Newspaper Page Text
the central route tosccurc ila ndopt.on n preference lo tho Rutland route, has led tham to distortions of lUels of a most cxtraor dinary characlcr. Allhough it hu becn contededby all that thc Rutland ronte lcss in dislance tlmn ihe central, tho Edilor of the Watchman has. had thc hardihood to pronouncc thisamere assumplion, nnd by certainarUhirctical floarishcs claiinscvcna fractional adv-antagc in length to lhe Cenlral. Nay, in his blind zeal for his favorite route he actually rcduccs thc tlistancc by the way of Concord and Lebanon to ten miles less than by thc Rutland Rouie. AU this, howcver, ts not more ridiculous than the aescttion upon which hc vcntured last wcek that the 60 fect grade of the Rut land route will havc to bc increaecd to70, and that cven tlns cannot surcecd wiinout building along wall befoic reaching Mount Holly some 16 rect wide aml irom 4U tc fect high. All lliis maybc possible; but toSO un til we have somc better autlionty than Ihc mfrc miK work of anv individual as to iv rhat the thc forlh coming rcport of the Engineer ol the nulland.rouie may ueveiope, wc snan rcgard such assumptiona as mcre bugbenrs raised up to frighten the capitalists 01 uos ton Irom llic Rutland route. RUTLAND RAIL ROAD CONVEN TION. Nothaving rcccived the proceedings of the Rutland Rail-road Convention on the Cth inst., assemblcd atlhut place, wc must speak of it from recollcction. The Conven tion was organized by thc nppoinlment of Joiis A. Co.vast Esq.. of Brandon, Pres. George T. Hodges, Vice Natuasiel Fcllertox, Presidents. Geo. A., ) IIarvey Bell, Secretaries. Geo. W. Grandv, ) Afler Bhort addrestcs from Mr. Clark ot Brandon and Mr. Ormsbee of Rutland, Mr. Chapman ofGreenfield was called upon,n-ho vddressed thcassembly in ahighly intercst" ing and instructiie specch upon thesubjccl before the Convention. Gen.Brown of Rutland then presentcd the long cxpcctcd survcy ofihc Western route madc by Mr. Fclton the Engineer of thc Filchburgh Rail-road. The cslimatcs of the crpcnse ol construclion wcre read and the longprofilc of the survey sprcad upon the tablc. In thc altcrnoon, Mr. Cook of New Hampshire, Mr. Foot andJudge Folletad dressed thc asscmbly. Thc gathcring ol the pcoplc was large. The new and sparious Court Room was lillcd almost to overflowing. From thc east sidcof thcmounlaincamcquile an avalanchc ofthc bcst and ablest mcn of that rcgion, glowingwilh thfclruc Rail-road spirit, and a dctermination that thc project should notfuil irom thc wnnlof efiorton thcir part. From Ihccounly of Addison, we regrctto say the attcndancc was mcagre in thc cx trcme, and yel thcrc is no counly cxcept Rutland thathasadccper Etakc in tlie 'Wes tern route than llio counly ofAddifon. Vie wish all our peoplc had bcon prcscnt to cntch thc fire which carr.c from Ihc banks of the Connecticut. Therc it is cvidcnt it Lurns wilh the inlensily which the momen tous importancc ofthc object is calculatcd to produce. Viewcd m the cahncstmood ol the eobcr eccond thought nolhing morc dccply involving thc prospcrily ofthis region of country than the construclion ofa Rail-road lias cvcr becn prcscnted to the hopcs ofthc pcoplc. The tardy transportalion by Lake navigalion lockcd up by frost half thc yearis a mere baggatcl tven to tlichordcringtoivris incomparison with the (aciiilirs ol a Rnil road to Boston, thc ncarest and bcst market for almost cvcry article ol ourproduce, and enaoicing us to eci in motion me immcnsc manufacturing and mincral rcsources ol "Wcstcrn Vermont. That a Rail-road connccting Boston and Lake Champlain will bc conslructcd was placeil heyond .-iperadvcnturc in thc discus- fions ofthc Convention, and the cvidcnccs that thc 'Western roule in all rcspccts is pref crable to the Central wcre convincingly urgcd by thc spcakcrs. That prompt and efTectual mcasures to secure the object must hc adoplcd was made equally manilest. The Commissioncrs of the Wcstcrn route. a ma- jorityofwhom wcre prcsent, announccd to the Convention that a noticefor opcningthe Books for Eubscriptions woulJ bc immcdi- ately givcn and that a prompt and libcral subscription made by the pcoplc on the route and scnt to Boston would be the only mcans ol sccunng the indispcnsible aidofthecily capitalisls, and of counteracting thc trcmen. dous cflbrts of the (riends of the Central route lo disparagc onrs, and divcrt invest ments to thcir own. This done immedialely upon that enlargcd scale which this most nio mentous object demands, and we shall soon cc the Iron Horse foaming tlirough the Mount Holly gorgc, anj sparklii.g along lhc ricli