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II. BELL, KDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. TEItMS OF NINTH VOLUMK. Fitlage suhjcriliert, .- $2 00 Mail Mibscribers, 2 00 Individuabj aml CoTipaines who take at the ofiicc $175 or 1'30 ccnfi ifpaid ln ix moullis. Ilioe wliu lake of PoslrHers . . .2,00 II uot paid at tlieend of tlie ycar 2. 25 No papcrs discoiiiintiad until arrearages are pa!il cxcepi at the oplion oftlie proprietor. No conlract wiUi. or pavmci t made tu Carriers cssli. keepinj, r otlicrwiac allowcd i-xccpt nsicuteJ lo lj tliu proprictor. All cominunicatiouarnuslbe addreiscil totliecd tr Tost Paid. MISCELLMEOUS. Froni the New Bidford JTtreury. MURDER OF CAPTAIN NORRIS, Of the whaling ship Sharon ofFairhaven, and rc-captureof the ship from Muti- Jr. Bunjami.v CLOtcn, Aer 3rf fr pJJlc':r- The Sharon havingbcen some time cruising for whales in tlie viciiiity of the ii-.-j- :...!. v.arohne IManas, put m at Ascension tl c --.. . ! r i . 15th ofOctober le44, for wood , water and rccrmts. The rcquisite snpplies bc- ing obtained, prcparations were made to procPed upon the voyage, when eleven of i .i . . ii- . , 1 tne crcw ueseri' a, ana ueinjj sccreieu and protectcd on all cfforts tnrc-!'.1!' lake them were fruillcss Ti, .!,; . . i jailed again on the 27th October, xvith a crew of scventeen men, all tnld, fourof whom were nativesof King's Mill Groupe, and two ofother islands in the South Sea. The intentinn was to totich at Bay of Islands or Port Jackson to mafce up the compliinent of men. On Snnday, Nov. j fiii, l.,, oj on v ic 05 v ...i.ino ' i i i .u' l 7 i ' , in 1 chase, leaving Capt. Norris, a Portugucye boy named Maniiel Jose dos Reis, who acted as slcward, and threc of thc King's Mill Islandeis on board The buats soon succeedc.i in capturing a whale. which the ship ran down to &. took along- .u uw......u ..s ... .u.,u "V ers. At J oclock. P. M , the mate s boatbemg about a inile and a half from the slnp, Iier signal was uiscoveretl at half-mast. and he immediately pulled to- j wards licr. 1 ne sincular and unac countablc management of the ship lor some timc previotis had already becn re marked by those in thc boat, aud cxcitcd the liveliest apprehensions as they ap- proachcd her- Coming up upon her quar- ler withiu speaking distancc, thc boy who. jg thc bladc several timcs in his hand. Af was aloft and had cut the main top-gallant ter a white hc becamc qiiict, aud Mipposing halvards, told Mr. Smith, the inate, that j him to be dead, Mr. C. got up, but the 01 her the'lslandcrs had killed Capt Norris and 1 immediately rose and struck about rurion...!y ucre 111 nossession ot the ship. Jut then one of them, anned nith a cut in2 s 4 . -J 1 spnde, and entirely naked, lenped upon the trafTrail, and, hrandi'sliing his weapou with most fnrious and nienacing gestures, dared the creiv to come 011 board. Thc other tuo were also naked and stationed one each side ofthe-ship, wherethey had collectcdall thewhaling cralt. billcts of . , 1 t 1 , wood, hatnmers, bclaj ing short every tlung that would serve as a mtssile or olfensive weapon, dclermined to repcl any attempt to boar.t. 1 he lourtli natlie of ihe samc islands was i 11 the boat, and'nlso with a s-pade, aud cndcavorcd lo look ! one of thc nmtinccrs addrcsscd hi.n in into ihe darkness below; Mr. C. made sev- his on n hn-niatTC tclling him, it was sup- tral i'leuTrctnal attenips to gam anothcr mus- , 1 1 . . i, 1 ,, ..j Kel. oiit his rig 11 ii.itiu anu icu arm were skiu 111 -giouuu anu loiiy lumnung; ouin is "i"- " I, whatthcy haddonc,- and invitmg ,,i,a!l,: ,1P mnn a!DOIt ..jii a felv strictlv true. I cleared ai one bound ibe oneo 1 alarm lor pose him dtsnpproval, upon wniciune ouicr caugni up the cook s axe and httrled it with such precisiou of aim, though .1 ship's lengih distant, that it cut throiigh thc back of his shirt as he stooped to avoid the blovv. A shinvor of missiles followed, throivn with such forcc that the bone belaying pins were broken into several picccs 011 striking the boat, but fortnnately no ne was seriously injured by them. The mate then "ordered Manucl to cut thc main-top gallant shects and main-topsail halvards, and togo foruard on thc stay and cut tho. halvards ot the head sails and clear them from thc yards, which was done. Thc lak of retaking the ship was eridcntlv onc of cxtremc diflicuUv and dangcr.frr the muttnecrs had the advanta- ges of position and a plentiful supply of arms. with the rcsolution and skill lo use them eflectively, so that tlie secotid tnake and his creiv, who had 111 thc nieantime come up, were callcd to consult thc best conrse to pursue. It wasprnpocd that both boats should advancc and board the ship, onc upon each side, at thc samc time; but Mr mith, tipiti whom by thc cataslrophc 011 board, the rc- sponsibility and duties ot master had uc volied, thought that a proper regard for the iuterest ofthc owncrs as wcll as for the safety of the men under his cotnmand, required him to avoid all persnnal risk, for which reasori hc proposed that b i.h crews should take the 'other boat aud relishtng It FO lltlie tnai ne suiiLri.u 10 nin uicm. Jie maue a tesiiire m , ,t ,ir,.,i 1,:. .,,! nn.l .vnlLo.l m ,v,.tf n ihn rttn nf tli,. 