Newspaper Page Text
d,nH ofonrprodcclioni agriculture rcquired hat little nrotcction, nnd tliat confined to a few hranches only. And we would ask at tbe time these scntences were uttered, what branchej of agriculture except the raiting of wooh.then but little tbougbtof, requtrcd pro tection neamst foreign regulatiousl Ihu boc cr, is one of the branches of agricultur- jl Droduction whicli Mr. Clay intended to protect as appears from the whole tecor of hh course evcr since. Nor can any one rea wuably Rupposc thatastatesmanwhoseniot to ha ever been protection to Americr.n 111 dt.stry would exclude protection to any branch bicb nccdcd it, cspecially of agn culture wbich absorbs the laborof nine-tenths of our population. But is it not clear that our editor intended to create upon the public mind tbe imprcs sion thatMr. Clay depreciated Protection to Agriculture in gcncral.whilc the wholcspeech bclics such a coustruction, and that portiou of it quotcd was intendcd by Mr. Clay to sbojr how very inadeqnate was protection to manufacturcs in pToportiou to tbeir wants uhen comparcd with otber intcrcsts which necdcd lcss. This intenlion of Eastman to create a false imprcssion is furthermanifested by the fact tbat the uiis-quotation is couuccted withgar blcd extracU from Mr. Clay's otherspceches dcsigncd to malo out Mr. Clay au anti-tarin" msn. This our fricud knew to be false. and he tbercfore confidcntly asserted thc language attrihutcd to Mr. Clay to be false. And we confidcntly appcal to the public whether it is not rirlually and substautially io. Why did our editor supprcss the word "little," aud "the regulations of foreign poicers," but to to lead the public to suppose tbat Mr. Clay saw no nced of protection to agriculture un der any circumstance or to any branch of it, wliicb contradicts the hole teuor of his life? But wc have alrcady spcnt too much t'tne cpon our neighbor of the Age. He has an Ebominable way in common with his politi cal clique ofpcrveitiug tbeactsand language if public mcr. to scrvo his purposcs which it would be folly to quarrcl with cvery time hs cbooscs to indulgc iu it. But what was our astouishmcnt in perusing the proceedings of the Loco-Foco Convention recentlyasscm blcd in Middlebury to find thatthey hadsccn fit to iutcrposc in this sinall controvcrsy by taking poor Eastman under their guardian nbip, and on mQtion of E. W. Drury had inust magnaniraoutly resolved in substance, that thc editor of the Age was one of the must truthful upright and firni journalist iu tbo country, while in relation to thc attack uiadethrongh the Galaxy upon this paiagon of the dcmocracy, we arc denouuced asbcing " unwortby of bcing an editor ofa paper by "randid and highmindcd mtn of any party." We are willing to lcare tbo public to dccidc lbe relative merits of the editor of the Galaxy nnd the editor of the Age in auy respcct iu ivhich h comparison can be made. But has it conic to this, that the Addison County deraocracy have put themsclves un der the lead of the Coon Huntcr of Wood stock, and the ex-Postmaster of Middlebury. And how pitiablc that so respcctable a body of rcn as might have composed ihat Con vention, (alibough w e areinformcd that very fcw were present) sbould submit to pander the pitty pasfions of thcse mcn.and cspccial Iv to bccome tbe conduit pipethrongb which Mr. Drury sbould difgorge his venom npon us. But hat shous the totnl disre gard to truth of the viperous individunl who penned the rcsolutiou is, that he has made it assert a falsehood in the prcamble, eien by the ndmissiou ol Eastman himself. Thc res- olution says. Eastniau publisbed as the as-T-crtion of Mr. Clay containcd in the first vol timc of his life and spccches. "Agriculture icants little or no jirc teclicn againsl tht regula tions of foreign powers." Now the Age it clf shous no such thing. The sentcnce quo ted ihere is "Agricvllure nccdsno protcetion," leaving out the rmiair.der vtbich as we have heforeshown most matcrially qualiCcs the menning. With tespcct to thc rank and file of thc Loco-Foco party, and many indiriduals of itforwhom we have thc highest cstecm, we have nothing to allcge. But to those who nnrcflcctingly followed those who lcdonwith tlip Kcurulous lcfolutions against us, c nnly to say. Gcutlemen, you have nbuscd your on charactcrs, for dccency, justicc and humanity. morc than ourselvcs. This is ihesccond time you have been guilty ofa Kiiisl out of the way and dastardly nttempt to dcstroy thc confidcnce of the public inus.and that too without the sligblest real knowlcdge of the facts, and upon grounds which in thc tniuds of evtry