OCR Interpretation

The northern galaxy. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1844-1848, December 18, 1844, Image 2

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Naturalizattnti auch madificatiou as shall i
k-nithcii ilie terra nrprijbaliou, cxact grcaler
c-ire in ihe iinro-lnctioa to citizenship, and
atrengthen the securilres against fratid. We
tiy witli alj ourhearls all lio-q.itality to thi
stra:iger. full priviltge uf holdmg land, ful!
protecliou tu property, rull eiicouragemeiit
to !i labor, but no priviicge to interfere iu
tho Goreni:nent or Legislation of ilie naiion
aniil he has livedloiigenuugh iu the Cnuntry
1 1 undsrstaud its intercsls, to resist the cajul
. rv ordem.igogues, whn would make him,
t'lrough hU igiior.iiice.theiiislriiment of tlic
baiestdrsigns; aml umil lie has sufSciemly
i leiitified liiinsclf wilh our pcopte to feel llwl
thir ivi-Ifare is more impnriaut to hi.n tlian
ibc wellare ifall othcrs. Our laivs, at pres
ent, do not tive m these eciirities ; and wc
mav presuiiie that there is not an intelligcut,
horicst-hear:eJ naturalizcd citizen iu ihis
fJiiio:i nho doesnot fcel a:id acknowledge
the mcosiiy of this rcform. To nccomphsh
tiiis great purpoJe it will bc the resolve ol
the Whig party to stan.l by ihecause of Rc
lbinns ToirralioD, cvcrspnrniiig the basc
altemptwhich has becn made. and will not
censc to bc made agaiii, to conncct the W hig
causo witli ths uuium of Rcligious Persecu
ion. For ihrse ccds the WIii-j r.eed ao new or
g.iuization, no new nauie. That which we
hesr has been coiisccrnted in uiany a battle
of l'rtedum, a::il it nill, I trujt, long scrve to
raily the b.-.ivc and pnr spirils who stand up
for Pot.nhr Right and Free Gnreruineutin
- I . . r.nmin -1 m n 1 ll.
time to comc. uai u ""- "
What trirds aic beforc us. no man can now
furetell. becaiue no man can distinctly read
t!i2 lcdgis -f the party vhicb has jusl bcen
brot.giitiuto power. fr tlie late cauvass, on
the nart nfottr advcrsaries has noibceii a
jnere impoi'.urc, a piece of supersubliie liy
pocricv, a irick plajcd offnpou popularcre
dulityv.c mustliave ihHminediate Aur.exa
.. Ti-.asatid lhe Kepeal orihaTariff.
llo;-. :b? tiation rcccivc tbcsc crploits we
niay conjcciutc. it' paiituceatid its forbear
auce be !roH,"ht io samc severe tempta
tions. It'the surcisf'il party, hotvcver a
ll'.ci e ; cood ri. t-.on lo snspcct have not the
i.civi to'dare the fulliluisnt nrthesc proniis
cs, -.hr.t liundcn or mdignaiiop, what
ih.-cats ol" VitSHScatirn, wliat torents of lir
tupriatiou foriailh beiraypj, may not await
tbem froni that lic-y Soiuli whosc lot it has
alv..tys)ice i to swell the trimnphs of an un--ori'-t-;
! Dcr.;nmcT, tu to rtreivc i;spay
i.l ' i nc-.:' bcj Apples liisappoiuted boprs
and .-,.i.ribiM rcqies:s! Unhappy may bc
isle ot u: ntst Prcsidcnt, slandiug thus
lctc: 'attTiy cxpectiiii; factions, and con
.aedto the impossiblo taskol'pratiiyiug
Ijnth Loco lrof oinii may ilms. in its own
li-.cin!, i.ieetitsdooa". It uilUurn andrend
in kccj.er,. Tlic lluii'saiidij of dcluded
hnnr-t n,eu tviiasi it yfl nuinbors iu its rank?,
i"' flyfmiii it, aiidsubcr opinion.once morc
, iuciothpjnilsnieiit 5catoftlic Natinu.nill
qpeli ihefrenzied zcr.l of part aud l-ring the
jjn'; 'ack ir.U tlic path from nhich they
4 . icpartcil. AII good mcn, in this con
.: ,?ccy. will tliank t!ie Wliig foi having
pr.jbf-rv'ed a plair.mn ou liicli 'aliiolism
nny rallv :r lotarips io avc the Republic.
The Vahiugton correspondcnt ofthe BaJ
itt.cre Palriot, coinniuuicatcs tbe following
;jroi-H:siS thruugh the Magnelic Tele
aph. SENATE.
Va5Iiixotos, Dec. 9, 184t.
Mr Mcrrick gavp uoticeofhis intcution to
ia'ri.Ince a !;!! to reducc ihTalcsofpostage,
-,iJ liolish the frankins priviicge.
.Mr. McDuRie javr uoiice that to-morrow
iul!DuId ask leavn lo briiis iu a joint resolu
ioii for thj anucTatic'i of Tcxas.
Mr. Taupau nresented tiie new Coustitution
of lowa. uhith was lefcrrcd to the Coinmit
fee on the Jndiciary.
tjn Foreigs Rc!aiions Messra. ArcLcr,
Hcrrieni Gcu.; K:irha::an, Pa.; Hlorc
...d. Ky. ninl Cbcatr, Jiass.
Ou Finance. .Mcssrs.Evaii3, Mainc; Crit-trii'k-n,
Kv.x McDnirie, S. C.; lluutington,
' '.; and VVoodlittry, II. 11.
Cominerce. .Mrrs. Iluntingtnn,
fin.; lSarrnw, Loa.; WoodhriJge, Mich.;
Hnyuood X ('.
) l.M inafacturcs. Messrs. Sim:nns,R.I.;
Vi.her, Va.; Ihller, N. J.; IJucianatj, P.i.;
l',iiiani. Vu
Dii Agriciilturc. Jlra. Upliam, Vt.;
' , s, Ma.; SlUit-nn, Pa.; Seiuj)le, III.;
a.H Vtchimi, Mo.
u Military AtV.iirs- Messis. Crittttideu,
.: IScnlon." iio-; Barrow, Lou,; Fcster,
J . - im.; Ah!iT, Ark.
On Miiitla. Mes?rs. Harrow. Lou.; Afh
Ark.; Semple, III. and Fairfield, .Mahie.
