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upon tlic mattcr; and Uiould Mr.B. be thrown orerboard nt the conrcntion, his fnend tu,rnged and togusted at the traiwaetion, w.llnot yieldup. nnd fall 'nt the UPP0rt ofany otlier. Mr. Buehanan, in our es rimalion a morecandid, dfecreet, polit.cian inan citberMr. Fan BorenorMr. Calhoun. Hcwasnrank fcdcralist during the war, biit tbat does not now constitu'.e any objcc tion with ibe Loco par.y. Tbere also a nothcr n"' on the track. R. M. Johnson of KeatucUy will provi a troublesomc cus lomer. He is, thsrc can be no question, a trurr dcmocrat tuan eitlier v . uurcn, w hoim or Buehanan. By ibis, we mean tbal ,,,,aili;,.are more with the people at amakaml that love ofcouutry predoinin- ates over blind devolion to party. " "' ...,,... :t,.tns lm U more a favorite than a- v otlier man named in the Loco party. frieiida, are bol.I i" their dctenmnat.ons ,o acccpt of no, as a for , t,..i. T..t.....n Ilarins fought m thc wars of hiscountry, they think in pcace he j ,po,,vW the bighest oltice in me powcr ... thit country to bcstow. Should a conven- lion conrentratc upon some oneeise, ne niu otwc think be withtlniwn from the field. Last and least stands Uaptain ivier. e l ...,1.1 tint ncrhmis pav, thathe is soberly ronicniplalo' by any honet Loco as lieing ,hecandidate of the loco party. Thesbrewd ,enm their rai ks, are willingto use him to subscrve their own party cmU, cud this se- rurcd.he will becast oti as usele?s luniiier yc would that he might be nominated by ,i, f.ncna: for the task of leaving him out of siht,would be but amus-ment to the gal lant whigs. Capt. Tyler is usmg all the powcr and influence hc posscsses, to bring tbe Locos to scriously consider upon his claiins for the nomination. Ifthe betrayal nfiho Whig party, constitutes a claim, we MnV UU certainlv one of ihe hiehcst order; nd tbat he ha nny otlier, we uttcrly deny. Thus ne see, tbat tlie Locs have iii ihtir ranVi,,h,ioun,VaiiI!urcn,Johnson,Buchanati in'Capt.Tyici :.l! cfw' rni are i ressiuj; ihii, rl.ims 't nom'nat'en. We belie7o that F.m Eurcn. nie i-wrrn rnrrriir's io cacli otlier ; ihat Buehanan will nevi r cun- sict to f taud asii'e for rilher ; and that John son will ll not noininated nominate hinifelf, n I mn nn ln-s own houk. Whde for Cant. Tjler "be is buta fli-h in the pan,"and c-n-no' hnw streng-ih enough but to make h s loulishnrss weakness m"re viiible. DUscn- siun is in their rank', and nolhing can bring them to act logetber. I n thc whi rank, no h!;.rt burninKs or ieaIoyies '3it. Thepjr- ty wh so zealuuv sup)irjed tbe hoi oted and tamrntrd Harrison in 1310, are Uirouzli the r.illyin to the support of tbe sreat rx- p Jtinder of true wlnj pnnciple? anu consti u in'nal 'ib' rtv. Hr.snY Ci.Y From Aiaine !o I-utmiiiin, ihnurands arc d ii'y ma's' alling lhuiiseli'ts under iii- banncr. Tlie ghiri "Ua ?rst, ii cnmin? wiib the shonts ofthousands. btit llip !!mnt o!' Iler.rk Clav be fiounded. mA spontaneou ly Hn'ie aries in the breast t !! patriut ilipyjniit a it were ol r.o'y en tiuiain. A Nati.inal Cnnvrn'ion will as- eranle in the winter of 1S43. Thf old ;rev J' cl f.ithiTS of our nitiou, will tbere inect, :ly ilie nuaiination propoed by the de .. ia o! the larnl. IVo otber man re m thf nomination. but 'Ilarrv of the Vet.i J'.ie neonle l.cariiiLr aloft that name, will bv 'i 'tr s'.outs sound the death knell to Lucu- im. Corrnnlion, 3ball hide ils defnrmed iiail: irfnfl.i tv sball meel with the stern re- , j tuke of !ione"l mdi;nition and the traitor be cor.-i.nrd to the shades of prirate life "un hrnerrd.umvept and utisung," while Hesry Ciat, tbe statcsman and patriot, tbe Inendto Amrr rnn :n''u-trv.t!.r a!.l d:plnm.itKt ab o..l t e ;.illaiit pupnor erif ibeintere-lsand hon- ir nf llif n-ilinn I ;,f Iwimp anrt alir md. flial! by the pet:ple be called to preside over fif Uestinies ol tlits Ureai Mepulilic. SUMMARY. Ilcnry A. Wisc. isoutagain to his con ftituents, defining his posilion. They will find it with him, as the son of the Emcrald Isle, found it with the flea ; he put his fin gcrtipon him and hc was not thcrc. Caxada is i.v Tkouble. Tho French rarty in tho Canadian Provincial Parlia i"fnt, have control of tho asFcmljly. Sir ' harlcs Bagot, has appointed scvcral Frenchmen to important officcs in thc Prov tnccs. Somo of these French Canadians. wcre during the Patriot strugcle, most ac- live in fomenling it, and for which a reward as ofTcred for their hcads. This parliali. ly shown for these men, has roused the Mood and ire of the Englishmen. They itclarc, Fuch a course, will rcsult in the Kparation ofCanada, from the Mothcr l-'ountry. We hope it will, and that the may soon arnve when St. Georges "rcss, shall ceae to float over British Ter ntory in America we will ever pray. Justice though sometimes slow is suro. A lady, (forgive the use of the term,) in N. II. has been playing of Tyler upon a young fellow. It secms she promised to marry the fellow, and oven wcnt so faras to assist m selectmg wcdding garn.cnts, house hold lurnitnre. 