unprejudiced man we bclievc kc have shown utterly fallacious and entircly culpating the editor of the Galaxy pcrson atly. But how puenle and impotcnt jnu appear in this venoinous course. A Loco Convcution rci)eatcdly voting a Whig editor unworthy of confidence. Suppose a Whig Convention should as in your case at tbe iustigatiou of tomo vindictive and malig uant mcmber stamp the editor of the Age with being the most scurrilous and lying edi tor in your ranks, and that he publisbed a very naughty paper, would guch bnt tum fulmcn coming from political opponents lessen tbeir confidence in himj No. They would go by the ruleof contraries. And this opens to us a door of kuowledge which we have scarcely before thought of. Tbe vin dictive 6pirit ofthe leading Locofocracy accounts in some degree for the increase of eur subscription list, aud the flattenng ox pressions of approral which daily reach our ears, from tbe most respectable Whigs of Addison County. And we would say once foralltothemaliguantsln tbe ranks of our opponents, we do not wonderyou calumnhte a jouroal which, to the best of its power de featt all your hopes of political aggrandize roent. We Jo not publish a paper to accora aodate you. We are a Whig, we are fight iag in the Whig ranks, we glery in the Whig cue. Of course wo expect nothing but abusefrom Locofocoism and all its myrmi do. Wc oppote its principlc. its practi- j ccs, its men and its measurcs. We denounco Locofocoism as a faction in our gorernment which sustains itself in power by deceiving the people, and by the most sbame lcss abuse of tbeir opponents hitherto unpar alled in tbe history of political warfare. But after all we should have charity for thesc vituperative Loco-Focos. The ravcu wing of dismay and disappoiutment is now sprcad frightfully over them. Their equa nimity is most sadly shakcn. They are sueeping ovcr the dam of destruction with as much rapidity as the bitterest foes could de sirc. Let them disgorge the fumcs of their vindictive wralb upon us. In the day of tbeir triumphthe RomaussulTered even theirslavcs to vilify tbeir raastcrs. Ah, how the news of Whig victories falls on the saddened hopes and checrless spirits of Locofocoism, con firming tbeir fears and palsying all their ef forts. We cannot complain if they vent abundantly their black and billious spleen up on us. Wc are certainly cndeavoringto pro mote the triuraph which entilles them to do so. Les t they sbould otbcrwise sivcll up, and dic of their own veuom, we hope they will coutinuc their amiable labor3 till after the ncxt Presidential canvass. REV. ALANSON. ST. CLAR. We invitc tbe attcntion of our readers to tbe following noticc of the above named gcntleman. It is from the Grauite Freeman ofAugust Ist 1844, and is an expression ol the Editor's opiuions. It will be obsoived also, that tbe Granitc Freeman is the lead ing organ of tbe Third Party in New llamp shire. We had heard indirectly that the character of Mr. St. Clairwasof a vcryques- tiouablenature tosay thc lcast, but wc must say, we were not preparcd to seo tbo pub- .,cat.on oi sucn an expression ot v.eivs , a Third Party Editor, rclative to their ' " Hero and Champion." The Editor speaks probably wilh some personal knowledge ofj the Rev. gcntleman, as ha is from New J Hampshire wbere he, Mr. St, Clair, was ! formerly Editor ofthe Peoplc'a Advocate, I a paper dcvoted to the intercsu orthe Third rany. Auu,ncw,Wu,p,re Auu..uUU. , cannotcndorse Mr. St. Clair a fair man, we think it bchooves Vermont Abolitionists J to use a good share of caution iu placing j confidence in him. we ask a careful perusal ' of tbc article that fullows. j A IIeliciods Renehade. Under this I startling caption our friend Wood, of thc Congrcgational Jourual, bestoxvs a col- umn of ra her sevcre castigation upon A. St Clair, fonncr publisher ofthe People's Advocate. The crimcs so vehemently j laidtochargc are, that he has taken him- self ofi" rather uiiceremoniously from the INurtPlti MinrrTi ibia 1nivn nnil intnml the Truc Wcs'lcyans ; that he had previ- ! been in ,,,c hMt of Vduog and labouriug ouslyturnedtheologicalsomerests, in and ' araonE the French on the bordcrs of Can out of almost cvery scctarian fold ; that ada. he has thc dictation of a pope. and the ! Mrs. C. has taught the language much for wiliness ofa fox ; that he is the prince of tbe Iast four years, and has certificatcs from bcffgars that St Clair was the llaman and Mr. Wood the Mordecai of New Hampshire Anti-slavery; and that the' Journal advocates all practicable anti slavery without pay but has ncvcr bcggcd and never will. Thesc are tbe specifica