Newspaper Page Text
BOSTON WIIOI P?AI F X- UKTAIf IIOL'SES Tlie unJeriioncil Iumortcrs. Jobbcrs, Man- i iic unacrsi ncu iii.po. itrs, ao uiitrs, i- i jdacturer. nud Comm.ssion I ouscs in I.o C. y ol loslou. are prcparcd wtlh rull slock. of Goods inthcirrespeclivel.r.inclH-s. and em - hrace.l.s opportuuity almrdcd by llie i.cws- I'chss to invitc Gomr.rv Mcrrhants and otlirs who arc abuut :o purcliase and ; Imports an l Manufaclurers ofl apcr Sniti.nci supplies. to vi it the NjsJoj Ilangings tC,m, ,,,,. a-.d examine their sevcral a,srl:.,o,:is. ,Sei ""'' ",' K"' 'Ti Av T, Tlie varicly. chenpnos, nirJ cce!!encc uf j W a-Iin.ston. J. lSuniswaJ &boii, 1 lo n .isli tmrmaiiiifactufcs uf Cinlun, Wuullcn. aud ' 11131011 Slrcct. nllier (Juods, in thii vicimty ; otir iinintcr - niptcd strain coiiimuiiicatiuti iili all roreign l'orti atnl ihc iutpriur of onr ou ii Cmiiitry, onaMc ih to oITlt imlucemcnts t purrfia-'ero ( f Foruign aud Uomcs'ic Goods, ctjual at I rast, il not iupcrior to smy ollicr Markel;) aud Couiitry Merclinnts and utlit-rs, ti Iioin tiiii iiitiiatiuri U rcspcctfully addressed, are j a-isurod 1l1.1t it U nnr dleriiiiiialiiiii to pl.-asc, ' it m-i!de, tiotli iU nud iip'.v cusloutcrs uho may I.ivuiir U3 wilti a call. r.uporters and PaiUrs in r'uriign and Do- maltc 11-ird-care CutUri. Williain T. Ilus'.is .'; Cn. K5 Lihcrty Squnrc. JI. N'encll, &i St.itc Strcut. lnporltri uf Ilindicart and RaJditiy (Suodt. i'.iirliauks, I.'jring.'c C11. cor. of .Milk and liilljy tjtrtcts. njxtrlcrs and Johbrrs ff F.rrign und Doints- lic l)ry (1'jods. iii icKintirc &Co. 1 1 .Milk rilrect, ( La;vrcuce iilock.) I'ui&rtcis and Jullcrs af Dry Guods, and Diulcrs in Amcrimit Afiimificlurcs. I. anIrv & .!lolt. 80 Killiy .Strctt. Tli3ti-liiT& Fuarins, 17 ::ii) Waicr Street. M. i. Lincoln & Co. aU Waler, cor. C03- ress Street. H:lk, lUllaits, Millineri Goods, French I'loic crs. yr. IIuMon, !kulilins & Co 1 Bowdoiu Block, Milk Sirtut. Uositri, Thnads, Yiirn.i, (fr.and Dry Guods gtncraU;' Slmrcy fc Co. 191 Waliiii;ton Street. Di tilcrs i:i Straw Goods, ImporUTS )'Ztjt!ir H'tirsUds, Cannn, J'alfcrris, Millinery Goods, Jr. II. irriiminii, Uollirook uc Co. 1)1 Killiy, cot. ofJKlk Street. Dtnltr in Fitnch and HnglUh Guods: ln: wrcd and Aiacrican itraicand Laicn Itonnits, r, Tounciid & jSTmisIi. :ir.d 10 Waler Street. Imjmrlcrs f rinc Cullcr;, Fancy Gols, Cumhs, licvds, Perfumery, Urushes, lyc. I. 11. Spring, 32 Killiy Street. 15. W. Tliaycr fc Cj. (late Messer &. Co.) j 205 Wasliinlnn St. UlUIi.t Jacobs &Co. 1 aud ."IKilby Street. Dralcrs in Furciin and Domcstic Slationery, iU rcanlile ISlank Jlooks, Fnncy Gooth, Cul Itry, and (Ac S hool liooks in tisc in I'ne lZngland. J lin T. 1'iiiico Co. 12 Killiy.cor. of Doano Manufaclurtr uf Aceount Bookt, U'rilin and Dnsting Cascs,and Vcalerin Domntic iSla twneiy, Sdiool Iloofc.i, Whiting Jhsks. ffc. J .lm iMjisIi, 77 Washington Street, (Joy's Uuildius ) Boohsdkr and Stationcr. It'iijamin I. iMus--cy, Coriiliill, and GCI Jir.ittlc Sirect. liihles, Sclt'ol iveriulc Ilooks, English, Frenrh and American Stalioncry. S. G. SiuipKin;, Trcn.ont l!ov. Ihvtirs in A'mrican and Forcin A'ctcsjw vrs, Magirzines, and Cheap I'ublicalions. Agcutx supplicd at Fublhhers'' priecs. Uodding Co., 8 Statc Street. lnincy II tll oic pricc Clolhing EslaLlhh- lucnl, orrr uin-y Jlurket, by J. Sinimons N: Co. Fane.uil Hall Clolhes Warehutises. V ib-iuu, Deacon & Titcuiub, (siiccessors to .Milton c Solco:iib,)ilealers iu Broadeloths, C'.isimerc, Vcstiiig. and Keady-u.ade Cl.-iluno, d, 5, G, aad 7, Fanetiil II.iM S5uildi!:g. Dcalcrs 1.1 Ftiil.'iers, MuUrctses, Vurledlljir, aml Jitddiiz -f all k iads. M inning. Glover tc Clark ; al.-i dealcrs in nomeslic Dry. Goods, 1 Fauueil Ilall iluii.liu;, and 1 an ! 2 Market Sipiare. J iiiics 11. Ilallet, 1! and 17 Dotk Sipiare, l nnilcrs a-:d Dtalers in J)rtis, iledicincs J'itin's. l)y Slujfs, i,x. ICdwanl itriiily &, Cn. .5 and-1 Markct Squarc, smitll sidi; if i ";::.cuil li.tll. ("nilcr, Day it Co. India, cor. Statc Slrcct, op. llie Sevr Ciistoui llouse. Prrl ,s iu Dye Slnffx, Oih, iotips,C!uinicali, o'ii Mmitifiicl-jrers' Ailicles. U. S. ?vi.y &: Co. M M; Street. ' '.!.ni' : unr aad J)ralers in Xptrm and ll'HaU Oil, Rpcrni Candlts and S;;;. Sturt.'iaiit, Edwards & Co. 20 Llnucl Street. fopjiter aad Ihaleriu Cliitvi, Cruckcry and Gliiss S.ibimun Hopkius, 'J,7 Ilioad, cor. of Water Street. Mantifaeltircr and Dtulri in Bools, Skoes, I.ealhern and V dins,for Cfii. Levi F. I! 11-st'l, Blac!.touc Street, up stairs, opposite the iVen- Knf l.iiul Cofiec llouse. V.'cn Ltad Pip. and Wieel l.cad. Wiiliam B. Sauycr. I-J? Stite Street. Agrut ol'the New Factury, Clnrlcslowu; also. I .ip.irter anJ Dealer in Hii'.si.i, I'uj;lisli. ;.nd t'otton Di.cii, Twine, llemp, liags and Bag-ci-ig, I'ig, Lend, iVc. 'S.inufiictxtcTof Plulfmm i'-r,ilts. an l Wiih '' ' Aiitirultis ofall drri jit i..i.7, Tin H'are.&c. Ly.uau Locke. 7 Markct Si.nare, south side Faucuil Hall. ' I , , r , lc, ,. 