ITISAIACT!! 0 Bilgej s now recciving tlic richest, feest, and cbeapest stock of StapleandFancy DRY GOOI3S, ho has cver oilered in this market for casll onbr Sept. .18, 1844. -M. NEW GOODS. ZBECKWrTU & CO. would lnvrtc . all their ncigbbors and frieuds to at-. tend ibe exlctuWe sale rlch, rare, and Fashionable New Goods, goiog oo at tl.e Okl Stand. Tbey do not euns.d ,r ii oecSsary tospin a tons j-nrn. butwould simply that if peiple antto geta little bctter art.cleat a lower price than they cin hojr alhcre-tbey aWj'',a,Swil CO. 1 FALL GOODS- . TIIE stibscribcrs arcrecehing inaddition totlicir pring Mock, a large aswvtment of dcsirable 15 7tn GooDs,viz: . Alpnccas, alpinw, Indmna and Orleans cloths, lunette Cape nnd M. DeLaincs, Cashmere De CoSse.AflghansaUns, Auicr Jcan and Scotch Gingham, Tartan plaid &c. - M.DeLaioe Cashmeic and High and shawls, alpacca nprons, broad cloths, uea ver and pilot cloths, casfimere and sntinett at all prices, brown and bleached cottons very Iow, Prints.Bocking flancls fcc.and a large lot of Groeeries nf all kinds, very low, crockery. glass and hardware, mcdicines, oiU and paints, lron and stcel, fch salt &c. Tlie above, togetber witli many, rcry many, arti tles notcnnmerated, raakingone of the best assort- r .i un;i-U rnmnionlv Kcnt in country re. lail stores.which will bc sold h.wer than the cxrhanie for produce, IMmuev, ta.-n ui crrdit A. B. Si 11. M. CHir-MAS. Port Franklin, Bridport, Sept. 23, 1841. U. E. WTCOMB, TEACUER OF MUSIG AND DANCING AND THE VIOLIN. ilmDLEEL'RT, Yt. Mit. WniTCOMB aavingas'ociated himself with Mr. Barstow.willfurnisha CotillionBandforall r.alls, CoUlpon parties, 4c. 23 CEMEHT. Tliis Lime callcd Water Lime Tlie fubscrilier will now keep coastanily oa hand for bjIp, rilherin catks orbulk. Onekihi from liU quarrj. aboot 4 bushcls was bumcd Ustjcar.ground.soldout, and used, and is iroiloanccd KIRsT BATE. ,10 Ca,h paid for casks.FIutir Barrebi. 2 heads 12 1-2. ll..adScts. 23 EZRARICil. SIioreuaDi.Ricli'ii Mills. . C. IL LJSWJJS' B08T0N & MONTREAL PACKAGE EXPRESS, Via Kkiic, Ctllow ritts,Choaer, l-uuajd Mrfdtetary, i:mnaii.l Burlinslon; leave Boston MONDA1S nr mch a.k, 7 oVlock, A M. throasli to Barllnpon In two Jajs, when Im intit5 with Walker& Co. r "J trci-J Iavc Burlinpmi TIIURSDAIS of n:4 o-clock A.M throuiili toBuston In two dajf, for the acr. i!, LoA;U.ip anJ raymj Wotoi, DaSU OrTlCES.-lt Barton, at AilamsJ. U Ao.Stourt tL, tart iloare. Ko.30 Ilsnover fctiDutnSton; , at Amer-jc-n llonse, Amlh Side Squnre, mi at aU Uie Stage S. U. Mirk rackse 'LEWIS EXPHESS Cloak and Dress Goods. 1 Krnssp. GalenoR. Semendria. Para- matu.Zenobia, Bjzantine, Medoras, A!pacca,Si!k and Lot. Crape, aierinon, i-amasenue ULaln.forBalccIieipby ScpL 26, 1844! P. W. COLLIN'S. .MulTs, iJo3, Bonnct Vebeu, Ribons aad V inter Arlificiab, Udiesrcjdy made Cp,Ladie Girdles, Winter V itu.l'jris Cord.Gimps and Fringes.Frcnch Casbmere I'laidSbawU, frc. &cjut receiredand forwteby 1'. W. Collisb. Shoreham, Sept. 2Cth, 1944. TJTE BEST ASSOUTMENT, orciolhs, Cas.simeres, and Vcstings, in the coun ty, n ill be found at Brotcn ff Sheldon'!. SALT. Tnrk's Lsland, Coarse AVcstcrn & Fine Dairy Salt, just receired a STEWARTS. Alpacca Ltistres, &c. Alparcas Silk and Cotlonwaqi, Alpacca Scrgei, Aliiacca Aprnns, and Alpacca Cravatt, JustRec'd ept. 18,Jltl. India Rnbbcr Sboes. GenLiLadies I. B. Shoes, Sandals, Bus kins &cat Bikce's. Sept. 18th, 1644. Storage & Forwarding Vane on tlie mo5t reasona.blo lerms, by A. B. & R. M. GMIFMAN. Port Franklin, Bridport, Sep tembcr tmb 1814. 7 Western ?o!ar Salt at 35 cts per bushcl, Turks Island at 50cjs " ' Barrel Salt at 1 25. nt Port Franklin by Sept. 28. A. JJ. &. II. M. CII1PMAN. FAUEWKLL'S Slips, Walkiov SIioeit(iaitcrs( nuikins, for ladies and Misse, CIiacks(and Iioy Crogana, for sale by Shoreham, May 14, '44. H'riphl fiusli. 4- M ACKEUEL Codfih and Talile Salt of sunerior nualitv. for salc nt. RUSSELL .s- GRIDLEYS. Dcc. 4. 1S13. IXES, 1IES. BROOKS &BE0THEBS, WOULD respectfully infonn the pub lic, that they have fitted up an es tablahmcnt in New Haven, Vt., 3 iniles north of Middlebury village, wliere they intcnd to manufacture and keep constantly ou hand, a large assortment ot Edge Tool s. This establishment is under the superin. tcndence of B. Bao iks, formerly of Mid- neoury, wdo e; aies ior ine lfst 15 years ' .... j 6" "itL-iii UI1I1 : uhue long experience in the business, and pirui caro iu ivccjj up nnn an ine impiore inents of the day, and aided by the most compcuMit uorkinen, they are enalned to pro-lure nu article not ccplleil by any in finish or edge, in the United Stntes. All Tools manufactured at this establibhment wiil be warrunteil. Merehants will be supplied with axes at , cho.e;ale as they can be bought in market. i s- aii oruers nrommiv hiipm,I.i . which should be directed to Mnlill?hnrJ Po-t offire. Vt. N. B. UErAfuinB done at short notice 95 ) T. M. Brooks, ' New Hnven, i J. E. Brooks, Ottobr22, 1314. ) Mjlton Brooes uoirjtTtTK. rilHB Subscriber has taken n sbop in the JL lowernartof the building occupied by Harvey Wilcox, whero he is ready to wait upon all who maj favor him with a call. Having had ycars of expericoce in the