Newspaper Page Text
We haio cvcr opposcJ the cncro.ichmcnts of .h ultra slaverv iuuuences of ibe South.- Aml so has the whole Wh.S lrtj for tcn ycars pa. iney navc a.wajs , . i j i anu susiaiueu cuuuiuaica nuu uwou totheextensionoftheslave tcrritory of the Union. Indeed there isnosub,taulialdifrcr- encc bcluecn the Whig party and a sound , and reasniiable Aboliliouist. And therefore j so far froni deuouncing the houcst portion of the Liberty party, we xvholly disapprove of tbe courso of some of our brethren in hunt ius ihcm out of thcir ranks. On the coutra- ry xvc iuvite them n Iio xvere originally Whigs ! to return to the Whig fo!d. The Wliig par- j ... i. j...:.. .i. i,.., r-.,...., i. , ; , , ., , . i,: ' .lin.t-n .l.r.,,.crlvpe tne m!v trnr? nml nracll- J ' cal opponents ofSlavery, not mdccd rcady lo overstep the constitutional rightsof ihcslave- ' overstep holders, to gct a bloxv atslavery, but oppoa cd to annexation, opposcd to the cxtcnsion aud pcrpstuatiou uf slavery, and determined to oppose them now and forever; and if slave holdersand their uorthern allies xvill pcrsistto trample upoti the Coustilutioti, or will main tiin the Uuiou only as auxiUiarv to human bondaxe lltcti opposed to the Union itsclf. But in closiu" ive cannot heln saiti" that we cn niake suitnble allounnccs for slavc holders nlio act from the prcisure of hat tbey couccive to bs thcir jiecuciary in terests. UutNorlherndouxhfarcd Loco-Fo- cos who crfii sufler tlicmselvcs to be bribcd by party appliauces into theabominable sc!icinc3 of the slaveocracy wc look upon with uumit iated abhorreuc:. HHAD THE ADVET1SEMENTS. Ve koiiIJ cjII the attentiou of the Mer cliants iu tlii? regiuu to the New York and Bostim A 'vetiscrncnts in this ivcek's paper. You find a list of 20 or 40 dcalers iu thesc c:ties nho have made l.nown their firnis and location?, and iuvite your cuslom. You cau th:u liave au cpportunity for a widcr range foryour purchases, especially for cash, and lyl.noniag nhero to go, you may enjoy cmaper priccs. Itisnot at a!l jmprobable that uii'.ch is Iostto couutry msrchants by not bcing able lo deviate from the old track for wsnt uf knowiedgo where to go for more fa Torable iiii'estmcuts. Every man n ho nould b: cll infurmcd of uhat is goiug on around b;ai,cr has occabiontu 8cIIorpurchase,&hould rtad the advertiscments. Cveu the medical adferlisenieuts :nay iumauy casc$ with prop ercaaiioa be of much advantagc to thesick. GOV. JENISOX-S ADDRESS. Thojiddress of this gcntlcman bcfore the Adduoa County Socicty has jjt becu issurd from the press. It is an onjinal ar.d highly useful prcductiou. It sta'.istics iu relation to Addison Couuty are well tvorthy the alteutiou of cvery Agricul luisi'nt iu it. The most valuablc of tbese we s'j3ll takc occasicu soou to lay bcfore the r.ji!srs of ths Ga'.axy. Ocr. PAn:r. Oursubsciibers nill cbserve tliat the papcr on hich we have printcd for tno tnontbs past haa been of a vcry frecklcd aad KurUy complexiou. We shall not uiuler laLc to assijn the rcasou. But we dcsign to p!-re our type upon as good paper as is used by an pub'icatian in the State as soou as n e caa funash ourself with the right article. 5p- Ve Ieara that Prof. Adams, the Slate Ueulugist, has appointcd, with the ap rroba;ion of his Excellcncy the Govcruor, Kcr. Zadoc Thonipson of Builiugton, Prof. E.S.Cairof Castleton, Kev. S. R. Hall of C'uftsbary, and Dr. S. P. Lathrop or Mid-cl.-burv, as assistauts iu tbe Geological Sur tv of the State. D3" Xeighbor Marston of tbe Patriot, for isa.ons best knonn to himsclf, has long ciioen to c oBsider our paper the ccho of ccr tai i politiciaas ia this rcgiou. But wo wish once for all to assure that geut'euiati that wc ire uader ihe iulluence of no oflicial mag Ltes, usdividuals or cliqaea. The very ic ene iisuspcctcd by tho6e who are evideutly ia .be tuind'scye of Jlr. Marston. We aie u.ucr no kind of obligation to any politician tr t!i-ue of politicians. Wc luve no patron ssefiom any ofthsiu and neilbcr expect or s'rsire any ofSre at their liands. Whatevcr i'.flaencc our paper possesses is derivcd from c;r advocacy of souud political priuciples .vuhout the lcast reference to cxcept so fjr as they are nccessanly couuectcu wi'.ucar- i n,n. ,i,-. f ,-ii,rIU- 3.1.1 linnrsilv forthe ' beaclit of the couutry. Cau Mr. Marston comprehend the possible ideaofanindepcnd eat cewspaper. We placehim uponhishou or, aud ask him if hc cau say truly as liiitch of his Patriot as we have of thc Galaxy 1 If ourinsinuatiouisunjustit is uottnoreso than tbat which hc has indulged towards us. CONNECTICUT VICTORY. The triumph is completc.throughout every branch ofthe State Govcrnment and mcin bcrs of Congrcss. The Whig mnjority in the State is largcr than for Mr. Clay. Baldwin's gaiu in one ycar is 12107. Thirdpartyisui in this State appcars to bein a dnindling con ihtiou. Albany Election The Nativcs in Albany have managcd to dcfcat the Whig caudidate