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H. BELL, EDITOU AND PROPR1ETOR. TfiRMSOF TENT1I VOLUME. f;ili;eflwcr!lrt 2 00 2 00 igJirMnab aml CoHlpanici wbo lake at tlie olfice j ci'75orl30 cents ifpaitl in tix mooil. Mall ...iHCriwcra fTio'c wo lake ol ronriaers . II not paiil at ilieend uftlic year 2, 25 j i'o papcM until arrearages are paid tirrptattheOptionofliieproprietor. NoconU-act viib, or paymei t made to Carriers cash, kecping, j or ouicrwiso allowcl rrepi assemoi 10 l-j i. proprielor. All comuvinicaiionsnniube addrencd tothecu tnr Po.vr Iaid MISCELLAXEOUS. T1IE WINDS OF SPRING. BT KIMVARD rOLUCK. Ti ley comc, they comc from tlicir southcrn liome, Where tlie sun s lilncs evcr fair, On islands that rise from tlie ocean loam In beauty strange and rarc; They come, and their low sncct song I Iiear Through tlie bcnding hranchcs riug. For tlio minstrels who sing for tlie yonthful year, Ari llic balmy wiuds of Spring. Gone are thr shades of intrj niglit, And the wiulrj stonns havc gone, M laden with song and life and lighr, The winds of Spring come on ; And romid the old arbor. with liny arms, Thc clustering wild Howcrs cling Au'J the blushing rose dous her faircst channs, As she bcnds iu thc ivinds of Spring. Tlie skies Inok glad, and llic liclds rrjoico Villi a noiseless miiislrclsy, And tlie streamlet langhs, with a mcrry voicc, As it bastens away to the sca ; And Ihc cxil'd birdofsome far-olTshorc, As she plnmcs hcr drooping ing. Sings gladly heruaiive straiu oucc more, To wclcome ihe winds of spring. On, on they go, uiih their noiseloss sweep, Over niduiilain and vallcy, away! Kamiiug tbeshorc of thc hmitless decp, And kissiug thc bomidin" spray; Aud lauds of beatity that none may see, And maiiya slrnnge brihtthins, Shall siuile a glad wclcome, joyfully, To thc hahny uindsoT Spring. A DOCTOK AND IIIS LIZAKDS. Mr. Thurlow Weed's last leller from San ta Cruz to the Albany Erening Journal, rc lates ihe follmving nianclluus incidcnts in a noticc of a visit to the cstate of Doct. Stc plicns: Whilc cnjoying onr Scgars tiudcra hioad sprcading Tamarind Irce, the Lizards came dunn as u$u:d, to kccp thc Musquitocs aivay from ihcirl'rolcctor. The Doctor'skindncss foranimals has dcvcloped iintmcts aud awak cned aflcclious that nould nnt discrcdit a racc inlcllcctnally cndnwed. Ilis beanlifnl l'igpons, wheu hc rcturns from town, come wiih their grcctiags lo his Oar riagc, aud perch upon his sbouldcrs. lli Iizards jiinip from thc trccs into his hands. A yearor tno since,then scvend of the OITi- ccrs of the U. S. Ship Polomac. with Iwo gcntlcincii rcsiding herc, tvcrc at breakfast ith the Doctor, a hnse I.izanl tliai had llie niisfnrtiiiie lo loie its lail liy soinc casualty, niarched into the rnom, and up to thc Doc tpr uiihthedisiiicinberedliiiih in ils moulh! This looks, I coufcss, too much hke a "Ue inarka'jle Snakc Story," but it i. iicvcrthc lcss, a well aiitheiuica'tedfap.t. The majmcd r.plile uiidertheiiifluencc of instinct highly rcited, sou-lil rtlicffrom the haiid by which it had bcen fcd and chcrisbcd. The Doclor liimscll rcgards the circunislauceas a tribntc to his skill iu Surgcry. Thc unrcasoaing spccies are not alonc, howevcr, in their apprcciatiou of Doct. Stc phens' Mcdical serviccs. 11c pcrformed, at au earl v day, wiih entirc sncress, some of the most dill'cultsurgical operations. His writ ings iipnu Yellow Kcver, Scurvy, &c, wou forhiin llic highe.t Medical hmiors Ihat Eu tope coufcrs. He was oueof tbs ihrce cmi nent pliycian upon whoin D'.-grecs were conferred upoiitheiicca-ioti of Wcllin tcn's iiHlallation of Chanccllor if Oxfnnl U- nivcrsity. Ilcis now dcvoting himsclf to ui Tcsli;ations of the highcsi intercst toiicbing thc l'heunmciia ofl.ifc, which in his judg inent, prove, 1st. That thc aclion of the body i regulatcd by some powcr or agency othcr tliaiitliebr.iin; 2.1. Thatthcreis a liviug.vilal agent, iudcpciulcnt of, andso faras iniisciilnr actinn is couccrncd, superiur to the mind ; and 3il. Thal iu Mau, and iu the higbcr or der of Auiuials thc principle of lifeis scatcd in the solargangliou, from uhieh thc ncrvous svstem or inachinery draws ils powtrof mo tion, and by which it is propelled and sorcru cd. Pii:i-p Ti, i o iia o,i,,plf nml nlpasant and worthy of iionor, savs good P.isliop llall; , aud those are, a young saint; an old ur.iriyr ; areligioussoldier; aconscienlious siatcsiuau; a grcat mau courtcous; a leanicd man lium hle; a cliild that undcrstaiids the cye of its iiarents; a cheerlul campaiiiun wiuiout vani ty; a fricnd not changcd with honors; sick H13I1 hapjiy ; a soul ileparlm and assurance. villi comfort m , , 'Quitc so. I have now eight hundrcd in Tcmptrancc among the Germans. e arc , thc han aml lhrcc or rour smap, no(es. lold thal one hniulred Germnns havc signed , w1;cjl witibc paid in during the timc. Bc the tcetotal plcdgc. and a pulilic inecling is ; ;j mv aes wjn amount to two or three rallcd lo aid ibe causc. lleretoloretolalab- Kliiieucc has bcen very unpopular among the Germaus ... Cftron. r The Madisonian says that vcry fine aftcr- noon, at Washington, Mr.ex-Secrctnryliibb, who drcsses pitnciiliously ncci.rdiug to ihe old stylc, in black clothcs, low croweed hat, silk stockings and short breeches, is to be seeu walkiug ofTvery briskly to what all uho have becn in that citv kuow to be the long bralge. Here he cha-.iges his walking staO . . ... , . -.i. -.,,iV nt,,l after taking from his capacious breeches pockct a tobacco box filled witli augle wonns, scats himsclf on the rough pier, and bobs with astnnishing paiience for auyihiog below.from a bull niinnow to a pondcrous cat fisb. Judge Bibb was not accounted a very wisc Secretary of the Trcasury. but he may be a skillful aus'.cr, aud we can easily imagine that liis chauge of cmployment arnirds him abun dant pleasure. The clcar streani Potomac may have charinsfora quietold gcntleninu, which he could uever cujoy whiledabblingin the turbid, angry waters ofpolitical life; and it must bc lcss trying, if not more innocent, to bait for suckers nml pech, thanto be bait cd by a ravenous brood of office seekers. Whilc seated on the rough picr of the loug hridgc he is in uo danger from sharks; but in 'thcTreasury Departmenttlieyswarmed about him, like ecls about the carcass of a drowned pupiiy; and if he is destincd to "bob," day afiei day, withoul catching a fish .or even a buU-niinuow, at least hc is sparcd the inflic lion ofbeing himself bobbed at by a two-leg- eu iJob,J wbose visitaliousnf the Depart- mont were said to he, in Tyler's timc. much nnre asidnous ihan agrcable, N. Y. Cjm. AJv. "T()Li X. From Neal's Saturday Gazcttc. 'HOPE VS DESPONDENCEJnnrticuIarslyIeofgoods,and 1 shouM there- BV T. S. AltTnCR- j Vnn lnnk- dull TTnrrv' mid cld Mr. Law ' i to liis nephcw, Henry Lewis, one day last . fcnrinn-. on coniin" into the voung man's 'prmg, on comin; ,i fin,i;nfr h!m tviih liis lace ratlicr i i lon'er than usual. . ( 1 'Do vou think eo'?' rcturned Lewis.making ' an cirort to look inditlerent. . i 'You not only lookcd dull, when I came in, butdownrihtgIoomy. What is the niatler Howisbusiness?1 'Good for nolhing.' O, no, not eo bad as that.' Ycs, absolutcly good for notlung! 1 havcn't madc my cxpcnses for llicse Uirce wceks.' Indeed!' 'It's a fnct and 110 mistake. Isn'l that enough to makc me gloomy V I 'IVo did you say?' j 'I did.' j 'Humph! I must beg leave to difler from you.' I 'Wliy should vou fecl gloomy, Harry ?' j 'AVhy? HavVt I justEaid?' i 'You havc mcntioncd that business was ' dull.' I 'Andsoit is,diil!erthanIhaceverknoivn it.' 'And nrc you gloomy on that account V Yeslam, and think thc cause quitesuf-1 , ficicnt.' ! ' hich is more ihan I do.' 'Suppose I go to ihc wall?' .Ind thc younirmancompresscd his lips tightly, and j J lookcd steadily into thc old gcntleman's 1 jfacc. i 'It will be your own fault if you do.' j i 'I don't see how. I can't makc business.' , 'Yes you can !' 'llowr 'By Irying.' 'I do try.' 'By settingdoivn and dreaming about go ing tolhc wall. Doyou call that trying?' Butl can't furce customcrs to come to my slorc and purchasc goods.' 'No but I can tell vou what you can do, sir.' 'For which I will be infinitely obliged lo you. ilie willis crcauve; inaiismy uociniic. 'I don'l undcrsland you.' ' Wherc there is n will thcrc is a way. Do you undcrsland that?' 'Ycs a little hctter, but I don't believe thc doclrinc' 'Though it is Iruc, notwithslanding. IIopc makcs a man-Dcspondcncy ruins him. Ifyou wish to succced, you must have ' confidcncc. lf you wish to go to thc wall,as you sny, doul.l nnd you wiM go llicre quick fy enough. While j-ou havc becn sitling hcrc, brooding oT.r your dull ralcs, a more sunguine tnan would have bcen half out of his difliculties. His will would havc crcatcd thc mcans ofhis cxtricaiion.' 'I doubt it.' 'Doubl doubt doubt. I hatc thc word! II should bc sirickcn from our language. Well hath it becn said, 'Hc that doubtcth is damncd.' For doubl will ruin any onc. It has alrcady ruincd ils hundrcds of thous nnds, and will ruin its hundrcds ot thousands more. Ilopc confidcncc ihesc makc suc cess while doubt and dcspondcncy may overthrow cvcn the bcst-laid scheiucs.' 'A very beautiful theory, uncle. I should likc to know how, lo a inan whilc ihrce thousand dollars to pay in the ncxt thice wccks, confidcncc, or hopc, or any mental state is going to bnng thc money. I might sit herc and hopc unlil doomsdny and not bc a dollar hctter olf, nor one stcp'nearer the cnd of my tlimcultics.' 'That is ccrlainly truc, ifyou sitslill, It would sctyou busilv at work in ihc cfTortlo ret vou out of vour difficullics.' Ilopc would havc a hopelcss task topcr form.' Thc oh! gcnllcmen sho'jk his hcad, and lookcd vexcd walked backwards and for- wardsbeforelns nephcwfor a minutc ortwo, and then pausing Eaid, , 'Harry, are you wuung losuccecu m u ness V , 'Iliastrangc that you should ask sucn a quettion.' , 'Well, wc will ndmit that you arc. Suc p ilmn. must rcsult lrom a wcll-dircctcd, confidcntTiction not for gloomy inaction. Bcing bolll gloomy anu inacuvc, you urc, oi coursc, not in llic way of success.' But. what can I do uncle?. 'Let us sce. You say that you have thrce thousand dollars 13 pay in ihe ncxt Ihrec wceks?' 'Ycs.' 'How much will you havc towards thc sum?' 'Notovcrfiftecn hundred.' 'You are cerlainof that much?' ( iluIUrej, But,stiII,you ECC I will be (iftecn hundrcd dollars short, Wherc is that to come from r 'Haven't you a numbcr of good bills on vour books?' 'Ycs, to thc amount or thrce timcs wliat l jnf;! , , , . . , 'Why don't you makc an cffort lo collect ihemr ' "tended doing eo but thus far have neglectcd to makc out Ihe account.' , Wllh a '00 0lfnSl, in ' I shall do it at oncc. But alllcangctin this way won't be ovcrthiee orfour hundrcd dollars at best.' 