OCR Interpretation

The northern galaxy. [volume] (Middlebury, Vt.) 1844-1848, May 28, 1845, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Vermont

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84023649/1845-05-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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v.- f thft Green Moautains. These
.-.llrnitd to trnnsnort the orc to thcm
miclit dot tbabasc of ihc Miiuntnins rrom Vcr
ronncs to Rutland. With tliesc reiuarks wc
nowarrive at the stntcmcntof ihcCos. wbicli
will bc bcttcrnccommodated by tlie ItTd route
with llic statistic3 of population, pn'pcrty,
minoral and manufacturing prod.ictions.
Wc bclieve it will be found allosctlicr near
cr thc truih than that of tlic Watcliman
which ucl.aveprcse.ncd. lt procccdsupon
the sa.nesuppoi.ion.vl.ichis madc by that
papcr, that tlic Cl.csliire road stops at Mont
pelier. n..d 1I.0 Rutland at Middlebury con
tcmplatiug Chittenden, Franklin and Grnud
Isle as com.nou ground and aflbrding cqual
Ddvautagcs to both routcs.
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Thusif oiircslimalcs uhich arc all from
oliki-l data, arc rcliahlc, a trrintudous d:s
crepancy rxiit lictvccnthc WaJchn.an and
ourselves. In cvi-ry itcni in our tablc ihc
balanceis greatly in our f.ivor, wl.ilo in all
ihings thc Watcb.iian fi-ures us ahnost bc
Idiv compctiiion. 'What would bc iheaston
il.!.icnt ofa straugcr wl.o sl.ould tratl ultr
Iiotl. routcs"-at thc cstimatcs of llic
Watcliman? Thc f.icc of naturc ilself would
convict him of crrora.id cxapgcn.tion. Not
withstanilins at the closo of Iiis arliclc Ur
challcnjcs scnuiny iuto his statcnicnls in a
toneof dcfiancc, yct ne bclicvo nca.ly ci-cry
intclliycnt mni. i.i Vcr.nont uill stainp thc.ii
as uttcrly fallaeious. Wc are sensiblc that
our cs;imatcs are In lf rgardwl oiily us .ip-
proxi.nalions to tlic truth; bul wc appcal t j
unrrca:!cisif wcilo aot npprjach ncarcnough
10 cnrrcc:nc;s lu shnw that ihc population
and ri-sourccs conncctcd v.ith thc Rutland
roatj arc at icast cip.al by any just mcihnd of
computjtion totl.oc of thc Ccnlral.iiistead of
I'ciug ly lcns of thousauds and n.iHions bc
luiv llic... I.idecd wc kt.ow wrll th.it ihc
ngricultnral, mincral and manufacturins rc
soi.rces iu thc licinity of ihc Rutland route,
wilhoutattcinptlng to coinputc dista.it coun
tics. cve undcf.ncd rcj-ions in olhcr Siatcs
Rrca.ly turpass thosc of thc Ccntral roulc. ,'
CC 13 U c"
o b i M i- o o n
v jo ti o m
o a' p is o 2 -
CO Tb ffl 13 C3 w 03 2 3
O O CJ O -O l M JJ
s( t2 .co o o 3 a
V :
Computc mincral rcsourccs apart from man- m '"c counlry on Ihc roulc. Tlic'subscrip
ufacturcs and agricullurc aud Eastcru rcr- lion is Eiiil rapidly progrcssing and agcnts
ii.ont would p.ovc niiuus bclow comparisp.i. ' havc hccn rent lo Coston to eccurc thc capi-
Sixtccn hundrcd tons ofcoppcras from the !
mincs of Strafford is thc chicf mineral frcight .
f present rcliancc for a railroad. Thc pai- j ,llc Canadns and tho Lakcs withoul an cfT
ade which has hccn madc about cranite tobc , ort- Dut wi" lllcy contond for it hy cxtcn-
sent through thc granitc Statc to Boston who j
lus a railroad r.rrr tn . l. i. -,rrl. nrili
kind in New Englaud is as ridiculous as car-
rv.n" colcs to New Castlc. Imlccd thcrc is
cvcry rcasou to belicve that with a railroad 1
commuuication lo marUct thc tonnago of !
ron alotic mauufacturedinAddisouandRiit-I
laud Counlics would hc so incrcascd as to
countcrhalancc oue-halfof ihc wholeamount
offreight which would co.nc from thc soil
cnd workshops of Vermont and scek "trans-
portalion on thc Ccutral route. Fifiy thou
sand tons per annum would bc no surprisiug
y.cld considcring our grcat ad-antagcs for
maiiufacturing thc orc of Essex county in ad
d'.iiou to our ou...
But says ihe Watcliman, "itisclcar that
ihe counlics of Addison and Rutland cannol
comparc icith olhcr counlics in the incrcasc of
Ousincss groirmg oul ofa railroad." and a
gain "Ihc olhcr counlics posscss supcrior ad
tanlages for mnnufacturing." Is it not as'on
ishing how far the iuchnations of au honest
man may Icad him from the truth. Thc very
rcvcrsc of these asscrtious may.be confidcntly
anlicipatcd. Wlicrc can wc cxpcct thc grcat-
cst agricultural and manufacturing developc-
mcnu but in countics which cnjoy thc raost
productivc soils and thc most cxtcnsivc water
privilcScs,andherc thecarth yields thrcc-
rourths of all the mincral rcsourccs of thc
tatc. A word to thosc who are iu thc least
-milur with thcfacts upon this subject hsuf-
This Assoc.ation was duly organizcd on
Wcdncsday cvcning. Wc shall pubHsh thc
Conslitution nc.it wcck. About onc huadrcd
loJbis was pledgcd uponlhc spot to carry
out thc obiecis of thc association. More has
probahly becn obtaiucd. Aslheskicsbright
cu thc snirit ol the pcoplc is awaking. That
a railroad is to bc constructcd is uow as ccr
tain as any futurc cvcnt. Whcthcr the Rut
land road will bc constructcd dcpcuds upon
thc sjiirit and libcrality of tho people ou thc
Thc following oliiccra wercappoiutcd:
JAMES M. 3LADE, Cor. Scc'y.
JAMES McDONAI.D, Trcasurcr.