' ! Xav:d Affairs. Mfssrs. Rayard, )el.;
1'eiroe, Mi.; Ilugcr, S. C-; Johnson, Lou.;
r.cki:.so:i. N. Y.
' 'ti l'ubl'C Lands ?Ie5srs. Woodbridgc,
Mr ii I'help.. Vt.; Walkcr, Jliss.; Jaraa-
ii, j'onn. aud Morehead. ICy.
!'riv.tte Laud Clair.u. Mcssrs. Ilen
dr Ms.; Urecsc, 111.; Pearce. Md.: Tap
,. iu, Oiiiii; C"lqn?!t. C-a.
( ! Indiap AU'.iir-'. Alcssrs. White, lud.;
1 .h. Miu, t.ou.; Sevier, Ark.; Phclps, Vt.;
,:mi. Mo.
Uii ,'aini?. .Mcssrs. 1- nstcr, 1 cun.; Uay-
; J.; Wnudbtirv, X. II.; I'hslps, Vt.;
II. iv. V. C.
Oa !i"ti,:ii;imi.iry Cliinis. Me3r3. Jarna
prn. Tciin.: (!r.:nn. P.-l.; Francis, R. I.;
f.'' !'jiie:t, jt'i : Ilani!t:ui. Ind.
(Iu ihf JnHiciary. Mn Ilerrien, Geo.;
l.iMiin, J)el.; D.iyton, S.J.; Ilugcr, S. C.;
V,'..:?t. .Mis.
On l't.tt Ullicen and PcstRoad. Mcssrs.
V.i -;k. Md.: H::i.icj'i. I!. I.; Jarncgan,
T-ti.i.; X"es. Cuuii.; A'chison, Mo.
On Unad'f nnd C;.i!N. Ji ssre. Porter
White. In).; Le-vis, Ala.; Rrccse. III.
&en.;V, Iu.
Ou j'rii-siiri! Mc-r-. Ratcs, Mass.; Pc
v - Ar - T -.tr.n, X. "..; Fi.3tci, X. Y.;
l .l.liM..
Uk tlie IJiitrict ff Cnhtiii !i.i. Messrs.
Mi.,e- N. ' IJjyar-l. IVI.; Woojbury, X.
1' jrnrk. Md-; icin,.l -. 111.
'.: iM nnJ ''.ircut ):lire Jlcssrs.
a...,-s Vi.; Portcr. Mich.: Ba!c, Mass.;
'tnrseoi. "a.; aud A:Ji?rtnu. X. U.
f'-i ue.. ciiicciii. rdfi--rs. Morehead,
Kv. r.-wis, A!-' : M;Urr. X. J.; iiuntington,
. anu i'sirnsJ.I. Maiue.
- i T-..Itnrics. .McKsrA Bagby, Ala ;
I McKtff.e. X. C; Clavtou. Dcl.
. ... r-au:".-.3.L
Oa rc'!i-: i.uilii':'';5- Mesws. Dayton, X.
iil-; aai! Sacby, Ala.
. ar'.t - Iciiutrnl t'lccoutingeat exprn-
- ofti. aite. M.-srs. Tappan, Ohio;
,, ' c. Si';-.au; atid l'micr, Micli.
,1 T. 'tir-srr. Siii.inon?. R. 1.:
ya:.-Sfii'.Mi-.a5 !T;mi:n, Vt.
t'ii K.-i"-jd IJills. Mcsirj. rnnc'n, R.
r "iv A '; aud Albcrlon, X. H.
Li' sary for the Scnatr. Nfr.
- , . f V Tappau, Ohio; and Pearce,
1 ilVeI ibrarjMtbejwrt-ofiboHouwof
Representativcs Mcssrs. Burke, N. II.;
Marsh, Vt.; and Lyon, Mich.
The House met at 12 o'clock.
Proireadincs commeuced wuli prayer, by
iho Jter. Mr.Tustin. Tho Clerk read the
proceedings ofThursday last.
Thc Spcakcr announccd the folloiviug
Standing Commiltces:
On Elections. Messrs. Cross. ol Ark.;
Ch.ipman, Tenn.; Newtou, Va.; HainliD.Me.
Ellis. N. Y.; Davis. Ky.; Scheuck, Ohio;
Boyd, Kv.; Brouu, Tenn.
On Wajs and Means. Mcssrs. McKay.of
X. C.; Drnmgoole, Va.; J. R. In'ersoll. Pa.;
Weller.Ohio; Campbcll Geo.; Barnard, N.
Y.; Xorris, N. IL; RathburnfX. Y.; Davis,
6n Claims. Messrs. Vamcc, Ohio; T.
Suiith, Ind.; Green, Ky.; Andrew Johnson,
Tenti.; Bowliu. Mo.; Thomasson, Ky.;
SirnngX. Y.; CareyMaiut; Ramsey, Pa.
On Commcrce. Messrs. Weller, of Ohio;
Holmes, S. C.; Dunlap. Maine; Phoemx.X.
Y.; Kmg, X. Y.; Williams, Mass.; J. P.Kcn
nedy, Md.; Labranclie, Lou.; McClelland,
Mich.; Morris, Pa.
On Public Lands Messrs. Weller. tSP
Ohio; Holmes, S. C.; Dunlap, Maioe; Phce
nix, X. Y.: Kine, N. Y.; Williams. Mass.: J.
P. Kenncdy, Md.; Labranche, Lou.; Mc
Clelland, Mich.; Morris, Pa.
On Public Lands. Mcssrs. Daris, Ind.;
Bovd. Kv.; Hunt, X. Y.: Hubbard, Va.;
Houston, Au.; Clmgman. W. C; JamesoD,
Mo.; McClernand, III.; Pattcrson, X. Y.
Ou Manufacturcs. Messrs. J. Q. Adams,
of Mass.; Collamer Vt.; Woodward, S. C.;
Hudson Mass.; Lnmpkin, Geo.; Ballinger,
X. C.; Hale, X. II.; Alusely, X, Y.; Crans
ton, R. T.
On Asricuhurc Messrs. Deberry, X.C.;
Farlec. X. J.; ?t. John, Ohio; Brovcn, Pa.;
Green. X. Y ; Hays, Pa.; Henly, Ind.; Flor
ence, Ohio; Dickey, Pa.