tions in the case of Wood vs. St. Clair. as tet forth in thc Journal. It we had no other rcrsons than these for distrusting Mr. St. Clair's integrity, we should res pcct him much more than wc are now able to. Wc are sorry to believc that he is not a man to be trubled, and that his loss of character amowr thc abolitionists of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vcr- j mont, has a morc serious causc than his , theological somerscts, or cven his nvalry with Jlr. Wood among the Congrcgational- ists of New Hampshire. He feel con- straincd to warn the Truc Weslevans airainst this man. He will be only an in- jury to them. He is one ofthose friends from whoni wc should pray to be saved. For llic Xorthero GaUxy. II. Bcll, Esq., I attcndcd the Loco Foco Addison County Convention for nomination ' of County Scnators, at thc Town Room on the 31st ult, aud during the rcmark of E. D. Barber Esq., on thc subjcct of the Tnrifi", he challeugednnypcrsonto .how that Henry Clay was any morc ofa ranfT man than Jaincs K. Polk. Not wisbing to interrupt , the meeting, and delaying the marraige cere- ' mony then to be performed bctween Mr. j Loco Foco and Miss Liberty, I remained j silent. I accept the challenge, and answcr through your columns. There is dne point upon which Mr. Clay and Mr. Polk agrcc, and that is to raisc a snfficient sum for thesupportof Government cconomically ad ministered. I shall assume that thc sum necessary for such supporl will bc twenty ! one millions of dollars per year. I shall also assume that thrce millions will be raised by the public lands yearly, which Mr. Polk is in favor of having applied to the purposcs ofthe Geueral Govcrnment, leaving cighteen mil lions tobc snpplicd by duties onjorcignim porta. While. Mr. Clay is in favor ofthe avails ofthe public lands bciug distributcd to the States where it rightfully belongs, after tbe old National dcbt was paid, leaving the twenty one millions tobe snpplicd by aTar iffof duties on Foreign imports, wbich must be, in my opinion, a bigher rate of duties than one sufficient to raise the eighteen mil lions upon the principle of Mr. Polk and conseduently more protectirein ils character. Besides the income oftbe public lands has variedj befere 1840 from one million and a half to 24 millions, the lattcr sum being cnough tosupply all the expenses ofthe gov ernment leaving nothing for duties on im portations. and consequently utterly abolish ing all protection unles distributcd to the States to whora it justly belongs. And does tbbcou6titutenod'uTerence betweenClay and Polk on the subject of Protection. I mightquote from the speeches of Mr. Clay and Mr. Polk to show the diflerence be twe'.n them on other points of thesamequcs tion, but I consider it absolutely unnecces sary, for none but the willfully blind can have any donbt whatever on the subject. ' Cawdor. For the Allat. We find the followir.g articlo in tho Roston Post of July 29th : Vermont. The Whigs have nominated Williatn Slnde, the coadjutor of Grcat Britian, in her worst designs upon this country for Governor. In his le.tter to tho Rritish Governor Craig, of Canadn, .dated liurlinfilon, Ver. mont, Febuary 14. 1SC9, Hesrv, the British spy, wrote of Mabtix Cnrrrn. den, the thcn Whig Governor of Vermont, as follotvs : "In case of war he will use his influcnce to preserve the Slate neutral, and ivill rcfuso obedience to any command of tho gcneral governmcnt which can tcnd to interrudt the good underjtanding betwcen the citizen's of Vermont and his mnjesty's subjccts in Canada." I nced not ndd.;(writes Henry) "thb State of Vermont jiay be consideked as as ALLT OF UREATBRITAIN ihlS Wasan infamntis calumny, but if William Slade electcd Governor, it will aQtud some ground for his telling his Engltsh friends ihnt "Vermont may be considered an ally oj Ureat lintain." Tho wriler of this arllcie in the Boston Post is certainly the most unhounded and illimitable Liar in existence. He would insinuate that William Slade, in 1S09, had, in conncxion with Martin Chitten den, treasonable intcrcotirsc wilh nn agent of the British Govcrnment. In 1809, Mr. Slade wasa lawstudent in Middlc. btiry. in thoofficc of tho Hon. Joel Doo. little, having been graduated ftom Middlc- mry Uollege in 1807. He was an aciivo nnd decidod Democral.of the Jeffersonian scliool. During the War, he was the cdi. tor and Pubhsher of thc National St:nd. ard, tlic only Dcmocratic paper in Addi son county and, while undcr his conlrol, it posscssed more, and was cd ilcd with moro ability, than any other chicnden was no, Governor of Vermont ; ig09nor wus ho electcd