1 .), l,r-, proceed to the. ship, leaving lnm aione to but rettirneddurinz the r.ight and nid nimieii our fnend, aricr"j hearty suppcrof ham and await the issue. This proposal met with iii ihe foreholJ. When the crew attempted , cggs, aud a canvas of the Fiery Forkers, the no favo' the men declarin" a wisb rather lo take him out thc ucxt day be mide somc old lady having poititcd out bis bed, felt verv to start for the nearest land five or six show ofietHnce, htitat last camc on dcck ! Cary, and only looked for an opportunity . t.i,j aaii surrendered himself; he was put m . to "luni 111." thougb ihc musquetoes were davs'satl distant and the second mate .,, ,,,, l,PrP hK m :n . ,-.r..i, n. boat to drop astetn out of talking dis-j Thc Sharon conipleted her voyage under ' selves along ihe floor, or again rosc, resiless tance. jthecommand ofMr. Sniith, more success- y. aiid sought the door stcp; thc niggers Mr. Clounh, the third mate, who acted, fullythau could have been cxpected after stuck their feet ir the yct warm ashes; ihc as Smith's sice.'sman since the ship was j such melancholy and disheatteninginterrup- 0ld manstrippcd unscrupni.nisly, aud sought short manned, had darted his lance scver- i . . .1 .1 :i ai uuiw ' o" .., MtionvaniuiMui.iiu. iin, u three or four feet at each ; he re-; quested, therefore, that ihe boat might be ' pulled within reach, asthe fellow kcpt his nosition without flinchins and iiisolenlly defied him. but the mate thought the , daii2er to -rrcat and refused togratity him. apprcciat.ou 01 m serv ices a;"s Hethen oflered togoon board over the 1 lllc command of afinesh.p. and it is to be ile tnen ouerea lu . f , , presumed 1h.1t other parlics who have es- bows, .f the boy would cut the e-roy al , 1 a stay and let thc end fall ovcrboard so that teslimnn5a, 0"f llieir mov;ii as;a atoncc he could ascend by it tothe jibboom with nttfy iun and jnc-lle OIhers. under likc cir a lance warp in his tecth: but Mauu 1 cumslanccs, to cmulate his conduct. had become so exhausted by fright and ' . fatigue thathe was unable to getup to the royal-mast4iead to execute his part of the task MUnFTt l.n and ihe onebe executed was. that both boats should pull ahead of the ship, and nhcn it was quitedark. taking every pre cautiou to avoid cxcitinz the suspicion of ihe muiiueers. he would iumn into the sea, and -: i i -i - ) r.l., mitir r.K i.usc ,,Ille SIUC o. u.u p shaXcled pr.diablv bv ihe ccas of the whale killed inthe mornius. to defend himself against wbichhctook a'o-a-kmfe inhistec'h", and VOL. IX. let bimselfinto the water as silently as possi ble. At the samc moment ihe sliip took aback and it becamc necessary toewin; but to "strike out" and makc flic besi of his way would cause a sparkling of tlie water. and betray his approach to the look-out. to that he was obligcd to 'walk water,' by nuic.i scarceiy any agitatiun was made aud almost ns linlc progress. It Pce ofmore ihau an hour and a half in . Jun,llon- terminnled at Icngih by diyinz un-, ?S,i'S:R'n!T!,,i """" alr,.he ,,c,el' . and nsccmhnc; by ihc after part ofit to tlie 'starboard cabin wimlmv, ihrongh nhich hc male Ws cniry. Two large sharks were J'lose 10 ,he l,0f Bh,c", he. Itft hc.T- and k,ePl h'm co.npany ihe whole time without offer- ,... . .;, - ... .... ... , . i mg tomolcst him, and the knilr, which luck-1 ily" had becn uclcss. he lefi upon the tran- I j SOm as he got in at the nimtow. . He then divested liimsclf ol his clothinjr I ihat ihe enemy m:ghl have no adrautage' , -1,:... i. . r i i t i t si , ui iwm.uu suumu "me c,''se Juacr5, and applied iinneii io iis'eniug lo uie nnircinenls on ileck:a4 e iudicatcd ihat therc were vet no supicions of his prescnce, he prorccded to search for arms and amunition. Two cut lasscs ivere soon found, :ud amongstall ihe innsketf, Ino onlv ttetc fit for scrvice. so far as hc could judge by careful handling il was toodark lo tec; evcry locker and drawer '" ,hf theo ransacked for poiydcr Iwerelojded and placcd wilh i w.a.i, WJ-HM IULIIJVI, tilG IIIll9IVEf9 ihe cutlaes at ,i, i., r.i,. i.: ivi.:i ..1 in loadiug a fowliug piccc hc hcard a step in ihe gangway and 50111c onc dcscended ihe stairs. hiltiug the arms at the bottom and knocking lliem don upon ihe floor. Jlr. ...v. uuu. ui 1111. vuillU ridllE. I II 1 1 1, v u 1 Clnugb ran 10 ihc spot, but uuablc lo fee ;any tbing. groped about by thc iiilruder's Ifeet lill hc eaiirht hnld of aeullass. iih !liichheran him lhrouEh the hody; as hc drcw ii a stiusglc ensucd forihc weapon, j ail(1 ,0ii, fci to ibe floor, the olljcer Inckily uppermost; planiing his knecs upon his breast he took out one ofhis- cves. and with a gnod deal of truuble brougbt the edge of thc sword lo benr npnn thebark ofhis neck, and madean allenipt to cut o.Th'is hcad he pulled it back and forlh several 'inies, but it j was an nnkward operaiion, for the othcr 1,. ,VOundiii Jlr. Club severeTv hv kcpi 110111 01 me sworj aml strugglcd violpnt- ; .v.. ' , T'" -".P""J ") o. iiliiiifl. hp tif frrrr! a ln ht irrjinn xtiit rfllimnn i. -I T grnan aud lclliipc thc floor. Goitir r.zain to thc stairs. the 1 olliccrsaw anolhcr in the ganswav with a , cutlingspade poititcd towards him, when. I fecling fora loaded muskct, hc sucrceded, af ter snappiug Iwicc, in putling a ball thrnugh his heart. Atlbesamc moment the spadc j'PP . was lurown uoun. i.Ktng ctteci in tlie thiek tiart of .Mr. C s. arm, aud thc j )looJ hct so ,1nlcmy. from ,he ound! , ,llat lc"siip,osecl the arl.ry to bc scvcred.and j)esaii to give way to tmplcasant rellections. ' uhcu Ihe tlnrd camc to thegangway armed