Asa Cbapoiau, 1
Joscpu Wamcr,
Harvcy llcll,
Kussell Vallctt,
Ediviu Ilam.noud,
Norma.i Tupprr,
Timotl.y O'Flanncgaii, j
Tmportant. Mr. Walton saya thc gradcs
ou thc Rutland roulc ;.rc worso tl.au hc an
ticipatcd. Whatcvcr tho amicipations ofibis
gentlcman may bc, thiswc knowccrtain,that
aftcr inspcction oftl.c Mount IlolIcygap.Col
Crockcr dcclarcd iu our prcscuce ihat tl.crc
was no doubt of thc practicability of thc Rut
t laud route throuzli Mouut IJolIev. and that
probably by closc aud pcrscvcring iuspcclion
ascxpcricucchad shown hh.i,a lowcr gradc
than sixty fcct mizht bc discovcrcd. But fur-
thcrwhcther thc gradc vas 40, 50 or C0 fcct
or cvcu more was not vcrj- matcrial in vicw
of tho wholc mattcr. Wallon gives up thc
60 fcct wall as a mistakc.
Somc of our subscribcrs may imainc that
uc havc bccoi.ic sonionhat spas.nodicot.ihc
subjcct ofrail-roads, and urgc it upot. thc
public wiih an inconsidcratc vchc.ric.icc. Wc
cauuot thiuk so. It is i.ot wc wl.o arc at fault.
Itis thosc who with sorich a boon courting
thcir acccptancc arc st'.ll so improvidcnt and
languid as to maUc uo nffort to sccurc it.
Asidc fron. thc lariflTnolhing caii havcamorc
salutary i.inuci.cc upon our prospcrity than
thc cuiistruclion of arail-road in this rcgion.
And noir is ihc crisis and thc tiinc to sccurc
thc objcct. Not a momcnt c:.n safely bc lost.
Col. Crockcrjtb.2 distinguishcd projcctor of
thc Fitchburgh road accoinpanicd by Mr.
Fclton thc survcyor, nnd tno olhcr gcntlc
mcn co.iitnissioncdby ll.eFitchliurgh Cor
porationpasscd Middlebury 011 Friday last,
01. a lonr of inspcction. From what wc
havc "rccently lcan.t wc l:avc little doubt
wiiellicr u.c Ucutral ra.l-roau succcciu or
1101, 11. n Iiutl:i.l rontl will be sooncr
or lalercunKfcil. Thc lct our capitalists,
our villagers and ourfarmcis spccdily iuves
ligatc audjlitcrniinc llic;Jamount of stock
necessary for cach to takc to sccurc the ob
jcct. cliuuld c.cry sharc bc pa.d fur by llic
pcoplo iu'llic vicinily of ihc rotitc thcy would
not bc thc poorer. Ouc niilhon aod a half of
tlic inouey wrulJ bc spgnt bctn cc Rullaud
and liurlington. A farmcr w onld bc able to
pay foronc hundrcd dollars worth of stock
by cxch.mgc and bartcr, and pc.haps at last
fiud himself cnrichcd by ihc oparation. The
stock. wonld licjcash in Ihc markct. Thc
fanucrs who I.eMlatcd for fourj ycars past to
t..kc tip thc stock oftl.c Concord road "can
t.ow takc 1 10 ilulla.s foi ihc hundrcd uhich
rchiclanlly ll.cy paid mcrclydjy asking. To
this the- may add a cool len dollars per acrc
to ihc pricc of llicir l.iml bcsides cujoying f.t
cili.icsof a spccdy Railroad cb.ni.iuiiicaliii.i
with thc insrkct for thc tl.ousand aud onc
articlcs ofproducc half of uhich iuigl.t bc
wastcdor rot 011 the.r handi. No chariiyX"
solicitcd of subscrUicrs They arc askcd to
w ri.c mouey into their pockcts rathcrjllian
out of ihcin.
I . ji
Asroonas thc fricnds ofthc Concord and
Lcbanon route which tcrminatcs nt ihc moutli
ofWhilc River found il.ala disposition was
manifeslcd to continuc thc Filcl.burgh road
to ihc eamc spot, thcy atvoltc from thcir elu
por which has long Knpt possession ofthcm.
itlun a wcck EIOIIT Uundred 'lliomand
Dollars ofthc stock has hccn E.ibscribcd for
,aIISIS 01 Ulat c"y- l'.tchburgli w.llnot givc
P sorich aprizcasthc busincssof Vermont
Jin tllc!r 1Inc UP ,ho Connecticut to thc
moulhol Whilc Rivcr which makcs thcir
rad2Gmi!c3 Iongcr, or takc the Rutland
routc ,hus securing thc most populous.wcal-
rnanufacluring and mincral portion of
v crmont as thcir cxclusivc posscssion, and
at Curl'ngton takcing an cqual chanco for
thc busincssof thc Lakcs and Canada wilh
thc Ccntral road should it hc continucd to
Concord. Wc shall scc.
DtxAPiTATioss. ThePolkilcadministra
tion has bccn guilotining a few DcputyPost
Masters in Vermont. Thc following appoint
mcnts havc bccn madc. Wm. S. Mcacii,
Cambridge; John Kellogg. llenson; also,
E. D. Rarbcr, Middlebury; (lcc. Charlcs
llowen rcmovcd,) Joscph C. Fnllcr.Danvillc;
(Vicc. S. J. Y. Vail rcmovcd,) Harvcy Cur
tis. East Randolph; (Vicc. Alfrcd Hubbard
Joiin S. Bago, cditor of thc Dctroit Frcc
Press, has bccn rctoarJtd for his democratic
scrvicc3.by an appointmc.it to the ollice of
Post-Mastcr of Dctroit. Hc, of coursc, is
cditor no Iongcr.
EEdccatios of tiic PcorLE. Onr
readers will be gratificd to observc thc pro
gress of thc measurcs adoptcd for the im
provemcnt of Common Schoojs. Thcsc are
the hope of thc statc. Thc circular, addrcss
cd lo thc Clcrgy, appcars in our prescr.l
numbcr, aDd is honorable to thc Committcc
Circulars werc addrcsscd, also, by the iinan
cial committcc appointcd atthcsamcmceting,
to a numbcr of lcadiug tovrcs in evciy coun
ty in thc statc inviting thcm to conlributc to
sustsin thclaborsof Mr. Palmcr, and to makc
prcparations for mectings lo hcar him. Rc
turns in mauy instances are still dclaycii,
thoughlhc mcasurc is rcccivcd with gcncral
favor and secms calculatcd, if madc com
pptc in this rcspcct, to give the cffortthe ful
lcst poss.blc succcsj. This, wc trust, it may
uot fail to rcccivc.
