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tions af the couutry harmooized. But the Democratic party avowcdiy slood n no gen eral pystem ofpriuciples witli respect to the administratiun of the Gbvcrument. It con taincd in its body men who professcd eppo fite opinion on ertry political question. Its bruaj and catholic spirit would receive iu its bosom the mcmbcrs of every faction withoul nbligiug them to Bacrifiec or modiry any of their professcd opinions. In ghorl, it was a rcceptaclc for the fragruents of all factinus, aml it would iu iho niauner bcst calculatcd to win. Tho Aholition nariy had noiainstcu at ns candiilate fnr the Presideiicy Js'sir:, ?. Bir tiry i but llie Deuiocratic parn !!kcni'r af- terwams uoaaiuaicu Iiim kir tne l.egislaturs f Mirhigan. He neccplcd this iiosiiuaiiou. Mi 2 by that mc-iis cr periups bygraore solid n"pliciaccs, he was iiuluccd to lisr liis inllu mce wilh liis party in behalf nf Mr. l'olk. Iti his publishc'r letters bcrnrcl!i2 elcctiun I al ltiJe norto hisspurtoiii letier, but 10 bis gcn niue oiie he dcclared ihat lbiiugb. opposcd Sr.sJi (o Mr. Cl-iy and Mr. Polk, yit he much rti'jre deprccstod the electiun of Mr. Clay, be cau39, bciug a man ofgreatly suprrinr abili lies, ho nasalways able to lei' his party, and voiiid do niucli mareto rctsnf aud i.verthrow tbolitioa princii!cs than .Mr. l'olk, liam he i:iake of asa inan of uo tilcnt. incnputlc of nintrollins nis pany.auu pnwericx9 abolitiou. Mr. Spfiker. hcn I Crst these Ictters, I saw that thcy ere co inSe.- inuslv frnincd thal thev uould have thr t!e- ircd eJTcct hh the abolition party. .ay. fir; tiiey tae llio prccise xiev ui us uiiu.t-r uli'cli ' sasacious. siuccreaL.uIitionisi woniu. No'hiw; surelv cotibl be moro fatal to the iimi pirn i . ii i r 1 1 1 c ui luiii ..iwtiu.i. " t . ..r rH,;..n thau t!:e adaiiuistration of a man ofthe lofty pj!ritism, splcndid abiliiios, vast pcr.onar, "ji:iiiiril liiuuciauwu un iiM.ik.j.u rr CI.-v. Tosive ns ;uch anadminitra!iop, wouIJ iaspirc that confidcacc, rcpose, aud prospenty tUe counlry so mucli necus. ( in ic rnntr.irv. a little tac 10113 vcer.aie anJ thrivc under thencak.vncillating admiu- , Iu the nioruing.aficr some reconnoiterins, for his highly respousible situation. Ifro, umtion of 3 fieble mia. RightfuIIy or apartv of about 130 ludians. well arnied. we sincerely hope Mr. Elhnore wllho the wrur.rfnlly. hoKcver, as it mav bc decnied, ' cre discovcred. and imm'cdiatcly charged maD- I-et us liave an hnnorable and open i: is c'ertaiu that thcse views of liirncy, aud upon bv offirera Sterle and Edgcrton, with p"i'n man. rathcr than a Northcru man ils effurts ou the part ofthe Democratic par- , tout .0 ofthe inounted mcn, and thcv ficd , "'''outh Carolina principlea. tv, had the dcsircd cficct on liis mass of tl.c tolhenoods. Uuring the skirmish, "there ; J 'snowsaid Mr. Btichanan is to be ap Abolition partv. The Statcs cf New York, as some firine bv the Indiaiii.oiie ofnhose P0'"' a Judge o" the Surrcme Court, and I'ciinsvlvauia. and perhaps otbers. werc car-; ried for Mr. l'olk, snd as onr can ran-jil polilical isishavc made sdversaries admit, the abohtiouisis the I'rcsiilciit. Sostrong, howcver, sir, uas the W hig partv :n tbe ronntry that evcn this manaiuvrc woi'.iu noi uave ueicaieu ub naa u noi uren fir o'Jicr arlificcs. Nraily one hun drsd ihousand forcigners are erimated lo ar rircanuually in the United States: of tliis nnuibcra vcry largc proportion are Roisan Catholit'3. Uy means, wliich tim does not pcnnit me to recount. but ihe most insidious an.l uujustifiable, the Democratic party suc- cccdcd in induciug Ihem to band tlieni;elves tOjjether and rally lo tlicsupport of.Mr.l'olk. ; ouiiic ui iu.iu aiocu juciKicuk-c lur i biin bccnuse liis Iree tradc policy as moro favorablc to Ihc inlcrcsts ofthe molber couu trics from which they came than wa3 Mr. Clai's. Otbera opcnly prochtimed on their banners that they would not 6o rulcd by A ci;r:cans. As evidence ofthe sor of feeling which has bcen iuculated into the tniuds of tbe most i;uorant of them, I may be pardon d i'ur mcutioning a little incidcnt llnt occur Ted in aroom of a friend to ivhom I chanced lo bc niaking a visit. Whilemakinghisfire, the portcr inquired n hcn Mr l'olk would enme oa to the city. " I am told," he added, "th:.t he is a grcat friend lo thepoorforcigners: we tleclcd him, aad we can do aioM onything when we all try-." Sir, had the foreign Calh olics bccu divided in the late elcctiun. as utli er sccts and classts gencrally wcre, Mr. Clay would have carried by a large majority the state ofXew York, as also th Stale of Pcnnsyl vania, Louisiania.aD.1 probably sume othcrs in the Northncst. Not ouly did we have to ronlcnd a-ainst the infiiiciicc of foreigners h:re, but Rrilish gold was openly and pro- iiiseiy uscd to promotc ,lr. l'olk s elcction, profcssedly with a new of hreaking downthe Tariil" and proninliiig the salc of iheir manu- laciures iu tliis country. All the worl mav tnericre ,n ourcomcs.ic inatlers. u i;i. one , lund Grcat Brinmi sli.nulaies ihc abohtiou- .n ofthe North, wilh a wew of dcsnlanng tiis aom.i or forcing a dissolulioti of Un- m i; aiu l ic ot icr, unJer tlic inlluencc ., moiivcs cqiial.V3elfisu.slie secks to array ,., I-"."";- "", " . tli;manufacluri:igestablishmentspftl-e noilh. ' A'l'l we, as-a naiion, sit slupidly qnict nhile! sin foinruis for hcr own advnntagn our do- j m!4tic disscufion;. , Mi. HtJDST.s i rc BanoKLT.x. Mr. Ilud-j n is to gire a coursc of six lectures cn Slukjpenre, in-RronLlyn, conimenciiij to-' norrow