frwar,s. Mr. Ciimsli now hailed the boaK uhich were so ncar that hc conld hear the conversaiioii ainoiiESl ihe men. Hc told himself daii-er..uslv wounded. and nr-cd I tliPin t'l haftrn inliO.:rJ. They said tlicy j did not bchcve more than oue had becn killed ' as llicv had lieanl-biit onc sun .and did'ut ron sider it prudent for them 10 coinc nigh him so t Ii r- wounded 111.1:1 to sit down aud suffer his blood to (lotv, for his right hand lieCnme so sliff and fore that hc cculd not u$e it ln place a bandnuc on arm. More than half an hour havifig" elapsrd since the liail, no furlher neus being heard, ihc boats vcntnred alongsitle. A li&ht lieinc struck and lironght inlo ihc cabin, ihe floor was found coverrd wilh the blood of both com batants. Thc tnin whn had first entered thc cai,in ,vas rcaliniti'r 011 ihe trausnin.still sr.isp ing ihe cutlass and wilh it ihc boal kuife left liv lr. C. when he camc nu board; one .of his cyeshung upon his chcck and his body was covcred wilh gorc; he was still alne but did not nime, nnil mnde 110 noisc hulastip pressed roan. One of tlie inrn stabbrd him tuicc with a hoal pade. and Mr. -Sinilli dii clinrcd a inuskel ;ii him; hc aj then by the hir, dra;;ed upon dcckand tbrnun inlo theca. Thc dcck presenled a j shotkmg spertaclc, and .lahbleil and trackert ih cloilcd blood the manglcd and head Itss body ofthc unforttinale captaiti was ly in: iheie as was ihalof one ofhis murderets, which .n uncereinoniousl- thrown over tlie side, while ihe remaius of Capt. Norris .ere collcctcd aud reservcd for burial the next dav. TliPsuriiv'm" mutinecr juim'ied over- boardand swam soinedistance from thefhip ' iEft in nrison when the ship sailcd. tion. Mr. Cloujli remaiuing 011 board as tsecoudmatc. To his daring and almost un- aidedexertions are lo be attnbuted tlie reium of a valual)lc sl,;p and carCo, and. what is 1 t,;l m()rc j,poriant, the preservation of ihc j snrviving crcwfrom the inUcrable fate which . must ,are overtakea theni had they persis- I lcj ;n scekins ihe nearesl land iu their baats. 1 Thc owners ofihe Sharon have shown their 1 SPOTS ON THE SUN. A writer in the Boston Dailv Advertiscr saysthat a dark spot of uucommon magni-' lUUC 15 UOW VIM111C Ull IIIC UliL UI IUC SUll. It is more thau ten thousand miles in diam- ( ter, and its area is grcater inan mai 01 ine Pacific ocean. This was 6rst obscrved on ths I4ih inst., nenr ihe easlern limb of the sun, .s ..... .ove ,-. cnuator;a diameter. Ithasnowadvanccd ue.y i.U - c1? - V . ... ... i the diic, and will occupy scycn sr eigiu i.n.ys more m passing across ro lue wcs.crn, whereitwill disappcar. u can.oi oe sccn , MIDDLEBURY, nithout difiicully by the naked eye, but is fhown distinctly with a Telescopscishl orten inclies in Irngih. L!eside the principal spot now tisible on the sun's disc, there are five olhers of sufll cient dimensions to be seeu wilh a 52 inch acliro-naiic lelescope. i lie sun lias not liccn entirely free from spoislor several ueeks. On tho 3lst of January, 10 were ctnmted, tliough inosl of luem were coniparauvely fmall. Thc iheory nt genendly adopled by as tronomers in rcgard to these tpots is, that ihey are porlions of ihe solid and opaqne mass of the sun, sccn llirouih openiugs in ihe luniinous atmusphcre or phosphoresceni clouds wilh which that body is atirroun ded. From Ihe A'. Y. GOIXG TO BED IJEFORE A YOUNC LADY. We publishcd a week or Iwo since undcr this hcad, a niost amuMng Etory nfone Judge Douglass. of Illinois, iu nhicli that gentle inan, hating aeceplcd thc hospilality of a largc fainily, occupying a skgle room, was obligcd lo undrcss and "hop inlobed''in the prescnce of a voung lady. This voung lady the Judge describcs as a "Vcnus inlinscj woolsey plump as a pigcon aud and suinoth as a persimrnon." 'J bc Judge bimselrwas a -finall inan. physically speaking," and the nrM;. , y,rnrn ,-....n i lr .-u.t,w....uuMuu.u.w..uuu..w..-u. I r a modest, seusible'girl. who from h.ibit, ihot nolbin? oribecireiimstanrc lurned his head topscy-mrvy. The idea of pulliug o(T his boots ht-forc her was deaih. and as lo dofiiug his othcr lixeus. bc said he nould havesoon- crharctaktnotrhisleKS nili a hand-saw. At length ihc Iremcndous crisis approachcd. The Judge had parlially undressed, entrcnch ed brhind a roikiug (hair, vthiih cl'iircd 110 more protccliou from "the eiiciny" ihai thc lunps ofa laddcr. Then he had a dead opcn spacc of leu feet betwcen thechair and ihe bed a snrt ol Bridge of Lodi pass age. as he desrrihcd it, whith hc nas forced lo makc, cxpnsed lo a cruel rakiug fire, forc audaft! Thc Judge procccds: "Body, limbs. and head. sclliug up a bus ine.s nn onc huudrcd aud seven and a half pounds. all told, of flcsh, blood and bones, cantiot, individually or colleclively, set up any very oslentalious prctcnsious. I believe ! ihc vouij" ladv must have brcn scttling inhcr mind smi.c philnsophical point on that head. IVrbaps herseiisc of justice wished to assure r i.r- i-. r . i- - ,u ,,, , ,,. miuim snpinii miitirfifi. i'rthinii .litf nnt fil easy till shc kuew ihat a kind Provideuce had not addcd lo gcneral pnvcrry itidividual wrnng, Ccrtain it was, shc scctncd rather picased wilh licr spcciilatinns; fbrnlicn I a- ose fmtn .1 stoopin; posturc, fiually, wljjdly . discuctimbered ofclolli. 