Newspaper Page Text
rds watcr power cqual to thc prc- Li-inn of all the machinery at Lowell Limcstone nntl marblc tboand in our val n rnd iron and manganese m our moiui- jj. In poiut of agrfcnltnral and niineral ,1th the mouuiatnous srcuons t,M fIcntFt'!crc!,nnot comlcto w,m 7C jOtter Crcck ana tne fcrti.e uoroers o. rhrrr.plain. It is f ossiblc Ihat rnsny tbhigs not tbought vfbyt5 maybe snggcstcd in favor of the ulbcr conteiuplatcd roitte. Wc can claim co txcmpt'on from the natural inclination to belicve what we wisb to- bo true But it 13 certainlv timc that our people should awakc wl,jt is going on around them, and not ,uficr advan tages to bc lost by apathy, which - t - 1 - .ritrw1 Iiv mtahlfi rfTnrta ti ir. EiC'i ' - j i" fcattlicirclaims to those who are to decide uniJstsomany couflictinS interests, urged Kita zeai auu l,!-5cvrIaI1-,J uj pcupie iruiu differcnt scctions of the state through which fjg roads may be cxpected to pass. Bcsides the nicctinss nc havc incntioued, we hold in ourhands an imitatiou signed by gentlcman jn Northfield, Bernanlston, Grccufield aud Mbel, Massachusetts, and cmou, Urat tltlioro.Futncy, New Fanc and Royalston, to attcnd, and procure a delegation froui this recion to a rail road Couventiou to be held at Brattleboro pn Tucsday theoth of Dcccro. ttr. Will the people attcnd to th's subjcct,or trfll they neglcct to present their stron rroundsfor a prefereucc to this section of country until thc die is east lor some other lectiou whoseclaims could pass cttrrent only bv ouf apatby and indifTercnce. Rutland Fike. Tho buildings con amcd were the valuablc Paper Mill. Pnncipally owned by Ilcnderson and Co. tnd the large gristmill owned by Doct. James Portcr, bcsides a small dwelling bouse. The Paper Mill and Gristmill had toth reccnlly undcrgonc a thorough rcpair tnd application had just becn made to a company for Iiisurance. In Ihe mean time i watchman had been kcpt in thc Mill tvcrynight. Messrs Ilcnderson cc Co. lil on hand 500 Reams of Paper and ibout ten lon of rags. Tho loss is com pj'cd at 15 thousand Dollars. Thc fi.-c is supposed to have originttcd from some fcnc stono in casks in the Paper Mill which bcen cxposed to the rain before bcing ftaccd in tho buildinj. The IIou. William Ilcbard, hns acceptcd tbe o!Hce of -1th assistant Judgc of the Su preme Court. Potil!cal Alolitiur.hts. It is now fully as certsincd thatJulm Tjlcrvill reconuncudthe aanation of Tcxas in hisforthcoming mcs bijc tn ccngress. It is likcwisc ascertained that political aholitiouisU by tlieir votes havc Knt'i) biltcr locofocos to congrcss, uho iugo for the anucxatiou of Texas should tbe interests of tho party require it. ROOD NEWS I'ltO.M MAIXE. XST Severance, Whig, has bccii clected to Cinprcsj in the Kcunebcc District by about WOmajority. Gaiu from last trial 900. In the-ltli District Jlorse, Whijt, has becn clcct ti by a iuaj(irity of over 100. In the 5th D!) ckuit'c I'lit the loco caudidatc is further t'X'i .a cver of aji election. In iiu 7th Diatrict no choice has beeu Kol'insra ubig is alicad nnd bas i?c!c I irge gains. 55" Charlcs B. Adams tho iliMincuish iu Pfofcsaor of Clycmistry and natural Jntury in Middlebury Collegc left town las: ncck on a scicntific tour to thc West laJie. He will make Jamaica chicfly thescnno of his resetchcs. Frora his po taliar ardor for improvemcnt,and industry ta galheringspecimens illuslralivo of those 'riDchcs of Ivnowlcdge connoclcd with i.isptofcssorsliip we liavc no doubt of the nch acquisilions to himsclf, and .adran lajcs tolhe inslilutiun to v.liich he is at fccicd, which will be derivcd from the ex tursion inlo a rcgicn tccming with so many 'aricties of animal cxistcnco. TilE WHIG STANDARD. This is a Daily Paper recently com acnced in Washinglon City advo cates the clecdon of IJcnry Clav. From te mattcr and spirit thus far disMaved "ebclieveit will prove a valuable auxiN hary to the whig causc in the coming tontest. I'he National Intelligencer al. svs true to thc countrv standinir alonc as B!oesamong five strictlv partv paners, "cadoing its utmost against the whig ase, needs theaid ofa spirited and able fcttly publication such as thc whig 8land "d proini-rs (o be, lo rcpel tho misrepres 'ntalionsof