6:c. &c. AU thc while she was ooinc this. ihe was nUn m..;..: ,i. . Enhon of another fellow. The f''ewas to be (aecording to promis'e.) mar rd to ihe first fellow, shc eloped with, and "arncd thc second fellow. The disappoin. M Iovcr however. fetched hcr to her, '"be tune of 81.000 verdict for Brcach of lmuve. This Ihe hu&band had topay. He ur,d hcrarW Companion. The Concord N. H. Patriot, a red hot " Foco papcr. breaks out in a curious mation. It savs 'God save Ibn !) 'ocracy from tho curse of John Tylers ' 'W, A sin. ,-re pra vcr. nn A 'l I, - - 1 1 "t IIIHII - . V, . f.t , ntlPingAmentolhis. ir . l...s Tyler, iv out, orhewillgumyou. Sinco thc passage of the Tariff Bill. Bar Iron has advanced in N. York 88 per ton. Our fricndsin Lincoln, will now see.what one whig measurc has done for them. Tbe cars on the Rail Road between Al banj and Rochester, were scriously impcd od, bv the slipping of the whcels. ciused by thc frost collecting on thc rails. Djniel Websters carriage, has been sent from Washington for Boston. This is a sin of wliat J 'l'he Michigan whigs, are dctcrmtncd to have a sight of "Ilarry of the West. The Detroit whigs have invitcd Mr. Clav, to visit them this fall. Ifhe doe?, Iook out for tall gathcrings of the people. We hope Vermont in Council will extcnd an invita tion to Mr. Clav. Hundreds wish to see him and grasp his hand. Brother whigs, move in the mattcr. Agitate thc sttbject, and &ee wliat can be done. The Mountainsat Catskill N. . are cov- hringmg dates to the 11th ultimo. Tho the recent Locfoco New Yori, Slate Jon ered with snow. The highest summils of Qiieen hrought 60 passcngcrs. We ivc vention, boldly asserted, (as wc lcarn from our own Green IJills are covered with snow and tne Inrmcrs in some t wns still busy I housing their hav and "rain. It, mai zo mousanu l.ogs- , hcad of Tobacco will be raised in Mi.souri thissenson. worth invaluo 1 million ofdol. lara. , n T ..... ,, , - , ., ' cn Iron M,,Is-,hal werc Prcv,ous 10 11,0 , pussagc ol thc TarifT, m Pittshurgh, Pa., ly ing ldle, are now in full blast. 11u, mi ... . ,. ,. j . J. y-y. .. - vention in Auhurn. N V. nppotnted astate i corrcsponding Commiltce of 03. The tnajority for Gov. Morchcad n N. Carolina, will bc over 5,000. Gov. M. is j a oiay wtng. ltap. Vnn Winklc, will thun der loud in 1844, for noble "Ilarry of tho West. Cmir. Seward, rccenlly gave a splnndid xoiree to the membcrs of the N. York Lcg-if-lature. Whips and Locos werc all lliurn. Politics werc laid nside nd sood f-eliii"s run high. Thc Kcn. Cov. f.rbd ,jiei providing any intoxitalin drinks for no occasion. lcinprrancc was his mo'.lo, and he succcssfully carried it out. U'ould that all mcn high in autkorily, would do the Thc King of Prusiia, cxpcnded i:i his rc cent visit to Englar.d, inoro than 2 1-2 mil lionsofdollars. Hc musthavca longpurae. Thc wonder is, who fills it. Richard Rikcr, late Recordcr of N. York city, dicd at that placo on ihe 26th. He was highly estcemcd. Lirut. Charlcs Wilkcs ccmmandcrorthe late Exjiloring E.pedition,has been publicly censttrcd by thc Scct. of thc Navy, foril legallv punisbing mcn under his cnmtnand on the rcccnt cruic. Wc nro glail thc rights ofthc hailor is maintaincd. Unilcd Slatcscommissioncrs.nro on their way to Mainc, to cxplure the new bnunda- rv linc cstablished by thc rccont trealy. We hope, they will be more pronipt than usual, in such mattcrs. fllr. lylers Mamsonian, is gslti ig onl of naticncn willi Ihe recent deinonslraiion of whig cnthusiasm. Whnt will hc do in 1844, when tho whiggalhorings&hall almostshakc thi s conlinent. Mr. Madisonian will have to emigrato to Europc. Thc King of ihe Sandwich Islands, has rccenlly imposcd a tarifTduty, upon all ar ti'cles iniported into the Island aftcr Sept. 1 1th, Mr. Calhoun, ought to address him a lcttcr, cxpostulating with his Majesty upon the absurdity of his course, and cnlightning his Ilighncss upon the cxcellcncics of the Free Trade svstcin. Tho whigs of Maryland arc upon their tapis, Mass Mcetings arc hcld through the state, nnd thc namc of thc "Slatesman ofilale Russian ukase bcing thc opening of a the West is calling thotisands to the rcscuc. ' frccr sta,e: "f lhings. Thcre is eyen a tone !of complaint in tho Prus$ian official nrticle, inc iompeieni auiiioruv in ilie rrot. Episcopal church, have at the request of Bishop Grisworld, clccted an assistant Bish. '. , . . op. Thc choxe was unanimous. The Rev. Manton Eas.burn of N. Y., is the person T 4 .. .1 I7n . r. 4 .1 n n mMn nP dcvoted picly, and splendid abihties. We are glad that the vcnerablc Bishop is to have an assistant. His hcnlth rcquires it, and thc intcrests of that church dcinand it. Hon. Philo C. Fuller, 2d assistant P. M. Gcneral has hcen oustcd by John Tyler, from his office. The rcason for his remo- val from office, was ptobably, his reluctance ' tn nhnv the Mnndatcs of Cant. Tvlcr. and ii ... r. -m. .