OCR Interpretation

The Middlebury people's press. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1841-1843, December 21, 1842, Image 3

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td-(by a (wo-lhirds vote :) Ycas 13B, Nays
Thc bill which providcs that the repeal
6hall not affect nny cass whcre apphcation
was made beforc 5th inst. was twicp rcad,
crdcred printed. and postponcd till Tuesdav
of ncxt wcek.
Mr. Undcrwood said he was desirous that
thc stibjcct of the resolution of Mr. Botls
(oivcn abcre) sliould be invcsligated, and
hc thcrcfore moicd a suspcnsion of the
rulcs Ibr tho receplioa of thc resolution ;
nctativcd, two-thirds not voting thcrefor)
Yeas 109, Xays 78.
'Potkcted' EHltRpcal rfBavkrupl Liw
JppropriaUon B'dlChaolain,
Corrcspondcnca of Tho Tribuiic.
Wjshisgto.v. Wcdncsdav, Dcc. 14.
In S.wate, to-day, pelitions wcrc prcsent-,
r.l liv vnrtrma nntnrj !
l-eave wase.sked nml oUtoinca ior m.l. ... ,
.........,. ...!..:.. i
trouuct.onol sereral wiw. ",; ,
wercthe followiii"- ISy Mr mTi ior iiic ,
crt ine ioiioniii. ) m,.-
seziiement o: Uuviii:u.n:i.n.
nc!iusctts;by Mr. fJralinm tur itic srinr.ic.
ion nf daiiiM fur niilcmnitics for !oss ofI.i-
vcs on bcard thc Comet an-i f.ncomiutn; ny
Wr.Liim n rcfuiid llic fme to Gcn. .lackon,
(on Mr L.' moiioii, made thc spccial onlcr
for rbilnesdny nnxr.)
Thc resolution of Mr. Bsnton iuquiring
of'hc IVc.-jilcnt thc cstimated vnlue ofthe
veasels rcquircd for ihc Afrlcan squadron
uniler tlie latc Urit:.sh tretiy, thc cost of re
pairr, numher of men, the v.hole number of
Ci'.t.uoiu it is sspccted to havc afloat in thc
L'nilti! Stata Navy forlP-13 fic, ivas adopt
cd. Mr. Clnyton on account ofill hcaUh, at
his rcquest, was accused from scrvicc on thc
Cominitiec on Priti!inj.
The resolution for the cmploy of repor
tcrs, was posiponed tn jVoiulay next.
Thc. resolution of.Mr.Gr.iham (o amcnd
the rulcs ofthc Senatc, v prcvidc that no
claim -n tbc Trcasuy of whatevcr iliwrip
tion, r.ffer once bavinj; been repnrtcd on un
favorabivnnd tlr; rcport concurreil in liy the
S"iite, shall be brouht up ngaiu e.xcept on
ufEd.'ivit that new testimony in favor has
;'il t::at new testimony in lavor uas i
cbinincd. or snecifvinL' some milakc
in the prsviotis procceilms on tho subjccf,
sfier debatc by scveral Scnatori was adrpl
i Thc bill of .Mr Dcnton for the rcpeal ofthe
T!.v kr-.mt Act uitli iho iimnnseil nniend-
ie.i;- .l""Jr. Grah.ini prnviilius ijir.t it hlijil! j
not :ifi".:ct ntiidirations tnade uelbrs the 5th i
iaf'. cou.ing 11,1.
Mr. D'iiricn inov-:l iis rcfreacc t tltc
Co 'iui-'teu on t:i" .Judiciiiry. He that
mi'mi: h: niaa !iicli tv.-is naiv ci'sisid.rf'l
i' fivor ofilic rept-al of :ho b:!l. wain UU j
-Ii.ii "ion ii;-;T.-nil niih- lo tlio r'ivi:oti f ir j
Ao!i.'-urv !i.iiikniptry. Ho npp'ncd ettiny ,
nch :nn xai:i,.!e nl .nt.ili liiy ui lei-.ation
a wmiM 1. iirrji-ii.cil by tbe jir.-cipit.itc e
pel il' ihc hill, but thousht that nl'trr ma
" ic (.t l.bi;i -l.ion it r.llg!it ho inodificd sjns
t rp'ain thr-provision f-ir inioltintsry b:ink
n.p'. v ai'd ir. sbat form to bs consoaant
!!!' p ' .it: viwies.
l.'r. Cunlon c..tincnl!y dcnouoccil tho
l.ii' as u:ico isii.ultona!, tnip.diti.: and lin
U?t o;ij!Otml tlurtfwncc to a fcnimittre
'.o. i l':.-.J i aj!li-irdi.t a'. once tocomc
up :mil Tsse lllis foul hlot ftoin iht'ir ?!at-
V at':s. It -.ras a pieslion of ri-pcal r.r
? o r. .)(:: I.
iir. T.tl!csr.dgtj disari.ed with Mr. "..
T.v;i tiiouht tho q-.iestion prcscntct! v.-as
n'tirr uhcthsr thoy woulJ rcpsa! the law
jf!.I.-rattly cr not. Let it go to a coni-;;,."c-c
r.nd Ict thein ropnrl; thero was no
cincr but is would the bc repealed spnfdily
ift'j. It vas eatirtJy a r.cw proposition
to rr -T.l a iaiv l sueh iinporlancc,i.vitliou!
Iiiiutnig the su'ijecl lo Ihe f.xamit'atior. of
i:i .:, ..itipriatc Cinmnilteo. Ilnhopcdthc
ir-'fion uf rrlL'rsncc would preiail
''littcntiun b'-lotvcu a tomporary
7 .r.kririt La.tt bft'ter xiiaptcd tn the -omiit-io-i
of t:ie coun'ry liiau pcrnmncnt ono.
1! i.r.d licen in f..vor of t!.u law. ar.d belicv
c ", that it had donc mucii gt-o;".; but m obs
. i-.ice lo what ha dcctnfd tlie public scir
JiHi r.t, ho was inclined to think hc sliould
f'-d L-onstrair.cd to vo!c fcr the ropcnl. un
.ci.s mculilicd soas lo rendcr it unohjcction
r.Ue. Ilc liinught it .siinidd bc rcfcrred
tothe Committcc, and tkc matlcr be actcd
rtt dulibcralcly.
Mr. JIcrri Ihought it probablo ho
tl.ould vo'.c for tho rcpeal, but wcnt for the
Tho qucslicn was thca tnkcn nnd the
v.ns referrcd to thc Ccminitlec on thc
In Iho Hcusc. On tno'.ion of :ir. liriggs
t!.e Hoiisc proccct'cd to thc clec.ion t.l
Chi-plain- On tlus scccont h.illot Kcv. str.
Tnwny, ofthc Epir'iprd chnrc.i having
r. roivrd 119, out of 195 voies east, was du
clarrd duly clcclcd.