thecnemies ofthecommon. "cahh and save tho country from their ""Mhinations. Assoon as the presidcn. '1 campaign shall be fairly opened a eckly paper at one Dnllnr npr rnnr i!l - published for countrv circulation. The Daily will bc mailpd In snlie,;i.orc -.1 )Jars npr annnm Jn -,,-. JUNIUS TRACTS. It may not perhaps be known to all our 'wders, that a committee has been raised bJ the whigs inNew York, for the purpose cf circulating political tracts durinir the Osning campaign, and haveprocured the "nces of the author of the crisis, a mil 'on or which werc put in circulation in and are believcd to have had an im- Irtint influence at the time. The fifth lhe series of tracts recently issued "U9d Political Abolition, an excel t prodaction to cure that herosy has just hwd from th Tribnn. ofSce, I whe !t is published. With the tracts, we naverecuneuacircuiariromtnechair- man ofthe corainlttee urging upon the whiff party in our ncifrhbourhood thn er. j pcdicncy of a prcmpt adoption of measures w . 0 to obtatn and circulato them throueh. the . towns of the couuty, and suggestino- the propriely of formilJg committees and estab- lishing depots as ccnters of information and organs of distribution whcrc tracts and other puhlications can always be had. A remittance to the Tribune office of $2,50 will bring one Ilundred, and 20 dollars one Thousand. Perhaps a more econom ical or elficient agency to the whigcause could not be employed, and we wish that . inctmf 1 . IJ I l luoioiii ciiuctivuuta wuuiu ue inuue lu con- sumate the design. Those tracts already I Dubished are of nntmnnl int-r. cst. The titlcs of the preceeding tracts are. The Ttst, the Tariff, the Gurrency, and the life of Ifcnry Clay, all written with a conciscness and brevity designed to comprise the greatest amount of facts and argunients in the smallest space, con sistent with a due apprehension of the sub jects. What patriotic whigs will aid in carrying into effect the prcposed plan. Now is the time to sow the seed of truth if we would rcap a harvest of whig victo ries next fall. ffThe Saturday Courier is a large interestingsheet issucd wcekly inPhiladel phia. For the purpose of a Family news paper for which it is designed, we know no one more edifying to its readers. Re cently it has come out in amore bcautiful dress, and upon an improvcd quality of pa per, and its mattcr and exccution and ln fluences are highly worthy the public pat ronage. Q?The Hon. Samuel S. Phelps left town on Tucsday, for thcCapitoI toresume his station as Senator in Concress. THE NEXT CONGRESS. The Philadelphia National Forum. snea- I. T .L . ' King oi ine nanies in tne ne.xt Uoncrc;s, says.- rurtics sland in a Mngular posi. tion in regard lo cach other at this timc, cach bcinj; completcly checkmaled by the other. J lie execmive deparlment is of course. in the hands of the Tvler Darlr thc Seuate in those of the Whigs and the uotKa tu-presen'.atives in possession the Fcdoral Democrats. Tliis position of tne pnnics wiu prevem uctng passcd, or measurcs adopted, of a distir.ctivo party kind. The Tariff is at lcjst safe. be- yond the rcacli of thoso who could rcpeal u, npprnprianons nill he closely watchcd by Dotli Houses, and tlie Senato will hold a check rcin upon Exccutive appoin ineni!'. It hns been akcd hov long Congress wiu probably sit J Unlcss some cxci'nig qufstions is started, such as the anncxalion ofTcxas to the Union, we cannot perceive what will dUain members at Washiratnn beyond ihe first of April. The passace oflhe Appropriation bills txjing tho chief uusiness to bc donu. Should tho (louse rcpeal the one hour rule, as thc Locos lhrratcn todo.and thcre by give evory meniber libe-ty to use as mnch time as lie pluases, any should the ex. ciling queslian of tho nnnexation of Texas to the Uiiion, bc intioduecd, therc is no knowing how long Congress may sit. LOS3 OF THE PACKET SHIP SIIEl-FIELD. The ship Sehflicl.l, Popham, from Liv. i.-rpool, Ojtober 8, with a valuable cargo ofdry coods, Inrdivarf, &c. consijned to Kobert Kurmi', nrrivi-d of Fire Island, and ook a pilo! on ?nturday, the 10th, at 10. A. il , wmd KSE. with rain, At 1, P M., wliilc in tho act of hauling on thc wind, wcnt nshotcon the ra"t bank, north of Romer, the sea made a compleje breach over hcr, sho striking verv hard. ihe maats were cut away to case tho ship The waler by this time rcached no uly to thi ceiling!. 