OCR Interpretation

The northern galaxy. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1844-1848, November 13, 1844, Image 3

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All liaij Mey-Jrsey!
This State hs rccorrftd iti vote jor Clay &.
rrelinghuyseu with . slight decreasYon thtS
Ftaic vote in Oct. Maj. probably 1,200. Thc
linve electcd 4 Congreesmcn. Tue
Loco 1. Last yfear -1 Locos, 1 "Whhj.
The Clay clcctors Imve been clected by a
nisjority ofabuut. 3,300.
Clay's majority in
tbii) State is about tbree
0. JL All for Clay !
This State goes for Clay by an iucreassd
voteovcrthe Stato Ticktt. Trobably 5,000
Clay's majority in Maryland is about 2.5C0,
a great gain on tlie State election.
The Journal of Commerce which is
good authority for the whigs.says wc liear
from Baltimore that news has been re
ceived by Tclcgraph, that 10 counties iu
Virginia hnd give a whij; gain of G20,
over tlie vote of the same counties in'40.
This varies a little from the Tribunc's
account which gives 15 counties referrcd
to aud makcs out the whig gain
The Prospscts before us.
It nppeirsthat vie have drawn wrong cou
c'usiot.s from ccrtaiu facls; and have been
li.sappointcd iu the rcstilt cf Penusylvania and
Y. elections nhith have gonc for Polk and
Djllas by frotn2 to 5,000 majorily cach. Wc
C.il supposc that tlie TarifT men of those
Stales could tiol be induccd to east their votcs
for a frce-trade rnan, but we are mistakcn.
Tl:cy 1 ac donc so,and wc must all abide the
conscq'iencfs. The Loco gain iu N. Y. is
about 1G,000, tince 1S10, being less tlian 500
gain to catii membcr ofCongrcss. Thcre is
a.prospcct of Virginia goiug for llcury Clay,
li:ch uillrccder his election almost sure.but
should that fa":l thcrc are Statcs ctiough to
c!ei-t Mr. Clay that votcd lor Gen. Hnrrison
iu 1S10, tiuless tliose Slates give larger Loco
?ain to carh Congrcssional District than have
ccu g.i'r.jd iu Penusylvania orXew York.
Jlicliian gave Harrisou 1,802 majorily,
riis' irpi Georgia 8,340, Indiana
:.J,-3,TciiT.rsiee 13,102, Louisiaua 3.CS0,
N-.illi CiroSiuin 12,581. Celaaare 1,093, ma
j iriiies ii-t Ilarnjou. Tliess with tbe States
.iuch iuve alrcady elected .yare conceded to
Cjjy'uill t'.ect hitn, wiihout cvcu Virgiuia
s they nill give 144 votcs aix ciore than ubc
rsary fora choicc.
Now if aay Whig stays from tiic polls and
fuS"ei A'eimont tn go lor Poik and by fucli
5i".c ueglect Polk should beclectc.l, could he
I'ver luu'i. an hoaest and pairioticWbig inthc
f ice wi:hout a blusli of shame.
Tlie Detroit Advcrtiscr, a paper very
mutious m its exprcssions ot opinion,
t'.'is speaks ofthe prospect in Micr.igsn.
W e have
. i-i.... -i
i:ri iiiiiktlo eiiiuiuu iu
fpcal: v.tth confitlencc of the result ofj
this StatA afipr lhrcc 5iiccessive defeats.
Dut ue can now assure our friends, botli
p.t imnie and ahroad, that our prospects j cicvcdas to ttC day ofthe second advent.
arc daily ijrowiiig brigliter and brighter. i He said he had beenled away by excite
Thc harbinners of a glorious day, al- i mcnt and deceived by nesmtrism ! and
rady skirt the horizon. The spirit of! now most penitently acknoulcdged his
IMO.lcss noisy, perl-.aps, but equally ', inauifold sitis and wickcdness. He now
'.rrcugh and cfxient, is revivod. That exhorts therii tostick to work. &.c.
Vhigs are active aud zcalous, and will be j Himes ncxt took thestand in th- con
rut cn the d.iy of Ihe clecttcn. A ful) feisicnal, and forgctling, wc prcsume,
i :cs is always a Whig victory. that he had been both the deceived and
cnave no motivc to ueceive our- i
sr.vcsor othcre, ncrarewe usually over I
r:n-::!ne m yuch inatters.- ile speak,
crrtninly, our own convictions ; and we
dn not think wc be mistaken in our own j
calcuhtinns At auy ralc.we are will-
n,ttoput them on record. IJ'e shall
rcrry.thtn, a mqjontynf Congrcssmcn, a
........ I . . . . r tl.- ( I ..... . x I ) . . i ,
and injoint ballot of thc Lcgislalure, a
r:ajority of the counly iickcts, and as !
tre bcliivc, Ihe Prcsidtnlial chctors.
Avcry small majorily of the VotcrsofL
"cntisvlvaoia have been induced to vote for
t,.;, 'K vniL. nnihpsolemn nnnrrp m
JamcsK. i olk on the oIemn assurance
the I.oco-l-cco leaders that 1'ctkis more oja
n-xir n,.... a . -.r.
thcscmeuarc th.is duped, South Carolina
r-ocsunanunouslv f.ir Polk on ths sroiind of
his utterand unifonn bastility to any Proti
t vc TarifT whatevcr! Thero never wai
never was a
hlacker frantl than that bv which I cnnsvl-
rania has been scdnced from her own side to
rast her vole for the ucadly cnemies of her
ndustrynnd her Prosperity. Freemcn of
Xcw-York' they hopesoto swiudle you!
iut how can they ? The Locofucos here are
i-i pood part detected ifnot decjared advcr-sni-ir
nf ilin Protective Policv. Thn slrnllr
lh"s is-sue as far as possible, but their hatred
ofthe TarifT is bctraycd in all their move
ments. Stand up for yonr3elves ! Tribune.