Governor unj 1813 and 1814. For him. we have nothing to say. Ilowasno Whig. IIc was electcd Governor by tho Federalisls, in 1813 nnd 1814. He was a supportcr ol ien. JacKsnn, Itinng.liis wnoie term a" Jca a, ,c" -vears ,8,.ncc' as and dicd a fcw arli(.,o .j w0 Ilave cop;ed frmn lho Ooston Post. VERMONT, LESSONS IN FRENCH. IJnder Ihc head of our advertisiug columns it will be seen, Mrs C. P. Clarke proposes to form a cIass rr instructions in thc French language. It would be proper to say Mrs C. togetber with her husband the present Methodist preachcr in this totvn formerly preparcd themselvcs for a French mission. They speak the language so commin in their family as , lnako it allnost the vernacuiar ! tongue. Mr. C. for several years past has ,hose wl,o have had cood onnortunities of judging of her capacity, and among themis one from I. P. Edwards.Professor of French in the Troy Seminaiy, who says : "Ican safely avcr that her pronunciation "in that polite touguc is as fine and correct "as that ofa native. Her system nhich is " oral, is so thorough, and sbc has such an "cngaging and agreeablc mannerof impar "ting instructions to her pupils, that they "cannot fail of making grcat proficicncy "in a very short time so as to astonish those " who have never witncssed the system this lady pursups." ClcLV Clllb M66tiD? Th(J tll!j vicfnUy aud ;pcc;aiy Abolitionists are carucstly dcsired to attend lne meeting of the Clay Cluh on Mouday cvcning uext at thc Tonu Koom, notificd in this paper. Nothing do we so ardcntly wish as tliata fair display ofthe arguraeuts in re lation to this subject should be made. Let all real scckers after truth, nll friends of the Unioii and Constitution, and all who are op posedtothe extensiou of slavcry ar.dfor alle viating by all ratioual & constitutional means the evilsofthis unhappy iustitution,bc piescnl upon this occasiou 05"ZACnARiAn Poulsox, fortncily pro prietor of Pou'soe's (Philadelphia) Daily Advcrtiser, died in that city on the 3Cth . I. ll. Ul i:l, l,rl. nnnnnn. e pilblis,inR co.nmunily with those of lIie davg of FranUli. ' . fT A T7 tT T j I) (lliAY 7 I J I J ll . c, . ... fae h ,d Mondav cvcninsjiext, lOthinst. The Hon. William Slade will address tho meeting on subjccts connected wilh the Abolition cause. . TO6S OF OLD ADDISON, GO TO YORX!! The following meetings ofthe WHIGS of Addison County will beholden previous tothe State Election, Hliddlebury, on Monday the 26th inst. at one o'clock P. M. Hon. GEO. P. MARSH. and Hon.S. S. PHELPS, will address the meeting. Bristol, on Tuesday the 27th inst. at one o'clock P. M. Hon. WILLIAM SLADE, and Hon. GEORGE P. MARSH. will address the meeting. Vergennes onWednesday the 28th inst Hon. G. P. MARSH, and other whig champions will be present and addressthe meetiug. Bridport on Thursday the 29th inst. at one o'clock, P. M. Messrs. MARSH, PHELPS and other, arc expected to address the meeting. LESSOIS 11 FEEKCH. MRS C. P. CLARKE, Would rcspeclfully ioform tbe citizens of Middlebury that having had several applications to give lessoas in Fkencii, she has coasentcd to doso, provideda snfficient number should be pro cured to form a class. The method of teacbing the fronuncutiox ofthatpolite tongue so didi cult to foreigners,.is orai. and will enable the pupils to srziK as wcll ss nzt French Her terms will deDcnd some what on the nnmbcr J ofthe class, batin aljcascs will be reasonable. Forfurtherinformalion inquire at the Methodist Parsonage, first door north of the jail. Middlebury, Aug, 8th 1S44. P. S. Mrs. C. could give lessons to a iuvinile class on reasonable terms asher otrachilaren are now leamin; French. liouse for sale or to let. The two story house and lot owned be Samuel Sargeant, situatcd in a central part of thc village, is ofiered for sale, or will by Ietat a fair rcnt. Apply to JAMES McDONALD. Middlebury Aug. 13th, 1844. 15 3w EEMALE SEjOTAEY. Thenext tcrm will commence on Thursday the 5th day of September. Miss Strong, who has acquired so high a reputation as a teacher, will continue to assist iu thc iustruc tion ofthe school. L- L. T1LDEN, Principal. Middlebury. Aug. 9th. 1844. 