Ti:c Ropnrl cf Sccre'.nry Spencor furni
ies a very full and saiisf.icif.ry account cf
'.a btatc of thc Departmcr.t under his con
"oi. A vory (boroiiii inpeclton has bt en
i...i-!c. nndcr his ordcr, of all iha military
aflhirs ofthc ccuntry, and thc informalion
lh.is obiaincd, hc says, is of tho mo.-t grat
fing characlcr. Thc cslimatcs for thc
army propcr fcr thc rirst halfof thcycar
J642, nmount io S533,580 ; whcrcas thc
sppropriations fur thc samc scrvicc for half
oflS'U wcrc S2.142,3:i4; thu showing
areduclion of S 1,533,743 mr.dc pccsiblc
by tho close of tho Florida war, thn snspen
sion of many cxpenditures in conscqucncc
cftho Iow tiate of thc Trcssury and agcn
eral disposition to cconomisc. The sanic
causes havc tnduccd a rcduclion of ihe cs
'aiaies fcr thc liscal ycar commencing Julv
t 1843, to S:i.204,5GS, bcing 3l,0S0,100
less t'.an thc cq'itvnlcnt npjiropriations in
142, and SfaG7,4:!0 lcss than thoso of 1840,
Thc Secrctary bclicrca that the prcsent
laiiit&ry cstaoiisnment ot thc country may
lip mnlnf.-impfl fnr Ss.inn Oom .... :
be maintaincd l'or63,100.000,notincluding
slorcs, &c., nor expenscs of crccling forti
ficatiuns. The rccommci'.dations for ihc
ordinance servico of ihe ycar, commcncing
JK 1P43. nrc 8775.200. and in Ihc F.nrri.
tc'r nn.rh..r.n fi. tllO HPTl .il.lnnn !
aionthsS 1,2 15,500 arc aikcd. nicuho'cj
auount of eslimalcs fo' thc mtlitary tervtce
frr ihc fisrnl ycar cnding July 1, 1S44, is
4,1-14,154. Thc estimates for pensions
for 18415 arc 6397,050. In Ihe Indian Dc-
rarinietit thc cxDCtiscs arc rcirukiled hy law
"ia will amount in 1843 toS.01,484. I
1 hc Seerplarv slnlps ibat nrranrrpmenls
hsvcbccn madc wilh ncarly all tho Fiorida
Indir.nsto remove bcyond thc Jlississippi ;
and that during iho vcar450 havc bccn
fli'pped, nnd 200 moVe surrcnden-d. A
"orcc of 1G44 men is rclaincd in Florida.
. j 0CI3 withdrawn have been slalioned
itditTcrent points.
A strong force has bccn placed on Red
'Mvsr, , tinder Gcn. Taylor, to kcep the In
owas m cbeck, and to prevcnt any atUmpla
lo cngage in the contcst rn which Tcxas Is
involved wilh Mexico. Thc ssfety of the
Soulhwcst frontiers.w ihe Sccrelary's opin
ion, demand tho continuanco thcre of thc
prcsent mountcd rigimenls.
From Iho geucral retnrns of thc army it
appenrs Ihat thc whcle number of troops
now in scrvicc is 9,647, consisting of81
conim:3sioncd ofllccrs, Q.GOO non comrcis
sioned ofticcrs. musicians, nrtifk-ers, and
priva:c,and 217cn!istcd men firordrinncc.
Tlio nggregatc is 84" Icss than tho number
stalcd in tho last nnnual rcport. Thc dc-
scrlions havc not been frcquanl though mx
nvdischarzcs havc bccn madc offorcitrncrs:
aml ihc Secrctarv recommcnds n modiflca.
tioti of thc laws prohibiting thc cnlistment
Atrangemcn'.s have bccn madc whcreby
2055 cuns tnay bc tnounted at impcrtant
! nnlnlc .... lU.. . .. T -, ... 1
tf0;t nnI Burra wjjj uo visorot:dv prosa
,.i .,. ;.-.., .t," ..rT ..b..
C lainti nin h.iv .non sn.mndrrl n ermsc.
ii.n.-ucc i ine .c;sion .0 cur uovcriiiuvm
of Rousc's Point, whero thccommcncement
of a work i3 recomtnended.
Middlebury, Dcc. 21, IS42.
Thc procccdings at Washiiigton cannotof
coursc f.:il tn excitc an inlrne inlcrcstiu thc
inindj of our readers. Wany importaut
i t i i i t.i:.: rl
. .
n J' . ...
first step was that ot" Mr. Everctt fjrthc rc
iical of the nankrupt Law. Dcnton Imsilonc
. , .... , , t:ii c..
"--.' .. . "...
atn foriHabooluto,uncoii.tition.-.irepc.ii,.ic-
nounein- it ns uneontitutional and all pro-
ccciKii'Ts undcr it void. It is doulillcss doo
u.cd to dcitruction. Nn niodi!:ilion will
bc ndsnitted iillliou"li no law cvcr passcd
Cingrc-s iu principlc more liiimanc aml bc- j
nificciir. r.ud nf:cr thc rn.-li fur
Ii.iil iii.eil ovcr with nroiicr nualinatiniH !
wouM hivesccurcd inoic popuK.r lavor. It
has be?n nlniscil, but it Iihs r.lrcndy rc.-cucil
many a virtuous citizcn from hopclcss bon
d:t"C. In the iliscusio!i, M.. Crittondrn clnervcd
that h" !tr.d cve" hcen in f.n'or of !imitin tho
opcration uf tlu: Ij.ilikrupt law to ahout two
ycars ns bcsl lutcil to tuc iu:.:tiin ol our
country. Th .t the prcsent act had been in
opi'ratinti lonj enoah ncnrly tr. r.orompIUh
its tn jecf, and that s thc jiopular roicc was
decideilly si'ainst it he shoaM vote for its
rcpeal. The vntc to suspcnd the rulcs to
t.dtc up the rcpeal stood 1S7 to 63.
Tho ir.otiou of .Mr. Adams to oxpunge thc
ilil iuIo has liecu laid upon the rnble. therc
proliably to rcm-iin during thc scssiou.
Tbe bcst itidication ofthc dc'crminatioa
of the whij;3 iu this Coiigrc-s to do soinc
thinj to cfiect during the prcsent fession is
voiin' to I.iy on thc table thc molion of U'ni.
Cost Johnson to rcpeal thc onc-hour rule by
uearly n party volp. thus reservitij totheni.
selves the oaly cnginc ofcoaumiiiatinjr thcir
Prrsidcnt Tjler's Exchcquer srhcmc ha
alrcatly lieeii actcd upon aail rcferred to the
ooumiittcc of NVays and Mcan.. Thc lutel
ligcncer .spcaks well of it. Thc Giohc i
savaye agaiit it. Kvcrv loco wil! go ngaitwt
,t, nnd it is cxtremciy doubtful v. hetlicr a
fiiciciit number ofwhig-. can be brouht in
to In s'.ippnrt. Thc nttcmpt of Mr. Botts tn
hring tbe Icttcr nf Jolm C. irpciiccr btfiire
t'oiiijrc.-s, i:i wbic'i.to jnstifV his tceachenuis
coursc, lie rnlumniates the whij leader.
with having; ofTere.l to postpono the sccot::!
hni:k U'.'il on condition tlnt thc whi meiu
bcrs ofthc cabinnt iot;Iil uot bc ilisturhcil
iu thrtr staHonj, xva? certaiuly unprrcodeu
tcl, butatiy inrcstig'itiou miiiiM iloibtles
havc ehil.ited thi v.pathcrcock ofparly in
no very cnviable lijjht.
U'c knmv not how to con:ruc the motivcs of
ihe PrcMiIr:!: in sendinsa iucsago apolosi
ztiij; to the IIou f.ir not havinj :piie.l thc
20 prrennt proviso distrtuutiuu liill.nml byl
dius hiinself frcc to act on thcsc Miliiocts
slioul l tbcv beagcin prcseutcil ;o UU coixid
ciutiju. Can any good conic outofNazi
Wc havo rcccnll; been kitidiy favcrcd
with acopy of this work by ihc author, and
havo so far cxatnincd its contcnls as to bc i
fuily salisficd that it isa rich nrincof val.
ttable knowledgc to our cllizcns. As n
natura! and civ:l histciv of Vermont, and
an uscfui Gczclrcr, it ' cmbodics morc in-
- ... , .. . , .
iorniauou in ruiuuu.i io our iiiuc suiic iiiau
all othcrsitnilar publications put togcther. ' Ma'!is.inian ofSalurday :
For fiftcen ycars Jlr. Tiiompsan has been j U S. Sihp CoLrsmus, Mahon.