1 rTSrt H ' ' 11 .'i anieiejjr sneiy ana.'eciriiy no,c muse.) j i.jivarus, cor. 01 attr anc con- gress sirccis. i " V,,.;V. : I""r'-1i:lya"""a?prriccs ' All those wishing to purchasc the gcnuinearti- w..,k..i ,,r r. it- ' ... " "linngio eleof Marsha 'sSnnfT.shou d purchasc that of "j ..-s.-c , , j.uzu- iuusui ine cuuimiiu nui reiercncci loan Ciscs ri '"r .iinuics anu f c.ioois w.Il ilo nc toca 1 whirh Tf r CtMU-rr AIMillohiiri- V( isihfnrn Ui, Saddlet llarnos, , Trunks, yatiecs, in which thc same principles of law have bccn , An' Luu 'ishcd (,,r ani, no, on ,,,nj caul)C , U-C.Gndtey M'd "ebun Vt. isthe i pro- Carpet SjHi,U, Ar. dccidcl-rerereEecs to oi'emiled cascs and Mat- dercf.and ubtaincd at f hort notice. ' Kf1"! f ' ' t101' ShohoniS: Chccvcr.7 Wa.lSii?ton aud 53 ! onwhichdecisionshave bcen made; wiih nf 1 Dr JURSHALL. Hn.le S.rects. " j I .elereacesmner c.n nndEngy.IIenorts.500 BlIS 1C S tToi'n. I ccrtify that tbe above aicle waseemed Dalcrin Isinglassfor Micj) for Store l)ior?,vl the Siale, with biograpbical noticcs of the 500 Bushels Oats Wanled hythe c-ulicri-Ltittcrm, Cumpxs Cardz. tp.. AILural Sicc- : priacipal jmkics -.nd law-crs wiih na.nes and hcr in dxchange for goods nr on aceount. iuns, Safelii Omttrns, &t. George II. Rugglcs. 2S L'uio.i Slrcct. MinnfMlunr and 1) alcT in sll kinds nf J . Hrumrs. i Jtdi:. J. Ad..m, Wan house, 72 Y : l Street; .'i;!ory, W.lliaii.s Court. Diuderj in 1'irrtsn Frvilf, IlttHcr,, tmin, Dricd .lpplni (irasn aud Binl S-JaLt, Fire C. 'r.-, Pali.i l.ettfuiid Palm Lmif .'.'-. rti", Rird &Ken:iv, lUaud 2lJ.ltf.-cli:mLj' Uoiv GracTS and Camniissimi Merchunts. l.iomisK. m cc ji-orgc.. I'leen.aii, i . .. .in..-i !.:.. ' o... '. mhii, m-.- v..6..,s, opices. Is jre Siierni Ol! to. ! .ip-.rttr aml Bealersin lnitchfs,tdcfrau,l ' Piuled l"irw fMiip:, Ciorks Tea Trayt, Cj ;ifl!iiiJi0.i ll'are Ta'de C.dlery, Mililary Gooi.'$c . lI.rri- St i iwno 1 Jt C.,20 Tremont Kow. . ' . .-.i PiitJ: Ft-r-'e Ma.uiuct-iri '" i- v Ou . 4--i Uashiiiton S'.rett, j, rf , i "jis j'J Mauufacturers of i 1 Co!ei(i3ifPaientiEuliau Atiachineut forthis ' cctiuii of cimnlrv. ! ! 1'iano lort auil MusiC Dlore. Gcotge 1 . I..ccd 17 J rc- Rw,Mus c Pub hcr& Denleriu Slieet luslrumci.ts "f evcry dcscrip- Merchnndise gcuerally. j V,-.,-, . lt i r ' 1 -111 everv Iustru j Milhtary B"ds furnisbcd, nud etcry Ils uetit "arranled. 1 Jiank Appnralns IKlal:lttnmrM. L. V. J!ad"er, 4'J l-ongress rtreet, jlaiiutiic- lurt-r of liates' 1'ateut SlidiiiK'l'opCliam ber Shuncr lSatlis, lladgcr's Vapor Uatli Apparatus, l!:nliing Tulis, lcc. MaiiirfactnrtTS nf Shirts, Hosoms, Collars, Xicc Stc-cksand Tits, Imparlers and dcatcr. in Glurcsj Ilandkcrchirf, Scat fs, Craruts, JTosiery, - tlerShirlsand Druirers, Sitins. I.ineni. Jjambasins, fc. liatcs & Jotics, 7'J Wasliititoti St. (Joy's liuildiu.) Mif.ivjaclurrrsand Deahrs in Iieady-viade Clulhiuguf crciygrade, Covc, Lnckc & Co. at tlie Coimneieial Ar- cnile, G() Conimcrcial Slrcct. I'apcr Dial:rs: J'riutiiijr, Wrilim; aud li'rapping I'apcr all kindg. Jyetrsiiajiers supjdictl, Fapcnnakcrs Guods nf all desariplions. Orant, Daniel & Cn. 0 I'uimi Slreet. Wilkius, Carler & Co. Ki Water Street. A'-'rcidlural It'arelionse and Seed Store. Kugyles, iiuurnc & Mason, South .Mar ket Slrcet, ovci Faimcl Ilall .Markct, also i'Mauuficttirerj of I'loujhs, Iiiijihtneiits'aud Macliiues. at Worcester. llovey & Co. 7 .Merehants Roiv, Cardcn, CJrass'. and Flower Sceds, Fruit and Orua incutal Trccs, Shrulis, Dahlias, Grapu Vincs, .Vc. supplied from their eMeusivc iiurserics il Camliridge. lluston April l-"45. PROHATE KOTICES. Stte or Vcrmont, ? Diuiictuf Addison, ;s. ) Beit rcnicml-cred tbaiatn Probale Court l.cld at .Middlebury' in and for the District of AddUon, on thc 15th day :l May A. I). 1815. Horace Lapham cxecutorof ibe lastand tesLv lnent of JAMES P.AUBEB late of Shoreham in said I)i-tiict dcceas-eil, pie sf nls his adininistrationaccoiii.t for nllowsncc : It is tbercupon ordcrcd, that sa.d accoimt be exsin ined lorallowance, at a scsMon of said Cnun to be bcld at thc Iunof E. B. Ilill in &aid Shnre- I.a.n on Tbnriday tbe 5th day of Juncncit.atonc o'clock in tbc aftcrnoon, and that said eiccu tor give nolicc tbercof to all pcrsons intercs tcd, that tbey may atircarpnd lnakc theirobicc- tions-, if any tbey may have, to tbc allowancvof said aceount, by publisbinga ccrlifieil copy of tbis nrder in the ?onhcra Galaiy a uewspai-cr printedat said Middlebury, ibrceweek!, success ively previous lo tbotiineof.said Court. JeJ. S. liushncll lleistcr. A tnie copy of rccoril il Atlesl. J. S. Buslinell, Rcgislcr. STATK OF VKItMONT T., District of Addison, BE it remcmbcicd that ata probatc Court held at Middlebury, iu aud for thc District or Addison ou tbc SCih day of May A. D. 1815. JuliaTcrry of tl.eCity aud Couiiiy of Hart ford in tlie Stale cf Connecticut, a pcrsouin tcrcstcd in tlie cstnle of JOI1N KIPLEY, late of said Hartford dcccased, prcscnts lo tlns Court a copy of tlie last will and testa nient of tlie said Jol.11 Hipley ilcceascd, the Prol.ate of liich u ill i.ppcars lo be duly au thcuticatcd by the J udge of tlie Court ofPro bate for thc District of Hartford'in tl.o Statc of Connecticut, and prays this Court