valley ofthc Ottcr to mcet thc Lake at Burlington. Thc rcsolutions jiassed by the Convention wc shall publish as soon as we can obtain a copy. RaU Road Notice. THE COMM1SSIONERS apiioiolcd by ine aci 01 ine L.egisiaturc incorporainiff the Champlain and Cosjiecticut Riv:r Kaii. Road Compast, liercby give notice that Books for subscriptions to the capital stock of said company, will be opcncd on the 10th day of June next at ibe following places at Kollett. Bradley & Co.s Slore in Burlington stGeorRe T. Hodnes Storein Rutland ntCalvm Townsley & Sons in Brattleboro, anil at some placc iu eTery tonn on and con tfgnous to the lipe ofihe road. Tiniothy Follet, John A. Conant, George T. Hodges, Lullicr Daniels. Calviu Townsley, Samuel Barkcr, William Nasb, Ambrose L Brown, Henry ?f Fullcrton, Williaim Henry. Rutland, .May C 1845. Commis sioncrs. M a r r i e d , In Salisbury, on the 27th inst. byJ.C. F?,niCri q-He,ny Ma"-bcr of Whiting to l.umrc Lcslcr, ofthc formcr pla.e. Died, In Ripton, January 20lh, Chnrlcs D. son of George A. and Margarct Wllson, aged 7 ycars and 9 nionths. In Middlebury, a fcw days sincc. Mr. James Cranc, a soldier ol the Rcvolution and long among the older inhabitant3 of this town. Also, at the ol his eon-in-Iaw, in Rutland, Wn. Y. Rialey Esq Gcncral Hasling Warren aged 63 years. Gencral Warren foralong successionof years was among the mosl activcand indus trious busincss tnen o! our villagc, and a die tinguishcd and useful memberof the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Generally amiable and obliging to his ncigh'ws, be particu larly cndeared himself to them during the lcisnre ol a few ofthc last years ofhis life by his kind and assiduous attcntion to he eickand lhc afflicled. He will longbc re membcrcdin the wide circlc ofhis acquain tanres in Addison County with feclings of attachment and esteem. titv--ti rt' .-- HHirlwwMJ im' fiJJj RAIL-ROA33 EffiETmG. A Rail-Road Meeting nill be held at thc Tow.v Room on Friday erening next, at ihe ringing ofthc bell. Let all who have the least intercst in the prosperity of the county or of Middlebury, no and hcar what :s to bc said and learned iu relation to the adrantages and prnspects oi a rail road tlirough this re gion attend. A rail-road will be built, and with prompt and liberal elforts in western Yt. there is a fair prospect of its pssiug through Addison Counly. Prof. Tuining and otbcrs are expectetl lo addrcss the mceting. wiliiain iSash, Rufus Wainwright, Samuel Snift, S Cnunty Samuel P. Strong, l Committee. Paris Fletcher. James McDonald, Middlebury, May 1-1, 1845. BRIGHTON MARKET.-Mo.ndat, May 5 1843. Iitportcd for the X. E. Farmcr. At market GCO Beef Cattle, lSpairsWork- in- Uxen. 14U0 Slicen.and 2025Swine. 125 Becf Cattle unsold. Pnicr.j. lictf Cattle Last neek's prices wcre hardly sustaiiicil. Extra 5,75 a C,00. r irst qualitr, So.50. bccond nuahty a a 5,25. Third quality, $4 a 4,75. lyvrKine Oxen.Sales $55. S0. S87. S95 andSHO. Sheep. Sales frora $1,50 to 3; a few fine weathers $5. Sirine. Lots to pcddlc4 1-2 for sows.and 5 1-2 for barrows. Two lots selected 4 5-8 and 5 5-8. Old hogs from 4 1-4 to 5. At retail from 5 to (i WOOI.. Tbe article has bcen m better rcqucst during thc wcek, and the stock of neeceaml pulleil hasbcen snmcwhatrediiccd. (Bpecial Notice. The subscriber would inform those who linvc unscttled nccoun's ivith him tliat his bnoks are now at J. Wainwright's Store, whcre setllcuieul may be made. Byinimcdialcatteution to this notice cost willbes.ivcd. K V. KARR. Middlebury, iMayC, 1845. 2 ATTENTION. missioned.Oflicers, Musiciausand I i c.i r.t T-n r , I r. yatcs of tl.eCih Pufle Co.npany. of Ihe Gth Kcgiincut of thc er ! inont .llihlia are lierehy uarncd to nppearar ine unciung liouse ol Jouathan Scely, with the uniform, I arms, and cquipmenls required by . law.onTticsd'iythe.Ii; t -w o 'i i. ',1.' rorciionn,lor the purposo.l coni- pauvdnlland iospccliou aiidlhcrc await further orders. By ordcr of Capiain, JOHN B. WILSON, Clcrk. .Middlebury, May 8lb,l845. AND NEW GOODS. THE subscriber has takcn the store hcrclofore occupied by PrattitSmith, and isnow receiving from New-Yoik a large and rplendid stock of MY GOODS, fsclcclcd wilh grrat carc,) amone; which maybe lonnd goods for ladies dresses, viz : I Balzorines. Lawns, Gingbams, M. De Laincs &c Prints in great variet, from 0 to 8 cenp. j Alpaccas. ALSO I Goods for Mcn and Boys wcar. Broad Cloth', Cassimeres, Tweed Cloths and Summcr Goods any quantitj-, LawrenceCSheetingsandsever-. al oiher styles, Bcd Tickings Drillings, &c &c i-araso:s anu umorenas, lace