15 3w NE STOEE NEW GOODS. (No. 2, Nicuols' BuiLDI.fO.) Agencral assortment of Fanct and Srin.E DRY GOODS onhandandfor saleby the subscribers; Consisting in part of thc following arucies: lOOpieces lalest PRISTS,from Ge to 23c Balzorincs, Mousidin DcLains, Alpines, Cashvtere DeLaines Alpaecas, Fnnled Laicns, Crape DeLaines Ginghama, Laee Cambrics, SUsKS, yc. r. ulovcs, Mitts and Hosiery a grcat va ricty! Bonnet Silks, Bonnet nnd Cap Ribbons. Lace Vcils, Umbrellas, Italian Cravats, Gingliamdo.,Bar ncs, Paper Cambrics, Gimps, Fringe, Broad Cloths, Brown Linen, SuinmcrStufis, Cas simerc aml Vcstings. ALSO A cood nssortmcnt of Groceries, II ard- wnre and Crockery. All of which will be sold exlremely lowfor Cash, or exchangcd tor froiluce. ftj'DonUforgcl thechcap Cash Store. ,JF Middlebury, Vt. Family Flour, Fur sale by PECK Sc FLOWER. flORN. Forsaleby Vj Aag. 3id. Posithcly one Night only. COKCERT. MR. & THE MISSES ANDREWS. Jane A., Soprauo Primo, Harriet S., Soprano Secundo, Jnnv n. nnr.u'a. Il,n anil Vinlinit. ftave thc honor to inform the Ladies and Gen tlemcn of this placc, that they will give a CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL At the Masonic Hall, on Tuesday Aug. 20th. PART 1. 1. Overture Ductto Lc Bavcrderc Misscs Andrews, ... Auber. Tbe beautiful banks of tho Twecd Miss H. Andrews, Young. .1. Doetto Come wandcr with mc .Misscs Andrews, Xelson. 4. Graxd Variations Violin ct Piano On the thcmc, "Love's Riturnello" Mr and Miss J. Andrews, Osborne and De Beriotte. 5. Italian Cavati:i MissJ. Andrews, Bellim. G. Trio 'Tisalways thc darkestthehour before day Misses and Mr. Andrews, Paggi. PART II. 1. Castata Lusatic MissJ. Andrews, "Oh! the north wind is mine own true love, Let others find him cold." - - Andretcs. 2. Soso There was a time Miss II. Andrews, .... Knight. 3. Briimast Variatioss ononc sring Mr. Andrews, - - - Kagel. 4. Old EncLisn Ballad "Robin Adair" Miss. J. Andrews, - . .". Dbf.tto Hcar me, Norma Misscs Andrews, ----- Bzllini. G. Trio We three. Butterflies be Misscs and Mr. Andrews, - Concert to commence at 1-4 before 8 o' clock. Tickets 25 cents cacb. Calicoes, BaIzorcnes,Printed Lawns and Cani' brics, a good assortmeot for sale br Aug. 3rd. BROirXlf SHELDON. BEO W & SHELDON DHALERS IX Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods ana ijrocenes. MIDDLEBURY, Vt. Gkorcf. M Brows". Harmon A. Sheldon. I NOTICE. Thc demands dne Z. Bcckwith all of which have been ofmore than thrce years standing. must be paiil without lurther dclay. Z. BECKWITH. . August 5th, 1844. SA1T & fiom. Just receired nnd for sale, lotver than ev er before oflered in this Market. 100 bls. salt in prime order, 1000 bushela Salar salt, a toperior article, 500 small bags, in pcrfect order. Flour constantly on band, first quality.war ranted, nhicb will bc sold lowcr tban any other place in this City. Call and sec. W. CHAPMAN. Vergennes. August "d. 1844. AUCTION SALE. Will be sold on Saturday next, iu front of the Middlebury Auction Store, one first rate doubie wagon, new, and 2 patent plows. Also, a Tariety of household furniture. Times liberal. Z. Bkckwitii lc. Co. Middlebury. August 17th. 1644. F 1NE CLOTH CAPS, new style for Gcnts wcar, by BROWN ; SHELDON, j The (Jrjpartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers is this day dissolred by mutual cousent. CHARLES LIN'SLEY. J. COLLINS WICKER. Middlebury, Aug. 13lh, 1814. THE DNDERSIGNED have entered in to partuership for the practice of Lawr under the firm of Linsley andBeckwitb. CHARLES LINSLEY. JUL1US A. BECKWITH. Middlebury, Aug. 13th, 1844. DEGUERREOTYPE IINIATURES. Ma. E. S. DDNSHEE. respectfallv informs the citizens of Sliddlebnry, that he has taken rooms ' and set upms apparatus ior tamnsr Daguerreotype Miniatures, at thc Brick House on ihc comer of Pleasant St., recenUy occupied by J. Gordon, and will rcmain there a few days where he will bc happr to ex- hibit to the ladies and eentlemcn of jlfiddlebury, ! specimens of his work and render such mrorma- ' tion as may be dcsired. N. B. Copies of paintings, cnavings &c., ' are taken by Ibe sameprocess. AUo the nalural color shall bc given to Miniatures by anothcr process. t Instructions given, and apparatus fumished on reasonable terms. 15 3w , Middlebury, .Aos.5th, 1S14. H. . BAESTOW, TEACHER OF MILITARY BANDS. JIlDDLEBURT, Vt. N. B. ParticutaT aitenlion paid to the selcc tion of Musical Instrumcnts. Stray Colt. KTRAYED from lho enclo 3 sure ofthe subscriber on the lOih inst., a light bay yearling marecolt. Whocverwill rcturn said colt. or give information where she may be found shall be liberally rewarded. ALVIN SQUIER. New Havcu, July 29, 1844. 13;tf A FULL SUPPLY of Dry Groceries, just rcccivcd and for sale cheap, by May 15, 1844. 