Newspaper Page Text
1843. NOTICE. 1843- THE Subscriberi happy to inronn tbeir old and new rusto'a.-rs, as wt II the pnblie snerally, thit they have jusl receivad well se iecled assortment of gnoda frora tbe Boston and Nw Vnrk mirkeln. rwrnlisrlv iitanted to Coun- trj trade. At the. unpreeedented ow prices of goods id maikct wo ie well aseurea mav ball not be undertold by any one. We arr de. tvrrcined lo f emier to the Farmer aud an equivalent fbrtheli produce wMeh hasfallon Jo the lowest point. We can conceive ofne rea- kon Ihat wtil hifttiftf askino old high PRICE for s;oodj when every thimj that is rendered in pavmenl is by unavo'dariie nectss'iy ai ine st ebb. Our assortment corapriscs eoodt ofthe Utrst fashion selected for Iha double purpose il p'easing the eye and durability ibility. Wehaveof DRY GOODS, Broal Clothsand Carsimcres a choire assorl' suenf. Gontls for sumrner wear, for Gent. vest ingj a superior lot, Chantdbs in paib-rns, a rich drticie foi Ladi. s' dresses. Frinted Lawns of su-. perior q ualily, Kroncb, English and Arurtican, l'nn, Bonnets a rhoice loi. uonnel Kieonsine Eieatct varieiy and eaceedingly rich in figiire. and S, k Glovc.. Lace- and Edgmg. . Hosieryl LaJies" Crivati, Silk Crarals, Parasoisl Ac. &c. 1 HardWarc. j A iflieral a.wrlmrn. t Crockery. - good apeortmcnt. Dry Groceries. A chnhn aisirttnent a can be lound in the illie. We rnpectfully invilethe public lo call and TamiiiH our rocdi and nricei. fot kinde Pro- luce lanrn in pajinent for good, and Catb will xoTbe r fusc il oll J"-d. A. CllAPMAN. & SOH. H. Ii. Al on hand and for tale a good up ailr of Wool Twme. & Sheep Sheare, 1813. A. C. U Sox. Muslins, Lawns, Prints, &c. PLAIN nnd Fic'd Muslins and Lawns. Krench and English Priiits. lourninc nud Col'd Pari.ii.ns at BIRGE'S. .Vay 17, 1843. A TAVERN STAND FARM.FOR SALE. SAID stand i si'uated in Cornwall, near Ih' naeti.ii? hou'e four milra from Middlebury, on the road Iradmz to Troy. Said stand is furnirh- il witlia convctiienl hooie, heds and cut-buil line' and a plenty of cood watcr. Also ibout in ocrntof land. fivo of which is noodlandper- taininc lo the same. The above atand ia one of the best localions for a country elnnd in the -conntv. ANo a fann contaiuini; 108 acrei of firal rate 'aud upon whicli is a dwelling-bouae. two barns and first rate fenccs said farm has -upon it t"'o ngar orchards ajid a good supply cf Iruit trers, anu as well walerec as any 14rm in he counly. Saidfarmis within 1 a inile oflhe 3arern atand. Also 9 acres oflind iu Ihe awamp -within a mile oflhe farm. AUo Ihe siock o' aid farm and other valuable uropLrly. AII of which will be old,or apart, lo suit the purcha cr,and immed'ale popscFsion siren. H3" For furthcr particuUn enquire of T. Parkill, T. Eells, C. G. Tildcn, M. 0. Porter. Cornwall, March 22, IS-13. 46 tf NEAR E1GHT YEARS Befure the American Public, and now sold by 25 0 0 Agents in Ihe New England SUtes alone BENJAMIN BRA.NDRBTH'S IIILLS. TIIHIS vegelnblo and truly innocent JL medicine ruKlFlF.sMie blood an'J im. vaedialcly s!ay Ihe fiirflrr progrcFs of diicare fln the bodiesof those whnse powers or life are not alread) exhau!ed. Where human mrans can avail, therc tcaicely is any complaint r ii . 1 1. . ii .... ii. . .1.. . rclieve and generall) curc. Allhough lliese pilla c.rodce a known efn-ct, ihat nffect is rot to liarmless in lberaeives,lhcy rocrcly ASS1ST NATURE. To Ihrow out tbe'iccasion ofsicknets frumtbe! 4kv.1 r -nt i KkV ronnira nn illftrahnn ln ttifi t-1itl i irclotbing. In fact Ihe human body isbLtter., -J'be weaiher, while under ihe iufluence of lliis in. ni, c iu suaidiii nuuuui iiijuiw, iug iiii,icii.cutjr wi cciion oesirnyinz, direase eraaicanrg Meuicine than any other timc Tne importance of Brandrlh's Pills for Sta cien and travi-lcis is, Iheref re, self evident. By lh.e limely use of Ihis medicine how much :dlcine How much not prcvent!- s Scarlel and fe- inxialy and ickncs mighl we Cold. hiliotu affections. Typhuj, Scarlel and fe- T-rs of all kiudj. would beunknown! Bntwhrre aicknesi does exisl, lot Ihe lliandreth's Pilla be .at once ent for. lliat the ri-medy my be applied wunoui larinerioit ol ume. TtrU rl I VVhere I'llVSICiailS haVe ciren Ihe BRANDRETH'S PILI.S fair tnal. iheyconccde thc mpdicine Ihe bet evacuant of the bowvls lulhcrlodiicereied. Tbe ii.giedicnt. aru all pirpared rxprejtly for llip manufaclur- of lhe Brandrrlh Pills. and itis im. tpossiule lo nbiain a pureative of Ihe same pmp. erties excrpt from Dr. B. Brandrelh. 1ft phy- viciaiis anu iue woria ai iart;e Dearin mina that The Brandrelh Pills mav be lakrn. if neceoa ry. 0.,t forany lenglh of time daily. tiot onlr witho aniury, but with aeert'intvof benrfieial rauli Remember Ihat they are'vegrtable and inno. -cent medicine, licinc j,t , powerful for the removal -. wheiher shtonir or recr nt, infecfo, . n.h.M ..r... of disas 'jr otherwise, That Ihey purify the bloid, and stay Itie fur uoerprogressot jnease in Ihe nnman body, Tbat. to manv case,. when the dn-adful rn. . -T, - y . j i .i "",;."- ' neai,cnuie,arowsiness. Iieadnche, fitts. bad JU. frame is inv.pnrated by he 1 emoval of the , ba j , ' lhemoulb jry cou,' "e";,;". i"i"?Ltf".7?:ih" ",0rb,d ,he c,UlUd hn- r.ess, voracions appeli.'e. lfannes's i ch?n" r uuis miu IHC UIDUU . i.i gesor ulceration had laidbire lieamrnt or bonc,! "nr'l"A i JS.H LUMBAGO f , k , B c"HDSe in my sysiem gen and where to all appearance, no human mntis Pan and weakneis in the breast. id.