7he lady passengers were aken throug'i the sby-hghts, and took shcltcr in tho round house on dcct, in which situation aho lernained fourtccn hour 5. During the night biue li"hts were burn ed, wbich werc sccn from Staten Island, and the S.eamboat Wnvo went down at 2, P- M . and look ofl all the passengers and all the crew, except the captain and lour seamm, who remained with the ship, Tlie wind had lulled, and there was much li-ss sea rumiing at Ihe timo tho baggago ol iik; stoeia'ro passeniiers was sava I, but the greater part belonging lo tho cabin pissengcrs was left on board lo float about the cabin. No hones ore cntertaincd of saving the ship. Some of tho goods will be recovered, but all will be dsmagcd, as the ship is full of water I he wind is now plowing a galc from the wcslward. Texas and Gueat Bbitain. A Wash ington correspondont of tho Unitcd Statea Gazetlc, writes : ' Lounging among some of the ' know nlls'of the city. I hcard, this morning, some rcmarks upon what is decmed a stroke of policy in the administration, a sort of coup d'etit. It is determined to tnng up the 1 cxan qucstion-not.of course. with any vicw of having that porlion of tho carlh made a part ol thcss U. States, but solely to throw a fire-brand inlo Con. gress, and disafiect tho South with the North. The plan is laid, and hopes arc entertained of its success. I trust that the friends of the nation will send it back to thc Exccutive, or p'ostpone it until a more convonient seasofl." This is not the first timc wo have heard of this design on thc part of the acting President. Tu cxcitc a furious sectional feud bctween the North aud South, at tlie hazard of thc pcacc of the country and the continuance of the Union. is wpII un. derstood to be his last desperaru push for a re-eleclion. With this vicw. ho will bring forward the subject of Texas, and Iho grasping ambilion of Jngland, in his Mcssagc, and strive to lash the people of ths South into a nge. Mr. Henry A. Wise, whosc amiable and pacific tempcr delighls only in univcrsal confusion, is to have chargc.wi: presumofrom a lato letter nf hii, of this branch of our foreign re- lations. We incline to Iho opinion, Ihat a ques lion of lliis characlcr, to obtain tho con- sidcration of Ihe Amcncan people. will have to be inlroduccd undcr more proniis. ing attspices than those of Mr..John Ty lerandMr. Henry A. Wise. Richmond Whig. A SnoEMAKiNG Machine. The New York Evening Post givcs the following do scription of the manner of makirg shoes by a machine owned by a gentlcman ol that city. The sole leather is first prcsscd betiveen woodcn rollcrs, which makrs it extremely firm aud cuirpict, tnucli more so than ham inrring can do. Ii is then placcd undera cutting mnchino, which at one openition cuts it into proper shape, Aleanwhile an olhcr macliiiK' is busy making slef! ?iro into scrcws of about threo feet in lenglh, ull of which is dona wilh surprising ccler ity. A fourth machine punches thc sole with holes, iasits the screw and cuts it oflT at ihe propi r lenglh. 41' that is"thun nec c ssary is to rivit tho screws by a fcw b'.ows with a haminer on an onvil. OrRev- Dr. Nott. of Franklin, Conn., brcther nf President Nott, Union College, is ninely ycars old. He was first settled where he now rcmains 60 years ago, and still performs his public duties without as tistance. Two cntire genera'.ions have passcd away in 'hc town sincc his selllc ment, Anotiieii ApnsTAs'y. Tho English pa pcrs announce that the Rv. CharlesSea. uer. M. A., late Pellow of Worcester Colli ge. bas joined the communiun cftho Church of Kom'. 