lino ' HAIR CUTTIND & SHAVING, hn TpMs tnnfident that those who may favor Mm with nn nnnnrlunitv to exercise his J skill in these mattera, will not go away dis ' appointed. Perrect satisfaction gi ven or no rLmix mnHp. Rnnstantlv on haud and for aafe, a general assortment of l TOYS, ' for children and also I COtfFECTIONARY oferery kind at the lowest prices. Tho hungry also be accomraodated wtth the KULUlUUai3U4 au vw... w j 1 for that purposc. . I The snop has unaergone an enure auu thorough repair and its proximny to the j cooling waters of Otter Creek, and the in-1 vigorating,t)reezes tnaitoiiowiiscourseren ders it a delightful retreat from tbe heat of a summer's sun, and dust that at times ren dersshops on the streetso insupportable. He nopes to receive tne catis 01 uia u.u friendsand as many new ones aspossible. June llih, 1844. 7;3ra. TEMPBRANCE HOUSE. The subscnber would resDectfulIv infonn the pnblic that he has taken the Tavera Standf form crlr occupied by Joseph C. Huntington on the weMsiaeui ine unuc. iu miuuicuuiv. uiu tends to keep a house of public cntertainmenl up on strict Temperance piinciples, and hopes to se cure the patronage of all who ivUl be satisfied with the f:r;t rate accommodations which such a house can aflbrd. He has had much experience in this line of business. and flattcrs himself that by bis assiduous attention to snpply the wants of tion to an taose wno may iavor nira wiui iucji . . r t? .1 I. custora. ALLEN H. HAWLEY. Middlebury, April Otb, 1844. 49 Tho New and Etegant JBoat G A R L A N D CAPT. A. P. HOBART, ILL commencc her resular trips be- tween this City and Buffalo in con- nection with the facket, J. SU.uiuaii ruuniug night and day as follows: Leaves Vergennes, Leaves Buffalo, July 3th August 20th Soptember 17th July 22d September2d Septembcr 30th Ocsohcr lolli Uctober Z3tn This packct is iinisbed in a style tinsur passedbyany Packct c.thor on tho North ern or Western Cannl. Her Room3 are large and airy, her arrangemeuts are such that seventy-fivc to eighty can be accom tnoduted with berths without incon venicnce. An expericnccd Captain and crew will spirc no pains to make a journcy from this placcto iiutlalo pleasant. t-very laciiuy will be given to Familics who wish to board themselves. For further particulars cn nuire of R. CHAPMAN. Agenl. Vergennes, Vt JOY & WEBSTER, ? Buffalo, Vergennes, June 13, 1844. 8;0m. Wool Carding. The machincs at the old stand of D. P. Nah in first ratc repair, and the business of Wool Carding will be coutinued on rea sonable tennsandin a workman-like man ner. C.L. SMITH. New-Haven East Mills, June lst. 1S44. 7 New Store. THE Subscnber has taken tbe Store iu Monkton Uoroucli, rccetitly occupied by J. Miner A: Co. and is now roceiving and opeu ing a splendid stock of New Goods, reccntly purchased iu New York and Troy, compris in" almost every variety usually kept in a country store, conststing ot uni m u u o Groeeries, Hardicarc, Crockery and Glaa ware, l)rus, Medicincs 4 I'ainls, Lin- ceed ff Lamp Oil, Cul y Wrought Nnils, Ulndow Glass, Putly CodFish, MackereL, LicerpoolSalt. ALSO, Superfinc Flour which be intends to kcep constantly onhand, and sell at 12 1-2 ccnts adrance from the Verennes nricc. He would say to hisformerfriends and the pub lic that hc designs tokeep a good sunplyof all the articles wantcd by the people, and to sell as cneapascan oe ootainca at any otlierttore in tne siaie ior vjasn, ana on incmostaccommoaa lins'terms for other pay or on short apnroved cred it. Pleasecallandexamineforyourbelres. The people of Starksboro' and espccially thase who navc Deen in ine naDit oi trading with c:m in iNcw hlaven, are respecunjiy lnvited to call. T. C. SMITH. Monkton, May 8, 1844. 2 TIIE WORCESTER PREMIV31 EAGLE PLOW. The best plow now extant; and wliicb drew the pretnium at tbc plowing match of the iMassacbusetts Agricultural isociety last fall, iMoluiur more could be necessarv tnan statement of this fact, to commend it to the farmers )f this region. It has given perfect saiisiacuou wnereverit has been tcsted. The subscriber bas the above Plows for sale at his cstabhshment in Middlebury and feels certain mai u is a nrst rate implement ot liusbandry, ROYAL D. FARR. Middlebury April 9. 1844. BROH'N & SHELDON, have just re ccivcd a geueral assortment of Goods for the season, including English, German, and Fan- cy uiotlis aud Uasstmeres; Doeskins.Sweeds Gatnbroons, 5cc.; richSatinand SilkVestings, Calicoes, Balzorines, Lawns, &c &c, which will be sold cheap for cash. April 7th, 1844. l CRAVATS. Gent'g silk and satin Hra vats, Ladies' Crarats, Bik. Ital. Cravats: Pa- teut iubber Braces, Silk Suspenders, 3cc, iur adiu uy BROWN A- SHFr.nnM April 7th, 1844. j Hartford. fHE aubscriber has been appointed Agent for the Hartford Fire Insurince CourANr Inr Mitllhtiv A i - i P'oposaUforinsnringproperty againsl los. Tr dniage bj Fir e. The long est&blished reputa- u ui iuii tumpany, ano tne promDtneii. with which all their transacliont havo been ebaraeterised rcndsrit nnnecessary tosay any I thing initsfaror. All bussincss eoonected w,iU iiie mmcv inirusiea to oim will be fiith' fully and punctually transacled. JONATH IN HAGAR. Middlebury, Feb. 26, IB43 42;y Agnt GEORGE S. SWIFT, ATTORMtY AWB 60UWSELQR AT LAW. OjRcc in the Iioom occupied ly the Counly CUrk, in iVhinvrighCs fcricfc Building. Mnrrh.Ofilh 1844. 