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RAIL-ROAD NEWS. VERMONT CENTRAL RULROAD. The Eireinser of tlia Fiichburgh Railroad (s:it thc RniikerlHII Aurora,)haungreporl . - . . . - r . r .1. .I lo ihs IJnard of Diroctors in favor of the Vermont Ccntral Ita.lroad. rrom Lo.mccti- ciitnver to Lake Champlain. 'c 1 ciK-imnoflhc subi-ct for oue week. and a fnll heari:i2 of the qucsihiu, the Board voted ,olh sidcsof iIuj Rivcr lo choose (rom, wc Wcdiics.I.iy last, unani.nously, to accept said ; con,mcIIj hc imparliul lovcr of trulh for a riport, and accordin;:ly recoinmcnd ths con-1 rue s(,iicmcni oflhc rcal difficultics to be strnction roal to the pnhlic. The, ovcrcorae in .he routc from Bellows Falls to reasons givcn for thtid-'ciohi willbefonnd 111 , ,h(J mum f White Uiver. Thcy willlhcrc the fallo'.ving. find itcmsenough of sdopc wall Iresllc work, CIRCL'HR. 'slopcpiling, proUctionwalls, losaynothing . ! ofthe tivo bridgcs across aportion of the Ce.vtr.ii. Hivrr.from Boston ( Connecticut at H:ns Island, to frightcn any ; 'i'c'JncrgJi, Keent and Montpelier to Lake , 0.1C blIt a Uoston Capitalist bent upon a good dmutUiln, Xorlhcm Ncto York and Mon-1 worj i-or tic j,r0molioii of the prospcrily of l.cil. ' 'Boston. lVc are willing to admit that the The propos.1 Rai.nnd rontcs. designcd to ; S'tlta C-OIKI onwct thc rity ermum. 1 l . 'I. .... ..!.. 11 riinl .in:iil:l. havln i. ...... .. cmmed wilh a view lo cnnceii.r-.Hc Vu.n. , opinion on onc rnntc. and iiisurc lts conipK- . . IHItl ..lltl ...1 W.lJ.- '.tJM..Ht fil liarc come to thc cintlnsion ihst thc ri!c:!inr?h. Vermont and Jlnssncbusclts.and ; Ch;,v.ilhlh Vcriiionl Ccntral I ilai ro:.d cxtecdiiiK ham thc Chcsbirc Rail- i r l ..n rW. r. via Montpelier to I H.irIiiiaton,tli3bcstamlmoMreaMMcroutc,,lll.inll)u,tll'u.e consiJcrit unfa;r t0 sclcct a...l we iccommci.d ii to :htf puhhc for the ut ,,e most a-rtilaproduclivcand foMmviuarcasonj.viz: populoul imrlion of iheir rould fora compari- Firit.' Uccatisc thc Fitc!iburSh Railrond is 0n lvith thc whole of our roulc, yct we arc SiisW and insucccfulopi-ration ;the Stod; !lMn , ,,car thc comnariion. and our routc ol thc Vcnnoiita:iJ3Ia;sacliuscttsandLIicsli as thc wholc, is the most populous, is mom ire Railroads. (continuous lincs,) aclually protluctivC and morc fertilc than Ihe favored subsrribcd, so faras lo ir.sure thcir comple- , por,joa 0( ticirs which lics in thc vallcyol lion, aud au cntcrancc inlo Vermont, and un- ,no Conneclicut, and in thc Counly of Wind- dcr the singix ciiautep. of the Vermont EOr. To supporl thcfc posiiions, we refcr to tisilroad, the linc may be extcnded 1G Ihctsnsccrtaiued from ihe tas lisls of thc trom such cnterance lo Lake Champlain. . Slatc, and Ihe ccnsus taken undcr the au- fitcoml, Hecatne ihe CcDtral Railrond is . ihority of thc Unitcd Slales. It will thcrc r.otf? nr-if!lrn!iln rniitr? lliroull Vermont. Im (imni! tb:it nnrli inhabitnnt ofWindsor Co. liHijnc throush its who!e extent no gradicut etcccdiii" fifiv fc2t lo ihs mile, while theso'd ii ofsucha characicr liiat it uiay uc- con-1 strncted with more fccility than any othcr 12. That cach inhabitant of Rutland Loun liuc, aud .it vcry moderatc cxpenec. ' ty, avcragcs in rcal cslalc, S2G0.0 J. In pcr- mito:nh;slineisdcprced more ihan four i i,,i cn, K.i. ti,P ltmtniis of tlie oihcr 1 Iiic3 snrveycd. ... v.. .i - ,1 Fourlh, H.-r:iner ilip liuc trnverscs onc of ihi moM fcrlilo and prodiuiivc scciions oftbc villcvoltliaUiinnecticiit.alioumiinginwcaiiu, nnaiifacturcs, and unoccnpicd watcr powcr. ' 1'ijth. Rccanse it opniis in additiona largc ' a:i.l populous district of coutitry, alioundiiig I m mmer.,1-, asnculturo an-i urtuainai rcsour- ccs. " IrS'llccausei.s routc. casy Kradicnts, ' m3dttratccost. and l.,rSe local tralllc, , its tlirou:1! busiiicss, iQt n!iri iia nitnn. s:ou to Monircal. and sccure to it the im- m;u:e tlirougli liiisincss uctwccn loriuerii Njiv York, canada.and Boston. which bids fair to cxc.'cd thc IrafSc of the Wcslcrn Rail road. Eightii, Bccausc the routc will opcn a coinmiuiicalion to Boston without founing a co nmnn linc u rival markct. Xiittli, Becanscils r.hartcris cqually favor able to those embarkii) thcir wcalth in ihe proposed ciitcrpritc, authorizing as it docs, d'tvidends of ovcr ten pcr ccnlum pcr Jimuni, ctcinptin; the stnck jnd propcrty of thc Com p ".iy Ibrever from taxatiou, bcsidcs prcsent inj olhcr importaut advantagcs. ISecatise for the forcgo-Dg rcasons itis cer uin the capital neccssary for its construciion nny be casily obtaiucd, as it must prove onc oftbc mast prodiictivcrailroadsinthecountry. - . . .i Chnrlcs Paiuc DjiiicI ISaldwiu, JCIisln l. Jcwcit, Commille of Ihe Fer vtortt C. llallroad Jninc; R. L'uigiloii, Comimny, The I'rcsident and IJircctors of thc I'itch- burh Railroad Company, pcr Jacoti Forslcr, Ilor.ilin Ad.inis, I Ilenrv Timmiiis, Committec. Abrll'hrlps un.ler ihe auihorily of an unanimons voto of thc Knanl. S. M. Fclton. Lnzinccr F. Ii. l. (!e;i. Iiiatinton, Dlr. S. Lewis, S. F. Ualknap, Devid Lorins, Winibrop E. Faulkner. Isracl Loiigley, N. F. Cnnniiiiiham, Benjamin Tlioiiison. REPLICATION. Look at Ihc rcplicalion of ihe Cominission. crs ofl'ne Rutland Routc lo thc above Cir j Wc thc Cnnimiss.i:incrsof thc Connecticut ' LV.fc Champlain Rail Road from a duc J . . ' ...... I I .t. ro ' ir J lo llic iilicrcsis oi uiat roan .uiu ira, pu-'col'ihc vallcy of Lake Champlain in t.iai l.L-lialfcnlrustcd 10 i.nnd .lo truth, lccl . bjtvidto rcply to iherir.