11c was the assi&tant ofDr. Puscy. MicniQAN. It apprars that Vnhten aw county has elccted one Whig Rcpre sentative, making n tntal of three in the State, as far a) heaid from. tiarrv s ma. jority for Governor in said county is only 159. Ct5Tl.c following intcresliug anacdole of Mr' Calqoun ai,d i!7r, JIcDuffie is relatcd by tl.e Juurnd of Commcrce : " Whcn on appropria'ion lo the State Uuilci'c at iruuinv 1 1 was opposeu in thi South Carolma Legis'ature, on thcground that ii had never done any cood. and was only opcn to the sons of the rich, Judgc Hugersaid, iu reply, ' If the College had never cducatcd but cne man, and that man was Groige McDurnE, it dcscrvcd all the nnncy thebtJte lndever bestowed upon it." Mr. McDuflie therefore ,de. claioJ, that, howevcr much he was indebt- ed to ihat ir.s'itutio:i, all thc usefulness which his cxeitior.s had accomplished, and all the futuro honors which awaited him, wtre duo lo 31 r. Ualhoun. It was be who had cducated him at his own expcnse, and to him hc wUhrd all thc Iionor awarded. Mr. McDuffiio wai born ofobscuro and poor parenls, in c loghut, in the pine woods of (jcorgia. NOTICE. The Board of appeah wilhin llio sixih Reciment of tho mililia of this Slale, will hold its annual scssion, at tho ofilce of Barber and Wtiuht in Middlebury in the County of Addison, on the First Tucsday of December next at one o'clock P. M. Phe Clerks ofCompanies and appeallanls will lake notice and cntor their nppeaU wiih tho President of said Board by iho first dav oflhe Tcrm. E. D. Barber 1 Board ofap John Capen peals. Stpphen N. Warren J Middlebury Nov. 20, 1343. NOTICE. Thcrc will be a mcctins of the young Mcn's Temnerance Socicty this ( Wednes- day) cvening at GJ o'clock at the Town lloom. AII ol the Xounc Hlenolthe vii- lage and vicinity, are respectfully invited to attend. O. P. Turner, J. M. Gordon, II. T. Dorrance, G. II. Chnrch. Ex. Board, RAIL ROAD MEETING. The inhabitants ofthe Town of Middle bury, and vicinity are requested to meet at the Vermont Hotcl on thursday cvening the 30th inst. at G o'clock P. M. to con- sult on the subject of Rail Roads, and if tliought proper to appomt delegates to at tend a Rail Road meeting to be covened at Brattleboro on the 5th of December ncxt. Horatio Scymour, Ira .Stewart, Rufus Wainwright, Jonathan WainwTight, -Asa Chapman, William Nash, Edward Wainwright, Joseph IFarner, Charles Linsley, Edivin Hammond, William Slade, Nov. 30th 1843. THE MARKET. BOSTON PRICE CURRENT. Corrected Weckly from the New Enjlarid Farmer. CoBW....iiorthern old - ui a o 00 UTE...-.Northern 6 a 70 bi FLOCE.....Daltimore Howartl st. 4,5 a 000 4,7o Kancy Brands ..Mess new Navy ..Extra clear. 3Iess Primo 5 12 a 5,00 7,00 a 6 50 6,50 a 0,00 13,50 a 13,00 11.50 a 12,00 10,00 a 10,50 11 a 13 6 a II 0 a 0 BEtr.. Pobe.. BnTTERDairy Uninspccted LiRD....Boston inspccted Southcrn und weslern 7 a 71 2 a 4 CHEESEShipping nnd 4 meal Newmilk 4 1-2 a 5 1-2 WooL-.Prime Saxony. washed, 37 a 49 American luii wooa ss a s-i " 3-4 " 32 a 30 1-3 " 29 a 33 i. j-4 'i 55 a 70 I3ied. Nov. 19th Mary Ann, daughter of Rcv. Lucius L. and Julia A. Tilden, aged 7 years G moiiths 19 tlays. At Montpelier, The Hon. Jeduthan Loomis, aged C5. Stoves. CLARK RICH infonns the public that he will sell Stotes as eheap, or cheap. er than nny other dealer or Pedler'xa these parts. That he kecps for salo all tho best Notiox, and other Cook, parlor nnd box Slovcs, east at Urandon and Pittsford ; par ticularly tlie Yankce Nolion Cook Stoves wilh Spaulding's patent ovens. &c. &c. Also the best I'loughs. Coppcr. nnd east iron Pumps, and Lead pipe ; nnd all kinds of shect iron, tin warc ic. Old Sloves. produce Ssc, Cash (if he can get it) reccived in exchangc. Shoreham Nov. 1643. 28:3w. BONNETS GJILK, Cyprcss.i, Willow BonneU.just k-'rcceivcd, and for sale by IRA STEWART. Nov. 27 1S43. TURKS Island, Coarsn Westcrn, fc Fino Dairy Salt for sale b" IRA TEWART. Nov. 27 1S43. NOTICE. All pcrsons indcbtcd to the subscriber.arc requested to make immcdialc payinent, those having unscltlcd accounts will do wcll to call and setllc, the same without dclay. JAMhS aictJONALD. Middlebury, Nov. 1. 1843. 20 llouse and Lot for Sale. rBTHE subscribcrs ofier for salo n gond -sL and convcnient dwdlii'g Hocse sit. ua'cdinthe villagcof Middlebury, at pres cut occupicd by H. Wilcox. Terms mod. erale and posscssions givcn immediatcly. For funher particul.irs inquire on ihc premiscs or of Z. BECKWITH, 4- CO. Nov. 15, 1843. 29 Wood! Wood! Ten cords or more, of good hard, well seasoncd wood.aro wantcd immcdiately by the Pcople's Prcss ofiice. UTTEU! Butter! Wanted cood ball Buttcr p.t 10 ct3. pcr lb. in cxchanzc for Goods. W. S. Johnson. Nov. 6, 1843. I.NTER SPERM OIL. 2 Casks Oil i of n superior nualitv. for sale bv Nov. 1843. W. S. JOHNSON. 