QJ5 MiDDLEBUnr Collkoe. TJic Com
ineuceiDcntat this insiitutiun occurs the pres
Oa Tucsday ll.e College Soc.ct.cs arq to bc
addrcsscd by R. Waldo Ei.Er.so.i, Esq. aud
Rcv.JoEi.PAr.KEn, D. D. of Philadclphia.
Thc anuivcrsary of the Associatcd Alumni
will bc held on Commcuccmcnt day, cxcrcis-
csby thcappointccs,towit:Rev.TiioiiAsJ.
rnv.,T n n ifun)in . r
Cosat, D. D. (CIassl822.) O.ator. Da.n-
iel Iiocr.r-Ts jr. fcsq. (Ulass l&SJ.) 1'oct.
Ln ters. Hy arithmctic, wc sccfrofn the
Tribuncatlhe rcccntscssiouof the New York
Suprcmc Court l.cld in New York City 150
Counscllors and Attorneys wcre admitlcd to
thc bar.
From Mkxico. The New Orleans paners
Havc auvicfs onc ilay later Irom Vcra Jruz.
The U. S. squadron'l.ad arrivcd, and madcTa
considcrable scnsation. From thc mtcrior it
nas rcporlcd that thc carlhquahcshockscon
tinucd, but no particulars arc givcu, The
IJcc says:
Wilh respcct to Tcxas, ll.e Mcxican Gov
crnmcnt appcars disposcd torccog.iizcl.cria-
ucpcnuc.ee, at.u is willir.g to selcct r rancc
and Englnnd as umpircs. Such is thc tc.ior
of onr i.ifurmation.
A pronositon was licfuro tho Conjrcsi, to
discostinue nroccedings asraiust Santa Anna
if l.c would go iuto voluntary b.iuis biiiiTit for
tcn ycars.
From the O. Pirayune.
Thc stcamship New York, Cnpt. W.isht,
arrivcd at New Orleans frnm (!aIifstown,
whcncc shc sa.Icu on thc fclli n.st. She
bring3 us papcrs froin (lalvcston to tho 7th.
Among hcr pa3scugcrs werc Major Donclson,
l.c U.ti. L.l.argc,auu Imv. Vcll, of Arkansas.
Gcu. Ilouston arrivcd at Gnlvcston 011 thc
3rd, from his farm 0.1 llic Tiinity. IIc pro-
poscd to visit tlicscatol (lovcruiucnt of lcx-
as, will il.cii cnnic at oncc lo llic Unitcil
5tatcs, l.c being cxtrrmcly soliciiious to sec
Gcn. Jacksoti oucragaii. bcfnro the death of
thc latler. 11c yieUN, says thc I'icayiinr-, to
inncxation asa inattcrof ncccssity, if not of
Thcrcis noliiiiit tothc cuthusiasm of ihc
pcoplc ofTexasiu rcganl loaiiiiuxaiiun. Thc
only troublc will. thcm appcars 10 bc, whcthcr
to mcct .1. Uouvciitio.i lorii. a lunstituiiu.
fnrtlic "riiatc ofTcxas" prinr oratibsciuciit
to thc inpcti.ig of Cnnsrcsy.
The papcrs coulaiu ninple n-por.s of pui!ic
mecliiiss, ilcclaralivc nf llic foclincs of ihr
rodc i: reganl to anucxa'iaii. Thcrc U 110
occasion for these rcpnrts, so ncarly unan
imousarc tl.cscntii.icutsof thc uliolu coun
iry. The Tc.xaus alrcaily rcga-il thc.nclvos as
part of ihc Uuitcd Statcs, aud, pruud oftl.c
L'liinn, arc only impalicnt tl.at any dflays
sho.ild bc intcrpnscd lo ils coinp!c:o.i. Evcn
tl.c papers oppusru to a.muxatiu.i b.tt insnm
atctl.eir olijcc.ions; thcy sce s;c it t.iust lake
place, anil rcfrniu from any opcu resislaacc to
it. iruccaiijiidsc from lliclono ofthc press
and vrrbal coinmunicntions, not all ihc dip
lnmatic rcsourrcs nfthc world ca'n swav at
all thc gcncral mind ofTcxas.
Thf.WI,in,r..l,i;Sn.,f ,
. i .Vrn i. . .t' . M
tu iu nivti .11 iiiu i nnn itunur iu .tuui.ie-
ijuij, un " i-iiiii;?uiy,uiui;il.-i:illil tiaj UUUnC
npt. nt 1(1 (iclnrl: A. M.. fiii i!io imriineit if
iioiiiinatiiig a Tickct for County Scnators.aud
in aUin" olhcr ucccssarv prciiarnlions for tl
nppruachiug Statc ICIcclion.
S. RRIGGS. County
L. DEMING, V Commilicc.
May28lh, 1S15.
Iiliddlebury Rail-Road Asso
ciation. A mccting of the Assncialion will bc held
tliis (Wcdncsday) cvcning. All persons in
terested on thc suhjcct ofa rail-road through
this region. arc invilc.l to allcnd. Mtieh in-'
, .,
formal.on in rclalion to ihc prnspccts of thc ,
Rutland route may bc cxpcclcd.
Wcdncsday, May 2Slh.
Rail Road Notice.
ihe act of the Lcgislaturc incorporaliuz the
C.niri.Ai."t aud Cos.necticut River Rail
Road Coj.rAr, hcreby givc notice that
Rooks for subscrintions lo ihe eanital stnrU
uf sa.d con.pany, w.ll he opcncd on thc 10th j
iay o.Juno ncxt at mo tullow.ng placcs att
Follctt. Dradlcy &. C'o.s Storc in liurlirtgton l
r,t Georgc T. Hodscs Storc in Rutland
ntCnlriu Townsley & Sons in Brattleboro,
aud at somc placc iu cvery toivn on nnd coo
tiguous to the linc of ihc road.
Timothy Follct, )
Johti A. Connnt.
Georgc T. Ilodgcs,
Luther Dauiels,
Calviu Townsley, I Commis-
Samucl Rarkcr, Fioucrs.
William Nash,
Ambrose L Brown,
Ilenrv N Fullcrton
William Ileary. j
Kutland, May C 1613.
-Mondat, Mav
VJ 1843.
litportcd for the E. Farmcr.
,tmarket420 BccfCattlc 10 nairs Workintrl
uxcn vuii auecp. and ia25Swinc.
