OCR Interpretation

The Northern galaxy, and Middlebury people's press. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1843-1844, November 22, 1843, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84023648/1843-11-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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'l! 0 x i 0 x
II. BEIX, Editor and Proprietor.
CAltDS, &c.
Of evcry description will le neatly and
r iiiualily cccctited, at short noticc.
v i futecribcrf , ......
S2 00
Mail -i!lieribtr. . 2.00
j i liuJoali a"J Conipanics ulio lake at thc oflicc
r73 or I'jO cents if paid
in six uionilis.
T'M'e lal-e of Tostriders .
Kooir'd atUicend oi uic jcar,
,o paiers discoiuinuetJ until arrearaes are paid
Mfpjiialltie optionoftlie proprietor. No pajraert
C-irricrsalloMcd cccptonIeied by tlie proprietor
llrommunicationsniustbe addresscd to llic editor
Tlie vorM isbriglit beforc tliec ;
hs Eiimracr lloucr U Uiintf;
ll, cal.a Mue fky is o'cr diee,
Tby bosom Vcnus's &Itriue:
AoJ lliine the ennbcam gHcn
To nitare oorning hour;
Tarc. Mjrui as hen froin licaven
1. i-uston Eden'd bower.
Tlirre if a Eon; of forrow
'I'lie Ucalliniirge of tlio ga
T' lttclV, crcdano of morrow,
Tla'sc cbarnii roay roelt avay;
Thc f oa's liriglit lim bc s liadcd,
Tliat sky ly Llue no morc,
Tlif Eummcrfloncrs bc fided.
And youili'a varm promiec o'cr.
TKliive it uot lliongh loncly
Tliv cveainj bomc niay be;
Tliua;!l bcauly'e lMrk can only
rioatona5iimmcr 6ea ;
Thuugh timc tliy bloom u stcaling,
Tliere's slill, bejoud liis art,
Tlie ilJ flowcr wrealli of feeling
Tue fonbeani of llic Iicart!
From tlie Uullaud Ilcrald.
S..m of thc rcadcrs oftho Ilcrald are al
, 1. 1- acqnair.tcd with thc fact, that scvcral
! oad V rj jir.nics wcrc incorpiiratcd atthc
-.ii uf our I.cgi'laturc nncfrom Bur
; .. :ip lii" v..K"y of Oninii rivcr by Jliint
, ,. w snmcconvcnieiit poiuton Cmiuccticnt
rei : anoihcr up thc vallcy ofthc Connecticut
i, i,. t';i$-iiu)pic riverii; anothcr froui Itrattls
ii.i MikKacbusetts linc, and thc other from
V.i'iinifjii, .-.iiiihcrly, through thc cour.tics of
' M'-.iii. liullanil, Uuulsor aud W iinlliain, to
( .miKTliciit rivcr, inlciulcd to nicct thc lJos-
.iuil I'itchbun; ra'd !"i cithcr at IScllowc
I'alU ur by thc way of r.rattlcboro.
V.nli tbU last rontc our readcrs havo thc
. iK-st intcrcst. It is the objcct of the fricnds
:iii rcutc, to opcn a rail road commuiiica
t .i li.-tivprn lturlinston and Boston. And
tfct fnciuls of thc ccntral rail road, also con
: mplate a rail road commuiiicalion bctwrcn
'.) Iinslnn and ltostou, and arc already callhig
: i ilic atteution to the Eitbject. Itis supposcd
;i l.f thclcading olijcct of thc Ccntral ra'd road
(oni;i:my tn nicct, ou Connecticut rivcr at the
riKt ciuiveiiicnt point, a contcmplatcd rail road
ir m Cniicird, X. 11., from which thcrc is al-
r. ulv n rnn.l .nilinlctCll tO JOSt011
It'U not only issib!c but most prolalle, that
m i vi rv fcw ycars, a rail road will bc cxten
li ,t ir.im Koston to llurlington aml it thcrc
i r, -cor.iesaqucstiouofiiosmallimportancc,
!i route is the most fcasihlc, taking into
' "i. :cratiou, the distancc, tbe practicabihtj-,
'. ci;st, thc frcight to be transportcd, and the
' 'v ofthc pcople to mccttlie cxiicnsc,
Miiilhen. aud Wcstcru crmont have a vas
u.- i-tin the decision on this qucstiou; anu , lii.iiiary prcparauou. ciijiporieu vn uus.au, j snl;c
ic ilns intcrcst, thcir attention can not too soon J hc was slowly procccd.ng lowar. s thc vdlace, ) Xhcre ; bc ,lccd of me ;f Qcarzc
' - -lin-ctcd. For though the distancc, thc cost ( aud just gaincd thc ascciit of thc h.ll, whcn thc , ,, rc ,;cd Ile whh sncf r- He i;) s
.rraatnictioii, and the ability to support a mcscnscr, rciuiug in his roainins stccd as hc a cxccllentyouR man ,e will doubtlcss makc
r ' road lictwceu the points al.ove nicutioiied, approachcd him, cxclaimcd, "Xo douht; fa- , an cxcciellt sol(icr."
. h!t prcpondcratc in favor of tho route from thcr, you foughtBurgoy.ic, ortoniwalhs. lhcj Juja bit hcr prctty lip, and hcr cl.cek was
llnrlin-ton to Puitland and thcnce to Bellows rcd coats arc con.iug down upon Plattsburgh. i a crilni011; Um;hc ke calmu. ami;,i,
KalKor Brattleboro, yct wc shall havc tocon-IVwIl you not scud your sous to the haltlc?" , li5Ity. " Ycs, Georgc I am surc will go,
" u l, witb wealth, with shrcw dness and with "Arc thc Bntish commg J" cagcrly dcman- ,i10tlgi, i10 ,ns Ilcvcr cxprcssol so much arnii
Jn,,.r, ;t. dcd the old inan, standing tipnght, while he ty , )e a soi,;cr as many othcrs."
h is not.the purpose of this articlc, to cntcr ,
V ! ltcliuurzii, iiicncc
lh.- fhiirtcst rm.te throur:!. Rutland to Bnrling-
tmi is lcss by morc thau'forty-five lnilcs, (and
I'y ihr loiccst route twcnty-five milcs,) than ,
fr.in ISoston by Concord, Lcbanon aud Jlont-
felier.to Burlington; and that the cost of con- I
niction for the wl.ole dtancc upon thc wes-
' n. route, would not probably cxcccd four
niiUmns of dollars, while that of tbe eastcrn 1
miiie would probably cxcccd scven millions,and
11 his bccn cstimatcd at cight millions of dol-
ilie ncstcrn rouie w ouiu mu iiuoiifi i-
'h 'cannotlic had on the easteru route, such
ismarble, a.ul inhaustible quantities ofiron
acit maugausc licsides the rich and abunda.it
ITiKlne u ofilic snil and tbe forcsts. '
It will also be found, that it will require less
inlcugtli of rails, torcach Burlington from Bel-
ou-s FalU through Itutlaud, than from the
ninuthofWliitc rivcr hyMoutpcliertoBurling- I
iic And that it will cost morc to construct a !