loruaps and capcs, Edgings, Ribbons. Braids and Floience Bonncts ana in fact almost everv thiag that can tc called for. ALSO GrocerieSj Crockery, Glass and Hard Ware, a large assoitment. Naih, Horse-nail-rods, American Stccl &c.Drugs.and Medicines, Putty, Window Glass, Linsecd and Lamp Oil, inouid anaies, ioansn xc. ccc All ot which he n ill sell for a very small ad vance from cost forcash, or on thc most accom- modating tcrms foi produce, or short approved crcdit. Please call and esamine before purchas- lngelsewhcrc. H.O.HillTH. Kewilaven JIayiy,lia. M tl Buller, Cheese and Lhe Geese Feathers. in exchange for Goods. H. O SMITH. THE subscriber is now receiving from New York a large, elegant and fashionablc assortment DRY GOODS, suilable lo the srason among which may be found rich and bcautiful Balzorines, Printed Lavnis.Muslin de Laincs, and Cahcocs in almost endless -ariety, Bonnet Silks and Ribbons a snlendid assortment. Artificials, Parasols, Para- solettsandSun Shades. Gloves and Mitts silk & colton, Fancy H'dk'fs, Hosiery.Farewell's walk- - i o,i 3 Ti.if r-:. 1 : r . almost every article that can be expected in a country store, selected with great care and pur chasedat the presenlextremelylow prices. 3 Groceries, Hardwarc, Crockeir and Glassware, urugs, Medicinesand Famts, i.insecaana i-amp un, tjut and Wrought JNails, Window Ulass, Put.yCodfish.&c &c Hedesircstosaytohisfiiendsand the pnblic, that he intends at all tirnes, to keep a good assort ment, and to sell on lerms as favorahle as ran hn obtained atany other slnr in lh Staii- Thn highest price will be paid for all kinds of produce usuallj- received, and cash will not be refased. 4 A W NEW GOODS. l he peopie are respcclmlly invited to call. , T.C. SMITH Monkton, Afavinih, 1S15. 011 MORE. A kplendid assortmentofNcw Gotxls will be fouad at A. Chapman & Son's, chcap for casli or produce. AlongpulTis of no use, call and ei aminc. Ourcustoiners may be assured of the best articles and the fairest prices. May 13th, 1845. A. CHAPMAN f- SON. IsnoffreceivmghisSUAlMERSTOCKofEcg- hsh. Frencb. German and Amencan Goods, a - .uub UtvU iuui wiwu..-. may verv bcautiful desi?n. Family Groceries, of choice qoality, Likewise, Crockery, Glassware, &c., &c, &c. Feeling to anpreciate the pasi patronage of a liberal public, be would respectfully solicit a con tinuancc thereof. May, 1815. 1W G The subscriber.are now receiving a large sup plv of Sprins and Summer Good"!. Among tae assojtmcnt will be tound almost, cry article of Staple Goods required in cvcry article ot &taple uoods requirect in tlns scction, anu a gieat vanety ol ine new styles of Goods for Ladies Dresses, "Florence & Straw Bonr.ets, Ribbonsand ArtiCcials, &c., &c, ic, which will be sold ontermsas favorableasatany siore in thc Counly. WRIGHT &. BUSH. Shoreham, May 12, 1815. 100 M. Ghingles. 500 S. Wool Twine forsale by WRIGHT & BUSH. Shoreham, May 14, 4815. Justreccivcdand forsaleby the subscriber, a goodassortment of Groceries, consisting in part of II. S. Tea Irom " s to 3 s. Y. H. ' do do FrenchBoxRasins. Sonchong do " Keg do Hyson do do L'f and Bro. Sugars, Molasses, Tobacco, CofTee &c, &c. ALSO, Dye SlutTs. May 10, 1S45. PECKf- FLOWER. Crockery & Glassware. .1 large asiortmcnt just receivedand for sale by PBCK 4- FLO il'FR. iddleturj", May 10th, 1813. On hand and for sale 1 Case Moleskin Hats, 1 " Drab " l " Silk " May 10th, 1845. by Pick&Flowkb. FARWEU.'S SIIOES of all kinds just opened by Prr k &. Flowb. Jliddlcbarv, Jlay 18th, 1615. A new and fashinnable article for ihe sea son.just received by FRANCIS. Wool Growers T A K E NOTICE. The subscriber bcingverygralcful, for lhc lib eral patronage that hc has t ecn favored whhiur ing the last year, would again announcc to ihe public generally, that hc has purchascd the WOOLEN FACTORY, foimerfr occupied by EmvitiD New flaven Eabt Alillt, and havingemployed thcbtitol worlmcn and put his madmvry m thorongh repair, i in rcadinncss to receive and manaraclure Wool into Plnin CMhs, L.UHHS anti i lann'lson ine most reasonable lerms, P yaru. or on snares, wmcn ne pieuges fhait be done in the bestmanner possiMe, and to thc fatisraclion of all who raay fjvor ,lira wih lheir patrons-e. Thc Mitscribcr will give strictand nnfil nltpnllnn In lli tii,inxc nnrl li rprinr. tbeexpericnce he has had as a manufaclurcr, nopes io receive agaian nucraisuare ui uio puu- LDWARD PHAIR. Drcssinsas formerly. E. P. Kew HavenEaslMills, .Vav 7, 1845. .': drn SCHOOL. Thc subscriber has (ittcd upthe Chapcl of the old Acadeniy building lor a pcrmancnt school for young ladics and misses. Ihe hrst term oi this inalitution will com - mence on thc first Vcdncsday of May, A. D. 1815. under tho instruclion of Eliza H. Week3. EFMiss W. will give Icsscns in Music and drawing on reasonable torniB. O. SEYMOUR. Middlebury, April 29th, 1815. 