- had-1 tr?"Jr,,)ul ' ca.ut'0S an appetif, relieving the could save life. have oaiienis hv the u of ih..ot Pilla boen reaiored to good healih, iha d. rour ..,s ...aTe oeencempieieiy eradicated. Genuine Brandreth's Pills of .u-!" me, Jew Label?, that DEATH BLOW TO COUHTIRFEITS! Likeie ihe Brandreth External Remedy, Are rcjrularly furntshea tv the folIowinirisa"usir.,ibers liiat htve been rn.pli i.J ... i ngcntsjii Addison Co. for their sale, frorn my If. E.OPFICK, 19 Hanover Strecl, Hoston. 19 JATHAN HAGAIl, Mi.Mlebuiv, - Needhnin & Denni. taM AliddleLury Addison Utirnrs oi t uller, P Kleicher 4-Son J Frost &. Co. Pliilander JonKi, Moulton &. 1'olitr neiij imin AUen. Munson & Deau, B F Haskill, Smuel Evrrt, Shoitfi, &. Webh, KocOf & Nf.h, MnRtlcv & Higgin?, K nt VVnrjht, T II Kitder, ntm. R Bixhp, J &, O S Siiiionds BrW'j.i 'tol Crnwall Ferrixburgh Xew Havea Salisbury Sbereham Siarksbory Fierjennes Whiting Watrh Point tMinas &. Bircha d 0. BRAVDBETK, M. D. IllU-rosJwpy K Y 1843. Wool! Wool!! Tbs undersijrned talcea Ihis method lo inform tbe poblie that he his rebailt fcis faetory, fifty rods north of the bridge in Salisbury village, where le il ab!e to attend fo erery man'j want ia the article ofPr,Aiiv Civotii of all qualiiiei and eotors. CAseiMin" do., SATiitmi do., and Fu.tniLi do Partieular atteutioo paid lo DYEING. Allhisclolhs ara Wool Dyd, and nd better eolore than can be obtiined in thia vi- clnity. Tbe undorsigned nov lias his maihinery I jn lucees.Uitoperation, anJ i ready to receive Wool to raanoftcture by the yard of on snares I also, will eiehanee Clo'h for Fleeco Wool, 1 Puiird wool. elti and Tazs. Ho will positively ' (Jo a wrll er better in rtspeet lo priee of work. lorqualily ana loodnf'is or cleth exehanged. as dt olher tn'l in this vicinitv. Woot. Cahdiso and Clotii Dtl!!!.lG atlrnded to ae uual 6;ly H. W. WALKER. ' N. B. Ftftj mds north Ihi bridge Salisbury VilliK'i. pteasecall and examine. II , il. JNotice. rMlHE Subseriher will rfeeiVe Wool or JL Casn, oa old Notes and Arcounls if de- Midl,t.buryJune 9l 1S43. L 1 ; Still heaper ! A. FRANCIS, IS recrivins tlie L,ircet. Ciicapest JL BEST Block of GOODS icuic ujK.ujci ,uj. im. uim "-"T"mattcr, tliccauseoioiseaie, and luuslilute neal- ; tcereoougAtwiAcajAat mueA foieer pricei tLyactiun inits place. The beauliful simplicily j than ever beloie lirard of. lof this niodr of titalinent is not only suggesled j Tlmse persons wanlins, will do well tojby the palhologyof dlscnses, not only gratcful lo j call tiefuie piri'linin": as tbry will find the sofTerers, but perleclly in cnnronance with I Goods loxeer Ihan thty exptcl,'ail tl.ty will have the benefit nf a laige sh'ck to selcct Irom. M..y 22, 18 IS. SHERMANS 06 5y Children POR SHERMAN'S LOZENGES, and well ihev mav. fnr iIk-v h pleasant a the best Peppermint Candy, nnd (luaacas an nic pruprr.irs requisne lor curti g them wlicn sick. ftt. Sherman is au expcri encrd Physician. a:id a ineniber of the Med ical Society of ihe cily of New York, and hasabandon -d a larae and lucrative praclice 10 enable him lo introduce Medicine iu ihi iU :,ion ol one'hund.ed 7nr,wn,y-i s.x.onso.hisLozenges, has placed thm I pieasant inrm. t ive year's expencnce, and l i i - . . . - r uTjunuuuuui or unceriainiy. WORMS CAUSE DEATH, And many suffer for months, and even year, ir.m lliein, wilhout suspeclin-r tbe i-itusc. i n?v mav oe Known rn.- n h-, i...,i. pickin; at the nose, gnawiii'r at the stomach t . . ..i.i . . . . slaning ia sleep, srindin" of ihe teeih nain iu ihe stomach. helly, and loints, flashcs of Thc mulliiudn nf Lozences have cured is almosl inctedihle &. a i-iuure nas neverbeen known. MY IIEAD WILLSPLIT I oflen siid by Ihose whn are subiecl to a .. w.. . miiviiiidu a vampnOr IjOZeneS ' will cure any r.ase, no matier .st, no matier how bad tn ten minutes. Thev cnrp Palr,,im;,. r .h. heait, sea sickness, lowness of spirit?, des pondenoy, fatigue and raost nervous disfaes m that ihotl space of time They dint 1 aU ,i.p .lio,...;. .,.,. . . ' . . ,"e.ll'slress,nS: 'irnptoms of a nighl's dissi Pa"ob' krf P u"' ,he P", and enable a pe r f . . nnilam.i . . I . . ... i"-"" " f jiiu?, anu enable a pe r UDIJ5,i great menial and bodilv toil. "fy enaDled Ufo. Washington Dijon to w?l, '2 hours ivithcut rest or sleep. Hc I'ecouiu noi iiave done It withput them MY COUGH VJLL KILL 2JIE . Sav many.nnd siill ihey go on neglectin" " ' t'lsrave swallowa them u,.. Sber- ,mau'?.C..ugh Lozenges uill immedianlval- iav au oruinarv cises. , . - . -" uc llJUbl uusii.ia.r, iccrni ones. in a lew liouri r i . " . i"uia, iiuu i ... wiiiuuoio. in Asthma. wh.mpin... cough, c;iugh allending n,eas'e., and tirit ness ol the cheat they give inslnnt relief In Co..suinpiiun. where dealh has not set his wal, these Lcze.iges will restore the liloom lo the bajgard cheekand henllh t. the i.ihei wiselostpalient. Thev have r... ";anY P"ns thnt had been given upby'thi ir ph.sicians nnd frie..ds. Their celebritv f..t ! curin" Cnimhe an.l r'i.iJ -i .. i i known throuL'hout ihe civiir n,,l.f VI?, ' t,e drmand for them is bpTumJ Ine eanee'niion ' ' of ad. Only think of five or six K" 1 ! P'easant t.. the taste as a c-.mmon ,,'r'1 plumb. curing the most dislressin- Cuhsfn ,e' "L""!"1")' n.inutes. " i anr nnrt of iliMu i- V.i. . falling of ihe V nmh Piles &c ctired'f' ' anennnV Poor Man' Plaster. which m . Pi.., ' I . loi o . ., . " oosw ' Appi.ea locorns. itilraw.' a inem out bv therom ;ti.n..f .i.