that tlie said copy ofsaid will may l.cfilcd aud rccor ded in thc records of the Court: Tliereupon, itisordered by Cuurt, that the saiil Julia Tcrry uotify all pcrsons iutcrestcd to appear beforca Probatc Cotir' to bc l.ehlat thc Inn of E. 1. Ilill iu fcliurt liam in aud forsaid dis trict of Addison, on thc otli day of June nc.M, atouc o'clock in tlicaflernouii.tlieiiaudthcre to sl.ow cause, if :u.y thcy may have. nliy llic said copy ol's.iiil will should not bc filed aud recorded iu thc records of this Court, by pu! lishing a ccrlified copy of this o.dcr in tbc IVorlbeni Gulajy anewspater prinled at sciil Middlebury thrce wecks sueccssivcly prc it us to the time aloresaid Court. Jcd. 6. Buslinell Ilegistcr. A truc copy of rccord, Attcst Jid. ii. Jluihncll Ucgislcr. 153 STAE OF VERMONT, District nf Addison. that, ala Probatc Court held at Middlebury in and for he District uf Addison, on llie d.iy of.May A. D. 1S45. Kbcnczcr N. Briggs exccutor i:i an iustru mcnl purporliug to be will nud tceta inciit of KDWARD MORIN, lalc of Lciceslei in said District, presents the sainc lor probale: It islherefore ordcrcd that, thc san.e bc exau.iued for pro batc. at .1 session of said Court to be held rt the inn of !..!". Ilill iu Shoreham in said Dis trict, 0:1 i hursday thotli day of June nc.t, at one o'clock inlhe afterr.oon, and no-1 lice thercof'je given to all persotis iutcrestcd. .1 ..1 1 1 .1 1 that they may nppeir aud tnakc their objic- tioas, if any they uiay I.avc to the probatc; allnuauco uf.-aid will, bv publisl.iug a cerli- i fied copy nf this order iu Ihc Norlliern Gal.ixv I axy ancnspapsri.riutcd at Middlebury ihree .. . , '.. -! ... . .. 1 . ,. wceks sueccssivcly previous to the time of nd ( ottrt. Atlest J. S. IU'SHNELL, Register. A truc copy of record, J. S. BI'SliNEI.L, Register. D'i'W, of Vernvmf T?OInH n , ., , . .' " i stlb"c"' " nas in prepaiattona Digesl 1 jnl?c1l:ciws d DecisH,n,of iteSnpwnse pui'iiMieti cascs to las present tiuic, mcliiairg "itiy iii.iiu'uiii.i nui puuiisucu. many m.inusc. ipt cases not poblished. ic-itlcnecsofthc rresent attoinies end ccuncel- lors it. ibe fclatc. I Tbe woil: will te co.npletedas cailv as prac- tieableafiertlic complc:ionof lli? Digejt ol'Eng- ! : 1. . .... .. T i - .. : ,. ,n ii.-iwjiiiii.uiiih mpii' m-icssana juuge 1!o,Iricl's Edilion of Bacon's Abridgement iu hich he has made full rcfercnces to all the A- ! incrican Repuns lo'J. of which it is cxpected will - il- cuiiini.tuu anu I'uuiisiivo w iiuin a ycar. The s-.niepl:in will beadoited for publKhin" sosalifjctoiyinpublishingthj RerisdStaiHtes uf ihis Statc", Ly u--ing various ijualities of paper , End biLding, llu.s maUing tbc book at so low a ' p.iec as to ci-me within the ine.-.ns of all wishing ' it and line copies will le soldata lovicr pricc ; ' than any Diges. of Aiuerican Ites has V een nn Khra A nifsa p crnnfi, .nil..t..l r. ' ',.,. - - .': - ir-,.;j:rr7Li " " u' i """i '"i r "PSiS- Burlington, April, 1815. inft 0 . T1JC, 100 rAIRS Farenpll's Best Bnskii.s, Walking Shocs. and Slips, just received and for sale bv IRA STEIf'ATtT- M.irch4th, l?l. 1 .1ISU (.11 til'l LIIUIA VUIIlulUlll a IllUIUlul iiisiur III ' - - A Valuable Erledicine, "r. uranerein egeiauiei m Yr ,-, , y . d g at lea5tone llunijrcd ihoinand per- f dcs which had bccn proncunccd incura- j Lfef.y ui.Hcal men of.he lirs.rank and These ilU.n.r.n .Le necu ,.r they pos- s, arc calcuLitcd 10 cuic discascs, whatcicr bc ns natlK;, an iki ti mu bjiih; ui 1111,111 uuy Krion m ultum Is tlie uimersalbrcntli cflifl, uliopartakes uf thc "unircrsa." "one Lluod, of wlilcli are made ull pcoplo who ducll upon tlie carth, and wliose ills order aripcs from thc "unhcrsal roui" ofall dUease, natncly , iiupurit) or hnperfcct circulation of tlie hlood. Those uho rc i-uirerinj from a Latl statc of hcakli, w.It do wcl! to gue lliem a trial. AUENTS. Jonallian Uagar.Middicl uty; Alfrcd l1. Kos ro?, Pfrw Ilawn, WartenS. Brown, Addison; P. Metch-r and 3 m. Bridnott: WVelit and, SI.oreI.ani; . B. BUbv. Vergnne; Md. Cornivall; J. Simond,. V..tch n, :... . .1 . v ,.i,.h vnir a n n 'Wl el '"he-,, V t f!th. M V Allc. and U h;e!cr, Norll. tcrnslM.rch; M.W tvin'iey, AlunKlon )ti.i?n; ueo. i. rarmeiee u.isioi; rj.mi.ii lait, iniiiirg. llrtts!! I-Iats!!! AT TUE OLD STAND - TEW BODS NORTH TI1E JJ1L. TI1E bubscribcr would inform the publie tlnt he has on hand a lanre assortment of olack and drab Ilatsof the latest New-York fash- -.t-ttj -ii-nvTivTn-c. e. Diit?!? T r oflers i.oweu r.m cistt okmost V Jli ttlji JlijM iM I'.B cV. JJUi 1' A.L1U K:Nustir Pkoduce can bebought in tbis, -n- TTT71 JOHX JACKSOU. j , , ?C. B. Tbehighcstpricewillbenaidforlan.bsi TIIE Boats o( tbislmehave bccn fittcdup in wool and jMii'krat skins. J. J. , ibe mmt convenient wanner for Pasbcngcre, and Middlebury, April 17, 1811. 51;tf. jwillrun. LOOK AT Tlllij.'.' I rnn p i,i, ...1 c r n ..,o.,.r ', nnn t -p f p . . , rr.1 . 