Newspaper Page Text
Kav raored that &e Committee ris;. The motion prevailed. and aresolulianwasadop ted to end tbe dobatain twctrty mtuutes. The Hoiise then went into Committee of thc Whole on the State of ihe Un ioo. Mr. McKay explained the smcndmcnt wbicb Mr. Giddings hadiutroduced, and said it could not pass without.a viohtion ol con trart and ngreemcntwith thelndians. Mr. Giddings, all were now agrecd.sbould be Iicard, and no oue objecfing, ho rose. Jfc said that he came lierc by the suflrages uf as lirgt and cnlightcnrd a cor.stittirncy as nny incmber upon thc floor; that the con sti'tucnts who senthim were notso craven as io scnd a man to rcprcsent lhem who was j TAu.X:,.:?, ":""".lu,, rTfc:i;.:"T .k Kini . r .l.ranHinrr Ihp nit-n f 11(1 t hl r njiuw, cU..isau u.u w" "J ..-, """"J"'" .m.iu.iMuui. irom Canada will be brought hcre and rc- tituency.and that thefccntlcman from Georgia, ! Mr. inton moved to layit ou the table. ceived by ihe steamerj, instead of being ta whohadsaTmwarraiUjblyassanltedhinvYould j ieas 107. Nays-J9. Carricd. 'ken to Halifax. The contract for the con- makcjtlieir own application of his positinn: Mr. Giddings said ihe scene that had bccn witnesscd rra9 not a new one to him. He had been many times similarly assaultcd np on this floor, and oncc a bowie knife had bcen dratvn upon him. The gcntlcman from Georgia had threateced to knock him down. HeieMr. Black, who had left his own ecat on the oppositc side of the Hall; was secnstauding by thc sideofMr. Giddings, with only one mcmber between the Hvo. Kaising Ins roice and leanin tonardm Mr. G., Illack said, " Ifyounill say out ofdoors ment as a provision, that Flonda shall, by trhat vou have said hcrc. I will knock you Delegates chosen bythepcoplc, so modify down." Mr. Hammct immediatelv prcven- her Constitution astostrike out that part led Black from carryin; out his secming which prcveuts thc libcration of slaves and jmrpose orstriking Giddings, and took him ,'he ingrcss of colorcd people into the Tcrri behind ihe Spcakcr's Chair. , tory. Mr. G. went on and said furthcr, that he Mr- Hrown, of Tcnnesscc, olijccted to had secnsuchscenesas thoscheforc'and had hcse cxceptions takcn to Coustitutions bcen threatencd, and aftcr a word ortwo in adopted by thc pconlc. The Committee rcplyto Black's chargcs against him, he rose and the House adjourned. closcd. I 31 r. Dlack made a word or tno of apology to the Committee forthcsccnc which had jusi occurrcci. aiui aner a woru or two irom Mr.Levyand Mr. McKay, the Committee and Ma5n0 wcro prc3entea iu the Senate on nary prov.on, was .u no tlegrcc mcompal rose, and theb.ll was pfsed by thc House. Moni3ay, for t!lc Anncxalion of thesc British Ma. W1I1,I! !"? co"'"'"??","1 ,lle "P'opacy SENATE. .Colonies! Whvuot? We have iust as horx- ?"d ""?" "nPl,e.d "'!,,P: repemauce of our Mcrrick exprcsing a .opB that it would be hich we 6wapPcd with Spain for Floridn, in , "J '''""'"irr rf. m iUbl,,SC votcd upon and not talked about -so that lSlO-Calhoun and Jackson approving the f 0 1 ,0rV" rh?,r , 'f r .-n...i .1.:. i,-,;ni Ti,.,- i,,i,i,j, i , :t . ,.itothcunion ofthe Church, with almost as Mr. Buchanan's aincndmcnt to Mr. Sini- IV UU 1111. (li. lltai'-lkMLU .OUU. 1 a.nrndment was rcjcctcd-nycs 17. 24. This amendmcnt al!ocd mc.n- mons nas -4. llus ainpnumcnt alinncii mcin hers to tcnd fivs frcc Ietters pcr diem. The quc.-t:iii, tlicn, was upon .lr. bimmons'a-t inenduietit, uiiicli givcs inrni'ucrs iiulimitrd rijht to frank thcir lettcrs anil spccchc!. i Thc senators could not hclp talking about ihis, bul after thcy had ilonp. the yeiss and' nays were cailcd, and tbe fianknig pnvih-ge ultimo prescnted 10 thc Scnatc of JlAiSEby wasgiven upby a vctcofayns 18, niics 22. nne of the advocatesof imnicdi.ite uncundi Tbeycasand naysivcre ihni cailcd, upi.ii tional "antiexatiou," and its sccond reading atrikiiiuut thcDlh Scciion, (hich jiroiiut'S rrfuscd by a vote of 13 to C: ihat mcmlicrs shall have a ccrtain nimibr nl ."Itesoltcd, Thatthis Legislaturchighly ap frecstanii!) and this wasalsodonc hy aycs priive the resolvcs passcd by the Ilousc of "ci i iieuext qucstion was upon .vr. iJnntmg- ton's aiiicndineiit, which allntrs m-wsp. p;t?, ' periodicals, &c. to be carricd out cfthemail. Mr. Allcn said i was a vcry srrious inatter to imdcrtake to legislatc upon thc Iibcitr nf the press, for this was involved in the question biforc us. Thc Covcrnment of France was orcnhrowu, in thc attcmpttorestrictthcpcss. Mr. Huntington, nlso, dcfended his nmcndmcnt. Aftcr a good deal of discussion, thc votc was takcn bv Yeas and Nays, and Mr. H'e aincndmcnt was adopted, hy .1.1 . tvt n fijcso. 