Newspaper Page Text
The committce of thc Massachnsctts Lcgislature, to whcm the subject of tlic treatmcnt of ihc Ilon. fjainnol Hoar by South Carolina was committcd, have rc pottcd a prctal against lhe acts ofthat fita'e. It 13 adignificd and powcrful ap pealto hcr sister States, givinga ful! his lury ofthc course pursued by Massachu fcttsin her allcmpt to prociircihc. rcpeal of an tincoiislitutional acl of South Car olina, prcvious to hcr appoiiitnicnt cf ati Ajent to briug the question before the Supreme Courl, andjustify herself for the course takcn. We copy tJic concluslon of the rcport. "It becomes, thsn, a soleinu question to dccide, whcther South Carolina, which hiswilfully and delibcrately defeatcd M nssachuselts of a Icgilimatc usc of onc oftUcprovistons ofthe cumpact, dcjigncd to yield to the citizens of thc latler that protcclion against wrong which they havc a right to dcmand, has not voluntarily forfcited ali title to insist upon the exc cution, by thc citizens of Masachusetts, of those other provisions by uliich shc peculiarly benefits? Massachusetts rc scrvcs hct decision upon this- point. Hcr oblisations to the rcmaining States, and her duties to herself, forbid her :my hasty stcp, the hazard ofill greatcr edy. Shecheerfnlly acknowledges that pitienccundcrthc infliction ofthis grcss and glarin wrong, is her preyeut duty, not towards South Carolina, bnt towrds the pacific States But thc same duty iuipelshcr, in thc mosl itnprcss'nc rcnord hcr pnorr.sT agaiust thc commis- sion ofthat wrong. the will follow jio cxample ofviolcuce that may besetto her. But if the assurr.ption-s for thc niotncnt successfidly madc by South Csro ina in this instance, should bcrcpcated, and oth- er Sntes dcludcd by hcr cxample, should insist upon tlie cxccution oi ali tlic con- ditinns ofthc Constitution adrnutagcous to thcniFclvcs, whilst thry rcfusc'to com ply with the Icss favcrablc oncs, it is .carcc!y necessary foi Massachutctts to repcat thc prediction of tbelcarncd jurist of South Carolina, that 'rrlation will fol low,' and all the other and worse cvils that -omc in its train. Theniosl admir nblc frcm of goTerntnent which thc wit and p.itriotism of man ever dcvised to dc velopc his energies and to promotc his happincss, must bccome thc victim of his lawless passions Massachusetts will flo nouung TOiiiniarny m nasicn so uepiorc- nble n result, or rr.thcr slio ill saerificc ma ch to avert it. But she will do hcr du- ty to lu;r people. whether in thc les, or mnrc favored cond.tion of soc.ety. Shc wi.l nevcr relax in her demand of all thc r.ghts which hclong to hcr asaStatc and a membet of the Umon, or inthccxcrtimi ..i i.-f uimiBi rucrgiua iu auppuri oi uic tremblo at tlic contemplation of his prob indying pnnciples of justice and libcrty able latc, espccially after the horrid among men, the Insc olhcr social cdifice, bu-cheries he is said to havc committcd ceerlcd intheblood ofmanyofitsfoun - ; 'j .,cs or ires.uem anu vicc s Prrsident of the U S wcre to bc opened v -n 1. r t. tr in mc iiousc oi licurcscniauvcs on i Wednesday last. The U. S. Gazetlc JS- . . . -riiis ,s thc only occasion on which j theRrprcsentativcsof thc peop e are re quirea :o su wun uncoverca ueaus KTTIie Anli-Annexation votc of Jou.v P. Hale, of New Hampshire, has ' ccmnt for the fatahiy that has attendcd costhimhis noinination for Congress-1 his rcccnt movemcnts. His carecr is Thc Locofoco C'onvention has taken his j drawing to a close, howcver, and a few name from the ticket and substitutcd ihat( days-morc will decidchis fate. ofJohn Woodbury. Thcre will bcsomc: qjeer votinginMarchncxtin New Hamp-j Wiscoxsi.v. The Lcgislature ofthis fihirc. j Tcrritory mel on the Oth ult., MoscsM. r. -l.t . i . o . ' Strong was elected President of .the coun (Lr It is said that a letter to Scnator -, .,-. XjT,,.. o i c.i. rairueld, of iiiain. approvinii ofthc vote , TI TT TT 1 .1 TT givcnbyllon II. Ilamlin .,, the I louse ..nicprcse..tam es, against the annexa .on ol rexas has hcen numeroiisly signed by mcmbers o! the Dcmocratic party in Ban. gor, oxia OtTaoxE. On Sun j 1., - o.iy TicvK ii.e mercury tn tnc mcrmomc- 6rtero. Thisbrats Francoiiia 0 dc- rccs Rajleoad FhVEK. Thc mauia for mv; Railwaj-s is begiiining to be almost a great in this State as it is iu Englatid. Frnni twenty to thirty pctilicns for new routcs, at the cost of millioii5. are now pcnding before our Lejislaturc. Boslon Al.'as. A rcccnt stateinent s-hows thc rail roads of Massachuselts in a most Ilourish ing ci ndition. They havc paid all cx-p.-iiscs, reserved a contiiigciil fund and dividcd, upon an avar.-.gc,0 1-1 per cent. The Wcsltrn road, v.hic'i was worthonlv 5 ) cenls cn thc dollar some two veafs flince, is new quoleil tt 0 3-4. The , , . , . - ' iiunscil cniuiru. uu uis nrrivni, iiu iths, as t ucHUurgu and Braf.ieh:-ro' Company H too often the case, treatrd with carcless-'. PoruLATio.v axd Resocrces or Tex-organizc.