1 noticcd niicliiev- onsshadows playing about the corners ofher moutli. It nns the mumetii I had dctcrniin- cd todirccl hercycs to some astonisbinr cir- ! cumsuncc out of thc wiudow. But theyoung; lady spoko at ihc ctiiical nmmei.t. Mr.j llnlllil.ijs ' r I w Akcnvi'ml 4iim ir HAf mishty smalt chance oflegs Uicret' "Men seldom have any no.ion of.heirown J powers. I ncicr made any prclcnsions to ; bed, and nasbtined in a tuinkling." The story of Judge Dougl.iss has sug cst-1 cd to Ficld, of the St. Louis Rcvcillc, thcfol- louiS advenlure of of a .Missouri politician The "genlleman from Illinois" is not the only geiitletncn iWiosc Irg-jliave led him 111 to an cmbarrasstneiit! A political friciid of ours, equally happy in his mauners, if not in his party. among the .Missouri eonstitucncy, found himself, liile canvassing ihc State.last sunimcr, for Congress.iu etcn a more peeu liarperplcxing prcdicanieut than ihe Illinois Judge. Therc is a spot in thc south-westcrn part of this Staie. known as thc Fiery Furk of lloik-y K1111! a delicious lucaliiy, 110 doubl, as ihc run of "honey"is of coursc accunipa nicd by a corresponding flow of "milk,"' and a mixture of milk aud honcy, or, at any ratc, houey and "pcarh," is ihe cvidcncc of sulilu nary coiiteiitineut, evcry place whcre they hae preachiug! "Iloney lluu" is furlher chrislianized by tho prescnce uf an exlremely hospitablc fani ily, w huse mansion.comprUing oiie aparlmcnt neilher more nrlcss is renowncd for bc inc neiershui agaitist thc iravcller, aud so our friend found it dtiring ihe eliill tnoruing air. at thc expcnse ofa rheumalism iu his sliouliler, ils iiiiiiierous and miaflccled cracks and tpaccs clcarly showuig ihat dropping ihc latch was a useless foriiiahtv. The veuera- hle hnst and hnstess, iu their one apartmeut, u-ually enjoy ihe socicly of two snns, four, daughlrrs, suudry dogs and "niggers," and as i mauy lodgcrs as may dccm it prudent to , risk tne conicnhat cquivocal allotmcnt ol slceping parlners, On the night in question. nearcd lo bar ihem. The dos flunjr them- his sharc of the onecollaiiMrd-lonkinspillow. anJ tbesons. cavalicrly. followed his ciara- ple, leaving the old woman."gals"and strdn- ger toscttle any dispute that might arisc. The candidate yawncd, looked at his bcd. went to ihe door.'lookcd at thc daughters; finally, in duwn-right recklcssness, sealing himself upon thc donny and pulling ofl his coat. Well, he pulled olfhis coat and th he folded his coat and theu heyawned and then he whislled aud ihen he called thc old lady's atteution to the fact. that it would ncv er do to sleep iu his umddy trowsers and - - "-"""". .. . "-"v I.m li.iti.n-"a nnc.ilila n m 1. 'i i nnpriioiil IICI IUUi;i . iu;;iini, bniwiiiiii.aiiivii. . i.i.iii.u to flash upon ihe old woman, and lie rried " Gals, jest turn your backs round 'till the stranzer cets into bed." The backs were turned, anu ine stranser i did get iuto bed in less than uo timc, wben I lUC IIOSIC tliilU ?j'unfc. Rrckon. stranger, as vou aint tised to us. you'd hetter kivcr up 'till thc gals undrcss, bad'nt you ?" Bv this time our friend'ssleepyfit was over. and ihouzh he did kivcr up as desirsd, sonre '!?"""'., . . . i - t .... i. . . jt :jv,;. iv kinu ... ms o.usnes, auu ....o..uS u., s.yE. Thc nymphs were soon stowcd away, for ortljcrn VT WEDNESDAY, APRiL 1845. Ibere were neitherbuslles to unhitch.nor cor scis io uniace, wnen meir mamma cvmenlly anxious not losmotlicrher gucst.consulcrate- ly reieved liim : " You cau unkiver now, stranger, I'm mar rird folks, and youain'tafeared ofme, I reck on." The stranger happened lo be married folks i himself; he uukivercd and turned his hack wilh true iudiifercncc, as faras llicj ancicnt lady Tas concerned, but, wiih recard to the gals he dcclares that his half raised cu-' ters from Licerpool, in the Manchester Guar riosily iuspired thc inost torineiitiug dreams ' dian. of nicrinaids that hc cver experienced. I : . , . 1 . 1 u y t? :.l : i , , , eral conllict ensucd, in nhich, rrlaining ihe dicipline they had learncd.thevchanred each u.""-r u i".iuruus 01 icn oruieniy logcuier, I "len closely cngaged, slnking with tbeir fore 1 feet, and bitinr; auu itdriug cauii uiiicr wiiif ! terocioiia rage, and trampling over those ! whlcn bcateu down. till the share in courseoran hour. was strewn with dead and , disiiblcd. Part of ihem had been sctfrce on ! j1 nsiug grouud at a distance ; they no soouer ncara un: roar 01 me oame, inan incy camc thandering down orcr the intermcdiate hcdges, and catchini; Ihe contagious raad- ness, plungcd iuto the figbt with fury. Sub- umc asine scenc was, 11 was 100 norriuie 10 be long coutemplatcd, and Romana, in mer- 1 r . 1 .1 I cy, gavc oruers lor ucsiroying iiicm, oui u was lound toodangcrous toatiempt this; and after ihe but lioats quittcd tho hcach, thc few horses that remaitied wercstillbeing evgaged in thc drcadful work of mutual dcstruc tion. CO.MBAT BF.TWEEN A TONKEY AND A COBRA DA CAPELLA. Thc following curious account ofa cotn- bat betwcen a nioitkcy and a cobra da ca- pella, was related to mc by an old fnend in Betigal, who lienrd it from a gcntleinnn who had witncsscd the fact at Pantn, somc thirty years ago. Themonkcy inhabitcd a large bitrr, (Indlcc) or banyan tree, (jicus indira) and was prcparing to asscnd it, when he pcrccived a large cobra, itcar the root. On evcry attempt to approach the trtink, the snakc rcarcd his cres to at- tack him. and as thc monkcy inovcd to thc other side. the snakc in like manner shift- c(j hisground, so as ahvays, to interccpt i,;s advancc to