Newspaper Page Text
New Fail Goods. a. itmnv. is now reccmn n fine stock L of Fnncy and StapJe Vry Goods sclec ,7.1 with carc, and bought uvcomvwnfy low -Hh CVii, Hioc who wish lo ;3y Oisi Jor Gotds will find it for llirir intcrfst to call arul c.viiiiine Iiis slock. Scpt. 20, 1842. XOTICE. A oi Iho " Middlebury .ilaniifactiiring Lo npnn, il . j . !...i.i.,r. nf ihn Vermont IJotel on llic lirsl 1 Tncsdav in Or.t. ncxt al 10 o cJuck A. KSNT WRIGHT Clurk. liu umiu" . , , nCI al IUOCN'CK-1. nv w. s. ooodnch Mi.ld'v. Sepl 12 1342. Crokc I iito TJ,f nnr.losnre of tho sn' s.-rilcr abnnt I ' tlio . ,).idillo tif Ju!y, a red 2 y.-ars old cosset lieif-; f 1ms on itsomc wnuc s rais. i iiu on- ' . ... 1 1. oi. itsomc white spots. i no ow- iii-r if requesteU to pa C:iar-;ra iiwi i.iki - yliri-ig". J- pi. i- Firo! Firci T!IK M'lni-pn "f Tli.r V rmon t Mnlin F.T - Iusnr.ini5-Coiap.v y"irc hcr by notifi- j 1 that Ihc r.l!ovin2 afst-S'mcnts liT'- bcen nsadi bv ili Direclnr on all nott-s i lorce on tho f.illowing riayn. In; Deccmbcr l6h. IU 1-2 ofl pcr cnl Januarv 9ib, IS42, 1-4 April Mnj JWay June 4th, Mb. U7'h. " 24th, " I 4 1-2 1-4 I 1 ly to :ortbP'r as-psnin-iil by hini : and it i pxpec'nd llinl nrtnbvr "f tbp company will fail of doin o a it oflon C"fls tliem t. forwanl thc nioiti-y ot'icrrtia Ihau Ih'-ir anmiiiriilt ainount lo. .Meiiibera BhouM ! t-o'l ct thi. At a r.irr:ir.r ol Ihn Dircctnrs nn tho fir-t Vpdncdayofllii mnnth, Ihe Iblln-.ving ri'aolu tion was adoplcd . I.'csili il,Tliat incsfpit fhnnld bcrmnenpce ary lo ulo any pciu:i ivlio nmi'CtPtl ! piy !m a? f:nent whcn duo llut thc TVras'-ror m lir by liiP-iled to iniel th nlmln amonnt vC iIip pr.-in'uia nnlc agr ibio t' Iho Acl of Iii crpira'ioii, '1 lia toivn c!-rk, f ontnM, nr so-nc mmb r nf Ihe compa y is rcriptctl lo rad tlic aboro res oIiiliMii ni fhir Tfsppclivn tu'.vi, lne-lincs iu Sep tombcr, Hia! all iircirsled my he nolifird. J. I THUKSTO.V, Trpas. Jlontpp'iVr. Ang. 1SJ2. O-Th" print rs nf pach o kly netvspapcr in lliin Slalcarc rq'it?ted lo ptibliii ll-e aUiv, no tice thrPO wceUii aucccrsirrly and fortrard llirir bills Sy iho inauibcrp of Itiu Iegi.Hturc for pay mrnt," 21.3r. DRUGS &JIKCICINES. KEW STORE ! rpII3 mlifrr'lpr cf Urs for salp, in Grftei buildmg. iiri iifxjr ?o-.i:i o; in- v - j I'o&lOaioL', jn entirr eu atsorl orliu. ul ol3ElBlCIKSy DrnSs, Mcdicincs Painls and OYE-STUFFS; All ir.Ti irnm marn-., anil warrnnlPd r-nrt wiiic'i will b (iiit uj at uil linits by a competcii aiiu cxp riLncid prrsoit, Fmnily Grocerics, cn-l a srxoll asxortmtn n! purr Lrqtwrj sohly for mkdicai. pvn r-3t, for sale al ihu prcscnt rcdncrd pricts, f-r cn. P"r.r!.'asi!T, and a frrpat vari-ty o Plcul Alrd iciii.& '.vi!l bz ki:pt cuiiLla'iliy on li4ii(t. W. V. iiUiSKL. Middl bory, July S, 1SJ3. 9;'t 6gJUll ANO MOI.AS3ES. !3 l;r''ti Simar from 0 1-4 to 9 cen-s n. r ponnd. 'i'r aJ Molasscsat 30 rcnts psr Gd ..n. I' I'xii Syrup. a fnst r;ite nrtich fr salf bv A. & V. S. JonNSnx. Farni for Salo. rgillli subsciber'-ff rs for a!e -tS- bi farm vn Ka?t S'.rret. in l!!!'"? N'fir Ilawn, ne-allv kr.own n ! the Lanips.ii I'arni. ccntainin.' a' jl iiiii' l uuJ ed and un acrs of jrood land. j "i irm nas it p.eniv oi ap: ics. p'umln, clipirics &p. rcTins rt-jjnnablf. For ftntlier p rt ciiquiie of tln- -iil)crilpr. ANSEI. D GUEEN. J? N. B. One hundrpd and filtv shcep wdl hc S'.)W wiili ll:anl3 il uqu rr.l. Tfaw ilriven Jaly 13. 142. 12-,'f NOTICE. f Sl'IGSE hii haw in spi:li-il accoanls of! lons M-itiilinjr will ploi'sc cail and ei tj- withoul del-iy. A. & V. S. Johnson. Aus. 8. 14 rtSfi lluu.lrel T:-o:mnd shinsjlc MJ? wanted by A '.V. S. Jmisso.v. Rfll.S. WESTERN FINE S.M.T. Coar ,ln. Ttirk l.sbiid, and Livirriml P.utu.r do. for sk!;-Inw bv ,NU W(10D. 184 Vergennes antl roy Liiip. TIII Htip or R al, so ; tX3k. wpII kinn to ihe puh- 4iTTir lic, Iijvp cnnimrnppd hu. . smi -.s: ir.avinw vcr;pn. n vy, rv Tircdav anJ iinrd.iy nnrnine at 7 Crlock, towcd by Slram Roi I M'liilel.all, nrri. Tinu al 1 rny tlm 3d day t' avrs Troy Wedncs dav. m Sjiurdays al2 wV'-ick, P JI t,rriin; -at V rgemics Tnrduy anJ iJaii.rd.-iy innrninr Fr- ighl fnr Ihe .South hmdJ 'iu n bratd lh dy jitvious. A' 'l'ro, V'n-islil -vid be rcceivcil up ia lm baur nl Iparin;. Tl ltjdt of lhi I,:nc, Jinvp uppii ronii- 'l.nd are Jrolh. safe n:: conronjpns fur fruihl tn P rx-ix. iiratnful for t).. ,'ibcralj ,p 'irl wp Iiivh rrcpi vo.l, wk roIlcU q cnntinnanc' nrpub'JcpatrRnaep and we wonld l-r0 ,!yi l) l,,,lt.g nirn9p.l lo n.irc.n, wdl h ,!,m0 -,,1, pr,,t,lc and d pa'ch.audstiffjc'.ory in i-v rr r -M-cl M.I) IJMJ, 133 Rierl.Troy, R. Cll .PAIAN. Vcicrnnp.. y-rrti'nei .April 3G. lb!2. Tho f Iij,o.l Prico "TSII.K be paid for 500 ; onadi ? Liaihs Wonl I-v JOHN JCKSON. Jimo 27. g S'lWRTS &V.. Y r. nre Hr.iid.Mrarv and I. I,. I!m:nri Bont et Silk, 1.1 u m-.ililKial , i.m,cc Hl UIKGFS jMJKiiiR -!- - (fOurv N.iniii.-iciuii"K wuini""ij, Jiodical i'cience do not contain a grralcr num- S1i.lpcrcrn!arelol.pca.lon Iho rr:E'n"' i facUire intn Cloths. (."nsstmcrrs or Saltin- bor ol variclv ofcurM etT.-cln! by any inedicino mnuntrilippreH.i,,miiolpitl.onlanyrel.rpMe cloroil Flannels, i'C. of pcr-' knntvn to Iho profsion, or curraof. more I...ny e..l9lme-il..i.I lo to pud to the I n Clts, nto o co o t n i i sladlnR. cominj r. nrr. t hi. JEre JMp. i. n, -r W bf mnnonl colow m d mix.s.t. s.t tr,tin.oniaU do ftom llm cur.