- : rcmove iepuiy t us. ..1.1011.1 , mcit Tu- aro rcnuced toasncs; auu lamuics nave iosi ion sake. A bcttcr man to fill the office, cvcry thing ; the value of ihe furnilure de than P. C. Fuller Cnnnot he found. But stroyed is a miliion of Polish florins (167, ofTheads is the word. A noisy b raw ing ,iu,u.u ...... w...- r ( look out I. P. W's. The Locos m N II., are quarrelling a- mong themselvcs who shall Do tneir ocna- tor for 6 years to coine. Ilush up hrother j locos, or a regular family quarrel may be . the rcsult. Pennsylvania is at work in good carncst, to rid herself of herenormous debt ofover 32 millions of dollars. She has advertised for sale on the 23 Nov. 17 thousand sharcs in different banks, with a great abundance of Hri!gc,Navigation,and Turnpike Stocks; also 7,000 bhares in sundry railroads, and all hcr interest in State Bank stock. Thc consequence of this move is, to causc state stock to rise, and inspirc new confidence in the minds ofthc pooplq. Thc convcntion in Rhodo Island to re model their constitution, dave notas yct, complcted one in all its delails. Tho ques tion of sufTragc is scttled upon as follows ; every native born cilizen is to vote who has acquired a residence and paid a ta.x,or pcr formed duty in a Military or Fire Engine company. Naturalizcd citizcns must have a small iandcd incomc. Abcl Brown, of Albany, N. Y. was ar rainged on thc21 Sept.for libel against Hen rv Clav. He oleaded nnt miiltv. Trinl in tcotnc on soon More Riotsrcccntlv amongthe hand wea vers in Philadelnhia The Policc Lowever quelleil them wiihout bloodshed I Arrival ol the Brilish Q.iifinii. , , . Fhe Belgian Stcamer, British Qticon, bolow all the news ofany imtiorlance. i "Thcre i . uu .,ea oi imponance in tlie ; English papers. London as thc Chronicle cxpresses it, wns '-out of town." , hc ..., ,.,: , fill column with thc delails of Queen Victora's yisit to tecolland, whero thc grcatest loynllv nas been cxhibited. At Edinhurgh, shc ;as ";elcfnicd in a spccch by the Dukc of Hamiltoii and Brandon, I.oid Licutenant "f the connty of Lanark, and addres-s without r.umber nUo presenled. From Ed itiburgli ihcRoval party procecded to Peith, inence io i nymoutb (Jastle, thescat or the i Marquis of Brcadalbann.bern n Iii ll I . n land rcecplion awilcd them. From four to ' five hundrcd IliL'hlandrrs nsrnrlrrl llifin in 1 in in filll PfVsfliriin willi nT1.rni-.Kc t! " nobihty of lhe land following in the roar. Thc next icpn ing placo for thc Royal ii.inmiH Cnit, the seat visilors wns nt ru rf Lnrd Wjllc.j-hh; back to Ediiibjrli , Iheiice iu rfurling.and cident, liowcvcr. Advantngc was tnken of bpr M:iirwtv' nrr:pTi.o in f.. U,. the roundation stono nf Vir.lnrin lT.,11 .i . i . -i i: - ., . . uiu ..iii.iiiigs crcciing mr ilie uencral As-; senihly ol the Umrch ofbcotland. . " anjc,el-v 10 sco 10 Wtiecn atlractcd s-olarne n concoursc of speclators that the icalmlding gavc way, l:i one pcrson, n..u iujiuii. jihjic ur icss scriousiy somc fifly or more. Thero was a rcporf current Ihat tho King 1 3 .11 rfi . . c ui tj.iiiwtei uiiu iiicu. i nis repnrt. linwcv-' cr, lurjieu oiu io oe prcinnlurc. 1 lie KinK t was dangcrously ill, but not dcad The disturhances in thc manufacturiiif and minmg district'-' wrro slowly subsidiiiff more sluwly in tlic I.iII.t than in the fnr mor. A con&idi.r.ib:u uumbcr of Ihe mills had rcumed work, but there were still ma ny statiding idle, the cmployers and opcra tives not bcing ablo to ngrcc upon tcrms. Many of tho nuners still hold out. Multitudcs of thc partics nrrested at va rious placeshave been tried, convictcd and sentcnced to divcrs gmdcs of piinishment. At xork thcre were loO brought up at once for sentcnec. Tbe accounls from Francc arc also with out tbe slightest intcrcst. The Duchoss of Orleans had sufTcrcd from a sevcro attack ofillncss which was not mcntioncd in thc Paris papers until sho wn much bcltcr. From Spain thconlyitcm of infnrmation is thffannnunccmont in the Madrid Gazcttc of thc 28th, ofthc opcning of a new loan of 40 millions of rcnls payablc on the producc of thc Almnden qnicksilver mines aftcr thc Rolhschild contnrct. Therc are reports of a widcning of the brcach bctwcen the Emperor ol" Russia and tho King of Prussia, in consequonce of the rcfusal of the formcr to mitigatc the tyran ny nxerriscd ngainst thc Po'et. On this hcad wc make from n London paper Ihe following extract : The Prussian State Gazcttc officially an notinces Ihat the King of Prussia, on his visit to St. Pctcrsburg.cnuld not obtnin from the Czar any material chango in the pro hibitivc system of Russin, therehy destroy ing thc hopes that might be formed of the I tin ilennr nrn nf ll.r. 0nr, r,..n. Ty.i: r. .i ; " n .... are, rniLLiw hare, oauldrini c hurgh oti her rettirn to England was fixcd ngnnt dispatchcd on the crrand. W hcn a liai Sn.'re. nexi d..o. io A. tW.' S Johnson. ,1 . . one has strayed from thc fold, the dog taltcs It i a trulb not lo bcd.-nie.l, tbat I hc rnynl visil has nol been without ac-'awidecircuit ronnd ibr.n.k n,,i;i l.o.-nmn.! ' c. i 11 . i ... i " " -v'.v. ti ni.iii uuiii'i iu niu iji.'iii. or in rnsr" ui n Mnrrn ii iim ..... . ,.