- i' .. ". n Clark .. Danus Anlhony.Rev-Sabastiai. Street r Rev I Mr Haudcci-: Docior, M , d ' Smttl. ,..,1 V...I. I .ia:1.. ""Bs. . . ttuuris. i r. " , i'ui, o.u o o cemon I I 1 iiincir i ntiam ia. ..;. . . . . i"2 sherman's Loze -Vi"-"5 nable virtues. 48-," auai and unquesiionable Agent n,..t , S ru "- Jherbun.; Sir.irc & TS.-1. . &B.1I. Kurl..,,d; S. r Leoard ir ir"'5 lord; L.phaim'sohwl, 'fe . .iiiri, widrrenunn km . r. . . . . &. &..UelIard. East Clarreml. sT'l. J. 1 To"sa",',W'll'"5;.3ilen Ig i a . R. Va.le & Co., Danbey B.,rrougl'; sVni leii.kKr.lIass.East Pouliney; Jhon C Sawl "wrl BlnSLam. Sudbury; E D Bush, .& V Chioman. fl.,i'. iv.. .; ' . 7i 1 olncy Ross, Brandon; Mooker & Wo.sle- iZ w d ii . ir s' Huntington. Hat;i B'br' V"Se,nn; Eenjamine 'Haskel Samuel Evcrtj, Cemwall; D & G m,ch Kent Wrifhl, Sdoreham; Nehemifn ray, Salisbury; MunsoD & Dean, BrUt" Memlt t Moon, General agepts for Rnf. hod aao Addison Ccnwie. Cry. TO THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. 1MPR0VEMENT in whatever rejards the hsppinesi and welfare of uur race ii constantly on Ihe march to perfeclion, and with each uo1 ceedingday soee new problem is solved, or oine profoiind scret revealed, havinc; an i'n porUnt and diiect beannj ov;r mni' hijheit deftinics. If w; lake a retrospeetire Tiew orer the naat twenlv rean. how if the mini atruck ilh wondeil Wbat rapia stridej has tcience me '."7 o'PwpeM ot cir:iueu me.par- ticulaily in that which relates lo the knowledge oftbe humansystem in heallhanddisease. How V ' ran, Ve Uy dUadh ,hegenc7 o P'-e. on the repu.a.ion of this real.y Talua I , . ..i ii.. :.,..:..: ble remedy. Be careful to se Ihat tbe new- la- I irai'Miii.;. and our imag nalion glon at ttie mgenuily, ne 1-.... k t Ih. cl.nrrf itheDre.enttim.! Through Ihe claborate inve I r Phv.iMnv r ih. .n.nn. f I.IFE. tnH ih. Paiholv nf nrevVent d!es. much Taluabls nraclical kcowledse has been gaincd. l In conseiu-nco ol becoraioz acquainled wnh the organization, Ihe elements of the various lis uei and structuresof tlic systcm.remedieshaTe "?h,hnid.::rir . thc operalions nf ature, and satisfactory to tl.e Tiews anu reasonings oi every in e igeni, renec - timrmind. Itisthu that SAStfs SARSAfAa- illa. a scieniiGccombination ofessenlial prin ciplesof the moit valuable vrgetable substan res, oprratrs upon Iho syslem. The Sarsaparil la isrombined wilh Ihe most cffectual oidi, the most kalutaiy production, the most putent sain ples of Ihe vegetab'e kingdom, and its unprece denlrd succcss in the rcstorttion to healtli of Ihose who haO lone pined undcr Ihe mostdi.trrs- ( aing chiome maladiis, has given it an exalled cnaracier, iuiiiibui.'5 .a u uoes eviuence oi llf own inttiusic value, and recommendin; it to the affliclrd in terms the afSicted only can know. Il has long bccn a inoot imporlanl disideiatum in thepracticu of medicine toobtain a remedy sim ilar to Ibis one that would act on ihe liver, stomach and bowels wilh all the precision and poleccy of mineral prrparations, yet witbout any of their deleterious cfTects upon tbe vilal powers of the systein. ftj- The attention of Ihe reader is rcsnectfully called to Ihe fullowini; cerlificilca. Howcver great achlevements have hcrelofore been madeby th:s inraluable medicine, yrt daily cxperience shows rrsuus siiii more rcmarkable. Ihe pro- prietors hereavail thcmselvea of the opporlunily ol sayine t " a fourco ol conrlant satirraction that they are made the mean- ofrclieving such an amount ol sunenng. Newark, N.J.Dec. 13 1843 Jlleisr: andti Gent Words cannot express the gratilude I feel for your ireatment 10 me. a stranger sufferinj; under one of the inost loalhsome diseasrs that nature is capa hle of bearing. The disea; e with which I was afflicted comnienced with iidlainmaiion of Ihe eyes, in the ear 1836, which caused n'most tolal blindness. For ihis I was Irea- ,ed and "V b"1 f 'Jl' remedies upement of a srrn'ulous affeclion on lefl aitn nenr Ihe elboiv. The patn extended from the shouhler to the end nf niy fiuseis, and for two years my siifTcrings were beynnd desrription. I tried vaiious remedies and cnnsulied different Phvsi.'.ians in New York, and atnonrst them tbe late Or. BuFhc, who told me the disease il tbe arm was caused by the larpe quantiiy of mercury taken to eure the innammaiion of niv eyes. My suUVrings continued, the arm cnlarged tumors formeil in ilitTerent place?, aud in a leiv roontns dicnarged, inaking ten runniiig ulcers at one time, some abovc anu tome be low the elhow. and ihe discbarge wa so ol fensive thal no perscn could beartobe in the room ivhere I nas. I then applied lo anoilier dislinnuishcd Pbysician who :..lil me ampu'ntion of the arm wns the only tbin? that(ciu'd save my life, as il was imjinssible to rure so dreadful a disease; but as I ws lo conser.t lo it he recommended me lo use Swaim's Pauarea freely, whicli I did wiihout deriving hut little benefit. "For thice vears I was unable lo raie my hand lo my head or cnrab my hair, and ihe scrofula nnw made its appearance on my head, des troying ihe bone in difJVrenl places, causng