1000 lu T. I. or Bock 50 ccnts. sou sinau iags uairy sun, 50 Inrgc Oags 1I0. Gruunil ilu. 200 Bbls. line lo. ilo. dc. For sale I.y W. CiAPAIAN. crgeiincs, Uec. 17, lc44. Ull. MAKSIIALL'S INDIA N VEGE 'FAIiLE J3LACK P.LASTER. Tliis Flaslcr is iinritiilltd ibr curtnj scorfulovs 1 ticillinse,tcurtry wrii, lame lack, lurnt, pains in j the sidts, hipj or limbt ; and tcIJora failstosiic rclicf ! catcs of local ' rlicumalism, Ifapplicd lo tlie sidc, it uill cure many of common I'ver cemplaint, and it U fouud to be equal if not siipcr.or, to any corn plaiterSor rornson llic fcel, IT iinmcdia Cy applied to a fresh tcound. it wtWprevtnt sortne, and caufe it; :1 1.. . , , ,. ., . r ? liiiinijf iu iivat. I'uinnies in llic nauiiti using lliii pl.titer, find it bcltcr, ttian anytliin" else for I all purposesfor wliicli a plastcrorsaltc is wanrcd. Iti Tirtucs have bcen uitncsedby tbousands of rcspcctablc lndiidtials in varioui parts of tbc Unitcd italcf, uholi.iTc teslcd its cflicacy. lMtlCE, 25 cts. per eox. 0 ITJlfMany ccrtificatcs may bc had, ehowi i.5n cxtraordinary cflccls. Ueware or Ci.c.Tcr.FEirs All tliose ttMiin; to pcrcl.dic tlie gonuinc nrliele of Slarslinll's ria-ccrshouid purcliasctliat of uliicli II. 67. Grid ley .Middlebury Vt is the Gencral Ascnt. and ni 'iiuiatiiire perEonauvuie i-usier reiu ; 1 . 1. ( - ..... 1 , i r. , ... . ,il I rv ,-r' T';.. 1 ,. , Ur- M'"h",;. ' L-ert.fv (Iic aborc ari.cle was expeulp.l in iny Prcscnrc l.y IJr. Marsba and I hat ,! ".la S " oraiuem i) onittr. , i'ld Wholcsalc and Itctjle liv II. C. Gridlev. Ucneral lcent. Jlidd ebiirv Vt. 1 Wm l i?.cl nn.i :i ir.i.. n 11- .r 3A. , and bl t-Zl S J 5 u-e"IC,anu,willbeBicn on lbese Boats. 49 t ..V.- IF 1 Y BBLS. fjTfeNE I1UNDRED aml El 'J" SUPEIt FINE FLOUI! forsn'c low l.y W. CHAP.MAN. Vergennes City Wliarf, Dec. 17, 1311 21 Nova Scotia Plas r, 5R4&TONS Nova Scotia Plastet for Scotia 1 sale low liv W. CHAPMAN. Dcc. 10, M4. mms, ME1I1CINES, PAliXTS & DYE-STUFl'S. The suhsrriber is now recciviii!raiid will Iic coiistanlly supplicd witli eetry arlicte'm thca'iove, hoth olliciiial aml Patcnt, Miucral Watcra from Saratogn, (purc W ines nnu liijuur for Mediciual purpos-' C30 . &3"Pr,'Scriptiniis put up by compctcnt j pcrsons 011 tbe sl.ortest noticc. Stoic first iloor south of the Poi Ofllcc aml openatull hours. W. P. IIUSSEL. Middlebury, Nov. 19th, 184 1. Ciolhs, Cassiimi-s, Broad Clotb, Cassimers, Vatings and Trim mings in cvery varicly, cbeapcr than cvcr bcfure o.TltciI, at Sept. 1 8th, 18 14. BIHGE'S. 1 T 1r nr tTir : : ,V' V"AllK. "OW TCCClVing ' j ' ,",r ?.'Vl Z"x", tlaTO' onc ,,'"rt:,s.t f 1 J-""le & Lt), a gencral aiiiirtliiciil of C .131 cn !,w s.,o.. ii(M,l. ,,.,,..r .i.. f )i! aad religious 01ks. In additionto tbc cljsnical auderliocl bonks in scncril .''! rcccIlly recaiicd tlie .Mafs. Uisirict rrS"'1'"3 a, sd ruei.i,uf iiinrucine books 111 lar.ous dcnarlmcuts ofuscful KuoW ALSO. a full assortment of 1I10 books pnl.Ii.-licd by tlie SUss. S. S. S.iciETy.suitcd tolliccipacitics ofihc Yotni", thc .Midille-.iicd and ilicAfnl. Tho ilr.. init... cncc of ihosc piiblxstions !.: bccn fch and ac'knoivl- c-ilged bj the Christinn PuUic fur to,cral ,cars will. nicrcasin; salisfaclion. incrcasif.? satUihction. ul,c Iur crai ears w.ui '''n"lKl'oBlilc.nrpl taiiiibeirliooksatilic.amennrcstli fcUotJinlLtfal?Ji also, a full assorimcut of ibe publieaiions ef tbe a ricnn uoririna. j racl Sncitty. U RIGI1T sl- niTQU Shoreham Dcc. 2-2 1841. 3 COMMISSIOX B00I-ST0RE, at Ibe Posl-Gflice. Exirositc ndilitions bavc rcccntly bccn made lo tolhcstock brfurcon liand,of Sshool, Classical & Bliscellane- .t. "ZT i'.' L.". , WS . .V -J: r. ""rr"J ".iy iicscnpilon. .RU r;'ncy.riicies. A lianilsotnc assortment of ! Aiinuaisaniioincreicgantliooks lor Cliristnnj and : Tcw Ycar's prcscnts. Ajgood rariety of Albums, Pictorial Sliakcspcare now nublishin? in Xo. 121 9 t bc furni.hcd at sliui t notice, for Finging SChoobi or sociciii-?, or iur inaitliiuai.. C3AII to be sold clicap as can be purchascd in citv countrv. MiJdkburj-, Nov 25, 1S4J. I I and Troy M. D.iULLj&CO. TIIIS Line orboats will bcin lirst rate rcpair at thc opcning of Kavigation, and will commence running toand from Truy and Vergennes. Leav in? Vcnrennes cverv rucs and Saturdav : " T1,,.. . Hfn.f nesdav and Salurday a- . yclock p. 11. Freishl will be received in y up to thc hour of start- ing. Frcighttol jiriwdfrori Vergennes musl be on board ibe day previous. Passengers tra cling South will find tbis a cheap and convenient ' lc as we."as BF"' uu" u." r"' " W W sr to renaer wem comionanie ana sai- 1 Jf- .T.P.Sf'i"? beheve thc pmmntness ana dispatch ntli ' Goods are shippcd by tbis line will insurc . . , . .. . . ',,,;.' atron2e. Packascs shoBId be marked ' care of M. D, Hall, Troy.' lt. CHAPJI AN, Asent, Vergennes, Vt. :50;Ciii M. D. HALL. Agcnt. 