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r ) i i: TO THE CLEROY OF THE STATE OF VERMONT. It'vrrcnd and Dtar Ercthren, Tho su'ijcctofCommon School Educr.tion ins cvcr excitcd a w.-ikeful iutercst in the frce Statcsof this couiitry.aml cspccially in Ncw- iitan:l. The clcravliavc nlivavissiooJ in ihc most fiirward nuikiu promoting this great c.msQ. nml nn llicir v.iainiis cndenvors aiul iigiicy. its alvauccmcut must coulinuc uia tcrially to drpctid. It r.inaot, wc thi'iK. nc dciiicd tltat Vcr inont. notiviUistaiiilln 'tcrhiJoinitahlc spirit pfciitrrpiiso. h purmn; l-ss ciTicicut inraus lc i-.nprnvc Cormimn School Eilncatinti.lliau tho thrr 5tn:cs of Wv-Engl.nid, T llic ad j.ircnt StalP nfNew Yurk. Iu view of tlils t'nct, in my who nnxioiisly aim at ihc moral etevatimi n:id lionorof our Statc, are gricveil, rrsil mta fcwdccply iiinrtificd. Thc rcsult bron various rmivpuiioii t tlcvise a r.Jinely, At ou3 of llne. rcccally bcld at Mid Ilcbury, tne.isiircs wi r: lakcn lo awakcn atieniion iii llic cnnviiiinity tn this importaiit Mi'ijccf, and t.i dircct ils to a:i auspicious rcsull. Arranjcmc ils wcre inadc lo scctirc. fir a foiv nvititlis, iIij crvicc3 ofonr riitin KuisIicJ fel'ow cilu'zc:i, Thonias 11.' Pahner Esq., of Pittsford. This gcnilemnn has liccn long laborin; lo improvc thc coiiimnn-school syitcnior Educmion, and is, wc belicvc, c:n- i'!":iily qnahncd to auvancc tlnscaiisc ni our riiatc. At ihcmceting aliovc liicntiooed, tlic sn!iscri!)?r3 wrri appnintrd a coiinr.ittce to nJdresa ilio clergy ofthe iliirercnt dciiomina tiotw in Ycitnout, and lo rrqiicst ibcm, ly cflcctivc noticcs, and !v snrh inodes orcom- i:i;i:iicati'i, toibcir rcpcctive conprcgations- s llicy may thiak nmst proprr 'o cnipioy, lo prop iro lliu way lor Alr. l'almcr s vbits and iid.IrcsSL'i. Wtijn iioliiicd lliat lie wi'I visit ) o:ir rcspcciite ioiviij, you niav rcndcr nsscn n il :ud, by ctTurls to tccnrc liim aud'cncc. and liy yniirco'jntcnance and cncoiiraeemcnt ou miy, pcrhaps, give tenfoM inducncc to ni'j amircssc?. Tlicro arc spcclal ronsohs wliv llic clersv iire tu lio rollcd on, iu all rndcavors to clcvatc t.iu cliar.iclcr oronr.District Schools. Wliat inoro iniportant and c.Tcclivc clicck, unJcr o.l, can hcnnpo'ird on lliclinlcfnl i:)fucnccs if llic- scrpiic an.I tlia fanatic. tliati a vell c.incatcj coniniunity Thcro is onccircum- stmco nl rparful niomcnt. of ivliicli. manr. !i. dcplorcllie iiniicrfcctious ofonr Dislrict ftciiools, arc not pr.ibahlv aware. Onrrlnlilrrn ua.l yontli are not taujlil to rcad, in thcsc in- stitutiona, ivnii coTircnlralcdatlenlion. Tlicncc ilicy road thc Ciijlc, as ivcil as ollicr valuablc!n, iviih comparaiivcly little prelit. And icn, arier iKivinjatlaincd tlic incridinn of liu-. llicir niiinh are si accnsloincd, liv lona ii i!iit, lo lraodcr, and ihcy areso incapaldc of (jiviiij an unjividcd aitcntiou to anv suliject f rellcction, lliat they rccollcct vcry little of wiiai uicy reaii, anil ot coursc Jnrn Lutn suiall pirtion of it to any account. This cil it is m )jt i nportant to corrcct ia tlic. early stages ofcducation, an J wo think, Mrl Paltncr mti;fy yoti. auj if yon Iicar him, tliat very lnncli can bc acconiplishcd, in rpgard to thK ni ivcll as Riauy othrr defccu iu early rdnca, by iniproved rtilations of our DUtrict i diooN. Thc sainc obsorvation, wlikh has bccn inade in rcspcct lo reading, is also ap pticablo to hrarinjj. Thc coasc'Uciicc is, thitoursrr.noas and addrcssca too gcncrally fail ofciTcclins 'bo rcsulls thcy aro calcnlatcd , M prodncc, aaJ othersTi-sa misbt prodncc, bccansa so many of our hcarcrs liavc ncver hecn traincd to thc habit of concciitratcd at tctr.ion. Wc mcntinn thcse pointi, as more paitictilarly pcrtaininp to the grcat objccts, n'iii -h our i rjfcssiou U, nilh (Jod's blcssing. c i l."avirinj to iecurr. IVrniit u-. r.'f i, to rall your attcntion to nilicr i'nprrlcciions in our common-school Fvvtcm. as it j-raciically opcratcs araonj ns. Tiicrcarc oflcn grcat ilefccts in thc location. eontrnnion, warining, and vcntilation o hclionl-liiiu-.os. Tcachcrs, too frcqucntly, h ivp not th-! rcquisiic qualifications, and gcn-c.-ally ihoru is nut the supcrvision, uhicli is ti-ccsstry to cucouragc and invigoiiitc thcin in thcirarduiiiis labors. It is, tiiorcovcr, to !i lauimtcl, ihat many, cvcn amoug thc iu t jiligcnt and ivcaltliy, finjinf. a3 thcy do, llis tUstrict-schaidsin a ncglectcd and low roudi tion, instraJ cf tn'hin;; mcasurcs to clevalc Iji-m to wliat thcy ought to be, and ihus give I'uni ciuractcr and attraclion. and thcpower oflieiii" moro scnerally beucficial, rcsort to priv.uc sciiools, uhicli thougli.perhaps.inorc ."loclas rogards therank ofthosc nho com p.isa tlicin, arcoficii ofcjuitcashuuiblc claims. y thiu iviih.Iraning tlicir patrouagc from lli.- distric:-schoo!s, thoso iii'lilutions arc 1'irowii iipon the Ic3 wealiiiy classcs of -thc cn iiinuaiiy ihcir support, anil arcsuOTercd lo!anp;ui!ihtnn'Isoin!tiiiiissinUiiitocontcmpt. ou kno-.v, liowjvcr, and so do jhe intclli C?nt pnrtof the cu:nnnuiiiy iu gencral, that whllc a largc su;:i is annnally raiicd in Vcr in mt, by tnxaiion and othcrivise, ourcuaimon t-to .Is coma vailly shortofuhat thcy mi!it -tnnr ci.