extensive ulcerations. and I feareil it miht reach and destroy thebrain :he head swel led veiy much, accompanied with violent painj numerous external remedies were rec ommended, but they did no losil. Abnut a year since I was laken severely ill with a S.velh")7 of the hodv finrn lipa.l t.. f. . that I was entirely helpless, the Doctor 'ad-1 vised me to so to ihe hosnital. fnr h a;a nn, uoiltrstand mv; forthelast few munths I I had been afllicted with a severe pain nn ! bolh sides, at times so hard I could srirrol,. ' jiei my hreath. A hacking cough constantly annoyed rce, and.this eombined wiihmyl other maladies, rendered mctruly miserable. aucn. gemiemen, had been my siiuation fiir seven vears of mv life when I rnmi,..n...i lhe use o( 'our oirsaparilla, l.ut as mv case vas considered boneless. and ihe nnr nt,. pect of a speedy i!isotution seemed incvita lil. T Clr ht.t l.ffl . . Ve'e - T,le P"30.'0" "friends induced ",c l. "Y)oui meotcme, which in a lew days pams. and givin? me sirenslh: as suce 'r"eS C0" "J?ncP 1 was encouraged to success in- perse- .. - . c? i"- VCIC' Pa,ns grew easier, my strenorih re turned. fnod rp ih .!, kl.j i ..u '3 ". . "?. ."' luI"'ro anu l once more lelt w 1 1. n me e St ' "" WeI1- 1 haVS n0W Sawaparilla about iwo months, and am like J,Ue";nt b,e,n5- Th,e that was to be AMPUTT.ED '"'s.'Dl'rely healed.a ihine that ,buii.ia.I .A:i.T . " . . - 1 0i.aisa.iy uriievi ,a.ct; an. new ns uscful as at any pcriod pvf. iiiii n t n.u 'lla-soeVnr ,haD " nWI.IW I know Mariha Conlin, and helieve what JOHIM peifectly true, i ruwEK, Given ai New-York, Ihis I4th day of Decem- nrciur ai st Fi.r'. fThn.s. I kncw Manhi Conlin, and hare known other sunenng uiners JON DUBOIS, Bishop of NewYork, Sand'a Sinaparilla will aIo remove and Dr- ..j vuir. wicctior-a IIATI.lg IIICIT OTlglJ Q ftn impure tle ofthe blood and depraved condition , 5e?efal. constilution, viz: Scrofula or nhi.n.i. n.. ""'"'"a.isin. JLI1 in str.rinisa Innna 1 .. . .......... -"..nrMi t.ruptions, liioiclies, Ll Pnnple. or Puslnlr.. r.r ti.. i... r-i L o ' P p. " -ii.iDiiic aote ZiZ. j' f 1 ot teuer. SealdHead, enlaree o7.w'5?''J,,"i,lnK fr0min i-j-dicious use n ZlZti, de"In" d, Prepared and sold bv A. B. S.n... t. r. t. gistsand Chemists, Granite buildin,r vnnlrZ. way corner of Chambers sU NeYcti . J C, lhe doz. or single Bottle. by W. P. C-'X girt JliddlehrV Tl. ,ra AND Liver Complaint. fklt TAYLOR'S BALSAM o WORT, from 375 Bowery. N. Ynrk, for the eure of Couh, Coldf, Catarrh, Ath ma, soreness of tho-Chcsl, pain in the side and brcait, raiaing of Blood Liter CoMrLAirrrs, Bronchitia, all Iboje atfections of the throal and Lung, whic.'i are a tource of so much mffttiag and unarrestcd. o often terminate in Consuatr tio.i this reniedy is highly and juatly diilin guished. It is purely veBelable, mild and genlle in its cffecls upou the tytem, and can be laken in the inost delieate casc. wilh safetyas well as utilily. Phyiicians, aware of fts medicinal prop ertiet, and witnrssing iU efiecla ercn in extrcme and in some instances, apparently almoit bope lcsscasea, often prcfcribe it in prac'Jce, botli as a pallutiveanda remedy. and nith the Medical Faculiy gencialiy, it has met wilh great appro bation. Certificate from the highsstand most reipec table sources, of persons wbo have either bcen greally relieredjy it, or entirely recorerrd from aSections of the Lungs and Liycr could be fur nisliod in abundance, butlfacy will be foand on. ly in Ihe wrapper, which is aroand each bottle The public are cautioned against the counler- fcits and iniitations which are offered fo sale at u . .tl Ul. ,..,1,.,, ;,), -- - r - - --- nt GlJRDON J. LeIDS, Solo wholcsale agent w.thiut which none is I N. B. Therc is a spunous and counterfeit ar . !icIe os,. ond 'le!' mtrodaeed inlo this placo. Thcrefore be carefnl lo gel Ihe genuinc, which is Irom 375 Bowery, New xork, and is lor sale in Middlebury by Sidncy Moody , sole agent for tho genuine articfe in thij placo. 7;yl hotise. carrtaoe & stgn 1 o.. M.n,. n ! Su0P' ES.D OF TIIE BlftDGE, OVEK S. Moodit's Drco Store. ALL ordcrs for painN ing wi'.l be executcd ilh dispatch, in a work manlilte manncr.ond on thc most reasonable terms. Oils 4 Paints Will be furnislied as chcap as can he bought nvthis county by thc subscribcrs. PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL SIGN PAINTING, Uono in any style required. Paper Hanging and Glazing to order. Chairs Kept constanlly on hand, and fo sale at reduced prtcer. Cabinet Furniutre Made and for sale by the subscribcrs. T Moody, J. IUcDoKALD. Middlebury, April 19, 1843. 50;tf EXTRA BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR. 