Whaf lliey think of Mr.
Polk in Tennessee.
The Nashville Republican Banner
says :
The life of Government is reputation.
It must be prcserved from conlempt Is
there a right-minded American who does
not fcel that adeadly stab has been aimed
-.t the reputation of our Government in
patjicular and of Republican Institutions
iu cuerai, ny tne Locofoco Adrninistra-
finrisol late and ofthe present timeTJmenU are, that it is tho snrest. way ofj
world i brcoding
oTer us, under Tylerisrn. .Shall wc con
senttoco bow.n from Tyler to Polki
Bad as Tyler is, Polk is worse. It is a
descent in thenegative series to which we
arc altogether opposcd.
The Polk and Dallas flag was flying in
front of the Roman Catholic Church, at
South Boston, all day Sunday ! This
is thc flag that was suspended from the
church itsell in thc hrstplacc, and alter
wards, for thesake ofapperance, was re-
mored from the church and fastened toa
pole planti d in front of the church, and on
thc land of the church, whcre it is still
ing. ISost. Atlas 26th.
Were uot titncsbelter before the Loro-Fo-1
comeasures were fully carried into eflcct
Mf?hJl- SteVr,mnai;
about tbe time tlie Wlngs camc lapower.'
Have they not been bcttersiuce? and ichy
iliink vou?
Aud now, isnot L,abor gcnerally in fair de- uers oi tnis exceient specinc. very tew
maud? Did jou cver know a lime uhcnthe 'howcvcr, we arc happy to say, nreincred
average earaings ofthe Working Classes lous as to the magicefficacy ofthe Messrs.
wcro merethan uow? Haveyou evcrknown Sands'sSarsaparilla certainly none who
atimenheu their wagcs would buy more? haveerer uscd it, speak otherwise than
Are they not usually comfortalilc and uitlia favoralJe cf Jt
fairprospcct abead.' Now clo you wantlo r - . , , .
go back to the times of 1637-40 ! If not.vote or further parltculars and eonclusire
lor the IVotection of your own Inddstry! evtdence of ttssupenor value and efTicacy,
Vote to kecp timcs good and make them bet- sec pamphlets, which raay ohtained of
tar if possible. Why should you be misled agents gralis.
byauame; fctand by the lutcrests and
Prosperity of your Country, and all will be
well !
Corrcsponicnce of thc Ilcpulliccn.
Waksaw, 111. Tuesdaj,22dOctober, 1844.
Getlemk.v: The Circuit Courtofthis
couuty commeuced its session at Cnrthu'rc
yestcrday. The charge of Judge Thomasis
bighly spokcn ot, and the Grand Jury is en-.
gagcd iu cxamining witncsscs in relation to
the murderof the Smiths. Sharp and Wil-1
liatns macle their appcarauce in Courr. as per '
trcaly, and have been at large, awaiting ttie 1
actionufthc Grand Jury. No furllirrar-
rests have yct been made. Scvcral subpos-j
nas have been issucd for witnisses, who did
not cxpect to be callcd on; ouc or two of;
n hich have been servcd, and othcrs avoiiled.
My opinion is that uo indictments will be I
fnund againstany one certainly notagainst!
Sharp. I
The runior last night was, that one or two j
htiudred Alormous were encamped inthc!
woods a mile or two North of Carthage, and !
that they are all armed, bm for what purposc j
uoiniug aeimuc scciusto uc uuowu.
Tuesday, 11 P. M
1 ne rutnor ol the Mormon encampmcHt
turns out to ue truc.
It is ccrtain tliat
taSOO.Mormonaaro encinmnl .,:,),;- r.r I
as vet a matter of coulerti.re. Tl U nl
a conipany of Indiaus encamped a fcw miies .
ofl; who appear to be thcrc lor uo purpose j
"u ,.4iUCiDiouu ..j iiic iiLi.c.js. I all discaacs whicu liavu a tcndencv towarcs
There is niuch excitcmrnt manifested in' Consumptios. Complaints of tho lung,chet
Carthagc aud herc, iu conseqticncc; aud 1 1 and livcr, sicm to nrirefiom our rarialilo cli
niuch lear that cn outbrcaU will be the re-i nntp, moit ianj'Toiis to llia invilid, and ihosu
sttlt. In thc mcautimc the busincss of the
Court is progressiug with its usual quict.
If tmy thing unusual occurs, you shall
be informcd.
Wcdcesday, 4 P. M.
Two geutlemeti, wbo went out to ascertain
thc fact iu relation to the Alormou encamp-l
mcnt, have returned to Canhagc, and rcport
that they wcnt into the cncampmcnt, and
iuquircd tho objcct, but conld gct no satisfac
tnry auswtr. They saw no arms; but arc
fully ufthe opinion that they have arms cou
cealed in their wagons G.
sMiiierism Disavowed.
On Thursday cvcning, in the Milleritc
1 Churah, corner of Chrystic and Delancey '
strcet, Jlr Storrs pubhcly recanled 1ns
: rii.. ....1 " ..i .i.
cictiuus imiy iuu iiiuuuuss 111 iuu II,al" i
ter ofthe second advent. He said, whatj
indced others bcsidcs his conrrreration
had alrcady fouud out, that he was de-
tnetieceiver.ratcu tuepcopic prctty narsn-
ly for their lnfatuatton, and urgcd them '
all to go homc and to work, and stepped ,
down from ihe rostrum. Storrs has also
acknowledgcd his error m the Midnight
Cry, but wc do not reuiember sceing any
tmng auoui mesmcrism : yumcs says
thts isan. crror.j
I h i r ,e Inlarnhl, l.fl I iinfocclnn . i-
casy, but how is restituttnn to be made.