-u au Icr ihe Ciistiug lcgal provi ti iis, if tcnehors wcre sclcctcd witli more cir. au.l uere cucourascil and incited, and p-ih.ips wc inaysay gaidcd, by the suporvi sion uhkh should bo syslcniatirally cxcrciscd iii nnu Misiain iiie scnools. Wc comincnd fllr. I'. lo your courtcoua naJChrissi.inrcgnrdj.and hope lliat liis labor?, i-i conncxion witli yimroirii c(Torts, andthosc of mhersnlio (icplorc llic dcficicncies of our ronimnn sciiools, trill a' least Eccnre, as has btcn done in othcr Statcs lcgilalivc provi siiin fiir ihecam:iiaiion nf tcachcrs, and a' rcasonani.j supervi-ion orour districtschools. litpi-ric.i.-c has pmved tliat notbing oflhis s-iit can bc.aniic'p.itcd 'as a gcneral rcsult, wiihont llicaid ofa pub!ic cincttnent. I h:s is a sr.bjcc; on which, uliatevcr niay a thcdivcriily of onr raligious opioions, wc I. B.iall all, v.-c tiust asrcc. Nntli :ncd, wiiich j o"si,'ly lciui to ihc c'.cva tion or adv.inuigcofnuvoiieChrisiiandcnotn- i pro- niatmn over anotliT. The bcuclit aimcd at. m m lio cnjnycd by all ihc cilizcus ofthc Statp, witl.out limitation or cxcmption Thcrcjs no roiini.ihprorore, for anyjcalocsy ir prcjuuicc. un uiis grouud wc can actin harmony. Wetrujt lintyoi! will cxcus2 us in takine; t ic hbrrty lo addr.--.; jmi oa a subjcctiu nhich ve alj fctl a coinumn intcrcst iu whicb the Kibility ofonr fics institnilon;, and the vilnl i i.crcsis oi onr IiMy ipliion, are so dccply j i'h;hiilii 111 uic LttlTU. TFIOMA. A. MERRILL, Pi,!or of Cunareqalwnal Ckurdi, JOSEPH F,PI11LLIPS. lietUirofSt. Slcpliw'3 Churck. AARO.V ANGIER, r.ulorcft!ie Jlantisl Cliurcli. CIIARr.KRP.fiTAIllCR. P.r.tor ofUi; .U.-.Vj IU Eniscaml diurch Mid tlcbury. .! y G. ldJ5. How r.o Fincs UBicircATn? Fires arc ronslanily orrnrrii.g Nobody can undcr- (l.ind llicir ongn. and as a Fcapc gaat, t,':o I'lrciuiinry na. to licar llic oaiiim. Pausiii" tbrO'H'b sircot ycslcrdav morniiiff. .-licrp tbc roeont firc opr.nrrcd, a rausc of ibcse disas:rr3 tos ruggcslrd. Two mcn, fvp'i ibpn, wcn1 b-rsiiroly passing nmongllip. "ioii iiair.'anu icort'liny, paclnil llicm witli rijjrirs ia ilnir m'illi5! "Onc of Ihem was p i-icn! r ;i liinirfmt lbc nnliurnl malr- li i.s ii. iyl,..!, ll. niiii r ' i ' . ., i' torc war-fill".!. anil ihc nr:V -.p. Dn unl ri.;nr--s '!io iarcnsliarv 1 (tTbc cdiioi or all the papcr) in Wr nli-ibcr rciiinu. literary, nr polhiral, aro roqaenwl f) give a.i tarlv iuscriiou to ihc r.b'jvc adJrcs.". Gheat Fiiie in Allegiiany City. Fiyt ther I'ahticdi.ars Ttzcnly-cighl Uuil dings dcslroycd. Wc Icarn by thc Pitts burgh papcrs ofSaturday. Iliat ils ncighbor ing city,.AIIcghany, on ihcoihcr side of ihe rivcr, lias Lccn a, suficrcr by firo, tlic same ii3 Pittsburgh, lliough not lo 60 grcal an cx- leuL A srlin Irom the ofiicc cl llie ritlsburgti Chronicle, datcd Suiurday, eays thc firc was ilin tnirb ninn inrp.ndiarv. and ihat Hvcnty- four dwclling houscs and lour largc canal I ivnrehotifci? wcrc cn'ircly consiinicil,logcth j or u-illi nlj ihcir contrnu ol goods ehippcd for Ihc East Thc firc occurrcd on F riduy ' night. I SouTiiEnrj .Metkodist Conve.ntion. This body on thc 1 lih inst. ndoptcd. witli but ono disscnting voicc, thc rcsolution in fivor of a division orthc Cburcli which had bccn so Iong undcr dtecnssion. It isasfullowf:: llcsohcdby thc Dtlezalcs ofthc setcral Annnal Conjcrences unlhc South andSouth ttestern SUtlcs, in Gcnend Convcntion As scmblctl, Tliat wc cannot sanction thc ac- lion nl tlic Inlc ircncrul conlcrcncc ol llic bvinslruct the Committcc on organization Ihal if, upon a carcrul c.xaininnlion oflho' ...i .i . '..i':. .i... .i.. .i : rcasonablegroundto hope Ihat the Norlhcrn . Jp. 1 . . . iMethodistEpiECopal Church.on Ihc fubjcct "nuan " """""'S "' ' ri i..'. . :: i .i. -..i..-. suctccdcd thc Kcverc droutrht which . -i r . .r.i.:r :.i.... v nrevailcd. Thc scason at thc U ... . L :. ,i, :, p,i.L wcll as thc East is vcry backwanl ; but Churchandlhc Country; ivc,thercrorclicrc- h not ronsnlcrrd unfitvorablc tothc W raajortty will rcccdc Irom thcir posmon and ", "- ' givcsomcsafc guanmty fi.r thc fulurc ec- Tailing, and that hc cannot rossibly long sur curity ol our civil and crclcsiaslial righls, vlvc- tiiatiiipyrrportin lavoroi nscparationirom mc cccicsiasiica;iuriEmcuon oi uic saiu gcn-, cnil conrercncc. Mormox Doings. Thc 'Warsaw Signal says: U c Icarn Ihat on Sunday lasl, .1 man by thc nanic oi ityuc, irom i' ort iwauison, visu- cd Nauvoo on busincFs. For somc oircncc givcnto Ihc Sninls, Iho naturo of'.vbich ivc did not undcnstand, his buggy and harncra wcrc rut to picccs.anrt hc aftcr bcing grossly abuscd and insullcd, was bcdaubcd witli filth. Thc samc papcr etalcs that a Mormon Eldcr, naracd McI3ridle, rcsiding in Camp Crcck ncighborhood, had his two daughtcrs, onc of whom had Icft him; thul soinc of the ntighbors collccted and gavc lum lliiity-ninc lashcs, and ordcrcd him to lcavc tlic countrv A Mormon papcr, ofa latcr datc, conlaius thc following drcadrul invocation : "Bui hcarken te wisdom. May God, wbo nevcrcrrs, Fprinklc upon cvcry man and city, lliat bclics thc Saints, as upon Pitls - "burgh, now amllhcn.a holdrcp!' I us, tliat witli cfficicnt aiil Uiis lioat has bccn j conrcycd toivards thc Athens rhore into thc (.liallow walcr, and is now ncarly out of wa ter. IlcrhuU i not brokcn cxccpt in one placc, which isforivard of tlic whcels. Grcat anxicty was maiiifpslcd upon scarching thc mnin canin, wiucli was got ut lor tnc nrsi timc on Saturday : but we arc bnppy lo statc Ihat no