the tree. Th'e monkev on i .t.: 1.: . .1 1 - ... v f '., ., , . .. . " lS V n ' "to 'ii i," "? aireciiy at ine snahe as 1 10 eizc 11, U (Lt)fcV 'l lil'IIIIIIUIII Ul)V'(l Ullll nearly two hours. At lcnglh .apparcntly tircd ouU.Iay stretch- cd 011 the nround. The monkpy now walked leisurely beforc it, watchiitg its motionsall the timc witn thc utmost vigi. laticc, gradually lcsscning ihc distance be twcen them, till hc arrivcd within areach of a single hound, when springing on his j enetny, bcforehe had time torear his hcad, graspcd liim firmly by thc neck. The snakc instantly envcloped him in its folds, j but thc monkey. retaining its hold, scized a brick-bat (a part of thc ruTns ofnn old i JJ,uua ul lllu .'u. u I ,llu ULI.,y UI.U ulfuJ.J sft himself to work to rub it against the head of the snakc. This opcratinn was continued wilh the mnst dctermined per-; o)jaui9iiirgiiucuu wnicn iiau ueen quanereu 0f ihe N Y.Expres3 iu Fuucu, were cavalry mounled on fine black, long tailed Andalusian horses. It was I Mr. I'olk drccses not only plaiu, but raih impraciicaule to hriug offlbesc borses, about 1 cr slovenly. His clolhes are badly made, 1,000 in nnmber, and Romana was not a inan 1 and sil awkardly, as thnugli ihey were made who could order them lo bc destroycd. IIc ihya cuuniry tadornot familiarnith ihe Iaiest was fotid ofhorses hiiiHclf, and new that cv- ifashions; heucars a large snrlout, which cry man was ailached td thc heast hich had ! rcachcs dottn lu his nnMes. Mrs. Polk, on carried hitn so far and so failhfullr. Thcir Ibe contrary, over iht sses. At church, par-, bridles were token ofT, and they werr turned licularly, she would be rrmarkcd by the gaie-' loose upon the bcach. A sccne eiisued, such j ty of her ilress. On Sunday, shc worc a as probably was ncver beforc Hitncfscd. ! white silk bonnet. white fcatbcr. rich lace They wcrc seiisible that they were no longcr veil, faehionable black velvet manlilia. and under anyreslraintof hum?n nower. A cen- 1 rich culorcd silk dres. The President aud sevcrancc, till hc had utterly dcstroyed all ad aload of corn. Ifl come back, I will to get her money. J.ut she told him xu go vcstigeofthe h3ad. rcducing it to a con- Ict yon know thc particulars ; if I should f"1 '''P I'e1t-- S.. l.c eDt ofT. and fiu;.l fused mass. when, disengaging himself ' ,J lcl ,i.ein 1, ' bv the horkcv j ly can.c back and knockcd. and as she camc from thcnow inert Mp heU.rew it rn "It-,!: 'Srfhta r.. g rJT.iSr"SS; him, and sprangup to his wonted roosting ; rfresscd as one ofthc commoncst order of , rorcommitting him 10 prison and six 01 ihem place 111 thc tree. Afier lliis, it can scarcc- Yankcc farmers, aitd was soon at Bush's ! ,VCre for his bemg hung. He is now in Do ly be que5tioiicd that the monkey was pcr-. taVcrn,which wasin possessionof the Brit-lvcr jnil." fectly aware of the dangerous charactcr of ' js, ir00pS- No soouer did the ofliccrs I Andrew Iloward. the miinlcrcr referred lo the snakc, and also knew well ihe scat of ,jm tftn they bccan lo question him ! above, has jint been convictcd nf murder in thc formidablc power which his enemy , as',J0 h;9 whereabouts.'and finding him a '!'- Jcgree at ihe court Dover. A mo- posscsscd, and could in an instant put completc limpleton fas they ihotmht ) "" r?"l?l?( J.'j' r'r e" "a ," . . L,.l, ... 1;. T, ,!. ,nJ,, .!,e,S f e. - . y counscl which w.lldcfer Ihc tdl next his destructinn. It also w ui... ...... .ju "i'i" to provc that tltp larger animals unlike smaller ones, and stnall birds, are mcapa "le ol bemg acted upon by thc power ot fascination Midical Timts - Tit.kish I'Arcit The Picayune, has had translated tlm followinsr from a num-; ber ofsiTurkish napcr of which we ccived a copy, reccntly transmitted from Constantinople, iu relation to our Presi- dential clcctiuns 'Of thethree candidatcs,' says the Constantinople Editor, 'now seckmg to be Caliph ofAmerica, two arc men of i appearancc.' remarkablc endowments,- and the other I Putnam gave up thc team, and saunter is naturally popular in thc Southern I cd about for an hour or"so, gaining all the State3. In the North where there are j information he wislied ; hc then returned few people of color, the strugglc will be , to his men.and told them of thc foe and his a close onc between Mr. Klai and Mr. J plan of attack. Polk; bulinthe South, Mr, Burnfc, hej The morning camc, and with it sallied being a black man, will of course carry olit the gallant band. The British wc e every thing bcfore him. Should cither of handled with rough hands, and when they the former bc choscn, it is understood surrendered to Gen. Putnam, the clod-hop-that the friends of the other will hang.per, hc sarcastically rcmarked, " Gentle thcmsches inorder to escape proscrip-l men, I have kept my word. I told you I tion. a specics of guillotinc very much would call and pay you for your kindness dreadcd by politicians, and said ta bc j and condescnsion.' au improvemcnt upon bowstring. ln case Mr. B. should tnumph, there ap- , UCUia l UV IJ1I UUIIUl IIIUI tl, II imu . . mtiun wui oeiiui 10 tnesworo. uiwiuim: 1. . the success of either of the first naracd I ''MP' ew mre '"""S "a,"'""n er can oentlemen will ensure the decapitaiion of, "c g.ven. than that of a young the negroes, and produce a foreign war, 1 "ho has becn much atteniion by a asGreat Britain has sworn to protecta serics of Iccttires oo Shakepeare and his race of people, from