Newspaper Page Text
IJL""J""""""""i SSACHUSETTS & SOUTH Vfdcr - lr "f So-.:t'n Carolina, cc.lor sd frecpan f frcc slal;s not cliarged or suspectel of crimcaie imprisoncd 0:1 ar riv'.ii" v.'.lhia tlic atalc, and kept in jail wrt.i:l!t:ir vessel ia ready to siil, when they arc li'.ieraieJ on payinent of cosls. Ma.-sjciui&ct:s dnabtcd thc constitutional-ii- iT :h infamous and despotic law.and sfpor ! iloii. Sircncl Hoar asher agent to rcside iu Clnrlcston, to viudicate tlie i'g"..; her colored citizcns against it Alr. H. resciicu Charleston a few days . 11J an.tounccn his arrlval, and the rt jecl 1 f his visit in a Ictter toGov.IIam mn:d. Th's tlic Gcvcrnor trar.smitled to tbc icp'iMSturc, who by cn almost unani mous, jd'-p'eu resolutions expelling Mi. I'nsr froir. the state. Mr. H. has left Charleston ou h:s rottirt!. "A nh tio greiter physical force Ihau Vermont, for 11 years pt South Caroli- na h.'s hravrd the ulioic Union. and bro't I Pi-pn ihr fihl Xj-n.paii of the llennitage to crofch hcfcrc her. ho dicn could liave cxpccted that she whcitld hesitate to rideroush shcd ovcr Jlassachusctls, ainl exhibit her harhirous conlempt for hu mau rii;hts & ihe cm:titutioti of lliis union b) drivtag frnm hcrbordcrs an agent of a sistcr s'.ate whose onlv crime u-as an intention by sti sppeM lo tlic Conrts of ). iTr.inn in vinHicnt!! Iialh frcni what was -,.,.. ;.,.-r-,!lf,lllpllt nf IlPr T;ilt,. r' uw.t'w. . p...- --s , which S Carolina had bcwi guilty. The chivalry alrcady conteriilatethem selvts as owing 110 allgiance to the con titutir.n, or the uni:;n. Thcy regard Massachusetts asa foreign crnntry and cntitlid nct evcn to l!-c obserranccs of nntii'iml cc-iiitv rccotrnized amona hos nmv, much lefs to thc courtesv ofa . " ' j sister strtc tt t'.ie conlederacy. A niot ote arro'raut andilisu'tiiigccurse to-1 Ma&achis could not have bccn J . , wards adcpled Jt ivill trv the tnetal of the old bay stale- LOCO-FCfOS AND TRODUCE. What an outcry hax ihe Lccos fur niontbs nast beeu inakmg nbout thc low pncosol pro duce. Oh: That abominable Whi, TarifT! hat-oodhiuloiiei.iraisiuStheprices of I produce? But how are they now lakcn a back by the lal! of prices fcincc ibc succees nf Polk has bcn rertsin 2 What apology i:ow for atu,iug tho rs'srally TarilT.liy whirl: alono produre had atiy ni.ul.el ;t all. But thcy will mect ihose tb.y have so grossly dcceived -niihout difilculty. Thcycryuuta conpir ncy. cra Whifr pauii;, cn pt'rpose to dcpress prices. Thty can escape ffoni evcry dileni ma. They c. i uv jr bi- cornertd henf.ilse bood aud iiupiiure cnn hclp tln.iii out. NATIONAL SABPATI1 CONVEX TION. Such a Convcnt'.on rart at Baltimore a fcw days siuce. Tb.-io cie CSjforeigudclegatcs, ni;J 1111 from ihccily uf Baltimore. Johu Q. Adams was ca!!rd i presiJe. Hon. Theodorc Frclinhuysen aud Docl. Mott were among thc V'icc Presidcnis. To reinember th.. .Sabbalh day to kecp it holy was a scn'inicnl carricd out iu screral ex- ccllent resolulious- Tbe divuicappointment r.t c 1 .1 . 1. - (. r- I,, I Ol II1C i3aUI'aill,iilC lllUl.tiitc ui ii wusv. iu the cstablishinent ofour social, ciiil, aud rehgious iustituiions, ihe increasing couvic tion inanifestcd iu vaiious parts of thccoun try of ibe iluty and mility of kccping it holy, and thc influciic: uhichth; reli;iotisa:nlscc ular prcss are exeriiujr iu favorof the Lord's Day. arf spoken o ns tnkcns of good io the couniry, and duly recou:zd andnpprccialed by ihe resolutions of ibc Convctitioi). The proceedings of'.iie Convculion wcrc higbly iutcresiing. State reinperEt c:- Comcmion is to bc ' beldat Coliimbus, Ohio, Deceniber 18. Al primary objcct is lo refurm thc licensc sys- tem, and bave it refened to thc peoplcof the j towns. 77; 1 wa betwcen u.003 and 7,000. Romamsm and the West. The ; Mr. j,olll k -, be sccn represents ouly aud his adhetcutsmlhis couniry make no a nii.iorityofthe pcople of.Michigan, but le fecret ofthtir uponour great M sl, ceil,cs thcJ ,ivc electoral votes of the State, and their vigornns movcnients ,bow that ihey ,llroui, tle itCiTcntion and aid oflheBir will not lonscit lorwaut of moncv, iiicii, aud . ... ti.;, i,i.r.- ,c, ri, fiPTPrniinf. nniiria in ci.i.intT'.itn r 'I iij. subiugale it. Bolton Pilot. one of thrir oranr, savs: "Catholics shonld ci-utrol aniKwav the des tinies of the far West. The (Roman) Cburcb has a rigttt to claim ll.e innneLsc valleysof tbe Misjissippi," &c. 'Tbe American Rf ptiblican party, says ihe N.Y. Am. Republiraii. bad iis origiu ina fearlui necessity. It catne into exisicnce fiot a monient too soon. It pul fortb itscner giesbuta ycarago, and now it hulds sway iu thc two great citiesol" ibc nalinn, andits principles are extendir.gwitha rapidity cora mcusurate with their bcneficeuce." Locisiana. The Xev. OrlransBee hasau-' .1 : - r. .... luciiiiv. ic.u.i.a iiuiu tverv parisli m tlie expeiiuca lor ine maciiiiiery. Statc, and says that the raajorities for Polk i including the Plagunnints votc isC33. ' Throwiug out the fraudulent vote of Plaque-! OLThe Tribune has published an clo miues, Clay will have a lnajor'ity of 23G : quent letter from I. P. Kennedy, ofBalti- j more, in which bc comnicnts upon the as- C7 It is stated that Mr.Clay'sspecrhcsin ' rcct and ll'e res,'s (;!ie h,e contcs, a1d favorof aprotectivc tari.T, wre printcdiu . "I10" ,l,e ,,u? of thc UI"'S 10 PJese" uerman and circuiatea in rennsyivania, pre- vious to the late electiou, wilh Mr. Polk's nnme appended astbe autbor! Sucb is lo cofocoiim Idp American Kepuhbcauism is goinga- nead in finp trl. m Ms;.x...f atia a m.t.. i,..r ;... """"- uer ot associations have been formed in Bos- ton. aud tbrough the neighboring couiities. f comPose,s ornearly equal numbers 01 whigi anl democrats. Thojescaewariy lor LocjtTEV. tnlUi- ATCrri,e.rintI'e'Valimi:il Intelligenccr. d.