-.. natural enougli, wlicn it isconsidcred thatj.:on rrom finlon tn nPx -,.nL- Pnisia possesses tho sca ports and the ! ""s which rttn from Poland, ,and which arc the natural connection of ,ln, ancicrl, countrv with the sea. Such a s.aie of ihings cunnot last Either Rus-! 1.-1 1 ,r,ict 1 1 1 f OO. I , flntllrAt'inif tltO I '1 1 1 1 Tl , tongue and namc and natinn, or , 1 n 1 2 and namc and natinn, or I' , ,. ,, . -, , ' r r, . J. itating all thc.r vilal parts of Pohsh nce, for the resusc.tation of a resusci cxislcncc, cmpire 'rhesovcreigns and govcrnmentsof these countriesinay remain un lcrmsof friendship, but thc miturc of thinss tends to a fend, and a fend to ulterior conseqnencc. Warsaw, Au 30. town of On the 20th of this month tho Plnnlininii' ,,-r.a ilnctrnTOil if f. rf 1 7 J 1 , f. , l . . . ... , . wlloIe'kinoin . it ;3 vcry abu,. uuu six aouars.i 1 ne iiarvesi aa,,i. y?is icss so men .......s u. , grain. e navc not yct naa any vcry op ! prcssivo hcat-Pni:,ian Slate Gaz. Sept. 4. I hc Univers p.nnounccs that ropc urcg XVI had sen, tQ Mr 0-Connen a spen. did cross and gnld medal. iIr. Cullen, the Director of the Irish Collegc, in on Ii - ri.j i i 1 i us iu icnt to Mr. O Lonnel those gifts of thei present Holy Father. The following toasts wcre drank at tlio late Horticultural Feslival in Boston. Wives Ihe apples of the eye to marricd mcn ; Sour grapes to tbe old bachclors. May the Ladiesall consent tobepaired. The Jlodern Garden of Eden Whcro women shall still be a match fora man, and more than a match for any serpent. Brothcr Jonathan, and Queen Victoria thev cacli have lanie families, and land e- nougli for all praclical purposes. ThcFcnco viewers having adjudicjtted on the Iincs of divtston, and inadc Iawful records of the same, may they livc in harmony till their lcascs e.xpires. The Bunker Ilill Monument The cor ner stono nobly speaks the praise of man ; the top stonc that of wotnan. Let the earli cst light of morning gild it and parting day Itngcrand play upon its summit.' The ptiblishers of 3 obsccnc papers in N York city, havo each been sentcnced to CO days contincmcnt in the penitentiary. I'ity it was not as many months. Tiie Doston Tirncs is hard at work, trying to delinc Mr. Clays pos-ition and prin ctplcs. It had hcttcr try and define its own. It would hotrcrcr bolabnrin vain to define ,ls principlcs, from the fact. it has nonejto dcline, and as to its positton it is nnt still lotig enough at once, to find itsclf whcrc it is. "HujiAJi PoLicr never fixes one end of a lchainround the nnclcof ablave. but divinu ijustice rivets thejother, round the neck of ; his Tyrant." "10 oyraciibe Journal ; that the next con- lrrns?4 vi'nillrl lm T.nfrt lnn !.Trl liin 'VnrliV jj.n repenled. This is chcering to thc wool growers. this ? How will Vermont Locoa like Wool of tho Iarwt farmers in Illinois, have gonc extenMvi-ly I imo ihe Wool growing busincs,s. Thev I have purchascd all the ihecp ihev coufd i U,o ncighboring Siates, and calJulate to ! be nble to douhlc, their lloeks uilhout nny ' additional cosl, cvcry ycar, as long as thcrc I is any demaiid even atalowpricc, for wool. 1 Thev find that on thc immense prairies of. v - v.iii "llll ( II , Europcan shephard and his do",can be kept n.nnil.c in ii.o r.i nino iiinnflii in thf vnnr iorf..iIir cntirTt 1 i i i i ' . - . way that they shuw a high de"rcc of sa"nc ity and inilmct in their care ofthc shccn If one strays tho dog is rcady t to his fold again ; ifa wolf atta to drivc him ack. hc is to defcnd and repcl the cnemy ; if ihe flock I is to be licadcd or brou to thc track of the wandcrin" onc.wh ' . . rr i . T . . :;...i.:i. i " ' ' . . ." : V.' JT!. 3 1 ,r .... thc flock is to bc housed or varded.hc be-'ins ' witli driving in Ihe most distantand going rollnd and roun(i M tho tiln0 )esse,ling lis '..;.! ,..:i i. i. .i. phalanx. and then ilrivcs them werc desir- ' et. jfW Herald. -i Thc following rcceii.o was handcd us by I O 1 J q q Tildcn, Eq jat Cornwall, who, from expcricncccan attcst to its exccllcncy. The . Jirctions should bc followed closely, if at ; all, To PickleTomatos. Seclecl fairfruit, not so fully ripe as to'be vcry soft ; lay them in a stone jaror kcg with thostcm purt upward. (thc stcm having been entirely rc movcd,) and sprinkleon fine salt in thc pro portion of about a tablc spoon full to two dozcn lomatos; let them lie in salt nbnut thrccdnys, thcn takc them out and dip them ui cold water to wash ofl" the undissolved salt; rejcet all that may have bccome soft or broken, and lay them down in astone jar; then Inkeof cinnnmon, cloves, allspicc. gingcr nnd black pcppcr, coarsely pttlver ized, about a tablc spoonfull of cacli for a pcck of tho tomatos ; put thc spiccs in n bag and boil them for ten minutcs in cider vin pgar of modcra!o sfrcnglh, and sufTicint in quantitv for thc pcck of fruit, (if the vinc- gar is ol lull ordinary strcngin, rcdiico it with water,) let the vmcgar cool to about blood hcat and thcn pour it upon thc toma- tos. Place thc jar