7'lf- CHEAPER THAN ADVEUTISED, Still Cheaper and Later Style ! Tjvinv Hnnt brinps Goods Clicavtr.nnii lof newerstyle for FRANC1S, which were bought with Casii from first hands at 15 pr ccnt less thanhave been bought on acredit, and which are ofl'ered lotcer tnan cver, for I nrn.llr KlVTI ITSOTl ITlShlJtl? to rcAMewUifind goods and prices righU i"1' rarfer. Bilious, Remittentj and Other. Fevers. r.v wp.h Aixy beffin with vawnin e, streleh. thn hanei. -laneuor, ciddineis. a swelliru about the region ofthe st ouiacb, nd many other unpleasfnt sjmtoms. n Pner.ia' Coupouxd Tosiito VII.I.S, ... nnn at thn heat medicines iu the world for the cure of tevers, oecause iney puige itum hAv ihnuK morhfd humors which aro the ..nsp nipvprv tnalad in:ideDt toman. In all cases of fever, four to six of the Tomato Pills .hnnM he. lton v.r nieht. orif the symtoms are violent, night and morning Yhis plan.if properly carried out, will in a hort lime, ab- due ice cioii vioieni aiiav-n. , .iUv tbe digestivc organs will be restored to a healtby tone, and the blood so completely puriBed, that writt. n-pll a pvprT ouier uiseuu wni be driven Jrom tbe body, and health and Tigor w ill be given to tbe wbole frame, !nr calo b srenli in all the Country towns Price 35 clg. G. R. Phelps M. D. Proprielor iirfrnr.i r.t nMthnnt wliose siirna'.ure noac nrp frpnmnR. r or saie oy oiuinr. iuuuui. """"""-'j SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber, at liis old tand in the brick building one door north oflhc Coort House, h re lil wintpr toek from N.York and Albany, out .of which lic will manufacture and keep constantly on hand or make to onler on snon no' tice, the followinf articIes.Tii: SADDLES, r R i n l FS &. MARTI WGALS, Common double and single tinned and jappaned harnesses malleablo tip l tung Brass and Silver mounted coach, gig and waggon harnesses of difTereut style mour.lings & construclion, Carpet bags and valices of different material and fash ton, French folio brass rivited iron frame Trunks ; Imitation folio, and a Iargo assortment of different size and quality of bao- tnn and common plain TnnsKs. ITT r-irriarp trimmin? doDe in a neatand work. manlika manner all kinds of repaira in h'u line done at shott notice. The abo and all other arti. n hii l!n of ousiness will bemanufnctured out o ai eood i'lock as can be had in roarket, and told as chcap for cash or most kinds of prodoce ai can be pnrchated in this Section of the country of the same juai'Jy. Periomt wisbing to purchise any article in his line of business will do well lo call and f xamine prices and work ai he intends to keep a large assortment constantly on nana. vi ffiien if reauired. Alioa pood and well selected assortment of Sad dlery hard ware different Pattemsof Brass Silrer Fine Malleable lip'l tung and all kinds of com. mou ware, Coach lace Ivory Rings Curled hair. Open and Round Bells Horse Cards. Cur ry and Mane Combs, Horse Bruskes, Ncats foot Oil and a good assorlment of V hips it Lashts. Patent Leather Cap fronts and bands &c which will be sold as cheap for Cash as eau be had th side ef Troy. C. II ILL. Middlebury Dee. 27, 1S43. of Books and Pamphlets. Consistuigiamonga LTeat variety of other things, of Letters from Ireland Voice of Antiquitv. Ge- neva and Rome, Gausson Inspiralion of Bible, New Tribute to J. B. Taylor, wbrld's Religion, Chris tian Experience, Parkert Lcctures, SebT Cultiva- tion, ussian's I'oems, veusters uctavo uicuon ary, Liay's Algebra, riayiairs n.ucua,tierscnei Astronoinr. Comstoek's Philosoohv. "Whatelv' Losic and Rhetoric. Newman's and Jaraieson' Rhetoric.Paley's TheoIogy,Hitchcock's Geology, Wavland's Moral Scien'ce, Gray's Cheuiistrv, Gray's Botanical Text Book, Abercrombie's Fhilosophv, UUubigne's iHstory,t'arlornnual, Watts and Select Hyrans, ilethodist Hynins, Young Choir, Temperance Lyrc, School Singer, Snuthem harp. Kitchen Directorv-, Church with out a Btshop, Prayer Book, Principalities and Powers,Joseihus, Jacob and Solomon, Barncs on Revivals, Child'sbook of Devotion, Christian Citizcn.Emincnt Christian Females.HowtoLive, Pic Nic Tales. Hierarchical Despotism, Parlor Companion, Romish Relics, Texas, Highlandsof ttuiopia.junms iracts.u uonneu s anai, i-ni-nese as Iher are. Historv of Ancient Christians. Universalism as it is, Preachins; and Hearing, Dr. SDrinc's ObbsraU'ons ofthe "Worldto the Bi- ble, Britisn Poets, Life and Speeches of Henry Clay, Milton.Christian jlntiquities.Sears' History ofthe Bible, Wonders ofthe World, Bible Biog raphy and Guide to Knowledge, "Wrongs of Wo- rnen. foems. isouinae iwceienca, z.un- mernian on Solitude, Jewish Customs, Chalmer's Works. Universal Gazetteer, Xew ionc uazet- tcpr Splected Tracts in nackases 25cts. Moore's Private Devotion, ilamcion by Hanis, Danger and Untr. jlaojonus ana james. lyoraeuus the centnrian. Chnrcli m tne wuaerness, pt;.nn;cv. Floral 7?io!rraphvJiman- nil nn thp rmccanH in the Garden. Engush Mar- Tales. .Also a eood snpply of common School Bo'pics, faifT wxms, N llas VTOAI S'flTlC KlfinL'C T I n 0 1111 L.U. AUA LT dellible Ink, BrushandSpongeBlack-jngj Brash. es. P.iint Roxes. Pink Saucers and Brusaes, 551- verPcneil Cases. Bristol Board. Preibrated do.. DrawinsandLinenPaper, FancyBoxes, isit- inir and Printins Cards. Perfumery, 5eidlitz and isoaapowaers, uampnor, upium u,uinme, moi phine. Shavintr. Casule and com. bar Soap. Arraneemeuts have been made for ordering any Books that may be wanted, dunug open nangation. t or sale at tne rosi umce, CH4S. JJOWEN, Meat Middlebury July 8, 1844. 