Newspaper Page Text
II. BELL, . KDITOU AND FROP1UETOR. TEKMs"oF TENTII VOLUME. Jill.ige suWcribcrs '.t . llipra. . - - S2 00 2 00 individ.uls and Companiea wl.o lake at the office l'75or 1'30 cents iPaid in six monlln. I'ho'e tke of Poslriders . . !'ou II noi paiJ at ilieend of tlie year 2, -23 JVa paners discol.tim.ed until arrcara.-es are pa.d ncipi altb. opt;on ofthe proprietor. .o contract witli. or payniei t made to Orr.ers cah., r od.erwbe allowcd cxcept assenled lo b, tl.c AMPcora0mi.n;tiun5n.uSt be addressed to tl.e ed tor Post r'D. MISCELLAMOUS. I THINK OF THEE. EV T. K. IIERVEV. I lliink of thce in lhc night, Whcn all beside is still, And the niooa comcs ont with hcr palc sad light To sit ou tlie distant bill. "VVlicn tlic stars are all like drenms, A tiil tbr lil-PPV.fV! all like siphs. And therc comes a voice from the far-ofl strcams Like thy spirit's low rcpl.cs. I ihink of thce I.y lay, '.Mid the cold and busy croud. Whcn ihe laugluer of tlie youugand gay Is far too glad and loud. I bear thy low sad tone, And thy swcet joung smilc I sce; My heart were all alone Jlut for its thoushts of thce. As I.NK.M.L1BLE Ccke roR Deafness. ! We r r,rr,i..f.rmed l.v a fricnd of ours, who lias , testeditseffectsupouhimsclf.tliatthefollowing' receint will cure tne must ousuuaic cascs u. 1 v i i TnL-o n nint ni nurc clanneu Iionev, PUX ii into a siroi.j; glass botilc, put tlie botlle into .1,0 rmtpr nf:. loafof bread, first takinc care to stop it tightly, and bake it thoro..Sl.Iy in anovcn. Pour a smullquautity ofhoney ihus trcated into your cars, and p.otcct tliem Irom the action ofthe exierua-.airby tbe use of raw cotton Thercmedy is a siinplc, chcap and at all erents a harniless oue, aud is dcscrving of a fair trial. Theokt Rev Silas Hawley. J lcadius Sccond advcatist ofthe Jliller School, bascomjout wilh a new doctrine. He is A Soi.i)iEr.'s TcsTiMosr. "Sir,"said an oldsoldicr to the Sccreiary of the London I'caceSociclv at the clo'.e of ui.-of liU lcc tnrcs ou Peacc. " Sir. h it you hai c rclatcd, 1 have secn, aud niucii more. I was on the lieid of Watcrloo; and tliTe I saw, ou a plat or"rounIiiotimielilargcriua.ia gci.uei.... . gardcn, tii thousand of my lel oK-.uen wilti mnn-lpil l'uubj. dcad or dvin". Could we see tlie opcratiuns ef War wilh our own cjcs. aswe do the tffects of intcm pcrance, ubat tales ofalroc'.ty, anguishand hurror mi;lit wc telli liut ihcse the fricnds of l'eacc know uot by their own expcrience cir oberv.iiun; aud ilmse ivho do, arc re liictaut tudisrlosc thcm. Just So. A nian came to aprintmg i.tTa-e to be a nancr. " becausc."said he, "ueliketo read newspapcrs very iiiuch, but our nci bors don't lake none.' h- -" ' Uon't GuuvitLE. He iafoolihat grnm- bles at evcry in'isclianee. Put the best foot forward, is an old and good niaxini. Don'l runal.out an l tcll acnaintaiiccs that you have bceii nufi.rlnale. Pcoi.le do not like to have r...,..,t ,.,,. r..r iKinitancc Aiid io a vi-orous a cl.eerful spint ; if likca nl.ibisoi.hcr. and sct rid ofthcm as snon as vnu can. Pov- 7. .i..., i.w.1- it c..n.t;u- in iim rJ -.i ";i'i t... r. ' At Ingenious ADVEaTiscMF.XT AClass inNatuiialHistop.v. ticliovlmasicr. "jamcs, wnai is a oai- ainamler.' "An timphibiuus anim.d what catsfire." &,-hmimritrr l'.ishaw! Robcrt. w's a Salamander Dcscribeii, and siatcvthcrc itis foimd." "I know! It's a l.ig iron box. wilh doors to it, as laid in the fire at the Tribune oflice for ihirty-six hours, uiihotit getting hot enough inside toscorcha hank bill; aud it's found at Mr. Herring's, 139 Watcr strcet, NcwYork. I sce it there myself. and more oflhe same geuus. Schoolmaster ' You'rc a smart boy, crt, go lo the head." Rob- OJTnE Wiiigs in the Pcnnsylvania Leg islature, who supported Gen. Camcron for Scnator in Congrcss, askcd him, before the elcclion, if lle would support ilie TarifT of 1842, and the distributiou ofthe procceds of the salcs of public lands. To which he re plied that ifhe was elected he should sujtain thc Tarilf without chauge, anu thathe would also support tho last nauicd mcasure, in the same cvent. The corrcspondence belwcen ., nn - , . i r ' jne ..uSso.ine.eS s.aiUre..uUyu.v..,u,t.u justpubhshcd, diloscs these facts beyoud quet.oii. It will be rccollccted that Geii. Camcron was elcctcd by the votcs of lhc lug mem- bers of the LegiIaiure and the votes of some 10 members of the locofoco party who wcrc in fnvnr nrihn WliJo-TnrilTnf 1P45 asil is. The great majority of loco members supported anotherinan-anopponent orthe Tarifl-or wliat is the same thiuga Polk tarilT man in favor of reducing it to mcre rcvcnue stand- ard. Wc are uot sure but this defcat of tlie opponcnts of Protection will be the means - -.. ft oi savmg thatTariQ, the good fruitsof which are now gladdcuing the nhole country if not ftemcans ii will jdd strcnglh to the wiiigs in their cflbrtsto save it. and must make even i)ir. l olka little cautiuus how he assails it. It says to his party, "hauds oir" It is a sorry mattcr for thcm however. They had pre- ron.ln . r .1 rrt :T :.. t , i that prctcnsion obtamcd the vote ofthe state for Polk but when the question came up ofthe choice of Seuator, 4 fifths ofthe mem bers ofthe Polk party legislature undertook to destroy itbvelecting an opponent of the rariST of 1842io U.S. Scnate. The othcrfirih ijho wxrehoncstin their TarifT npinions at this crisis took ihe Whig ground for it, aud votcd with ihc Whigs for Gen. Camcron, ind fo'dcd ihe Polk dcmago-'ues. '.ni.uiuniijiiiic imui iu x cuu. ,iuu uy looUii'forthe tribcstoJerusalcm bclore