'Suppose you gct threc hundrcd ?' 'Well?' 'You will stillbe short twelvehundred dol lars?' 'And wherc thal's to come from, thc Lord knows, for I don't.' What is your stock worth ?' Twenty thousand dollars.' 'Can'tyou forcc asaleat cost, ora triflc abovecost, to the extentyou necd.' 'No, I don't believe I can.' 'Why not?' 'Who will I Eelito?' 'Think. Havn't you goods in your store, which, if put undcr Ihc hammer. would bring cost?' 'Yes, I think I havc' 'Tbcn send them to auction if you can't make a private Eale.' 'I don't likc lo send my goods to auction. It has a bad appearance,and might aflect my crcdiL' 'Offerlhem at private Eale. then.' 'I have neverdonc eucIi a thing,and hard- ly know how to go about it- -You will be willins? to sell a nortion j your sjpck nt cost, iu ofdcr to procuremon - MIDDLEBURY, evji I r;.rtninlv I wou d. Il runs to heavilvon n I hv Buch a sale.' trr ...oll TPtrnn rtri trilKnrr tn cpll nnd Vour sroods are worth in ihe markct what you paid for Ihem, what is to lnnder you irom Belling? loan't see tlie difficuhy. BuL!rood morninir; when I next ecc vou I hope tofind you in a more reasonable stateof mind.' ' And ihe old gentlcman turncj on lna ncet an j u-alkcd tiff, lcavinj: the young merchant with a fcw bnghtcr idcns m his head than , lie was messca wmi uii uour neiore. iiiicr his uncle had left him, Henry Lewis mused for some time. Hc felt the forcc of what had bcen said to him, nnd it inspircd him witli a portion ofconfidcnr.c ' Well, what shall I do V Hc at length said to himsclf. 'Somcthing must, and I supposc, can be ilone. L.el me sce. e irst come the accounts ofwhich we spokc. thev must be madc out.' Yes, ! I Andhe turncdtohisdcsk, took down his ledger,and commcnccd drawingofFbills. In this hc was occupied for the rcmainder of tlie day and partofthe succeeding one. Thc bills were then sent out. Thc ncxt opera tion, which was the to sell oiTa por tion of hisstock. hc thought ofit with ajecl inrr of reluctnncc. But hc did not wishto- bnrrow; infiict, hc had bonowcd as much nshccoutd. andacood pronortion of what lip. hnil to riav was on lius accouni ; me oniv foasibleplan, thcrclore, wastodo what old Mr. Law had sua'irestcd. When his mind was oncc made up to do this, thc difliculties Ihnlbelore seemed so grcat, grauuany van- i.:hed, and the transaction did not cccmso much like one ol the lahors of Herculcs as bcfore. Threc days of aclive, jicrscvcring efTorl, accomplishcd Ihe sale ol goods suffi- c;cnt to make the amount desircd, and in no instancc v;as any thing sacrificed, or sohl 1 cven at cost. iNotes nau. 10 uc iaKen, u is tnie, but their character was 6uch that they could be discouutcd as casily as any papcr In thc markcL About five days afler old Mr. Law had put a little of the right spirit into his nephew, he book, balancc shcct and bill book he Eatand dropped into his store again. He found the thought and made calculatiuns for thc most young man in a much more checrful tcmper . parl of Iwo days, becoming more and more ofmind. I uisturbcd in mind as thc true stalc ofhis 'Things look brightcr to-day, I should ( business bccamc more and more clcarly ap thinkHarry,judgingfrom appearanccs about parcnt. hcre,' hc said. 'How are you gctting on ? 'Five ycars havc I bcen toiling on hcrc, Havc those fiftcpn hundrcd dollars made early and latc,' hc said gloomily to himsclf, tlicir appcarance ycl?' ! afler all was plain to his apprchcnsion, 'and 'Not fully, but they will comc in good now I am not a dollar bctlcr ofT thanvhen timc' 1 1 bcgan ! To-dav, I should havc bcen worth 'Ah, well. Thal's right. I am glad to ' nt Icast twcnty thousand dollars. But I am bear it. You sce Ihat thcrc issomc trulh in 1 not worth onc ccnt rcallv. And if I Ehould my doctrine, that Ihe will is crcative of Ihe I mcans to carry ouiius oesires; out u can only creato by "thought ; ihou"ht is the hand by which ihc will w.orks. Ifyou Ict thesc hands lie idle. nothinir can be done. But kccp them busy, andyou nced not fear of success.' 'But suppose they work at an unprofitablc calling.' Thc old man Ehruggcd his ehouldcrs. 'Whatthen? Is your doctrine ef il I Iruc?' 'Oyes: my doctrine is well cnougli ifright fully understood and faithfully practiccd. Butagood will works by true thoug'its. Don't fogctthat., 'Explain yourself.' You may think forcvcr and nevcr find success as thc rcsult of thinking or cven ac :in", ifyou do not think wisely. Thcrc mnlt he, first, a good end in vicw; nnd then thc thoughls that seek out thc accom plishment of Ihat cnd must be wisc, so that thc aclion resulling from Ihe end and the thoughts can be rightly dircctcd. A good will, a wise thought, aud jndicious actions, when united. sruarantee success in all cascs. But thc success will he jusl iu tho measurc ilmiis best for thc individual; and if threc, justmcntioned, unite inhim as onc, and ma- j kin him a good, wise, nctivc man in his cal- lin", do not securc li:m a lonunc m .w.. miilion, or cven a lortune at all, they will most certainly conduct him safcly nnd hon- csliy through ihc world, ai.d sccurc his hle s bcstblessings, heallh, a comfortable subsis- tcnce and conlcntmcnt, Success in life you must' remcmbcr, Harry, docs not aln-ays mcaii riches. Hichcs arc not good for all, and he who secs thc cnd from the hegmning, pcrceives ihis, and wiscly guards the steps of every one of his creatures, and mctcs out to them jusl that measurc ofsucceES, as ihc rcsult of wiscly dirccted cflbrls, that will be 'oo.i lonneni.