-d prfon. l' ..fOct.. 184" fi th-day of ll.e n- smrcs or bv the yard, nt the oplton 0t1Mn,elvts wl,OCertainly kum-brn from lhir nu I mprling ol kaid rninpnny. 'I n,,!,f" ! ,, mvn0r. I mvn happy cxpcrirncp. wbetlior Ihoy are cured 1'iat eacli im-iiiiwr of Hi- IrfCilalure will .fel nr. furiii!H.:l'uit!i tho nrccssary np. ! or nnt. Tl.c o. idenep ih v alT..rd nf ihe prr-pm-inlcrpstinl.av-in!r.-.llper...,,-wi,nr15,n.Urrdlnj l.t mg . ' ; plnnlov cm. mincnt and nprcccdcn.-.d cffica y n imvn. avail thpin-e'vp nf the oi.portuni- paratus, and haviHC tn llicir ftnpioy com SJ ,..r...n .1 JOSEPH mar tTAS just received and a Iarge anil splendid assort ment ot oolrt and silver Lev er, Horizontal Lepine.Quar tier andtoraraon WATCHES; A fine asnriment nf silver Tableand Tea spoons; I1nd Beads: silver Thimbles; silver Speclacles; Gozzles; GOLD AMD SILVER PEMC1LS; Wallets .ent ofi Snw: Tweezers; fomb,; b Ra.r., kn-knives and Scis.ors; Ear- . n, ;n,,n.l,n.- Pocket Pifloi rms, ,'"- . .. r... . o.... lulfp; BRASS BUGLES ; Patent and comraon ' flutcs-Mu'ic-lioxes'iolinaid Ba Viol StrinRs; ! Kifes Olanone Its ; Fgolelts ; Tiining-forks ; lirceani Sin.lll : lCaanU llouse JIPIIS . opj- ' I flDKI'G-GLASSES Thcrmmetprs logriner witl. varion olhrr articlcs usnally tept m a jevr- cller's sl on.compri'inff a hellcr aorlnicnt than .1.:'.. 1 finrc: Tnzetlicr with a ,jrge as-orlmcnt of ever-urrr.. - ... - .Al.irni.and ootlcn iocks -,. Ar as ony ont ' PAIRED at Ihe shortcst notice, and no pain siiirci! tn ciresn!i'Mel!on. Mi.lillel.ury. Oct 11, 1841. 23 tf I 842. MANUFACTJJR5NG. DAVEMPORT &. TURMER OULU respectlully intorm llicir , nat rons, and thc public gencr ;anv. 1'iai ""-y . .. . I. . .1 ... .11 i.nnTiiiim In rpPPIVP 1 g3 WOOL at thc ebUiblishmcnt ' ,l,e Ma-;he petr-nt and nitbful workmcn, thcy will con linne to improvu tlic valuu and s,ty!c of tbcir good. inlciiding tbat iliny sliall noi no sur pnsscil bv thoso of any othcr establishmunl in Iho siaw. Thy will kci-p on assnrl mnni on hand to accnmmo. dnle thoso wbo i . . .. . , jtnav ant a part of thcir in advnticc. Uratclul lJr lno cxtcnsivc pairummi.. tlioy liavo n.'ccivcd.thes' !mpe by strict pcr sonal allc-nlion to husincn iuid the inier- cts of their patrons to rcccivc a liberal sbaro of thcir favor. TEU.MS as rcasor.ablc as at any cslab lishmrnl in tho vicinity. Miildlcburv. .TiinN 20. The most higlihj pproved jMcdicine now ingcncr al usc fnr Co"gfi Colds, ant! all Discascs of thc Iams. IIE VEGETAI5LE PHI.MONARY BALSAM is bclievod to bo thc mnsi popular medicine evpr known in Amenca, for Oouzh.i, Coldf, Asthma or Phthisic, Cousump tion," Whooping cough, and Fulaionary Aflections of cvcry k:ad. lExtracU fiom Ceitificalcs 1 Dr. Samuel .Morrill of Coucord, N. II., wtitcs "llnt he issatisfiellhe VegitaMe Pulmonaty nalnani k a valuable medirine, havin? bcen usc uilh cnmnleto surccsa in casc9 wliich had previ- Dr. Truman Abe'l nf Leropsler, N. II., ivrilei Ihat ha coofidenlly rpcointnenrts its nse in all coraplji iis oflhechcfti, eqnal, if not snperior lo any olhpr rneilicine within his knowlcdRp. Or. Arnory Ilnntingof Franklin, M33S.,wrile3 Ihit aftcr having prescribed the unal remedips "ithnut relicf, ind having rnnsiiHpil wi'.h cvcr al cminent phyicians, he lias Ibunl thc Vegta blp Pnlmonary Bilsim to have had the drsircd effc?, and rtxommends il a a safe, ronvinient and elficacious medicine. Dr. Thnnias Brown, of ConcorJ N. II., wrilcs that, to hi knowlede, it ha ncver disappointed the resonable cxpeclilions of those r.ho harc u 'ed it, Hj- HEWAUn OF K.irOSITION. Cach :er.ninc hollle U encloed in a hhu wrapprr on which is a yellow labpl, aigned NVir. Jns'N Cbt tcn. Ncnc othcr s j;enuineof a lalct dule than Dec. 1339. The sii;iiat'ire of s'ampsos Keed will bj continucd fora short time. Purcha"ers should enquire for '.he true article by its full nanic, the VegelaWe Pultnmary F.iNaiii, and scc thal it has tha marks and signaturpi of tho genuinc. i'rcparpd hy Kecd, ino iutleu, (laie l.nw & Rteil,) Wholesalf Dmigists, Atothecaric3 and Country Mtrclimts gfnerally. Trice 50 cpni. F-.r ale by S. MOODY. (20;ly Notice. A N as:;nmci I havin bccn madc to thc Subsrriber.. hy Aaron Spauldn g and ciimpany. of all tl.cir pruperlya d tflfcis, in clndin iheirnnlcs and nccnnnts, for ihe pay ment nt ihe dehls and ilemnnd.s ngain-l the aid Aiiron Sp.iulding and company. fCoticc i givn to all pcrsons in deblpd to said A. Spauhling & Co.. ihat pay mei.t iiiiii hp mad t.i ihn suherrihprR. and thoe who bave tvool al the f: c'ory to be mantil.icturcd on sl.arrs, or otherwi-e,are nn tifipd i!ut it will be manufaclured under ihe direciinn of t"' e subribers in conforinitv to Ihe contrnpt for manufaclurii g thesame. MOSF.8 I.KONUtD, . . GV.O. A. AI.LKN, $ Assgnecs Mi.'dlibvry, July lSih, 1S12. "S'yOOL CAHDING under the sup, rinten ' Ji-nce ol Jimes Jewett. at the Cardiny; toom nfliel.ite finn of A. Spiul ingaud Co. Middlebury, July ISth, 1812. Ciiccsman's Arahian Dalsani. Has bepn in use for more than ten jrar., for al feimS nf nounds, brtiist., fprjini and cu'sj and is a u.ivr fai!intr ipiiipdr for acute cr cl.rnnic lluu- mailm. It i warranted lo cure any cae of pdes nr fiiuli.of bowcvcr l"ns standms, whcn i.vprj j Ihintf tlsa has fiiicd. This balsam aflbrds Inin'e ' dUtp r lirf, in pains in Ihe ide and brcait, or j pin pnd weaknos in thc back and Ioinj, and is jalon stiie and spf cdy cure in cascsof bruis-s and Ueili!. Nnmprnus and rcsppctalle ccrtifiatea I mav hu p-n ivlipri it has iriv n rplief in all tho abovp casi-J. Tliis wondcr-working Balsam will rcvore nninb or p. rithed linil-s, nr lacmbcr in atiy ni-t , "ibe bmly, and is a sure and plpasant appi caunn lr wiri- ILl.ata and iiuinnta. nci' 50 cnn'.s. So"d hv 3. MOODY M..ldWniry Vl. 17;3m SUPERFINE GEMESEE LOUK for salu by tho snbscriber. IRA STEWAUT. Si pt. 20. 