Newspaper Page Text
Thc New and Elegant Boat A U Lt A W 13 , CAPP. A. I. HOBART. S7ILLconraciice Iicr regular trips be- twccn tliis Citv and Bufl.-ilo m cou- ucctlon with tlic Pncket, J StJKUMAN, r u iiii nijr niglit and day as inilniv Lrares Vergennes, Lenrrs Unffnlo, July 9ih August 20th Snnteiiiber !7ili July -22.1 Septcmlier2il Septenilier 30tli Octnbcr 2Sth OcJnbtT ijth Thirf packet is finishcd in a style imsur pnsscd by nny Packct'c thor on the North eni nr Woslern (J.-inal. Her Kooins arc large and airy, her arrungcnicnts arc fucIi lliat scventy-five to cig.ity can bc nceoin moilatcil witlilierllisuithoutiiicoiivciiieiicp. An cxperieiiccd Cnptain aiul crew will "jnr: ni pains to .nakc a journcy from this plarc to Uuffiilo plcasant. Kvcry facilily will b'; given to I'ainilics uho to bonrd tliciiii"lvcs. Kor furllier particu'ars cn iiuire of It. CI1AP.MAN. Agtnt. Vergennes, Vt JOY & WEB3TER, ? Buflalo, KTLMPSOV, N. Y. Yrgcnncs, June 13, 194-1. 8;Gm. Wool Cardin Tl.e innrliines at tlio oM stand of D. P. Nn-h in fir: ralc repair. and llie business ol" W'ool Carding will bc continucd on rea sonalilc terms and in a worknmn like man ner C.L. SMIT1I. Nciv-Havcn East Mills, June 1st. 1S44. 7 DOfT.MOFFATS . Mm1m-uic1i.uc Leen uscd witli succees in almos-t i-vcry iliscafc to uhicli niankinJ is liaLIe, aod Iher nmipl.unlit, uithtlicir many known aticndanU ltilliutinml sl-k Iicailncliel jiatn nud oppreffiion af ut me:il!tt g'dilincss, dizzluess, fingmg noise in llic hfad anJi:ir., Jrowsines!, lieartbnrn, o?s of appcrf lite, uiml,, tliey arc acknouIeJged tulc t.iily fupt-ritirto antliln ecr Lefore offereJ tu il'C pnlil c, aml ftir tliofe vC a lull liabit of lx(y, tl.c-y will pruc im aliriLle; uliitcas agencral fumily ajtcricnt, t'or eidier cx, tlicy camitst fail to cn?urc uiihcrEal :iti-r.irtmn. Tlie cfficacv of llic I.ife Tills and Pliocnix nitters h tii'ji-t ceitani If fictly ghen n tlie altack of fcxcr iutltienzn, mcaelf, sorc llnoa!, rcceiit culJc. uhh ruii'li atitl inflnnunatory dUodcrs. lu rlicuniattfin and rlirunicctmiplaints lliey Iiatc ak-o ixrformcd tlic inist cxtniordinary curcs, when uscil willi jerccvcr- BIICP. Hvssfl & GniiiLr.TtOuly tgcnti for thc gcn ine .rticle in M'ddlcbury. New Store. TUK Subscribcr lias taken tlic Slorc in Monkton Iiorotigli, rccently occupicd by J. Mincr iV Co. and isnow roceivingand opcn ing a splcndid stock of New Gootls, recently purchased in New York and Troy, conipris ing almost cvcry varicty usunlly kept in a co iniry fctore, consisung ol n n o (irnrcrhs, llardicare, CrocJ;cTy and Glass xcare, Dnigs, jlrdiclncs S" Painlr, Lin cted f Lump Oil, Cnt y II ruughl Xaits, Window lllass, Pu'ly CkI Vhh, Maelertl, LhcTvoul Sull. ALSO, Supcrfinc Flour nltich lie intends to kecp cunstantlyonliand, and sell at 12 1-2 cents advaucc from tlic Vergtiucs jirice. lie would say to hisformcrfricndsand thc pub lic lliat he designs to kecp a good supply of all the articlcs wanled bythepeople, and toscllas Llicapascan 1 obtaincd at any olhcr slorc ia in State for Cah, and on themostaccommoda-tin-j terms for olher yay oron short approved crcd U. P!ea.-c call and cxaininc for your&elrcs. Thc pcnpleof StaikslHjro' and cspeeially those who have bccn in the habit of trailing witli him in Xcw Haven, arc rcsiieclfull- inviteil to call. T. C. SMITII. Monklun, May S, 1S11. 2 Oo 500llUSHEL.SUats a good articlc to sow H3-ALSO lin BUSHFISCOnN. by 1 v,u W. S. Joh.nso.n mil 1st 1314. NEW GOOVS. The snlecribcs are novr receiring theirSpring an 1 JS'mmner Goojs, which for raricty, amount and oheapness, will uot 1 cxceeded, if ciHtalleil, by any stock of good in thi vicinily. ij-Particulars nejtt wcek. '.. BECKWITII, & Co. May 1,1311. Arrival iNo. 2. ll.its i"Ions D. Ijiiies, Ualzoiincs, &C. &c. iav o, ioii. SUMMER OOGBlT 15UOWN tc SHELDON, have jns.t rc ceived a genrral nsortmcnt nf Gonds for tlic scasnn, iiicluding Euglil), Geniian, and Fan cy Cloths and Gnssimeres; Uoeskins.Swccds (iainbroous, iVc; ricliSatiuaud Silk Vcstings, C.ilicoes, Ial.orincs, Lnivus iVc. tVc, uhicli will be solil clieap for ciiik. April 7th, 1641. 1 CllAVATS. Gent's bilk and satiu Cr.i rats, I.ndics' Cmvats, 151k Ital. Cravats; l'a tcut 'inlilicr ISnices, Silk Suspeuders, Arc. for sale bv IJUOWN" tc SHELDON. April 7tli, 1S44. 1 OLD, and Young Hysoii. Ilyn Skin, nn.l lllack Teas. Loaf, I .iiinp aml Droun Snyars, iimbisscs, Coflies, Kice, ltaisins. Spires, aml pepper, fot sa p tinuiially low at STEVVAIIT'S. 1 f tfoeot? Ladics. ..i..-cs and chil 1U tlSU si,,, alll har Gaiters. Also Mcn's Ca f-kin Ijootof the tnost faliionablc style and best mnnufact urc at rediiccd pricrs, jut rcc'd bv A. KliASCI-". CURTA1N MuIius, ainbrics, Fringcs Funiitiircs aud Copprrplatcs just rcc'd li ' A. FUANCIS. MayS. CROCKEUY nml Glass W.irc. Al.-o n new stock of Hardnarc nciw oiiening bv A. FRA.NC1S. " May 8. fOST RECEIVED Tlic AgcucyofDoct. liiicban's UuNCAr.iAS 15.lsau for Ad dison Coinitv'. At " RUSSEL & GHIDLEYS. Ilarfforfi. 'PHE subfcriber has bi-rn appnintrr! Agcnl foi the II ACTrocu FinE Insorance CoxrAHY r in i .i i - mr .iiiumi uurj aiiu virinuy, ano wiu rrceirc prnprsjlh fnr insiirin prnp. rty againrt Ioes or djuiagr by Firc.Thc loii! i-Klahlished rrputa l..n oTlliis cnmpany, and thc promptucsF witli wbicb all tbcir Iran actiors have bern rbaracti'riKcH rrndcr it i.iinrcresarT lo ay aiiy I lii ii,itsrtor. All btiFsiiu'fis cnnur-clcd wiib I'n' iiflice inlrilrd lo him will lic fuilh' fnltv atid pbncluallv IraiiFacti d. JDN ATIIAN innAi: :didJ!c!.uiy. 1 l 2 lil' 10;y Agcnl C. 15IRGK has jut rcccivcil an additionalsnp )lr of l'loa-Ree Uraiil Ilonnets, and artilieial, li'MlljMnrn's Iii!rvl.