3.w. PAPER.. Room Paper. Hordering, Fire Board Prints &c. , a good varicty very chcap at Birgcs. 1845 New Goods.1845 AToctirc R.vP AT Pliir.mor. 'X' M' Hipmail,1 ",ou'd lnvite all their Ecighbors and fricnds ca" ona cxamme aiargcstocK ot f which they are now receiving at FRANKLIN, consistine P O R T of Broad- cloths. fancy and plain Cassimeres. Satineiis. Velyetecns plain and fancy Gambroons for (Sundayj excepted) beiwccn Vergennes and Buf summer coats and Pants, Krimlins &c tc. for falo. during the nayigable season ofI845, as fol- ,liiUran- irm. Trl, UT " - T t- I, . ' icnce, urape ue uossc, al. 1). Laines, Plaid Lawns &c for ladies wcar, Cashmere, plain and stripe De Laine and othcr Shawls. Florence and other Bonnets a large assortment very low. Fur, Leshorn and P. L. Hats, Caps, cords and tassels, Ladies Cravats, blk and fancv Ilalian Cravats &c. A larse varicty ofPRINTS, bro. anu uica. vuiiun, i ichincs cc.wun a grcai va riety of DRY GOODS not namcd. A large stock of GROCERIES or all kinds. Crockery, Glass and hard ware, medicines, Oil and Paints Iron, and Steel Nails, Fish, Salt, Plaster, Flour, &c all of which which will be sold at the very lowest prices. Bridport, April 128,1815, OTISYOUIl TIME ! ; IF you would buy cheap I indefianceof peddlers, Jo sefii DriR, now has and is receiving from market a fashionablc assortment of Jcwclnj, Gold, Mclalic Fens a superior ar ticle, Gold and Silcer Pencils, Gold and 7 rer Spertacles, GoldBcads, Silcer Table and TcaSpoons, Creamers, sugar tongs, Jinger' rings, and brtast-pins a beautiful assort ment, silcer thimbles, butlerknires.soupladles, plattd spoons, ear rings, gold and silcer lever Walchts, quarler and common da, 75 per ct. j chcapcr thau fonnerly sold, gold safely chains, and leys. vlaled do Bazors, I'tn- j - " ; . i ' i t Kmtcs, scissors, lltemomelers, hatr &riie. Ttcezers, nolins, boics and slnngs. bass viol sirinr-s. irom and dressinrr tnmhs. ilutrs. irV. ' bugles,nice pockel pislols, looking-glasses, plaUschezir, timepiectsbrassand vxoden r. , o , i-Ji; ,J, uiimuvi . good timekcepers, Mclodians, music boxes', tea bells, icallcls, Anda good assortment of other articles inhis line. 53Plea!,e call and see ifyoa cansot buy cheap for cash. ITTWatch racainnz faithfnllv attended to by !tLtotoWn bSSSS: F" BOIWETS ofdivcrse qualitie3 nnd ma- tprinle nmnnt? T-K nP Tltln T?lnrpnri Rinla E .i: frn,t chi dren s Bonncts: nny of wi 1 make anugly woman look good as need be, and u preuy woman pasi au companson. 2. BECKWITH & CO. HATS ! IATS ! mrrzr . ,, r Trnrno r i JHspnngpaUtTmfoT HJlTS Iteeived Sladc St, tchcre those inicant ofagoodarti- ' , . ,. ,i ... , i . t..i.j - vicinilu, can bs accomnwdated. 3. S. SEYMOUR. I April 23d 1845. 50 tf f A LARGE STOCK. Bonnets.Ililbons, Artijlcial Floictrs, 7?uci es aad Tals, together tcith almost evert ar ticle in the Mix.Li.NAnT lise, which were bought unusually lovr and will he sold ciieap by IKAiSCIS. May Cth, 1643. U3 T O THE 1111111 nnttPTTta tflT l.flrtlPQ lirpctci. JV PaUernS I0i ljdQieSlJreSS- neweststvle. and which are pronounced to be more BEicnrcL andmuch cheapeii than ever ofiered in this market. Just rec'd by MayCih, 1813. FRAKCIS. galls LliSEED OIL for sale by thc subscriber at his oilmill, at X.Y. prices currcnt for cash. Vergennes and vicinity can be sup plied at G. W. Parker storc. AHon thc lake shore at J. Frost's Landing in Bridport. ILTA11 orders from a dibtance punctually allended to. T. O'FLVNEGAN. Middlebury, MayGih 1815. lCni A CARD- N.HARRIS M. D.,.SurceonD3stist, Ihforms thc public thntnfier nn abscncc of dlebury in said County on the sccond Tucs a few wccks upon his regularSpringtour he ! day in June A. D. 1S15 and make answcr to will bc lound atlns old post reariy lor busi- ucss. Middlebury, May Gth. 1S15. Farmeiis or Old Addison! Have lorgot tnat ine bcst stock ot suhstantial sta- iv. ij6",'uK,,ai, iLitn,t)-u,iu thc chcnpest prices can be found at Z. Beck- with cc Uo s Roll up your doublc wagonsand ca?tthcm ofTnt your own prices! Middlebury, May 5th, 1845. GENTLEMEN'S SUMMER WEAR. Plain Black Cassimcrc?, Fashionablc Fancy do.of the most elegant styles. Gambroons, Sack coating, &o, Summer cloths ofall dcscriptions. Just received and for sale hy May 5. Z. BECKWITH & CO. fTIRF.NCH Balzorines, Muus. De Lains, AlTghan Satin &c, Just rccecivcd by C. BIRGE - SON April 