Newspaper Page Text
LAWJOTiCE. THE Subscriber hniioj opencd an Offlceforihs iramaction of Law bos nsw, would inform tlic public that be will be ready to "po" a." h ' may batc otcajioTi f -r his prolessional serviccs at his OIEce over the Slore of Ira Slewart Ei. fW doors south of ibe Post Office, KMERSON K. WRIGHT. MMJI bury Jan. 8. 1S44. NEW GOODS. ZBECKWITH fc CO. would invitc . all their neiglibors and fricnds to at tead tbe cxlrasire sale rich, rarr, aud Fashionable New Goods, iLp OUStand. Tliev do notconsid- critncerisarylorpinalonyarn, but would airaply iv lliat if pconlc want to gct a little bctlcr article al alnrer pricc tlian tlicy can biiy alscnhere- ...nitlif An ucll Innll nt itlG StnrC t,f -tlicy tiept.21, ISU. Z. Beckwitu & Co, FALL GOODS. TIIE , nhsmbcrs ar. rccciving in addition to iheir pring Ftock, a large assorunent of.dcsirabIc ijt- ter Uooi,t:: rrinn Alpaceas, alp.nes, In.Iiana an.1 Orleans cloths, lunette crapo aml 31. DcLnmcs, Cashmere De Cossc, Afighau salms, Anier-, icnn aml Scotch Gingham., Tnrtnn plaid j &c. M.DeLaine C.ishineic aml Highlaiid ,' hIih1. alnnera nnrons. Iiroad cloths, bca-j ver antl pilotclotli?, casMincre nnusauuuii at all priccs, brnwn and blcnched cottons vorv low. Prints.Boiking flanrls Sic. antl a large lot of Groceries of all kinds, very low, crockery. glass and hardware, mcdicines, oils and paint:?, Iron nnd stce', &Ii salt &c. Tlio abuc, togclber U1 many, vcry many, arti cles nut emimcrated, inakiiig one of the besl ast ort nienM of moi-l nrticles kept in country rc. tnil Horcs,hich viill be o!d exrhange fur producc, Lmnljcr, raib orapproied ncdit. A. II. & II. JI. Chifmak. 1'ort Franklin, Bridport, Sept. 23, 1844. E. E. WTCOMB, " TF.ACIIEr. OF MUSIGAND DANCING AND THE VIOLIN. :i1ii)dlv:durt, Vt. Mtt. AVhitcomb navin as)ciated himself witli Mr. Barstow, willfurnisha ColillionBandforall Balls, Cotiliion'particj, &c. 23 C. 1L LEWIS B03T0N & E50NTREAL' PACKAGE EXPRESS, Via Kccnp. nrlloiv ralls.Chcslcr, Uutliml Mlddlrlmrv. ciC'tniK-saiid Iiurl(n;tun; leavc Boslon of lU etk, 7 o clock, A AIUimusIi lo liuruntoti Intnro Iiyii, wln hc irHrcU nlth WalkericCo fnr Jlmi irml Iave Ilurlinrtnn TMUUSDAVS f cnch werk n; 4 o'cfock A. M thrmtgh lo IWtim in twodaya, fr the pnrpnse iransiniilin l?ncic( Ilank tioi& and Hmall I'ack lics or Uofxls, and rayin; Notc. DnTt un.l Rillsand i'ran5actin" all khuu ot Busncss. ornCCS.-In Unefton, at Adatns Sc Co'e. Ko. SCuurt SL. CarlUou5C.Ao.3u Ilaoovcr fct; Hurlinton, at Anicr ican tlotue, South Sidc Scjiiire. and at all tlic tftae S H. Wark l'acknsei 'LEWIS EXPJCESS.1 Cloak and Drcss Goods. CasIimereD Kcosse, Galeno, Semcndnaf Para- tnatla,ZenolHa, llyzatitinc, 31ciJorast Aljwccan, fcnik nnrl t'ut Crape, Mcrino, rarrhsenne Cnipc aadM. It Liin, lurcalcciiran liy Stpt.2G, 1844. P. W. COLLINS. AIun, Bixib, Bonnet Velretc, Ribbous aad W'lntcr Arti6ci-iljt Itdicaready raadc Cap?, Ladies Girdles, tif:. 11".. ti - . i i ' - i ..: I.' 1. Cahmcre fy 1'laid Shaivlj, &c just receit ed and fursalc by I". V. Shoreham, Sejit SGth, 1044. THE OESTASSORTWEXT, o( Cloihs, Cassimeres, and Vestings, tn ihe coun ty, will be found at Broicn Shtldori's. SLT. Turk's Island, Cbarse Wcstem & Fine Dairy Salt, jast rrceived at STEWAUTS. Alpacca Lustres, &c. Alpaccas Silk and Cnitonwarp, Alpacca Scrges, Alpacca Aprons, and Aljucca Craratp , Just Rec'tl t-cpt. 18,1344. at BIRGE'S. India Rubbor Shocs. Gent. & Ladics I. K. Shocs, Sandals, Bus kins &c. at Birge's. Sept. lStb, 1844. Storage & Forwarding Ponc on tlie inost reasonable terms, by A. B. &, R. M. CHIPMAN. Port Franklin, Bridport, Scp lcmbcr '-7lh IS44. Western i'olar Salt at 33 cts per btishel, Tttrks Iblantl at 50cts " " Barrel Salt al 1 25, 1 1 Port Franklin by Sept. 28. A. B. & R. M. CHIPMAN. FAKKWliLL'S Slip;, Walking SIioC8vi.iitcr?, Buikins, for ladics nml .Misjcj, Ohacks.and Itoy Crog:ins, for sale by Shoreliam, May 14, '44. jrHghl Bush. Tn"ACKEltEL Codfi-h and Tnble balt of J-'-1- superior ntfdity, fnr sale .nt. RUSSEI.L vS- GRIDLEYS. Dec. 1, 1313. BROOKS &BEOTHEES, aiK70Ul.D respectfti'ly inforni thc"pub- iic, ttiai inr-y nave iittcii up nn es tuhldhmetit in New Havcn. Vt., 3 tniles north of Middlebury vlllnce, wherc tbey intcnd to mAtiufacture and krpp constantly on hand, a large assortinciii of Edge i oo!s. This cstRbliihincnt is nndcr tlic ttiperin tcndcncc of B. Bao ks, fsirincrly of Mid dlebury, whosc nxes fnr tlic l?st ISyears have becn hcld in vciy bisli cstcem and whose long cxpcri'-nce in the busincss, aml great care to keep up witli a!l tbo inipiovc mcilts of the d-y, and nided by tli? most compctcnt worlsnicn, tlny arc cnablcd to producc an article not cxce lled by any in tinih or cdgo, in Ihe Uniled Statc. All TooU tnantrfacturcd at thU cstaMi.-nincnt ivill bo warranted. Mcrchants vill be siipplicd wilh axes at eholesale as thcy can be bought in inarkrt. XJ3' All orders pro'mptly nttendeil to, which should he diree-cd to Middlebury Post nlfice, T t. ; - S. U. Kefaikinc tlunc at shnrt noticc. 