-m TjMrli(,, -tnit P.illn Tjnf THE KING'S OIL jttt. FOR all wounds on Horses and 0t fVl Catlle, sacii as mJasi fy&iiRoisEs, cuts, fistu- Hl. W. LAS. SPRAIN3. CORKS.galls eitbcr l.y llie Sadle or Collar, SORE BACK, SORE BREA6TS, Scrntclics Kc. &c, and wniinl of every de'criptiun remoiing all sore- nejs and rlimicss, and lic lingup tlic worst wounds in"fiuinonc to lifi" dajs tiine. THIS CELEBRATED REMEDY was prepared by ordcr of 1 1 is ilajesty. tlio latc King Wm. IV. of Great Rritain, umler llic dircc nnn i.f .Mr. Youait. thc pt-lel.ralcd Enzl tb Farmer and used by hira in ihe Ruyal Studof Horses only. Dirccllons. Dip a featlier into tlio Oil and cpply to llie rotind cr sore, twicea day or, in severc uounds, wcl a mg in llic oil and bii.d on the wound. N. 11. Shakc tlic botlle bcforc using. and kcep it well corkcd. I'rire 23 ccnt. To b: hadat tliis Officc 10, tf 1844. VERGEMMES AMD TROY LIME. M. D. IIALL & Co. THIS line of Boats will be in first ralc re pair at the opening of Navigation and will com inince runnin to and (rom Troy Jc Vergennes. Leaviug Vergennes every Tuesday and Sat'ir ilay morning at 7 o'clock A. 51.. and Troy eve rv Wedncsday and Sitniday at 3 o'clock P. M Frciglit vill be rercivcd in Troy uj lo the hour of Ftarling. FreigM to be shippcd from Vcr. cenncs inusl Le on board the day previous. Passcngers travelling South will find tbu a cheap and convcnicnt rout as(wcll as cxpeditious, and no pains will be spared torendertliem com fortablc and satisfied. 'Jbe Proprietors of tliis Line bopo and belicve that the promplness and dcsjiatch, lliat Good.i are shipped by this linJ will ensure tbem a full share of Public Pitron age. R. CHAPMAX, Agent. Vergennes. M. D. IIALL, Ascnt. 233 Rivcr Street up Slaiis Troy, N. Y. Vergennes, Apiil 1st 1844. VERGENNES & BUFFALO LINE. TIIi: CAXAL PACKET, J SHERMAN. CAPT. F. AI. SIIAW. WILL comimnre her Irlns on llie C0 li 7pril bclivecn this City and Rufljlo N. Y. Kunnins day and nighl a follows : J.eavis Vergennes, Lcavcs BufTalo, April 30 iMay 13 .May 23 Junc 10 Junc 25 July S Aug. 0 Atig. 19 Scpt. 5 Scpt. 1C Oct. 1 Oct. 14 Oct. 29 Nov. 11 Tliis I'ackct will be in first ratc oidcr for tlic accoiiiinudatioii of Fassengers and frciglit. Will leavc Vergennes at 7 o'clock in tlie morning, towed by Stcnin .Boat to Wlihciiall. Frciglit must bc on boanl tlic lay previous. Those inoving or visiting thcir fricnds in thc far West will find this thc moat cxpeditious. and at thc satnc tiina thc chcapest routc tlicy can tnkc. Those who to do so, can havo cvery Facili ly forlioarding thcmschcs. Duc attention will bc paid to all passengcrs by a careful Captain and crew. For furthcr particulars cntuirc of li. CHAPMAN, Agent, Vcrgcutics. JOY & WEB5TER, Vn(r. WM. STIMPSON, J ljUUM0 Vergennes, April 1st 1811. STOVES. TIN AND IIOLLOW WARE, &c. Thc Subscribcrwill kecp onliand a full and coniplcte assortment of STO VES, of the most approved Patlcnis, Togcther with a gcneral assortment of TIN, COPPEIl ic S1IEET IllON WARK, wluch uill besold at a great rcduction from former prices. Also PRE--MIUM KAGLE l'LOWS.gotup in Worces ter Mass. superior to any thing of the kiud, cvcr oirercd in tliese parts. AIo Sash, Door lilinds Arc. mnnufactured in Brandon. J. U. "W1LSON. In the green Storc, fonncrly occupicd by R. D. Karr. -19;tf MACKEHEL Codfu,h andTahle Salt of superior quality, for sale at. RUSSELL -S- GHIDLEYS. Dcc. 4, 1813. Woo Growcrs, TAKK KOTICE ! Tliesnbsctiber wonld rcspectfully inlorm the public that hc has comincnccd maniifacturing, in thc AVooIen Mill, fonnerly occupicd b- Edward Jewett, at New Harcn East Mills, and emploj-ed tlie Ist workmcn.put his lnachinery in thorough repair, and is in readincss, to receive, and manu facturc II'iW into PLA1N CLOTIIS, CA'SSISIERES, AND On rcasonable tenns, by the yard, or on sliares. which he pleilgcs hitnself shall be done in the best manncr, ana totnc satisiaclion ol all who may favor him wjth their pa.ronnge. '1 he s ubscribc'r 1 S'lhfbSS aan1fT;reSrn?in-cncehe has had as a inanufactiirer, hopcs to receive a libcral share of the pubiic patronagc EDWARD niAIR. N. B. Clolh dressing done as usual, and in as good style as jiossiMe. E. P. New Havcn East Mills, April 2.1, 181 J. 19 Blacksmitliinr. HHE subicribers would res A pcrlfully iiilonn thope,.plc of Middlrburvand vicintty,tliat they have fonned a I'prtner ship undcr the firm of .McKANN & SPENCE. for thc purpnse of carrving on BLA0KSMITH1MG in all its vnrinus branchcs, at thc shop' rc cently occupicd by RuIulT Lawrence, on thc Vergennes road. Thcy will do all kinds of jobs in their line of business in a faithful and workinan-like manncr, linvin becn.alwayscngased in this branch of tradc" Especially they wi.! SHOE HORSES in thc most approved modern style. Their prices will be moderate and rca sonable, and by constnnt and assiduous at 'cntion to the profession they hope to be fa vorcd with a fair proportion of public pat ronage. HUGH McCANNA. JOHN SPEVCE. Middlebury, April loih 1S45. 