r'ad from Montpelier to B urlinztou, than from j
ti..? . . .1 - . .. 0 i. '
fimn'mg iu company witli other Students, de- i
reading the stair from his room, draggingthe
t or his gun aftcr him, it discharged and a j
noic chargc of shot lodged ia the breast of a j
fHow Studcut, by the name of Lord from N.
ork. The young man has since died of his
oimds. H'rald.
mto minutc details, ncing. mcrciy luiruuucun y , n uu n u. "i; iuu.uui.u .i uk iuiuiii; ou tlc 0U!;rt Witli a quickness that appearci
"iititmav aswcll lie.tatel, as lacts mai can -uoiihi iu nciuu i ii.m an nriny ui uiis u iCIlt " Ycs, I have bccn vcrj" ant
!'c sulistantiallv dcmomtrated ; that the wholo ! (isht thcm! But I havo no sons hcrcaliouts. ' :; th3 anny ,,tmy fathcr positivcly
'lijtaiice frnm linstou Ii
-I'ji. -111111. iu ine loot ol mc mouuiiuu iu , ger, wuu, uran.ug u, mc 11.111 a iiiuiuiul iu,ir- ' a ucv.usii uniucjvy .u.ii lur mu ui. iu ui."a
...Ul'lllj, NUULdllvUUI HlUrU lliail Dbll.uij ( UI Ulll m il iu". .vij ui.uii uiwuu ii.. u iiui.i- , (ii mu, llllilMUil Cliuuiu imu mv . w. --------
tiilf?. Let thc pcople of Wcstcru and South- ; pct, "To Plattsburgh, to Plattsburgh, young Had I bccn at hoino I would havo managcd
Cfii Vermont look to their intcrests without de- I men ' The British arc comias!" Aud asraiii i wcll cnoti"h. liccn ill. or mv mother nii'ht
AcctdTU at iniliam's Collegc. On Satur- cents which had justdicdaway.likethcbreath- j I hope, if the British do comc, thcy will pcp-
dav Jil, r.i a. i . i-tl i ings of gentlc music after the thundcr-bolt has pcr him, I must and will have Julia." And
4tl....EU oneoftIieStudcnts,asonofDr. oedi?Gc0rsc. shall you go?" no yo.mg gcntlcmau who had sccn Julia
-iioiigrass of Troy, was prcparins to co out a n0. vcs I tcill co !" auswcrcd he with cm-. would have woudcrcd at tliis detcrmination.
JTnc cTfoa Snttors.
"And IhatDlom
Had Juaa from lib Inez born.
All wciman'.preuiacMofsconi:
Hailwatch'iUor heravertrd eje
In vain, had eeen a rival aigli,
And smird upnn ; and wildcly twore
Tbat lie irould ware tlie cbain no more !
And yct he lov'd liijn oh ! hoxr wcll,
Let n-omen. own fond fplrl: lell."
The cxpcdiency of tlie war of 1812, bctwccn
Grcat Britaiu and America, was i.ot so iman-1
imously acknowlcdgcd thecitizcno of tlie latter
coimtrr, nor was the confiict n.aintaincd l.v !
thcm with the same o"'iusiasm and sacrifi
as distinguU led than. .ch gave Indcpe.idencc
to the "Uuion."
This avcrsion to "dccds of anns" did not,
liowevcr, ariso from co wanlise, or cfleminacy ;
i .1 ,. . . . i .i -
,r , !" .i.r
mcrclv froin lOTrMcnnsiilrrnlmiis. ftt but fniv.
cvcu of these, cre indifl-ercnt tothegloryand
piupuniy ui iiicirciniuirj. iiaiiy oi our ocsi
aml 'vvisest patriots really bclicvcd ihe nppeal
to tIic"stvonl prcmaturc, and that friendly ne
! gociation miglit havc rcuiovcd, or at lcast rcm-
'i i. e
, And inany wcrc opposcd to thc liivaioii of
i J . 1 ., . r
Canada, as coutary to the ecuuis of our cou-,
.-. .- i., J' . . r,,r , . '
stitutioiiaiidthepriuciplesof ashnigtou; and
thc' urceil tliat tlie amliition of conmicst, ivas
- J , ... .. .'...., i.
i-iiiuii. uiu Lni'i aiit:t.d oi iviiicii w c ciiiiiuiiiiiiuii.
iucoinpauiiic wiui ine nrcscrvaiion oi repuiiu-
. . . 1 . . .
cnii uKtitutions. 1 lius t!iuu"h tlicy allowed
thc war to be ncccssary, they coutcudcd that
iusiilts to our ilag would bc most clTcctiially
aud bouorali-rcpellcd on thc thcatre here
they had becn oflcrcd. Such wcrc thc fcclings
and reasonings n hich, unhappily for the rcpu-
ii- i i 1 r.i v .i
audhigh-siiintcd youiis nicn oftherkorth from
ohcying thc call of thcir co.u.try, aud arrang-
ing tbclnsclvcs bcncath hcr stnndard at .lTc
commccemcnt oflhc stn.lc. l!ut, as the
war coiitinucd, thc thirst for mnrtial famc, onc
of thc most notcnt nassions of maii, indisna
ticm at thc ntrocitics of the llri'isb troops aud
thcir Iudian nllic, occasionally ovcrcomc thc
principlcs of prejiidiccsof this class, and many
wcrc fbiuid fighting uudcr llic ortlers of au Ad
miiiistratiou for uhich thcy would not havc
voted. Yct it was not till Sir Georirc 1'rcvost,
.i i 'ii ei . .
jircsiimmgonthe supcnor sk.ll of his vctcran
"Slatcs," ith the iiitcnt of pcrmancut con
quest and occupation, that thc troc spirit of
Yaukcc Amcricanswasdi'plnycd. SirGcorgc,
in his proclamatiou, showcd cxtrcmc ignorauce
of thc xcuius and disposition of iudcpcndrut
Kcpublicaiis. cspcciall- of thosc hc so pacific
ally addrcsficd. lle ought tohavc kno-.vuthat
thc sons of tliose liravc nicn ilio liail compcl
lcd ISurgoync to laj- his neapons at iheir fcct,
would ncvor pcrmit a hostilc aruiy to march
quicty through thcir tcrritory. And hc might
havc rcflcctetl ihatany atteinjit toscparate thc
peoplc from a govcmmcnt cmanaling from
llicmnltts, would bc asimpolilicas fnt'dc; aml
iiliovc all that, fro'mati inrader, llicotTcrofpro
tcctiou, if jtracifal and viinjfendin, would be
conilcrcda mostascRravatcd insult, and prnvc
llic surcst mcans of unitiug thcir couuciU and
rousing thcir rcsistancc. It did unilcmid
arouse tl.cin cfrcctually. At the call of Jla-
comb, thc iiuhtia of crmont without d.stmc-
t.on of party, rusl.cd to he dcfcnce of riatts-
Imrgh, will. thc sainc ardor and uns.akcn co..-
fidc.ee ... thejust.ee a..dSucccssoftl.c.rcausc, ,
asthe,rfo !.crshadd.,playcd hc.. hcycame
,n thc- might of I- rccdo.n to the ficld of Sara- i
tn;a" i . . i i .i r. !