'LOUR. Superfine Flour, in barrels and half barrels. W. S. Jonssoir. OIL & PMNTS. Linseed Oil, lioiled and raw, and an nsortmcnt of Paints, for sale by W. S. Jonssoir. NAILS and Glass. Window Glass, an assortment. Nailscfall sizes by the keg or lli. W. S. Johnson. IIW GOODS. BROWN & SHELDON, AUE this wcek receiving a large and gen cral assortment of rich and desirable STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Alpaccas, Alpines, M. de Laines, Cloths, r-t T- ! - T ! I. it Tailor's T riiiimings &c. togelher wilh GROCER1ES, Crockcry, Glass, nnd Ilardwnrc; Iron and Stccl, Cuticr Shoes Scc. which will be sold cheap for Cash. Middlebury, uct. z, 1343. .MIDDLEBURY ACADEMY. At n latc mccting of the Trustccs, it was found nccessary to make cxtensive rrpairs in the Acadcmy bnilding. As it would be inconvcnicnl to make thcsu reuirs in tho wintcr nnd impossible to mnho tfipm as tTiorou"hly, as is contcmplatr-d. before thc commcnccmcnt of the ncxt quartcr, the 1 rustccs have prncurcd an apartment in the East College for the present accomoda- tion of Ihe mrinbcrs of tho Acadcmy, nnd employed as their Inslructor, .Mr. Samucl J. 31. Conant. From the rcprcscntalions which havc hccn mado rcspccting Mr. Co nnnls qualifications the Trustccs do not hcsilate to rccomincnd him as wcll qtiali lied to inslruct not only in thc English. but in thc Classicnl Dcpartmcnt. The ncxt quarter will commencc on Wcdnesday the 29th inst. T. A. ftlUKlllLL, Reeister. Middlebury, Nov. 21, 1843. Newton Academy. SHORHA3I Vt. Tho wintcr term at this institulion will commencc on 3Ionday the 27th of Novem- ber. EBEN BUSIISEC. A First liatc Assortment of Bcaver Cloths, Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, and all kindf of trim. uiings will bo found at A. FRANCIS' Fcmale Seminary. Thc winter tcrm will commcnco on Thursday Nov. 30lh. MissStrong, whosc high rccommcndations as a teachcr havc becn amplv sustained Ihe last quartcr, will continue toassist in thegencral instruction of thc scbool, nnd in giving lcssons in vocal nnd instrumenta! music. 23:3w L. L. TII.DEN. Principnl. November 22d 1843. FLEECE WOOL. Cash Paid for good Fleoco Wool A. CHAPMAN & SON. ORI31P'D DIMITY and crimp'd Dimiiy - Collars. lusi rcceivcd at BIRGE'S October 18, 1S43. Fringcs, Gimps &c MOHAIR and Silk Fringes in greatva riety Black. Blue-black and colored Gimps at BIRGE'S. Oct. 18,1843. Wood! Wood! 200 cords s;lrr1anlebyHaf', Wooi' Oel. 18, 1843. W. S. IoHfnoK. PROBATE NOTICES. STATE OF VERMONT, ritriri ol Addhon s. i't rcmeibered ibat at a Probate Court heM at Middlebury, in and fur tlie l)itrict of Addison, oa the IGiIi I'jyoflVoTcmljer A. D IS43. Ilomee Janes and Onin FieMgoardians of ALA5 so5 Peck. of Cornwall in said Distr'ct an in.-utte pcrsoni in.i!ve application to said Court, to luic tlie time altotvcd tlicm lor ihc naxment ofillic dcbts of llicir said ward rMended one jear frora the cxpiralion of thc time hvreuifore Hmited by this Court : It is there fore ordercd tliattlie said application Le considercd at a scssion of said Court to be hdd at the onlce of U. II. Ererest q. in in said district on Friday tlie 8th day of Decrrober next at one oVIock in the nftcrnoon and that notice thereof bc gitcn lo all persons interested llit they may appearand inake their objections if any tliey have to the said tiuic bcing extendetl by publishing a certified copy of this onler in the Jliddleliury Feople's Press a nenspapcr print ed al said Aliddlebury three weeks succesirely pre vious to the time of said Court. J. s-'. BUSHNELL, Regier, A true copy nfrecord, Alteft, J. S. BUSHNELL, Rr-ff. 29 STATE CF VERMONT, i Dirict of Addison, ss. ) BE il rememhercd that at a Probate Couit heldat Middlebury inand for thc tlistricl of Addison on the 19tb day of Novcinber, A. D. 1843. Agnes Mathetvs and Eli Matliews administralors of the esute of TIMOTIIY MATHEWS Jun'b. latc of aid SliddWbury in aitl tUtlrict !eceatcJ pre sent their adnrnistiation account fur allowance: lt is therefore ordered. tliat the came be examiuecl fur uU lowance by said court ata sesnion thereof to bc hclJ at llte ofbce ofthe Regiftej of tnld Couit in td AlidJlebury on Tbniday ihc 21t day of Dccemljcr A. D. 1S-I3 at oneoclockii) the aftcrnoon, and tliat said adniiutsirators give notice thcreol to all pcrson interested that they may appear, and make their objectwns it anyttiey iiae loincnitowancc ol taiu ac count Lv nuUiahing a ccrtiCcd copy of thip ordcr in the Sliddleburv Peonle lVess, a newfparjer nrin- tcd at said Middlebury, three ueeks iucceuircly nreviotiS to tlie scssion of said Court J. S. BUSHNELL, Refiister A true copy of record. 