20 tf nuVKB I V-Hi t; caes ReaTy cow hide and - !cip ISOO r.". Ibr sale very low hy ihe case, EXESEE FLOUR, frcsh Tcas. 'Twith a largo asso'rtment of Grocer- ics, 111st received and tor sale low. BgAKBira U'.lei snperior nrticlc for Harncsscs, Chaic-tops and Boots and Shocs, for salo wholesalcor relail by JOHN WOOI), I Agent for thc Manufncturcr, C AS II ID for Shipping Ftirs. JOHN W00D. ,.,! 1 al ....II I "UHU klll.UllO (T UI.I ILkll I I Vlll-li VII (.Ll l-U-U- ERD5 GRASS Clover. nn Rcdlop Seed forsaloby JOHN WOOI) Fkh. 9, 1842. V I N E G A R . rBWENTY-FlVE B gar for sale by Bbls. CiderViiie- JoiIN 1V0OD. IIAYIXG TOOLS. RAIN Crndlcs, Scytlies and Snaths. Rakps. Forks. ;ood Scvthc Siones, & Scyihe Kiflcs. for sale by Joiin Wood. July 10, 1842. oloftat's Lifo Pills and Phcenix rlTTmc n. ,r ..! ... T :. n:n 1 ni :- BITTERS. Dr.M..fF.f1 Flittrrs hav longsince cnviablc dutinction and -nd that thcy ncqnircd it ui ..., u. iu'iuii. un rili niu riiujuiji. obtaincd thc hsgh and a hnst of romprtilors. ro!-lr bv their invaula- c anu almost uunmitcd Uucncy wiiijont lim n- a I niil ol lnl'omc puUurjr anil prctcnsion, aro wnll known lo tlio publicand cannot lm di-nicd. Whiln vrrvlitilc lias bcon said CHncrnin!? Mipso u:. " t:.- h.i t .. .u . .. - - ,.-r," "!., " . "7; mc.ins of rcli f. tlic renown lias rapidlT llown to faniuy, tinlil tliey Iiavn long inre lecnmn known in abot evcry lown and village inlhpl Union. ai a wmidcrfiil aml inrslim.iMe blcsin!r. t'olontary and unsolicilrd lestimnnials ef thrir abo!ut.-ly a'lnnijliiiiR efficacy, in difcases oflhn mot dreadfnl and olistin.ito characlcr, a wrll i a in owmrs oi prevaicni anu onnnary occurence, I iiavn ijn rrct-iwt-u ny iih, iiujiriciir iruiu in 'tlm iu incn amr; numbcrs. Itisuith nndnand plra- 5Jrc tlill Ul pronrietor refr lliu public li Iiis ( MEnic.i. llANUAt.," wlieri" a widely virions sc- j ICCIIOI1 OI 111 sn IC&lHUOlliaij 13 llt.biISlUII. WIHli .i i r.i.- ' h no hr,Uation Myine thal lhc annaIs of tu.inds ral!icr than enticiU Iho nMKcl nf lUc pub lic. In ad lition lo thoso alrrady publishrd, the propri-tor i in possrssion of a vast aceuiiuilat'on i.l ihpse personal certilicatrs, demonstrating that his I.ife Pillj and l'htEnii llitler" aro prninptly and tiniformly cfiicaciousin Sctr4ula inali itshy Ira bcaded form?. Dyspep a whcther chronic oi occaiondI, Ithrumatism Uiih acult and chrotvc. Jmndice ard hitlious and lirerconiplaitits.howev" rr t'i'.'res'sinj or con.plicalc-.l, Fcver and Acne in all thcre Tarieties, and uhcn quiniue and all ollicr supppsea fpecitics lail, IJabilual Coslivcncs'.le?- g UUUKKIKS. A supenur asoitmeiit ot pecially when theLife Pillsareuscd ai diner pi!l UT an,j Youii" Hyson and Hys-on-skin mmedialely be'oro or afler that mcal) Pilcs of r.Ta blnUsaos. Snir Unisin and thirly years slanJing Droprcy. Gout and seltled m 0,,ier arl; , of ,hc k;ni, a,coho, ex. pann m the breast, hack, or orgaps, diae '!cenii, thc bladder and kidncys, bilcs.tumors and ulcers , ' , . -"iimmav r. snv Kryripcla, ard all othcr prnptive disaes; PIpii- tiiy, Asthma, Bronchitis, and othcr aflctionnf Ihn cliest, lnngs, and m'lscoiii nicmtiers; pimplcs rlains of ihc akin, and the fonl nnhealhy appear anco ol the coinplrxion, aririnr Irom whalevei cjusi.-, nervoos or gem-ial delulity, her.dachc, and Biddincfs.hto' tei wiih ava'tvarietyoTother inaladiefi. in prooi" nf ihe spcedy and e0Vctual cure ol eich ol whicli bv llicse mcJicincs alone- ' iho prppntcr his hnndreds, nay Ihnuaauds oi ccrlifirti te3'.iii!oni-il. Uolii ihn 1'iiis anu un, tA.. .:i.l 1 .t..l:..t.i r..l il..'... nn..tli.n prolucinrr noiit-nf nveu Ih 1'inrnr.iry prostra-' lions and iiausa occajiotipd by nparly all olhrr tredici :cf; and Ihey can be admiuislertd witli safety lo yonngcliiidri'i and .'emalcs in the mo:t dflienla !.calth." Mofful's Vogotablc T.ifo IIcdi- CINES A mild ycl .ff clinl medicinp, coinpos ed ofthe bssl matcrial kncnn lo tniilical scipnco and of the bcl qualjly Ihat inonpy can procuic, 'or Ihe cleaiiting el IIip aliineulary caml and rc liiving tl.e fpringsand tv-nucs of all raorbid ob ntructions and impurilirs. muslbc a public blcs eine and a domotic and indiridual protcctioh and sifcguard, in proporlion as il brcomcs known. Sucli a nrdicine tho fainilies oflho Uniled Statcs havp lonz had in Jlulfcra celebrutcd LiIj Pilis and Phrsnix Bittvrs, and ths gcod thcy have doac is incsliraablo. Thcy have wnn Ihe'u liigh fime and fuinly csiablishrd chtracter by their i-rlup alone, wilhout lho aid of the UJUal arls of no'or'n ly rr impudcrt pspi-rimcnt on Ihe Uith ol Ihe crrdnlons. In a!l gcncral ueracgo reenls ofll e dh'eMive snd alimcntary functions. s in a vaslvaritty