evcuiu;, at tho Urooklyn instif.r.e, i with" tlic leciurj on Shakspaare's M'md. INSNEPOOK " 1 " " J Icrn that in many ofthe tonns thrre : .iu iicaiinn io anv one ta.'lore rpmov in the insane to thc AsUnm. Butat?nv, aa iiisauc paupercaii be broughtdirect- to vn. When tbo frieniU ofh liir-iit insine pcr ois, whoare not suppurip I bv anv iovn. wish to avail thomeIves of tha provfsiom of ;.! act, ihey must briu;a rrtiiic:itc Irnin a J idge of some Court in thi St.le, ccrtifyin; lh .: sut h insana persons ar? .lriituio ofprop erty. and cntirly depeiidcnt ou rcl.ilives not luiiaJ iiy law tosiippor: them. Dj nrd.:r of thc Bvtrd ;f Tnulccs. . il. ROCKWELL. riui.V.!i"r3 cf othcr nnvspajicrs in this ', siaip, will conrcra favor m manv of lhcir j j.Ucrs by publiihing thc abavj Asulum It.tmrt1 J 1 rj. Journal. THIXGS IN WASHINGTON. WAsni.VHros. March 2.1, 1345. To i.':t E liior ofthe Bahim'.'t Pttriut : Itis asecnaiiicJ that Cul. O.irdn-r, late Au't.r ofthe Dcpatim nl, and oi Anics Kei, lakvs th-: Washington r.. rrr n,i . 3 . mabrc gcnlleman an.Iaileri.ll trloc! ofthe Jirw Post.OiTice J.iw.wbicfi wjuaes the ralcs ' w, us.-ujicc, iiip. i.;'i:ii is e 11 cs:.. r lostagc so "se!iu.i!!y. He ch!pt un ihe uii'ics nfjhe oiTice ou ihe l.tproiin. ,.'r. Peirr G. Washiiiginn dnrj sujicrcede Sir, .M, St.C. C!.srkc. ni the siuie time. an Sixtb Au.litor. anl .Mr. Vr.!iin-n,n tril! t. t.K-cccilcJ bs Chirf Cetk ofthe Biircan bv " lisio. nillianiJ. jjrow.i. Tj-mt me. the last miyj prrnnase v':l tooa w.,k his trav tn a h'lhr statioq. There wll bc jio ttahukr hl. Mf Snlicilnr Pefiroe Blto pUre r0 :!i 1' irmii of Npw-Orp..n. (' "Rau- o-'ipi. tn nanoxn pr of lli! mciiniond Enqir- Pr. "er J - u ilip place nf John 5. earv to sccire thc beueiii. of the late -Act ' pro.eculora to be c.rrcct. will verv son be I wi.l, htr child. as ifVo ei add! ion-i I Tri-ht p ? T" "mnincc u,i";a for lh-. hrnefit of the Insauc 1'uor." laid before them. that cach one ma'v bc rna- ' tn h Jr ,lZ l,r,i!I vi a'!'J'l,onaI " VS l "7 f 1,13 countO r" concludcs as follojvs : Wcwouldbricfly y. tba, i, i3 not now Wed o form hhioSn W f-.sand hl, pbilosophy. Mr. Scl.lcn nricsaryfonho .ScU-cimc:.. or Ovrccrs of inuocencc from tho facU.-Iercfnn'ri Vcr- On Fridav is ahke wrong.and for a petty clcctionecring t!.c P.,oi. or private indivUnab to mnke pre- mnUr. S fJSh?3?F?r 7? r Pi-,rp":- ,,e ""r thc explodcd dogmas V...U, apnlication lo anv one bvfore rJ,,,.. ! - ! arEum,cu,,0 ,Ilc l-' " "'efence of his ch- fthe Abbe Rayual and nt.ffon. Wc are i'e 1 by a ceriificate from at leat tivo nfih- Am i 1 1 1 ii.a . .-r . . : j i ... Sjlicltncn ofthe towa in ul.i.-l. i,,.,n. . ' r".lc? n:rmt ; . nn l 1 t . ...ttier?. Afe 1 ........... losaiu General. The rumor to-day is that Mr. Anjes Ken dall will be appoiut'ed Minisler to Spain in place of Washington Irviug. Four Cltrks in the State Depaftmcnt, and two iu llie Land Oflicc, have, I lcarn. teased to reccive euiploymcnt wilhin a few days. U i, -u.i"od ihere will be a rrettv ecncral ;,-nnt'. f nuV nto the cffiips in riP&rtmeot. w tlio IJtpartmenis on luoasiay .n u j u ...,' ncxt. Tiisifu are filitu witn uounts.tne oucj wiih hopcs! I'OTOM.IC. AXTI-RE.NTDIFKICULTlEsINptL- AWAKE GAPTUKEOI'TWEI.VE INDIAriS." .v . .rA. Dtui, March 15, 134510 o'clock I M. : geat'e7 3 ' " 3 DearSir: Yesterday inorniup being thej 3Iarcus Morton.the'evcrlastin; caudidatp,' day after thercturn of the Slicrili's posse from ;9 t0 j,e Collectorotthe port tho Kertrisht, another posaeofabout 60 mount-pace 0(yAt. Williams, the preseut incuui cd men iu two detacbnicnts, under the com- tent. maudofDeputySheriirOstnanX.Steclcand j Thomas Lloyd has been removed cs Sur E. S. Kiigprton, started from Dellii for Rox- Teor 0f Baltimore, nnd a J'r. Cole appoint- . b.ttry. by tlificrcnt routes, for the ptirpose of i:i:tkin arrests. As that town ia the mostj ttiibulent tiart of the auti-rent district, where , large nuniiiers oi oisguiaeu men nrc in-qucia- , Jy collected, and "as tho roaiU are exceedtngly bad, some anicty has bcen lelt tci-day as to ; the succem ofthe ccpedition. : The party has jvn entcred the village wilh iw loners, i t . ;n i r.i.- . r viiuncu 111 niin iiiii l-iijuil v iii iiitz ui ofiiccrannd men, I candnt at prescnt rclate. Afler thcy had last eveningarrcsted Trcston . u i j . urui.ii uu.iui, iuc uiuHiiigui uuiui nuii othcr movemcuts in the uci"hLorlioo.l an- uoiinced grcat prcparations for an altf inpt to . rfScue tbe pnsouer, wlio as stnctly gnarded i unn?t ir l;wht. shots narronly missed E. S. Edgerton, who -rapplcd an Iiidian, disarmed him of hU pis- 1 j toK .vhich were found loaded with balls. J ' Ul'iccr fctcclc also closcil in hiiIi .raeanned to the teeih, and on stiipping off . his sherpskin mask. found he had captured , a uoiisiaiue and Uoilector ol Koxuurv. Thecieht ludians, mih the iirieoner ap- prchended on ihe hencb warrant m Roxbury, ' and fnur othirs tnkcn at Rloomville on their . returu are nnw lodgcd iujail. The Sheriffis j now at tho Court llouse detaching men to j guard thejailaud ihevillage during the night. , At the same time iiorus are blowing and g"uns are firing ou the mountain opposite the vil-! agc, informing m of what we mav expectif j His insurgcnis can mustcr m sulhcient uum- bers to put iheir Ihrcats in executisn. Very raspectfully, yours. Tromthe Areus. ANTI-RENT IN DELAWARE. Delih. iMarctr23, 1815. TW ?;,T ,;,, ;.,r r.u. ' r y: u ... umic-. sultof ,he operationa of onr Sberitrand his r 1Jltu. ua... On Saturday last, the posee west to Bo- ( aeain tvilh a posse to Roxbury, about thirty miles distaut from this place. On Wednes day evenius, afler a carapaigo of three days, they brought in ten ludians, some ofwhom wcre arrestcd on bench warrants. and othcrs , upon a warrant issuad by a magijtrats upou the testimony ef one of ihc insurgents pre viouslv taken in the act of resistin" ihe j The ezamination nflhe Iztter is now going on at tne tvourt llouse. One cl them 13 ! ScuJdcr, the Roxbury chief, known as fflue.