tlie very day on which Ihe great carlltquakc , "am wmi i.roiuer oie 10 carry 111s ooues Lord come and tcn tribesaflcnvards, contcnds took placcin ihc cityol.Mexico. On Wcdncs- wtlh him, as ihe boncs of Joscph werccar- ihat thev will nossess the land forcver before day, ihe 9;h, thc following cxtraordinary ried out of Egypt, unlii the kingdom ol God the confta-ralion, that wehave yetseen none proccedings arcsaid to havu lakcnplacc: i ehould mccl Jcsus upon u.ount Ohvct; that r.i r i ..r thi T riY rninii." i ncreiiis Doncs inigni wuu ine uoncs 01 ius UedncsdSy af.ernoon, 2 o'c lock. j , ,licr BIlll li;e, wI aa statcandcoi.sidcrsthatatthecndoltlietliou- wuiueri:ncu u. '"""J"":' sand vcars this earth is to become ihe hell of mcnt, and was CJilled to ordcr by Auslm , thc morning ol ihc rc-i.rrcction, to parlakc thc wickcd.anU pasioutol tlie solarsysicm f'X , " J ii -i .tA ,,, 1 f l, n,-n-.rtl.l.i i.i- i.Hccdmitstcad Thc rumcntcred and took their seals. President God." thc new eartl bcing pla ccu m "s -tcau. c , , j lhc Hvmn onmuc Our rcadcrs will bcir kUU us, while wc comingo. Lnr.,i a.m rm.c, '. - ,.A rf - - , : EGrvcy which I copy tlic closing procccdings or ihis ramous placcsatll.ecou.euccn.cut ofthe 'onfl.rencc. . varioul are VOL. X. More Ifformon Fanaticism, From tae I'ittsbuih Gazclte. Very few ofour readers, we presume, are aware ihat Pittsburgh is the centre ol a very important and extensive branch of the Mor tr.on delusion, and that Grand Councils and Convenlions and Quorums arc held Iiere,and ilmt n Ecmi-ivonltlv naner is i ublished. The head oi ihis branch of these modern impos-l ters is Sid.ney Ricoo.v, who was well known in this region, as a Baptist prcaclier, before Iic united his fortuncs wilh lliosc of Joe Sinith. Since the death ofthe Iatter, Rig ilon has falien out wilh the "Council of Twelve," who now rule at Nauvoo, and was forcibiy compellcd lo lcave ine "cny oi thievcs." We do not exactly understand ihe nature ofthe ouarrel. but belinvc that Riadon, was one of ihe ihree members of thc High Prcsidency, Joe and Hiran Srailh ' bein the olher two. on the dcalh ol thc uie ciaims olliumaniiy.tne ternblo sublinn SmiOis, heconsidcred iiimscIl"of thc Iiighest of "e spectaclc, could not withdraw thcm powcr and aulhoriiy among the "Saints." i fromthepraclicc ol theirimpiouscerernonies. ! Thc -Council of Twelve," thc nextin au- i Ourciuzens tyould have thahked Ihcm to thority, notrclishing this. usurpcd thc su-! ve sent thelr l:cscort of heavenly nessen Iprcraepoiver, asserting that as thc quorum I gcrs" a liltle sooner, and not have waited i Prcsidents was broken up, it could not bc re- , te fji'rcst partof our city was laid 111 i slored. They therciorc cxpellcd Rigdon, , ashes, and many Iu-es had fallen a sacnHce !and have maintained their Powcr lo thc 1 to thc devounng elcnicnt. I nrpon! nf il.R 'Saints." hnwever. Our rcadcrs are probably disgusted with have rallied around Rigdon, who has cslab- j lished himsclfin this citv, and has latelyrc-; ceivcd so many newrevelations that hc bids j uiir 10 nvai joe on.iiii iiuuscu. I . i i r.i.'T..- mon caner miuiisnuu iu una cny, iyujwi 13 t called I date Mav lst, Irom wlucii we icarn maia . . . i .1 - uonlerence oi me unurci 01 .r.s usu 3 Jcnommatcd has bcen held m llus n' ou ...e n F", , 1 dom canizcil proceed .ir.nntri il.m. nm pnnrtp.l in ihis nnli.tht- , lcned ae ascvcr took piace in the darkest "Kim'dom ofGod" was organizcd, and thc ci'ilor ducsnot forgct to lell was thc , 1 1 I Afier wliiidi. President Riffdon said.sincc lhc commcnccmcnt of this confcrence, I ) lim. li.'nlmii; iincoasinr deaire. i.'ecp and in tcnsc: thal was, tohavcthc malter forcver put at rcst, whcther God would acccpl our work. Thc tpirit whisncrcd to me ihis mornin" to sclapart somc brethren.and con- secrate thcm to God, in a room m my own , , . , T ... ...,,;.. ,vas the rcaFon .Ul ,h;s mornin .) anj af,er lhc waslnnj; aml annomling, anu mc rairi- archal scal, as the Lord had directcd me, we kneeled aiid in Bolemn prayer we askcd find to "accent lhc work we had done. Du- rin" the lime of prayer, therc appeared over J . . .i 1 f i .1. . r I ni.r heads. in the room.a ray ol li"lit lorm inj: a hollow squarc, inside of which stood a con.pany of heavenly messengers, carh 'wiihabanner in his hand, wilh their cyes lookiug dovvn upon us, their countenanccs cxpressive ofthe deep inlerest they felt in . .. ... a'l WlKlt was tlicn passillg on ihc L-arui. i iici t; also appeared heavenly messengers on horsc h.ick with crowns upon their heads, and plumcs floaling in theair, drcssed in glo- r;0us attire, until like Elieha, wc cried in our hcarls, "tlie r.hariots of Israel, and thc horscmtn ihcrcof-," cvcn my little son ol r0urtccn ycars of age saw lhc vision, and jjazed upon-it with great astonishtncnt, say- in". ihat hc thou"ht his imaginalion was ranning away with him. aftcr which wc arose and lificd our hands lo heavcn in ho- ly convocalion lo God, at nhirh lime, it was shmvn nn jni'd in hcaven reiristcruig the nrcrntance ofour work, and lhc dccrce of thc Great God, that the kmgdoni is ours,and ! n-n clmll nrpA-nil. Mv anxicties, llicrefore. . ...iniinn lo our work in organizing the kingdom, and the acccplance of that organ- i.alion by our licavcn.y ruiuer, is.utuicrai i rcsl. t "Eldcr AVm. E. McLclhn then arosc and hore lestimonv to lhc manifestalions of thc j10wer ofGodinthe lieavcnly vision; hc . ihen gave thc suhstance of a rcvelalion giv- cn this inorinng relativc to thc openmg ccrcmony of Ihc consecnition, afier which : hc kneeled and dedicated lhc conference by prayer. Hc then arose and said, 'brelhren, I wish lo say somc things to you which will benefit you on the present occasion;' he eet lorth iii a clear manner lhc principlcs which conslitutc lhc fullncss of humnn happiness, giving mnch important mlormauon in rela tion to it. 