'irifc, supscriber is now re J. ceiving and will keep con stanlly supplied with thechnic est brands of Flour, iManufuc- ture.l in the estern Country. The flour lurnished b him, being from about twenty uuirreni nuiis oi me rngncsl reputation, nas not ror will nnt be surpassed, if equalled in marKet. J. N. HINSDILL 347 River street Troy, May 12, 1843. J We thc undersicned Bakcrs OF the city of Troy, (being all who aro enjraged m the Tradt in the cily.) do hereby certify thai we have used of J. N. Hinsdill's Jirands ol r L.VUH toa large amnunt. His flour hcs uuifurmly proved excellent, and is equal lo any we Iiave ever used, or seen in maikei Jos. Wicks, Jos. Hodge, E. Morse, W. R. Millei, Bunnell, J. Crumnv. A. W.Moore. and Fancy Brands, TJriel Dexler, Jnseph Vale, Jnseph Grant, Dn'l Hralh, R. Inwood, JEf Common, Exlia, shipped lo order loany port on lake plain, at lnwest rales. Cham- 2 ml WOOL MANUFACTURING, CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING. mHK f.TIRsnn Tvtprj m .,r..ii.. : ----- -..iufci u.iu it0i!...ujif , i.ji.'Mii uis irienus ana me pum c inai ne IS prepared I.i receive. at his Faclorv on the I nriagein salisbury village, wool, 10 manulac- ; ture on shares, or by the yard, to suit custom- ers, inio I ti -.. .t tsi i i j jl icuii viuill, JT. lailllUIS anu ,- w-aSSimereS. HIS Machinrry being ne wly fitted up and and in complcte renair. he is prepared to dn workin the best manner, and on tbe most reasonable terms. He will also excbangecloth for wool upon as good terms as may be made in any estab- nsnmenun Ibe Uouniy. Caiculatiiigliispres- entbus,nessf.,rpcrmanency,hewi.lendeav- y' 1 ,C,?.l,?1t a,,en,,onr, ? brach -.....-.i.iuim, IU....L luuuuiatiuiiui; togive compleie sa:isficti.n to customeis. June, 7.h 1813. E.B, IIOWARD. 5;8ra Cram's Improved Drag Rakes. The subscribcrs are engaged in'making the A bove named Rakes, and are now ready to sel them at Wholesala, or retail, or to deposite them out for sale on Commission. They are far superior to the common hand rake for raking light grass, and forrnking after. The heads are 6 feetlong, with SOteeth Priee S1.50 at lhe faclory. Wheclzi Tkadwat and Rich. Shoreham, June, 14, 1843. To Merchants. sf)ANrLE-VICK,and COTTON YARN from No. 5 to 25, and of the besi oi!' or sale by the subscriber. JUSEFH GORDON. Middlebury, Jan.2f., 1843. 28tf Read! Read! FIRST, read the Deaths, thcn torn to the Medical Departmentof this paper and read as for lif. Tlmn rll nnicklr on ihe subscribine a- I jjylgent who has the eure on hnd forallyourmal- HAVE YOU A COUGH J Do not neglect it; tbousacdr harn ineta preinature death for Ihe wsnt ofa little attention to a common cold. Hareyoua CouehT Da. Jathi's Expic torant, a aafe oiedical preacriplion, containing no poisonoin drugs, and used in an ealensire practice for sereral years, will most positirely aflbrd relief, and save you Irom that awful dis- sweeps into the erave bundreds of Ihe young, . . . . . . . ... ease rur.uo.f arv Uo.tsDMrTio.v, wnicb annuaiiy t 1 1 ni n 1111.11 ih. Mirn v ind in ffv Hare jou a Coueh 7 Be persuadd to pur - ae a bolUe oflhis Exptctorant. to-dat ! u. . l.... .--v.y fc-j. chase To morrow mav be toolate. Have you a Cough? Jayna's Exptctorai.t is the only remedy you should lake to curc you. For Ihis plain ifeason, That in thousand cases whero it has been used has it failed to rclieve. DR, JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT This in. valuable medicine is daily efTecting some of the most aslonishing and wondeiful cures that have everbeen knowu. All who bave used it for Arthma, Coughs, Spitling of Blood, Hooping Cough. Croupor Hives. Csnsumptiou. Chronic Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Pain and iioreness of ll.c Breast, difficully of Bjealhing, and evcry other diseaseotlhe lucs and breast, ean and dj attesttoils usefulnes9. Bno.NCiiiTis.a discasc which is annuaiiy sweeping thousands upon thousands to a premalure grave, under Jhemis taken name ofCoNSOMPTion, is always cured by it. The usual syinploma ofthisdieasc(Bron chitis) are Cough. Soreness of Ih- Lungs or Throat, Hoarseness, Difficully of Breathing, Aslbma, Hectic Fever, a rpitting up ofphl'gm or malter, zai sometimes blood. It is an infla mation oflhe fine skin which linca tne ioside o! the whole of the wind tubes ot air vessels, which run thrcugh every p rt of tbe Lungs. This Expectorant immediately supprewes the Cough, Pain.InQamation, Fever, and difficulty of Breathing, and produces a free and easy Ex pcctoration, and a cureis soon effccted. ' Italways cures Astiima two or three laigc doscs will cure the Crodp or Hives of children in from fil'teen minutes to an hour'a time. Il immediately subducs the violence of coucii and efiects a spcedy curc. Hundreds who have bceu given up by tncir physicians as incurable with "CoNsuiiPTioN,'have been re slored to pctfect hcalth by it. ONLY GIVEIT A FAIR TRIAL. We afk no more of ar.y one than to pivc Dr. Jayne's Expectorant a fairtrial, and ifil does not cure tbe variou discases for which il is rrommende sooncr or inoreefTectually than any other mcd. icine that has ever beeu offered to tbeiublic the proprietoris willing to undergoany pcnaltr howevcr, severe, the pnblie may see prope: to impose upon nun. il nas, ii, and It ca cure coughs, co'ds, aslhma, bronchils, blecdin from the lungs or throat, whoooine coueb croup, and a vcrv laree moioritv nfihemoi hopeless cases ofronsumption, when physiciaiis dtiu uieir pii:3i;ripuoiis lail iu uo any goou. A' gain wo say, try it. Itwill notharra you, but musl and will po you cou. II is prepared on ly ny ur. u. JYJfe. fto.SO South Third street Philadelphia, and No. 305 Broadway. New iork. rrice per bottle. IS TIIERE BjJLM IN GILEAD I Was tbepatnetic exclamaiion ofthe prophet of Isre al as he bebeld tl.a degradation and miscries o nis peopie ana aoes not the heart oflhe ph lanlhropist move with emotions of eotnmisera tion and sorrow as he witnesses the hopele.s ii.. . ... . . .. 