29 Ane.-t J. S. BUSHNELL Rrgisler. STATE OF VERMONT, District or Addifo.v, ss. BE it remcmbered.that ata Probate Court hcld at Middlebury, in and for tlieDistrictnf Addison,on thc 16th day of Noveiuher, A. D. 1S43. Tbirza Adams cxccutrix in nn instruineul purporting lo be thc last will aud tcsla inent of ASA ADAMS, l&tc of said .Middlebury, deceased, presents thcsainc for probate: It is therefore order cd, thntthe same be cxamincd for probate. ntasessinnof said rourt, to be hcld at ihc odicc ofthe Re!!iter of said courl, in said Middlebury, on Thursday the 21st ilay of Ueeetnbcr nextat 1 o'clock mthe atiernoon, and that notice thereof be given to nll pcr sons interested, that they may nppear and inakctheir objections :f nny they havc to tho probate and allowanr uf said will by pub lishing a ccrtified copy of this order in the Middlebury Pcople's Prcss, a newspaper printcd at said Middlebury three -wceks 1 t.. : .i r :.! uccessiveiy, prcvious lo tne timc ot saiti J. 5. BUSHNELL, Register. A truccopv of record, Attest, J. S. BUSHNELL, Resr. 29 Notice is hercby givcn that I shall sell at public aticlionat Ihe Vermont Hotcl, on the 0th day of December 1843 nt 10 o' clock a. m. the House nnd lot opposite the jail in 3Iiddlebury, Inlcly owned by Gcorgo Lisco, deccascd. CHS. LINSLEY, Adminislrnlor. Middlebury. Oct. 31 1813. 2o;3w Fall Goods. 41 D1RGE ! again fillin; liis Storc wilh stiple and FAXCT Dry Goods; and will continue to sell for Cash, most articles as clienp as lieretoforc.notwithstaading the small advance in Aiarket. Seplerober. 27, 1S43. ililDDLEBURY r 1 HE subscribcrs would respertfu'ly iu- torm the public that they continue to carry on the business of buildingtoordcr all kiuils of Woolen and Cotton MACHTNSRT. Also fitting up" 3Jill Gears, Sliaftings and all other work belonging thcreto, eilhcr tv&& or irQ3i CAST IRON BELLOWS, for furnaces orforges; Cast Iaon CRANK FULLING MILLS Builtand warrantcd. Oil Mill, Clothier s nnd other SCREWS, of all dcscriptions. KIRE ENGINES built according to the latest iinprovemcnts. Forcc and suction PUMPS, of various sizcs. for castings of all descriptions made to or der, and atshort notice. Those who may favor us with their cus tom may bc assured that their work will be doncin the most workmanlike manner. All orders promptly attendcd to. MYERS &. SEVERANCE. Middlebury, Nov. 15th, 1S13. 29 OODS. FTlHE subscriber jjnow receiTiDs a good assort MY GOODS, MACHjNESHOP Cotton Yarn Carpet Warp Candle wick Cotton Batting Brown Sheetings in great variety, ar.d very cheap. ALSO GROCERIES, Teas very good & cheap. Hardware, Crockery nnd Glass ware, Drugs and Medicine, Lamp Oil firM quilily, Wintcr Sperm, Lin-secd Oil, White Lead, Vciiciian Ked, French Yellow, Spanish White. Pultv, Window Glass, HoRo Nail Rods, Cast nnd Swcnds Stcel, Cut NaiU, .Vc. ic-. All of bich will be sold Tery low for casb,most kinds of produce or oa shon anprored credit. New Haxen, Oct. 23, 1843. T. C. SM1TII. INTER SPERM OIL. The real "Si mon pure'' for sale by Z, Bbckwitk 5t Co. Collin's&, Co'sAxcs. XJlTH or wiTiiouT helvej roralt bv Z. Br.cKwiTn, &Co. Oct. 1343. There will he oirt red for sale at the Auc tion Room of Z. BECKWITH, & Co., at 1, P. 31. on Saturday next. (Bec. 2d,) a quan tity of houschold furniture, Dooks, Paui phlets, &c. &c. Among the articles to bc sold are the firl lowing viz., 1 Cuoking Stovc, (nearly new,) a parlor do. Albany castin;, 1 bureau, chairs. lauics, ueusieaus, lrou Ketttcs, 1 brass do., """"i """ '" Kuuiw-taac, ucsk, siair roos, ... 