&r jrTfrom Tnes- Sinco it has beon tisccrtaiced beyond a!l Solar EcLirsE. There will be a partial doubt who U 10 be oui next President. cvery cchpse of the Sun on tbc 19:h iust., visible hodv is inqliiring. "What is thc prospect a- throughouttba greater part of.theUuited bout ett'trt- a charter for a raiiroad J" We States. 'fhe tnean time-of the begiuuiug 13 have beeu oclv nble ! say, ihat tbe reports 3 u'clock 41 minutes.the greatest ouscu'ration are for an ava'lable charter. Capt.Marsh.of 4 1-2 o'clock, and tho suu. set eclipsed at 1.111 village. iias just retiirucd from Cencord, 4-25, with 3-G digitso n its uortb limb ob- a'ud ihiiiUs'llicre can lnudly be a doubt. scured. The Claremont Eagle -learns verbally," 1 nwn na tbat Raiirnads w ith "a limited right of way." - SPECIE GOINGTOFF. -nill be sraiited, and that Ex-Gov. Hubhard fuvors thc mcasure.""as3uming that tbe State ,ay ultimately receive a sharc of ihe uivided nrnhtt nfipr ihftv arnve ai a certam ler eent. All lliis ivill make them nublie roads. as the tatiwilljbe loterested. It nillbe hanlly dem ocratic. however. forthcState to raake money out of ihe jisople. But we are uo judges of these inatters. Frotn othcr sources, we al so bave grounds fur the lielief that a beller charter than ihe lost will bc olitaiued. Whetbcr so much betteras to I10UI out a fair proipect for iuvelmeat (the prandqucstiou) remaiui to bc showu. A. . iScnlincl. n ,tln rr Ur. Hnlmes.ofS. C. that theHouseproceodto the choice oftheChap- lainMr. Petit. ofla., niadc auolhcr speech naainH cinployiug a chaplain. and paying Iimii ont of ihe nublic inotiev but he nould siibscribc Sj as his sbare ; and he offered his ' cn1irt iMfifin nnnpr. The Honse. howevcr. erenutreadytoarcedeto Jlr. Petiit'tviews, thouth be "warncd thc memhers that they tnA,i vnlmtn itir ivnnl 1 exnloilc. un less tbt-v looked to thcir conduct"! The pretious qucslinn was sustaiufd, and Mr. Pclifs iuiicndn.cnt nas rejecled 20 fur and 152 agaiust i. c. 152 for appointing a cnap- lain, and so iccoptiiz'm j ihnr ilependrnre r.nd thc prepriety of supplicatiu- divine aid in the dUcli.irc of'lbcir duties, aml 20foru6- seription iimierj. if money could he r.iucJ. A..,...,,il.n.,f.n.i,lihBi,ai.iMofALLtlie New Hampshire inembcra J. C. Dexter Esq has beeu appointed post masler at I resigned. Rutlaud vice Mr. Ilauks Esq vi rrTni! T vnTP OP VFT? movt bbtOlUKAb tUlL Ut Tbe clectors ineet on Tuesday accorclinr ' to luv amlon Wcdnrsdnv east their votes I and nnouinted tbe llon. Carlos Coolidce of "y one ccrtificatc of the votes to Wash- " . , ., ' . ,,r h, I incton. Une ccrtiticatc 13 scnt oy inau to ,jie presi(lentof thc Senate, and another dis positcd wiih the Judgc of this district. II nd!es, to add tl.Ht .hc six votes of Vcr- nmi't were stven to Ilcnry Glny and luec- dorc Frcliiighiiyscn.- Il'afcAman. TEIE OFFICIAL VOTE OF NEW YORK. AVe liive copied from the tahlo prepared by the State Canvasscrs, tho fullowin' ng- Rga:e nf the votc east for Elcctors iu this JMaic, on thc 6:h of fioi-eniber. We liave givi-nlhe tntnls for the Elcctors at Large, on eicli ticket, and thc arcragevotc outhc whole tickct: WHIG. V.'iilis llall J.A. Coller LOCO FOCO. B. F.Btiller D. H. Uickinsou ABOLITION. A. Tappan A. B. lnilh 232,403 22,482 237,533 27,574 15.812 15,611 Polk Electoral tick- The average vote on tln ct was 2:j7.555 " Clay 232,154 " " " Birney 15.740 Polk's majority ovcr Clay 5,101 M.iiority against Polk ou tbe Popular votc 10,Kj9 The Abolitionists, by tbrowing away their voicsnpon Birucy. have given the votc of IUI3 iSlillC IU :l. I UIH. Uii.C UUI1L inore by this ouc act to strengtheu aud cx- tcud ibe inslituliou uf Slavcry.iban ihey can ""do in twenty years. Albany jC.re111 JUUT. THE VOTE OF MICHIGAX. The Frec Press publihes tbc oflicial re lurns from ihcseveral Coutilics of this Slate, as receivcd at thc olfice of the Secretary of Statc. The followiug are thc aggregale rc sults : Polk 27.40s Clay 24,237 Birusy 3.G3 Whole numbrr 55.572 In 1840 ihe whole uumbcr, inclnding spliti abhrcviaied, misspelt and s.cattcriug votes, was 44.1:01. Thc increase, therefore, is over 11,000. Mr. l'olk bas a inaiorily of 3.4CC over Mr. ! Clay. but lacks 167 of a majority of tbe I whole vote. Gov. Barry's majority lastyear - " . - bcar thc rrsponsibility. Dclroil Vaily Ad- ( rcrtiscr. Mor.v. of Fihst Fau'TS, Sevcnty '. hands have bccn discharged from a very extenstvc Tanncry iu B11IT1I0. A largc number of workmen discharged from Parker's Fur Manufactory in Albany. , Thc arrangemcnts for cxtending large 1 Iytbc Cochecu orks in Dover, N. H. have beeu abandnncd. Thc population of Troy, N. Y., is now j supposed to be 25,000. A manufactoiy, to ctnplov 30 to 40 hands has iust been suspcndcd.though a large surn has been 1 1 r . i i I battling aza'mst crror ard corruplion. Mr. K. i.surgent fora reformin the Naluralizatiou l-aws. Wc shall give this letter iu our next. A Locoroco friend tclls us a rood story of 1 . ... ...... . vicnii.iii, wuo.wnnout nemg able to speak or uuderstaoda word oflhe EnglisblanguaEc umlertook to vote iu the upper part of the' j ci:v at tbc late electiou. "What is your uame!" said onc of the judges. "Polk ami 1 DaUas," said the German. -How on have you bccn 111 this conntry?" said the judgc. ''i niR iiuu i7dn.i, iucorrman. 