Pkices. Bcef Calllc Salcs wcre ouick
. '
at anadvance. Wenuotc Extra iO "3. Fir3ti
tpiaiity, 0,'K). bccond quahty, 5,50 a 5,75.
I turil qual.ty, a a ;,o.
lyorktnz Oxtn. bales gud. ., aud 885.
Shcev. Salcs of common Shccp from
$1,75 to 3,00. i
WOOL. Therc has becn a stcady dcmand i
for ficccc and pullcd Wool, nilbout anj- cs-,
scutial variatiou in pricrs. ;
1 nme or Baxony rlccces, washcd, lu. i a
49 c. Amrricau full blood. do 33 a 40 Do
3-1 do 33 a 37 Do. 1-2 do 02 a 311-4 and
common do 30 a-31.
In Nctv Havcn. on thc 21st insr.. iVTr"T?K
za Langdon, wiTe of Wm. Wallacc Lang
don, and daughlcr ofBcnjamin Fields, 10"?-
mn,l.rVD... J Ol ' a
,jr ui 11L11 ijuiui, ticu G-i yuars. iin
aminblc and affcclionatc wifc ; she has lrft
aconfiding liusband and adaughter Cve
monthsold, with a numcrous circlc of fricnds
to inourn hercarly death. ,
At Fail Rivcr, Mass., on thc 18th inst
Edward W. Farrar, in tho 37lh ycar of his
ngc, latcly from ll.is place.
ThcsusiMEit term ofllua institutJon will
fnmmnrt nn Tnnilnir ttn Onr! .Imt .PT..-.
ncxL Q WOOSTER A. BJPrcceptor.
Thc pcrson vrho carrird liay from Ihcbarn
which 1 occupy in Ihis Village will do well
?re,Vrn i;,cl,lbr,f ,anJ Ijavc thc door
cIoscdaga.nstElrcctcaltlc, as I designcd thc
hav j ,iave .,. for ,,. a,cammm"?,:nn r
) my Incnds wl.o may call on mc.
vyui. u.ui iiiu iivii biuty iiuiiau uu u.c west
sidc ofthc old Co!lcs;c Coiumon and hclonrr.
ingto Middlebury Collcgc. For Ealc sev-
nnn l.iril.i . 1 1. . . 1 .
cral Plancs of dillercnt sizcs, ncarly new
rornicny u."cd in thc Collcgc ehop. Ofthc
Plancs enquirc of Mr. Wm. Klagg; ofthe
liousc of T.A.Mcmiiu. Trcafyof Coll.
t; WILL bc sold at thc Middlebury Auction
Room ou Saturday ncxt. Mav 31st, ihe fol
lowinp articlcs, viz:
12 sct Ulue Platcs,
1 largc " Turccn witl.Covtrand Ladlc.
2 Sreak Dishes,
1-1 Platlcts and Dishcs,
Chairs, Tablcs, 15cdstcad3, Wash Stauds,
I Shcct-Iron Stovc,
1 p'r Urass Audirous,
1 lJrass Kcttlc,
2 Stouc Jars,
1 liuttcr Pot,
20 Ibs. Straincd Iloncy,
12 Cast Iron Wrcnchcs, &c, &c,
Salc to commcucc at 1 o'clock P. M.
. ay 1313. Auctionecrs.
Thc subscribcr has madc arranrempnLim r!n
lon.ursenuinggoodsLy Lcwis's Exprcss cvcry
r. Any aniclcs ordcrcd will bc scnt for and
vcdatsbort notiee. II. A. SHELDON.
TllC TMrlllL'lsIiin hprp.nrnm pTilin im.lr ,T.
(irui ofiJrown and Sheldon is ibis dav ilissolrifl
by .n.iiual conscni. All pcrsons indcbtcd arc rc-
quested to makc immediale payment to II. A.
AlieUon, who is authonzcd lo setilc all accounts.
Middlebury, May 13. 1813. 3 in. Iw: out. Cm
"ATjmTT n 1 n ii nmi n-n "Ta,V 'l"aniny, uawrcnceu. Ticcnngs anusevcr
VI , IV PASJI I QTnLn? !nloll'crstyles,i:edTickingsI)tilliaS5,&c.&c.
lJii V VJllUlI U VJ JLllil. ' I'ar.ilsa.idUnibrcIlasJaccforCapsandcapcs,
Tlic subscribcr is novr roccivin- a lar"c nn.l
wcll selectcd assorlmcnt of Gm,Jnni , ,
scan.whichbc will sell at very low p.ofits and.
sm,,. .If1?68 toTCis"- H.n.ioN A. Sheldon,
iiay ij, iaij.
pAH ASOLS, &c.-Finc Pari, Parasols, Para-1
LC"Vi, .ana Sun shaiI:s. ' ' rec,
lorsale by
II. A. Sheldon.
31. dc Lainc
1 lJ iawas, uarases. &c.. if.cfurs.-i , rl.-:.ri,i.-
II A snr.'r rnv
" "
1LOT1IS, Cassimen:s,and Vo.tings,a larce as-
"""" '""'"'"-"raiiiiiiiu., logctiicr wim a
largc var.c.y o. ouiiiincruooas, jastrcc'aandfor
ouh.-h.ij i.iii;u iui v-an ny 11. Jl. OIIELnON.
HATf AnlllTcIr Iot of Lcgay & CO's., stiperi.
or Molcskin Hats. wliich ravcsuch un.vcr-
i hy II. A. SHELDON. '
' TOHN VALLETTE hasjuit owned a bcanTi-'
tl ful asionnientorGoods for Lndies" &Gents'
Summcr wcar. Eonnets, RibLons, Lawn, '
, Glovcs and Milts, Shawls, Hosiery, Gamclion
ParosolsandParasoIelics, Gingliains, Oil'dSilk,
Pr.mcSt. Cro.x.MolassesandSuii.king Tobacco,
' wl.ichlic willscll almoitat customcrs' r.iccs
jCallandsee. j
' !' 1' I
VT Summcr wcar, for salcTiy H.A. SnELrjox.
Phvsician and Surfceon, !
V "v'il"i , . ul"b""J .
iuay uc loniiu ju uis oiucc ai ...c urtoiogi- .
f Dc.mU over Hagar's RooU Store, whcn 1
not abscnt ou profcssioual brisincss.
ij;l .