1 .1 .M 1 1. .. . carpcts, &c., &c. Also, a larRe collcctiou of Pamnhlcts on various subjccts; sclcct papers suitablc for ouuji uoi.j, ii ijuauui) ui nruppiug paper B00KSB00KS At the same time and placc, a p ortion of a riraiG i.mrnry. .mioii ine do okh to ue sold are the following, C0 Nos. of thc Amcr icau Quarterly Review, several b ouud vols. ofthe Ediugbargh do., Hugh and Ilrrckeu ridge's Discussiott on Rumanism. (R. Catlio lic edition,) IJutlcr's Aualogy, Tytler's Uui versal History, (i large vols. Oct.,) Plutarelrs Lives, (new copy.l 3!illcuial Harbiuccr. Mc- Clure's Scnnous, Ur. Bcccher'sdo., Luthcr's tlo., Legendre's Geometry, Good's Bct'er Euglish, Lntiu, Frcucb, Germau and Greek, Abbol's Rcl. 3Ia;azinr. District Scliool. Colt's Book Keepiug, Life and Spccches of viiiy, r rciicu iiiuic, scverai unuais, r ng. and Americnii, and a varicty of other works, Z. BECKWITH & Co. Acct. 31ildlabury, Nov. 23, 1813. Terms of sale vnumally favorable. Superior Tcas, Js'ugars, and Io lasses, just rcceivcd by Uci.lllili.lS43 A. FKANCI9. notice. THE copartnershin herctoforc cxistine be- tween Samucl Russell, Cyms Russell and Jc- hiel Hitchcock was dissolved bv inutual cou sent ou the first day of Scptctithcr 1843. SAML. RUSSELL, CYRUS RUSSELI. Ijf An immediate scttlcment of all their notes and accounts is requested. 29;3 L500 Ibs. hy TABLE butter first quality for sale A. FRANCIS. EIGHT THOUSAND YARDS, Sher. tings, Shertinss, Drillings, Tickings, and Cotton Flannels, of various qualitirs at low price by A Fraxch. IXTKEN UiES, Cotton Yarn, Car pel Warp, Hatting, IFadding, and Wicking, oflhe best mtuufacturf, for sile low bv A Francis. 1EA V. RYK, Corn, Oats, lluck wheal, Pras and Benrn. dir sale by A. It.a.ncis. UFAFLO ROUES. 4 bnles N..71 IlufTjlo Robcs: Fur Cans. Fur Trim-. med and Cloth Cnp, just rec'd at Ihe n'tc cheap siore. by BROWN &z SHELDON. b "J"HE subscribers are now rcceiving their I lall supply ot i'ootls, consisting ot BBY GOODS, Dry Groccrics, Crockcry, Iron and Stcel, Salt, Fish, and nlmost evcry nrlicle usually rnquircd for, wbich will be sold for PA V,as low ns nt finy atore in the County. All kinds of pro- iuce receivcu in p.ivinenr. U RIGHT St BUSH, Shoreham, Oct. 2, 1343. 22 STRAY SHEEP. Came inlo the inclosurc of the subscriber, abnut the middlo ol July last four shcrp (two wcalhers, and an ewe and lamb) square crop on one car ofthe weathers, all are marked wilh adnsh oflar on tho side. Tho nutici i requested tonrovn propcrtv pay chargfs nnd tako Ihcin away. Middlebury Nov. llili 1S43. EZRA CRANE. 1VE GEESE FEATHERS. jiHt ta JLsl ken in and for snhr bv A Francis. LAMP.OIL Wintcr refm.l ; thc bmt quality and warranlcd to cio nerfecl satisfactiou by A Fiianci-s. 7 Pt? OOClD LAMP OIL for sale nt KjIO, 75 cts per gallon ; also. a sren- cral supply of Groceiirs, Teas, Shuars, dcc.sheetings.ohirtins. Urilliri,& 6tripes, by BROWN &. SHELDON. DR. JIICIIARDSON'S Conccnlraled Sherry IPine liillers. Most discises arise from a dcraneement of th? stoniach and bnwcls ; and Ihe sjmpathics whic" suhsisl bclwecn thcsu anl ottiT pitt of tli ha man svstem eire rise to irrerular apnetitr. lan- gnor, drowiine'i, wandcting pains, headache, lownest ofspirits, &e. And tnese in their turn girnbirth to dispepsii, palpkatioii oi thn heart, sliortncsj of breatli. jj'indice, pilet, ferers, inflam- raalion. nuinors, coughs, He. All these Uiseas e are cared by retnuing the primary eauie. Wliich can be done by usinj Dr. Richardson's Jaundice or sherry Wme Dutcrs. Just rcceivcd and lor sale by Rdssec. & GniDLEV. sole acnts for Mildlebury and riciuity. Middlebury, Nor. 18J3. WINTER GOODS. JOHN VALLETT, Is now opejing his wintcr supply of fresh Goods, comprising n gcncral assortment of Foreign and domcstic GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND GLASS IVARE. Srsnai and Lakd Oil &c. which were sclcctcd with care, and of supe rior quality Please call at the Car.Ar Casii Stoke. nnd cxamine. Middlebury Oct. 21st 1843. BUTTER. The Subscriber is now rcceiring good fall Butter in ejchange for goodi at 10 cents per pound. Cornwall Oc!. 18, 1843. P. W. COLL1NS. oovemnt, t'opular Infidclity, Uili. Iuterpre ter, llib. Essays, Noblo ou l'leuary Inspira tion, Essay's on IIcItjw Poctrr. Grainniars. SHAWLS, FAXCYH AKLE1E. CHIEF S. And Ladirs Cravats , the lalest ijle, just rcceivcd and for Sa fe chcnp by A. Fka?tcI! "graLACK, Brown, Green, Changi.'mr JStS F'g'u an.l Plain Alpaccas, ihc f,ror ili! oods of iho day, Mouslims de Laiffs, Carolioc Plaid, Sj.toih Marinoi-s. &c. J-e, orsale by 7.