.issiduousiy cngagcd in galhering tiio ma- f . Oct. 20, 1642-
. i i .u- i ii r To llon. Anni. P. Ursncn.iire. ofihe Narn.
Icnals of this copious work, and has fur- , "i""'-",v"'" J ""y
, -, . . ir c .i i c r; -Thc uiclancholv dutv dcvolvcs uaorl mc
thcravailcd himsclfof Ihe aul of mmv of ' P . . . ' 7
. - , orannouneing lo thc Oepartment the tin
ourmosl tnlcnlcd and tntchgcnl citizcns time!y ,jealh Qf Passcd Midshipman John
nnd scholars. Thc uscful und ornamcntal SniithPattcrson, ofihe U. S. Navy.Acting
cngravings with -.vhich it abounds atc fine -M.istcr of ihc frigaic Congress.
: r i. ...t ;., mnv in.tn-! Th:s ofiiccr was assassinatcd on Friday
r , ' , ...
..a.. ............. .-.
cognizo tho slriking similitudcs. Tho
! stvlc of thc author, is chasto and unoslen- J
Alihough Ihis work cannot lay claim to
perfcctiun. vr,t it .nI;r.5 n vrv rm'si'dtm.
blo advance upoa all that have prcceedcd
itinilschosonfieldof labor.and at lcast I
i . . ...
ua3 tao mcrit o! supplyin;; dcficicncics and '
felicilously teclifyin" manvcrrors in uhir'i
(he nation has betn involved in rclaitoa to
tu tt: i.....
...... i. ... .n.. w.iiwu uijixst n nc;. 1
I ;
formance inrclation to itsclfofcqu.il ma
nitu:!e. or more diversified and useful inlel.
ligcnce. it comprises sis hundrcd and fif-
ty pages of n tyfioraphical cxccution of
more Ihan ordinary finJsess. 'I ho desiga
and laborious completion of tiio book re.
flccts thc highest crcdit upon tho author;
and so scnsiblc jvas thc Lcgislnture of thc
honor which it cunfets upon thc statc, with
so litllo hopc of any adequatc compcasation
to Mr. Tliompson in its snlc within ourrc
slriclcu limils, that at thcir last scssion,
they votcd a gratuity of five hundrcd dol
lars. This act of mtinificencc was cqual
ly honorab'c to bolh parlics, and sliould bc
imitalcd by cvcry Vcrmonlcr who 13 ab!c
, to purchaso this truly rich storchouse of
"mmcciaiciy usciui ana grainying knonj-
. cagc.
PtlKrini Colebration.
Thc annivctsary of thc Landing of our
Pilgrim Fathers on thc rock of Flymnntii,
will bc cclchratcd in thc Conjirpiralional
. . . " - . . .
o.iurcn.on i.arjUay cvcning next. Titsis
i .. J o
a nght annoiincctncnt. At a moment whcn
ca'.holic Europc is pourinin upon ns likc
a fiood, and in various ways, thc sceds o'
ccclcsiaslical dcspctism aro taking rank
ruotin ourcountry it is lime to rcinvigoraic
thosc noblc principlcs of reiigious libcrty
which nctuatcd thcfalhcrsof New England
in Icaving thcir nativc land.and amidst thc
most appal.'ir.g hardships and hazard es
tablishing a new nation, in thts thcn
howling wildcrncs3.
Mr. Cnlquit, a mcmbcr nf (ho prcscnl
Miousc of rcprtsnntatives from Georgia, has
bo:n clcclcd to tho U. S. Scnalc.
At it i:.- ssasox. Thc Vermont Icco.
foco stalc Committcc are calling upon thc
: . . .....
pariy in cacn town, to clect ilclcgatcs lo a
,ococonvcnt;on tobchcld at Montpelier
on (ho 5.h of j!inll!,rv ncxt U j)v c
this party givc thcpsoplen litlle Jongerrcsl
frein thcir ambitious antaiionx 1
Wc lind a nolicc signcd by V. R. Ran
! nnr. JaniM Sran i nirnnJ 7 I T I
1 . ' unu .J t . iiui I1I1UIII,
ol an adjourncd niceting of iho Vermont
.Mcdical Socicly. lo bc hcld at Montpelier
on the any prcci-ding Ihc slnle conicnlion
foraincnding Ihc consliltilion. A full at.
tcndanco cf thc mcdical faculty is carncst
ly rcqucslcd.
(fc5"I)cal!i ofa membcr of Congrcsr.
Hon. Jamcs S. Williams, membcr of Con.
grcss from Maryland, dicd at his rcsidence
in Hartford counly Dcc. 2d from an itlack
of thc appoplexy.
V'oor.. No change is mado ia thc qtio"
(alions in Goslon markct.
Millcrism ncar home. Mcssr3. Millcr
aiJ Ilimas, two grcat guns havcgivcn no
licc of Lccturing in Vergennes!
rtarlin Brimmcr, whig has bccn clcclcd
Maor of Boston, By an cverwhclming
majorily. Tho aldertnan and cotumon
council are also whig.
The Slalo Cominillco of Iho Libcrtv
pariy havn givcn notico to all v.ho are prc.
parcd lo cut lnosc from bolh pdfltical par.
itia, and will hercjftcr vote fcr no mr.n hit
in uncompromising foc lo o'avcry, and u
fricml of tnuncdiutc cmnncipation, (omcct
.U Randolph on lhc 3d cf Jantiary ncxt
lo r.cminato stato cfiiccrs. How
comcs it that Ihis convention is uvo
days in advanco ofthc federal Loco, which
mctts at Montpelier on lho Sih ?
itcv. Alanson St. Clair, in conipany with
one ormnro of thc slate committcc of thc
Libcrty Pariy, is aboul to dclivcr a scries
of lccturcs at difHircnt tirncs and placcs in
iho northcrn scclion of Ihc slalc. Col. wil.
lcr is nlrcady in thc fielu against slavcry
and wtll be in Middlebury iu n fcw days
Cal.vfornia. In his mcssngc llic Prcs
idcnt alhldcs lo Iho fiivorable prospccls or
an ainicablo adjustmcnt of our claims up
on tho Mcxican govcrnment, ond thc spce
dy paymcnt of thc samc. As it is known
Ihat Jic.tieo can pay no mnncy it is bc
licvcd in Washinglon that a ncgotiation for
thc cession of Calafornia h going on for
thcliquidslion of ihcso claims.
Ob::lin INstitutc. A Bill lo rcpeal
ihcchartcr oftiiis iustitution has passcd lo
its 3.1 reading in thc Ohio Hottsc of rcprcs'
jcnlattvcs, and ou the 8th int. was laid on
; thc lablc bv onc vote.
i 5It:!1DK'r J Mhiiiphas J- S. PAtteii.
,so.v. lho following Icttcr. deli.ilinsa tnost
atrocious nssnssinalion. is nubliscd in the
cvcning, tbe 2sih inst. about 11 oclock, in ;
tlli t0WI 0, Wnilo:lj .vm!o on jns retura lo
tha s'.iip.
This foul and cruel murdcr has been com-
tniitcu wiiiiout nny Known provncatton,ati;t
dislre.s's felt for his loss bv his numerotis
nml nnm.lv ntinpi.,i frLn.la .,.
. Ev7 wertioa is being mado hv tho
rivit :iiitiiiiriiiL - iiiit iiii i m rr nn vni iippii
,j r ,i, .,,.,, , r .C i :j
' ho deccascd reccived Ihrco stabs with a
(knifein tho left bfeast, oncof which picr.
ced his hcart, causing inst.int dealh. His
. . J ...
mr.rlnt rmninq wrrn intprrn lni mnrninc
at thj Americaa burial ground with thc
HMial military hooors.