Pcrhaps the leaders think they have fur-
inishedas mucn excttement as could bc
cxpected at tlie price.
IV. Y. Com. Adv.
iu.itii i -
, "erewerc someintng iikc lo ae-
I ,uut men ana "mcn in a uou-e in
1 Westminster, which they call the AnK,
ho have remaincd there siuce the 22d
tV i . .., i,.,...ij - . r
e might recnunt a hnndred instancesof
I sulclde Ioss of reason, and waste of prop-
crlJ "'""'S'1""1 u' suiiiuuniig
else ot these leaders.
OCT i r Himes complams of beingslan-
dered of accusatiou of dishonesty, &c, ulty conshti of six experienced Prufcssors and
I and desircs to be allowed to "go on" in A&istanu. Boardisaslow as atany oiher Ia
..... .. D . . stimnon in Rutland Countv.
peace. He ougnt to s;o on soas to do
lcssmischicfin the result hereafter.
The following dialogue between Mr.
Birney and Dr Charles Fitzbugh, Esq ,
ofSaginaw, ason ofDr. Fitzbugh, ofthis
county, actually tookplacc, and is given
on Mr. F's authority: the qnestion beinn -
u u,u. auu auswarea ny xur. uir-
ney :
"Are you in favor ofthe Present Tar
i(T?" "I.am not."
"Are you in favor of FreeTradel"
I am."
"How doyou feel pcrsonally in regard
to the annexatjon of Texasl"
"On this point I have never expressed
m.cotf nnhlirlv. hut inv nrir.nfr. ccntt.
J jrettinjf rid of, dsrery l"
Mr. Birney ii now, or has recentlT beeo
iu inis Ticmriy, ana .trto. rumors in rela
tion to his.secretly wishing the success
ofthe Locofoco party, correspnnd with
that which we have given ibore. And it
is believcd his inission is connecteJ with
some movement designed toaid election
of Mr; Polk., , ' .
Wilt AVhig abolitionist,who 'are hones
tly and conscientibusly oppesed to the
annexauon ot i exas, and the extension
and perpetuation of slavery, vote for Mr.
Birney ifhehas, asis now believed, be-
trayed tliem on this all lmportant lssuel
an issue betwecn Liberty and Slavery.
jlt cannot be that they will Livingt on
Co. Rpublican.
From the Boston Timcs, Bcc. 26, 1844.
fjy Sand's SARsArARiLLA. The ex
traordinary success with which thisprep
tion meets is a proof of its excelencc. The
faine of it is daily cxtending itself in a
Iarce circlc. and cases ofthe most remark-
able r.urcs nroduced hv its iisr arp. r.nn.
stantly coming to our knowledge. Un-
sHcited testirnonials in his favor.from the
, - , . , . ,. ,, '
iii!xiiL'bt ana most rcnaoie sources are
pouring in upon the proprietors and ren-
The Qnestion Settled.
Ainorp tlie inuitituile ol modicincs and
cure-alls' uhic'i arc djilv pi Irrj i d ofl unon thc
unEusnrctins, pcoplu so oltt n tret disappo'u tcd
H:at tn'V Inrniy Know nat to bclicv
ally invaluahl : m(!icinu isfirst introduccd
M tl,c co;niniiliily
liicli we now brinj boforo
j, ,jUl",he maiurin- of ycars of reflcclicn.on
compouiid uot invcntcu iu a
of nilurzllr wea't constitutiin
WOllT is.orthemo5t txtranrdiniry natur in i(j op
rtatinns up.in tbe systctn. It takca hold ofthe
compUint at cnce, and no inatter lioiv loii;
the pulmnnary or consuraptivepatlruilusbccn
BufiVriiie, if.theconJ'uion iof Ihe lunjs arc ucli
as not tn bs abolulely incurablu, Ihe Lut-t-
woil will cradicat" evsry syroptora of disrann
from tlio body, reslorin one as it ivrre aga:n
to life. For tliin rcason, pcople who have pul
nonaiy complaints dhould cjrefully sclcct
thil remnly at rrnsT -.vhich viill curc if thcre
canbsacure. Th Luu'wort wi'J do tliis. if
healtli is t be r"sloird : and thc proprielor
heitates v.ol lo my it is the sifest mcJicinT in
tlio wotlil forlhosa'tranbleJ with ouciis and
colJs, bronchilis, ichcoving cough, n sht
., ii ,? r
. .., jnr.., r j.f; r
,:, ,; i;r ;, ,,n. m4;nf,f
J J "t -J
r rerr An.
Wc hcve not roim to publ'sli thc numcroui
cetlificatea of cur!, but all are relcrred to a
m'ilical pampblct to bo Lad pralis ofany ofthe
AS'n23;ly C. J. ROOSEVELT,
Sole Proprictor,
27 Broadway, Albanu.
W. P. Russel, .Middlebury,
F. Huntington, Vergennes,
G. W. Parjielee, Brislol,
iVlusical 'j'uitiou.
Phno Fortk Orcn and Siscg.
- rrrM. PEASE, Professor and Tcacher ofthe
w faciceuce j.nd l'racticc of Mastc iromme
f.il.'f. acuatatsi'heitize
Professorof Jlusicto thc Troy CouferenceAc-
caaeiny vesi rouuney, respccuveiy gives no-
tice that the ncxt qoartcr of tuis insiuuiion com-
r..v .-s 1 1 , .... i , ...
thc price is liicd at teu dollars so that persons
wishing to obtain a linished JNIusical cducation
lareeCUics t0 obtaia -,he 'Vc ata ' aterei-
penjc. Tue subscriber having reccived bis ilu-
sical Education ofTyears in the city of London
under severalof the brst JVIasters. and been an
ins,reclorof Music upwards oftS) years in this
Country and h.urope warrants hun m sajmg to
all wistiins his inilruclions in the scieHce that
they will jeceiveathorouSh Musieal educauon
oa cienuUcpnnciples.