1 . . uu ncipiessconamon oi thousands dyineaiia round h'tn wnh Cons'iinplion, and olher pulmo- nary aujcuons, and lo ak, "is Ihere no balm tbal can hcal them ?" nor physicians to rescue uiem irom aeatb7 Yes, tlierelsa balm that xvill hral them, atidat once arreal Ihose falal diseases and restore thrin te hcalllL It is found in Jayne's Expectorant, wb:ch never faiU lo rtneve. It is prepared by Dr. D Jayne, 305Broadway New York, and 20 South Third street, Phiia. delphia. Priee, Sl per bottle. WORMS! WORMS! WORMS! Jirsr'.i losic VcRMiri-ce. This Vermifuge is per. eciiv saie, ana o pieasant liiat enildren will not refuse to lake il. It cftectually deitiovs worms. ne ulralisteiaciditr or tourneis of the stomach, increases Ihe anpclile, and aclsaaa 12 neral and permancnt tonic. and is thrrefore exceedingly bencficial to intermitlent and re- muienl lever. mdieeslion, &e. and is almost a certain cure for fever and ague. and what is oi inoie importance it does it permanently. ll not only destroys trorms and invigorales me nnoie sysicm. tut il disaoivcs andcamrs oll iue supcrabundant slime or mucus, so prevaleul in Ihe stomach and bowels of children. mor . prcially of thosc in bad heallh. This inucus lorms the bed or nest in which tba worms pro ouce iheir young; and by removing it, itnim- possioie lor worms to remain in tho boilr It is hsrmlrss m Itseffects on thesvstem. acd the bealth oflhe palienti always improved by its use, evcn when no worms are discovered. Numerous cerlificatesofits usefulness have ben receired, which Ihe proprietor does not consid er necessary to publisb. Josiali Thompson.near 5aem, N. J., adminis- xerea iius vermiluge to a clnid Deiween iwo and three years old. and say that in a fe days she dischaiged one hundrcd and Ihirly seven large worms- Alr.Jos ph A. Lentz. of lhe Pennlownship Savines Iniu'iuiion. Philadeluhia. lave it foone of his ahildren; and says that aftcrtbcsixtndose it broueht awav about fiftv worms at one. fire and six inchis long. Mr. Ferdinand WoodrufF used two botlles of Ihis Vermifuee for drspensia. and in the courso of two weeks discbarged upwards of Ihirly pieccs i iape worm, and was increby perleclly cured. Another centlemen of tbiscitv had it admin- steredto his little dmehlcr about Ihrcc years old, when she had a number of discharges rom herbowelf, coroposed entirely of little white tbread worms. He nyz tbey carce away from her not onlv by hundreds, but I may sav by thousands separately andir. solil ballsas large as bickorv nuts. coroposed entirely of dead worms. j .Cl.t. fr..fll.. Manv lafli.. sn.l ...nll.m.ti . j r... ... iiato louna luis terinuugu iu ue a pcruj.ueui core fur siclc ni headache. Piles Numerous cases cfniles have been per- lectiy curea dj tne use oi mis vaiuame vcrmi , fKe. riudiiy, (viiat me puuiiciidvo luug uccucu, a medicine ol lliis Kina, wmcn migttl De ccpenneu upon, prepared bya regular physician, is now j (ofTered lo them, and can be had of Dr. Jayne, No. 20 South Third street, Philadelphia, and at i nis offlce No 305 Broadway New York. j t OALDNESS AND LOSS OF HAIR. 1 j ' caused by a want of healthy ac- ! tion on ,l,e wfl'eh throw ofl perspiration , ?.om ,hf h"d- hen thee T.,'eU "J wf ,,c or ' ,k y:ir ., . V - j i tUVl Less blood is ihen carriud lo the rool. of ho j haia. and for want nf hi. i lK s.,:. ,, ..l sufEcicntnourishmcnt, and constquentiy be. ; comes dry and barsb. and beeins insensibly to tne nair nas nui uu on svnicn conlinuim; to increase, erentuallr i produces baldness. Reiiore the capillary ves sels of lhe head lo their former haltliy circula tion, and afine silky new hair will make its ap pearance whicli will increase in quantiiy and vo lume until the hair becomes thick and healthv. Jayne's Hair Tonic ia the only preparalion tlut has ever been known to produce new Hair ! n.u II..J. l; .. . . : . uv ble in.i.nce.. ind wiH "Mn ftil ir 1. : : and persevering! used nml iiriAriniTls i. r. . J r J I- 1 n t cu Prepared only by Dr. u. jayne, BALD HEADS AND HARD HEADS freauentlv unite in lhe same iadividual: ihat is, persons predisposed to early Baldnesa aie apt ly be firm, and too often sell wllled and stubborn.'s Hair Toxic, is the very thing f.r removing tho first, but what Infiuence it may have on the latter remains to be tested by ezperience. Isit not, bowever, worthy of alri- il I Ladies who havf huebandspossdfcine ith- er Bild or Ilard Headi, are inrited to make a liberal applieation of this Tonie to tbe heads of their lords, and if it do not make them more flex ible and manageable will at least restore their hair and add each comfort and beaoty of the gentlentan. TAYNE'S SANAT1VE P1LLS,- PiLLstnaV be laken at all times. Tliese mav be taken at all times. ana are bcneficialin nearlr all diseascs. ThfV hare been a farori'e preicription of Ihe proprietor for all obsirnctlousof the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Uierus, and ailother Orgns of tho body ln Sainmalory, Intermittent, Rornilicnt Billious, and erery olher form of Fever Jaundico and Liyer Complaint. For Dyspepia they are really an inraluable article, gradoally chaneinethe vit- ' iatcd sacretions ofthcslamach. and producing I i i.i 4 1 lmntnt nwtr n Th.ii i niunv bciiiiu 111 iuai I'.'vui . . ui .aut . .. , . --- -- ,. . ... r. . r- : are Tery vaiuaDie ior auFasra oi iuo siu. ..u what is commonly callcd