10 -MJua o. , i 11c mn wastneii rcau 10 dc repoitca, nen -ur oiuiuiuua luuira .1 cij jnqiui- lant amcndn.cnt to the first section ofthc Lill.viz makes one uniform rate ofpost age for alllctlcrs carricd iti thc mail, and fixing this rate at five cents. Mr. S. made avcrv plausible argutnent in favorofhis proposition, and urgctl that in the prescnt mcasurc, a bold course was a prudent course. In the course cf his argumeut, ond in speakingof thc vast incrcase ol s 'cial intercourse which would arise from chean postaac, Mr S. asked, what would hc thc rcsult, if Telegraphs were cstab- lishcd all ovcr the land, so thata lncther could co daily and Inquirc for the hcalth ofhcr cbild, in a distant regiotioflhe country 1 Vhy, I believe said he, that therc would bc a strcam of altcctton run ning along tbcse wires, such as was ncvcr whcn thc morniujj stars sang togcther for joy. Fkidav, Fcb. 7, li4,. IIousc. A number of Reprrrts from Commhtees were read chiefly on privatc hills. The House resnlvetl itself into Com mittee of the Whole. A large number ofl privatc bills wcrc considercd, and laid; aside to bc reportcd tothe IIoujc. j The Jcint Hesolutioti from thc Senatc.l in relation to the counting ofthe rresi-j dcntial vntcs, was agrecd to. Adj. In Scnatr, MrBuchanan prescnted scv-i e al inomoriah against thc Annexation of ,., 3 j VStf 1, e 1 Mr. Valkcr, from thc committee ap- pomtcd 011 thc part of ths Senale to jotn such Committee as might be appointcdon tlie part ofthc IIousc of llepresetitatives, to ascertain and rcport a mode of examin- ing the vntes for Preiident and Vice Presi- dcnt ofthe United States, and informin ths pcrsonselcctcd of their clection, re- 1 ... t..- porteu in part tne lonowing resomuon : nssemblc in the Chamber ofthe House of jiuuin.., .... -.v.u-.J ,. ... Reprcsentattvei on Wcdnesuay, the VMh day ofFebruary, 1S45, at 12 o'cloek ; that one prrson be appointed tcller on the part ofthe Senate, and two persons be appoin-, ted tellers on the part ofthe IIouse."to; lcY ,; 7 r Tt -V iV,rn, 7; T r. I 'zen rcr make a list ofthe votes for Presidcnt and , wthin twenty-five m.les of the c.ty of New , Vice 1 resiueni 01 ine umtea states, as thsy shall bedeclarcd; that the r'esuh be delivered to the Presidcnt of the Senate, to antiounce to the two Houses assembled as aforesaid, the state of the votc, and thc ; pcrson or jreiayua "-j .. .u.. uc said proceedings, together with a list o the votes, be entered on the journals ofthe two Houses. The resolution was agreedto, and Mr. WnlLpralmnmtpt Ipllpr OH the DSrtofthe .. , Senate. 10,000 copies of rhe Texas map wers or- dcred to bc printed. The Senate then went into consideratiou ofthe Pst-oluce bill. Several amendments vere adopted and the bill ordered to be en grosscd. Thc SenaU: then adjourned. Saturday, Fcb. S. HOUSE. The House was pccnnicd chieflv withthe third readings of'uills reportcd from the Committee ofthe Whole. 1 be bill for thc relicfof Samuel Swart- out. after much dcbate, was laid on the ta ''e. Veas 90. Nam sa A recnntideratinn ivhq innri.! !m? nntnnjied till Mondny. In Scnatc thc Post Offie bill was furthcr amendcd and patjed Yeas 33, Nays 12. WAsmsoTOS, Feh. 11. SENATE. Tha bill from the Houso for the ptmhase ofcertain copiesof Grecnow's-IIistory was tineflA(4 r li i ...1 tanitinVI'l ?fl nxl'i 18. The Texas debatc was tnade the special orderofthe dayfor Thursdav next. Mr. Morcbead will open tbe dcbate. The Senate theo went ioto cousiileration ofotlier hills among thera the' Dubuquc Claim. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. m, m .ii-.i , , 1 he Terntonal hills. renorted rrora the Comrmttec ofthe Yhole yesterday, were tnen tascn up and passcd, withthe cxceD- ! I Ifl n nf tll I kil I fni t Vi a nimA I l. u T n ..... The House thcn resolvcd itself into Com- ttleeofthe Whole 011 the bill for the Ad- mittce tnissionofloira and Horida. Mr. Vinton advocatcd Mr. Duncan's ampndmnt limilin!f tUp hnnndnripq nf Inwn. t The questiou was t.iken on thc motion to Etrikc out thc provision to the third scction of thc bill, and carricd. This provision al lows the forniation ofanew ijlatc, eastof the Sawan ee Kivcr, whencrcr the popula tion ofthat partofthc Tcrritory numbers 35,000. Mr. Morsc of Mainc offcrod au aincnd- From the Richmond IVJiig. Asexatiox or Casida axd New Ubdnswick! I'etitions from New 1 . .. .1 1 . r ell "To be haiigcd for an old Shccp as a I-amb!" If the uationturns Rogue nmll.and I'irate. let it do soon a magnificentscalc.aud vtin Gold cnotighto gild thcinfamy. From the Xalionul Inteligenccr ANNEXA riON IN MAINK, AGA1N. The following rcsolution was on the 30th Kcpresciitativcs January "oth, 164j, adnnt- i,x thetcrntory of Texas into the Uniou." The samc rcsolution was presentcd to Iho Hnuse of RcDrcscntative bv a Callioun mem- bcr of that braii, and indefiuitely posponcd by the vcrv decidcd vote of8oto (?. Thus Mainc has cor.drmned thc scheine ofauncxa tion passcd by thc House of Reprcsentative of the U. Statcs. and apporcd of thc stand takcn by a rcajoriiy of her delcgation in Con grcss. Mainc dosc not fcar to spcak out hcr scnti ments in rcgard to anncxaticn foi Jslaverv's sakc. New York alonc maintaius an uu- j worthy silcncc on this important question. Thc majority in thc Lecislature hesitate to llte majority m thc Legisl: give nttcrancc ,0 t!lc well-kuown opinionsof their cousliucnls lcst tlicir cxprassion sliould mpair Silas Wri'ht'a chanccs for the next I'rcsidency! Will thc