255, Hivcr St. 3J iloor up staira.Troy ff.Y. Jts.Vri2:1 DAYSr NIGI1T, taunuaysexcepieui Leiwccn v crgcnnqs anu jui- , daJinS the naigaUc scaionV 1S13, as fol- ;i...i. (Sundays excepted) Leiwccn Vergennes and Bnf- PACKET GARLAND, Capt. A P. Eobart. Lcaces Vergennes and Jiuffalo, April May 3 May Jiiuc July August Sept. Oct. 20 17 15 2G 23 21 May June July Sept. Oct. Nov. 31 23 20 G 4 3 I'ACKET J. SHER.MAN, Capt. F. HL Shaw, Leavcs Vergennes and liuffalo. May G iMay 17 Jliuu July July Sept. June Jnly Ang. Sept M 12 y 0 1 20 9 Uct. 7 Oct. 18 .p. - a - , , , 1 .10 1 ronriCIOrS OI llipan llimf s Imt (. cnnrnil nn pt. !l.n.ei,. fituing tl.em p, aud ilm Tra,ellin- Publie j ..' -n rl"in.I v.r:.l l- J .. i. .. :n . .i.i 1 ui inaKc llicir l'Jsscngers coinrurlablc and rntislictl i cicrv renicct. Tlirre uill Lo no ilcli.niit.n aficr R-amig crjcm CflFennCS. I I11. nrin, Tnr Iimiw nml pccted ivitli "3ru, aiso lor ! reijlu will booa low ns ran l cx- 111c coiiTcnicnccs, anu aiicnnon uiucii hoaril ilieniscKc? cantiacrcry facilily fordoii For furtlier iiarticubrs ciKtuirc of thc Citila boardorto 1 uoc rIloogln to so. laiu 01. JOY & WEBSTER, j W.M. STIMPSON. BulTalo. R. CHAPMAN. Asent. Verccnnes. Vergennes, March 25, 1845. 4'J;Gmo EXGLISH 1KON, forslci?!! aud cuttsr slioes, aud wagon tirc for salc by BIIO K1V iy SHELDON. !M00IS &BE0TEERS, 70ULD rcspectfiilly inform the pub ' Iic, that thry I.avc fitteil uii nn cs titlilshnicut iu ev Haien, Vt., 3 milcs north of Middlebury villnsc, whcrc they iutcud lo ti.anufacturu niul l;ccp coustai.tly 011 hnnil, .1 Inrgu assortiiicnt ol Kdre Tools. This cstaliliahtncnt is undcr the supcrin- tct.denco of B. Bao ks, formcrly of JSlicl- illebury, whn-c axes for the Irst ISycnrs have liecn lichl in vcty Iiigh estecin aml whosc long oxpcrincc in the liusincss, nud grcat carc lo kccp up with nll thc impiovc mcntsof the diy, aml aideil l.y tlie inost coinpctciit workmcn, they are cnnhlcil to nrodueo oi article not nvcellcil liv nnv iu finisli or eilne, in llic Unilcd Stntcs. All Tools ii.anufiielurcd at this cstahlishincnt will he warranted. Merchants vill he supplicd with axes at chohsiilc as they can he hought in markct. iQ All ordcrs promptly attemled to, which shoulil bc directeil to .Middlebury Pot olfiee, frl. N. 13. llEPAtiitxc done at short noticc. 5 ) T. M. Bkooks, New Haven, l J. E. BnonKS, Octoher 22, 1314. ) Milton Hr.ooKs. Storage & Forwarding Dotic 011 thc most rC'isoiiaMc lcrin, bv A. B. & R. M. CillPMAN. Port Franklin, Bridport, Sep- tCinUCr Ul If14. Thcrc is no cxcusc Fur Ihc Headachc ichen vou can obtuin the Gcnuine MarshaWs Aromalic Catarrh and Hiadachc SntifT. This SnufTis i l Bn"u ,ls a. This Snuffis a certain and perfect cure for sorc and weak cye's. It opcns and purgcsont all llla"ny aclion to tlie parts atlecied, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. in my prcscncc by Dr. Jarshall, and that hissig- naiure tncreto is gemnne. Dorastus Woostcr Judgc. iUiddlcburv, Jannary 1 1. 1815. 33 N. B. The nameol H. CGridley, proprietor wi it De tonna upon cvery ooittie ot tne genuine Aarshall's Improvcd SnnfT. Sold wholesale and mi.iI i.m tt 1 1 1 iri .. lElull Uy XI. I.. UIIIU1C, IHIUUICIUlj, t L. AbL.l3 AV. P. Uussel, and Aoody, and by druggists gencraity tbrougbout the U. btatcs ana Lanaaa Slioe Pegs. A large lot ofShoe Pi gs in thc Block, for sale at Factorj- prices by Z. BECKWITII&Co. Middlebury, Fcb. 24, 1845. NOTICE. THE suhscrihcr conlinues to carry on thc MARBLE BUSINESS in all its branches nt the Mill formcrly owncd by ,pnraim &pauldmg M. ALSO Cnnstantlyon hand for salc. in any nuantity, L1ME, ivnrranted of ihe hest quality. ISAAC G1BBS. I JMtuaieoury, ftmrcli 14, IH45. 46rly Vergennes MIDDLEBURY MAGHINE SBOP. TI1K subscriberwould rcspectfiilly inform ttie puhlic that hecontinucs to carry ou'the husiness of huilding to ordcrall kinds of WOOLEN & COTTON MACMMEEY.. ALSO Fitting up of Mill-Gcars, Shaftings, and I all othcr work bclongmg thcreto.either IVood or Iron. CAST IIIOX BELLOWS For Furnace or Forcc. (tT'Oil-M.II.CIotli- icrs', and cvery dcseription ofSCUEWS. FIUE-ENGINES huilt according to the latest iinprovemeuts. QJForcc and Suc tion PUMPS ofvarious sizes. PATTEItNS for Castings ofall dcscrip tions, made to order. of evcry dcseription done at sliort noticc, at thc shup formcrly occupicd by Adua Sinith, for Casli or ready pay. J''Tl.ose who may favor liim with their custom, arc assurcd that their work will be done iu the most workmau-like manner, nud at thc shortcst uotice. JEUEMIAH MVUES. Middlebury, Vt. Feh. 17, 1S45. 42 tf Lasts! I.ilsIs!! A large and nell sclccted assortment of fashioir.ible .5fa SfBoot Trces, just received and for sale lowat thc Auction and Com mision Store of Z. 15ECKWITII & Co. " Middlebury, Fcb. 21. 1845. PIows! PIows!! Thc Subscriher has reccivctl a Inrire.lot t c m ofl luggle's Nourso Sf Mason's preiniu.n - ...u..uuk.u .ij 111.111, 411, IIIC1I tablishinciit in Worcester Mass., consist ing of Sward C. aml Eag'c No. 1 & 2, for salc at Manuracturcrs priecs by V. w. CO U.LlNt Cornwall, .1arch 20, 1S '5. Bilbus, Kcinittcnt, and Otlier. Fcvcrs. GENERALLY begin with yawnin, slrclch ing, pain in ll.a boncs, lansuor, ciddincss. a nvellin, about tl.e region of the st emacn, Jjrr many other unpleasant symtnms. Dc. PiiCLrs Cojipooxd T mato ", are onc of ilu; Vc 9t nicdicincs 1. tho woild for Ihc ciirc ofFcvcis, leousc puige- from the body Ibosc morbid liumors ivlnch uru thc cause ol cvery malady loinan. In all ccses of fevpr, four tosixof tho Tomato I' shnuld bo taken evcry iiiht, orif tbe symtoms are viulcnt, night and morning, Tlns plan, if nropcriy ont, will in a nhoit time, sub diie the irott violent atlark ; at ihe l.n.c tl.e digcslive organs will fcc restorrd to a healthy tone, and the blcod so compl'.ti ly punflrd, Ihat t'ErEiis, as well as cvtry olln-r dieasc, w.ll be driien from Ihe bodyi znd I inl.l, a S vro wi' be given to thc whole frame, . or falo by agenls in all tbe Contilry tonns Pricc 35 cls. G. It, I'helps M. V. Propnclor Hartford Cl. wilhaut whose signa'.u'e nonc are gcnuine. For Sale bv SIDNEY il.CODY. Middlebury. Hartford. 