'President Rigdon then procceded toor dain Hiram Falk and Curlis Hodgcs to the oflkc of High Priesls Afier which aeveral bottles of oi! wcrc prcsented and consccrated to the Lord." 'The next day, April 10th, cver mcmora blc on accouct ofour Great Fire, was spcnt in "washings"and "anointings," and "ron Fecrations," &c until noon. In the after- noon, at 2o'cloct, thc "Uonlerence" met again. At this lime Ihc fire was raging with again. ,nUjmny. We herc copy lirc pro- cceiliRgs cf,hJaftcrnoon.togetl!cr wilh thc noticc taken ofthe fire, that our readers may know tQ whom they are indebteili according u lhcse mcnj tlm he firc was SIaycd . ,,Tlie waRhing and anointing was contin- uej unt;i all the official members ptesent r..l Jfi. l..;....(;Mw.J irlTI' :l!llllllllll. UUIltt UIIISUI.U UIIIIIIU- ; president Rigdon read a hymn which' sun; aftcr which the quorums took j ,hei.-scats in propcr order, toreccivc their J ' patriarchal seal. Thc Palriarch then pro- i cecdtd lo piace his Scal upon their heads, j gcalin" upon them all tfie promises and , prophecyinTS pronounccd upon them, during I heir washTn"- and anoilinsr, commcncing wjth the quorum oflhe TweFvc; next in or- j rfcr came : the presidentsof the Stakcat Pilts- bur"h and thc High Council. Altcr these I quorums had rcceived their Patriarchal Seal ! thc Conference adiourned until to morrow . . . , i- i tj : mominir ai 'J o ciocit. uencaiciiou UV i rcsi- j dent S. Rigdon." "This was thc altcrnoon of the great firc ' which desolalcd our cily. White we were thus organizing the Kingdon of ourGod,nnd consccrating the otTiccrs thcrcof, lo lhc Mos't High, our city was fast laying in ruins by tho dcstructivc violence of fire ; and our Iriendsand ncighborsin thc midst ol porrou-,-dislress and confusion, wercflying for their I livcs, araidst thc ragings of the devouring j biuuu, ua uiwt itiuauo ctj , . o . , l , C! T " 1 ( I I iVl Wnai piiicus in uii: xurruury urc i.icru I in tlns city. f rom a poruon oi me r'"'""""-"'K""'M ' academies7 liv answcrinu Ihcse lnquincs ings of this body wcappcnd afew mg ouereu up a soiemu prayer to uou wiuc n . anJ by givis mc any information, you will tn shniv nnr rpni era Ihat rt.utcas wus rauiivu 10 mu uuiihuhui: saiu Juecuur -r.,..,.. nn,i -,...,,1 nn .. MIDDLEBURY, elements, to placcs ofsafety, nnd Ieaving thcirall to perish in the comraon ruin. In ihr-closin!? oraver. foradiournmcnt.Dresidcnt Rigdon presenled befQre ihc Lord 'he deep distress and great calamity which was then btfalling thc inhabitants o! thc city, prc- scnting before the heavens the widow and .1 1 1 .1. tV 7 I l uie luiucricEs, uuu me suueriugs auu ueep afllictions ihat were overwhelming our city; prnyinguou lo smy tue violence ol lire, tnat our wlioie city mignt nol belam in ruins in which prayer the Confcrence joined with all thc feeh'ngsoftheir soul. Dunng this prayer an cscort of heavenly messengers that had hovered around us during the timeof this Conference, were scen leaving the room, andlo! thc wind was iiistan:lychanged,lhe violence ofthe flanies were stayed and our citv saved froman entire ovcrtlirow." 80, these mnaticB quietly pursucd their mummcrife, wmie ine city was consuining. what we have alrcady given tlicni of Una BrK.cinn.noi anu kiwvuj ' ol Imman natiire. Uu the last day ol tlic -jj -j . mmln nn ni hl.-ic.TinpiT.m.s mummerv. lt was . . . . , . . 'i,-' ii nl rtni Inrrrot tho mMrii! il rniciriT MP ttrinrt -J ulrl . . . s --; r " ' - b'""; ; 1" -j" " hTmse fr and Wnh M i clt l Xs! IZll Z 1, P S leir rTm ll M.Colc , it luivin!! been showc in a nervious vision, that brother Cole should beslain bc- laiion had requircd on thc part ofbrothcr McLellin, Ihat hc should cnler into acovc- relaled amon!r which arc thc confirming of "two sielers" who I.nd been baptizcd ihe evcninir nriviou?. the account procecds Thc Book ol IMormon was thcn rcceivcd a3 lhc word of God, by the unanimous volc of thc Confcrence. Thc Book of Doclrine and Covcnants wr.s also rcceivcd as aretcluthn from Goil, con taining the pallern for lhc organizalion of hisChurch by thc unanimous volc ol ihe Conference. Thc Confcrence then slood upon their feet, wilh their hands liltcd up lo heavcn, and rcceived the lioly oonvocauon, prcsen tin? lhc covenants which they had enlcrcd - . i i- r.i i .t I- .!, ,nA 111. 0. l.UIUrij UUU. Ll.lU Ull IIIU tUIIV (1'i.V i.uu done, and nskingGod lo registcr it in heaven, and piace his seal of approbalion upon lhc great work they had done before him ; which lhc L.ord tlid, aml nore testimony oy uis Spirit, ihat he had accepted their work. ar.d placcu ius seai upon iu 'III T . T st . .1 . 1 - . . 