Mp P ,rnT,,,i , ,,A-M
who wish tobecome teachers that he has alrcady
"".,c.u.,uU.u,Ii.5u;u iiicm wjin mcrauic
" ",T'"r. " ZZn- U "f Kucu lu lur
mvw ,n the most nourisnincondiiion. Thfi Fac-
, Tm,fnmn
West Poultney, 1814.
JM. a. All the .Moaem operas now performed
in New York aie tuught by the subsciber.
Wit. Pejbe late from New Ydrk, rcspectfully
announces to the Musieal World aod the public
in generai, tnat ne is receivicg a spienata assort-
mentof thecelebratedGrandActronPiacoForii.s
1 (olCase woodand Mahosany) construct'edonthe
" uncqnalicd in brilliancv dCToze.
fiaessofTouc'b,anJ perfectness of Machanism,
and warranlea to enaure tne cxiremcs oi ctimate
in ihis Country. uiarianos laitenm eicnanse,
TCjnn Fortes tuned.
Piauoorte wareroom, iv. rouuuey,neauy
opposite tbe Academy. t
Tl n Ths above Instraments have received
4 First Premiams (Gold JIeda!s) atthe American
and Meebanics Institutes,Nc,w York, tbr theaEST
Tosc, Toccn 6V FiNisn, and.lhe subscrifeer can
refer rersons to sevefal renllemen .wlio have Fur-
chased bfhimdnring the last fiVe ycars. The
above idstrnments willtesold aslow as. can te
purchasedin New-Yorlr, therebT'sivingeipensc
or rransportiuoo, ana variantea lor i year,
Arrival No. 2.
THE subscriber is this day receiriog his 2d
Fall anrl Wi'nt.fir Goorls.
purchasedata great d.'connt from September
priees, which heis determined to sell as low as the
costof KOods purchased in the carh- part ofthe
fall lv;ii n i r.. .-,r i . i
...... iiiujuuuii tsiiu iui jwuiKito r
There is no humbug in this I Mauy styles of
huw U4ic laiicu auicc uic iuiuuic vi ocpiciuucr,
from 10 to 2.) per ct. Having purchased a large
KPll. in nrrltr tn i.nn.a rF liie immAnCA cinL- nf
IU 111 JLnJU VI. uk. .... 1" U11U w.
r. W. lULLli.
Cornwall, Nov. 12, 134-1.
The subscribers are now receiving from
Boston a largc assortment ofdry goods con-
sisting in part ofthe followiug articles :
Prints, a great variety;
Crape de Laines, cashmcre de Ecosse, M.
de Laines, Parisiennts, clpaccas, Mczonans,
Caroline vlaid, ridi Gala do., Scotch frmr-
hams, silks, cap and bonntl ribbons lich
stylcs, damaskJigUTedshaicls, strip'd taglione
tlo., JudinboTO co., Uhene irooi do., Urne do.,
Vaspea do., salin, plaindnd fringtd telreti.
printed andeoloredjiannels, black and fancy
gimps and Jnnges, black sukjnngc, curtam,
do., mitts, glotts and hosiery, edging, foot
ings. A large lot of Tahle Covers.
L. C.handkerchicfsAinen ImcnAaditscTavats,
andhdkfs. mbb braces, foundalion, pins and
needles, alpacca apron and cracatt, morten,
burlaps,brovn and bhachcd sheetings and
shirlings, Umbrcllas, ticking, crash, drill,huc
abac towcls, trareling baskcls, tcorstcd, girdles
Caledonia soeks, arc. vc. -yc.
Groceries, Crockery and
(ff'Calland examine.
Middlebury, Sept. 2, 1844.
sortment of Tailors Trimminss in thecoun
ty, forale by Bnow.v &. Sheldon.
Ritli Camdion Stripe Silks.
do do do Plain vnriouscol'rs.
Htavy Blut andBluc S'k do.
Bcaulifnl Ribbons a great variety.
Eztra Fine Silk Warp Alpaccas.
Cameleon, Fig'd and Plam Alpaccas,
TJich Style and at very low prices.
Medoria Plaids, Tiesans, Crape Chusans
Sf Victoria Slripes some very rlcgitnt.
CashmcTC, ftluslin De Laines and Prints,
in great variety. superior to anything ever
nclore in tuis- tnarKet.
Ladies llich Velvtt & Satin Craxals, are
amnii" thc large and txtensire slock of iYirtc
Goods nowoptning by A. FRAKCIS.
Oct 14, 1844.
LLr'Goods arc Lower.
Thi. T.ni pcf fn!imn: nnrl slvlp of irnnds for
Ladies Drcsscs, and Cloaks, with trimmings,
ninchchcaperthau ever before kuown now
opcningby, A. FRAXCIS.
Cods Fallee
TrWitliin ashort time,soods have fallenoff
very mucil in pnce, 111 uuusirijuuucc wmcn,
A. FRAKCIS has bought at rcry low priees
with casb, a large stock of Roods of almost every
kiud.andstylc, which he offers lower than ever.
OctBlcr, lbi 1.
is now receiving a dioice assortment of
Amon2 uhicli will bc TuunJ, FicM aml i'Uin Alpac
cas lllackandClue IHk, Alpinta Plain, and Fac
cv De Laincn (of a new anj benutiful tle,) Crape
anil Cushtncrc Ue Iaines AffiislanLatres,Nice
and clnap rrnits, &c. &c. &c. riato and I-anry
Cassimcre. Silk, Satin and Fanci Vctinz, (some
tery nicct) Shecting, SlurtiiigstTickings, FUnncIs
Frockinffji. Kliawls. f ntcel Uonnet Velvet and Rib-
boni &c. cc.t toetberwith a good nortnent of
llardware, OrroccncSj lron3
Nails and Salt,
Which were bought low and w:Ilbcsoldatpricef lo
sutt purcliafers.
