disparago Ibc whig party, or Ihose who ad-
;io tirinrlnTpff. Tii sbnw llift rhnrac-
1 LtU t'i I - -
. T ril: Ita innn
teTlSHC OCCCUtJ' oi iu fjaivei, auu U3
in relation to tbis whig party wo subroit tho
r " -
rMinwin'T cxiract .
. . . i i i.t i r m:j
Oicuui " J . ,
,rCatcd with that wanl ofcourlcsy nml de-
kabie; ;VmpabV".ak7i;;olf
cclebratcd as the niob town of Vermont.
Probablvsome of his commenta upon prom
incnt polilicians or upon the Whig nnd
lcniocrntic parlies partook to much of free.
dom of speech which is not readily accor
dcd to pcople in that rcgion. Mr. Brad.
burn of Mass. was lalely made awaro of this
fact when nddressing n public mecling.
Whether bcofiendcd in speaking too freely
of tho idols of vhiggery,or concorning some
olhcrs of a 'bascr sort' we nre not informed.
Tho Peoplc's Prefs noticed nt the limo
Mr. Sleam s speech at Middlebury, rcpre
lcd, and inlimating that he was dcsirous to
heanpointed Post Alasttrin that village.
We know not if this ifto.br! that he would
j. r ..11.. j... r.i.-i n
L have no manncr of donbt.
For the Peonlea I'rcu.
Mn. Editob: Tho lat VcrL'ennes Ver.
monter prrsrnts the nameof Wiliiam Slade
iw nn indcpcnienl candid.ilo tat Co'iyresi
,n tl.w aistnci. in compiinncc. snjs ...ai ?- ,
r..-r. "with- tne requrst 01 some 01 us wnijr ,
tnciuis tn tnec. ,y o. t ...
adj .rcm lo.. who aro de w rrjincd. the
My. to vo:o for 31 r . S la de rhc the r h e .ll ,
lornot. Insupport oflhiss.cplfintf ncom-,
munica lon susiainia" that nominaiion.
T 01 j - . I,,..!,!,, .
Mr. S aie, sir.in my es'imadon, is an auio.
tated mna-an cellent loS;.laior, and
ha. done Creal serviro to the couutry ; and
r.. . 1 .!.,i,. i ',: 1
plced in Conj:resr, and urged upon those
Ik) nttct.deu tne jonvention 111s tenomi
natiop. Siill I anticipated many difilcuK
ties in tho way. Mr. o'lade from his youlh
ip has bern in the public service. U; was
.ong Srcrelary of the Sia'.e of Vprmont ;
ncn for ears cleik inoneoflho Depart
ments at Washington, nnd for tnelveyears
-i3":t lias becn rnjoying tho hiah and honor-
.:.! stutinn of JlembiT of Lx.naress. In
riv rsiinvilinn lliis long possession of ofTice
nodiqnilification, but a circumstance
uhirli at the present moment rcndered his
Loncriniced services siill more valuablr.
!ul I knew well that otheis might not lake
ihis view oflhe subject. A new district
md becn carted ou', cmbracing many
hijjlily talenled and activo wliijis many of
nhom have trailed the piko fnithfully in the
lanks. and fouglit for halfa quarterofa cen
turv undei the bannrr, and for the elpvaiion
of M r. Slade to the otfice whnsc emnlumen:s
i.e has io long enjoycd. These mcn, to
I'etiifT with a largo pnrtion of tho people,
4tli tlmt a rniation in oflice at this time would
bo flhoir. righi. if a man of ilffright slamp
could befoui-d, and that Mr. SIjJo would
h ira pr-5onnlly, no right to compl tin Such
sniuii w.is G-'orye P. Marsh of Builingtnn.
Wlm dnubts hu ability 10 sustain'the inter
i s'.s of the country, his dtadly opposition
to sl.ivnry, or his di-cided a'.tachment 10 ihe
uuc proicclive policy of the country 7 Ev.
tvinch n wlng, and ccry inch an aboli
tior.ist fnll up to Mr. Slade as l have rea
011 to brlicve. Sftill. hoever, i prelerrcd
to have Mr. Sh.de nominaled, as ihe mobt
availalle candidr.'e and an exCRllent R-;p-tfst-nlativc,
nnd ti'is wou!d doubtless Inve
becn done had the County of Addison been
f il!y repr'isenied.
But as asscrted by the Vermonfer.thal the
nomination was a piece of political gain
bling, is utterty groundless, as I havo ascer
mined to my "salisfaction from many who
ncro present nt the convention. Evcry
public man has personal enemics, who upon
tvery public occasion will -exercisc their in
fluence against him. But I do not belicve,
ncr is it capablc nf proof thnt any clique in
tluence.or combinations and clectionecrings
other than will nlways exist when several
candidates are prcsented by their friends,or
anv cxtraordinary Burlington influence was
hrought to bcar upon tho selection of the
candidate. And to assert as the correspon.
dent of tho Vermonter does, that monicd.
power had any wcight in the decision of
tho convention, withnut a shadow of proof.
ithows a dcjroe of teck'essncss in thc wri-
ter, which oucht to discredit evcry thing he ,
says upon the sahjict. Avowing then the ; ' atest cnamities thatever befell theState.
moit pcrfect friendslnp for Mr. Slade, and , an(J ,hos(J oyer whom 1Q excrcises the
bclieving there exists no vahd objections to . njQst 1U)imi,ed control. now hold the bal
the icnnner in which the nomination of Mr. anc(j o( poll,ica j)ower in this Slate. Gov
Marsh was made. I feel niy.-e!f bound to , . ,,niticnl princiiiles whatever.
vole for the latler pcntlcman as Ihe regu-
'larlv desipnatcd candidate
Any other
-coursc will uvcntually defcat tho vcry ob.
jccl I havcin view to mnkn suro of a whig
ri'pre&entativc from this district. It is ccr
tainly vcry silly, nay, it is absolutely des
pcrate for whigs todiscard the decisions of
convcntions,agrecd by all to be necessary in
conccntrating the opinions of the party for
no bettcr reason thanlhcir own p: rional prc
ubrenccs Our opponents do no such thing,
but are this moment rcjoicing in tho hopes
.of victorv which our divisionssccm tu prom.
rmvistonssecmioprom. ,
and dereat are genera ly .
litical as well u national
is9 them. Utvtsion
synonymous tn
i a nntinnnl
UlVldeand be conqucrea will ho ,
likelv to ke cnincident, unlcss Mr. falade
T.-a M Ql J I
less M r. blado I
not only to de- .
cau ."ommand vote3 enoueh
feat the loco candidate, but the great body
of ihc Whig uariy who will vote for Mr.