'J'HE mibscribcr has bcrn appointrd Agcnt fol thc II Ar.TFuno Fire InsL'raxce Co.r.xr for Middli bury and virinily, and will rcceivc propcsah fur iiiburin proparl3 against loss or dan.agr by Fire. Thc Io.ig reputa ion of tbis conipany, and llie proinpliicss with which all tbcir traniactinns h.tvu becn cbaractcriscd re.idcr it unncccssary to say any thi.ig initfavnr. All busiii:cs conuccted with the nflicc iutrustcd to bim will bc fuilh fully and punclually Iransaclcd. JONATH VN IIAGAfi. Mid.ll- bury. Fcb.2ri, 1843 42;v Agcnt. G. X. LEWIS' BOSTON & M0NTREAL PACKAGE EXPRKSS, ia Uctnc. Rt-ltnirs l'alls,(,ltcr, Kiitlnml M 1,1,11. l.urr, 'np-niirsainl UullnirUin; ti-atc Ulon JHl.Ml.WM ol fach ivwk, 7 o'clock, A il. llirou:li .0 i;urli:i-1u:i J.n tno h) , wlicn Iic Intcrsccb nlili U atki-ric l'o lor Sliui rcal Lraic llurlin-inn TIILMtsjH.WS uf cucliEn itk a: I oc!ock A. M ihrotigh in IKis.iiu in uvn dnys. Tur t..c purpose tiansiiillliii i-ecir, llntik .NoltKauiI simnll .'ark aS'i of CoinIs, 10111x1111; and rnui: otcis l.raris aml Hills aml I rannacliii? all kiml-i o. i:n-.iiKi,4. OKKIUES.-ln UnMon, at A1I.H11S& I'n's. No. SCo'irt SL, Eatl llou-e. No 36 Ilanmcr M ; l:inliii;toii. at Anii-r-ican tloii;ie. foutli SliJc sjijtiuiv, and al all Ihc tfL-igc iiiiuM.vnn i.nmc. N H. Mark I'ack-iiaMiI.ClVlseXPKa.' For Coughs, Colds, Consumptionf, and all Discascs nf thc Throat, Lvngs and Ciest. TIIE Vecktable l'tn.3io:sAn v Balsasi is an od,well trieil, aml ulir.nst univcrsally ap proveJ rencdy. It has bcen pretty cxtensivcly used for Ihs Ust 15 or 23yeirs in almcsl evcty ci.y and town iu New Island, and als vt rr i-xtansively at the South and West. It is rcc omaiendid and prcscnbed by many of tho mnst rcspcctahte pbysicians as a safe, co.we.mlXt. and verv Ei ricACioiis n ediiine, and ac knowlcdgrd by tl.ousands who have fur a long uscd it, and contiiiue lo usean I recoiiimend it, lo be the most valueblc nmedy for tho a'jove coml'laints cver otfercd to tho American pub. li.c Tho proprictoisof this arliele cannol tfsito to tlieslyle of adferlising wl.icb is ofieu adopt cd at tho present day. Tbey do not wish to dcccive tbe crcuulous and uususnecling, 1 ut .nna.l tw.ll. 1-nnflp.nM tfl Ihu lfl T r. il T . . w'l'c.ii .... ... .... .... " - -- lence 01 a uisceuiini; pui-uc. inore arc icw ndividuilsin NewEn'lidd who hove not i.fed Ihis prepcralion Ihe.nsclvcs, nr "bohavenil fricnds who have und it. Kumcroes cerlili catcs from physicans and otbcrs, havi.ig for many years bcen pubbshed, it is decnicd un necetsary lo adl any at tbis time. Be ture to get Ihe ce.vuu e. Call for it bv its w .ioLF. name, VEGETABLE PULJIO NARY BALSAJI,", and avoid "CaRter's l'ulmonarTjHJ'4:im- and the nnmerous imita ations which have spruug up in consequcncc it tbe gieat ccleunty ofllie tiiue trtid see that it is sisrned, Wm. Jon'n Cullcr. "rcparcd by Ree-1, Wing & Cullcr. nholhsalc drugguts, 52 Uathai3 street , Uo stcn, and soid by drugg.sls, aKihn.-sn and country mcr, cnanis gencrauy. rrcoucis 2J ly Forsile by S.MOODY .Middlebury Salt! gnlt ! 500 busbels- Turks Island Salt 1000 Coarsc Western do 50 Barrcls Wcstcrn finc do 300 Bags Wetcrn Dairy do. For Sale by WRIGHT & BUSfl. MEDICAL INSTRUCTlON. The subscriber cnntinues lo sivo Mod. tcai instrucuon, oesiened by narlicular nt lenlion to indigencus medical Botany, and tothn principal practica subjects ofgene ral Therapeuiics. lo adapi tho courso to the rcquisilcs ol llioso who inlcnd to bccomc Country Praclitioners. He has engaged S. Pearl Lathrop, A.M. M. D., to inslruct in natural scitncc, and i'n human and comparative Anatomy, Oentlemcn who dcsire may have admis- sion to the Leclures niven in the Collene onChcmistry, Natural Hisioryand Philos- P'' JONATIIAN A. ALLEN. Middlebury, Dcc 20in 1843. 3.ff3i COPARTiWSHIP. Assej. D. Ste.b3s & Daniel H. How ard, have this day formed a partnersliip in the PAINTING TJUSINESS uuder thestylo of Stcaros aud Howard A. D. STE.vr..xs, D. II. HoWAllD. Middlebury, April 30, 16-15. (At the old staud of A. D. Stcanis a fciv rods south of the Court House) are now prc pared 10 cxccute all kinds of . CARRIAGE & SIGNPjVKTING in the neatest and most fushionablc styles: ALSO Hodse Paiitiso and PArEBllASGiso will bc cxecnted to order pr.tmplly, aud in such a manner as tocnsurc satisfaction. They arc willing to warrant that wliat they put 011 with a hrush, will uot rnb oif with a spim5e. 52;3m . HBS. B. CLEA VLAND, "YTTOULD inform the Ladies or Middlebury i V and vicinitv that she still coatinaes hcr bnsiness as a at .herold stand, a few rods south of tbe Melhod istincetinir house. where all who may favor hcr wiin a cau will nnu a ianrc asionincnt iu acicti fr0'm &&a thc 5onntJ n(, 0!hcr arliclcs with a call will find a large assortment to selcct from. 53 As thc Bonnets and othcr arliclcs ' ...1, 7.. 