Call and cxnmine bcfore purchasing elseuhcre.
Sept. 13111,1544.
TIIAT our friendi fromabroad roay liaTC an c
Iqual chance wiih those who have been wntching thc
arrival of our large slock of GOODS, we would an
nounce that e are now receiving, and opcningtho
Largest Stock of Goods
crer bcforc uirered by ns whicli will l sold for pay,
a clieap, ifnolcheaper tlian atany Store in tne
County,without enumcrating a. few leading articles
-whirli cvcry mcrchant keps, soffice it tosay, tliat
tbe Stock u iatendeJ to incluje erery article callcd
for bv our customcrs ; tlie higliest pricc paid for cvery
kind'of prodace. WUIGHT BUSII.
Shoreham, Oct. 10, 1S44.
OF all political pariics will be held at the Post
OfTice building in Cornwall, every week
day until along time aftcr the Presidential Elec
tion notin discussing thc meritsof their scveral
candidates, but in being astonbhed at ihe quan
tity viewing aud admiring the various stylcs &
qualities wondering at the cheapness, and pur
cbasing Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery and
llardware, yc. Sf'c,
from a stock that has just been bronght into the
Elac;, consistingof cvery article that is used a
out thepcrson.in thehouse, oron the farm, at
nrioc nc Mnnftt fil to snit thc closest bnv-
ers. Thesc goods are all just from New York,
fresh and new, they were selectea witn tne great
csicareand attcntion eipressly for the inbabi-
tants pt this town and vicinuy.
1 have not time nor space to cnumcrate tne ar
ticles and priees, but snffice it to say, I have cal
icocs and cottons from the lowest, up to a little
highcr and ranch Finer: in crockery and glass
ware, from an carthcn mut-pan to a Uma bowl,
Another new teature
Tn thi? esiablishment is that it is to be condacted
upon the Ready Pay Syslem, so that castomers
when tbey leave,the.s(orc with their purchases,
will fAl m rnvin their in their minds and not be
harrassed with the. thought "how shall I payfor
thesettungs."' r.o. cenignci raarncipii'.c
given for all lrindsofprodnce and the lowest ta-
ken lorall Itinas ot ;oons ooogni.
I'CnmeklntiDrn and 1 owosmen, come one, ecime B'l-'
ancUook in upon I. C. WEAD,
Cornwall, Qct. 1844.
,N. B. Farticutar, allenlion paid lo the selec-
tion of Musieal Inslrumcnts.
riAPER Hangings.ji large itock, just
t rec'd and onered.iow ny
.MJ h 1.84- A-FRANCIS.
rTfllHE subseriber havins purchased Ihe
stock of Goods reccnily owned by W.
S. Jonso:r, has received from Wcw lork
a rich and well selcctcd assortment of
Fall and Winter
Cousistin? in part of n great variety of
Cloak & Dress Goods,
Among which will bc founi
Thilel Cashtneres,
JVhile, Red and Ycllow
Collon Flannels,
Bleach Cottortf,
Irish Linens,
Ilighland Shaicls,
Vehet for Bonnets,
S'dk-icarp do.
Rich Mtislin de
Cashmcre de Cosse,
Plaids forchildr'ns
Gimps t( Fringes,
Gents Wool Gloves,
BVkllal. Cracais,
K Vcttings,
Worsted Mitls,
Colored Cambrics,
Tallt Srcads.
Boys do. do.
Ladics crarals
Cords and Binding:,
Vehet Ribbons.
And n coniplcte assortment of
Coat and Gvercoat
Which will be sold clicapcr than cau bo
bought clsewhcrc.
Bonnct Ribbons and Artificials.
Of cvery variety and style, togcther with
a good assortment of
Groceries, Crockery, Paints and
Thc above Goods will bcsold cheap for
cash or ready pay only. 27
Liime I JLimo !
The subscriber has rccently manufacturcd and
hasonhandandforsale at reasonable priccs at
Larrabees Point in Shoreham, the very urst qual
ity of Lime.
Alsc, forsalethe far famed Eagle andPrc-
mium Ploughs from Blakes at IPhitc Hall.
Shoreham, OcL30th; 184 J. ' 27.3.W.
Tavern Stand
THAT very valaable tavem
stand owncd and occtipied by the
sobscriber in Rochester villatrc.
where lncct thc tumpike roads
from Middlebury and llmndon.
Thc accommodations arc good, and the concen
tran'on of travel such as to make a desirable pur
cbase for those who wish to cngage in a public
housc. If money is paid down, it will bc sold
very cheap. Bntif a part is pai.l down, ro.ison
abletimeof payment for the rcmainder will be
Oct. 17lh, 1941. 23
J.TONWEIGI1T infornis the
public thit hc has rc-built the nhnvu tvorks
latcly ilestroyeil by lirc, nnd lliat lic is now
preparcd totupply his old cutomcrs with
all kind.sof
Stoves, Hollow-Warc, Slcigh
Shocs, Plouglis and Plough
from tbe same Pattcrns ns have hccn in usc
in tlnssection for twcntv veaH.
JMiddlcbury, Uct. 23th, 184 1. 2u t.l
Cash paid
for Osts at.his old stand ncar thc Oridse.
Thenotes and accounts of V. S. Johnson,
having been assigned lo me, settlemcnt may
be made with me at the room over the Store
formerly occupicd by said Johnson, if atten-
Middlebury, Oct. 7, 1844.
A Word to Farmers !