On Indian Affairs. Mcssrs. Cave Johnson,
Teun.; Thompson, Miss.; Foot. Vt.; Bid
lack, Pcnu.: Hunt, Mich.; Baker, Mass.;
Bcnton, N. Y.; Howcs, Mo.; Vaneuieter,
Ou Military Affairs. Messrs. Ilaralson,
Ga.; Coles, Va.; C. Johnson, Tenn ; Black,
S. C.; McConnell. Ala.; Clinch, Ga.; Mc
Dowell, Ohio; Seymour, Conn.; Fish,
On Militia. Messrs. Dcan. Ohio; Flor
ence, Ohio; Moslcy, X. Y.; Bower, Mo.;
Hubbard, Va.; Foot.Vt.; Hays, Pa.; Lyon,
Mich.; Hamliu, Ohio.
On Xaral Affairs. Messrs. Parmentcr.
Mass.; Murphy. X. Y.; Barranger. X. C.;
Chpman, Ala; Simpson, S. C.; Peytou,
Tenn.; SlewartCt.; Atkinson, Va.; iliareh,
On Foreien Afiairs. Messrs.Jamcson.Mo.;
Rhelt, S. C.; White, Ky.; Dawson, Lou.;
Hammctt, Miss.; Scmple. Ind.; Bailey, Va.;
Winthrop, Mass.; Ellis, X. Y.
On Post OlBccs and Post Roads. Messrs.
Hopkitis, Va.; A. Kennedy, Ind.; Grinnell,
Mass.; Stiles, Geo.; Hardi'n, III.; Dana, X.
Y.: Reed. X. C.; Rollc, Mo.; Jcnks, Pa.
On the DUtrict of Columbia. Messrs.
.Stetson, X. Y.; Hale, X. H.; Jones, Tenn.;
A. Stetvnrt, Pa.; Slephens, Ga.; McCauslin,
Ohio; Pctir.Ind.; Summers, Va.; Douglass,
III.; Brohead. Pa.
On Revolutionary Claims Jlcssrs.
Davis, N. Y.,t Lucas Va ; King, Mass ;
Stoue, Ky.; Smith, III.; Dickey, Pa.;
White, Mainc; Senter, Tenn.; Preston,
OnP ublic Expcnditurcs Messrs Clin
ton, N. Y.; Mathews, Ohio; Wright, N.
Fuller, Pa.; Purdy, New Ytirk; Grider,
Ky ; Sykes, N. J ; Johnson, Ohio ; Yost,
On Private land Claims Mcssrs. Sli
dcll, Ka ; Cstlin, Conn ; Dillet, Ala ;
Bnnvn, Ind, Cary, N. Y; Potter, R. I ;
Yancev, Ala ; Severance, Me ; Itogcrs,
New York.
On Territories Messrs. Brown,
Tenn ; Duncnn, Ohio ; Gogin, Va ;
Daniel, N. C ; Payne, Ala ; Tyler, New
York ; Wcntworth, lllinois ; Blacl:, Geor
gia ;PoIlock,Pa.
On Revolutionary Pensions Messrs.
Scymmir. New York ; Wright, Indiana ;
BroHii.Tcnn ; Hoge, lllinois ; Itobinson,
New York; Potter, Ohio; Giddins,
Ohio ; Ilcrtick, jlaine; Sovcrence
M.iino ;
On Tnvalid Pensions Miessrs. Brinkcr
lioff, Ohio ; Russell, New York ; Ashc,
Tenuesscc; iMorris, Ohio; Tibbets, Ken
tucky ; Smith, New York ; Nes, Pcnnsyl
vania ; Collum, Tcnnessee ; Spence,
On thc 10th iustant nniong othcr pro
ccedings was thc presentation Iy Mr Ad
ams of a rctiticn from citizens of New
York praying for thc abolition of slavery
in ilie district of Columbia. On thc test
question shall it bc received, yeas 107,
Mr. Adams shen moved lo refer thc
Pctiiion tothis Committecon the District
of Columbia which was carried.
In Scnatc. Mr. McDufkie offered a
joiut rcsolution to anucx Tcxas to the
United States. On motiuu of .Mr. Akcii
Eit it was referred to tlic Committee on I
Fcreijn Affairs.
Mr. Bc.vro.v gave nolice that to-morrow
uc ivouid snbmit a bill ior the Aunexation
of Texas.
iIr. Rives' rcsolution callipg upon thc
President for addilional communicatinns
on the Texas question, betwcen Mexico
and thc Uuilcd States Government passcd.
Thcn it will bc scen there is to bc hot
work cn thc Tcxas question.
Whcre is Birney and the Third Party
Cantthcyhelp the Whigs who alone
stantl in the Thcrmoplyae which seper
atcs us from Tcxas, against the locos who
feel thcniselvcs in duty bound, becausc
the people havc so decided, to pcrpetuate
thccxistence of slavery. Oh Abolition
ism, what crimcsare committcd in thy
iiamc aud liow basely have thy lcaders be
trsycd thc genuiue friends cjf negro eman
cipation and of therights of humanity.
In Senatc Mr. Benton introduced a bill
providing for thc annexation of Texas,
which was referred to the committee on
Foreijrn Relations.
The Vote on the Gag rule.
For recending this rule the votes stood
by states as follows (Slavc states in Italic.
States. VFl'igs. Lotcs.
Maine, 4
New Ilampshire,
Rhcde Island,
New York,
New Jcrsey,
North Carolina,
3-i 1
: 8 - 2
' 3
'8 18
.1 3
13 , G
8 7
2 6
1 l
53 55
Tofl 103.
Northerti Whigs who voted Yca,
Nnrthern Locos " " c
t-outhern Whigs " "
Sotuhern Locos, " "
Free states with votes for the gag in ttal
ic.l Statts.
Ntw Hampshire,
New York,
North Caroliuia,
South Carolnia,
Whigs. isocus
Total 80
Southern Whigs who voted Nay, 1G
Northern Locos " " 16
Northern Whir " " S
Southern Locos " " 48
Absentor not voting, 10 whius and 20
locos. The whole number of whigs vo
ting was 69 ayes 53, uocs 16, showing
rnore than thrce-fourths against the gag.
The whole number of locos voting was
110 ayes 55, noes 64, showing a niajor
ily to be in favor ofthe gag.
For ihe Northern Galai j.