- 'Ifyour doctrine bctruc.'somo mcn will not grow rich no matter how wieely Uiey mav stnvc. 'Truc; bccausc thcrc are some men to thathc wasmakinga snug little forrtincquite whum riches would bc an injury. That is, rapidly. who do not lead eo good hves as rich mcn,as j Year afler year passed on, and Lewis cx tliey would if only in moderatc circumslan- pericnced greater and greater pcrplexiiics, ccs. But even with thesc, success, as far as unli! things arrived at llic crisisjust prcEen ii frocs. is dcncndcnt upon true thoughts tcd to thc reader. And now iiothinir but flowinsr down into corresponding actions. Let them, with prudcnt confidcnce. and a cheerlul, nopeiui spini, u.icr lamu.c.ruus.-, 'l must go io ruin, inevnaDiy: nuuiuig the Universily havc ncen cxpeiicd, orucr re ncss, and they will havc ihat measurc of' save me!'he would exclaim, ashc walk- i stored, and thc lecturcs rcsumed. prospcrity which is good for them. But if eJ h;3 roonli jn decp agitation, night afler i The d;slurbanccs originatcd in Ihc mid ihpv Kiiuer themselvcs to doubt, and tn con- ni.rht Inp limira. nnahla even aftcr lus head . . . ... ... - . Eeqncncchang down their hands inactively, Ihcv will fail in all their cfTorts, and loosc Ihe lull measurc oi uiosu u.cssiugs inui i run- dcncc designcd they should cnjoy.' 'A new doctrine to mc' 'Anda true onc' . Pcrhaps so. At any ralc, it bears Iruth . .. r. J t -,, i lUUSiaCC. I Cilll uuuuaiauu luu.t. -J than Ididafcw days ago the meamng oi i u-ce. what vou said about ihe will'sbeing crealive. I T would willinnlv civc up all,' No man knows what he can do until he tncs, m a morc Eubducd state of mind, r- ,. i t i .1 in. believe it possible for mc lo pay the noles thatareaooui iniiing uuc. oiui,uuuv,i:.j , . p-ll? I. O.MI ,,. mind is not nt easc. 1 am still m doiiut-, Don't smilc. I must doubt a little. How can I aouht it, when things look so gloomy ahead. Business dosen't improve at all. In ract I am vcry fearful,that, with my heavy expenses here,and the gradual accumulation ofunsaleable goods and rcmnante, I am rc trogading instead of advancing. Is not this enough to make me feel a little despondcn cy7' 'No.' I think it is.' 'Notatall. Bring truethoughts and wise ly directed actions to youraid, and all these clouds will vanish likc night-miEts inthc sun shinc' But whatcan I do.' 'Think.' , . 'ltis easy to say think, uncle; butit uhard to think out a hard result.' 'Did you find it so a fc w days since ?' tmis hard lot'ctatit. In fact, you di.l mo3t of the thinking for me, I believe, and in orir:n.ra ' j 'Try and think for yourself. You arc old as 1 have luuy provcu. i ou.ui umw oui oi ousmcss pennyiess. m uauuic .. culty in mecting my payment now. Befbre ; bankrupt is more ihan Ican think of. It j Rufus W. GriswolcLin alettcr to thc Intcl I thought and acledwiihthe vise dccisions j wouid kill me. Ihopcd, cre this, to have ljgencer, says that six" thousand copies ol vour nrcceints inspired mc with. 1 did not i rcalizcd Eomethinir handsomc But that has ' tiroPocis and Poctrv ofAmcrica have becn VT. WEDNESDAY, MAY cnougli.' 'But vouare olucrand wiser.and cnnllunk to abetter purpose ,than Ican. Ishallliavc 'No. Harr Rei Iteason ims uccn givcnyou fnp vniir rtrcn frnwlnnee. I)n nnt let it frrnw wcak for wanl'of propcr escrcisc. lflthink for you now, you will dcpcnd upon me to think for you again, and eo on,j unlil you merclv lean unon my rcason. And tncn where -.vill you bc when I fail. No no. To cvcry mnn reason sudicient ia given him to enablciumto go saieiy tnrougn uus worui, and to fill that placc in it that is best for boih himsclf nnd the world. II, tlicrelore you j have not thc mental acutcness not tlie moral forcc ofcharacti'rto oc.upy for yoursclf your prescnt position, you had bctlcr ucscenua1 little lower, lcst you prcscntly fall down ncamong, anu daf.i yourscu 10 picces. oo good day Harry! I am going to New York in thc morning, and shall not bc back for some weeks. When I rcturn. I bone to ecc you in a more manly s,tatc of mind.' 'But sIod. unclc.don'l be ina hurry. I should likc to havc some more talk with you.' 'Ican't now, Harry." I havc a good dcal to attenil to bcfore I go. So good day, and try and think for ymirtelf. Kemcmbcr, that it you succecd in business, it will be thc rc- j sult ofgooil will, united to true thought, in prompt action. j And tlie oiii gentlcman lurncd nway icav- ins Henrv Lewis to his own reflcr.lions, which were not oiavcrv picasani ninu. roruie wholeofthcday hc fcU east down in spirita. Thcrc was an opprcssive wcight upon his fcelings. Itwas hourr, that night, afler he went to bcd, bcfore hc could slcp. He thought, nnd thought, and thought. But, it must be owned, to little good purpose; lor thcrc was no confidcncc in his llioughts. On thc next morning hc felt calmcr, and his mind was much clcarer. On going to his store, hc dircctcd hisclerks to commencc takingau account doing which hcactivcly assislcd. Thi3 occupied scvcral j days bcfore il could be fully complclcd. I Afler that, he had his books postcd, anda balancc shcet drawn oll. uvcr ms siocit i,c forced to wind up my business, I would comc ont worse man nouung.