ofaculeand chronic durasps j ihcir efiects are cnmtl te rt n xcile iflnni,h. , mcnl. In 1I1 nmatisni, scttled patn in tho crg- ins and lira.cnsliTPncss.pilcr.livcr complainls, jmi:dicp,i7Prvous and billions altark', hcadachcs, lcvir and aguo, irnptivc discaBO, bad nspcet ot ihc complcxion,::i',.;;c;t'on anu datulcncy chnhcs mctiras . f tho bUrdcr and kidn.ys. drcpsy. itilimi rhpumatie cnlds and sorc ibroaln, and imlerd 111 pvcry concievoO'e Knu n ill health thiy aro inraluablo, and will atTnrd crr- 1 tain, and mont gencrally pprmanci l rflicf. Thpy rpquiro ncilhcr connncinpni or cnanre 01 uici 1 llu-y niilhcr nrcstratelhestrcnslli nnreiTe pain I andainarc dplighlful cnd pfiictnal mrdicino 1 cannol hp procnreil filher Tor iniiivnPialn or lani. Iiis. TIip proprietnr has received for many ! vpars and i' conlinnally recivmg the moM fer- I vcnl and gntrful tcstiinmuls ni meir vaiuc. Fi-r sale wholcsale and reia.l by Ilagnr & Arlhur. Burlington Vl. Agi-ts, for ihc S-'tale, o whom 1 pplirali.'ns ! r rigency mut be nadr. Agcntfor MiJdh-bury, W. P. RUS SEL, firt door si'uih ihe p st office. 1 l;y 1 A Lnrgr supply of Frcsh Teas,C'illt;e, Spiccs, &c. for snid low by A. fc W. S JoiiN'.-o.v. ilarlford. 'J,HK sub.crib"r has bccn appointp! Ajrnt for the Hartford Firk InsI'banck Cpmpanv, for Middlebury and vicinily, and will rrcrivo proprsaln fnr insurinz propcrty aiainnl loss or damage by Firp. The lonc cctablishcd rcputa 'inn of ihis company, and the proniptnca with which a!l thcir tran-acliocii have bcrn charartrr-i-pd rcndcr it onncccssary lo say anj-lhinffin Tts fpvnr. All bufsinccs cnnnrctcd with tho nfSco ' intriKtcd to him will ho raitlirully and punc -nally tranjactcd. JONATHAN I1AGAS. Mid.lUbnry, Fib.2fi, 1842 42;v Asrnl. "BTIARLTON &. FOULARD Ginghanr, --J t nnt &c. too L hearj at BlKGh ts, May 3, '12. RIF.D Al'PLEiS f..r saleat . T.C.SJMTH'S. Xa 7.S1 42. I'AIRS ofthicfc fioos j a handsom; assnrimenlof Far- wclrsbeslMo occofor l.adiea. hv A. CHAPMAN 4-SON. Extra Brands ot Family FLOUil. rpilE anbscribprls now roTliIn on consisnmcnt, and will ba wcll supplii'd IhroiiIi ihe Feason. -ulay -wiih snnicof thu choiccst brandj ; West er 11 FJour, cver ofTircd in this nwkrt Uaving Flonr mannfacturrd bj moro than j Iwenty diUc.rcnt mil'i oflho hi'hert rcpolation ofBoj'sCaps. for.a.elow8 by jin allcasrs.) N. R. Fanev Irands conslanlh on hand. Dealers in FUvor, Mrrchants, ard Fan-i'irs are resjpctfuily invited'to ordtr, and try the article. Flonr shipppd to crder, in good packago wilh out delay on receipl ef i"rarts, crrtifimtca nf or ca.h. J.N. 11INSDII.L. Troy, 4pril 25, 1842 ) 347, RivcrSt, J 51 4m 1 pap. (AT TIIE CHBAP CASH STOEK.) IS now pirparcd M offer to the public a -fresh supply pt scjsonable dircct from the importera and mauufnclurers. likewise A choice stock of dry grocr ries nf ihe first quality, for family use to getber with crock erv and Glass Waic. '23" N. B. Piices cnrrcspiinding wiih thf motlo. 2 ubcriberkeeps forsali; -K- COTTON BATTS by the bile, IUA STEVVA' T. MMdleburySept. II. !341. I9tf 1S42. Vergennes and Dufialo IJnc. TIIE CAXAL TACKET S 11 E 11 M A N , I CAPT. 31. T. DAVIS. yiLL comnicncc licr Trips on llie 3d day ol .May. belneen tl" cily of Vrrgcnncs and nuftaln, rnnning DAY and aMUUT, ar..llnnr: Jjtaves Vergennes Leaves Bujfalo, 3 31 29 9 G 4 29 Mav 13 10 8 19 10 14 Jttnn July Augtist Septcmber Octobcr Novcmbcr .v Augtist Septcmber October Octobcr 8 Thia nack''t will be pnt in firet raln nrdcr al the oppcin of Nuvigatinn, ivilh additional ac conunndalion.o fr Kreighl and Paasenjjers. Will lfavc Vergennes at 7 o'clock in Ihe morning loivcd by to Whiiohnll. Freight mt.t bn on board iho day prcrious. Thoso niorinp, rr "isitinc thcir fricnds inthc far Wost, will find lliis Ihe most expcdiliom and chpapcsl rontp thcy can lake. Thcre will bo orury accomniodalinn nn board tn n'jit tho most particnlar. Tnosc who chooe to do so, can haro evcry fdcilily for boirdin thcmselrcs. Uue altcntion will be paid lo piscii2cr by a careful captain and crcw, who will parn no painntnjjive porftcl saliaraction. For furthcr purticuhn onquif ol the captain nn board. li. UrlAl itlAiN, Vergennes. 1 JOY & WEBSTER 51 6w DAW & DELONG, S Bufndo by A. CHAPMAN & SON. To iMercIiants. A.NnLE-'VICK, nd COTTON YAUN, from No. 5 to 25, and ofthe best quality, for sjle by ihe suhscrilier. JOSEPH GORDON. Miildlphiirv, Jan. 2;,, 1S42. 23 tf H ftO.MES I'lCSj. Satinetts, Ann rican -S- Pr nis Sbertings, Shirtings. Tickings, icKings. UJiiiK2s,anu 1 aylnrs Trimmin:r, "Y A. CHAP.A& son. IS'cw Spring and t?ummcr , 1 u illh suhTriher is now lecrivias his stock I -B-orSPHl.NG AND.SU.MMER GOODS, purchased at the lowisi New York Cih iirices. ernbraiin, evrrv vatie'v ofkini'sand qnali'ies cal'ed for in a coi'niry store. Ile will for Cash or short crcd't positivcly srll loive ihan any other estabkshmrnt in this coun'y. No Mhtake. P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall, May 2.IS42. J iLOTIlf, Ca;siniej, nnd iriui jjrcatrarietyhcapcr and ihe ve miiigs in er, at BIRGE'S May 3, 1S12. fil'liENDD CLOTHS A.NU KES TINGS. AIso SirjiMEn Goods: some clicaprim bovs. at lcs3 than the manuroctur- ers" cost; tor sale ny A. 1 iiakcih 0,000 Yds. superior fine and heavy Blea t-d and brown Siiretigs Dhilli h- LMNCS lower Ihan evcr btlore kiinwn bv A. FaANcis. tOTTON GOODS. Heivy Brown Ct- ton 3 yds the Ih. for 8 cents. Bleached ;no.:s rqiMlly cheap, at Mav 3 1S42. BIRGE'S. AR IRON, 'ai!.s. Shovels, Axcs, and a general assorlmcnt of H AnnwAitE, by A.CHAPalA &.SON. KTO BUSHELS of Potato. s Tor sale by P. W. COLLINS. Cornwall, May 1G. 1842. MAY 1, iS4g. JUST recptrcd by ihc tnbcri.lers, a full asiurnnent of wellndapted to ihe SIc and Scmmbr Inde w.' ich will besnldas CIU-'AP 1". rcashor arpr ved credii, as at any other f t.