22, 1845. FLAIN & Salin striped M. de Lain Shawls. bl'k and col'dBarges do.Supcr Damask Silk do, H'dkfs, Cravats &c. at UIItGES. Cppper Pumps, iinu L.eaa f ipc, at reauccd pnccs. Easlc and Tabor PLOWS sunrrior lo i'vr.rtntin ny I stove Pots exceedingly nice Towit: 'U anavaquans jo; i'ois to Ct 10 inch holcs, 14 " JZ ". " 0 " ' ' g 12 ' " " 8 " " in use: and othcr Ilollow V arc. Klovcs. Caul- drons, arch and oven moulhs, TiD, ware &c, for sale by ULAHH RICII. Shoreham, April 30, 1815. l-3w : I I HAVE Just rcturncd from Market aml am now openinca slock of goods consisting of almost every article called for in the linc of Fancy and Staplr. Dry Goods, Crockery, , Glass and China Ware, Ilard-ware, Gro- cerfcs, Drtigs and Dye Stujfs, which I have purcliased at very low pricesand am willing to ee!l at a very small advancc from cost. ; Ladies and gentlcmcn are resnccfullv invitcJ l? .cnl1 ,and examinc roods and prices, and I think they cannot fail ofbcingsuiled. I.C.MEAD. Cornwall, Vt. May 7th 1S45. VERGENNES &, liUFFALO THE Boatsot thisline have becn fittcd up in will nin. ' 1 DAY & NTGIIT. ' PACKET GARLAND, Capt. A. P. Hobart, Leaves Vergennes and Buffalo, April May 3 May June July August Sept. Oct. 20 17 15 26 23 21 May June July Sept. Oct. Nov. 31 28 26 6 4 3 PACKET J. SHERMAN, Capt, F. 1YT, Shaw. Leaves Vergennes and Buffalo. May G May 17 Juue 3 June 14 July 1 July 12 July 29 Ang. 9 Sept. 9 Sept 20 Oct. 7 Oct. 18 Tlie Proprieton of thef e Roals harc fnared no ex- t'". b""a',1 'e "P- au' , 1 """'."S rnbl,c judT icsi uvuicu uuii ukj wm ue niara"M oy acire fa aod experienced 'rew , wliowill exert thenuelTes ih make lheir Pauengers comfortable nnd atisned in everv ref ncct. There will be nc detenlion afler ,Verf en"": , Th? Price ,for l'"gf and 'd.aUo for Freight will bew " be pec"" Wlt" " conTenience, and allcnlion which willbegiTen on tlieee UaiK. Those clioosiog to board themelj e-in liare erery faciliiy for doing so. Forfiirdierparliculan enquire of ibe CapurSou bsardorto JOY & WEBSTER, ? ti, r f WM. ST1MPSON, i 1Julla10' r runuiM . V NEW CrOOlM, VerS.nnc,.March25,184a. 4,6mo ) Ia Chancety, Adiisaa County, June Teim A. D. Leonard Hamlin J 1815. of jVdSsaochsetts halhlhis m m thjs of. ficc of the Oerlcof the court of Chancery in ihe county of Addison, his bill iachancery seitin; lortiiinatontoeiunday ot uctocer A. v. ttsw, Leonard Hamlin late of Starksboro io said Co. or Addison, noirgoneont of this stste to parts to said orator unVnown, -was indebled tozra H. Kexell late of sIJ Staiksboro now gone out 01 ,ms statc t0 PaMS unknown to said orator in the sum of three hundred and eighteen dollars notcs, all dated on iudOthdayor October 1832 r .-j .., j.,' inrsnntl l lars and forty-four cents navable on the 15th da v of October 1831 onefor"5 dollars payable in cattle, grain or iron on the 15th day of October 1833; oneforBI dollars and fifly-six cents paya ble October 15th 1835 one for forty-thrce dolhrs and forty-fourcents payable Oct. 15th 1837 in grain, ca'ltleoriron and one for 50 dollars paya ble Oct. 15th 1838. And that said Hnrr.blin to Fccure thc pay rucnt ofFaid sum of money did on said 9th day ol October 1832 cxecu'te nnd delivcr (o Kiid Kewclla mortgngc decclof lotNo. 63 eituated in said Starksboro contnini'ngone hundred acres being a first divisfon lot drawn to the original righls of Noah Chittenden and that said Ezra H. Newell on the 2d day of Seplember 1833 for value received assign- ca saiu mongnge premises ana eaul noteslo Rodman Chnpmnm of Vergennes in said County and that said Rodman Chapman on thc 16th day ofDeccmber 1S42 for value re- I ceived assignedsaid mortgage premises and Iiui. auiu iu aiu jriiior-anu uiai saiu Orator was afierwards, viz: on the 20th day . ofDeccmber 1542 compcllcd to pjy to Roy j al W. Pcakthcsum of $200 dollars to extin guish a prcvious mortage on said premises ad also sctting forth that said sum of mon- cy speciled insnidnotcsisducandunpaidns 1 wcll nssaid sum ofmoncypaid to said Peake and prayinj that said Hamblin may be decrecd to pay saidsums of money and the interest thcrcon by a short day or be forc closcd of all cqnily of redemption in said mortgage premises. And whercas it i J made. loappear that said Leonard Hamblin residcf out of this State fo ihat a r ubpccna Icannotbe served upon him. It is thercforc order'cd that said Hamblin bc rcquircd loap pear on thcflrst day ofthe ncxl staletcrm of 1 said Court ofChnnr.erv In bft held nl Mid- said bill ofr.omplaiut and that said ordersta- ting thc substancc ofsaid bill be published in thc Norlhern Galaxy a newspaper printed nf enli! M til(llftilrv lli roo ,,-ifL.a cnr. ; 20 davs previous to the commcncement of : eaul X crm. Oiren nnder my hand this Cth day of May: 1845 1 SAML. SW1FT, Clebk. 