-l. calied i:i 2.5 per cent. on ncss an:l neglrct. He was fricndicss aud as. In ansuer toa resolution of inquiry tiifir Slock, and will rc.iiimciicc opcr.i- moheylea- and alaiost in a staic of&hsulute from the House of Represcntatives, as to tmns ju the5Prin3. Thc rcccnt action of ''espair hea Mr. Clay hhn. That the amount ofdebt of Texas. of scrip or the New Hampihire,lre l,a3 aiso , "oblc immediaiely enqmrcd into Ius cir- lan ds . the amount of rcVcnue collected : 4.u,ieuiin: ucraij.;i cncrirics i.fthat s;i m ...i . Siote nnuiL-lv tjaef'rplir. mnnu... ... fliin;; taKcn to sccure a road from Fitch-: fljrii t.irougli Kecnc, Bellows Falls. ! r t "e , cessary eUTrlcr be ohtained , ,TOU ,u prescnt scs- io.!i , 41 is Hol improbable ilvj. tliis road too . l! l1wldf:r.r Cn,:,':rt:,'Jurthc ro'e Jo thc ..ltimatc, a id sndv reMiS,:1 ...-.!.... .it' -:. reallza,,on r: most bound to ca.niou our rcadera ' "d-ar !! ir.b .-ll .t. . l" ' iug." Burlington JVir rr.;s. ..- i'ifiK. The Ci'n2reafion Mceliii" house in West Brattlebofo was destroycd by fire on'Sundny the 2d inst Manufacturcs. V lcnni from thc iNcwli.irypiirt Her.i!d that a company of Bojtmi capitaiists bave sccurcd a tract of territory fcr f.vo imlcs along both the Jnnks of tjie Mcrsimsek at Andover, ivln-re tl.ey contc.nphtc thc cstahlishmcnt if maim'actKrc , nn a hrge scale The Herald also iuliiriuii us that nt the point vtjicre the dam U toba made, it is stated a fill oftnenty-tlie feet can bo obtaincd. and the fall at Lowell is only thirty-one feet. Thus the whole of the Merrimack, Hi'cther with the Concord river and scvcral olhcr streams which fall into the t'crrimack below the dam nt Pawtucket Falls at Lowell, will be again usca. The company for the construction ofthc dam and creation of the power, will cmploy a cipitalcf half a niillion of dullars. Gov. Portcr's inost rccent pardons, in advance of his immcdiate rctirenient from oilice, consist of twenty-five of the most desperate cases. Five. murdcrcrs, an in ccmliary.two cotinierfciters, five riotcrs, a burglar, and twclvc tuievcs. Thc JTon&ns. The Illinois Housc of Represcntatives on the 21st of January concnrred m tlic ocnaie ont repeanng un conditionally the Mormon charters, by a votc of 70 to .57. It is stated thSi the noinination of Chan ccllor Walworth to a icat on the ISench ofthc Supreme Court has becn uilhdrawn and the natnc of Chicf justice Nclson, of New York, sti' stitutcd for his. 1 - irGIiLY.IMPOR.TANT FROM MEX ICO. Drfeat of Sanla Anna in four En- gagcmcnts His suhmisson lo thc Gotrrn- rr.ait End of the Rcvtlution. By thc havc lettcrs from Vera Cruz tothe I4th ult., inclusire ; and our files ofnewspapers from that city of tlic 13th. Thc Diario ofthat datc contains a leading cditoral giving ruiuors from Mexico that the llcv- clution had terminated in favor ofthc Cotistitutinal Govcrnmcnt, Santa Anna having placcd all his forces at their dis-1 ' posal. A postscrip to the satnc paper, givcs ccpics of ofiicial despatchcs from' Mexico confirming thc rumors. An ex- traordinary cxprcss catnc into Vera Cruz on ,a niorning of the 3th withthcscdc- spatches. Ssnta Anna was rcpulscd from the walls of Pucbla four timcs, with tcrrible loss in each cngagcment. The whole country was in arms against him, whilc Braro and Parcdcs wcre close on his rear, with overwhclming forces; and his army, (aUrmed at the approaching cxpiration ofthc tcrm allowcd to them and him withr in which to fivc in their eubmission to the constitutional gcvernment, or be declared outlaws,) had no altcrnative but submis- sion.after their defeats at Pucbla. On the 10th, Geu. Inclan says santi Anna's oliiccrs and mcn werc cntcring the city 0f pucbla in scorcs, giving up their arms and dcdaring for the constitutional gcv- crnmcnt. Deserted by his tricd mcn, and without any projpect ofsucces, it was r.ot strangc ,lm Santa Anna should throw himself , llpon tlc lnercy of the authoritics. We 'nnrlpr thn C p,,m, quarier, anusnooung every constitution. t i 1 - . . s,and committcd diabolical outragcs upon'fcmaIes. The editor of the Diario 1 n : .1 , ,fallt ,10SC dgstrction Bho,d b ' 'cd for bveverv Mcxican. lln U k,L to be an'inveterate opium eatcr, haviiK ac uiled lhe fihl habit about fiftce filthy fiftcen j ycars ago. The vice has Srown upon him to a fearfuf extcnt, which mav ac- tT ' r Alll5t:, Ul'lll illCStJ " Cll llUlllCll tflU lldlliCS f Vcr10Iltthe fit from tllis lo,vn( and th ) f Pcachum.