'rlave you sot vonr uaturalizaiion papcrsl" said : 1 Ti .11..- .t -T. .1.- r 7 . " ! thejitdgc. ''Polk and Dallas." said ihc Ger- taan. "xou can t vote," saiu itie judge. "Polk and Dallas," said tbc Germaa. "Move him," said onft of the bystanders. "Polk and Dallas," roared tb Germaa. Lou'uville Jour. Notwithstanding the complaints of Locos ,hat th(J nl Ur;ff ;g tQ hj h u 0 is in fact too little prohibatory. Immensc . rr irfj i ! ana tnc currency uerangea. Srccic ron Ei'Rnrc The amount of nnni. r.1rarirl ntthp nnrt nf Pfpw VnrL- ' 1 1 for export, from Ist Oct. to 26th Nor. was as follows; I por Europe, Gold. $79,201 13,213 7,379 7,553 Silvcr. $3,811,093 74.412 3,991 14,516 East Indies, West Indies, South America, $S2I,40G 82,104,912 Totalof Gold and Silver, $2,920,218 - HaIL RoAD TROM PoaTLAND TO Mostre- al. Tlie people of Portland, Maine, arc uideawake apparcmly delcrimned tohave' a n,; road throujh from that beautiful city to Moiiirertl; and e thiok it will bcaccomplhrh- cd. It appean to us, that nature favors it ,WMn,llv A rniuiflrrablP noriion of the .;, . 1 .. .1.. m 11' 1 ci , rrillic win ruu uy 111c .uaS.iuuivy a.... l rivcrs viz. E0 mi'cs. llere Ihcre will be ht- tlc comparaiive Rradiii' nccessary; aud the whole route of UoO iniles may bc very easily constiuclci d ns thc uatural advantapc arc so fhe hi"hcst cstiinate nf the cost i very creat. Th is five millions . ofdistance. overany othcr. will be sjvcil. " "K6"'10 bc over one hundrcd miles neirer rnsianti man oy any oiaerrouie. .imi thal will xive ihe Canadas an advautag vrellsis theState of Jlainc, to rcciprocate in - fprrnnrBi. nml tnide nUo a larpe nortion would.undoubtcdly fmd its n ay intoour States from bolh ibe Canadas. Bostoo, especially, would be greatly bencfittcd thereby. Amer. Prolector. Sen'ator from Vikcinia. IIon Geo. W. Summers, of ihe Connty of Kenawha, is mentioned as the Whiir caudidate for amounis 01 ioreiSu goous noou our raarKei Eiteasive Slabling. 33;3 and the balance against us to pay for ; 7Z ' them is'again transferring our specicto JOSGpil ti. l5rflQI6y, Europe. Reduce the tarifFandour coun- piVES noiice that through the blessin; orDi try would soon bcagain scpt of itscoin, " theUnited States Senate from the Stafeof . THE sulcriber has now on hand a gen Virginia. A good sclcction. May the;cr;'' assortment of Familt Grocehies. of , p, . r -., . - . ! a sunenor qunlity, which will be sod as legisiature ,.,iu ii wu.i... u.c.r uc. lu confirm it. fjyMr. Giddings, thc Memberof Con grcss from Ohio, whose decided Abolition ismis well known to the whole coutitry, tlitis speaks of thc labors of that jiarty and of,thc rcsults. He uttcrsnothing but thc truth : "The mcn belonging to thc Liberty party at thc last clectinri ,defeatcd atlcast six caudidates fur Congrcss, who, if elec teu, wnulu liave roted to repeal tne gaa rule, and thc slavc laus of thc Distsict of Columbia. ilao they bccn clccted as thcy might have beeu I fully bclievc thosc laws would have been repealed. 1 thereforc think these mcn arc rcsponsiblc for their continuance." New Yoi.k a.D Omo. In New York thcfriends of Temperancc are circulating Petitions to tlie Lcgislature iit which they j hold the following languagc : J "As a very great proportinn of the taxation Icricd upun thc community to mect the chargcsof pauperism and crime, is caused by thc sale and use of tntoxicating dnnks, and, as the inhabitanls of each town city or borough, arc for this and othcr consid crations most dceply iutercsted in thc qucstion whether auy indiriduals shall be liccnsed in thc scveral locialities to sell these drinks as a common bcverage, that qucstion, whether such liccnse shall bc cranted, should, in our vicw, be rcferred totlie inhabi ants of thc towns, lo bc delermincd by them in a special town ! meeting, as provided in a bill reportcd by I a Committee of thc last Lcgislature on the I samc subjcct, and passed by a largc nia ' ioritv in the llousc. but which did not reac'h the Senate in season for action." I FOREFATHERS' DAY. The cclebration of ihe Annivcrsary oflhc l.inding oflhe Pilsrims will take place in Ihe Churcli 111 lliis village, 011 ,Vondav Ercnine, Dec. 2dd.. coinmeucin" at six o'clock. The Addrcss will bc delivcrcd by Rev. N. S.S. BemanD. D. orTtoy, wilh appropriate musical exerciscs by ihe choir. iViddlebury, Dcc. 15th. 1844. JOUR DE NOEL, PREDICATION FRANCOISE. Mcn. Lt Keri'd. C. P. Clarke. se propose d'oberser l'auniversaire de la uaissance de notreScigneur Jesus-Christ ct d'cn profitei d'unemaniercdigne d'une telle occasinn. C'est ponrquoi il veut reuiiirc tous les Cana diens de cc Village it descs emirons le Soir dn 25 du couranl n six beur a I'Eglise Mclh