It was fonro jlock ,n tbe aftcmoon.
of Scpteuibcr 3d, 181 1, that an cxprcss from i
Macou.b cntercd the scclu.lcd but prctty vil-,
, f . ...... al011 20 lniIcs from Lake
Clnrnpla,.,. Ihs warhkccrra.idwas ..osoon-
cr to'd, than. as if a.. c cclnc cl.ord l.ad.bcc. ,
t..ucl.,il, tl,c licarts o ai wliol.caril it t.urs cii j
Kir II1U CIIIIIIIilL. il siuiii ui iilllllici , twiu ai.ui-
ally laid down the sickle for the ilrun.-stick,
iiis'tantlj- paradcd the strcct, hcati.ig most fu
riously to anns, the train of young republicans
at his hccls incrcasing evcry moincnt, while
the couscript fathcrs wcrc haslily delilicrating
on the spccdicst nicthud of ilcspatching thcir
rciiiforccincnt to thc aid of ihe Amcrican Gcn
cral. About one halfmilc from thclittleillagc,
aud cntircly conccaled from it by an intcrvcn
iug hill, stood the dwclling of Captain Warc,
a v etcran of the rcvolution, but now quite too
r.i 1 V 1 ? . ii . wliilebusying Iiersclf m arraiiKuiK a bcauuful
of the war so opcnly maiufcstcd by a majonty ;, ... i.- ' b V l-T
ci ', ... r, J. ' Kcranium slie was cultivaliuz, aud which
ofthc Xcw I'.mrtaud citizeus would oiicrate to ?;.. ,i, . i n i .
i-,- i. - . - iconrc, m Ihehurrvof hisdcnarturc had ncar-
lavtir ius iicsin, mane ius imiiitiou niiu ine
i.ir aiivanccii ... jc.irs ioui.ii .... .icuic p..r. o. ,
ailvauced onc loot, anu urougnt up lus stan
l ci s.on,suip, nuuciiiie iiiipaiiciiiiy -m.1111
totalk more about it you can't? wcll, wcll,
call at my house yonder, that oue with the
maplc trccs afore it, and tell Ihem youug mcu
thcrc to hatcn up to the village."
Thc messcugcr howed, gave the rcinsto his
f.cry and rcsllcss stccd t and sprang fonvard,
while the dust rose as if auhirhviiid ncre pas-
sing. Thc housc to which the old man poiu-
tccl, stood 011 a small cmincncc coinmandiiig
tbcroad, and had the appcarauccofbeiug quite
ancicnt for thc country. Tho low old fashiou-
t iuicu, uim iugnsiccp rooi, w crc ucany cuv-
crcu ny a luxurant woodluiic, which, lieiug
shcltcred from thc ficrce hcats of the sun by
Iofty maplcs, wore cveu at that season of the
ycar almost tho grecuucss of spring. A tall, ;
fuie lookius youiis man was staniliii" on tho 1
lo west step ofthc porch, his hat ou, evidently
rcady to dcpart; but probably dclaying till the
horseman, who came swecping onwards so fu-1
riously, should have passcd. On aseat with- 1
in the porch sat a gentleman aud lady, both ,
hcuding fonvard to catch a vie w of the stran- :
1?- j : .. .1 :.. . '
dashinr fonvard, was soon out ofsight.
! "Gconrc," said aswcettremulousvoice, that,
vheu comparcd with the harsh ac-'
phasis, and a kind of exultation, that, for a
moment, secmed to carry a bittcr pang to tho
h d from thooJcness of marbletoaclow
hrizht as the tints of a sumracr morning,
nml bpr finn dark cvcs snnrkled with ciithusi-
asm and spirit as ohe eagerly exclaimed,
" Yes, yes, if tho cnemy are coming you must
A UU I111LI1II 1 1J ,
, soundcd, i
you must allgo." And she glanccd towards
the young inan ecated iu the porch.
Ile was examiuiug a lcaf of the woodbine
as intently and sccraingly with as much dcvo
tion, as a profcssor of liotany would bestow
ou a new plant whose gcuus was yct undccid
cd, and did uot noticc hcr appeal.
I shall now have ray father's conscnt to
join the troops," coutinued Gcorgc, kiiulling
with new anlor as lie gazcd 011 the animated
facebeforo, him. "I liavc often licard him
say tliat, iftlie British invaded us, cvery mcans
' C , commam . e at .,c servicc ol
f C0U",T- " ,,.,! not ,h",k '!,at e dectar.
? T ,h ,,me' verJlwiEC' ac1 lle
nc couui commanii should lie at thc servicc of
thought the mnnnjrcmcnt of tho war vcrv
,J ' , r , - J " "
?, cncmy 13 wa mg over our tcr-
wcak; hut lie will never sit taiucly down w hilc
, ntory.
"lliisli! liark! thc drum!" said Julialay-
ii'i; iiti miiiur uu HL-r iiani-u 1111s.
: i r. i i-- -
"Ihcj-are licat ujrnp for voluntccrs!" cncd
J. . - . .
1,13 yc3 Ilasnn.g. "t.Uwanl
il, are you
"Callme Afrf if you plcasc, sir! Kdward
sounds too couiitriGcd," rcturncd tlie other, still
turniug over tlie vroodbiuc lcaf. " I shall hc
up at the village soon; there is no time lost
.-. 1ri r i " . . -n
iitiiiuiiidvv iiu iuc;i inai mv iiarcuis wui
' . . ,, . "1 l""1-""
conscut 1 siiould co at any ratc.
,,, n r .i i ' , ,
Anotncr roll of the drum was bonie oy ou
tjie xriiul
u . . ". . ... . . ...
" I Ieavc tou with a'rcealile comnanv. Jliss
:a that in;
t any ratc'
v.,.,..n..iif -.i . i
ale. said lieorfrp. ivilll n tnno nm iininiir
in which love, tciiderncss and sorrow sccmcd
stniggliug with angcr, rcproach aud contcmpt,
" Farcwcll." And hcstcpiicd ou thc ground
withafirm trcad.