Marsh. Supposing lialf ofthe Whig vote of
Addison County should bccast for Mr.
Slade, which in tho irritatrd state of feelings
which would cxist against an attempt to
break down the regular nomination, even a
ajong tnen under other circumstances would
mosi cheerfully vote for him il is not to be
believcd, he could command the same suc
oc;s in thu other countics in the district 1
Ctrlninly not. An clcction howevcr is prc
vcntcd Anothcr is held with a similar re
sult, and ne pleurnlity governet, nt a third
trial a loco sweeps tho tho ficld.in one of the
mcst entirely whig distiicts in the state.
Thu?, fellow citizens dcpend upon it. should
tho friends of Mr. Slade presist in their
purpose of voling for him both the whig
jariy and Mr. Slado himself will bc mvol
ved in one common dcfeat. Wo hope every
good whig will stop, ponderand reflect.
Uiscard all personal prejudices, and let your
own substantial interesl and that of tho
country so deeply involved in tho triumph
ofthe whig party, control your volca.
Bridport, July 31, 1843.
For tbe People'a Press.
T T T U - ..1 T 1 ar TT 1 1 ! . . I. .
i jiuk waiui liaa lur. tr MllillUS lUUiesuiJ-
port of the Abolhionists! "We would ad-
dress that very limited class who see fit to
- -.
Hnri iht nt-.minr.tinn HiHpn nnrtn ciirh mert
Ma.toek, nrMr SJ ,Y,mmmM
bin the selectioru-
- ij jJVj "
a hundred fold more for the cause of eman-
cipation, jea, a thousand to one compar
ed with Mr. 'Williams: vetitis not under-
stood that either of these are in favor of
forming an issuc, based exclusively upon
Abolitionism. It may be recollected that
in 1841, when Mr. Williams was selected
by the Abolitionists as their candidate, and
prior to the Whig state Convention, he de
clincd the nomination. He had hopes
of bemg selected by the Whig party and
feared the influence of the nomination bv
tne ADomiomsts upon me acuon 01 me,
Whig convention. Up to this time, it was
not known to the public that he had done
any thing for the cause. But the Whigs
?n rnnvpntinn HUmrHpH thn nrp.tpnsinns of
Judge Williams and selected Gov. Paine.
ThpnPT.vp.ir 1R4-2 ihprp was an intim-
ation at the convention of Abolitionists
that Judgt Williams tcould, tf selected as
thctr canaiaate, aceept the nomination. ue
was accordinslv selected and didaccent. :
Had the principles of the cause changed
......... j
! a precisely similar nomination? Or was it
bccause the whigs and locos had their
withm the year and since he nad dcclined
,. ;n(Jeed because ;.
, . . , . , . , ,. . f
ferBCnt fronl either poHUcalpw,
cutoff Itis h F 1
J ;nference from he afa tha, ;s
wiIli!lm, .,,, VR had no
very particular objection to being support-
Jf j s 11
ed by either or any party-office with Us
cmoluments were to h.m, very much the
same, by whatever means by whatever
preventing may go either way to reach j
the goal.
Thc whigs are charged with opposing
Judgc William's retaining a seat on the
bench.on account of his abolitionism.
The opposition had a very dilTerent foun-
dation. It was thought that his placing I
himself before the people for their sufirage j
as a candidate for a political station was .
highly improper, and the position a very j
indelicate one that he oughtfirst to have
rcsigned his seat oirthe bcnch and then in :
addition there wasa growing disaffection
to the man as judge, and one to which he
could not have been msensible, as thcrc
had been abundant demonstrattons of it,
... t. !
especially in his own nisiprius district. It
is believcd that neither he nor his friends
will hazard an issue as to that fact.
It remains to be seen, whether the aboli
tionists will support Judge Slattocks 'ho
has exhibited an utter hostility to thc en
tiresystemof slavcry, and who in his late
public station proved himself a zealou3 and
able advocatc for the cmancipation of the
Slave. or Judse Williams who was select
ed on account of the supposcd availability
of his lii"Ii ofiicial station.
Joe Smith. We have already chroni
cled tho sccond arrcst of Gen. Joe Smilh,
thc Mormon Prophet, near Oltawa, III., on
a requisiton from the Govcrnor of Missouri,
charging him with the commission of cnmo
in that ijtate, and hissubsequent relcasc at
Nauvoo. Joe appears to know too nitich
for his enemies. He coaxcd thcm to lake
him ofTvia. Nauvoo, and, once there he su
ed out a wiit of habcns corpus in the Mun
cipal Cnurl of that holy city, which ordered
him to boset nt liberty 'qtiickcr ihan you
could say Jack Itobinson.' Joe Moped, nnd
instantly hecame invisible. We find far
thcr adviccs in the last Louisvillc Journal:
Joe Smith. Tho Illinois State Rcgistor
sserts that the agent of Missouri has appli -d
to Govcrnor Kord foran nrmed force to
aid him in arresiing Joe ngain. but that the
Govcrnor had not decided whether to grant
the rrqucst or not, By this wo undcrsland
that if tho Mormons will voto for Mr Hoge,
the Loco-Foco candidate for Congress, the
rcqutst will not be grnnted ; if, on the oth
cr hand, they rcfuse, then Governor Ford
will turn out tho inilitary, to arrest, n pos-
6ible. the prophet
The Alton Tclcgraph, of the 15th inst.,
M .-c. . Vrt rpfrnrfl hp Inration of this un
- , . ern,lnHrcl in Illinois nsone ofthe
.. .- eleclion, throw themsclves
... ;..... t:t rn, ,io
respcctable gentlcman fromShelbeyville in
furms us ot a mo
tvhiiri Inrik nlacc
1 of a most disgracerul OCCUrrence,
ok place there on Tucsday. Early '
on the morning of that day. the llon. J. C,
Rnrimr nnnrnaclied tho llon Joseph Lc
comple in thc bar-room of Batiahe's Hotel,
nnd said : "Sir, what are your prospects for
rVmrrMs 1" "I will answer your question
" ., retjUed .Mr. Lecompte; "What
lU0lller' rel',",. ..... - hus;ncss '
are?ur ?ro!?ce,0,! i ' lL
J .. . t i
fivi-i mon tiir. 1 1 1 1 ? ' . lutiibi ouui m'
., 'fi?0 f.vPrl. nnd Mr.