A new and fashio.iablc articlc for thc sca-
son, just rcccivcd by FRANCIS.
rSpecial Notiee.
i X lltl SllUUIIirui WUlilll 11IIUII1I LIlLf&L: I IIIl l
Thc subscribcr would iiifurni thosc
I, ..ttlml nn,,n. ,;.l. I.;,n il.ii litc
books are now at J. Wai.iwright's Storc,
whcrc sctllcmcnl may he madc.
Ry immcdiatc attei.tiou to Ihi
is notice cost
will bc savcd.
Middlebury, MayG, 18-15.
4 CASES PRINTS, ?forCctsand.
C Rales beavy Sheelings. ) t.pwards.
1 do' supcrior linc Uublcachcd Shcctings,
1 Casc filcachcd (various qualities) do
1 do Ilcavy TicUs,
do lo tlo for Uudcrbcds,
Floor & Stair CARPETING,
2 Cascs ITmbrcllas,
do Parasols, Parasoletts & Shadcs,
Blcachcd and uikblcached I.i.ne.is &Gbass
gj5" 1 Casc Indigo & Maddcr Giugha.n &.
Aprnn Chccks, togcthcr with a largc and ex
tensivc stock of Forcism and Domcstic Goods,
iust rcccivcd which arc oflcred at a small ad-
vaacc from cost, for Cash, Credil, or Pro-
May 14, 1845.
of every qality such as always havc
pcrfectsatisfaclion,wiII bcsold in such
as'cannot fail to suitpurcfiascrs,
Peck and Fiower.
Middlebury, 18-15. -
A splendid assortracntcf New Goods irill bc
fonndat A. Chapman &SonV, cheap forcash or
prodacc. Along-pufTis ofuou.cnll and cz
amine. Our custoracrs may be assurcd of thc
best articlcs and tlic fairest priccs.
May 13tb, 1813. A. CIIAIWAX .f- SO.V.
Is now rcceivinghisSU.MMER STOCK ofEcg
lish, Frcnch, Gcnnan and Amcricnn Goods, a.
mongwhich may fco found someoffiacfabricand
very bcautifnl desim.
Fauiily Groccries, of choicc
qaality, Likcwisc, Crockery,
Glassvrarc, &c, &c, &c.
Feelins to annrcciate llic nasi catronase of a
Iiberal public, he would respectfally solicit a con
tinuaace thcreof.
May, 1813.
The subscribcr.arc now rcecivinfr-Tlar"p.sur.
ply of Spring and Summcr Gooc's.
Amons Ihc assortment will bc found almost
cvcry art.clc or Siaple Gooils rcqnircd in
Ihis scction. and a tricat vnripir nf itin mu
,rn.i,r...?..i! t t -
I ul mi'wj i"i juauiis i7rcscs, r lorcncc ct otraw
J Bonncts, Uibbonsand Arlificials, &c, Sic.,'&c.,
' which. tcsoldonlcrmsas favorablcassi.-.ny
store in Ihe Counly. AVR1GI1T & BUSH.
biioreliain, May 12, 1813.
100 M. f-hinslcs.
S00 S. Wool Twinc forsale by
Shoreham, May 11, 1815.
Just reccivcdand for salc by tbe sabscribcr, a
goo-l assonme.it ofGroceries.consisliDgin panof
Y. II. do do Frcsh Box Rasins.
Soachong do " Kcg do
Ilyson do do L'f and Bru. Sugars,
Molasscs, Tobacco,
Coflec &., &c.
Dve StiilTs.
May 10, 1815. " J'i:CKi- FLOWKR.
Crockery & Glassware,
A larqc assortruent just rcceircd and for salc
by I'ECK .J-- FLOV.-nii.
Jfiddlcbnry, May lOtb, 1815.
On hand and for salc
1 Cisc MolcsLiu Hats,
t " Drab "
1 " Silk "
May 10di, 1k:3. liy Peci4-& Floweii.
TIIE subscril-crlia-ii -I, n ilicitore hcrclofuic
occupicd by Pratt & Smiih, and is now recciving
I iromNcwVoikalargcandsplcndidslocfcof
(selcctedwilligrcatcare,) amons wliich mayLo
Balzonnes, Lawns, Ginghams, M. De Laices &c.
I PaiNTsingrcatvaricty,fromCto8 ccnw.
' Alpaccas.
lound soods .or jauics .rcsscs. viz :
GooJsfnrMen and Boys wcar. Broad Cloth:,
Cassitneics, Twced Cloths and Si.mmer Goods
any quantity, LawrcnceC.Succtingsandsevcr-
: K'njP. i:.'ns. nraius and l lo.ciicc Uonncts
TniX m facl aImosl tvcry "linS that can bc calletl
! Groceries, Crockery, Glass and
Hard WarC,
I a largc assoitmenL Naih, Horsc-nail-rod?,
Amcrlcan Sleel &c. Dnir3 and ilnli
1 Window Glass, Linsccd and Lamp Oil, mouid
I Candles, Codfi'di &c. &c.
1 All ot wh.cl. hu Till scll lora vcrv small r.il
i rrnin -rwt rtr?..i nr nn ili mnci nAn.
moJalinlerm'.riii producc, or bbort approvcd
crcdit. Plca5ccalland cxaraiac U-fore purchas
in.? clsewherc. U.O.K.MITH.
NewIIavcn MayI2,1813.
TSulter. Cliecsc and Lirc Gccse Frnlhm. in
cxchangc for Goods. II. O SMITH.
-- -
9 bP flfl M fft 2j (ft 5
EtS If3 Gn H S k H 3
Svdtag! &s 2 14
THE subscribcr is now rcccivini; from New
Yo.k a largc, eli-gaDt aud fjsbional leassortiaeiit
t- p.TT' nk I1.CI
J i, x i5 ljr&,
suitablc to tlic soason among which may be
'or.d rich and bcamifnl Bnloi ccs, Pnnted
; Lawns,MuslindeLsines, and Cal.cocsin almost
- I cndlcss varicly, Bonccl Silks nnd Iti!jlns a .
j .splendid assorlmcnt, Artificials, Parasols, Para-1
soietlsaudfcun bhncics, Ulovcianu Alius silK &
coiton, Fancy H'dk'fs, Hosie.y.Farcw-cllVwalk-
ingshocs, Slips nnd Half Gaitcrf,-and in sbort
aunost evcn' ariic.c tnai can lc cxrccicU in a
conntrv storc, selectcd with grcat carc and pur-
ciaw.'um uicprcbciiicxiiciiiciy.uw priccs.