AN "all safiicient"quantity of prodnce wanted
iuch as Wheat, Com, Oats, Rye, heese,
Bulter, live Geese feathers &c., for which thc
highat price will bcpaid in exchange fur Goods, at
the vsry Unccsi pnce, oy
bOIX 00 r LU W tK.
Bibbons and Artificials just received by
Oct. 25th PECK & FLOWER.
Have iast received from Boston, the largest,
BKSLAIPSSIP & assortment
of cloth, cassimeres, vestings and trimmings,
ever ofleredfor sale ia town, togelher with a gen
erai vanety of staple lmv Uoods, uaocsates,
Sx. wnicn wui oe soia uueip lor uisn.
Oct. 24 th, 1811.
TTIURS. Buftalo robes, Fnr and Fur trSamed
X Caps, Mons, Boas, &c just teceived by
OcLStth, 1811. BUOW.N & SHKL,UOI.
CLOTHS. English, French, German and A
inerican Bearers, Pilot cloths; English,
American, French and German twilled and plain
Broadcloths, Docskins. ficeblk Cassimeres, Ves
tings &c. &c. just received by
Oct. 1SI4. ' Baows & Sheldon.
Cloths, Cassimers, &c.
- Bread Cloths, Cassimeff, Vestings and Trim
mings ia every rariety, cheaper than ever before
offereil, at T
Sept. 33th. 1344. BIRGES.
Itooni Paper.
OOOO Pieces Room Paper xrith Bordersto match
Just Reccived.
13 pieces silk an'd cotton-wnrp ajpnccas,
.10 ps. cashmcre decasse, rich Pcrsian bro-
cadc chsbinere, crape and tnusliti de lauics,
10 ns. fisurcd and changahle tetnandrias,
ealenas and uarriiseiinas, 24 rich winter
sbawls, 12 cashnierc winter shawls, 21
High.'and do. 0 doz. gimps and fringes
all wedths and colora, 50 ladics girdles,
6 ps. rich winter bonnct ribbons, 6 doz.win
ter artificials, G iij. boutt velvets all col
ors. P. "VV. COLL1NS.
Nov. 12, 1341.
Caps & Ftirs.
10 doz. men'd and Boy's caps. consistimr
of otter and fine seal, otter nttlria and fitch
trinmled tnuffi', boas and buffalo robes a
superior article, for .ale by
Nor. 12. 1S41.
Coinmissioner's Noiicc.
We, the subscr.bers. beiug appointcd by
the Hon. the Probate Court forthe District
of Addisou Commissioners. to receivc. e:
nmine and adjust all claimsacd demands of
all pcrsons, nsainst the estatc of
lalc of Middlebury, in said District, deceased,aLd
also all claims and demands exhibitcd m ofTsc:
thercto : And C months from the 17th day Octo
bcr, 1811, being allowed by said Court tbr liiat
purpose, we do thercfore hereby give rotice tlnt
we will attend to the bosiness cf our said ar
pointmcnt, at thc dwclling house of widow of ihe
deceascd in said Middlebury, on thc first V.'ct".
ne.-davsof January and April 1813, from nine
o'clok, A. M.,uaUl four o'cloct, P. M., on
cach of said days.
Ozias SETiiocn, ? colnm:ss;ous
Wji. Dewky. S
Dated at Middlebury this 2Gth d.iy of Oc
tober. ' 2S
Administrator!s Sale of Refd
In pursuance to an ordcr ofthe r.-ob.He
Coimfor the District ofAdhson... I .hall of-
, r , i, . . i ,, o i
ferforsaIe aiAnctio:iatmyilwclhnsiii Sabs-
bury. on fcaturday Ihe 30th day of iW.inst.,
at one o'clock in the afteruoon, ihe followiu-
real estatc of HOLLAND W.NOYES late
of Salisbury dcccased towit: tuolotsoflaml
sitttatcd in Cornwall containinj sixty-nne
acrcscach, boimdcd .North liy isoiidand Jaucs
land. East by Oltcr Creek South by Swifu
land. and cne other lot of sixty oue acrcs, eit- j
ualcd iu Salisbury, boundsd west by Otlcr
Creek, south by J. M. Wecks' Iar.d, east by
Wm. Novcs' land and north bv Flavel 51. i
Ueach's land. Likcwise a few articles of per-
soual property such as an ox cart, 2 ynkc3 '
'c. .S-c. toctlur wilb about 15ton of hay '
:.. !, v.L- .;nil n ih,. U. Pnrnn-nll.
'IVrm nf i.'avment made kuntvn at the time I
' najmcnt made kuown at the time 1
iv...... f..n
of sale.
M.wui.iuiu.i .uii.Lir.ik, ttuitn.
Salisbury, Nov. 9, 114. 2S
JSlra7cd or Stolon.
From thc cnclnsurc of Saufonl Parl.s.on
or nbotitthc 11th inst.n Krown Horscwilh'
n hhott tail, !upposcd to be atiout 15 ycara !
old. with rin.bonn on forc ibot. and nue ;
hind one with finnll star in hU forchcml. ;
Thc finder will plpnsc inforin me liv lctlcr :
or otherwiiio nt Bridport Post Office.
Oct.S0tIi 1811.26 W.U HOVVE.
Justrecched by A. Clwnman tf Son. Thc ben e-
Icctedaad chcapeet etock of goodietftr oITnrtxl iu Uiis
vicinity. Sccll as
Mous de Laines
Richfigurcd Luntttat
Chamelion AJfghans
Aluaccas Ac. iW.
Crape de Laines, of the most btatttiful ;
. . i j r r .t 7
siytcs 7ia pirjcci juuricns,
all stylcs of vclccls, silks and Ribins for !
Jjadics nals.