CXCiaimcu mr. iii.Kt
1 . r n J 1 M-
CUII U 1 Ul ltlJl 1 UIIIUl w a w . . " ,
, . sUL'"ested that lhe discussion had
ecompic SU.esieu uiai
Delter be adjournea 10 llic siuu.p.
air apnez atlen"iu remarKca : ir, you
aretryingl! dcfeat my clcction, and you
.... - . . 1 I 1 1 L
uiigii. iuguui oi iuu vay au jvu muo.
get out ot it, aud you shall get out of it."
5lr. Lecompte made some rcply, and Mr.
vSnrtfrrr nnllprl liis nnsn. Mr l.pinmti nq. '
'ft'.i". .
tonWied at the proceeding, at first supposed
that it must have bcen done in jest, but rc- !
marked to Mr. Sprigg that, if he took such ' ri IHE HOUSE ond LOT occupied by
a Iibertv again he would knock him down. A Mrs. Prof. Turne-, opposite J. Ha
Brcakfast was then announccd, and the gar's Book Store.
parties were for some time separated. About i (r Possession given in Sept. next.
halfan hour afterwards Mr. Sprigg renew-! ILSO, A large lot offurniture, constN
nH ibnrlisnute with Mr. Lecompte in the
LU u,aP""- . . . - ,. ,u. 1
w-.m nnH arain oulled his nose, wherc-
upon Mr. Lecompte knocked him down.
'lhe inlerfcrcnce oflhe bystanders preven
ted the further prosecution ofthe fight.
We undcrstand that public indignation was
strong against Mr. Spiigg for his unprovo.
kcd assault upon an old, inofTensive, and
most amiable gentleman.
Mr. Sprigg was to have spoken in this
city on Tucsday evening, but he did not
make his appearance. We pcrceivethat
tho Advertiser ascnbes his absenco to tho
personal injuries received by him in his fight
with Mr. Lecompte. The bodily injurios
reccived by him on that occasion wcre, we
learn, vcry tnfling icdeed. Tliese gentle
mcn who saw him inShelbyville, aflcr his
encounlcr, know very well why hedid not
keep his engagement hcro. The causo is
not ono that we care to mcntion. We have
! T . r .....
past. Louhville Journal.
The fo!lowinj Rcsolution was ndopled by
iho PHIomathcsian Seciety of Middlebury
CoIIckp. July 27ih, 1643.
Rctahcl, That the Librarian he instrucled
to make a new Calaloaue of the Librarv
of tbis Society ; 10 cali by puohe notice '
for nl! Looks brlonsin" ln Iho same and
,.. c r a:F... r . r
10 Jsses a fine of Fifly Cenis Pir evcry
VOluinu nol returned on or bbfore lllU
Wednesday preceding Commencement
Acuuu nnu uonorary juemuors o! lhe
I .: 1 f ar . . .
'. Socitty havin books from the Librarv will
- -' uu.u,,y . u.,u n.y pBrSons.
."".rS o. me oociciv. nav.ng sucli
j bools " ilieir possession aru respectfnMy
"Vxf to eavo them at the Post Office
i J llie "o nbovo tnentioned.
, N- B. 1 he L.brary w. I be aga.n open.
PJ 00 aaiuroay, AURUSt I2IH.
I S. M. CONANT, Librarian.
111114 uisina jj
)emocratic Con
Tho Democraiic Frecmenoftho Third
-. . , n. , . . .
Congresst mal Du'rict are hereby requesfd
l'ne.el ,n l"nvciition at Bur!mRlon, in said
Uislnct, on lucsday the 8lh day of Aog.
next for Iho purpose of nominaiii.c a suila -
' cand.date to rrprrsent sa.d D.stricl. ,n
, q3 f lh tj ,bd States. nnd to
, transact tueh oiher bumness as may be dee-
med importanl when met.
, Stepiicm S. ISrown
uiiraW o. hioivh,
Edwabd D. Bahbpr
, llLn v S. MoKS"
E" ome.
; '
FLOUR floward st
5 G2 5 75, Wcs-
tern ranal, 5 37 a 5 50.
BU 1EB. 10 n 18perlb.
CHEESE. 5J a G do do.
WOOL. Tho chief bu.siness of lale ha.s
bcen done by manufacturers, operating in
the country with tho growers ; sales to a
considerable cxtent have been made, at
some advance on last repurtcd priccs.
Snxony and Merino fleeces, 37 n 40
rull lilood, 35 a 38
Common J blood,
30 a 32
00 a 25
17 a 25
8 a 12
4 a 20
Smyrna washcd,
n :
BueiAs Ayres,
MoDAT, July 24, 1843.
Reported for ihe N. E. Farraer.
At Mnrket 350 Bicr Cnule, 20 Cons and
Calv'es 2500 Slicpp and 100 Swii.c.
PnicES. Beef Cattle. Last week's pri.
ces wero nol sustnincd. We n.iticcd a fciv
extra 84,50 a 4,75. First quality. 84,25 a
4,5(1. Second qualitv, S4.00 a S4.25.
Thir I qualiiy, 83.50 n S4.00.
Slitep Dull. Lots wcresolJ from Sl.OO
a 1,75. nnd 82.25.
WOOL. The transactions in ihis arti
cle in markcl have br:en vory limiied iu ex.
tenl, iiice the new clip was taken ofT, but in
the country there has bcen an animatod dc
mand, and au unusually large quanlity of
fleeccs have been sold. ani in sunu- caics a
very considerable advnnce on the priccs of
hst year have been realized. PulVd wool
is scarce nnd prices have conMderably ad.
vnnced. There U a sieady dt-mand for
cnnrsc foreign. and the stock is gradually
diminishing. No change iu qiiotatinns.