10 FOR SALE. NEARthe Lower Mills in Shoreham, 62 acres orgood land, with a good house painted.awoodshed and good barn, with plenty of water all con Tenient to work on. Those who wish to buv chean come and examine foryourselTev,andyou will find the land andcrops as good as any ofthe neighbors, Soreham, June 29th. 1844. i f. Silks & Ribbons. DRESS and Bonnet Silks and Ribbons. in ev ery variety of style and patteto, winter artifi cials &c. at Birsz's. jSfept. 18, 1644. ill Confectionaries. TJ,;. Aav ree'd 1000 Ibg. Freah Confection aries, from the Manufacturer, for sale by NewTreatment ofConsumptio n BucKSn' Hangarian Baham of Lifc. Pronnrpil in London. Encland. and rec- cornmended by all ofthe most celebrated Physicians m Europe. aoa wnoiesaie ro tail by RUSSELL & GRIDLEY, Mid dlebury. Agents for Addison County. THE Patent Iiaee. INFENTEDBYE. P. BANXING M.D. Or riTTSBURGII PENaSTLVANU, Will be kept constantly on haud by Dr. W. P. RUSSEL, of Mtddlehury, hc having purchased of tlie Original Patentce the cx clusive right to make Qr.d verA the same with in'and for the Couuty of Addison, Vt., and in .sscx uounty aiaie ui hch xuin. The ralcnt Lace uas uow Dcen oeiorc tne nnMti. r..r n mimber of raouths nunurcus have bcen apphed m diflerent parts oi tne country, and witn a succesa nevcr uciuib equalled oy any reuuiuiu ugcui. Auuu.iua well authenticatcd certihcates of itsbenefictal influence in the removal of diseascs ot long Btniulinir. mizhtbe furuishcd from this imme- J?tt. tn nilAUinn tn thp atntpment of cases and cirtificates of cures fumished by Dr. Banniug aud others. But this is not deemed necessary, as at the present time ref- crence can be given to inuiriciuais wcnnug the Lace in nearly every aowu in wo oun- tv. Phisicians have long felt the necessity of a supporter diffcrently constructed and more nerfect in ita atlaptatiou to ine numan lorm than any that had bcen presented to the pub lic. The invention of Dr Banning's mcets with their general approbation, as it is de sigued to relieve symptoms, and to remedy a class of physical malaUies wnicn can noi ue reached bv mcdicines alone. The decent or msplaccment ot tne viccra from relaxation of the abdominal muscles or other causes tcnds to alter aud deraiige the fnnction ofeverv orcanin the humansystcm and in many cases this deviation from the natural hcalthy position of parts is the solo cause of cencral debilitv in Males & Females of JJyspepsia, atlections oi the siomacn ana lAtcr falpitalion oj ine ucart, apmai irrv tation, Hysteric Hyocondria, Piles, Prolap sas Uleri, Supprcsnon of Urine. The Bron chitis of nublic speakers, and incipitnt Con- sumphon all ot wnicn will ne mucn reneveu if not entirely removcd by the use of the Pa tent Lace, when their existence is caused by Physical derangemeut anda mechanical dis olacement ofnarts which can be readily as ccrtained-by observing the form aud symp toms ofthe person affccted. This instrument has been examincd by Drs. Mott, Rogers, Frances and Griscomb of New York, tbe. Faculty or 1'ittsburgh, Hartford and NewIIavenand has obtaincd their favorable testimonv. Application for the Lace can be made at the nonse of the subscriber, two doors south of the Court House. Patients at a distance will bo vi3ited at their rcsidence if requtrcd. A snecimcn of the Lace tocether with va- rious kinds of the most approved Trii3ses now in use cau at any time be examined nt the Druggtst store of Ktissel oi Unuiey nrst door south of the Post umce. W. P. RUSSEL. Middlebury, Feb. Cth 1844. 4f,tf Hats!! Hats!!! at Tnx olo sTixn a tew hods NORTH TIIE JAIL. THE subscriber would infonn the public that he has on hand a large assortment of black and drab Hats of the Iatest riew-YorK lasn ions, which he ofTcrs lower for cash or most kinds or Proouce than can bc bought In this county. JOHN JACKSON, N. B. Thehighestpricewillbepaidforlambs wool and itlusKrat sKins. j. J. Middlebury, April 17, 1841. 5I;tf. SALT & FLOTJE. Just received and for sale, lower than cv er before offered in this Market. 