pcople be satisficd with this paltry cxcuse for a gross dcrcliction of duty ? Albany Daily. Adolitiox Petitioks. The following are copiesof two of the petitions, now of daily refcrcnce to the Cmmittec on the Judiciary, &c, iuthe Ifouseof Reprcsentativesat Wash ington. We give them as spccimcrss. To the Senate and House of Itcjiresentutive of the United Statcs The memnrial and pctilion of the umlrr signcd, iuhabitants ofthe Slalc of iIassachu sclts. rcspcclfully rcnrcscnts as follows: Thatyourracnior;ars:s,dcc;ning slavchold iuga bcnioussin, and conviuccd that slarcry otight to be immcdiataly and forcver anolish cd, look tipnn thc Contitutio:i of ihe United Statcs ss enjoiuing oliliatini.s r.nd dnt"e which are incompatiblc with allepiziicc to GoJ, an l with the ciijoymeiit of frccdom aud ol" cqual rihis. In view of thcse facts, your mcmorialists, disci.iiinius citizcnship, and rcpudiating the prescnt Ciiiistitution as a 'convention with rlMtli n,1 nt, nirwmpnt tritn lipll.1 nQlr vnil t0 jumiediatc measures bv a National Convention. r othcrwisc. for tiissolrinz the Uniou of ihrse Statcs. Signed by such namcs as lliose of Francis Jackson, Wcndell l'hilli.s, William Loyd GarrKon, lCdmund Q.nucy, &c. T" thc Conrcssof the Unilcd Statcs : .The nndcrsisncd iuhabitants ofBcston in thc State ofMassachusetts.prutcsting against 'hc proposcd annexation of Texas to this Uu;olIi m ihe namc of justice, freedom aud the coustitittion, respectfully ask, that in case SUch ancvcnt take will, by calling a Natioual Convention for the purpose, take innliate measures for a pcaceable dissolution f 'he Fnion. Sig"el j William Jackson, and by othcis ortllat l!im: . 1 Uon John P- Halc has arrivcd home al jjover. anu intenus, it is sam, to take tne stumpiuthat State, o.Ocring himsclf as 3 candidate for Congress at the March clcc-' tiou, in deflance of the .proscrip'.iou with "hich he has been visitcd for hi vote on the 1 exas qeiou. fThe Hudson River is frozen over " "c "'"""""u" ;Roai1 - the Erie Rail- THIRD PARTY CONVENTION. The third party abolitionists held aState Convention at West Randolph, on tbe 15) ult. Wm. P.Bngtjs Esq. of Burhngtou.pre sided, assisted bv one presidcnt from cach county represcnted. The followiug nomina- , tions for State oflicers were made. ' Forliov. William R, Shafter. TowUsend, (saine as las year.) For Lieut. Gov. Hora tio Necdham, of Bristol, fnew nominatfoU. Treasurer. Zenas Wood of Montpelier,(new nomination.) Mr. Needham, the candidate for Lieut. Goreruor is the gentleman we believe who has run as a candidate for Senator on fanth ihe Pnlk and Birnev tickcts in Addison Coun. ty last fall. He is a radical Locofoco. j HARTroED Aool Market The sales forthc month of January exceed 125,000 pounds, raostly raade the latter part ofthe; month. Prices have ranged from 30 to 41 cents forSatinet wools. I' rom 4U to 5U.000 Ibs. selected Uecces was som irom iu io ou j cents, which fully establithes an improvement on finc Wools ol Irom a to 4 ccms per io. The past has bcen a year of jrcat prospenty i with the woolen manufncturcrs in this vicin- ity. Thejoint stock companics have gener ally made up their annual accounts which witli lcw exceptious thev Gnd verv sausfac iory incirpronts naving-lieen larger tnan any previous ycar since 1830" several new jnills, are ucarly ready tocommeuce work. I Thejstock of woolhcre isumlcr 400,000 Ibs., and holders fecl more finn. Couranl. Cakadias Mails. We understand that I ihe nego ciation bctwccn the two governments. lor tlie transmission ol the mails bctwecn England aud herCanadiatiProvinces.through u i iaston, ami ,he maii3 from En2land will t..,r.,i. ur. .t, ....t.:. "nsport insteaiJor Halifax, apd tuc mails . . . . ' iract for tj,e co'nvcvanco ol been made by the Post OHi these mails has ce Dcpartment, for the British Govcrnment.with thc Concord Railroad Company. Iiunkcr Ifill Au- Tora. MKT1IODIST CHURCII. The discussion which has bceu goiugon in thc Mcthodist Church icems to he abcul comiug toa close. Such arc the grouuds takeu by thc Southern members and such thcirdctermination inmaintaining it, thattho uorthcru papcrsare windingupthe discus sion, rcgardiug a protraction ofit as uscless. The couditiouson which thc Southern jior tion (i. c. a maiority of it) will abide iu the ranks of thc separatists. "Were the Northern Mctbodists I mcan that portiou of the Church reprcsented hy the majority in the late General Couvcntion to profess theij convictiou of the nrong doncto the South would they reiustatc F. A. Har ding in the rishts of which he was tinlaicflly divcsrcd, and dcclarc it to be their sckse that i1'10 colI1,ert'on "f Hishop Andrcw with sla- AortUeru Dret iren 111 relanuu to tlns matter much unanitiiity as thcy now manifcst iu dc- i ma"u "S scp.irauon, 1." .cs3, 1,"e cpnditions are comphcd with, - j'caiiuj uji; xr. iidi uiorc ccrtain hau thatscparatiou will take nlacc." To this i)r. Bond replica, "And,, if thcterms you oficr are the ouly terms upon which the union can bc picsexvcd, wc must conaurin yourcouchisiou." ScparalioutheD.itsccnis, will