in the coolcst and dar- kcst part of the ccller. and cxcludc tho air rL"'0'" surfacc of the vinegar. Examine occaston ally, and ifa scum liscs to thc surfacc of the vinegar, turn it ofT and scald it thor o'lghly and skitn it, letting it gct cold be fore turniug it in again. The bag of spiccs is to bc kept in the jar with the tomatos. Tomatos thus prepared may be kept for any lcnglh of time, and will rctain their form and flavor, improvcd by tho flavor of tho spiccs1 Rochester Democrat. Oun ConnEsroNUKCE. Owing to thc prcssure of mattcr' cnlitlcd to precedence, wc have deferred our valuablc cominunica - ! BRIGHTON M ARKET. M-r.;,- Qi or icno I , , ""T" o-n s, nl " 0 S'reS I 1 miuES. xjcc ouuic ircqtlO! , .... ... , . rcspond with last weck. viz. a fei j p;rst Q 5Q . onJ .. s 7- ; 4 Wcquotctocor- w exlra 75. Sec- qual quality Thrcc $3 (IU a 3 50. SloTfs. Two ycar old S a 12 yenr old,S14 a 20. Sheep. Salcs quick without much ad vance. Lots uerc sold at 1.00, 1,12, 1.25, 1. 33, and Sl 62. Wethers, 1.00. and 1 nno nn I ' " . ' - jUOL. Duty. I hc valuc whcreof at th e place of exportation shall not cxceed 7 cts.per pound, 5 per ct. ad val. All whcre of thc valuc oxcecds 7 cts pcr pound, 30 (ler ct. ad. val. and 3 cts per pound specific. Primc orSaxony Flceccs, washed, Ib 37 a 40 c. American full blood do 35 a 37 Dq 34 j0 32 Q 35Do , ,2 do30 3o 1-4 and common do 25 a 29 Smyrna Shccp washed, 20 n5 Do. un washed, 10 a 13 Bengasi do 8 a to Saxony clean Bucnns Ayres unpicked, 7 a 10 do. do. picked, 12 a 16 Superfinc Norlhern pulled lamb 33 n 35 No I do. do. do. 29 a 30 -No. 2 do. " do do 20 a 22 No- 3 do do do 12 15. n(,; ,i A 1 . o. " -"'i" New 9 to 11- Marricd, In Salisbury on the 22d inst. By the Rev. Mr. Marsh, of Brandon, Mr. Royal D. Hedden, to Miss, Mary H. Doud, bolh of Salisbury. Died, In Shoreham on the 18th inst. Ed-vard son ofKent Wright, aged 18 years $ 0 months. rrn inln nin mrlrt:ilrf i r n Administrators sale of Real Estate "MTOTICE is herebygiven that the un At dcrsigned Administrators of the es tate of Everh D. Hall, late of Monkton.Co. of Addison, deceased having Iiccnce from the hon. Probaate court for the district of Newhaven. will sell at Public Vendue, the properiy bcfore advertisod tobesold on the 27th Sept. 1842, on the 11th of Oclober 1 o'clock P. M. at L. C Keeler's Inn, in Monkton. Ira Busiixkll, Wheklock II. Hall, J Monkton, Sept. 27, 184'J. Admrs. JN o t i c e THIS if to eertily that I have gUeiT my son Fran cis. lut time to Irade and trunsact b sinees for himseir and b.ill ne tiier exaci any of his waget, nor p y aoy debts of his conlraeiin; after ihis daie. ABRAIIAM LA VEXE New Haven Oct. I, 1842 22;3w 'i, i Vt JU3T rcccncd and for sale by the qnart or luuliel II. Wilc x. 1st IS42. Fair iWarnins. Those indcbtcd to the Pkople's Pkkss for Advertisements, Probato noticcs ic. are rcquested to mukc immcdiate pnyiuent. Uankrupt nntiees muat bc paid instantcr upon publicdtiun. II. BELL. Middlclmrv.Oct. 1. 1812 PAR1NG MACIIINES. A superior nrticle for sale by Z. BFCKWITII vj- Co 's O.'t. 1, 1842. PUEl'ARE FOR WfXTER. STOVES, ST0VES, Tf U E subscnber has opened a Slorc for . sale of bTovES, stove riPE, J i in Ibe 1 than thi.v ha tp been Fd as-iffnid in ibe pr-,e,il slate OI nionev aii.nrs, ioi maiinaniance ui oiu iti ' cia unon stoves &c. Prducr i low. and the farmfcrsak that other thii.g- sbuld be Prop..r " v- jumicc rcqu.rc. t approximaln towards tbu umes. 1 he subjcriber Will S,ell SlOVCS CilCa per than cver beforc cd in this mar oflbr ket! His vrare ii of ibo Cnnant hiavy. He has on liind castwjr, smanth and No. I Yankee Noiion Imprved ,( 2 ' it i ii it ,. 5 c ic u Uotary Stove from 8 to S15. Box Stoves o' all s-ZfS fi-ii-dicd piltfin. Arch I'arlnr Storrs, all sizes aud beauliful paitern. P in, Ketilcs, Bain, Iron Tra Kettlcs, Prcm. Hoiier. and all llollow ware, gen erally found in like establUlirni' Cauldrons, No. 1,2. and 3. Stove pipe at a low ratb. Tin waie. at exceeclln?'y reduced price?. The r ubscriber linpcs all wialuns Stnve Caul drons, Tinware &c. will, bufore thev purc. ase call and cxaiiiiue bis atortmcn'.. He is dele'- niimd not to be undcnsold. IIii waro is as good as can bo fourd. He cbal ciiges any one to produce batter! XT'-tfst kinda of produce tdkeii ui tlie liiRh-'st mar- ke, rices. KOYAL D. KARK jji(li(.i1urv, Sep'. 30, 1S42 22;tf r S- ASimc-, p.irchaod of H.e sub-crlb.r ha wairanted not to crack by lair usag- for ; tix monlhs. All ordcrs for caslinjjs Conant pattcrni.nnd mill gearin; &c. xectil-'d at nhort niticu al low ratc-i. R. IK F. L1S I" OF LE I'Tr.RS reinaining in tbe P. O. at Middlebury, Vt., Sc,.t. 30, 1342. Abel Abbi-y, Wni. Brow.i, Mallbew Black, Daniel Bi.lwell, E. E. Booth, J. N. Hlak , Geo. W. Biker, C. J. Churcnilt, Adisah E. Clark, Hcury Collins, 1'niiick CafT, Adaline Chamberlai:i, Rev. N nnan Clark, Sttpben Cuinmi?s, Mrs. Claik, Albio S. Cuinuiingo, Wilhs Dickerson, Oria Dickinsnn, Iaac . .11 . y . i ' t A: "fr Slf,.'