50;tf I I A CARD. Mi. Rutvso.v &. Sister would inlbrm the La dies and Gentlemen of Middlebnry, that tbey have renioved to the hottse oppoite thc Hamiat r tt r . 1 . r nrfinntpn 1 1' I.Mpr ? iweeuug, iuiujj w,-..- j I ir;nn.i.,iP,. t.-t.aro thnv ilpijm lo conttnue thc iTaiioresand Drcss-makiog busincss aho all kindsofi.laiascwin-. tt -;AwertW C. IIEART. Confectionarics. Tliis day rcc'd 1000 lbs. Freah Confection nries, from thc Jlanufactnrcr, for sale by CVKUS KUSSKLIi. SADDLE & HARNESS BIANUFACTORY. mllE iiitueribcr. at his old f tand X. in llic brick building one door north of iltc Court lloosc, lus re ceirpd his wint"r Ftock from N.York and Albany, ont of uliich hc will manufacttire and kcep constantlyon hand or maKe to onler on t nori DO' ticc, thc foIloin;articIes,ii: SADDLES, BR1DLES & MART1MGALS, Common doublc and single tinncd and jappaned harncsscs malleable tip i lung ; Brass and Silver mounicd coach, gig and waggon harncsscs of difiercnt stlc moun.tings & conslruction, Carpct bags and valiccs of diflerenl malcrial and fash mn, Frcnch fo'io brass riviied iron frame Trunks ; Imilatton folio, and a largo assortnicnl of diflerent size and quality of bar top and common plain Tkuxks. IT1" Cariiaze trimmini: doue in a neatand work inanUkc manncr all kindf of icpairs in his line done at short notice. The above and all othcr arti- in his line of tusincss will be manufacturcd oul of as good i"ock as can bc liad in market, and tolJ ascheap for c 'sli or most kinds of produce a can be purcliatcd in tliis Scction of tlic conntry of thc sainc quality. Pertons wisliing to pnrchisc nny article in his line of business will do well to call and examinc prices and work as lic intends to keep a la'ge assortment constantly on hand. Credit given if requircd. Alsoa zood and well sclcclcd assortment ofSad dlery liard ware diflerent Pattcrns of Brass Siber Fmc .Malleable tip t tnng and all kinds ol com mon ware, Coach lacc Ivory Ringj Curled hair. Oncn and Round Dclls Uorsc Cards. Cur- ry and Alane Combs, Horse Bruslics, Neats foot Oi! and a good assorlmcnt of U hips & Laslics. Patcnt Lcathcr Cap fronls and bands &c. nhich will bc sold as cheap for Cash as cau bc had this siuc f irov. C. II1LL. Middlebnry Dec 27, 1S43. Pricc Rcduccd. THE VOICc: OF THC PEOPLE,as wellasof cxperiencc, has always bccn dccisic in fator of I'HELPS' TOMATO PILLS. Thcy hate becn in gcneral usc as a Fainily Mcdicinc, for fhc ycars, dtiring vibich limc, morc than a million of alllict- ed ones have cx cricnccd llicir healing virtucs. From Mainc to Georgia, and from tlic sca to tlic Kocky Alountains, may be Iieard tlic voicc of cr)t itude f'r delivcrancc from suficring, by tliis thc reoplcs remedy ; and in ercry liamlet are living witncsscs ablc lo tell of tlicir delirerancc from dcath by this valuablc reincdy. Wcrc all the testi raony publiglicd. which thc Proprictor has reccived conctrmng tue good clfects of lus Medicine, II would convincc tlie most sccptical. Carrs almost innum rable of Dyspepsia, Jaundirc, Bil:ous Fe erst and Liiei Aflections, Rrumalisni pains in thc back. side loins und limbs, acid vtomach, gravei, liabitual costircness, aick licauacue, colds. congli and lung ferer, scrofulous discascs, ulccrs and ta mors of long standing, &e , Iiare bccn cnred bv tliese Pills alonc, and thc totimonv rccdrded with propcr rouchers ; and it isconfidcntlybelicTcdthii no caseof llie abote complaints can wubstand a nerscvering usc of the Pills so t ay the Pliysicians Pntnp in Boxcs, with the signature of G. R. Phelps, ol. D., on tue side label. Bewarc of imposition ! Many arc basc cnough lo try to iniitate this remedy. Be pai lieular to get llie gcnuine. and you v. ill not bc disappointcd in llicir cllecls. Aoehts ! Kcvcr buy of Tcddlcrs thcy are neicr alloncd to carry tlo gcnuine 1'ills. Send jour ordcrs to tlie Proprietor, Hartfotd, or forae ol his gcneral AgAnts.uIio areappomtcd by Ium. GENERAL UEPOT, at 226 Main ftrcct Hartford. AGENTS. Sidney Jloody, Middlebury, Volney Hoss. Brandon, Huniley & Higgins, Salisburj', For Sale. A Farra lying on New Havcn river, coutaining between one hundred and twcnty and one hundred and fortv acrcs of thc vcry best ofland ; there are two barns. For- ty or more acres of said farra iuterval. there is a line grove of pinc timbcr fit for shingles aud hoartls, a large quantity of hemlock for icncing umner, also a quantity of black asli for rails, and a good supply of wood for fuel. lhc farm will bc sold chcan. Time civen for paytnent oftwo thirds of the purchasc if rvijuimi. v or particulars mquire ol iMartm S. Dorrance, of Middlebury, Mr. Jenison Merritt of New Havcu, who have carricd on said farm ; also Charlcs Litisley Esq., or to thc subscribcrat Bristol. . JOS. C. BRADLEY. Febrilth, 1814. 