100 bls. salt in prime onler, 1000 bushela Salar salt, a superior article, 500 small bags, in perfect order. Flour constantly on hand, first quality, war ntnted, which will bc sold lower than any other place in thb City. Call and see. W. CHAPMAN. Vergennes, August 2d, 1844. For Sale. A valuable house and lot in East Middlebury, formerly owned and occupied by Levi Smith de ceased. The house is newly built, and the lot contains one half acrc, and is about in the ccntre ofthe village. Part ofthe price must bepaiddown, and time given for the balance. OHANCEY L. BRANCH. Middlebury, Sept. 14tb, 1844. tf Iraportant Discovery. THE subscriber is happy in being able to inform the public tliat he has brought to light, a Medicine by whichSpavins, Uingbones,&c.on horscs CAN BE CURED. He knows that heretofore sudi things have bcen deemed ipcurable, but now can be cured, and horses aflicted in this way can be rendered sound and ue ful. Good testimonials can be furnished from per sons who have made useofiton their horeesand aiways to their satisfaction Said Medicine is for sale by the Subscriber in Cornwall, Vt. JOSEPH K. SPERRY. MEDICAL INSTRUCTION. The subscriber continues to givo Med ical inslruclion, designed by panicular at lcntion to indigenous medical Botany, and to the principal practical subjecls of gene ral Therapeutics, to adapt the course to the requisites of those who intend to become Country Practitioners. He has engged S. Pearl Lathrop, A. M. M. D., to instruct in natural seience, and in human and eojnparative Analomy. Cjentlemcn wliodesire may have admts- sion to the Lectures given in the Collece on Chemistry, Natural Hislory and Philos- opby. Midd'i'ebury, I7ec 20th 1843. 33;tf. Snuff. D R. M A R S II A L L S Aromatie aud Head. ache catarih murr! This snuffis aupenor to nnv thinc: vet known for"removeinr that dls- 99a. the uatirrh. ana also a eoid in tbe neaa th hcadacl'e. It opens and pureai oat aU ob struetioni.strengthsns tbe glands, and givea a healihy aclion to the parts affecteI. U is periec tly free from any thing deteterions in it compo ition nas a piesent navor,ana nu immeaaie eueci fter beiog used, n tereeabie. rrice sti ! eenbt ner bottle Earh bottle contains abont threa times the qnintity ofthe several kinds of Catarrb snutr, now seiung ai a rawer pricu ana lueieiure cueapci, u wellas belterUan anr uinr ot ihelcina in market. Sold by tbe Propnetor Charlet Bowen, Mid dlebury, Vt Wm' C.Simpton &- Reed, , Brin' ley, -Vessrs, Lewis. Bostsn, H. Pbelps k Co. A. B. tc.D Sinds, and others. New York. and by droggirtf generally in the U, States b Canadi. For the consumption oj the Lungs! rTifin I J.nino trnnwn to maD X 1 T' Jltuiviuw cipient consumpt.oD.asthma oieren s Bleeding ot the lungs, coUg, comnlaint. and all diseases of the pulmon- nro nrrrnnB. P . t- fj: . A rnm- ISalurcs own rrcscnfw . VipmuNA. or Wild Cherry Bark , u: i ...m. it nvtrnr.t of tar. prepar ed bv a new chemical process, approcu -4 hv thn rnostdistineuish' aiiu Jtl.umitii'M." j . a nWicinnc. nnd universally aoknowi- edaed the tnost valuable medicine cver dts covered . No quaekeryl No Dece?lion!.'AU puo- lished statements of cures perforrr.ed . - - i -- rrt nt? BWUIII.I.U this medicine, are in every respect ue Be carefal and cet the genuine ui. tv is tar'8 Balsam of Wild Cherry,' as srunous imitations are abroad. co frnm nnv Dart of the country should be addressed to Isaac Butts, No 125 F.i'ton street. New York. KOSSJL ana Gbidlet, ChemiVs & Druggisls, Accnts, F. Huntington, Vergennes Wrighfs INDIAN VEGETABLE P-LI.S; -on- Indian Purgativc. rnrtHOHGH manv medicineslia e been JL bcfore the public for a mu h longer nnriod than Wriehl's Indian V, nlable Pills, yet none stands now in hig' et repute, or has more tapidly attained a . i n hold upon popular estimation. The iiicjsands that have used them throughout the length and breadlh ofthe republie, all bear cheer ful tcstimony to their thorougn fjjicacy ana mild oneration when employed ia tho most disorders 'which flest is heir to." The theory of disease on which Wright's Fndian Vegetable Pills aro founded is this, viz; that there is only one ptimary cause, of all the disorders that afllict the human familv. and that is corrupt humors: or. in other words' impurity of Blood. This principle is now so generally admiUed that it may in fact bo said to be sustaincd by an univeisality ol opinion, tne tew uisseu, ters constituting but a very feeble minori'.y, It is useless, discuss the sound ncss of this theory in this place and con nnxion. The one disease principle being udmit ted, tho modo of attack professed by all practitioners bccomes the same namely fubgation. But mtmy of the so.callcd spe cifics nonr beforo the public, produce only one form ofpurgation: they are either &u darifie. catharlic. Diuets or expeclorant. Wrinht's Indian Vegetablp Pills combine all these properties, t aro ,lhererore caicu lated to nttack thee lements of disease at all points, and by a harmonious and combined operation to expel it radically from the sys tem. Their efTect is almost magical, and is no less astonishing for its mildncs than its efiicacy. Both sexes, and all ages may cr.iploy them, according lo the directions, without fenr, for white they are certain to cure all diseases that aro rcmediable, they never inflict an iniury upon the system The perfect safety of the medicine is an- othernll nnportant quality, anu one wnicn has contributcd more than anything elso to its extension and nonularitr. In n woru, this medicine cnmmcnus itsell strongly to the patronnge ot the pub!ic,anil its use bids fair to become before long, al most universal. CAUTION. The citizens of New England are pectfully informed that in consequence of thcgrcat popularity wbich Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have