23ra SIIEEP SHEARS, a superior article. and wool twinc, at BROWN & SIIELDON'S NOTICE. All nersons indebted to the subscriber on his demands previous to thc partnership of Wright & tjusn are earnesuy reqnesiea io can anusciue, havine atcreat inconvenience waitcd during the i j i i. : ,mir.l.. 1 1. TI , naru iiiuca, uc iiancir, miu?iu ,uub nui, uu, w bWW'V.lVU W v-l.l "'-"' 1' Shoreham, July 18, 18-14. VL.UTH UAPS. JUST rec'd an assortment Afen's Youth's and Children's Cloth Caps for sale low by Z. BECKWITH & CO. April 22, 184 1. AT his old lnnd, is now rccciving additiorjs to his stock of FAMILY GROCERIES. cmbracinz cvcrv article of Tca, Sugar, Spicc, CofTeo, Molasses, &c. &c. That can be found in this market. Al so a larger variety of NUTS AND FRUIT than can be found anywherc rlsn in this vicinity,- consisting in part of Pine Apples Cocoanuts Oranges J Almonds Lcmons b. S. do Olivcs (I. S. do Limcs Cicily do Figs Shcllcd do Box Rnizini Ilrnzil nutj Kcg do Filbcrts Sultana do Pcnnuts Ctirrants Walnuts Mnce English do Datcs Pcccanuts. Citrnns. Ginger prcscrces, PeacJi do. Orange do. And altoachoice relcction of Chening and Smo - kioe TOBACCO $y C. UUSSEL would al'o give notico to thc inliabilanl of Middlebury lliat he will furnifh them wilh good -. FAMILY uHEAD at the ame rate tliat tlour can be oblained 1y the 11. Alio riES and CAKES can be had at all times. N. 11 Inn-kcciers and Groccrj can be stippUcd with all kinds of Cirorerics ihat can hehad anrwhere. All orders w ill be thankfully receired and panctuatlv attendcd to. Middlcburj, July, 1344. 10. 00K AT THIS. rilHE Sulscriber has taken a shop in the J- lowcr part ofthe building occupied by Hnrvey Wilcox, where he is ready to wait upon all wno may lavor hnn with a call Having had years of e.xtericnce in the line ot HAIR CUTT1NG & SHAViNG, ie feels confidcnt that tboSe who may favor nc leels conlidcnt tliat tlio;e who may him with an onnorlunitv to excrcisc hio! skill in these matters, will not go tiway dis - appointed. Pcrfect satisfactkm given or no charges made. Constantly on hand and for sa'e, a general assortment of THVQ for childrcn aud also CONFECTIOJTA RT rP flvnrv trinrt nf tht tnwnet ikrifM T ?i f. lT,,nfrrv pnn n!fvfirf .nprnmninrl.itpl ivifli tliA subslantiah of lifein rooms neatly filtcd up! for that nurpose. I The shop has imJergone an entire nnd thorough repair aml iu proximiiy to the cooling waters of Otter Creck, and the in vi"oratinir.breezes that follow its course ren- ders it n delightful retreat from the hcat of ' n summcr's sun, and tlest that nt times rcit- wwt ! sortn.cnt. Goods for xummer w rar. f..r dersshops on .he strcetso ineupnortable ! Pf0' B-!.rinr, n He honcs to rcceivethe calfs of his o'din.j i..:iii nrtnnir andm'il nclr article for Lndie ilresscs, Pniited friends and as many new oncs-as possibfc. A. 11. uial.NU. June Ilth, 1844. t3m-. G ENTS Goai Skin Bootecs, a good af- ucie tor sumnicr wear, just rec 1 by BROWN &. SHELDON. PAPER Hangings a large stock, just rec'd and oflered low bv May 1, 1S44. A. FRANCIS. IIATS AND CAPS. Spring pattcm, fiue Mole skin, Lcghorrr Uouble and Snlgle Unrrf, Silk, Velvct and Cloth Caps at BIRfjE'S. AprillO, 1844. A LARGE lot of Unbrellas and Pra 'ems chcap for cash at STEWARTS. THE BEST ASSORTMENT, of Cloths, Cassimcres, and Vesu'ngs, in the coun ty, will be' found at Broicn tf Sheldon' s. SALT. Tork's Island, Coarso Wcslern &. Fice Dairy Salt, just rcccived at STEWA RTS. NEW! NEW!! NEW!!! rom ingsf, suitaMe for capcs, which be will sell NewYorMnd is this day rcceiving.asplcn-. ax"-X. " r'.u"ll'-,'i t diilnssortmenlofFancvUry Uoorts, among . B- . . which may be found. Bonuet Silks. Giuip- I !? rememberpi. tii i rotei coAt Ull it ure. and funcv Cap Lncw. Lisle rhroad, h j M A D mi. , Gimnure. Ashbiirton.nnil Dutr.h Lace Edff- i:.-' T...l--, 1 lower than ever. V. P. COLLliN. i LCCINA BELL Cornwall, July I3ih, 1914. i Iatoof Weybridge iasaiJdistKcldccea'c'.ir.jrfr , theCourt, ihat Uir panition cf ibe real trstaie f PAltASOlS &. UlMBRELLS i the said deccasetl. t made anior.5 the i.eirsoftbc JustreceivedabcautifulstvleofParnsoUf haiddcccascd, and that commiSjionet te r jusiicuciYc , u . . TT . ,, pointcdforlbatpnrfosc;ilithcrenrin ordein1, tofet ier witlr a: lawe lot of UmbrallHS, tatsaiaadministralorgivei.oticetoail jen which he will fe lotypr tban i mvc ccr to appear Lcfore said court, at asesoa' been oftercd. J. W. etLL.irS. I thcreof to be holdru at the olliceof ihe Reqistcrcr July 13th 13 lf. ' of ssij court in saiJ Middlebury, on Thurii.iy NOTICE. Came mto Ihe.enclosure oltlie su.isctiuer ou tbe l2lh inst.. a nbilC inare suppostd to be 12 or 14 years old, ihe owner is requcsted to provc propcrty, pay charges, aud tal:e hcr awav- A. II. HAWI.EV. Middlcbnry. July lCth. 1844. 