odisic; poury rcndre a Dieu le cult, l'bom magc ct les aciinns de gracc qu'uue telle oc casion nous demande. Vennez mcs amis Canadicns joignous pouradorer lc Pcre de toutc boute, etcclebrons la IS'aissance de son Fils unique uotre Redemplcur. Rcv. Mr. Ci-arke would inform his Cana diau friends that there will he worship in Frencb, on theevening of Christmas day, at C o'clock, in tbc Methodist Churcli iu this Village. All are carnestlyand afTectionately inrited to attend. Wilh regard to the above, thcTrpowould say, that we have no accented typc, but hope that it will sufHcieutly understood by tbosc for wbom it was intended. Religious Notice. Rev. Mr- Dalt will celebrate Mass in Mid dlebury on Suuday tbe 15th and on Sundayi the 22d and on Christmas day ihe 25lh inst. . . notrltu in.ilnl t.. ntlrmt. Middlebury. Dec. 10th, 1844. M a r r i edj In Cornwall 5th of Deceinber by Rev.S. W Macil- Orin Field Fsq to Mrs Rhode ll7".l..r'r.,M W eek.of Cornwall. In Shoreham Noy. an by Kev.ri..iiaven, Mr. Jaincs Delong, to MlSS Emily W. Russellall of Shhreham. We recetved with the abovo notico n abundanco of cake, Letit be Remembered, Tbattbe Anntnd Meetiog of the Middle bury Manufacturin' Co. standi adjourned to Wedueaday tlie 18th inst., at one o'clock f. M. RUSSEL VALLET, Director. Middlebury. Dec. 9, 1844. WATSON'S HOTEL t, Johns, C. . CONDUCTED BY MRS WATSON. Carriaget in attendanee. Eitra Horses and Carriarcs in readiness for i-ll T - 1 . f ' . C All Jt. - nsiiioir. mimiraie 3pmi53 rtiuii,w-. Practiceof Law, Andhopestoreceiveashareofpujlicpatronage, ana deserreit too. Bristol village, Sec. I2lh 1844. For Sale, AT the Subscribers Boolc Store ,Carmina Sacra or Boston Collection of Jlfusic,at 9 dollars per doz. ALSO, ModtTnPsalmtst, at C dollars per doz; Misccltancous Books, School Dooks, JJlank BooJcs. andalargc assortment of Fool Cap, Lttttr tf BilUtjxipcT, whicbwillbe sold ery low tor Uash. J. H XGAR. Middlebury, Dec. 17lb, 1S44. aa.G.w. Stjite or VeanoNT, J Districtof Addison, ss. J Belt rraembercdthaiala ProbateConrt heW at Shoreham in and for tbe Distnct ofAdilison, u iuc iin iiai-cj ueccnioer rt. Hsn-i nnr,l .r.iri, in inltninfnt pUrpoiting to be the last will and testammt of Lewis Pratt lateof Bridport insaidDistrict de- ceasedjprcscntsthesamel'orprobalc: lt is there-1 fuie onlered, tliat the said instrument l cxaui-1 inedlor probate, ata seision of said Conrt lobe . 3, o,cIock ialhe ana jthatnoticethereofbegivcntoall pcrsonsintercs-' lu,y may aplrear and make their objcc - tions, it any thcymay bave. to tlie probate and Copy oi mis orfler in tne xonncrn uaiaiy a newspaper pnnted at Middlebury in said Disinct llebury in scid Distnct ,nree Iee" successiveiy previous to tnc saia ses- sion of said Court J. S- Buihncll Rcgalcr. A true ropy of Record, Attesl J. S. Buthndl ResUltT. 33. GR0CER1ES. i low for ciisli. as anv store in this villarrc.viz: Crushcd, loaf and broicn SUGARS and Molasses. Old Hyson, Y. IL, II. S. and black Teas. Old Jaca, Lasuina, and St. Domingo Cof- 'fecs, Cocoa, Chocolate and Cocoa Shtlls. llicc, oua ana rackers. Crudeand Gro. Pcpper, Cinnamon, Clotcs, Cassia. Alsphc, Mace, Nulmegs and Gingcr. Tapioca, &go, Arrow-Root, Pearl Bdrlxj, Oal Mtal, hcland and Irish Moss. Cuofans Isinlas3. Whitt common Gluc. IIull's Ab. 1. Hxtra.andCom. Bar Soap, Shatins and Fancy Soavs, of rarious Jdnds, Shaving Crcam, a supcrior arliclc. raint and yarmsh JJrushcs, famls, Yar nish and Linstcd Oil. ISuTling-.on uiass, cu sizes ana ruliy. Box Rasins, Lemons, lamannds and Cil- ron't ,. ysiirisiusanuiuijimunsamoKinganancv;- i-r J.UUUUU j uu aiiuj, fiumtuui) mi ScolcJi SnufT. A-c. &?. W. P. RUSSEL. Mi.hllehury. Dec. 1S44 PROBATE NOTICES. STATE OF VERMONT, District of New-Haven, S Be it remembered tbat at a probate court, holdcuat Bristol iu said district 011 the !)lh day of Octoher 1344. Thurstin Chaseguardi- , - . cJ ' , s'a. Malmdj Stearns, minorchildren of Nathan- ict Mcarns late ot iilonkton, m said district deceased, niadc application to said court for licensc to sell all ihe rcal cstale of his said wards. that Ihey inherit from the tstale of I'roiessor 01 mujic 10 tne iroy Conlerence ac their father, Nathanie) Stearns aforesaid de- f.ade.?' )i cst Puluic'i resneclively Rives 110- ccascd, consisling of about 24 acrcsofwood laud and nbout 1 1 ncres ofimproved land, for thc purpose of innintainuig aud eduraling said wards. tlic persoual cstate heing iusuf ficieiil for that purposc. Whercu)oii said court ordered said guar dian to notify all persons cniicerned, to ap pcarat a probate court lo be holdenntthc of lice oflhe Jndge of said court in Bristol iu said district. on the first Monday in January 1S45 at lcn o'clock A. M., theu and thcrc to make objcctious if ihey scc causc lo the grauting uf such liccnse by pulilishin g a ccr- tiRpfl fnnv iT tl.iti iinla. in . lin Vn.lll.l. fZnl- axy printed at Middlebury in ibe Connty of a .1,1 ,i, ,. "1 ;':'t ,.,; to ihe time ofsaid Court. ,. ...j ..v.;, HARVEY MUNSILL, Judge. A truc copy of record. Attest. II. MUNSILL. Jndgc. STATE OF VEKMONT, Districtof Netv Haven, Be it remembered, that at a Probate Court holdcn at Bristol, in said District, 011 the 22d day of Novcmbcrl844. The Exccutors. on the estate of John Bd con late ofMonkton.iusaid district, deceased, which. made application to said Court lo ex- amincand allow their account against said es- lateas Executors; therctipou. said Uourt or- .t.,i i',..inr .r.nni;fvall nrrinniron. cerncd to annear at a Probate Court to be holden at the officeofthc Judge ofsaid Court , at Bristol tu said Disinct, 011 the 1st Monday , of January 1845, at 10 o'clock A. M., theu and Ihcre to maKe tneir oojections 10 tne ai lowance ofsaid account if ihey see cause, by puhlishiug .1 cerlified copy of this orderin the Nortbern Galaxy, a Newspaper printed at Middlebury in tbe Counties of Addison ibree wceks successiveiy prcvious to tbe time of said Court. HARVEY MUNSILL, Judge. A truc Copy of Record. Attest, H. Mcnsill, Judge. 