Spiccs,Raisins and many other arlicles ofthe kind, alcohol ex cepted, I Dy A. tillfll MflH OC To Alerchants. CANI)LE-'VlCK,Hnd COTTON YARN, from No. 5 to 25, and of the best quality, for sale by the eubscriber. JOSEPH GORDON. Middlebury, Jan. 25, 1842. 23 tf o.MESTics.--s.iinetts, American Sheetmss, Shirtings, Tickings, tings. BattiHgs,a"nd Tvli.rsTrimininf;, i ivick by A. CHAPMAN& SON. ISew Spring and Surnmer GOODS. IHE subicriber is now leccivinghisstork XofSPRING AND SU.MMER GOODS, nurchased at the lowest New Ycrk Ci.-h . prices. en.brarinjr. every v arieiy of kinds and , qualiiies cal'ed for in a country slure. He will for Cash or short credit posittvely sell lowe than any other establishment in this ouniyc. Tio Mistake. P. W. COLLIISa. Cornwall, Miy 2,1842, tfLOTH, CaKimej!$, nnd triminings in greatvariety,rheaper and the ver. at BIRGE'S May 3, 1842. SPI.END1D CLOTHS AND FES TINGS. Also Summer Goods; soine cIieapFim bovr. at less ihan the mauu'actur ers'cost; forsale hy A. Fiiakcis 0,000 Yds. superiorfine and heavy Bka- h- -- td and brown Siieetios fr Dbiluscs lower Ihan ever btlorc known bv A. Fbancis. i COTTON GOODS Hesvy Brown Ct- ton 3 vds the Ib. for 8 cents. Bleachtd its. lileacn BIRGE'S. gnods equally cheap. at Wny 3 184-2. BAR 1RON, Nnils, Sbovels, Axes, and a general assorlmenl oi" Hardware, by A.CHAPMA &SON. I K0 BUSHELS of Poiatoi-s for sale by P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall, May 16. 1842. MAY 10, 1843. JUST received by ihe subscriiiers, a full assortment of welladapted to ihe Sprig and SusiMERtrsde w.Mchwill besoldas CHEAP ftrcasbor apppived crcdii, asatnny other st.ire in this vicnitiy. Z. BECKWITH &. CO. PAPER. 2000 pieces Rooui Paper, 50, Bordering, just receiv ed at BIRGE'S j PJARPETS. Those wishing lo consult e- y r.onomy w II Ido well t enmioe a lorge . -toek just received by A. FRANCIS. Groceries ' rilHK snhscribrr now off'rs for cash, a A splemlid .tock of suars from 5c to 9c I per Ib.. Molasses weishiii3 11 1-2 Ib. for 25c; ptr gal. Peas, Cofiee and every olher ar ticle ralled lor in ihe Grocery line (Liquors excepied) at piices equally low. P. W. Collws. Cornwall, May 10, 1SI2. I ron, Steel and Nails. TC'OR sale vrry low foi cah. bv IRA STEWART. 1 UST received by P. V. Collins 3000 yard-i Calicoes, pricM varying from 5c to 25cts 4000 yards Sheeting, from 6c to 9c per yard. May 2, 1842. PAINTS AND OIL. a large assort ment of Painls and Oil for sale by A & W. S JortNviN. ATS AND UAPS. Mole.-km. Bush and fi'n; fur Hats and nlso a good assortment ofBoy's Cap!. for sale low by A. & W. S. Johnson. Aug. 8 1842. dfi OLD Lear, Bronze, Dutch Leaf Rnse Pink, British Luster, Varnish and rurpcntme. A. fc W. S. Johnson. August S, 184-2. New Goods. fMlHB 6uberibers are now receivmg their stock ol SFIEEH 3KGXGBS, CompnSirg besides their ordinaiy assortment Bonnet silks, Ribbons and Fakct Goodp, ol evety dcscription all of which may be relied upon as of ibf first quality; andwtll belsold a low asnt any olher slnre in this town r county Way 9, 1S42. A. CHAPMAN & SON. N0T1CE. nPHE subscriberhason hand alarseassor1 1 ment of CabisetFdrnitdiie ofthe laiest fasbiuns, wbich he offers for cale at reduced prices. DAVID L. ANNAN. Bristl, May 9, 1842. l;10w X ADIE'S and Childr-n'sonnefi Hoods a laree supply L.aiest m faSi0ns, very .W noW -eivingb 50 DOZ. Haicyand -11 "Vev everv vanety at less ihan half ihe usnal by A.FRANCIS. pAUPETINGS. Heavy Woul Caipetmgs,' j aion uu ciiEnp ""rirp1 and vpnded by a recuiar rujm-iu, cash nt BIRGE'3. loVthe Coltgoofonrown State and who has May 3. 1842. l6a,d hut little in tbe way of puffing them bimself, ATS. Braver, MoKkin, Leabom, Cane , but leaves it to thoso whol Iry thu . tojudg them- and Palm Leaf Hais, at B1RGK' jsel.e, For VZ N .Cxti'UMve assonnient ut is uuw leady for mspection for mspection ond salo at the Clieap.for-Cash store of Z. BECKWITH 4 Co., New Goods. fllHE suh-criber has just received from JL Ne-wYork. a complete aiiottment of sea- , - tdv r,rrn5 DKXUUUlo, wliieli be will sell verv low fiT cash IRA STEWART, .Middlcbury. May 31 1842. JVew Goods. LOTHS, CassiraeerR, Cal coes, Muslins Carnbncs, Lawns, Urillinz ana 1 ickmu. A fine assortment of surnmer rlolhs, Linens, Sheelings, Shirtings &c. &c. wbich will be s0,jfr casn 0, 0n credit, at prices wbich can UQt fjlj , sllj, pulc,ascis. r z. BECKW,TH & Co. WOOLEN FACTORL T'IE subscribcr vould rcspeclfullv infurm his cuslomers. and the public generally, that hc has commenced the business of imiiiufacliiring W00LEIV GOGDSj SUCH AS Common Cloths, Cassimercs, Sat- . 