1 J i . M. Uaoocs. i NcwHi-.vcn. J. E. Brooks. I 3etubcru,1614. ) Milton Bnoors. Snlmon Trout & White Fisli I n f,'l,ic'd,er ba-i just received by ' J- Uoais.1. hermau Ss. Garlnml Slbhl' .i , i - , risn, put nn "e cZh. Uo "i't ' 6 1 Iow for drauli. Cc.nent maimraciurc.l in VfeZ Vergennes. Oct. , CHAPMAK. H. BABSTOW. TEACHER OF MILITARY BANDS. jMiDDLKDortr, Vt. N. B. PartimlaT aUenlionpaid lo the sclcc lionof Musical Insiruments. MIDDLEBURY UEMCl. j (REBUILT.) J, WAJjN WKIUIIT ""OrniS U1C aylc tnt lie has rc-built tlie nliOVC works latclv. destroyed liv firo, and iliut be is now J - od eurtome wilh !,. 11 , ASTINI , Ofovrc fJ Hollow-Ware, Sleigh Shocp, Plouglis and Plough Irons, froin tlicsame rattcrns as bavc becn in usc In tliixspction for twcntv vears. Mi'.l.Iloliurv. Oct. 23th". 1841. 2G t.f EXTRACT OF LUNGWORT. THE ONLY CURE FOR AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. The QttntlonScttkd. An ar.g the inulliludeol mcdicincs and 'curf alit' nhic'i are daily falmrd oflupon the unru fptclinj, pcoplcso ollcojget disappoir.tcd iba IhweharJiy kuow what to bclicve when a rrally inraluabj raedicins ts first iutroduced inlo tlic cominunitj. Tho medicine liicli wo'now brin? bcforc tho pub!ic is a compoui.d not invcntcdino t!av, liulllio maturnif orycars ot rrtleclicn.on all di?easr wiich have a tcndency towards Co.vsXiurTtoN. Cooiplaints of the lunerf, chetl and lircr, sccm aritcftora our rariablo cli malp, inost danjorous totho inralid, and ihosc ofnaturally weak constitulions. UK. L.ABOK'S VKliKTAUL.rJ LUiNU- WORT is of the most extraordinary nature in it3 on. erationsupon the system. It takea holdofthe coniplaint at once, and no matlcr how long the pulmonarv or consumptivepalicnthas becn aufferine, if ihe condition of Ihe lungs arc sucli as nol to be abrolulcly incnrablo, the I.urg- wotl will eradicate every symptora or diseasc from tho body, rcstorini; one as it wcre again to Iife. For lliis rcason, people wlio haTe pul monaiy complaints should carefully selcct thit remcdy at FrnsTwhich will curc if there canbeacure. Tha Luujwort will do this, if heallh is to be rcslorcd : and the propriclor hesitates nol to aiy 11 19 Itic saiesi medicine in tho world forlhoso Iroubled with cougiis and colds, bronehitis, ichooping cough, night sweals, aslhnia, hUcding althe lungs, oppress- ton on Uic chcst, difficulty oj orealhmg, aflec- tions ofthelher, andpulmonary complaintsoj every wnd. ' Vi'o hcre not ronm to publli Iho numerous cerlificates ofcun:s, but all arc relcrred to a mcdical pamphlcl to bc had gralis of any of the Ajcntf. 28; ly C. J. ROOSEVELT, Sole Propriclor, 27 Broadway, Albanu. W. P. Russel, Middlebury, F. Huntington, Vergennes, G. W. Paumelee, Bristol, TEMPERAXCE IIOUSE. The subscriber would rcspeclfullv hiform the public that he has takcn the Tavem Stand'form- cny occupiea ny joepn u. tiuntmgion on the west side of the bridge, ia Middlebury, and in lends to kcep a house of public cntertaininent up- un su itt i cuieiuiicc pj mcipics, ana nopcs to sc cure the patronage of all who will be satisficd with the fir.t rate accommodalions which such a house can aflbrd. He has had much expericnce in this line tif business. cnd flaticrs liimvlf ih.Tt by his assiduoh attcniion to snpply the wants of Iii minste 1,,. 1.1 . . ; ' r h"..-. iiiti w. uii; w gnc .iilllCUlIMaC- tion to all those who may favor him with theii custom. . , , ALLEN II. HAWLEY. Mtddlcbary, April 9lh, 1811. 49 Eibbons and Artificials just reccivcd by Oct. 25th PECK & FLOAVE EU. LATEST AND EICIIEST STYLE. Rich Camclion Stripe Silks. do do do Plain variouscol'rs. Iftary Blue and Blue B'k do. Bcautiful Ribbons a great varicty. Ezlra Fine Silk Warp Alpaceas. Cancleon, Fig'd and Plain Mpaccas, Reh Styln aml at very low priccs. Medoria Plaidt, Ticsans, Crartr. Chusans lc rtcloria ninpes some vcry Plcsant. Cashmerc, Muslin De Laines and Prints, in grcnt varicty, superior to anylhing ever nelorc in tiiis ntarket. Ladics Rich Vchct Sc Satin Crarals, arc ninong the large and txlensice sloclc of -Nexc uoods noicopenmg uy a. HAAUla. Oct 14, 1844. sUPPJOR Camphene Linseed and Lamn Oil, Conal Varnish, White Lcad, and Glass for sale at Uie chcap tasa store oi IRA STEWKRTl The notcs aud accounts ofW. S. Johnson, baving becn assigncd to me, settlement may mado witu meat tne room overinebtore formerly occupicd by said Johnson, if atten ded to soon. Middlebury, Oct. 7, 1844. AUST1N JOHNSON. ZEPIIYR all colors, sold by W ORSTEDS, Broicn If Sheldon. GEORGE S. SWIFT, ATTORMEY AMD COUMSELOR AT LAW. iHftilJlcfturn. Wt., OJjicc in Oie Itoom occupicd hy the County trk. in IVainicrihCs hrick Buildine. Cltrk. in Waxnicri, March.SCth 1844, 47;tf. CHEAPER THAN ADVERTISED, Slill Chcaper and Later Style ! EVERV Boat brinss Goods Chcaper, and of newer style for FRANC1S, which were bnught with CASiifrom first hands at 15 pr cent cs3 than have becn bougbt on a credit, and whicb are ofTered Zoiffr tnan crer, for casb or on credit. Ecery person uishing to pnrchase will find goods nnd prices right. lntl a large rartely. Bilious, Remittent, and Other. Fevers. GENERALIjY begin wilh yawning, slrclcli ing, pain in tho Lones, languor, ciddincts.e 8vellinh