forMayor. James Iv. Paige Loco has been elected by a ssnall majority. The Common Council is still Whig. Large Firc in Troy.k firebrokeout hetwecn 10 and 1 1 o'clock Iast in the city ofTroy, which threatened atone time to Drnve eitremelv disastcrous, and which V wasnotarresleduntil it had dcstroycd ccn siderahlc propcrty The fire ongtnatcd in alargc store on Riverstrcet which, witlt the adjoining store, and two dwelling hou;cs, were consumed by the flames. Tlie stores belonged to Mi. Gale, and were occupied by Webb and "Averell. The dwellings were occupied by a Mr. Ilutbell and .Mr. Plcrr.b Tbe wind b!ew l' a gale during tlie uhole riiglit, and it was ' uwniMi aimcuiiT uin tne sprcau .,r .t. n r.. -b K " lvhat po,;on ofU corcrcd by- illsur. mjpg ' GEOLOGICAI, SURVEY. n conimUriollet by ,,,, Excc, jancjr tiIe (jovcrnor ,0 make a Geological Survcy of Vermont, I vcnturcto ask the co- opcration of my fcllow citi.ens in a mcasnio so mtimately conueclcd ixith theirprosperity. lu each towu gcutlcmcn cau, with little cf- prore valuablc to thcir towus aud to the public lon, coiiiuiuiiicate iniormation, xxlncli mav gene raiiy. Iu !l Fow weeks I intend to comnience the "eI" lal,or, as will also my asMsianis, aud ue - .i - ( nope in tne course ol ttie sunmier to pas ovr mos, 0r l!le Sale- mas a ellera re coutioissancc of the rock formaiiuus.prepara- . tory to a morc miniite etamitution-m ihe fol- luwing ycars. Any gcutleman xvlio willlcave m chargc of the Post-.Mastcr of their toun specimcns aud dcscriptions of stich ubjccts as lliey may dccm iutcicstiug or valuablc. u ttli dircctions foi linding thcir localilics, and alo anscrs to the followiuj innuirics, adJrcssed ovcr tlirii uaiiics to thcsubscribcr, uill crm fer n creat favor. Wi'.lisnch gratuitous as sitancc wcshnll be able to judgeof the im portar.'cc ofan cxainiuatiou of the urc, inarblc. iniueral. clav, or mail. Ict uo one lulcr, lioevcr. if we caunot find timc thcfirst vcar tn visit the Iocalitics poiutcd uut, that they mll not oc exainincu siibbcqucutly. J o Jirect attcii'.ion to the inost lmportant pomtM. ne :u!d tlie IoHihmii- qucstiuns. 1. Do you kuoiv of any kind of ore ioyour town .' 2. Any rcd or yellow oehrc t 3. Any ledges or bcds of Hmcstone or tnar ble? -1. Soapstone cr serpcntine ? 5. Any rocks good for building stones, nillstnues, irhctstoncs, or fircstuucs 1 0. Any good roofitig slalcj 7- Any matcrials forglass. for Cne porce Iaiu, orfor cutnmou jiottery? 8. Any matcrials iiscful for fluxes? i). Any mouldiug nand l 10. Soils retuarkable for fcrtility, barren ncss, or for bcaring unly ccrtain crops? 11. Aru thcre any dcposiis of pcat, marl. swnmp mud -'cc. 12. liave any inarls, peat, swampniuJ &c, bren used on the laud .' 13. Ilaveauysncii fiubstances bencfitled or iujurcd thcsuils ? 14. Has any pcat been used fur furl ? 15. Are thcrcaTine white substnucc bcnealh the peat or mud J 1C. Is there any clay in ihe clay ? 17. Arjlhcreauy remarkablclcdgesofrocki, orcavcrnsl IS. Arc thcrc any large loose Llocks of stono ; 19. Arethcrc any othcrraluablc orcurious mincrals : 20. Are thcre (in the wcsterntontis) anvcu- rious petrifactions in tlie rorks? ppecimcns ol iuy ot tliese sulistances will be very acccptable, and sitice it riray be ex- pectrd that cts of spccimctis ill befurnish- -d li t.cvcnil litciary insiittitions airl to the iiiclicsl collepcs in tlie iMate, as wc.II as tn the State itsclf, sevcral of nsortarc desircil. l'erhaps ajso tbe Ijcsislaturc may dccm it exncdicnt to make iirovisicn for furnishiug each County uith spec:mcns illustratiug it.s oun Geology. I would rspcci.illy fcquestof tlie propnetots ot lieds anrt vcius nt oies, anu ol maihlc, soapstone, nr serpentmc qu irncs. fair epecinicns or tliese iul'Stanccs.jMiicotliey v.ill come undertho obscrvatiun of thc pnb lic "encrallv,) or at lcast or.c good spcci- men for the State collcctiou. I aUoreriuest gcutlemen to fum:h inc, in wriiing, "ith fiich stalislics, as they may be twlling to make pnblic. ol thu amuunt of iron, mauganesc.copperas. liiiie. ntai'ilc.sonpsUiiiCi fccrpcutine vVc, ohi.uicd duriug tbe las! and prciious ycr.r.-.. of thn expcnsc profits. imprnvcd morics of qmrrystig.or other valua blc modes of inforiiutiuii. E'di are respertfully rcqucsled to givcthis a'Jdrcss an insrrtinn. C. B. ADAMS, State Geologist. Specimcns of cwtAei mitiemls. rncks. marblcs &c, ma b fonr inc-Iics long, thrce iiichcs idc, audoiie or two tlnck. unlcss n larjcr size may be neccs-.ary for a fair exhi bitioti. The s'ue aud form of zitluallc speci mcns must depcud cn tbc cbaractcr of thc mincnil. Inallcascs tlicy shou'd be Ucpt frce from bruises and scratchcs, and cnrefully wrapped i:i papers with labcls im.icaiiag thcir locality aud the name of the dunor. THE IIEROIXE OF AXDES. Anti-rcn'.ism, whichfiguressoditgracefully unUer thc very uose of cxacutive poivcr upon the populuus p.Iaias of letuael.icr, asMimcs a more intcrcstiiig ch.racter amon; ths ild hiils of Detaware. The lait ue ws from this quartcr will be fouad iu p.miilier rolnmn. for thcsiibject ofthis par.igr.iph nobly deservcs an cxrlusive notirc. 