In a Postscript to mv late communicalion
on the subject ofthe callof a Connty Con
vention, to nominatc candidates for County
Commissioners who arein favor ofa "well-
rcgutatcd and judiciotis system of liccnsing"
estatilisbments for thc snle of intoxicaling
liquors. I prnmisrd to examiue the position
wbich I uudcrstood had, in effect, becn taken
by that Convention, that thc law makes itim
perativc ou the Commissioucrs to give such
liccnses that tbe only discrctiun they can
exercise, underthe statiite, is, to discriminate
between the applicants, so as to get the besl
men. to furnisti intoxicaiing liquors to tbe
communitv for a beveragc; nnd that they
have no powcrso tocxercise their discretion
as enlirely to ithbold licenses for such sale.
My first remark is, that this construction
ofthe law was not thnught of by its framers.
Evcry body, atall acquaintcd with tbe liisto
ry ol'its passagc, kuows that the friends of
Tcmpenince, in and out of thc Legislature,
uudcrstood that ihe law, in cffcct, gavc the
Conunissioners powcrto withbold liceuscscu
lircly; aud uobody so inuch as hiuted that
it would ndmit of a contrary construc-
j tion. Indeed all thc discussions upon thc
Eubject ofchangtug thc authority 10 give li
' ceuscs, from the Conrls to Comnii'tioneis,
ncnt upon the grocnd Ihat the jieople
ought to nave ihe priviicge 01 aeciuing.
dircctly, whtlher intoxicating liquors should
be fiddoruot. iu lhcirrcspertiveCouuiies;and
the Legislaturesupposcd thty had giveii the
ncoplc that privilegc. I5ul behold ! cuuning
l'ayers hace put on their spectaclrs,
nnd professeu !o make thc discorery ihat no
such priv'degc is confcrrcd on thc people, but
that the troublc aud expciic of a)pomung
Cjinniissiouers is to resutt, not ia banishing
the aulhoriztd sale ofintoxicalins linuurs, Jo
j be uscd as a bevcrage, if the people icish iv
dosu, but only to have a "jnuiciuus selcc
tion tnadc of men to sell such liquors forsnch
use ! Aud this they profess to see very plaiu
ly, on the face qflhe law, wheu the makers of
it ncvcr drcamed of such a thing. Thc plaiu
cotniiioo sense of thiscommunily, nho hale
! tricks and quibbles, nill be slow to belicce
! tliattlus dtscoitry 11 cuiitleu to inucli consiu
eration. They will place more reliancc up
f on tbe meu who made ilie law, llinn upon
i ihose who havc iust uowinadelhisdiscovery,
At any rate tliey will requirs it 10 oe snnwn.
licvoud the nossibilitv ol tlouut.iuat tne law
means what is now contended for, beforc they
will help by their votes to dcleat the wcll
knotv intcutioii ofthe Legislaturc.
And nowlet us scc if it isso vcry clearthat
the law has thc meanint: cnulerjdcd for. The
powcrof thcConiraissioners is declared in the
CihSection, whi;h cnacts, ihat "they shall
havc ihe sole power of cranlinE licenses un
der the provisione of this act." Xoliody dis-
putcs ihat licenses fnr tbc saleof intoxicating
liquors to be used asa beveragc nuiylie grant
cd by tlic Commissieners; aud they not only
havc the powcr of doing this, but the "sole
poncr." Xoliody else can do it. But docs
it follow ihat they must do it ? Is givicg the
power ofdoiug an act, equivaleut to making
it 1 duly todo it ? Commnn sense answers,
Xo. If tbe Lcgislature iutended to make it
ihe duty of thc Commissioners to give the li
censes in question, why did they not say so,
as Ibey might have done hy a little cbangc of
pnraseologyi lorexample tlius the L.om
missioners "shall graut licenses under the
provisinns of ihis act. Or thus the Com
missioners shall be sppointed rogrant licenses
&c. Au inlcntion to impose the duiy of
granting licenses (ur tarern kceping anu
retailing for a beverage, iu every Cnunly
iu the Stale would naturally have been ex
pressed by soinc such lauguage as this; and
to suppose ihat this natural languagc was a
voided, and the expression "shall have the
sole power of granting licenses' was used,
with the intenlion ofconveyiug thesame idea.
is to supposc that the Legislaturc imcnded
to deceive and mislead thc people, oratleast,
to leave thsm in doubtaito their real inean
ing. Bulthalthe legislaturc did notintend, by
the 6U1 section, lo make it the duly of the
commissioners to grant general licenses to
sell in every county, is furlher manifcst from
Ihc 13th section, whereln it is enuctcd that
"the commissioners mny license one or more
persons in each town in their reepeclive
counlics, whom they may deem niosl suit-
aDie, to sell wine, rum, branay, ac ior
medicinal, chemical or manufacluring pur-
. See cemmnieitioo m firnt pn.
pocsonly, who shall reccivelrom eaM com-i
mlsEinners n ncenEu ir oui-u uuu uu
other." Now ifthe Glh section really makes
itlhe dutyui ihccomimssioners lo gmntgcn
cml licenses lo scll, wimtncccssity for mak
ing prOVISIOII.IOr SUCtuu m tuato iu ccii iui
cheiiucal and maniilUcturinir
purposes only," s'ce a. general liccnse of
course inciuues niii". i'
posee, and thercfore wholly snpersedes, and
rcnderi absurd tho giving ol" any eucli spec-
lal hccnse.
It crrms rtnnronriate to 6av, m this con-
nexion that the suggeslion so frcquenlly
made of late by those in favor of jieneral li
ccnsing, that ihe opponent8 of fiuch liccnsing
nrc nlsooppnscu 10 ucensing 10. ineuicumi
chcmical or manufacluring purposes, is, so
laras 1 know or believe, enlirely groundless.
Gen. Strong, nominated aa coinmissioner, it
has been said is thus opposed. This is wcll
known to be untrue ; und besides, lhe reso
lution of the convention which nominalcd
him. declaring that licences ooght not to be
granted, expressly excepfed licenses for the
sdccmI nurooses reierrcu 10. ine r.oiinini
II, Ul tUUISU II bwu.i.j ,.-
licenses for such purposes ; which may quict , withholding." We are mlormed by a
all apprehensions that wine and spiriiuous menjber of the commltee, who finally re
liquora cannol be obtained for ntcd.c.nal, ' d (he Law h House an(J g
chemical, and manufactunng purpoi.eE. 1
But ihereisanotherargumenijcrawn from ate, that no one ever appeaied to doubt
the 13th section, which U still more conclu- that the commissioners would be aulhori
sive. In case of liccnse for the special pur- zed ,f tjie T0jce ofthe C0UntJ demanded
Doses referred to, it is provided that"onat. ... ....