-niar ofChas. I'ainc frcight lo New ork, bctwccn ihcsc two olhrrs in bcdialfof ihc Vermont Ccntral points. or indecd betwccn a:iy Iwo poinls up lUilroad ; Jacob Fo.!cr ahd othcrs in bchalf on Lake Champlain is so trilling as scarre of ihc Filr.hl.urgh Railrnadand Gsorgc Hnn- !' lo bf "orth mcntionmg and that it ncvcr tii"ionuDirer.tor in ihc Chcshirc Railroad ' can ntlcct its placc of dcslinalion. Insum Cimt.niiv. Fimt. Thatilie Filrbbtiri'li mcrii would be much ncarcr thc Irulh losay roadisin sucrcful thc sinvk o iheVerm.mi.MasKu-hnsctls 'and CiiCFhire r wi, i continuous Imcs; is aciuniiy sun- , Er.ruicti so ns io cnsi.rc incir co:iij.iu;ioii :inti n.i cntrance inlo Vrruiont' nreconnnon ad- vinlacstolothorihe proposed rcuics Irom B.-lluws Falls to Burlingioii Bellows Falls is the eoniiion point ol'i'.i'parlure and in Ihcsc ri'sncclsand in all oihcrs roiincctcthviih a ommon point nfdcpartnro ihe Iwo proposed roads sland on a Iwsj of pcrlect pquality. Sccond, To thc pnaiiinn 'Ihat underthc tinjilc cbarlcr ofthe Vermont Ccntral Rail- r .td Ihe line may he exlrndc.l to Lake Champlain,' wc rc Iy may it undcr the einglcCh.trtcr of thc'Cnnncr.tirutanil Cham- pl.un Conip.iiiy ai.l if dcsirablc from thc point on the I'oMiicctirut RTvcrto the point on Lake Cbainpl.iiii. In ihis rc- hjicct thca ihc Iwo roules are prnciscly c- To thc nr-rond n.i ihir.i rtwsons givcn Ihatlhe rnuK'snr ihc t.cntnil roulc wouM not exrcc.I fiftv i'rvi mile aml that Ihcir suuimit is di'prc'M'.li-omclhitislikc fuurhun- lon had pcr.clraled thcvallcyof LakeCham !redfi:fl'hc!mv ihc stniiiuii ol iheConncclicul plnjn, and Ihat lo day nrontinuous road wa5 vlianr.p!ainii:ic. wltilc Ihe chararler ol Ihccoilis such thai il may hc conslrucled liiih morc fiii-iliiy i!..m any othcr linc,' wc rcply. we nihxii lluir gntdis are morc I'.ivor.iWcand prubably n i'd no: n.-ccs- f-anly cx4-c'il liliy wi lo Ihc ttPll roniiuccd ui'h vcry trifling cxrrp- tinns no crmlcs nfr.ver fnriy luct pcr milcwill c roqmroil. Ji-iiy Ihat llu: opinion os- !.r-.icd in rcNjra lo sl'e rharacti'rofihe toil llicirsji.i.i'ii ievi i w,n bc ncariy orquiicMur i nc ircc4iom irom inx.inou cnjoyeil oy inc j nas ocen unilcruiscussion bcroretheuircctors hmiilrcd lcct lowcr ih.tii our?. c nuinit rcniral r.ulroaii only atiects ihe stockholders i of Ihe t itchburcb road for soine davs. but .. 1. ..... ..' T 11 :.. T . T.. ..r .!. , . !! 1 -.1 . ... , r . . J. l.iai our graoc ovrr iiiuiiuhiiii.iiu wiii ouc- 141 uiiiiuiii. tn iiuuu 111 uiu ruaos wiii uie oeiiucr rouic nas necn tieuniieiy agrccu upon. tvsarily bc sisly llcl j.rr niilr or ncarly ihat, slockholdcr out of jhc Stalc bc subjcct lo tax- j Yestcrd.iy, Judge FoIIctt. of Burlington, was bul ihalfrarn RuiLiidla Burlington ucarc alion for his siock in Vermont. This boon ' hcard upon thc Rutland sidc ofthe niir.ninn. h c.irrcct. Our m.i.1 as survryed U onc havin is usually worlh paying taxcs for. imndrcl and fjuvu oiilei. in Icnglh the Wehavc cxamincd ihesc rcasons in de t i;ii ti:i". ppc sh oi n siirvcycd I'lrludin-; tail. and in our judgeinent thcy wholly lail to 1 1 rui 1" 1 'i ll c mou:h of White Rtverlo juslify ijic conclusion drawn from thera, and 15. j! nv c l. i.H ntrvcyed by we'eeljustificd inr.haractcrii-ing thcm as bc Twi .inir. sw! i 12 ncrnv.c iu:;id,-e.l and ing worlhy and only worthy ofthe peadiar t'.i .y ii iTc, p . I.'ji.t iili lui.l it; the side cai lo orcasion ihr.t callcd thcm forlh as bcing the 1 mi'Ii V v ;ei.i .- Wcclaiinihalaslochar- rcsult not of an examinalinn but ol n. bargnin uplt-r UJ :oi' ihw- b.i-n.icii; tij'c3 pfour;: lo itnd ns hea ing upon thcir face thc plain ear grado is fullyas favorable as the bcstninpty milcs oftlieirs; and ihat the remaining twenty-six milcs ofonrs will not bc worsc to gradc, upon an avcrnge, than the worst nvcnty-six milcs oflhcir roulc. Itmustbe borne in miml Ihat the inosl expcnsive part ol ihcir roulc to grailc, wilh the exceplion of a leiv miles. has noi becn eurvcycd eiricc Professor Twiuing'ssurvey, and lo that sur- xmiic u.,lcn ,fierc wereno rivnl roules, 1,,, vien the only nucslion wns whcre 13 the . , . ,k rtinneeiicut and wilh ,..,.;.,...,,,.. , ' toi,c cradcd on the routc wc rcprcsent would be route wc rcprc; ,.. cf cafy mijl-S 11111)11 .111 iiiuiirb VI ..... rcspccuy reprccnt ihat it would cost pninplliiiltr. Tolhefuurth rcason gnen 'Bccansc tlie (. (rivti ..r(ju(:,jvi, '.;., y crscs onc of the niost lcrtile and e scctions of thc illev o! the Con- , ., ..?.. ...... j v ,u. i in rcalcstatc averaga, S 109,03, in pcrsonal nroiiCrlv lovcr and above ihe dcbt owcd) , t,J5,u,in llic value oi aniiuaiprouucis producls, $11.10, and in nboul the samc , nrnnorliun. Ihis Euncriorilv will hold trood in , I Actui.-nti anil uiiiuendcn countics,cvcn ovcr - - 1. .... . . " thc fuvorcd porlimi ol thcir route in Windsor Counly and ihat portion oflhcir route not in nmueui ui imttnutu iuuut.