bodics wcrc fuund. Thc la dics'saloon is carricd away, and thc boatso inucu iujurcu tliat nolliing about licr can bc put to any uso cxccpt licr machiiicry. .'16. mas. Awrci.'AcciPEXT and Loss or LtrE AT YAnMomt. On Fridny, an acr.idcnt ofa most frigbliul nalurc occurrcd at Yarmoulh, which has pliingcd many lamilics into the dccpcst ilistrcss. It appears that thc clown ofthc Cirrus was about to takc fiis bcncfit, and Ihat in ordcr to draw Ihc public to thc Circus, bc ndoptcd Ihc Bame tning as tbo lalc Mr. Usher did hcrcin London,viz: bc ing drawn upon llic rivcr by gccsc. Upon llio ocrasion, eouic liunurcUs ol pcoplc had congrcgatcd upon thc suspcnsion bridc wlien sudilcuiy an awlul rrasu took placc. and all wcrc prccipitated inlo the watcr. Up to ninc o'clock on l nday nmht, 57 lilcless bodics had bccn takcn up lIJoyd's Wcclrfy, iay. Two individuals, prosccutions for slan- dcrhaving becn commenccd, liavc. undcr thcir signalures, publicly acknowlcdgcd ihal Ihcy propagated delibcralc lies about Mr. uougii, thc talcnted lcmpcrancc Lcclur- er. THE TvACES ON LOXG ISLAND. Thousands on thousands atlcndcd. Thc grcal pursc wasonly S20.000 bclwccn thc oouiucrn norsc rcyiona, uuti iuu niav i ira Iiorec Fashion; but cvciy body made by- bcts, and doubllcss to agrcatnmount. Pcy tonabcat the Iwofirst four mile hcats, dcci dcdly. ThcEspress says: "Amusement ATTiic Races. The Bos on papcrs say lliat somc two or Ihrcc bun drcil noloriou3 black-lpgs, pick-pockcls, and othcr similar rbaractcrs in lliat riiy,lclt Eomc dayr since for Ihc Long Island Races. A numbcrofgcnllcmcn rclurned minus ihcir pockct-books yeslcrdny, and Iwo or threc from thc Astor Housc, in addilion, lost thc skirtsof thcir coats. It U fair to infcr that thc lighl-fingcrcd gcntiy from Boston wcre 'on hand.'" Thc stridc oflhc Pcytona is said to bc27 fect whcn at thc topofthc racc. Thc firsl 1 milcs was run in 7 minulcs 35 scconds thc Eccond in 7 minutcs and 45 scconds. 'Fashion': has since bcatanothcr Souh crn horse on thc Long Island rourec. Thc Mclhodist Convcntion at Louisvillc wcrc, it llic last uatcs, uebatin!r a molion from Ihc South, to divide. Thc South can- not and will notbrook the coursc pursucd last I ycar, touching thc slavcry qucslion, through ! Bishop Andrcw. The great Baplist Con- vcnlion of the South havp also pcrfectcd a soparnllon in thcBiblcand Missionary opcr ations, and appoinlcd Dra Curtis, Fullcr and Johnson ol South Carolina, and Mnllorv of Georgia, ''toinakecxposition lo thcworld, of Uic pnnciples upon wlnrli Ihc Convcntion hasactPd." Thc Unitarian Clcrgy arc to mccionMonJny ncxt, in the aficrnoon, at Ritchie Hall, Boston, to discuss thc aLAvcny auEsrios. Gen. Jackson'sIIealtii. A lcllcr from Nashvillc, in Thursday's Union, elatcs that thc hcalth ofGcn. Jackfon is-more rapidly niiliug, and Ihathc cannot possibly long sur vivc. An inlimalc Iricnd ofGcn. Jackson, v.-ri- lintT Irnm IVmcIi,..II nn.lnp .Inl . P 1 I iK I toa gcnlleman in Washington, says ' toms ff droiisy liavc intcrvcncd. His Icirs arc sivollen Irom hisfcct up tnbisnbdonicn,' j and his rcspiration a isfccblcanddiflicull. UnnfNiwnl: ti, r,.iu.r:nn. :.. l.:, Jcscn''C and Tinxs: rn" n A , r.. , , T iE PosTOrncE.-Col. Graham br.s ab- dicatcd and Uobcrt Morns nssumcd thc Postmaslersbip. It is Enitl ihat Morris oi taking jiorsession lo-ikcd around thc post offlcc at ihe dilFercnt, doors and said, cJ-scni,uI,TcrU ''aVea Sl1 XmnyB 'Ycs.'aiiswcrcd Graliam, 'anil also a good o:"n u ye M eciting out ' i,, i,,ii..,ii j niu uciiu.ub nc.ircB. uue ucgrcc oi skiii anu ccononiy in iends now i?,lhat the 'lirne honorcd velcr- of tbcmaterial and ihcpowcr cmpl T,A:mnM:n.rii r n . . I'slilc lsrapiUlyilrawinKlna closc bvmn- Ihc fabrientmn of dompslie o-ooda. Bankruit Cases. Thcrc arc four hun drcil and nvcnty-six cascs yct on the dockct of thc U. S. Court in bnnkruptcy, not more Ihan tivo hundrcd and fifty ol wlucli wiU rpss to a dischargc. Thc reiiinindcr have cithcr lailcd lo inaku tlic ncccssary publication. or obicctions havcbccn filcd, which will rcnucr nn npncal to the U. S. C.mrt il ncc cssary. Ctiurier. TnnCnops. Thc Season.F.rom nil vco can lcarn, thc prospcct lar good crops is much more favornblc tlian usual at this sca son ol'lbc jcar. The whcat in gencral looks tolcmbly well ouly on romc i'arnis U slands ihin upon ihc ground probably ia consrquencc of thc exlrcme dry. wcalhcr Iast Fail wiicn it nra3 town. Tlie Corn in this scclion ts niostly plantcd, and m Bomc )arts orihc country it is inEoforward astalc, diat thc (armcrs wcrc cngaged last wetTkin iiIouhin5r il. Thcs!um-crs ofthc tivo wcek3 pasl liavc nau :i mos; ocucjicuu uwu upuu 1 ... r..u rn...'M.rfUiri.; VegCtallOIlOl Ull hiuui. ncai;iuy;n, 7th. fEJ"Thc Wbc.1t Crop in Missouri, Wis- Eonsm anu lowa is rcprcscnteu oy mc iccni papcrs as promising a vcry Iu:avy yichl. JltlVU reccnt- cst as this hcat "op. Muamj ixryus. . , TT - , . r Ge.v. Jackson's Healtii. A lcltcr Irom 1V'' c- '2 Thursday'a Lniov, Elatesthat ihn linllli nf tZnn Tn.L'c.nri ia limrf? mniirll . AppoiXTMENTS BY THE PRESI nT7i."P DENT... Official. I Lorpn Spcnccr, (Missouri) Uccordcr of LandTillcs in Missouri, vicc Frcdcrick II. Coinvay, appoinlcd aurvcyor ucncrai ol jii. i , 'anu xviissoun. Tamcs K. Uiitloo. CoIIcctor, Washington, j-,ori Carc Carolina, vicc Thomas Il.BIounr. re- eigncd. Appraiscr3. Gcorgo W. Ponicroy, New Yoik city, vico Malhias 13. Edgar, rcmovcil. Samucl Joncs Willis, NcwYork, vicc Anios Palmcr, removcd. Bcnjamin E. Carpcntcr,PhiIadclpbiajVicc Samucl Spackman, removcd. E.MicnANTS. Tlie Boston Journal eays lliat 1723 cini-Tanls havcnrrivcd atthat port "n vanouslhipssincc UiclOlh orApnl. The Fhaxcis SALTDS.