1T, J metts, Illto or t olored 1 lan- nelSj 3cc. ccc. At his old sland in Shoreham.near Ricli' Mills. Hc will manufacture wonl on bliaro or fay ihc yard at tho option of tho owner. Tho subscriber is solicitous of obtaining business, and feels ccrtain that his e.xperi. ence dTid knowledi'e iu clot.'r-niaiiufaclur- ng anuuressmg, ana tne iimsnea apparatus macninury wmcii ne nas provjaea, wiii enable lnin to civo entire salisfactum to all who einployliiin. He invitts the publio ln cnll and examine specimer.s ol his work, which he believes will iustifi all cxnecla. tions which hc holds out lo his customers. A. KILHORN. Shoreham. (Rich's MUs) Apr. 1, '42 49 03 llelief for Hard Timcs. "jTow rccteving, a larger STOCK o' JLI GOODS than were ever beforo ofFer edin this market, cf almost every varieiy, I which were Boughl wilh Cash, at the prcs- -, rcmtly low prices ana wnicn will oo s0'j 81 pnces that cannot fail to suit the pur- chaser by A. ritAscis. Gloves and Hosiery. Cotton, Silk, Lisle thrend. and Kid Glo. ves, black and white lisle thread, and silk Hosiery-Ladies b!nck and while Cot. ton Hose from 10 to 25 cents t Biiige's. Mny 16, 1842. Uonncts and P. L. Uats. Ilf you want the best und eheapest Flor ence Braid Donnet or Piilin Leaf Hut iii the vi.cinity, firat cail at ' Z. Heckwith St Co.'s ADDISON COUN i X Temperance llouse. ril HE s'lhsciiber wmild JL iiifnrm the public, that he has takcn the stand n c enlly occupii-i! by Paul, south ofthe I Court HouMjiii Middlebury. The Iiousk j and out huuscs are now uudergoing a thur. lough repair, aud will aflord every accom . modation to costomcrs which their comfort I nnd convcniunce can require. It will be j kcpl upon strict temperance principlcs, and no nopcs Dy perseverance in this plau, to receive the patronage of all friendly to the objects of the great temperance reform. Having for years been convcrsant wilh pub,.c nnu9e3Jbo,h ; counlry ond ci,y. he Ihinks he knows Ihe dulies of a landlord.and .t0 SUPP th "'an.s of the traveler : an h,e promises that no effort on his pnrt wl" 00 wantmg lo ptve entire satisfactioii to the public. BENJ. B. UROWN. Middlebury Feb. 8 1842. 40:tf Brooms ! Brooms ! ! TH E subscriber gives notice that he will manulacture at short no'ice, corn Brooms at 10 cents a piece, and find hand les nnd twine, or on shares of one half, at h. dwelling house one mile north of Bristo' village. EDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Feb. 18. 1842. 42:6m n B,A B. Casi, Shcar and Sprmg Siolc MjJL for sale bv IRA STEWART. Middlebury, Aug, 8, 1841. flTIALL and WINTER Lamp Oil.of the ' best quality, for sale by T. C. SM1TH. Garden Seeds. SUGAR BEET, Carrot and Onion seed, by the pound; also, a large assorlment 't retail, warranted the growth of 1841. For sale by JOHN IFOOD. April. 1S42. WROUGHT &CUTNA1LS, Win. i?ow Glass and Puty, consttantly oi. hand,and for sale by A. & W. S. Johnson. ijiUPERFlNE Flour for sale low by Ira Stewabt. ssskShM RIHiilSBE HEALTH & STRENGTH. DB.t.O. BICHARDS01 C05CEHTHATID iSherry Wine Bltters, p U T np in octagon Bollles, ino "?'"'r r to make the aame put up in pressed tfiffifi 1- i. .11 .1,. nr, and most of tne n. 1. Goodi Dealera in Boston aa "eini.j. myagentsinall the principal towns th nihoat New Uglandand tbe Sonthern and We.tern Sz!s. Hali. BAnK.T.oTox,cornerof Sackvil le street, Halifax, iageneral agent for tho Bnt..h PrTi"ce'- w n Sk.-ner andJos- . vkhb . . 1 an hV IP Pcrht Mobse are my only authonxed trav- OFFICES HAN VER ST. BOSTON 75 cenla per Boltle; 50 cents per PP The follo-ing are selecled from a Urge rum- of Giitorial notices. Frctn the Dover (N. H.) Gazette. r. tj. .....n'. niTTKRS.-InourcoIumns . . . 1 i:..manl ni llie fT'tf lilUIK K, AIUnAavn-.... ..1 . it L I maybelouna an aoeni"-------- r WK'XS tabUmattarCand from ou, -own as well as others, we can speaK n tniy oi ineir etllv composea 01 a vanciy u . ' . . 