-, 10 ihese respccts as much bcbind Windsor Co. as Rutland is bef'orc it. We farlher claim that a Iargc portion of inc pcopic o windsor uouniy we oci cvc a nmjom y ra misincss iinu mauu anu u.ub rtainiyol Ihosc who would producc and t iruuui:c uiui ' portant 'particulars, dcsi.y o. population, wenllli inrealand pcrsonnl csUitcand value , oi averaizeaiinuai prouuci. tuc ionnccucui at - dLakc Champlaui ronle posseECs tlie . arc thc sourccs from whiclithejaf .nOjto ol a roail is cicnv'cu, auu locai tramc is '"e mtther oriat dulcnds. j To the fiflh rcason 'Bccause it opcns in addition, alargc and populous district of , country abounding inminerals, agricullure and indusirial rcsources.' Wc rcspcctrully ask, in addition to what? If the answcr bc to what our road would opcn to, wc dcny it, and call upon tuc Iricmls ol tlie Uentral road to pointout what country propcrly dcscribcd as populojs and abounding in mincralc, is opencd by thc Central road. which is not equally wcll opened bythe Lake Champlain road. All north and west of Burlington, on Lake Champlain, is at lcast as well accoln modalcd bythe Lake Champlain asby thc Cenlral road. Montreal is as well nccom modated Plattsburgh and Ogdensburgh are as well accommnda'ed Northcrn New York and Canada are as well accommoda ted thc business of thc Ottaway and the St. Lawrence and of Lake Ontario is as wcll accommouatcu ; and il itis any advanUgc ; lor all Uie vast accumulalion ol ireigtit na . ronte. We kate now good encouragement passcngcrs liiat will be galhcrcd at thc eom-! that ,he stock wM be taten on ,he iatter routei mon point, Burlington, to have atransit of j notwj,h,tandiiiS the innucnco thrown into the onchundrcd and sixtcenmiles,instcad olonc Central. If both can go, most assnredly we hundred and fprty four anothcr com-1 ghoalJ be ie ,ast , Tl0 procced. mon po.nt, Bellows Falls, thcn this immcnsc . hag rousf d W(slern Vermont to put forth cxtcnlor country isjustsomuch bettcr ac- her ,vho,e strenglh) tho h it 1 be t00 commodatcd. late. We shall soon see. Thesamemovc- To the six rcason 'That thc local busi- nicnt has wakcd up thc Concord and Lcb nessonthc Ccntral routc is suflicient to cn-, aoU line. Hcre is a difficulty which may, eurc thesucccEsorihcundcrlaking,' were- 0r mav not be overcome. Tho liability law ply, Ihat thc local busincss on this routc ,vjji opcrate ajaiust thcm in Boston. That would bc twicc andwc vcnly behc.-e four , roa, ,T; cost two millions to Lebanon, 74 timcsas much as upon that. miles, and throush a tcrritory far less pro- To llic pevcnlh rcason nssigncd, wc an- ductivc ihan on Connecticut Rivcr The s.vcr, Ihat it isas casy to conlinuc onc road Cheshire Cbarter cxlcnds to Charlestown, to Monircal as thc othcr. J and thc mouth cf White Itiver maybcrcach- Tolhccight rcason 'bccausc thc routc will opcn acommunicalion to Boston wiihout I forming a common linc townrds n rivM mar- kct we rcply that m tho Fummcr, wilh mcans ol rnmmunication as thcy now are, 1 that upon freightdcstincd to the'ciiy ol New . X...!. ';illa .Kira.nn.r. l.nt..-nr... ' t 'j ..... uk...n , laking it at Burlinglor, or "VMiitchnll, and. that in fact the dillerencc in thc pnrc of, that thc ce.Hral routc would opentoquilca Uigctrart of counlry, thc mcans ofgctting upon l..ikc oiiampiiu" iwui n imani uuu .oi.t-vii ntw iw i.u wiut for thcir niarket that is now absolulcly and of ncccssity rompcllcd lo go to Boston. In thc winter Rutland the placc. on thc Lake Champlain Routc, which is ihe ncarest to N. Y-, is opc hundred miles ncarcr Boston than New York, and cvcn ifa road wcre built to Wlulchall. Wliilchall is at least fdxry milcs ncarcr Bo"lon than New York. Evcn if ihe cily of New York should cvcr wakc Irom thc ! lathargic Rlcop into which forcign influcnc?, , and an un-American fcclinghas thrown her, upon thc fcubjcct ofintcrnal improvcmcnlB, and thould slrrtchouta fricndly arm ofiron lowards Monircal through the valleyof Lake Champlnin il mnt be rcmcmbrrcd that , thc cniire counly of Washington, in ihcSlnlc of New York, and cvery New Yorl; Counly llmtbordcrs upon Lake Champlain wonld bc r.itu-h ncarcr lws-ton tlian icw ork. But snr.pojc New York with ihe fbrccast ofBos- i in succcsslnl opcraiion Irom Jlpntrcal lo Now York would Boston surrcnder that rich tr.ule Ibrever, or wonld shcboldly strikc out and unitc hersclf wilh that linc and com- pctulor thai tradc. Lct ihe spirit that built llic n csicrn Kniiroau, iliclatc thc answcr. waa givcn to thc cenlral road lo mnke up as far as thc legislaltirc coulil,lor its s-parsepop- ulalion, wanl ofmineral and othcr resoui ccs for hcavy IrcighL Properly thatisworth matks ofbeing just whaClhcy are, inpoiiilof factanatiemptlo head. TIMOTH V FOLLETT, JOHNACONANT, C5EORGET. HODGES, LUTHER DANIELS, CALVIN TOVVNSLEY, l SAMUEL BARKER, AV1LLIAM NASH, A. L. BttOWN, H.N. KULLERTON, WILUA.M I3ENRY, Cummr's. OGDENSBURGH RAILROAD. 53" The projcctedUailroad from Ogdens hurgli to Lake Champlafn, through Clinton, Franklin and St. Lawrence Countics is at trar.iing tnuch attcntion at the North, aud tlie Bostonians appcar disposcd to lake hold of thc matter wiiii cnergy. The Icnglh of the Road is about 130 miles and it could be built for about Sl,50O,0CO to $2,000,000. Roads from L'oston to Burlington are cith cr finished or in progress, and thcse with the above proposcd road would givc a dircct communication betwccnLakc Onlario and Boston. Thc cficct thecomplelion of this chain ofroads would havc upon our pub lic works is a quuslion ofdccp interest. It is contcndcd that ilour can be', transportcd from thc West through thc Wfclland Canal to Og- dcr.iburgh and thcnce by Railrond to Bos- ton at about onc-hall thc tircscnt cost, avonl ing by tbis roulc ihcpaymcnt of3o cents per bI-,0"' ,' 'L10 E,rle CnaI- Thc lstancc Irom Ogdcnsburgh lo Boston 13 about the same as (rom Albany to BufTalo. Uis bc- heved by the fncnds or the projcct that Wes- 'crn producc can be scnt Irom Chicngo, Delroit, Clcvcland, '&c to Ogdensburgh at but a tnfle more cost than to BuOalo. The cflcctupon thc Canal rcvcnucs of such a movcmcnt as this would bc disaslrous, and should theresultf!proveasis;preeiclcd,acoun- leracling change of somc sort must be made "n theCanal managcmentor Boston wi!l be tapping the tradc of Nqw i ork to a Krcatcr exlenl Ihanshe did when tlie WcstcrnRoad TIIE RAILROAD. Tlie survcy of our'Railroad from Concord 10 nacrniu, is urawing to aclosc. A lcw wceks morc will complcte thc work. Oncc .