-i?to Hcr- . , -"r MR. CLAY'S GLWEROSITY. Ilcnry Clay has ahvays besn emincntly jiJt;nsiljej for ll!s actire bencvolcnce and S P'"1:"u,,roi'.v hbcrahty. The iu.iui.iug l Au.iti irom n leuer io one oi tne cuiiors, wrmcn ny a lauyoi iicservcd literary emiiicucc in Pcniivlvania, dctails one more ins; ofhis and gcncrositv. It Uoneofihcu tbousa.ul. similar circumslau- li:rli ;..! i "This isa rongh camiiy and townsbip.niih . an ignoratit pepulalion. and as might bc , wpcctcd ncBtforMr. Polk. et .11 that ,i.,rT. I tnay hore- mcntion an mciilent. A few ycars ago, an old rcvolutionary soldier, (I kiiewhiin rrll, he is uowdcad) neut ou foot, incaiily clail nud iu moccasins, from thisvi- ciuity to Washington City, furthc purposc ol prncunnr; aprnsioii, to wiucli licucemcd . . ., . V" . . " . , . . T , Kinrn. riniitrii inin cnrciuiv. anu incii ipu ' . .. ' . . ...... ..u...u... ..uu, oiiwi.ii. m.iintainrrl him at his own exncnse. several wecks. and untii his claim was fullv estab- li. - bi - d. HetbcnEave him two pold uicccs, "agks. nud'i.iak:n; uiin bv tlie liand, bade hj'" od speed, aiid siartrd him for home. ! ;ll,.kcr,to,10of,I,e ceJ muU"l cb hl" "h te of grati.ude. -This islmt nr,- ,i,--4.;,:i,r TJ.? .1 Wr". ST" 'T'nt ,0 "e snch ?,Ct..' I'1 of KreJdent rlret, Mr. . -. . v.. ,y comury, l lcar that thui I nil uniTUIIIiy 111 inj ULAr!" A Tmz PalorM. The Stamford. C6,m .. AUvocate states that on Sunday the 18.1. ull., the Uev. Danicl Smith, of Se OoiiKresationsil Cimrrb in lliat place, deliv ercd h.s last rc-gular diicourse from tbtf pal pit which he lus occupicl Cor JJh,.un COn secntive ycars. Mr. Alford. has becn sct iled as his Asitant. At the time of Mr Smith's iuslallation. tbo cliurch consistcd of 77 niembers, all of whom have becn catb rred to tbe tomb. During his p astorship.hc has baplicd60l persons, attcnded 35.1 wed dings and prcachcd 6,033 scrmons. lAuntc in Chittenden Counli. The Burling ton Frce.rreij eUUt that the Board 0 Commissioncrs asscmbled ou Thursday last. agrceable tothe provisians of the late law, to considerthesubject of liccnses. Numcrous applicattocs werc made from the scvcral lowns. and iho subject was discusscd at lcngth, by the applicantsand otheis. for and agaiust the exefcise of lhe power couferred hitheact. Mr- Shawdelivercd tlic opiuion ofthe board, which was uuanimousry agaiust j tjiegrantof any liceustfs, cilber to nbolesa'.c. rciau or laTcrci uemcrs. (L?" A woman wholhcd in the family of Randal Angcll, of Bnrrilvillc, was killed last wcck, in the following manncr : Sho was pickiug up chips, when a Iarge ram, a"ltracted by hcr black cap, ran asaiust her and butted her head so vio- lently, that shc died in a few minutcs. rrortdcnce. (II. I ) Joitrnat. The Louisville Journal says that some wag who is tired of Chivalry, proposcs that a big ditch should bc cut around the Palmctto Stale, and shc prizedofT and llonieu to 1 cxas. x ne ucncvolent pro- jcctcr says the Whigs may jump ovcr to Georgia or North Carolina. . It secms th'at Misslrcnc Nicholes, the factory girl, who was married by thc Ken nebec Jcurnal to the President of .Mexico, Gcu Herrara, did uut herself coni-ura- mate that splcndcd niatcb. Thc Duets chc Schticllpost informs us that shc mar- ncd a worthy tnan nameil Ilanschild a ucl"cePe-a.mercantnc nousc in uu- ra"5- yess papcr. Miciiigan. Gcn. Lewis Cass has bccn clected to thc Scnate ofthc United States for six ycars from the 4th ofMarch ncxt- - ------ 1 MoxTcojinr.Y Cou.ntv. A friend writes ns from Fonda that thc higs havc probably elected a majcrity of Supervisors in this counly. Mr. Asscmhlyman Ber- inswill return withaflea in hiscar. The county last fall cavc abcut 400 Locofoco majcrity. . .. Massachusetts. There is no choicc in thc 9th Congressional district. WiH iams (Loco) the prcscnt mcmber, is 802 votcs short of a ciioice. New Jeksey. Thc Ilon. Wili.iajiJL. Rirrox has bccn unanimoiisly nominatcd l'le Whigs of the Lcgislature for the -naleor the United States, STnAMr.n cts Likc Ciiim- vLis.A statcment which has appeared i:l this, as wcll as other papers, that therc WM tQ bc a ,ine llf rjrj,1, Stcanlers on Lake Champlain, thc Whitehall Chron- idesaysis mere gammon. Therc is, howcver, a new line of Amcrican Steaml crs in ccursc of construction. V RE AT Dickinso.n- Coli.eoe. On :turuay mgnt Jast, aswe Jcarn from a H iltiinore paper, onc of the btiildings of ii,..L;ncn rvn. r'..i..i- :.. n... vlvania, was discovcred to bc 011 fire, .... tt -tC u iM io n.f...... .1.. " ' , "i n't' ; ,1 f . ., f V" USCC "' l,.m . Wlt,,m mm. .vunw 11 ims lunrec uu uccu ou f ? JJ T b "'ce"d,!lr'' 03 " 13 PPiAmer. llrp. . Railhoad in Massachusetts. A bill i"icorporatin:j thc Northampton and Oreenhcld U-ailroad Company, bas passed thc iiiassachusetts Lcgislature. Cspital stock $300,000. Fouryears are allowcd fi.r completing the road Therc is a provision authorizing its union with thc Springfield and Northampton Railroad Company, by a vote of two thirds ofthe stock of each Company' A bill will also doubtless pass incorpo ratiug the Ilampshirc and Franklin Rail- rmu Lonipiny, to build a road from Ilot . - ?um in Millers Rivcrorto xhc Vcrinont 31ld Massachusetts Railroad C'jpital stock 8600,000. 17. 1'ha-niz. GIIEAT FIREI.Y WETUMPKA, ALA. Corrcspondence of the Express. ETU.MrK.OAla ,' Jan. 2G, 1845. a fire broke out th.s moriiing, at two o'- cihck, m ine store oi J. o. unver, wnicn eprcau wun greai rapioity anu uestroyea O.