0ta Steclc aud Charles Parker, two young men who are .Sherifl''s O.Ticcis, wcrc suddculy sct upon by "the Indhns," ncar thc Kish Lalic, (areuiar kable shcet of watcr, by the way, ticarly on the snmmitoroue ofthe Katybrg mouutaiiis.) Tlie road crossinc tlie otitlct of thc lake. I o,.o nt nni-f. nfier nassiiiz ihc cleannn. jUIO ,j1B a cc Uoded def.le, tiis vcry otnimil whrrerf&I Iiidtans xvould havelutkcd, "tound whererf&t Iiidtans xvould havelu aud which was lcltuiiguardeil by iIicTcw mcc hsrocs ofthe bUnkct. Steele nnd Parker, it sceins, actunlly succecded in kccpiug iheir rss.iilants at bay, w i:h a couple or Coh's pis tols. uutil they had gaincd this forcst coic.-t, whcn, putling spuis to their horses.thcy were soon out ofthe reach of riflcs, and pained thc lnnin the little vill.igcor Andes. Thecoun try around swarmcil with anti-rcnters, and they darcd uotadvaticcfunbcrton-ardsDclhi, still fifteeu miles ofi. Scarccly had a mcs scngcr been dcspatched tliithcr for r.-ircor. whcn thc housc was surroumled with thc iu furiatcd "Iuilians." Thesc Iast, honcvcr, pa'iisipg bororethcy made their atlack.organ izcd themselves in'a public inceting. and pas scd n formal rcsolutiou to seize tbe two be Icagucred men and exccule then on Ihe syot. Thcv procccded to rufdYce thcir dctermiu atioa, iiud there xas n- man to interferc. In this cxigcncy.Mrs. Hostig, thc spiri ted and haudsonie wife of the Iun-kceper. seized a largc carviug knife from the l.itlcr, rushed np to thc attic, whither thc intended nlanted henclf on thc narrow stairway, and awore that no 'ludian" sboulJ pnss up, cxccpt over her cnrpsc; and then, as we nrcinformcd by advices dircct from this scenc, there, tluis armcd. aud thusdetct mincd, stood this heroic woinan for sirhourf, hravingihe whole force of Indian miscreants. The aiiti-rentrs retired, ond Mrs. liuntins was relieved from thc pcsl shc hadsa nobly maintaincd. God scnd the State of New York . more i such womcn, for we nccd them sadly tn sup . ! nnrt l:m- nn.1 nilt dnWll llli.iCTCaRCV. IftllC ... . r,h c.3,c;s t naven cxv i,Cad, wc cive onrvoto lorthe hcroincof Ande. Aeip Yorl: Gaz, etle. ReligiGus Notice, Rev. Mr. Daly will cclebrate Massiu Mid dlebury, on Sun'day the 20lh iust. Catholics arerespcctfully invitcd to attend. Middlebury, lJ.lh of April, 1845. BUSINESS OF ADDISON COUNTY. While the busiuess mcu ofNew York and I Boston are solicitiug cUStomers b, sendin "'cirauvcrtiscmentsiuto various sections of tbe couutry, Addison Comity ecems to be comparatively ovcrlooked. It is not our purpose to lavish uumerited praise upon the busincss aud rcsourccs of our county, bnt to placc hcr Upoa that just and clevatcd position to which she is ciitttlcd among the rival sec tions of the country. It will not be qucstioned iu Vermont that thcrc is uo county in the State which in pro portion to itstcrritory cxcccds Addison Coun ty iu Agriculturalwcallh. It occtipies by far the grcatcst and riclitst portion of thccxten sive lalley of Lake Champlain, which cxccpt on a'luvial bottoms posscsses thc most fcrtils soil in New Eugland. As a graziug district our County caunot bc surpasscd, while onr arable lauds enjoy an equal superioiity in the abundanceuf thcir productious. Her yield of Bccf, Pork, Ilutter, Chcese aud thc vari ous gniiii is nowhcre cqualled in New Eng latul. But Wool is hcrtrowning staplc. Ad dison Couuty sustains ucarly two huiidrcd thousnd thcep, bciug mme to thc acrc-than any district in tlie Uuited Stalgs. This arti cle isof thc most valuablc Lind and under the preseut tarilTalTords a nublc inconie to our shephcrd farmers. Middlebury thc capiiol, is among the lar gcst towns iu Veruiout, and iu point of popu lation and bti'iuess is tecnnd ouly to Burling ton and Montpelier. In manufacturingpriv- ileges jliuillcbury cxcells citner ol tliose pla- 'just rccciveu aud riirsnlc by ces: Ottcr Creek is among the larg-st 1 . 7,. BECKWITI1 & CO. strcams in Vermont. At the villagc it pouts j April 14th, 1345. . over a natural f.ill of20 Tcct, &ud withiu half' -rr ri ,'"ri OT'rsc' milc again pours ovcra dam of easy main tainance. Both ofllicsc falls have cxccllcnt r ... r ... . i 1.1, llJll.Ct .411.1 iiitlUIIC3, Ul.u ..UlllUllJLU mauca walcr poncr nlmost cqual to l.oivcll Vnrds aud Garileus. itsclf. This watcr powcr is now improved to "True rehtiemotit has its origin from ihe a considcrable exteut, havinsr on it 2 Orist- ' ctil'ivati.m of Flowcrn. Every pcrsoti ,,. -,, ",, n n-.i havinga corrcct opmion ofnatural beauty MiIIs, 3 Saw-Mtlls, an Oil M.ll, Papcr Mill ,.allu7 )llt ri.:.ri ',ic cultivation of Fbw and Factory cmploy- ers ns liighly tcniling to corrcct the tastc iu" 125 liands. two Woolcn Factories ofcon- 13, two x oolcn i-actoncs otcon- tent, all it is bclievcd in profitable . . Hcrs