-- unc-. .iiunuuu u ,!nno if ivi hn r..-n.-, .1 A l.l 1. . iias inivcii . ui.iu morc iimc in ine nrsi in- elance, it will be far bctter for all coneerncd, ihan thc mere preliminarymrvcye whichare usually mtidc for projeclcd Rnilroads. This survcy is to be final. It will show tho cxact post ol conslructmg tlie road, and will place it in rcadincss to be put unJer contract at once and a accomnanv - ... c f . m - r . " " . i . r i . ' ' .(h CCI(a J'l" X'nl.llr - .7 w , ;nrnpmn(.n r,m, . SITX Uken f , , cil;cs or SQ mucIl 0 nQt bc n in the counlry bcforc that timc. We havc an oflcrfrom a dislinguishcd Conlraclor in inMassachusetls logradelhc wnoleroad;and lake any amount of stock thc corporation may wish in iiavraent. Tlie cost of cradiii!! will probably'consu'tute more Ihan onc quatler of uie wuole cost ot conslruclion. Thelaclsin relation ts theloeation of this road, and thc resources oflhc country are much betlcr un derstood abroad Ihan wc had supposcd. ISelknap Gazctte. From UicKtenc (N. IL) Scnlincl. RAILROADS. l5FOur rcmarks bcing against tho diver sion ofthe great communicalinn, from Rut land to the Central routc, wcrc pieparcd last week, im view of the vnppssition, rery gencral heretofore, that bnt onc road eovld be built an(j that, we thoaitht should be the Rutland cdin 30 milcs at an cxpcnsc, estimatcd, of butaliout 700,000. c shall know morc af- tcr the rcsult of the various trxalsof 'strcngth. II a roa'l is wantcd any wherc, the turmng point is, to raise thc money to bnild it. - -- ; EXTENSION OF TIIE CI1KSI1IHE RAILROAD. A mcclins tcok plarc on Monday cvcning last at ihe Toirn Hall in Kcenc, of a Iarce numbcr ofthe stockholders in thc Chcsbirc Road, PiHNFHAS IlASPKRSO.t, Esq. in Ihe cbair, to lake iuto consideration the projcct of connccling ihis road wilh ihe "Central I7nr..l' tn Vurmnn. .1. Mnn,n.i;, Aftcra frec discussion, ihe followinz rcso'lu- tion, prcparcd bv n Committec, wcrc uuau- imously adoptcd : Resolred, That wbilc as mcmbcrs of a pub lic Corporation wc feel bound to do all prop er thiogs in thc way of cxiendinp niiltray fa cilities to our Nnrlhcrn fricnds in the Con necticut Rivcr valley, yct we think, now as always, that our mtercst tlcmands thc immc- diate and most tirgent prosccution ofthe ex- tension ofthe Cheshire JJoad through Rut- Iaud lo Burlington, as originalIy projeclcd. Hesclced, That wc can ccter into 110 com- pact or alliauce incousistcnt with the spccdy consummalion ofthisgrcat cnterprise. liC&olveJ, Thai from linston toBurlinzton we know of but onc slraight liac, and that lics through Ml. Ilollcv Gap 011 the Rutland route; that a Railroad conslrucled upon ihis linc would posscss, in our opiniou, advanta- ccs iinmeiiclvsunerior tn tlinscof anv olhcr. and would lack none nccesary to rcndcrittbe most productite Road in New Englaud. Mostreai. Railroad. We uudcrstand that wc wcre prcmalurc, at least, in stating that thc Fitchburgh and othcr roads had ar ranged wilh the Vermont Ccntral road to con linuc that routc to Burlington. The subjcct nucstiou We wcreaware ihat ihe southcrn route was slrongly favored by the Burlington as well as he Kccne interest. A nnte from n geullc man counectcd with tbe Cheshire road, states ihat that stock was taken up wilh thc under standing that thc roulc was 10 bc continucd to Ottcr Creek. Boston Courier, Junc 3. 53 Henry Clay has rccently unitcd him self wilh thc Protcslant Episcopal Church in the cily of Lcxinglon. Mr. Ciay has for many years bccn one oflhc most moral and examplary mcn in thc counlry, yct, tn dc spitc ofih.3, how fully and wilh whatwan ton cruclly has hc been maligued by basc and unprincipled men whosc grcatcst pleas ure would seera to be to defamc those oftheir countryman who arc most disluiguished for Iheirpublicserviccsand personal n.cnt. H3Thc trialofWillianiGoldsmith.charg cd with the wilful murder of Gcorgc W . Hil drclh, in Stow. Mass. in Septcmber last, bc forc the Supremc Judicial Court,m session at Lowell last week, resullcd in thc Jury find in"him guilly of manslaughter, Hc was Ecntcnced to thrcc day3 solitary confinement and sevenyears hard labor in theStatc Pns on. 1 Fi-oniDA. Wc havc glorious rcturns from West Fforida, showingaimostaclcan swecp for ihe Whigs,with a largc majori.y for Gov. Call and a rcspcctable onc lor Putnam for Congress. io usc, nowcvcr; msirioniiu has ovcrbalanccd il, and giventhc Loco-Fo-cos evcry thing by a majority far smaller Ihan wc anlicipatcd. Tejiperasce is Cos.necticut. Thc Tcmpcrance Bill introduccd by Mr. Rock well, by which ihc people of any town in thc Statc that shall rcfusetolicensetavnrns aficr the first of July will havc powcr to break up all trippling-Ehops wilhin its limits, passcd thc lower IJousc on Friday by a votc of 101 to 43. Thc first seclion ofthe Bill was strick en out, so that any quanu'ty can be sold to be carried away from thc place whcrc sold. Thcpenalty is$10to $100. The work of conforming our laws to thc advanccd slatc of public opinion gocs bravelyon. Wtscossis. The Loco-Focos hold a Convcntion to nominale for Dclcgatcs to Congress on thc 25th inst. MarshallM. Slroeg (notMoses M. who dcfended Vinc yard so famously.) Col. Hans Crockcr of Milwaukic, and Morgan L. Martin are com pelitors. Thc Whigs will hold ihcir Convcntion at Madison on theOth ofJuly. Henry S. Baird ol Brown Co..A. L.CollinsofMadison,Thos. Wright olRacinc, and John H. Twcdy, arc proposad. Thc 'Journal of Commcrcc,' commenling upon thc mad zcal ofthe abolitionists in Bos ton, (a skelch of whosc proccedings may bc found in anothcr colunin,) rcmarks : 'So the Rev. Joshua Lcavilt & Co. arc 'sc riously considcring' the propricty ofemploy ing 'cold sicel' and 'physical powcr' for the Abolition of Slavery.' The 'moral means' fiiction would begin the workbyputtjngdown the Church and the clcrgy,'and dissolving thc Union. Some ofthe 'cold stcel'party arc also for dissolving thc Union; onc oftheir leading men, the Hon. Wm.Jay,having pub licly, ovcr his own signalurc, avowcd him ecIi in favor of ihc mcasurc. Supposingbolh parlies lo carry thcir objccls into cflect, what thcnf Vhy, 1. The church would bc abolishcd. 