M a r r i c d .
In Hinesburg, on Iho 15th insl. by Rev.
Ouo S. Hoyt, Mr. Noble S. Partch lo Mrs.
Liura M. Burriu.eldcsl daughterof Lyman
Dorwin. Esq.
In Weybridge on tho 22d ult. Mrs. Abi.
cail Child, wifo of John ChilJ Esq. of Wey.
bridge, and only daughter of Danicl WrigliL
tsq. 01 iMew Uaven.intlie 35ih year ofhcr
Also. on the 30th u'l. Julin Abigail Cluld,
elflest Cauchlcr ot fllr. Uhild, nged 15 year?.
Thus in one shorl week aflcr the funcral of
hcr mother, who died of tho prcvailing epi.
demic, hns ihis young Indy bcen called a
way to ihe "Spirit Land." Sje, as well as
her excellcnt mother, died in the hope o"a
Missful immortnlily beyond the erave.
TO TH k RR4 IiIMn nunr ir
mt T. v inrvp k...rti!ji.L r. .
lcge been appointcd General Agent for Wilder
& Cu's Foreigs & Americak Periodicsl Or-
. uusluni wouiu voiicii fuot-cripuons tor 103 pub
l:cations,and 6 works lo bepoblished in Numbers.
A list of which may be sen at the Post Office.
AU tlie works and I'ublications, embraced in that
list, and all others desired, except weeklies, will be ,
furnislied to citiseos of Middlebury and virin Iv at thc
prices named in the list, FREE OF POSTAl.'E, In-1
hundred m.les, furnishedb,
l1"".1 tr?.m lhe PW:'!
here in the staie,r wuhin one I
by mailat moch less expense
wu nui nu. m . uwwu. vhhh, i,)tcudii,ij.i
ners. ciubs, L.vreums,
uraries, xicauing Asaocianons, aua l.auies lleaainsr.
o 1 I .1.- . . r. i. . t '
imripf . rtrnnincr Atinriaii
Societies sunobcd on the raostfarorable .erms. I.,r4 1
, ' . . " . O
pckaget to ny pla. e . ihe .late free ot expense.
fainall packages sent bystanor other conTeyance ata!
snullcharge. Asencies.collcctions, and Orders, (post
I ,r..ll.. I - 1 I I i . . I
piu; reitaimiJ.iuicuaiiu prompuy auennea io.
1 encour
agement giren.
m i r .nmi
P n P S 1 I P
X 1 v;
'"g ot Uhairs, lables, Beds, Ued.leads,
Looltimr rt'n n. r. c, j
Pipe, Cooking Utensils, Crockcry. &c. &c.
Enquire on the premisei. or of
Middlebury, July 25, 1843. 12 tf
Payment is expected.
by A. FRANCIs!
July 25, 1843.
More New Goods.
,ust rec'd by A. FPANCIS.
Old Accounts.
I HAVE vraited long and paliently: please catl
and pay your old debu, and ifjroa Iiate forjottcn
that you owe me, jiut make enquiry. and save luriber
trouble. 3. JIOODY.
Middlebury, Aug.l,l&43. 13;3
THE Copanncrship hcreloforo exislinp
under ihe firm of I'liinney t Gorham,
is liiis day dissolved liy mu:ual consenL
Middlehurv. Jnlv 31, 1843. 13 3r
r 1 . -
JLi 1 D e 1 a l I O 11 .
Tliii maT cenif. that I bave eiten mv 10ns Charki
' ?od.JmS Cole, their time, toirade and trans-
etboine for tliemaelies, unld Uicy amveattlie
a.eof nienty on,, year., and .hall neither exact anyof
their nra?e,norpayanrdt:bllorilieircantraclin?ar-
hif'e-. ... ial, DAKIEL COLE.
. J
NEW 600DS.
JUST received from New York, a general
assortment of Grocerics-Consistin;; in
partofOM Hyson, Young Hyson, H. Skin
and lilack 1 eas, MoKissc. Loar, sroundnnd
Bro"" Su?ar, Box n.l Sut Rni.in, Ja-
va Lnga-a and 5t. D. Coffee, Fre.-b Tama-
rnntls, Kicp, ialmnn I rout, Bleached suni
mer and Sperm Oil. Varnish and Linseed
HE accounts contrncleil at the storc of
; - me suocnix;r iiunn" tne past year wi i
be left ,vith Barber r;h ,5,h of
' AnSust for Collcction ifnot previotily ar-
the subcrilx:r during the past year will
. ranccd. XV. P. RUSSEL
1 Middlebury, Junj 20th 1843. 13.
V. Hull & Son's Steam Soap,
BY thebox, ponnd, orsingleuk.
Pale jcllow, Exlra No. 1 and Bar Soap foi- wasliin;
Pure Pahn Almond 'anr:ilc(i and snee t irrn-
ted lur tl Toileltc. Vcrliena Crcam Anodync
ble monpelas Paris, highly rccommcnded to those who
nich to enjoy a pleasure in Siuving, far cale by
Powdcr and Shot.
HAZARI)S American Sorting Gunpou-der, in
Caniiters Ri6e and Uummon Poirder Shot
andBarUad.at RUSSEL & GKIDI.EY'S. 13
JVew Goods.
f BHE Subscriber has just rcceivcd an
JB aasortment oT
Grocerics, Hnrd-Warc, Crockcry
and Glass-Warc, Nails and
Nail-Rods, Swcdes and
Gurman Stccl,
rogelher with Rfcat varicty or articl's, nhicli
will bc sold unusually low for Cath orReady Pay,
or oo tliort ap, rored Credit.
NcwHaven, J-.ly 12, 1643. 11
A numter ol differcnt kinds and qualitiea of
Sliirlinj; very low for Cash, at
July 12. 1843. T. C. SMITH'S.
a r s
Loaf, Lump, and Erown Sucar?, cheaper tban
the cheaprrl. at T. C. SMITH'S.
rTlHE Subscriber requests all persons in.
JL dcbled to him to mnkc immpdiatc pay-
ments. R. L. I ULLER.
Jjlv 17. 1813.