1 . I . r .1UCT J. 1VI. lol-llieil ri:iuit:u iu vuu- ferenrc a vision ofheavcn, phown to him last liill, giving a hiftory of all thc important evcnts which shall iranppire in the world un til llic buviour con.cs, The Gazeltc ol a Iater date contains some ndditional facts', that may prove of somc in lerest : Thc Confcrence which was held iu this city last month, was convcncd by a call (V-m Sydncy Rigdon. I( was numcrously allendcd, and rcsultcd in the cstnblithment nl a branch of Mnrmons enlirelv distinct from that at Nauvoo, and undcr a dilferent name. That is called lhc "Uhnrch ot tlie Laller Day Saint-." this is denominated "theChurch ofChrist." Thoy bolh, how cver, ackndwledge thc "Book of Mormon" and thc "Book of Covenants" as lhc word of God, and as of equal authorily wilh thc Bi blc The principal difTerence belwecn ihcm is, ihat lhc Pittsburgh Mormons, to their credit bc itspoken, repudiate and adjurcthc "spiritual wife syslem," lhc dogn.a thal "it is sQmetimcs lawful lo Iic," and assert thc duty of obedience to thc laws ofthe land. Thc government ofthe two sccts is very similar. The principal Icgislative body is called the ''G,uorum of Seventy-lhrce." This nuorum is composed of thosc who have bcen ordained "prophels, pricsts and kings unto ... ' t. r..u :.ur:.. God." This quorum is now full, in the Pitls- burgh branch, and sixty-lwo were prcscnt at the lalc Conferance. Thc Iiighest execulivc oflicer is called the "First President." Sidney Sigdon cnjoys this office, and thc manner in which hcal tnined it, is so curious that we cannot but copy thc account of it from the"Messenger," ofthe 15th of April. Afier the new Church had bcen organized. and lhc "Quorum ol Scvcrty-threc" was full and had rcceived the chargc ofthe jnstitulor, President Rigdon, who had bcen" ordained bythc prophetjoe Smilh himself. Thc account procceds : "Thc President ihen said ihc quorum is now full was organized agreeably to the paltern of heaven, and he had now so far done what God had commandcd him, he thereforc surrendcred the control ar.d man acment ofthe kingdom of God inlo their I "o . . . - hands. I now throw myseit inio yourarms. what relalion shall I sustain mthis hngdom? Wliat ojjice shall 1 twia ! Whercupon Elder Joscph M. Colo arosc and nominaled him as first President of this kingdom and Church, and to stand as proph- e(, seer,revelator ana iransiaior, io uus church and kingdomof Christ ofthe last days, which was seconded. The vote was pulby W. E. McLellin, one oflhe Sccreta- ries. and was carried bv an unanimous vote, cvery mcniberofthe quorum stai.ding on his feet. Itwas then put to the whole church, and was carried in thc affirmativc, without a disscnlingvoice. The new "First President" was tlicn con- secrated by cach member of ihe Q,uorum coming forward and taking him by the hand, and makingasolemn pledgc lo "s'jindby him nnd h!a famil v in all riffhtcousness before God until Ihe time of the end," and until they shall "mect llie son oi uou, onAioum Olivet, and the cnilh is redeemed." Thc Messtngcr says the ccne was of a most ini- VT. WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1845. pressive charactcr. United with the "First Presidimt" are two ! oihers.makin7 tvhal is called tlie"Prcsident's I Q.uorum," Ihe highest Court in Ihe cliurch. ' This is thc quorum to which Rig-don be- longcd in Nauvoo, when Joc Smith was First : President. The other bodies are Ihe "Q,uo- C m t . .. . I l:YT?l. l -i . rum ci i wcive, ' ine -nigu vvuuncu, uie ; ''Q.uorum o( Elders," &c, almost too nu- meious to menlion. "Sight smart Ghances" out West. TUwvi,, -n.; o,i thr,cnn in thc answcring lcttcr ofthe lolloiving cor- respondence, which wc find in the last Mil- : waukie Uouner. In our opinion "it nccds no ghosl" to divinc who thc membcr ofthe I Mihvaukic bar is, to whose pen the produc tion should bc cicdited. It beors intcrnal cvidence of thc authorship. P ,0 p N. Feb. 25, 184 3. DearSir Thinking of setlling in the westcrn country, I lake the liberty of address- ing you a Iine. I am aiawyerbyprofcEsion, ' ana.regirdcd thc terms she proposed asauin and I wish to find agood location at some 1 sult to his honor, and vowed it should hethc Annfif tortf At u.'h:lt cnnnlv cnir m Territorv is therc Ihe bcst chance, in your 0D:ni0n. to succeed m business7 Plcascto ' inrorm me orthe numbcr ofiawycrs in your piace wi.tuiti mtj .uc yuuug incn, uuu , ; .1 .f.- wi .1 . nuutn u;v. (iujiu- ( luch polilical par- t d hov mnch ma- ( laiion oi yuurtuumy tvim isjn thc ascendancy. nn piontv? l'lease also topivcmo some inlor mation rcspcctmg sciioois. ivnai encour- are g.vcr, to persnns .qunlified to , tCactl SC1C" . oracaum,?s 1 v "a' arcpa.d to conimor, school teachers? tunity cver prcscnt ilself, I shall bc happy to rcciprocate the favor. Yours, &c. To thc P. M, Milvvaukic. Dcar Sir Yours ol thc 25th Fcbruary,ad drcsscd to thc Postmaster oflhis placc, was by him duly rcceived, and on account ofthe mulliplicityofbusincssjhanded overto mc to answcr. I am iilso a lawvcr bv profession, having i rometo this counlry somc fourycarago,and ' knowing how lo apprcciatc corret informa tion in regard to t:ic prolcssion, i snau gjve you true answers to your cnquiries. As to ihclocations attnc LOuntyseats iniiicuiu crenl Counlics ofthe Territory, I must say in all candor, they arc decidcdly cood. Al lliouih the county scat, na eslnblishcd by Iaw in some o( the coustics, at "ihtfgeo "ninhical center" may bc tnany milcs from any olher inhabilanls than the nativc dcni- J f .1 l . .Ml .1 1 zcns 01 uie wuuerncss, suu iuey ureguuu locations ; and as to busincss pertaining to our profession, I should think a Iivingmight be madc at many of these "county seats,"' as therc are plenty ofnnimals to bcsWmirtjand Mihvaukic isagood markct for ''skins and peltries." As to the numbcr of lawyers in Mihvaukic, their name is "Iegion." Something over 10 slick out their shinglcs. and wait with all ll.e tihilosophv oflzak Walton foranibble. They arc for thc most part young men of sanguinc icmperui.ieiu, vvii.i iumtipauu.i high whcn they left honic for the glorious West, and which seem Iiighest in lliosc who Iravclled