- i.r.i The Jsii being now full, furtlier attempts at maUing arrests mav pciiiapB Ije suspcnieJ l,ut astrong guard will bc kcpt at the jail.ror 0lvjous rCasor.t. The anti'ronlers are be- B;nlIis tn sce,jlat Acrc ;3 strcr,g,h amI de. ,er,ma!ion enough in ..uron rnuntv, with- ! out rorngn asKistnnce to uphold thc laws. The expcnse, ho'.vfver, is a crcat discour- agcmcnt to thc fiicnds of ordcr, wlio are ! coutinuallv inct by ilircats of renudiation of ! taxcs. A'wisc p..!iy would rcmiirc the as- I sumpiion of thcse cxpeuscs bv the Statc. ! It is enough for Ihe peoph. to bear all the i oiu cr crns ol iliese iiisurrcctionarv move- nicnis, instigated by cmissaries from Albany aud Rcnssclacr, without having to defray ihecspp.usD of quclliuga rcbclliun not con fiucd to ourowncouutrv. Cahd. Miss Wchstcr lakcs this opper- tunity K. inform lier fricnds and ihe public grncrally that a full statemcnt of hcr trial, as Hot . Saxusl WiLLi3To.t,of East Hamn- . f , . I ton .laFsachuscltf. has inst made ndnna. 1 hcrst College lor the endowment , sorsiup ol JlhetoncandOratorv w vcars aco he founded nn A. ' cademv in tliat Ktntp. oirm , r S4IWJ0. Mr. Williston is a bnttoni-moker. Wc Impe Mr. McDulBc will not hcar of this ' instance ofMassaclnisctts irapcrtiucnce, asit may gne nini anuinci lil ol the splcen. j Onc of thc Loco Foco papers having re- clveIr.diau5.vhom tiiey have takrn pns- !,'c,D,v,l,''"c" . r c 1 .7 S ' i tcemand re-ard- at d to . disguiscd aud annd. . . P , .fe "f J, '? .'T"' AU' sW wl.hThe.n a prlun Tlio tiarticulara ol the skirmish niucli f '"'T' ' ,;.;,,,, fi,. Tin.i, nnder comiriBnd ol depntv O.Iv.Sleelc. and succecdcd in apprebending Rutherford. ; impeached; and his own w .n .. . inwa ' ic , gamissioiib, aud iiie sums adva ico iuaians." wii iviondar, oteele wcnt out cnnclnsivi. I'revinu v.ivi4 !--- . x w ' v iu- v i 3 uuu n ii ui 1 1 1 iTLt il v l Iic . n 1 1 T tin tnrirpmnntii ! i. f . I . ; ccntly taku great crcditforMr. l'olk, from , snns arc nt to bc believed ou lhcir oatbs. I ihe rircumslance ihat be nltcnded churchin Judge Washburn's charge was able and im I a plain carriage tiiicc his arrivalin Washing- I'artial, and lho Jury, after being out about ; ton. the New Bcdford Mercurv. verv anno- c'ght hours.returncd a verdict of Not Gtm.- j sitely rcmarks upon this grcat Democratic glorifictiou. that .Mr. Adams useil to go on f"ot f0 church while Iic was Prcsidcnt ofthe Utiilcd Siatcs. while at this time, it is con- , t . , r- ... ' J sidcrcd a woujerful stretcb of "lenublican symplicily' to go to church in a plain car riaja. CHINA. Thcre has bcen aterrible inundation by thc ovcrdowing ofthe rivers in thc North dfChina , whole I'roviiires. ofthe size ofsome Eu- ropeau Kingdotns. have been submerHed: and on the reircat ofthe walcrs. corpses wcre ",rou?nom mamly l.y the presence and sup Irfibv thousands! Unwards ofl7 millii.ns Port ,r ,Ile.I,erS0.n 'vo as most iujured.and h0 v c,t.e3a ovcr V at,Jacen! . have pourcd tLcmsclres provinces, beeearcd of cv cry llllllg Treaties have btcn made with othcr Eu- ropean powcr, bcsides Francc. and Chiua ' is now being opened to Cbristian Mlssiouar- les, as neu as commcrcial intercourse. The ''vcnerable" Mr.Ritchie, ofthe Rieh mond Enquirer. has arrived iu Washington' and been closeted with thn Prcsident. Iic many frcnds. aln fclevcn?oii has been, Ihus ... . iis u fclCUl l-. t. c . . . lar. overlookcd, with many of ihe worthy. Mr. Fostfr. lalc Senator iu Congress, is the Whig candhlato for Gqvprnorin Tenn-fijes. lo c.ngiana, ana iir. """" C.,.,.- r.CtU- T3 .wj j- MORE APPOINTMENTS. Kotsub tnittcd to tlic Scnatt. Gen. John MciNeilol ttew-nampsmre, re- storeil to liis omee ot survcyor oi inc pori oi 1 Coston. The General (n01v a Jlajor Geucr- N Hampsbue aiilitia.) is the .,,. ,.,n ,,. n-,i , nrp.irfn nver tbe . - r--- - meetine of the Borritcs in IJoslon John" S. Rockwoll, Marsball of Wisrou- :sm rrosper ai. elmore, iavy ucni iu Naw Yorb 1 D. l'attcrsou. at Philadel- nhia Gcorse Loyall, at Norfolk. The no- tcd Amos Kcndall has received the appoint- nieut ot i'ostmastcr m lVasmuzioD. iiie'A nnJ mim nfltare u-Orn qnnnrml lir lllA cj Samucl Cushman. Navy Agent atPorts- m.,, :,, ntnrr nfR. Timnilir ITnljnm re- tj-ned. I ""'""f.0 okikatioss. (.or. iWorton J? Collcc or of Roslon. in place of Mr. ; '"ams.anu isaac n. u ngnt, .a.c en tor ... Irt. aml lreene of the rosl. m I ihpn lic I le - otily big-b ;.bu3 in Massachusctts nnprovided ;,or'. . . ...... m cttis to besupcrceded at theCourt of uecn 'c'0';, aud that Mr. Ellmnre of South l""""-': -""o"- " """"ry u. nauipimr, uic- iu iiruniuiLiii L.iuuiuuica "lc b'a,c Uepartment j.iven to Mr. Wnlker, "mr Secretaiy of the Treasnry that ' "ident nceds a Secrctary from the J the slare , igi't, 1 iafj. W nlker will do everv thin: strai inthUlinc. The indicalions from the very many rc- movals alrcaily are, that all Whigs proper, J and all Tyler democrats, are to bc swcpt from nflice, to accommo.Iate as many as pos- : s,ble ofthe thoueands ofapplicants. I The Senate hasnoiv adjourned, and we , rcSret ,0 sni' thcrc are indicalions of exten- ! 