comc. TEMPERANCB TEA PAETT. A Temperance TeaPartv will be civen bv the Young Mcn's Temperance Socicty of M:.l.ll..l 11.1 TT f.. .1 .UJUmt-UUIJ, ili lliv HJASOrilC 11AL1. iu llllS villaje, on Wednesday cvcning, Fcb. 2Clh, at half past six o'cloek. Speakcrs atc cnga ged for the evcning, and songs and other mu sical emcrtaimncnt will be intcrspersed the refreshments providcd by B. If. Brotcn, of the Addison Uo. Temperance House, where Tickcts may be had, and at J. M. Slade & Co's storc. I. T. Packard, P. Battcll, J. Cobb Jr. E. W. Drurv, E. Merrill, - C. Hill. " J. A. Bcut, K. L. Fullcr, J. M. Gordcn, J. W. Stewar'. Com. of Arrangcments. Middlebury, Feb. 17, 1845. ADDISON CO. BIBLE SOCIETY. There nill bc au adjourned mccting of the Addison Co. Biblc Society at Vergennes, on thc first Thursdav of March. beiu2 ihe Cth, at 10 o'cloek A. M. It is very dcsirable that there shotild he a full atteodancc from all parts of the County. Scvcral addresses aro expectcd to be deliver cd on thc occasion. 42 S. PEAUL I.ATHROP, Scc'y. Common School Education. A mccting ofthe fricnds of improvcmcnt in onr systcm ofCommon School education is iiiritcd at lhc Congrcgatioual Mecting llousc in Middlebury, 011 Friday evcning next, the 2let inst., at half-past six o'cloek. The meeting will be addrcssed by Thonias II. Prihner Esq., of Pimford, whosc attcntiau has Le;ii, for many ycars.specially devoted to the subject of couunon school education, and who may be expectcd to niakc such an cxhi- bition ot ihe dcfccts in our prescnt svstcm. snd such suggcttions of remeilies, as shall in- terest all ho Teel a cunccrn for the appropri ateinlellcctual and moraltnuningof therisins gcncratiou. It is hopcd that noslight cause nill prcvcnt onr citizciisgcncrally.'iind cspe cially the Fathers and Mothcrs, from coming out. and giviug to the subbject the auimation andintercst of a full and overilowing mccting. William Slade, B. Labaree, Thos.A. Mer rill, Iloratio Seymour, Geo. Clevelaud, C. P. Clarkc, Josephj Warner, Aaron Angier, Philip Battcll, Samucl Swift, SnmuelG.Coc, Jona than Hager, Joseph T. Phillips.S. Stoddard, L. Ij. Tilden, Ira Stcwart, J. M. Slade, J. S. Bushnell, Pcter Starr, Josciih Dyar, Z. Bcckwith. Fcb. 17th, 1845. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Thc managcrs ofthe Addison CouutyAg- rinilfiirnl Snriptv nrp rnnpff,1 fn the town-room in Middlebury, on Wednesday thel3thof March, A. D. lS-la, at 10 o'cloek, A.M.,for the purpose ofadopting rules forthc next Anaual Fair and dcsiguating the premi- ums to be awardcd on that occasion. Every manager will sec tbe neccssity of procuriug subscriptions,tothecoustitUtion,andraakiuS rcturDSFat the meetiDg. No paias shoula b ( spareu in this icspect. i A full attendaoce ofthe managcrs is ofthe ' utmost importancc. t By orderofthe Presidcnt, I 11. BELL, Sec'y. D i c ln Shoreham, on tbe 27th ult., John Hunt, aged 88 years. . , From the Bolton American. JPSaiis ir.utii.LA. Wc have no sgreat faith in tbe generality of medical compound, nndalways voted med'cino anuisance, but we can't help sayin" a good-naturcd tbins now and then iu favor of such liberal aiidenterpri- sine centlemcn as the Messrs Sands, of New York, the diseoverers ofan excellentmode of , -uvi;iiag ine vinues oi ine lainous rooi oa- I anarill. A r-tnn.1 nrAHM nrlin lf-Q tnIlir-Pfl to take this article from our recommendation, nssures us ofits highly beneficial cflects in his case. Hehadbeen tronbled with acutancous aflectiou for more than ten vears. and had spent two or three hundred dollars and much ume in pnysicians, medicines, &c He had takcn mercury iu its various forms. tar sul- pnur, and all sorts of stuf, til ho was com pletely dishcartened. Since he begnn Io take this preparation, about six weeks since, hc has becomc almost cntirely cured. From his expcricnce and our own oscrration of iu good effects, we rccommend it tq all who are rouhlcd withsimilircomplaints. For furthcr partictilars and conclusire cridence of its superior valueand eflicacy, ec pamphlcts, which may be obtaincd of agents gratis. W. P. RUSSEL, Ageiit Middlebury Vt. Newton Academy. Thc Spring Term of this Icstitmion will commece on the lirst Monday iu March nexl, underthc instructiou of J. E.Blakelt, A.B. Shoreham. Fcb. 17th, 1845. . 42 BRISTOL HIGH SCHOOL. The people of Bristol and vicinity are in- lormeu inaitnc apnng ierm ut the liristol Iligh School will coinmence on Wednesday Cth March next, undcr tbe instruction of J. h. Wilcox. The branchcs usually taught in schools of this characterwill he attendcd to m this; not- withstanding, the pnmary olyect is to give a thoroujrh understandinj: of ihe common hranclies, which are mo3t important iu bus incss transactions. The Term will continue 12 wccks. Sludeuts, uot admittcd for. !ess than ahalf Term. The patrouao of this community is rcspcclfully solicitcd. liristol, Vt.,teu. 11. iSU. 41, a FERRISBURGH ACADEMY. Thc Sprinc Term of this Iustitution will commcnccon Monday tho 3d ol March, uudcr the iiisiructiou ol L,. V. Uiia.nkt A.B., Ihc fonncr Preceptor. The cxpcncnceof thc two prcccdin Terms fnlly jnstifics thc hichest testimomals to Us. cliaractcranil quahhcalions of Mr. Chanet, iviih which the Trustees were furnishcd from snurces of thc first rcspectabilily, and alTords a satislactory cuaraiilcc that this Acadcmv, liuder his charge, will contiutic to ofTer ad- vantagcs notsurpasscd by any other hkc In slitutioh iu this part ofthe country. KOWLASD T. KOBIXSOS, JoXATIIAN CnAJI, Natiu.v I.. KtEsc, i Trusters. John WiiEKLKr., D.WID IlAZAr.D. Rcfcrcnccs. Ue"v. Dana Lamb, Bridport; Edward Seymour Esq., Vergennes"; Rcv. Cliarlcs Clevelaud, Shelburne; Faculty ol the Univcrsity of Vermont, Burliugton. 