I havo tho honor to be, very rcspeelfully. I
your obedicnt scrrant,
Ciias. W. AIobbax, Commandcr in.Chicf
of the U. S. Naval forccs io Ihe Mcditcrra-
Morr Stsasboats Lost. The stcam
boat Saratoga was sunk by a snag a fcw
milcs abovo the mouth of tho Ohio. Thc
passcngcrs and baggago werc savcd. Shc
sunk in 30 fcct water, boat and cargo total
Tho Floston a!so slruck a snag ncar thc
satnc p!nce, and was obligcd to throw ovcr
board a lirgc part of the cargo to savc the
Tho Patrick Ilcnry was snagged on the
24lh ult. ncar thc spot where thc Gcn.
Prattc was burned Shc was bound up, and
it was- thoiight would bc got o(T.
The Red Itivcr U hig says that tho
stcamboat Fort Gibson, Capt Flemming.
siruck a snng five miles Hiw Alexandria,
and immedialcly sunk. She was wilhout
corgo. The boat is a total loss. This makcs
thc fiflh stcamboat !is wc havc rccordcd
this morning ! Cin. Chron.
Thozias F. Marshall iadieled. Tho Del.
cware Statc Journal of Tucsdav last, ;ays:
"Wc undcrsland that the Grand,Jnry of
New Castlc Country have lound Irue bills
againstCol. Webb.'Mr. Marshall. and thcir
awocialcs, for a violatinn of tho laws ol
Dclaware in rclalion tn duclling."
Thc Philadelphia Inqaircr cf Thursday
says . "Thc Grand Jury of Delaware couii
ly ycslerday prcscntcd Iho Hon. Thomns
F. .Marshall. for fighting a duel. Col.
tt'cbb cscaped the 5i!:c nr.tice, by rcason of
his having occupicd a posilion on thc olher
idc ofthc line of thc Statc, during Ihe
C$-Wc find thu folluwing parngraph gc
ing iho rouatii ofthc papcrs:
Thc Troy Win slatcsthal a corps ofcn
gineers arc'now in ihc ficld. cxaininir.g a
roulc for n rnilroad from Concr.rd, N. 11.,
lo Montpelier and llurlinglon Vl
Our readers will probably bc supprissd al
this infarmation. It is cerlainly ncv4 to
us. Pcrhaps howcvcr cur ncighbor cf thc
'Troy U'hig" will be able lo cnlighlcn us
on thc subject. "Wc shall sec." liur. I'rte
CCrA IcllPrlo tho Ncv Yurk Journal of
Cominctcc from a "rnlleman in Chazy,
Chnton counly, N. Y., datcd 2Clh Nov
says :
"Wc had n Eort of auto-da fe at the Car
!o, (a viliage in the townshipof Champlain,)
a shorl lnim sinco. Thc Roman Catholic
had u prolraclrd necling, and during its
progres3 Ihsy calied in nll tho prolotant
ISihlcs which had brcn distributcd and pur.
chnsi'd atnong them. (cxccpt soino fcw who
woti.'d not givc thcm up) nnd tnado n public
hnrifirc of thcm. It was said by thosc who
ivitnesscd it. that ihc numlcr thus burned
wi.s betwccn two nnd thrcc huudrcd. Kf
forls was madc lo purchasc thcm, but to no
cfTeo.t. Wo havc had public incelings bolh.
hcrc and in Champlain, to givc somo cx-prcs-inn
of ssntimcnt in rogard to thc wick
cd oulrajie."
Noticc. .
Tbe ino IiundrcJ and livcnlr veconit anniTersa'y
of thc l.imliug ofoar farcf.it lirr on thc horra of
New Eiibiud, iv. II nccur on Tliuis 'ny llic 2J iit
On llic ctcnin. of tli-tt .l.y. ai. addrc will bc dc
litrrrd by rrofwor Sr.tIiDtliD cti tht tharailtr
at.d priv-ijj t of tht Puritan. &ctes will Cora
iucirc at lulf pa.t ri o'cl ck in llic Con;rc;nlion.
;IOiarcli. ppri.pri.ile nuiic i cspccied. The
pj'.lic (;riirni!ly aie iniilril p nllcnd.
JSfidJlebmy t)ec. 19. 1342.
Bj (ht fm.T Ediiorrflke Sj'.wdny iltfe.-i-ing
I'oil an l SiiJ'irrf vj Cnurizt.
Cumpr iti; t!iu ir lils nf 2 yi rp; lience
in Iht! N wpip r buin-s; thc aid l iIm most
dUtiii li-hed nMiti"rr wiiiers of llm da;a
va'n nle I'.ir.-isn Corri'.'pondeiic.; uiih lrop
of r.'trry fr'enla, a:i 1 I'm delrrniinat.on tn
pj'jliili a Nu-'rpaper Ior all clasiis, irh.ch
Pliiladolphia Saturday Muscum
A Kj.iiily N-"s;.ip.T, ni'j'ral in io!ii:c
opp3cd to ipack.-ry, an.! drro'nl l llio uvfnl
Ari. Educitioa, .Morali. llejlt.'i and Amiue
in i.l.
llic T.le, Skctchrs Nanatirm. :.rsp:ly?,
E.i-ayr, ard Po'ir-i, sha I be of ih first order
fic bcst pio li.ct.nn9 of Ihc !t vrtl.T 'f llu
!ay. AV, arliclci n Hn'.nty, Axtioiioiuy,
Cti'inistry, and a!l Iha uscful A rrs j n.l s:!tc 5.
iviih j hbcral porlinn iiflilil r.a.lin.ancrd it.s,
.vii .-nd hun.'ir. nukirij, a varii, rich, and
In;illi iu5;iiiit; Olin.
l.ifc ..ii Ihe Ocran Fuiuisl.ins narnlives of
tciiii adven ine'. at sia, rhowing ibe couwgo
in I lu-innra ot the ImU Jluriucr.
Knrcign an.l i'oii..stic N.ni. Conjrrfs'onal
Pr..cecitii?'. and a i;cneral view of all niallirrs
of intrct r iniportanri. ti cppfar.
Picli.ral Kia"ic!Iiliinciil!., compri4ins mapi,
lacdvajicd, arch'tecturv, portniii of distinjiitili
ed p Tsona,;!-!., "f bolh scws. In these, as cll
as l'. ncalnej of typordphy, thc Muiutr shal!
iiGlbc suquR'vd.
Koreisn Corripom!ence. Arrangetaent s have
brc:i cumpio'c I f r srccnng a nguTar forcian
Corrs;Kjiiileiice raora .x'cnfire ar.d corrplelc
l!uo has evcr trnlichcd Iha coluaaa of an Ainrr
ican Newrtpcr.
Cjmmeroial Thc ttatenf !ms'nc. df ftocis,
1'iice-. of gram.a d al! Orsciipliuiit if cou .liy
pnd-.cc. inrrchand si ic. "ill Ihj eiven fiom ac
iujI sal.s. in Ujliimorr. N Yuk. ISoOon, iic
Mii.scr axu oi::r;ivAt. cks vnoii
rtiiss Lcslic, lr. Ar:hur,
fllrs. figouracy. Mr. Irving,
jMiss Sedgwick. Mr. Coopcrj
Alrs. II alc, Jlr. .Morris,
ilrs. Stcvcns, .Vr. CiiTndlcr,
ftlrs. Loud, Hr. Bird,
iliss. II. Gonld, iic. iic. (J:c.
One Thoa.ind Poliars.