Groccries, Hardwarc, Crockery acd Glassware,
Drugs, aictlicir.csanil I'aints, L,iD.ccdand Lavip
Oil, Cut and AVroiiyhl .Nail, Window Glass, Ofthc very best goods in Ihc County of Ad
Pul.y, CodlUh,&c, &c. . ilrsjn, which thry will sell al prircs prodi-
tlcitesircslosay miir.uicmissmi icc rnal.c,
nnn t tml in tnll An frtrrt rt lf vnnriln ic n lu
r.t.i.in.ui ; m t...
highcst pricc will be paid for all kinds of prodacc
UMiauy rcutrivuu, iinu vv.ii jiui l-v jliu&cu.
Thc pcjplc are respectfully invited to call.
jlonklou, ilay 10th, 1015.
NrwHtein, Vol. I!f for 1345.
CaATirtLrorilic Ji'jeral pairrnarc his papcr conilnucs
tn rrxcive In every $rciln of lhj Uniird tiiatcs, thc piopiic
tor ttvdcli'nuliicil tiiultl anvai:U attraclJvc featurelo
itie volmne (or 115, hy pivicg Iwo nr mrt braaiiful ti. kl
platcs. cnzravcii lu the fint tjrlj nf ihe art. Variu3of h
tr Imjjrmt'tiieRt arc alro rocti iDt!aiuI, uhich. viili Ihe
conataiilly lncrcaIns listf.f corrtfjiiNlcnts, wilL Le ttnsta,
rcn Jcr "tii k c ltit ATifcw a mot wi-Icome tlaltor m Uh cv
ery rarmcrand borticultnrkt.
Cach numbcr ol tbe ('ultirairercontalnt 32 Lirzc rctaro
pagc, and is pubiif hil at ihe Uiw jnice of 51,00 a ycar
tcvtn copit for S3 - Kilieoi ru'ttt tor $10.
Wc dn titorr, tayM IUv. Ur. If hI, cdiiftr nf ilm Ciirfj
tian Advocate anJJourual, lliaiitrlcl justlre irhrn wc
y u e bflierc the Cn!ti vat ,t l cnirrf Jf a the best n ork nf
luelass iitio UnlarJ Staiot, cnd uc tave scxn lAAitla
ctjual tn it from Lunie. '
1'he CcLTiVATtm i5eays thc Anbnm Jonmaf, "ljr
s!I compartson tli'besf agricultural paper in the Unlo -Wc
FfKrak alvLd!y, tayn thc .orthTH Aavocatr, "trhcn
wc Rive I'n b CfLHVAToa Uie prc-cmlnenee In rwiini ofma
turiiy ofn;ricultura! Lnowl(Nlc, In cvcty llnng wliich ap
pertama lu ihe fann'Y nr the faroiiiia liiicresL
f?.ny icrFoii wishin; to (.htaiii thc Culllvator, can do
so by hantlms a dull.ir tn hH I'itetmajtcr, u hn U au'JtdzuI
lo lorn aril it, free of prvtae, to ib pniprietir.
AU vul"T& ntuH ! accfMnanlil wlUi Uie cash, aiil bc
adJrrsrd tu I.U I II Clt 1 CCKLIC, nd, CulUrnlor, Albany.
S. V.
will do wcll to call carly at Z. Beckwitii &
Co's ifonly for inspcction of the numerous
tnatcrials fcr summcr dresscs, thcrc to bc
found, such as Printcd Latvns, Balzarincs,
Crapc dc Laitis, Corded Ucp, and ihe most
fashiodablcstyh'sefricliaiid clc"ant Pjiikts
ol cvery varicly lor morafug dresscs.
TLjT'Xo trouulc to ejiow goodj.
May 1. J8I5.
flenls-Grass Sccd.
j 40 hushclssupt'riorqimlity ofHcrds-Grass
Sccd, justtcceivcd atirl forsale by
Cornwa'l, March20, ISlo.?
Grnss Socd.
JUST rcccivcd from thc east sidc ofthc
u.r.untain warrantcil n purc artirlo, for'
salcl.y I.C. MEAO.
iMuslirr and silk strip'd Ginghams.Marquc
sas, rich. M. de Lanca, French Balzarines,
new Biylcs. Printcd'Laivns, aud a largc lot
orshawl8,EcIlinjveryIow by
P. W. C0LL1NS.
I April2G.
23 Bushcls llcnl's Grass St-ei!,
200 " Clover
forsale by WUIGIIT&UUSH.
Shoreham March2S, 1S15.
To Sell or Rent,
I Tlic prcmics furincrly ownpil antl ocmpinl Lv
Wirrcn llavdcn, fiiiiaU'il cin White Kitcr in (inin-
Ilillr, contam!ni halfAii acre iTt-iml un whicaUa
Sixxl Dnclling 1Ijucp, Storp, l!.irn & Sliei!, nll in
gtwdrcpair. As tiis 14 ttic only iturciu tiiu,a imxI
upMrruiniiy m uurrni 10 a'ly onp w nung lo ciulmiK
in llic .'Mcrr.iulilc buinei. lix.pfsiuii gi.cn ini
raciliatcly. rjnqiiircr.f JosKr.I 1. liALL.Agent.
.GranuIIo.Muj 1, 1343- I : Cw
A FARM, coutainlng 120 acree of vahia
nlc land, a two-eto.y IIousc, Barn nmUlicd'?,
Wi:II and cciucnt cistcrn,an Orchard which
prodi.crsa vnricly o( choicc I'rnij ; is s itualcd
on ihc lake tl.orc iu Rridport lialf n milc
south ofl'ort Franklin. A partofpurchasc
moncy will hc rcrpjircd dowu, and tin.c giv
cn or Ihe remninder.
Dridport, Apr.120, 1S15.
Onhamla qinntily of OTlanegan's supcnor
Liaseed ( il wliich will bc .-old by the barre! at
New York priccs frcight addeil, r.r.d at rctail raw
or boiled at low priccs. WIllGlITi&BUSIl.
Shoicham,.lpril 1st., 1815.
Pino and Spnicc Shi:iglrs.
OF tl.c lirit iiuiility. for jaleliy
Cornwall, March, lilO. I C. Meid.