-tores and houscs. The following are tlle n:l'nes of a few of thcsc burncdout: T" V,C E1AT, iCTJ-J" -?"nhc,' C. CatIl. Wln". F- S- Hcard, Dales &. Ivcs, C. L. Adains, T. Johnson s boot sf'rc, Amcrican Ilotcl, Post oflicc, &,c. liatchett's' cotton warchousc, and 3000 balts cotlon slored ptincipally on plan- ters acccunt. Joss estimated m all at S200.000. The following storcs wcre savcd Wm. &. Jas Douglas, Beeby &. Hougliton, Richard S. Parish, all that remains ofthe business part ofthe city of Velumpka, ti.e exports and imncrts; ponulation, free the exports and imncrts: ponulation. free . . . . i nnH Q .nr tho Illlmlipr nF .ite nrnvlrl , ., -. , . , - ") railroad grants : and the number of acres of Eood arable lands rcmainiiifi : the number of acres offrood arable lands re- mainmg; the Secretary ot b!ate transimts a Ietter' from the Texas Charge dc Affairs, calinforrnationnossesscdbycur sovern. mcnt of coutri' V'?'1 ,l Pr,P0S 0 make a State ofthts Union. The whole population is not kr.own. Thp slave pop ulation in 1S4:J, accordin tothe tax re- turncs, was 22 410. Thc increase since is not known. The iniports in IS43 4 wcre $G3(i 403 03, and the exports 015, 19 3-1. The Rcvenuc arism from du ties 011 imporlations was 8I19,SG1 65. The cxpcnsc of "carrying on thc govern ment for the last thrce years has oecn S40p,209 18 This is tfie amount of .all the iuformation the Secretary of State has becn able to collect from all sources, and it doc3 not amount to much. SENATort Babhowop The Public will long recollcct the manly and fearless letter this gentlemen addressed last year to his constituents, in relation to I cxas. It was annuunccd by his politi- cal opponents thcn, that on this lctter they should cfarry the state against the Whigs, and indced his friends .had thrir misgiring on the subject. But the State Election.took place and the Whigs ,car ried the day. Thc Presidential elcction followed, and but for the unexampled fraud in the parishof Plaquemine, thc Clay elcctors would havc uecn cnoscn At the nresent Sessicn of Congress, Mr. Barrow has taken an carly opportunity to let his friends, at homc and abroad, know; that his scntiments havc undergone no chaiifre whatevcr on th'e Tcxas question. n"l.tJ i;-l,t- 111) III , 1,1 IUUllLtt.1 I " 1, w UJ . . . w ... estacauaintancc witli cnator I . "- Barrow be his coulddoubtas to what could course for he is one of thc most lionor ableand fearlcss of men, and shrinks from no rcsponsibilitj'. Wantcdlmmcdiatclit. A few persons of fair character, ageor scx irnmaterial, at a ta.r salary otuu per annum.mere.y to mind their own business; with a period- tcal increase.cquivolent to 100 per an- iiuin, iu icair uinci ji.ijjit o uivuv. plications, with testimonials, to bc ad - dressed to the honorary Secretary of thc ncglected IIomcDepartment. IIojtoEPATnv. Onc grain of timc dis solved in a buckctful of industry, and taken onc drop at a dosc cvcry hour in the day, is a surc cure for dirtv-shirta. tivenes and patched pantalooncry. The Unicorn discovcred! A rcccnt number of the "Journal Asiatique" (pub lishcd in Paris,) states that Mr. Fresnel, the profound Oricntalist, now French Censul at Jcdda, in Arabia, has puhlishcd a notice of tlie existence ofthc real Uni- fnrn in ltii wJIHq nf TIflrnmrnt I TMjiu strangc beast has ntmgh horn, attached toitshcadby a joint, through which it can clcvate or dcprcss its horn at pleasure; rcmarkably confirming 1'salms 92. 10, where it spcaks 0! thc "horn heing cial- tcd like the hcrn cfthc Unicorn." "Therc is a time for all things," said a crtisty old fellcw ti his wifc. "1'H hc lieve that," answercc thc wife iu a sharp vinegar voice, "when you pay for your ncwspapcr." Ilit him again, old woman. Judgc Nclson of New York, has bccn iinminated as Justice of the Supreme Court, the noinination of Chanccllor Walworth having bccn withdrawn. Jidin M. Read of Philadelphia, iyas nominatcd for thc other vacancy 011 thcbench ofthe Supreme Court. Iiclativc Rank of Commcrcial Nations. Thc tollowing is thc amount cf ton nagc owncd by severalof the Icading coinmercial nations of Europe and of thc United States. It will bc sccn that this country ranks next to Great Britain, and far abo--e any other European power : Tons of shipping Great Britain, 3,047,418 nl,eu " trancc. United States, 2,15S,002 5S9.517 471,772 375,084 222,094 214.193 :8,551 . 152,000 107,300 153 400 80,000 50,000 ha"l and Seden- and, 1 "' Prus: Two russia, Sicihc, dustria, Turkey, Sardinia, Dcninark, Spain and Portugal (each,) Russia, SppATHrA good dcacon making an u...Cia T.5Ki0a, neiguoor, wiowasa vcry churlisu aud uuivcrsally unpopular man, nutibeusnal nnminn. ' -Are you willing ,o go-my fricndl' uyes, man, 'I am.' ell" said the siinple-heartcd deacon, 'I am gladjon arc,forall tttc ncighlors are tcil- hn.' The Biiiiop's Trial. The New York Conricr says, that ofthe book ihcAppIetous have pubhshed uudcr lhe direction of thc L,onrt,S, 000 copics have been "sold up to . ... , , , , .. ., , TucJday last; and it is bclieved that thc salc " I,c 5CC" ",at lIle 'nlgarspiiit of bul will ultimatclv rcachtbirtv thous.ind conies. Ivine aud blaclRuardiini is again rife in at t.acli oi tlicse copies, (coniinues thc Cour- rr..ivmoDieHiuTeai leasic.gtit or icu minds and hcarts of some two or threc liun- dred thousand parsons. It must of course "uwv', i' timi itj --UlllCllLS Will IUdl.ll I1IC llf. nrf iunrM innr llin i.piiiri nr rito n cnnnv. , ... of itspuWication, accurately estimated the nature and cxlcnt ofits uncndiiig inducncc, and gave tothe maticr that profound and se- rious consiileratiou to which so mompiitous a proccediugisentiiled; yct we do not hcsitate to say that in our opmiun.its publication was n ercat wrong, pcrpetratcd against tho wit- neSscs,ard aSaiu8ttbemorah of society.