N Iho nflemoon of Tuesdav. 4l!i Julv, I
the Brass top ofa Flajr SiatT. The .
finder will confor a favor by lcaving il at
this olTicn.
New CrOOClS.
CBIRGE, is now rcceiving a 6ne Rupply of
and as usual CHear! cnurl! vert cnrsr!!
July 19, 1343.
TUST rcceitcd, a fine bl of rarsols.
U July 19, 1343.
P ap e r .
rI'E thousand 1'ieccs cheap Room Faper, jostrc-
Would rcspectfully infonn h's friends and tlie pubt'c,
that he haa uken an office in IVo. 7. NicIioU build
inj, directly orer A. Francis store, where he will be
pleased to receive calls from those who may wih his
Dr. L. hopes. by the strictest stndy of the Tarions '
brancheof his profession, and llie closert altention to
tho mIio may comc unoer tiis care, to ment ana to
receirean lionurable r-hare of public Datruna?e.
July 19, 1SI3. 11 itf
IDmgSa ETIfifiimS;
LEY have
ceived from New York, the
bel nsiorlment of
Mcdicines, Paints,
Dyc-stuils, and
Rvnr nfTprnd for sale in this CounlV. at trreat.
- - 0-
ly reduced priccs for cash.
3 n''r .. ,u,, .
, '"-"I""""
I ance with thc Drug and Medicine busincss
:.u .1 I I . . . n . 4 f
is well known, will have charge of lhe con-
'cern. l'hvsicians are inviled to call and
examine Aledicines and prices bcforc send
ing to mnrket for their supplies.
Middlebury, July 11, 1S43. 10
ATrT,Tir T7 subscriucrs haring fonn-
lvyiXO-llj. ed a panrerehip under lhe
would infonn the publ'c ihat they nillcontinne thc
Dnuco, JleDiciHE.and Urocert Btslnm at
the store formcrly occupied by W. P.Rnsscl, first door
souUi ofthe Post Office.
Middlebury June 20th. W3. II. C. GRIDLEY.
w. r. uusstl..
JbFrcccnlly occupied by T. Parkill, .
enquire ofC. G TitDE, T. Eells, and O.
Cornwall, July 18th. 1843
m . rm i n i.:r. rt,-:.- n..,i
WINDUW Sash, Glass and Putty at
Sheriff's Sal
TBT SIIALL expocfor sale t public auc
JIL tion. Bl ihe siore formcrly occupied bv
; T. C. Smiih, Nichola Building, next door
to A. Francis' on ihe Cd dav of .U!;ilsl
1843, a larcu lot of
f,T J
Bfc W V"a"OlHllS
Conisting of
Clotlis, cassitncrcs, coltons,
and a variely of olhei nierehandise ns enu.
mernlcd in thc legal nolificatiois oftHcsale
poled at L. Sliaw's and J. C. Huntington'
Hotcls in Middlebury.
The salo will cuntinua from day to day,
until the whnle is dnposed of ;'beiug neaijy
country alorr.
J. C. HUNTINGTON. Dep. SIierifT.
Middlebury. July 10, 1843. 12
Horsc Rakcs
rjlOR sale by Ihe subscriber,
PERSONS haviug wool cardcd into rolls,at the
Facloryof the subicriber, are cxjiecled to make
payment, i all cajes to Mr. Jasixs Jewktt,
preriuus to iheir deliverj-. IRA STEWART.
Middlebury, June 23, iS43. . 8, 3i
Tlie right kind of Tobacco
FOR SI1EEP, at a low pricc.
A larce stock for CllEivi.no ad Smokmo at
relucid price for sale by A. FRANCIS.
Carpct Y arn and Twinc,
THIS may cenify thai I hare gircn my two sons
Thouus Wiliiam, and George Andrew Curry,
their time until ihey arrive at ihe age of 21 years to
trade and traiutact busineis for themsehcs. I shall
neither exact any of their wajcs, nor pay any debls of
their contracting'auer this daic.
Middlebury. June 13 1313.
Wool Carding.
rTIlE Subscriber hns entcred int't an ar---
rangemrnt wnh Mr. James Jiwett, lo
to lake charge of ihe WOOL CA'DING
busincss ihe present season, in thc Factory
lalely occupied by A. Sn ldinjr & Co, strict
aliention nill be paid to Ihe lusiness, nnd
ihe xvirk watranltd tvrll d"nc.
May 30, 1SI3. IRA STJiWAOT.
Vcstingp, &c.
ABEAUT1KUL assortment of Summer
Vettiags Also. Summer Clolht for
Genls pants, Broad Cloths. Cnsimeres and
Trimmines. Gents ooi'd Silk. Colti-n, Lin
cn, and Kid Glnves, Cravats, fcVarfs &ci3cc.
just upei:eJand Ibi sale al ihe "chrap cash
slore.by JUHK VAL.L.ETT.
May 1843.
fiOOfi Ym-fls Prmis, Cambrics,
ouuu i ai US, j!usIin3 alll La.ns
an almost cndless variety of siyles &i chcap.
er than cvcr by A. FRANCIS.
gJHKEPTwine just recM and for sale by
5 W. S. Joiion.
i"- 'j?- , - - -. r ,
SLLP Shca,s a Ijre ,E"Plv,.5' n'C d
Mav "3. 1813
, -
XESPECTFULLY sohriis tbe atlen
t M.9' iion of ihe public gencrallv, tohis stock
whirh weie selected wiih rate, boih as to
quality and slijlc. Alsn, a choice tlock ol
Crockcrv, Glass Ware &c. &c.
which he will endeavnr to sell at su:h priccs
as will induce ihe purcha'et to call a;ain.
May 22. 1813.
C1IILDRKN and adulls die annually from ihc
rfllxts of Worms alonp. This vast mortalityny
b; rnlircly pn-rcntcn by ustng Ur. Ililcbcock
relebralcd WORM TEA in time. Thou-ands
nir.e away and die of worms. vrilhout parrnla or
friends luspcclin; lhe rcal caune. A tcw or the
! ayrnptoms, are fluslicd chreki, pale Iips, fevciish
and ollensive breath, ilcl.ing of Ihc nose. unnal-
! ural appelite, arnse of somcthing risin in lhe
' slomach, &c. Thcusacdt of cajlilicatri cau le
' procured. iiroving tr.i In he the inosl safo and ef.