-Paf.cngcr3 who , left Monlrcal ycstcrday morning and look the Slcamboat Francia Saltus on Lake , Champlain, rcachcd hcrc in good limc this morning to takc thc day boat for New Yorlt. iiiis ooaiuaiiruany uccomu a ucciucu la- rcgioii Ihal llic vcry fish,whon thry nrehaiil- cd out ofthc watcr, cry out "Salt-uaV Troy liutlgcl. Thurloiv Wccd, Esq.,editor oflho Albany Evcning Journal,lias rclurned from his Vcsl India voyagc, witli rcstorcd hcalth. Pticca of burnt binglcp,cIolb itliousc pa pcr from llio firc in Pitlsburgh, wcrc blown tipwards of 32 niiles inlo Wcstmorcland ccun ty. In Obin cvcry Sl 00 worlh of propcrly h taxcd Sl,25 a id yct llicrc is no grumbling io- rcpud:ati n. A party ofIndian3,Eiipposcd to havc bccn Crccks or Chcrokccs from thc Unitcd Stalcs, lalcly attnckcd a teltlcment in ihc Cross Timbers, and in thc skirmish "vliicli cnsucd, anold gcnlleman namcd Undcrwood,bisson, and a boy namcd Piercc, wcrc killeil. Scv cral Indians also wcrckilled. Sfmc Loco Foco Jias issucd n prospcctus for a daily papcr to bcissucd at Washington, und lo bc callcd llic WorMngmau'd Advo cnlc. C. J. Ingorsoll, it U caid, has in thejprcss a history ofthc lalc war, from 1912 to IS 15, wilh all it3 principal cvcnts and promincnt aclors, and Ihccauscs which originatcd it a work no donbt aulhenlic and ilcsirablc to all. LATEST FROM EUROPE. The Stcamcr BR1TANNIA arrivcd, on Monday, having sailcd on the llh lfiilays later. Aflcra long dcbalc llic Ihird reading ofthc Maynoolh Eudowuicnt bill it was postponcil to.May 1'J. tcrcat opposilion, and adclcrminnlion lo defcat il, ifpossiblc. Thc qucstion of war wiih thc Unitcd Stalcs had not bccn rcccntly discusacd. There was much anxicly to hcar ihc cfTccl pruduccd hcrc by ihc Prcmicr'a Epcech. Thc aval lorrcol tircat uriuiin consisls ol obU vcssel3 oi war, from I lo 120guns. ThcQuccn was in good hcalth dnnbtful about 'ihc visit to Ircland. A drcadful calaslrophc had oc. currod at Yarmoulh, by thc fail ofa bridgc, wlicn loadcil iirsce an cxniuition on tlic riv cr, wilh 500 pcoplc, from 100 to 150 wcrc killcd or drowucd. Abd-cI-Kadcr was in forcc in Morocco, and thc Emperor could not cxpcl him. His reply was, ''Thesoil bcIongsloGod." Thcrchad bccnnofarthcr hostilc procccdings iu Swilzerland. tbouch aflairs conlinucd in a doubiful Etntc. THE MISSION TO ENGLAND. From the Tribvnc Spcculalionlias bccn rifcns tothc causc ol Mr. Elmore of South Carolina dcclining the.Vission io England. By whatcvcr othcr moiives nc may liavc becn promptcd, it is gratifying lo havc rcason to ihink that oac, which augurs wcll for the South, wasyn itscll forcible cnougb, to kccp him at homc. II wc arc not misinlormcd. Mr. Elmore has comc lo thc conclusion, ihat, instcndof pcrpctually clamoringagainstallprolcction to Amcrican lnduslry, andin favor offoreign labor, it is much wiscr to fail in witli tbc policy which muchtribulalion and coslly cxpcricnce havc atlaftforccd upon thccountry. Inaword, instcad of crying outfor thc dcalh of Frcc Trade, hc is about to cmbark largcly in Man ujacltircsin his oirn Statc As thp.mountain would not como toMa- homct. Mahomct has wiscly gone to thc Mountain and happily, it isnol lcltto Mr. Elmore, forccasling and judiciousman as hc is, to bc solitary and alonc in pulting this ball in motion. All things considercd, thc vant ol cnpilnl amongolncrs, manu'.actoncs arc risingup intbcSoulli, nsfiist ns in ihc Nor'h. Thc fncililies for Iravelling havc lcd Soulhcrn mcn to visit New Ensrland. and thcre, wilncssing tbc harmonious union and 'lglrow!h f Agrictilturc antl Manufacturcs, I UIC USC !ovcd in lbnv mnv bo as nrofiiablv manuCip.inrnil trbcrp. powcrcan be found in thc vcrv horders nf f llie rotlonfirlds.ard in ihc nudst of shcep ' Insliircs. Hcnce it is lliat thc buzz ofthe j f pinning jcnny bcgins to be licard throu?b I llie Carolinas and Georgia; and hcnce Ar. Elmore dcclincs gowg to EnglamJ. , . . , , , VVe havc prcdiclcd and looked conndcnlly forward to ihis changc in the South. It comcs, howevcr,sooncr than was anticipa- 'cd. Soulhcrn assaulls upon thc TarifTwill grow. from thif day, less andlcss dircctand vjolcn'. RAIL-ROAD NEWS. JElThe following Icttcr,from Mr.DfinBY of Boston, vaa rcccivcd in answcr to a call loatlcndthc last Itail-road mccting, held in Rutland, and which we wcre not nblc to publish last wcek. Yc lake . grcatpleas ure in laying it bcfore our rcaders at ihc prcscnt timc, and Iiopc Ihnt the cntliusiasni which Eiich a lcltcr Ehould arouse iu us, will be manilcsted by our own pcoplc whcn thc books ofthc 'Connecticut Rivcr and Lake Champlain Railroad Company' ehsi be opcn- cd. Herald. Bostos, April 30tli. 1S15 George W. Strong, Esq., DcarSir:! tcgrct cxtrcir.cly that it will nnl hp in mv nower to mcct vou, and addrcss our Convcntion, at Rutland on thc Cth of May. I rccl a dccp intcrcst in tnc cxicnEion of our Fitcbburgh Rail road from Bellows Fjills to Burlingion & Monlrcal tfecl cntirc confidcnce that the entcrprisc will bc not on ly profitable but cmincntly uscful to thc coun trv it travcrscs and