41;tf. Hats!! Hats!!! J3u AT TIIE OL" STltiiD pew aons SX NORTH TIIE Jill.. TIIE Sllbscrihpr rnillfl lnfnrm itio public that he has on hand a largc assortment of iuacKand drab Hats of the Iatest New-York fash ions, which he offers lower for cash on most j Kixns or PnoDCCE tlian can be bought in this cuumy. TATTAT T rirre.r- -v v. Th,. l, r,n,..,-m i r .T SSdg" bc April .7, .811. si.f! ZEP1IYR lroilSTEVS, all coiors, sold by 1 .Broiot Sf Sheldon. AAintcr Arrangcmcnts. Thc subscribers would rcspectfully inform llie inhabitanU of middlebury and vicinily lliat they will continuc thc business of Carding Wool and ncssing clotlidunng tlie winter at their stind io Vergennes formcly occup'ed by E. Slicrill Esq. ' 'oa or cloih scnt by Stagc or othcrwisc will bc promtly cxccutcd. I Fancy dtingsuch asladics norstcd drcsscs abo altcnded to as usual. JEWETT & BAKER. I Vergennes Dec. 2C, 1843. MEDICAL INSTRUCTION. Thc subscriber rnnlinnpc in 'MaA ical inslructinn. dcfigned by particular at leniion lo indigenous mcdical Botany, and to thf! principal nractical subjecls of gcne ral Thcrapeuiics, to adapi tlio courso to Ihe, rcquisites of thoso who inlcnd to bccome Country Praclitioncrs. He has ongoged S. Pcarl Lalhrop, A. M. M. D., to inslruct in natural sciencc, and in hitman and comparalive Analomy. (jentlempn ivlm rtocim mni hnvo firlmip .. . . w . ....j uuiiii.. ston to thc Lcr.lures givcn in tlio College oti oncmisiry, natural Iltstoryand I'hilos ophy. JOiVATIIAN A. ALLEN. Middlebury, 2?ec 20lh 1843. 33;tf. Forlhc consumiitum oj the Lungs! THE best Medicine knnwu lo man for In cipient consumption.asthma of evcty stage Bleedingoftlio lungs, coughs, colds. liver complaiut, and all discascs of thc pulmon arv organs, "JVaure'i oicn Prescriition.--A com pound Balsamic prcporaiion 'of tho Prun os Virginiana, or 'Wild Cherry Ilark', rombinpil witb thrs extract of tar, nrcpar- rd by a new chcmical process, approved and rccommcnded by lhc most distitiguish ed physicians, and universally a:knowN edged the most valuable medicino cvcr dis covercd. No quaclccry! No Deceplion!!M pnb Itshed stalemcnis of cures by this medicino, are in cvcry rcspcct tiue. Bc careful and get thc gcnuine 'Dr. fFis tar's Balsam of Wild Chcrry,' as spirious imitationi aro abroad. 36 Ordersfrom any part of llie ountry sliould be addresscd to Isaac Butts, flo 125 Fu'ton street, Wew York. Rojsjil and, Chomisis si Druggists, Ac lnts. F. Huntington, Vergennes. INDIAN VEGE TABLE P L '.S; -on- Iudian Purgative. milOUGEI manv mcdicines.'ia c bccn m beforo Iho public for a miu h longer ncriod than Wrinhl's Indian Vi-xelabh Pills, yet nono stands now in hig' ei rcputc, or has morc lapidly attained a i n liold unon noDuIarcslimalion. The lnt Jsakds that have uscd thcm throughout the lcnglli and brcadih of tho republic, all bear cheer ful tcslimony to their thorough efficacy and mild operation whcn etnployed in the most disircssinE disordcrs 'which flcst is heir to." The thcory of diseasc on which Wrigh'.'s Indian Vcgctablc I ibs arc loundcd is tliis, viz; that there is only one ptimary cause, of all thc disordcrs that nfilict lhc human family, and lliat is corrupt humors; or. io othcr words impurily of Blood. This principlc is now so gcncrally admiltcd that it may in facl be saiJ to be sustaincd by an umvcisality of opinton, thc low disscn icrs constitutina but a vcry fecb'e minority It is usclcss, discuss tbe sound- ncss of this thcory in this placo and con nexion. The one disease principlc bcing adtnit ted, the mode of atlack professed by all praclitioncrs bccomcs tho same namely FUEGATioN. But mony of the so-callcd spe- cifics noiv bcforc the public, produce oniy one form of purcation: thcy are cttlier su dorific, cathartic, Diucls or cxpectorant. Wright's Indian Vcgetablc Pills combine all thoso propertics, & arc thcrcforc calcu- lalcd to nttack tnee lomeius oi aiscase ai an points, and by a harmonious and combined operation to expcl it radically Irom tlie sys- tem. Their clTfCt is almost magical, ntid is no Icss nstonishing for iis mildncs than its efficacv. Bolh sexes, and all agrs may cciploy thcm, according to the directions, wiihout fear, for while they aro certain lo curc all dis-cases that arc rcmcdiablc, thcy nctcr infltct an injury upon ibu system 2'hc nerfictsafcty of the mcdicinc is an otherall iinnortant nualitv, and one which has contributcd morc than anythingclsc to its cxtcnsion and popularity. (n n word, this mcdicinc cnmmcnds itsclf strotigly to thc patronnge of thc iub!ir,and its usc buls Tair to bccome bctorc Iong, ul most univcrsal. CAUTION. The citizcns of New England arc pcctfully informed that in consequencc of the great populurity which Wright's Indian Vegctaulc ftlls nave carneil uy tucir aston- ishiuggoodness, a gang ol L ounterfeitors are now induitriously engaged in pnlming onthe unstispccting, n valueltss nnd pcr hips datigerous mcdicine, undcr thc name of Indian Vegetable Pills. This is to inform the public, that the gcnu ine mcdicinc liason tlic uoxes, "Wright's Indian Vcgctablc Pills (Indian Purgative) of the North mericak College op Health." And also around thcbordcr of thc labcl will be found in stnall type, ''Entercd ac cording to tho Act of Congress, in thoyear 184(1, hy Willtam WriKht, in tlie (Jlcrk's of- ficc, of the district Court of thc castern dis- nct of I'cnnsylvama. The public will a'so remember t n : who sell the gcnuine Indian Vegetablo Pills are provided with a ccrtificate of agcncy signcd by William Wright, Vicc Prcsident UF TUE KORT1I AMERICAN COI LECE OF HEALTH, nnd that pcdlcrs arc never in any cnsc nl Iowcd to sell the gcnuine mcdicine. All travclling Agents will be provided with a ccrtificate of Agcncy as above dcscribctlj and those who cannot show onc will bc known as basc imposters. The following highly respcctable pcrsons have bccn appointed agents for the sale of tlic above naincu. WrtghVi Indian Vegetable Pills. OF THE 0RT1I AMER1CAN COL1.ECE OF HEALTII. AGENTS. RUSSEL &GR1DLEY. Middlebury. S. MOODY, Ncedham and Ucnnis, East Middlebury, P. W. Collius. Cornwall, B. F. Haskcll, S- L. Spraguc, A. P. Roscoc, Munson 4 Dcan, Shalts ic Wcbb. S. S. Johnson, Hunlley & Higgins, Ira Bingham, Weybridge; New Havcn; Bristol, I.i ncoln; 1' :rrisburgb; Leicester; S iHsbury; S tdbury; iA Iiitinn; Jolin Simonds2d, Tuppcr 6z Ilrcakncridgc; S trksborougb; W.S.Brown. A IJison; F. Iluntinglon, P. Fletcher J- Son, Vi rgcnnes, B.idport. J. frrost, " Wripht Bush, Shoreham; John Simonds Jr. Nearing &nd Catlin, (Jr.vcll; W. Chipman dCo. J O'LNGDEY. TravdiBg Agt. REMEMBER The only Office-in Bostonwhore tbe Indian Vcgctablc Pills can be obtaincd is at 198 Tremont Strcot g6I Princinal Officr anc Gcneral Dcnot.169. Sprucc street, Pbiladclpbia. 