29 State of Veumcst. Di.strict of New Haven. Be it remembered tbatata probate Court hold cn at Bristol in said district on the 15th day of No vember 1841. TheA I3". f ed'. ,nte'1 Tlie AJrainislralor on tlie eitate of Ljdia llrown or Staiktboro' in itaid lJistrict, tlecea ntestate. made apoliealion lo paid Court to ex amine and allow his account againit aid estate as Adniinretralor aforejaid. Wbercupno, aaid Court ordered the Adminittra tor to nolity all perns cooctrned to appear ata proliate court lo be liolden at Bristol witliin and for . I.. a;. nr..raiit n ih. firtt MnndaTof Januarv 1845 at lOoVlock A. M., at ihe olfice if tbe Jodje ol" jaid court in Bristol in raid diftrict, then and . there in make objectioni tollieallowanceoftaid ac emM .fh Kela,ei, pMh:,Bg a certifie.1 copy ofh;j orJp'r inh, Nor1hern cuij, Newpaper printed at Middlebury in tbe CountyofAddion,lhree eka ocM',Hl'i,us,0Jadonrt- A ,rne copj, or 1eeBlit Jkimi, M. McBiitt., Jndc. 9 BOOT & SHOEMAELYCr.f E. B. PLAISTED, inform ihe public Uiat be Llill continuti to cirry on tbe SbotnukiDgUuinesa io all iu Lraocbci, at tbe old taod, iaSlewart's build o. Hides! Hides!! Thesubscri- ber ur!bcs to buy b!lea, fur whicli be will exchan;e B0011, Sbocs or Leatbcr, and will pay ibe bigbest nurket Drice. E. B. 1'lauted. N. U. He bas 00 hand a eood atortiucat of SUushter and Spauisb soVlejiber fur sale. Middlebury. Not. 20, ISU. 29;tf THE Conilitution, the is vitx" ofour on dcrful bodiei, conslautly rrquire an allcmtiv or rrpenerating inSuence. lo crealo and ntain a boaltby exiatance. Air, liglil.and somo o',!he clemcnlsars brouiht to-this icquisition, and for a time prov sudicient fcr the requirements of the sjstem. uul "nen irom unprudeiice, anrti viulation of the las of Ihe animal oconomy niotbid linmori aiisc ,aci!d and riiijtiaor juice, aro coll-cle.1, the smecn leqnircs a?n' from somo mhei tource. or it sinks in di'cast. decay and death. llov wondirfulandfalutary at tbis priod, aia tho eflVcu of an appropriate alteratire me'licine, taken in season ? Thou sands hao bpn sared from dealh, and millions frutn t'jffenngs indefiribable.and again rcslorcd to healtli, by t 0 limslr use of Piielpp'Toma- Lto Pili.s, which are so efficacious and potent. in cleansini: Ihe stomacu and bone!, puniyin? I Ibe blood, and renoTatingtlin glandular jys'em 1 1 - I r . i . 1 .t oy aiicniig inc eecrcuoiis.oi iiio -i,iu piijci giaud-sandcarijingon tlie morbid juices and hu mors : thal at Ihe South they have acquicred ihe name ol " Fevt r Baiie," becaue they inva riably prerent or liictk up biilioim, remi'.tanl, yellow, inlermltlanl, and lunjr fevers. Fito ycars exlcnsi'c ue, hivo priven Ihtm tlie brst ard onty surc and safe remrdr for all tbe numerous chronic disrasea. wherc the ys eia requircsfouK'lliing thal will opcrate on Ibe Blood, Luer, and vorious sytlcms of vcnsrls, givinj them a heallhy tbe same time e.xpcl the morbid and poisonous juices and bu mcra, ivhieh it separatcs from thtm. In tlus clasa r.r dtvaics, are Ilheumatism, Dispepfia, Dropay, Lifer Complainlj, Billious I Slonach, Scorfula, Gravcl, Wonns. Tumor, na crup.ioni 01 tne Kin 01 various kinu.-i; per- manent weaknes abore the loins and limbs, King's Evil, cunstitutional and h;rcdilary fee- utenes 01 me wnoie or part 01 1110 rsiem. &c. n'ril... ..r . " ..: he leen cureil by 1B Tmi,0 p,,,, . an , ,hou. faitdinf drallu would hata been prcnnled had ; had Ihese P.IU bcen usud, instead of tome irra- ; spontiule.banelul. quack pill a remedy, ornhicli ciiaiiaianiim auout Ihiiunirersal leatilr- I They ara nrep.tred of valuablo vopetable rem- . edi.s, wmc.i arc knon lo be bolh tafe and tf- fectual, and arc used very miensivelv br Pbv dicians in tliair prirale rract;ce. brcausc a liun dredi have said, Ihey are ibe most plcasant, rf. fcciual and safe n.edicine we bave ever uied Tbe abore Pillsarefor ale by agents',in all Ihe rounlry lowns. Af cnln aie cauiioncd not to buy of "edltrs. "One Word to tbe wijj is ulficient- G- R. Pbelp M.D. Proprietoj Harlferd Ct. Be particnlar that his signature it on Ihe labcl. Ptice, 23 ct. For Salo by 84 6nc Sidney Moody, Midillebury, 1 Vnlnev Itoss. liranilnn, Hun'tey &. Higgins. Salisbury, DRU&S, MED1CINES; PAINTS & DYE-STUFFS The ul.rrilwr is now rccciving nd will , l,e constaiitly supplied ivith ecery article in i theu'iove liue. bolh ofiicinal nnd Fatent, jmcral Watcrs Irom Snratoia, fuurc j vv mcs anu iiquors tor .Nieuici'ial nurnos es.) l3Frpscrititions put up by competcnt pcrsons 011 tbe shortest noticc. Stuie first iloor south oflhe Post Ofilce and open at all hours. W. P. RUSSEL. Middlebury, Nov. 19th, 1344. n, . , f, . . ' ilJ USlCal J UltlOl). 