of more importancc to Boston than the Wcslcrn Railroad iuclf, of which I was a Dircctorlor lourycars. The trade of tbo WcslernLakes arriv ing at Albany finds at prcscnt ils ncarest, most cxpcditious and chcapcst outlct at New Yorfc via the Hudson, but a continuons line of Railroad to Lake Champlain would makc Boston the ncarest, chcapcst and bcst out lct for hclh Vermont, Norlhern New York and Canada, and would find ihcrc a bcttcr markct Ihan at New York. Railroads are constantly progressivc; and bucIi has bccn the improvcmcnt in Cnrs, Locomolivcs, Dc pols and manngcnicnt that 1 fecl assurcd and I Epcak aftcrclosc obscrralion and much expcriencc, tliat a ton ol frcight may be car- rieu uy inc nnc proposcu uriwcen l.ukc Champlain apd Boston ataco-s oftwo dol lurs vcr ton. Whatcvcr sum abovc this shall be rcalizcd will bo availablc for divi dcnds. You ask mo i( the prcscnt is a propiiious niomcnt to opcn your suhscription books. To this I reply, thc prcscnt niomcnt i3 emin cnlly favorablc. And I wiil give you, inas Emullspaccas possiblc, my rcasons. lst, Rloncy is nbundanl. anu in JNcw kng and particularly Bosion and ils vicinity flourishing our manufaclorics aroyiclding unprcccdcnlcd dividcnds, and capital accu- mulaling witli moro rapidiiy than cvcr bc fore, and is sccking new invcslmcnts. 2d. Our city is cxpanding, and rcquirrs new and Iargersupplic3 of iron, produccand matcrials lor building and manufacturcs. This fact will give a stimulus to Railroad cu- tcrpriscs. 3d. Our Railroads liavc. surpasccd m thcir resulls.lhc hopcs of lbc most sanguinc. i lie gcnllcmcn wlio wcrc callcu wilii, vis ionary, chimcrical, and day drcamcrs, aro now rcgardcd as shrcwd, far-ECcing mcn for fp.cts liavc outrun fancy. ThcRailroade pointing Irom Boston towards tbc inltrior, particularly those Ihat point towards Ver mont the Fitcbburgh and Concord ato much above par,and arc carning ninc &. tcn per cent. Thcir eucccss is sharpcning Ihe nppclitc of capitalists. 4th. Thc stockof thc Chcrhire road has bccn taken, notwithslanding tlio Staio of New Harnpshirc has impuscd a pcrEonal liabilily on lbc Etor.k-boldcrs and subjccls thcm to taxcs, whijc licr graniic hills in volve cxpenscs of conslruction not found in the vallics of Vermont. The Eubscription lo llie Chcshirc has absorbcd but a small part ofthc funds sccking invcstmcnt. 5lh. The Iricnds oflhc Montpelier line arc prcparingfor an activc campaign, and are rcady to connccl ciihcr witli the Fitcb burgh or Concord roads, and bringmany ar gumcnlsin favor oflhcir routc. Promptand eflicicnt action is to your surcoEs. To bcgin, now, you will not rcquirc Iron for two ycars. To complcle subscriplions througbont the line, and complcle grading, will rcquirc at Icast two yeare, and Iron which is now atX13 per ton, and which costs thc mannfacturcrlPS8 thanXG, will fail wilh in that pcriod. Tbc markct is now indaicd, an immcnsc impulsc givcn io produclion, Ihc quantily requircd for Railroads much cxng gcratcd, and Ihc pricc must fail. Bc prcpnr cd to usc iVjwbcn tbc rcaclion Inkcc placc. I witli lo' bcc onc ccmyany organized to cxtcnd, on lbc bcst line, from Bellows Falls to llic Lake. To havc lbc books opcncd at oncc. To havc tbc lowns on Ihc line of Iho road, and tbc towns on rach side, from lcrmimi3 to lcr minus, making a range ol. threc decp, and not far from tixiy in all, Ihrown into disiricts of nine towns, and an activc commitlcc ap poinlcd for carb. To havc cach lown asscssed fora propor lion ofthc capital. For instancc.lct cach town.on anavcragc, boECt at 200 shnres. bcinif onc or two Eharc3 for cach household- cr; anditroay wcll be argucd that ifhalf llie capital cornes irom U03Wn, a subscrip lion foroncbnlfin thc country will takc no moncy nutofit; more Ihan balf the cap tal willbc cxpcndcd for labor and malcrialson thc line. lfthusyou can raisc foryour hun drcd and ten milcs ofBnilroad, one million in the country and comc hcrc for Iho othci, I feel assurcd wc can find it. If you will show courane and cnergy in Vermont, Mnssa chusctls shall not bc wanling. Massacbus ells is now alivc to Ihc importancc ofa road to Canada. Thc movcmcnt in Mainc and Canada cxcilc her to action, and she will rc rinrocale all thc ardor vou can kindlc in Vermont, Prcparo carcfully ihcstatistics nf thc towns aujaccnt toyour nnc. oci oown thcEums aetually paid for Iransportalion.and transportation on tlie Lake, and publish Ihcm in the formadoptcd by thc Fitcbburgh com pany. Il tho Euggcstions. which thc intcrcst I feel in your line promptme io makc, arc car ricd out, 1 feel confidcnt you will Eecuro ono of tlie bcst and most profitable lines in Ihc country, and what will bc my bcst apology forso longa leltcr. you will find mc pre parcdto takc fifty Eharcsofyourstock. Vcry Einccrcly,Yours, E. HASKET DERBY. RAIL-ROADS. Tbo Railroad movcmcnt up Connecticut Rivcr, (at thc Clarcmont mccling) has rous cd the Concord and Lcbanon Iload intcrcst to new action. It is said now that SSOO.OOO has bccn subscribcd, and that a committco havc procecded to opcn books in Boston Wcarc notlo bo Eurpriscd ehould this Etock bo takcn up by the proprietors of tho Lowell, Nashua and Concord road3- If so, the Plymouth and Havcrbill routc ronstbc adc fcrred projcct, at lcast. The conlCEt, in Vermont, Otter Crcck (Soulhcrn) vs. White and Onion Rivcrs, I Ccntral ) is to be, as