about tlic region of th st otuach, dan many other unpleasant sjmtoms. DB. PllELPS' COMPOUND T MT0 "tLLS, are ono of tho besl medicinca u the world for tho cure of Fevers, bccan?e Ihey purge from Ihe body those niorbid bnmora wlnch are tlic cauFC otcvcry malady in;idenl (ontan. In all cases offevcr, fotir tosixof tho Touato Pills should be taken every night, or if the fyratoms are violcnt, nijjht and tnorning-, Tfiis plan, if oropcrly rarricd out, will in a shoit time, fub due the rrott violent attack ; at the samc timc the digestivo organs will be rcslortd to a heaUhy ton'", and Ihe blcod so cotnpletr-ly pulificd, that rEPEits, as wcll as cvcry olher disease, will be dr'lTcn liom Ihe body, 2nd hcallh a vyor .will be piven to tlic whole frame, i nr falc by agcnls in all llie Conr.lry lowns Pficc 33 cls. G. R, Phflps M. D. Propnclor Hartford Cl. wilhoul whoae rigna'.ure nonc arc gcnuinc. For Sale by SIDNEY ib'OODY. Middlebury. Hartford. 'HE subscribcr has becn appointcd Agonl foi the Hartford Fire Iksdrance CoMriNr for Middlrbury and vicinily, and will tpcmvc propcsalr fnrinsuringpropi'rly againtl loss or damagc by Fire. Tlic long cstablisltcd reputa- mn oi tiiis company, anu mc promptncss wilh which all their Ir&nsacliona have bepn charactcriscd rcndcr it unncccssary tosay any ' lliing initsfaTor. All bussincss connccted i wilh tho ofiicc intniftcd lo hiin will be faith , fully and punclually Irantacicd. JUiATK N IIAUAIt MidJUbury, Fcb.2G, 1813 42;y Agent. SOIETIM&MW!! IRA STEWART is nowrccciiina cholccassortmcntof FANCY SzSTAPLE DRY GOODS. Among wbich will bc found, Fig'd and Plain Alpcc cas lllack and Blue Bl'k. Alnines Plain and Fan- ry De Lain3 (of a new and bcautiful elyle,) Crapc and Casbincrc De Iiincs AflhghanLustrcs,Nicc and cbpap l'rints, &c. &c..&e. 1'lain and Fancy Cassintcrc, Silk, Satin and Fanci Vestings, (some rcry nice,) Shectings, Shirtings.l'ickings, Flanncls, Frockings.Slianls, fnice Bonnet Velvet and Rib- bons &c. &c, togctherwith a good nssortmeot of ti ardware, drocericsj lron, Nails and Salt, Which wcre bought low and will be told at priccs to miii ptircnasers. Call and cxaminc bpfore purclmsing cLiculicrc. sppt. istn, IS44. TIIAT our frlenda from abroad may have an e ;,!, ii,n t, ii.J.ri,;.,i, ;irrn Vf our larcc storkof GOODS. we would nn- noua iiuaiwe are now rccemng, aud opcmng uie LaigGSt blOCK 01 uOOQS crcr Ufore otrcrcd byuswliicb will bc sold fornay, ascLeap, ifnutcbeaper than atany blote in the County, wiUiout cnumerating a few lcading articles uincn crcry niercnani Kcrps, sumce it to say, tliat uio oiock is inienuea to inciuJe crerr article cnllcu fnrby oor customcrs ; the higbest pricc paid for every Kinu oi prouucc. tvikiutl l Cf luou. Shoreliam, Oct. 1D. 1S1 1. For Couhs, Colds, Consumptions, and all Discascs of the 1 hroat, L,ungs and Cicsl. THE Vegetable rui.noxAnv Balsam -.- an oul, wcll tried, and almost universaliy ai piovcd remcdy. It has been prctty cxteneively sod for the lasl 15 or 20years iii almost every cny anu town iu inciv uniand, anu ano vcry xtjnsivcly at IIil-Soulharvl West. It i' rec nmmcndcd aud prcscnbcd by many oftho nvst 'spcr.iaiilc physicians as a sakk, conve.xilnt. .itiii VEr.v epkicacious ineuicine, and ac- know'edgcd by thousands who have for a long i-3 a it, ant coniinuo lo use aml recoaimcnd it, ii be the ninst valurble rrmedy for tho above r'lmrlaints cvcr otlcrcu to tlie Amcricau pub. c :.,..-rt,;. . o tho slyle of advcrlisinz which is often adopu I lllu iiii-iiiiiividui iif u.i.'.lc Ldtjliui I ' 9UII I csl al the i.rc-Eent day. Ihey do DOt nish to i! crive Ihe crcdulous and unsti-pccting, lut appeal willi conficenct to ihe facts, and cxppr- itnce oi a aiscerning puiiiic. Ihore aro lcw I 'llll VldUalSlll JMCWi.n2ladd Who hOVe not Ued ih.s qircperalion Ihemselycs, or who have not i irndj wlio have usnl il. Aumerons ccriih. I ..ii. nuui j.t.-a tiu uuieis, jiaving jur u' j jears mxu puousnea. it is rieemeu un. nrra.sary toauj any ai tnis lime. uc sure lo gei Ihe Call for it by u wholf. namc, VEGETABLE PULMO- iAIfV UAL.StM,"t 9iniil "PiiTm'a i uunonary uaisam." aml Ihe numerous imita- &inii3 which liave snruuir ud in eonspnnenca 11 thc cieat ccltbnly oflhe'TKiiF. iriipl Spe that it isfizncd, Wm.Jon'n Cutlcr. 'rrparcd by llee-l, Wni2s'S; Culler. whtilKsala drugtjists, 32 Catl.acstreet, Boitcn, and soid uy aruisiais, apoiniciri and connlrv mer. WH'iw gciiu.anj. i t c . J cts zvJ ly Forsjla by a. MOODV .1iddlebury ak! alt 500 bushclsTtirks Islai d Salt 1000 Coarse Western do 50 Barrels Western fine do 300 Bags Western Dairy do. For Sale by WR1GHT & BUSH. Pine Shingles. CT0,000 Jiist quality Pir.e Shingles for w saleby P. W. COLLINS cornwall, Uct.ll, li54J. Cashmeres, &c. n?. V11"' ClSQns". Pariiienes, Bomlasms,Alpines& ' BIRGE'S. FOR-SALE. 62 acres of rood land. with n vm.1 acres of good land, with a good rf JSI I'.TfS a"n gd n, with plenty ofwater all con- icnt to work on. 1. j.i' i b : barn Those who wisli to buy cheap come and examinc theland andcmn. r as good as any of the neiglibors. ua juuimiW(aDa von win nna Stillmak