35:ly COMTAGIOUS DISEASES, and clianges of Tcmpcramcnt. WATER icust be adaplcd to the Tflesh, or thcrc will be no propgation of lhc pecies. The soil must beadapledto the secd.or there- will bei.oincrease. Tl.e cl.mate mu, hiVe Ihose matlcrs.nit which whicl. wul unitc and mrZrJmri I isunsupplicd with oil. So likewisc with the II unnn frame; It cansot be malerially aflecl- ed by cpidcmical or contagious maladies unless there bo those raMlers floating in the circulaticn 1 bich offer '.hc appropriate soil. By purifying ; our bodies with . he BnANDRCTii p;r;i.F.whict. , haveaffinlty those impuritics upon which conlagion ffeds, uc ma, always feel secure whalever diases may rage around us. True, ' we. may havo it, but it will be Ihe affair ofa day or two, wbilc those who have bccn loo wise touse thissmiplcand d J,fH l , W! m eilt wL.hc; are"vorabLSron,h"1 ve-sjllv admiltcd. that and moistnre are powcrful sgents in producing diseate, and Ihal constant drt and constanf wet weathcraic both favorable to its gcneration: it does notsig- nifv What we call it: it mav bc ajue; it may bo dysentary; bilious fever; it may be bronchi- tis; it may becboIic;it may be consuinption oi ic;itmaybe consuinption of thebowels: itmavbeinnammationof Ihcnow. els, it may be inflan.mition of the stomach; .1 mai be neivons aflcclion; bul still it is disease, and a diseasc curableby Brandrclh Pills.bc causc they rcmovc all impurities from the body airthat can in any manuer feed the furthcr progfess of the malaily no matter hoiv callcd; thus tliese pills arc not only lhc most propcr medicine, but gencrally Ihe only medicine that necd orought to be used. At the prcsent time it is evcry man's duty who wisheslo sccure his healtb. to use tbem, it is the duty of cvery one who knows anytbing of thcir health rcsloring powers, to rnake it known in his immediatc cir cle. For thcro arc some alarming signs, wbicb lellof the app-oach ofdiscases. The sudden chai.cresof tcmDeramenl are more to be fered and guardcd against than any contagious malady The Influenza has left many insucba state of weakncss that there is in them a great susceptibility to be aflected by thcse changcso' the atmosphrre and contagious maladics; but by Jhe limely use of Brandrcth's Pill evcn now this susceptibility can bc in a great measure removed, and powcr given lo the sjstem ture sist Ihcse morbfd poiscns, and Ihe sudden chan ges in the wcathcr with which it niay be bro't in contact during the nexl 30 days. Naturc has fornied tho bowcls for the evacuat:onof all un- hcalthv humors. and if man wculd but uso com mon sense, he would tike carc thcy pcrformcd this officc faithfully. If the bowtjs areout of order if too slowor to fait. a fw doses of Bran drcth's Pills will brine them to order. ilsk the man who was dying from constipated bowcls whal curcd him lie lcllsyou, Brandreth's Pill. iiiui nno nau nau cysentary lorsix moiiuis and evcry remedy hid failed: he u ill also tcll you the Brandrelh Pills curcd him in a wcck So with othcr discafes. Tnclve Brandrelh Pillr, ruhbed down in balf a pint of molasses, cured a little boy of an ulccr of Ihe facc which which a dozen doctors had liicd to cure, bul could not; the poor parents would have given balf thcy wcre worth to have had it cured, but cvery hinglhcy tried did no good, until they gave ita tcaspoonfull ofmolasscs cvery day, in 1-2 a piat of which they had rubbcd down 12 Brandrelh pills; beforcthe wholo of the molas ses was taken the ulccr was curcd. And et some foolish pcoplc call Brandrcth's pills (juack mcdicine. It would be'well if there were a fcw more such quack mcdinines. Will all your prctcnded Sarsaparilla Compounds cure like thc Brandrcth's pills? Can they scnd you (o i cr sons cured as Dr. Brandrelh can? Can thcy point out to you people who had been lielplrss for years from pilipsy anJ Sl. Vitas' Dance who have bcen cured by their rcme'lies? II they cannot, Dr. Braudreth can Can they point outtoou a pcrson who for twcnty yeais had never had a stool witbout having used mcd icido or mcdicinal mcans, anj whom the Bran pills curcd, ina montb, and gave him as heallhy cvacuations,as be had whcn hc was a child. If thcy cannot, Dr. Brandrelh can. Tbe Bramdreth Pills nol only cure, all curablc discasei, but il can bc demonslialcd, that bv their tiinclv use. thev must infallibly cure, In a vcry short time, Dr Brandrelh will bjing before the public a concentration oTthe, virtues of Ihe Biandrclh pill, bolh in the from of pills, and in thcfluidand thcn hc willexplain thercason of the cures that must necessarily be thc result of using Brakdretihan Rem epies, nhclher they bc intcrnal orextemal or. extcrnal. I bavejust reccived the caseof a' medical gcnlleman, who rcsiJes in Sl.Tbrook. Canada, who for twcnty years was sorcly af-1 flicled with a diseasc. which came oul in blotch es and scabs all over his body This genllcman sofarforgot lus prejudiccs wluch too otien . ........ --- - cursc nis proicssion, as io nppiy psrsuj Dr. Brandrelh. andlvs ceursc piovcd a happy one. W.thin six mon.h, he was entircly cured ; or his miserable and lormenling disease by Ihe use ol the Brandretl. pills. This valuable med-' c., is Torsaleat Dr Bbandretm's OfT.ce. 211 n j -o t. i ,cn i o u,i son street, al 23cls pcr box, wilh full directions Uroaoa;,a..u.u uoneiy, Be carelul you get the gcnuine; ooscrve six sig naturcs or Dr. Brandrelh on cach box thrco B.Brannretl. and llirce Bcnjamin Brandrelh. u,"0 os . . . Thc following are thc only au forthe Brandrelh p.lls and Liiiacicntin Addison Co. HAGiK.-ii'iddlebuii; Simon Taft. Whiting; Sholes & Wcbb, Fe iri.burgb; Munson & Dean. Bristol; B. F. Haskell, S. Kverts, Cornwall; Roscoc & Nash, New havcn; W. R.B.xby, Vergenn-s P. K Simonds S. 17,500 Boxcs of Dr. Rush's 1MFALLIBLE Health Pills. HAVE been sold during thc monlh of Dec, so great has bcen thcir popularity, in conse quencc of the numerous cures thcy have cflect. ed. Eyp.ry person who uses llirse Pills recom- mends thcm to others as the Best Medicine they have everlaken sogentloin their opera tion, and sosure in giving rolicr. Il is now conceded by the most ctninent oT tbe medical facully, tbat Ihe stomach is Ihe seat or founlain of all disease; that it is, as it were, the centrc from which proceed all thee- vils produced by lorngn or initating causes. and which from ihcnce sprcad to cvery part ol thc animal system. The proper tcode ofcure. Ihcrefcrc, is to at lack the citadel in wbich tl.e disease e.itrench esitseir, and no combination of medical agents has yet been discovered so cfficacious for this purpose as the preparation of the latc Dr Rush and which, from the univcrsal succcss attend ing their administralion, dunng a practice of nearly ha'f a century, were styleiThis "Infalli blc Ucallh Pill." Tlicir great virtue is that they arrcst disease in its first approach. They are prcvcniives as wclt as rcmedies and we will venlure lo say, ihat :f taken by persons when Ihey are first aflected with symptoms or illness. many and many a case Ihat is cither se rious or falal. might be avoided. ONLY 124 cents a box. Ihe chcanest and the best medicine evcr known. Sold at tho princi pal officc 30 jJnn st. New York. W.- G. Daggeis. sole agent RUSSEL GUIDLEY, Chemists and Druggists, Gcneral agents Tor this county. bUU AGENTS. F. Huntington, Vergennes, A. P. Roscoe, T. C. Smilh, New Havcn. P. W. Collins, Cornwall. S. L. Spragne, Weybridge, Hemac Barnum, Ferrisburgh, Josnpli Frost, Dndport, do - - .V.VHU. . Hammond & Co. do 36 BON.ETS, Florence, Straw. misses do. Cyprus, and Palm lcaf Bon'nets. just re ccived at STEWART'S. . helchrrai.d Son. J. frosl. iiriuuorl: ! . Wright & Co. Shoreham; , n n.y .or - ouu.u.. u. ...... 1" " . .J :r . " i .... ' ' ' ...K..BArAa iimi nr trniih m nnn in inn SBVcittn np wiii nni icaie & Birrhard Watch Point- l " n""1 '"'" "orm ucstrcycr mai 1 i-ver nau. us uur ' l'-; " ""V & uirrnaru, oaicii ruun, .... r.i.. ;., llitn on.l lr,il I rn nv Wu S. Johnson, Leicester. 37;Iy . i wasca .eu ia c.n.o . x or -. " " SEAVEIl'S JOINT A NERVE T JLjinnTienf. A invaluable family medicine. Rezommcnded by the Medical Facully. r Rum.5m. (?. sDrains. Lamenes:.. Pain in tl.e side. back, and j .1 'cj,,,,.,,,, eon, rrefh WOunds, Burns, SH... Agae.Nervous lieadadie, and 7 T HlXtcmClL IniW'lf. . . y ! slrengtbens and ,nv igorates the nerves gves e lastic.ty to the joinU j.romotes ariiealtl y f rf 'he bl"J' 'mI'l s're"R I toany pa t ofthe systcrn may have bcen ( weakened by scd-ritary :.ab,tsor diseasc. ' 'n.pocsible to pre ,erit to the pubbc all hc ; !",!IC?-1 VP ?t, V"1 , by'lhcm, belie'ving "il to be the best ' "T y f'Iw,fc teV"rg exto.nal reatment. Tl.e goo.l rtlcCs ofi't are truly won- V'1'" l VupmMiVT TA TTnRWM PN ' ' IMPOhlANT TO IIOhSLMbri ! This Linimcnt is not only bcneficial to the hu- min system our, is ine oesi aruac iu - usel lor horses lliat havo bcen galled.spraincd oi oruiscu, ani tor aitnness ani 5"HINIs joinis, fcaicnes, wnu.g.ins, nrai joinls, scalches, wnd.galls. fresh wounds ete. Ihe oiigiml and ceniiine is prepared only uy T. SEAVER DSraSole H. OBSERVEF.vcrv bottle of the cenuine will havethe signutureofiho proprietort on the in ccrsand painlul aikction ot ll c Dones, Ul sidewrnpptr. Each bottle and scal is stampcd ccraled Throal and Nostrtls, bcurvy, biles. SiSAV EK's JOINT & NEItVK LiwiKtrii i, t;iironic sore cycs, oioicnrs uu ' -u-and enclosed in a blue wrapperon whieob arcd laneous cruptioHS, are effectualjy cutvd by itt laDci. rrico 25 cts per botu?. For sale in .Middlebury onlv bv Itu-sel fc Grid- Icy, also bv W. E. C. SloJdard, Rutland, S. D. inslow. Pittsford. Warren and Bhss. Brandon, Iluntly & H.gSin3. Sahsbury, A. P. Roscoe.eiv isl7audFmhanTsTcn fL J !J I hp 91JS'C lllliLH -, j Approved Mcdicinc now ingcncr- al USC forCoUgllS. Colds, and it Vs.