I fcctnal ll'oim dtslrojer in use. -lfany arlicles
J are palmcd ofT upon llie the public as worm dr-.
fjntrj'slroyinf medicincs and some lor which ch ldren
" ! rrv elc. be nut ccccircd by Ihis nonscnie Im. use
rc-lujvlW Hitchc-ck's Worm Tea, and you can then
have lireand bcalihy childrento give joar su-
rar- nlania to.
For sale nholesa'e an.l retail by Fotei Sc.
Dickiosnn :ole ptoprielors
Only Twcnty-five ccnts.
DR. M. IIIVCHCOCK'S ncwly inventcd
Sauff, lhe best ailicleertrdiscoTered.by cieutif.
ic men, in the Unitcd Kmg'Jom of Great Brilain,
or Amefica, for tha cure and absolute rdiefof
Catarrh, Dininess of the Heid, Wak Eje;
NervouaHeadaches, Fallen Sickness Fiti, and
infants troubled with i'nufflss parlial ihocks ol
Palsy, ai.d in alicrt. evcry diseasa Ihe head is
cubjecllo. We do know, it has cnied tbe Ca
tarth, of fificen years tand'ii,;. For sale whole
ale and relail, by . oaler and L'ickin?on.
Have you a cougli?
r( THOUSAND Die of C.mrjMrTinrt
' " evtry year in lhe Unitcd States and
millions sullJr "from troublesome cobghs and
rolds, Ihatcm be cnred by Dr Sl Hitchcock's
Vcgctable Cream uoun U'ups, isue rneuic.i
prescriptinn, containine no poisonous drogs, and
oscu in tn ex.ensivo prciiciw, .11-.
easa pulmonary consumpnon, which aweeps inlo
the craTehundrrdsof young and old. lhe lovely
andlhi cav. Hare you a cough? Beptrsuadrd
to lmrhasb a boltle of the couiih Dropj to day l
To.morrow may be too lato. Price 75 cents per
bottle. rt
c... ...1 nhulecalr nnd retail. hv FOS
(TER. & DICKINSON, sole prnprietors and
. I ncce3sont tn A" Hltcbcnck & co. 117 Gene-
Re Sl. Ultea.
Hirtriiis. SalisbUiv; Warren Bliss, Brandon:
S. D. WiDslow.Pittsfnrd; J. S. Bowman,
Vergennes, Agents. ";tn3
District of Addisok, ss. S
BE it remembered that at a Probate Court Iwld at
Middlebury, ic and for the dutrict of Adduon.on
the 10th dy of July, 1S43. Charlej Linaley, admin
istraior of the eilate of Gioaot Lnco lale of said
Middlebury, dcceared makes application to tlie Court
to iiare wc iime airaireu nitii lur uie rMvitnr oi ino.
debu of thc deceaaed, t xtended one jear troio the cx-
piraiion ofthe time herclofore limiied by tbis County
lt is thcrefure ordered that said applicatiou be consid-
ered at a sesiion of uiis Court to be bcld at tl.a otace
of U. II. Ercrettt Eq.,in Shorelram, in said District,
on Thnrsday tbc 3J djy of August next, atone ocloek
in the aftemoon, and that nolice ihereof be giren toail
persons loieremeu, uiai iney inay appear ana maHe llietr t
objections, if any lliey Itave", tu ihe said time of paymeDt !
luriucr cxicducu u aiorcaaiu uy puuusuiDrf a
ctrtificd copy of this orilrr, in llic Middlebury Fcoples
Pren.a nespapcr prinled at said Middlcburj-, Uiree
wctm sucvaiiTciy, prcTious 10 uie iime ol said lxH.rt-
J- 3. Bcsu.nell. Uegister.
A true copy of record,
Attest, J. S. IldiUNELL, lirgister.
DUtrirt ol Addi.-on s. )
BE il rememhetcd ibai t a Piobate Court
hptfl.il !Ti.lrllflinrv in nnil fnr fhi. TiufTift
of cidisoii un llit 20th day of Julv, A. D.
Klijab E. Hmiih. AdministrHor of tlie Ei
late of said Middlebury, deccaed. present;
his aJmini-lrat'on icC"Uni for nllowauce ;
It is tberi--fore iirdrred thnt sai.l acciunt bc
cxJinined for allowanre bjr snid C urt,atn
esion thereof, to bi hfld at the offii-e of thr
Uesister of said Courl, in aid Middlrtury,
on Tnursilay ihe lTtli day of Au;ust next ai
one o'clockin tbeafiernoon; and that nolice
thereof beuiveu lo all pctson intert'sted that
Ihey may apt.earand make their nbjfctious il
any Ihry have, tn the all iwancc ofs.udac
cnunt. by pulilishingacenitiedcopy ofihis or
der in the Nliddlebury People's Press-a news
paperprinltd at sai.l Middlebury ihree we ks
succcS'iveiv preMous !u llie t mr ofiiaii! courL
J. S. BUSHNELL, Kiv.isier.
A true coiv of teconi.
12 Ai-t J. S BUSHNELL R.-aioicr.
i DNtriet of Aildison, . (
BE it rvuirnilMrird thil ata Probalp Cour: holdrn
at Middlebury in and H r Ihe l)ilrict,uf Addion
onlhr20lh cbvofJul- 1S41.
Dora-itm Woosler nnd Dnniel Jutld, nd
tuinistrators ofthe estaic nf
ateofsaid Middlbury dcreascd, prcscnts
their aduiinistrntion account for iillmvnnce,
and it istherelore onlercil that thu same be
exantined for allowancc liy said Court, nt a
session Iherfof lo be held ol the utlicc ofthe
Reoislerot aid court in said Middlebury
on Thursdny ihe 17 day of August next at
cne oVluckin llie aftemoon; and that notice
ihereoi'be L'iven to all persons intelF't'd thai
they ina)' api ear and m-ike their tbjt-cii ms
if any Ihey have to llie allowanre of sai.l
nilui niirati'in account, by publis'nntr a cetti
ficd ropy of tbis ordt-r in tbe Middltbury
People s Prcss, ihrro weeks succjsiirely pre
rious to ihe iime if said routt.