1 r. n.ip ftwn exoerience. ! ....itlno nrl invitrnrntintT n vvhav aood opinion ofthe lliuii -r--. - , o, 3 quacknoslmm.but discoered. pre. Ipepaia. Billious and Nervous Oompiamu, kc., ,we "rr.i-.. ,.,r the ?ieatest of earthlr ! blfwsinp, we would early adrise Ihoae laboring -,v, j;.i9. to make a iriai oi ur. mcn ardson'a Bitteia: thoy can do no harm. and may do much good, as we are ronnaent in many casrs Vc.'elablee and veeetable medicines are unquestionably the most congenial to the hu- man sjatein. From the Evening Signal N. Y. Sherrt Wise Bitters Tbese are areme dy very higbly and rery jostly recommended by pnysicians, as of great emcacy in giving stretgth to tbe weak and debilitated. The use ofyears has salisfactorily proved their virlues. Untinclured -j the slightest delelerons matter. they communicate Ihe healing powers of the beit meilicinal rcots and planla. They restoie, and. if not laid aside. pre- erve Ihe whole acimal economy in a state ct hi bitual beallhmess. They caunot ne toofrequent ly commended to public notice by jusl enconiums from the press -1. B. & D. Sands, 79 and 100 Fulton Street jfgenls. gy. Iu speaking of the excellence of Ihe Sherry Wine Bitters, of which Messrs A. B. tf D. Sands aie agents, we meant those prepared by Dr. S. O. Richardson.of South Reading ilass. From ihe Bristol County Democrat. Taunton. RiciiibdsoVs Bitters. Of the numerous medicines which are adversised in our paper from lirue to tirae, we pretend to kdow hut little their virtues must be known only lo those weo have made use of lliem. But wilh Dr. S. O. Richard son's Bitters we are someivhat acquaintcd. Theje Bitters were ued in our fanuly last sutimer, foi ' geueral debility and headache. and inuch rrlief was derired frol.mtem. Tho-e who may he suli ject to nervous headache, will find the Bitters ve y bm-ncial they proved so in the casc to which werefer. Forsale whnlesale and retail at his oflice, 15 anoverstreel, Bosion. From tho sarnstablo Pjlriot HraLTiiAND Sikesotii! To regain oi pre crve thcne is the great desidcratum. Notliing that we know of will do it more tifiuclualty, this warm wealher ihan Dr. Richardson's Shorry Wine Bitters. Try'em tbo slrictiat tempoj. anco man noed not bc afraid of the alcohol in them. There ia no more than it absolulcly ne ccsary to preserae the ariaiT of the koots and iiurbs' ol wbich they are compounded. 8 AGENTS; Middlebury, S. Moody; Vergennes, V. B. Bixby;New H&ven. Roscoe 6c. NashjBn'sioI, L. V. Hall; Hancock, Royal Flint, Stnrks borough, T. H. KiJdcr; Ferrisburgh, Allen & Vheeler;Moukton.M. W. Kins!e;Shortham K. Wrisht; Whiting, J. & O. Simonds; Sal isbury, Huoily & Higgins; Cornwall, S. Ev ar; Addison. Barnes & Fuller, 810.000 KKWAKD WILL be paid to any Phyician who will pro- duce a bettercoinpouud for fainily uae tban the Gcuuino Dutch or Gtrniin Vi.-getable Pills, styl cd The Lion ofthe Day. TIIEBCIENCE OF II O MAN LIFE. TO the inhabitanls of Ihe United States and the Ccada, Tho pills well called the Lion of the Day, aro rcpccltully recomnienoeil lo tne attention and trial of all those aubject to the at' lacia of Bimods DrsrErric, and olher Chronic dieaes ofthe atomach, lirer, and bowels These pills have loi.g been withuut a succcasful rival, in Gcrmany, and througout Europe, and many years jn yariouf parts oflbe tniieu S!ilB-bT the moit ominent Piivsiciaus, as a Family Medicine. This Pill is coinpoied of cxtracls from nine parts of Ihc Vegetable kingdom. They are war ranted safc in their opcration and cfijcts. Tuey are siinple in their prepcration, mild in their ac tion, and unrivalled in tlicir results. Th.-y have loog received the most fliltering rccommendat ion from the Mcdical Faculty; such mon as Dr Slott, and Dr Gucrnsey,ef New York: Dr Dal amater, Dr IIoasack,and Dr Landon.of Dutcheaa county, aud Hon. B. Peck, M. D. of Glen'n Falle theso mcn have long stiod atthe bead of their profession, Again; gastic rirritation debilitates thc digestive ogans and becomes a (niill'ul source of diseas-; in ?ome peuple Dyspepsia in others, Livcr Com plaint, Rhcumatism, Measles, Whooping Cough, Jsihma, Gout, Hypochondna, Epilcp"y, Low Spints, Chronic Diarihx. Piles, Polmonaiy Con siimtion, ScroQulous, Sick Headache, Eiuption ofthe Skin, Salt Rhuem. St. Anthony's Fire, Yvllow and BillousFevtrs, Fever and Ague, Scar let Rash, Heartburn, Costivenes, Female Weak ness, Jaundire, Intermitlent and Remittant Fev ers, Ersipelas.Sca1d Head. Humors, and all Bil ious compiainls. Tbese difierent complaints are e?ch, one and aboul the same, followed by a train of others, equally as detrimental, and perbaps fa tal to human life. Like bad bad law must be suppured by others equally injurions to prosperity of the State. A perfeclly healtby bo dy is lile a well tuned instruiuent, every string ot which ribraies iu unison, and the least injury to any one Ihrows it into disorder. Let any one take the trouble to examine and study the organization of his own sys'.em. and if he nerer Old belore, be will leauze me leeungs ul tbe i Psalmist when he sung, "I am fcarf'illy and won- j derfully made!" Lookins at the human body, with all its ranifi-' cations, balances, adjusments,and nice relations; 1 the nair-like deqenoence upon wni:b uie issuspen oeo; ine in.ncac, o, .ne macnine; me auapiauon ?X if :X! "5 IK !XTTS:T .