thc greatcst distancc to get therc, and thosc who comc last. Thc population of this Toivn is about 7000, madcupof nativesof evcry dcscription, climcandnalion. I should think there was aright smart chancc for a school tcachcr hcrc,'lrom the lact.lhalnccnsus was receni ly taken in one school dislrict, from which it appcars ihat therc arn over 600 childrcn in it bclwccn thc nge of 4 and 10 years, Thc rcmuneration for tcaching,liowcvcr.lisanoth crafTair. Tl.e old sayinir, "poor man for childrcn," is herc cxcmplilied in ilsfullcstcx lcnL Butyou have been anlicipatcd in your schcmeof praclicing law with an "accom- paniment. ' 1 hc schoolmaster is already auroau ; Bcarcciy u luwyer arnves among us but cxhibitsat thc same timc, his licensc to practice and a cerlificatc ofqualificalions "to tcach tlie young idea how to shoot." You wish to know, also, which polilical party is in thc ascendancy. In reply I would say, politics in Mihvaukic arcmightyuecer tain' and if you should concludc to comc here to rcside, you will find it expedient not to bring a singlc polilic with you, and then don't get yoursclf too dceply commitlcd on a shortacquaintance,or you may have to craw fish in order to kcep in the ranksof thcstrong cst party. This operation is attended with ashght degree ofmorlification to thc indi vidual, but is gcnerally amusing to thc look-ers-on. Asio the other matters of information you Ik, I would say in general terms, Wiscon- sin is a great countrv the farmers raisc tall crops, and thc mcchanic and mcrchant appear to be goihg ahcad, but professional gentlcmen appear to ron lo seed inthiscli matc. a physical fact ivhich I am no more bound to cxplain than to account for thc witness ofthe milk ofthe cocoa-nut. I have thus endeavorcd togive youa fair statement in answer toyour queslions and if the inducemenls for emigralionarcnot such as you expected, blame not me who have wntten reritie sans paur. I have not given you all this information to deler you from coming herc to share the golden harvest which we are uow reaping. No, sir, if therc sanythingldo despisc, it isa selfish act; and to convince you ofthis, I fiereby tendcr iyou thehospitalilies ofthe bar( ifyou havca spare quarter) and afull wclcomcto a chancc wilh us. The Postmaster at Mil waukie is daily cn cumbered wilh leltersofinquiry for situations for uon-produccrs, but most frequcntly with thosc ofthe profession. He has finally con cluaed to cstablish a burcau for this branch of business solely, and give the charge and profits of it to briefless lawyers. We shall depcnd upon a recommenda lion to our friends seekihg information in re lalion lo localing lawyers. Yours, with usual rcspect. A WIFE WORTH HAVING. The distinguished William- Wirl, withiu six or eight months after his first marriage. became addicted to intemperancc, thc eflect of which operated strongly upon the mind and healtb ofhis wife, and in a -few months more sbc was nnmbered with tbe dcad. Her death led him to leave the country where he residcd, and, and he raoved to Richmond, wherc he soon rosc to distinction. But his habits hung about him, and occasionally he was found wilh jolly and frolicsomc spirits, in Bacchanalicn rcvciry. Ilistrue friends ex- postulated with him, to convincc himof ihe iniurv he was iloin: himself. But he still persisted. His practice bcgan to fall ofT, aud many looked npon him as on thc sure road to ruin. lle was advised to gctmarricd, witb a view of rorrcctiug his habits. This bc con- I w-w seuicu lo uo. 11 ine rigut persou onereu. je accordiiiRly paiil hi addresscs to Mis Oam ble. Aftersome moDtlis attentions, heaskcd her hand in mnrriage. She replied: "Mr. Wirt, I bavebcen well aware ofyoor uicuiions mr sunie ume uhck, and shoulu I have given you to understand ibatyour viss ana nueniioos were noi acccntablc. Iiad Inot rnr. m ( nnm u ,n, :. roinrnilt-il thn riHiiOlmn iFliinh .. 1 you make ine a pledgc ncver to lasie, touch, or lianuie any inlnxicating unnks." T!1'3 rc)ly t. M,r- "VVirt.was as unexpectcd 1 as it was uovel. His rcply was, that he re ' canled the proposition as a lo all further cousideralion of the subject aud left her. Hcr course to him was the saiue as cver his, resentment and neglect. Iu thc course of a fe w wccts, he wcnt and again so licilcd her haud. I5ut hcr reply was, hei miuu as maue up. 11c becamc mdi"uant, 1.. !... 1 (.1 l.n il. took to drinkini worso aud worse. and seem- cd to rn.i bcadlou? to ruin. O.m .Inv. ul.;i jjhig in thcoutskins of the city. ne.."r a little croccrv or cros-slion, ueaU Uiunk. a voun ? . J. . 0 1 J lajy, no it is not neccsay to namc, vas pass;ng that way to her hon.c, not farolTbe- ! A i,;j ,;, facc Uptrned to tho rays of a ! ' scorchins sun. She took hcr liandkerchicf! hIl herowu unmemarked uponit.andplaced I it orcr hU f:lce. Ar,er Le ,'aa remaiucd iu that way for somc liours, and his tbirst being so ' he wem ,e it,e occ - ' griig-shop to get a driiik, u hcn hc discovcrcd the liandkerchicf, which he looked at, and at the uame which was on it. Aftcr pausin- a i few imnutcs, he excl.iiincd 'Great God! who Icft this with me? who He placcd itou my lace!" No oue kucw. dropped thc glass, cxclaiming. 