'ye proscription. Mr. Buchanan.Sccrctary i 0"s,aie' is J to have remved a nephew of 'r- Welistcr iu the Department; and Mr. Cave Johnson, the new Postmaster General, ' lias begUIl to OUCrate lipoil WIlilT and Tvlel , rosmiasters. They must cry "Polk, Dallas ! Washington newspapers and the'Jcttcrs bcar andTexas," or all may beup with them. , ing tho post mark ofthe cnpitul. Iliscom- - - j plaint is pulmonary : nuc lolic of thc lungs n-'n m i,v:.i-n. ... . - j 1 he believes to be cntircly consumcd. This ILy .Kev. itlr. r aircli ld was put on triai , , u . .u lasTweek in theBosiom Municipal Court. " C0SUl '"hon by tl.eshor.nsssof brea.h, an indictment for Adultery. It will be reC i W'"ch "'T'1 eBU-rC,jr l" f' Ecclcsiastical Court. A: nut om ofihp Minl. :,',. :,i, i T r. - i 0. f"';!?!?n7h; aVi.. -t.i-ti t -t i-., I ,r ofber infam rhild. Tlm tP..rm.. J" tm,r , .! wituess was not ritten and verbal I nced.aoncared tempted suicide. Residingiu Exeter.he was j ce demaudcd bv the Governor nf AI.Tsinr'nicnit i toauswer tu the hill of iudibtment. Gov. ! Steele refused togivchimup. Afterwards, he volnntarilv surrcndercd himsclf, and cave' Mr. 1 arker. for the State. and hv Kt-JmHpi. .,, , . - -j o- . dcnt. . , .. . ..j.u,.- We have read the testimony. Thcre is mtich that is new inlroduccd. Thc princi pal witnessep, Rhoda and l'.er sister, it is at tcmptcd to show, nre of had charactcr. and so not to be believed. Tcstiinonv also to show that '1110 fathri of Rhoda is not to be 1 y Irishman" and other Europeans, to im bellevcd forsundry discrepancics provcd in ; piove thc American "brccd." We wcre li:s tesiiiiiony. llie cxamiaation and cross- , exHmiuaiiounaslou" and searchiuc. Rhcda ! wns ..J'"1 sla"u.n"'? 110Brf J" a' a i '' . . "X., " '"; i cld . , , resl,om c."1 rellcs upon , cn,!,vlllclnK 'l10 y that th.s, as in many ; etliercasescitcu hj thc npening counscl. has a p ,COrf .plra?y ,0 c"lort tnon,y i : and expcctstliat plca wi!l avail, that he paruany aumiiicu me lacts, aml paul Iiie reiinkcs. with bccoming spirit, the inierh!e money, ns a lcss cvil than lo ri.k his charac- , insult whirh Mr. Sclden felt callcd npon to tcraud injure ihc caue of religion, by being ' offer to his c.iunlrymen. That paper says pnbhcly charged as being tha falhcr cfan il- ; il,at this porlion of Mr. Scldcn's spccch lcgilunatc child. Mrs. Fairchild.a liue look- 'ineritsseverercprcliensionforitsanti-Amcr-ing woinau, is beside hcr husband, with can seutimsnts and depreciation of American their rldcst son, apparcnlly coufidcut in his character." " inuocencc., also a vcry good look- The Commcrcial Adveniser. after romark-in-giri, wnlia picrcin- b.ack eye, watchcs ins at lcnith and iudi-uantlv unon tha nt- " Clll. WI11CI1 OCClllllCU a intlt livp Ilntlro. Ir Parker closc.l, for the Govcrnnietit, iu :.n ar- ,,,-, . Rl'ment ofthrce cnd a half hnurs. "Itwas faitlifnl, fearless aud powcrful, and marked "J Srcai ucgree ol cjurtesy and candor." Wis grand clyect was tnsustaiu the charac- ter ofthe princiiial witnrssp., nnr;,i- pon - ,ler S'ster, and thcir falber for truth. T'e llen' evidence went to impcach them, pejhaps more particularly by shoning thc cnaracicr oi liuoua and Hcr sistcr to , .ic oau; iina nucn tnis isestabliMicd, thc stcp 's comparatively easv to show that such pcr Tr Mr. Fairchild pcrmissinn.spoke ofof thc load or condemuation inflicted by an Ecclesiastical trial in anoihcr State, yet . lle ,la) "ot fearcd to"trus:his case with a iu- i r.r .. . . . . J ry ofhis countryincn. Hcthankvdtlie Crmrt for their forbearanceand kindness.tha Couutv ( Solicilorfor his civilty andgentlcmanly trcat- mcnt, thc jury, and his own cnnnspl. nnrt closed with a solcmn appcal to his Mnker nd h Jd?c.bcfore whom all must appear," ,'.?"d ,I,cn Hh his wife aud sou. 'bu'u.v mnoccnt. (says the Cuuricr.) he , 'V "rougna severe ordcal sustained sinned against. if he was guilly, aud whose conduct, certainly, has bcen beyond all praise." Thcrc is r.olhingin theresult ofthistrial, as we can sec, which ought to reudcr ccnsu rable the Ecclesiastical tribunal. The same pnttp.ipp nnimn,ilia(l .. i T .1 I " t I evidenc 1 notbiug in a court of law to show him inuo- - ' '"t uu....,.bHw..u, vuum 11.1,1; cl . .11 1 E ( 1 jccnt. ouccessfully lmpeachmg tbe main 'evidence would rjiangc thc aspect of any 1 cause. Tbe jury must have come to thc ' conclusion that a consnir.nev cxistcd to nh. tain moncy. After all, therc is much thatis unaccountable his letter tbe paymcnt of money, and the attempt at suicide. But men, under sirailnr tharges, have paid money, and afterwards nroved their innnrrnrp Snmn , . mcnmaybeso mnsiitntcd a to be-unroao- j :.. v V...L- ou Monday of last week killing fourmen aud niutilatiur severclv severnl othcrs, The l.nmh irnn nnn mr.ked un bv the fishemien at Sandyhook iu tbe saud ou tne snorc which ha(1 becD rooIeti up ty tnesan. i iic haj bccu sou for !d iron, and at tho ,l,e purchaser ira. enRaSed in cnL.tying jhe -.'...:.: c. ftIn thn pm osion ....(.u...... , took place as above related. Mr. Clat madea jtEMtiER or tueAm. Home Wtss. Societt. The Ladiesofthe T)urand MUsionarv Societv of Neiv-Haven reccntly uiade Hcnry Olaya IUe merouer oi the American Homc Missionary Societv by acoutribution orS30,00. Mr. Clayacknowl edged the favorin a letter, ofwhich the fol loning is acnpr: Ashla.xd, March 7th. 18J5. Dear Sir. I liavc receii-ed your favor, transmittiiiR atcstimonial ofmy being made a member for rifecfthe Hoine Missionary So;.tv in rtnno nfn rnntrihutinn made for tliatobject, by the I,aUies ot tne Uuracu o- cicty of Nciv llavcu. 