- . Doubt and dcspondcncy ovcrehadowcd j his mind. as he bent his hcad down, and rcs- tcd liis face in his hands that wcrc laid upon the dcsk at which hc was sitting. Hc re maincd thus for some time, no light brcaking in upon him. Day aftcr day passed on, but thc young merchant did not regain his buoyancy of spirils. The rcsult of his cxamination into his affiiirs so thoronghly dieheartcncd him, that he could not atiend even to his ordin- ary business with clricicncy. Hisclcrksre- markcd the change and wondered wliat j could have happened. To add to hia gloom , oiminu,iiis suics icn uu w onc nau u,Uai Now, ncarly a year has passed Eincc Hcn thev had bcen, without any nuparcnt cause. ry Lewls ,ll0UgIll ali n'ctcj a3 has 1)Ccn 'Confidcnce ! Hopc !' he exclaiined, as he sccn- His bu,ir)ess has hecn ns g00 j in his paccd the floor ofhis room long aflcrcvery newstoreas in his old onc; consequcntly.hc onenlsein lhehouse had retired to rcst. ; ;3 0Vcr a thousand dollars bettcr ofTsunno- It takes a man ofstrongcr ncrvcs than I am ( tn honc with ihc sea brcaking over his vcs- scl. I shall go down, inevilably, 'spite of ev eryclTort! what can Eaveme? Nolhing 1' Henrv Lewis had startcd in business aboulfuc ycars prcviously, wiih a capital i0t thrce or four thousand dollars. His uncle v.-ishcd him tolake a small store, ata chcap j-gnt, nnd work his way upward. But hc jiad scrvcd nis unie iu a large mcrcanuie house, whcre vcry largeprofils wcrcmadc 0nthcycar's business, and his idcas of what a youngmanoughl to rcnlizc when hchad a storc ofhis own, were, iu conscquencevciy argC. Against thc adviceof some, and with V,, COncurrcncc of olhcrs of his f.icnds, fic took a Iargc store, nt a rcnt of two thousand J j0Hars a year, and on the crcdit hc conld . rcadily obtain, stockcd it hcavily. For thc frsl year cvcry thing wenton swimmingly. , HUS0Id a grcat many goods, and set down his profitsat sixor scven thousand dollars. Allcrinat, liis Eaies ratncr uiniinisncu inan ' increaEcd , and he began to cxpericncc difii-1 ' cuttlcs in mceting y..j 1 " . business was larce.ana hc look it for itranled fnilure starcd him in the, and made him i iau beside himseir. wa"s i'ai,j Upon ,u piU0W, to fleep. 'Cannot kccp on lon" at this rate; and when the worstcomoslo tlie worst, anu nu my goous arc rorced oir,I shall not be able to pay cighty cents on Ihc doilar.' Theidea of afailure when he began to iookat the result, distrcssed him decply. It i .. i .. I WOUUUCU 1113 lllgll 5CI12U Ul nuuur uuu JU- he mused' and go ' . , , . , t... . i . ,)rove(j ran. Ktw I would be content if I p p. t r i .1 mre ceruunoi a saie ousiuces, uuu u aiuiv h,it cnrp n.K'nnpp p.nninelnnr.v ' I OldMr Law was dctained in New York a good deal longer than was expected. He Eencchehadhiard nothimrfrom hisncph - ew.mwhom hc took much intcrest, at thc sametirafcthalhe sawclearly his faulls of j u . j. . rppiihpm reciinera. On the day aftcr his relurn, and as soon as , , . . - . ..... 11C uau uishjscu Ul vaiii'ua iiiaiicra IC4UK- ing his atlenlion, he ihouuht he would call in at his nephcw's store. Much tohissurprisc, he saw Ihat it was closed and had a bill on it. The old man's heart gavc a quick bound. 'AVhatcan bc ihematicr? hc askcd him sclf;, wiih concera. 'Harry would ccrlainly not have broken up without writing to me !' ken up without wntmg to mel npproach lo the closed store cx - natter. Henry Lewis had re- A ncarer plained the matter. to io, -oireci. 'Ah ! I lliink I understand,' the old man said. as he turncd his steps. in'tlie dircction of his ncphcw'g new place ol business.. 14, 1845. 'Whntis tlie meaning ofalllhis, Harry?' askcdMr. Law, ashc thook thc young man's hand warnily, on meeting him. 'I havc bccntliinkinr,returiied Lcwis.with asnuic. 'Have vou? Wcll, whathas bccn thc na- ture of your tlioughts T 'I ihought, in tlie first placc, that it woulu require mc to sell n greal many goods in or dcr to c!car two thousand dollars for rcnL' 'A wise thoauht. Strange that you ncver madc ihat (lisrovprv licfnri' ! 'A'littlo thinkingj would, no doubt, have made it clcarlong ago. 'Xo doubt. Well. to what othcr conclu- sion did your tlioujlits lead yoa?' j 'To this vcry nalural one; that, i( I could getastore lor nve hunured uollnrs a. year. 1 would have to scll lone-lburthasmanygoads furlhcr, that as in five adc any thing br.yond my tovayrcnt. And ycars, l liad not madc any tiiing bryoni! my expcnses, it '.yas (blly lotry any longer ivhcrc I was.' 'And so you dctcrmincd to takc this store at five hundrcd?' 'I did.' 'Is the stand a good one ?' 'I havc heen onen Iwo wccks and mvsnles arc an good,and evcn beltcr than they were lipfnr. ' 'Then I should say that you had Ihought to some good purpose. But why Jidu't you think in this way two ycars cgo V 'Bccausc I was not absolutcly rompcllcd to do it. Aftcryou wcutaway.l commcnccd ii,;i:n-., cn.rrrpsipii nml iIip fTrt w. 1 Ut was a dcterminaiion to makc a thor- .,,, -vnminalion of niv alTairs. I look ..inckc balunccd rav boo'ks and madc un a statpmcnt that frichlcncd mc halfout mv It showcd mc thal I was not worth cighly cenls on thc ilollar, if all my stock- wcrc lorccu intomarKct. inaiinau noi in five ycars, advancccl a smgle btep. l 'Ilumph!' ' 'Il'safacL For ncarlyawcck I was so disheartcncd that I could scarccly cat or flccn. Afler that, I forced mvsclf to li for somcthing hctter than afailure. and tet! mysclfto thinkiiig out some mcans of prc-j vcnlingn. iiere you ecc incrcsuti oi my vcnlingn. iierc you ecc uicresuu oi my Ihoughts. It went liard with me to givc up Ihat beautiful store. 