1 p,A5 FoRTl 0MAjr AyD Slsc5lo WM.PEASE, Proressor and Tcacber oflhc V Scicence and Practice of ilosic from thc cilics of London. Do.-ton and New York. respcc- tively acquaims thc citizcns of Middlebury and viciaity that having received ihe appointment of UIC lilU, lllU llAt UdllCI & IU3UIUIIUJ1 LUIil inencesisor. isth, sio tor .Miisic I'jano ortc and SingingSlO pcrqaaner, Organ the same; the price is fixed atten dollars so that pcrsons wiamng 10 ODiain a ununca Musical cducauon can securc it witliout beicij orhged lo go to larecCities toolnain tlic same at a greater ex ncnie. The subscriber havins received his Mu.- sical Eilucation of "yeais in theciiy of London under sevcralol Ihe urst .iiasicrs, and been an Instruclorof Music upwards of20 years in this uoumry anu europe warrants rjimin saying 10 all wishing his instruclions in thc sciencc that they will receive a thorough Musical cducalion oa scientlnc principles. .Mr. f . woum also say to thosc vonng ladies ho ,v i,h 10 ,ix'?le le?ihT, :ih31 he, alrca.dy Ctled sevcral, and fnmisbed Ihem with Iucranve siiuations. and heis conantlvarrhcd to for la- , dies as tcachcrs. The Troy Confercnce Acade I my i in thc inat flourisning coadition. The Fac- uity consists 01 six expenenccd i'rolessors and Assistauts. Doard is aslovc asal anv othcr la s'Jttition in IEctland Ccunty. Troy Confcreace Academv, West Poiiltncr. lll. N. B. All thc Modem operas now pcrformed in new 1 orli aie laugni oy tne snbscitvr. NEW-YORK GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES. Wm. Peuk late from New York, respcctfally ( 2I1nounces to thc Musical World and the pubbc i ingeneral, that he is receiving a splendid assort- tneat ot the ccleDrattu uraniiActionFiinotortes , fol Case wood aud ilahogany) conlructed on tbe ' moM approved principles .with all the modem iin- ofTouch f of sicchanisrD a)d warranlcli w endllre t!je exiremes of climate in tbis Uountry. uid riaoos taven in cxcnange. Piano Fortes tuned. Piano Forte ware room, W. Ponltney.nearly oppositc the Acadeniy. N. B. The above Instruments harc received 4 First Premiums (Gold Medals) atihe American and Slechanics Insthmes,New York, for theacsT Tose, Toccii & Finisu, and the subscriter can refcr persons to several gentlemen who have pur chasedofhimduring the last five years. The aboveinstruments will besold as low as can be purchased in New York, tbereby saving expense of transportation, and warranted for 1 year. 28 Commissioncrs IVoticc. We the subscribers, being appointed br the Probate C.urt for the Districtof Addison, Com misioners, to recoive, examine and adjost all claims and demands ofall persons, agausst tbe esiateof ANDREW RUTHERFORD, late of Middlebury, in said Distrct, deceased, and also all cbims and demands exhihited in offset thereto: And Gmonths from the lGth day of Oc toher 1844, being allowed by said Conrt for that pnrpoe, we do tbeteforc hereby give notice that we will attend to the bnsiness ofour said anpoint ment .ttheofficc of Samocl Swift in said Mid dlebury on the second TUesdiys of Jandary and April 1845, from nine oVlock.A. M. nnlil four o'clok.P. M. on each ofsaid days. Samucl Swift, 1 PtUf StarT. Commis'rs. liwon P. Beaman, ) 29 TkUid at MiddUUsiy, ihit 16(A Oct. 1844. 55S55KJ2S5S Tbe TrusMes of this Institution givo notico tbat tbe Winter Tenn under tho instructionof Mr. J. F. BiroiiAir, ( !N r Mni.J.1 thn Olt, nf Tif wiu commciicc ui wwu.j " - . and will continue 11 weeks. T. A. MERRILL, Recister. Middlebury, Nov. 19th. 1844. 29.4 w. NEW CiSH STORE T HE sulncriber !i?.ving purchased 1I10 stock of Goods recemly owncd by W. S. Johssos. has receiTert from New York ! a ricbaud well selccied assortment of , Fall and Winter ! 000DS Consistine in part of a great vnriety of Cloak &l Dress Goods, Among whicb will be foun i TAi'&ei CashmcTts, irhile,Rcdand Yellow Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Bleach Colions. Irish Lintns, Iligldand Shaicls, Vclcet for Bonnets, BVk Ital. Cravals, C'assimcTts, Veslings, ComfortcTf, Worsted M'ttls, Chcck'dSf Figitr'd l.ustrts. Colt'n-icarp Alp'c- cas. SHk-icarp do. Rich Muslin de- Laines, Cashmcrc de Cosse, Plaids forchUdr'ns JJresscs, Gimps iy Frfagcs, Gcnts Word Ghscs, Boyi do. do. Ladies crarats Cords and Bindings, fi'risllets. Colored Cambnar Diapcrs, Table I'clcel Kibbons, Tickinss, Suspenders, And n completo assortment of Coat and Ovcrcoat Trimmings. Which will besold cheaper than can be bought clsewhcrc. ALiSU Bonnet Ribbons and Artificials, Of evcry variety and style, togcthcr nitb a good nssortment of Groceries, Crockcry, Paints and Dye-StutFs. The above Goods will besold cheap for cash or ready pay only. 27 Nov. 2. 