it has bccn, a sharp onc. Montpelier has givcn up, prctty ncarly, tho Lcbanon roulc to Concord, as at thc lalc Lcbnndn mccling, Ihointcrests ofthc Low ell, Nashua and Concord roads was not cven rcprcscntcd. Thcy thcn turncd thcir attcn tion to the Uivcr rdutc from ihc moulh of White llivcr to Bellows Kalls, and lell jn wilh the views of Gov. Hubbard, ( Charlcs towu, Clarcmont, &c.) who statrtl that itwas as ncar to Bo;lon via Bellows Falls as via Concord. Thc approval of thc Lcbanon route by llio New Hampshire Commission crs, has since changcd tho aspcct somcwhat, and slrong mcasures arc lakcn to gct thc Lrbnnoti slocl: takcn. If Eiicccsslul, the Chcsbircroad will havc for fccdes thc whole ol Wcslcrn Vermont, Woodstock, Windsor, Springficld and, Weathersfield, and on thc New Ilampshiresidc to Cornish. N.H-Sen-tincl. XSZf Wo Icarn from thc Bosion Post, that nl a mccting ofChcshiro Rail road subscri bcrs at1Kcenc, N. II., on Tbursday, itwas found tlial Slil&U.UiJU nau ticcn suuscnu;u immcdiately, whicli is on cxccss ovcr uic ie gaLauiouni oflhcir cbarlcr. tr3,We Icarn from thc foulh part of thc county tnaltne h.ninccrsare now survcying Ihc.contcmplatcd Railroad route from Charl eston bridreuD BlacU Rivcr. Il is said lo be vcry lcasablc, prcscnling Icrs obstarlcs than the fricnds ofihat route were willing to admit previous to a survey. In some in clnnrps Ihn line oflho road uasses over a lcy. cl scclion for milcs, and ,wc arc informed by tbo Enginccr Ihat lie considers uus rouio uy far thc most feasible onc of any survcycd. The Bosion Mail says that tho Rutland Rail Road route to Burlington is tho only routc thatrnec.ts wilh thc Icast favor with the capitalists of Boston, and is the only one in which Ihcy will lako stock. We had sun posci? ihis was ihe case. Tho Mail adds that "thc stock on Ihat road will go up to tcn per ccnt thc momcnt thc books arc closcd." We havc do doubt a largo amount of siock will bc lakcn in thc country nlonsr ibclinc of the route whcn the books are opcncd on tho 10th or Junc ncxt. lndccd wc sliall not wondcr ifpeoplea little ollthe line of ihc road may uccm it a good invcstmcnt of moncy and lake Etock. Nor.TnEr.x RaIliioads Amoos tTic nu- mcrous Railroads cnterpriscs now claimiug public altcntion, thcrc is noac nhich wo re- gard with more iutrcst ihan ihat whicli con tcinplatcs aconucction bctccn Lakcs Cham plain and Ontario. Thc Cbarter nbich has jnst becn obtaincd, i3, wc belicvc, a Ucc. Thc North is tho the Mincral rcgion ofonr Statc. Thc Couutics of Clinton, Essex, Pranklin aud St. Lawrcnce, abound m ores more nrccious than Silvcr or Gold, inasmuch as Irou, Lead, Copper.ccc &c. havc intriusic rather than couvctitional vabics. Thc rc- sonrces oflhc North, thonsh loug neglcclcd if notunappropnatcd, arc uov beiiir rapidly dcvclopcd. We have continued, for vanotis rcasons, lo rcmnm dcpcnucui.iipon r.urope iu Iron Amon" thcsc rcasons, was llie su- pjrioritv oflbe Forcign produclion. But that supcriority willnotlougexist. Wo are maK ing cxcclcnt Iron now, aud if our capital and labourare nrotccled, we shall sooa prodncc tho articlc ol as good a quauiy anu as ciicap ns it cnn bc nnported. Thc Bostonians. who arc reachin.2 ihcir long arms as far North ns thcy cxicnd Vcsr, wil'. wilh theco-operatiouonvcw llanipsinrcaiiu Vermont, soon conncct thcmsclvcs wi'h Lake Champlain This donc, a liuk which will makc Ontario tribnlary, bccomcs ncc cssary. Tlus would cnauicincrHoniiiu pour ils miucrallrcasurcs ciihcr inloNcw-York or Boston. Bolb Citics, tbcrclorc'nrciiitcrcstcd in opcuing the way to thcse Irou and Lcad Mincs. Hon. Mr. Houtom, Ihe intelligcnt mcmbcr of thc Leislatnro from Franklin, wbo has bccn fnr vcars zoalouslv anil cfficicntly labnurins to obtain, for that portion of thc Stala this mucli-iiccdcd Jiiipovcmciit, accompauiiig "y Ilon. iMr. Russcll.a mcinbcr from Sf Law rcnce, and an aclive fricnd of tho Koad, havc, wc undcrslad, procecded Kastward nilh a vxcw to diaw the attcntion of buisincss mcn capitalists to lbc impottauccof an cnterprze which wc hope to sce acccinpliihcd. Alb. Eve. Journal Djstcn and Builinelon Kailrcad. Sime ofthe Montpelier papcrs arc pcrlcctly rabid ou lbc subjcct ofRail Road. Thcy talk aboul the "grcal contimtnces a Jiail iload nouin bc lo ihcm, as thougb llicir "conrcnicncrj" oiigbt to bc a subjcct ofthc first imporlaiiccs to capitalists. One tlnng is vcry ccriaiu lliat boivcvcrconrriiifn it migbt bc lo the citizcns nf "Monti)clicrrillagc""Scaddiig" "Bolton" and all lliosc placcs to have a Rail Road pass through thcm, thc Road ilselfwoiildprove a losing busincssto all roucDrued in it. Why, lbc town of Plymouth on Black Rivct iu Ihis Counly aflbrds aSmially a grcatcr a mount of tonnngc from ils Agricultural anil mincral recourccs thau dnPs Montpelitr. It isnatural cnougb that thc pcoplc in that scc lion should dcsire to havc a Rail Road in tlicir vicinity, but thc idca that such a road could crcr do busincss cnough lo kccp iisclf jn rc pair, aftcr leaving Connecticut rivcr, is thc hcight of fnlly. Wc are more aud more con vinccd, sincc wriling our first articlct'on the subjcct of Railroad thrce v.ccks ago, ihat llie vicw nc tbcn took was thc corrcct onc. The Road cnnnectingltiistonivith Montrcal should lenvc Conncclieiit Rivcr at thc uimitof Black rivcrin Charlestown,N.H.,follow nplbcval ley of that