3, ,0 commull;cate to them my f ack'lowedc.lne,1,g fpr this distin- ( - . .... al)preci:lIed es. assure llicni thut 1 d scnsenf the snr- 1 J e r tmportance Christian Kclig- ' 'chevmg. mIT 1 cndenvors to promole and advauce its causc mav be crowncd ivith bigual succefJ ' 1 ara5 " loryuur c..uni.,. .UB , t i- i . r . r . i cperations nf the Societv. And from thcir , cjtcnt j shoIi)d hat ter results .i...t i.i r..n ofthe labnrs nf the'Sociclv would fully cor- respond with the pidus and religious moiivcs i nhich pro-notcdils cstablishmcut. : I am, with great respect, j Your friend and oh't servr. ! II. CLAY. ! Ciiaiilks FIall, F.sq., iic. &c. Gt'.-NEr.AL jACEsnn. Isaac Ilill of New- Uamp3hire,who lately visiied thellcrmitact ' isays: -I fouud Gen. Jackson bcttcr in he'alth ihan I expected ; yct ''so weak, if it wcre any olher man, I could scarccly suppose he would live a wcek. Tor the'luiir inonlhs he has not attenipted lo takc his customarv meals with the fainily. He sits tluough the day in a well construcled easy chair, with his writing matcrials, his ininature bible and hymn book bcfore hiiu. To him are brought as soou ss the mail. arrives the newspapers: and during the fnur days 1 tarricd at the Ilpnnilarp. Iiia (irst pnnnirv ivns fnr ll?n ilailv ... 1"'elj .as prooucc oo ms.uru.mce. leetand ank cs are swollen lromcontin sitting.and he fi..J. asubstitnte forsalu tarv excrcise in batuiuir otlus lunbs cvcry eveniug- in those einolhenls ca culated to pro- aucB neanuy acuon oi me sKin. wcan as he is. he shaves wilh bis own haud, aud 1. l .x,,.. i.. :..!.: u .: J...i .... j.J... .......... MISERABLE SYCOPHANCY REBU- KLD. Our rcadcrs will rccollcct that the Hon i n...ll... oMa.! r. i r. .u- ... ,' auou.o uic .iiuce oi niayor, tnaue a speecn atlMaI0Ual xian, in wlucji he Cercclv de- nounced not only the Aincrican Republican organizalion, but tbe principle of a reform ofthe Naturalizatiou Laws. Nor did he slop there. Dcfirous of conciliating the for eign vole of that city.hc did not hcsitntc to say that hedciired tlie importation ofthe "brawn- pauicd tolearn from the Tribuuc, that such base svconhancv of for.iii-iiPM. invnltlno. r- cssanly a cross insult lo lns own counirymeu. as reccircu.uuu appiause at a meelingpur- porting to he au aisc.i.blage or Americau frccincn. Tbe Buffalo Commercial Advertijcs. au a'de and res,.:ctr.blc Vh:g jourual, an.l ouc nhirli cannut be chargcd uiih "Navctism,' Rayual w'llliug fo givc a cordial welcome to all n ho seek our shorcs withn honest purposc, and -l, ., ;n ..:.i .V ' . tions: but heis an unwonhv American who to court forci"n votes. orfor Vnv ,!rmt .:n i.: 1 ; ' ' n'.i... i .' ai or The Owcgo Advertiser thns rcmarks on ihe snmcjspccch : Thcspecch ofMr. Sclden was able and el oquc nt, but on thc subjcct of naturalizatiou he did r.otspcak thcsentimcnt of the Whig party. His own views. no dnubt, are hon cslly colcrtaiucd, liut they are not sufikiem ly Ajir.r.icAN to comma'ad thc npprobation of ihe Whigs as a.parly. Individuals mav ditf- cr-Bat as a whole thc hig party in purely J1"-" m ils intercsts an.l fcelings. " isuot expected that the Whigs nill car- ,rtlii.i.!ri. ,1.. .....t.:.b r . .. .. . ry thc city the organizalion of two dislinct parties agamst thc undividcd forccs ofthe locofocos, willprevcnt that. This may bc good policy.but we doubt it. MayorHarpcr is a good Whig nnd a good officer, and his re-election would be crcditnble to thc city. Wequestion the propriety of voling am.m down simply bccausc he is wholly American in his fcelings. He should have received a nominalion by the Whigc. Albany Daily. THE ORGAN. Afie'r grcat perplexity and tribnlalion in relatiou to it. it has been settlcd by tbe wirc workers of the party at Washington, that Globe must be got rid of, being too much under the inlluencc ofBenton who is not in favour at Court. Father Ritchie it secms has becn hil on, and will kindly con dcscend to do thc printing of Congress for the next four years. Says the Baltimore Patriot: "Mcssrs. Ritchie and Hciss b I l . . v f --.vii.Luuum.i i 11 1. W . Thcy ill know in a week whether or not. xcciiucijiucuupon lOCODdUCt "I nEURGAS. and upon what tcrms. (in the ncighborhood, sayoffrom SW.OOO to SGO.OOO.) they can have "The Globe." At all cvents, they are to publisb and edit "The Organ." Lake Champlain .was free from ice on Friday last from Chiumey Point to St. John3." OGDENSBURGH ROAD. We are plcrscd to lcarn thata new cliarlcr has bccu grantcd bv the New York Leisla ture fora Railrnad'. from Ogdensburgh to Lake Champlaiu; and the beliefisconlidcnt ly cxpressed that the funds can becommaudcd to build it. Tho frieuds of ihe cnterprisc with muchzcal, and manifest a fixcd detcr mination to carry it through. Succcss to thcir cfforts; and we wish we had something more snbstantial to ple.lge them, Ihan good will. But good, as faras it goes. irtn'hrr Trxas role vaid for. Mr: Wil- liaui J. Brown, late Loco Foco Membcr of Congress from Inihana. has received tue ap poinmient ofChief Clerk in the Post OIEce Departmcut. jTliis is the fourlh of the -sev-enty mcmbrrsofCongrcsaappljingforofiicc,' that Mr. Polk has provided for. "37i Guilloiine in Motior.," A few days since the Argus took cccasiou to be-pnise Mr. Polk for his inoderation iu regard to rc mnvals from office. Itv.'illbc scen, by the last adrices from VVashinglon, and that Mr. Polk and his Cabinct afe "cultiug offheads" as rapidly as their suilloline will work. ELECTiONS AT IIAND. The flec'.ionjriRhode Island. wa3 on the 2d of April for Govcrnorandtwo mcmbcrs of