At an eaily ip rioi!, will bc'aanounrcJ Iha ofjr t
I On.; llioua:ut Uuhaii. "r.'Cli Ine rnpnelon
inleml awar.:in; in pieiniiini foi Ihe bt-st L;tri
ry Pfoi'u-liona. In.trticthe Slorie. Tounhii'S
and Aff.iciiiij I)'cr:p'ion, Fiajs, loea:s, c.
in oider lo ctibt ihe s'rniejt tiray of the brai
Nalivc Tjlent mi inor cf llii pr.'at liltiaiy n
lerpri..'. Il ticinr. in fa:t. t'.e drlc'niinaiion of
he projiriclrr., lolrari nolhior; undoDc, auj to
,p r no pain, piertijnor rJpciu;.
03-K" iv s'lbwri'trr t th: pipr r n'l rrceiVe
ac pi'ol Clarke'4 Am-ricJ lWct Lihrary. nn
licej'l.cli.iv, wilhnnt cliar.-, ihlu rndning tbe
Sit.irday Mitwnm tht in't l.ira'ie tho most
attraciivc. an-l the chsapeal F.iulr Newtpiptr
that ha cu r twcn pubii.h.'d in the U. Sliici.
To Agrnli, Tfrms, Commitsnat, fyc.
Any indiridual who tvill lake lho t.-ntthtn to
prrenre lh name. of l:i fri.-n U, and reniil t!ie
fuuJ. will Iweulnled lo tlitf c.iru'nii.ioin b ch
aie al prirnt. a id conliiue lo bc. nntil fur
Iber uoiice, inoic lihrral h far than l ave yet
bcniffiMlhy nj qcrapcr ot rral tharactcr
.r mfr.t. A comims-ion f ertnty ceuU Hillbe
sll.i-.vtil to Acnl urxin iac'1 s:t.scrilier.
Tnji The Phila1ppli:a SaturJay McMUm
is publnl.eJ every weik.al.32 Ir annuni..aa u
sual ia advancf, Or 8 a- "10 d ofliie ycr.
ETKor 29, ir. ciirrerA fbadf , 16 copici of ihe
Newjpiper, and 16 copiej or the Library wjll he
forxarded. itcurely ptcktd, tomy ptrt of tbs
U. 6tits. 3 eopirs fcr 33. All oritcrs and
comtnunieMmn to lieaildrrssnt fic of rntajc
to THOtf. C. CLARKC t CO..
Siiunlay Maseam, No. 101 Cl:e:r.i.t st. Phila
dcljjhii. 33;3
Thcra will bc an ndjournmont mccting
oftho Yonng iicn's 2eniperanco Soc. al
tho Toivn Iloom on Wedncsday cvcniag
thc 21st inst. nt half past 0 o'clock.
Thu allendancn of the fricnds of Tem
pcrance in iliddlebury aud vicinity is res
pcctfuliy solicitcd.
Hv nr.lcr of tho Ex. Board.
"E. R. WIJIGHT. Scc.
Middlebury Dcc 19 1842,
M a r r i e d .
On thc 12th int hy Dr. T. A. Mi-r.
rill Mr. Albcrt M. Phiilips of .1ansScId Ct.
Io Mlss ll'zebeth R. Stowcll of this tov.n.
WOULD cxpress his gratitudc to ihe
puld c for ihe pa'rnnaje wi ich ha
bccn so lit-erJllv besiow. d upn him. and
trnsls llint hi; skill and cnl.uged expericnce
wdi secure a coi.t'niianctf ..f it. He wouhl
as-urc tbe public ihat he ba? evorcade:-vorpu
to kwp up witn ah the imTovmeius ia thr
si-ience of I)r:ristry, by urqu.iiniin In nsiK
witi. tht inojt rrceiiit'uulicationx, nnd !.y cor
respoivhnce w.lh daini:tiis!:cd practit':eiicr
n the riiics. He hst 5iirinu purrlni'eil of
tliatskiTcIdentist Dr Whittcinorr of Boston.
tl.c 8t cf in.i'jin the Gnin Amalgl'U whiiih
h'S recenl'y been so hnppily aJop-e.l iuw the
pr.ic!ire f the profe..si 'ii ia Bo-tnn, New
Vork and otl.i r Lrc.-., .inil hus b-rn li e fir-t
to iiitmducc- u into this re;:io'!. Sj complele
ly iloci i! U r'jrapoilio:i .liitJJ the tootii, tlial
tixse If t" crio btconie 'cr.dcr Mi I u-i-le-i?, Iv
h.'in prcperly tltan'cU ai;d fi.led, may Lt
ptescrvei!, and so irstored. that 'he nosessor
-an inas'icte his fcod with as much ficiliiy
.In liiouzh no ilpfrcl exisip.'.
nldlehurv, Drr. 7. 1S12.
Hank IS'olicc.
MF.ETINGof thc Storl.l.ol.lcrs cflhe
Bai k ofM.iMli bury will he Imldci .m
tt c 2.1 Tuesday ot Jdr.V nixt, at thi'ir B.itik
in? Houc in Middlebury, al onc o'clock P.
M.. lo tr.inMrt llie lblIoins Iins nrs: 1-t,
To choi se sevrn d reciors : 2J, Tu sre il tl.e
Stnc'Kholdcrs will vote to adop1 iu lieu ofj
llic prcsent c.:mirr otsaul li.nk lli" pro
visi 'i s fn ar.i n l.ilinT t. lank-., pisjed by
ill-- IcsMnlure of the S'.ff cf V.T.nnnj, 23ih
On. 1-40. J. Wapjcsb, Cash'r.
5th L'eccmU r. 134
Strtty Cow.
Cnmc iuto the inclosurecf lho subcriber
on or ubout thc l.t. nfNov. n largc r.-d
ci.w, wilh a brond white sirip finin hr
shoiilder to hcr fon: Ieg, wilh uprilit t:orns
loih borrd. Tho owncr ii r..qi:c-!i:d to
irovu propcrlv, pay cbargcs nril lake hcr
.iwny. ' J03IAII STAGG.
Pan'on.Ncv. 27t'i, 1342 12;3iv
'J'HF. subscriber has just receive.l f..im New
a York a frh fUip,'v "f Gtfcatis, .Meii
cinci, Dye Slrfft. I'a'.nls, t;c., wh'ii.i l o .dfers
tiir s.iL- .is Iciv a can t,e purchascu ia i!.i
vitii.iiv, for Cash or pr.'.Iut-c.
Dt-c.5. 1312.
Iiilt!!cbury llaok Store.
CONS TANTI.r on hand a "er.eral as
sort nent ol School and Mieel!.incr.U
llook', Slal'on"rv, Annua'sihe Gift. Ilhris
ii.it! Souveni', &e. L t'er, liillei aml Fools-
Cap papcrt-f boptri'.r qu ility, cheaper than
:V sreal vanctv
V .'fAlman.icks, &. Rrsistcrs i
:it whoies.ile, or J7 cl 5in"'e.
S nsnsf IJ(j-k, f all ki.l tlnt are uv.-d
in f 13 vii-mry. licl.sale
fur rcahj pay r.nhj.
Dcc. 0, 1S12.
af.d r.-lail n!l
For tho Bencfit ofthc Pu'olic.
fTTH E Hardnrss of ihc timcs and rrrtrei;
EL ty of 'ah iuduccs tho suhscriber lo
reduco tho priccofhis IJook as fullows,
viz :
Sini.hs G'iicvs .M.ilte.rtriiRS and Itun.
linglons Gc. nnd AllasSS So 75 ccnts.
Milchvli Gi o. and A'lasone D.illar.
EmiTsons 1m C'a-ss llcader 50 conu, half
I'ound, 40 ronls.
Em-rtous 2.1 Class Ueader, 2o ds.
Do. 3J do. do. 18 J ct?.
And olher School Booki cqunllv cbeap.