rivcr, pass through the "Mt. Hollcy C.ip" and thus opcn a couiinunication wilh Boston forall that wcslcrn sccliohol country, and which for tho want ofjusl such a commu nication now finds a markct for all itsproducc and all its mincral wcalth iu New Ynrlw By this road, lioslon rctains all thc trade it has cvcr had In VPrmonl, bcsidcs opcning ucw i avcuclics for business, and cxtcuding roin- muiiication ovcralargc surfacc cf courtry uusurpasECil in rcsourccs and wcallb by llie sainc amount of tcrritory, wc will vcnlurc to say, in New Euglaud. The pcoplo on thc line of ihc southcrn route, rclying on ihcir nntural rcsourcc'5, anil conscious ofthe ndvantagcs whicli tbcirroule sustains ovcr all olhcrs, arc coniparativcly qniet on the subject. compared wilh othcra vbo haTC much of prctcnsioii and bold as sumption in the placc of merit. But ihey aro not for this reason indifTcrent on the sub jcct. and judging from thc signs about us wc tbink it will rcceive an imjictus whith will push it forward to ils spccdy complctiou. IVoodstock Mcrcury. CiiEsntnE Railko id. A vcry fulland spir itcd mccting ofthc Slockholdcrsof tdo Chcsh icr Railroad Company, thc ubjcct of vt hich is thc construclion ofa Railroad in cxtension of the Filcbburg Railroad, through Kecnc, N.H.. to I5el ows t alls, V t. was ncid at Krenc. on Thursdav Iast. Mcssrs.T. il Ed wards, B. F. Adams, and Salma Halc, of Ivrenc :Gcor!re Huntintton, of Walpole . and Nntlian Rice. Abcl Phelps, and Ilcnry Tim- mins. of Boston, wcre choscu Dircctoru of the Corporations. It was asscrlained that Stock to thc amount ofSl.050,000 had bccn subscribcd for which is S30.000 moro ihan thc amount requircd. We undcrstand that the most activc mcasures will bc adoptsd to put this importnnt w ork in tmmcdiatc opcra tion. Largo public 'Ealcs of land arc to takc place tlie coming Eummer anil aulumn, viz : 370,000 m Wisconsin, two and a tniru mu lione in lowa, 00,000 in Illinois, upwards ofa millicn in Missouri, a miH'on m Arkansas, 140,000 in Louisiana,and 600,000 in Florida. All Ihisbulsharpcns theappciite lor porscs Eing the plains of Orcgon. Wc noticc some familics arc on ihcir way to California. A few hundred scttlcrs, cspccially wilh a for tunatebrush with the Mcxicans, to bo fol lowcd by a dcclaration of Inilepcndcncc, will be hcld as a good titlc, and .prcliminary lo ar.ncxct'on- THE GALAIY. Wednesday, 128,1845. RAIL-ROAD NO. 4. Wchavc nu disposition to war against thc Ccntral routc. Indccd we wish evcry scc lion ofthe State to cnjoy the lacililics of rail roads eo nccessary for general prospcrily.i We doubtnot that cventually botli the con-1 tcmplatcd road3 will be construclcd. And yct we cannot be entirely passivo underthe ungcnerous ntlempts oflhc Watchraan to se curc a mnrchof this scclion ofthc iState by 1 l'..!,: . 1. . I , r. , uciiiuuiu uiu uuv.iiiuigus oi our route anu i rni? .i i mi I iiiimiuig ujusc oi iiis own. i nis sort ol cam-: paigning which thc Watcbtnan commenccd j somc wceks sincc, Ts carricd on in an aggra vated nianner in thc Iast number. It con tains anolhcr ol thc arithmctical dclusions which iheEdilorhas so repealcdly perpctra tcd to bringout a supcrior cslimate ol popu- Iation, wculth and busincss for thc Ccntral route. Indccd itsccms ns if a strnngc hallucina- tion hadEcizcd upon thc brainof fricnd Wal- ! ton upon this subjcct. His aUempts to drag in a population of59 Ihousand in thc Slale ' . ofNcw Hampshire with a corrcsponding ra- tio of wcalth, iSLc, to cnflamc his cslimatcs arc nuito as reasonnblc as his cndcavors to rca,i wo must mb! to the Rutland road Chit 1 . ..... .... t.' 1 . t r . . n.i r.1 . . i t ..t : persuauc tnc public tliat thc mountaneous 1 . ' rcgions of North Eastcrn crraont tre to bo compared or produclivencss orj wcalth of any description with the ferlile '. vaucysot uticr ureeK cc Lake LVliamplain. Wbo would have tbought it possiblc that a sanc man could bavcnsked thc pcoplo ofi It will bcjsccn the mcrcdijference in Vermont to bclievo Ihat thcrc was ontheri 'favor oj thc C'enlral route, wUcllicrstoppiaif valroutcs aetually a difierence of 1 12,740 in Montpelier 0r going on to Montrcal, U popniauon,anu Juminionsinpropcrty,mincr- ols and manufacturcs in favor ofthe Ccntral route. IfTndeedsuehdiscrcpancy cxisls all compctition isat anend. Wcstcrn Vermont is cyphcrcd into utlcr insignificancc. But so nsscrts llic Eiiitor oflho Watcbman asifin nis uisioricu vision some sirungu convuision of nature had suddcnly changcd Ihcse ddTcr- cnt scctions of tbc Statc, and rcvcrscd tbo ordcr in which ihcy had bccn crcatcd. But to satisfy tho public of thecxaggcra tiins ofthe Editor of ihe Wutchman of tho mcrits ofthc Ccntral routc, wo will iuscrt his tnblc'S wilh suitablc commcnts, and thcn prcscnt one of our own which wo Ihink wc shall bc ablc to eatisfy our rcaders is not likc our ncighbor's a mcro dr-ifl upon the fancy but a platoment ol slubborn facts. Tho Watcbman pa3se3 tbo Ccntral routc from I!cl!ow3 falls up tlic Conircrlicul to White Rivcr aud thencc lo Moiitptlicr, and ihcn asscrts that thc msult will bc that il will takc Ihc busincss of3-llhs of Windsor County, 3 llhsofChcfbirc Counly N. Il.,nll of Vermont east of Ihc mo'untr.iiis and north oflhc Wliite Rivcr to Canada line, and n portion N.Hnmpbire above Chcshirc Ccun ty cqual to Orange County'Vt. Thcstalistics aro as follows: 2 M O 9 05 n- s co i- - S 5 o 6 - s ? W " V C3 t J JJ Oi " "3 o -I to 1 to ci g "oi m "o e - co - o M E O - "1 o io u g IO (3 M M O ci Z O H Ol U m c C 0 o IO i-. Cl Cl M H Cl .1 Q3 -I to o O CO Ci e.i ro 13 JO co o co crj - o ia o o o o O CO Cl co to 1 t to O (O Cl ci crs C3 t5 co to O Cl Cl o Cl Cl Cl Extcnding this routc to Montrcal, aI)out cqual to tne greatcrxtciit ofthc Ceu inslcad ofthe Rutland routc, wo must add ! , . ' . , . fr. .. thc counlicsof Chittenden! Franklin am . tral than thc Rutland route. If thcn.tluset Grand Isle: tralcngth of road is to bc built it woulil be a o s o 3 3 S o c 5" ra c ? 