Congress. We shall soon see how it re sults. Connecticut elcction isAprillh. AGov ernor and 4 membcrs of Congress are to he cliosen. The old mcmbers are all Loco Fococ. Virginia elcction April 17th, 4 membersof the i.egislature aud 15 mciubcrs nf LOii grcss. Massachusetts U. S. Senator. The Lec'slature of Massachusctts, on the 24th inst., made choicc of Joliu Davis, of Wor cester, to fill thc vacancy iu the U. S. Senate occasioucdjby thcdeatli of tlon.IsaacC.Bates. In the Seuntc, Gov. Davis received SG out of30 volcs east, nnd in the IIousc of Repre scntatives 149 otcs, and all others 51. Massachusctts could not haveselected a bet- ler rcpresentative, or an abler advocate, of those priiiciples and mcasures to which shc clings with such steadfjst failh. Wcls'.er and Davis from the Old Bay Siate, Corwiu from Ohio, and R. Johnson, from Maryland! such are the Whig nddiliousto the f.ew Scuate. (Lf Rcv. J. F. Fairchild, afler mucli so- hcitntion. cccompanicd. by liis mle, attcnded public worship at Soulh Boston (the place of his former rcsideucc) on Snnday evcning last, the day after his acquittal. To avoid any noloriety.he wcntto nuotherchurch than that of liis own order, and took a scat among thcaudicnce. But he was noticcd, aud sev eral ofthe Church wcntto him, and wished him to take a seat in the pulpit. Iledeclined, till at lcnglh thc, aud pre- vaile.l upon him to co into thc pulpit. Al- thoush atnicted wilh a severe cold, he, on in vitation, rcad the concluding hymu,aud made the concluding prayci. NEwTAr.trror Casada Akotiier Biiit- isii move towardsFreeTrade. The new TariOfof Canada has bccumc alcw.aud takcs cffcct April Ctli. Instcad of a reduction, which thc fricnds of frcc tradc asscrt all for eign nations are now favoriug, the Canadiaus it sccms, go for more protcclion. The new Tariff iucreascs thc dutics on all articlcs comc in cumpctition with those importcd into provinces from England from ttco to three hundred jicr cent. ' This mcasurc has becn brought about by the Ministry, to keep out American manufacltircs a trade that was fastincrcasing but now wo fear ncarly at au cnd Rochester Dan. Masia a roTC I.vcidkst A jiax that ateiiisows Fiai:ns. Two young gentlc mcn, huuling about n mile south-wcst of thc city in a swampy place, a fcw days siuce, wcre arreslcd by a low faint moaiiinr, or kind of gruuting. llicy at nrst took itlobcawild sninial ol some kiud, but on prncccding to thcspot, found n man, ncarl naked, Iyiug in thc nmd aud water, stupid. seniclcss, and ;. most ;lifeless! Thcy found upon cxainina tion from appcarar.ces, tiiathc had been ly ing thcre fnr scvcral days, and thal he had eaten off thc tnds ofhis forc and middlcfm gcralofeach hand, and gnaiccd all his fngers unltl they uere rnic: L. pori innuinng, ilr. I rail found his name to bc Mavs ihathe was a laborcr, and from ..!.... : ... . -.1 . .... . I -!.... ... ' . ., ,.,, M.iiu ui imiiitiiu ihhii. .inii in iiiix firtifiim slalcofmiiid had lcft thc city onthursday lallcn in llie swainp prohalily on Ihc evcnins nfthat day, where helayuntil found on llie Saturday eveningfollowing. Arkansas Bcn ncr. DitEADrui. Mur.Dr.r.. Jonas L. Parker collcctnr of taxes for ihe town of Manchester N. IL, has bcen most brutally inurdercd. He was ru'dbed of a largc amount of moucv nclonging to the town. A smallcr one was fouud upon his person, containing His own moncy, about S1700. which was overlookcd by thc mnrderer. The selectmcn have offcr ed a reward of S500 for ihe dctcc'ion ofthe rnurdcrcr. The Lowell Couricr statcs that tivo men arc suspccted as thc murderers ; onc is a noto- rious blacklcg, aud bnth have disappeared. A youngbuck, who belongstotheindepcn dant "drink or lct it alonc, jnst as I please," without signing ihc Plcdgc, fratcrnity'"pop ped the qiicstion" to a pretly cirl of our ac- Iquainlance a short time sincc, who brought a still dceper blush to his "always" blushins , countenaucc, by rcplving that she had sicncd apledgcto neither driuk or trafic in nrdcnt spiritr, she did not fel at liberty to traSc hcr self off for a lwgs hcad of brandy .' Water Nymph. DECL1NATION OF JIR. BIRNEY. Mr. Birney has rcqncstcd that his uame bc no longer used in conneclion with the Presi dcncy. He docs not say that he will notcon scntto run again in 18-18 ; but exprcssejj thc opinion that itiswrongto bring forward a namc at thiscarly penod. Hehas b;en mov cd to makc known his fcelings by thc use that has becn made ofhis uame by some ofthe free. prcsscs. From the Clinton Republican. STATE CONVENTION. Thc .Ohio Statc Journal proposcs a State Convention, to bc beld in May next. of all who aro iu iavor o(frccdom. aud opposcd to the increase of slave rcpresentalion on tbc floorof Congress. Our voice is in favor of the proposiliou. Lct the northcru States a-wake-n fe'arful crisisis at hand "thedcspolic and bIoo!y spirit of slave domination is marching with giant stridcs ovcr tho Union, and unlcss will soon have oblitcr- atcd cvcry vcstige oriiberty." Ifthe norih ern States will speak out iu empha,tic tcrms. the tinion as it is may he savcd. Therc aie uiany rccklc, uuprinciple men who would destroy onr govcrnmcnt and institniioos to promote their private purposes. Texas has bcen annexcd, not for the good ofthe couutry. but to graiify the sinistcr views of thcKi at ihe cxpcn.te ofthe eiany. Whilc the people arespeakiog out dgaicst ihis uuconstitutional act, lct thc word go forth, repeal, EErEAL, REPEAL. (UA ducl was fought on Prince's Island, betwecn Licut. Wm.