earned by their aston ishing goodness, a gang of Counterfeiters are now induitriously engaged in pnlming on the unsuspecting, a valueltss ar.d per hips dntigerous medicine, under the name of Indian Vegetable Pills. This is to inform the public, that the genu ine medicine has on the boxes, "Wrigbt's Indian Vegcta'blePills (Indian Purgative) ofthe North mericak College op Uealtii." And also around the border of the label will be found iu small type, "Entered ac cording to the Act of Congress, in theyear 1840, by William Wright, in the Clerk's of fice, ofthe district Court of the enstcrn dis rict of Pennsylvania. The public will n'so remember that nll whoseli the genuine Indian Vegetable Pills are provided with a ccrtificate of agency signed by William Wright, Vice President OI TIIE NORTH AMERICAN COIXEGE OF IIEALTII, and that pedlers are Qcver in any cnse nl lowed to sell the genuine medicine. All travelling Agents will be prcvided with a certihcato of Agency as above described, and those who cannot show one will be known as base imposters. The followinj bighly respectable persons have been appointed agents for the sale of the above named. Wnght't Indian Vegetable Pills. OT TIIE .NORTH AMER1CA.N COLLEGE OF HEALTH. AGENTS. W. P. RUSSEL. Middlebury. S. MOODY, Needham and Dcnnis, East Middlebury, P. W. Collius. Cornwall. B.F. Haskell, S- L. Spraguc, A. P. Roscoe, Munson Dean, ii Shalss & Webb, S. S. Johnson, Huntley is Higgihs, Ira Bingham, ii Weybridge; New Haven; Bristol, Lincoln; Ferrisburg!; Leicester; S ilisbury; S idbary; Jobn SimondsSd, YUntiDg; Tupper ds Breakneridge; Srtrksborough; vv.o.iirown, Aidison; F. Huntington, Vergennes, P. Fletcher Sf Son, Biidport. J. Frost, ' Wrinht & Busb, Shoreham; Jobn Simonds Jr. " Nearing Scnd Catlin, Orwell; iV. Uhipman cj-tJo. " J O'LmINGDEY. Travoling Agt. REMEMBEU The onlv Office in Boston whore the Indian Vegetable Pills can be obtaiued is at 1UH Trfcmont Street 198 Principal Offier ant) General Derxit.169. Sprtne street, Pbiladelphia. 35: ly C0V1TAS10US DISEASES, and changes of Temperament. witpb TPiint be adantcd to tbe flesh, or there will be no proFagai.oa '--;-'- -r .1.- I The soil raust De aaapieu io :-,-,. The cl mate must have init which which W.U onite and IsunsuuH'"- r m,t.ri,llv afTect- Humin trame-, ii " --""7 r' . ed bv epidemical or coniagiouj uii.. fhere be tbose matters floating In tbe e.rcuUtion uCre IJW nvirirvinrr f? ' "nlty with those impurities upon which have ma aiways feel secnre whatever onea "J "B . , we may have it, but it will be the aflair ofa day' "r lo, white those who have been loo wise to use this simple and excellent remedy, eitber Sudden changes irom noi m ."j are unfavorable to health, and it is fact uni- Sint St and canstant .wet weather a,e both favorable to It. .fenet0DMt do no ts.g- i nir whit we cau ti. it "".j --- , , be dysentary ; bilious tever. it may e nf i .... Ka hn ir: 1 1 ntav ue -uiiow" i U3j "V-.:a f IhBnoW. thebowe&i it may beinfltmmation of ineoow- els, it may be jnnammiuon oi ! - mav be neivou. affection; but still itis disease, and a disease curableby Brandrelh P'1'3:5 cause they rcmove all impurities from the bocy all.tnat can in any mauner iceu " progfess ofthe malauf no malter how called; thus these pills aie not only the most pioper medicine, but generally the only medicine that necd oro-Jgbt to bf used. At tne prejwi "" it is every mac'a duty who wishes lo secure hi. health to use them, it is the duty of every one f their health restoring powers, to make it known in his immediate cjr cle. For there are aome alarminc signs, which tellof tho app.oach of diseases. The sudden changesof temperament are more to befcared ana guardcd against inanany cuuiaBi- .j Tiie NrLHENZAhu left many in such a into nr tnp that ihpro is in them a eteat susceptibility to be affected by these changes or ine atmosDnrie anu coniaKiuua ui........ ... by the timely use of Brandreth's PilU eTen now thia cntrriitibilitv can be in a ereat measute ipmnt.,1 and nnivrr iriv.n to tbe STStem tOre' siat these morbtd poisnns, and the sudden chan ges in the wcathcr with wnicn H may ue utu i in contaclduring the next auaays. iiaiuiu u formed the bowcls lor the evacuationoi heallhv Lnmma andif manwould but Use Com mon ns. h wnnld lifce earc thev performed this office faithfully. If the bowels are out of order if tooslowor to fast, a ftw doses of Bran-'a PMIa tvill hrin fhnm lo order. Ask the man whowasdying from couslipated bowels what cured him he tells you, Brandreth a Pill. Ask him who had had dvsentary forsix monlhs n,1 rn ..nH hrl railcct: he will also tcll inn thn P.rnnrlreth Pilla cured him in Week. So with other discaees. Tnelve Brandreth Pillf, ruhbed down in balf a pint of molasies, cured a little boy of an nlcer ofthe face which nrtois had tried to cure, but could not; tbe poor parents would have given haUlhey were worth to have had it cured, but every 'hinglhey tried did no good, unlil they gave it a teaspoonfull of molasscs every day, in 1-9 a pint of hich they had rubbcd down 12 Brandreth pills; before the whole of the molas ses was taken the ulcer was cured. .and yet sotne foolish people call Brandretli'a pills qujck medicine. It would be'wellif there were a few tnore such quack meiinincs. Will all your pretended Sarsaparilla Compounds cure hke the Brandrcth's pillst Can they send jou to er sons cured as Dr. Brandreth can? Can the) point out to you people who had been helpl'-s ior ycara from pilipsyani Sl. Vitas Dunce who have bcen cured by their remedics. 