-V.1..1. V...:.-. - .".j".," u?l m,c.. ,,,us,,.,.u,,,.us1:m...uiiuc. ulation or the bones;ihe rrarae wotlc ot the system he action and ofthe vaiious musclcs: the wonderful svstem of arteries and veins: th .rtinn ufthe heart in propelline Ihe blood with such as how can it be possible the human system can bear iip.against Ihe daMyviohvlionof its laws, and main-i tain it vitality against such repeated attack and :njuries from external and intemal violence. 1 unhesitatingly recommend them for the cu:e ofthe above complaints lone known and juslly celebrated as one of the best Family Medicines in Iheatena Medica. These Pills are not intended as a tborough pur. gatire,assomewiilhaveit;they are intended to streutben the system that hl rnn dnurn.aml re- gulate Ihe whole human structure, and remove allobstruction and assist nature in ila riolated v i-i S'ates and the Canadas, Price 25 and 37 1-2 cts. - ""i" cerj ,own in me unuec uirecuons on each box. Be aure when you purchase that you get the Lion of the day, havinj.lhe writleu name of Mer ritt GiifHn on eacb box. raiMcrraL orncxs. A. B.& D Sands. 79 Fulton irreet. New York T Rowand, 376 Market st , Philadelphia, A. Goyer, 104 Hanoverat., Boston; AC Phin, 311 Bread at., Cha.-lston, S. C. F t: i.M aa mall rireulara ueDOfiltea 1 ror imi pir"rtu''-' : , 7 i.i with cach agent below mentioned. For bale m this countv by my aatborized agenta. T MERRITT GR1FF1N, M. D. For sale in Middlebury, by SiJney Moody; Vergennes, by F. Huntington; Shnrehim, by Kent Wrighi; Bridport, by N S Burnett; Addison bv Barnes & Fullen Femshuigh Centre by'Heniy KodgersjNorlh Ferrisburgh by Allen & Wheeler; Bristol by Titns B Gaie; Monkton by MUo iV Ktnsley; Gran ville by Warren Heyden; Leicester by L S Johnson; Whiting by Russager & Walk-r; Cornwall bv S Kverts; Hancock by John Hacketi; Salisbury by A & P D Barrows. H3 Look out for Swindlers and Counler fciters. ll;yl The Counterfeiter's Death Blow. TtiE public will please observe that no BRANDRETH PILLS r trennine nnlcss the box has three labels up on it, each containing a fac simile signatuie of A i s avnBa r.IVoM! hnnnaAaU lars. Rem-.mber the top. theside, and the bottom At the vresent timc, ichen the counter- feiters ot Uiese ceieoraua ruis are comnktelu cornered, it is not surpris- ingto find ihatthey endeavor to get off their stock of spurious Pills under any name. It is not the first time that the uPoor Indian" has hadto Jalher the abortionsof cunningmen. The remarkable cures wbich have been effect- ed by Brandreth'a Pills, have astonished the wbole raedicai lacuiiy, manr oi wooio divc-u"-sidered that they are the greatest blessing ever given to the world. The reason Ihese celebrated Pills have sucb a anirersally good eflecl, is because their action harmonizes with the human body. " Purgo out the old leaven, thatye may-Be-como a new lump," is the language or Holy Writ, a fiiture applled spiritually, it is true, but how could it bave any applicalion unless cox FIRMCD BV PBACTICAt EXPIRIIKCI, In the bodv of matter? Tbe foundation upon wbich this Sgure of scripture rests Is as immoveable as Ihe laws wbich govern tbe tides, or occasions the thunders of Heaven "THE COKOI TI OS." The condition upon which God has given health to man is a constant care to keep his stom ach and bowelsfree trom all merbidand unheal thy accumulations. The means to etfectthis must be those remedies which cleanbe tbe bowels and nnrifv the blood. Good healthful medicine is only a species of fnod: when the animals. whose habils webare the means ofooserving, are sick, they wander thro the fields. and make selections of those herbs wbich open their bowels and purify their fluids, which immediately restore their heallh- When a dose of Brandrelh's ills are taken, thy are digested and pass to every part of tbe system; butlbey leave the body when they have cfl'ected thein tended purpose, and .health and vigor