2. Thc clcrgy do. do. 3. ThcSabbalh do. do. 4. Thc Union do. do. 5. Allhuman govcrnmenls do. C. Wc ehould havc a bioody civil war. In short evcry thins" would be abolishcd bul Slavery: Uic wholc frame-work of so cicty would bc brokcn into fragmcnls ; infi dclity would sLiIk abroad, as in the days of Robespicrrc; in short, those days ofhorror would havc rcturncd.' The Journal in an arlicle upon thc Orcsnn Qustion, says: 'Letthcbonndary bclwecn Amcricnn anil Brilish Orcgon hc the 49ih dcgree of latilude from ihe Rocky Monnlcins lo the Occnn, Icaving the wholc ofVanconver's Island to thc'British, which exlcnds halfa degrccor morc to thc Soulhward of that.pnrallcl of lat ilude. Wc arc surc Ihat such a compro misc ivould not bc dishonorablc lo us, neiticr would it be unfavorable ; for it cannol be contendcd that onr title lo Oregon cven as far North as latilude 49 is complcte. On the otherhand, thc Brilish title tolhe territory North of49 is not complete." Thc London Examiner in a very fair and tcmpcrate arlicle, proposerafimilar compro misc. FIRE ANOTHER OUTRAGE GR'T EXCITEMENT. Corrcspondcnce ol thc Tribune. PiiiLAnELrniA, Junc 8 P. M. A firebrokc out about lOo'clock Iasteve ning in Wainwright's lamp-black manuf.ic tory, cornor of Callowhill and Scuhylkill jSTccond strccls, which was dcslrovcd, wilh its contenls. During ihe night and this morn- ing, ihc firebrokc out again amonglhcruins, Ecvcral times, and thc.(lremen wcrc callcd ont. The old difficulty betwccn thc Good- Will Hoscand Fairmounl Enginc Compan ies wcre again rcvivcd and a drcadful fight cnsned. Thc mcmbcrs of thc Iatter company wcrc Ecvcrcly hcatcn, thcir apparatus taken pess cssion of, broken up and thrown inlo Ihc Schuvlkill rivcr. Durinji thc mclcc, all sorts of weapons wcrc usc d, and il is said onc or two pcreons were Ehot, thc lifc of onc bcing despaircd of. A trcmcndous cxctlcmcnt nowprcx'ails in ihc district, hundreds of peo ple are to bc sccn in various parts ofthe tur bulcnt ncighhorhood. A fcarful riot is nn licinaled lo-nisht. A lar!c rolicc forcc is asscmblcd to prcvcnt the samc, but I doubt itssucccss, Ihc rcmains of tho Fairmounl wcre btought to Mcnich and Agrcw's cslab lishment about 2 o'clock this forcnoon, whcn an old cnsinc was fiiiishcd for thc 'Fairy boys' by Mr. Agrcw. A man namcd Wil- bank isscvcrely injurcn. FROM TEXAS. Thc Stcamshin AnnM'Kim, nrrivcd at I New Cilcans Irom ualveslon late at night on the 31st ult. Hhe bnngs dcspatchcslrom Com.StocktonforourGovernmcnt. Amoni' herpassengers was Geo. W. Kcndall of thc Picayunc, who had for two nionlhs bccn out ona buliiiio-hunt on thc prairic3 of Tcxas, and had great sport. Thcy were very near a largc cncatnpmcnt ol Comanchcs, who nrofrsscd prcat fricndshin for thc Tcxans nnd hoslility to ihc Mcxicans,butare distni3- lcu ny inc lormcr. Anncxationis ofcoursc popular in Tcxas. Thc Convention will doublfess acccpt thc iiTms oflered hv our UovcrnmcM, and the Tcxans will thcn send thcir Mcmbcrs of Congress to urgc thc assumption cl their Debt. Com. Slocklon has run down to Corpus Chrisli. Thercport is that ihe Mexicans are about to sendastrong force across thc RiodelNorle tooccupy thc country as far as the Nucccs, which is the ancient boundary of Texas, so as to hold so mucn in case ol An ncxation. Thc Tcxans. who likc soldiering betlcr Ihan work) arcprcparing' to mcet ihemanddrive thcm back across thc Rio del Norte. Com. Stockton ofcoursc is tolcnd a hclping hand. Notliing elsc of conse qucnce. "Welland Casal Tolls. Thc Boardof Works, in Canada, havc made a general rc ision oflhc lolls on thc Wclland Canal. On salt and ivome olhcr articlcs, Ihc tolls have becn slightly increased; while onlhe merchnndisc and produce, it has bccn eomc what leduccd. The avcragc tolls onthc 26 milcs oflhc Wclland canal i. now about cqual lo Ihnt on 50 milcs of thc Erie ?anal. Ojtrego Palladium. A Mock Duel and Deatii. Thekecpcr ofa hotcl in Cincinnuti, Robert Bland, was shot a lcw days ago, by his friend and brolh cr Englishman, 6nml. Pownil.who keepsa variety store. Bland dicd of his wounds,nnd Pownil was nrraigncd before aJuslicc on n charge of fighling a duel. It appcared from thc cvidence that boih had bcen drinking till they were very much intoxiaated, whcn Ihcy commenccd braggintr oflhcir skill inshoot in" with fowling picces, which tcrnnnatcd in boastinTof thcir lact and courage in fight in dueTs. Bland, in ordcr to lcst the cour age of his friend, took down two pislolsand old him to lake hischoice, assuring lnm Ihat botluverc loaded. Pownil, aficr examinmg the pistols to asccrlain ihc fact ol thcir being loaded, chosc a brass onc, and Bland told him hc had chosen thc bcsU Onc llien challcnged the othcr to goout into thcslrccl, and decTdc the matter. Thcy went out,cach expecting the othcr would back out, wheu Pownil shot bland through the body. Pow nil was dceply afTcctcd whcnhe bccameso bcr, and during thc cxaminalion in courl, went into the mosttcrrific convulsions, atthe decil hc had pcrpetratcd,and ihe conscquen cc3 attachcl., to it. A morc solcmn n-arn-ing could not bc made against thc cvils and viccs ofintempcraiice? Al Y. Sun. NEWYORK COLLECTORSIIIP. From the Journal of Commerce oj Monday. 