- Weacnmt tbcraofallinteiitioualcrror. 'lhcir great dcsire undoub.edly was, to jus.ify their decision witli tlic puhlic. and this they nave triumphautlyaccomplishcd. Bnt it canuot tion has beenaciiievcdby tbe riilation ofan implied pledgc, as sacred as any that could havo bcen made, by sprcadin- before the commumlyaworkasliccntiousinilstcnden- cies,as any of those which the Police of all wcllrcsulatcdciticsso mvanably supprcss, iurariably supprcss, because of their immon.1 lendeucies. IJet-' ter, larlictter, that thecavillcrsiu the cliurch, and those who are deterrained to suppott the liisliop ot tlns iJioccse at any and evcry haz- j nr.1 clintilil t.rir.. liMin tinrmtffnrt tn fin.l f-inll ard, should havc bccn pcrmitted to find fault ... .. . - .. j. . A W1II1. nnU assail tllC VCIUICt OI tllC Uourl.llinn 1,1,,, - l,l. . -U.,.tt.l. thata buo certain to taint tbe public mind, should have bccn pcrmitted tocome before thc public. RAIL ROADS. TJT T. 7.... rrt .? rt outhN. H.) on tbe 20lh ult. in favor ofthe! road from Concord via Plymouth, Passump-j sic River aud Stanstead (L. C.) to Montreal, was Allly atteuded aud the chartcr was ac- ceptcd. Messrs. Baxtcr nud Freuch ofDer-J l(;::Vri: llrycMcs ny r,8l and btaek. Dauvillc, llartlctt of Lyudcn, and Matlocks ' guards may east ou tbeir billious stomarhs of Peacham, we observcreprcscntcd theVer- mont mterest in ims route anu they well reprcstmed this routc are as much in mer meelius, and lesg warl ern neighbors on tue Lentral and ritclilmr routcs Halehman. , cower before the South, and sufler all the' The fire at BufTalo was at 212 and 214 " deccncicsand dignity of Legislation to be Main itreet owned by S. Giosvcnor of New Troullc m Uie Loco-Foco Ks.nls L. II. ,,!., :, . iJf 1. . ' iotk" The sunercrs werc a Mr. Bacon, a Foster, late Loco-Foco U. S. Scnator pro trampled upon wrthitnpnnity. And forwhat drv good9dC3,cri ho lost a,lout $400O l0 tempore from New York, has revealed an in-, we would ask I To make sure of the spoils , S5000, Sherman and Brothere iu No. 2U, triguc on ihc part of Gov. Wright's friends which thc Southern allianco promises. Such , 'ost about $5000 iusured; Mnrray and Ken losecurcthesucccssionforh'm. Thcavow- is ihn ilirifi tliat followsrawninirnnnn 3o-i,-I nedy lose abont S400Q policy expired 011 cd object was to secure two Anli-Texas Sen- ,,,. l r t, v , Monday prcvious- A Mr. Coots, into whose ators for New York, ihus giviug thc majority e hotspurs who for years have disgraccd store ,e of llurnIng ROods wa3 unwittin ofthe Locositi the Senato against Calhoun's thecouncilsofthonationbythcirviolcnceand Iy removed, loses $4000 partially iosured. policy, and to control Presiitcnt I'olk. This brutality. The night was intensely cold. shotrs that wnris nniiripaird in thc Loco Foco ranUsbclwptu W rijilTT :nul Calhoun nr nerlians Letwecu lb?Noriu.uiul iln-Slvp- ocracy. It ii higb'' "tbr.a for Jitie Nurthcni Loco-Focostoslinw some iiWcp.-mlcncp. Thcy h1vebrcn...(:l: r!.rcn.Il1;k.sp1t.I3l. -)Ya!ci.n!tiri, fJ"" No clectinn rn Al irial in 3,i, ConTCssionallferiti.M-.isaCcIiusetts: Hale . (Whia) 4442, Williams (Loco) 4504. scaticr - ingG37. 1 Missouri. Thc Loco-Foco majority of ,j,c Legislature havc deviscd a bill districting i tbe State for the choice of five Alembers ofl Congress so that the Whiss shall not bave a ! --I w singlcJJistrict: Ot toursc, tlie Uistncts arc of all shapcs and eizes. The bill has passcd iiie -enaic. Signor Almonte, the Mcxican Ministcr has not bcen rccallcd. probably, as rcported. He is understood to Iiavc rcccived mstructions to askforhis nassoort, if the Annexatiou of Tcxas to thii Union is consummated. N.Y. Exprtss, pfm jleri-c0.Sjuta A afi havi bccn ,Iefea,ed and dtiven into a small town near Puebla, has rcsorlcd to diplomacy, by scnmng inrec commissioners 10 ine cny oi 1 nccotiate forthe safety ofhis head. In fact he virlually surreudcred all his forces to tbe Sunicme Government on thc 11th of Jauuary. THE G-ALAIY. iJttmDSFoiaiDsis'n ,,jp Wednesday, Feb l9,1845. fn-TKMrERANCE CELKBr.AT.o.v.-The iapplications.of ths.Coni.nitlee for spcakcrs from abro:ul for ,hs af'""00" cxcrcises have so far ProvcJ nnsucccssful. It is probal.Ie, I tberefore, that this portion ofthe dcsign will 1 bc omiited. 