'What will be said if I go into a plainer cstahlishment?' I askcd myself. But all this weakness soon gavc way. and I mct the wholc thing as a man should mcct it. Oneofmy fears was, that the rhange would nficclmy crcdiL 'Has ildonc so?' 'Not in ihc lcast, I bclievc. Evcry body sccms lo think I have actcd wiscly.' 'Of coursc. A voung man, with your Iight capital, should ncver have drcamcd of CCE3 jn this world rcsulia, in ahnost cvcry uasuinir out in me eiviu iuui uu uiu. out' case, Irora f mall bcginnings.' ij can bclicve so now. But when I com- menccil, mv idcas were somcthing ditlcrcnt. I ex ccted to havc madc a fortunc in a few ycars. 'And come vcry ncar running yourself ?' 'True.' Now, howevcr, you are ina much fairer way, in my opiaton, tnan you navc ever bcen. Ofmakinga comfortablc living, al IeasL' 'And with that you should be coatenL If more crown your Iabors. lake it and bc ,i, nn,! I.r cum tlmt vm. mnl-p. irnnA usp 0r;L e-ms tnal prcviously, hc made only his cx- pensei. Iie tnignt navc gone on wnere lie was, doubting and desponding, until over whelmed in ruin. But little right thought, followed by confidcnce and prompt action, savcd him. Let no one, then, who is in diffirnlty, givc way to doubt; that will tend to briug on ihe difliculty hc drcads. But wiih wisc forc thought, and a hopc.'ul bpirit, prcss onwnrd. A wise man forcscelh Ihe evil, and lii.lelli himself; but the simplc pass on, and are puuishcd 1' Thc business ol ihe mcrchants in Barre, Mass., durins Ihc iiat year, in the single nr- j ticlc of Pahn Leaf Ilals, has excccded, as we j are informcd hy one of them, iro hundrcd thousand dollttrs. So says the Barre Ga- zette. I)r. Asahel Smith, Tcxan Sccrclary ofi State, armed in this city, yesterday alter- ...1 vci: for Boston, whcncc hc will snil in the Etcamer of May, for England and Francc. Wc learn thalDr.Smith cameby wayof the Mississippi and Oluo rivers, and hns not been in Washington. -Y. Y. Journaloft'om mrrce. V'irglma UnitcTsity. TheCharlottesville 1 Advocate ol Kridav contains a nolice from I thc Facully ihat thc disorderly students ofi S "Calhthnmpian" amuscmenu ot thc Etudents. which thc Professors interfercd , witli. , . , . . . ! 4 doulMactd Ampaper. ThojJ cunosity whir. h has lallen undcr our ohscr- . tIle e7 T'l h a ncwsnaner D'.ibhshcd at Havcrstraw,L.ocii- - 1 .,,,. T --,1 i-Thp Prnlpplnr ' dlilebyT. j. E. G. SuUicnand; one na" 01 ""'cn ls '"S anu U,K uu"-r "a" ucniocratic. ' nublished inless thnn three yeara. Asev . .... . , r ., ' , entu cdiuon isreauy sor mc press. i Tiie Arr.iRS at Uio. The National In- telli'rcnccrsays: 1 .Wc havc rcason tr, suppose that ihe Bra- zilian O.ovcrnmenl nas noi consioereu .m. b"cf .e'S': iprnn.l iu authorilies on this occasion I Ihe seizurcof the Porpoisej as ol sulhcient con- scqucnc stobcmadeasubjectofremonslrance .;, -,.o...n.o,,t . iu liiia uu.unuiv"" Whiteiiall ArRiL 18. The navigaiion of ihe Champlain Canal commenccd on incs ,! Inst. The Packets h-ve commcnced thcjr regular trips, and the difTercnt Trans porlalion I.incs are getling their Boals in re nare for ihe busiuess of the season. Sevcral goops auj b'cbooneis, on the Lake, h i arT;vJ.j ia,ien priucipally wiih Iron. Ch .(je Lake, have ron- The only prisonerin Nantnckct jail haa gtvcn nolice that he wontEtay unlcss he can hivc bctter accommndations. iVUMBER 2. i Noble Co.micct A mcrcliaut from rittshurgh who had jusibuoghta bill of "uods from i Philadclphia merchant. nimiuntinc to more tlian Sl.UOO. arrivcd. and iitli it ttte ptiitrn riptritnutn nfi tlie siuraainrPMn.mri( I.ppHp.i .... the tnorchant frnm honi be made tlie purchasci, and beggcd him to t.tke baek his good, as lio was not alilc t pay for thnm. TIlp. Iltflpr v:14 pviil.,illv fiuifl.p.t l.itl uili srarco a moineni's hcsit.iiiun hc to liij miting dc.k, and as pnmipily asit eoulu be douc, baudcd to his honeat-heartvd cus tmiier ofPitlsburgh, a bill aud rccciptfur thc nhule amouut. Thc cditorof ihe New York Evciiing Post cstiinalcs the popiilatioii of that Cit at ihe Pjcscut tiuic as f.dluns: iNcw lotk c" 400,000 isrook-iui, ou.uuu Williamsburg.Jcrscy ciiy & Uobokcn 1 -.'.ll'JO 170,000 There wcrc crectcd in New York propcr, dtiring the Lnt year, 1210 bnildingH. Mauv of llicse cost from $C0,0I)0 lo S40.000; ai)d a "cw of ibem as much as 70,000. " r Cutiuvs fuljUmtnlofa Vromht. An Eng lish gciitlciiian, on a Sunday crcning of last. sumincr, drove ont lo Grccnwond Ccinetcrj and ou arriviog at tho galc wa? rpfascd c Jinis sion, not having a proprictor's titket. "I am a stran'er." saiil hc. "aa.iuon s ikc to co back nithout eceir.g tbopkce. Andyoumay a3 well admit nr, fur ir.y Iicaith is rninc.and if I fancv a spot fll comc and l.iy my bones hcre!" Theciuict scriousncs wiih which this quaint argumcnt was urged, pleascd ihc gatc-kecper, and he drcw ihcboii aml let il pic.iucr in. Hc drova about f:ll ihc swiiiili!. and on passing out luaukctl ilie nepper vcry fcelingly, aud said he should keep hi. prom- iSc. A few days ago a geullemanr.iired witli. a description of a particular spol in ihc cem- hcpCjetcry, identified and purchsssd it.incntioning tbat the remains of an English gcctleman Were on their way from 1'almtTo for burial i tilcre. ilewaa th3 sub cct or the mciJcnt i tilcre. ilewaa th3 subji jjust rclated. Befbrc his jej l,;s promise to the ga orjers for hia rcmoval ta ueatn iie liail recor- gate kecper, and givcn thc placc hc had rhosen, rcqncsling that thc fulfilmcnt nf his prumisc might be mcntioned as hc sliould p.T.3 thrnugh ihe gale. His remains are cx pactctl daily. N. Y. Ere. Mirror. Thk BuKnTK I5lacks.mitii is lecturing nu Tcinperaucc in Fauucl llall, Bostnii. Inoue ofhis Icctures, giving an account ofhis own progress in intcmpcrancc, hc said : Thcre.iliH "Ship ofjollification" is anchorcd oll in the hay, bound for ihe " City of Destraclioy." 