WniTE. Soreham, Junc 29th. 1844, t f. Silks & Ribbons. DRESS and Bonnet Silks and Ribbons in'.l- .r.!.l I . ' t voiiciv ui ai, iu miu natiem. mn ... fi " ai lilROE'S- - . . i , H(ulr Sept. 18, 18H. Tackle Blocks. One pair Urge site a superior article, for saleby A. FRANCIS. Jl Word to Farmers ! A N "allsufficienfqnantitT ofprodncemted A suchas Wheat, Corn, Oats, Uye.Wheeae, Bmter, lire Geese fealhers &c, for which the kishatprut will bepaid ia eichange for Goods, at the vcry tnctftprice, pCK & FLOWER. . MORE LIGHT! Gould's hrst quality:hemical oil, Choinicaland doric cbiinnoys, , Isold'sand Doric wicks forthechamicnl oil btirners, , , ., Also, pure winter bleached sperm oil, Tborn uud Maynanl, and Huinphrcj Scymes ic co. Refined mould candles. On han.I and for sale at the D"Jg & McJ- icinc Storeby W.P, UU&SLL. Tavern Stand FOR SALE. THAT very valuable tavcm stand owned and occupicd by the snbscriber in Rochester vUlage, where meet the tnrnpikc roads fmm Middlcbnrr and Brandon. The accommodalions are good, and Ihe conccn tration of travel such as to make a desirable pur- ph.-i;p fnr lhn. tohn irish to aiCZZe in a publlC house. Ifraoneyis paid will be sold very cheap. Bnt if a part is paid down, roason ableliraeof parment for the remainder will be giren. JOHN TRASK. ir.u mn 9ii HatsM Hats!!! AT THE OLD STAND A FEW R0DS NORTH TIIE JAIU THE subscriber would inform the public ihai he has on hand a large assortment of black and drab Hats of the latesl ew-York fash ions, which he ofTers lower for casii or most kinds op Prodccx tltan can be bought in this county. JOHN JACKSON. N. B. The higheslprice will bepaid for lambs wool and Muskrat skins. J. J. Middlebno', April 17, 1841. 51;tf. LATESTand BEST. SHELDON. Have just reccived from Bos'.on, the largcst, (DSTHIPSISS & mmSfS assortment of cloihs, cassimeres, vestings and tnmmtngs, ever ofTered for sale in town, togelher with a gcn cral varicty of staple Drv Goods, Grocerics, &c wln'ch will bc soid Cukap for Casii. Oct. 21th, 18-11. For Sale. A valuable house and lot in East Middlebury, formerly owned and occupied by Levi Smith de ceascd. The house is newly built, and the lot contains one half acrc, and is about in the ccntrc of the village. Part of Uie price must bo paid down, and timc given for Ihe balance. CHANCEY L. BRANCH. Middlebury, SepL 11th, 1811. tf Imjjortant Discovery. TIIE subncribcr is happy in being able to loforni the public lltathc has brouglitto liglit, a Medicine by which Spavinti, RingboDescc.on liorscs CAN BE CURED. Tle knows that hcrctoforc such ihlns liave been decmed incurablc, but now can be curcu, and horses afilicted in this way can bc rcndcrcd sound and we ful. Good tcstimoiiials can be furnished from pcr sons nho hacinade useofhon tlteir horses and nlivays to their iatisfiction Said Medicine is for palcfiy the Subscribcr in Cornwall, Vt. 19. if. JOSEPII K. SPERRY. MEDICAL INSTRUCT10N Tho subscribcr continucs lo givo Med icni insiruciitin. tieti!rnea Dy pariicuiar ai tcntion to indicenous mcdtcal Bot&nu. nnd to ihe prnicipal nractical subjects of cche- Iral TheraptUiics. to adant thecoiirse to the rcquisites of thuso who intend to becomc P .:.: VUu"" ""umul"-,s' Hc has cngigcd S. Pearl Lalliron, A. M- M. D., to instrucl in natural sciencc, and in hximan and cotnparative Analomy. Gentlemen who dcsire may have ndmis- sion lo the Lcclurcs givcn in tlie Collcgc on Uhemistry, fsatural Historyand rlnlos- PJJ JONATIIAN A. ALLEN. Middlebury, Icc 20ih 1843. 33;tf. Snuff. D R. M A R S II A L L S Aromatic aud Head acho catarrii snuff! This snuff is superior to any llnngjel known for rrmoveing ihat dis- .hihpadaclc. It opens and purgcs out allob- structions.strengthensthe glands, and givei a hcalihv aclion lo thonarls .rrectcd. IfiiD'rfpe llv (ree from any thi-ic deletcrious in ils compo I mtion has a plcsent llavor.and has imniedata rnecl I afipr bcieir t'scd. is aprwablr. Price 37 1-2 I u..i. ' CC11IS DCT UUlllt. Each boltle cnnlains about thrcc times thc nnantilvoflhcscvcralkindsnfCatarrlisnufr. now scllinc at a lower price and i thcrefore cheaper, s wrll as bctlcr Iban any thing of the kind in inarkrt. SnM l.v tlm Prnnriplnr rhr, Cn,. MM dlcbury, Vt Wm- C.Simpson Sc- Recd. E. Brin' i.v j;n !(.! nn n t, n.. a B. JiU iands, and other?. New York, and by rnggisls gtnerally in the U. Slates & Canada. 17,500 BOXCS ofDr. Rusll's 1HFALLIBLE MTT 1 -W-Bka-Bll m-m gXfj tW n VVllCJ JU.VU11U JL JlJ.Js.K3S HAVE been told during the monthof Dec, so great has been their popularily, in conse- nucnce of ihn nnmcmn. rmra ihv h.-ivff pfT,.rt. I wu. uci.uu , uu 111 rac 1 1119 IKCUIU' I mends lliem to olhers as the Best Medicine I thcy have evertakcn- tion, and sosure in giving rclicf. -ou cuiiuiu lucir upera- i .i. i iusnowconcededby the most emineut of latuii), ium 11.0 iioownn ne seai or lountain of all diseasc; that tt is, as il were, the ccntre from which proceed all thee vilsproduced bvforcien or inilalimr causes and which from ihence spread to every part ol kite ammai sysiem. The proper ir.ode ofcure. therefcre, is to at tack the citadel in uhirh thn dipnp Alltrpnrh. fsi,selr acd no combination ofmedical agents ""fet been discovered so cfficaoious for this j T- i , preparaiiua vi ma laio uc nusil mg their administraiion, durln- a practice of nearly ha fa ccntury, were slyled his "Infalli- "e "eIdi Pill.