Georgc, Gcorgc Ilopkins," she cricd iu a
miick agitated voicc. lle pauscd and again
tumcu towards hcr. Hut if she had rcallv in-
,,i.i - . , .. , :a,,J
! h"n rrm ,'"3
"X of joming Ine army, or Bppcasc what
'CT ,car, ..spcrcd was juft rcscntmcnt, h.s
mHd, collcctcd air at ouce, by awakciiing hcr
pridc, restorcd hcr sclf-posscssion, and she
mcrely ciiipiircil whcn he thought the volun
tcers would havc to march.
" Iinmcilialeh'," was his rcply. " To-night
or to-morroiv iisoruing, I prcsume." And
bowing hc walkid, or rathcr ran towards thc
village, at a i?pccd that soon carricd him hc-
I l. nn.....i r l : di . j
itiuuiiiupuuuiiui iicr uicc. ciic cazcri aucr
flim ,m ,,c ascen(lcd llj0 Mlfand tl.cn.
ly ovcrtunicil, eho found opportunity to wijic
away ine icars wliicli, m i-pitcol all hcr cllorls,
would gush w hcn she thought of that j outh and
thc mamicr in i hich thcy liad s.cparatcd, ncvcr
pcrhaps to mcct agaiu.
" You arc mightily conccnicd ahout your
gcranium, illiss JuliiV'siud Ihe km'ghtorthe
lcaf. " Xow I don't scc the uced of young la-
dics who rcsidc iu the country, troubliug thcm- '
sclvcs about raising shrubs and Uowcrs whcn
thcy will spring nii and bloom evcry whero
around ihem without care or troublc. Iu tho ,
city to be surc thcy must havc thcm arlificially
or not at all; but haug mc, if I cvcr likcd to
scc tlie iudo ws filled with pots and hoxcs,
and all thcm sort of thiiigs. It was rjuito too
" I should thiulc tho sigbt of those objccts
1 1.-. r i i ... .:
ilcantFpMcdc yo
.fj ,,;', ith a'vcry "
,fQ , to'be,B hatcvcrl.rings to our
rccolectioll ,hc ;rU wo havc ,c'rt ; thc
CQ u jj. lcautJru, . and whcll i
,oakcdJon ,hse city gcraniu.n, aud thought of
,s j cou,d ,iave b,vishcd willdow a
llowcr.pot. Bu, g01IlctilnC:, ,ley rcmin.lcd mc
of a farm, aud thcn Gcorcc Hopkius always
crosscd . , d wumut r couldnJot
1C hr,.)J)v ?. .
.. . cxcecut and
tlloi(IolofIli3frl.cni!g remJarkcd JuIiai
UnconJcious f thc mauncr in which ,
Jb J chMrin thc convcrsation. "do vou
,hcrc much ,, in
ol I'latlsliurgli .'"
" I ilou't thiuk it will havc to bc dcfcndcd
at all, for I have no idcathc llriti.h will atlack
it. Thcy havc only cntercd Champlain vil
lage to makc a flmirish and show tlicmselvcs.
The next thing wc shall hcar thcy will bc off,
safe and smig in Canada. No, no, they ncv
cr will try the nictal of our Grccu Mount-in
boys," contiuucd hc rising andstcppingloftily
across thc porch. "Whyl 'could beat two
rcd coats mysclf."
" lou intciid joining thc troops untler iita-
coml) joubtiesH," said Julia, with a covcrt
As liavc you m;iUi jj;a3 varc," replicd
I pet-
xious to
.. .i mv ., ,-r cr:r.i ovnr m . 1
' ed llcvcr t0 go without hcr couscnt. If I can
0l,tain that "
, .. you ,v;u ?0( j prcsume." said Julia, aftcr
' ,Taiti,l;r ; va;u for ,im to finish the scntcuce ;
nj ca110t bclicvc shc will now rcfuse. Ilark!
tho drum agaiu ! Ilowcan you liuger hcro .'
I can hardly stay myself."
"First promise tliat this hand shall be mino
at my rcturn," cricd hcscizinghcrwhitc hand,
alld prcssin"- it to his lips.
cd Julia. "Desert not fancy, shall lcad me,
as much as it did tho ludian priuccss in the
Conquest of Jlcxico.' And you havc oftcu
rcpeated that
"Nbne but the Irart deserve the fair;"
and with a laugh, blush and sigh, she broke
from him and vanished iuto the house.
" Now if Gcoge gocs. I shall havc to march
to Plattsliurgh, or never hcar the last of it,"
said Edward Baring, mcntally, as he slowly
wcndcd his way towanls the village. " What
. ... , , .! r .1.-. .l. ...
havc faiutcd. Bnt now, Julia knows I am m
good hcaltb. ;r -' I fear my mother would not
likctohavcm' siowlesscourago tnan ucorge,
Julia Ware was the bauty and belle of the
village, and the pride of hcr doting grand-ria-rents
who had chcrishcd hcr from infancyand,
although they wcre in the poorerclass. had con
trivcd to give hcr nn cxcellcnt cducation, and
every advantage which the children of their
richest ncighbors enjoycd. And thcy often
boasted that hc repaid all their care and toil
forheran hundrcd fold. Shc was eo aflection-
Htf nnrt ftnftritl n.l tn.liiatn'nliD on.l 1
tempered. Thc'ydidnot bclieve'ehe had aj
suigie iauit, or i ouul cvcn bc guuty ofa einglc
indiscrction. But womcn aro not aujcls oa
carth, the opiuion of thcir admirers to the con
trary uotH ithstauding, and it is only by a life
of patiencc, sclf-denial, activc virtuo and picty,
that they can bopc to attain thc glorious state
of bccoming Iikc Ihe augels in hcavcn. Aud
thougli the pcrsoual lovclincsa of Julia was
pcrfcct as can ivcll be itnagiucd, yct in hcr
teinpertlicro werc some faults !ucli slic liad
uicro crc some lauiis iiiin suc nan
d, thonghtlcssly pcrhaps, hut still to a
that hcr str.ctscnseofn.oral rcctiuidc
havc coudcnincd in anothcr, aud the
was now to fccl thc puuishmcnt of hcr ranity
and want ofcousidcration, in the lossofalov-
cr whose:aircctioii she prizcd as hcr lifc.