-re in ihh vicniliy. Z. BECKWITH & CO. APER. 2000 pieces Room Paper, 50, Borderinz. 111st rpceiv- e.l nt BIRGE'S OARPETS. Those wishing lo consult e- conomv w II do well to exainine a large slock just received bv . A. FUANCIS. Grocerics. niiTT r 1 . . 'a'"- sunscnnrr now otl rs lor cash, a splemlid tock nf su.'ara from 5c to 9c poi lbM Mclas'sesTveiihinj 11 l-21b. for 25c . Pr jial. l'eaj. Coflee and every olh-r ar ( ticle called lor in thp Grocery line (Liqnom excepied) at pu'ces equally lnw. i P. V. Collihs. i Cornwall, May 1C. 1812. Iron, Steel and Nails. SOR sale very low foi ca-h, hv IRA STEWART. JUST received by P. V. Collins 3000 ynrds Calicocs, niiees varvin? from 5c to 25cts 4C00 yards Sheeting, from .6c to 9c ' J 1S42. jPTDAKNTS AND OIL. a lrRo assott jS. mcnt of Puinls and Oil for sale by V fc W. S Jonssou. TS AND CAPS. Mole-kin. Bush and fino fur llals , 1 A. i W. S. Joiiitsox. Aug. 8. 1842. SPI OLD Leaf, Uronzp, Dutch Lea Roso Pinfc, unlish Luiter, Varnish and 1 iirpcn:nic. A. Sc V. S. JonsoN. August8, 1342. JYeto Goods. THE suk-cribers are now receivmg their stock ol Compri-dpg besides their ordinaiy assortment Bonnet silks, Uibbons and Fkcy Good?, ol eveiy description all of which may be n lied upon as of the first quality; andwill be sold a low asatanv othcr slnre in this town orcounty May 9, 1842. A. CHAPMAN & SON. NOTICE. TIIE subscriber hason hand a large assor ment of CabinetFurnitore of the laiesi fashinns, which he ofTcrs for falc at reduced prices. DAVID L. ANNAN. Brist-1, May 9, 1842. l;10w "f" ADIE'S and Chihlrpn'siJorinei S- lioods 3LA anj iiimminss; a larse supply Latesl faiihions, very lnw now receiving by A. Francis. DOZ. Ilosicn and Glover; ev every variety al less than half the usnal pri. es bv A. FHANCI6. CARPETl.NUS. Heavy Wonl Caipetings J Citirm" do ehenD for cash nt BIRGE'S. May 3. 1S12. ATS.Biaver.Moleskin, Lcghorn, Unne and Palm Leaf Hn. t KtUK N xtfiisivo us-ortinont ot ciifink'RRY Sr GLASS WARE. is now icady for inspection and sale at tho Chcap.for-Cash store of Z. BECKWITH fr Co., New Goods. rjTUlE suh-cribcr has just received from Sl NewYork, a complete assortment ofsca sunab'e DRY GOODS, which he will sell very low for cash. IRA STEWART. Middlebury Mav 31 1342. Aew Goods. CLOTHS, Cassimecrs, Calicoes.Muslins Cambrics, Lawns, Drillins and Tickins:. A "fine assortment bf summer cloths, Linens. Sheeling, Shirliugs itc. itc. which will be Rol-ifnr cash 01 on credit, al prices which can not fail 10 suii puichaseis. Z. Beckwith & Co. WOOLEN FA0T0R7. "T IE subscriber would respectfully inform his cuslomors, and tho public genorally, ihat lie has commenced thc buiiness of nianufactnrine WOOLEN GOODS, SUCII AS Cominon Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Sat inclts, White or C'olored Flan nclsj &c. &c. At his old star.d in Shorcham.near Ricli's Alills. llu w ill mpiiufacttiro wool on sharcs or by tho yard at thc opiion of ihe owner. Thc subscriber issolicitous of obtaining busincss. and fcids certain that his cxperi. encc nnd knowlcdgo in cloth marufactur ins anddrcssing, nnd thc finishcd apparatus and machincry which hc ha3 providcd. will e.nable him to gtv: cr.tirc satisfacliot) lo uli who crnplojhim. He invitcs tho publi : to call and pxaminc specimens ol his work, which hu bclievcs will jnstifj all expecln tions which he holds out Jo his customcrs. A. KILI10RN. Shoreham. IticlCs .Mills) Apr. 1, '42 49 IFp'Uclicf for llard Timcs. -StV ... 1 QTf-IPir f fHJOir rtcii;viiij;, a imi u 1 ww.v ... JL GOODS llian v.cro cvcr before offbr- edin this markct, of almost cvcry vancly, which werc llavghl with Cash, nt Ihn prcs cnt rxlremely low prices and which will be sold ai prices that cannot fail to suit thc pur- chasrr hv A. Francis. Gloves antl llosiery. olton, Silk, Lislc tlircail, and Kiil Glo ves, black and white lisle thrcad, and cilk Hosieiy-i.ndic-s black and whi'c Cot ton llosc from 10 to 25 ccnts at Binoc's. May 1G, 1842. Jionnetsand 1. L. llats. flf you want the bcs-tand cheapcst Flor enco Braid Bonnet or Palm Leaf Ilal in thc vi-cinity, first cnll nt Z. Beckwith & Co.'s ADD1SUN COUN I X Temperancc 11 o usc. II E subsriibcr would J. infnr form the public, that hcha takcn tho stand rcc- enlly occnpied by Pnul Read, south of thc Court Housctn Middlebury. The hnuse nnd out hou;cs are now undcrgoing a thor ough repair, and will afibrd every accom modation to costomcrs which their comfort and conveniencc can rcquirc. It will be krpt upon strict lcmpcrance principlcs, and he hopcs by persevcrancc in this plan, to rccrivcthc patronagc of all friendly toihe objcctsof thcgrcat lcmpcrance rcform Having for years bcen conversant wiih public Iiouscs both in country and ci'y. hc ihinks hc knows thc dutics ofa landlord,and how to supply tho wants of the travelcr : and hc promises that no rfibrt on his part will bo waating to pjive cntiro satisfaction tothepuSHc. BENJ. B. RROWN. Middleburj-Feh. 8 1842. 