?oSorihetermSof such liceDse-ilmt j " "tlbl.old licences ; and that sever
is,ona sale or wine or spiriiuous liquors to al members voted against the law, be
be used otlier than for medicinal, chemical or cause il conferred so much power on the
raanuracturing purposes inomerwordsas al i i They wished lo make
beverage ihe commissioners shall nnnul . ' .
such liccnse. So thcn, upon ihe conslruction U more certain, whatever might be tlie
by our opponenls of tlie 6ih section. conibined views ofa majoriiy, in a pnticular coun
wilh the plainprovision ofthe 13ih, Ihe com- tyi ,lat jlc.ncea ,voud be granted as
censesfor Ihe sale of intoxicating liquors, lo
bc used as a beverage ; second, lo crant
special licenses to sell Ior medicinal and otli
er purpofics only; and mira, 11 sucn purposes
are riiSrerrardei . andthehQUors are sold
be used as a beverage, then loannulsuch Ii- judge the interests ofthe communily re
ccnces ! So tliat Ihe commissioners are rc- qUjrCi whether they shall license at all.
quired lo license the sale of intoxiating Ii- An( d ,hal eve ,:.
quors for a beverage, and at thc same time,i . f
10 annul licenses ifihcy are used lor ihaipur-. cantsufficienlly respectable to scll intoxi
pose ! Such is ihe absurdity and conira-' caling liquors shall receive a liccnse to
dictioninvolvcdinUieforced conslruction of' ;n a or anyorihe modes prescribed
1 uiuac 1111& i.uiiiiijuiiiiuuui "jr w
anobieclion. It is said that the public ac-
comniotlaiion rcquires houses of entcriain- requisiie accommodations. But we for
mcn which must bc Iicensed, and ihereJore b d; h; . as . . under.
tliere mustbc licenses for sclhng intoxicating I . '
liquors tobeusedos a bevcrage. I admit, stood that an active member ofthe Iite
ihe prerciscs, but deny ihe conclusion, be-( Convention, who can do the subject am
causewc may havc thousesof enttrtainment pIe justice, will favor th public with a
iiceuECd, wiuioui u iiceusc io tcn iuiuiiiiiu
liquors-the law in question making provis -
ion for lipensinir Inns. for enterlainment. in
dislinction from Tarerns Ihe formcr notbe
inir authonzcd to fcII inloxicalinir liquors,
while'lhc selling ofdisiilled spiriiuous liquors j
wine, ale tr bcer, in quatilities less ihan one consider it their duty, tcithoul delay, not
pint," consiilulcs a Tavernkeeper, according ! on) ,0 sicj j;ght on t,;s su,jcci hy a
to thc express declaration ofthe acL Whcre-i ' ' ' , ,- !,..,,
cver, then, a house of entertainmtnl for the j Mccwsion of meetings, and lectures, cr
public accommodation, is needcd, the com-1 discussions, 111 various parts ot tncir re
missioncrs will, ofcourse, grant a license ;' respcclive towus, but by taking all hon
whilc if they are true friends ol temperance, lorab)e mca by commiltees or olher.
they will relusc lo hr.enseiarfT7; ihe only 1 . ' ' . Plli,
purpose or liccnsing Tavcrnsiu Jistinclion , 'se, tosccure at the polls a rull expres
Irom Inus, bcing lo authorize thc snlc orin- sion of those uho syrnpathize with lliem
loxicaling liquors. wilhlheirmischievous and on t lils subject. Foi should il.be decid-n-ekmcholly
.Ui oVevU : lo il commumiy. ihat unrestricted licenses shall be free
What mend ol the peace, happincss, and
prosperily of ihe people can desire to havc j ly granted, and taverncrs and retailers
housesorcniertainmcntthusturncdinto lav-lmultiplied in our towns almost at the op
crns, with their bars filled with rum, brandy, j ,;on of tnose h0 desire to be enriched
'..L:... E r::
.uu... """"i".' - "rr.;:Ai
swer tnis question at ine Dauot ooxcs on uic
first Thursday of January ncxt
A. B.
At a County Convention lield in Middle
bury, on the 10th inst., when the prccreiling
nominatiou of County Commissioners for ihe
ycar cnsuing was inade.ihe untlersigned ivcre
J - . 1 . .11 1 :.: r.i
appoimeu tuaiiurcssiiie ciu&cu ui iiiuyuiiii
ty in rclation lo ihe ruiuouscousequences of
auihorizing persons to scll intoxicaling
linutirs, to he usetl as a beverage, or in ollirr'
words tn bc druuken when uol nerded; nnd
also to lake such olher nieasures as the in
tcretts of Temperance shall require.
It has been provcil, ihat a sys'cm of licen
ses, cveu unuer ,111 iuu iituucuii.ii icum-
lions that Legislalors have imposed, has not
stavcd ihe nrusress of iniemperance: and
llia'l, in those parls ofthe country, wherc
ccnscs nave uccn mini.riu, ine uue 01 iiieun
aliou has been wonderfully checkcd, and pau-
ncnsin and cnmc crcallv prcveuled. :shall
if r.ol derive wisdom from the cxperieuce
ofolhers? In this County tbe cspcriinentof
licensing the sale of mtoxicatmg liquors nas
bcen tricd and thc evils oftutemperance, cx
cept as checkcd by olher mcans.havcbccome
appalling. It is now proposcd, a rcmcdy,
tn hare licenses withholden. cxcent lof lne"
iliciual, chemical or mechauicat purposes, as
they have been in Massachuselts. wherelhe
cspcriment was Iried by a portion of iheSlale,
withsucli cheering rcsults, that finally every.