is hkcwise Middlebury sidcrable cxtcnt, operation College hithcrto among thc most distiuguish cd iustiluiions in New Engl.ind. There are at least 20 mcrchaiits of. all dcscriptions iu ' tbc village besides oihcr vcndcrs, and a suiia- i ble proporliou of mccbanics. In thc County of Addison too is thc city of , Vergennes which also cujoys a tapital watcr powcr, h.n scvcral inaniifjcturing cstablis iiicnts'manyincrcautilelioiises ofgoodstaud iug.aud is advaiiciugin wcaltliandpopulatioii, and bcing at llie hf-ad of navigation on Ottcr Crcck, aad acccssible lo Canal r.nd Stcam boals, it foiitfntniles alarsc aniount of Lusi- llCSS. In all ihe towus iu Addison Couuty thcrc arcbetivccn 70 aml 80 ini-rchants who i . ? . purclicse goods at New X ork and I,oston. Will thc New York and JJoton busincss mcn exnmiueandseeif thesc thius ars vcri- Iy as wc have staicd them, and if true, why thouM (hcv not politely solicit our mcrchaiits 1 . . as customers as cxtcusively as iu other couu ties, by auvcrtibing iu our papers .' BRIGHTONMARKET. -Mosdat, April 7 13io. Jkported far the iV. E. Farmtr. At niarket 510 Brrf Cattlc, 25 pairs Working Oxcn, 7G0 Sheep and !50j Stvinc. j Pr.icns. licrf Cattlc. Sales quick at , an advancc, Extra 0.00 a 0,25. First oualitv 85.500 a 5.75. Second nnalitv. .5 "5 3,50. Pliird quahty, !?4,o0 a4,- 75, I tO i,00. A few Cossett Wcathcrs 60,25 Swine. Lots to pcddle -1 anu u 1-2 or barro ror.-s 5 1-4. Oliio Ho"s 4 Aa retail, 5 1-2 nnd 0 1-2. WOOL The tnarket remains wilhout , o i j . chatige. Sales tnoceratc. ', iUari'icd, Iu Ncw-IIax'cii, on ihc th inst. By thc ! Rcx-. James Meacham.Mr. Josiah Cowlcs to ' Miis Bctscy Clumplain, all of that place.- . D i c Jn tius toxvn. ou tlicUih mst. orconsump- tiun, Oharlcs V. IoTs.Iey, a;cd 24j'cars. In Bristol, April 0th. Mrs. Marictt A. wifc of Gco. W. Parmclcc. aud daugther oflhe laic ur. iNccuiiam, iu consumpiiun, aucran illnessof cf two years. agcd 23 Thcsp bolh, having boruc thcir protrneted surferiiis xxith llie utinnst Jc Chris lian resiguatioti, dieil in the firm and pcace ful hopc of a joyful rcsurrcctioii in Chnst. InSt. Albans, Miss Mary Rathburn Ferris agcd 29 ycars. In Sexron'fc Rivcr Villagc. on tho 27ih ult. Morab M. Kcllogg, xvife ofthe Hon. Danicl Kcllogg. In Middlebury, on thc 10:h inst. Mrs. Laura xvifc ofMr. Warren Moorc, agcd 44 ycars. (U"SASD's SAnSAPABILLA. Copy of a Ictter from Norwich. Mcssrs. A. B. Sands iyCo. Gcnt. Ixvas, in Jhc inonth of April, aftcr aturn ofLung Fevcr, attackcd with a swclling of my limbs, w hich ivonld cularge (rnm two to three inrhes in circumfjerencc duriug thc day, and subsidc in tha uight. This wasattcndcd with tbc mostviolcnt pain so as to rcnder mc ur.alde lo staud or xx alk at timcs; accompatiied xvilb a xvant of rcslless iicss. appetitc, inabilily to sleep, and much constitiitiotial distrcss. In this coudition I commenccd takiug Sand's Sajsapnrilla, and aftcr two days, the pain and rcstlessiiess be gan to subsidc, theswelliug ofiny limbs to that I consider tnv cnrc to hax-e beenefieclcd by tlieSarsaparilla. I am now able to labor xviihout anv pariicular f.iiiguc. Norw ich." May 25th, 1343. A. S. Pabmsii. F or furtlrcr particulars and conclusive ex-i-dencc of its superior value and cfiicacy.fe pampblcts, which leay bc obtaincd ofagcnts gratis. W. P. RUSSEL, A$ent Middleburx Vt. ,i sm xrillbc teccivclia Troyup w il'" 'lCjrt.r Mart- Amts supphcdal d i r -dn a in5- Ficishftol.ct.!iiP!dfrotaVer?cnDcmi3UVi!lia"H. Grah.nm, Also, on tbc samc day. Mrs. Rnth, wifr of W3WM Hcnry Vradcnbiirg, nfconsumplion, aficrau fvSiw-Jt2. ES-'S'??! of scvcnd monihs. agcd 49 ycars. I S'ijiSy.'i aliatc, nntl alter tlirco noiiiesi miu tne swei- ; tn taaKe mcir rasrn;cn comi.irtaoic and.iu;acu linhas disappeared, and the other symp- ! in cxcry re.'pect. Tbrre will be n& delcmion aftcr lomsarc cntirelv removcd. Icau safcly say '"S "rn: ;'V''H"" !aL JUST PUBIiSIED, Atthe officc ofthe Gal.txy, Rev. S. W. Macill's Addrcss on Tcmperancc. MILLINERY. MISS POND tVouId Inform the LaJicsof Mii!dlbury, and vldnltr. itm fche tiiii ciuitinnn tir buint.s9t tiieirfd iianj, iirst aitentioa of Country .Merchants to aa c-xamioa-d.K.r nonh oi tSDngnsailwul mcKluj-Iiou.e, vUim ihe l!on 0f ihsir seral aKsorlments. noW rcceir.ac1.,TO..i.,ni j Th;y lril5. ,hat lh,;r prictt, aail terms wi prore MILLINERY GOODo. they are determined to mect the . . , . ,. ... '. . ... reasonable cxrectations of rurchasers, cnd ilh tusj-jtmiiriwtinliiieeouih,wlitaibe a view to comiaumcate direclly wilh you, hare JT5V5P;i;'5? T,nei-nTITW3 i embrsced the facilitics ofthe Jewspsper Pressof ... ftVAA;kXUiJlr!Ji.s3 ' your district, to ucheiaan inviuUon to you tu Willc!l!ul!ivlli'l!.lTrilMI(lloriaillIllC, colln, MtaMishmiTlH i:.,i;i..Mini,.