'Enough! euougli I' Hc rctircd iustantly from the storc. forgct- tmg Ius llurst, but not the del.aiich, the hand- in thc Charleston Councr, citcs various cx kerchief, or the lady, vowing if God gave him amplcs in point. Brandrcth, wilh his pills, strcnglh, ncvcr to touch, tastc or handlc in- has risen from a pnor man, lo a man nfelcu toxicating drinks. I sivcfortuiic. HehasnowatSinsSiiisaihree To mect iMiss G. again, was the hardest story factory fur griuding his ii.cdicincs. elfort ofhis life. If hc inct her in her car- Aloes arc carried into it by the lon, aud whole riage or on foot, he would dodge thc ncarest cargoes of the pills arc despatchcd to cvery corucr. She at last addresscd him a uote, ' pait ofthe Union, aud down cvcty body's undcr her own hand, inviting him tn the throat. Hc has expcnded Ihirly-fivc ihnu house, which he finally gathercd couragc e- , sand dollarsina siugleycar for advcrtisuients. cuoiish to acccpt. Hc told her if she bore Comstock becan wilh noibins. but bj crowd- afTrclion for him, be wnuld agreo to hcr own hig his patcnt niedicines, has bcrn ablclo pur lern.i. Her rcply was: ! chase one oflhe fmcst liotiscs iuUuion I'lacc. "My conditious are now what they cver liave liecn." " i iicn, saiu uie uisinllirallcd Wirt, "I ac- cei tof tliem." They were soon marricd, and from that j from his little shop iu Nassau strcet, into a day he kept his word.and his aflairs brightcn-; buj cr of lots and houses by the w olcsalc. cd, while nud glory galhcrcd thicktlnccd not mcntiou Swaine, ofPhiladt:phia. upon his brow. His name has been cnrolled who by pouriug his pauacia inlo peoplc's high in tlie lcmple of faine while his dccds, j stomachs, can affurd to buy a sinsle pcarl his patriotism and rcnouu. lives aftcr him ' head hand fur his d:.ughlcru orth $200.000 wilh imperishable lusturc. How many noblc to prove that wc are a pill-eating and biitcr minds might the young ladics save, if they ' driukiiig people. Your lilerary man will would follovv ihe exrfinple of the hcrniuc- 1 slarie iu his ganct, whilejonr pill makcr will Iicartcd Miss G., the friend of huinauity, of emergc from his garret into n palare. her counlry, aud tbe relativc of Lafayettc. ' Temp. Adc. , . , . A.xecdote. We heard a storv some lime AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIE TY. Thc Elevcnth Annivcrsary oflhis Soeicly I'abernaclc ycslcrday, com - was held at the T mcncingat 10 o'clocx,in prcscnce of a larc audicncc, of a mixcd charactcr, as usual. ' ' Wm. Lloyd Garim30N', President. WENnnLLPniLLirs, Esq. ofBoslon, fol- Iowcd, offering a resolulion to lhc eflect that lhc only cxodus ofthe Slave outof his housc of bondagc in our timc would bc over thc ru- insof thc Arncrican Union. and rrjoicing over lhc Texas movcmcnt, which bids fair to call forlhthc dcalh warrant ofthe Un ion. Mr. Phillips sustaincd this Resolulion in a Iong addrcss. Hc rejoiced ihat bonds of union which have hilherto becu eo strong, were gradually becoming weakcr ; Uiat ihe dissulution of thc Union was now talkcd of as a liglit malter. iJut upon tlic cliurcli now rcsicu mc rcsponsiouuy ot rctaruing uie progrcss ot thc Anti-Slavery cause. Thc influenccs oflhe pulpit was one of lhc great- e oarncrs o irecuom. inc v.icrgy 01 Jcw Knrrl.ini! nxrrt nlmnKt nn nnininolcnt tfiflnpnrf nv'pr th nnnrtln nl thoir I'hnrtrn nni! ' so long as this is the case thc slave cannotbe free. Th.a npnnlo l.nrn nni tn be Christians; they arc but an cmpty shcll, un- fitforuse. But the Texas movement was beginning to arouse thc Arncrican people. I ble; the wilnesscs on bqjli sides are lucredi The death ofthe Union alone could sunder ble: and the pUiiituTand dpfentl mt are both the bonds ofthe slave. j such bad characicrs thal to mit iviirlincrctit Miss JANEHiTCiicocKwas ncxtintroduccd . which wayyou give your vcrdici." to the audicncc, and procceded in a strain ofj invective against the Constitulion of Ihc 1 PROTECTION IN CANADA. United Stales and i fi-amers which occas- CnmAmu r.eighl.ors are as great ad- .oned considerablc Thc : North shc ..irotec,io.." as tl.e ul.igs in the .nrfrnpil hv ciinnnrftnir Ihn rinnal.lnl.fin nnd i r . . 1 . ... rcnewing that support evcry year at the bal-lot-box, cfTcctually promotes Slavery. The. o -1 -j . 1-1 r. --, , , oiaves uare noi nsa up anu usscn uicir uu - crty because they knoiv that thc North cqual-J Iv wilh the Sonth to nut thcm down. Wji. C.Bell ofKcntucky and Rev. He.n ry Drew of Pliiladelphia followcd wilh a few remarks. nnn rplnt,.,! 1,1 om.n'o fpllin.r nl what he had seenand in his own pcrson felt of thc horrors ofSIavery, Its lioes had nol been exacr.'erated. He closcd wilh an eloqucnt and carncsl appeal in behalf ofhis brelh ren. The mccting ihen adiourned to 3 o'clock P. M. The afternoun session was held at ihe "Minerva Rooms." Tho first two hours wcrc occupied in mcre busincss mattcrs, af ter which Ar.nold Bcffoji made a shorl spcech cnlorcing the importancc of charita blc jndgment and mild language, and was rcphed to by Slephen S. Foster, of New Hampshire, in one ofhis most denunciatory specches rs. the church and clergy. Oneof his statcmentscallcd up a clcrgytnan,belwcen whoaand himself quile a conlroversy en sued. The meeling was concluded with a few remarks by Mr. Garrisos in dcfence ofthe pneitions of Mr. Foster. LocsvilleConventiox. Our readers will be intercsted in a report of thc proceedings of thc Convention of Melhodists, now in session at Lou3viIlc, and advocating a sep- 1 aralion oflhe Mclhodisls oflhe South from NUMBER 4 thosc ofthe fCorlh. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The 'Morning Ncws" had the followiiig paragraph in regard to the Collector ofihis Port : 'We have rcceivcd many slron-: and in- dignant coinmuiurniioiis on ihc Fubji'ct of ine continunncc ol tlie prescnt lollcclunn otlice, which thc wrilers appear lo regard as asettlcd liict, on the sircnglh of thc conti dent toncafsumed by thc lilllu sel of pcrsons intcrcsted in Ihc Iruth ol" wlnt llry thue aflbrt to bclicve, aml even prelend to know. Wc have insertcd nomc oftlicn. convinced as wc have bcen ihat a few days would bringfrom Vashington tlic inostsalisl.ictory reply to thcm which their aulhors, and Ihe Democracy ol this city gcncrally. could dc sirc. For ourselvcs,we have nevnr ivavcred inour conviclion thal Mr.VanNefs would not be retaincd Ihat convictionhi-ii.g Ibiind cdon toosurcgroundsto admil ofdoubt. Stathtics of. IiE.tEvoLEMCE. From the Reports ofthe Icadinz Henevolent Socictics. Annivcrsarirs have been recenily held it appcars that allof thcm h.ive have very cnn sidcral.le advanced cluiiiig the past vc:.r. Tht following are the reccipts of somc of thcm for tho ycar: Prcsbvtcrian Hoard of Foreisu M issions : $52,07 i Forcisn Evansclical Societv, 18,744 AmcricanTrack Societv, 152,37(i mcricjii Hiunc iMisionary bocn,ty.l-..'JIli A"ican t.uue ooaeiy. xuicricau uoaru ui r i.rc.u .iiissmm.s. dunnz; thc lastmne ronri,about $185,1)01); so thatiflhcconlribii- tious continuc iu Ihe same raliu the next thrce months, they will. for the year. amount to 2 lo.OlKi Baptist Uoard of Foreign iIiss;ons, bJ,-0 Atlalnin; Wtalth sudiltnty. Amnng the various nieans of ubtaining suddcii wcallli iu ihis counlry, ihe discovcry of a popular "pat cnt" ineiliciuehas ofienproieil sinsularlyhuc- ccsful. A lciter from New York, pulilihcd and givesmagiiificeutsoirccs, suppcrs, &c. Mollat, addmg lntters to p.Il. l.iis rnn up :i handsomc lurtuue of nenrly acu.UUU. tlier- nian. takinc the lozence line. has cmcrscd siucc, ol Joc- ', which will bcar rcpcalin; Joc was oue cvcningscatcd in lhc bar-room r.f:! i-ni lntrv tnvpr.i tn Cnnailn. ivl.prn nRntn ,iej SCVeral old counlryinen discussing vari-' 1 ous mattcrs cunnccicd with lhc "pomp aml circuinstance ofwar." Iu ihe course nl some rmarks' ",c of t,lcn, ;,"ta ",at ',,e EdS1,s1' Government possessed the largcst caunon in the world. and gave the dimcnsions of oue which he had scen. Joc's Vaukeepride would nol allow him to let such an assertiun pass without contndiction. j "I'oh! gerillemcn," said he "I wou't denv but Ihat is a fasizcd cannon; but you are a , ccte mistakeu in supposingit tobe tholargcst thc world. It's nut lo uc iiamcd in thc same iniuute wilh one of our guin. ulucli I saw iu Charlcstonn last j-ar Jubilcr! ihat was a cannon. Why, irs, it is so infer ually large, that the soldiers vtrrc ubligcd tn cinploy a yokc of ocn to draw iu ih; ball!" Ihcuevil tliry wcrc,' ctclaiuidl one ol IlcaretSi witll sm;c u( um,,U pray ritu you tc me how ihcy got tl.e oxru out -' 71. ..Wl,y, you fool' rctnrncd J..c. ihcy tui- yoUc( v, ani drove 'em lhr....2h lhc cm :" . J A Stinoixo CiiAnoE. An able jml-c was ' once obbsed to deliver tlie rullowiug ci.arge , to thejury : " Geutlimcn oftlu- jury ; in ihis , case, the counscl ou bolh sids are iiintiieligi- iTnitp.lHiaies. lncvnave"nroiecle(i' tiicm- selves cfTcctually against ihe chcap grain of the V cst, uhich is no smill allair, smcc il , .11 ,. r... 'I'ey not able to "'"" ffi1 SI.50 pcr 'bnshcl, they uo uld inf.ill.bly be ru- incd by havmg it furnishPd to them at lo ccnts. Again: lliey navc iouiiu mcans io "protect'' themsclvrs against chcap, safc aud expeditiuu3 imporlalion of their goods from 1 . . . . ... i r. r i . lnglaud lorcing iueni iu h uiukuu and dangerous voyagc arounJ Ihrough ll I. ihe , St. Lawrence, which is impr..cticable about l half of the ycar, inslead of allowiug ihen. ; the more dircct roule tlirougn our Lake. 11 will be rememliered Ihat the Congrcss pas- sed a Drawback bill, ly which, iu clR'ct, lirit ish goodiwcrealloivcdto be transpoited ihro' our country to Canada wiihout paying any dutie3. The benefit to both countrics uas very obvious. But the Canadiaus are by no means plcased, and have succcedcd iu "pro tectiug"themselvesacainsl il. Theconstruc lion oflhe law by which this is done scems lo U3 somewhat siniiued. Ifitis juat, we should think a very lit'lecommon sense woulu be sufficient lo show Canadians their interesl in harins the Iaw changed. Tbc Inspector Gem-ral of thc Customs iu Montreal, has issucd Ihis Circuhir iu ihe va rious Collcctors in the Provinces: In3pector Genpral's Oflice. Moutrcal, 7th April, 45. Sir: With refcrencc to a rccent Act of the Cougress of the United States, allowing Drawback on merchandise exported to the British Provinces in North America, wh'.ch no doubt has come undei your noiicc, I have the honor to remind you ihat articles sn ex- .n AS'ff.g IS I'L'ELISHED EVEar WEDSESDAVJIOr.SISG IS STEWART's BUILDI.NtS, BY J. COBB JR. BT WnOSI ALL Oltlllat )'CK fKITIv HAMDBILLS, fjfiinl$, t. Of evcry dcscripliou will be ncatly suJ fishionahly cxccutcd. at short noliie. porlcd from llie IJnfietl Stalcs into tlie Prov incc will belinbleto tlie paymcut olthcdiitirj iri.poscil byihe Act ot the'l'rovinctal Legis- latnrc. aud also ihe dutics nnder ihe Impc rial Act 5 & (J Virt 41K nlielher sutli ;oods are ori"inal! llio "rnuili pruductimr or niamifacfure of ihcUniied Kiuzdom. nrof auy of tlielSrilishpo'sKs.onsin Aincrica.Jcc , or othcmise. Ou this point vonr alteiitinn fs rentirslcif lo ihe Q7ih secliou nf ilielinpenal Act 3 & 1 vm. M.cap. oy, nhicli cnacts, that uo goods shall. upon unpr.rlalion to any ofthff IJriiish posscssions in Amcrica. be dccmcd to be of Ihe growlh, produclion or maniifactnr& ofthe United Kindom. orof any Hritish ioi sessions in Aiuerica, ui.icssin.portedfrumthc IT'.l T-l 1 ..... u.iiieu muzuum or irom somc Krii.