For gcntlcmcn' s ircar,liraadeloths,Cass
imcrs, J)orskins, Iicavcr Clolhs, Vestings,
Stocks. Cravals, yc
i 1 1 . . r .11 .1.-
Manding articles in nlncli o dcali lir rctofore and .
fine avarielyas can Le fiund i i any Siurc in ttiis til-
l.i;s articniir. Wc tliall elIuurgooJ cc.-ip.at pri -
ccnwidiubicliwctruit cuaiomers wi!I licfully katii -
CeJ' , r-rnPMW arM
In purstnnce tr tlie (.rdvr of llic Probate Court fur .
thc district of New Ilaien.tlic u:n!crtigni-.l Aduiinir- 1
(mtnr rili t.ti. i ff n!b linilprs Ijle ofNeu: 11.'
reain aid JUlrict dcreaied; Shall ecll at rnblic ' ancc.has lccn this day dUsoUed by mutual con
auctiun 011 ihe Dlli dayof .Nov. 1311, at 10 oVluck in ycnt.
the foreroon loihe lngliest bidJcr at tlie dweiling
Iioiicenf naiil (iercateil ; consn-iinjf.i aiiout iujacre
of land, with a Iiooc aml two Inrnj lliercon, a
E'wdorcliard.ncll lirobcrcd anj watereil, iliiatcd
onwlutisralled Millitreel, lieing thc fuuih rt
mr. r.f.r.t 'pv Iltfn. rlie iireiiiinL-i is tfmMeel f n
part ofsali.. New Ilaen. lUc nreini is tuhjeclio
a mnrl?n"con uliirli is wv due 9S07Slu'ftioiii3s
Ilalcl and ivill l Sold iuujert to ta J i.non;:igc nd I
being rentcd until ihe I.t ilay of Apiil 1813. Al.o !
uillljcsold at tlie sasic tiuic ar.ililacc all lheft-r-
lonal eitate of iaid ileceaseil not befure dif poed of.
NewII.rcn, Octubcr 12i!i, 1S41. ii.tnt'r.
Ladics Altention.
Just receitednndforfalcat tl:c Auctionand Com
miss'onitarea great TarielyofFallnnd Winter joods
fni thcLnlies consiti in partof CIitMiinv, Alpae
ca Liutrc", lll.irknml Col'd rijr'd Aljiacras, Indi
anna Caslimcre, n lieautifal article fr Cl,i.ks, Uqi,
Cashmcre 5 iMu-lin Delaines, lSe-.iaiful Prints,
Sliawls&c &c.
l!ease call and csamine befure purrlns'ng else
nhere. Z. BUCKW1TII, 4" CO.
Scpt.23, l&H
Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods
and Groceries,
Georce 31. Broxv.
Statb of Vcr.Mo.iT, ?
District of Addison, ss. $
lin it reinerobereil tlMtat a probate conrt holdeD
at Shoreliani in and lor llie dJ.trict of Addison,
onth i dyur",.r,,,,!lr,,.A. P: .
Polly Wrignt and illiarot , rignt admiaislrators
lcfdio estate l
hte of Leicester in aiJ IJistrict dccearcd, raake
application to raid court to liate tlie lime allonred
tlieni for tlie pavmcnt t( tlie debts of said dcceated,
extrnded one vear from thc expiration of tlie time
herctofore liuiilcJ by saia court: it i uirrelore or
dered, lliat said appficalioD bc considereil at a tcss
inn r.r,id court. to be lield at tbenOire of the Uez-
istcr of said courl in Sliddlebury, i.i said District
0nTl.urdnylhe2l5tday ofKoTemberA. D. 1S4I,
at onr o'clock in the .fternoon, and that notice
thercofLeRiventoall persons intrrrsted, that lliey
maj appcar and make their objections,il any the
may have, 10 the said time being granted, liy pnb
ieh'og a certified copy of this ordcr in lb
Nortliern Galaxy, a newspoptr printed at said Jl id
dlebary, "ihree neeks successiiety prtTiouj 10 tb
time oi Jiid Court.
J S BitshneU, Reg.
A tructopy of Record.
Atteit JS Butinell, Re&sicr. 22,
District of Addison ss. (
Be it rcmembercd, that at a. probate coart hcld
at Shoreham, in and for the district cf Addison,
on the 21st day of October A. D. 181 1.
Kancy McNanna. camed exccutriz in an in
strmnent purporting to be last will cnd lesta
late cf.YIiddlebury, in said districtdcciaed,
prejents ths same for probate: It is thcre
fore ordcred, that the said lnstrumcnl be examin
cd for probate at a scssicc of said court to te bcld
at the oflice ofthe Rcgister cf saiJ court in Mid
dlebury onThuisday the SlstdayNorcmber neit,
at one o'clock intkealternoon: And tbatnoiice
thcreof tegivca to all pcrsons intcrestcd, ihzt
they may appearand make their cbjections, ifsnr
they may have, to tbeprobate and allowanee of
said will, by pullishing a certlficd -copy of
Ihis order in he Nortcern Galair, a cews
paper printed at iliddlenry in said di&trict thrce
wceks succcssively pievious to the time cf said
J. S. Bushnell Reguler.
a truc copy of record,
Atiest J. S. Bushnell Regis'.er. 25
Statc of Vermont, ?
District of Addison. J
Ee itremcmbercd, that at a Probate Court held
at Middlebury, in and forthe District of Jddison,
cnthe 12ih dayofOctoberA. D. 1814.