1844. AUSTIN JOHNSON. STATE OF VERMONT, ) District of Addison ss. J Be it remembered, that at a probate court hcld at Middlebury in and for thc district of Addison, on thc 21st day of Noveml er A.D. 181 1. Norman Tupper and Rufus Perkitis excc utors uflhe last will and testament of IIENR Y IIIER, lateof Middlebury deceased. move thcConrt ihatpetition ol the real cslate ofsaid deceas ed be madn among the heirs ofsaid dcceas cd; aud that commissioncrs be appointed fur that purposc; It is therefore ordered that said Exccutors give notice to all pcrson iu tercsted to appear before said Court. at a sessiou Ihcrciif to bc bcld atlbe office ofthc Register ofsaid Court in said Middlebury, on Thursday the 19th day ofDeccniberncxt. al onc o'clock in Ihe nftemooii, at nhich time and placc said Court will appoiut Com missioncrs lo make partilion ofsaid cstate.l.y publishing a certiSed copy of this order in ibc Nortbern Galaxv a newspaper piintcd at said Middlebury three wccks successiveiy prcvious to tne said sesion nl said Court. J. S. Bushnell Regisler A true copy of record 20 Attest, J. S Bushnell, Rcgisicr. STATE OF VEriJIOXT. J Diftrict cf New IlaTcn, J Be h remtmbereil llt st a prolme coiltt lwl.Icn at BritoI, wiihin and fir llie ilintricl of New llaicn on tbe 23ddayorNnvrmberlS14. The Adiniuisira lor on the etaie of Caleb Landrr lue of New Ha ven in pabl diftlrirtdeccaneJ, in'estalr, made appli cation to faid Court to examine and allow I119 nc cnunt njainjt taid account a Adminiitralor aforc rai.l. Wlicrctmon, aaid court ordered tlie AdmlnVtrator lo nolify all pcrsonn concrrned, to apNfar at a pro bate rourt bibc holden at BriMi.l in snid JNtnrt ori llic lirit aliinday in January IS45, at 10 n'clotk A, M. tben an. tlire tn nrake tlirir o'ljrrtions to Ihe nllowance of laid areounl, ifthry see puli liiiliinf a canifled nf tbUt.rdrr In thc Norlhern (.alaxya npwpnper priuled nt Middlebury in tlie Citunty i.f Addison, ilirci; wrelts successiely prc tioni to lll2 lime i.f iaid Courl. HARVEYM UNSILL, Jndge. A true Copy of Record, 21 Attest, U. Mcnsill, Judge. Slate of Vermont, 1 District of Addison. ) Bc it remembered, that at a Probate Court held at Middlebury in and for tbe District of Ad dison, ou thc 21st day of Norembef A.D. 1844. Charlotte V.Wooden.William Brastedand Bcnjatnin Brasted administrators of thc es tate of Ransom V. Wooden late of Bridport in said District deceased. preseat iheir peti tion in writing to said Court, praying for li ccnse. to sell tbc rcal estate ofsaid deceased for the purposc nfpaying ihe debts ofsaid deceased and thc expcnses of administratinn ; and iherrin scts forlh ihe amount of debts ilue from tbc deceased, the expcnses of ad ministrattuii, the value oflhe pcrsnnnl cstatc and the situation of rcal cstatc, aud lh.1t it is neccessary lo sell the rcal estate nf said de ceased for the purposcs aforesaid ; It is there fore ordered that said prtition be cousidercd by said Court alasession thercofto bc bclJ at ihe oBice of thc Regisler of said Court in said Middlebury, on Thursday the I9th day of Deceniber next, al one o'clock in the af temoon, and tbat said aJministralnrs give no tice thereof to all persons Ihey may appear and make their objcctions, if any they may have, to said Iiccnss being granted, by "publishing aceitified copyof ihis order in the Nnrtheru Galaxy a news paper printed atsaid Middleburv.three wecks successiveiy previousj tbe time ofsaid Court. J. S. BUSHNELL, Register. A true copy of Record, Attest J. S. Bdjii.iell. Register. 31 COMMISSION B00E--ST0KE, at the Post-Office. Extcuive additiona have recently been made 10 to Ihe stock belbreon band,of School, Classical &Miscellane ons Books, wid. Blank Books in lar-e varletr. and Stationerr ol eve rv deicrlpnon. and Fancy Articlei. A liandtouie asinnroent ot I Annuala an.l otber ebgant books for Cbristinis an.1 New Year's cresenis. A rood varleir of Albnwi, PicUriat Shakespeare now nublisbing 10 Nos. 12 1 2 cts. racll. Carmina Sarraind all tlie llusieal noiks pcblishedby Wilkins, Caner t Co.of Boatnn. Any Itlosical vrork publishel as abore, if not oa banJ.can be fdrnuhed at sturt notice, for siajb" schoob or focieties, or fbr indiridnals. M-All to 19 aoKl coeap. HWItbery. Nor. . 18U. THREADS. blls, brown, culM nnt white linen thread.Finelay'd.Thistle.Co.iiV Tnylor's and Brnndon's spool thr'iN,vihitr and col'd skcin cotton thr'd: 0nnnels,brM cloibs, cassimere, doe skiiw.goat hnir r am Ict, calicos, ni. de laiues, crape de lainft., yaconetlcand sarsenette catnbrica, bnlzo rines, prl'd lawns, silk and cotton warp a1 pncca,saxony cambletecn.nlpacca. wory teil anl Ptlk serge, caroline, victorin, nml IJob-Roy pfaids. reJ circassaion prt'd, red moreen forcushions. tcfretsrtab c covers, gtnghams, Wk nnd white satin, gro. de swiss. ribbons, cord aud laseo', cravatr hMk'fs, ludics1 crarats nr.uffiers J.ll.liracs, clastics,Irish linens-a Iurgequatitity brmvn and white, glovcs ofall ilescriptiona, bur.k miitens. bl'lc crape, bonbs nnd eycs, hosei' cry, hair aud tootb brusbe, fnticy soapr irory, twist; backidend dressimr eombs zepby: worsted,setvinsilk and tttist.tirrru, laces, edgings, muslins, swiss, book aiiif ftidia, bishop'3 lawc, lineu lawn, hnrss olaukets, cloak cords, Xbar cnmbrir, Bat tins.canvass. paddiii?, surt.coat. and vesc cnrds it bindings, stay bindings, liccntape.v paper muslins,. col'd rnmbrics, ..e!s:asr straps, pant and vestbuckle, snufTanil to bacco hoxes, bhavin: brusbes,,- nco dles, pearl buttoiw.nll otlier button, aprnti chcck, qunlity bindings, wragen, twecds-. amurooiisy ilcuiiiis, dnHtngs, croci.cry,'ps, tutnfilers-, bnr soap, tfa- tugar, tof rce. pppper,spice, nnnnrg, cluves, indigor