Gcorgc Ilopkins and Ednard Baring wcre
ucish'jour's children, ofthc sauie agc, similar -
ly tituatcd in both hciug only son?, aud thcy
liad PSSSCU tllCir carlv vcars almOSt CUtircly
inclccu, till tiiey wcrc si.xtccn,
w hcther at school, play or work, they wcre
sclilom sccn asuuder. "Kcithcr, to a common
oliscncr, was thcrc at any timc, mu'-h pcr
ccptihlc difTcrcnce iu thc intcliigcnce and jirom
iic of the two ladii. l!oili wcrc activc. livclv
and ingcniou3 ; happy in thc prcsent, an.l an-
ticipatius a lifc of happincss aud succcss
ess. jiit
thcrc was a diflereucc. To conquor thosc lit-
tlc onstaclcs anu flilliciiltics wHicli, at scnooi,
ou thc play-grouud or iu thc field, wcrc cou
stnatly rccurrins, Gcorge ahvays dcpcndol
i.:m.ir 1 1.:. .: a tm,.-..j
T.s.1 j
i ".i c ri... ,i,r,
UiPruul i,v.
tiuus for assiduitv wcre usuallv hcstowed ou
. . . J. . . .,J
;it thc liour of rccitauon, ttis samc commcima-
liolli, it was ouiy ny one tuat tncy wcrc mcru-
cd, and ouc only was much bcncfitcd by the
application. Acquiring knowlcdgcby proxj,
tnougn qunc as coavcuicm lor muuy, nm uci-
crbe found quite so practicahlc as voting by
proxy. iiut young i.cnvuru, uiiue suniuui .
!... .i -:.i .. n ri. r l ...... i J
J, ... - .ii ? ' :.i .
ly to astonish his rclativcs, who wcrc uevcr
nnird fiir ilren leamin". aud an cniinriit niai-
dcn aunt, who had piucdtosce ascholarin the
farnily, was so dclightcd at hcr ncphcw's pro-
digious gcnius, that shc lcft him sole hcir to
hcrfortuncofBixthousand dollars, ou condi -
tiou in the words of hcr will, that he shou d
go to collcgc .f h.s facult.es wcrc louly
contmucd him, and if he rcccivcd a call, as shc
firndy bclicve he would. bccome a ministcr
Edward was now to bc a grcat man. I.atin
was forthwith commenccd, and nothing hut
"hic, ha;c, hoc" was hcard from moniing till
night. Uut it b much casier to hcstow money
than to impart intcllcctual cucrgy, and Edward
bcfore a mouth had passod, fcicrctly wislu-d
his Rood aunrbad takcn hcr gold with hcr; as
UUU ......... .... , ,
hc found that confincmcnt to study without
the aid ofucorgc Ilopkins, was apunislimcnt
far more gricvons than anv hc had cvcr cndur
cd. Exccpting to those fcw whosc souls are
thirsting for knowlcdge, thc ccnfmeinent to
books aud study is an irksomc rcstraint, aud
oue nhicb is, in Yankec land, too often infiict
cd. The pride of holding thcir sons in a lcaru
cd profcssion cau?cs many parents to be vcry
iudifTcrcnt, or, atleast vcryill judging conccru
iug the fitncss ofthc course thcy are pursuing
with thcir children, and its adaptation to thcir
cliaractcrs and capacilics. A good intclligcnt
fanner, or mcchanic, is far morc uscful and rc
spcctablc, and, I bclicvc, far happicr, than a
poor iutellcctually poor scholar, who is dc
pciidcnt on his cducation for eupport. 1'ut
lliis is a digrcssiun.
ConcluiUd ncxt ictek.
OvsTEr. Harvest of F.vtn Il.wn.v. Thc
New Ilavcn Couricr of Thursday says :
Thc act prohibiting thc taking of oys
tcrs bcing ofT at 12 o'clock, Thursday
night, thc signal of thrcc chccrs wasgivcn,
and thcn thc rush commcuccd ; and has
sincc that timc been kcpt up spiritcdly, by
about 1,500 mcn. and probably 1,000 boats. !
11 wc computc cacli uoat to havc takcn u
bushcls oystcrs, thc amount caught in thc
first 12 hours would bc oO.OOO bushels.
At an avcragc of 40 ccnts pcr bushcl, thcy
arc wortli $20,000. Tho major part, was,
no doubt takcn by thc inhabitants of Fair
Ilavcn, althongh thc mcn and apparatus for
thc busincss, from thc neighboring towns,
wcrc sccn wcnding thcir way to the sccnc
of action, through thc aftcrnoon and cvc
ning of Thursday.
Wc understand that tlirough some 1111
forseen causc most of thc boats wcrc out
of rcpair, or damagcd in some way, and
wcrc found 011 bcing launclicd to be vcry
Icaky vcsscls.
Letter rnoji Gov. Sewahd. W'c find the
following Icttcr from Ex-Gov. Scward iu thc
Evcniug Jounial.
AoBnnN, Nov. 4, 1843.
Dur Sir I havc cousidcrcd thc informa
tiun you gave mc of a mistnkcn solicitudc con
cerniug my supposcd bias in favor of ihe abo-
.... ! 1 . . ...- . -, .i
iit.011 caniiKiaicanu luopposuioii .0 mr. u.ay.
1 1..,.. u..
1 NJWMIU 1L1UIIUI1 H.U1C IIIUIL CI l l4 VII Vltlll 113
lo tnc corrcci.ou oi iinie as i navc iionc 111
many similar cascs, if it wcre not that ai. clec
tion is at hand, whase rcsults might hcreaftcr
bc supposcd to have some influcncc on my po
litical cunduct.
You arc thcrcfore at Iibcrty to piihlish, in
any way you think propcr, that while I adhere,
and expcct to adhere as long as I livc, to my
publishcd priuciples and scntimcnLs coucem
in!r slavcry. I still adhere just as firmly, and
expcct to adhere just as long, to the Whig par-
1 ,. ,.V il i n .1
ty and its candidatcs, through all the chaiigcs
.i " i , i , T
the simple rcason that Ircgard thc hig party
as the party through whosl action wisemcas -
urc3 aud henificcut legislation must chiefly bo
Thc two State Ccntral CommittccsatAlba-
ny.in August last, issucdacircularrccommcn -
diug thc appo.utmeut or dclcgatcs ny distnct Chicago.
conveutious during the prcsent autumn, and jjgy. Bvrbcs, D. D; Bishop of Ar
rccommcndcd farther that the dclcgatcs so to ' kansas
'T'.iL" JlcCIuskey, D. D ; Asst.
SiSSS'R-. Rcv. Mr. Ilcnrie, D. D; Bishop of
State. Those recomendations have bccn
adontcd iu evcry elcctorial district. I venture
to state, without asking prcvious Ieaye of the
Comuiittecs. that those rccommeudations wcre
madehythc Ccntral Committees on my sug
gcstion and in my own language.
Your fricnd and obcdient scrvant.
The Hon. John C. Clark.