2 5. - 3 a O o ra o ci o o w to - to to J- tO cn ci "co o Ul U -I u Z s -1 co CO vl uO o o '-. p co 1 a to o co co "co a "cn ci g -o co o "Z. 2 a. o 3 C - - to o Cl Cl Cl co O 1 to Cl ci - co to i Cl co. co tcr "Cl O Cl a C5 ' Now lct u? lake thc Rutland routc, on Ihe ruppoEilionlhat the Ccr.lral roa-l .hall be Ibuilt If cxtcndcil to iViddlcbury it wfls i 2 ?3 a ; S- ? ? ? I S c o a, sr i i3 S- w co 8 2 S 2 o r is "1 ci to cn o co o H f o o IO O - rr, u o 3 o y S o o IO 5 i w ci o u u cn to o O) 2 2 1? to 5 il o 3 . o o cn s o K p o to -o Cl Cl o o u howcvcr, thc Ccntral road ehall stop at Montpelier, and the Rutland so on to Monl- , ' ,. , , . , r ' abovc making thc grand total for the Rut- land road as lblloivs : 123,603 tteal estale. $26,C5G,S21 03 Mines.mamtf. ifr. S13,7CG,dS577 I'ersonal rrop. 85,377,075 00 j 10 ! pgrsonairov 2,007,14335 Healcstate. 10.407,25341 iUin;s.nuinn f.agricul. $10,037,971 03 In sifting this statcniciit we are uttcrly at aloss l(5decidc by what auihority 3-ltbsof i ir:.i .. :. i..:... i r ,i. r. .i ,,iiiicw i.vuiji io uiiiijji;ii iui tnc Qn lIieEuppoilion which ;a ttlC raostprola. ,,.,,.,,,. Rm,.lniI ., tia nn one side or ihe oihcr ofthe Connecticut to itbcmoutli of Black Rivcr, oftbc 23 towns- composing unlsor county, 13 comprisinga majorily ofovcrtwo ihousand ol the popula tion and ncarly 3-1 thsol the maniilacturmg and mineing bujncss ofthc county rcquir ing thc fncilitics ofa Rail-road, would bc as '.vvllor bcttcr acrommodatcd by tbc Rulmnd a3 the Ccntral route, to wit Weston, Andovci, Chester, Spnngfield. Reading, Plymouth, Woodstock, Bridgewater, Cavendish, Lud low. Baltimore, Wethcrsficld and Windsor Iudecd lhcrc U conccntrntcd on thc Black Rivcr routc a largcr number of manufacto rics llian in llic same distance in any tcctiori of ihe Statc. Wc would nct ir.qnire upon xvhatgrounJM all ol Orleaus County ii assigncd exclusivcly fur tbc rnutc, A look at tbc map will slimr tliat of ihis retirid rmtuly abnut onc-balf is as near thc routc ol tbc commoii road thrnugli Frankliu County as lo Mont pelier. Agaiu upon nhat grouud is Essex Counly nppropriatcd to ihc Ccntral rontP, whcn her wbole trade gocs now ti Porlland and from the distance of thc Ccntral road and lbc vnst ly grcatcr distance from Iiostuif wooltl con tinue in tbc prcscut chamicl nr bcinlerccplcd liv somc othcr routc. But if Ks,se. Co. is inrde i.n aprortcuacco to llie Ccntral routc, nt olijcrtlnn can lcurg ed against our iucluding I!i-iiuingtin counly avcry cnii!erablc portion nfubiih rcrlaiu ly bcli njs lo the Rutland rou:c, and ihe rcst 33 much so ai Essex lo llie Ccntral. Bnili will cuntimio to rpsorl to ihcir prcscnt mar kets to a considcrablc cxtent. Bnt as a makc-weigbt in favur of thc CVn tral roule our vcry ingenious ucighbor scUei upon a rcgion iuNew Hampihire somcivheri! betvircn Bcllons Falls and White River which he cstimatcs cqual to Orange and 3 l of Windsor, comprising a population of5d. 000 and wcalth &c. iu proportion, and tbus makcs out a most appalliug case against us. As a fair odict t this soit of clap-lrap n o have ouly lo rcmark, ihat thc bordcr upuu n hich a portion ofNew Ilamjisliire is claim- cd is a part of thc tiistaucc of "6 milcs bc tivcen Bcllovrs Falls and White River, iust imuch bcttcr to adopt thc Rutland routc, thu accommodaling Rutland and Addison Couu j tics, and thcn cxteud a lateral road from ; Burlington to Montpelier which woiild iu 'distance excced bnt a few milcs tbo cxtra ! road upon the New Hampshire bordcr, and ! complctly cmbrace cvcry countyoftbc Stato. j By thc by. that a diflcrcacc of "6 milcs in j thc distance of thc routes docs cxisl, thc de I ;a of tho Watcbman notwiihsianding, U 'provcd by ihercport of Mr. Cartei, thcir own survcyor, who makcs it 104 milcs bctwcen Burlington and thc tnoutli of White River, and it is known to be 33 milcs from Bellows Falls to llie same point, cqual to 142 milc, wbilc Mr. Fclton in his survey ofthe Rutland routc makcs but 11(5 milcs from Bellows Falls to Burlington. DilTcrcucc 20 miles. But wc have anolhcr answr to thc addi lion ofa nortion ofthc Granite State'. Up- jon thc same grounils upon which thisisdono wo arcauthorizrd lo comprelicnd in our esti matcs the Counly of Essex New Yoik, sep cratcd from tbccoun(V9 of Addison and Rut land by the Lake, which is bcro upon an ar cragc, a milc or two n-ider than tbc Connect icut. A ricbcr mincral region is not to bo ffinn.l nn this Couliuctit. Thcrc isno calcu- ' lating thc cxtcnt of tbc numerous oro beds ! nhich havc bcen opencd ofthc most produc I tive qualities, and witbin a vcry few miles of thc Lake. Immcnsc quantitics of this ora havc bccn for ycars importcd into crgcnnes. . . . - :...,t ,in- nu irnrC tra,i,pon-u o .,s I II