40:tf Brooms ! Brooms ! ! EI E subscriber g?vcs notice that he ivill manulaclure at short no'icc, corn Brooms at 10 cents a piccc, and find hand lc and twinr, or on sharcs of onc half, at his dwrlling housc onc milc north of Bristol villngf. EDWARD SWEET. Bristol, Feb. 18. 1842. 42:0m 11, A it. Cast, ohear and Spring iS'cle for sale bv IRA STEWART. Middlebury, Aug. 8, 1841. ALL and W1NTER Lamp Oil.of tho best quality, forJa!c by T..C. SMITH. Gardcn Secds. SUGARBEET, Carrot and.Onion seed, by the pound; aho, a Iarge assorlmcnt nl, warranlcd tho growth of 1841. For sale by - JOHN IFODD. April, 1842. WKUUGtl r &CUTNA1LS, Wm. fow Glass and Puty, con.sitnnlly jsn hand.aad for salo by A. Ss W. S. Johnson. UPERF1NE FJour fbr sale low hy IKA OTEWART. .;iri& HEALTH & STRENGTIL DR.S.O. RICHARDSOX'd CD.1CI.1TRATID Sherry Wino Bltters, p OT up in octagon Boltles.and tlie in;redients lo makc the saine put up In presjed packagesjfor sale by all the Dtusgis's' and most ofthe W. I. Goods Dealer in Boston and vicinity. my a"cnts in all Ihe principal towns throughout New" A'uglaud and the Southern and Western S'z!s. Hax.1. BAnaiNCTO.x.cornerof Sackvil le street, Halifax, is general agent for tho Butish Provmcps. , . P,S. Bar.vard. W. G. Skinner and Jos ei'ii.Firrt Mocse are my only authorized trav elling agents. OFFICE 15 HAN VER ST. BOSTON 75 ccn's pcr Bottle; 50 cents pcr paper. The l'ollo-ing are selected from. a Iarge cum ofEiitorial ootices. Frcm Ihe Dover (N. H.) Gazptle. Dn. RiciiAnDSON's BiTTKns.-InourcoInmns may be found an adverlispmcnt of the Vegetalile Ritlers,prpaicd hy Dr. S. 0. Richardson.ofSouih Rciding, Mass. Thcy a-e, as said to bc, undoubt edlv composed ofa varietv of valnablc ar.d purely vegetabla mattar;jand from our own expcricnce, as well as otheis, we can spealc highly of their rcnovating and iuvigorating effects upon the svs. tem- Wehave a i;ood npinion ofthe BittPrs,as they arenota quack nostrum.butdiscovered.pre pared, and vnded by a rei;ular Physiciin, a grad uate ofthe Collrca of our own State, and who has said hut little in the way of pufliug them himsclf, but leives it to those who try Ihem lo judg"j ihcm sclves. For Ihe discascs Ihat many are hable to, in the sprins and snmmer, such as Debility, Dvs pepsia, Billioua and Nervous Comphints, &c, we do nothesitale tosaythat Ihese Iiillers will be lound a safeagrceable and. efleclual reslorative As good health is one of '.he gieatcst of earthly blessings, we would early advise those labonng undr such diseascs, to makc a trial of Dr. Rich ardn'ii Billeis: Ihey can do noharm. and may do mnch good, as we are ronlident in many cases Ihey have. Yegetablep and vegetable medicines are unqnpstionably the mcst congenial to thc hu man sjslein. From Ihe Evening Signal N. Y. SunrtRT Bitters These are a reme dy very hiRhly and very justly recommendcd by phyaicians, as ofyreat ellicapy in rjivins slreL-Rlh to the weak and debilitated. The ue ol years has satisfaclorily proved ihcir virlues. Untincturpd Ihe slightest delclerous mattcr. they communicate Ihe hcahng poweM of thc best raedirinal roots and planls. They restoie, and. if not laid aside. pre e;ve the whole atiraal economy in a slale ot ha hitujt heallhiness. Theycannoi ne loofrpqucnt 'y commended lo public notice by just enconiums from th? prcfS jf. B. & D. Sands, 79 and 100 Fulton Strcet .fgunts. 00 II: speaking of thc exrellence of Ihe Sherry U'me Bilters, of vhich Alessrs A. B. S,- D. Sands aie agents, we meant those preparcd by Dr. S. O. Itichardson.of South Readiug Aass. From Ihc Bristol Counlv Democrat, Taunton. Riciiardson's Bitters Of the numcrous meihcines wnich are adversiscd in our paper from liine to lime, we prelend lokdow but little Ifceir virtues uuI be known only lo those weo have ina.le use of Ihem. But with Dr- S. O, Riciiard son's Billers we are hat aouaintcd. Thes Ihlters were ucd in nnr family hst sun.mer, foi general debilily and hcadiche, and mnch relief was derivpd fmrot.t t-m. Tho-e who may be suV ject to nervous headachp, will find Ihe Billeis ve. ly b-n-ficial thcy prorcd so in Ihe case to wliich wercfrr. Fnr sale wholcsale and rclailat Iiis ofEce, 13 anoverstreel, Bos'nn. Kikiii tlm mrnstablc P.triut IIciLTii ixd Sirengtii! To rcgain or pres erve IIipsp is thc gnal desideratum. Nulhing that we knnw of ill dn it moro irii:ctual!y. this wir1" T"alhpr than D-. Uichardnon'a Shorry Wine llitlcrs. Try 'etn tbo strictrst tcmpar anco man nccd not be afraid of tho ulcuh"! iu thrm Thcre is no moro than is ahsolutely nc- ccsary lo prpsprao tho snsiT of iho 'roots ano iiiarss' ol which ihcyare compoundi-d. tf AGENTS; Middleburj-, S. Mood;.; ri-rseniies, Y-B. Ilixbv; New aven. Roscocit Nas!i;Biiol, L. r. Hall; Ihnpopk, Royal Flint, St rk borough, T. H.Ki Idi r; Ferrisburg!!, Allen & WhcelerjMonkion. M. V. Kins'ex ;Short ham K. Wrish-; Whinng. J. & O. Simonds; S 1! isbury, Hunily &, Higaine; Cornwall, S. Ev nrit; Addison. I5rne- tc Fuller, StO.UOO RKWARD WILL bo paid to nny Phytician who will pro ducc a bctter coinpound fur family use than Ihe Gsiiuino Dulch or Gormau Vgi tablo Pills, ty' cd Thc Lion of tho Day. THESCIENCE OF nHJUK TO Iho