(!i,nranitintirb manncr, hsv- c-ttat ourrespeettre esULiisBtnents. Sbt? n.l,ci llie contli.utl imtoDare uf iitr Uiti:iU. uir ii rrcnpi mr rMinvin; uciDiw KTfl, ana nilirr sialus Jli-l.l-:Lurj, AprU 13, lt-13. SPREt(t GOODS. C. BirgG & Soilj arc now getting iu a fru.sli supply of Stanlt and Fancv D'iY GOODS, cnj-r for cash, Miildlehury, Aprif, 15, 1315. LIBERATION. Thcsubscribcr hercby notifics the public that hc has ;ireu his son Amos Mcllurd his timc and that hc uill not consider hituself bound to pay any debts of his contractiug af tcr this datc. F.PHRAIM McIIURD. Leicester.-April 12th 1843. GAIIDSN SEED3. From thc Shakcr's and Rislcvs' Gardcns ! EVnm Hti'fli-i' fZfir.lati frndil1' l.rlortl'll. iiiiu r.m.ui imii :i!l thu new nml most p!'.-n, Flnwcrs I'.ir urii:ttiicntiii!f ;, . r.i nnd rcline thc .cnlmiciit : it is acoa iinu reiiue inc .ciuiinciii ; iuiu u is sbjj s,0"rcu "'""'''.''V j.v't that has tbc Mire pviilcnceol tlii! liobloiiualit'csol carc, a)rCclion an.l industrv.'' For salc hV April 11, '45. Z. BECKWIT11 &CO. CLOTH "WAREHOUSE F. S. WINSTONrS CO. 133, Pearl Slrctt, Nac Yorl: ' AUE now rccciving ot thcir on Importation cn Uoiami-ion, and by purchase at Anc'.ioa, l ana ottierwi'.e. a tull !sortmcnt of Woolen Goods, coniprising Aincrican, Knirlislt, Ficncb, Bclgian, and Germau Cloths and Cassiiceres, both plaiu and fjucy. Also, a larc varicty ol 3-1 Twecds rni Sjticcis, Vcstings and Psnlaloon Stii.T.. ' Der.itin? all our limeand attcntion exclu- iti V.i.i!pn nii:..i rhirh ivn ohtlin frfim ihsaL-oi-c sourccs, wc believe wc cxhiMt the lar- get and ttt cxienMvcassoitmcnttolefouad ; ia the city or Countiy. j fIj. yfc invi,e at;cntion of closc ar.d ex- tcnsive biiyers toour siock, ple.lgin? oursclvcs that thosc wi.o have been in Ihe habit of buyin? thcir Cloths at auction, aithc cxpense ot much tiine and tronUc, (ohen gcttin? qinndtics nnd ' H"l'tics they do not xvant) oltain them of U's, .-taveiyiiialladvaucefjom cost, for Casb, or oa a lrjrt cicdit for ppproved ualcs. Ixcw lork-, April -d, lslj. 50;5w 18 Vergennes and Troy rl M. D. I i .LL, & CO THIS Line of boats will bein lirbt ratc rcn.-ir , at ineorcniiigoi iayig3iion, ant will commcncc thcorcniiiKof Ixavisation. and will commcncc ' ia v" nne cvery Tllcsaav and Sjtiuday running toandfrom Trov and Vergennes. Lcax-- l raominss at oc mcn a. m. ar.u iroycvcrv xcii - 1.- nn Inirl h.a nrpi'!'in. P,unnm.M 1 which GooJs arc shiprcd by this linc will iasnrc them aiullsliarepf public paironsge. . Packagcs sbould be markcd 'careof M. D. jjan Tiuv.' . ll! CTAPMAN, Aspiit. Vergennes, Vt. :50;6m M. D. HALI.. Agrtit, j 255, River St. 3.1 door up btnirs.Tro'y N.Y. VERGENiSTn;S &. lUFFALO( Si5M IS. I I TIIE Boats ol thisline have been fitlcdun in thc mostconvcaient manccrfor Passcngets, and tTill rua. (Sundays cxcepicd) l eiwccn Vergennes and Buf - f . 1 i ,. t 1 1 . 1 1 I lUlo.duringlhcnavigaMcscason of 1815, as fol io-.vs PACKET GARLAND, Capt. A. P. Hobart. Lcavcs Vergennes and JJuffalo, April May Juiic July Augtist Scpt. Oct. May 3 20 17 15 2G 23 21' May June Jnly Sept. Oct. Nor. 31 23 2G C 4 3 PACKET J. SHERMAN, Capt. F. BL Shaw, Lcavcs Vergennes nnd Bujjalo. May G May 17 June 3 June 14 July 1 July 12 July 29 Auc 9 Sept. 9 Sept 20 Oct. 7 Oct. 18 Ths Proprictors of these Boats have Fparrd no ex pente in fituing ihera up, aud thc TraTrllin Public mayreftt afruret ttuit tliev will be roanail lir arare r..... ... : . i ... . .. ri. .... t 1U......1 inKm .rcn, cu lum.u.r, pfrtcJ uhli Ihe convcniciirt-, unil wliich xxiUbeeiien on iku Boats. Thofe choosing to boanl thensiclxe!- can have cvery fjciliiy fordoing so. For fcrther panicuLiH enauira ofthe Cipuin ou boardorto JOY & WEBSTER SR.?, BinTalo. WM. ST1MPSON, S R. CHAPMAN. Azent, Verccunes. VcTgennes, March 35. 1645. 49;6mo i ' . i ........ . . . jelir.-,'bciuhwill fiad thisachcap and conx-cnicnt TVr.,fi.r.i..rr.r rxC t!in Pololirnf prl ALSO, l I-2forsotvs f!1!!;. as wcll as cxrcdmous, sr.d no pains wi 1 STfl(r'fJr'S'pS wtl .o 10IS OI iiar- '',.,,.,-,..,. , i rl ,no u ,l,.,, Ki Cnl.l nt rn- si.. 1,,1,. , rnn.;nt 1-1 anu o 1-4. bclicve tbat the pnimDir.cis and uisnatch xvilb Mnmifnciiirer's nriccs hx' nll tho Ilard- takinir out ihc liead sx'.cal lio TO GOUWTaT MERCHANTS. Wholesale EoiisssNew York- BcingproviJedwiihfull Stocks ot Goods in our lespeciivedepaitnieaL-.lhenndeisigcel Afcr chants, .Maoufacturcfs, ani Whale-ale Dcalers ofthe City ol New York, repecully iavite the Staple and Fancy Silk Gowls. Alfrcd Edwards &. Co., 12 Pearl st. rt...u. i....r r. r t. i l n GeorKeH. William?, lateof Williams, Itmkin & Pcaciman, 21 Exchanse Pkce, opposite the ExchaaKC, 3 doors from Vra. St. Wm. W. Pinnco t Co., 30 Csiar st., corner William. Silfcs, P.ibboas, Jlillenery Goods, Freach Flowers, &c. Sfaplc and Fancy Dr I Angell .5- Co., 17 William St., "Tlrv rjnoli! between Cx- cl.Vln5c r lnccn,Jl "raver st. . t . (j j . jtiuurC .y tp,,. ican si., i iloors nlmvp Maidcn Lanc. . Hallocl:, Mount JMUngs, 173 Tearl it. I iloor cbovc Piue st. ' Altcattr-, Gould Co., Wall st., bctwecn tMissau iniil ijroauHay O. T. iy J.Uticklt, 274 Pearl st., iloors oiiovc r iiitnn. liosucicK.iericooa, a0 uiucriy si..ociwceu Nassau aud Broadwnr. Importcrs and Dcalers in Staple Dry Gocds. Merril Ely l Co., 50 and 52 William st. be tween Wall & Piue. Print "Warchousc Dcalers in Prints only. MoTTtll tf Co., 1C9 P.iarl, corner of Piue. Iinjiorters aml Dualers in Cloths, Casiimrrcs, Vcsiings, Summcr Goods, Tailor's Trimmings, iyr. WHton G. IIunl'S Co., 82 William st. cor ner Maidi'ii I.anii. llUDiu j 3 3 ujjn-iivi u.