J. S. BUSHNELL, ReSi-tcr,
A Iruc copy iifreronl.
Atieft. J. S. BUSHNELL, Ree. u.
Dislrict if Addison s. S
BE it rememhcred that at a pri-bale court
holden at Middlebjry in and for the dis
trict of Addiion n the '20 lh day of July, A.
D. 1813.
Abntm B. Iluntlcy aJminlsirtor of thc estite uf
late of Salisbury insaij District, deceased, nukes ap
ulication to the hjiJ Court to have the time alloued
him for the pajmcntof tliedchta ofilir dcccasedrxten
dcd one year frum thc expiration ofthe time herelofore
limited bv thiit Court: It is ihercftre ordered lliat aaid
application lecoasidercd at a fccsxion of said Court to I
uc uriu i iue ouirc 01 ie itcgisier oi eaiu iuuri in
said Middtebtiry on Tlmrsdjy the 17ih dav of Awjust
nextat oneocfockin the alternoun : and that notice
thereof hc gi.cn to aIIierionit iatcrcslcd that they nrjy
appear nnd inake their objections, if any they hate, to
said ttme of ruymcnt being extcnded as afuresaid, by
publihu a rcrtiGed copyufthi ordcrin llic Middle
bury People'. Irejs, a newepapcr printed at said Mid
illebtiry, ihree wceks occesjiveIy preTioui to the ses
sion of said Cutirt.
J. . BUSHNELL, Rtgisler,
A tiue copy of record,
12 lttst J. S. BLSHNELL, Rre-
Comniissioncrs Notico.
WE thc sulscribers being appointcd by lhe Pro.
bate Court fur the district cf New Havcn Commis
sioncrslo receie, exaroine and adjust all lhe claiins
and demands of all persons against the Esrate of
late of Starksb 'ro in said Diitrict, dcceased.leprc-s-nted
infoUent. and also all claims and demands
eahibited in olftet ihereto: Andsix calrndar rnoths
from lhe ISth day ofjunel-ist, bein alloued bysaid
Court for that purpoke, we du llierrliire give notice
ihat wewill aitend to llie busincsxofour said ap.
poinlment at the late dnelling hou;e ofthe deceased
in Starksboro' on Ihe 1st Slondays in OcZobcr and
Decerober ticxl frum nine olock A, M. nnlil fuur
o'clock P. M. on each ofsaid day.
i CurnV
S 1 23
ILL SAW.S, torsale by ibr Hitcnb-.-r
I. cjtewabt.
Domcstic Goods.
EXTRA Heavy Bro. Shcctinga from 6t.i
8 cen's.
Very Heavy Tickiilgs from 12 1 2 to 20
ATneriran Prints frtlm Gto 12 I-2centj.
ju.-t rec'd at BIUGE'tf.
May 17. 18-13.
Wood! Wood!!
300 Cords rb?011 ,or,a,e
June 19.1S43.
BR'USHES, l'aint, Varnih, and SlSi
Flesh, Cloth. Hair. Tooth and Nail Brushes.
Also Dinneford's Patent iinpioved Hnrsu
Hair Flesh Glovesnnd 6'traps, Camclsllair
Pcncils itc. for sale by
Cornwall, May 15, 1S4S.
THIS day recciving a new anl complcte
I assi.riincnt ot
Sprinj- and Summer Goods,
whi;h will be sold forcashsirapiiroved cred
it at loer prices ihan havlnj ever bsfore
been afTordnl, eomprising all ihc vaiielies
ever called for in a country tore.
r. ik. ( OLLINS.
The Greatest Wondcr ot tlie
DR. STERRY'S Hair Re-rn
tnatter how bld your bead may be a growlb of
uair itui in aimusi cvery insiance ne prouuced,
and as natural too, as herbae croivj on Ihe plain
or the lily in Ihe vallej. This Regrn'eralornerer
faila to cleanse the ha:r from dandruS and rit.xj
other exlranous substanee. Is your bead baldl
bs persuaded lo Iry Ihis rrmedy. " It will satisfy
your largest desirt-s by ptoducing a good head of
bair and prcjerving i: in a healthy state- Every
famlly shou'd be supplicd tviih a botlle of ibis
invaluable arlicle, that by its apph'cation lo lhe
bead and hair of Iheir chlldlen Ihit beautiful and
ornamenlalappendage, a fine bead of hair may
be ptefcrred.
Kor le wholesale and retail. at the cily drag
lore. No. 117 Geneaee St. bj Fosler & Dickin.
on; Sidney Moedy, MiddleburriHuntley & llig.
gini. Salisbury; Warren Bliss, Brandor.; B. D.
Winjlow. Pittsford; J. S. Bowman, Vrgtnn,
Agsnlf. !2;mS j
I "
An eipericnco of ai out fiflrfn J 1 as proVw
ed. beyond a dnubl, that this Vrin'lfugo ita cct
Uin and nerrr lailmi; eure lor worms.
S.nei il Wr-s fil pul before Ibc puMic.. ini.r.y"
notthlcse preparalioas Lare been lorcrd ii.io3.lr
which hava had their day, ai.d Jie bot coumkJ
as 3 mncb tra"tl, I3"ivheras H. A. Fah'i-'.
tocks Vcrmilnb is datly increainj: 111 popuhr
ily, ovtinj to il inlriusic north. Il ftjsonlrtv
be ujcd sccordinp to the dirrrlinns. an.i a
wornn cxist, Ib'-y ivill ccilainly b" njvll-d fn.ni
thearstrm. Thc price h 33 cen.' per bniil -.
Jilchbling5 R nllhin Ihe means vf all. 11a
ure lo gft It. A. FAitnESTOCK's Vcr"ii(iii;,
and aroid all olheratlicles tvhieb. are s;d ! -as
gond, a no.ie uf tli'm ba-o the virtui 1 ol liw
jrnuinc ailicle,
tVAi'Kly, Gn Va , P , May 11. 1J-13.
.Vr. A. B. Fahnritock & Co.:
Dear Sii 1 luvc becn usittff yuur Vcrmifuya
in my praclicr for nutaber of years, and fiiiit
it the most rafe' U'orm det Irtyci that I 1 rcr had.