41,3 Planing JlacJiine. rinHE subscriber wonld inform the Public J- tliat he has now iu opcrutiou a plain ing ciachinc for plainiug Floor-plankj SoardSj and Clap-Boards, which wcuill plain from $2 to $250 per thousanu lect baid machmc bnngS the boiidsall to a thickncis and isiu my shinglc mi!l near tho Turnpike gate in Ripton. Per soiis purchasing floor hoards or dapboanls will do wcll to call and have them plained as thc expeuse will bc not more than one ihird as much asto plain them hy bnnd, Shingles car. atso bc had oflhc hestquality and every shinglc warrantcd ftocd, my name isbrandcd on cvary bunch of shinglcsthat I makc.and persons purchasing them arealwnys surc to get good oues. BENJAMIN BACON. Ripton, Feb. 12. 1S45. 423m. MIDDLEBURY mm SE0P. THE subscriber would respectfully inform the public that hecontinucs lo carry on the husincss of huilding to ordcrall kinds of WOOLEN fcCOTTOiY ALSO Fitling np of Mill-Gears, Shaftings, and all other work beloneiuctherelo.citbcr Wood ot Irun. CAST IROX BELLOWS For Furnace or Forgc. fJJOil-Mill.Clolh-icrs', and every dcscription of SCREWS. FIRB-ENGIiN'EShuiltaccording lo the latctt improvcmcnt. fl'Forcc and Snc tion I'UMI'S PATTEIINS for Castings of all descrip tions, made to order. of every dcscription done at 9hort noticc, al thc shop Tormerly occupicd by Adna Smith, for Cash or ready pay. 3Th6se who may lavor him with thcir custom, arc assurcd that thcir work will be done in thc most workmau-like manuer, and at the shortcst natice. JEREMIAH MYRES. Middlebury, Vt. Feb. 17, 1S45. 42 tf Salt, Salt nriURKS ISLAND. 50 cts. pcr bushcl. -t Wcstcrn Solar, 34 cts, " Barrcl Salt. $1.00 pcr bbl. Ground Livcrpool & finedairv salt. A. B. & R. M, CIIIPMAN. ciiliuvt. lum'ocr, shinsles, dricd applcs, buttcr kc. &c. &c. A. li. CC K. M. CtlH'JlAiV. Noticu, "Whcreas Aceneth Rirlev mr wife halh Icfi mr bed and board without my Knowlcbge and Con scnt. I thcrcfore forbid all persons from trusting heron my account, as I shall pay no debts ofhcr contracting afler this date, GREAT INDUCEMENTS, are otTcred to all who would buy goods at fair prices, such as Orercoats, Uoats. Vcsls, Pants &c.. of all qualitics; and every varicty of TRIMn M1NGS, togcthei with a Iargc assortmcnt of goods of all descriptions : bv thc subscnbers, clicaycr than can be found in the County for cash. UIIO y Sf SHELVUJS. Jan. 20. 1845. STRAY SHEEl1 CAME into the enclosurc, on or a bout tbe 5th of Oct., 4 Sbccn, 2Ewcsand 21ambs. Thc owneris rcqucsted to prove propcrty, pay charpcs and take- them away. TRCMAN B. IIOLLEY. Cornwall. Dcc. CGth, 1814. - 35;3 Joseph C. Bradley, n IVES notice that through the blessing of Di VT vins Providence he has rccovercd his health to thatdegree, tbatheis enabled to resume the Practiceof Law, And hopes toreceire a share of public patronage, ano aeserve u tco. Bristol village, Decl2th 1844. HITE Linen Thread, FINE. for Kmtting Laces, 5cc nt BROWN & SHELDON'S iuL H. NICHOLS, at his cld Sund 1 door Sbuth ofthe Baptist Mceiing honschas oahand a large stock of Cabiact Furnilure which be will sell vcry low for cash or most kinds of produce. Aslhe Snbscribcr iatcnds to keep ca hand every article in his I!nc of Lusiness those wbhing to purchase will do vcll to call on him before pur cliasing alsewhere. A few cords of Wood takcn in cxchaDsre for wotk. -Ittf. CLOTH CAPS. JOST rec'd an assortinent ilcn's Youtli's and Childrcn's Cloth Caps for sale low bv 2. BECKWITH & CO, April22, 18-11. p. r. kelm; - MERCIIANT T Al LOR, Respectfully inforra.s Uie inliabitanl5 of JMIddleburr and iu Yicinity, tliat he lias now openeil a flmp nee door eouth of ibc 1ot Office, ovcr Wm. 1. Kiu ael'aDruj Store wlierc he is now ready to cxecute all kmds ufwoi k in Iui linc cf business. Fashions rrceired monlhly. Parlicubr attoolion pald to cut ting; and all uork doncbv him warmntc!. Middlebury, Jan. 13, 1S45. 