Books & Stalioneiy.
rptin ra'jvrriSer 1m
" " ju.t recriic 1 fnm Ii. '
oiic. ""
ti-nmenu oi nu.i.
ii on
ivl.irh r'nr.l a-
Hlucauagoiu as-.
fct'nc. t of
Sschool Books, Juvcnilc Books,
(.'lassical Boolts, Biblcs
ana Tcstamcitts.
Thelate un'.licaiioiK nf Lii.Mcn and Nstvrnaa
rrtl Jotin S." Tarlor i: Co rOiiVMlnr .f Ihi veiy
ropu'ar nnt'ne-. of Cl.ai!otle KliziV-lli. Baird"
Tnvel in K'.r.pe. I'aikf-t's I.ftlnrr on ITni-
vir-alntn, Dilarfcl on Ihe 1'iojiihs.. i.c.n
KI.-cli'Hl.I'r.iiciahlir tn. p.i v-H.Giusiaii on
Ihc iniMti biiul ll.el)ille. Clrnliiii Aniiqui
tie. &iarfV Dil le birpai I y, jM-bon on Infidel
iit, and araii.l) ifotlirr n.iscill krccus
Books and Annuals.
CO- The book are cmrrally n cei.f puM'ra
lior.. an. mo.t of Ihrm eb R'nily Loiin.l. Also
P.per.Ink, Q ull'. Ii.ki and.. Slate. Su i rl pei s
Arcoi.nl H ...kj. Aleraoiai dom Uooks, Whiting
l!ook. Can!., Tcolh and l a-r Jlrushei., War. i.
ih-pSml. Ka .c-y Pni.t.ng Ph-r.Tii,uc Papcr.
AU w lucn wui te to u
.O. Kov.IS. 1S42. 31;1
S'.ray Cattlc.
CAMK i"to the i nciosu-e of t'ic sahscri
bcrubout the 1st of Nov. six yrarlmj
cal'I--, t'.'r.-e steet nird'lbree heif-n. The
ow.fi'is rcquej'ed tn provcproper'ty, j..
cl.arzes and take tl.en awav .
NewHaveDlNoT.21,184S1 31:?
Wb, Ihe subfcriucr bcioz sproinleil l.y IK
Pro'uatc Coart fjr Ihe Dii'.riet ol AJdisor
C omaii55:onf if . lo reccivc. cxamine ar.d adjna:
i!l rbimsanil Jcmamlj of all wion, agains' Ih
!ato of
1 alc of MiiMlel'Uir, in saiil Disltict, drceas-"d.
rtprescnlcrt ir.roh.-m. jnd aUo j!i clj:mn.I c
mainls tih'.l.ilco in tr.tt ihcrrto: Kni i
imiiitlis fiotn Ihe lG:h i!ir of Kcvtiabrr, lirmz
ulloivnl lya.l Ctuit frr Ihat iufprrp. we dt
ihercfore lnivliy girp noiirc'that e witi attpn
to tliv timnrsj iif .mr taitl aioinla'cm. at ilir
itwflhng hocspofAltnr.n l'iiuiey in tiJiilrbnry.
ot. tlie sreral Turst!y rfjjn. at-ii .vtjy, f.oir
niaeo'clcck.A. iM.unul lour ..Vlcck, P. M.on
each of 3ld ila-
D alcd at Middlebury. lh.s lu day t.roTrm!)er.
1342. " Sl,3.v.
Commissioner1 Notico.
Wr. ths nuli'crilwrs harln lntn lppainled liy Ihf
llon. P.-n!ale C'uurl fcr llie Dijtriel of .cw IIatpr.
CL)iiimii;ier3 lo ic:ci.e, pxainine an:t ailjnsial!
; t'n rl.ii.-u an.l d.-unjj of all pcrrass agaiiut t!ie
I rjsTale cf
J lite of t.tncoln ia iai.1 Distric!, .lcceascd. rcprwca-'
tcl insnlrrnl, aml all cl..inis an.i ti"n4au riui.ucu
iaoiT'Ct liieicto: Amlsix ino'iilw from l'ir fiil: day
of Dccsailjcr, 1S-I2, huiiig aHwcd liy faid Court fjr
tlnt iiirnr-e. 'a d.) ilirrrC.re live rotif! liiat c
.j nill a'lend to il busimi" ..f uur iid njxititnirnt
jatlha ilui-llin l-ne of llie miiIow ALLr ar-
cctvr. in 'au I.ii.toln,on l' c Jcl J!oajy in Jai.
n.l May ncxl, from 1 o'clurk lo 3 P, M. oa cacli
of aiJd.iv?.
t'ARH!tl. (JUI.MJO.V, ) "..
Lincoln De. 12:!i 1S42.
Unilc.l Sta-cs D'-tiict Court,
Vrnni.nt Ditnct.
In rian!iraptcr. Nolicc to how cano againfl
j.-liliuri ofCluiler K. Tuiiil! ot sii'idlrbiiry in
o'lViict, lo be .'t-rljr.-il lianltriipt. at lli
officc ol S.-iaii-l rrciilo'., distirct j'lrfjrc in
Montpelier in taid rlirlrict cn PI.iim ilry Ibc
uinth div or Fchraary 1S43. at 10 uVIoc!: a ii
Unilcil Siates DNtrict Court,
V.-rinunt iJistrict.
In Dankrupt. K.rtiri. io ho- eauts agalpf 1
pclilion ol Jonail'an Jrwrll, i.f liai.cr.ck in aid
dUlricl.t.iLdecljrtd binkru t llm rfiice
of Sjnucl Piriili--, d'flrict ju.lcr, in .l..nt-pch-r
in aiiJ dllrict,on Tnnrsdiv Ihs uiulh iljy
ol February I47, al Un o'clockj a u. S3
Uniled Sinlrf ni-irict C.iuri'
Vcrinont DUinct.
In ninnipter, Nnticetmhntv c:iue ajainst
pctition'of KraimiM V. riunoii'l nf Shoreham
0fn"Ce of.Samiif I Pwnli Diirict Ju hre Mwit
in saui inirict. to ne iieriar.nl a iia.xrupt at ihc
oelier in n!d Di'nct oa Tliurj lay Ihe uinth il
ort'cbiuary 1S1" at lcn o'clock A M. C3
Unitnl Statns Dim'd Ci.utt,
Verm-.ni Un rict.
In Uanlrtiptc- Nolicc to how caiisc agair.ft
pctition ol liaSebc of Chorchaui.
in tfal dintrici to hs
ddared a Biiikrup', at the oiricc of SjuiiiiI
Prenlis. ilii.lr!Ct jnilji-, i'i Montpelier, in iiid
lintricl, nu Tliurn.lay thc nintli djy i f IVb
ruary ISU. Jd . u. 33
United Sta:c DUtricl Coutt,
FV'rrnoi.l Disir ct.
In nankrup'ey. N'otici lo ho'- cnme again.'t
pctition ol jackijii Atv.oji' of Leiccstrr,
in .id difliict tn
h-j drclarnl a bankrnpt, at llie't.ific of S.n!irl
I'rcntlM, ilistricl jodje in Moiitjx-licr, in aH
diiiricl .ii Thu-.div llu uinth day of Fe'.ruj.
ly 1813, 10 A. .M. " 33
Unlted Siat3 Dilrict Court,
Verino-t Ditrsc.
In Itankruplrr. Nitica lnhc'.7 rius'- ogaint
pctition of beth llodgr-s Juni&r, of L'nrcln.
in vuJ rfi'tii':',
In iu.dorlarrd binkru I, at l!ie offlc-.'f Sanu I
Pn-nlin ilirtr.ct Julf, in IV!i.tiv-;i, r i" anldi.
rict. on Thntrd-v t hu lnnth dry of I'el.liary
1SI3.13. All. ' 3J
Uuiird Stalcs Dislrlcl Ccutt,
Vcrmo-it Dijlrb t.