From the Yt. Watchman.
as tnere isai ineprcscni umc raucncon-
vcrsation and sncculation upon the prospccts
of tho Prcsidential clection, it may not bc
. : i - il l l- -
ainiss lugit u io iuu puuuc somo viensup- inercor, iroin tiumoer onc lo numDsr llnrly
on that subject, so imporlant to lh:s wholo four, inclusivc, are hcrcby dcsignalcd for
community. In the lirst placc, thtro can puhlication in (hc ncivspapcrs publishcd in
bo but little doubt but that Martin Van Ru- tliis state. arceably to the clcrcnth scction
rcn, ivill bo tho nominco of tho Loco Foco of tho fiflh cliaptcr of tho Itcvised Stat-
, rcni wl j0 ti10 nominco ortho Loco J
Convcntion. and Ilcnrv Clay that o
wh; and from all tho' information tl
, , ,
01 II1C
that I
hav, bS?n. abI ' ,Be,hor frora var,,0,us Par,,s
of 11,0 Union. I havo no rcasonable doubt
! but that Marlin Van Iluren willobtain Uio
' vole of N. Ilampshiro,AIabama,!Missouti it
j Arkansas, being 29, and South Carolina 0
more, unkss the friendsof Mr. Calhoun
tlmnM dinvrr In Itin mnnnonmnnt nf ihr!
r oco Convcntion too much ininuitv in for-
cing tho nomination of Mr. Van Durcn, in
uhich case lie might ho inclinod to dircct
thc voto of that Stato to bc thrown away
or cvcn civcn to Mr. Clay, should that votc
J bo ncccssary to kccp tho clection from tho
i tiousc ol Kcprcscntativcs, whcrc ftlr. van
. JJnrcn would bo clccted. Tho Slatcs of
, jia;no n(i THinois. fcivinir 18 votcs) mav
safcly bo rcckoncd vcrv doubtful, and who-!
'cverccts thcm, tho maioritv wil! bo srrall.'
i Tho othcr 19 State?, sivin" 220 votcs, arc
ii. rni... .fir..i.l.,.
l.i ouikiui jtuij ui 1viU.uv.n;,
lin Dcc. 1844, in case his lifc and hcalth aro
t J . .1 . n r
( sprcaa 10 inai iimo. i-crnaps sumi: ui my ,
, IFhi" brcthrcn mav considcr this too strong1
a caso in our favor, and much morc than
facts will justify
. rcason3 and suh
I will thcreforo givc my
I submit it to a candid public to
juage. 1 bclicvc that gcnuinc iug pnn-
ciiilcsaroas swcctto tho W hics now
bo tn 1844, as thcy wcrc in 1810, notwith -
standin" thcy havc bccn most shamcfully
, bctrnycd by that vilo Traitor, John Tylcr.
i And I do not find scarccly onc State in thc
Union, unlcss it has grcally incrcascd its
1 nonulai0n. that has civcn so many Loco
V(J,CS since M40 as ,ha, -cari nnd
; ,a n);nority. I do not
. . . " , , ',.,! :
! Micvo iho W h.gs arc dcad, or changcd . in
thcir principlcs, but they havc hccn slccpmg
, and in 1844 thcy will bo awako and nl tho
polls, or I am no prophct. Ah! say tho
faint hcartcd. this third party is what will
dcfcat us. Thc third party, I must admit,
i w; do SOrncthing in aid of tho clection of
JIr Van Ullrcn . hat nol ncar to tjic c.tcnt
that somo judicious pcrson3 apprchcnd.
I ho most ot tho third party mcn.lrom wnom
anv danocr is annrehcndcd, wcrc, and still
arc.whigs in principlc,and still posscsssomc
rcason, although they may of late havcim
hibcd but ono idca, and that for thc cmanci
pation oflheSIavc. Thcy havoput in
nomination Jamc3 G. Birncy for their Prcs
idcnt, but not with (ho lcast faith of any
ono of thcir Icadcrs, thatho will obtain onc
clcctorial vote in the Union. Now I can
not bclicvc that many of that party, who
will Ict rcason havc its influcncc, (and ma
ny of thcm will in my opinion usc rcason,)
will throw away their votcs upon a man who
thcy know cannot bc clcctcd, and thcrcby
jccpardise thc clection of a man with whom
thcy pcrfcctly ngrcc in six points out of scv
en, and aid thc clection of a pcrson who n
grccs with thcm on no point whalevcr.
Whencvcr I scc reasonablc pcrsons so act,
I shall havc a vcry difTcrcnt opinion ofthcm
from what I now havc. Ax Examiner.
Rcv, Wr. Picrpoint, of Iloston, has sucd
thc Ilollis-stcct Church proprictors for n
ycar's salary, and attachcd thc cstatc thcro
' That Lettkk." Thc old fox has at
last bccn smokcd out of his holc. Thc
Richmond Enquircr has been forccd, by
nppcals from all qnartcrs, to givc thc letter
lo thc 1'ublic, in whtch iwr. an Burcn
dc -
isc -
nounccs nnd disclaims thc prcsent Tariff
iirrn ir is. ii is inn jsiioricsi nnn ronsr-
qucntly thc most cxplicit Icttcr that cvcr
cmanalcd from hisall-sidcd pcn. Rcad it.
fricnds of thc prcsent Amcrican Tariff.andj
rcmembcr him who thus annnunccs himscll
opposcn to its l'rinciplc as wcll as lo its Uc
iails. Thc Troy Budgct, Albany Argus
and other pretcndcd Locofoco Tariff pa
pcr.s, who only opposc thc dclails of Iho
Tariff, will of course copy tho cpistle from
thcir chicf ! Let it be gencrnlly circulalcd.
Allamj Etcning Journal.
Albany, Fcb. 28, 1843
" My Dcar Sir, I tbank you vcry kind
Sir,-I tbank you vcry kind- j
icndly Icttcr I havc at no
whcrc hcsitatcd to cxpre'ss mv '
mrobation of thc Tariff act of,
ly for your friendly
timc nor any
dccidcd disapprob:
thc last session, as wcll in jcspcct (o thc
1 . L- 1. !. r jj 1.
; pnncipics upon wnicu 11 is lounucu, as 10
1 !. r 1 :n 1
ITS OCiailS. J II OUU l. III U V UU II 1 1 I IIU 1 U 1 1 1 V
to that and cthcr subiccts
. vinws in rcsncct I
bcforo tho public. In thc mean time. be-
licvo mo to bo vcry sincercly, your fricr.d
and ob't scrvant,
The Romas Catiiolic Cncncu. U'c
undcrstant that letters have been rcccivcd
from Romc, by thc Rt. Rcv. Bishop Kcn-
riCK, OI f liuiiuuil'ui'ii HI1UUUUI.11IJJ .uu '
po;n,mcnt 0f the nine new Bishops for thc
1 Unitcd Slates, who wcrc clccted at tho ast
; T,
'Council of Baltimore. Thcy are as fol.
lows :
j Rt. Rev. Dr. O Connor, D. D ; Bishop of
i PitUburgh. !
i Rt. Rcv. Wm. Quarlcrs, D D; Bishop of.