which she gathers plays. We allude to Norman Henry Hud somuchwoolto pull over other people's son, a native of Cornwall, Vt., who. though cycs. SnowEiior Pfbbles A5D Eels. IIow ever iucredible it may appear, panies wbo were witnesses ofihe nbcoomena, slale, that during the heavy rain which fell heie on i : ...... t n mi 1 11 1 i f f rC riKKlfa ycsieruiiy, ctii iimuju ..j . uuV.u descended upon tbc Excbange flags, and - ' eels in Castlc ctrect. The pebblei were all sman in size.uut ol (iiiiereut colors sliapes. Oue was a beaiiliful white, and was picked up fy a merchanl, wno valucd itso highly that he refusedto part with it, and took it liome. The iu?pector on duty at thc Ex change, gathered a large number nf ibe pcb hles, and deposited them in one of ihe neigh boring qfTices, whcre ihey have siucc bccn very geneniny aumireu. j ne cels were about two inclies and a half in lenzth. Lrt AV.miii.xoto Chit Chat We copy thc "miccu pnmgrapus irom ine corresponuence his lady have atlcndrd church but tio Sun day niornings Ihey iat in Mr. Ellsworth's pew. It H iherefore given out that hc ill alttend the Prcsbytcrian'cburch in Four-aud-a-half strcet. Alany of vour fcmale readcrs, no douhr, may want to know how fllrs. rolk ppears. r or thetr bcuelK 1 will statc that shc appears about forty; raihcrovcr lias aflinrp face and nose; exhihits a linesctof tecth; has a sal- , Io'.t complexmn; is ratherihm and appears gentecl, but tlrcsses "to kill.'' The city is 1 crowdcd, but not ballso much so as it was four years ago, at the addicss of . urn. namson. r 1111 inree-iourius 01 ine sirancers are from thc Westand South har- . 1 - . I 'I'l. !. .. II j cnicc. jcr?uu iu uc m-i-ii, The ball lo-uighiwill be entirely pohlical, not a H Ing having brcn invitcd as a managcr. ' Mr. WicklifTe. Post Master Gencral, gare his last party 011 Friday cvcuing. It nns a perfecl jam. All Washinston, and more too, were therc. Mr. V. is highly respccled, and his threc daughtcr: much admired for ihcir beantv. They will lcave the gay scencs of I Washington with regrct. Mr. W. has given ; his parlics wcekly throughout the winter, and allspcak of them as havingbcen very delight- subsequent course shnivs th.uthaj farl'.e Its ful. uot lost sight ofhis detrrminaiion. He is Mr. Webster bas arrivcd, and onks iu fiuc , n0w prcparing for one of ihe learned profes bealth. The new Senator from Rhode I- sione. and intends onlv 10 contimtc his lec- sland and Maryhnd are also hcre, and Sen- ator Convin from Ohio is hourly cxpected. Gen. Cass hai his lcvec ronms at Fuller's, mauy of his friends have callcd on lnm Gc.v. Put.vaji Among the worthies who ligurcd duriug the era of the Ameri can revolution, pcrhaps therc was noue posscssing more originality of rharactcr than Gcn. Pittnam, who was ccccntric and fcarlcss, blunt in his manners, the daring soldicr, without thc polish of a gentleman. Hemight wcll bc called the Marion of thc North, thnugh he disliked disguise, pro! ably from the fact of his liping, which was very apt tooverthrow any trickery he might have in view. Atthe timc astronghold, called Ilorse neck, some miles from New Yorfc, was in posscssion of the Brittth, Pulnam, with a few sturdy patriots, was lurking in its vi- i cinity, neni on uriving them irom me . place. Tircd oflying in ambush, thc tnen bccame impatient, and importuned the ! Gencral with questions, as to when they ' wcrc oin to iave a .bout wjth thc fl)e. ; 0nc " ? ,. mMle , SDCCch somellin!? jto thc llowing cflcct, hich convinced ; them tlntsomcthtngwasiiitlicwin J:'l-eI lers you've becn idlc toojong, and so have I. I'm -ooinir down to Bush's at Uorsenccl; in an hour with an ox tcam I mev nerran to n z n m. anu lureaicncu to seizc the corn and fodder. 'Ilowmuch do you ask for your wholc conccrn!' asked they. ' For mercy sake, gentlemcn,' replied the mock clod-hopper, with the most de- nlnralilp look nf nntreatv. onlv let mc ofl". ' I,,i re-:, ,!,;. -,l ;r i,.i ,rnn'. dow III rp,rn ln.llm, ,nii av toii heartilv ! j-or your kindnessand condescension.' 'Well.' said they we'll take you iityour word ; leave thc tcam and povinder with us and we wont rcquire any bail for your : pitrsUIT OF KNOWLF.DGE UNDER DIFFICULTIES. .Tl .T T--nfllt horn in novertT and bred in orphanagc,' has, hy dint of resolution, applicaiiou and natural strength orraind. conlrived to allain an eminence in a path struck out and pursu- ed without aid, and solely iu reliancc upon hU nwn "rcnius and industry. Thc Boston - mT TT , , Transcnpt gtves a uarrative of Mr. Hudson NUMBER 48. pursuits to thc prrsent timc, from nliich ne abridge ihe fullowin In youth Mr. Hudson was scnt to Icarn ihe black-snmli s trado.'at which he Iabored till Ihe age of cighlccn; The indiTidual wilh wbom he pa;scd these imnortant vears oflife. entirely neglected his cducation and aflorded luni scarcely the means ol conifort. Under such circuinslanrcs. ihe young apprentice was irausicrrca irom tlie snop or ihe black smiih to that ofa coach-maker. to nhirh new . occupauon he apphed hinuelf dilisentl v fou ivears more ihree ycarsas anapprcnlice aud I Up to lliis t'me thc' adrantagcs whiMi he , cujiiyeu lor improving ins inieiiectnal capaci- ties were verv hsht. aud bv no means satii- lacrory lo onc ho had eveu au ordinary de grec of mental gifts. IIc had for somc timc felt tl.e want of cducation, and at lenslh re- ; solvcd lo oblain it. Preparins himself for a collegiate