Uouniy has adopted tlie system
Itis not our obiect the nreseut week to
call your altention to but fcw topics. Wej
uesirc noweveras proposeu nytne -nven-1prcsent Liccnse Law.
tion to call the altention ofthe various Tcm-I Tjlc convention was organized by
perance orgauizations& Temperance friends h ;nK His Excy William Slade Presi-tlP.n-
71: "OT "tT-. dent an3 J. Meacham Secretary. The
a result, that w ill, be most cheering. or, espe- i
riallvtoa larre numlier. "ivhose friends or
neighhorshavesuffrredbyiiieliceiiseRystein.'nominate commissioners. The conimit
most appalling. Alsuchacrisis.it is ex-' tee was coinposed of'thc following persons
pccicu uiai erery icmperance oonciy .iiiu Jonas IN. fjnuth, AUen oimtll, 1 . A.
every Terapcrarjce man .rill "do his duty." ; WiHiam Dewcy, H. F Leavitt, Byron
Grcatcare?houldhetakcntbatnoneor the. ., M w pr t p ,i
Sln " ..tT :.,,...er.r"l".: "' '
, r fr, j ; 1 I
It has already been said most untruly, ihat .
onr obiect is to nrevent the sale of linuors to
be usedeven for medicinal, chemical and me-j John Sanford, Clark Rich, Alonzo Bur
chanical purposes. Ifthercare any iudivid-jchard, Sumner Briggs, E. H. Weeks,
uals in the country, cherishing such senii- WHIiam Nash, Sylvester Doud, Milo
ments, we havc certainly no sympalhy with ,s. . Samuei Jamcs.
theni. One
orour number was a mcmber ol l
theCommittec. who nominated the Commis
sioners, and well recollccts, that, in the pri
vate session of that board, it was stated, in
answer to a question on the subject, and ap-
parently with lne acnuiescencc ol au present,
that nonc ol us tbouslit ol restnunine ihe
sale fnr medicinal, chemical, and mechauical
purposes. Such mcn were nominated, and
one of thcm was present, as it was under-
stood. would in everv town, at least so Tar
that the whole county should be well accom
modatetl.license such sale; and also such inns
at would afibrd lo travelcrs everylhiug they
ever enjoyed except those liquors, which it is
settled are neverneedful tn persons enjoying
full hcalth, and cannotbe frcely sold. 'as a
liceuse, (except restricted ag we propiise.)
conlemplales and must allow, without jeop
arding the interests ofa certain portioriof the
comninnity, whose wcllare we feel bound to
The senlimenls bf those who nominat
ed ihe Commissioners were so well utf
derstood, ihat ai honnrable men they
most unquestionably would have declioed
the nomination, if they had not concur
red niMtentially in Ihe views of those
who prcposed lo tnstain lliem il ihe bal
lol box. Tlfo sense of ihe convention
would doiibtlessluve'beeu lakeii on this
subject, had a.suspicion bee.i 'cutertained
bv the iiiciiibers that their iiitctitioiis
unuld bc misunderstood. Su it was in
regard lo the Jaw, .u'we.are iiifoimed by
bntli ilieSenalnrs from this cnunly, (ouc
of them hatiug ftated his viens lo the
Ceiiveniion,) and by all the menibers of
ihe Ilousc of Repre?entaiives of whom
we have had opportunity lo inquire. It
is represented that tio mcmber of ihe Ie
gislaturc appeared to have a suspicion,
but that it aulhorizcd the commissioners
to carty out ihe wishes of the counlj,
and exercise their discretion in regard to
granting or withholding licenses. Ilence
when it was said, Section Gth, They shall
have the sole power of granting licenses,
it was deemed unnecessary to add "or
1 -
1-e.ofore without restriction. Whcre
111 the law do we find any more discre-
tion given to the Commisionets to deter
mine among many whom they shall Ii-
o, cense, tnan 10 aetermine, excepi as iuey
. . ...
u.r:" :",Jin ihc law, provided he pays the
: pays tne requi-
" .
sile fees and ifa taverr
verner fumishes the
... ,. , , ,
, com.nunicat.on, wh.ch we hope all who
. have any queslion in resard to Ihe
meaning ot the law, will read carefully,
Our tempcrance friends will doubtless
! by the folly orindiscretion of the.r neigh-
bors, will not ihe popular current, that
- ..-.n ....
now sets sostroncly anainst the use of
inloxicalinrr liquors as a bcveracc, be
checkedl M.ay we not cxpect that ine-
bnalion will more fearfully prevail.' ill
not every man who now drinks in sectet
placcs, bc cmboldened to quaff ihe inlnx
icating bcvcraje in the face of the sun ?
Will not every person uho has a frieud
partially or rccenily refoimed, tremble in
anticipation of a relapse? Will not eveiy
i,lteiBent Voman, as she cherishes her
, . r . , 1 -
teudcr infant, sish uudcr the iucreasrd
apprchcnsion that ihat imniortal being
may becomc a vicliin ofthe fell destroycr?
What unweaiied efforts, then, may wc
a r . . . .
l conndently ant.cipale. from all who
harmonize with us in these views of the
li-lsubject I
Thomas A. Slerrill,
Philip Batlell,
CharlesP. Clatkc,
Erastus W. Drury,
Aaron Angier,
James M. Slade.
A Convention Callcd by the friends
of Temperance metin Aliddtebury on the
10th inst. to Nominate Cominission-
crs to be clccted. on the first Thursday in
January, to rcgulate licenses under the
representativcs from each town chose two
of their own number as a comnutlee to
James Minor, Harvey Munsell. Harvey
Parmelee, William Perry, T. J. Mack.
Joel Uice, J B. Huntly, Horace Janes,
m,. .u.: n-.. v-.i, iii,..
j. 11c .iiuii . uau, VJI.U, iiiuu iuuii .1.14.
the committee had selected
Hon. IlAitvEr Munsell of Bristol.
Dca.Cuestek Et.MKR,of .Viddlebury and
Gen Sasidel P. Stbonc of Vergennes,
and the Convention, unanimously nomi
nated thcm as candidates for county com
missioners. The following Resolution were intro
duced by the Hon. Petcr Starr and pass
ed, by the Convention.
Resolvcd that, in the opinion of this
Convention, the time has come when li
cences for the trafflc in Spiritous liquors
exrept for medicinal, chemical and man
ufacturing purposes, ought to be withhcld.
The Hon. Enoch Woodbridge stated'
that, having aided in passing the License
Law, he and the .whole Senate under-tood
that discretionary power was given to the
County Commissioners by that Law, and
that any obligation to general license was
a new and unfounded interpretation.
The Convention appointed Rev. Dr Mer-
rin. tr. uatteii tsn. tiev. u. r. u ark". E.
W. Drury, Eeq Rv ron Angier, and j
S. M. Slade, Ebq. a Committee to preparc
an address to tbe people, to cireulata in
formatiou as to the iulentlon and sccpc
of the Law, and (o use suitable means 10
obtain a full expression of the people in
the cleCion. It was recomracndcd that
all the Temperance Societics should bold
mcetincs previousto thc eleclion.
It was voted that the procccdings of the
Ponvpntinn siinipfl hv the Prcsident and
Secretarv. should bc liublished in all thc'
Newspapers in theCountv. After which
j - - 1
thc Convention wasdissolved.