In Uinliriij.lcj . Notici: lo i.hnn- cme agiir.s:
pcli-:.n of Km.rson Walty, of Whiting, in
aiil dis'rict in I c il-claml bjiikrupt. st llic
ofiicc of Sjninel Pie-.lis. .1'Vricr ju.Jce, in
Monlpciier, l'i aid .INlric!, on ThuriJay lli'J
n n.lh iJay r.fF.-brasry 1843. lO, a m.
Uuitcd Siaus D Mrict Coiiitj
Vermoit Dijtrict.
In rJinkrnplcj. ?.otico tnrhotv canne affainSt
pi lilion of
llcu Ciriy ii f Jlri'lj.ort iu ai .1 lu
j ...i.. ...... b. 'hi.i. . u. .... vuiw.: ui
, t,. I.. .t..fu..l I....L....1 . r.
Sainecl Prenlws dniii-t jndze, in .Vunip li.i, !
I'" 'i;'nc'. ihmsdjy Ihc uiulh tlay .l '
Kvbiuaty 1643. 10. A U.
UliMiU Aiali-
Diitrict Ccurt,
Vrrnr.nl Di-t:ict:
In Hankrnplcr. Notien lo vIi.hv causc asaia-t
l..:.r ..I .. t .. I t i , j
, Jiriiiiuii fi juiiu . viiiiui;!; i 1 rruaiil l-J j
, Mi.1 .liilrrl, u.nire.1. l.inkrii,.l. at t'..-
oiuca m .iiiai-i iP-i.ii.H. .iitwici i ir-e. m
M'.i.'p'hcr.ni .M .li.lrici. on Thui.day ihi
Ulnllidjv ptiuarv 15I3.I0.A u, " 23
Uniled Siates DMrirt C.iurt,
Veiniant Uiitrie'.
In Rmkrncicy.
Nctire m h-.T !inc -;ainft prliticn of -
iam L Iljliofaihllcbury in m! di.lrict l.i Im c .Middlebury ha.l nn thf SUl day ofAu
i i!chriU liiiiiriipt.at.ilirofficraf Samuel Prrn. 1 ,t ; r, , tn0 Taveril Aan I :ii-r
. liM. diitiicl jnJsc, in J.Ionipein.i.i i.l Jitrict. i o-ftt r f 1 liv I5iiiiani:n D. D.-jvvn i:i Mi I !l-
on Taur.dy tiw r.intnuayo! tib-uity.i, u, iu,
A u t-. . . r . " i
Umted Statei DHtt.ct Courl,
. V. r i'on'UMirict. . .. i
Uniied St.Tcs Diilii' C"urt,
V, rmont Uitr!ct
Ii. h.nUruntcr. No-ic litc'mw r-tns- r;3lat
tilioii of Orr-n WrU'.!.in. ..f Uramli.n
d;.,rlCi..n; .l.cU.! la.kniH. at ib...ffir,
., ,-,i,. Mn.........
Oi oan.UJ. .vii.i.". .......w-
Ti,.,rMav lli. r..n. i d.v
1 I. ..... rIU -.. j .
' .... ton , n ... fl-,
oirDiu.ry ico, ju, -
Uni'e.l S ab-s Disitirt Court,
Vcrmnni Dii'rirt.
In Bankruptcy. N-li'c l.. I..kv einsn ajraint
p-llti'in of u l.i Stunlevaiit of WVjbndcc, in
si-i duiric. t br d cl.rrd hai.!r.it al l!ir
tfice ol Sun.'el rrci.t.'.J, tli:nct.j'n,se.in Mont.
lier. -i nl dMr.el, a Tl.utsday the nm;b
dycf Fcbruaiy, -133, 10, A M. 33
Uniled S'at Dhtrict Cnur?,
Vermont Di1iiei.
In Bankrop'Cy. Notire lo haw caiwe ajainit
peliliun nf Alfed Alnnoil nf Grairille ii li-f dia
trict. tu b dccl.iml bankrupt nt iha cfflre of
S.imcirl Pienti'a Diitrict JiHie in ilual, eiier
"I'" '." ,,ir,u I
ibe n.D.I. day of Frb
' I
raid di'tnrt on 71iarrday
riary 1843 at n o.clock
tt . c. .... r.l.t.tr P.;irr. I
ui'.iu-.i oi iir i.
Vermont Dt-ife'i
ia Bankruplrr. Nnl lo.ho eaa ap.nst .
reiiiion ..r .Mvn . - .
a r 1,.... M 4 ilim itt.t I I
lo U dc.-l.red n.nkru t. at ihe ..0 c ofSamnel !
Prenliw niit.irt Jnde in VontHr. ... ij di,.
trirt oa TWday ii.e unilli day or tebr0ar,lS43.
at ten o'olock A. Ms 33
Lo de.-lireii r ...
United St.il'. Di-lriel C.-tirt,
tfrpi-". t'l-trp'
In Bankrnptry. r.oiire n nnw cniuc a-.-.n'.t
ilili..nor Jonaiban 5ainon m 13ridnrl m H
Kiriri t. be nerlarea Uaakmpi. anto oioce of .
Sa.uuct IV...ti Uiiri-t Jn l;e Ia Moinpthrr a
taid Diilrirt o 1 Thuudiy tbe Biiuh day cf Fab.
nnry, ltW3 al lea o cjoo a sj,
n iutis n cy. 'i" ""7 s- ' ; lllorc pistii-ular de-cripfi.):i .f ho pr.iu-t
pMit!-,,, of JJaiiiel I . S.i.,,cr . . Uh ' ,Ti ,J .;V(.n : s10 ,(, c f ,Tc, al-.a Njr.
1 in nd i!ilricl lohn ilclarc'l l..liiruj-t at llm . " . ; ,, , , a. . ,
! ..men ..I Sa rl Prmt.. J.ri.irt ju.uc i . "' arc unt d.lc jaul Uec.l o:. 3 s day
Mcrt-.-r.er. in J S.I .!i,tpcl bi T .uSdiy thc 9.1. ! Au3ijs l,t as !t lorth i h. c.lCdu.e o.l
t.., lii .ii i file ui tiiiollicc ofthc Cierk ol .l.e D.strizL
i - - - -. . i
i i
TAMARlKES. tcT'ttcr ivu-i-rtp
itisk li.itt,Tls en belc'i o
alc li.st dcor south cfil.e Fi CEc, hr
V. . Rt itsm..
flOOFEP.S Isnch'ff, I'i ' !: 'j'
V Al-it. Kice.SaL-e, Tspicca, Oat iW!,
d Anciv iicoi. ior sali It-r '!
' e Post Cffire l.y
W. P.P.ciitf
lOUUI.li Itilined
t'gi.1, Lrvif.tdr
l salr liis C' i '
' p. Tr srLt.
Gn.uud, at:d ir. Cak.s, .
.outh of ll.e 1'cai CIEce Lv
0 A.MPOlLot' huprrior q:ili: JalkV.'
and SpeTin Cin.llrs for sale i.y
W. P. Uu.rLfv
THIS ka"un aml urparalellrcf rrmfdtr Ior
Cuois-f, I. Cuci zii. CjIK Asil.ma. Si. -
t'as oi Iiluod. I.ritaiion fnnd .'israjcd st .'t
of th.; luns-., ar.d Cniisuimitinn
For sale by
3l:tim. S. MOODY. IJru f .
i ;;ven: ataiid litr C:i:p.
T jj 1 il K SuhicriLer hr-ipg da.