are by them insured. ilineral medicines may enler Ihe system, but they are wilh difficully got out again; and they always occasion pain and misery hile they re- main in the bouy. Whereas Brandrcth's Pills are asinnocrnt asa piece of bread, and areevacuated wilh the disease for which they are taken. From the time we are born tothe time we cease tobreathe, our hodies are constantly wasting, and as constantly building up. The action of the atmosphere wearsorwastesthem. The food we eat, the digestive organs covert into bloml, which renews orhuilds up by its circulaling power. Thus the human body is healthy when Ihc blood circulates freely, and when any thing prevmtsils free course through 'he veins, disease com mences. Costivcness.Dispepsia, Fevers, Inflammations, are all owmg to this, and all the troubles attend- ng them could always be prevented by the timely useoi Brandreth's Pills, as their very action at oncetends toclearlhe circulatlon of all impedi ment, and removo every cause or occasion of im unrity from the blood. Thre are thousands nay millions at this moment , in this country, and all others, whora wemayrcally coniideras halfdead. They may be said to carry their death in their bowels and circulation. This is no imaginaiy circumstance. Iwishitwere. Thousands whom we ineet every where with cadiverous looks, yel low skins and green eyes, speak in a language not lo be mistaken, ofthe state of their stomach and bowels, and tl.e consequent condition of their blood. The body is thus, while in life, reduced to the consequent condition of a corpse; and the reasun wby some bodies are so soon in a puliid condition aftcr death, is more from the quan lily of impure humors contained in them at tbe time they expired, than from any other cause. And who is there that will oot allow, thatif Brandreth's Pills had been as to re- move these impure bumors, Ihat lile miglil noi have been saved .' Whoever will eive this sub- ject but very little consideration, will atonce per-. Court of the Eattern dislnct ofPcnntylvania." ceive Ihe perfect identity between Ihe putrid hu- j It will furtber be olservcd that the prinled .di aors ofthe body hefore death, and the humors rections for using th medicine, which accompa vVhich occasion Ibf peculiar fcclorof a dead body. nie each kox, are also entered according to Act P. BRANDRETH'S of Congress; and Ihe same foim will be found at minii ntrtrp I 'ne botlom of Ihe Ctst page. - . ., . ., ,i 7... vtv ,! The sligMCi! altcntion to Ihe above few partic- .,at2llBroadway.opposiletheCtyHall,Nork . -iifift ,0 protecl ihe purchaser from n. e. orricE. 19 HJHVOVER STREET, 19 Co-ONLY-fjO place in bostojt for these Iruly excellent Pills. B. BRANDRETH, M.D. (Enteied accoidingto act of Coiigre. in thc ycai 1841,by Benjaiuin Brandieth, in the Cleiks's office of the Distnct court of the Soutbern Dis liicl of New-York.) Theo.iLY persons in Addison co., vt., fur nished with the Gtnuine JJrandrtti't nih, are at Middlebury, Jonathan Hagar ; East Middlebury, INeedbani ccDenuis ; Addison, Barnes & Fuller ; Bridport, Bristol, Cornwall, tt Ferrisbutgh, Hancock, New Haven, Ripion, Salisbury, Shnreham, Starksboro' Verijennes, Weybridge, Whiting, P. Fletcher & Son ; W. H. Hadley ; Samuel Everie; B.F.Haiktll; Shules & Wicker ; John Hackett.Jr.; Roscoe & Nash ; Frrderick Smilh; Huntley & Higgins Kent Wright ; T.H. Kidder; m.R. Bixby ; SilasS. Spragui; J. &0. S. Simotid-c ; D. M. Russique. 16 ly S100 REVVARD, ANE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE m m tuion i kAAn fr....,,l rr tnnth4 tn o . . botlIe of Havs' Linimenl ?or wi.hout being cured. . Of thousands sold. inno instance has it failed or acure. - k.lB-, h h.A t j. oM ... .-., It is al-oa cerUin cure in neIy every case. (ex ternaliyjl i i me louowing c .u.p..."