imounty oflhe blood; I c. r.m.l.!nt.. rntiitnrii. C. also forFemale Complaint.. and in every disease where an Aperieni, Alteraiive or Purgative medicine is requiied. CCT Foor Fivths of the numerous and dis - trcssing cases of Dtspepsia POSITIVII.Y caw bi cured by a persevering use of this valuable sanatitj!. They are expressly prepared tibe used as an Anerient. when puaginr is necessary, while. us - inil.l. FTnpplorant. andforlhe removal ofOb ttructionsin Ihe Liver. which Is often an at tendant on some or the diseaserof ihebreast. Full directions wilh each box. Also Jayne's Carmikative Dauai, i cci lain cure for Bowci. aud Summer Com- PLAINTS, DlARRHCCA, DYItNTAST, CllnLlC. Cramps. Sick and Nervous Headachc, Sodr Stomach. Choleka Morbos, and all derangenjenl ol the Stomach and Bowels. All of the above Medicines are for sale by SIDNEV MOODY, Acest. Middlebury. March S23. 1843. 49:lY Books & Stationery. fPHE subscriber has justreceived from N. Yotk, several new con ignments of Books, a mong which Is a goud as sortment of School Books, Juvenile Books, Classical Books, Bibles and Testaments. The late publicaiions of Dayton and Newman and John S. Taylor & Co. consistlng of Ihe very popular writins;s of Charlotte Elizabeth, Baird's Travel? in Eurepe. Parkcr's Lrctures on Uni versalism, DufBeld on the Prophcsies, Helen Flcetwoocj.Principalilies andPouers.Gaussen on tho inspiwlion of Ihe Bible.Christian Antiqui ties, Scan's Bit le biography, Nelson on lnfijel ily, and a variety of olher miscell aneous Books and Annuals. jCJ- Thc books are generally recent publica tions, and mot of them eleganlly bound. Also Paper, Ink, Quills. Inkstand.SIates,5leel pens Account Books. Memorandum Books, Writing Books. Cards.Toolh and hair Brushes, Wafers, ShopSand, Fancy Printing Paper, Tissuc Paper All which will be so'd low for cash, CH.1RLES BOWEN. Middlebury . O. Nov. 28. 1842. 3I;yl GALLONS Linse?d Oil, for sale by thefubjcriber at hi il Mill,, by the Barrel at ilieN. i . priee currenl for baa. Painting done as usual, And Paints furntshed to those only who cm- ploo him, 10 or 15 pr. ct. less ihan al any olher hop or store in thc state. Call and sce.bclbre you evploy anyo'iher if work 1 not done asagreed. nd paints as rrco'iimenced, no cbarges made. Three or six months credit eiven ifreauirrd Call at my shop at Alrs. Kinsley's, 2 doors east of W. S. Johnson's store, or at my residcnce. All ordrrs Irom a distance puncluall. i atended lo for oil or painting. T.O'FLA TyGAN. P. S. itniled Oil by tha barrcl, f riequetted orin smallrr quantity. NE O' F. May 30, 1S43. 1 843. 11IANUFACTURING. DAVEMPORT & TURMER WMTOVLU respectfully inform their "T pat rons, and the public gcncr- ally, that Ihey will continno to ruceive WOULi at the establishment of tho Mid. Jlebury Manufaclurinc Coinpany, to manu. facture into Cloths. Cassimeres or Saltin- etts, white or colored Flannels, Stc. ofper. manent colors nnd mixcs, lo suit tho aste, nn shares or by tho yard, at the option ol ihe owner. Being furnislied with the necessary ap paratus, and having in their cmploy com petent and nithful workmen, they will con inue to improve lhe value anrl stylc of their goods, inlending tnat they shall not be sur. passed by those of any other cstablishment the stato. I bey will keep an assorl ment on hand to accommo. dale those who may want a part of their clcth in advnncc. Gratcful for tho extcnstvo patronoge they have received.they hope by strict per. soual attention to business and the inler- csts of their patrons to receivo a libcra sharc of their favof. TER.MS as reasonable as at any cslab. lishment iti the vicinity. middlebury, June,20. Hartford. THE subscriber has been appointed Agent fo me llARTrOKD fixc lrISnAKCC COlirAMT. Middlebury and vicinity. and will rcceivc proposals for insuring property against Ioss or damage by Fire. The lone eitablished reputa- ilinn oflhis company, and the promplnesa with which all their Iranjaclions have bcen character. isea render il onnecessary to say anylhing in iis favor. All bussincss connected with tho offiee tu nim wiii uo laitniuuy ano punc luauy iransacted. JONATHAN UAGAIC. MidJlebury, Fcb.26, 1842 43;y Agent. WOOL CARDING - . AND MANUFACTURING ' "n'ct'ber is now teady to receive rr..!00' - ' 10 CARD and MANUFAC- wtm .... nsa j CIOTH At the Woolen facmry formerly carricd on l.v A. Snnldino. S, Cn ' Thr. ,n,i.l.; ;. :" Prr,.ect .rd."' an.U ,D.P.ubiJc may . r -- --- ......... v . - , ..... , 1 . . " tneir work will be doi.e tuthpirsailc. 1 Ild 1 fiction, and on lhe most " Reasonable Terms. A ehare of the paironage is solicited. JOEL SPALD1NG, Aent. Middlebury, May 2, 1843. 52 tf sjfUTand WRODGH -rindow Glass for snle low, by New Arrangement. rpHE snbscribertakes tbis roeiLod u - form the public, that hehaa parci,.15; tbe siock of GOODS, and laken the the stand heretofore cctcm by K. Ubapman. in Vergennes, and novr ,( fers for sale, one of the laruestand best 01. lccted assortment of eoods ever ofr.r-j ? sale in this city. Conaisiing in part of it followin; articles s ' Dry Goods, Groce ries, Crockery and Hardware: sj. , all cl which will be sold as low as goods ci rn 1 i-" ' """.raost iiai ol country produce, or a sho t credit. i W. CHAPMAS. j Vergennes, Mi'ch 8, 1S43. l , . I For Sale as above. R . . , ' I I II II I . r. ..""?? u! - ' w IIIU llDI. f ine W. l!0. 