. " I ! sun. y A'kill; A H Go idricb; 2'Fphraim i GojJricb- W Green. Goddard t llin-dalr; I Lulh r Goodno: Ammun Holden; Wm Hnr- nill, H.irvey Hoyt, Oliarlei Hall; bophia h. H.irriso.i: .lnnies tle-ilb; Louisa Harrii'gton; d Jenninn; Lewis Liiduki-; n m L -ck. ; Caleb Landers; W W L ttle; Sa nl Merrels; I Nt-l.ion Ma'Iait. S R .Mill-; Daniel .McLcan: ' NirhoU &. Whit- : Sainl OUrien: D P P.iud, ( H.irlow Panner; Anrs Palmer, Mrs R"t- ; bins; Elijah llawsun; oaran a iva sam; vnas Ro'Sicot: U r iiquiref; &ileci.i en; L.evi S.nilh; Alice BSiow: UaviU bmiili: licnj. Swfi: Docti'rSalter: llyron Sunderl.ind: Wtn S.iuil: Rusgles J Sinitb: J hn Ta;ue: Sa plirnnia Wi's-m: Polly Walker: Moses Wbip i.Ik 2 S T Walker. 3w C. Bowen: P. M. IWl Goods. oiix V-allet, nt tlie chenp eash ttore is now receivinji his uual stock of Fall Goods, nurchased at present reduced priccs for cash ; and which hc is disposed lo sell at pnces which shall not fnil to prove satilfactory, and which shall perfcctly cor respond with ihe mottn. Aliddlehury, Oct. Ist ia4. A LOUD CALL. Thoe indebled to tho subcriber. ou Book or notc arc requeited to settl or pay immediainly. If thi noi done by the 24ib instant thev may expcct to perceive an in- vilation from an Mtornev. No mitlnko. ELIJAH ABBOT. Weyhridire, Sept. lWljA New Boohs. hi I Ni 1 bc jubscriber has iusl ri-icevd from CW IOIK, COIlSlglHIlKHI Ol UOK, - . . I I, 1 Paper, dj-c. which he will ell cheap for Cah only. Ciias. Bowex. ,M id.llwbury P. O.. July 12. 1842. N'DIA KUBBERa AND SHOES. Bhck and Colore ! Frencb Kid Sboes and Slips, Cioih and Kid Buskins, Lasting 1-2 Gaitei. Cbildiens Siioes, India Rubherfun'd and pld'in Booisaod Shccsat Biece's. Sept. 2G. t842. oiovcs can ocsoui ai a towcr raic PROBATE N01ICES. STATE OF VERMONT Dislr'tct of Addison, w. J c it remembeied that at a Probale Ciurt nelU at ivliddl. burv, in and for tbe Uis- ,f ijj: . i j . , r i .. v. nnui3uu,u iiic i-iin uay ui oeyicuiuci, A. D. 1812. Franklin Buinp executor of the lisl will and testament of Salslhiel Bump late ol Salisbury, in said District, deceased, moves Ui Couit 'lhat partilion ol all therstate of 3aiddernsfl bemade ainong Ihe legatees named in thc last will and tes tament of Ihe deceased, acconlins to Ihe provis ions Ihereof, and Ihal commtniuners l e appsint ed fortlnt purjKjae : It ia Ihereforc ordrrd. Ihal Ihe fuid executor appear before said Court al a sesMon therenf, to ! hnlden at Ibe office nrthe Ristcrof said Court, in Jlid llebuiy. on W'ed. neday, lb 19th djy of Oclohei riext, at one o'ciock in the afterndon. at wbich lime ind place thesaid Court will appoint cnmmissionerJ lo make partition and dilribulion of ihe real eitate as a foresaid, by publishintca certified ropyofthis order iu the .Midulebury Peuple's Pre.o. a nc- paper printeil at saiJ aliddlebury, Ihree wecks successirHy prftion.1 to tbe limr "f said Courl. J. a. HUSHiNf.LiL., Jusl. t'cace. A Iruecopv orrecord. 2t. Alles J.S. BUSHNELL, I'eaister. STATK OF VKR.MONT. District nf Addi-on, ss. Je it renumbcre.l at u Probale llouri bfld at.Middlfburv. in aai! for ihe Dis trict ! Addis ui, un lie 1 lm day of Sipicm brt. 1342- Horace D. KUr'ilge adininftiator ol Ibe es tate of OLIVER LDRIDGE, late ofBridiH.rt, in said Distiici, d-ceaeil, piui'nt hi peiition in wiiling, prayins inat be uiav be lirei.sed lo sell tlie real md per- onal estaie oftbe ilereaed. for tbe purpose uf paym; tlie dcnts ayunit said rslaie, and therein sets lorlli the amnuni of di bls due from Ibe deranl, aml charjes of a.linmis Iration, tiie value m llif pers"n'.il -lale, tne -i ua'ion nf ihe real rsiate, aml ilisnrc eary l" sell the leal es'ate of tbe dccased for Ihe purpors nforesa il; It is iberefure oi-di-red llia" Ihe said peiiiui. be consideied aia seion f aid I'ourt, ' b;- hid I at th i.ffic nflhe Kt-jister oaid C urt in sail Mildle- uury.on i..r,,( u- . .ir i .. .. iii,i. .i r rt, .1... nex". ai one o ciuck iii m- iiiirrnuini. .uiu um' said adminisiraioi aive notce to all perons I rrom ,hat awf,iwae. piibnonary cnn umyiiii iiiU-rested, Ihat Ibey m iy aip ar nd inlie 1 vvtilcti wrep" into Iha gr.iv, l.undr.d, ui inc ih- ir iibjections il any t iey Irive l ai 1 Ii-1 young, Ihe old ibe In -ly an ih,- jy. cenc beii.g giantfd, by puhlibing a certified r ' Hav yon a c- ucbT Iipi-rs.i tdcd opuroh cnpir nf tbij order in ibe Middlfhnry People's ' n ln.tile nf ilm Cugh Dro;jto d i! Press a newpiper pri Ifd at said Middle- niaj he to laK". hury tbree weckssucccinely previous lo thf j lime ofsaid C11111. ! IIAlll! II AIR ! J. S. BUSHNELL, Rcjistcr. nAI.I)NESS.-fiiw J).-or-Ar Grct A Iruecopv nf recnril, I 1j.imjmh.I -r -. Afest. J.S. BUSHNF.LL. HegNler. 21 , "STfeR. Sl r.iiKV a itAill Rr.GKNFR listatc ofMarshal ilil!cr Duccas- -fi-T ATOU.-f)r. Si.