Parasols, Parafolotls, Loghorn. hals, milts
andjGlovcs, of cvcry gradc and rolor, and a
largc lot ol Ladics and Gc.itlumai.'i! ricli
funry cmvals for salc hy
From thc Shnkcr's and Rislcys' Gardcns
jnsl rcccivcd and forsale by
April 11th, 18-15.
n fr
Fancy IITGailors,
Groton Ties,
French S'ips,
Frcncii Buskinsr-&.
Kid Slips
agood articlcal 37 1-2 cts. Also, aKDClassoi1
ment of cillL.Dltt,N'S SHOEP.." GENTS
UAl 1 and lasluonablc SummerBo"!-! very
low now t.inii.K by I'R'ANCIS.
Maytilh, 1815.
NEW G00U87"
P. W. CoLLiNd is thh day rcciivinga Iar"c
supply of o o
Spring and Summer Gcods.
whicl. hc will sclt low for Cuth, hartcr,or r
Cornwall, Aprl! 201545.
Thc Iargcs. and lirs! nsFnrln r.it o.'Pcn
iicls, RonnctRibbons, Shirrd Lnwns, Sp.'ra
Triiiiu iii'tip.-ip, VulvetRihho.is.an.l ar
lifin'aU; cvcr oliercd in ihis trrfinn anil for
Palcliy I'. W.COLLINS
April 20.
JUST HECEIVED l.y ihc ai.Useribcn.a largc
splcndid assoilmcnl nl Dry UotiK consisting in
part of Changcable Alpii.cs. l'rinled Ijiwns,
Calicors grcat variety; BonntU", Lehotn Ifals,
oiiuii.'icr iioiu, u:i.sMincrs, iviiinciai-, Lii.np
Cord-, Coat 'l'.iinniin, Giiigliauis, Shawls,
i, uowi:vs,,iiMin itiri'J.iainn, 1 !ck,4;.li!cc..
wiiii.iiv.iii i cM vrnY .ow.
MiJJlebury, ApiiI28, I8i5.
Thc copanncrhip herc'.ofore exislingl ciwccn
thc Subscrilcrs unilerthc firm ol Prait and Smiih
Isllusilay (lnMilvcd hy mmual conenl. The
notcsandaccoauis are in Jhelian.ls of C. Prali
lo wbom F-y1"1'" '""U'. r?I?'J'-l",nn)e.ii-iiely.
j". ' . " I'l'A'l'T,
Ilavcn, Ap.il, lOih.JiaU
AT tho wcll known Cini Ois'i, nnd Vai
rcnal liazar Slorc ncar llic brid;c, arr pre
parcd to show ihsir miii.-rniH ai.d higl.ly rc
spcctablc ciistomers
ATmir ifijmnmi.Tirffl
ciously low. Thc usii.il prncrss ol nnflins
i;ooiL, cilher as tn price or nnali.y i3 lefi for
.... . . -
tm'3eestalliliincnts wl.icli stand inneeil of.t.
Middlebury, May 1, 145.
; liONNKTiS ol'divcrM; quafilics and nut
lcrials, amon wliich arc I'lain Florence
BWda Eyc, Fincsiraw, I:u!ics missrs and
j childrcn'e Bonncl;': nny of whirh will makc
. an ugly noinati !ook good as nccd Lc, and
a pretty tvoman nnpt all 'nmnarUmi.
1000 pattems forLadiesBress-
ES, co:npiisia?the inuM varietl, richcst and
ncwest slylc, and which arc prono'..nced lo Iw
more BKiCTiri-i. and much cucjrca tlian evcr
oifercd in this market.
Just rec'd ly FIIANCIS.
May Gth,
orall kindsjnit opcneJ bv Pelk& Flowi:.
Middlebury, May 12ili,18I5.
sft- TVT H T T P 1?
ihc suhscrilior
would nouly all ncrtons whn itkIi ir. ;m.
provc 'thcir brccd of iiorecs Ihat hc oOcra
thcm Ihcscrviccs onhc notcd horsc
whoscslock isso favorahtv known in tlns
counly. He will pas? wilh" thc Morgan Ti-il'nreiCic will find gooiU n.id priccd r.Ai
'muujju vuriiu.iiion ycanesuay,norc-1
ham riiur?dav, Addison Eriday, aud will bc 1
m Dridport thc rcmaindcr ofeach v.cekdu-'
ring thc scason.
Bridpori, May 10'h, 1S15.
Lonij wliitc and Orange Chrrnf
from thcQ.uinrv Hull sccd siorc.just reccivcil
lS4ojYew Goods.l$ir
IIcssrs. A. IJ.&.R.M. Chipnian,
Would invilc all thcir ncipklurs riid fiiic's
call Endcjcaininealargc stock of
wliich thcy are now recciving at P O lt T
FRANKLIN, cons&ting of Broad
cloihs, fancy and rlrin Cassinrc.es, SaSa-.",
Vclvclcens pl.iin and fancy Gambrojns f i
sammcr coats ami Parts Krimlias &c. & f .r
cliildren's wear, Frcncii Balzorincs, Gro IV V;
lcncc, Grapc De Cosi-, M. D. Lahns. 11. i j
Lawns &c for ladies wear, Uashmcre, rlaia ir l
slripc De Lai.nc snd otbcr Shawls. Florence ir 1
olhcr Boanct, a b-.f.e aisorlmcnt veiv low.
riir, LcRhorn and P. L. Hats, Caps, cks . n
tassels, Ladics Cravals, Mlc and f.ircv iL.'i-.n
Cravats&c. Alargevaricty or PU1NTS, 1.
and blca. Cotioas, Tickins-i &c. with a trc-t vr--ritlyofDilY
GOODS not namcd. 'A 1. -,
stock of G IIOCEU I ES or all kiads. Crorkrry.
Glass and hanl warc, tnedicines, Oil an ! Painti
Iron, and S:ecl Nails, Fibh, Salt, Plastc-. FJ, mr.
fix. all of whicl. v.biih will lcsild at the vc.y
lowest priccs.
Briilport.April'JS, 1SI5.
FAnaicns or Old Addison ! Havc you
lorgot ihat ihc best stock of eulutanii il pta
ple dry goods. F.iarmolapscs, Teas. .cat
Ihc cheapest prices can bc found at Z. Bccfc
wilh &.Co's?
Koll lli your douhlc warrnnaanil r-istilinm
olfai ynurown prircs!
iMiUiJIeljury, M.iy 5lh, 1815.
Plain Ulark Cansrmcrc?,
Fasl.i'inublc Fnucv do.nribn" mnst f irt,M
slylc?. "
Suck coaiing, &r.