'Ilumaredchange in tAc Collcctorsltp of this I'orl.t is rumored that CorneliusW. Lawrence, Esq-, is anpointed Colleotor of this port, Hon. C. P. Van Ness,had previous lysignificd to thePresidcnl, that whcncver it suilcd .'he purposcs ofihc administration to makc a changc in thc oiiice, his commis.sion was nt Ihc PrcEidcnt's disposal, and that he would byno means embarrass the adminis tration in disposing ofthe appoinlmcnt. His rcsignation will lake cllbct at thc timc above stalcd.' Kidd's VasEi Totbe pnssers up and down the North river, thc diviugbcll, the old horse hoat, with its black piractical Hag, and the coucr-dam, half fullofwaterjust above Cadwcll's Laiiding, are objccls of much inquiry and spcculation. From the descrted conditiou of the ncighborhood, we prcsume that the projcct of fislimg up Captain Kidd's long-lost trcasurc from the boitpm of the Hudsuu, has bcen abandoucd. What a bub blo '.Mirror, Douglas Jcrrold is the writer of Mrs. Cau dlu'sfamcd "Cuttaiu Lccturcs" in Punch. EARTiiqUAKE. Adviccs from Meico stato that during thc prcvalcucc ol the carthqnakrs in that country last motilh, a little town cal lcd Vnlle de Rio Blanco, in Gunajuato, was eulirely snallowed up, Icaving only a large cavcru where it stood. Upwards of 00 per sons pcrishcd in this awful gulf. In Zacatc cus, thc oscill.ition oflhecarth produccd thc cxplosion ofa powder mill, which did con- sidcrablcdamagc, bcsidcs loss oflifc. Onthc lOlhult.. the capitalwasvisitcd with twoinore shocks, which laslcd scvcral ccconds. Mcr- cantuc Journal. The Penny I'osiago, so succcssful in Eng laud, has given risc to auothcr and importaut rcform. I'arliauicnt has inlroduced a provi- siou in thc charters of tailroad companics. compclling cach to carry third class passen gcis at a rate not cxcccding a pcnuy a mile. Many of Ihe leading roads heretofore in corporated, have taken thc hint and reduccd ihcir fare; and now thousauds are in tbchabil of visitinc thcir friends rcsidins nl a distancc. secing curiosiiics and new placcs hitherlo dcemcd inacccssible in conscqucnce of high ratcs. PlTTSnURBIt SnFFERERS BY Fire. The numbcr of pcrsous ihat havc applicd for rclicf as sufTercrs by the Pittsburgh fire is 1011, the aggregate of whose losscs is 794,187. Thc amount of donations exclusivc ofthe $50, 000 grantcd by tho Legislature, (which has bccn dcclincd) is $134,301. Anothcr fire occured in Pitlsburgh ao the 27th ult., dcstrojiug sixly or scvcnty houscs, loss cstimatcd at S40.000. Great Fire at Lafayette, I.ndiana. 3Vie American House lurned An tntire Square in Iluins .' Wc have ihe paiufulduiy to perform, says the Lafayct'c Standard (ex tra) ofthe 27th ult., of recording thc most dc structircand dcvaslaling fire ihat has cvcr bccn witnesscd in Lafayette. The enlire block of buildings on thcnorthsidc of Main, betwecn Ohio and Wabash sts. wilh the ex ccptions of those occupied by Webslcr's book store, Olis & Co.'s, groccry, ihc Jlammoth store, and Mccker cV Co.'s, isin ashcs. Tho fire nriginalcd about 12 o'clock last night, in tbcstables of the American IIousc, the I1amc3iinmcdiatcly cxtending to thchotel.and thcncesprcading almost ovcr ihc cnlirc block. Thcre was quito a numbcr of horses iu thc stables, six ol which were burned to dcaih. Butau inconsidcrablc amount of goods wcrc consumed, thnugh in thc confused clTorts to protcct thcm from thc dcvouring clcmcnt. thousauds ofdollars' norih wcre dcstroycd. Thcre is little doubt but that it was ihc work of an incendiary. The cntirc loss is various ly cstimatcd at from ten 10 twcnly lliousand dollar3. Insurance $2,000, on the furniiure ofthe American IIousc. HioUin Mihcauiic. Oursistcrcity of Mil wankie has bccn disgraccd by a riot. or cxer cise of " mob law,'' betwecn the East and West Wards. A strong and incrcasing jeal ousy exists bctwccn the two Wards, and the ciiizens of thc West Ward havc donc all they could to destroy the bridgcs thns prcvcutiug thc country trade from cntcring thc city. Rc cently an attempt was made to have the bridgcs rcmovcd by Corporation authoritv, but thc measurcwns not adoptcd. Hencc, those intercstcd dasiroyed the bridgcs quict ly in thc night the ncxt day busincss was at a sland slill East Watcrstrect was crowded by an infuratcd mob who louged to retaliatc by destroying propcrtj iu the West Wanl. But with difficulty thc peoplc wcrc persuaded lolet thc law take ils coursc and relired to thcir homcs. The Corporation took active steps. and we lcarn by a private lettcr to a gcuntleman of our acquaintancc, that Byron Killjoiirn. an aspirant to a scat in Congress, and proprictor oftbc Wct Ward, inlimida tcd by thc oprnly cxpicssed threnls of thc nopulnce, causcd the bridgcs to be rcpaircd. ahhough, if reports arc correct, he was nncof thc mstigators ot tlns Inst cdition ot mob law. Green Bay Rejmllican. The Mormon Trials.On thc 2lstult. the tnal ol pcrsons chnrged wilh thc murder of lliram and Joe bimtn, comincnccd at Oar thage, Illinnis. The prisoners, J. C. Davi?, Inleau Illinois Sentor, T. C. Sharp. cd'uor ofthe Warsaw Siinal, Jlark Aldrich, Wm. N. Grover, anil Col. Levi WiIliam3.compI.1in cJ by affidavit ofthe partial manncr in which thcjurors had bcen seleclcd, and praycd tbe court that Elisors be appointed toselect aju ry, which the coutt