careerhe entered ihe CoIIege ai Middlebury, Vt., adjoining his native tonn, and graduatcd there in 1610. Altcrhisgradualion. .Mr. II. went South to engage as a teacher. IIc ipent one jcar in Keniucky and subsequently two year: in Huulstill;, Alabama; and nhile nccupicd in this little relired town. he wrote for his nvcn gratification and for the pprposeof occupyine an evcr resllrss mind. his lcclures on Shaks pcare. At firt they were read before a few persons at Iluntsville, some of whotn wrre (liscriininatiii2 cnough to apprcciate Iheir beautics, and lo iuduce Mr. II. to try his for tuncs as a bona fide leclurcr. Tbinkitiz to 1 compass his desire of dnchargius his Collegc debtssooticrby thiscoiirsc than by continue ing as teacher, he went to Mobile.duringthc winterofl3l3 1, aml delireredhis Shaks pcanin dUcourses beforc nn aitdicncc suflj cieully large to defray his expcncs. Ile now felt encouragcd to visit a largrr city; and he accordingly went to Cincinnatii, where he gave nvii cours'-s with much ihc samc suc ccss as at thc South. He was non urgcd by snme genllemcn of Boston whom he me! at Cinciniiati. to make' a visit to ihc " Ather.s of Aincrica." II: fol lowed their advice, and his success has sur passcd eren thvirmost saosuinc expeclations, w hile it has aflorded him thc tneanvo a con siderablc cxtcnt, of liquidatiiig his pccuniary eugagcmcnts. At ihe rnmminrimriit nf his Cnllpf'e llfe. JJr. Hudson sayshcfinally reolved"tomakc in.t a mnrli of'lnm.pir x misble:" and his tures until he shall hare procured ihe incans lofdefrajiug his old arrcars I ting his futurc studics. aml o! prosecu- Xos REsisrAxc Illustrated. Ourre fnnners and come-outcrs arc evcr t(.Hiug u of ihc safety and cnmfort of cxposing our ihro.its to murderers and assassitts, provided itisknonn vehall not reswt. Atalalegeo eral mceliiig of ihe Free Will Baptianlenutn iaation onc or luo iudividuals advncated the doctriticof absolute and univcral passivtty, adducing ihe example of ihe Quakers as .1 prool of the safety. Eldcr Place, an agt-d, scusible, aud iufluctitial prcachcr, thus 10 plied : "Notuilhstandiig ihe hastc, ihat wc all fccl as to gcltiug thiough Ihe busiuuss, I can notforbcar to makc answer to oue qucstiou presenled in brolher Slcere's specch. "Did ou cver know ofa Quakerbeing iiialiciouslv j murdcrcd ?"' A cac oxactlv in poiut has iatciv occurretl in n.y ou couniy, and in Knchcster, my nattvc lown. 1 hcre lived 111 ihat towti a Cinakerwoman.hcncvoleut.kiud- heartcd.and in principlcatnet uon-resistant. he had a poor neigbhor named Andrew Iloward. n ln. was ofteu hungrj-, and shc fed !' " " ' "W3" "U jif lc cotildgellhe moneywiiliouikillinghcr. ; he would; bui if not, he wmild have itat I1 hazards. He went to her h'usc, askcd for a drink of water, intendingifshe wentoutihen, THE Gl;ILTV AXD THE INXOCENT. The Boston Libcrator, cdited by Wrn. L. Garrison. (and ihe oldcst anti-slavery paper in thc counlri) is thc exponcnt of ihe vicws f ,! ofihe Abo!itiuiiistuho repu- called 'Libertv n.irtv' as a corrupt and dishonct faciiou. Io the last number of this Jourtial Mr. Garrison gives his vicws of the relativc p.iy.t.on and conduct ol me Locoroco and Whii parlics on ihe Tcxas qucstion.jn ihe fullow4ng emphatic and unn quivocal lenns : "In thc njmeof Democracy has this fright fuloutnge becn pcrpetialed. The Demo craiic parly, as such. hassold itself, boily and sonl, to the Demon ofSUvery, and with can nibal appetite, is fattening upon human flesh and blood. All its professions of regard lor Ihe rights ofmau ofhostilily lo oppro-ion ofa'tiachmenl tothe cause of hberij are memlacious and hvpncri'ical to an mfernal degree. as indispufably shown by its arts. It is S party. from which cscape bylhc v.nuous and honesiisto be made wilh the ccler.ty that rigbteous Lot fled from Sodom. The friends ofGod ani man are now called upon toajnitc Ibcir forces for il ovcrthrow to put ihe brand of proflif.ncy on the brow of every man who shall vcnturc to uphold it to un mask it as a monstcr of iniquity and thus vinJicatc cenuineDemncracy. aud peradvcn- ture save the country from ruin. "Tolhose membcrsofCongress, whether Vbi" or Democrats, who were 'faithful n mong the faithless. found' in ihe trial hour., letthethanksofthe friends of freedom bc prolTered for themselres. and in behairof the three milhons of our fclluw countrymcn u. chaius. 'Credit t wtiom nouur io whom houor.' This. impanial juice aud i.inn mnf nanimitv demand. Kecrcant to their duty iu many nlhcrinstauces.inpresent ins anahnost unbroken front to this scheme of annexation. the Whig party have donc a noble work, and stood their ground with a fidelitv farbevondourexpcciations. Ihatol all Ihc Southern Whig Senators. only three were found willing to go for thc nrasure.sur- u'siis aaTr, i runufiiED EVEitr wedses'dat morsmo , I.V STEWAKt's BUILDI.VBS, ' BY J. aOBB JR. bt vrnoit all oacw.s rcn HAMDBILLS, yji evcry Uescnption wiU bc ncatlv aiid tnshtouably cxecutcd. at short notice.' prises us. By their dcfeeiion frnm h- t,T sition assumcd by ihe Whig party, ihe deed bas bccu.consninmaled: butih- mnv it.