Summcr rlothg oft.ll
rcccivcd iii.d Ibrm.li: bv
May o. ,. BECKWITII & ( O.
Coj)jtcr Pumps,
Anil Laaj i-i a, , fim
1-Tgle and Tsbor PLOWS surr :..r
oil.cr ilesr.ipiion.
Slove Pou excccdingly nice. To v.
30 andiXquaiis jo Pois to lit 10 ii.cli
11 " 17 " ' " o
J " 12 ' j H "
Just .hc vciy ;..ticlL- wanic.l'fnr tle a v. r.cw
in use; and oih.r llullow Wan, Hinvt ., C'in'
drons, arch nid oven moutlis, I i'i, w:"e ., for
salcby ;CLAI!K I!l' H
Sboiiliam. ApnlSO, IMr. j-3
liW O00JDS.
I IIAVK Just rclurncil from Marf.cl antl
an. now openiniin ttock dfgomif roi.-ting
or.ilmost cvcry arlirle callcd for in llic linn
of Fmiey aud Staple Dry Goab, Crctbery,
aiass and Chtna Warc, Ifttrd-in:rc, Gn
ccrits, JJrngj and lSye Slujfs, whirh I liavc
purcl.ascd at very low priccs and um v.i!!iur
lo scll at a very smnll advancu from cnT.
Ladit'sa.ul gcnile.iicn arc rcspcclully iuviu-d
lo call iiiul cxaniinc troods nnd priccs, nnd 1
Ihink Ihcy cnniiot f.il orbeiiigtiitcil.
Cornivull, VI.. May 7lh 1S15.
JK.gtT lt' Vo:i W"i.M I i t,-a
(fjv V JisfeT.I Kl" DrA,! no,r 1)35 I
&5Ll ircccivins fr.i.n m.iihft a
f.i'-l.ionabl'' a-. 'h'iii- .t nf
Jeirelry, Cin'd, Afe'ulir Pens a iiiprnnr nr
tnle, Ooldatid .S'l.rr Pcncils, Geld n:i !i:i
rrr SKrtuclcs. Guld Ihatls, Silcer T il-U i:i:d
'J'ea Sjioutis, Crea.nrrs, sunar tti.if. J.nt.cr
ringstand Lrtost yiun a 'k-tu: ''',1 a-'f.rt
mciit, sirer tkimllcs, lutterl;nite:, rvji latlLs.
jnuua spoons, car rinfft, g(,ld cmt stlr. r l, .rr
IVatclies, qnarfir and coiumon dj, "" por rt.
chcapcr than fnrincily fold, g-.U safcj
chains, and Jctys, lated .'., Jitmrs, Fui
knircs, schtors, thtnnnmeUrt, hair Imt. ! ,
Ticezr.rs, riolitis,lM;cs and strings, Lt-s t 'i L
strinffs. irary ur.d drcaiu cowte.ftiU ., f fef.
IUirlcs, nirr jHjchrt visln.'a. too.Uii'r-L'lLi-r
plutcs chcnp; t'mrjiiccts brassand vocdrn
elncls from '.i to 15 dl'.ors warranlrd lo ho
SoJ limeiic-upvr, Mtlodians,musk luzcs.Ua
brlls, tcalkla.
A nd a eood ss.-ortmor.! of olhcr arti'clrs ia l:fs
line. Vrb'.-xc call and soc if vou canant bur
chcop for ccsli.
3T t : lcli f.:p.-iru; UUf.luV.y aikr.i'r I tn I y
Tr'elf otr.cr ioli.s doiic jiciI and chcan. 1 nr
lia'liforlcssihan c.ait. Msr IHIV t
Thc Cnmaii-wiiniivl, Ko.i (.'orc
miiiii-ic.!. OHirers. A!:!siri.i.i3 .ii.il
rrii'.iliMnf lliofilll ICilh Co:npaiy.
ofilit; C:h 'te'iuieut nf i!i'' Vrr
inorit .lliliti.i aic I.fp-iiy uanicl tn
:ip;Mir at .hi iIwrlli'iK b n-5 t i
Joiiath'ii! f.-f!y, ni:hl!iei!:i!!ni).
ar ii", :inil cpiipincm rr'piirc! by
law, nn Tns. I ly ibe iliinl if
Jiiii: MI5. al 1) nVluck ii thc
rjiMi.oiii, fur llic pi.rj.vc iifro.il
pmy drdl anil iiispecii.iu aud theri-
j'.t,.it fiinh-r t-U n.
liy or.lrr of Captain.
Middlehurv. May Sih, lt15.
5 IPor CcnJ
S T 0 R E ,
No. 15 Cedar Street, 11 y.
Thc suscrihcr. tnkc this iiirihiHl "fi
in llic aticiilioii of Canh Mcrrh,t"ln ihrir
advantnsco.i.ssy.stc... ofdoins bu.iinc- innl
in solicitin tho fulurc pntrn:iaf nf llu-ir
oM rustomiTd. 7'o i 'AHll Dry G-mdr. !,Ur
rhanls vwitins New York, our plaiiifTcM
ihc crcale-'t inilticrtt.cnta.
Thc cost. nf narb arlic'c Is markcil in (if
urcs upou it nnd n co.nii.i.ajion nf on!
addeil nfthc foot nfthc hitl Wc arc'il u y
iccciviiiK DIIV.GOODS f,r all ilffmp
tion.H, from AUC I'lO.N' ; nnd to ihc ISuyi-r
wc guara..tec :i isaviny orrro.ii 2n la Ftf
lun Per Cenl frou. thc pricc-j ol thc u'.l
crcilit sv.stcm.
( Imjmrlrd by oursehcr,)
nlnnvx nn ha.nl, at greatly rcilurcil prifrj
iL.f-i can 1-. rcpcriiu' Vfii'.c.tcil Iiv
8 iloori from I'carl-st. New York.
EVERV Boat l;rinzs dooth Chcapcr, aml
nfncwcrftle for FKANCIS, wh.ch wcn
Imulit with (.jisii faiMi (irst hii.nN ut 15 pr
ccnt less than havc hcei. houht on arrnl.t
nn.l which are oflorci! loiccr tnan ercr, Utr
cash or on crcilit. i'rtn; pcrson icizhiazto
Jina a largtxansiu.
hy thc cross or doz.. I't-.!j t!,3 (..,
Iiook storc, at Jv, or.c
Middlebury. Jan. I-:

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