1. "Mo f 'T.,.- Cr. n!,. !,-, t.. ti', 1 tinilnr ' herownsupcrvision, as to stvle durabil.iy and, she hopes to receive a shaieor puhlic pat age. Among the articles which sbe would spc cily will le I'ound Florence and Birdseye, Rutland Shclland Vicloria Braid Bonnets, Ribbons, Artijicial Flotcers, Band Borcs. iyc. $r. iyc. ALSO, of all dcpcrlptlous. O She hasobtained areceipt for cffeclually taking out thc hcad swcat from bonnets.. Mis. C. will continne lo do custom work in the best manner, and st short notice. Middlebury, 2, 1SI5. -18 tf LAGKSMITHING. THE subscritcr would rcspect fiilly infurm the people of Jlid- ulchnry ana vtrinitr, nc nas commenced Blacksmithingal the shop l'onncrly occupicd by Bululf Lawrcnce, ncarthc BaptistMcet inz House. He will do all kinds of jobsinhis line in afaithful and workmaulike manner, and cspccially ill ! SHOE CATTLi: AND HORSES in tbc most approvd modem stylc. CO His ptiees will Leniodcratcend reasonable and by constant attention to lils business hchopcs lobe favored with a fair proportiouof tbe publie patronage. Sj-Old Iron takcn in cxclnngc fur wotk. II. N. KINSLEY. flliddlcbnry, April 30, W15. FAKKWKLL'S Slips, WalkingSlioc.,f!aiicri,BukiiiJ, forlailics and Misses, Cliacks.aiit! Boys Cri'gans, for salc by Shoreham, May 11, J4. H'right iy Bash. i 'TIIE sprina patttrnsfor II JIT S Hecieed al the "Green Store" one door east of J. M. Sladc tfL, chere thosein icnnt of agootl arti cle, al a less price. than can Lr boughl in this ricinity, can 4r arcommoduted. J. S. SEVMOL'R. April 23d 1S45. ''l'f Xlarge stolTk.- Bonnets. Il'Mons, Artipeial Floicrrs, 7!uch- es aad Tahs, together icith almnsl evcbtar ticlk in the MiLLix.tny msk, which wcrc hought unusually loiv and will he snldciiKAr l.y FRANCIS. May fith. li- snlls LTKSEED Oil snlo i)3 tiu N. Y. p.iees cnrrei.l for ca-.l. ani' viciniiy can ke .sup plicd at G.W. Parker's store. Allon thc lake shorc at J. Frost's Landing in Bridport. IETA11 onlers from a runctually aitcni'ed to. T. O'FLANEGAN. Middlebury, May Cih 1S15. lCm N.HARUIS M. D.,SuncEox DaKTtsT, Informs tl.e puhlic thatuftcr nn absence of a leiv wecks upnn Ius rcgularbi.rintnnr Iic will hc found at his old post ready for busi ness. iMiddIcbury,May Clh. 1SI5. SEEDS. Tlie snbscribes has received from th: Shaker -t-,,1 lfii.v' "!iy!ii-. n full AGVirlmi-nr nf , - 1 1 ' . . . C ll I " l 10 ne iiiviivs 111c aticuiii-ji ui an ivuu u isu to nurchasc. Ile would particnlarly iavite the Ladies to rx amine his asvortmcnt of Fluwcr Seeds, among which the following varictics may be found : The large reil yellow Onton. Drum-hcad, Dulch, early York and savory Cabbaqc. Summer crook-neck and irinter Squashes. Dulch, French and Hutalcga Turnips. Leltuice, Beans, Carrot and Punpkin, and many othcrs, all of which, it is unnecessary to add, tend naturally to "Corrcct the tastc and rcfine the scntimcnt." IRA STEWART. pril 20th, 1815. FLOWER SEEDS, From Ilis'eys' Garden.rnrcfully fclccted aml comprising all thu new nnd most spjen did varictics of Flowers for oruai.ienting Yards and Gardens. 'True rchuemci.t has its origin from thc culiivation of Flowers. Evcry person havinirn cnrrect onimon of natural bcauty cannot butrcgard the culiivation ofFbw era ns highly tending to corrcct the taste and refine thc scntimcnt; and it is a'soa eniiri-i- nfdomcstic cnioyincnt llint bas the sure evidcnccofthe tiob.'o iiuaIitic3of carc, aflcction and induslry.1' For sale by April 14, '15. Z. UECKWH11 Tavern Stand FOR SALE. THAT very valuable tavem stand owned and occupicd by the subscriber in Rochester village, where meet the tumDike """ from Middlebury and Brandon. Thc accommodalions are good, and ihe conccn tration of travel such as to makc a desirable pur cbase for those who wish to ensaire in a publie house. II money is pa.a down, it wm ne soia ycn" cheap. Bnl if a parl is paid dcwn, roa-son- : ablelimcof paymcnl for the remainder will be ' iriven. JOIIN TRASK. ' Oct. 17th, 1911. 25 I Wool Growers T A K E N O T 1 C E . Thesubscribcrbeingvcrygrateful.for il,e eral patronagc that he has bccn favored ith,iti,I. ing the last year, would again aunounee to' nublic generally, that he has purchascd it . WOOLEN FACTORY, formcrly occupie.1 i Edwarb Jewett, at New Haven East MilU, havingeraplo3'eil thelestol vvrtvien and rut 1n macAinmj in thorongh repair, is in rcaduir.t- recciveand mDnufaciure Wool icto Plain vu 's CtMs aiul FLtnncls on themot reasonable te....' by the yard, or oa shares, whieh he plodges sl-'lj be done in the lest manner possiblc, and to tt satisfaction ofall who may favor hira wiih tl-e.r patronage. The snbscriter will give strictand constant , .r sonal attention to thc business, and by reason .1 the experi'mce he has had as a manufactnrer hopes to receive again a libcral share ol the j ,1 lic patronage thecnsning ycar. EDWAKD PHAII!. N. B. Ile will carry on the tusincss of Cloili Drcssingas formcrly. E. P. New Haven East Mills, .1ay 7, 1815. 