-tr standsnohly exhonoratcd fiom al! rejponii bility iu the case.' No dctcriplion of the partics responibfe for the Annexxliou of Texas U mmnl.i.. which docs not include the schem inr ripmn- gogues who stand at ihe head of thc I.ibcrtV party' as rquallr suiltv wilh Ihcir T aliies. "IVcimnted Putk lohetlectr.I" nt.l one of the niot actite of these Liberty partv champioiis iu this cily. to a friend of ours sinc thr elrctiou: thus confessing ihe trnth of the charge which lvehroi.ght against ihem dunng thc campaiin. and for nhi-h anrl others nere denouiiccd as liars and slamler ers by the prcsscs of thc p.irtv. Thc same individual, nhile the question "of Annexation wa haticill ' doubtful before thp Smai. said to anotber fiiend. "TVuu il h I mll not parf. toda ir.for tfteylcnow that they are inJebtel tovs (ihe'I.ibriy par"ty.')or thcir potcer." We say then. lei "the respousibilitv lor Annexation, wilh all itsilire corifequcnce to tbi- libcny and ueace of the on both the partirs hy whnse guilty c'rpart ierhip the foul derd ha? been accoiuplislicd. .m-uvc aii, ici.ue nnimiol .maniv c its indelil.Ie n.nrk upon ihc fnrcheads ofthc men nho.with profe.vons of peculiar friei dship Inr the Black Race upon their lips, sive pow er to a party so deadly hostile to ll.c tizlils nf ibat that, if it ncrc pos-ible, ii nould consign them to . bundagc. THE nFLUENCE OF SLAVE RY. Thc preponderance of thc inituliin of Dcmocratic Slavcry. as au clemcnt in ihe following articlc, nhich we copy from thc N. Y. Exprcss: To tiii: EDiions: I rcad. wiih grcat iu terest, your of tlm "Oih wir., ihc a senion cf the N. Y.Courier, ihat iIm.-oh:Ii ould acqu'.re no political strc-aslli from tho annexation ori'cxas: aad ihat ihe K.pre icui:ilivcs of ihc Free t'laltw iu Ciir.grrss would ncvcr pcrinit ihcaduiissionof at.othri Slavc Statc iuto the Uiiiun.uulcss iu counes ioti witha Free Statr. II Ibe preaent rntionf reprcrntalinu.whcre- ..) ! e i:if ca a.c counted to three Ireemri!, increar the ielitir'.il.trength cf the Simth. it U diHiru.'t lo v.hy the api.I'u-:.-lim. oflhisratio. ou a greally cnlargrd scale. will have no ou the jiowcr oflbc sl.ive hnhiiug inlcrc.-t. C)n this subjrrt, tlui lnlloni.ig'irrtji, but little .uonu to ihe pub lic, may pruve instructive: In thc-Prc'idential Etrciinn nf 1P40. ia F rec Stalcs had ll3 aud c'ivc 1.710.70 j vnles I Klectorto 10,218 totrn. 12 Slavc uit. had 115 F.ltc Hir. and gavo C9"J,005 votrs 1 r.lectorin 0.0i"i votrs. NcwYork had 45 l'.lecuir?. and;i votrs I Kloctar to lt!.j".t!3 votcs. Virsinia. Trtuirxce. Kt-uturkv. N. Caro- linm. f.ouiviaiia, Arkan.-a. Mi-souri. had 60 Klrctors, nnj save -1171)1 voio 1 Elector to ..".;(; vmrs. Ohio had lil IlWtors.aml gaveC72,f40 votcs 1 Elcrtor i:i.0IU volcf. Virgiuia had 21 K!-rlor, and gave SG.Z9 1 voirs 1 Elertor !i7ufi vott-i. Michigau had :i Eleclnr'. and gave 44,21-0 votes 1 Elector to M.7CG votc. Louisiana had 5 Elrrinr, and cavc vetes I F.lcrtor to ".Tcvj votis. PrcMdenlial Elcrtion of 1S44. J3Fipe Stateshad 101 Elrclnrs, and 1,&00,I?!J4 votr 1 r'lrrlnrln 1 1,730 vnie. 12 Slave Stato had 104 Elrctors. and gave 7V3,eiS votcs 1 Elector lo J,G09 votrs. Michigan had 5 Klccinr, aud gave 50,222 votes 1 Klector to 1 1.21 1 votcs. Loui?intia had fi Elrctors. and g-irc 2C.Sf. voirs 1 Elertor tu 4.177 vo;ce. Iu I.--15. Mr. Fjishur, Serirlary ofthc Na vy, being ralled ou, hy the:?cuate. to slatc ihc r.ilc adopled by him. io appoiutinents in the Navy, rrporlr. (iCrli .Martli) ihat, "The rule folloued by liiiiiH-lf, and "iiitli is un- dfrMood Io br thc rnlc of ihc ollicc, d.f trib utrs the appoiiiiuien's among ihe tvcral Siatcs, accordiug lo iheir rrirrsentntiini in Congress. I soon dirovcrcil ihat llir r.ilc could u t be applied. From Khixlc Island, llicrcwns uo apphcalion; and, froni scvrral new Stairs, thc apphcntinn;, in many instan crs. were nnsupportpd by projier tri! niaN so that ibe due rr.purlion of those Starrs could not propeily be appnin'ril. Tlu rendered nccesaaiy mniv n'ointuiriils at l.trge, as it is callcd." Tb s'critary Kp peiitls to his report a Jistof l'Jl:ipiritinf nt, made by hiui up lu Ihc date of ihe rrpnrl; toceibcr with the Sutcs froni which tbcy were.takcn. It appears ihat the appliiaiion of the rule gave lo the Frrc Staics C0 ofiircrs. To the Slarc Slatts 00 " Thi lefi 32 to be appointrd "at large." Now niark .Mr. Upshur's :e!cctinns: Ile took from ihc Frcc Slates 4 oliiccrs. Frnm ihe Slave Slates 27 Reidcucc unknown 1 ' Thu, of 100 Nnval Oflicors np poiuted by iheScr'y. he took from Ihe Frrc Statcs 7' " From ihe Slave Statcs 117!! ISutit was posjjhle. ihat.hereafler.a Xorlh- crn Secrctary might apportinn appoiriiiuents accordin: lo thcfrer popdlation ofihe States. To guarr!?a;aiu5t such an rvent, ihe Scnalc, ihe same session. adileda clause lo Ihc Navy Appropria'iou bill, rrquiring appnintments of iMidsbipincntobemadcaccordiug to"fed cral iiuu.brrs ; ihus giing the slavc-holdcrs a represcntation for tbcirtlnves in the Navy, aswell as in Congress. This clause psed tcilhoul a ilhision. Ii was resistered inthe Iloue. The Senate. howcer, insislal on thc clause, and a Co.nniiltee of Confercuce was appoiuted, which rcsulted in thc al au dnuincut of the cl.iuc. So much for the ic dcpenilence ofNorlhern Srnatnrs io rens ling thc encroachment ofihe slave power. Thc proreeds of ihesale ofPublic I.ands were. ilistribnted :in comli..nce wilh 1ip Act of 13-11. acrordingto "fnleralnunibrrs." The following arc some ofihe exlraordinary results : Free Population. N. Hampshiro S. C. Michigan Louisiana Vermout Mississijipi lowa Florida 234.573 receivcd S0J)." 1C213 7.420 9971 10.213 10.410 1.5 ,a 1.51S. 2G7.360 212.267 291.913 180.440 4a03C " 23.7G0 Electors of S.Cchos'nhy thel.i-giUiu'-!?