'Ihe evcuing lca I'arty wilj take place as tbe lastycar, of which a notice appears iu this papcr. The uunibcr of lick cts is ncccssarily limitcd, but all, ne trust, will bc in scasou for their chaiicc. ' New Yohk Elf.ctio.ns. Thc municipsl DOINGS IN CONGRESS NEWS NOT elcctions through the Slateseem tGbe goiog SO I5AD. wonJerfully for the Whigs. Thc Whigs are By our Congrcssioual rccord it appears no longcrfair-wcatbcr soldiers. The Loco that the Committce in the Scnate to whom ' pnpcrscomplain that whilc thc storm prcven was rcrcrred the House Auiicxation bill have ,cd ,j.c!r raenj tl)0 'bips come up to worU in made a loug report against it by Mr. Archcr. ! storm 3S wf as sncshii,e. It recommends its rcjcction, and that of all . . . bills, joint resolutions &c., origiuating in the gj,CASatva M. Clay has made a most Senate, and resolutions of State I.egislatures mfMe al,llrcss , c pcopIc of Kcutucky anJ pctitions for and AuncxaUon, j !n favor q emallc;p3t;0I1 ia ,bat gtate. In which had bcen rcferred to tbe Committce be I n.v ofar:rmant. fc;citv of Jiction and Iaid on tbe taMe, Thc report is cbicfly on me v.oniiuuonai qucsiion, aiu. nimiimiiis lhi p.rrlmiffr rnntrtil nf llin treatv mnkillir j powcrover ibe eolire subject. The Post Oflicc bill as prc3cntcd on our first page uadcr tbe head of "PostJgeUe form," has passed the Sciiato by a dscisive votc of aycs 08, nays 12. Therc is however U11U lUIJilJllltllL JirUVItlUU IU IUC I'lll llllbll 13 omitted inthat statcment, thc amcudment of Mr. Huntington passcd by a great majority, that Ncwspapers might bc scnt to subscribers on mail routcs by privatc convcysncc. It is a little singularthat a provision so very indis- :r.t. -i i.i . i i :-i...i. i :.. : . . . -. .. - . i. .. i 1 1 .. : i jii.iisiuiij miuuiu iiu. iiii t; uvi ii iiniuui;!.! 111 iiiu origiual bill. It should bc furthcr stated lliat ' the Frankiug Privilege although gener.dly abolishcd is still cxlcnded to thc widows of Ex-Prcsidcnt 3Iadison and Harrison and Ex- Prcsidents Jackson, Adams, and Van Buren, (John Tylcr omitted.) This bill al.houSh ..w...pvC,.,l-ul..pUU the prcscnt systain. It will be hailcd by the '. - . . ..... . pC01PIC.0, "7 C'n3S an" P' tn '"S f I- I"""'"""- " u.c uu ! poscd by mcaus of high postage upon frce ' communicatioii. The tonc of lhe public i . , ., ,1 press givcs mc sirongcsi cvuicucc oi a nuc oi i PPuIar favor for this bill, and thrrc is some ! reason to hope it will bccnic a law at this ' session east 0ne Southern Membcr of Congress. xhe brul;jb olltn,: cs rcsorted to so oftcn l.y . . , - .!.( .. aoutlicni mcmlicrs result irom ine intoierai.i and dominccring tempcr which is cngccdcr- -.1 i... ui... ..... i tmnnirA m nnmmznt. . 1 f- cu uv c.tic.j. ..v...w..v , lc. strojsall, reudcrs men "T"1 , "f oppositicn, and convcns lliem into ansto- crats and lhe vencst of tyrants. A l.ite tncn w,0 incur the vengeance ol slaveholders arc trMtcd like slaves. The mind bein tbusdc- j , ,, .. . , ... .. hrocJ and demora,,ze'' d,,c "'"S-P dirty ribaldry, blood-s he.l and lyncb,nS e , ,, natural rcsults. Weare astomshedat tbe mcek . of rorbc:irance wh;cIl ;3 l00 of.en ., , . , , . i man.fested by Northern mcmbers nnder the ccjving from tIle South. Lct the.n mcct , Southern blackguards .manfully. and . . ,, . , , r . . hutlback their msults inslcad ofcnnSinStin- der their Iash, and tbcirl.lack vomitsofabusc ,rniilil nnnn rrnsH tn t-usli out in M nnn tn rusli out in the Halt nf t Pass;veesB cncp.i.1 , . , T- ,, solence, and one ofthese grisly Lions would "roar me gcnlle ui:e a succingrtorc wcre ne . t ;i i i lt0 hc assailcd with his own hnfharoas wcap- It sccms to Lc aprccd ou al! hai:ds ihat the blamc ofthe latcrowdy sccnc in Congress falls altogether upon lhe blackguard Black of Georgia. His attack upon Mr. GiiWings U'h"y nnProvnI:ed and uccal!cd fnr Iiut "hat measurc does the Loco-Foco Housc of Represcntatives of thcse United Slates ailont fo nmintnin in ilirnilr 'nnd nrn-. ent ;,s Ha from bci C0Iir,r;cd into a bear withoutslint? We answer notliinc:, Black ccd Represcntatives ofthe North. They no uouot .;mi--,c,i t,:. r , ,.i it 1 he stoue lilock on tho corncr of Hdl and it. The friends of '. ' 1 D ' 1 Elizabcthstreets, Rochester, was destroyed carncH as at a for- Srac.ously "cepted his apology. Such.sthe by firon Thnrsdav. Loss aoout SnJSSa. ikc to their South-, timid spmt of the present Loco dou-h-fa- Owners -A. Rrown nf Srbpnprtn,!-. m.l MR. BENTON'S BILL. From letter writers at Washington wc find that considcrable scnsation has bceu produccd ; at tIlc Canitol bv Mr.Beoton's bill for An . g Jt . I. allowcd on all hands to be thelesstobjcction- UWAUW i able scheme that has yct bceu brought for- , ward, and strong eflbrts will bc mailB toreder 1 ',t succcf sful. It is howcver bclieved that neithcr this orany other project ol Annexa- t-,on w;n pa!S tbe'Senate this scssion. It is mcant a3 a cnmprom!se. It aVoidsin some ' ... " at lcast. thc ol.jcct.ons to anncxa- j tion uy jomt resolutions, and preserves m part, the treaty making power. It is howev- erentirely exceptionnable to a gcnuine anti- ' auncxatioulst, who will never adinit a forcign ' Territory, and cspecially a Slave Tcrritory ' , IT . to bccome acompoucnt part of tbe Uu.on This bill isdcnounccd by theMadisonian and approvcd by the Globe. OREGON.