50 Baes Liveroool GroundJn ALSO, Ground Pbsler.and a new ta. ply will be receivcd bj hrstBoalsthissptto fresh ground, which will be so'd unusni'Jj low for Cash. WIGHT. CHAPAIAN. Vergennes, M arch 8, '43. tf i CONCORD RAILROAD. FALL 4- iriNTER ARR.lNGE.VEXi THIS Road will benpened to. the pubt I r lhe Iransporiation of passeneis inj merchandiseon and afier iMonday .SVpt.12.; 1842. Passengcr trains daily, b'andays (I cipled, in connexion with Ibe cars of tit Nashua and Lowell and Bostun and Lowri; Il3ilioads as follows, viz: Lenve Boton for Nashua, Manchts'er roncord, and iniermediaie places at 7 l.j,' M.t 11 1-2 a. 5i., and 4 3-4 p. m. Ltave Lowell at 812.x, 12 1 r andSJIr, . Nashuaat 91-tA.H, J 1-2 r M aiidS I it Slanchesler 10 m. 2 M r x and71 4ra! or Immedlaiclr on iheairiral frntn btwton. CoocirdrorAlaticrmer,Nasliua,LnneIlaiul Bs. lonat 4M.s, lOISiaudiMii sliiidimer 5 I 2 tll, II I-4a x and Mra. Nashua at 6 1-2a x, 12 1 4 a k andl 1 4rs. Lowellat 71-4.AM, IPM andSrM. or Immedlateirnn atriral of tbe cars irom Concord Way lasseneenrer taken and lelt at Ilookvti, GonaFiA Heed Ferry, rhorntou'a, ani tbe usual slnpplnt; iacei, be Nakliu and Lowell and Bolton and Lowell Kailivja TARU from Concord toltoston u . Ijonrelt l SO " .N'a.liua I B ' Maocbnter lo Boston 2 to " . Lowell i lo Nashua ti The Morning and Evenins Trains conatt1 wilh the cars ol lhe Boslon and Maino Rtil road. Pasjenirers can he conveyed brtneti Concord, Manchester,, Andover, lli verhill, Kxeier, Dover, Portsmonth, Purtlani .MK.RCHANDISE. Trnins will Ie. Concord and Boston dily, Sundays ricrpt rd. The Ccmpany are prepared lo tnnjpor. G .oJs biid Country Produce, which ru:j ti ent to ihere Depot in Concord and Uos'Ori l.atestbmugh, 1st Class 84 00 per 20O)lbi Live Stock, Carriaaes, Fuinilure, Sist, Heading, Hoop Poles, Lumber, Ship Timbir and Granite at xpecifir: prices. TcrraioT Fieizhtinc Cash invariabiv on delivrrr tf ihe Goods. jsA.lli.oods and merchar.di'e will beatllie iik of the owncrs wbtle iaiht Company'x Slore Uouses. tiy order of the Uirectr, ISAAC SPATJLniNG, Treasur.r. September 7,1842. Thc most highly Approvcd Medicine now in gener al usc for Coughs, Colds. and all Diseascs of thc Lungs. THE VEGETABLE PULMONARV BALSAiil is bulicvcd lo bc thu mns: popular medicine vcr known in Amrrirs. fo Oou;hs. Colds, Asthma or Phlhisic, Cousdes lion, Whoopine coujh, and Puhnonaiy ASiclici of erery kind. tzlracts iiom lerlihcales.j Or. Sarnuol Morrill of Coucord, N. II., nritei "that he is satisfie.! Ihe Vegelable Pii!rnoni; Balsamis a valuable medirine. havinebetn nrj nilh coinplele success in casis which had proi oujIv resis'ed Ihe most approvcd prscriptiooi Dr. Truman Abe'l f Lempsler, N. H.,ri!n that ha coufidently recommenda its use in ill complaiais oflhecheits, rqual, 'f not superior lo any other medicine within his knotvledjre. Dr. Amory Hunting of Franklin, Mass.,wriln that after having prescribed the usual iemtJii uithout relief, and having eonsulted tvi'h ;titr al eminent physicians, he has found tl.e Vej-ti- , ble Pulmonary Balsam to have had lhe drsrti efFcc!. and recommenda it as a safe, conumcii and efficacious medicine. Dr. Thnmas Brown, of Concord N- H., wrifei Ihat, to his has never dirappcin.'(l Ihe resonable expeclations of ihose tvho haveB sed it. ITJ" BtWARE OF 1S1P0SITI0N. EkH trenuine bollle is enclosed in a blue wiappercs which is a yellow label, aigned Wr. Jo.i'sCn-r-ER. Nnne olher is ecnuineof a taler datelbia Dec. 1839. The siznature ofSAMrso.Rini" ba continued fora short time. Purchasers sIoto enquire for the true article by its full name.lli Veeetable Pulmonary Balsam, and see Ihat it has the marks and aipnalnres of the genuine. Prepared by Reid. Wmo U. CcTLcn. -Sle Lo U Reed.) Wholesale Druggisls, Apolhecariesaci Country Merchants generally. Priee 50 cenu. roriaieiiy .v. AiuuuK . ( Notice. THE Copartnersbip heretolore cxisting It tween lhe subscribers is Ihis day by mutualcoa sent dissolrcd Tl.e notes and ac'counts of lh Company will be seltled by E. Walnwrisht at lb oldsfand, E. WAINWRIGHT. A. A. WAINWRIGHT. J May 29, 1843. ALL persons indchtc 1 to the late firm ofl-. & A.A. Wainwrieht are rconesteJ to call andaJ- just the same without delay. atlbe store latelj uccup.ea oy saia Drm. i ne suoscrioer wiii coa tlnue the busincss as usual. E. WAINWRIGHT. June, 1843. W. & J. Whittaker, CABINET MAICEUS. RESPECTFULLY inform lhe inhtli tanlsol'thiv vicinity, ihat they he located themselves in the Luilding called l! old Markham place, direcily nest ofAss Francis slore, and opjiosite Ihe wnolra f' lory, whete they have on hand a gnodasaort ment ol CABINET FURNITIM ivhich they will dispose of as chcap if nct cheaper, than can be bnught at any olher Cabinet Shop In lhe town ol Middlebury. Tbeir Furniiure i manufacturrd 1 4UCII X- UTUIIUIC VI ww- l.,n.i - j :. . n,;t. mfnn.r Tk Iwonld also sav to those who wish'to have I work made to tbeir own particnlar likir-r.thJt ; they slml! be p!c2Cd to bave them call, aao ! so far as ooo l materials, failblul wurk, aas fair prices are concerncd, tbey can warrant salisfactinn. Middlebury, June 12, 1843. TVATTQ 4 .. ine aoove worE wni oeeicuau' , A1.L,a and for Lumber, such as Pinc, Cherry. Blrcb. Ms- , 4 t '! e 4 e. i -i i S fc , tl innt, . . . ' rt I'lt, uui.riuu.. uu iwj,nwv . . JOHN WOOD. hanks,&c.&c.