-I. pos- sesjiou in Anicr.L'a :" ronsennetlv. all arliclcp impnried inlo this I'rovince from or ll.roug thc United Slatcs aredci-med forfi'rn.alilioiicli any of such -.irticlrs may bo thccrowth, pro- uuctiou or m:.uutactiire nl Uie United Iinj; dnin, whicii, whcn so iu.ported, n.ust bc hclo! lo be liablf to duty as furcigii poods. i c. to Ine ilulics in lull unposed bolh by the arts of the and oflhe Ptovin cial LeRisk.ture, in.jiosiii dulies of nisloms, now iu force. viz.: act 5iciVict cap. 49, aud Impciial Aci. 8 Vict. can. 3 & 'G Vict. cnn. 31, ihe oue in addilion lo tbu olher. llurinston Senlind. Ho?eiis mcf the srhnohnaslrr iuii! inori.ini'. ' I say, " said hc. " do ynn km.w you arethe ouly prrson intuwn fnruhum ib the minisler prays on Sumlay J" "," answcrcd the pcdasogue, "how'is Ihat 1" "H'.Iiy he prays for the heads ori.Hro'.WfS and infcrior of I.-nrniiiz ?nd ii yi.u ilon' kccp au inferior uc I don'l ki.'ow who docs." Comk uT'i the Couxtut. Thcre i.s ' great fuss' in New Yoik. aud nol lung herc was a -imilar nnc iu lloston, amonihL' neamstrcsscs. The nagc w hich Mimcoftht-ui rpccivcforinakmg garmcnts would haiilly kccp cat ahve. 1 h'y have had mass mecl- mg, aim tnctl to makc a raise ol wagcs. Now is ihert not a cause for Ihis lateufluw waKCS? Whv, ycs, indced. Th?re is to mai.v ofoulhcre all triins to get a jwor Iiving, wilhyour ncrdlcs. Now il nppears lo us ihat instead of hulding 'potncjtcs' aa.l 'Iiic; tall;,' vou had brtirr i;rirm. Corae outmlolhc countrv, ai.d lcndahand atdoiug house wmk. makingbuttcrand cherje and rocLUig tht cra ille, and fueding the hogs, and tlie hcns, and surhlikcrural occnpatioi.s,whcreyou can livo aml groiv fat. Why, ynu dearsoiils.we'had rathcrbe a toad and livc in a dtmgcoi.,' lliau woik haril and starve iu a big cily, :s you du. Come out into lhc busli, aud live lil.e fulk- iliriwe I'armcr. COTTON NEW FACTORIES. At Clarcinont. N. H., (nn thc Iine of il:c uf ihclSoslou and Moutrcal Railruad, via Kn i ir and Mouipcljpr,) ihcre are uow giii.ig iutu oppration two cottun factnrirs lhc iSugar .".laiaif.icturing Co., nil'i a capilal nl'ICO. 000, aud 8,001) spind Ira, and ihe iuiapee Co.. niiha capital of $50,000. The loru.iT wiil be In full oppcratinn wi.hia sixiy days aml lhc l.ttlpr starlPil llipir ibrer Srst inonis nn ll... .Ilh inst. This is but part of thu charlcri.l capilal nf 500,000. wl.irh Ihe cxteus'.oii of the Bostnu aiid Montrcnl Railruad lo lln- placc will sou f.ll. Olher ri mpanit-.s for thc remaining $;KO,000 vi!l tart inlo exisleucM liLc magic, whcn l:eir mirij cnn dUcourrir with J'ostor. in hnurs. Vermont uilt thus find a new ::id im oitant t.iarkct fur l.i r slarch. Parkpr. Wilder I'arkcr.wndoihcr capitalists of Boston. rcsHscitalcd this nlil charter, and given it life at:d vilality. Ji.d the Kailroad is iu.w liiuii.d to go fornard. Thc Sugar Rivcr Co. has S.IIOO spindlrs and 20( Inmns, aud ihe .SuuappeS.GOOspiudlrs. Thc lallrr niauuiactuics luilicd goods. Thc waler power at Clarrinont is greatcr than at I.oncll. ai d an ahuudance of vt atcr i always sure Irom Sur.apcc I.!.e. NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN UAIL. ROAl). Wc perrcivp I.y lhc report of ibr prnrciri ings of thr N. Vork I.cgilal.i.e ihai ll.eap pi.ratiou for a t-hartcr lo this Itoad h.-s l.fei dcfcated. by a vote, llint in a. y oilur 'laic nould have ensurid i's Irililr.phaiit snrcp.s. Il stood 77 fur tbancr iu 14 agaiii.-l it, but liv nn alisurd . ri iiun f ilnl Slalc, iwo tbirds or. Hi nf .fic n.cni bers can l.e i fiu-i n. 1- are H-qtiii'd to grant any chartrr. Il" a few i..ti:!:rs are iik or abscut on buiim$, it of:eu rtrjrircs, as iu this ii.slancp. nearly a nnanimons vte lo srcnrc ihcpassagc ofany stichbiir. ficnce, private and selfish feclitigs arc oftcn ci.ablcd to rheck mca.-ures ofthe grealest pi.blirkini porlancc. Ilcrp, 14 ii.rn, ii.ducr.c pd I.y a slcam power i.riiot, it is haid In k. y havronl vnlcd six their uuii.bcr and de lavcd or dcfcalcd an cnlcrprize ihat nould have confrrrcd ihe grealest benefit nn tl: iravrlling coii.uuii.ily, addcd lo tt.evtcalli and iufiiicucc ofour city, aud grcatly ijicrcas cd and bcncfittcd ihi- "lmsiiic.-s facihfics of New Yorkilself. Wehopeauolhcr jiarwill set thc mnticr righi. NEwTAr.irror Ca aoa A.nothi r. Brit ish siove towards Fkke Tr.AOE. The nct taiifl"of Canada has become a law. and tnok effcct April Clh. lusicad ofa reduclion. nhirh lhc fiiends of frce asncrt all foreign nationssre now favoring, lhc Canadians it sceins, to go for more protection. l he new taritfincrcascs the d.uies on all articles ihat come in cnmpetition wilh those unpoited in- o Ihe provioce Irom J-.nglsnu Irom iiro io,nccc hundredvtr etnt. This mcasure has Lec.i . . . .. . i. . . bronght about by ine inn s;ry. io ueep nui Amprirnn n.anufacttircs a tradc ihal was fastincrcasing butnowwe fear uearlyal an cnd. Kochtsttr Dr.i LAE0R3 or A LOCOMOTIVE. Hon. Wm. Jackson one oflhe most praclical Rail-nrid men in Maesachusctls, has gfven Fome sta lislics oflhe labors of n Iocomnlivn on ll:i: Weatern Rail-road, which are inlercpling. Trains of cars lcave Bolen and Albany t v ery, earh traincarrying lfO lom ol merchandise running at an avcra-je rnte ol 12 milcs an hour, or.100 miles a day. incin ding sloppagcs. A horse would carry 12i 0 lbs.ovcr lhc mounlains23 milcs per day. Dividethcload oflhis onc En; 12 CCO, and the number ofhorses for 25 miles iu u day is 167. Four lhi numbcr,orfLS coulJ carry Ihis load 1C0 milcs carh dn Hcnce Ihc iron horte is rvcry day. foul or fiur, doin;? tlx uork il Cl'8 hortis.