1 was calied tia cluld slx orrvrenrcars oil.
in May, 1342. which nrai thca in rpinn ilh
the -Aroim. I eavo it a vial of Juur Veriiiili.c.
agrecably to diriclioi , and Ibu child pai.d 4IU
tvorms. In a few weeLs, I gave it anoiher vial.
and it pas.rd SOD more, nuUiii; in a!l C-IV
v"rm. Thc rhild reci'Ven-d inm eialilr, ait-1
hasenjotrd cund health eTirr ainco.
I hafe pre-irribcd it in many nllicr c&.ts, itf
nhicli it ha bruur;hl awav COCF ond C0 nuiiu-.
JOXArllA.N ilORRlb'
Be very cantiims to g't Ihe 5.M1U nc B. A Keh
nestocks Vennil'iie. and p-it imi ciulldeiic i
tho ftatement nuJe by CumsK'ck & Pu., Ih.t
Koi.M8tocks islh'i saiile ai ralimidck's I. t
liol tho sam-.and doesnot joxs.ss hc vulue uf
cur exccll-ni retncdr.
B. A.'FAIETOl K .t CO.
I'cr aale in Mid'ilebury, by Kc-.. ei. Gkio
LEV Ag.nl. 1 Ijtl
J. I'EASi: & SO:'S
Celebrttd Coni'Uiid clurinVd licne 6f
Hoiirhound Caiid',
r.R the ccsc vr
Conghs. Cnld, IIoTrreneM. Irrirali'.n o? Ihiost.
Cioun. WhroiineCoiijh. A'lhnia, Hjtpiijlinn ..f
the HeartrLiTri Cinip'ai"t.Nisl'l wri;iiR
rull or t'rufus' KxppclnrjtlMii, at.l all lii-e
e lcjdii'f tn Conuu. l on and L'eall l
Thi4 pleaanwneJirinei ft'imi j lv 1 1 0::h
alioa uf twcnly-fie difleren' h.tr.'ciienls. all rti
cbratrd for Ihe cure ol CtiUi;ks, Coli's and I'ul
mnnary roniplaints; and by it cetoi'inalnn, if
one of Ihrse arlicles ihoiild be i.td erit' lely
and alTord ro rrlief. in thc C'-fnjKund Kx.rjcl !
Hoarhound tbcy are po malir in.'c!, that !.
henelit uf ihc whole i? e peiieiicnl in one cuoi
pound. Fur sale by Itrss'Lt. ic CniLLsv,
Illy Asrenti f'-r Middlehurv.
CASH paid for sood llece WOOL. t)Vi
ifdtlivery, WtMluesdavsa l Stmrdav.
June I9ih, 1343.
Printed Lnwns.
GREAT v-riety of rienrh piiui.it
Liwns. Als, Cher.H MiiH Om -
hams (a.ncnr article for I.adus wcat) M. Us
Laines nnd Belzer.nrs Engli-li and Aiuer
ira 11 rrlnls In 5 eal vnrie'y nnd brau irol pa
tcrns. jut receivtd ul llie cheao rnli f'itt(
t ud lor sale bv JOHN VALLETT.
M..y, ISI3'
TO ! sold at Auclion, Thurdn xlo
I7lh uf Aufjus: t-xt. at '2 o'cii-rk
P. M. (unlcss prcviaus'y dipns"d ofbv pfi
vatcsi'N") tlif prcrtiiscs n Dn'lmg Ihnisa
&c. siiualed on PlL-aanl St. ii. Ux nliaiji:
of Middlebury, Vt. fj mcrlv occupied by
llm suliicrilicr, an.l now by his tui cc-.-sn-j
Prc. Labircc. Sjid hcusu is pleasanlly
siluatcd, on n ;pacious ki nnd ilh n IiiIIr
cxternal rcpair (ihc intermr bciug in a fni
ishe i M.i'e) uouM fjrnish a couvcinVut and
elfgant place f residoiicr fur npy 'u'.Iftnaii
of Lusiness ; nt f ir on; hn uiihcd lo nivi1
liis rliildrcn a M'ml 'dc!.on. nt a chenp
ratt", and tKirli-r his invn sui-r- iAion.
'I h. titrni. tS nntniMtil u ill In. libi.rnl .
j For furlhrr pnrlicula.s iutpjttc ol 1'. Si.nr
Eso. or Z. !!ccki:li
J03I1UA BA'lhS.
June2(llh. 1S13. "l: t ai.L'. 17
a large a-orinicui iu nion arr l r ur
-Sa- by W. S. Joil ..-.
May 23, 1343.
Alarae assortn.emol Bov's Capa-d P. Li
HnU "pisl rec'd and for sa'e Ii w l.y
May 23 1313. W. S. Jon smx
Mn!e Skin IlatPi
UPEIUOK M.df Sk.n Ii.il. lnt Myl -5
just rec'd nml fnr a'e l W.S. juiia.nx.
May 2.1, I 3.
jYcw Gootfs,
rjlllli juhjcribcr has frctrU-e.; Iiom Ntw
Ji. York,
Suilrd lo tbeseason ; wbichwill be oolriin
cheapas the cheapest.
May 29, 1813. IRA S TF.WART
Dry Goods,
Broadcloih?, Cassimeres, Vestings
and matrrials i nlmost ererj- kind for Sum
mer apparel, jul opcned and li.r sale by
May 1813.
May 1843.
TT AD1ES, in search of goods Pr sul.inrr
wear,are respecifully iarited io call
abd examine tlie r;ch a$s rlmrnt of Fanrv
and subslantial goods, now b ing opcncd br
u-i. Aitrntioa and saniples wil at al
timrs b most rradilv bestowed hy il, r'c kx
and fi-ra of Z. BECKYITH,'& CO
Crockcry aiid Hardwarc,
TF mosi kinds usualiy Tvanled m tlie
v country, just opcned, snd for sa!c nv
CHF.KT1NGS, ata vaiitty d iii-.-vt, a
low atcan te hcurht al jetiil. in ci or
country, by
i. Bkciwitb cfc Co.
HOSKRY, Glovei and Mitts, in evrv
varietr. aod vsrr chan at BIRr;F-;
Hty 17, 1343.