- J. IV. V 'J'. Eroicn, G7 William sx. corner of Ccdar. Importors and Jobbcrs ofSuspen - UCrS, VjIOVCS, ravatS,i3Cans, Hasxtry, ffc, Manvfaclurcrs Stocks, Lmcns, Utl i John M. Datis A- Jones, 103 Jnliu jMantifacturcr and Dralcr in ! Slorfcs, Scarff, Crcvats, I.incns, Glorcs, . &u.'jiinilrrs, Uilnl Ailtcs, iyc. C. B. IJaUh, 17 Williiim st. Iinitorter and fllanufactiircr of, c Trimminps, t rtnfre, Uimps, Cordtcr.d Jaisrls, Utndwgs. s.cfhyr U'orsltus, yc. . D. A. Booth, 100 William st. Extcnsivo Mannfactnrcr and 'Importer of Saddlery, llamcss and Cwich IlarJtcarc. W.J. Buck C9Pe;.rl s.t., 4 iloors tbov Maidcu Laue. Manufactnrers of CutNails, Jaudons &. Mason, 243 Pearl t4. Itnportors of Watclics, Jcwclry j Ball, Tnmpkius & Black, ( atu Marquand St Co.) 131 Broadxvay. Rni.L-c 'xiul Slitinnnrv liOOhS .IIKI OiatlOnarV. ' Hnntingtoii & Savage, 210 IV-ar)., be- I tuecn Maidvn Lane nml Burhn hlip. Samiicl S. &. William Wood, 2GI Pcnrlst. i Iiii!G ii I'uracss, Publisl crs ol'siiiiith'.s Se- ricsofSchool Books, C2 Joi:n st., near William. liOOkS, Ponodicalg nnd CilCap j 1 1,1 iintjf)!'1; Publishcr's prices. IGONusi'au st. Trib-, ' lllii. llllil.lill'r. wareaml Fancj Goods linporter. r.. 5 ! Oip aniiiactnrcrs' hupply btorc. Chnr'cs Srhcnck, 132 Wnterst. Supplics for Cottou, Wool iitul .ilk .Maiiufiiclur- I crs.andtlielatetkimUof.VarliiiMiry. ' ltnporters, Dcalers and Alanulac - lurers of D'le-Stvjjs, Dye- Wooils. Acids, tfc. William P.irtridgo Si Son. 27 ClifTst b. Ciayto" & Sons, 81 Juhust. lanufacttirrr and Dcaler in Tilorocco Lcnther. ' r-hnrlnc W Tmiipr. .Tl I'Vrn st n!n i)ca'i(.r PU'C( Wool. I lroMfnff nrnrc nT ITnrlrrccol i ...IUH.1..V.... ' Morccco and Importen nfFrench CalfStins, ISlac!: cnd Uoloretl Moroco j.mmgs, ua- loonS, o2l X il3i.s. yaicm jcuuicr, ccc. ilcige, Brolhcrs, 102 Gold st., corner of , Fraukfort. j GrOCCrS & Commission Mer- I ciiants t . i t .oi tr,'. .i.' J.SiA. I.OWC j, 121 Front st., 3 doors ; OtS'jfc Co., 73 tWrt. corner of Old Slip. j , r, i . . ItlClrs improVCd OaiainailCCr SoTtS. Irrt.vnn'fd Ury. A. S. Marvin, 133 1-2 Watcr st., Agcnt for the Muuufjcturcr. Imnortpr of Toys, Fn"lisli, Frcneh and Gcrman. Fancy good,, Dcaler in Fire Cruchers. and MamOcctnrer of Fire Work, for vMic and pricate exhibiions. J. W. Holbcrtou. 75 Maideii Lane. 3Iannfacturers, Publishers j and Imnarlirs of Musie and Musiccl Ins'rumtr.ts. Frith. Hall & Pond, 23? Broadxvay, solc acent.-i for Cliickeimg's i"iauo rorlc. .Manufacturer and Imporler of jllusical Instruments. Edxvard Banck. 53 Gold st., (nficr, lst of May, 61 FuHon, corner of Gold.) Window Shade Depot. Bartol Si De Mauny, Manufacturers, 7 Spruce st., 4 iloors lieloxv Nassau. Ncxv York, March 15, 1315. 40;Cw TllIILKllON AMES wonlJ rcpectfully inforro X ihe inluhiunls of Wirni.r.CBl ana Ticinuj, that be la K n op-neil a hop in ihf villaget llie n..tth end oflhe Bmr.cK,over Mw-dy I)ru;'ore, v.htre be will lre..ny io xvaiti on nki lusior., ddijcace aud punctualily in hi fcu.inesj to merit a 1 harcor their patronage. i N. B. Cutiing done at sbort notxeuid warrant- 'cd to Ct.if wellroade. " Middlebury, J.8U..1?4S. Sfltf and au wno nai ...... . . - WHO WANTS A MlLl.ER? Tlie subscriberis now wishing to obtain cm ploymcntasa Millcr. Hcfccls himsclf follycom pelcnt to sivs cnlirc satisfaciion as a skilltul and faithful Millcr to any mill owcers who wish for his services. Eaquirurs can bs made at thc Officc uf the Gahxy or ofthe subscrtbsrwLonow is in Jlr. Wood's Jfill io tiis illsf e. EN03NEGUS. MiJdlebury, Jlarch 31st, 1S15. 48: 3vv. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN tbe Post-OCice, at Middlebury. 't. March31 1845. Arnold William Ames Deana Adms Thirsa Branch James Bolton Sylvanus I!Uhy C'barles Bull.ird A. II. Bahlnin Jnnalhan Jonea Stcphen ICccp Philo Laugley Jobn O. Lawrence Asa Lakcmati D. II. Morris Alrs William Noyts Josepli W. No'nnander 31tchael Carpenter N. Esq. Nah Ashcl sman atcplicn ll.walmaii Aira l Cook amoel Jr. Pinucy Almou . : Church Mrs Eliza Perkins Silas i Crawford Mrs A. S. Packard Dr. David ! Cumming-. Artelicia Ripley Mrs Pliiliua Canav.m Thoinas Rogers Charles Dean C. S. Rcelby Owen Rccgan Beruard 2 Smcad John ' l)evrnnT XI r Hnllv ' Donlnv Mnrv nonahl McMiS. M.Sarason Mary M.- i' cot lleiiiy V. ' Uarvey Eli"h j HochtvrL. j Haivlcy R. luntii)toii Wm. Shainbcau I.ytuau Stcirns Noah Sevciencc Roxana Sniillt Wm. Smtih Jeuette II. r f riMyn'David R. 2 ; i.,n jjr-nrf,j A. Tavlor KineSiue ii;n t:.a v tiur..i ni.:t,...i... . IJnckct j Jr- w C;lh-m Hovt Dca.' Ilan'cy Wrirht S.imucl O. Ingclii .MisjChristiauaWliL'atnn Gcorcc CHAS.BOWEN, P.'M. 5 Por Cenl STORE. No. 15 Ccdar Strest, N. Y.