- f i i all DlSCaSCS OI tllC LilingS. TIIE VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSUlisbolievcd to bc tl.e most popular mcdicinc cver known in Amcrica, lor. Coughs, Cotfsi Aslhma or Pbthisir., Consun. - . i.m i r)..i Ar. liori, Whoopiiig cougb, atid Pulmonary AiTic tion or ecry kniu. Exlracts from Ccrlificatcs.l Dr. Samuel Moirill of Concord, N. II., wtites "thathe is satisficd ihe Vegetable Pulmonary Balsam is a valuablc mcd cine.having bcen used with complele sncccss in caseswl.ich bad rrcvi ously resisipd Ibt mnsj. approved prescriplions. Dr. Truinan Abell or Leinpstcr. N. rl., wntes that bc conndenlly recom.ncnds its usc m all compl-.inlsor ihecl.csls. c.i.ial, .r not superior to any olhcr mcdicine w.lh.n h.s knowlcdge. D, Amory or Franklin. Mars.wr Ics Ihal aflcr hav.iig prcsc.ibed ihe ii,uI remed.e- wilbout rclicr, and consun-d w.lhsevcrs al em.ncnt physicians, he ha.-found IhcVegeta- ble Pulmonary Balsam to have had the desired efl-ct. and rrcommrnds.t and etncious Dr. TI,omaS Brown.or Concord N. H , wrfcs that. to his knowlcdgc .1 ha, never disapintcd Ihoreoiiable exp.ctal.ons 0r those who have uscd .1. . Sr BBirAHE Ul I.MPOM11U.V. sacn n.. iqtq Tne Mirnaturo ol ciamnson be coni.nucd (or ashoit lime, Purchasers sliould enquire or me iruo c. j . ,r, i ..,, Vew.tablo l uimonary uaisara, anu sco mai ' haslhemirksamlsignaluresorthcgenuine. . Pri-narcd bv Reed Win? and uuiier.tiaie Low & Reed.) Wholca!c Druggists. Apol' Apol'ica- rits and Oounlry wrcliant grncrally 30 ccnts. For sale by S MOODY. p (30-Iv tOCK.S 4 o.Sb- '.I1ILUI . w . . . , . rr, , An expcricnco oralou fif Ipci. years has prov cd. beyond a doub , tha I... ern..rUge is a cer ta.n and ncvcr la.ling cure hr worms S:nc8 .1 wcs first rut bcrorc Ihe hl.c many worlhlcss,,. have bccn fo ccd..uosaIe u-liirli bavo bad thcir day. andaie now counlcd ir5-ho,MS Tt. A. Fahncs- Inrk'a Vcrmituse IS dallv inCrcasillZ in poplllal- ity, owing lo its inlriiisic worth. It has only to bc uscd according to thc directions, anu it worms cx ist, tlicy wiu ccrtaiiny oc cxpciicu noui lliffsvstcm. Tlio nriee is 23 cenfs pcr bolll'-. Pct B. A. F.iiiiiestock's Ver.i.irnge, and avoid all othcr articles which are taid t be as good, as noae or thcm harc lhc virtucs ol ihe gcnuine aiticie. U'Aiiy, Green Uo , Pa., May 11, 1S43. Mr. A. B. Falincstoek & Co.: Dcar Sii I have bccn using your Vcrmifugc agtecabiy to dircctioi s, and thc child passed 440 worms In a few wccks, I gave it anotncr viai, I and il passed 200 more. making in all 610 worms. The child rccuvercd immeiiali-ly, and ' i... nA Kiit, since. I have prescribed it in many olhcr cases, in which it has brought awav 200 and 300 worms. JONATHAN MORRIS. C.ji aUtlOn , BeverycautioustogclthegenuincB. A.Fah. ne.,ock..'vCermirogc ad pu(no confidcnce in rcK'sTsterFn. uot the same. and docs not posscs, the virtues of our exccllcnl remedy Kor sale in fiiiddlebury, by Uussei. & Gid- ley Agent. J'iJ Snuff. n n M a P c II a n. c a;r nA ITpaa. A-r ll u sbswasvuuu wui . ache catarrh snuff! This snuffis superior to any thing jel known for rcmovcing that dis-! ease. the Catarrh, and also a cold in Ihe head fc ihj hi'adac; c. U opens anj purges out all ob structioRS.strenglhcns the glands. and gives a hcaltl.y aclion to tho parts aflected. Ifisprrfec tly Ircc from any Ihhig deletcrious in its ccmpo ition has a plcsent flavor,and iias immcdate eflect after bcing uscd, is agreeable. Price 37 1-2 cents pcr bottle Each botlle cmtains about Ihree times tho qitintily of tho scveral kinds of Catarrh snuff, now selling ata lower price and is thcrefore cheaper, market. as wcu as ueucrman any ming oi ihe kind in Iiuai .c.i Sold by thc Proprietor Charlcs Bowcn, dlcbury, Vt Wm- C.Simpson &- Reed, E. Mid Brin' ley.Jressrs, lewis. Boston, H. Phelps & Co. A. D.&.D Sands. and olhers. New Yirk, and by druggists generally in the U . Statcs & Canada. To Rent. THE unoccupied part or ihe building dircclly south or tbe old College building, and tbe front part or the house sitoated in tlie north west corner of ihe college co'mraon. Both piemises well calculaied lo ac- commoaaie lamilics. Appiy ro tne unueriigneu lor terms i-c. JAJltS M . SLADE, Agent. Jan.29, 184 L 39 tf ler. none o.ncr kl-..u.uc u. a ....... "-" f.i.-n, .nnnd !l w VI I II I I ! I f t ...lttT1 f rrzvt it - ntzl nf vonr Wrmiruir-. blessln? and voui instrumentaliu , mv child Iive Sand's Sarsaparilla. THIS uniivaled prcporation has ptrfoim- cd some or the most astonishing cures or dis- tases that are recorded in ihe annals uf Ui tory, ibus proving conclusively lliat it isca- pabYe of fulDllinS the high aim and purpose r' whlCVl 'S dcs.'Sned: P?nl snfffriDS fr years frm.vauous chiontc conslilutional Jisor(lcrS) afief trying diflerent rnnedics, spenumg lliousands oi uouars in . jocte,:n!j al sufil'tins all that human nalureisi : rannblp nf pr.dl.rinf. have bv thc r r hi.ttles.enlirelv rccovered' their I"?Sf.! 3ITf - iti,,.m , K,r), ,,r tvni-s livu o.iu nucum u.iu ";. use. Diseascs baving llieir origin m u im- r ihp hlmid and fluids cenerally wjl i,e snecdilv aud effixlually removid bv ,his ;nvatudUie mcdicine, as i)s operation is ,; ani, conslsls iu removing the causc "isease 0T -to th, & passing llirough tbe general system. U liere ' obsirusctions to its tavorable operation exist il.pi are removed as il nasses alon" the ad mentary canal; hence thcpatient will feel and know tne sensible operation ol ,he Sars.ira- rilla from its curative powcrs. ; The following cerliricates from individuah who have suflered with scrofula in its severcsl ,; ;"f prcacnled for the carehil petusal.f tk Ejscx, Conn., July 25, 1S43. 