Jifan-AnnDow, administrairix ofthe cstate
late of Granville ia the state of Icdiana de
ciascd, presents hcr pctition in writing to said
court, pravinsr tor liccn.'e to scl! the rcal estatc cf
i tbe said dcccased; and thcrein s?! lbrth the ehar-
gesofadmimstration, thesuaatiiTi aml vsineoi
. ,j,c sa,a rcai cstatc and that thc heir3 of said cs-
j tate are minors under the age of x;ven years, re-
siding out of this state, and thr.t it is Eeeesaryto
sell the said rcal cstate for thc ' ::rrof e of pay-
' ing the cxpenscs of administratia : nd lle sup
I poitofsid minors, and that il wcuM be ft:i the
I ltiteicsiof said minors that tbe same actld bc
bc held at the clSce of Ihe Resitcr of this court
h? said jliCdlcbury, on Thursday ; ihe :21st day cf
, ?n,vb.er "X'i ?i ef tcIoiloal,'
'and that notice thereor ce g:;cnto a I perns
, imcrc5ted th3t ,kc..; m!!y2pa r xzA do their
0''ecai.n, if any they raay have, 'o said license
lic'nggrantcd, by pnmishinga ceuificd crpyrof
I this ordcrin thc Northern Galazy a ncwspaper
, printed at said Middlebury three tticVs srcccss-
'veiv previoxsto tne time oi stj.. .rar.
J. S. BUSHNELL, Uegistor.
A true copy of Record,
Attest J. S. IIcsiineh. Iegistcr. 5
THE Subscriber hating opcncd an OIHcf f.r
trantanion of J.iw bu'n."s, wouM iufuiia tUw
I ullictlui bo uiltLc ready to wait upon a!l !i
inav liavc ocuion f r hij nrofmiorral terticrt at
'' OZic oytr the Slore of Ira Stewatt Es.
offitc 0Ter the ?tore ofJt" S:'
few doors outh Ie Post Oflicr,
r(T,n;nv T? iVPirnT
Mi,Ul bury lan. 8. 1344.
Tacklc Blacks.
One pair hrae s i a iimcfier artisle. fur .! Vj
a. rRAxaa.
all colors, sold by
Broicn tf Sheldon.
Tln Firra ofRnssel nndGridlcy is this day
disiolved by mutual consent. The Ilool.s aud
accouuls will be fouud with W. P. Rusicl nt
tha old stand, whcre all iudcbted to tho lal
firin. are requcstcd to call and bdtle at tbe
carlicst possible pcriod.
W.P. Rosr.u
II. C. Okidi.lt.
Middlebury Oct.lStb. 1344.
SnitrSa!'. !
500bushf!sTurks Island S.ilt
1000 Coarso VVes'.ern do
00 Barrcls Wcstcrn (ino do
300 B.ig Wcstcrn Dairv do.
For Sale by WIUtiUT & BUll.
K0,000 Fiist quality Pir.e Shiiigles f ir
?alc by P. W. COLLINS.
Cornwall, Cct.ll, 1S4I.
I bis W 10 certifjr tlut l have given mr
, C0I1 Ccorge V. his time, until hu eha.l
. becomc nt ihe asc of-21 years, nnd shall
! pay no dehts of his conlrctin? aftcr lhi
j datc, nor c.tact nny Cf his Wnges.
ALi'ttEI) E. NlCJiOLS.
Rli.ldUburv.Nov.Ut. 1(314. 27.
TIi- narincrsl.iD herctofore existirc beiwcen
thc subscribers ofthe firm ol" Myre and Eevcr-
I 'fhe baMr.eis will l e conlinned at tbe oM star.d
Jcrcmiah Jlyic, with whom allnoter . ci( co
tn,j- lwiiir.mn" to ihe firm a'e to te lef f r aJ-
;,,..-. jY i!rnl iLat thev huul,
cl It is dcsircd Ibat Uiev huuU :.o e. iica
'iihoni dclar. JEKEMIAW JIYRF.S'
' '
' K j.-i'ra a -f;p
Middlebury, Oct. UOib. 1811. t r
Particular Toticc.
i The copartr.crship herctofore nisting ur-'-r ts
. firm of Uuntlcy & HiggiES is this day by t arul
couscnt dissolvcd.
i All persons ccnccrncd are hereby no;i6"d t :t
! an imrnediate settlemcnt and paymeatwheie i t'e
' isnot onlrgrantcd LmiicsT and siiit.1. lch-J
Thc totes and accounts (whcn otliornotii.c i cot
, given) aie in the hands of J. V. Hanlle , at thc
old stand.
! Salistcry, Oct. 10th, 1841. 7
Cashmcrcs, &c.
Crape Mus. D. Lain, Cashiccrs, Pariiienct,
Bambasins, A Ipiaes ic., at
Sept. lth, 1811. BIRGErS.
From the pasmrc ncar the pawr mill In 'Wey
bridge, Oct. Jd, a bright Red COW, with tb
ends of her homs sawed ofT, ar.t' a iiule bronnijh
about the hcad. Said cow is shont clcves yesis
old. Whoever will give information -where said
cow may be foond, shall be rcwar-'.ed. S6
Middlebury, Ocl29, 1511. W. D. FARR.
SV PER I O RCa mphcae Linsced acd Lan.p
Oil, Copal Varnijh, "White Le.-d, and Gtess fur
sale at tbe cte-p Cash store of
New Book Store.
h. vr. C L A II II .
is now lecoiving and has fir sn'e at the
green store recen'ly occupicd b J. B. Wil
son, ono door east ofJ. M. Slade&co; a
ccneral nsoitment of Classical Schooi
Books, togcther with a select assortment of
Jliscellaneou! and religious works,Statiuii
ery &c.
Also tlie publicnlions ofthe Masi S.t
Soniety, Doctrintl Tract3 scc. &c. Sabb..tli
Schuols in the vicinity can he supphcd uc
the same price which they aro procurcd at
Boston. Those who are desirous ofsup
plying- thomselves with tbo publicatiotw of
the D . Societycan do it at the usual priees
of 10 pages forone cent.
N. B. Books ofall discriptioas at Bcston
and New York priees.
Middlebury, Not. l!

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