- Hurstand Midsliipman Crcighton, hoth officcrs ol the U. S. hrig Trnxton. Mr. C. sent thc challengc. He was unhurt; but Mr. Hurst was seretcly wounded in the legs at the first fire ; the hall passing through liis right leg just abovc the aukle, struck the lelt one, causing a sevcrc fracture." C'A hostile meeting took at Mon trsal on Wednesday, bctween the Hon. Mr. Dilyand Mr. Aylwin, the nicmber for Que bec. Noinjnry was sustained by either par ty. Thc difiicnlty betwecn the honorable membcrs of the Canadian Parliament arose out of the appointmcnt to office of one Mr. Rycrson, by ihe Ex-Ministry, ofwhich Mr Aylwiu was a rneinber, and which was char actcrizcd as "infamous job.'' SEVEN DAYS LATER FROM THE CONTINENT OF EUROPE. By the Louis Phillippe, Capt. Catstofi. from Havre, wc have becn favorcd with French papeis to llie Sth March. Jour. Com. In the lSnlish llouse ofCommons.onthe leclared that United olh, Sir Robcrt 1'ccl d otates sugaj: would be admiltrd under thc same advantages of thc reciprocity trcatics as thc sugarofJavaaud Manilla. Thc Chancellor oftbe Exchequcrhad fix- etl upon 14th of M.ircli for the new Sugar duties to take effect. All cffurts to proloug Ihc time wcre unavailing. A mclancholy accidcnt occurred at Lon- don, ou the Glh iu the workshop ot an engin err namcd Samuda. A stcamboat boiler, burst wilh a frighiftil cxplosiou, killing thrcc ofthe norkineu and wounding cight other persons so scvercly that thcir lives were des paired of. Ou March 4ih the premiscs of Endcrby and Brotber, rope makers and Soulh Se.i mer- cha mts.ncar Grecnwich. were dcstroyed by . The lotal loss is suppcscd to be from firc. 40,000 to 50,000. w hilc the it.surauccdocs not excced XG000. Two hundred and fifty workmcn are throivn out of cmploynient by thc calamity. The French Ministry coramand the confi- dence ofthe Chanibers by a largeinajority. ARRIVAL FROM L1VERPOOL. LA TER FROM 1NDIA. By the arrival thisforcnoon ofthe packct ship "Quceu of the West," Capt. Wood honse, we haveatiextraofWillmerooSmilh's I imcs, contaming a report of what tninspired in Parliament on ihc 5lh in rclatiuu tu the Sugar Duties, but ihcncws was anlicipalcd by the arrival of llie Havre packet yesterday. The Bonibay Ovcrland Mail, via Mar scillcs, re.ichcd London on thc Gth. Thc news received by the presse.nt mail is ol the 18th of Deceinbrr irom Cliina; 23d of January from Calculta andDelhi; 24tli of January from Madras; and 25th from Arga ; and from Bonibay to thc 1st of i ebruary. Thc inteligcnccis more iutcrestiiig ihan it has bcen for some moiilhs back. Thc insurrcction in Kalapore and Sawunt War ree continucs unsuhducd, although 10,000 men are in the field for thepurpose ofsup pressing it. Three liritisli officcrs have in course ofthe monlh, been slain by thc eneaiy. Thc roads are cvery hlock cd up. and rohbery and pluudcr universal In Scindc thc troops continuc liea! thy, and the people quiet Hcr iWajeity's ath Ilighlandcrs, now at llydcrauad, are sufTering as severely as exer from indis- position. Thcy have in the coursc of four j tnontlis lost -lt.y mcn, ; women, anu IJiU children, or 557 iu a!l, hcloiiging to the rcifiment Sir Clnrlrs Napicr has proceedcd into the Bhoogten Mountaitis, wtth a fnrce of ncarly itflilO mcn for .thc purposc ofchas tising the inaraudcrs. who cnntinually in fcst our fronticr during thc hot scascn. Tlic expcdition vrasadangcrousonc. By ihe lateit accounts thcy werc gctting on succcssftilly, the General himsclt having arrived at Deyra Frcsh rcvolutionsoccur ed in the Punjaiih, wherc the Army cotn plclelv controls the Government, puttinir : up and ptiHing dowii Admiuistratioiis nt I their pleasurt. The Brilisli Government ! secms rcsolvcd not to intcrfcrc with tlicir feuds, wiscly dctcrnnninir to devote its at- . " r tcnticn to thc wclfare and prospcrity ofils subjects. Mr- Piii.Ks Accol'.nt Currest. Thc acconnt wilh Tennessec, as r'udcreil, stood in a late letter. in thcbooks ufMr. Polk, sum mcd up as follows: For himsclf and family, fnr 4 ycara, Sl3.,C00 Forolher ofiiccs iu Tcnn., do 110.000 S24a,0C0 Add an itcm which wns furgoltcn at the mouient, appropriation by Congress" to bcspcntal Mcmphis, 200,000 Mr. Fickctt. of Tcun.. now propos cd forCousul nt Havre, in the placn of Mr. Beaslv. for 4 vrars," at 7,000 pcr aiinuiii. " 23.000 Andrew Jackson Smith, of Tcnn., proposcd as Coustil to Havana, for 4 years, at SlO.000, 40,000 Mr. Cargill, of Tcnn., Consul to Fricste. amount not known. Dr.Sparks, ofTcnn., Consul to Na ples, amount uot known. S51 1,000 Onlv a little ovcr half a million for Tenncs- see, to begin with, to say nothing of thcgross vioiation ot the Oonstitunon and thc rcsoiu tious of l.inety-eight, by virtuc ofwhich ihese offices belong to Virginia. Wlicre is Mr. Ritche! Ishcaslecp? The Lio.t's Share of the Soils This used lo fall to the lot'of Virginia, but under the new dynasty, Ttuncssce takes the lead. In addiiion to the Prpsident and Postmaster General, Tennesscc carricsoff theconstilship at Liverpool, ihe rccordership in the General Land Office, a purser's bcrth in theNavy.and the appointmcnt ofcharce to Naples. One would suppose that Mr. Polk might have found a suitablc person for thc consulship at Liverpool in some one of our great sea-ports, and without going so far into the intrrior as Tennessee But perhaps thc cxtcnsivc com mercial intercsts of Tcnnessee were deemcd bclter worth guarding than those ol New York or Massacnsctts. Free Press. Fiue at Williamstown. Two year3 sincc a fire consumed the Jarrrest Collcire I uuilding in Williamstown. Now the Co-1 lege lias met with ant.thcr disastcr