- Their great virtue is that ihey arrest diseaso in its first approach. Thpy --i.cnines as weit as remedics ana ruiNnna I ira ipoc..i .... - - ... i when Ihev illness. many and many a case that is cltherse- ONLY J2i ccnls a bos.the cheapestand Ihe bf 1 SBdieine " knownSold at the princi- pal cflice 30 jlau st New York- uu "e xorK- t; ""8"' ne avoiaea. ir; j. Lag;ers. sole acent .. r.KUSSEL, Chemists and bs" mncrai agents lor this t conntr. V Huntington. Vergennps, P- Rfcoe. T. C. Smilh. New Havcn. P. W. Collins. Cornwall, S. L. iDrairnp. Weybridge, Ferriturgh Bridport, do do Hemac Bamnm. Joseph Frost, r. fletcher 6 Son, Hanunond & Co. BONETS, Florence, Straty. misscs do. Cyprus, and Palm leaf BonneU, justre- ceived at STEWART'S. For tht consumpthm oj tht Lungs! TIIE hcsi Medicine known !o mnn for In cipient consurnption.astlima of eveiy btnge Hlccdinrrorthe lungs. couchs, colds. livcr rnmnlninl. nnd nll diseasea of the pulraon- ary organs, 'Nature's own Prescrivtion.A co poond Balsnmic prepar.ttion orihe Trun ds Vibginiana, or 'Wild Cherry Bark', combincd with tlie extrarl of tar, prcpar- rd hv n new chemical nroccss, auprovod and rccommcnded by tho most distinguish- rd physicians, and universaliy a :Knowi edgcd themosi valuable medicine ever dis covercd. No qnackery No Deccption!!M pnb- lished slatements of curcs perioirreuoy this medicine, are in every rcspect nuc. Be careful and cel tho cenutne 'Dr. (Fis lai's BaUamof Wild Cherry,' as cpurious imilolions arc abroad. 36 Ordcrsfrom any part of the ountrv should be addressed to Isaae Bulls, flo 125 Fu'tnn strcei. New York. Ros ti, and GniDLEV, ChciTiisis & Druggists, A( cnts F. Huntington. Vergennes. Wrighfs INDIAN VKGETABLE F LT.S; -nn- Indian Purgative. TH0UGI1 many inedicinea'ia obeen before Ihe public for n tnif h longer poriod (ban Wrighl's Indian f. jetable nis. yet none stands now in hi' et repuie, or has morc lapidly atlained 3 i n hold upot) popular rstimalion. Tlic 1 nt JsAND-i tlial have tisod thcm throughout liie Ienth and brcadlh of tho republic, all bt-ar chccr" ful tcslimony tn their thorough ejjicacy and mild opcration nUen crnplojed in iho most distrcssing disordcrs 'nhich flesl is hfir lo." Tho theory of discase on tvhich Wriuh'.'s Indian Vcgelahlo Pills are lounded ts this, viz.- that there. is only one ptimary cause, of all the disordcrs lliat afflict ihe liuman famlly, and that is corrupt liumors; or, in other words impurity of Blood. This principlc is now so gcnerally admittcd that it may in fact bo said to bo sustaincd by an univetsalily of opinion, tbe few disscn. tcrs constituting but a vcry fceb'e minori'.y. It is useless, discius the sound' ncss of this theory in this place and con nexion. " The one discase principle being ndinit. tcd, iho modc of attack profcssed by all prnclitioncrs bccomrs tbo samc namrly punGATiox. Bul nicny of the,so.callcd spc cifics notv bcforc ihe public, producc only one form of purgation: ihcy are cilher Su dorific, cathartic, Diucls or cxpcclorant. Wrighl's Indian Vegelable Pills combine nll theje properlics, & are iherefore calcu lalcd lo rtltaclc thce lcmcnts of discase at all points, and by a harmonious and combincd opcration lo expel it radically fiom iho sys tem. Their cfTect is nlmos: mngical, and is no Icss nslonismn" for us mihlncs thnn Us cfhcacv. uoth sexes. and all ages may ccinlov them, accordin" to tlie directions, wilhoul fear, for whilo thev aro ccrtain to n j:,-. .1... . : t:l,l ,!. curc oil di.eases that aro rcmcdiable, thcy never inflict an imury upon tbe svstom The pcrfect safcty of the medicine is an- otlierall nnportant qunlity, anu onc tviucli has contributcd more than anythingclsc to its cxtcnsion and nopularity. n n word, this medicine cnmmcnds itsclf strongly to the pntronngc of the pub!ir,nnil its usc uius lair to iiecomc ociorc long, ai most universal. CAUTION. The citizcns of New Fnglnnd aro pectfully informed that in consctjttcncc of tlie great populurity wlncli w nglit s Indian Vegetable 1'ills liavecnrned by thciraston- ishmg eoodncss, a gang of ( ountcrfeitors arc now iniluitriously cngaced in pnlniin onthc unsuspccting, a per uangerous medicine, umier llie naine OI llKllall VccctaUle l'llls This is to inforni the public, that the acnu- inc medicine bns on tlie boxes. KlFnnlill. T.,,i; trnnnl.lnTl:il, n usui. o iiiuiuu i uriiiuuicA uia (Indian Purgative) or the North .mericak College of Health." And nlso around tbe border of the lnbcl will be found in small tvne. "Eutercd nc- Icording to the Act of Congrcss in thcyear 1840, by WilliamWright, in the Clcrk's of- tice, ot the ilistrict ourt or the eastern ilis- rict of Fennsylvania. The public will a'so rcmcmbcr tbat all whosell the genuiue Indian Vegetable Pills h.reproyided with a certificatc of agcncy Willinm Wricrlit. ViVo Prfcinl OJ OF TUE NOHTU AHERICAN COIJ.EGE OF HEALTII. ?nd llmt PcJ.'f r3.nre neTcr 'n anj case nl loweu to sell tlic genuinc medicine. All travellintr Acents will bc rircvided with o aud those who cannot show onc will bc ', ...wi..u ui -iliiv. w UUU t u llUU. lUL'U , iiiuvu tiu uuae uiipusiers. t r..... . i . Tbe following highly respectablc persons have becn appointed agents for the sale of tne above nained. WrighCs Indian Vegelable Pills. OF TIIE SOUTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTII. AGENTS. W. P. RUSSEL. Midd cbnn-. S. MOODY. Nccdham aud Ucnnis, Kasl Middlcliiiry, P. W. Colliu3, Cornwull, J Hnskell i' PS"e, Weybridge; ' New Ilnven; Bristcl, Li i.cuhi; !' .