2. tf u r r .1 1 . t 1 oouiacn curci m one niinutc by the usc ofthc CLOVE is an cxccllont article, and will cuic the most violent tootharli. . 1 pain in the goms, in one minnte. The Clortr 1l odvac is not unpleasant to the taste, or injun. n toiheteeth, nnd will PEil-MANllN'i'LY cu -anv tooth to which it is applied. Price, 25 cer.1 Fo'rsalcat the dms store of Dr. W. P. RUSsirL. E. E. PLAISTED, would inform tlie i)ul)Iic tliat he ttitl contmucs lo cnrry on ific Shofrma'kinj l.usinws 111 nlt its branchcs, at t!tc tL' stand, inSteuarl's buiU ngs. HidGs! Hides!! Thcsiibscri- ber wi.-hcs to buy liides, for wluclt hc will exclianr. ltoois, Slioes or Iathcr, aml will p:iy the lnlior market pricc. E. D. Tlaisteu. IV. B. Ile on hnnd a good asjortmcnt ui Slauhtcr nnd Sp.tnlsh so'ele-atlier fur sale. Middlebury, Nov. 20, 1344. 2D;tf TAVERNSTAKJ) r. siiu?ciiucr niicrs inr t-aie ihc ravirn larid sittiatrtt in the vtllaze at Uty Lower Falls.on tlie rnad IcadinpfMitii lildlcburv to Vcrsrnne. (ConiaiitP cill ttl prn-nc Tavern.) I'ltc ptace will bc mU rrauiji b'e and vrm uf p.ijrnM-nt mait cat-y. Kor fn rttier birii utar, enrtiIreor J. Cotb Jr. ot Uii- nfllcr, or ofth kCLr fecritMTontlie )ffniii-A CUAULCd & UUDV. UVylirltlge. AinlirA 51 'PWillTE Linen Thrcatf, FIXK. for V V Knittin Laccs, && at MANOFJCTOBING. DAYENPOIiT & TUENER, WOULD infcrm Iheir palrons and tbe i-ol!ie Ui ncrally. ibat thi-y have rencivcd llicir leas; of llic Inanuiacluruig i-.labli4lknicnl ol lh- MldilU-. bury Aia' Co. fur a tcrin of ytan -.vith adilil.onal facil.iies fordoingbin-int-ss. Tl. aie also making somo valuable addilions to their finii-hing machinerv ar.d improve.urnts, ccu. rally still lo producc a iUPJilSIOR ARTICLE cf goods smtable fortbo Worthy Sons nf l1, 5tatc and their IVefjjIiLors co be opo-ile sidc of Ibe Lake. Tby will receive Wool to manufaelure on shatrs or by Iho yard and will kerpai. pxtinsivo ass.iMtni nt of uocds on I,and which tbey win exchane for Wnol, or advancc on Wool left to inanuHicture. llu-y would aca.n lerd.-r Ihc.r vratelul acknowlcdgments to tln ir palrons fw Iheir favors and re-assure thrm that iBiitjwiI'. not he wanting lo mm'i Iheir fullpsl confidenro firjTERM S ndaplcd to tho TI.M IJ S Middlcbuiv, Ma 29. nooTs. 200 pnirs iliicknnd thin, sol Iallicr.upprr Icaih- cr, Hiuraii.-ihin5, lorsaieov kRlcisT& IIl-s.i. Tomb Stone. T. PIIEI.PS. will keej on l.nn l a snppl- of Gmv Klouc.those wish ing to purclinsj will do well to c.,11 and cxamine 1ns maiblc, work, aml prices. any otlipi work iu his .line ol business dnnc lo order. Shop lr Iwtcu Starr and B.iili ncli's oiiicc aud ibe bridge. Middlebury Vt. P.S. ' .Stoi? I.inie for sale at his shop. M:trcl.3l. IS15 41 Salt, Salt ! rnURKS ISLAND. SO cts. rwrfcishc. J. Western Solar, .'H cts, ' Baral Salt, $1.00 pcr bbl. Ground Livcrpool (c finedairv salt. A. B. A; R. M. CII1PMAX- lllfnrl ALL kinds of graiu. VV lUlltU, lumber. shm-Ies. dried applcs, butter to. &c. to. A. li. & R. M. CHIPM.VN". II. NICIIOLS, at his old Stand 1 ''' r Sauth ofthc Baptist Mceling hoactas oah nd a large stock of Cabinct Furniture which he v i.' sell vcry low for cash or most kinds of proiluc Astfce Subscriber intcnds to keep oa hand ev iy article in his line of business those' ' purchasc will do well to call on him before r" chasing alsewhere. A fewcords of AVood tak a in cxchange for work. 1 1 i. BLEEDING AT TIIE LUiYGS rjiIIBfolloivinjleltcr from Aldennan Merton, of JL 129 Water st. New York. ri-ccnilr cannot fail lo be rcad wiih intercst. We wunlj stale tlial 3Ir. jlurton.nlicn be comoicnccd takini thc Ions' Elixir was upon the evc of dcparturc fur llie West Indics, aud such has bcen 4s cflccu npcn him that at ourlast adv ccs had abundoncd tlie iiica for the preeul : . . .Jew YorI "di .ov. 1S44. Messrs. Curtis & Smith : At the rcquest of your Agenl I give y0u the of a trial of Downs' Vcpiable Balsamic Elixir About onej car since I had Cie diucrent altacksuf Blceding or Hemorraghe oflhe Iani, and u much rclucedand contined to mr bcd for ncars: montlis, since Ihcn 1 baTe had wubout crssaiioca severe cough and gencral dcbility, trjring almcst -cry mcdicinc of any rcpnlatiou. A few dajn ,nce I commenced ihc usc of Donns Elixir, andhaceoo hesitation in sajing that to my Congh and sorcocjs ofLnn-s il haa provedof grcat benefit an,l has bccn of esscntial scnrice to mc in retnriii my Iicalili. Yours RcSiecifuIy, .. . PETER MORTO.Y. Cums & Smilh, S. Albans, Vt. nbolesale Ageiiis ' for tlie sale ofthc abote. 44 3 Dr. W. P. Rtitsel. Middlebury. j R. L. Peikins, East T. C. Smilh, Monkton. Marcus Hall, Ilincsbnrgh. Ili..?i3 'I'" 11 i. f I, I 11 n P ir. d o tl. a e ol b 1 th 1 1 flu fet Ien we jeb btl son spe '! pcl daj ndv. V inlr V ccn It witl. Inhi hiivc Ede tha.i rigt'i ,unol -est c eryo brilli tinn fl.iun thcr In most ed tt She1. loved ;tress tever, scarc eithei vwho 1 -be thi trfppec Acc irBentei 1 flower y.donet Vin suc fwaast . "-'