1 1.3v REVOI.VING HOUSE RAKES. THE subscriher hae re-commccccd the manufacturc of these rakes, aml will be pleased to receive orders for them, and soon. to save expense iu ilelirenng them. Ile will furnisli rakcs sunerior to anv uow in use, repir old oncs if desricd, or rnake paris to order. ; He will make a few extra fine tccth rakes. forgathering the fiuest hay.and raking aftcr.j Urag Kakes also lorsale. CLARK RICII. Shoreham, Jnne 1844. 5;if. GLOVES. Ladies black, dark, and light Kid ; Bajous manufacture, white and black silk do. lisle thread, mohair and lace do. cotton, linen aud pic nic do. bl'k mohair and fancy silk mitts; gents rubbcr kid do ; gcnts lisle thread linen, cotton, and buckskin do ; child's cotton do. for sale by BROWN & SHELDON. May 22d. ARASOLS &c. A fine lot of Parasols aud Umbrellas, just rcc'd. at April, 17, 1841. BIRGE'S. FOR SALE. A large Lot of Window Blindsand Sash at very low priccs, by Z. BECKWITH Co. Middlebury April Cth, 1844. NEW SPRING GOODS. C. BIRGE, is now rccciving his usual Va ricty of fashionable slapleitfancy Dry (,'ood-. New Spring patterns, and choap as cver of fcred for Cash. April 10. 1841. An axtensive ajaortmcntof Hardwarc, of averr name and descrirtion. cvcr nsed in an anv civil- . . . , i i - izcu comiuuniiy, lauy uc iuuuu ui STElfJlRTS. Codfisb, Salmon, & Mackercl, for ssle Iv Broicn Sf Sheldon. TAILORS TRIMMIXCS. A large varicty sold chcap by May 14. 134 1. Broicn .y Sheldon. COATS. VESTS Sf PAXTS, ofevery Tariety of style and quality, furnislied at short notice, cneaper than cver before oflered, tv May 14, 1641. Broicn fySheldnn. w'estern solar salt: AT 35 ceuts per Bu.Iic' at Port Frank lin. Bridport, rohl by A.B.& R. M.CHIPMAN. F'5f E BARRKL SALT nt 81,25 io!d A. B.&. I.', M.CHIPMAN. ATS, Lcghorn, Palin leaf , mcn'. wide tJriin rlo, tor sale at a 1 1; ) au i GEORGE S. SWIFT, ATTORMEY AUD COUWSELOR AT LAW, 2nH!rInirn. t., OJice in the Room oecvpi'd by the County Clerk, in II dintc.-irr.'tr bneK llmutins. March. 26th 1841. 47,tf. TIIE Subscrilicr hatiij opencd an Ofilcefor the tranraction of .aw bua:nssf, uould infarm the ftibtic that he ill bc ready to wait upon all who may have o:cajion fr hu profevsional emc at hi Oliice orer the Flore of Ira S:curart Ln. ' 'few door south of ihe Pojt Ofiire, EJIEUSO.N It. WRIGtlT. Middl hnrv I.m. 8, 1S44. CARPETINGS Scc. Oiled fioor Cloth, .Iatting and CarpcSingi, at BIRGE'S. April 10. 1844. Bal.orinc, Sup. Mous De Laine, Ging- hams, Prints. ,-c. just rcccivcd at BIRGE Aprill 0,1844. Cloths, Cassimcres, Vcstings, Tivecd Cas simercs and other Sninmer CIolI'n fiir Gcn- tlemcns wearjust rccetved at BIRGE'S April 10 1844. PAPER HANGINGS &c. 1,000 pieces Paper, 50 " Borderinc. just reccivcd and very cheap at BIRGE'S I Aprn ju. irn. klorii011"11, ,. , P. W. COL,bliN&. Cornwall, Fcb. 23, 1644. J OAP AUGERS A new article of Cap , Augcrs which cvery farmer dcsirous of 'good fenccs should have, for sale hy P. W. COLLINS. I Cornwall, Feb. 29. 1844. Ijsl'AUCB CLM'nOAKDSANJ) PLANK X quanthy of Sprucc ClapboanU anJ clear stulT, Spruce Tlanks wcll scasoncd foi ' Saleby P. W. COLLIN& Cornwall Fcb. 20. 1844. FOR SALE A SMALL FARMor House. Barn, Shcd, & - Wheelwright shop -with 5 acrcsof most excellenti landforsale tbe above is beautifully siluatedl about one mile somh o: the Baptist Meetinc-, I besold chean A reasonable credit would bcgiv-' I en for part of tbe payment If dcwred. Enquire ofWard Stow on the premiScs, orof thc subscri-i bcr. It will be sold soon.J I A small Orchard and eicellent gardcnrtrtnds' well watered, a well and cistcrn re tbe above prcmfces. ,. "J -B. F. IIASKELL. mlsII LINENV suoerfinc. the best nual- - . -r . , , ity for gents wear. fine and rnmmnn do.Jor saleby BROWN fc SHELDON, BROWN & SIIELDON'S. SUPERIOR Camphcne Lin?ecd and Lamp. Oil, Copal Varnisb, -Whfle Lead, and Glass for sale at the cheap Cash uoreof IRA STEWKRT. Anice lot of Fancy Gimp I'ringes Velvct, Satin and Crimpt, Sprinj Ribbuns jnst from New York. at STEWARTS. Lookin; Ghsses, cf all jiies and pricrs at . STEirARTS- PROBATE NOTICE. I u . ! Samuel Jamc adminiflratorof iha esiitcaf' tne iMn uav ot .lurast r.exi, at iri-1. cioci. in uw afteraoon. at wbich time nnd ibcc s.m"J inuu wjir appoint comtnKMOnrr.s lomskc fan saiIes!alp..hrnablialiiiiira pcrtilirJ cotv t comtnMSionrrMo ms&e rattitnn .i br publishirga cvrlilied coj v of U i order in tueNorthsraGalaiytanewspajrrFrintu! at Middlebury, three wcrks Miecess'vrly, frcri- oustotlieumcorsaidi.onrt. 12 J. S. llashned Rrt irtcr. A true cnpy of retord Attttl. J S UushnrU, Re"i--:cr, Cotnmissioners Noticc. We the Snb-ciibrrK lrinE cppoinlnl l.v lh- I'fohate Court fnr ihe distrirt of A-l- disnn CommUioners to rceeivo., and ndjust all claims nnd demands of nll prr- son.i agninst thc rsiatt nf WILLIAM HUNTINGTON, ' lalc of Whitinc in said distrirt decirytd. rfprescnicd insnlviu.l r.Iso all clnitn nnd derr.nndH csbibi'ed in ifls-cl tliPirin; rr.d six moml s from tho 20th dnv nf Juru 1844 being alhmrd by said (mri fortlmt ptirposc, we do llierelt.rc nivc nntiri- tl nt wo will ottcnd Io llii- l.iitine.s ! .ur ynid appoinlnu nt at the dn i liiiig hou.' ol J mft Huntinslon in Whitirc nn t!ii 4-lui:y rf Si'p'embcr nnd tbe 20-h (ifDrrTtiih r iirxt fiom ninc o'clcrk A. M. until Ibur P. M. on rtich of snicl da. Benj. XectUicm, 1 Limit Xccdhan, Conmmijioc(rs. Dated at Whiting, thi Uth A.D. 1844. June Comtnissioiior's Noticc. We, the snbsrritcrs. 