Rt. Uev. Mr.
Blanchct, D. D: Bishop ofininc. and fiftyof chaptcr twcnty-cight ofj
7 . I .. r. . , ci. I 1 II ...llli.n thlrfv
j Oregon
Rt. Rcv. John rilzpalrick, D. D; Asst
Bishop of Boston,
Rt. Rcv. Mr. Tylcr, D. D; Bishop ofj
Rf. Rov. Mr. Reynolds, D. D ; Bishop of
Charleston, IV. 1 . hzfress.
Secrcfarj of State's Omce,
montpclirr. iNor. 3, 1813
Tho followinz Public Acts of the Gcn
cral Ascnlblv, pasocd nt tlie last session '
. " . . ..... I
J. Mc M. SiiArTER. Secrelarn ofSlate.
No- l- An act- "',DS ,hr ,,mes 'wW-
ing the county court in W ashington coun-
It is hcrcbj- cnactcd by the Gcncral A.s.
scmhly of tho Stato of Vermont, as foN
S 1 Tl,n
of Washington, shanbc lichl at Montnclicr.
in said county of Washington, on tho third
Tuesdays of Apnl and Novumbcrin cach
Scc. 2. Such ofthc provisions ofthc
act to which this is an nmendment, as arc
icconsislcnt with tho provisions ot imsr.ct,
aro hcrcby repcalcd,
Annrovcd Nov. 1, 1813-
No. 2. An act, relatinjr to tho salo of
proncrlv on cxccution
' l. :.u i 1 I... ,i. r. 1 i-
,3 uticuy ...i.
scmbly ofthc State of Vermont. a3 fol-;
iov.-s :
1. hen an othccr, holding an cx-!
ccution, shall lcvy thc same on hay
in thcstraw, polatocs, timhor, lumhcr.brick
Hme, con.1. charccal, nbhcs, nsachinery uscd
m any sliop. mill, or laclory, niues in uio
proccss ot tanmng, cord.wootl, stone, orc,
jbark, slnnglcs, hivcs ol bccs, or liaj sctles,
hc shall forthwith advcrtiso the same for
'salc, by sotting up an advcrtiscmcnt at
somo public placc in"ttic town whcrc such
propcrty was takcn, in which hcthall cnu. nrniations lo any tri.att o nppcnting htforo
mcruto such propcrty, nnd itatt tho timc ' ,jm . and whcn such couri is tiot 111 scsrion,
whcn thc samo will ho sold, cithcr at tho j mav slln,inoa any truatee, wln to disch-s no
placc whcrc thc samo is kcpl by such otli ; lc ias ,,,, nppoinlcd lo tnke. to q ,jcor
ccr, or at such public place, which Iimo ucforu him,and make tlicliisurc in the t,amn
sliaH not bc lcss'than fourtccn days from ' rnanncr as rcipiired by saij chapter twcnly
tho Iimo of sclting up such advortisc- , nlnt.t nnd 3Uch disclosure siid comimssioii
ment. Jcr shall rciurn 10 said coutt, and thc samo
Scc. 2. So much of sec.lion four of chap- ! procccdinss shall bo had thcrcon. as if tho
tcr fortyMwo of tho Ilcviscd Statutcs. ns jsa!no had'beon mado beforo suid court.
is inconsistcnt with tho provitions of ihn 1 gcc. . if allV trlis!cc, afler rcaoniih!o
act. is repcalcd.
Scc. This act shall tolic cffcct
and aftcr its pabsr.gc.
Approvcd Nov. 1, 181:1?
No. 3. An nct, rclating lo costs in civil
It is hcrcby cnactcd by tho Gencral As
scmbly of thc State of Vermont, as fol
lows :
Scc. 1. In all civil actions now pcnding
in any court in this stalc, iu uhich tho
hankrupicy of tho dcfcndant shall Lc plcad.
cd, and thc dcfcndant shall prcvail solcly
by rcason of such plca, thc dufcndant shall
rccovcr no cost against the plainlitr.
Scc. 2. In all actions which may bc
hcrcaftcr cntercd, in which the hankruptcy
of thc dcfcndant shall bo plcuded, and thejj
dcfcndant shall prcvail solely hy rcason nf
such plca, Iho court may nllow or ilisallow
costs against thc plainliir, lii thcir discrc
tion. Sec. 3, This act shall lake cfTcct from
ils passagc.
Approvcd, Nov. 1, 1?43.
No. 4. An act, rclating to tho dutics of
It is hcrcby cnactcd hy the Gcncral As
scmbly of tho Stato of Vermont, us fol
lows :
Scc. I. Each Chanccllor in this stato
shall havc novcr to do any act, or makc
lany ordel or dccrcc, sliort or a final orilcr
or dccrcc, in any cause, that may by law
'bc donc by Ihe Chan.ccllor wilhin the ju-
im i nnn iiv
' dicial circuit for which ho may bo dcsig-
Scc. 2. This act shall tuk cffcct from
its passage.
Approvcd "Nov. 1, 1813.
No. 5. An act, rclating to new trials.
It is hcrcby cnactcd by thc Gencral As
tcmblv of thc Stalc of Vermont, ns fol.
, J0ws
m ni;i;r,n shnll bn siistained
Scc. 1.
undcr thc provisions of chaptcr Ihirty-thrce, j shall lcavc no surviving husband, the pro
cntillcd "Of New Trials," s,cction rigl.lh i batc court ofthc di-trict, whcic by law
entjllcd Of New I r.a s, ?cct,on rig.i.h
anJ nlntn "nIcs3 DrouS,'t within two ycars
ncxl af,cr 'i'0 j"Jg'"-
. Scc- " So ,m,ch of f ct'" n"!C ?ff 'lI
, 'P. af rcqu.rcs tuc.. -
1 errfifl a. 11 G lirsi or &l-i:uiiu aiaitu iLiin vi
r, . .... r
1 the countv court, aftcr Iho rcndition ol the
;JUS'C0 3 Jm Smcn,1,,s,l'c:?,,,J' rcpca!cd
. . . . ... . . ,
fPPri:c" 10V
No. C. An act, relating to assignmcnts.
T. 1 1... 1... ll. r.,r-il As.
scmbly of thc State of Vermont, as
lows :
Scc. 1. All gcncral assignmcnts, hcrc
aftcr mado by debtors for tho bcncfh of
crcditors, shall bc null and void as against
the crcditors of said debtors.
Scc. 2. This act shall tako cffcct from
and aftcr its passage.
Approvcd Nov. 1, 1843.
No. 7. An act, relating to tho salo of
propcrty on atlachmcnt on mcsno proccss,
in addition lo chaptcr twcnly-cight of thc
Itcvised Statutcs.