J. Meacham, Secretary.
Dec. 1844.
A f!i.nnlr Cnnvpntion ofthe friends of Tem
pcrance inrorni of ajudicious and well-regu-
Iated system ot licenses, was noiuen pursu
ant to uolicc, at ihe Town Room in Middle
bury ou Wednesday, the lltli inst. j
J. M. Weeks was appoiuted President,and 1
Edward J. Fhelps brcretary.
Tbe License Law passed at the last ses
sion ofthe Legislalute having been called for,
was read by the Secretary.
E. D. Barber Esq., then introduced ihe
following resolutious :
Resolrea, That the object of the recent
law relaling to licences, was to provide Tor
ihe granting or licenses, to sell spiritous
liquors, to kcep taverns &c., and to rcgulale
the mannerin which ihcy should bc granted,
and that ibis law cau be properly executed
and carried iuto effect only by grantiug such
Resolced, That thc only discretion which
the Commissipners appointeduuJprthat law,
have, is as lo theerions to lelieermed, inclu
Jing nccessarily thc place wbere lhey shall
exercise the right conferred hy the license
aud tbe number who sball bc licensed.
litsolred. That we dnrecale as earnestly
as any of our fellow-citizens can, ihe evils of
iniemperance and that we do not consider
thal a well rcgulated liceuse sysiemis caicu
latcd to iucrease ihosc eyils.
Mr. B. addresscd ihe Convention briefly in
support of ihe resolutions vt hich were uuau
imously adopted.
On motion of OziasScymour Esq.. a Com
miltee ofouc roreach town in the County
wasappoinled to nominatc candidates lo be
supporied for Couuty Commissioners under
ihe new Iaw.at tbe elcction iu Jauuary. The
folloning gentlemeu was appointed :
Addison, DCGoodale; Bndporl, P Fletch
er; Bristol, H C Soper; Cornwall, A Dana;
Ferrisburgh.il Barnum; Goshen, J Clarke;
Granville. Col.Lamb; Hancock, Royal Flint,
S W Stanlev: Lincolu, Wm.Cun-
ningham; Middlebury, O Seymour; Monk
ton, Li o tvecicr; new iiavcu, ti uuun.
Panton, ; Ripton, A t.ook ; Salis
bury.F Bump; Shoreham, ORussel; Starks
boro, 1 Weniwortli; weynriuge, w. vnap
mau; Whiting. A Brazee ; Vcrgeunes, PC
Aflcrashort recess. D. C. Goodale F.sq.,
ou bchalf of ihe Committee, rcporled Ihe
iiames or thc following genllemen aj candi
dates for Connty Commissioners.
Jonathan llagarEsq.. of Middlebury.
Elisha Bascom Esq., ot Shoreham.
Philip C. Tucker Esq., of Vergennes.
O11 rcport orCalvin Solace Es.the lefort
was unanimously acceptcd, aud ibeir nomi
nations apprnved.
On motion or Hubbard Cook Esq.,tesolv
cd that ihe said Coinmitte of Nominaiions bi
nppointed a Coinmitlee of vigilance toadop'
such measures as they shall deem exprdieni
toensurethc election ofthe candicaies uomi
nated. On motion of E. D. Barber Esq.. Resolv
cd Ihat a Conirililtce orfive bc appoinleil by
the President to fill any vacancies ihat may
occur, iu thc Board of Commissioners nom
inated, previnus to ihe election.
The President appointed. as suchCommit-
lee. Hon. llonilio fceymour. anu L.. u. uar
bcr, Chas. Linsley, Paris Flelcher, and Juo,
ricrpoiut t.sqs.
On motion Resolvcd, That ihe procecd
ings nfthis mceling he pubhshcd in llieXorib
cru Galaxy nnd the Vergennes Arermontcr.
JOIIX M. WEKKS. rrcsident.
To Selectmen, Town Cierks;
and Constables.
Thc Selectmen ofthe several towns will
noticc that it becomcs their duty to warn
lhc meeting, for thc election of County
Commibsioncrs as provided in thc 13lh
Al.nnln. ftf tltA R icill StaflllP I.Pt il
.,u,... ...v.
bcremernucrcdtnat noi.ncaiions are to
tm nncloil in tbrpo nillllir. nlnrPS III P.ach
r' , , -----
toxyii at least twe.vc oays ceicre u.e .,n.e
of Im ding the meeting, which is on lhc
c, n, i .!.-
Sdday. Town Cierks must bc present, i ueen lhe ,c:ul,n5 ci of our Governmai
and a rccord must bc made by him in thc(for SOycars, and ihen cliimsthat.Mexic.iba
town books ofthe number of votes given no right to invade Tcxas nhile a trtaiyof
ior each person as Commissioner, and a annexation ispcndiog, and declarc3 any v:i
ccpy of such record, duly certified by him, ) aitempts. will be regarded as highly oflensit:
must be transmitted jto the Clerk of the; totheUuiiod States. Thelanguae ofsbiu
County Court, within ten days after the i,on ,..,.,... ;,PTr,i!n,v;
The Constable or in his absence oneof'
lhe Select. men must preside at the meet
ing, and receive the Ballots.
n R r-l,.vr nWp IPilPrd
r. rr" ' '3.;.,i.j' ,l ,r
now publishing in the New-York Evan-
relist . has reccntlv becn appointea soie.anKexatnpoi iexns.
editor of that
paper. He is shortly ex-
pected home.
Mrt. Clav. The ladies of Richmond,
Virginia, have adopted prepartory meas
ures lor thc erection ofa statue of llenry
Clay in that city.
A service of pla'e to Mr Clay is pro-
poscd by a lady ot Philadelphia, whoot
fers to head a subscription with $250
SctctoB Mr A. C. Burchard, drug-
ist atSiratoaSprines, committed sui-
cide on Saturday, by taking oil of cedar.
He did the dreadtul dced under the influ-
ence of mclancholy feelings, occasioned
by the late fire Letters were wntten by
him to three different persons, givins: di
rections concerning his funeral, the sct
tlement of his business, 4sc.
MrToEBET has been ronvicted. n.lt vs
rorcseenhe would be. at Baltimore, andien- ablo ,0 mcet iis expenses out of its reccip"
tenced lo 5 or 8 years in the Pemienliary on ' . . j.nstk
everv connt. some 5 or fi. Tf . ,
m 5 r i. . J.
me5or6. It amounts lo a.