?. For tbe I'iles. Tightness of the cbest For all Dropsj, especiau iu gnuuicu, Foul Uicers of tbe legs, or other fungus sores, however obstinate or lonKStandinz. Tenaer r eer, 'hioal by e ceu or nlcers Croup, Whoop:ngcough, Fresh Wounds, Cbilblains &-a &. Scald tn-ad. LOOK OUT. Some Swindlers have counterfeited this article andput it up with various devices. Do not be impose upon. Ona thing ocly will protect you namemustbo always on the wrapper, or you are cheated. Da not fi.rgetit. Take this direction 'with you, and teal by that. orneverbuyit; fcrit it is tne name oi uusis luua - is impossible for any other to be true or genuine. Sold by (JUMSiUUK & uU.. 71 Maiden Une. 10: ly (CJUPERFINE GENESEE FLOUR, 3 in nspected and warranted, constantly on hand and for sale by A. & W. S. Johhson. From the Ncto YotIc Herald. MYSTERIOUS, A gentleman beloLeine to one ofth. n,.f . cient and weallby familits ot tbis city, who .. "r""" '",1" irlends, hav iug since the year 1813 up to recently, been bent nearly donble, and fot sereral years confin ed to hisbed.has been restoied to good health basregained bisnaturalerectposition and h quitted his cairiage, and now walks with ease ! We believe tbis is tne genlleman's own descrip tion as nearas possible, and there is no axtjirer. ationinit. We will give inquirers his address, and doubtnotbishumane feelings will excnse the liberty;so that any one doubtin, may know these facts tbougb he requites his name may not appear in print. Among other similar in stances, Mr. Jas. G. Raynolds 144 Chrislie St. has been restored and will gire personal assur- ance oi tbe lacts oi nis case. Bolb were iheumatism, and contracted cords and sinews How has this been done ? Akswcb By the Indiajj Vkcetabli E uxir internally, and IIewis1 Nebvk and Bone Lihiubht externally N. Y. HeralJ Jan. 26 1841. Sold only by COMSTOCK &;CO.. 71 Alaiden Lane, Nexv York. 10:ly For sale by S MOODY. Drggist. ll;ly THE BEST MEHTOD FOR THE ABOL1TION OFDISEASC, tS TO CLEANSE AND PURIPY TUE BODY. WRIGHT'S IMDIAM"VEGETABLE PILLS, OftheXorth American College of Health, Are now acknowledged to be the best medicine in the world for the cure of EVERY KSRIETY OF DISEASES because they thoroughly cleanse Ihe stomach and bowels of tbese billious humors which -not onlyparalyze and weaken the digestive oigans, hut are the causeof headache, nausea andsiek ness ; palpitation of the heart, ibeumatic pain in various parts ol Ihe body, and many other un pleasant complaints. THE I.DIAJ- VEGETABLE PILLS. are also acertamcureforinlermitlent, remittent. nervous. luflammalory and putrid ferers ; be cause they cleanse the body of those moihid hu mors, which whenconfined to the circulatiun are tbe cause of all kinds of FEVERS. also, when morbid fevcrs are deposited upon the membrsne and muscle, causing those paius, in dautions and swellings, called ..- "vJ I. pii . '-Tv h. :.i',' .i. wJ6 - j - rprtain to fflve rehef.and irmNrrd wilh. ...rii . .. "7.,.. .;.. it cl " . I . will mosl assufedly and wilbout fail, make a per fect cure of the above painful maladies. From three tosixofsaid Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night on going to bed will in a short timejso complelelyrid the bodyof every tbing thatisop poied to healthi that Rbeumatism, Gout and pain of every description will belilerally DR1VEN FROM 'IHE BODY. Fiom 'he kiame reason, ben from sudden changes foatmosphere or any othcr cause, tbe perspiratian is checked, and Ihose humors wbich j should pas off by the skin are Ihrown inwardly causing HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sickness, pain in the bones, walery aud inllamed eyes, sore tbrodt.hoarseness, conghs consumptions, rbeumatic pains in various parts of the body and many olher symptoms of UA iXtlliNl UULU ihe Indian Vegelable Pills will invariably give im mediate relief. From three to six of said Pills ta kcn ereiy night on going to bed, will in a short time, not only remore all Ihe above unpleasaut symptoms, bul the body will he restored to even sounder health than belore. The same may be said of ASTHMA, OR DIF FICULTY OF BKEATHING. The Indian Vegetable Pills will loosen and carry ofi by tbe sturrach anJ bowels those phlegmy humors which slop up the air cells of Ihe lungs, i and are the caus not only of tbe above distress ing complainl, but when neglected, oftcn ler , minates in a slill more dreadful malady called CONSUMPTION. , Il should also bc rememheied that tbe Indian I Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for PAIN IN THE S1DE, ; oppression. nausea and aickness, Ioss of 'appetile, j cosliveuess.a jellow linge of the skin and eyes, ' and every olher symptoni of a torpid or diseasid state of the iver ; becaus thcy purge from thc body Ihose impurities which If depoMted upon tbis importaut organ, are thc cause of evcry vari- et' LIVER COMPLAINT. CA UTION. The public will please observe Ihat the genuine med icine has the following woiding on the sides ot tbe boxcs: WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS (Indian Purgalive.) Of