camphor, rasins, butler, molasses. pcr:. mnlaga, maileira, sicily, tobacco snutf, and a great variety ofurticlcM too nunicrous to incution, fortale chpnp by BROWN ii sheldon;- Administrator's Sale of Reat Estata In pursuancc to an order of tite Prohata--Court for thc District of Addsson. I shall of' ferforsalc afAuctionat inydwellinE iu Salis bury, on Saturday llie 30th day of Nov. inst., at one o'clock iu ihe aftemoon, the following real estate of HOLLAND W.NOYES late of Salisbury deceased to wil: twolots of lauil sitttateil in Cornwall cunlainiug sixty-nce acrcs each, boundcd North by Boud nud Jauca land. East by Olter Creck South by 3rrha land, and onc olherlot nf sixty aiic acrrs, sit uatcd iu Salisbury, bounded wcrt l-y Otter Creek, south by J. M. Wceks' land, crst h Wm. Noycs' land and north by Flavel M. Beach's laud. Likewisr a fcw articles of pcr soual property such as au ox cart, 2 yokcs &c. v'C. togcthcr wilh about 15totis of hay iu thc stack, situatcd on thc land iu Cornwall. Tertns of payinent made ktiown at tbe time of sale. W.S!I!gti' Millcr, Adnir. Salisbury, Nov. 9, 1844. 23 (Tho above sala slauds adjourned to tbe 14th day of Deceuibcr at 1 oirock iu thor aflernoou at iho pr.icc abnve mculionrd. APEIt Htingings, a large i.trck, just. rcc'd nnil oilcrcd low by May 1, 1341. A. FRANCIS. STATE OF VERMONT, j Addison District, ss. Bc il reincmbcrcd that at a Proba'c Ccur't hctl at Middlebury iimml for llie Distifcto .ttldiion, on Ihe llrtb day of Novemler A. D. 111. Joim Dyar of Salsburv insaid district a rersoo interesled in tbe otatc of Peter C'ndman fatc of SalUbnry deccaed, tnoTc ihreottrl, tSat rar.i lion of that partof tlis rcal cstale of said de -.vl which wasiclout as a dowcr 10 IV! C u'maii, widorfcrcf j.aid deceared tc irade amo: g tbe persons imercsted in?aid cstale, snd ihai rum missioncrs 1 c appointed for tbat rnrposr It i therefore ordered, tbat said Dyar e,irc r.otice ti? all peisons intciested, to nppcarbrlbiesaid xutt bc held st ibc olllccofikc Itcjnstrr of ai-' ccr-t in Middlcbuiy on Tluirvlar tbc 19th da' '" De ceinber nexl, at one o'clock' in tlie altcrr.ooE, t which time and placc Ihe said Coun tuiI aproint coinmissiutiers lo ii'ak? psrtiiion cf said cut by jubliliing a certificd co;y of thi order in the Northeru Galaxj-, a nev paper printed at .1iddlcluiy in said dfctriet ibree eeks successiveiy previous to ihe time of said. court. Atttst J. S. Bl SH.NELL, Register. A true copy of Bceoril. J.S. ni SIINELL, Rcgister Guardians Saleof Real Estate, Iu pcrsitaijcc nfnn rrnler of llie J'roba'n court fur tlie District of Addi?on, We sba I oflTcr for sale at auct' 41 r.t iho chve'liu of Horace Jancs in Cornwall on Frid.iy ihe 18th. day ol'Dccncxtat nne o'clock iu tha nfieninoii unle prcvioti.sly disposcd of 11 1 privit': sale. the fojbiwiiig real cstate of Peck of Cornwall, an insanc per scti. to it : onc lot of land situateil iu Cornwall routainin abnul scvjnly fivo acrr of Innil.witb a Iiiiihc and bnrn bouu ilfd Nnrlh by Wur's fntitl. West by AbclJ. U ooti;r's lan.l, i'outh by Horace .lnne' lnnil. East liy the hishway. leailin South frniu the JSaptHt Mcetiti" Ho'ise. Tertns cash nti llie ilclifcry nl thc derd. HOIIACE JANES. ?,-, ORItlN FIKLD. JOunr.Iinn.. Cornwnll Nov. 22n.l. 1344. LPACCAS. A largc assnrlmcnt al BUOWN h SIIELDON'S STATE OF AKRMONT.i JUislrictot iew llatcii. Be it remembered. that al a probate cotnt holdcn at Bristol in said ditiiit. on thc 29tb day ofNoVcn.bcr. 1544. The Aduiinistrrturs on the cstale ufNath iniel Slinltlick. I.ite cf Monkton in said distnct deceased. intptate made applicatinu tn said court to cxam'ue aud allow his accouut against said cstale as Ad niinUtrnlor. Whercuponthe courl ordered thcndiiuQrs trator to uotify all persons cor.cerned. 10 ap pear at a probate court to be holden nt tho ollice oflhe Judge ofsaid conrt at Bristol iu said district on ihe first Mntulay in January 1845, at ten o'clock A. M.. then aml iherc to make objcctions 10 the allowauce ofsaid ac count if thcy see cause, by puhl'hiiig n ccr litied copy of ihis order in thc Nnrtheru Gal axy a newspaper priuted at .Middlebury, in the Couuty of Addisun three wceks succa sivcly previous to tbe tenn cfsaid court. H. MUNSILL, Judgc. A titie Copy ol Record. 3b. Attest. II. Ml'NSILIJud-c.. Statr of Vrr.HOKT, Districtof Addison, ss. Ht. it rniicinlx-ml that at a prui-atc ronit do!Ji d at Middlebury iu and for the District of Ad dison, on tbe 2lttdnyof Norember A. D. 1844. Abcl P. SkiiT adniinUtrator of tbe estate of JERAMIAU LEE, late of Bridport iu said District dcccasee pre sents his administration account furallou ance; It is thereupan ordered, thatihesaiuo. bo examincil farallowance ata sessiou of thi court to be held at the office of tbe XegUtt r ofsaid court in said Middlebury, cu Tn,ur-. day tbo 19tn day of December nexA ouo. o'clock in tbe aftemoon, and that tbe tiUI admintstaator give notice to all persoru iuter csted, that they may appear and make tb.tL ohjectinns, if cny thcy may to the al lo wui:b ofsaid accouut, by publisliug a cer lified copy of this order in the Norilieru Gal axy, a ucwspaper priuted at taid Middlebury, three weeks successiveiy prcvious tothe sa'id session ofsad Court, J S Bushnell, Reg. A truc eopy cj Record. Attest JS Busjinell, Rejttr. 2A