1 .. ' 1ULS3RS Sakds Genl.: About eight yeais, since, by betng overhcatcd anddircctly afif rei- nosed, I wasseizi-d wilh a severe coia, wnicii iloranged Ihe whole tyslem. Puiple or livid spots appcared on the skin, attendcd with vinlent pain of the hcad; the syinptoms be'ng alarmipp, a pbjsician was called who prcscribed biisteiiiij i lAA.l,:nn t.Kli.K nrnrlnri'd tmrlial relic. d . , 3 ,orm0(! unU(r tr,0 skin oa ti. ou ,s,r lhfc bo and tha l)octor pronoun- ced ' cornplaint hereditary Scrofula cow fortlic 5rst u,c devclopcd. The follo-wing winter my f , d jn boh mcr,e3l ,id was again B ,, which relieved n.v sighl during th m' noae no. hegln0 inctease il. sii . J 6 ; , ;. The nosc evcn rcw rery scie 'alldediiCBiurged profuSoly tbJmost loa.hsome bsUnce Mwboie sjem was involved ia disease; the lump. sotlcned and discl.argcd rrccly t bi,ity. Cers ow broke out PJ ; - - d isc t)e muscks j',. ',.,,.,,,, ao ,at I was rendercd n,,n. I.Mnli-ss. I rpniainpd with little chanze ,hY,;rdi,fooiii.tiMlOelobr. wheu I wi, an indicribable ensji-jn carly unconscious, and my as the will ot kinu rrovi- eucetorid me or my sntleiinm, but from llns In ecovcrca oniy ip i ecovcrcd only to suffci o.i:lhe ulccrs bad be- continuous sore cntirely raw. . ,. .... - ,u: t ., .l n,-.... I r" , :nril,aMe SarsaDarilla which I was ic .. . . ouceu iu " iruui i.i u.dnj ic...d.&aw.b vu.c . saw puillisncil. II Cd.t.a iu iuu ' Bw.t.c gu.iui. anffe: ani1 1 can carcely tell why, yet from tlio moment I lieard it mentiomd I was inpresed ully wilh tho belief that this was to be the good Samarilan rbrme and traly it.bas wnughtwro't wondcrs in my case. After using it a few days my pains grew casiei, Ihe swelling of the body and limbs wcnl down, tho ulccrs conimencpc! healing and I rcstcd well. suflfcring erery thing bul Ihe pains of death, how happy tm and how grateful do I feel lo be able lo add ai olher tcstimonial lo the efficacy oryoiir pricle.s Sarsaparilla! Monissa Simmo.vs. Middlesex Co. ss E.scx, Conn. July 23, 1SJ3 Pcrsonally appcartd Ihe above-namcd JIorn'-a Simmons, and made oath to lhc facts conlained in the forcgoing statcment bufotc me. Curdon SiiiTH, Juslice oTlhe Pi-are. We Ihe subjciibers. bcing personally acipiaint ed wilh Jlrs. Siiiimois, do nol hcsilatc to sjY that wecoiisider.lbo aboTe statcment ofhcr cait substaiitialty true and enlitkd toconfidence. REunEN Post, Dcacon Baplisl church I Hill IIavdex, .tercliant, Ciias. Gkee.ileaf. Suic Dentist. A. F. WlIlTTESlORE, Post-mtst r. REARKABLE CURE OF IIII' DISEASE. New York, July 26lh, 1313. Messrs. Sands Gent. .My daughter agfd si years, was attackcd wilh lhc hip disease nh-n Iwo years old. aad since tTieii shc bas beci) ...; ..r.lilallr Mot.n unlil rrrpntlv !.i..l her su(erjg a intervais was most painful lo behold and hafll'-" descriplion. The head of the lnp uone na3 thrown cntirely out ol place, afrr l,,rl, inaUpr of i.uss Turmed in Ihe s-icket or sh,Jw,. enlirely dcprived or all natural sbe was reduced lo a mero sktleton and vcr; oflcn cxclaimed, Oh mother, I nish it might pleasc lhc 'Good Man' above to take me un'o himselL' U was my fervcnl prajer I ef sufiir, ings might be tcrminaled and my anxious fears removed. The Almighly has promtsed lo be witr. s in yes is r slored to perftct heallh, and is a br- ng monumeni oi u.e eiucacy oi ynor neann re- sloring Sarsaparilla. We had tricd all rcmedies within our reach, had the bones ouce set. had it b'istered and nurgcd, wilbontefiect. She cora- mer.ced Ihe use .r the Sarsapaiilla in April lasl and in less than a week there wa an cvident imiiiovemcnt a dUcharge came on Irom the hip joint, and itcommenced healing. nnd inlerslh.n iwo weekswas entirely closed. During ihe time or usin the Sarsaparilla she passed large quantities of worms. w liich aided malerially in toJ-J& owtti ely res.oreS and (XV'teful feelings of a molher's hea.t and fnher's joy, we subscribe ourselvcs your . fncnd WlLLlAM S. BAILET. Sarah Bailet. i No. 596 Fourth street. t Welhe subscribcrs teing neigbbors to WTI liam and sarah Bailey, kniw Ihe above state ) ment inrelation to their child anjlheruie per- fonned by saod's sarsaparilla to be stnclly truly William Powers. Joun ATters. SCROFULA CURED OFSIXl'SJKS STAIfDlXG Philadclphia July 23, 1343. Mcssrs. sands, Gcnt In tbemonth or Junc, 1837, I wasaltckcd wilhcramp in Ihe stomach. induced by a sudden chrck or perspiratioa. By timcly remedies I as rehcved, but my systera had received ashock rrotn which 1 did not recor er About two month3 after this, a scrofula or lump appeared cu my breast, which gradually increased to the size ofa her. s egg. and then K.,m. pxecssivclr painrul. I tried difirreul panaceas without deriving any bcnefit whaterer. and continuine to.grow worse. apph'ed to a hoin- ccopathic physician, who left rr.e suflinng than he found me The scrorula now appeerfu in my right knee and ancle; my leg sweiico , .o fourumcs us naiurai sive ulceration. tendering me for years a belpK-" cripple.tho greatcr part or the time snnenng o criiatinganguish. I now bad affa." to the old practice, was cupped and blistereu' ,y severety, but all to Pf-aIJBB. RU3Sel & GnmLEragenls '(g ment for the ptop.rietors for Middlebury riciny cut. atsr.