!. The Govepor might par'
e Govenioror Virginia has de-,
scntence lur luc
donhim.butlhet mandedbim for trial there. Capt. Walker,
cnarged wilh the same ofienee atPeusacola,
has (itiircported)fared still wone-hishand
branded 8. S., Ihen set in the pillory. andto
serve a period amounting to lifo. Wilh the
knowledge orexisting laws. it is surprising
that a man's zcal should lead bim Ifans to
nsk thetendermerciesofslave governmenii.
ti,.. ;it i,. ,n nmi.ri,h.',.nrnn.
erty, soIodjm they hold tbem as p'rpperty.
GT Tbe Legtslaluro of South CBroliej
asseroblcd at Columbia on Mocday Ibe26ib
of Xovcrubtr.
The Legisla'ure of Ohio asseiubled al C.
lumbus yeslerday.
The Legislatnrc of Virgiuia.at Ricrjmond
00 ihe same day. '
The Lrgiilatare cf Alabama.at Tujcetoosi
ou the samc day. '
The Legislaturc of Kentucky, at Fratk!:a
on ihc same day.
1 he Legislaiure of Indiana, at iDdioapo-
lu, on thesame day.
I Aud ofthe Tcrritory of Iowa, atlowa city,
j on the same day. '
Mr. Corwin is recommendeJ, verj ju
diciously, by the Detroit Advertiser,as a
fitting man for the Senate. Wcbstcr in
theSenate, Adams in thc House, and
TomCorwinto help thcm, he thioks a
strong Anti-Texas teain.
Wednesday, Dec. 18, 1844.
Against Licenses for Beveragc.
Harvey ffiunsill, Bristol.
Chester Elmer, Middlebury.
Samiiel P. Strong, Vergennes.
For Licensinir.
Jonathan Eagar, Middlebury.
Elisha BasCOIIl, Shoreham.
Philip C. Tucker, Vergennes.
Rememherthe Temperance
Meeting this Wednesday Eve.
at the TownRoom-turn out ! !
Our readers will find a wcll writtcn articii
on lhc subject of Temperance on our firct
page. Wc wish it wcll understood tlia: ihe
Galaxy is free to communicalions of a re
ppectablechararter onbolh eidesandujnall
Iquestions connccted witli thc Eleclion ot
Commissioners. We publish ihe procccdingj
of both of the Conventions rcccntly asscm
blcd, including ihe resolutions cxprcssivc of
thc views and objccta of each and Ihc seper.
aie lickclsprcsented for lhc public 6uffraje
Theissue is thus fairlycloscd beforc lhc peo
ple, and they will now dccidc whelher Li
censes are lo be granted for the snle uf
spiriiuous liquors for Medicinal and Mcchan.
ical purposes only, or to all persons who raay
bc supp oscd capable ofexercising the privil
egein a jadicious manner, withou'. rcganl
lo Ihe purposes for which Iiquor U lo be uscJ.
We shall abide thc dcrfsion of lhc people,
bclieving that crror, if any will bc lemporary
ind that trulh is mighty, and must at las:
The Members of tho Addison County Ag-
ricullural Society are hereby notified that tbe
annual meelins of this Socicly for the elet-
tiou of County Ofiiccrs and olher businrss
agreeably toihc prnvisint.so(the or1ti;ui:fC.
will be hcld at the Town Room in Middlebu
ry ou tnc lirst Wedncs.lay, in Jan. J dlj
jfbe-irgibe first day ,) at 10 o'clock. A. M.
Middlebury. Xov. 17ih, 1841.
Wc rrgret that ihe state of our JonrasF
this week will notallo j.ts lo puhhsb thc tliplo
matic correspoudence between lliiscountrj
and Mexico. Ou thc part ofMr. Calliouuby
his miuislcrat Alexico Mr, Shannou there i
( a most palp'able attempt tostirup a Warnuh
ihat counlry. Mr. Shannon coinmenccsat
once to ptotcst iu ihe most solemn manctr
n5ainst lhc invasionor Texas by Mcxlco acd
. ......
mc manner io wnicn ltisproposed lo renrv
;,. rererring to ihe barharnus ins.ructionsm
' . rt . ..- ,. .. .uu..fc.
cu io ueucrai v on. lie coninnts onrrcr-
ernme)t ;Q he mos( cmb:lrr:lssi mMtluVj
, . . .... .. ,
proclaiming that lhc annexation or Texas k:i
i;., " .::..
,. ... , . . ...
uurs ni.ii .. iuuuij pirii, snti mainia. i5 m
j right ofMcxico to Texas, comphins ofi!K
oflensive language ot Mr. Shannou, allnic
" uccomiug inaignation to the cxiraordi:
i ......
I ary avowal that thc Eovernmeut of tlie I
ted &Liies had m view for 20yoars rJ
ATr.Shanuon reioins, dcalarcs iheuotet'
SenorRegon ascxtremelyonensivein cbar;
ing his government with artifice intrigue
designs or a ilishonorablc charactcr 30
shameless usurpatiou, Scc, and dcaiandi
ihat tbe oQensirc note be withdrawn.
Tbc rebuiter orAfr. Regon finds co aoij
to withdraw, but cxpresses a deepcr conricttoJ
of the neaessily of allowing it to staml &
lhe termsiu which il was Iransrailted.
And nhy should it not stanti asit is? WJI
ihere cver adopted by any civilized natioo i cj
earth a baj'pr system ct ufiiriutic
than that which under John Tvler b
been pcrpclraled on Texas. It is meaB.m
famous and cowardlv, and deserves tlieei"
cutioa of every honest American citizen.
Wo have no room fonthelongrcportoftl"
Post-Mastcr General. It shows bowtf"
that notwilbslanding lhe ex'ensire B-'
nrirntf. p-tnrrssi-s. the denartment has befJ
iuc 1 ."-.b. -
i lie rostoiasierexamiuesatgreai t"
, , .... r.u-..ho
what he assumes to be lhe designoflbose
cslablished thc government; that tbe r5'
Office should always saflice to maintain ie'f
.,., .i,.. , ,1,. Tj.nrr Hedeclio"
"bout cl.arge to lhe Treasury JJeJe
for that and olher reasons wh.ch be gi
recommend a rediictionorposiagestoiherai
now established in England. Buthertaeff1
h!s recornmendalioa that the nniformratesof
" . , . f , .u nrf t-

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