-Tl.e Oregon bill it will be seen has passed tbe House, aycs 140. Nays '59. PaulDilliugbam voled for it and' tbe rest of Vcrmout against it. It is doubted nhcther it can pass the Senatc. CoSSTlTOTIONAl.ITr OF TIIE LlCESE Laws. The case of Samuel Thurlow.Plan tifl'in Errorvs. thc Comnionwcaltli ofMass- achusctts, has bccn upon irial at Washington ' in tha Supreme Court of the United States. i The object of this litigation 13 to tcst the Coo ' stitutioualiiy ofthc Liccnsc Lans of Massa- chusetts. Thc case has bccn argued bf 1 Messrs. Chostc and W'.-bster against thc val- raiij 01 niese !, nna air. lluntmgton of Salem for tha Comraonwealtli. Ithasfinally uccu siiumiticu 10 inc uoun. 1 ne iourinc inp; dividcd, havc delivetcd no opinion but havc dirccted ihe case tolbc coutinucd to tbe uext tcrm. Whctbcr the Massachusetts law conllicts wilh thc Reveiuic Laws oftheUniou is the qucstiou, nud h coniincd to forcigu dis tilled spiiits. , . . , . SUri)asscs all' the nro- (,uc,;nn, oftl.esc days, t . c i We will givc it, rca- , dcrs, soon, THE STORM. The Buffalo Jomnal ofthe Gih-says that i "tho storm has iiipcd itselfout, and all our 1 ritr.rns are pnn!Pil in clcarinrr onr slrcets and side walks ofthe cnoimous beaps which cncumbcr thcm. But such a storm was nev cr before known. It was terrible." Thu old cst iuhabitant can remcmbcr nothiug likc it. Thc avcrago dcpth of snow is bclieved to bc not less than two fcst. The New York pa pers are fdlcd with the sad efTects ofthc storm in that city and vicinity. Thc Long Island Rnil Road for two or thrce days was wholly imbcddeJ in snow. The roads on Statcn Is J ,aud lm,e hecn C!1.;rei.. inipass;ble. Several , davs will bc rcquircd to clcar out tbe Harlem J Road Xc.,p;ipc.3 reprcscnt thestonn reatest anJ aevercst which has hap- ,r .. pcncd formany ycars. Similar accotmts froln noston. Salem and o.ber places. South Qf riillau' thc stomi brough ,low ain iustsad BLACK AND WHITE TEXAS. A late Lxprcss bas a wood cut rrprcsru ting black Texas up to tbe 3 !tb degree 30 min utes, and nbite Texas supposcd to'be abovc tbe fornicr, the fo-incr coiitaiiiing 231 niil- lions of acrcs, aud the laitcr if we rcad right .j0 m;n;ons 'T'lir. t-TrnPnao aea.rlo flnt 11 tUU w, j, T , bclonrs to Mexico M Durango or Ieubh, and is situated among jfomita;ns au(lbarrcns, aud most of it unin- ...... .. . .. . . nauncu cvcn iy indians 'lo call tms a eot.poBMda.Dlni.. i, eommoa an, t)e atcnipt t0 pam ; o(r upo Xotthcrn auJ Wcstern crcduit.. js ,he hoWest cfTort 0f i,nno3;,;on ever nimessed " ....... Mutit isjust such a coiiipromiscasSlavcry It i3ju3t sch a cq n . ' KS ? ,.,"C f,ort.b-aDd ,0 Wb!ch Nor,h.e, uougu-iaccism ror tlie sake of the spoils has Ever since tbe r"r",a,inn cf',le grnmc..t two-thirds ofits vavi"r anJ have bccn enjoyed by Smiihernus. They havc also dictatcd the , , c , c ""- '"r-f 'K i;.1niCu,. auu WIlea ,ey 5CC ",c n'"5 S" a" propeny oi me Norluaboiu to brenk their sccptrc, they re- sort with the fury of madmcn to the Aunex ation of Tcxas to rcstorc their slave-powcr to its aucicnt asccndcncy. This, the Anncx ation offive States from Texas will enablc thcm to accompUsh. They can thcn model tho policy ofthe couutry to their wishes. The TarilT could not sland hardly a siugle Concrcss wilh Texas amiexcd. and Slavery would bc fcrcrer fastcncd upon the couutry, Ifns thcre is as much reason to believc Mr. Calhaun's real object is a sotuhern confeilera cy, adivision ofthe Uuion will be thc proba- able issu- to tho bascst of all schemes to ruin SreatV0,eRcpamc. Fires at Rochester axd Bcffalo. ' Brown and Churchill of Rochester. SENATE. Mouday, Feb. 3. Mr. Johnson prescntfd rrsolutions oftl. T.n.icl.ti.H. r r : . r . i . , imwiu.u.i; ui xiui.isiuuii, wincii oeciare il beliof that a larce maioritv of the Louisiatia wercin favor'of anncxin- Tcxsj ii u couiu uc coosntntionallr donc.&c. i, t. J. said he fnlly concnrred " in thcse rasoln! tions, nud believed that it was tnic ihat'ilM measnre wa3 popular ia r.ouuin- hn. whctbcr the plan scnt hercl.v tbe other Housc was such as he could vot'e for he we, not able io say at present. Mr. Barrow was not awaro that his col. league designed to make any remarks upon therc rcsolutious. bnt, lcst his otui opinion should be inistakcu and takcn to bc tb samc as cxpressed by his colleaguc, he wisl cdit distinctly understood that atno lime.anj uudcr uo conccivable circumstanccs, wonlj he givc his vote far the scheme for tbcaonei atian of Texas to the United States. Be bc lieved it would be highly detrimental to t!i best iutcrests of Lotiisiana. HOUSE. The Speaker annuunccd the unfioished busiucss to bc on concurring in the amcad mcnts ofthc Committee ofllic wboletoihr billto organizc a territorial Govcrnmcnt is the Oregon Territory, and for other pnr. poses. The amendmcnt to thc sixtll sectiou pro vidiuR "that there sball ueitlicrbeslavcrv ccr involuntary servitude in the said Tcrrlion, othcrwise than iu Ihe punisbniciit ofcrimcV whereof the party shall have becn duly con victcd," was agrccd to yeas 131. nays 69. And tbe bill vva3 reaila third time and psssei ycas 140, uays 