1 got on lioonl, but inlended to go no ihan pnint "Just Enough," buttioinc'i;h'ini was to be found on tbe voyage, for ihc lirst glass is " too much." Not being able :o find this point, I procecded on to " Tipsy Island." There I found ajally set of fel!os, but I was not conlentcd to remnin there, and so kept onboiird until I arrived r.l"3'oprr'iiIfifM;" thcnce to "HlaelcSyt;'' thenrc to "llloody-nose Street;" thcnce to " Feul-shin Alley;" ihcnre to "SUrpy Jlolloir;" rnd ihcnce to a called "S'crerty's I'alleyi" which is situated just this side of the "City of Vestruclion." There 1 iumpcd o.-erhoa.-J. and took a co'd iratcr sprce nu "Co.l-ojf Beack," lne last stoppiug placc thissidc of thc city to nhich ihc vesscl lvas- bound. Eahlt PunKRTr i.v Grkece. Mr.Strong, ihc Uavarlan Comul at Athens, in a rrccnt work, (Grecce as a kingdom,) says: "Na Inre ij so extrctnely precocious in Grecce, that females attain thc agc of puberty at tcn or eleren y ears.aud men at fifleen and sixtecn. young lads ofsixteen andscventeen are fre quently mct wiih in ihevillages, alrcady mar ricd, and with familirs. I am acquaintcd with a lady of one uf ihe first Aihcuian fam ilics, w hn, though only tweiiiy-five years of ngc, alrcady has eixtccii childrcu, (fight of llicm twins) of ivliom sevcn are sic alive. It may scatccly appcar crcditablc. but Ihere is now at Athens a vrnerablc grandmanuna iu llic persiiii of a lady notyet tr,eniy-fm:rjearH old. She wr.s marrieu when pIcvcii ycrs nf age, and had a danglitcr ia l Iie rourfe i:f a year. That daughter married aUo, -earccly clccn.ancl hasjuillit'cumca niothcr. The Potmaslcr Grneral is prpparing lo carry thc new l'nstOilice law iuinexecuiinii. He has ndvrrtised for "15,000 balances for the various post oflicein Unilcd Slaie, coa structpd 011 a phm beslcalrulated In nscertan llic wcight of li ltcrs. and malcahle mat ter. undrr thc pi.t uflicc law uf 3d .March, lci5'. Hoslon Ma'd. Railroaiis. Thcrc can be uo question as lo tbe beneficial effects of thc railrnads upou agricullurc generelly. They praciically place the counlry farnier npun a par wiih tbe cul tivator in ihs ncighhuihood of llie city; aud the cvidence of Ihis fact is lo be obscrved in l ihe fact nevcr so many farms wherc ofl Jcrcd for sale in Ihc iinnicdiateviciniiy of I'os- tou, as since thc ci.ntruclion of rnails con- verging to lliatcily, nhilelhc lauds nfibe iu glllg IU 111(11 , fXIC IltU i.MUa f. u , ir.upon the scvcral routcs, are proporiion- j r deprcciated in value. Wiih a railroad i lenu ablv dei comuiuuicatiun to Uostbii.cvery an.cie oi pro duce nould havc a kuonn tiRifoim cash valuc.and iustead of lying ixor eight mnnths ou hand, aud being llowo upon and refused, even in exchange for tape 6z buckram, would bc tought for, at priccs harely below llie cily markct. A fatox forinsiance.instead of beiiij sold at a price to allow the drovcr two huii drcd pounds for sbrinkage, may be put ou board ihe car and cnt down to Brigblou uliile tbe farmer's corn is yct undigcsted in his maw. And ibcn asain. how striUiugly ihe prc dictiocs of croakcrs havc been falsified in re gard to horses. llailroads, il was sai J. would cut up teatning and stngciug, and destroy ihe markct for horses. The result hows that " . .. .. . r nmrestaging and teaming is employd in con vcying passengers and frcigbt lo aud from the railroad, then was Lcfore requircd upon thcwholc iborougbfareitscIf;aniI astoliuiscs. MnorouKuiareii5ciijumi.wiu,iu.. thedemandfor them has steadily increased will tnc progrcss oi roaus anu nicir iun-uuiiiii : improvemcnls, uutil at lliis uiomcni, tneyarc more eagerly souglit lor, commacu ueucr priccs, ihan at any former perind withiu our rccolleclion. burlington Frte Prcss. Karningto Liquot Thaltrs A gcntleman Cincinnati is in posscssioo oflhe names ofjdl the liquor dealers in two slrccts nf ihat city for llie last ultccu year. i nere wero yiiij scveu iu all. of whn. fifty-thrce aredcad, a-id j lo lake nienir.- lor ll.c rj..ire.iMr iIwh.Iu-fom-six of ihem d.ed drunk i i lionofthe Vuor.l-Oli.uZlatc JovMud. 333 M&jS?, IS l'UtLISHKD KVKRT WKI. KSOAT Mlllt.f I.NO IX STKWART'S BOILDIScSf BY J. COBB JR. bt nnoji all ni:iir.i rtc hu.ntiso HAMDBILLS, Of pvcry ilcscrijition ivill lie ncatly sml nsliiounbly excrMcd. at short nolicc. UELIGIOL'S INTELLIGENCE. OiJIrrlrtl Vnn 'jfmVm l. .r ji . ! ' t..;...... ' J riii'tne. An:,ir.siA3 or Tl-rkcv. Rev.Mr. Goo.f cll, wriiing from Conctnntiiioplc Januarv 31, Eay -Thcre is nowa vtrv iiitercstm slateol things among the Annunians nt the Cnpitol, aiwl thcrc nrc nmny new iustanci-rf o!" awakcning. There is probahly not nu cvcning in ihe wcvk, on nhirh there is not a prayer uiecling lichl by nalive brcthrtn nt some plare in Cmistnntinople propcr. At ourpnMicscrviieson ihe Sabbalh, ihc con gregalion is largc,aml the Word is prcnrlu d wiih powcr. And ahhougli all Ihc ingi nuily and wisuom aml Intlucnce oflhe vcry n ight es,tamnng boih Armeuians and Tur!''nrc aclivcly