-rrV , af.e. ,v.,. i..,-. I 1 Untitiii lo tli m:iortaiil miiject o'p rvm te C(l. ! bair, has afler n.niiyt-xpceri nruid, rhi-nui:I an 1 We, the sii'icri!icr', In'ins aproin'e 1 t.y Ilie phy'ical, hreu ahle 10 dicie' aii ailicl., vt h Ii Hnn. Probite Court for lliu l)itiict uf Add'iHon, ii now nirrrd wiih the i;rpalri c Hl -nrc fr Conimisioner, lo n-ceive, examine and ailjuit all tlielmlcl, a Ihe l.pst i.r.i; evcr ib:u.ereil, fm claiinsaud dcmands of all ncions. oeamsi Ib.. rnlate f MARSHAI. MILI.ER. la'cof R'pton in said Disttiri, dfrejsnl. repie. senlrd insolvont. and iiImijII cUw and ili-iiiandK exbibitcd in tlf-el theleln : Ai'd snn "iths from lh Ctb iiav ol'Si Dleintior. 18J2, brin allmveil l.y said Cuuri fn Iha: iiuiiioe. cdo thcrernrr h-rc bv eive nolice Ihat ue will altcnd t tnt-bu- ine of our said appoiiitiui nl, at ibe dw,.ing houst of Widow Martha Millor, in Hiplnn, un tho last Tliurmlay of ainl Ketiruary Irnin nine o'clock, A. Al., unlil fuur o'clock, I'. il., 011 cach ufsaid days acll ut sjld nays DaNIKL Clltl-MA.V. II. J. F.NciS. FkE1)i-KICK S.MITH. ) Commissinntrs. Daled at Ripton thm I4lh day i,f SonUnihJr, lPt2. ' Kstatc of Asahcl 0. Hickrrniiili! WE, ilie subscribcrs l ng appui ted by tlie Hnn. the I'rohale Conrt for he District of AddUon Com misioners to recieve examine and adjust all elaiins and demands of all persons. agninnl the edtale of ASAHEL C. D1CKICHMAN, late of Sliddlehury in taid district, deoeaned, repre seuted insohcnt. and aUo all claims and dpmaniU exhihited in ofsel therelo: And six monlhs fioui ilie 22d day of Anjpist 1842 bcin; alluwed by said Court for Ihal pnrpose nedo iherefnre hcrehy gire nolice that e ill atlcnd to ihe bminei.s ofour said appoinlmenl, at ihe dwelling house ofjaines eaih, in said 3liddlchnry on ihe firbl WedneIajs in Vo- vemtier and Krhrnary next from nine o'clock A. JI. until fuur o'clsck, P. M., on each nfsaid days. OSIAS SEy.MOUIl Commis II. II t HAJII'LI.V. S sioners. Daled at M ddlcbnry, 1I1 s 27th d.iv ofSepieinhrr, 1-42. " 22;3r Estate ol'Abram Diinning, de ceased. Wr.. the mihieriliprs, hcing ap;nlrd ly lh Probate Court for ihe Distiici of Ail'Jiin. Cuin. missioners lu rpceive.exa'uine ane ailjnst all rlaimi and demands of persons againit Ihe plate of ABRA.M DliNNl.NG, lale nf Weybridge in said D's'rcl, deceascil, rep- ri-scntea iFofveni, anu .iis.i all claims aml ue mandi pjthihilrd in ofll th-retn: And six niniiths from the 34 diy of Oclober biiig allow. d ly said Court for Ihal purpor, we do lh.-p.'urp give nolice (Lat we tvill atlen.l to tlie busin..s of our said appiintment at lliodwelliu hou,o of Wid o Tryphena Dmiuniriv: in pybriKP on lio fi sl Thuday iu D.ccinb -rand March from nin o'clock A, M. until fuur o'clock 1. M. 011 ca.ti of saidiiajs. Loluueus IIowmsii Commis Piiil-i Jewctt. tionrr-i Dated al Wylridge this 3J day oi October Itl'J J o t ic e . Whcreas my wifc Rebecca, has left my bcd and board, Ihii is thcrefore to ibrbid all person: harlioriiig, nr tru:,ting her on my acourit, 11s 1 will pay no debts of herci.n tracting after this date. M03ES Mu.Of:n. Whiting, Scp. 23, 1842 2l;3w CthOTHS, Casdineie, S .tiinells and 'I iimin;s in great vuriety cbeaper ihan ever before tlert I, al Biact'a. Sept. 6, 1842. & LPACCA Lustrr, Neapoblan and S.ix-i-'oay Cbitb, C alls, Me.'iiioe?, and M De Laines at Biege's. Sept. 26. 1812, Look At This. npHES ibscnbet will supply hi" cuitomers JL uud all wlio de're with Linseed Oil, at Ne-v York Piires roti casii only. Pa'nlins will be d-me less by 15pcrceut. ihan any one clae will do. O I and Pamts '.b pi-rcenl. be 1 iw any oiher de.ilcr in this place nr e..uuty. Call and enquire of the sub-criher at the House occupied by Mrs Kincs'ey, a fewdojii East of Messts, W. S. Johusnn's siore, or al bis house in Weybndcenear "Paper mill bridsje." Timjtut O'FL.iaAO.''- Sept. 25ih, 1S42 P. S. I want dcbu of 6 months standing paid up. Give Ibe nimble nine pence Mlher than the slow sbiliu'gji; T, O'F. S RAY COW. Straved from the village of Middlebury on Saturday October 1st a deep red cow, middling size, ralher light huill, fivo years old past, bag partly white, tipa of her horns Sawed ofT. M hoever will return hcr to tho Pasture of R Wainwright Esq. on Chip. mnns Ilill. or give inforniation rtspccting her lo Beckwith Sc Dorrance shall be re wardi-d. Peru Iron Company HAVE, and will contantly ktepin depn-5-ile with Ibe r Asems t Kurl ngto:i V . Peru manufaciured Nails aml Iron, ol tbe fol l.nvinfT dcsrrip'ioi.s, to wit : NAILS. 3J, 4J, 516 1, 8d, lOd, 12d, 20.1, 24d. 40d. 50d.o0d. SPIKES. 4 inch. 4 1-2, 5, 5 1 2,and 6. FNISHING NAILS. 6f Hd, 10', 12 manufcuicd .pccially for finis'un nrce work, FLOOlt NAILS.- 12d, 20d, an.l 2f.f. IRON. ROUND IRON.-3-8, 7-16, 1 2, 9-1G. 5.. 11-16, 3 4 7-3. tinrh, 1 1-8 I 1-4. 13 8, 1 I 2, 1 5-3. 1 3-4,2 inch, 2 -4 2 1-2 3, aml 3 t 2. SQUAKK II! ON. 3-8.7-16, 1 a 9-16 5-8. 11-16, 3-1. 7-3 1, ll-S, 11-4, 13 3,2,21 i ilK'be. BANDIKON.-l 1-4, 1 1-2, 1 3-4, 2, 2 1 4, 2 1-2,234,3,31-2,4,4 1-2,5 1 cb. TMH IltO.N. 1 1-4, U-2, l 3-4,2 wi r, aud fr ui 3-3 io 5 8 thirk, EOI5SE SIIOF. lKt)N,variousiz, HAME AND SCUOLL I ItON. ilo do. MARB E SAW I'LATES, at ithurt nolier, Tie Peru Iron CiinauoficlU'e Iboir jrn'-iU al'.nville, N. Y. Iioin Iron rl theTOWn m.ik They intentl to keep in the haniN vf iheir aen a more full und c mplt le asorl ment tb.m c u be f.mnil in tlie Slate. Ii i elirVfd t-ial lli3 'oiids Iro.n I eslabli r incnt aieb.