12 Cases Fancy H'f Gaitcrs, Croton Tics, Frcnch Slips, French Buskins & Kid Slips a good article at 37 1-2 cts. Also, a good assort ment of CHILDRE.'S SHOES, GENTS UAI I t,ll, and Tashionable SummcrBoxts very low now opening by FRANCIS. MayCtli, 1815. NEW GOODS. P. W. Collins is this day recsivinga large suppiy ot Spring and Summer Goods, which he wijl sell !ow for Cash, bartcr, or i ap- provcu crciin. Cornwall, April 26, 1&15. 1 i;o Iarscs and bcst nssnrfment nlRnn ncls, Eonnet Ribbons. Shircd Ln wns. Snirn Triinniiiigs, Capas, Vclvcl Ribbons, and ar tificials; cver otfercd in this eeclion and for sale by p. W. COLL1NS. April 20. JUST RECEIVED by thc subscribers a lar-e splendid assortment ofUry Goods, consisiingln part of Changeablc Alpincs. Printed Lawns, Calicoes grc-t variety; Bonncts, Lcghorn Hats, Summer Cloih, Cassimcrs, Artificials, G:rnp Cord, Coat Trimmings, Gingliams, Shan .. Ffo'd Swiss Mublin forCurtains. Tiek-s.&e&i' w mt-ii wm ue som verv io w. PECK & FLOWER. .Middlebury, April 28, 1843. DISSOLUTION. The copartncrahip herelofore existingbctween the Subscribers underthc firm ol Pratt and Smith ls this day dissolved by mulual consent. The notesandaccountsareinthehands of C. Pratt to waom payrnent laast be made immediately. oilUMbli I'liAll. II. O. SMITU. New Ilavcn, April, ldb, 1815. AT he wcll known Cio;j Cash, and Uni' : r , . Te. ncar,ne nr,,se-.?rf . Pre- spcctablc custoincrs Ofthe very best goods in the County of Ad . dissn, which they will sell at prices prodi J ciously low. The usnal proecss ol nnirinc ! goods, either as to price or quality is left for innseestaiiiisurnents whiclistanu in necdofit. Middlebury. May 1, 1845. BETTER. 4 CASES PRINTS, ?forCctsand G Bales hcary Sheelings, upwards. 1 do superior fine Uubleached Shectings, 1 Case Bleached (various qualilies) do 1 do Hcavy Ticks, do do do for Underbcds, Floor & Stair CARPETING, 2 Cases (Jmbrellas, do Parasols, Parasoletts & Shades, Bleached and unblcached Lis E.-s & Gcass Cloths. fjj" 1 Case Indigo & Maddcr Gingham Apron Cbecks, together with a large and ex tensire stock ol Foreign and Dometlic Goods, just received which are oflered at a small ad vanco from cost, for Cash, Credit, or Pro duce. by FRANCIS. May 14, 1845. 100 PAIRS Farewell's Best BuskiLS, Walking Shocs, and Slips, just received and forsale by IRA STE1CART. March 4tb, 1845. BOOTS cVSHOES oI"every qality such as always have GIVEN pcrfect Ealislactidn. will be sold in such A WAY f as'cannot fail to suitpurchasers, BY Peck and Flower. Middlebury, 1S45. Dned Applcs, OF the best quality, foreale by March 18. A. FRANCIS." James Recd, VS H8S.B.CLEAFLAND, TTrbrJLD iarorm the Ladics of Middlebury r and vicinity that she still continues her busicess as a athcrordstand,aferodsjonthoftheArelhod. isiniecui smiu. wnereaiiwno may iavor ncr olliceor the Regisierof this court ih said Mid wilh a call willfiad a large assortment to selcct dlebury, on TLursday the 15ih day of Slarnext from. JTAs tlie Bonncti and othcr articles at one o'cloefc in the.-frp a?e. Among the arlicles wlnca she would spe- cify will be fonnd Florence and nhdseye. , c, ,,?.. . nuiumd oiicLiu:ia t iciona israia uonntu, Artificial Flotcers, Band Boxes. ijr. tfc. Sp. ALSO. of a!l (Irterlptlon. D- She has obtaiaed a rece:Dt for eflectuallv takingout the head sweat from bonncts. I Mrs. C. will continne todo cuslom work in the bcst manner, and at short notice. Aliadlebury, ApnlS, lo4a. 48 tf i ' Tfl oll nt Pant u ucll Ul JAtllll, Tl.c nremise, formcrlv cvncd an.l mmW ij Wnrren Ib.vden, iiuatej on White Rhcr ik Orai.- soo.1 Dnellin? liouse. Storc. Iijrn & shls. all m good renair. A llii is tlie onlj jtore in town. a roo.1 ?pfcH ber,Jrc said Court, at a session therecf to opportuniijr is otTcred to any one withing to embark ' ?e nc.'i' at tfcc odicc cflhe Re.sjbler ofsaid Coari in ine iiiemniiic busincss -rosnersion giten ira- roej atelj. Enquircof JojEru P. BALL.Agcnt. j QGrant!l!e,iMiiyl, 1&43. l:6w FORSALE. A FARM, containIn: 120 acrcs o valna- blc land, a two-story Housc,Batn nndheds, Well nnd ccmcnt cistern, an Orrhard which producesa variety ofchoiccfruit; is situntcd on the lake shore in Bridport half n mile cnm n nl I'nrl h rantlm A Tvipt n nn..lian money will bc required down, and time giv- en lor thc rcmainder. ELIZABETH B. STONE. Bridport, April 2G, 1S45. 