37; 3m ENGLISH IRON. forsIcih aud cuttcr ' 0 - J. WEBSl'ER'S SPELLING BOOK by the gross or doz., forsale at thc Com. Bonkstore, at" " Post Office. Middlebury, Jan. 1845. This day rcccivcd bv thc sulcribers fresh Tca, also fresh Raisins, which uill be sold extrcmely low for cood pay. call and a few doz.of choice brooms, just rcceived by I'KCKcto H.UWKIC. Tker c ts no cxcuse For the Ileadaclie iclien you can ollahi thc Gcnuine. MarshaWs Aromith Caiarrh and Ilcaditche Snujf. This SnufTis a ccrtain and pcrfcct cure for thc Catarih, ilso Common ColJ-s in .thc Ue.vl, and the IIe;dacbe, aad is an cicellent article for sorc and weak evcs. It opcns and purgeNOut all obstruciioas, strengihcnsthc lands, and giresa hcallhy sction 10 the parts aflrctctl. BEWARE OF COUNTEUFE1TS. ,111 those wishin" to rnrchasc thc cenuir.e arti cle of Marshall's Snufl, r.hould purchase that of winch 11. c unitlcy, iiln! iieMirr, t. is tne pro- pnclor, anu noomer, as 1 manmactnre ly the SnuffsolJ by said Gridlcv. Da. M.IHSHALL. I certifv that tbe abovc article was cxccutcd iamvprescncc by Dr. .1farsball.andthathisi?- nature ihcreto is gcnuiac. CUorasius V ooslcr Jnd!;c. .1iddlcbnry, January 14, 1615. 33 N. B. The name ol H. CGridlev. nrorrietor will bc founct upon every bottlle of the gunuir.e ilarshall's Improvcd Snufi". Sold wholesalc and rctail by H. C. Gridlcy, Sliddlcbury, Vt. ce.nt3 W. P. Uusscl, and S- .Voody, and by drngjists qencrally throtigbout the U. Statcs and Canada. LATEST YET !. JUST icccivcd by the suh.-'crihcr n large and coinplete nssortment of fat h onahlc Wintei' Goods, Such ns Crapcs, Cashmeres, Cnmo'Ions, rer-iian lirotailcs, Al.L'han bntins anu Mouselin de Lniiie?. Also rich Bonnct Silks and Vchets, Ribhons and Ariificials, Fringes, Worsted ops. Tailors Irim nnngs c. ALSO, Airooil.as5ortinciit of Hnrdware, Crock- ery, Grocnrics, and PROVISIONS which will be cxchangeil lor most kinds 01 t ro- duco. PECIC & FLOWEll. Midillebury, Nov. 14, 1841. CORN. For sale hy Aiis-3id. BROWN & SHELDON. nnl7nrn.Printcd Lawns and Cam- brics, a good assortinent for sale by MILL SAWS, Nail. Rods, Cuttcr shocs, Knglish Iion. American, Gcr man, and Cust Stcel for sulc hy STRAY. ,,,1. infrt ilm pnclosure of thc subscriber, in ' Veybridje, some timc in Octobcr last, a mirlilliug sizcu two year oiu heifer. Theowncris rcqucsted to prove prop ertv, pay chargcs and tako hcr away. Dcc. 20, 1844. 40 TA1L03IN0. PIIILKMOS A3IES nould rcncclfu!!y infv-na the inhabitanu of MiDOLEaunt and licinlty, Ihat he bai aga'n oprncd a !iop in the villagct tlie north cnd of ihe BnincE,ovcrMooly nrugitorc, here he nill bc ready to wait on hisuld customer, und all ho may faror him wiih a cajl Ile hnpca liy dlligcncc and p'unctnalily in Iim bujintsj to incrit a iliare of thoir j-atron.igc. N. It. t;olling done l uorl nouccr.a trarrani- cd tn ,1.1,1 wclimaue. Mid!!bury, Jan.tia, 1S40. co u JYcw Goods. nplIE subscriber hns rcceived frm -2- York a larse nnd wcll !clcclcd iui lew nssort- incnt of GOODS Ci!!siincres.of the various colours nnd riualitics, Bcaver Cloths, Vcstings, Aipnccas. os" v"" Frcncli iMcnnoes,L,nusaii, iiiigiiu u. M,,.i; ,lr.nines. Cashmcre d'hco.'se , Boumclia. Orleans cl th. b'ack ancl lilue h'ack Bonibczincs, Corus nn. j.i?i-.-, Drcss H'dk'fs ofa superior quality, black Silk Itnlian Cravats. A- grfat varicly ol Prints, new nnd lashionauie paucnis, i.i fnimnj Rrmvn Shectiiurs nnil Shirtin?-s. Ticking, &c. wiih n grent vanety fDry Uoorts not mentioncu. stock of Groccries fucIi as brown aud Ioaf Sugars. Molasscs, Old HysonA'oung Hyson and Hyson tkm and UlnckTeas. Purc Spcrm Oil blnached i nnipnr Mould Caildles. auii u,"i-w...., j- ----- - ' nnd every oihcr atticles in tlie Urocery 'ne. . , "With a pencral assortmcnt of Creckcry. Class and Hnrdware. All of wbich will ho sold rcmarkably low for cash and most kinds of produce or on short approvcd. credit. W. CHAPMAN. Vergennes, Dcc. 17, IS44. 34 Caps ! Caps ! A SPLENDLD nssortmcnt of Caps of x.thelatest Etyle for Mcn and Boy's tor sale by W. CH.4PMAN. Vergennes, rcc. 17, 1544. Gpods Fallen Tr new YORK. Within a short timc, goods have fallen off vcry mucn in pnce, in. consequcui-i. A. FRANCIS has booght at very low prices with cash, a large stock of goods ofalmost every kind, and style, which he oners lowerthaa cver. Ocwbcr, 1811. LOOK AT THIS!.' 4C00 Bushclssolar SALT "at 2 pr. hush. 1000 do. T. I. or Rock 50 cents. SC0 Pinall Bags Dairy Salt, 50 Iargc Bag do. Grouhil do. 200 Bbls. iinu do. do. ile. For sale by W. CAPMA V. Vergennes, Dcc. 17, 1S44. S6 DR. MARSIIALLT IKDIA1X VEGETABLE BLACK PLASTER. This flastcr is unriralleii for cur'nj tzirf nhut iicellingttrcurzey strcs lame tack9 burnt, pMns in the sidfst hipt or limtts l and fcldcm faiU lo 51'vo reHcf i rair-s of lucal rbe'jmatiim, If npphed to tlic siu3, il will curc many of common rcr cemplaintt, and I U fuuad to bc eqaal ifnol superior, loany com ptaler .for torason the f et, If iuimcJia rjy applied lo a freth vaund. it willpt-fnl sortn'. and ranse it qnickly lo hcal Familirj fn tlie hatiit of usinff tlii plaster, find it bclicr, than nnjlhiuj elie for all nurposc'for nliicli a nbslerorsilvoii war.tej Its tirlucj havr. Ucn iritncs.ed ''J tliousam! of rpspcctiiblc indiTiduais in vanonj parts t lae Unilrd StatcJ, wholi.ivc t;ed it ifficacy I I'KICE, 25 CTJ. TCK BOI. ! f SGfJ'any certifiratn may be bad. i'ao-ing ht , exiraordinary cflccls , HrtYinr n P, fv-rrnpr tti TI .!.,,(. u.!.!.:-, to DerclufFO Ihe ?onuine nrfiela fiT fllarslnll j ria-screliouiu pnrchase that of uluchll. U- Gnd j lcy aliildlebnry Vt. is ihc General Ajcnt, n tthr, rj 1 .Mamilacture personallv Ihe rUs'ersolJ hy aid fJriillsy. br. Mirehall I Ccrtify th-tt llie ahove ar'icte as cxcculptl in nsy Prescnce by Dr. .Marfhall and lliat liii Si;na lur-thcrcto ia gcnuTnc. Doratut IVcoirr iid-e Sn& Whole.'alc and Rctile by II. C. Gri.'ley Rcncral ijcnt. Jlidd'cbury Vt. Wm P. I!upl and Sijuey Jooily, and bv Dru3;u'i gcncrally throujbout thc U. Ftates and Canada 40 (ThNR HUNDRKD and EIFTV BBLS. SUPEU FINE FLOUK forsn'c low hy W. CHAPMAN. Vergennes City Wharf, Dji. 17, 134 1. 