the North American Cullege or Hkaltii. And a'so around the border of the lahel,will bejfound in small tyyc: " Entered aeeording to the act of Congrest in the vear 1840, by Wn. i Wkioht, in the Clerls't office, of the DUtriet finiil. and save thellrei of those who may O'h erwise be endan-gercd bvusnig s countereif med-1 icine. Tho public will a'so remcmber Ihat all who sell the genuine Indian Vegetable Pills are provided with a certifirate of Agenry, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT. Vice Pretidcnt of thcJYbrth.1merican College of Health, and that pedlarsare nevcr in any. case allowed to sel tho genuine Medicine. All travelling agents will beproviOed witnacerlincate or ageucy as a bove descifoed ; and thoe wbo cannot show one will be known as base imooslois. 03-AlI lelters relative to the Pills must be ad dressedthus : " N. E. OFFICE N. A. COLLEGE OF HEALTH. 19S Tremont ttrect. Bolton, Mast.M CO-AGENTS have been appointed for the sale ofthe Pills in every town in New Englandc A. g e n l s . Middlebury, Sidncv Mon-Iy; Bennington Jonathan Haughton ; Williamsville. Cbarles W Joy : Benninztun. J C Haswell : Rutland. William Fay ; Woodstock, Haskellcc Palm- ernlJover, Hiram iJaldwm ; Brattleboio Birge & Brackett ; Watcriord, H Cutiing &Co; Newbury. Prenlfss Knight; Bethel, Samuel Austin jr; Sprinsfield.George Was hburn; Proctersville, Proctor & Robiason; L.oniionuerrr, umitb x Ulazier; JJridgewa ter. Thomas Suuthgate; Chester, Pbineas O Sargeant; Windsor. S W Hubbard ; Bnr lington, A Brinsmaid; East Poultney, Hick- oc oc Alears: Uornwall, bamuel h.vrrts Wilmington. A a Childs: Stowe, Albert Comps; Post Mills. Jeremiab Wilton;St Johnsbury, Lulher Jewelt; Weston,John Wilder; Waterbury, Persons Lyona; Mont pelier, William Clark ; Ludlow, John Dun barit Co : Reading. Wood &. Mrrrill ; Hart ford, J P Strongi. Co; Norwich, Baxter & Newton; Barnar', J P Danforih ; Bethel, Lorenzo Ilitchcock: Rochesier.CharlesDodd: SpriugGeld, Russell ; Cavendish, A Gibeon & son; Guilford, Philip Mariin; Halifax C Stone &Co : Westminster, Aaroa Hitch- cnek; Northfield, Murdock &. Alezander; Weathsfield, Barley Bartlitt; Hart land. Cotton 8t tamble Fairfax, Ham.iton Love wood. 28 ly. PJROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. A large assortment, rbeaper than ever before ofiered;uow by A- Fa"'. LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, of supe tior aualitv. iost received and for sale bv A. FRANCIS. BONNETS &C. Florence Braid.btraw P V. Rnnn.i. TJ- C!1L. Lacnoui.Aitifictalj.Ribins, ( BIRGE'S lllETON LAND. 1PIECE containing 100 aeres I GOnn 1 do. 50 do.LOTi is oflVred at a bargab cnoog credit br A. FRANC1S.-. BOO'I-Sand SHOES, a largTt ply for salo at retail bv JOHN WQQD 1 842 g o & Forwarding. THE Snbscriber has kis ST()- IVUInn . "I o r a w -'- ijinf iq jf most perftct order ; the boildingi j extensive and commodions. mon. Property of all kinds, will bs received, and r. warded to alma-it any part of the Uniird si,t and Upper and Lower Canada. Boat leares Iti place Tuesday and Satnrday ofrach weekorTio. N. Y.nd Troy every WcJncsday antSaurd-i also the CJLNAL FCKET, " J. SHERMAN, will run to and Irom Vergennes and BuHilo, ejth Month througb tbeSeason, whicn gives fjcilititi lor Shipping Propery fiom tbis place, to any pin oftbi Country, which is enjoyed byno othr place onXake Cbamphin. AII communicatiom by way ot enquiry will be duly noticed ; Cbaiget will be as, low as at any other place in tbis part ol the country. R. CHAPMAn Vergennes, Aptil, 18. 1842 52;5 The raosthiglily approved Medi cine now in general use for Couglis Colds, and all Discases of the Lunss. THE VEGETABLE PULMONARY BAL SAM it believed to be deservedly tha ruMt popular Medicine ever known in America.rn coughscolds.asthuia or phthisic, consumplion, nhocping cough and pultnonary afiictions of sv! erv kind. The Vegetable Pulmonary Balsara has beea verj' extensiTely used for aboutfifteen years; its reputalion has been eonslantly increasin! Sa univetsally popular has this article becomo that it may now be considered as a standard article is a iarge part of the United States and Briu'sh Prot inces. Many famiUes keep it constantly by the& considering it the most safeas well as certaiatec eay lor mo auuic cumpiainu. me proprittorr bave received & are recemng numerous recoia , menoauons irom many o:our best phvsiciani ! i !.; -t. i Fy .MU w&o ' ".UIf."l." ,u5,r