1JNSEED OIL. Onhanda qnantity of O'Flanegan's snpcrior. bothof Cornwall in said Dislrirt. niinnn- nnd LirisecdOiHyhich will bc sold by the barrel at 1 hcirs of LuthcrBaxicr. Iatc nf snid Corn New ) ork pnccs freight added, and at retail raw 1VnlI dcccased. rcnrescnls to this Couri. Ihat or boiled at low prices. WRIGHT &.DUSII. Sboreham, jlpnl lsL, 1815. Pine and Spruce Shinglcs. OF thc bcst quality. for sa'e hy Cornwall, March, 1815. I C. Mead. Parasols, Parasoletts, Lcghorm hats, mitts and Gloves, of every grade nnd rolor, nnd a large lot ol Ladics and Gcnllcmnns ricli fancy cravals for sale by P. W.COLLINS. April 20. PARASOLS. 2 Cascs Parasols. 1 " Parasolctts. Snperior styles and pn!tern hy April, 23, 1845. C.BinoE Sc Sox. a White FiIIcl and Kid Glovcs. E- gvptiau New, Fillet and Fancy Mitts. . at Bhzes. It5 1. rpiIE subscriber would resne c X fnlly inform lhe peoplc of. Mid dlebury and vicinity, ihat he has commenccd Blacksmilhini?nl lhe shop l'ormerly occopicil by Rululf uirrare, acarinc isapnst iMect ing Housc. He will do all kinds of jobsin lus hnem araillifdl and manner, and espcciauy trm SIIOE CATTLE AND HORSES in lhe most apprord modein style. liis pnccs will bcm'oderate end reasonable ai.a ny constant altealion lo his husiness hehopcs !olLvoreil with a fair proportionof tl puMic yain-uasjc. Jj-Old Iron taken exchange for wort. H. N. KINSLEY. Middlcburj'.AriilSO, 1815. S. YEAIilj LATHROP, Physician and Surgeon, May be found iu his ofiicc at thc Geologi cnlDcpol over Ilagar's Book Slure, whcn not nbscut ou profcssional btuinesM. 52;4 SPEHG GOODS. C. Birge & Son, are now gctting in n fresh suniily of Staple and Fancy DltY GOODS, CIIKr FOU CASH. 31uldlchury, April, lo, 13 Ij. TT EGHORN Hat. Gtnls. & Bov's Cloth, -B Silk Velvet A: Oifd Cloth Caps. Just rec'd by C. Birge te Son. April 22, 1845. COPARTKERSmP. Ansf.l D. Stearss & Da.mfl H. How- ARD, h.ivelhisdav lormcil a partnershtp in the PAINTING BUSINESS uudcr thestjle of Stearns and Hoirard A. D., J). II. IIoward. Middlebury, April 30, 1845. EABNS & HOWABD (At lhe old stand of A. D. Stearns a few rods south of the Court liouse) are now pre pared to execute all kinds of CAllKiAtrli & SlfiiN FA ATIiMt in the neatest and most fashionablc styles: AL.SU Hodse Paijtiko and Paper Haxging will be cxccuted to order pr.mptly, and in such a manner as toensuresatislaction. ihey are mlling to warraul tnat wtiat tney put nn wun a brusb, will not rub off wilh a sponSe. 52;3m CARPETINGS. A freah supply just received by C. lc. So.-f. HOSIERY. Black & White Silk, CottoU and Liste Thread, Hose, some very cbeap at ISirges. BONNETS & Ribins, New Spring Pat terns verv chean at BIRGES. GARDEIT SEEDS. From the Sbaker's and Risleys' Oardeus just received and forsale by V.. tJECh.WlTll & CO. April 14tb, 1845. Cloths, Cassimeres and Summer Stuffi, Unusually low priced at Bibufs. BLA PROBATE iVOTICES. STATEOF VERMONT, Addison District, ss. J Be it remembered that a t a Probate Conrt Scld ct Middlebury ii and for the Di.trict of addisbn, on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1545. Jesse Ellsworth guardian of JOHN G. EELLS. ISAAC EELLS, anJ ANX ELIZaBETH EELLS. IVIinors, childrcn of John Eells late of Corn wall, in said dinrict dcccajcd, represents ihat ii would bc conducive lo the interests of his said ward? to sell all their real estate, incladin? all thcir title and intercsi in and to thc real estaie of their father the said John Eclls deccaed, and moves this court to grant him liccnsc to sell ihe said real estate ofhis said wards : It U thprpfnrn 1 ordered, that said application le considered by this conrt, atascssran thereof tiTbe held at the by publishm-a eertifirH rorr of ih; orrfWr ; ,X Korthem Gifexy a nevstaotr Drinfed' at saM ; " ld,Jlebury, ihree wecks succcssively preyious to thc timeof said court. J. S. BUSHN'ELL Kegfster. A truc copy of Rcconl. 53 J. S. BUSHNELI- Rej-Uit. j STATE OF VERMONT. I District of Addison, BE it remembered that ata nrohnto Hnnn nt MWHIphnn- ?n ?T,t r.r,i. nr.. r j ,. rm i!,p 5R,h -t,V m aua Anson P.Beemano?f'-'nairmn ,Urn, tyof AddisosapersonhiteTested in fin pr.-.ipnf tfAKIEL BEEMArr late ot fcw Haven in said DUtrict deccased, moves the Coart Ihat panition of that part ofthe real estatcofMiddeceaicii which was sct cutas dowerto Iluldah Beeman widow of aforrsaid deceascd be made among the heirs ofsaid ,dectas CU' anU ln?1 .o"'n''S'orcrs be appoinlcd foi that 1 "eeuian give notice to all pcrson intereMtd to uMuuicuurj, on i miisnay uie lam niy ot May next, at one o'clock in the afiemoon, at j v.uii.iiiiiiic iuu piacc ine aiu uourt will arpoint ' fTimmictnnpr lr mako f ci.l r by publishing a certificd copy of this ordcr in te Norlhcrn Galaxy n newsparcr printed at safd MiddJeborythrccw-cekssuccessively prcvitcs lo the tiraraftjresaid Conrt. Jcd. S. Bushntll Registcr A Irue copyofrcconl, Attcst Jed. S. Jiushncll Rcjistcr. 