in the conflagrationor the fpacions briclc ohser vatory sttached to the Collegc cf thc low er classes, Thc fire originated in the sec ond story. and was no doubt the work of an iaccndiary. The CoIIcgc records nuich ralued for their antiquity, cr.d rauch. Philosopliical apparatns nerc consumed. Tbe aborc is a hoax. Ed. G.l. THE CrALiE5 Wednesday, April 9, 1345. V.B. PALMER, Vev:oud cmouncc to thc businesi men of BOSTON, NEW YORK. and other Cilici, thal I . B. Ptdmcr is our agcnt lo prucurc, u ceics J.ay, and fartcard advertisement fnr the xoni'irEity galaxy. Mr. ralmerYoJfice in tinston. is No. 16 Stati Strecl. in jS'ew York, Ao. 160 Xrwistt St. andin Philadelphia Ao. a'JPine Strert H.DELL. Pwprictor. Middlebury. March 22, 1845. POLK AS HE IS. Therc arc a fcw very jndicioiu and charit- -I ? ItM, ..!. , """" ""u "' 5rac umoraS! " ! for cxprcssing our faithlessues3 in Mr. Polk'S inlcu'ions of admitlistcring thc government irrcspeciive of party, and for the good auJ glory of the nation. ThiV is not so much to be wondered at siuce the public haie bcen so repeatedly entertained with accounls ofhis contemptuaus treatmcnt of otlics-ceek-erp, as if he was too magiianin.oiis to remove for opiuion's sakc Some portioiis of Mr. Polk's Inaugural it is truc, have a show of patriotic purposes iu this respcct.and his high' regard for tbe intcrests ofthe minority. But what Prcsidcnt from Gen. Jackson down tO' JohnTvIer. fexcent Harrison. theonemonth- h'resident) has not made spcxious promiscs ... ... , . , ... , , , , with the lips, which have been broken to ths hearts ot the people. Already Mr. Polk's courf o of policy and practir e has becn such1 as to dcnude him of cven the seinblance of thevirtues which hesouublushinglyassumes, and we fear will deprive him of the appro balion of evcry American hesrt. No rcasonable man can doubt that it was his presence and powcrful ofilfial influenc'u which drove thc rcfractory Loco-Foco Stn nlorsback to thcjr ranks, and forced thoiufj tnous bill of annexation through thnt bodv. What clsc could "reasonably he amicipatcd. siuce he was sclected avowcdly to carry out tbcTcxasscheme, a deed which even Martm Van Burcu slirnnk from perfurming? Hislangtiage in relalion to tbeTariffinujt satisfy all that he is now as heeverlns bccu, opposcd to a tariff for protcction. All wh have obscrved my coursc, says Polk beforo clection, kuow that Iharcal all timss been opposed to thc Proteclicc Poliey. I am oppcs ed to thc Tariff act of 1842 not regarding it to bc a Rctenuc Tariff, but in many ofits pro visions highty prolectivc and opprrssire in it character." Now is thcrc a sy llable in his In augural in which heshows thathe hascbang cd ihese former vicws .' Itecenuc! llcrenue'.! Herenue!!! is his runstant songi The word protection is uot used cxcept ns connecied and incideiitnl to a Rcvcnue, white ho Ttn turcs to indulgc himsclf in the miserable caut ofhis party and prccu aboBt dislributing the burdens ofthe government eqiHly. and tax- ing one kranch of indusiry at the expcnse of anutlicr, in such a mauucrthal bc"'cealthy fcie' shiuld r.ot tppress the toilinp nillions," as if he had just read thc slang whang ofihe Loco press in oppositiou to pro tectiuu, and thc prcsent Whig Tariffoperated in thc maniier he conJcmns. Those who eiitcnaiii tiopes ihat the cxcis ion knife will not be nnrcmittiugly applicd as under prcccding ndminisuations nill be mis laken. Those who have watched Mr. Vs, political life know him tn be cven an ultra, par;izan. Whilc Spcaker of tho Housc, to dcvotcd was heto party. that he ncarly failed" ofa votc oflhanks geuersliy cnnfcrred upon a spcaker cven hy ihe almostunniiimoiis votes ofhis political opponcuts. It 13 true that tha lloidy ircck, to cal.'cd from tbc number who fall shortly after the 4lh ofMarch has passed tvilhout proving oyer saugCiinary. The op cration may not be ns sudden as nsual. But wc scc already that thcgullotiiic hasdropred co: unfrcqnciitly upon thc necks of tbe pro scribcd. No one nccd ilaticr hiuiself that a ihorough sweep will notbcmadein thc course of thcycar. Iiidccd if cvcr so much dispos scii, such is tho procliviiy of polilical morali ty at the prcsent time, that Mr. Polk could hardly prcvcnt the country from cnjoying ths benefiis ofthe Jacksonian policy of expelling from office e-cry man who would not vote with the party. The most stubborn virtua could hardly rcsist the importuuities of the hungry hordc of ofiicc-scckcrs who swara through cvcry avcnue of Ihe Cnpitol, and night and day bcscige the thrcshholiT of tbe Excculive Mansion. An aspirant like Polk who owcs his ascendancy to political parti zans w ho work for pay cannot turn a deaf car to tbnse who have applied thcir shoulders to the whccl. To applicauts for place from his own State it may be sccn that his gener osity has bcen unbounded. It is iudced tha lion's share. Extcnsive changes iu custom house and cxeculive offices have already been made. Thebow stricg is daily increasiug in the thc cclcrity ofils exccutions. And let it co on. But let not thc public be deceif ed. All wc ask is, that Polk should bc seeu intha true Iights and shades ofhis character. GREEDY FOR SPOIL. It is stated thatrs many as scventy mem- bcrsand cx-members of Congress have ap plied for office for thcmselves and fricnds. This is believed to bc the key to the nnlook- ed for Texas majority. As soon as Polk ar rirp.l atWashinston he made it clearly un- derstood that it was no Texas and no office. These men many of whom had before scout rd annexation saw no vcry grent hsrm i