1 they cannot, Dr. Branilrelh can Can thej point outto jou a persn who for twenty i'ears had never had a stool without having used mcd icido or medicinal means, an j whom the Bran pills cured, in a month, and gave Ium as heaUhy he had when he was a child. If they cannot, Dr. Brandreth can. The Bbansretii Piuj not only cure, all curable diseases, but it can be demonstiated, that by their timelv use, they must infallihly cure, In a vcrysliort time, Dr Brandreth will bjing before Ihe public a concentralion oflhc virtues of (he Biandrcth pill, both in the from of pills, and in the fluid and then ho will explain the rcason or the cures that must neccssanly be the result or using BnAMDurrniAN Rem edies, whether they be internal or external or external. I have just received the case of a medical genlleman, who resides in Shrrbrook. Canada, who for twenly yeais was sorcly at llicted with a disease, whiehcameoutin blolch es and scabs all over his body This gentleman so far forgot bis prejudiccs which loo oflen cursehisprofejsion, as lo apply psrsonallj to Dr. Brandreth, andh's course proved a happy one. Witbin iix raonilis he was entirely cured of his miserable and tormenting disease by the uso ot the Brandrelh pills. This valuable rned cina is for sale at Dr Brakdbeth's Ofliee. 211 Rrm.L.r. and 27S Boweiv. nnd 139 1 2 Hud. son street, at 25cls per box, with full directions Becarefulyou get Ihegenuinr; ooserio V"5 natures of Dr. Brandrelh on each box thrco B.Brannreth and Ihrce Benjamin Brandrelh. Lisl of Agents. The following are the only aulhorized agents for the Brandreth pills and Linamenl in Addison Co. Jona. HAGAR. iliddlebuij; Simon Taft. Whiting; Sholea & Webb, Ferrisburgh, Munson & Dean. Bristol; B. F. Haskell, S. Everts, Cornwall; Roscoe & Nash, Newhaven; W. R.Bixby, Vergennfs, P. Fetcherand Son. J. Frosl, Bridport; K. Wright & Co. Shoreham; Simonds lc Bircbard, Watch Point; S. S. Johnson, Leicester. 17,500 Boxes of Dr. Rush's IMFALLIBLE Health Pills. HAVE been sold during the month of Dec, so greal has bcen their popularity, in conse nuenco of the numerous curea they have efleet. ed. Every person who ues these Pills recom mcnds them to olhcrs as the Best Medicine they have evor taken so gentloin their opera tion. and sosure in iriving relief. Itis now concededby the most eminent of tbe medical faculty, that the stomach is the seat or fountain of all disease; that itis, asil were, the centre from which proceed all Ihee vils produced by forcign or irritating causes. and which from thence spread lo every part ol tbe animal system. The proper mode ofcure. therefore, is to at tack the citadel in which the disease entrench esitself, and no combination of medical agents has yet been discovered so cfficacioos for this purpose as the preparation of the late Dr Kush anrl uMH-frnm thn nnivernal SUCCeSS attend- ing their administralion, during a practice of nearly ha.'f a century, were siyiea ni iui... hld HIth Pill" Their irreat virtue is that Ithey arrest disease in IU first approach. They are preventives as weu as rcuicuics . ; will ventnre lo sav. that if taken by persons when Ibey are first affected with symptoms of illness, many ana many a case mai is euner se rious orfatal. mieht be avoided. ONLY 12J centsabox,thecheapeitandthe best medicine ever known. Sold at the princi' pal office 30 j?nn st. New York. V: G. Dagzers. sole aeent. W. P. RUSSEL, Chemists and unggitu, ueneral agents for this county. 6UB AGENTS. F. Huntington, Vergennes, A. P. Roscoe. T. C. Smith. New Haven. P. W. Collins. Cornwall, S. L. Spragne, Hemac Barnura, Joseph Frost, P. Fletcher A Son, Hammond & Go. AVeybridge, Ferri&burgh Bridport, do do 36 missea do. I Cyprus, and Palm leaf Bonnets, just re ceived 3t s:rEWAR,T'S. C. RUSSELL. AT h"t old staud, is now receiting BfddltiShs to his slock of FAMILY GROCERIES. embracing every article of Tea, Sugnr, Spico, Ccffse, Moinsscs, ic. ic. That can be found in this market. AI. so a larger variety of NUTS AND FRUIT than can be found anywhere elsoinih;. wv. .wU..u tjnic(c vicn.ty. part of rine App.cs Oranges Cocoanuts J Almonds iicmoiisj 0i:ve l mes 3. S. do H. S. do Cicily do Shellcd do Brazil nuti Filbcrts Peanuts Walnuts English do Peccanuts. Box uaizins K d Currants Mace uaisa Citrons. Gingtr preservcs, Peach do. Orange do, Catsup r. T., And alsoacboice selection ofChewin' and Sna king TOBACCO. C. RUSSEL would alo ghe notice to lie inlabitanls of MiJdlebnry tliatbe will fumi'uthei with good FAMILY BREAD at the same rate that Bour can be obtaincd by tU 1b. Also PIES aud CAKES can be had at times. N. B Inn-keepers aod Groeers can be scppUeil with all kinds of Groeeries that can 6c had anjwberi. All orders will be thankfully received and puncttafii nttended to. Middlebury, July, 1344. 