52 State of Vf.rmont, Dirict of Addison, Be it rememtered. tSat at a Profcate Coort holden at Middlebury in saKf dkirict, cn ihcSSih day of April A. D. 1'84j. Truman Eells fftinrdinu of Wm R.BAXTER&HANNAH BAXTER ' itwouid be bcncficiiil to thc intercst nf hu snid wnrds to scli all thc real estate belonging to thcm which wns cetofTto ihem in thc di vision ofthc cstalc oflhtir itilhcr thc fniil Lulhcr Baxlcr dcceased, and movr iho Courtto grant liim liccnrc tosell thcsnid real s tnle: It is thercforc ordcrrd by tliin Ct,urt. that said npplicaliou be consiiltTCil by tbU Cnurl, nt ascspinn iherrof to heheld at thc otficc ofthe Register oflhfs Court in snid Middlebury, on Thursdny thc 15th day of rtiuy next, at onc o'ciocr m theallcrnuon; and ihat notice thereof bc givrrr to all per- sons; iiuercstcil, tliat thpj may appcnr anil iuaKO tncir tilijcctinnn. il nny lliey mny have to said liren-ii: heing grnnicil, by puli lijhing nce. lificd copy nf mul order" thrro rekisiicccsiv;ly in the Northeru Gla.iy aNcwtpapcr primeii at faie Mifhflehnry, prcvious lo thcsession ofsaid Ccorr. Jed. S Baihnttl Register, A truc copy ofrecord Attest Jed. SHi'shnell Rcgiter. tl Statk dp VenMOST, 1 Dislrictof Addison, ss. J I5e it rcmenitercd that at a Frol alc Conrt hcM at Jlidillebury in and for Ihc District ol Addison, on thc29ihday-f April A. D. 1?!5. Alonzo E. Hildretli admini.Mralir ofthe estate ol M1LO IHLDItETIL lale nlsaid ilfiddlcbnry dceeased, prssents hisad h taerenprn oruered, that said accouut Lecsamiord Joral lowanccs, atascssir.n of safd Cntrrt lo 1 e hcld atlhco(Iiceofhc RegKter ofsaid Courtiqsiid Middleluiy, on lhc iSifi dt r oriMay r.cit, .11 rne o'cloell in lhe afternfwn, r.iid Ihat iahl ndminis traior srire notice lhreof ln all rrrsr.r. inwm. led, that they may aprearand make Iheiroljcr lions, if an v lliev mav have. In llic. ef saidaccount, ty pnbliMiirga cenifil eory of nnF., in I.M V-.l T -. m. -uiiii(-iii uanij a newsparcr printed at said Middlelmy, ihreewceks succcss ivcly prcvious io Iholimc of said Court. Jed. S. Hushnell Regiseer. A truc copy ofreeon! 52 Attest. J. S. BushnrU, Krgrslcr. STATE OF VERM ONT77 Disirictof New Ilavcn, sjr Bc it remcml crcd that ata prol alc Conrt hol den at Bristol within and for lhe District of New Harenon tliffith day of MayA. D. 1W5. The Adiniautrat' rii on llie riate of DAVIDL. ANNAN- late of Hrtsrol iu yard Dfjfrie i ifee eared, made applKvlibn iu said Court to havc lheir ac- '"Clliils ntlh saij Estaie as Adniinistrnlnrs. exnniiucij aud allowcd nhcreirpon said Conrt ordercd said Adiniuistrnlois" lo rolify all perfons concerncd lo nppear ar Prnbaii" Cnurt to be lioldrn at Ihcnnice r.f incJiiflgn ofsaid Couit in Bristut un fhe iirsf Manday in June ISljnt lOn'clntk A. M.v thcn and thcrc to make thcir ohjeclions tn rhe allnw ance cf said accnunt if they sre cau?c by puhlisbiiig a ccrlified copy nf lhi order in lhe Northeru Gala.ty a nerrsnape nrinled in said Middlebury three wceks sne ccsMvely previous to llie time ot said Unurt. HARVEY MUNSILL, Judfe. A true copy of rccnrd 1 Attcst. 11. M UNS1LL. Juilfie. STAE OF VERMONT. District of Addison. p.,. --.. i .i . r...., i- . Iicld at Middlehury in and for lhe District of Addison, ou the d.iy of May A. D. 1845. Ehenezcr N. Briggs c.xecutor in an instrn ment purporting to bc Ihelast will and testa incnt of EDWARD MORLV, lale of Lciceslci iu said District Iccr.icd. prescnls lhe same fur probate: It is thercfore ordeted that, the game be examined for pro bate, at a session ofsaid Court to bc hcli at the Iu"n of E.B.Hill in Shorehamin said Dis trict, on Thursd?v ihe5th dav of June next. at one o'clock iu ihc afiemoon, acH that uo tic thereof be gnen to all peisons iiilercsied. that they may cppeir aml wskc their objrc tions, if any they may have tph.e probate aml allowanco ofsaid will. by pnblishing a cerii fied copy ofthis order ialbo Norlhern GabiTy a newspaper printed a M:ddlebury tbrre wceks successively previous to the timo nf said Courl. Attest J. S. BUSIINELL, Register. A true copy ofrecord, 2 J. S. BUSHNELL, Register. Muslin and silkstrip'd GinghaniR.rIarqiir sas, rich. M. de Lanes, French Balzaririca. new styles. PrintcdfLawna, and n I.- -ge kt of shawls, selling' very low by P. W. COLLINS. April 26. GRASS SKED. 25 Bushels Herd's Grass Sced, 200 " Clovtr " for sale by WRIGHT &. B V Shoreham Msrci 29, 1815.