-rrisburgb; Li-iccsfer; 5 disbury; S tdbtiry; V. Iiitlnrr: A. f. iloscoe. Munson & Doan, T f',.i, , wt.. a. Johnson. Iluntley & Higgins, ,o1ln cf'' "i'-. dlm S,mt"s 2f . Tupper 61 Rreaknem W S Il..j Ira llincham. kneridge; Srtrksborough; W. S. Browf. iv uison; Vc rgennes, ll.idport. F. Huntington, P. Fletcher $ Son. J. Frost, Wripht d Busb. Sl.orpham? John Simonds Jr. Nearing icnd Catlin, Cr.vell: V. Lhipman cJ-Co. J U'LilNGDEY, Tmvulins Agt. The only Office in Bnstnnirhnro h i.i: Vegetable Pills can be ohtaiucd is at iyo iremont Streftt 1ns Principal Officr OF RICH AND FASHIONABLE GOODS. Just receiyed by A. Cliapaan -Son. The best -lectedand dieapeslstock ofgooilacrer oficred in this ricinity. Such aa" Mous de Laines Cashmircs Richfigwed Lunettas Chamclion Affghans Alpaceas A-c. &'c. Crape de Laines of the most bcautiful stylcs and pirjcct Jabricks, ALSO all stylcs of velvcts, silks and Ribinsfor Ladics hats. J)ocskins, Bcavcr Cloths, Vestings, Stoeks. Cravats, fyc. e harc also reccived our usual assortment of all the tandng articles in which we dcalthtretofore and as hne a vnnety aa can be lounil in any store in mis tii- lagcor vicinily. Ve sliall sellour joods ; eeap.atpri- ccs with wliic chwetrust customcrs will bemuysaiis- fied. A. CHAPMAN, &SON. Middlebury, Oct. 15th, 1844. Ladies Attention. Just received and for sale at thc Auction and Com missionstoreagreat varictyof Fallan! Wintcr goods foi the Ladies consistinjr in part of Cliusians, Alpac ca Lustres, lllack and Col'tl Fig'd Alpaceas, Indi anna Cashmere, a licautiful article for Cloaks, Rep, Cashmerc 4 Muslin Dclaincs, Beautiful Prints, Shawls&c &c. Plcasc call and cxamine beforc purchas'ng elsc whcrc. Z. BECKViTH,4-CO. Sept. 23, 1844 S T his old stand, is now rcceiving ndditions (o his slock of FAMILY GROCERIES. enibracing every article of Tca, Sugar, Spicc, ('ofTt'C, Molusscs, &.c. &c. That can be found in this markct. Al so a larger varislr of NUTS AND FRUIT than can be found anywhere rlso in this vicinily. consislingin part of Pine Applcs" Cocoanuls Ornnges J Almonds Lcmons S. S. do Olivcs H. S. do Limcs Cicily do Figs Shellcd do ISo.x Raizins - Brnzil nuts Kcg do Filbcrts Sultana do Pcanuts Curranls Wnlnuts Maco English do Dates I'cccanuts. Citron?. Gingcr prcserccs, Orange do, Catsup Jyc. c., And also a choicc sclection of Clicwing and Smo king TOBACCO. fy- C. RUSSEL would al'o uive noticc to the inhabitanls of Middlebury that lie will furnisu them with good FAMILY BREAD al thc samc rate lliat flour can bo obtained by the lb. Also 1'IES and CAKES can be had at all times. N. B Inn-kcei)crs and Groccrs can be supplied witli all kinds of Groceries that can be had anvwhcre. All orders will be thankfully received and punclually attended to. Middlebury, July, 1814. 10. Blofiat's Celebrated Life Pill AND PHQ3NIX BITTERS. These powcrful puriGers and restorativcs areas mild and as agrcrahlc in Iheir opcration aa the gcntlest msdicinc known in mcdical nacticc, yet as rompleto aud prompt in Iheir cfTects as thc most Mifitiriag palient cotlld dc sire. Thcy thoroughly cleanseihe wholo sys- irm, stomacn, uver, inicsiin s, kiuncya anu bladdcr, Icaving not all impuriiy behind to poi son thc channels of Iife. Yet thcy ncvcr pros trate cven thc most debiiitatcd, bul inrijorate almost from thecommcncement. No medicincs in the union have acquired a h:ghcr, a iirmer. or more cxtrnsive reputation amrng Ihe intelli gcnt and respcclablefamilirsof tho UnitedSlates and none will mair.tain it longer. Thert is no qnackery whalsocvcr alour Ihrm, for Ihcy are composid of thelesl vegitahle ineL'icins.' known to raeilical scirnco and of Ihe bisl qualily that monpy can procuro from any country. Hcncc it is lliat tho propriclor has reciivcd, and is con stantly recciving, such an imnicuse numher'of cerlificalcs to their aslonishing (flicacy. These rcilificatrs piore that thry rap'dly and corn pletelyeuieslldiTangementiiotihe dicestive and BILLipDSrtJNCTIOXs.COSTIVENESS, FILES, dyspeptia, acule and chrouic rheumatiMn.aslh ma, bronehitis, jaundice. Lillious and scrous loosness, Icss o' api elile, ficth, and spirits, f rup- tive and scorfulaus discascs, salt rhcura.cryjip- eias.urvy.uropsy, icverand ague, hcad-ae'ic, fullncss of blood in Ihe hcad. nalnilation of iho hcarl, worms, rheumitic colds, general distrcss and dchility, night sweats, quiusy. oio IhiPat, seltlrd pains in the back. ioinls. side and Iiinl.. and evea the most complicatcd maledies in vcry advanced slagcs, and ofinvclcrale obstinacy. Thnir price nu's Ihem wilhin thp rfarh nf inn aOliclcd of all classcs, and being purely vegiu ble. lhcy requireneithercanfinemcnt norchangc ofdiet. Every family aud individual shouli kcep them readv fcrusn. Prrnarpil and r.M wholesalc and retail, by Dr. . n. MOFFAT! 