Pice. ine names oi a few individuals who have ciren their tnt.m. ir favorof this article are here subjoined, and for a mort full account see the envelope to thelbottlo Doct. Amorj Huntinf, ; Doct. Samuel Atorrill, " Truman Abell, ;. Timothy Baylies. " Jtre.EHsworth, : " AlbertGuild. Certificates. (From Dr. Thomas Brown.) Messrs. Lowe & Reed, Gent The Vegetill, Pulmonaiy Balsam, has been extensivelyiused ia thesection of country where I residefor evenl. years past, and has juslly acquired a h!gh reputi tlon in consumptite complaints. So far as n; knowlcdge extends, it has never disappointed hx reaFonaMe expectation of those whohavt u.Jit TnoJiAf Brown, ai. s. Concord, N. II.,May 11,1831. Messrs. Reed, Wing & Cutler Gentlemeis I feel it a duly I owe to Ihe public, aod esprcn lyto hundreds of my fellow beings who are nm suffering under diUcrent diseases ofthe lan-t.u give you a statement of Ihe good efiecls I hiu experinccd from the use ofthe Vegetable Pnbo nary Balsam. Having from my youlh up btto troubled with difierent complaints of the lunn, such as spitting oi blood, a troublesouie cough. fnc quent hoarseness, wilh severe fils of coughinj. andindecdall the symptoms of consumplion nj from tuueto time I baveconsulted several eminrat physicians, and have taken much medicine, hul I received lillle or no relief, last they tolj im there was no hclp for me ; that my case washi yond the reach ofthcir medicines In Ihe cpring of 1827 1 was advised by a friend to try the Ve; elablp Pulmonary Balsam. I obtained two bol lles, and on trial I wassurprised to find soeffltrt- ual relief which its use gave me, and afler abutt live weekstimemy complaints weieenlirelyrc inoved.anil I was reftoreri to good health. S.nte that time I have kept it constantly by me, in ci ofthe appearance of any nf tbe above comptah.';. 1 have known a larA nnmhornl riut trhprl other medicines bave lailed of aflbrding any tt lief, the Balsam was at lenglh resorled lo, nd speedily effected a cure. I would Ihrirf. re tt commend to everj person ihat has anoithjjb ove complaints, on theii first appearance lo tik the Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam, wbich thej rll find a safe. convenient and positive cure. Respectfully yours, T. P. Merriau New Bedford, Mass., July 30, 18J1. CtJ-CiuNTEnrciTs. Bcware of impositiea Each genuine bol'leisencloM-dina iuc wri pcron which is a velluw label, signed bv Viil JON'N. CUTLER. None olher can be genuiot ofa laterdate than December 1839. Thes'gni turc ofSA.Mrson Rlko nill te continucd fuit short time. The great celebrity of the Vegelable PuIeo nary Balsam has been the cause of altempls u introduce spurious artides, which by parlially ai sumlng tbe name of the genuine, are calculatcd to mislead and deceive Ihapnblic. Among tleM mixtu res a re Cartei 't Compound hutmunar- Ralsam " l-Jlmtii-i,n P.Wtnvn ..-.. Ttnltrtm " V gctablc Fulmonary BaUamic Stjrvp? Purchaiers should enuui'ra for Ihe irue article by its whole name The Vecitable Pcl aiONARr Balsam, and see that it has Ihe mstb and aignaturctof the genuine. Each bottlrand seal is stamped "Vcgclibk Pulmonary Balsam." ror sale by REED, WING & CUTLER, (lale Lowe and Reed) wbolesale dealers in Drct'i Mediciues, Painls and Dye stuflj, No. 54. Chl ham slreet, Buston, and by Druggists and connirj merchants generally in New England, and ic:l pnncipal places througbout the United StaleJi unuan i-rovinces. f rice 60. cents. Sold by S. MOODY. 15:ly Middlebury Vermont SUPERFINE GENESEE FLOUR for sale by thc subscriber. JRA STEWART. Sept.'2Q. 20 tf fllWHNrY-FlVB cases heavy cow bid X kipBOOTS. for sale very low by the very low by the cue. june 23. IB-ii by JOHN XVOVV. KWKSEK Pinnn r.i. T.. wtn a large assortment of Grocer ies, just received and for sale low. JOHN WOOD. BAKER'S Water-Proof Oil Blackin?, superior article for Harnessei, iwhaise-tops and Boots and Shoes, for sa! wnoiesaieor retail by JOHN WOOD, Agent for the Manufacturer. CASH PAID for Shipping Fnrs. JOHN JOHN WOOD. T. I. SALT. TCRK'S Island salt, just received ariJ for sale at 75 cents per bushel, br Z. BECKWITH & Co fiUT and WROUGHT NAILS ani window Glass for sale low. by JOHN WOOD. LARGE ASSORTMENT ofBco'' and Shoes, for sale low by A. 5e W. S. Joh.vso:. low at A. & W S. JOHNSONS'. KEESVILLE rooDd, flat IroD of all tbe square, -sizes maiw- factured it theworks. are cotstantly o hand, and foi isle by thr subscriber. St IRA S7KWAK1-