It is hcrcby tnacted by thc Gcneral As.
scmbly of thc Stato of Vermont, as fo!-
..i - .ir .1,-11 .ir
wiicn any auacn.ng ouiuci ouan
n rnm.,iv in n..rsi.anco of scctions ,
rnri--sl.r fnriv.srvpn. forl v.ciaht. forty-
tnc ucvisca oiaiuies, no siiini, , tncreaiicr.
days thcreaftcr. make a rcturn of his salc I gec 3 Scction two of the above nam
and doings on the writ upon w h.ch the i at- d j NoTembcr ,2( J342, shall
tachtncntwasmadc ano , e.u n tho wr 1 b ' 0PnP3trucd to cxtend to tlic owners of
with his ao.ngs to u.e J-"-- ---.':-
sur.h writ. or to
thc ctcrK oi mc couri 10
which such writis mado relurnablo :
rided, in caso thc dcfcndant in such writ
should confcss a judgmcnt to the plainli!',
bcfore ho makca sucli rcturn, then such !"-
ficcr shall makc his rcturn to (hc mnia-
trale belore wnom sucn juugment is con
ffsscd. Approred Nov. 1. 1813.
No. S. An act, rclating to oscmpt
from attachinciit.
It is liercby cnactcd by thc Gen. .
scmbly of tho Stato of Vermont. 1
thcrc bc addcd (n scction thirtccn of c
tcr forly-(wo of thc Itcvised Statutcs, sfc
clauso sixth, fivc luishcls of grain, 111 ad
dition to tho grain now cxcnipt ; and thrco
swarms of bccs and hivcs, togetlicr witb
thcir produco in hnnoy.
Approvcd Oct. 31, 1813.
No. 9. An act, rclating to proccs?.
1 ii hcrcby cnactcd by tho Gencral A
scmbly of the State of Vermont, That tho
tcrm " writ " in the proviso to scction six
ly.thrcc of cliaptcr (wenty-cight of tho
Itcvised Statuic.--, shall bc constrncd to
includc writ ol cxccution as ncll a otigi
nal wiit.
Appiovcd Nov. 1, 1843.
No. 10. An acl, rclating to truslco pro-
It is hcrcby cnactcd by thc Gcncral As
scmbly of thc Slato of Vermont, as fo!
I Src. 1. Wlien any pcrson tball be sam-
moreil to apncar hclbrc any countv court
l a3 tr,lsic0. j anv causc (bcrc iicndni",
lsu,.ii coutt mav nnpoint n cotnuiissioncr ti
' t,,ko the dUclosuru of suclr titislcc. nnd thti
aamc procccduig shall bc liad bcloru sticlt
cormnissioncr, rclating to the disclosutc ol
; suc, ir,tcc, as aro prcseriln-d in chaptcr
tvvcntv-nine of tho llcvUcd ?lalutrs.
I Scc. 2. Anv eommissioncr, so np.cin(cil,
. !Ulministct all ncci-ssi.rv oalhs or nf-
noticc from Micb commissioncr, .ball rcfuso
or nelcct to appcsr bcfoic b.m, or apptnr.
ing shall rcfuse or ni'f,h.ct to make lus u s.
closuro. or to ansvvcr .lUci. intcrrogntc r
as shall ba proposcd to him in vritin,
ngrccably lo tbe provisions of -a.d chaplt-r
iwcnty-ninc, thc county o. nri, nnh Mg wd
ca.nsc bj al.own to tlie cniilrary, fUnU 1 1 -dcr
jiulgmenl ngaimt said lni-slco as in c. c
of di fault.
Scc. 4. This act shall takc cffcct from
its passagc.
Apptovcd, Oct. 27, 18 13.
No. 11. An act, rcgnl.tling proccc-diifc?
against trusteci..
It is hcreby cnactcd by thc Gcncral A.v-
scnibly of tho Slate of Vermont, as lol-
ows :
Scc. I. No cxccution .shall hcrcaftrr is-
s.io against llic hi.dy of iho trustce, cxcciit
hcn such pcrson shall bc n.lpidgcd n truv
tco undcr scclion Ihirty.fmir of chaptcr
Iwentv-nino of tho "evised Stnlutcs.
Scc. 2. 'I hi.s nct shall lake ctfcct from
its passagc.
Approvcd Oct 2S. 1813.
No. 12. An Act, rclating lo Proccss.
Il is hcrcby cnactcd by thc Gcneral
Assembly ofthc Stalc of "Vermont, That
commissioncrs of liigliwnys may, cithcr
joinlly or scvcrally, sue any one or morc
of the potittonrrs who 9igneu ine pciu.on
j nn uhich said coinmissionc-s wcrc ap
j pointcd, and may rccovcr for their scrvi
! ccs, thc samo as though all Iho potilioncn
wcre juincd as dufc ndants,
Approvcd Nov. I, 11543.
NV i:i. An Act. iclitina to thc
mciit of Estatcs.
It is htribij cnaclnl by tftr Gtnrtl .1 -scmbly
ofthc State of Vermont, That w h 1
cvcr any malc pcrson dics Icaving isn
nnd shall lcavf! no widdWt Or vvllCI.OCr
I anv feuiale pcrson dies Icaving issuc and
, oatc court of thc .l.-(r,ct w nei.
such person's cslalc is scttlcd, m
disc.ction, on the rcturn of thc i
! if thc same shall not cxcccd onc
may, 111 its
and fiftv do!.lrsand tho cstatc bc intcstatc.
... : i ..n
hv a uccrcc lor tliat purposc, dsaigu mc
1 "J . . . 1 !
jwnoic oi sucn csiaie m uicuiiiuicu
I dcccascd for thcir own usc.
. . , . .1 i.:l.l rtr ,l,ft
Approvcd ov. 1, 1S4J.
No. 14. An Act, pioviding for thc col
lection of Taxcs asscssed cn Real Estate.
It islicrcby ennctcdby thc Gcneral As
sembly of thc State of Vermont, as fol
lows :
Scc, 1. This act shall bcin amcndmcnt
of chapter scveniy-scven of thc Rcvised
Statutes.. and of an act in addition thcrctn,
approvcd Nov. 12, IS12.
C o Tho rnnslable who nMV Scll
jands hy virtuc of said acts, shall make
out a true liat of hc lands so sold, llieici.i
.j..:,,i; iim limn hcn. the ncrson to
; h'0 d"tlie surn for which each piecc nf
. , . .,,, r,.r rcc.
nrd in thc omce ot tlie town cieru ju
. ...;.,
town wliere said lands lie, wilhin thirty
davs from the day of sale, and said town
cerij sliall tecord the same withiu ten days
.. -
... , . ... , nrca:d ac, tll3 PIO-
nuo iu ;
Coneludrd onfiurth pa$

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