34 Nova Scotia Plastcr, ftTONS Nova Scntia Flastcr for SJpypgalc fl,v hy V. CHAPMAN. Dcc. IC, '44. ilRfleS, MED-IC1NES, PAIPiTd & DYE-STUFFS. The suliscrihox is now rcccivingcnd will hc coiistatilly supplicd nith etery article in tlicnhnvc huc, both oiTiriiial and Patcnt, Mincral Wntcr.t from Sarntogu, (pure Wines and liquors for Medicinal purpori es.) ildPf'scriptions put up hy ronipetcnt persons on the shortcst noticc. Stoie first door south ofthe Post Oflke ntid.oncnat all hours. V. P. RUSSEL. iMiddlehtiry.Nov. 19;h, 1344. BOOT & SIIOEMiLTCIia. E. E. PLAISTED, ouhl infurm the jmblic tliat hc ilill cont.nucs tn carry on thc Sliotmaking tuslncfi in nll its branchri.ct t'.t old itand, inStevarts buiU iijj. Eides! nides!! Thcsubscri- Ir wihes lo buy hitles, for uhicli lie will excliange Itools, Shoc or Leathcr, and will pay tbe Itiglicst markct price. - K. I). 1'hi'TIp. N. U. Hc has on hand a good aorttient of Slanohicr and Spauiati fto!ctcalher fur palc. Middlebury, Not. 20, 1S4J. 20;lf CMELES AIKEK Attorney andCoansellor atLaw AND SOLIC1TOR IN CIIANCEIIY. Siior.r.iiAM Vt. 40 Ciollis, Cnssimcrs, &c. Brozd Claths, Casiimcry, Vcstings and Trim mings in every varicly, chcaper tban ever beforc offcred, at Sept. 13th. 1811. BIIIGB'S. NEW B00KST0BE. L. . CLATiK, is nowrcccivina and hnn for sale al thc green ttorc, one doer eat ol J. JI. SLide St Co, a general as-otliucnl of C'Liifieal aml Scliwil l!.K;kf, togellier wiih a elccta.rtmpiit of MliCrLLXEcOS 1SS.CEL1CKC! ork. Ill udilition lo tlie cbsfical and rcluxjl Ixx.k in gr-vril n.f h- li rrrrnllv rcraiveil llis JIjm. 1) fllict t5cliool I.ibrary, tcomprising a g.ud aorlinent,f instractirc bookj iu taiious drpartaienu cf uitfal kconlcdge. ALSO, a full assoriraent of llie I,kpi.Ui-lwdI.jlhrUfS. S. S. SociETT.-uiieil totliccapaeiriesrfilie inng, the Mi.ldle-Aged and ihc ged. The talnfrr i.illu encc of ibcse pnblictlioni lti liccn feh ah.l acknon I rdged hyihe Chriilian l'ubUc n,ruicral3ear with increaing satUfhclin. , Churrhcs who it'uh Ic Fnpply iheir fchoon can ol- " ' , ',,,, ajj:. 0nal j their Iwoknat ihe fasscrriresihfy arc i i u. aiiner.rpniiOTj.i.j!.i... Ihey are reiailed in Ilo.lon l'riK " .urly iheir r.-.n.i!ic. nnJ School. ill do cll lo cnU Vnv Iw.ks uislied for and not on hand canle or . !crcd,and ohla ned at fliort nolicc. apTubs, eOOSapTiibsforfnlclowby Z. IJSCKVITI1 tCO. Middlebury Feb.G 1&1j 500 Busliols Corn, 500 Bushcls Oats. Wantcd bythe fulcn bcr in dxchangc for j:nod. or on account.i URIGIIT &BUSII. Shoreham Dcc. 21 1641. 3 FEMALS SEIinif AF.Y. The SnrintrTenn will commcnce on Mon day. Feb. 17th. Iu addition to ihe apparatns. a valuable library has bcen purc hased for the uso ofthe school. L.L.T1LDE1V 39 3w 1 "uui"" COMMISSION B00K-ST0EE, at Ihe Post-Officc. ! ExiauUc addition. hare rtcenUy ba made to to tbe itock Ufore on hand.of School, Classical & Htacellane ous Books, wi.i. Blank Books in Ur-e raricty, and Stationery ol every deicnplion, and "y - Article.. A handome as.orlmet of IZoaU dl od-r clegant book. for. Cfantimi and New Ycar'. prcn. A good vanety o Albcms Pictorial Sliakopcare now publihing in ?o.. li ! cu.eacli. CanninaSacrand allthe Ma.icaIwoik pnbli.hedby Wilkinj. Carter Ji Co.of Boston. Any Slo.ical work pnblithcil a above, if noton handan be furnijtwd at tbort noticc, for nnging iclioo!. or - . - c - t::,'. .-.!., socieiies, or ior iuumil" - (Hr-All to be sold cheap as can be purcha.ed m eity pr eonatry. Middlebury, No i3,1814. n I fwjcissg S. t ehargc rorlnrgai. of ihc 1 ALSO, a 1UII asjionuiriii v, ,.. ' mt rican Dortrinal Trart Eof irlv. ' -i . :n ,..l.l ;nrrUt,fvat Ihr namp prire PROBATE JS7OTICES. STATE OF VERMONT, ) l)itrict of Addison, 5 "BE it rcmcmhcred tuat ata probate Coatt tclj et MUdlebnry, in and Tor thcCblrict of Add oa the Suth day of January .1. D. 1815. Ciiailcs Linslev administratorcf LGeoRoe Lisro late of said Jfiddletuiy d-ccas'd, prescnts hi "a!lDyii,wairn ctccnntibr allow- ancc 11 is tccrciore crdeietl, that said acccont Le examincd ret.-.llounncc hy siidCourt, at&sss sioa thercoCto be held'at tfce office of tha RcIster of ssid Court insaid Middletury, on TkurvIaT" tbe 20ih day of Fcbrnary next, at oac o'clcck in thcaflernoon; acd tbat administrctor frivo notice thcrcofto all persons intcrcsted, that ihcy' moyappcar and make thcir "obicctions, ifar.y they may have, to tte allowsuce 01 siid account bv pablishics a ccrtified copy of this order in tia Northcra'jGalaiy a cewspafcrprintcdjit said Middlebury thrce wecks scccessivcly prcvicns to the tiinealaressid Ccurt JcJ. S. Bushnell Rcgistcr A Irae copy of reconl, Attcst 'jtd. S. Buihr.ell RcRister. 