grauled. Tlie jury was not entirely empannelLd at thc last accounts. A correspondcnt of the Sf.Louis Rcpubhcan says: thiiiz thusfar has bccn entirely quict Ip.vct thcre is adccp and iulense 1 anxiety felt, which pervades all clas3cs ihc j charactersof theaccu3cd,.the nature 01 the charge asinst ihetn, and l.hepeculiar statc of thc rclationscxisting bctwccji the Mormons 1 and Anti-Momons all conspire to makc tho j prcsont 'rials ofdccp in'sresi to the old c'tti- zcns of this country. Every boih almost at teudiug Court comcs armed to the teeih, and irequently muskets and rifles will be sen la keu out of wagons with as much deliberalion as if ihcy wcre attending a mililia muster in stead ofa attending a court of jnstice. This is a bad state of things, but extraordinary ca- ses demand extrjorihnary remedie ThoiMormons are said to baveexprcsscd n dclermination to take rcvcnge, in case tbe dclcndanls should not beconvictcd. bnt it ij hopcd that more discreot counsels prc- THE GALAIY. Wednesday, Jime 18j 1845. WE 3IUST HAVE TIIE RAIL-ROAD. RAIL ROAD CONVENTION. There is no region in New Englaud which ' Agrccably to prcvious noticc, a large num wouldbemoreadvantagcd by a Rail-Road bcr of thc ciiizcusofA.l.Iison County. nssem . , ,. . t. i i hlcd at Miudlcbtirv on the lllli Inst, for the than Add.son and Rutland Counlics. purposc ofadopting the most expedient a,,d lst, It will advauce the price of our farms cllicicut mcasiircs to promole the interest of from5totcn dnllars pcr acre. By a lettcr the contcnipl.ited Bail Road Route through to a gcnllcracn of this town from a highly iu- Westcru Vermont, and t.i makc ihc necessary . . . ., j- -. .i . ' arranginents for sccurmg snbscriptiouj for telbscntgctleman,nKecne.,tappearsthat,sto(.,.;n c, and cWcltcut farms on thc Imc ol thc Cheshire route have ( jf lr,r fa,7 jioaj Company." advanccd twcnty-five per ccut ou the old val- . The CoiiTeutioii was c.illed to order by II. .,-,: (Bell Esq. aud orgnnizcd by appointiug tho U.IIIUH. r..n. rr. rtl Pn. . .. i- x -i i ;u, x llt:rt: 13 no juriiuii ui ncn .iiQ.ui.ti . whcrc the natural ndvantnge of a rail-road the surprisiug augmciitalion of busincss would bc inoic rapid aud astonishing than on the Rutland route. Look at thc watcr privilegcs fumished by thc strcams ' nalU Kgf of,,. yr. I'almcrofHostoii. gushing through cvery uook ofthe mountains' Messrs. Warncr.Bcll and Dcmiusof Middla dircctlyou the linc from Bellows Falls to ! bury and Samuel Barkcr Esq. of Vergennes. ,. . n i - r . ' The follon-ing Rcsolution was inlroduced Burlmgton.-our nour.,hinS ( R o( Milt,eb alld a(Iopt. villagcs alrcady surpassing in amount ofpro 1 c j cceds all thc rcstof Vermont. Thclimcrock J Rcsolved, thit a commiltcc offive bo ap aud marblc upon which ihe vcry foundalions pointed ilh auihorily to call meeting3 in tha . ... , . , i i i i - i srrcral towns in llic comity and nppouit ofour va hcs are laid, and thc nchorcs which . . . . , towiicommittccsm thc samcio makc arrange are embcdded in the bowels ofouriiour.taiu3. IIlcllI3 r,)rthe mcctings, ohlain subscriptions In comparison nilh the Ccntral route it is (or stock and logctber wilh the county com said that the town olTlvnioulh on Black Riv- 'ee conslitutc a complcte aud cflicieut or , " . . rm cani.aliou to carry iuto ctlcct thc cntcrpnso er, aflordj annuallj- agrcater amount of 1 on- r i-t....l ' j o . , m which we arc cnagcd. nagc from its mineral resources cheilly, than j,, f this rcsolution ihe follow- does tlie nughty town ot Alontpclicr. whicu ihc Watchman ibiuks is so important tocon- ncct wilh thc oihcr great cnpilals of New England. 3d, It is thc shortest, and can thcrefore bc coustrtictcd aud rtiu chcaper than any oihcr road. 4th, Should he Ccntral route bc built, the busincss ofthe Rutt-itid road of ilself would rcndcr it a profitable slock, and it would rom pctc for thc Canada and Wcstern tradc wilh au almost dcad ccrtaiuty of success. 5th, Evcry fanncr and mechanic from Bel lows Falls to Burlington who should take a slr.irc orsharcs, would stand a fair chnuce to save tbc oullay in thc profiis of labor, inate rials and produce, to be fumished for ihc con struction oftbc road. At least onc millibu oflhc cost ofthe road must bc expcudcd on this sidc ofthe inountaiii and $100,000 annu ally in rcpairs. Can any fanncr who owns o'ue hundred acres of l.iud near thc routc hesilaie to take a sharc 1 Can any mcrchant or mechanic in our villagcs, inauy of which arc to be incrcas cd iu butiness aud populattoa at least two fold in ten years wilh a rail-road, or dccrcas cd in thc same prnponion without oue, dc cline his contribution ? Can our cnpitalists makc a morc profitable investnient ihan iu a r.iil-road to bc built nt a much less cxpcuso, and travcrsing farrichcr porlicns oflhccoun try than many rail-roads uhich now radiatc from Boston. and whosc stock? arc from tcit lo forty pcr ccnt nbovc parl FRIGHTFUL!! Upon thc imaginalious of many who havc bcen solicitcd to take stock in thc rail-road, no frightfut image sccms so vividfyiiiipressrd ns that ofa certain Woolcn Factory in Mid (ileuury, which has partially faitcl, notwilh- standing, at thc linie its stock was rcprcscnt cd 39 promising to bccome a most profitable invcstmcnt. And slill thcrc arc no morc zeal- ous advocatcs ofa rail-road than the cnl'ight - eud yctsulTeiiu? members of that company. They considcr that notwithstanding the failure of prnlection which hroiight ruin upon ihem. wilh the advnntagc of a rail-road thcy should have had thcir works this momcnt iu succcss ful opcraliou, aud are now looking tn