335 Broadway N. Y. Wright & llush, Shoreham. Vt. Agents. T ........ I ji , i 9 a utiuiry, iiiicuicuury, vt. LET IT BE REMElIBEnEn ih. i,. bels and wrappers of Moflat'a I.ifo Pills and Pheenix Bittcrs are now nrinted frnm rprv fino pngravprt plalcs similar lo the check-woik on bai.k noits that Ihe wrappers are wh !e on Ihe genniiic medicine not Jellow. I rchascrs MlllMiti a 11 UraiC OOCn B. nsii.lrmlii ' vn nl. cha - ing.and in Ihe Good Samarilan acc lipanv t . ... r , r 1 1 , . . . iupy win nuu a mn opscrinptio ol e new drus for hre rxcellent mrdicincs. Alwavs : ii il. i-1 i ... .... . J "eu me lauci ou ne x 0 pnu-jelore BOOT3. 200 pairs thick and thin, sole Leather, upprr leauV IcairVins, fursalebr Wriobt& Bo'sh. cr, am! 9I4NDFACTUBIN6. BAVENPOIIT & TUIiNEH, WOULD infcrm Iheir natrons and thp nnM: gcnerally, that th. y have renewed their lease of un; luiinuiaciuring TMaousnmcni 01 Ihe Aliddle- uury .iiajuiaciunng uo. lor a tcrm of years withaddilionai faciliiies fordoingbusiness. They are also making some valuable additlnn. l ii,.:l nnuiiig iiuciuncry anu improvetncnt, gen rally inlcnding still to producc a SUPERIORARTICLE c:.L; 1 T , . .vmcu u.suwus suuaoie lortho Worlhy Sons of the Green Mooctain Slate and their tofeUbori on he oppoile side of the Lake, r-"e's"t,or, 00 aney win reeetvo Wool to mannfaclnm nn ihe and.wi. ep ?n eetfsive exchange for Wool, or advanec on Wool left to They wanld again tender Iheir Rraleful acknawledgments to their palrons foi iheir Tavora and re-assnre them that tfibrts will nol he wanling to merit their fullesl confidpnce lltPTERMS adnnled In thn TIMPS Middlebury, May 29. WOOL & CARPET TWINE. For sale at , 5TEWARTS. Musical Tuition. Piakq Forte, O&oas an&Sissiso. TT7"M. PEASE, Professor and Teacher of Uie 1 1 Scicence and Practice of Jltisic from the citics of London, Boston and New York, respec tively acquaints the citizcns of Middlebury and vicinily that havtng.received tlie appointment of Professor ofMusic lo the Troy Conference Ac cademy West Poultney, respectively gives no Ucc that the next quaner of tbis institation com mencesNov. 15th, SlO lor Jlusic Piano Forw and SingingSlO perqnarter, Organ the same: the pnce is fixed atten dollars so that personi wiShingto obtain a finished Musical cdacatioa can secure it wilhout being obliged to go to lareeCities to obtain the same at a greater ex pense. The snbscriber having received his Mu sical Education of 7years in the cityof London under scveral of ihe first Masters, and' been aa instruclor ofMusic upwafils of20 yearsinthis Country andEurope warrants him in saying to all wishing his iostructions in the science that Ihey will receive a thorough Musical educatioa on scientificprinciples. Mr. P. would also say to those young ladies who wish to become leachers that he has alreadj fitted several, and fumished them with lucrative situations, and he is constantly applied to for la dies as teachers. The Troy Conference Acade- my is m the most lloansning condition. The Fae- J Uy consists of six expcrienccd Professors and AKktanL"!. Boanl is aslow asat snv otk, r I .. .. . .. , J " Slitution in itnuana county. Troy Conference Academr, AVest Poultney, 184-1. N. B. All the Modem operas now performed. in New York are taught by the snbsciber. NEW-YORK GRAND ACl'ION piano ;fortks. "Wm. Pease late from New York, respectfully announces to the Musical World and the public in general, that he is-receiving a splcndid assort ment of the celebrated Grand Action Piano Fortes (of Case wood and Mahogany) construcied on laa most approvcdprinciples, with all the modern im provements ana nnequallcd in brilliancy of Toze, Cness of Toncb, and perfectness of Mechanism, and warranted to eDdnre the extremes of climat in this Country. Old Pianos taken m cxchange. Piano Fortes tuned. Piano Forte ware rcom, W. Poultney,nearfr opposite the Academy. N. B. The above Insiruments have received 4 First Prcmiums (Gold Medals) atihe Americsn and Mechanics InstittttcSjNew York, for the best Tone, Toccit & Finisii, and the sttbscriler cin refer persons to scveral gcntlcmcn who have pur cbasedofhimduring the last five years. Th aboveinstruments will tesold aslow as can le purchased in New York, therebv saving exFenie of transrortalion, and warranlcd for 1 year. 23 Impuriiy of Blood Cauc ain cm! oicnf i ns disrare epon that pait cl thc :"t'y which from any causp inaj La weakest. Tl.tisin prr-cns ulos'IIo d isi'n. pure, slioul d llxy havr a cohl, Ihe impare mal ter would srttle upon ihiirlnrgs, and consu nialion be Ihetnuble ; so wilh olher afhc tioni. All troub le is savrd bv tising tht BRANDRF.TJI PILLS, which cannot injure, and which ca nnol bc overuono. Oniy usa thtmin the cimmmccmcnt ol any diseases usc thrni in full do;cs