4( STATE OF VERMONT, IMstrict ofNew-IIavcn, 5 s" Be it rctncmbcrcd that a: a probato court holdcn at Bristol withiu ai:d for thc district of New Ilaven oa the 2G:h day ofDccember 1344. The aduiiuistrator 011 ifie statc of HARRY IIOIT, late of New Ilaven in said district, ifcceased, made application t said court for an ex'en sion of tiine withiu which tn py the dcbti" and settle the accountsof said ctat; WLcro iipon ihc said court orderej tbe said aJmiri' istratur to notify all persons concerced to ap pcar at a pruhatc crurt to Le holden at tho ofiiee of the juu'e of said court Lo Bristol iu said district, on the scccnj Mouday of March nctt at 10 o'cloek A. M. then and there to inake their objections to tne c.xteuston oftbs time as aforesaid, if ihey sec cause. by pub hshing a cenified copy of ihis order in the Noithcrn Galaxy a r.cwspaper piintcd at Middlebury lhre;uecks scccessively previ ous to thc said scsinn nfsaid Court. IIARVEY MUNS1LL, JeJ.e. A true copv of reconl, 41 " Attcst, H. MUNSILL, JcJgc. STATE OF VRRMONT. District of New Ilaveir, S 59 Bc it rcmembcrcd, that t a Probste Conrt holden at Bristol, in said D' ths l7tl day nf January 184-1. The rdminNtratcra on thc cetnte of WALTF.R GRIXNELL, lateof New Havcn in said district dccea-ec, made npplicaiion tc said ccurt fvr tn cttn sion nf ihe widiin tvhith to pay tiia dl's and scllle the acccm.ts nf said eiatir. "U'terc upon thc said court ordrred lhctt'4 admiu istralortono'.ifv al! persous cocccrred to ap pc.-r at a probato CLint (o bc k!u'iL rt tha ofle of Ihe jutlge of said coutt it Riis:oI, in said district 011 thc scconJ Monday oWsrch noxt at It) o'cloek A. M. thcn acd ihcic In make their bbjcciinns if any they have, 1 publishiug a ccrtified copy of this erdor in tho" Northern Galaxy. a Ncwspaper priutcd at Middlebury in tbe Connly uf Additou ihreo wccks succcs-iivcly previous to the lio-e of saiJ Court. IIARVEY MCNSILL.Jt.d3e. A trac Copyof Recoid. Altpt, II. Mcotill, JuJge. 41 Commissioncrs Koticc. Ve the snbscrilcrs, beia appoin'.ed ty the Prohate cun for thc Di-.trictofewHaTf n.Corn miijiyners, ti rcccire, ciaininc and adjust alf claimsandd'iTnanij ofall persons, Rgiititt the estatcof I1CLDAII BEEMAN. Utc ofNew Havcn in said Distict, dcceased.snd also all clainn and demands cihibitrd in otfsei thereto : And G months frorn the23ih dy cf De ccmher ISII, tcir.j illov.fd I.y raid Ctnrt f r thatpnrposc. wdo thcrcfore licrcby give r.otics that we will attend to thc Lusiness of car said ap. pointment, Rt thedwclliry! ouscofi. P. Beem3n insaid New Havcn on ihe 2cd Ttirsdijsof March acd January cextfro'n one cVlock, ur,til fourP. M- on csrh'of saiddays. Valed at Kcic IIaiuJan. 4lh 1545. William 2'tish Commissioncrs. 4 1 J. W. Lan'rdon THE sul-cribcr ha now on hand a gcn eral uortiiicnt of Favilt GnoccRiEH, of a superior qunliiy. v.hirli will bo wod low forca?h, ns ntiy Moro in th'u village, viz: Crushcd. lovf and hrovn SVUAHS cnd Molasscs, Old ILson, Y. IL, II. S. and llccl: Teas. Old Jaca, Lanuina, and St. Hominro Cof- fets. Cwoa, Chocolate and Cecoa Shells. lliee, and Soda C'raektrs. Cruleand (ira. rtjip'r, Linnamon, Uoves, Catsia. Alsjiice, Mocr, Sulmegs and Ginger. Tajttuca. Saga, Arrow-Rool. I'carl Barly, Out Mtal, Ice'utnd and Irish M'.ss. Coofcns liinslass, Wnitc ai lcnmnsn G!u ia.Ts -Vo. 1. Kxlra.anJCom. B".r Soay, Shaong and I'anry Soaps. of rariaui lindt, Shar'mg Crtnn, a tnptrior article. I'aintar.d I'ami.'h lirushcs, I'cinLi, Var nUh cnd Linstrd Oit. Burlinz'on Gli, all h(3 axd I'ui:y. Bor Iteirx, Lrmon:, Tasutrimls cnd Ctl- Scutc! .Middlebury Dcc. I "44 A1 T tlic Subscribcrs Book Siore ,Cara:int Sacra or Boslou Co!lcct:on ot jlns.c,t 9 doll.irs per dc.3. ALSO. T.Udern Pselnlrt, at Cdnl!upcr dei: MiscrUancovs Ro.-ir, Schcr.I, Annuals for Ghriiraai & Ncw-ycars prcscnts. lUa.iI: Hool. and a Iargc assortment nf Frcl Cap, Ltltcr it- Billet paftr, which will be ioH vcrv low for Cash. f 3 J. II f!AIT. .triJdlcbnry, Dcc. 17.h. 1S41. fi.?-6.w. a LPACCAS. A largp assorfncnt m iVL B!tO VN SHELDD.N'S Td. HEAB I. very ilnnkfiilfjr llie -?y librral patronage ifia p-jhlic l-ave extcau'cd to hira aiulba nn ihe plea. ore ofanonn:iag to iliem ihit hc h juit receirRl avcrr brge nSJortraentuf Staple &-Faiicy Goods, hot-jlit at rrrlorcd prirrs bi'i he i. willing to .cll at a vcry rmall adtanre frotn cmts. reroc. hating rerv little ca.h or frodnce and wanting to .nend it to the'be.t advantage nill pl hcar mmindlliat lh Pot Oflice liuiljTng U jut ihe plax for Ihen. I ish pcr.ons noidd nnt uke my word for it,ntit conie and .ee for themfchc. Cornwa.II, Kut. 26ih. 1S41- mm hotel St. Johns, 0. E. CONDUCTED BY MRS WATSOK. Carriagcs in allendanee. Extra Horscs and Carriages in rcadiD.s l&r Chambiy, Highgate Sprirgs, St. AlbacSc Eitensive Stabling. 33fi Wool. CxVSHpaidror cooilFlccco o-l. D.v of ilclivcrv Wedncsdavs aud .Satur days. A C1I,PMAN & SQN. , Junc 2frti 1P4I, CAriJ irr and C!apran's Sir.oIringar.dCneif T I OMiCCO Ol aii ..jt-u-- - y