cinpliiycd toarrestthc work, yct it iscarried forward hy a hand unsecn ai.d by a powcr not lo bc rci$tcd. Missiox to Bl-rmaii. A vcry intrn sting ccrcmony reccmly took place at Hali . s,on tho occasioii of Kev. Mr. Burke bcing I'csi" naled asa Miseionary to carry the tnlingK ofsalvation to the iJcalhi n. Bcv. Vr. Bel chcr cxprcssrd Iu j-iy ihat thc ver.irable paslor who bad comincncc'd hi labr rs iu that Provmce 0 ycars ago. when Nova Scotia itseil was iniss ionary grmiml. l onltl havc livcd loscc the day when a Mirirnnry was lo bc Ecnt from her shorcs to Ihr d elimt Burmah. Cuin'a. There urc now, mys a icccnt leller, five or six conirreglions g.Hlicird u( Ilong Kong among thc Chmcse cvery Sab 1m:Ii ; nnd uistruclion :s commuuirait ii lir i ihc moit ;:art, in anintrlligiblr niiii'.mr. It is a nllninmcnt lo bc able tn i ox pouud Chrisii.iu Imlli to the Chinese, ns to bc sure nliat we pay i nndprstniid. Thc i'olil herc is immciisc. nnd ihc i'oor ot nccess Ii it arc rapidly niuliiplying. r-rinie of thc ob.-tuclcs to the spread of Cliristiauity, which are founu clscwhLTC, eithcr have nu existencc hcrc. or nrt wiih a greatlj iliu.m ishcd powcr of rciistnnee.- Sabhatii Temi-eraxce Movcment. Tho Bishop of Norwich latcly prcsenlcd In llni Houfcc of Lords fourlcen .clil:nus on thc Eiihjppt of Tcnipcrance. In cnurli.dii jr his rcniarkc upon themli:c BUhup said: -Thal ;ho praycr ofpcliliiuis was. that mcamrrs mighl belaken lo promoie Tcmpenim-p, vf perially nn the Snhbaih ilay. By llic n r.ftit oflS41, it iippenml ihat'the froj orlion of tbe I-etr shops ivas I lo 32 families. and most of there bccr shops were opcn 011 Snn.laj!. Thc cnnscqucnce was, thnl thc inrrriiM ol Irunkenucss wnsquits rcmarkable, as provM by thefact. that Ihc ilrnnki'n rnsc: inNei? "kork on Momluys was 33perrenl, on ihc avcrage numbrr of ihc whiilc caf-ci uf nfTeii ccs. He Iruslcd Ihe Governinent woul.l isnt considcr this Euhjcct bcncath their iiotiru." Rcv. Dr. Ilavtk, late of New Ynrk. U uu'.v al New Orleans liaving acrrptcd tla: rcctorbbip i;f thc Kpi-rupalC'hurc li, in C'iuial strcet, with a .al.iry of .'5,00() aml a I.iiiim- iii Annmiciatiou -'iuare, ata rcnt uf $1,000. QrtiCEn's Rcrr.uor. Someiime sinrc. a sailor on nns of the wharvcs nas must borsierously, nheu'one of theSocietvol Kriends, passiug nluiig. nccostrd him m i pleasanily, at"I siiif, "swnrc i it ., l, swarcanay, till ihet-gels all that l.ail luH'oiit ofthce. for can ucvpr go tn lii.'.iven, nli ihat sliuf in thy heart." Tlie saili.r uhh a luok of astunishiiicut and shauiebuncd lo lliu honest Quaker, and rclircd. Sahcatii Kkki,ig. Liin. WilLes, Com manJer nf the !atc I'xploring Kpcdiliu from ihc U. S. whu has Imrne very hunnraMu tC3limony to Ameriian .Mi-ionarics, nherev er he has uict lligin, iu his Narraiive just pub lisliccl, s.iS, iu refi'rruce to ihe Sabbath at one oflhe Siimlniib l-.lanjs: "Suuii.iy is usheiv) iu i. iii. a I'ecorum aml qusriness tiiat wiiulil s..!ify ihc tuost scrupo loiis l'uritan. I havp nftrn bad occ a-i.m tn yppnk of llic sirici n!i.-erva:ice nf tlie Sal.batli aiuiiMg ihei'i.U.lInii KLmls; au.l llu stricl ncss is nn le reuu-rkalile !)rre. Suih is ll.c furre of tUamp'f. ihat evr.i ihe lra.i imlrr.y uf thc furcigi.ers mc pivveultufromitidulgiiig iu any cxccse;. Tciaperante in Seir-Orlt'ts. I'rom a Irl ter ol Uuu. Ji.Iiu fl. CueLr. of Virgini.i. who has latcly vMicd ihv Snulli-Wrsieru l.ili-, it appears that tbe rause of Trmpersnice rapidly ad7airciiig iu rrgitn. Iu fiir Oilca:i, where, he ays Ihe Irmperam e r -form had scaicely coiuiiicnred when he viMt cd ihat city scveu yeurs since, ils v.iiiom.- so cielics no uuuiber about ten ll:uuaud. EQ.UAL AND EXACT JUSTICE! Fforida adiniiicd into llic Union ivnh n. provision in her Conalilutiuii wludipruliibifj thc Legislature fruin tre r ciniiiiri;.i.iu the Sl.ivcs oflhe Slnlf! Andlhiis called ujiie r'ni.tutii.n n r!Ant!lulinti icr fi temtiiA'vc WUti. ..- -. - Ihe lovcrs of LlBEm V lo ndly under! 1 Iie people of Florida may roll Slavcry undcr tlicir longucn as anueci morrri ..n j ni.iy hug thefonl inslilulioii.and bind Liberiy w.lli chainsnnd call it freedum. They ol' ihid gcncralion may do that if ihcy will, but they caiino: bind pt.tcrily, nor ehould an Amcri can Congres have sunctioncd thentUmpl. By the Consiitulion of Fforida, no frna persou of color U permilted lo land iu any ol ihcpona of lhe Slatc! This is infati.ous. ViThutbecomcsorthc lstclauseofthe2d tcr tion ofArlicle4, oflhe Consiimiion of lln Unilcd Statcs? which rcads as follows '1 he citizcns ofcach Stalc thallbe cntilled lo ilm privilogesand immuiiilies of cilizcn of tho scvcral Slales.' A man of colour m.iy be come a cilizen in any of the fice S-'ta'e . ThcBsands of ihem are so atthw day. In New York, lhefi.ll right ofcilizeihip i-uc-conlcd lo thcm.incluiling llie right orsufTruge under ecnain limilaliuiis. But by thia i ro visinn in ihi Co'nstituiion of Florida, sancl- . ... ,..: nor.wsH KWorn m ; ' , n . - f .. ,e UniU-.! Ihisplain proviston oflhe liinthiincnial law Uabrogated. This U rank iiulhfii-ai.ou n I IVi'.eralism wore than lln; Alien nnd Sedilion lawc, which rxiei d only lo thc cilizcns oflhe 1'irreifpi Slulef. But this proscribcs Ihc ruizenacf Ihe oibcr Sl:ili" ofthis L'nion dciiies them rightfguaranlcr.l by iheConMilution, and Congrt ss nppnyr ! Can it he wondcrcd ihat ciiizni' ofNei' York neiiliou lo iheL"!:Maturc ofihi-'r Sn i