-iit r manulac'ured, ihan ilio?c fiom any othtr m it vi.-inrv Piirchn-ii r a'e ro-pe-lfu'!y soliciird io in-spi'.-t the good ofl is C Prirrs a low and wrm- favoraUe, can b.- olr.aii.ed n Ibe S ale. T. F. & W. I .STRONG Are u- Au. 'i5 b, -'6w I.ook nt tliiit. II A V E Y O O A C O U (' II ' 70 nnn 0F consumption- 1 UjUUW every year in the U. Sinle.-., and millions HiitTcr Ir.nii mr ri.uslii . rolds, Ihal can he curt-J hv Dr M. Ilili li-ork'i Vee.i-lal.le C'eam CokIi Dro,.s, a s.iu d ral I I're'ci J preicttptiun, coiitjuu g no p .130111111 drn. an , , rlpIir, p,.,ctic. lor s-, rl ... U"-'I III 911 l-AIPII!.!, ' 1 P-.IWI f ...III ....ull..-1v rMtlMf ..! .fi . ils srii.iiinaiiil iHiielra'in ' nmlilv. . it.kJ cotnt b ad ol' h.ur to prcvcut im ta!l.. Ta wh n biUnet4 14 ndi.dto ri'binrv 1' uiu haldiiP'. has takr.i placp, und lo or r i, ii Ir n turninccray. "ll is more iio-iril.iiir 1' "n p atum, a iiliqi.e i-il', oflhc" wiiT. Ii ii boauliful ariirlo for Ldits eurl il 111 .ko , hair solt and lircly, and urwlnCF- uiicoi.iuiuii Iianry. J huti-.iiid lnve t-l.d iii.iipri.r vi 1 urs and eicH.Mi'"f, and iu fvciy nii.iuc j ttanrt nririval-d. It in an infall iiilti cnn. in 4 rflrCtioni i.flhj skm nu llic lu-ad mlm'i If, ic. ic. E-ry fimil.r slmnM lm r.i botllooflhi' ni!rllial hy it pul cjUimi I" inc . Iii-ail aml hair nl 111, !( nem" i "' ' ' rnuiieiiial jm-imI;p of ' lna-l -r i.-.rr which iwturo lua snpplipd us .u.ay br prser l- woRitsi woRMir R. M. III rCliCOCIC'rf uiinvall .1 an.l iinequ lfd Wnriii T, .iv-reic meiiv fnr Woitii". T.ii invvluiM, nu'ilif .r has ben IpIpiI hy llin pxparipnre .1! mir.i ih tt Ipii years u, aml ad mni-t-red l.i nt-,rt 1I1 18.000 mrs'iiri of rariom ac, and n l vif tarv coinplaitit. for in n 'inf "f Iho n iiid nr ti staucP7, where it has been Ufid iir.."-til tn I k prinl'-'l directiuns. ha it ever fiil-d. N. H As' f.r Or. .M. Il.t.:he-r W . ... Tea, o Ui- r.i aip many ir.,trnn. n'lr ud fi,i ll, dustruction ot Korms M A G N E T I C ODOXJ'lCi THK TRE'I'H '. TilK l l.i.l'll!: The in -Qtnpirtjlc Twtti P'rptr t- n rCTlJIKfacl 1-1 ir.vcil. in I Ihe I.i 1 ul u an l il.iu'.tiii? .ire Tu' y onvi ofitsifrpal uliliv. aswehivelhp vid. "r Ii 3 Ihe sale ofa v it 25.000 boxe .f ihe O 11 . wittiiii 'he pj-' yrar. It 11; a.e tnrf-d f n -perieii'e, Ihat wl eo u-'d, Ihe t.'lb wib n. t deca , l.ut remain till Ih" lal-st at; ol m n 1 th-ir iiapiral wear: and mo'e 11 llmu ,u 's c isei, n.arvuu4 t'i'thicip, (Ihat climax S 1. n baa al onre Im-pii -W cluillv cureil l.y Ihii in- t pojiular dnnlifricu in Am-iica A-id 111 e.-n m M011, wb rp, or who is 'b-j yoiin U-ly nr -1. 111 in, ay ', Ihe i diridual thil valu a Ii am ui spI ofteplh.s'iimd gnun. aiid iwti hr ifi tutf of more Ihan utiy c nl. Ihit 1 1 lx Inrnjpf 1- box of Ui. M. Mi.chcocL Mariir ie Odo.ilica. LOTIOX, LOTIOX l)r Erant' iieautifjinz I ti-M IGliLY eirrineil lor curm ..H E -p-lio -s t" rrPDr. Hediie s an.l IVii pps 011 Ihe Fare N.-Plt or II anil ff clnally rauiMg the cmteTioi, aml remo, iii all d t se ul Ih- kin. Ivnlhiu r.u. ilrihut.'S m, mif!i ti, .nir U'-npnl sneesv in life. as au :uaMi fi l app i .rn. Tlli Lntion 1 adniired 4 a mol fra7raut, itf- sale Wis'snn.! nreal'y etnipd ffr-is irlii ii . cl-annn. si.l'i. 11.11.; a.nt piintyi.i rha s'.i" "'. - -, irupliou. to it.jiirious lu fenule iieanl, an.l r sto'ii g ii lo a liijli l'grin .f purity. 1 A !.......( ,ImI ...1 lw.r.lrl.rill nl, n,,lnni iutfll ' .idenfall ho ppp it, and tin euvv of lhoo tlio are d.'pr ted f n. . A ccol appearancn h Ui. 1. t rpcoum,. .11- tl'Wf nu a mr nr.i'Hiijiii"; oi puruic skin, and rpmova all I'iirrdH Bloich", Tan. Smihurn, aud Itdn.'i., aml p'niucs a lattlifil hup, it is 1I14 only custnitic a lady should use at her t ilul. GuiilteniFii al-n ti id thi', a ili runie dy to reniove all R uj;liiiea9, P'tnplcs. Rms worms, Stwtg, II dnei, Sor.-ness ul Ihe fac aud nose, and cvcry kiud of eruption tn tlie surfier of ihe liamoii bndy. Il is pirli'e. larly recour mendrd lo ntlcmen tbf us- d ap-r shavine, a it will prevrnl thp nlherwiso eefla." e(T,ct "f a conunun soap, iu turnin Ihe bcarl prcunturtl gry- SNUFF-nnlu Ticntu-Fire Cenli. t M. HI rtJ i(JOtJh.'ftiJPWly iuv. ru.a SNUFF. ihe bti article ev. r di-cover- pd by scipntific men. in Europe" or A cric.i Ih the cure and absoluto relief of CaUrrli. Dixx nrsx oftbe Head, IVeak Eyrs, Ncrvous II ad acbes. Fil'en ickness, Fitsrand Infan' ll vrirh Snufls, partial shocks ut PaNy, etc For sale, viholrn'e and relap. bj FtT & Dicnxsax solo prnpnptors, and suee s,or- t'i A Witchcock & To., II"G-nps eSlrwt, Ui-a. N in Middlphury, by Sidnpy Moody. in Rraiidn-i by WarnerJt Bliss, iu Vorge nrs by . Bowmin. 2l;3 tj w OO L. WOOL WANTKD 011 n-hn or Go Jg bv Jobn Wi.nn fi.r N0TICF.. All peronn indebled to the ."ubscribersTe hereby noiifi.d that iinmcdiate p.iynipnt inuit be made. JAMES McDONALD. Middlebury 5ept. 10th lSli. T IVE GKESE FEATHF.HS, or,,, JLiiior qnalily, jui rpceivcd and for ?alr by A. FRA NfJlS.