10. Moffat's Celebrated Life Pill AND PH03NIX BITTERS. Tbese powerful purifiers and restoratird areas railu and as agrceahle in their operation the gcntlest medicine known in medical nactice, yot as Complete and prompt in their effects as the most siifloriag palient could de- irc. lhcy thoroughly cleansethe wholo tji. tem, slomach, liver, intestin s, kidneys auj bladdcr, leaving not all impurity behind to poi. son the channcls of life. Yet they never prosx trate even the most debiiilaled.bat invijunie almost from thecommencement. No meilicines in the union have acquired a h'gher, a firotr, or more ext'nsive repiitalion among the intelli. gcnt and respectable lamiliesol tne United Sutes and none will maintain it longcr. Thert is no quacktry whatsoever about them, for they aie composcd of the best vegitable medicines known to medical seience and of tbe best quality that monry can procure from any country. Ilenee it is that the propnetor has received, and is con slantly recciving, such an immense numbetyf certiGcales to their astonishing efiicacy. Thesa ccitificates piove that they rapidly and com plelely cute allderangements ofthe digestive anu bili.ious ru.tcTlo.vs.coSTivEKESs, piles. dyspepMa, acule and chronic rheumjtism.aslh ma, bronchitis, iaundice, billious and serous loosnest, loss of appelite, fleih, and spirits, erup- tive and scorlulous diseases, salt rheum,erys:p elas,s:urvy, dropsy, fever and ague, head-ache, fullncss of blood in the head, palpitation ofthe hcart, worms, rheumatie colds, general disttesi and dcbility, night sweats, quinsy. soio thioai, seltlrd pains in the back, joints, side and limhj, and evea the most complicatcd malcdies inverj idvanced siages, and of invetcraie otistinacy. Their price pu's them within the reach of ihe afuicled ofall classes, and being purely vegiu ble, they requneneitherconfinemrntnorchange ofdiet. Every family aud individujl sliould kcep them ready for use. Prepared andsold, wholesale and relail, ly Dr. W. B. MOFFAT. 335 Broadway N. Y. Wright & Rush, Shoreham. Vt. Agcnls. Russel & Gridley, Middlebury, Yt. LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the la bels and wrappers of Aloffal's Life Pilb and Phcenix Bittcis aie now printed from vety fine engraved plates. similar to the rheck-nuik to bank notes that the wrappers are wh e on tlie genuine medicine not ycllow. 1 ichan should aiways break open a packagebi weiur chasing,and in the Good Samantan.acc iipany ing, they will 6nd a full drscrinplio of ' e new dress for these cxccllint miiiicinis. Vhvais examino well Ihe label on the x ofpillia'fuie you purchaso. 1 5 BOO'I'S 200 paini thickand thin, sole Lcallicr.upprr Icaiii er, and calfkins, for sale by Wright i liUH. EAVER'S JOINT iNERYE Liniment. AN invaluable family medicine. Recommendcd by the Medicul Facu!lt. For Rheumatism, Gout. Sprains, Bru-e. Cramp, Limeness, Pain in Ihe side, back, and Loins Chilblain. Felonn fresh wourrf.-. Bims. Sjcalds, Freezes, Ague, Nervous. Heat'ache.asd all cases of JExtcrnal lvjunj. It strenglbens ar.d invignrates the nei. gives elasticity lo the joints promoles a heal'by circulatinn of the blood, and imparts strenh to any part of the sysiem wbich may hare becii weakened by sed-ntary t.abitsor disease. It is impocsible to preient to the publ'c all tbe evidence which the proprietors possess of Ibs virtues of this Liniment. .Many families leef it constantly by them, believing it to be the W:! remedy in use for diseases tequirirg exterul Ireatment. The goo.l effects of it are truly on deifuland altogether superior !o anything tUa ever discovered. WPORTANT TO HORSEMENU This Liniment is not only beneficial tolhetn man system but, is the best article that can be used for horses that have been galledprainrd o; bruised, and for stifTness and swelling of lle joints, scalches, wmd.galls, fresh wounds The otiginal and genuine is prepared only kj T. SEAVER & SON Druggisls, WalpoteN. H OBSEUVE Every bottle ofthe genuine will avethe signuturc ofthe proprietors on tbe in side wrapper. Each bottle and eal ijstamped SEAVER'S JOINT & NERVE LfM.VENT, and enclosed in a blue wrappfr on w hico b a rtJ label. Price 25 cts per botlle. . For sale in JUiddlebury only by Russel & Gntf ley, also bv W. E. C. StoJdard. Rutland, V. Winslow, Pittsford; Warren and Bliss.Brandpa. Huntly & Higgins. Salisbury, A. P. Roscoe, Iw Haven, F. Huntington Vergennes, and bydroj gists and merehants generally. 23;! 1844. MANUFACTORING. DAVENFOKT ts TURSEKi WOULD inform their palrons and the public generally, that tbey,have renewed their lease o. the manuractnriDg5lblhn.eBt ofthe M.ddlc bury Maufacturing Co. for a term-of years withadditionalfacililiesfordoingbnsiness. The rte aUo Sg some valnable additioos f o thM finishing nacbinery and improvemenls, gene-. rTlIv intending t'' ' produce a ,fMods suitable for tbe Worthy Soni"of the GreerrMouctain Slate and lheiri.Neigbbors on u. ODDofite side of tbe Lake. mT.. cin receive! Wool to manufacture on shares or by the yard and will keep an xtcDSivj rtment of & exebangefor Wool, or adyance pn iVoolJfft bJ manuiiciuic. . - - grateful acknowledgmenU to their palrons wr ' not he wanling to meril their fullest contdene -i ptpTERM3 adapted to the TIMt. Middlebury, May 29.