- Beckwith if Or. Powdcr and Shot. HAZARD'S American Sportinj Gunpondcr, in Canistcrs Rifle aud Common Ponder Shot and Lcad, at ItUSSEL ic GltlDI.EY'S. Ii FLANNELS.-Super 4-4 Rochdale whit FInrfrTf.ri; nml 1 A tvbitn nnrl Tr-r,.f;i3h tlo; white twiiiod do; 7-a Kiibih rcd dc. nt S4 cl. ner vd: 73. 4 -1 and 9-S iln- niotic FlannnUt suner 4 Iiv G feet Fiidaml ' Horse lilankets For sa'e by ' 1OV- i. UUUWri oi 011V.UUJ., CAPS. An assortment of Men and bo"-i Fur trim ned aoil pl.iin Cfotlr (Tap-t just reccived und for a.ilc 1)7 Oot. ta; 1813. T." C. SMTr.'t. OLD rr's nm. USt n ceited and for sile by RUiSEL & GRIDLEY. Mi.ldlrlmrv. Hepl 27. 18 13. 2 . T O THOUSAND Bushelst.f Outa en. Icd inimediatvlv, bv BROWN SHELDON CARDING AND CLOTH DliESSING. THK tUpSCRlBER w0!:J rrfpectfully inf rm his friends and the l c i!ut l.e is preparrd l.; receire, al his Factrry on the hridge in Salisbury rillagr, wot I, to tnanuf u turc on Klmrs, or by ilit yjrd, !ot:itru:oai er, in'o Plnin CJolh, Fhmncls nnd Cassimeres. HIS Machinrry bcing newly fitt-d np nnd and in com: Icte repair. lu- h .rerand to cl-i work in Ihe I o,t nuiincr, ausi .n the most reasonable lrm. He will also exrhao:r clutli ;..- rr.- ! unuj as sood terms as may be m idr 1 1 1 -itah-lisluncntin Ihe Coumy. Calrulm M'prrs eni busmesi f-ir prrmaner.ry, he wiHpmleat or liy lii-t cin-.tant nttention lo . v bnnJi of il and a l.iiilifjl manner of inat.u!acturio4 logi-e ciiinplric sa iiIhcii 'n to cutociei. Juae, 7ih 1813. E. B. IIO WARD. 5;Sm AND MANUFACTURING. SlIE sulicnbcr now teady to rerrtru -H- WOOL to CARU and MANUFAC TURE INTO CI0TH At tl t Woolen fjciory formerly caind in by A. apal.linj if t,o. I lie incchinrry . m prrlert order, and lhe public may rest 'sijur- ed that work will be doi.i; totlie r eaiii facticn,and oi: the mot Hcasonable Terms. Kj" A jhare of the pairona;e is soliciicci. JOEL SPALD1NG, Airent. MiJdleburj-i 3Iay 2,1843. 5i f feliaker Ilcrbs and Extracts. A LARGE assortment of Herb, Ro-its, &c. from thc Unitcd Socicty of Sh.iktM at U'ntcrvilet, just rcceivetl and for sale aC Drugstoreof Rcssel. & Gkidlet. Nor. 8, 1343. 37 Farin For Sale (iTUATED in Nw Hj. Vj vcn, on tho road Icadin from East Mdls ln tho crtitre of tl,o limn, Said fariu co:i- tainin eigty acns ofgood land.i:od Hou-e, wood Homr-, Itarn. S!icd, dic, cll wriiered by never failiug Springs nnd a pleuty nf Orchnrding, woodiand tic, for funher pnr ticulars euquirc ul Ihc Subsciibcr on Ihu premiscs. Tli nrcmist s are 8 milei from the crntre of .Middlebury, or vill.igt of Vi rgennrs and 3 miles from il.o flniirisliiii); i'n of B tn tl. 31VRIIN LEWIS. Oct. 25:h, 1943. 2(1 RUN WANTLD. A lnw Toasof Iron wunied before tho close of Navinnlii'ti. for which a part cash aud a pnrt pori-'H v. ni iie paid. i. V. 8MiIiJ. New Haven. Oct. 23. Ii43. QHAffLES AIKEK. ATTOR.VET AND COUN3ELLOR AT UTT, 3IlDDLEB(IRV, Vt. OlSee No. 7, NirboV Dnildlu; over A. t'rancl' ?tor. Sept. 26. 1SJ3. 21 tf. To Printnns. P. PROU I". 1 ,.1.-t- : I.1K .M.o ufactur?r, No. co, V"r Ne'c York, still continups to mnmf.icure a s' perior articlc lo any orlc in Ihe Un;:H S ! and upon a reasonable lcrms ot it c ,n bu procurpd from any olhcr cstablithmcnt. II. also mnnufacturss Ink of various colors, as rpd, bloe, green, yellow cj-c. N. B. Puplishers of Newspcpers copy ing thc a'oove advertiscment fur tiines. aud forwarding one copy cor.taining it, and eii closing a Ten Dollarbill (current in New Yoik) in o letter, shall have sont to them fifty pounu's of good News Ink. Peanr menlioolhe Press youusc. 274- Groceries. TH E subscriber bas just received from NeT York a fresh supply f Orceertet, .MeJi eines, Dye Stnji, Paints,!,., wU'e1 .' e iTm lor sale as low ns can he purclijeu ii: tri vicinity, for Cash ur produce. W. P. RUSSELL. Dee.5. 1S12 Doct. J. E. Hangs' Renovating Mix.ure. Partl.r Vegetable, and hi;hly eefcbrato is a cure for Kheumatism, Scrofula aaj UU aers of evny discription, Hip D:f eaej.I'i!e Sealt Head, Erysipelaj, Salt Rh t'Qm aud ,tit diitasts td ihe r-KI.V. For laU rirst dts r ooth lh PostpBice br 1 If Wu.P. Rcssel, a;tr.t