- Thc suscribcrs lake this mcthnd ofrall in tbc attentiou ol'Cnsh Mcrchant.ito their ndviiiitagcous syslem of loin hu.-iness. iiud in ynlicitiug the future patronage or.thcir oM ruomeri. 7V t 'AiJH Dry Goo,!s .1er chants vijiting New York, our p'an oiTcrs the L'realer-t iuilucciiirnt. Thc co.-t ofench artici' U niarknl iu fi- urM u , j, aI)ll n C()1IIli:S,;0, !ro,v ' . FIVE PKIl (;E.T . addcil atlho font of thr-hill We are il.iilv i ; Tvcnoi , JriM A?S . wc guarantru a savinj: oriruni Uin lo I'ij (urersnf Caps,titn Per Ctnt from the priccs ol tlie o!.l ! , At H irrmi.r ilir tmi f .wjt Iki .i .i:,lu,c--"!,, i 1 ' 1 rn,i:f .!1...t.M. " .liry inan.1 f.,r ths Counlv..! AiMwon on ihr r.WJ Silks, i5'f. "m iif J i T - r ,vi.v ...mi.p , ix j TwJ.y of n.TenLrr A. I. IRtt, An 1-. I;CJ- )5 William st ! t.flIA,-"1IAI''-MAt.N nlRE Vl), I Ka or.Vru-lintm Cimiy cf a.Uh...... ,. ,- ', ( ItnporUd hf ours!rcs.) jiiwnccillitiiarii.nti(iil'ccii",li"i.iiacliu..'i?i,..aii.?t alxvaxs on h.iiul, at exe.-itlv reduceil nrices. fTrA call is rcpi'i-tlu1 v soliciti'd by : IIUTCIHNOS. CASW'KI.I, &. SM1TII. ,49;5w 1CCEDAR STf.F.ET, j S tloors from Penrl-.-t. New York. flffiS. B. CLEAVLAND, l v lLS miviiii ijuii. t V' iitltlUiLUI i! and vicinilv ihat sU? siill cwniinues her busincss as a ( Mill U -LlJiJ Ij&Ms atheroU stand.'a fcxv rodsso'itb of thc Method- ltmcctin? Imue, wlieicallxvho may ravor hcr mlhaMllw;!innI!!arTO.ittnrtm..Si l.. rWl from. Jj-As.thc Bonncn aud olhcr ariiclc-i which .Mrs. C. oflers for salc xvcrec'.sel(J nm'cr ber owu supervision, as la ityle dnrabilitv and pncc, sbc to rtcivc a sliaieof pnhlic reit- " anicte wincn M.cwouUsne- 'CMullLelound Florence and Iiirdscye, Rutland Shclland Vielorla Braid Bzr.ncts Ribbons, Arlijlcial Floictrs, Eand Doxes. fye. S:. e. Inilnas. for cTectiiallx- in bonucts. , J,i. C. willcoaiinue todo cnstcra. work ia thcl.c'it, and atsburt uoticc. , Widaicbury, Aprii e, t845. . 48tf '7'FT,Ti, j 1jXj. ; , ttV Z Alillinary Luiihcss, is this ilay by laulual cnr.f cut dbsoh-cu. Mid .IcLury, Apii! 8, 1S45. MRS. SIIAW, Rcrcctfullr infonns the Lcdics of Middleburv and vicinily, that s!Ic has opcneda shon in the building formerly occupied by Mis Mathews,on . Plcasant streci, whcrc shc i preoarcd io cxecutc t-n ..v. ?,nn.r -.11 nir'nic Jn )ni U.vrt nf . .. . ,. , jjh, jirs. Shaw will go to tbc south far New ' Pattcrnswiihia a short timc. 4Mw Mrs. Siaw woald ar that shc iasj'ujttccciTcd a hsndsomc assortmcctcf Bonntls, new sttde, Freneh cnd Enlish, Ilut- . iar,d Slrclv jjmne,sPrince Mlertcnd KrdsEneEonncls, Florence tSlull. rVShc would alo say that she is vcry soon exicting a full supply of cvery article in hcr line, anu will ocsuppiiMiarnintucMasoatiom oaccf ths Crst csatallLsSineEts in llie city. i i. i-i, the MAUUL.E BUsl.N l- J I ", 'f.i'' Ifonner,J rniHh. suuscrilicr continues to carry ou ISS in all its Iy onncd hv . h.nliraim bpauliliu-! 2d AI.SO Cnnstantly on hand fursa!e. in anv nuar.tity, LIME, n'arrantrtl of llie beat ! nuality. ISA AC GIBHS. Middlebury, March 14, 1345. 46;ly Dried Applcs, OF the hest quality, for sale hy March 13. A. FRANC1S. Pinc and Sprncc Shingles. OF the hest quality. for sa'c liy Cornwall, Mnrrli, IjJo. I. C. JIud. 100 Farew!rs Best Bitskit.s, Walking Shocs,' and alips, just recetvcd and for sale hv iitA sTEirART. Marcb4tb, 1545. First quality for tho tablo for sale bv A. FIlASCIS. March 1 Iih, 1515. HI'I E Linen 1 bread, FINIC for Kniiting Laces, Sic nt BRGWN & SKELDO.VS lm Cfti. I-fV Xr--j,tfl?vii UVJ. J o 3W' r PROBATB iVOTICES. STATE OF VERMONT, ; District of Nw-IIaTcn, J S3" Be it rgmeiubered lliril at a probato court holden at BrUtoI withiu and for tho distnct of New Ilavcu oa the 10;h day of Marchr 1815. -Tbe AdmiD:stratori on di citale of WALTEK GIIIXXELL. . , !.ite in New llatcn iti sait DiAtrict, ilcccaied. prc scnted ilxir pcthiuii in writiny pnijicj for I cc'uie lo rcllaoinudi of llie rcaletalt t.ftlir inid derc antl a-f will raisc thc sura or$6j0,00 R.r llv putpwc ifM iS llie deb'iag-iindl s.ljd cstal- i nil cXpciurs cl'ail mni'stratiun, aiul Ihereln ?et. ft.rili thif nwitzi .f lobti due from nid rstalr, tbe th iryrs uf aJihrnrs lr.uian.tlie Tatucufllie lrsin:;I e!.ucs aiK! ih- alion of tlie rcal cstale ta br ulj and iKu it is cjrary tlut apart of ihe re:il ctt.ilc ,IionU Le to'il fjr llio purpo;e cfirc.ii,l; it u tlu-rcioi r nr.fcru.l that ths anplication fur liix-ase to ull rcal rshitc 1k ronjiilercd at J'jii.n nf sai.i routt ti Le Ii.jL'cK r . the oSce ofthe Jml of kiM couit iu I'.ri-ti.I, in; . f aid diilrict on tlie tirnl -.Mo.mI.i m.iv 1S13 at 10 'o'clock .. AI , aml llat lr Au'ioiniytratora llicrH.f I cauc not'CC to be fjixen to alf ?rit intcrcttl, by , publinhin; a rcriiGed copy of riiibriter inilK- N.iril. !n Galaxy a ncp.iKr (.riiilrd al 3Iiu.lUrlm. j- iu I tCoiiuy of Addi'-n, t!ne ivccka succeis ly pic- iouilo ihf liuie of.