2 jHtom of iftireiiijr f
busim-s cITt i.-, fnr ssle l! r
lliiiiu nnd ni'i'iininr? builainr's row oeeu
picd py him as a Tnrcrn S aud, being silu
.itd in tl.c Nn. Ib Vijiago of iliiulirgtnn at
thc jur.ciion f threo road.i leailu.g io Bur.
iiug'.on, Montpelier nnd Alidi'li-bttiy. ia-il
1'iitcni is in ;;ood rrpair, ium i, g tirrv
accommudali'.ri sousht forin n coustry In..:
iugetrpr wilh .kcd t.nil oihcr out LtiilJin-i.
tlrphiT wilh .'52 Ar:rfs uf Lilid b. :i-n.i.;
i li:c ftimc, rtl.ieh r:ll lc tf fr csed tf on
le.-.ennab'e lernis l itber '.virh, or uiiho.u th
laiul, ns nt iy Ih-m i-nit ihc pU'c!i::.T. Crc .
it uil! bi- giv-i in part f! g.io.1 -apsr F.ir
furtl.cr ; ai:ii-iih.rf,enquiiu of n.f'.-r 'k r
ou 11'.- prtini.-.-v. J. 15. DlKi!.
HiintiiiLton. Dcc. 3. I P.J j.
vcii'cl ScI.orL
rjiHK S;ihsrri!.er wcchl ii.f..rm tiie infi bi
i lants ol liJdhbuf.- a.-i! vi-t i y t t ' v
tvdlfp- n oi. YVr.lnt-.day tlie .IO1 : t., a 5o-
lcclSrboot ia Ihe Ao.lriny t-a'libii.-.
OllLAN'I'O V C'( .iTFit.
X. B. Tcrius rea:on ili.V aad $,iivl I.- s
MM ilct urv, Nov. 20; 1312. 30,
1II''.S nrr.cii 111 exciljne Ii go-di cr
oa . ccunls 1-y
P. Y. C-iLL;
Cornu-all Ncr.SSJ, 1S12.
il vi!ei pi,-.1'..'
A. FliAMH.
Jl"1' i,i
iii yoa.ls hy
In Biinkruj.fc- Ainot't' S tl-.
5Y or.ler oflho Uni fil Stnt-s D'rirt
i$ Ciiurt for the Di.-trirt -if veriii:it w. l
!c solil nt Public AiiriiiiM ii' tl.e IVnn irt
Ilpt.-I hi Middlebury nn AVeilneidat tlr:- I Ii
duy ofJamiary 1313 at 10oVIH. M fi.
cash, all thc rifjfir, liilc. nnd iutrrest - h .-h
Nnthati Vv ooil of Miildlebury b.id ou tb'-S t
.lay ol"Aii2u- hi.r, iu nnd tr a Int il"l.iu I
yitiiatc iu Miihtlehury ivith thu huihlniu-i
thcrenn, commnnly knnivii us tln Vo-iro t
Hotel, nlo a toitu G.-'Htinill ntiJ 5;ore at
tcel c.l to thc sniiic s-itimtc nn tlu: c,i:t s"l-i
nl' Ottcr Crc-!; in Miildlebary ner.r tb.'
Biidi-c, also ths cndivi'Ied half of on.- Iv n
!rcd nercs f latnl lyin? in G.ijhsn t iU.i
thc r'gbt titlc nnd iiitnrc-l ir. an-l tu ;h
taic of Beuoui ShirilifTilccca-e.I, a!sj Mc
riibt titls, ain! ii:tcrr.-t iu and to the r le
nr illinm Fairnr dcccaseil I.t!.; tl Tr
New Hampsbirc, nNn thc undiviileil h-ilf f
fivc.'iares iu thn Mi.Mbbiiry rVMial-' -nary,
iiLn a hit nf Nute a.ii! Ac -i i" 'i.
h)ii!;iii to said IKon.l on thu 3I.-t day .f u
ui I ns sct forth iu liisscb.-il'j's ui.li
At sntne timc and plnce. will b.- so1 '
broun w.'iitc f..:ed Mdro b'.dn.iji;! ; il-t-c'.U
uftloratiti iM V.'nod of 5I:J u
the S1-! .I.iv nf Ai.2ti-t I.is: ..-4 s!t iii.
lii-.clici!iileoii fla iu tbe ofiice 'l.t"
oftho Di-tnct C.iurt.
A Uo,
A Iji of Ueccipt?, Notc,amf nernt::i-. V
lonxini: to FranrN C 6,:yniilur nn thrS S.'i
ilay of .luly ht a sct forth in lii i-h?dul.
on'fili-m tho ofliec ofthe Clcrk oft!i3 H:s
tri:: C-;urt.
A lot of Notc.j a:id arai;nr, wi'I ri
at im'! linio nnd plaee liii'i Horare rhoN
of .'Unldlebiiry m the 31-tdiy of Anpu. I.it
n- rjCt fortT; in iii-i t-di-ilule in !2l-(: fl'liu
Clcrk ol tbe DUtrit.-: Court.
A Iso.
At samc titud a'ld pla.'i'j will he dI n I it
0fV3lM ,., ,!,ie t H.isfn w V.'nr
r ii;X!U,,,,. ,, ,h. it:i,i.,.i A
ut lii.it ih ftl H.r.li in ik clutluie o.) Mio
m ir.e olllci: ui tliL- iJiiri'Jl Uuurl.
A iso,
At Samc lime and plac-, will hsMd nli tho.
ri:Mt. Jttlr-i nml iniercst lli i' Puld A. Itv.-il
i,urv. ni. risht. tit c i.n.' imcrest s.ii,l
Reed has in the lidil-'i: and !a:i:i now i..-r;j.
, ly s:.;t Hcr.I aml H.lrMa Lonmi,
lieirtn Ihe esta.c ofPaiil Rt e.I deccased.u
At lim ssamc timn n ! i.btepniil berlin.
n of Nntes und acc::;m ilan to Moscs .Ttp.
geast of V.rcy!.riilyc ou the 24 h iliy of Att
;ut .it as t-t io-lh in Iih .'!. -.Iul u. fi'i
i i ihc oSec ofiha Clcrk ortba Li.lricl Cottrt
At samd lime and plnce, wil! Io soM nll
the Reeeiptsau-! 'rcnuutjnlnf -.. V.'iiliam A.
Hirchco-k of i!inrr!i.n.n.i th'' Sijtdiy.f
Auiu: lnt as:t furili iu Ii-h o!u!ule o:t 5. .
ia 'thooSce of tbe Clerk oftho Oi-'rict
AtthdStflre of ISosriir. & Naih i;i N."
Hnvcn on FrMiy tl-e l.Th day ot" J -u rv
IS48 nt onc oVI.k p. aj. f ,j,s rtiilt
ani iiisre.i ii'jt L,aviiis P lileuioro .lu-i. or
Nelv H,,v,"- hml o theSih !.iy ..rj.ily lx.
o . Haven w-!, iV'
I'Uil.lill - fA thftPl'll.l .lint.inillT : !..lil h irv-
Q .. . 1
.our acn- n part oi ui i.inn a.:. ;i.i:ili-
kunwn n thc Villim VUeclfir d.r m. al.
n, tillomlin'rreit s V-uo'
,3 (rj,
. .
to 0fiiV,,i ,:, jj,:s;nl cJrf.v , - . .
- .
5 ,iraV ill the iiMt ! i:i:. m i:..-C! :
g it rMxltiir.mja lout 103,1-ry.s a. i.ki.-c ,'r"
i!ir rle.-.eii!j i;,i i nu :i: av
iises vill tj givcu attiui tim o:
Will bc sil'J al sai'.'o titnofl'nl p!a-
,hirc in thn Mi--"0'iri .-;. Cjnpai.v. h.
As.U of Aldcn B'lr'-iar r, ' Ve jcil' f.
JUidd.lcbury, De.ccmber ;3ih, 13 12.- 'd

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