Inhabitants of Ihn Unitcd Stalcs and tho C-nad, TiiB pills Wcll cilled the Lion of thc Dy, are respectfully rcco.umini.'c I lo ths altcntion and triil nf a'.l liiisi rul.j ct lo l!u at- tacts nf Biunns DrtrKrno. and olln-r Uliromc dispaitps ofthe stomicli, liver, antl bowels T.'icse pills hivoloi.gbccn willinuta siiccci-fi l rival, in tlormany, and ihrougotit Enropp, and many years in varionspirls oflho Unitrd Stales, hy the innst imincnt Physicians, as a Family .Medicinp. This Pill is cmnposcd nf exlrac's from nine parts ofthe Vegetable kincdotn. Thpyarn war ranted safujn Ihcir operation and rfii'Cts. Thcy aro simpla in thcir prepc ration. m:U in thpir ac tion, and unrivallrd in thpir rppnlts. T!iy havo lopg received tho mol fliltPriTi rrcnmmrndat ion fromtho M-d cil Fdcult); sueh men as Dr M-itt, and Dr lJuornso7,pf New York: Dr amatrr, Dr Hossick,and Dr Lindpn.of D ilchps county.and Hon B. Pcck, M. 1). ofGlen's F.ills thcin men havo long stwl al tho head of Ihcir profcssion. Again; gastic rirritalion dub'ditatcs ihc digestive ogans and'becoines a !ruitrul source ofdiseas; in some pcople Dyspepsia in olhers, Livcr Com plaint, Rhcumatism. Measles, Wlp'oping Couh, f-ihma, Gout, llypochondna, Epdepsy, Low Spinls, Chronic Dianhae, Piles, Pulmonaiy Con sumtion, ScrnfTulous, Sick Mcadache, Eiuption ofthe Skin, Salt Rhiicm. St. Alhony3 Firo, YpIIow and BillousFevcrs, Fevcrand Agup, S-car let RjbIi, lleartburn, Costivcnrss, remale Weak- npss, Jaundice, Ir.termitlpnt an.I (cmiilanl rcv ers, Erysipelas.Scald Head. Hnmors.and all Bil ions compiainlf. The9e difierent coinplaints are erch, nne anil about ihe sarne, fo'Iowed hy a train ofolhers, equally" as detrimental, and pcrhap fa lal to huiaan l:fe- Like bad legilatinn,one bad law must be snpKired by otheis equally injnrious to properity oflho State. A petfcclly heallhylwv dy is like a weli tunwl insirumpnr, every slnng ol which vibratcs in unison, and the Icast injury lo any one throws it into disordcr. Let any one take the trouble to cxam'ne and study the oraanization ofhis own systrm, and if he ncver didbcforchc will ipalize the feelings ofthe Psalmist whcn he sung, "I aro fcarpilly and won dprfully made!" Lnoking at the human body, with all its ranili ration, balances, adjusmcnU,anJ nire relalions; the luirlike ddiendence upon whi-h life issusppn .ded; the intricacy ofthe machine; the adaptation of meamtoends; the different sjstems runninin lo.parallel wiih, and interlacing each othcr wilh out confnsion: thcarrangrment andartic ulalion of the bones;the franie work ollhe system Ihc nction and uses of thc vaiious tnusclcs; the wonderiful system of arterics and vcins: the action ofthe heart'i" propelling Ihe blood with such as tonisking force:and the gieatcst wonder will bc, how can it be possible the human system can bcai np. apainst the da:ly viohtion of its laws, and main tain it virah'ty against such reJealcd attacks and injuries from pxternal and inlerrial violenco. I unhesilalingly reconjmend Ihem for ihe cu:e of Ihe above complaints lon;; known and juslly celebraled as one of thc best Family Medicines in Ihe Jatena Medica. These Pills are not intendpd as a Ihorough pur. gative, assomemil haveit;!hey are inlendtdto strenlbrn the system that jias fun donn.and re gnlate the whole human structure, and remnve all obstruction and assist uature in ils violaled laws. For sale in almost evcry town in the United S'atesand the Canadas, Price25 and 37 I-2cls. Direetions on pach box. Be ure nhen yon purchase that you get Ihc Lion oflho day, having the wrillen name cf Mer ritt Giiffin on each box. rsixcirAL orrices. - A. B.& D Sand. 79 Fullnn slrppl. Npw Yoik i T Itowand, 37G Alarket st , PhiUdelphia. A. j Goyer,104 Hanovpr st., Boston; APhm,3m Bread st., Charlaton, 8. C. For full partireularsseesmallcircuhradi,p0j-b. with each agent below menlioned. For S c a. this countv by my aothorizpd atents. MERR1TT GRIFFIN.m d.Ji For sale in Middlebury, by Sidney Jij rercennes, by F. Huntington; Sh.rd y' v k'pnl Wriffhlr nri'diu.rt. hv N" t r.. mi vcuiic n, xjciiiv uuuci?,tiui iu r livAl'eu &. Wheeltr; Bristol by Tita,p Gaige; Monkton by Milo V Kiosley; Gri" ville by Warren Hpyden; Leicester "by l "s J.ohnson; Whiling hy Kussager & VajL " Ctirnwall hv S Kverts; Hancnek by l ir Hacktt ; Salisbury by A&PU BatroV '' Ijpok out for Swindlers and Co ,it fciters. ll;vl l'hc Uounterfeiter's iieath HE public will plcase o.bserve that no 'BRANDRETH PILLS are eenuinc unless the box has three . onit, each conlaining a fac simile signalnip i m litinil.tmtiniv thna 11 Rr,n.l. n.. 1 . .'