this pro jcct as thc only means of rctricving thcir mis fortuncs. But if this sort of logic amounts would frightcn pcople from ferr;sburgh ; Nalbari Claflin, Hancock; Eb ct'cry humau cmployment. Evcn farming cnczcr Sawyer, Leicester; Ira Stewart, rrJght be scouted into disrepute from thc inul-Middlebury; Elias Bottum, New Hnven; titudes who have failcd of success in ihis jh JJ. New, Ripton; Washington Jliller, primilive pursuit. If evcry continse"0 13 to SalUbury; Joscph Smith 2d, Shoreham; bc first rcmoved, no cutcrprise nould cverbe j jjor;lCB s;,iisuurv, Slarksboro; Gcorge Y. cutercd upon. Besidc. Wooleii FactoricS Grandey, Vergennes; Ncwton Rose, Walt well conducted have bccome profitable, and,. the one inqucstion wilh the advantages of a rail-road communication jnay slill briug to iho tockboldcrs a rcmuncrative price. At prescnt no stock H more sought for than rail-road. Of all thc dozcn railways rauia-, Hon. Davis Rich. of Shoreham, liug from Boslon, every one is above par and jo:( Esocn D. Woodbeidce, of Vcr some as high as forty per cent. No projcct i genncs as canJiJates for Scnators from tho of the kind is now rcgarded wilh highcr an- Counly of Addisou, to be supported 4t tkc ticipatioM ofa profitable investmcntlhan one ensujn.r dcction. thiough Vermont. Conncctcdwith Montre-j On motion L. Deming the rcport of tha al and Ogdensburgh it would indecd be the t Committec was acccpted, aud their nomina grcatcst thoroughfarc in thc Union. Eveu ' tion-3 ajopicd .a3 the nominatious of tho as wc anticipatcd, should two roads hc con- cnTCntion. strncted, the slock oftbc Westeru route sus-, Committec onresolulionsroporled tho tained by its own iiumense resources for f0l0wlng, which wcro rcad, and separatcly frcight must be valnablc. But uo matter. a(J0p:cd: The Middlebury Woolcn Company made a jjM0rt(;t bad go of il. Ergo. the rail-road must follow TIlat Wiucs c renwm true to on suit. AKillcnwillalwaysgothronghaholc rS ,rl.rn tJm c.nt trne. Quod erat Demoa- strandum. fjyThe County Rail-Road Conventiou of which the official proccedings are givcn below passed ofT vcry well. We can hardly suppose it possible wilh the Tiews prcscnlcd upon that occasion of the importance of a rail-road communication wilh Boston, and ' ,I,C siaiemcni 01 lacts eiiiciiigihe probabihv ' fa profitable tiivcstmcnt iu tho stock, ihat ' any iutelligent man can wiihhold bis warm all( jec;lIed approba.on of ,he fa 1 cuuicnipiadon. nor can wc doubt ihat tho j peopla of Addison County will do tbeir utmost by libcral subscriptions to tho stock , to sccure the noblcst prize in a pccuiiiai-y sense which has cvcr been prescntcdforlheir compclition. If ihcy ncglcct ihe opportuni ty to devclope the resources or thcir rich cnd prulificsoil, thcir mineral weahh, aml to in crcase and stiniulntc itiamtfjcturing'uiJuairT, build up .1 hoine inarket, and placo Addison Counly wiihin forty milcs of Boston, we must suppose a fatalparalisi3 hasbecu preying up on thcir faculties. Cor.s:dcrin; the little light which has hitherlo bccu shed upon a subject so new to Ihem as that of rail-roads, we do not wonder ihat there is iu some a hesitancy in rclation to tlio immsnse advantages which Ihe advocates of rail-roadii claiin for thcm. But thcir, iutclligcncc "ill not fatl thcm inlbe cnd. Wc shall coiitir.ue to hope for a noblo subscripliou in this County. ' luiiiiiiii'K ointrtrs. Hon. S'AISIUEL SWIFT. Prcsiden!. Gcn. tt m. Nasii, ,r. Gcn. S. P. ( v ,ce Prcsidonts. (Geo. W. Gra.nof.v, Sccrctary, Thc Convcntion was very ably addresscd iliv G. W. Strone Eso. of Rullauii. J. A. Cn. j ing gcutlcmeii wcre uppoiotcu. llon. Samuel Swift Iltiii. Uaivev Bcll Russell ValietE(i. Saniuel 3iorgan Esq. Samuel Barkcr I'Uq. Adjotirned uithout day. TOWN RAIL-ROAD CCMJIITTEE3. Agrecably to a re.'nluticu of thc Addison County Rail-Road Convention thc ubscri bcrs constiluliiip; llic Ccutral Cominitteo an- uouncc thc appoiutmcnt of Town Commil teesas follows: Shoreham. ICent Wright, Silas II. Jeuni son Clark Rich. Bridport. Jocl Rice, Parii Fletcher, Cal rin Solace. Weybridge S. W. Jcwctt. L.D.firegory. Ripton. Baniel Chipman, E. S. Piersons. Lincoln. Wm. W. Pupe, Wm. Milcbell, Doct. Kcnt. Salisbury. Mnrthal S Dotv.W. Miller, J. ar. Wceks. Cornurall. Harmon Samaoii, B. F. Has kcll. 11. P. If'hitintr. Jcseph Simocds, Lvman P. WhitcJ.'B. Walkcr. Bristol. Luman iMunion, Saml. H. Hol- lcy. Ilarvcv Munsill. - ... - , c ., r t iSeic-Jlaren. ivm.liasu.octii L.angaon, i P. Roscoe. r. ttoscoe. SA.MU SWIFT, ) IIARVEY BELL. . RUSSELL VALLET, i ' Central Coimniltrc. WHIG COUNTY CONVENTION. The Coureution of the Whigs of Addison County was held at Middlebury on the 11th inst., and w23 callcd to ordcr by G.W. Orais dey, Chiirman oflhc County Comnnttco. Samuel II. Iloliey was uoniiiialed anil ap pointed Presideut jiro lemfore, cr.d l'hilip Hattell, Secretary. On the suggcstion of II. Bell ihe noraina tion of olficers by Ci.mtniiee was diipemcd with, and the gcnllcmen above namedonmo tion. wcre scvcrally clcctcd Prcjidcut and Sccrctary of thc Convcnlion. On motion of P. S tarr, a committec of ihreo jon rcsolmions wasnamed by the chair, tiz: j petcrStarr, Hnrvey ."MmisilUaincsAl.Slado. On motion of G. W. Graudcy.a cominitteo of onc from cach Town repreieutcd wa ap pointed by the chair to nomiuare Sruaior, viz: Joscph Wihnanb. Addlsou; John B. lIuiitlcv.Hridi.ort; Barne Frisbie, Bristol; . Samuel Evarts. Cornwall; Solon Blirroughs, ham. Aficr consullatioD the Committec irpurt cd: Tho Committco on nontiiiations prcseut j ,,1C mmes of " r " , ... - 2. That wc, ttii .1 j ftf