and you will bs up and well. white tlnse who aro loo wise to tilre such a simplj medicine, are hed-ridden, do pjematurcly cnd Iheir days. The Brandrrlh Pills arc only beginning to be appreciatedas thcy are found to ncvc- ''ccivo ;lhey aro tha only intcrnal medicine '-:"-d tn Ihe cli mate. Be carkful of fretend Dunirci-at puy. galives, which cannot be uscd wilhont inj rn to the body as Branderlh's 1 His can. wbat arc Ihey .' Are Ihcy nol imital ons ol tha Brcn drath Pills recommended in a bcnisrnent cf. Icn fiom Dr. Brajdrcjli . V re tlioy nntor.. iginallycounterfeit pills purp i igto b tha genuice Brandrcth Pill box.s aie tliey not nbligedto comc out under other colors epial.'y falsc ? Obseive tho makcrs and tn.velling agents l Are thpy uol mcn whom Dr. Bran. dreth hath east ofl", not for good conJuct truly? Is nat Ihis true aj applicablO lo Ihe prelcsded "Indian," aud, in fact, lo ncarly ali Ihe adrcr. tised pill of Ihe day J Shall Ihe public Irus their lircs in thn the hands of tbeso unprinci. plrd men Surelynot. The Biandrcth Pillsgire streang h for nrsri ness they are likcd best by thine who lnva takcn Ihe most of them. Dr. Btandrelh acd give personal refcrenccto thonsinds who have been restoced from a bcc of sickness by lliil. usewh'n every olher means hadhrovrd niavain Ing. These cases aro conlinually occuiinget thi3 city and in every part of the Union. Gci Brandrelh's Pillsif you aro not perfrclly hal tby, nnd thcv will reslnro vou ifmii:..,. de it bccacse thcy expel ibnse humo.j whieh arc ino cause oi I'l pnnly orthe 1 1. otl. andat Ihe samc lime tho bodv It strenelhenrd I.t h opcralion of this most rxcel'ent ttedicone. AUi-iM TS. Jonalhan Hagar.Middio' ntv: Alfrnl P nn. coe, Nnv Ilavcn, Warren S. Biown. Ad.:ion; HetchPr and San. Bridnort: U'r'uhi aml Bush, Shoreham; Y. B. Bixbv, Vergtnne.; l.C. Alcad, Cornwall; J. Siniond-. Walrh Poinl; A. AYetberbce. FetrisLursh f.i,!r A Mcn aml Whreler, Norli Fcrrisl.arjrh: M VV. Kinsley, Monkton Jlidgp; Geo. IK. Paimtlee" Bristol; Simon Tafl, Whiting. niCConslilutioii, the -'vis vila;'' ofonr noo- derlul bodies, constanlly rrquirc an allenutiva ur -Kcueia.iiii; creaie and nai ahcallby exislence. Alr, light.and soraco'ha clcmcnts aro brought lo this lequisition', and f'jr a lime provo sufiicicnt for tho rcquiremt-nts ol the system. But when from imprudencc, ands violalion of the la.vs of the anirnal oconotay niorbid humors arisc ,acrid and vlu'jlia ot juice, are coll-cled, the syrtein icqnircs assnlarco from some ol hei source.orit siuks in di'eafe, dccay and dcath. How wondi rfuland salutary at this period, are Ihe eflccls ofan appropriate allerative medicine, taken in seaion Thou sands have been saved from dealh, and millions from sufferiPgs iDdesiribablp.and again rcslorcd lo t' e timolv use of PllELPe'ToaA- to Pill3, which are to cffiraciou.-i and polent, in cleansing the stomach and bowcls, purifymg Iho blood, and renovatingtho glandular syslrm by altering the secretions of the Iiver, and other glands,andcanyingofI themorbid juicesand hu mors : Ihat at thc South thcy have acquiered the name of Fever Bane," bccause they inra riably prevent or bieak up billions, remittant, yellow, intermittani, and lung fcrcrs. Five ycars exlensive nse, have proven then Ihe best and only sure and safe remcdy for all the numerous chronic diseases, where the sys iem requircssomcthing that will operate on tbe Blood, Liver, and various systoms of tocscIs. giving them a heallhy action, at tbe same tima e.xpel ihe morbid and poisonous juices and hu mcrs, which it separates from them. In this class of diseatcs. are Rhenmificm Disnepsia. Dropsy, Liver Comolainf.. nillinn. Stomach. Scorfula, Gravcl. Woimi. I Dfflnn and cruptions of the skin ofvarious kinds; per manent wcakne above Ihe Ioins and limbs, King's Evil. constitntional and hprpHitm r... bleneis of Ihe whole or part oftbe ayslem. kc. Thousands of Ihe cases of t'i .nhAr have been curedby the Tomato Pills ; and thou sands of dfallls would havo bppn nrPTpntpd hiA had Ihese Pills been used, inslead of some irra spontible, baneful. quack pill a remedy, of nhieli the counlrv isrlooded. There ia nn mvatenror charlatanism about Ibisunirersal remrdy. They are nrepared of valuable vezelablc rem edics, which are known to bc both safe and ef- fectual, and are nsed very ezlensively br Phr- dicians in their private f ractic'e. because as hun dreds have said, they are the most pleasant, ef lectual and safe medicine wc have crer uied- The above Pdlsarefor saleby agentsn all Ihe country town. Agents arc cauiioned nst to buy of "cdlers. "One Word lo Ihe wu is sufficient- G- K. Phelr lil.D. Proprietai llarilord ct. Be particularthat his signalure is on the label. rnce, za cis. r or aaie uy om idney Moody, Middlebury, Volnev Hoss, Brandon, Huniley & Higgins, Salisbury, rlLOTHS. English, Frencb, German and A I M.n'i.,11 Ttcl rpre Plt kIh.1... T7 T .".1. American, French and German twilled and plai Broadcloths, Doeskins. fine blk assimeres. Ves. tings &C &c jnst received by Sprucestrcet, Philadelphia. 35:ly ' tH-J.CI. I KOWNOJOHELDOjr.