0. Tuesuav, Feb. 4. SANATE. " The crcdcntialsof Hcii. -Rcvcrdy JoEusoa of Maryland, werc prcsenled, having btta chosen a Senator for six ycars from the i:h of Marcb next. Mr- Dis prccnted pctitrau for the anncxation of Cauada. Jlr. Kt:ili rcportcd on tbe Snb-Treasury !.t!I and rct oiumcnded iisindcfinitc postpuuuiciit. Tt: Post Ollice bill was thcn ilisciscd. Aa amcudment ofTtred by Mr. Asldy, that sht deficiency in the revcime bc mad e up hj i! Treasury. was opposcd by Mr. I'helos, of Vt. Hesaid thtrc wasno ccauoiny no and would be less in making routracts, if the Dppariincnt was allowcil to U-an upon the Trcasury. Contractors had croivu ncb in his own State, and many rcrrivid iwiec. what their services wrre worth. Tks .uncnl ment was ndopted. Iu the midt of a ilcbate i:i refcrcuce to thc abohtion ofthe tranking privilege, Mr. Archer, of Va., askcd lcava and was pcnnittcd to make a rcport oftha Committce of Forcign Relatious. The rc port ofthc Comniiltre wasaccompauied wi.h ihe following rcsolutious: Itcsohctt, That the Joint Resolution?, passcd by the House of Represcntatives. fcr thc amiexation of Tcxas to the United Staus. bc TejccicJ. Tbe report ar.d rcsolutu;;! wre -ordercu t bc printed. Tho remaiudcr of th scasioa was takcn upin debaics ou llie I'cst Ollics bill. An amcndmeut restrictiitg tbe frai.kis privilege was rejectcd. but one allonin euV tors of ncwspapers nud periu'licals to senij their publications out nf Ihc mail, if they wished, was adopled. HOUSE. After some debatc, the IIousc took up th; bill for appropriations for Western barbors rfiid rivers. An attempt to cuspcud ihs rules for the purpose of acting on thc bill f.iilcd. The House theu took up the bill reducing and rcgulating thc Price of l'ublic Landi Aftera long debatc, a resolution passcd lln: all ilcbate ceasc to-morrow. 'Iba Houo thcu wcnt into tho Committce of the nlio'.a aud the ilcbate wascoutinurd till ai!joura mcut. Wediicsdav, Feb. Z. SENATE. Mr. Benton introduccd his bill for tiis Anncxation of Texas follows: A Bill In providc forthe Annexaliunori'cn to the Uuitcd States. Be it cn.ictcd, &c. That a State, to lii formcd ont of the present Rcpublic of Tex as, with stiitahle cxlcnt and boundarie, toi with.two Reprcsentativcs iu Congrcs tu'.i thc next nnnortionmcnt of rerrcsentatitei?. shall be admittcd iato the Union, by virtno f ihis act, on an cqnal fuotinj; with tho eji- tinj Sjattv. as soon ns llic icrms and cumli tions of snch admissiou, and ihc cecsion of lhe remaiiiiii" Tcxau tcrritory to thc l"ni:eil Stales sball be agrred upon by the Govcrn mcnts nf Tcxas and ihc l". S. Sec 2. And be it furiher cnactcd. T!:!it the siim ofoue hundred thouaaml-dntlane and the samc is hcrcby appropriaicd, to ilc fraj the cxpcnses of missions and ccsocia- U0113 to n;rce upon tlic terms ol said admiss iou and ccssion, cithcrby treaty tobesubrait ted to thc Scnate, or by attirles to be snbmii tcd to the Senate, or hy articles to be sub miltcd to tbo two Houses of Congress, n the President may ilirecl. The bill was twice rcad, and Mr. Bcaton movcd it bo laid on thc table and printed. ftlr. Berrien moved its refcrcnce tothe Committce on Foreign Rclatinns. Tha question was discusscd at some lentb, but finally Mr. Benton prevailed, nud thc bi'I was laid upon the table by a voto uf23 to 22. The rcmainder ofthe day was ocrupied in tbe discussion ofthe Post Oflicc bill. HOUSE. A sccnc of attack and rccrimination tonk place betwecn Mr. Gidding ofOhio, and Mr. Black of Georgia. Mr. Giddings had m course ofthc debatc upon tho appropiiation bill (thc House in Committce ofthe Whole) objectcd to thc paymant ofthe pnblicmoncy for the use of thc serviccs of slaves and pay msnt for their loss while in thc public ser vice, and commented severcly upon the ex actionsupon the Treasury for this pnrpose. Mr. Black roso and commenced a pcrsonal and abusivc attack upon Giddings. Slr. Giddincs renlied to 5Ir. Black in a manner about as personal as ftlr. Black had made the attack. He called the attack oftbo member a low and dirty lirade. Mr. Black rejoined after the Committen had been confused for a long time upon points oforder, and pronounced Mr. Gid ding'ssatemcnts"marvellou9stories," "slan ous falsifier," &c. Besides this, Ianguageof the most indcccnt kind was uscd. thc excuse being that tliere were no ladies in the gal lery. Mr. McCausIin of Ohio, and Mr. Burt, of S. C. called Mr. Black to order. Mr. Black said he bad done, but bo wa notdone, and pcrsisted in a tirade of person ality nnequalled iu the House. It becamo worse and worse, and portions. of what was said. it would not bedccentto repcat. Whcn Mr. Black had closed, Mr. Gidding appcaled to bc hcard iu defencc. Mr. Schenck askcd, if afier what had fal lcn from the gentleman from Georgia, thers t.. :.. ,h TtniKe who would not WU3 a I1IW11UW ... , allow his collcague to be hcard in bis onn de fenceifhe wished. xr, McConnel ofAIabama was ue-i.i . saytbatho objectcd, and Mr. Schenck to answcr tbat no one would object. Confujiou rnicu tnrongnnni ine ""'u