1 eiug nppointrd by thc Hon. ihe Probale- C'tnirt fnr thr D.slriit of Addison Cnmmisia:ierj-. In rccriic c amine and ndjust nll pvreoi:.. agau.ii Ut-r cstatc of STF.PHEX D. SMITH. late of Ieicesler, insaid Dhtrict. dreeaW. rci also all chiins aml ileinands exliil.i-ol in i'ri'-fl thcreio: Aml fioin tbe I"t:a ol Jidr boins allonvd bv saH Court (or that vu r""-''. vru dotlierofirebctcbyRivc r.mice lh?t re it tend tothe busincss ci't.ur said apfoii.tiiirnl, rt thedwellingliouetfllir.iia Smith, in lxi.eM-', on thciMot Octotfrand ll i' 15ih it Jai.tiaij from nine o'clock, A . M., until four ii-tk, 1 .M., oncacli Pfsaid itjf. KmyAKD SIOl.; Oom,, Dated at Leicesier this 'JOili day of A I 13-11. M (.'omnii.ssionnrs j.N'oiiw. Wr, thi Mi'-srrileis. tcii-r aprfiirtcily t:.e ProbatcConrtfi'rthe DUtticl cf .ddi'vcn K'uzp sniionrm. I) rcccive ex.imine li.H auitit ull- claims and deinandl otall claims and dcir.ird ofallpenons agaias:thelaie cf iii.-iKfi-iiAi.;ii, late of Granville in said DtMiicl'drmsrd, rrp re tented insolvcnl, and alsu all claims tnd AKtnmis exhiMteil in oll'.ct thcreto : AM tir mcrtns lrtT thc filtcciididayof Augusl ltlbrirg j-Uetl ly said Coun fyr that j ui-o c, we do ihei tfire bce by glvc noticc that we will ailcni! ti tbe Iumi.c.s ofoursaidappointmcntft the dwsllirar house of tbe late Marhal Matlin in M gtaiviuV n ll' firth Day ir J-eplciiil-ci IKU A. F?bii:uv 11." Irom niiic o'clock, A. 31. unlil luiir o'clock 1 .V oncacli of said clhr?. F.7.KA M-COLLOM. J Com DAVID KATON, j " 0nlm Dated granville ihis 18 djy cf f-nijest lhtt. It 5 s SIX MONTHS TIME. TIIE subicriher U now reccivinj; ( m-i from New York Aucticm S1kii-. nnrtmm-. v hands but from BOSITIN.a hrgrand wr.II selcctcd assortment of dr r aoo-ns. (fnocr.Rir.3 a yjy cnocKr.n r, mostly of which wcre botight on 'si m-)0th time," but are nU lowcr than at any cstab--lishmcnt or ncar. uhich claims the name of buying for 'ras'i.' all of which can be secn at W. Jotixio'5 May'JO. 18 It. c'uap cash store. N- B. N rhnr-e fot slrowing Good. FINDLAY'S T1I1STLE- THREAD. i tlic I-3t spiM.l cciiiiii iiiijxirted, and is ol! nnly by Bftf)V.V & SHELDON. STONE VCF. S:r. JCST rec'd a lot ol Smtie aml Brown E.irt'.'r' Vi'arcof all dcscriptions f n 3f- at Factory pncrt by Z. BECKWITH A fO. April 32, 1811. IIOESI IIOH"! WILSON'S Ific a ntc article, iut rreisvol , and for sale, 'chcarcr' thtin theelicai-.t rt Supeiidcr Bucklc at BROWN SIIKl.DON' 1844. ST 38 TIllKtjuLi'prirjOrif nrc Imppy l inl'inu ll.rir JL and nevtf nvlomrr?. a vctl the il!ic z nrrj itat ltrj hate jut rcrtintla urll r!r frtl 11 uicnt ofg'K!i frvm ibc Rmti.n aml 4m Yoikmar Itctf peculiarly nilaptprf t (f-iiiitrr imtfr. At !' unprrrednt?tf fuw prirr l ai tn mitl r ai nell aiAirer iltat nol Ijc i:m!erio!J hy anr onr. Wearddctcnrtlnfil l rendrr to tlie Karmf' anJ stccbanic an fqn-.rlcnt for their prothcr wlirr lia Cttien tn ihr If.wwl prr. Wi can foncritr f norcnsontlnr tViII- JrrtrlfV cE7 Hir.ii rrti CEd for gwoJ nhvn nery tliin; tliat n-nWrrrd m pnrmcni Is hr oiwToidiliL necrvfltr z.1 tbe lorteit clXu Ocr assortment pumpriret !; the Lirrvt fivtHnrr fclerlei! fur ihe duuhlc porpac ofpVarny 'iix.rtf,i dt!nbil tr. Wehaveof.- -BTkTTBTir JtyfhTtlkCS UJ.CjC SxUU'lJ'&i nrj r,i.J r-,:,..u , i,r Lawns of n sujierior pin!ity, French, Kng- nsn auil Aiiierican I'nnw, iioiineti a cinMce lot, Bonurt Kihbon tfio greatet variKy nnd excccdinjlv nch m figtire, Gimp, Anl. an,l Mobait nnd' Sik Cloven. Laces nnd Edgings, Hoscrv, LadiM Crnvms, Si.fc Cravats. Farali. Kr. !iC. ' Hard WatT, Crockorv, Drv n . r. . . W0Trl P.. !T. .. as cimicc nu nsonnirui n ra no irami in ,Z j'cetfully invitc tbe pubic tr m f iand cash wiil NOT b rcfajcd il'oflercd. AIIIII3 A IWHM-.w ff - p - A. CHAPMAN &. SON n M hnIlf, ,, . suppTy of Wool Twinc, nnd Shecp 5hcnt. ! Middhtbnry June 10th r&4 1. A . C. IRONcJ-NAILS. Amcricart, EngIH.b, Q. S. Rns-Ia k cw V, iron, Anwrlran EnjUtfi and Bh"itr & ' 5. etcel. Nails and Sail Reds &c. Ac fr -aU cbearrl!nn evcral RISTEI'ART.