.UlCIU. labels are cugraved on steel.beautifully d(rsi-0f,( and done at an expcnse of several !housanQji lars. Rem-.Tiber tho top, theside. and Ihphnti At thc prcsenl lime, when thc cotintn feilcrs of these cclebrntid PPJs an comphtchj corncral, it is not surmis. ing lo find ihat Ihcii cndeavor to sn ojf their slocJi of spuriowt Pills umler any name. It is nol the firsl tirne that tne "J'oor niaian has liatlto Jather the aborlionsql cunning mrn. Theremarkanlpcures which have bcen eflfc; ed by Brendrelh'a Pills, have astonished ttj whole medical faculty, manv of whom havccoi. sidered that they are the greatest blcssing tw. givcn 10 tne woriu. The rcason these celebraled Pills have snrK univcrsally good eftecl, is because their actica harmonizes with thc human body. " Pun;e out the old leaven, thatye may bt. comc a new lnmp," is the languaee of lloh ril, a uuic diucii opiiiiuaujr, is irUP, bQ! how could il have any application unless co.v riRMED nr practicai. ExrcRiEncr, in Ihe dody of malter? The fou-idation npoc nhici this figure of scripture resls is as immoveaUe as the laws which govprn the tides, or occasiou the thundcrs ol Heavvn "THE CONDIT'lON." The condition cppn which God has zr,n health to man is a constant carc to kecn his stom- ach and bowels free Irorn all merbid and unhtat thy accumulations. Themeans to efiectthisrast belkosc remcdies which clcante the bowels aid purify the blood. Good healthlul medicine is only a spocirs t1 food:whpn theaniinals, wbose habilswehatetbt means of onscrving, are sick, Ihey wander Ihro. the helds, and make sclcctions or Ihose hef which open their bowels and purify their llu,n, wtuch immeuiateiy resiore tpeir beallli. When a doss of Brandreth's ills are latm thpy arc digcsted and piss to cvcry parlofllt systtin; but ther leave the body when Ihey hm ellecleii thcin lemlca purposc, and hcallfi irv: vigor are by them insured. klincral medicines may cnlcr Ihe systrro, li! thev are withdilBcully got out atpin : and Ibfi always occa'ion pain and inisery nhilc thejre- main in ine nouy. Wacrcas Ilrandreth'sPill.sarp asinnocrnt as p'eccof bread, and arecvacujtcd with Ihedistue lor wliich ihey aie taken- r roin me ume are ooin icmp iunp wp ira tobrcathe, our hoities are consiantfy nSi and as cunstantly building U. Taeaclmn . atmosphero wea.- or wastes them. The fnl l eat.thedigpstiveorganscovcrt into lnnl,k,c renews orhuilds upby ils circulalin" in.r 1M . L l L l.-f, ... inus inenumaa uoiiy is neauny when the circulatps frpely, and when any Ihing prt-rm. free course through he veins, disca'c cwa- menccs. Costivcncss.Dispopsia.Fevcrs.Inlljmmat mi. are all owing to Ihis, and all the Irnn.Mrs allrw: ine lh;m could always be nrevpnfeil In lnr lnnri use ot Brandrclh's 1'ills, as Ihn'r rrrv aclimi i' onceicnus lociearine circni.niun ol all impl ment, and remove everv canse nrocrasinn nf in punty from Ihe blood. Thsre are tlmnsaiid. -ta. millions at this momenl, in this country, an.1 ! others, whom wprnayreallyconuilera lialNI They may be said lo carry their dfath in!l bowels and circulalicn. This is no ima'in circumitance. InUhitwpre. ThniiuiN l i we ineet every wherc with cadivcrous lool s iH Inwskins aml ieen eyes, speakina Uu'utg no! lo be mistaken, orthe state oflhi'ir sioi'Ji and bowels, and tl.e cniispqupnlcnndilinnnlii blooxl. The body is thns, while in lifp, rfdiirn! thc conc;nf nt condilinn of a cornse'; aml H- rp-isnn ivhy some bo.l.rS are so sivm in a i.ntm condition after dpalh. is rr.orp from 'i'"" tily of inipnre hnmor.s contajned in lhpraal,k timelhcy evpired, than from anynlln r c'- rtnu wno i incre thal will nt allnw, "i11 Brsnurclh s l ills had bcen einnlorpd. so a-1 more these injpu'a hnmors, that lifp iniRld have bcen sated; iihoeverwill nive f iect bul verv little considcration. will atonce i- ceivelhe peiferl idenlily bclnecn lln.pi.lmll' mors ot me O'xly neiore death, and Ihe imn.'. which o-:casion Ihi pcculiar Ifflorof adcadt: Dr. UIIANDRETH'S rKtxciPAL orricc is at 211 Broadway.nppoilelhe Cily Hall V 1 N. E. orncE. 19 iuxort:n srnt:Er, w ic-ONLY-en placc in bosto.n for theso Iruly pxecllpn! IM li. HUAINUKKTH, M.I. (Enleied accoidinglo ict of Cor.jress, in lk' ypat 18Il,by Heniamin Brandielh.iiithc Cleit- oflicoof llieD.stnct couit ofthe Southern l'i tiict of rnew-Yoik.) TheoMtv pefonsin Addison co.. Vl., f nished with the Uenuine BrandrclVs Pi7,ar at Middl. bury, Jonaihan H;2ar; Knst Middlebury, Nredham &. Ut-'" : Addison, Barnesit Fuller; Bridport, Brisiul, Cornwall, Ferrihutah, Hancock, New Haven, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham, taiksboro Vergennes, Weybridge, Wiiiiins, P. Flcli her &. S" : W. II. Hadlty ; Saniui I Evrris; B.F.Hasktll; Shales it ickcr; John Harkett.Jr.; Roscoc & iN.isli ; Frpderick iSmith; Ilnnlley &. Hii? ns Kent W'right; T. H. Kidder; m.R. Bixbv ; SilasS. Spraj;ui ; J.&.O. S.Siu.oi d-. D.M. Russique. 161 S100 REWAUD, A IIU.NDUED DOLLAR.S KE -r WARD has been oflTered lor moutln. ' .mvone who will use a botlle nfHavs f.ininf"' forthePiles withoul beinir cured. Of thou-all, soiu, inno instancc has it fadcd ofacu"' Proof overwhelming to be had whereit n It isaWia certain cure in nearly pverycase to ternany i in Ihe follov ing cnm lainis. For IhePiTes Tizhlness of Ihe chrs' For all Dropsj , Tcnder Feet, 5;ore Ihioat by cn ceis or ulcers Croup, Whoopingcougli, Scald Head. especially in chiiui'" Foul Ulcers of ihe I'S or other fungin '' ' howevcr obstinale " lone standinz. Frenh Wonnds, Chilblains k'3 LOOK OUT. Some SwinJlers havecounlerfeilcd llii-i J,! ' ' andput il up with various Jevice. Do n"' ' inioe uion. One thine; wil protcc' " . Itisthe nameofCOMSTOCK & CO,, ,h" namemust be always on the wrapper, r ou ' chealed. Do not fnrgti. Takp tlus dirrf'" . wiih yon, and lest bv that. or never bny il; ' ' is impossible for any other lo be Irue cr gen"'n Sold by COM STOCK It CO.. 71 Maiden Lanc. UPERFINE GENESEE FLOft insnccteif and warranted. consta"1 ' on hand and for salt hy A. & IV. S. Jon.tso-i I