-aij i-curl. ! JHARVEY M5JNSILL. JndSc. A.truc copy of rccnrd, 43 Attcs:. H..M UXSILL. Jud:r. STATE OF VERMONT, ) District of New Ilaven, ys Be it letEemlcted ata probatc Court hcl dcn at Britsi w ithin atd lcr the District of Xcvr Havcnoa Ihe iy;li d.-.y cl'JIaich A. D. I1j. Tbc Kxccutnrs on the e'itate cf (J1DEON WING, latepf llonktoa in SjiJ t!U:rict, dcccasc-.!, ritf' beulcd thoir po:i:ion iu wTuing, praying lur censc to scll so much of ifcc rcal Eitatc ol tfcc aid tleecascd as will raise thc am ofg3e,t0, or f.r;hcrmrppso of,-a; in ihe detts against said ejtateandcxneincof.idmiiiislratipn. rr.d ilcrt- ' in se: forih the auuunt ol" J?bls due from said C'ta:.', the cba rgii, of uuii..itrotion. ihe .-l:i.-j of:l:e jierso.wl rMate, rnd the siltiation ot the re.:I (Ntatc lo tesol.l-and ijata sale of ic-1 fatateis necesry for!hei:irpocsaf.rcaii': It is ihcrcfc-c ord?ic.I that ihe aprlicsiirn li 1 li censc lo sell real c-tatc. 1 cocM'iicred ?: s es sion ufsaid Court to be bvMcfi at the ofi-cc o( tl c Judge in .'.istol iu Di-irici on thc nrM Jloc day in .May 1SS5 at 10 uVloclc A. M. aci. ihit tl.c ExccniorNcansc noficr lo bc gircn tctll fcr )nsinprc,iii l.v i-ul lUhir? a ccrtiEeii o;yoP tbi or.Icr in lh Northcru Galaxy a ncws.Vrer printfdat Aiidiilebuy iti in liie C..nniv vt ' c'ji- on, inree wws silcccs.:vilv rtcvioas . - l" 7 , ..... . 1 thc ictlii u. auiu .V ur(, IIARVEV MUNSILt.Jti.-.e. A t-as Cory of Kecoid. Attcst, IJ. MrssiLL, Jndgo. 4 1 sT.vTn of vnujio.vr ! Asson 1" Kc.vm s )" .l.Hirun Cimiilr Colti' ' vi Dccrtnltcr 'rT:ii I Alhos Ueamas. A. U. 131!. I At thc lcrm .f llie C.miili f.H;lt hfhi i l!(luir'' Ahiu Ileaman i'f Aihluuu in ihc CMiuix if .lU and Slale .-f cn V.tik, on r-tntinrl, v.liriclx tho ili-l"fn.!jnl ajiccl to.'o-d l ll.c Iinliff all lla" i!c Ucrentl.inrs rihl, iu I.ig, lhi ai.l lU'fciHtanl'n iui.h cr e?latc, au.1 a. alMitit A.tir arrr of Un.l n t oif t. fti.ii, ihs aid .tcltu!..t.l, anI A. Ilafkiin. a.riiuiF . Aanm eMalr fiun S. 'i..ii, and on faititro uf llie i.Vfn.tnu t M-rtrrc lo ihe plaatiir a 511ml titlir t.i naiil ti. pay llie pLinlill lu.i I.BC .Ircd i!i'l-ir. Al.. loriiru Iii.n.-fri-tl dul!.ir t. id aml r.Tfixed by llie drf. ndant f'.r ll:e ue of lltlr I lantiU AI.-..f..rtM.. I.umln-d ihilLir f. r i..oncx I. t nn.l a.Iaac.M b dlo pLit.lity tulhe dt'ren.tml. Alo f.irlw.. hii uiiri! di.llars far s-:o.!i nohl an.l dcb-.rrcd liylhf 4.u:liiri.thodcf.iul.iiil. Aml it i. st:j .-lc.l aud iIkiivii 1.) Ih.. etiiirl, llut nid Aliim U.K aleentfi.Mii iIil .Slati-at ibc tiaie .f ihe M-.virc of aid w ril, ati.l U.i ir.t jri rclu. ne.l w ilbtu thc anu. It i.-lli'Ti' y ilv c.uri, ihst .iu c: ls ' e ri!i!incd ur.iil ibc nexi lenn if, 1.. Ui I11I.I 011 the'J.t Tnpday rf June A. I). IS43( and tl-.t ii.i;ceL'icrcflir givi n to laidAlonl'ciiysii f... i.V ti.-.ti..ii of ll.w order Ihrer xxt.k iirc.'iirh 'i.i ll X'.llUrn C.ihxv, a xbbc .cr arcr .rn'.le.l tl KiidllidilM.srx ; ilir Lm .f wbirh i.bliiaii. n 1I...II bc at kral ll.irn .1... Ir, .im.,.1 wi twr k ctoniin ss'.vn r.D.cicik. Toffib Siono. T. PI1ELPS. wi:i : ?i ou Iiand a inp,:y of t!r:ixc Siouc.tluisc v.ish ii:g lo piitchase will du xxcll to call and csamiue Iii-i marliL, work. aifl priccs, any other xrorl: i:i his liue of busincss donc in onlcr. Slmp be twccu .Mcssrs. Starr and llush n?H"s offiru and ihc hridsp. j Middlebury Vt. J l'.S. ' Stouo I.ime sale at liis shop. .March Cd. 1345 41 A First Rate Artielo. I.A 1 1W1- S,ylc cf ticiilleinrn'st -ilf-skin KOOTfc, will tc f.rtii! rt J. 0 1 c r. a v a 't ?J No 2, cheap fr Uill. All those who want good Doots to wjr, Had Lcttcr cdl rnd l ey a .air. -19 : KOTICE. I bereby givc f ul lic noiiee that I have ih:s('.iy given to iiiv son John Al. Reicis his timc wiib tl.e piix'ilecc tbcctfor biiIf, rnd tbat frr.m t!.;i daw I Muill not skim his serriccs,noi 1 e scu uni!cis. . JOEL i7K.V!S'. Shoiehan, Jlftrck 3, IF!5. 49- Gw UNSliEU OIL. On hand a (jaantitv .f O'l-'lanegaii's &n- nor Linseed t'il which xvill bc soM by tl.e lci 1 at New V01U pticcs t'rcight added, and ai irtail tiw cr boiled at low pricc.-.. AVP.1GI1T t BUiU. Soich3in,.4piil lst., IS:5. GRASS SEED. 25 Hasbels Herd' Grass EcciV 2U0 " Clover " forsaleby "VniGIIT&.EC:rr. Shoreham March C3, 1&15. TURKS ISLAND. 50 cts. pcr Lnshcl. Wcstcrn Solar, 31 cts. Barrcl Salt, 1.00 pcr bbl. Grouad Livcrpool fc fineitairT salf. A. B. & R. M. CH1PMAN. VV UiJltU. lumber, shingles. drica i applcs, buttcr kc. &c. Arc. ' A. B. & R. M. CHIPMAN. GREAT INDUCEMENTS. are oGlrc.l to all who wouh! btiy Roods at fair j r ces. , such as Overcoals, Coats, Vc.s, Pauts &e., ofall qualities; and every variety of TUI.M.- 1 MINGS, tugethei xxith a largc assortmcw oV goods of all dcscriptions; hy ihc subscrilicrs cicayertliau can be fotind in the Cottity fur cash. UKO IrSllEJLVO 104.J. wool t cardj;:' tvin" " A i BL- 1 II I " " 1 " ' i 1